TILT Magazine Issue 17

Page 41

w w w. o n l i n e t h e r a p y i n s t i t u t e . c o m

Foundation Together Kosovo Introduction from Kate Anthony One of the opportunities that the Institute has been honoured to take from 2012 onwards has been working with Foundation Together Kosovo (FTK) in the development and progression of their online reach-out programme Nuk je Vet! (You Are Not Alone!). Nuk je Vet! is an online forum where young members of the Kosovan community can talk openly to volunteer health professionals and each other about the problems they face. Post-war Kosovo is a young country with a young Mental Health profession (and Internet connection!), relying on outside sources for funding of this valuable new way of reaching the population. Created by Vera Remškar and Aliriza Arenliu , and supported mainly by the Norwegian Government, FTK is a strong team of over 30 people both in administration and clinical work. Taking the concept of training seriously, we were invited to provide this online through our Certified Cyber Facilitator

(CCF) credential for an initial five members of the team (two more have subsequently joined us), and also through live webinars to the wider group. In September of 2013, Kate Anthony and Stephen Goss flew to Kosovo to be the guests of FTK both at the first Kosovan Conference on Online Counselling and then subsequently for a three day intensive training in the beautiful Sharr mountains of the country. While there, Kate was delighted to be able to give the CCF live oral examination in person to two of the trainees – Valdet Plakolli and Adelina Nura. Valdet and Adelina are now taking our Clinical Supervision Series to add another level of expertise to the service. None of the team have English as their first language, of course, making the training even more of a challenge for them. Here are Valdet and Adelina’s thoughts in their own words, and more on the conference itself from Stephen Goss.

T I L T M A G A Z I N E w inter 2 0 1 4


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