TILT – Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology
L y le L a b a rdee
TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED D “My Next Move” O*NET’s Career Coaching Web Application Whatever your coaching or clinical practice specialty may be, chances are good you know someone who is in job transition. The demand for career coaching assistance is unprecedented, and in this edition of our TEC column we’ll be taking a look at one of the most powerful, web– based applications available to those who may be coaching individuals through career transition: “My Next Move”. “My Next Move”, is one of many career resources provided through O*NET, the U.S. Department of Labor’s primary source of occupational information. It is a user-friendly, self-directed application for assessing vocational interests and researching corresponding occupations. Best of all, it’s completely free. A Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation Summary report released on Friday, October 7, 2011 indicated that there are 14 million unemployed persons in the U.S. and the unemployment rate has been fairly constant at 9.1%. The report also indicated, there were “1 million discouraged workers”, persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. 42
T I L T M A G A Z I N E novem b er 2 0 1 1
In my pro-bono coaching of those who are in career transition I am always surprised by the individual’s lack of awareness of the wealth of career planning information and resources available on the web. Who in our culture is not accessing the web for just about any kind of information imaginable? Yet, the wealth of career assessment and guidance resources available on the web and cultivated through the compilation of an immense amount of labor data remains often untapped by job seekers and career coaches alike.
My Next Move - Overview Grounded in the data-rich, U.S. Department of Labor-based, O*NET Resource Center (http:// www.onetcenter.org/overview.html?p=2), My Next Move (http://www.mynextmove.org/) helps new job seekers, students, and other career explorers investigate over 900 occupations.
My Next Move Landing Page The landing page provides users with a simple, straightforward and intuitive approach to answering the most important question regarding