One Mission 2023 Edition

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One By One CEO visits White House and No 10
2 One Mission 1 9 O ne Mis s ion TRIPS ARE BACK Dates and details online. Sign up at AFRICA? CAN YOU JOIN US FOR A WEEK IN ENDIN G E X P L OI T A TIO N

Dear friend,

Well, what a year in the world of One By One. After what seemed like a difficult few years with the pandemic, I’m pleased to say that One By One has never been in a healthier position.

There were times during Covid-19 that I wondered if we would even survive. Personally, it was the most difficult season of my life and one that taught me so much. But here we are a couple of years later and things are thriving.

It was a privilege to attend both the White House and No 10 Downing Street in the last few months. I never dreamed of being invited into such forums, but the real joy for me comes on the field, where our teams continue to reach, rescue and restore lives across the world.

It’s been amazing to be in India and Zambia in the last year, reaching thousands of girls with the Dignity Project, and we’ve also just opened our new office in Uganda. At Christmas we needed

£170,000 ($200,000) to start the project and had nothing, but by January the money had all come in. It was a great answer to prayer.

The need is overwhelming – at times too overwhelming, but we keep doing what we do. If you have a vision in your heart today, don’t quit. Keep on. We need every hand on deck in the battle to end exploitation across the world.

Keep fighting for the one!

One By One UK PO Box 762 Rotherham S60 9JB One By One USA PO Box 280954 Nashville TN 37228 +1-615-334-8866 E-mail: • • One By One is a registered UK charity. No: 1145034
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Putting Uganda on our map

This year One By One is expanding into Uganda, opening an office and launching a new team…

ONE BY ONE’S influence across Africa is growing with the launch of a new team in Uganda.

Legalities are now complete and the first staff have been recruited with huge plans to end exploitation across the country and prevent many more lives from being trafficked. CEO

Becky Murray was doing a sponsored walk in Kenya last year when she met a young boy named George who was farming by the roadside. Upon further investigation it transpired that George had been trafficked into Kenya from Uganda and was being forced to work. This only confirmed we were on the

right track and had to start a project in this country.

Programme Director Bill Woolf said: “Our expansion into Uganda, working with local government, law enforcement and schools to implement a collaborative strategy, will bing freedom to so many that are targeted for exploitation.”

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Our plan for 2023 and beyond is:

Dignity Project

Our Dignity Project has now reached more than 30,000 girls across the world, providing them with reusable sanitary pads and training about human trafficking. Our research demonstrates that this programme helps keep girls in school and reduces their risk of being trafficked. The plan is to reach thousands of girls through this project across schools in Uganda.

Healthcare training

We have developed a new training programme that specialises in educating healthcare professionals to spot the signs of trafficking in patients. We believe this training will revolutionise how medics treat those who have been trafficked and enable many lives to be impacted.

Community conversations

We are bringing together representatives from the police force, schools, government, faith leaders, business leaders and social workers to discuss the issue of human trafficking in Uganda. We want to ensure the community is properly aware and educated on this issue so we can correctly reach those who are directly affected.


One By One’s launch budget for Uganda was $200,000, and we’re delighted to report that ALL funds were donated over the Christmas campaign. We were amazed at the generosity of our donors in the UK, USA and Canada who again saw the need and have stood with us. Thank you to all who contributed!

Uganda: the facts

Population: 49.6million

Capital city: Kampala

Minimum wage: Approx $40 per month

Workforce: 80 per cent of the country works in agriculture

Exploitation: Forced labour and sexual exploitation are rife

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Decade of change leads to an exciting future

One By One’s centre in Kenya recently celebrated its ten-year anniversary. One of the many lives changed has been Joshua, who has been with us now for more than a decade…


By One in 2012 as he was identified as at risk of child labour. His father died when he was just six from cancer and his mother sadly turned to alcohol to try to cope. She was unable to take care of him so Joshua lived with a neighbour.

He came to One By One and excelled in his education, scoring 369 out of 500 in his final primary exams and was accepted into a national state centre. His favourite subject at school was science and when he was younger he dreamed of being a brain surgeon. Joshua worked hard at secondary school and in his final exams scored an A- in Swahili, B+ in biology and B+ in religious studies. This enabled him to go to university where he is now studying business administration. In his spare

time, Joshua is a football fanatic and loves to play football with his friends. We are so proud of all that he is becoming and are excited

to see his exam results this year and to watch his career flourish after that.

* Named changed to protect identity

One By One Kenya

In Kenya we operate a residential centre, two primary schools and a medical clinic. Our teams of teachers, social workers, house parents, cooks, cleaners and admin staff work tirelessly to give the 200+ children on our site each day the chance of a bright future.

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Joshua is now studying business administration. Above, Joshua when he came to One By One

Big welcome to our first director of programmes

Bill Woolf, a former advisor to the White House, recently began working as One By One’s Director of Programmes…

ONE BY ONE is delighted to announce the appointment of Bill Woolf a s its director of programmes.

Bill began his career in law enforcement, working with the FBI, before transferring to the Department of Justice, writing the federal strategy on human trafficking for the US government before being made an advisor to the President.

He was called upon by the DOJ to accept a position as a member of the Senior Executive Service in the role of Human Trafficking Programmes Director where he was responsible for overseeing the nearly $100 million budget to support human trafficking programmes all across the United States. He was also responsible for developing departmental policy relating to human trafficking and was eventually asked to serve as Special Advisor to

the White House. Because of his demonstrated management abilities, he was asked to step in as the Acting Director of the Office for Victims of Crime and continued to serve as the Principal Deputy Director, overseeing more $6.5 billion in grant programmes. Bill has dedicated his personal and professional life to combatting human trafficking – most notably being recognised by receiving the Presidential Medal for Extraordinary Efforts to Combat Trafficking

in Persons. Bill said: “I am honoured to work with One By One, an organisation doing amazing work across the globe. I am hugely impressed with its founders and their vision to bring an end to exploitation.

“I look forward to all the impact we will have in protecting the innocent and securing dignity for the most vulnerable populations. I hope I can bring my experience of law enforcement and government and add to the One By One team.”

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Bill Woolf is One By One’s new director of programmes

We are building a brighter future

One By One’s work amongst children trapped in bonded labour in Pakistan continues. Our safe house accommodates 85 children and our outreach teams are now reaching 1,500 children per week in more than 50 brick factories. Here are some of the children whose lives have been impacted


We used to get up early in the morning and there was no washroom in our house nor water to wash ourselves. We had to bring water from our neighbour’s house just to get clean. Whenever I

saw other children going to school I used to wish this was me but I knew my parents never had money and had to work in the brick factory. I never thought I would leave the brick factory but loved it when the outreach team

would visit every week. They made us so happy. When I moved into the One By One centre I felt good. I used to sleep on the floor and had never seen beds before.

When I grow up I want to be a doctor so I can help get

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my parents out of slavery.


I used to work in the brick factory and if I didn’t work then I would be beaten. We would have food from our mother but then work again until the evening. I never dreamed that I would leave the brick factory. When the outreach team visited they would tell us many interesting stories. When I’m older I want to be a pastor and help others understand that there is hope for them too.


I would hear of other kids going to school and always wanted this, but I knew this wasn’t possible because our brick factory owner was very strict. I never thought I would leave the brick factory and the best bit was the outreach team that would come and play games with us. When I moved into the One By One centre I was happy because I had a wardrobe – now I can keep my things safe. When I’m older I want to be a pilot and I want to be able to free my parents from slavery.


When living in the brick kiln, I would wake up every morning with despair. I felt my

life was limited. Since I came to the One By One centre, I get food on time and watch TV. I am allowed to play games. I have clean clothes, new shoes, I go to school and am well cared for in sickness. My life now has hope and a bright future. I want to be an engineer when I grow up.


My day started with worrying that I had to make lots of

bricks. If I didn’t do this, I would be beaten and the owner of the brick kiln would scold me. Also, if I didn’t make bricks then my parents wouldn’t be paid money for us to have food. I never thought that life could change. I like the One By One centre because there’s no child labour and it makes me happy. When I grow up I want to join the army so I can protect the country and other people.

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of the greatest years in the history of One By One. We are so grateful to all of our partners across the world for standing with us in the fight to see an end to exploitation. Here

7,484 children supported at our projects across the world

Outreach teams are reaching 50 brick factories every week in Pakistan

Our record attendance for brick factory outreach in one week was 1,100

167,190 meals distributed in Kenya to our residential and homebase children

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93,075 meals distributed in Pakistan to children within our safe house

426,409 hours of education carried out across schools

83 staff employed by One By One across the world

Meetings held at White House, Capitol Hill, Houses of Parliament and No 10 Downing Street as politicians support the work of One By One

7,100 Dignity packs including reusable sanitary pads distributed

Churches across the world encouraged through regular TV programmes and media coverage

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How we’re spreading Dignity even further

In the last twelve months, the Dignity Project has gone to Zambia for the first time and held its record event in India…

THE DIGNITY PROJECT’S influence across the world continues to increase, providing thousands of girls with training and practical support.

In the last year, a team went to Zambia with the Dignity Project for the first time – holding an event that was postponed due to Covid. It was incredible to see 2,197 girls impacted across six schools. In India, more than 6,000 girls were reached in

remote villages, with school teachers saying they had never seen events like this in their region.

In countries like Zambia and India, many girls miss one week of school per month due to their monthly cycle and a lack of access to sanitary resources. This not only impacts their education, but it makes them more at risk of exploitation. The Dignity Project not only provides reusable sanitary

pads – each pad given can be washed and kept for one year – but also crucial training about the human body and the warning signs of trafficking. In addition, girls are taught valuable lessons about their self-worth.

Research has already shown that One By One’s work in schools with the Dignity Project improves attendance and that girls feel safer and more confident than ever before. The project – launched in the Houses of Parliament in 2019 – has now impacted more than 30,000 girls in eight countries and three continents.

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What’s a Dignity Day?

Dignity Days happen across the world, usually in schools but sometimes in public spaces. These events include:

➤ Biological teaching on the menstruation cycle and female body.

➤ Interactive drama on the warning signs of abuse and human trafficking techniques.

➤ Representatives from the police and local government explain how abuse can be reported.

➤ A Dignity bag including underwear, literature and three reusable sanitary pads which can each be washed and kept for one year.

➤ The offer of counselling and prayer for any girls who might have suffered abuse.

Lasting impact

Our recent research shows that there is up to a 31 per cent increase in school attendance when girls have been through the Dignity Project.

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Support in corridors of power

It has been quite a start to 2023 as CEO Becky Murray was invited to the White House and No 10 Downing Street on behalf of One By One

RECENT MEETINGS in Westminster and on Capitol Hill could be vital in One By One’s efforts to galvanise support for its projects across the world. In London, our representatives have been

regularly meeting with MPs, peers and civil servants, and CEO Becky Murray was invited to 10 Downing Street to meet an advisor to the Prime Minister.

In DC, after meeting with several representatives and senate staff, Becky was invited to meet with the National Security Council at the White House, the team directly responsible for advising the President on issues that impact national security.

Programme Director Bill Woolf said: “The USA recognises human trafficking

as a threat to national security so the National Security Council has a particular interest in what is happening in certain countries. They were excited to meet with One By One because we have intelligence on what’s

happening on the ground. We have found that many officials both in USA and in London are unaware of what’s taking place so it’s great to be able to build relationships with them and build connections.”

Becky added: “We value the support of politicians who take human trafficking seriously.

“We need lawmakers and representatives to speak for those who have no voice. We’re grateful that relationships are starting to form both in the UK and USA.”

CEO Becky Murray before she entered No 10 Becky outside the White House
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Speaking to pupils from my home town was an honour

One By One was able to reach more than 6,000 students across 13 schools in the UK to mark International Women’s Day…


By One has been asked when it will start doing work in the UK – and the dream finally became a reality on International Women’s Day.

CEO Becky Murray was invited to the Wickersley Partnership Trust near her home town in South Yorkshire where she was able to speak to 6,000 students across 13 primary and secondary schools.

The area has had lots of bad publicity in recent years following a series of exploitation cases. And this was a great opportunity to demonstrate that the town can rebuild its reputation.

Becky was able to speak at assemblies about the work of One By One and the correlation between period poverty and human trafficking, before holding smaller sessions with girls about achieving their dreams. She said: “What an honour

to speak in my home town of Rotherham for International Women’s Day. The school students were so interested in what we were doing and many had amazing questions.

“We’ve often been asked when we will start doing work in the UK and we hope this is the start. We have to teach children that

human trafficking can happen anywhere and that we must be aware of the warning signs of abuse if we are to stop exploitation.”

If you would like a One By One representative to visit your school, drop an e-mail to and someone will be in touch

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Becky Murray has spoken to 6,000 students across 13 UK schools

And they would walk 4,200 miles!

100 volunteers set out on a 42-mile journey last summer to complete a collective 4,200 miles (the distance from London to Nairobi), raising an incredible £100,000 along the way…

WHEN JOAN WHITEHEAD heard about Challenge 42, she wasn’t going to let her age or recent health issues stop her.

Joan, 77, signed up and embarked on 42 miles of walking, raising an incredible £764 throughout the month.

“I thought it was an achievable challenge for myself over a month and wanted to do it for One By One as I have known Becky for many years and the amazing work her and the teams do across the world.

“It was also lovely as I was able to meet with friends and walk with them after the pandemic and whilst walking I was able to raise awareness by wearing my Challenge 42 t-shirt, showing that I was walking for a great cause. The brilliant thing about the

Challenge 42 was that anyone could get involved, as it was a month-long challenge and everyone could choose the way in which they wanted to complete it.

“Not only did I enjoy being able to walk with friends and talk to people along the way, I was able to raise some money to support One By One's fight in ending exploitation.

“Before the challenge I had Covid and was very lethargic. I knew I had to

start training so I went on my treadmill as soon as I could before the challenge started. The highlight of the challenge was that I got to finish it with my grandchildren in Whitby whilst on holiday.”

Many others completed the challenge across the UK, USA and Canada.

School teacher from Stoke Paul Buttery injured his ankle whilst running before Challenge 42 so he cycled it. His aim was to do it under 2 hours 45 minutes and

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The Challenge 42 group in Kenya

What is Challenge 42?



Do you want to fundraise for One By One? Perhaps you have an idea of how you can get involved? Why not e-mail us at with your ideas?

managed to complete it in 2 hours 40 mins and 37 seconds, raising £512. Natalie Bannister completed the challenge by kayaking and swimming, raising £235.

Patrick Wells led the charge for One By One Canada. He and a team of 12 people

cycled, kayaked and ran the 42 miles within one day, raising $4,000 in the process.

Meanwhile, CEO Becky Murray completed her 42-mile stretch in Kenya, being joined for the last mile by children and staff from the One By One centre.

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Joan Whitehead

Joining forces!

Churches from various streams and denominations across the UK are uniting in the fight against

human trafficking…

CHURCH LEADERS , sports personalities and Christian artists are joining forces to help One By One end exploitation.

The Churches Against Trafficking tour will visit churches in Lincoln, Essex, Dartford, Stoke, Sheffield, Wembley, Kensington, Derby, Teesside, Birmingham and the Isle of Man. A documentary featuring the churches will be aired on TBN UK to mark anti-slavery day on October 18, when a reception in the Houses of Parliament will also be held.

The tour has the backing of Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin and Premier League footballer Junior Stanislas.

The Rt Rev Rose HudsonWilkin, Bishop of Dover, said: “Every human being is created in the image of God. Every person deserves not only our respect, but

our care and protection –especially those who are most vulnerable in our world. I am delighted to support Churches Against Trafficking. Together, we must continue to strive for the flourishing and freedom of all of God’s people.”

Stanislas, a forward for Bournemouth, also pledged his support, saying: “When I heard the story of One By One and the children they were working with, I knew I had to get involved. It’s our mandate as Christians to reach the lost and the broken. I’m delighted to lend my voice along with many others across the church to see freedom come to those who are held captive.”

Stuart Bell, leader of Alive Church, Lincoln, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with One By One on the Churches Against

Trafficking tour. Jesus told us that he would set free those who are oppressed – we want to demonstrate that and show that the Church is taking the issue of human trafficking seriously. We pray this tour pushes more to action and mission.”

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Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin, has backed the Churches Against Trafficking Tour







Dates and venues at

in partnership with




20 One Mission 20 O ne Mis s ion ENDIN G E X P L OI T A TIO N
£20 per month
end exploitation.

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