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Hygge Everyday

Index of Artists

Grace Helmer 25–26, 53, 64, 74–77 Ginnie Hsu 13, 34, 48, 50 –51, 54 , 65, 78 –81 Bethany Jones 19, 28, 36 –37, 42, 56, 82–85 Manon de Jong 16, 20 –21, 31, 47, 49, 69 – 70, 86 –89 Junghyeon Kwon 17, 21–22, 58, 60, 90 –93 Lara Paulussen 27, 40, 42, 44, 57, 60, 62, 94–95 Josefina Schargorodsky 18, 29, 32–33 , 38, 46, 48, 61, 96 –97 Miranda Sofroniou 24, 41, 52, 66, 69, 98 –101 Youheum Son 12, 14– 15, 59, 67, 102–105 Karen Weening 30, 34, 39, 43, 45, 68, 106 –109







Early Morning


Mid Morning


Late Morning


Early Afternoon


Mid Afternoon


Late Afternoon


Early Evening


Mid Evening


Late Evening


Midnight to Early Morning




Early Morning


Taking out the yoga mat and doing some stretches. Practising yoga, meditation, mindfulness and sensory   Sacar la deprivation  colchoneta de yoga y estirar un poco. Practicar yoga, meditación, conciencia plena y aislamiento sensorial  Youheum Son

p. 102

Ginnie Hsu  Yoga With Luna


Early Morning


Riding my bike in the early morning with my son. Feeling the wind and noticing the colours of the cars we see and   the birds in the trees  Montar en bici a primera hora de la mañana con mi hijo. Sentir el viento, fijarnos en los colores de los coches y ver pájaros en los árboles  Manon de Jong

p. 86


Early Morning

Manon de Jong  Bycicle Junghyeon Kwon  Swimming Pool  p. 22



Mid Morning


Being able to draw and paint everyday. The best part is getting really excited about   Poder dibujar a design  y pintar todos los días. Lo mejor de todo es entusiasmarse con un diseño  Miranda Sofroniou

p. 98

Grace Helmer  Nobrow


Early Afternoon


Spending a Sunday with friends, cooking, having lunch and spending the whole afternoon   Pasar un día talking  con amigos, cocinar, almorzar y conversar toda la tarde  Josefina Schargorodsky

p. 96

Josefina Schargorodsky  Untitled


Early Morning


Late Afternoon


Reading and researching has become my favourite step. It’s so fascinating to study things    Leer e investigar se ha convertido en mi paso favorito. Estudiar cosas es realmente fascinante  Ginnie Hsu

p. 78

Josefina Schargorodsky  Untitled  p. 46 Manon de Jong  Decorating  p. 47

Manon de Jong  Reading


Late Evening


Daily moments can become colorful and special. I seek to capture our daily moments full of joy and happiness    Lo cotidiano puede convertirse en algo colorido y especial. Busco captar esos instantes plenos de alegría y felicidad  Junghyeon Kwon

p. 90

Josefina Schargorodsky  Untitled Lara Paulussen  Coffee Place  p. 62


Hygge Everyday


Manon de Jong Play of structures using intuitive processes Manon de Jong

Manon de Jong reside

lives in Amsterdam.

en Amsterdam. Mediante

Through intuitive

procesos de trabajo

work processes, she

intuitivos, crea

creates pieces with

piezas con un sello

an unmistakable

inconfundible de

hallmark of identity.

identidad. Se inspira en

She is inspired by

artĂ­culos curiosos

curious items that she

que obtiene en sus

gets in marketplaces

visitas a mercados y

and vintage stores

tiendas vintage para

to make her own

hacer sus propias

creations in endless

creaciones en infinitas

combinations of

combinaciones de

textures and patterns

texturas y estampados

I can play with trying out different combinations for hours until it feels just right

Puedo jugar a probar diferentes combinaciones durante horas hasta que encuentro la adecuada

Manon de Jong  Making Changes


Manon de Jong

What is the best part of your daily work? Getting my first cup of coffee, opening the windows, putting on some good music, cleaning and dancing a bit and making plans for the day. My kids go to daycare two days a week so then I can work all day. On these days I always take an hour to just do what I want, daydream, write in my notebook and look at books before I start working on my illustration projects. Both the people of your illustrations and the spaces that surround them show a great variety of prints and interesting color mixtures. Where does your inspiration come from? I have always been very interested in vintage clothing and get a lot of inspiration from this. I spent a lot of time searching markets and shops to find interesting vintage pieces and I always loved mixing prints in my clothing. I studied fashion design for one year and was always searching for interesting combinations of prints and colours. Then I started drawing and making collages and I switched to study illustration at the art academy. But the passion for finding interesting combinations and mixing a lot of colours and prints stayed and it became an important aspect of my illustrations. It is the part of my work that I enjoy the most because it is a really intuitive process. I loose track of time and can play with trying out different combinations for hours until the combination feels just right.


How would you describe your creative process? Is there any time you feel your creativity is blocked? How do you disconnect from that? My process always starts with the idea for the illustration, which often is inspired by situations in my day to day life, everyday moments. I start sketching and drawing. Sometimes I have the right drawing really quick and other times it takes some time to find the right composition and emotion in my work. Then I play with different structures and patterns. I scan everything in and finish the illustration on the computer. I put everything together in Photoshop and play more with different colour combinations and compositions digitally. When I feel creatively blocked a lot of the time it’s because I’m overthinking it and trying to hard. I get very frustrated and my initial reaction is to keep sitting behind my desk, to think about it more, analyse why I feel blocked and try harder. But I end up getting more and more frustrated this way. What really works for me is making collage without a plan or goal. I put all my scraps of paper on the ground around me and just start making combinations, adding drawings and see what happens. Or go outside for a walk and really look around me, taking pictures of interesting things I see on the street, These things really help to let go of my thoughts and feel inspired again. But it’s not easy for me to do this because since I have children I only have certain times I can work and these hours are really special to me and I want to get as much done as possible. So when I feel


Hygge Everyday


Junghyeon Kwon Current lifestyle in multiple places RAISED IN KOREA,

educada en corea,


junghyeon kwon


vive actualmente


en san diego. su


trabajo posee una


fuerte influencia de


la construcción y la


perspectiva, la luz y la sombra, que capta con gran destreza en ilustraciones de momentos cotidianos de llenos sosegada felicidad

By utilizing light, shadow, construction, and perspective, daily moments can become colorful and special

Utilizando luz, sombra, construcción y perspectiva, los momentos cotidianos pueden convertirse en algo colorido y especial

Junghyeon Kwon  Girl Preparation, Dry Hair


Junghyeon Kwon

What is the best part of your daily work? I have control over all the light and shadow in my work, so the best part of the work are composition and placement of light and shadow. Light, shadow, construction and perspective are recurring elements in your work. What do you want to transmit in your illustrations? Light, shadow, construction, and perspective are basic elements in the art. My school focused on more traditional ways of art. When I was a student, I spent lots of time studying and drawing construction and perspective, which has influenced my work tremendously. I mainly illustrate everyday life happening in many places. It is a very simple theme, but by utilizing light, shadow, construction, and perspective, daily moments can become colorful and special. In my illustration, I seek to capture our daily moments full of joy and happiness, and the characters are myself and the audiences who appreciate my works.

How would you describe your creative process? Is there any time you feel your creativity is blocked? How do you disconnect from that? I always try to find ideas from my past or current experiences so every time I have some idea, I do small thumbnail sketches first. Then, I think about the overall composition with light and shadow. Next step is to choose right color palette for drawing. I spend lots of time in this step, since it is not always easy to pick the right colors.


If it takes too long to pick the colors, I get stressed out and my creativity is blocked. At that point, I just stop working momentarily and go outside, or do whatever else unrelated to the art work, such as exercising, grocery shopping, etc. It makes me get refreshed and gives me some time to think about the art from different view. What was the last daily moment of happiness you remember? The last daily moment of happiness was having breakfast with Black Iced coffee with PB&J on a toast in the morning before I completed this interview.

Estilos de vida actuales en múltiples lugares ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo en el día a día? Controlo toda la luz y la sombra de mi trabajo, así que la parte que más me gusta es la composición y colocación de las mismas. Luz, sombra, construcción y perspectiva son cuatro elementos recurrentes en tu trabajo. ¿Qué deseas transmitir en tus ilustraciones? Luz, sombra, construcción y perspectiva son cuatro elementos fundamentales en el arte. Mi escuela se centraba en formas de arte más tradicionales. Durante mi formación pasé mucho tiempo estudiando y dibujando construcción y perspectiva,


Hygge Everyday


Miranda Sofroniou Travel as a motor towards new experiences BORN IN LONDON AND

nacida en londres


e influenciada por


los viajes y las


aventuras, miranda


sofroniou vive


actualmente en


melbourne. su trabajo


There is a lot of freedom in the projects I work on. The best part is getting really excited about a design

transporta a lugares mágicos, en los que la mezcla de técnicas pictóricas y finos detalles crean mundos caprichosos donde abundan el trazo y el color

Los proyectos en los que trabajo me ofrecen un amplio grado de libertad. Entusiasmarse con un diseño es lo mejor de todo

Miranda Sofroniou  Bike


Miranda Sofroniou

What is the best part of your daily work? There are so many fantastic things about being a freelance illustrator; for a start I get to draw and paint everyday! I work on such an exciting variety of projects, from editorial illustrations for magazines to print design for textiles and stationery to illustrations for books. There is a lot of freedom in the projects I work on, and the best part is getting really excited about a design. Plus I am so lucky to be able to work from anywhere in the world, with clients from all over the globe. You create unique, playful and captivating illustrations. How would you describe your artistic style? My designs are all hand painted and often feature people and animals in nature. I’m hugely inspired by travel and adventure, creating illustrations that reflect spontaneous moments, and conjure a sense of place, creating a world in which the viewer can step inside. I enjoy experimenting with different media, mixing Guache and Watercolour paints with pencil crayons to create playful designs celebrating colour and pattern. How would you describe your creative process? Is there any time you feel your creativity is blocked? How do you disconnect from that? I am a morning person, so I get up early and spend an hour or so replying to emails, and managing the business side of my practice, which leaves the rest of the day for the fun stuff; painting and drawing.


I usually start by sketching out ideas, playing with composition and colour, so I have a loose idea of what the final piece will look like. This can often change as I go along, so the painting evolves and develops which is exciting, as I don’t know exactly what the finished piece will look like. If I’m feeling a bit blocked, I can spend more time emailing etc, and then usually the next day I am more inspired. I’m also a firm believer in having some space from your work, so popping out for a walk or working on something else, then when you come back to the piece you can see if with fresh eyes. Traveling, new experiences, and stepping outside of my daily routine is a hugely important part of feeling inspired. What was the last daily moment of happiness you remember? I recently got back from a trip to Thailand – for me happiness comes in the form of lots of sunshine! And Time, which is a luxury, time to read lots of books, time to have some perspective on life and time to notice all the small and beautiful things.

El viaje como motor hacia nuevas experiencias ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo en el día a día? Ser ilustradora freelance tiene muchas cosas buenas, empezando por el hecho de poder

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