One Works Whitepaper | Harnessing BIM for Airports

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HARNESSING THE POWER OF BIM FOR AIRPORTS Designing and managing airport projects more efficiently with Building Information Modelling (BIM) solutions.




Emerging technology trends are opening the door to new ways of ensuring what we build today will still be economically viable, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable tomorrow – a new world of airports and infrastructure is on its way. Aviation is growing, and that is clearly generating huge benefits for the world. With a doubling of air passengers in the next 20 years, the growing sector could support 100 million jobs globally and [quote financial implications]. The need for airports to quickly meet demands of increasing passenger traffic, as well as quickly adapt to changes in the market has never been more important. As the industry scrambles to keep up with demand and build/expand intelligent next facilities, architecture, engineering and construction sectors has continued to adapt to face the considerable challenges due to the scale and complexity of the projects. Inherently, mega projects have been more difficult to manage in terms of decreasing cost and increasing quality and productivity. However, as Digital technology continues to power a new era of construction, firms such as One Works are increasingly working with the Aviation market to establish how best to leverage the increasingly large amounts of data and technology to achieve a wave of benefits associated the planning, design, construction and future operations of airports. This includes

a varying mix of infrastructures including terminals, runways, passenger gates, car parks, railways and roads. Through our experience in delivering infrastructure projects around the world, we have come to understand how Building Information Modelling (BIM) can facilitate well designed airport and how it can help unlock value across the project cycle and asset life-time. Projects can be delivered more effectively and efficiently by harnessing the power of cloud computing and enhanced mobile technology. BIM in the form of 3D digital representation of projects overlaid with 4D+ detail on scheduling and cost, together with augmented and virtual reality technology enables seamless interaction between different offices and sites to facilitate an efficient build right-first-time approach. In the following pages, we introduce some key trends and solutions available through the proper use BIM Technology around today’s opportunities in transport to help Airports grow and prosper. •

Harnessing BIM for Airports



The adoption of BIM has started to be widely use, primarily due to significant advancements in software and hardware technologies - now airport operators can see the benefits from inception, right through to airport life-cycle management. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a way to add and preserve information in a project, or asset, from its design inception, through its construction, and managed in future. What stands behind BIM is a three-dimensional model that comprises of exceptionally detailed information of every single one of its components ranging from the design schematics of a runway to the technical specifications of VIP lounge finishes. Since the first rendition of BIM, whereby 2D drafts are combined with 3D models (Level 1) using a specific Common Data Environment (CDE), modern BIM practices have evolved dramatically to provide a more collaborative and integrated approach to the design, construction and management of today’s complex airport developments. Level 2 BIM, now provides the capability for additional dimensions such as Time Management (4D) and Budget Calculations (5D) to be incorporated into the overall model. As a result, project teams are now able to provide more predictable planning at each development phase, reduce the overall CAPEX, delivery and operational costs, as well as carbon performance. All critical objectives for any airport development project.

In addition to improving design coordination and reducing construction costs and waste, Level 3 BIM (known as iBIM) now allows for a full integrated approach whereby the airport owner/operators can become more involved at every stage of the process and not simply when the building is handed over. With the introduction of a cloud based environment, more sophisticated airport operators are now able to reap the benefits that come with integrating the full model with existing management and maintenance system for achieve a high level of Asset LifeCycle Management. It is important to bear in mind that the benefits of a fully integrated iBIM model are not only applicable to new developments and assets. Thanks to aerial imagery, digital elevation and laser scanning, existing infrastructures and assets, can be accurately captured and modelled to help airports reduce operational costs - a service One Works is increasingly providing. •


iBIM - Cloud Based Models


BIM - Distinct Information Models





Drawings, Lines + Shapes

2D drafts + 3D models

4D time management + 5D cost management

6D Asset Life Cycle Management





Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3



Harnessing BIM for Airports



Developing designs that overcome the challenges of complex flows, high-demand and a multitude of closely interconnected infrastructures and stakeholders.

When an operator is ready to develop an airport asset (greenfield or brownfield), careful analysis of the data, combined with a professionals ability to interpret, is always necessary in order to understand, predict and prepare for the future. This includes a prediction for the airport’s short- and long-term requirements in terms of operations, spatiality and economics, as well as environmental sustainability and safety. All critical during the design phase to ensure the best possible result. So how does BIM design of an airport take place in practice? And how do operators and designers benefit? We start by developing a true digital copy of the existing situation and incorporating all available information into a single model to develop a better understanding of how and where to intervene, and to reinforce decision-making. Accuracy Building on the existing situation, we continue to develop design solutions by inserting the proposed architectural, structural and plant components into a live model - including data relating to the spatial, quantitative and material components. As a combined model of old and new, the developing design allows us to more accurately calculate and control sizing, as well as Levels of Service. By linking all this information, it is also possible to continuously extract the quantities of surfaces and materials, in order to regularly assess the economic and environmental impact at each design stage and refine features as the project evolves. The CAPEX and OPEX is therefore much more accurate and coordinated throughout the project, drastically reducing any unexpected surprises. Reducing Risk Speaking of coordination and progress of the project, it is obvious to talk about how effective it is to have a single three-dimensional model, the so-called “federated model”, within which all the various disciplines are connected and continuously reviewed by the entire project team. This type of visual coordination is then enhanced through the use of other platforms for identifying and efficiently resolving clashes between the elements of various models, or noncompliance in specialist areas. For example, with BIM model-

checking it is possible to avoid any interference between the Baggage Handling System and any architectural, structural, civil or other operational systems, or when verifying the length of emergency routes comply with fire safety regulations. Precision Planning The need to build/expand passenger terminals whilst remaining operational is a mandatory issue with today’s demand, and therefore a phased design is almost always required to reduce the impact on day-to-day operations. Achieving this has many complications that can be difficult to manage through traditional methods, whilst with the use of BIM it is possible to test and carry scenarios on several different phases, constantly monitoring the impact of the changes between one phase and another and mitigating any possible problems at an early stage in the design phase, drastically reducing the economic or qualitative impact.

The CAPEX and anticipated OPEX is therefore much more accurate and coordinated throughout the project, drastically reducing any unexpected surprises. In-depth Analysis Thanks to the geometries and information present in the model, another very important design benefit is the ability to easily carrying out a range of simulations for testing scenarios. This could include flows analysis for passengers flows or BHS, as well as lighting, energy and environmental impact analyses. During the design stage, it is possible to get into the detail of models in numerous ways to generate a deeper understanding of project exposure, internal illumination, energy consumption, etc. Thanks to an integrated BIM methodology, it is now possible to design while maintaining critical focus on key design issues and not on supporting activities (i.e. gathering the correct information and developing reports), by extracting information directly from the coordinated model, constantly updated and available to all. •


The benefits of BIM go beyond design visualisations and, adopted effectively, can provide a range of costs saving measures and a better airport development fit for the future:


Better Collaboration + Communication Easy sharing, collaboration and versioning for collaboration across all disciplines. It allows teams to share project models and coordinate planning, ensuring all design stakeholders have project insight.

Model-Based Cost Estimation Including estimators early in the design stage allows for more effective construction cost estimations. BIM automates the time-consuming task of quantifying and applying costs, allowing more time on higher value factors, such as identifying construction assemblies and factoring risks.

Clear Project Visualizations Plan and visualize the entire airport project during pre-construction, before ground-works start. Space-use simulations and 3D visualizations allow operators and investors to experience what the space will look like offering the ability to make changes. Having a greater overview from the beginning minimizes expensive and time-consuming changes later.

Improved Coordination + Detailed Design Verification Better coordination between trades and subcontractors, ensures any MEP clashes can be detected preconstruction in an effort to reduce delays. BIM provides the opportunity to plan to a level of detail to help avoid last-minute changes and unforeseen issues by enabling easy reviewing and commenting across disciplines.

Improved Scheduling/Sequencing BIM saves time by reducing the time of project cycles and eliminates setbacks on the overall construction schedule. Design and documentation can be produced at the same time, and easily updated to adapt to new information becoming available. Schedules can be planned and communicated more accurately, and improved coordination helps projects achieve completion on-time, or even early.

Reduced Cost + Mitigated Risk Positive ROI can be achieved a number of ways: Working closer with contractors leads to lower risks in the tender, lower insurance costs, fewer overall variations, and fewer claims; Better project overview for more prefabrication and reduced waste; Reduced labor costs on documentation work; and finally, with real-time project data, BIM reduces the risk of any company using outdated information - ensuring the right information is available at the right time.

Increased Productivity + Prefabrication BIM data can be used to generate production drawings or databases for manufacturing purposes, allowing for increased use of prefab and modular construction. By designing, detailing and building off-site in a controlled environment, waste can be diminish, efficiency increased, and labor and material costs reduced.

Safer Construction Sites BIM can help improve construction safety by pinpointing hazards before they become problems, and avoid physical risks by visualizing and planning site logistics ahead of time. Visual risk analysis and safety evaluations can help ensure safety over the course of the project execution.

High-Quality Builds Greater building quality is drastically increased with the reliability of a coordinated model. By sharing common BIM tools, more experienced team members work together with builders through all phases of the project, providing better control over technical decisions around design execution; as well as testing construction methods and identifying structural deficiencies at an early stage. Clear visualizations, provide better choices for design finishes as well as modeling the flow of natural light.

Strong Facility Management + Future Tech Adoption A clear, detailed model will effectively improve airport operations once construction in complete, providing an ROI well beyond the initial project. An accurate, ongoing digital record of building information is hugely valuable for future facilities management, security and the future adoption of technology for the entire life-cycle of the airport. Data can be shared with existing maintenance software and with some tools, contractors can transform building handover by connecting BIM data generated during design and construction to building operations.




Serving the capital of Latvia, Riga International Airport is the largest airport in the Baltic states serving approx. 7 million passengers per year with direct flights to 106 destinations. With growing capacity demand for the region and the need for facility upgrades, One Works has been appointed to design the passenger terminal extension to serve up to 12 MAP. The new terminal extension will provide a gross area of circa 15.000 m² and sensitively integrated with the original 1973 soviet building to provide a new landside façade of the airport. New Departures and Arrivals halls, check-in and baggage claim facilities will provide an increase in both operational and public spaces to create a more positive experience for staff, airlines and customers travelling through the airport. The project is being developed entirely in BIM - from preliminary stage of concept design to now as we shortly finalise the construction design - allowing us to efficiently

coordinating the different disciplines involved in the project. This approach is particularly important due to the fact that the different teams involved in this project are based in various locations across Europe (i.e. Italy, Latvia and Switzerland). It also allows us to provide the client with a level of transparency they would not normally have and access to accurate data for making key decisions that may impact the design as it develops. Furthermore, due to the importance of having accurate information of the existing terminal building, which will be connected to the new extension, an extensive survey using 3D scanning and point cloud has allowed us to extrapolate a series of qualitative and quantitative information and to model the entire existing building in BIM for future development projects. •


Harnessing BIM for Airports



During the airport construction phase, BIM can be used as a vital coordination tool between operator, consultants and the contractor to improve accuracy, safety and quality. With BIM models now providing a vital role during the construction of complex airport projects, we can also start to think about what other uses we can put the models to facilitate and leverage exciting and innovative ways of working in the future.

In situations where an operational airport is being expanded or refurbished, unforeseen challenges can be planned for through a series of scenario simulations for either changes in the design or the programme. Dramatically limiting any impact on the airport’s delicate daily operations.

As with using BIM in the design stage, a detailed model provides an unprecedented level of collaboration and optimization across all disciplines associated with developing an airport. Providing real time updates and a high-level of transparency as the airport develops on-site allows for a number of efficiencies to be introduced for the project team and benefits to the airport operators. Also considering prior phases were implemented correctly, it should be straightforward to issue construction drawings which have accurate information for the site plan, floor plans, foundation, and materials, instantly.

Utilizing the BIM model on-site through mobile tablet devices, means that workers can gain instant access to the latest information from the digital model and the latest documentation. BIM data can also be used for accurate progress monitoring against the original construction schedule or, if necessary, obtaining up-to-date material lists. It will also dramatically improve the efficiency and quality of data during routine activities such as snagging, safety and quality reporting, which can be digitally stored with the BIM database.

Live data within a detailed model can also be used to accurately monitor progress against the original construction schedule ... dramatically improving efficiency and quality across the entire project. Most notably, the use of a live BIM model to update and communicate progress allows for unforeseen issues to be identified and mitigated at an early stage. Given the complexity of airport development projects, it is not uncommon for elements of the design to be quickly changed (this could be for a number of reasons) to ensure the construction programme is not affected. With BIM, we can not only show what effect this will have on the overall structural or interior design but can also compare the maintenance and cost implications over its lifetime. For example, do we go for a fast-growing local plant for quicker impact but with greater maintenance implications and a shorter lifespan or a plant that takes longer to establish but will have fewer maintenance costs and live for many more years? Or if there is delay in a vital façade component that is risking a delay on the overall construction programme, do we seek a replacement or do we make a series of incremental changes to the construction phasing to accommodate?

As a result, by the end of the construction phase, the “As Constructed” model will be fully updated with the project changes and, where appropriate, product specifications, maintenance requirements and warranty information will be compiled. Ensuring good data is being supplied throughout all phases of any project is critical to a smooth transition and handover strategy. During the construction phase, there are also a number of safety benefits that can be brought to the project and even airport staff working in nearby live environments – a core value that should be brought to any project. Most notably, visual representations of existing and immediate site conditions can be produced, providing on-site and nearby workers with a solid visual understanding of a site and the working conditions expected. Through the 4D programme scheduling component of BIM, it is possible to meticulously review site logistics for potential traffic considerations and potential hazards around the site, as well as 4D review the airports erection sequence and major construction activities to optimize a programme that eliminates hazards early and provides a safer work environment. This also means the model will also provide the ability to focus on those individual tasks so workers can better identify the risks, prepare for the work required and, therefore, complete the task more efficiently and safely. •





One Works was recently appointed to develop an extensive concept masterplan to create one of the most innovative airports and multi-modal transport hubs in Asia. Designs for the U-Tapao International Airport terminal building and airside facilities ensure the expansion of U-Tapao International Airport (UIA) can ultimately reach the 60-75 MAP required to meet demand in this rapidly growing market. It also included the 150 hectare mixed-use airport city masterplan adjacent to the new terminal - incorporating a ground-transportation centre, offices, retail, hotels, MICE and trading facilities. The concept design proposal was developed in BIM to meet an exceptional tight schedule and to address a number of other challenges - most importantly: through a live working model, we were easily able to overcome logistical challenges of developing the design across multiple offices and provide a clear and accurate cost model at each phase of development to support the overarching business plan; with a huge range of stakeholders involved in the PPP projects, clear visualisations and walk-throughs were established at each stage of development; and most importantly, due to the importance of connectivity (both local and national),

we were able to use the benefits of a live model to test a range of scenarios relating to the HSR connection and the impact that this had on existing infrastructure and commercial land. Once built, the PPP Project will provide the main anchor and pivot by which the Eastern Economic Corridor for Innovation (EECi) can achieve its full potential to bring new competitiveness and prosperity to Thailand. U-Tapao aims to establish itself as the third main international airport in Thailand for business expansions, as well as to better facilitate the establishment of a Special Economic Zone in anticipation of the EEC expansion. Smart airport city planning will help achieve socioeconomic uplift through the combined offer of both increased aviation capacity and complementary non-aviation activities within the masterplan. •

Our teams were able to provide a clear and accurate cost model at each phase of development to support the overarching business plan and test different scenarios when necessary.

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Harnessing BIM for Airports




VENEZIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (VCE), ITALY A complex three-phased expansion of both landside and airside areas to increase capacity for over 15 million annual passengers, whilst maintaining existing operations.

EFFECTIVE CONSUMABLES MANAGEMENT The comprehensive model, coupled with complimenting in-house systems, allows the airport to easily calculate and efficiently manage the stock of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance consumables (i.e. specialist paint required for signage restoration).

Following completion of Lot 1, the Lot 2A expansion was initially designed using traditional design methods, however, with a change in management structure and tools becoming available, the decision was made, together with the client SAVE, to develop subsequent phases using an extensive BIM methodology. The main drivers behind the decision to adopt a BIM methodology was to increase efficiencies and accuracy across the project in order to reduce risk and develop a more accurate phasing plan for the various disciplines. With continuous investment being made, SAVE also thought it wise to develop a comprehensive model of the airport expansion in order to reduce overall maintenance and management costs, as well as provide an efficient base of adopting and incorporating new technologies. The complex nature of the airport and the phases meant that the initial models we divided by discipline and within each discipline sub-models have been created to manage specific needs. All models were merged into a Master model used for 3D design coordination and a similar model was created in Navisworks for the clash detection activity. Overall, around 50 models were managed and again, divided into different design and construction phases for clear progress updates across the team. On completion, the specialized models were exported in the IFC interchange format so that they could communicate with airports already existing and functioning technological infrastructure, communicating with the SAVE’s CDE (Common Data Environment) and ERP (Enterprise resource planning) software. This was particularly important for the airports ability to efficiently manage the ‘As-Built’ flight infrastructures. •

LONG-TERM SYSTEMS STRATEGY The airport now has an up-to-date and accurate account and real-time statistics on the number of technological elements involved in the airports day-to-day operations, as well as access to data on their average life, compared with the life expected by the manufacturer to highlight any problems of duration and/or use.

Harnessing BIM for Airports

ADVANCED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES A detailed maintenance schedule has now been implemented to increase efficiency of staff and provide a pro-active approach that does not effect the day-to-day operations of the airport including advance notices on technological equipment. 13

ENHANCED CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT Next steps for the comprehensive BIM model will be to integrate with the airport’s in-house customer management systems to optimize their customers’ experience and the experience of their staff - from easy navigation and targeted campaigns for safety and security measures, as well as commercial.

INFRASTRUCTURE SPECIFICATIONS One Works also provided an ‘As-Built’ model of the Airside flight infrastructures, in order for SAVE to interface the BIM models with their airport management systems. This allowed for an accurate, centralized database for maintenance purposes, such as (but not limited to) Manufacturer and model; Production, purchase and installation dates; Warranty date and terms; Electrical specifications, Geographical data, Technical data - construction details, use and maintenance manuals; Identification codes; etc.


Harnessing BIM for Airports



An ‘ As-Built’ or ‘digital twin’ can introduce a range of benefits to day-to-day management and operations, as well as future projects such as integrating new systems or further expansions. The adoption of BIM and development of a model of the actually constructed airport (digital twin), can introduce a range of benefits to day-to-day management and operations, as well as future projects such as integrating new systems or further expansions. The ‘As-Built’ model is not always developed as a result of an extensive airport expansion, but in growing cases, is developed by physically measuring the existing airport facility for the sole purpose of creating BIM documentation and model. For complex infrastructures, such as airports, firms like One Works are using precision laser distance meters and 3D laser scanners to measure physical spaces and a variety of CAD and BIM software packages to draft and model spaces in more detail. Within an airport life-cycle, costs incurred for management and maintenance represent approximately 75% of the total cost. The following outlines a few of the ways airport operators and management firms can use As-Built models to reduce costs:

From unique glass façade fittings to preferred runway light components, the relevant maintenance programme, supplier details, geographical location, etc. is stored in one place and easily updated. Information Management Older methods of storing documentation is often outdated or lost altogether. An ‘As Built’ model provides a central repository for all information and data relating to the airport. As buildings and systems change over time, the model can be maintained and up-dated as changes occur. Efficient Maintenance Plans Comprising of all technical specifications required to maintain and operate the airport and associated infrastructures, the BIM model becomes an accurate ‘User and Maintenance Manual’ for the airport. Whether it is a complex glass façade fitting or a runway light, the relevant maintenance programme, suppliers, etc. are stored in one place.

Integrated with an existing management system, the model can allow for: Proactive and efficient planning of maintenance; Track maintenance history; Reduce corrective maintenance and emergency maintenance repairs; Increase productivity of personnel with clear information; Cost evaluation of different approaches; and allows facility managers to justify need and cost of establishing a reliability-centred maintenance program. Facility Management Areas relating to cargo and warehouses can be limited to a minimum, even in cases of spare parts that require long supply times. Via an interface linked to various access control and management software, it can be possible to regularly review and analyse changes in the use of spaces and accurately plan ahead; also with regards to service and user spaces. Enhanced Security Utilizing a detailed model of airport areas intended for travellers, it is possible with the help of simulations, to study in more detail the safety impacts of escape routes for crowds - especially as new systems are put in place and numbers of passengers increase. Passenger Information Analysis of passenger flows and active areas, modifications to the wayfinding can be proposed on the basis of numerical parameters that provide an increased response for safety and security measures. The data and model can also be used to better understand and segment audience for commercial reason and help increase revenue streams. Future Planning An ‘As-Built’ model will provide a strong basis for efficiently planning to adapt, renovate, demolish, reorganise or construct buildings and systems, as existing data completely eliminates the need for a survey. With flight infrastructures, for example, it is possible to design and carry out targeted adjustments for technological equipment and, together with simulation software, accurately calculate whether the replacement or addition of some electrical components is compatible with the existing infrastructure or whether a substantial redesign is required. Fabricators and installers require precise as-built data so that they can fabricate to spec off-site and to identify spatial constraints (code checking) in advance of installation. •


Guide to Station Development



MILAN BERGAMO AIRPORT (BGY), ITALY One Works is currently involved in several projects for Bergamo Airport, covering several key functions of the airport system. Our scope is to improve capacity and intermodality, including: Extension of the passenger terminal; a new general aviation building; a new link to impending railway station and multi storey car parking; as well as new cargo and office facilities. Due to the complexity nature of the project, we are working in a full coordinated 5D BIM environment. This provides the various teams involved to have continuous updates of the design progress of each of the many buildings. Access to up-todate information is especially important in this situation as each of the projects

are in different design phases. Using the wider BIM model during the concept or preliminary phases design allows the team to ensure the main design elements are in content with the wider masterplan, i.e. footprint, position, height and their relation with the rest of the surrounding buildings. A comprehensive BIM model, also facilitates the continuous reporting of the main design parameters (i.e. gross floor areas, volumes, etc) as each building needs to be coherent with the defined Airport Masterplan 2030. For those projects that in the more advanced design stages, BIM ensures a full coordination between disciplines and provides the opportunity to speed up

Harnessing BIM for Airports

“Together with the airport operator, we intend to extend our integrated BIM approach with the existing airport buildings and facilities, as well as projects already in the pipeline, in order to develop a full coordinated BIM airport platform to support all operations.”

preparations of documentation for authority approvals and subsequent tender materials for the next stage of procurement. Together with the airport operator, we intend to extend our integrated BIM approach with the existing airport buildings and facilities, as well as projects already in the pipeline, in order to develop a full coordinated BIM airport platform to support all operations. These discussion are already taking place with the operator and the contractor for the northern area of the airport, where we are providing the detailed design for a complex of buildings to provide cargo and logistic activities, support services and a new private aviation terminal. •

Milan Bergamo Airport (BGY)



Global Network



We have worked on a range of infrastructure projects across Europe, Middle-East and the Asia-Pacific, including Venice International Airport, Malpensa Airport Masterplan, Riga Airport and Airport Extension, Riyadh Metro, Chennai Metro and U-Tapao International Airport Masterplan. Our record of delivery is second to none.

A Full Service Package We help clients through a full range of services - from masterplanning and concept design to detailed architectural, engineering design and site supervision. We also provide a full suite of services to support contractors including D&B support, BIM Management and Tender Support.

Multidisciplinary Expertise As a multi-sector design and consultancy firm, we can advise you on adjacent infrastructure needs and support the development of infrastructure assets as part of wider development masterplan.

Sustainability Benefits We realise and fully understand the business benefits of delivering sustainable solutions. From demand forecasting and risk management to climate resilience and carbon management, we know how to make your assets fit for the long term.

Strong Reputation Our experts have a strong background of developing long-lasting relationships with organisations across the industry. Our deep understanding of operational procedures and flow management, means we can help you to realise efficiencies to increase capacity, adopt new technologies and prolong the life of your assets.

Ready for Innovation We work with suppliers at the forefront of developments in the transport sector, from biometrics and security measures to new sustainable vehicles and systems. We can help you to navigate the opportunities and risks to the airport business model created by technological and behavioural change.

We Create Value Our experience aviation and infrastructure teams can bring added value to your business by gathering, making sense of and manipulating big data to enable better use of capital and operational investment and improve user experience for travellers and staff.




As a design-driven company, we’re naturally curious, creative and innovative. However, we believe it’s just as important to be collaborative. For us, the design process is not just an intellectual exercise - it’s an open, engaging conversation. We see design as a space to play and experiment, where stakeholders of every type can learn from one another, find a common ground and uncover the best solutions. At One Works, we believe that every project should synthesise a client’s unique needs with the aspirations of the wider community. Our strength lies in combining diverse ideas and technologies with a personalised, designled approach. That’s how we create flexible solutions that address all expectations, bringing our client’s loftiest goals within reach. With a global network of offices around the world, we understand and embrace that we are defined by the skills, experience and personalities of our people. It is this strength that allows us to work collaboratively and intuitively together. Here we introduce our Aviation Development Leader and Managing Partner, Giulio De Carli and one of our key masterplanning experts in the design of transport facilities and transit-oriented development around the world - Associate Director, Lucas London. Giulio De Carl has over 30 years’ experience in masterplanning, planning and design across Europe and the Middle East, and has demonstrated an exceptional

commitment to his clients throughout his career. With a great passion, he specializes in the planning and design of transport and aviation related facilities and infrastructures, providing consultancy to airport operating companies and industry related clients, as well as privatization deals. Seen as an expert in his field, Giulio has delivered a range of high profile projects including the Master plan for the Italian Airports Network commissioned by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority). He has also published a book titled ‘New Airports’ and is a popular keynote speaker in the European Aviation market. Based in Milan, Domenico Santini and in London, Lucas London have both worked on a series of transportation and airport development projects around the world, helping to make client’s aspirations achievable in markets where funding for transport can be typically more constrained. On many projects, Domenico and Lucas work closely with teams to lead with a people-centric approach to designing facilities and urban development opportunities around airports and transport hub. Their design approach aims to create environments that respond to topics of social equity, investability, environmental stewardship and socioeconomic uplift - helping operators, municipalities, private developers and citizens all realise greater benefits from increased investment and connectivity. •

One Works is a global design and consultancy firm, offering an integrated approach to architecture, infrastructure and urban engineering. Using the latest technologies and design practices, we believe in creating dynamic, intuitive transport hubs where people and communities can connect with their environment, and with each other. Milan (Head Office) t +39 02 6559131

Dubai (OW DMCC) t +971 4 4534805

Singapore t +65 6828 1024

Bangkok t +66 271 827 859

London t +44 (0) 20763 77255

Rome t +39 06 77800001

Venice t +39 041 50967.00

One Works is an European trademark (no. 017388034) registered in the name of One Works S.p.A.. Any use of the ONEWORKS: trademark, or of any trademark that may be confused with it, is strictly forbidden, unless expressly authorised by One Works S.p.A..

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