Best Methods of Treatment for Kidney Cancer

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Kidney Cancer Treatment

What are the symptoms of mouth cancer?

Kidney cancer is one of the most serious and potentiallydevastatingillnesses to have.It can havea long-term impact on both physical and mental health. Therefore, it is importantto understand the best methods of kidney cancer treatment in order to get the most effective care. This article will discuss the various forms of treatment availableincancer hospitals in Calicut

Kidney Cancer Treatments

There are a few different types of surgery that can be used to treat kidney cancer. The most common type is called a radical nephrectomy, which involvesremoving the entire kidney, along with the surrounding tissue. This is usually the best option for people with early-stage kidney cancer.

If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, a more aggressive approach may be necessary. In this case, doctors may recommend a partial nephrectomy, which removes only the part of the kidney that containsthe tumor. chemotherapy or radiation therapymay also be used in addition to surgery.

 Surgery

•Radiation therapy

Radiation therapyis a common treatment for kidney cancer. It uses high-energy beams, such as X-rays, to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapycan be given externally, by aiming the beams at the body from outside, or internally,by placing radioactivematerial in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the tumor.

External radiation therapyis usuallygiven in short treatments, five days a week for several weeks. The length of treatment depends on the type and stage of the tumor, as well as other factors. Internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy)can be given in one treatment or may require several sessions.

There are different types of internal radiation therapy:

•Neutron beam therapy

•Radioactiveisotope implants

• Radioembolization


Chemotherapyis a common treatment for kidney cancer. It uses drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing. Chemotherapycan be given through a vein in the arm, in pill form, or as a shot. It can be used alone or with other treatments, such as surgery or radiation therapy.

• Targeted therapy

• Targeted therapy is a type of kidney cancer treatment that targets specific molecules or genes that are involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells. It is often used in combination with other cancer treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

• Targeted therapies are designed to kill cancer cells while sparing normal cells. These drugs can be more effective and have fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy drugs. There are many different types of targeted therapies, and they are constantly being developed as researchers learn more about the biology of cancer cells.

• Some common types of targeted therapies include:

• Monoclonal antibodies

• Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)

• mTOR inhibitors

• VEGF inhibitors

• Clinical trials

• There are a few different types of clinical trials that can be conducted for kidney cancer patients. The most common type is the phase III clinical trial, which compares the effectiveness of two or more different treatments. These trials are important because they help doctors determine which treatment is best for each individual patient. Sometimes, a phase II clinical trial may also be conducted. This type of trial is less common and usually only happens if the first treatment doesn’t work well.

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