ON BOARD Magazine Winter 2013

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winter 13

winter 13

Training matters Quentin Tarantino interview Duly registered Ski and schooner


CONTENTS features 14

Pope Of Pulp Maverick director Quentin Tarantino talks movies and taking to a life on the seas


The Ladder To Success Now is the time to consider a career plan for the future


Global Domination Michael Perham, the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe by land and sea chats to On Board


Hey Good Looking Is it a case of only the good looking need apply?


Ice Ice Baby Alf Anderson heads beneath the ice to check out a submarine winter world


Sounds Lights Action The latest entertainment installations without touching a single switch


Ski To The Sea Sailing and skiing along the north coast of Iceland


Duly Registered Registering a yacht. A look at flying the flag


Getting Coated On Board looks at achieving the perfect finish


Wine Away The Hours What could be better than a relaxing weekend spent at a vineyard retreat


28 30

regulars 5

Salty Sea Dog Does it matter if no one obeys the rules of the road?


Up Fronts Tips,people, advice and myths


In My Opinion Ken Hickling President of the International Superyacht Society


New Launch The newly launched Maidelle from Icon Yachts

winter 13

34 ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 3

3 | AUTUMN 2012 | ON BOARD

contents regulars


50 Table Talk On Board recommends the top tables in Barcelona. Plus all the latest food trends

56 The Corker Wine guru Jamie Goode looks at fizzy alternatives to Champagne

64 Navigator The lowdown on Venice’s eating,drinking,hotels and culture

66 Six Of The Best Cam and go. The best camcorders

76 Yacht Essentials This seasons essential services and products

87 Body Vitamins,beauty myths and treatment focus

94 A Day In The Life Of Marketing Executive Lisa Peck

99 Ask The Experts Advice from the leading experts in their field

102 Happenings A round up of what you need to know for the coming season




Editor: Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant: Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager: Tim Morris Sales Executives: Mellisa Hayes, Andrea Saliu Art Direction: onelittlestudio.com Accounts: Julie Hewitt Contributors: Frances and Michael Howorth, Jamie Goode, Claire Griffiths, Paddy Warwick, Rob Kay, Louise Lay, Zeren Wilson, Alf Alderson, Laurence Reyman, Phil Friedman. Distributed by Superyacht Distribution www.superyacht-distribution.com info@superyacht-distribution.com On Board is published quarterly by Plum Publications 8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritime, France tel: 00 33 (0) 4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr

84 4 | winter autumn 2013 2012 || on on board board

The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.


Salty Sea Dog Red Light Warning Salty Sea Dog asks, “Does it matter if no one obeys the rules of the road?�


confess to being puzzled by the habit increasingly practised by the Captains of some large tall-masted sailing craft, who, during the hours of darkness, exhibit from their masthead, an all round red light. They do so when at anchor and also when alongside a berth inside a marina. When at anchor, many of them fail to show the prescribed white anchor lights fore and aft as laid out in rule 30 of the international regulations for the prevention of collision at sea. This means that, when seen from right astern or right ahead, the red lights on the main and mizzen appear to suggest the yacht is Not Under Command a technical term meaning a vessel, which is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel. I have searched the International Rules and Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea (Col Regs) and can see no provision for the need to exhibit red lights at the masthead. Yet when I mentioned my query to one young yacht master he puffed his chest out with pride and said he exhibited the lights to warn low flying aircraft of the height of his mast. Incredulously, I then asked him if, as a professionally qualified master, he was in a habit of anchoring or mooring his super yacht in such a position as to endanger the safety of low flying aircraft? He turned the same colour as his all round light and decided he had to do something else, somewhere else and shambled off before I asked him anything else.

Snobbery or One Up-Man-Ship

Dare I suggest, that the exhibiting of this light has more to do with snobbery and one up-man-ship rather than seamanship! Or, could it be that it means an unprofessional and less than knowledgeable skipper is in command? After all, if two all round red lights means a vessel is not under command then perhaps those displaying a single red light simply means the yacht is not under the command of a professional? I have even seen ketches with lights on both their main and mizzenmasts. Presumably this is to warn any unfortunate aircraft pilot, who has flown low into airspace over a marina, that having missed the mizzen mast he now has to gain height very quickly in order to miss the mainmast.

And yes before you remind me that helicopter use is increasing in the world of super yachts, I do realise that there are many yachts with helipads on their stern decks but surely very few sensible pilots would land on the small flight deck on a super yacht during the hours of darkness. Consider what impression a ketch displaying these misleading signals together with her anchor lights gives when seen end on or nearly end on in an anchorage. For those of you who do not need to know to do their job: two red lights in a vertical line one above the other plus all round white lights at the bow and stern, is the signal displayed by a vessel that is aground!

A Lot of Balls

It is not just lights that get abused either! How many times have you seen yachts in harbour with their anchors down and the anchor ball is still hoisted? Yes the anchor is down but that is not what the anchor ball signifies is it? According to the rules the anchor ball is used when a vessel is at anchor and being at anchor means the vessel is not under way, aground or tied to the shore. So, if you are tied up to the dock how can you be at anchor? You can, I suppose argue with me that it does not matter if theses signals are displayed correctly or not and I may seem by many to be old fashioned but I cannot help but wonder if such haphazard attention is paid to the Col Regs, where does the slide to complete unprofessionalism stop and start? If you have a view that either supports or disputes my own then do please feel free to bring them forward. The editors here would love to see a dialogue begin! on board | winter 2013 | 5

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To enjoy days like these You will probably need our services



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My Favourite Destination

Sea Creature

Easter Island


Legendary sea monsters of gargantuan size, said to have dwelled off the coasts of Norway and Iceland. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them common ocean-dwelling monsters in various fictional works. The legend originated from sightings of real giant squid that are estimated to grow to 13 metres (46 feet) in length, including the tentacles.


Number Crunching

53.9m (177ft)

The highest dive ever. Olivier Favre 1987. However, he did break his back!

Erica Lay Director Erica Lay Crew Company My favourite destination has to be Easter Island. Bit off the beaten track, yes, but what a great island to moor up whilst exploring the Polynesian Islands in the South Pacific. Aka Rapa Nui or Isla de Pascua, Easter Island is the most remote inhabited island in the world (a population of over 5,000), and the lowest part of the Polynesian triangle. Famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the Rapanui people. The Island belongs administratively to Chile’s Valparaiso Region and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It´s a magical place full of mystery and conjecture; get yourself a local guide to take you to the best spots and talk you through the fascinating history of the people of Rapa Nui and listen to the theories on how they built and moved those phenomenal statues. Stand next to one and feel like a speck in the universe. A truly magnificent piece of engineering. On top of all the history and legend, the island has volcanoes, a beautiful white beach fringed with palm trees, wild horses grazing nearby… the diving is great and there´s surf too! Nobody will ever know the secrets of Rapa Nui; the population was wiped out in the 1800s. Guess who did that? Well the blame goes to sailors for bringing all their nasty diseases….

Yachtie Types The Busy Charter Chef Knife-wielding, terrifying, eye-popping out of head, scary, red faced, angry person who works in the yacht´s galley banging tins and hurling profanities at stewardesses. Do not harass chef with requests for cakes. Do not harass chef for condiments such as “ketchup” unless you want to be drowned in it. Do not harass chef with requests for gluten free/vegetarian/vegan/low fat food. Just eat what you´re given and shut up or feel their wrath. Warning – approach with caution. Unless of course you´re the owner whereupon chef transmogrifies from afore mentioned monster into a delightful, charming and chatty human being who´ll happily cater to your every whim. Answer? Get rich, buy your own yacht, then you get to eat what you like.

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 7

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8 | winter 2013 | on board

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Captain Haddock CLAIM TO FAME: Wealthy Merchant Marine Captain & side kick of Tintin. MODUS OPERANDI: Offering sarcasm abound, drinking rum and offering expletives at every opportunity. QUOTE: Blistering barnacles! SHIP: Karaboudjan WEAKNESS: Rum, whisky, rum and whisky WEAPON OF CHOICE: Expletives and his fist FIRST APPEARANCE: First appeared ‘The Crab with the Golden claw” (1941) FAVOURITE TIPPLE: Rum and whisky, especially Loch Lomond single malt FAVOURITE UNIFORM: Thick ribbed blue jumper (with anchor motive), black jacket, black trousers, black captains hat & pipe


Where in the world

Where is the point farthest from the Earth’s center? 01°28 09 S 78°49 03


Famous Fictitious Captains

MARINE CONSERVATION IN THE MED Check out the Ondine Association http://asociacionondine.org Finally, a group of awesome individuals have banded together with “A simple vision of combining science, local communities and conservation to protect and improve local marine ecosystems around the beautiful Balearic Islands.” Isn´t it time we dig deep in our pockets and chuck a few of our well earned euros at saving our seas? The Med needs help – YOU can help make a difference.

MLC 2006 CREW ACCOMMODATION CHANGES Everyone is talking about it! No, you are not getting a bigger bunk and no, your yacht will not have to change the crew quarters. The crew accommodation clauses are only applicable to yachts which have not had the keel laid yet. The cutoff date isn’t set yet – we are anticipating July 2013 so there may be a mad rush in the Spring!

KEEPING YOUR JOB Over winter we didn’t see half as many crew upping sticks and leaving their yachts in search of something new; it seems people were (for once) happy with their lot. Let´s see if Springtime sees more movement.

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT More people are booking courses and understanding that the industry is getting more competitive. Gone are the days of “I don’t need a ticket, it’s private”… safe manning requirements are one thing, but its often more about demonstrating you’re a serious crew member and serious about your career.

EUROPE The superyacht industry in Europe is full steam ahead in 2013. Thanks not in a small part to the poor performance of the euro. The order books of the European shipyards are bulging together with component suppliers, now incredible attractive to buyers in markets such as Russia, therefore the new-build and re-fit region of choice.

YOU’RE OUT People getting fired and not receiving the severance pay they were promised. Seems to be rife this year with management holding back payments – get the lawyers involved! Will MLC 2006 stop this?? Let’s see….

BEING ON STANDBY ALL the time in case the owner decides to show up. Tiresome when the owner just won’t give any warning to the pilot, the captain, the crew…. And makes life onboard pretty boring when you can´t get any of those big jobs done.

LIVEABOARD OWNERS They love their yachts so much they never actually get off it to enjoy the wonderful places they’re visiting. Which is fair enough… but it means the crew are stuck onboard too! And with no break from their TV watching habits when can the interior crew get things spick and span? Hoovering and scrubbing at 4am isn’t right.

FLIP FLOPS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN WINTER Come on guys, with the amount of cash you are earning on board, surely you can afford a pair of trainers. Didn´t anyone tell you the Med gets cold after October? Blue toes look pretty stupid and don´t go with anything.

WHITE FRAMED SUNGLASSES Do you boys not read ON BOARD? Pleaseeeeee, stop, have a quick look around some stores selling sunglasses. You might notice that hardly anyone sells them – hello… why do you think this is? ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 9

The summit of Chimborazo in Ecuador at 6,384.4km.



Gibraltar Yacht Registry Gateway to Quality

The Gibraltar Yacht Registry is expanding its services to include and welcome registration of super yachts. We are proud of our register’s steady growth to over 800 active yachts and our reputation as a quality register, supported by Gibraltar’s excellent legal and financial services. 10 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

Gibraltar Yacht Registry, Watergate House, 2/8 Casemates Square, P.O. Box 71 Gibraltar T (+350) 200 78343 F (+350) 200 77044 maritime.yachts@gibraltar.gov.gi www.gibmaritime.com/yachts.php




Ken Hickling President of the International Superyacht Society asks why it is that superyacht people in Europe are so sure that the ISS is ‘some American organisation’?


he ISS is an industry association much like many others, in that we depend on our members for support and direction. In return they ask to be represented and for work to be done that individual companies can’t do. Here’s two examples: Earlier this year the Italian Government thought that imposing a severe berthing tax on all vessels passing through their waters would be a good source of income in these recessionary times. A coalition of associations was able to make a compelling argument that this would be unproductive, and would drive income away from many small Italian businesses. The tax plans were revised, significantly. Currently the ISS is convening associations and key individuals to consult on a set of Business Principles and Practices with the objective of having a Superyacht Industry that is respected and we are all proud to be a part of. Both of these initiatives are good for business, and good for our industry. They are also great examples of the sorts of things that associations do well and answer the question often asked: Why doesn’t somebody do something about that?

we hold our Awards Gala evening in Ft Lauderdale. I suppose if you think the only thing we do is the Design and Leadership Awards, then you might think we’re focussed on the other side of the Atlantic. But that rather misses the fact that the greatest proportion of the Designers and Builders who are getting recognised for their excellence are... wait for it... European.

Reality Check But our marketing people tell me that ‘Perception is Reality’ and if this is true then we must be US biased. However there is a cure! If you join the ISS and become active, you can pull our focus across to Europe. We need more members anyway, so joining up will help support our activities working for the benefit of the industry as a whole. We work in association with some other groups you may have heard of: PYA, MYBA, AYSS, Superyacht UK. In fact association membership is another thing I rant about. I believe that we should all be members of multiple associations. One that represents your specialism (Awlgrip, my employer, is a member of the paintmakers association), one that represents your region (NMMA and USSA for Awlgrip) and one that operates at an international level. This is where the ISS comes in. We have membership categories for Crew, Companies, Professionals etc with different benefits for each. If you go to www.superyachtsociety.org you can sign up online. Oh, and it’s not expensive either; only $600 for a Company membership. Yes, it should be Euros, but that is because our administrative office is in Ft Lauderdale. You see we had to put it somewhere and it was easier to register there as a not-for-profit organisation.

I believe we should all be members of multiple associations

Euro Sceptic But I think I’m drifting off topic. This year, I am the President of the ISS, based in Southampton. The Vice President is Dieter Jaenicke who is based in Dover. Our Treasurer, Bransom Bean, is on the Isle of Man (obviously), and in the South of France is Norma Trease, our ‘events queen’. So two thirds of our Executive is EU based. Our membership split has 47% from the EU. This year we have run three networking suppers, a day long seminar programme, a Monaco members’ mixer with over 500 attendees and a Sailing Regatta. All in Europe and we still have a members’ event planned at METS! So where’s the American bias? Some tell me it’s because

Another thing that troubles me is social networking, but I have now got a twitter account so PM me @ISSPresident, or check out our Facebook and LinkedIn groups. So you can get involved and find out about the ISS for yourself. Go on, do it! ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 11

Tools of the Trade Take it hiking, take it hunting, take it on the water. Montana 600 features a bold 4 in. color touch screen dual orientation display and supports multiple mapping options. Montana has key features for the outdoors such

as a 3-axis tilt-compensated compass and barometric altimeter. It’s big. It’s versatile. It’s tough. It earned the name Montana. www.garmin.com €390.00



Tools: 4” display, Dual-orientation touch screen, 289grams, waterproof (IPX7), high sensitive receiver, high speed USB and NMEA 0183 compatibel, 3GB memory, electronic compass, geocaching friendly, unit to unit transfer

12 | winter 2013 | on board

Appi talk Add some apps with these On Board favourites Glee Karaoke The #1 music app in 21 countries for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Sing your heart out to songs from the hit TV show while a little magic helps you sound amazing. Glee Karaoke is now FREE for everyone to enjoy! www.glee.smule.com Get Some Head Space Ever wanted to sleep better, feel calmer, focus more or just get some relief from that busy mind? Get unique daily guided meditations, all designed to make it as easy as possible for you to get some calm and clarity. www.getsomeheadspace.com Pops Personalize your notifications with fun animations and videos! The new cool way to send and receive messages on your phone. Select or create great looking visuals for your favorite contacts so it’ll POP with every new message or send a POP to your friends. www.pop.me

Songify Great fun and perfect to get the party going.LaDiDa is a reverse karaoke iPhone application. When you sing into the phone, LaDiDa analyses your voice and composes music to match. It also works on rap! www.khu.sh Pink Mothballs The fun way to borrow and lend clothes with friends. Take photos of the clothes you’re cool with lending out to friends. Tag the clothes in the photos and add them to your Pink Mothballs wardrobe. Then have a nose to see what you fancy borrowing from friends. www.pinkmothballs.com

Open To Question With the MLC 2006 being recently ratified, working hours are going to be regulated. You will be entitled to more rest periods than you’re currently getting... question is, will this happen or will crew continue to pull 20 hour days??

Tim Williams First Mate MY Callisto Most of us know the rules of working hours yet most of us are willing to work outside them. I will do what ever it takes to get the job done but will never force anyone to do so the same. I just did a charter season of 9 charters and one boss trip with mostly 24 hours turn arounds I loved it and got tipped for the extra hard work we all (7 crew) put in! Mark (Ted) Street Captain 30m SY The reality is if we don’t, someone else will and people need jobs. If the letter of the law is enforced across the board, it would mean much better crew conditions, but less jobs. Many owners wouldn’t accommodate, they’d just give up owning boats and charter instead. Anne Elizabeth Jordan Freelance Chef I reckon we’ll still pull long hours. Only because owners know that if you won’t do it they can easily replace you with someone who will. It’s not ideal, but we all know what we got ourselves into. Matt Dwyer Captain MY Anneke MLC06 will be completely ineffective to crew on smaller vessels, who have smaller budgets, and even smaller crew accoms. There is simply no room onboard to be regulated! I work on yachts because I love what I do and where it takes me, and am happy to do the hours. If the owner doesn’t appreciate the 24 hour attention then I will work for someone else. If I wanted regulation, I would work ashore again, join a union, and destroy my soul in an office defending my statutory rights. Adam Norman Mate MY Kathleen Ann When you have 20 crew it is possible, sadly on smaller yachts - no matter how well you manage a team, it is not possible to meet the demands of guests and take the hours of rest already in regulations. Until designers and owners understand the work involved in maintaining a yacht and presenting it perfectly every day whilst providing around the clock service we will be left with no option than to lie on hours of rest forms or lose our jobs for not working on board | winter 2013 | 13



Of Pulp

14 | winter 2013 | on board

The brashness of the Hollywood regime combined with the elegance and effortlessness of taking to the seas... it can only be Quentin Tarantino. Words: Frank Grice


Previously branded one of the most arrogant film directors alive, once upon a time Quentin Tarantino was equal to the boast. The Pope of Pulp – as Empire magazine once dubbed him – was no longer the box office force his initial releases, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, claimed him to be. Fortunately, his piece de renaissance, the gloriously titled Inglorious Basterds, a schlocky, spliced recount of the Holocaust, breathed him back to life, rejuvenating his flagging brand of non-linear filmmaking. It’s little surprise he’s focusing on another great shame in humanity’s history - this time slavery in America’s Deep South in his latest venture, Django Unchained, a colourful spaghetti western already earning Oscar buzz. The 49-year-old helmer admits he’s on top of the world right now and calls Django, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz, his Everest. “I think artistically, I’m at my peak,” he frankly points out. “This is it, this is the sweet spot. I’ve worked to this, this level of skill, this level of ambition. “This movie is definitely my new Mount Everest, although every time I do a big movie, that’s the next Mount Everest. Well this is this Mount Everest, it’s a little higher than the other ones. And Kill Bill was pretty high as far as mountains go. And so I am hoping, in my opinion of where I am living right now, I feel it’s the best.”

In The Blood

was raised by his mother in California, moving there when he was two years old. Initially the youngster had aspirations of becoming an actor, but everything changed when he landed a job as an employee in a video rental store and instead became a film enthusiast, budding writer and director. His career began in the late 1980s when he wrote and directed My Best Friend’s Birthday, which was the basis for True Romance. But in the early 1990s, his career took off with his epic crime saga, Reservoir Dogs. Twenty years after his sleeper debut however, the movie mogul has found his priorities changing somewhat, with an emphasis more on the relaxation, rather than the frenetic Hollywood pace he currently maintains in LA’s Manhattan Beach.

Getting On Board Tarantino’s even turned his attentions towards the water, having been spotted frequenting both Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s 417ft monster Octopus - manned by a 57-person crew - and Roman Abramovich’s Eclipse which, at 557ft, is the largest private yacht in the world. “Yes I checked out Roman’s yacht at the Cannes Film Festival. It was awesome. I’ve always loved the sea. It offers gentle calm for anyone willing to let themselves get lost in the waves. “I work hard – intensely, almost. When discovering yachts I found a way to throw off all the baggage. It gave me real food for thought. “I love the water, I always have since I was child and I guess, you know, maybe if Django does well, I might purchase my first on water vessel. I’m getting older now, I maybe would like to take an easier pace of life, and cruising the waters around Catalina Island might be a nice way to spend any free time.” Not in a serious relationship since his two-year union with fellow director Sofia Coppola ended in 2006, he admits the idea of settling down and having children has been on his mind more than usual. “I mean, I’m getting to the age where it might be nice… but then it might take my focus off movies. We’ll see what happens with everything. I’m starting to realise I don’t intend to make movies forever. I want to stop around 60, that’s kind of the plan.“ “You know, I don’t want to be an old man filmmaker making old man movies, and I don’t want to be the one not to know when to leave the party. And I don’t want to screw up my filmography with a bunch of old man stuff. But I can change my mind. If I want to make a movie at 62 I can. But I want to leave the ring triumphant.” “And I want this guy, this guy you see right now, I want him to be the guy who makes the movies, not the autumn dude. At that time, I would rather just write; I would rather be just a man of letters, write cinema books, write novels, have children, cruise around Catalina with them. We’ll see what happens down the line.”

When discovering yachts I found a way to throw off all the baggage

His signature style of filmmaking saw him continuously merge a galaxy of characters together, each with their own tale to tell, each unequivocally linked by the climax. The director has spawned and revived the careers of John Travolta, Christoph Waltz and original Queen of blaxpoitation, Pam Grier. Like Basterds however, a rather more mature Tarantino - if that’s remotely possible - seems more preoccupied with social issues rather than meandering ‘one day in the life’ stories, and Django is a powerful portrayal of the injustice suffered by the black race in 19th century America. “I’ve been wanting to deal with that issue and I’ve been wishing other people would deal with that issue for a long time, and in lieu of anybody else doing it, I’m going to throw my hat in the ring,” he laughs manically. “It’s a subject that means a lot to me and probably a subject that means more to me than anything else. “It’s just deep in my DNA. It’s deep in my tissue, and it’s one of the things about writing the script that was actually really interesting, just like I did in Inglorious Basterds. I had a pretty good knowledge about World War II or else I probably wouldn’t have been interested in doing the subject in the first place. The same thing applies to the subject of slavery. I’m nearly in my fifties, so I’ve known a lot about that history, because I’m fascinated by it. but when it came time to do the script, I didn’t look at any history books. I didn’t want to have the arms-length of history; I asked myself the questions and I came up with the answers.” Born in Tennessee of Italian, Irish and Cherokee descent, Quentin

on board | winter 2013 | 15


Maidelle Specifically designed for an experienced owner the new 62.5m from Icon Yachts. Reviewed by Frances and Michael Howorth


o be delivered in the Netherlands in 2013 by Icon Yachts, the shipyard that launched Icon and Baton Rouge, the newly launched Maidelle took to the water in the closing months of 2012. She has a proven engineering package that delivers 14 knots average speed, 6,000 nautical miles of range at 12 knots and optimal comfort both underway and at anchor. World-class service provision has been carefully considered, with crew accommodation for 18. Her Captain, Donald Heath says, “Maidelle has a large crew area for a 62 metre yacht. It has been maximised by putting the crew

16 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

mess and separate crew lounge on the tank deck level forward of the engine room. This leaves the forward part of the lower deck clear for crew cabins, which are of a good size – there are single cabins for the chief engineer on that level, and the chief officer has a single cabin aft of the wheelhouse”.

Sea Trials Captain Heath goes on to mention, “Manoeuvring the vessel is aided by extending bridge wings which gives me a good view aft. The vessel proved to have a very

Specifications: LOA: 62.5m LWL: 51.5m Draught: 3.7m Displacement: 1154 tons Gross Tonnage: 1,226 gt Engines: 2 x MTU 12V 4000 M71 Output: 2 x 1,850kW Cruising speed: 14 knots Guests: 12 in 6 cabins Crew: 18 Exterior design: Redman Whiteley Dixon Interior design: Cristiano Gatto Design Builder: Icon Yachts, The Netherlands, 2013 Asking price: €55,000,000

sea-kindly feel on sea trials even in moderate waves with the stabilisers switched off”. “The standard of fit out and finish in the technical spaces is very good, and it can be seen that a lot of care went into the build”.

The Wow Factor “The quality aimed at by the shipyard can be seen in the list of sub-contractors and equipment suppliers: MTU engines, Quantum stabilisers, Cramm hydraulics and H&H Air-conditioning all of who I consider to be amongst the best in their fields.”

This running shot shows Maidelle has stacks of wow factor brought about by designers Redman Whiteley Dixon’s sleek and exciting exterior lines. A rich contemporary, Italianate interior by Cristiano Gatto uses high gloss surfaces to create a rich play of light and shade; exotic woods polished to a marble sheen are softened by natural leather, parchment and stone to create a warm, welcoming ambience. Clearly Maidelle is one of the best new build opportunities currently on the market and is offered for sale by Burgess as Central Agents for an asking price of €55,000,000

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 17

DESIRE In deep

With its practical configuration and full 360-degree acrylic pressure hull, this exceptional submersible cruises at 3 knots below the surface offering unparalleled performance. Freedom, autonomy and vision, the C-Explorer 5 offers an infinite array of opportunities that are just waiting to be explored. For yachts to explore the depths of the oceans and for tourist operators that want to offer their clientele a semi-private undersea experience, this submersible is forging a new window of opportunity. It features a full 360-degree acrylic pressure hull and can unambiguously call itself world’s first subsea limousine. www.uboatworx.com POA


From affordable to downright expensive. The latest eye catching innovations and design trends.

On cue

For the ultimate pool table, look no further than the Nottage Designs Flagship table . Striking aesthetics make the perfect centre piece of any modern games room, and a completely visible integrated ball return makes a feature of pocketed balls. www.nottagedesign.com €25,000

Head case

Inspired by the retro design of the Italian 1950’s, the Hugo Boss HB.02 open face motorcycle helmet transfers the relaxed and easy feeling into modern design language with an exclusive Italian touch. Carefully selected leather applications and exclusively developed details, such as the ‘Vintage’ engraving on the metal plates and the updated signature visor screws support the retro flair. www.justhelmets.co.uk €230

18 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

Flight of fancy

ICON Aircraft’s mission is to bring the freedom, fun, and adventure of flying to all who have dreamed of flight. After years of development with some of the world’s best aerospace engineers and industrial designers, ICON Aircraft has released the first of its sport planes. The A5 delivers an exciting and safe flying experience in a bold design that communicates beauty, performance, and most importantly fun. www.iconaircraft.com €110,000

Chips are down

A set of multi gems gaming chips designed and created by the Swedish artist and jeweller Kristian Ståhl. The outer frames of the 120 chips included in the set are made of 18K white gold and are set with a total of 5,160 calibrated top-quality gems, including diamonds, rubies and sapphires. But what makes the set unique is that each chip is created from a calibrated circular slice from the Muonionalusta meteorite which fell to Earth almost one million years ago. www.stahl.com €165,000

On piste

While business deals happen over links or lunch, fun happens on the slopes. So add a little flair to your gear. With Chanel’s skis, enjoyment comes not only in the wood and metal frame of premier winter sport equipment, but in the sleek designer duds. Chanel makes all the accessories too: boots, goggles, and bag. So whether you’re in Aspen or the Alps, Baby Slope or Black Diamond, these skis ensure you’ll look stylish in the snow. www.chanel.com $3,600. on board | winter 2013 | 19

Ladder To Success The

20 | winter 2013 | on board

Those seeking to make a career in super yachting need to plan for changes in regulations governing the issuing of certificates. Frances and Michael Howorth say that now is the time to consider a plan for the future.


Amendments and major revisions to the ‘Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeepers’ (STCW) Convention and its associated Code mean those wanting to see super yachts provide a career path for themselves over the next ten years need to get a plan organised now. Not only that, they will have to stick rigidly to that plan or risk having to re-sit exams or take on new courses. Harsh and expensive sounding words coming from the mouth of Captain Roger Towner the Chief Examiner for Masters and Mates at the MCA These amendments he refers to were adopted by the IMO at a Diplomatic Conference in Manila held during June 2010. Behind them lie plans to ensure that the necessary global standards are in place to train and certify seafarers to operate vessels at sea as they become more technologically advanced. The amendments came into force on 1 January 2012 and are aimed at bringing the Convention and Code up to date with developments since they were initially adopted in 1978 and further revised in 1995, and to enable them to address issues that are anticipated to emerge in the foreseeable future. These amendments will be known as “The Manila amendments to the STCW Convention and Code”. Amongst the amendments adopted, there are a number of important changes to each chapter of the Convention and Code. Each and every one will have a bearing on crew and how they plan their training for the future.

Dynamic positioning

service to be issued with certificates of proficiency without undertaking further training but on the 1st January 2014 all such grandfather security ends. The recent amendments have changed the emphasis with regard to safety training. Refresher training is now firmly on the agenda and should be a part of the training plans for yacht crew. The MCA will be in future be requiring fire and survival refresher training both on board whilst serving as deck officers or engineers and this will be augmented with a requirement classroom training.

Updated skill Viking Crew Management based in Dover in the UK, has been supplying Deck, Engineering, Technical Officers and Hospitality/ Guest Services Professionals to owners world-wide since 1988. MLC approved by Lloyds they liaise with many flag states on all MLC relevant matters for yachts. Their training portfolio includes MCA approved STCW compliant training programmes, shipboard safety, ship and port security and environmental courses. Dieter Jaenicke, the company’s Chairman believes that with the increasing demand for STCW basic training provision and the increased requirements of MLC and the Manila amendments it vital to have a five year plan. His company plans to build its own Maritime Skills Academy in Dover. It will offer training for those already in the maritime sector, those looking to join and courses introducing people aged 14-19 to the industry. The £6.5 million centre will be on a 1,858m2 plot and will have classrooms, workshops, bespoke training kitchen, conference facility and offices as well as a swimming pool featuring a wave machine & special effects to simulate blackouts and storm force weather for STCW training. The facility will be open for business in 2015 but course delivery is already taking place at alternative locations. Captain Mike French of International Yacht Training believes the concept of refresher training is logical. He says, “Techniques evolve and equipment improves so the STCW specified time period of five years is realistic in its expectation that a seafarer will set aside the time commitment required in order to maintain familiarity with changing times.” Another issue that will be addressed by the Manila Amendments is the insistence on crew completing the Efficient Deck Hand course, which will become compulsory from 1 July 2013. Currently the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore has become a ‘quasistandard’ qualifications for deck hands on large yachts and is also currently one of the approved entry requirements to the Deck Officer (Yachts) route.

Captains would prefer that crew do not just train to pass an exam

Among the changes are those that relate to training in modern technology using for example ECDIS, Dynamic Positioning Systems and other electronic devices that have so far not been covered under the regulations. New training and certification requirements will be introduced for electro-technical officers working as such on super yachts. There will be new requirements for training in leadership, management and teamwork as well as for security training, including piracy awareness. The marine environment will in future play a more important role in training and those at sea will have to take awareness training in the subject. There will even be new training guidance for crew serving on board yachts that sail into polar waters. Because the final implementation takes place on 1st January 2017 it is important to have the five year plan in place now. The transition period began on the fist of January 2012 so the clock is already ticking. By mid way through 2013 the first of the new courses will be available in colleges and training schools. There are “grandfather” clauses and these allow crew with previous equivalent training and those with relevant sea

on board | winter 2013 | 21

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22 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

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Efficient Deckhand becomes an OOW module from 1st July 2013. It takes a week and includes a practical exam. To qualify deck hands will have to demonstrate the ability to tie all the standard nautical knots, splice ropes, and wires, rig a stage, bosuns chair and pilot ladder. They will need to show how they can turn up a rope safely onto bits, capstan, windlass and how to correctly apply a stopper. They will need to show and understanding of snap back zones and show an understanding of permit-to – work systems. John Wyborn of Bluewater says, “In my view this is a huge leap forward for the safety of crew working on deck.” He welcomes the introduction of the EDH module because he believes that one of the major pitfalls of the present training scheme is the lack of practical skills especially when it comes to handling heavy loads such as is the case when it is necessary to use the crane to swing out tenders and rescue boats. He says, “The RYA Yachtmaster is a good training scheme and very practical, however it is being delivered to students while they are working on yachts less than 15 metres in length leaving those who go on to become deck hands serving in large yachts with a lack in handling big loads safely. Launched last autumn at the Monaco Yacht Show, Warsash Superyacht Academy (WSA) is a new initiative in collaboration with Southampton Solent University and a group of established and high‐quality service providers to meet demand from the international super yacht industry for premium course provision and business support services. Lars Lippuner, business development manager at the Academy says, “We can draw upon almost 70 years of expertise and heritage as a global leader in maritime education and training to deliver specialist training programmes and business services to the super yacht industry and will be offering all the new modules as and when they become available. It makes sense to begin the five year plan now and within our facility we have advisors who can help students plan for the future.” He adds, “The new Superyacht Academy is the only centre of its kind in the world able to provide such a comprehensive range of course provision, from entry level training for all crew, to progression training and certification for officers and Captains up to and beyond 3,000gt, and accessible training for careers and personal development up to Master’s degree level.

Hands on Many Captains would prefer that crew do not just train to pass an exam. Many wish that officers they hired as watch keepers trained so that they could do their job better as a result. A good example is the MCA’s OOW yacht Navigation and Radar course. Mike French says, “Statistically crew following the MCA’s yacht career path are very likely to undertake this course late in their progression towards the oral exams in order to have the training fresh in their minds when they take the oral exam. Their objective is generally to enhance their chances of passing the oral and securing the OOW CoC. However the skills they attain during the course, that of being able to better use radar, ARPA and make effective collision avoidance decisions would undoubtedly serve them well much earlier in their career as watch keepers. This is however easier said than done. This is partly because, being at the beck and call of a yacht owner, sometimes life just gets a little hectic and crew have to abandon their study plans or loose their jobs. John Wyborn of Bluewater says, “With the new courses coming in it is going to get more expensive to do everything twice so perhaps a frank discussion with the owner might be called for… It is in his interest after all!” By way of example he adds, “On my present Navigation and Radar course if have two students who, quite independently have attended all of their OOW modules previously, let them run out and are now in the throes of doing them all again! This is more common that you might imagine. In actual fact they only really need to attend and pass the examination again but most people struggle to do that. This is remarkably common, both at OOW and at Master level. Captain Mike French believes, “Training is part of the longer term process of gathering the skills required to be a safe and environmentally aware crew member. Experience and hands on application of classroom education is without doubt a vital component of developing competency. There are simply not short cuts and no signs on the horizon that regulators will yield in their pursuit of improved standards.

PYT Professional Yachtmaster Training, situated in Durban, South Africa, is your first-choice southern hemisphere MCArecognized training provider. Their reputation for offering a world-class education has become well-established in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean and students can study a range of commercial courses from STCW through to Master of Yachts 3000t.They offer an intimate environment and smaller classes ensure an unrivalled personalized teaching experience that accommodates individuals’ learning requirements. Tel: +27 (0)31 307 4992 or www.pyt.co.za

Viking Viking Recruitment Ltd is a family owned company, and in 2013 are proudly celebrating their silver anniversary. In a pledge to the future expansion of the company, Viking is at the forefront of developing the ‘Maritime Skills Academy’. Viking are building a training center which will provide training for those already in the maritime sector; looking to join and courses introducing people aged 14-19 to the industry. The £6.5 million center will be on a 20,000 square foot plot and will feature a swimming pool featuring a wave machine & special effects to simulate blackouts and storm force weather for STCW training. Tel: +44 (0)300 303 8191 www.vikingrecruitment.com

Warsash Warsash Superyacht Academy is a flagship new initiative from Warsash Maritime Academy and Southampton Solent University. The Academy offers a comprehensive range of entry level, managerial and advanced courses for deck, engineer and interior crew and shore-side staff - providing clear progression routes along with advanced training beyond 3000gt for superyacht professionals who are looking to progress their careers either at sea or ashore. Warsash students study in a range of purpose built maritime facilities and state-of-the-art learning environments which include bridge and engine simulators, a ship handling centre, survival craft facilities, seamanship, engineering and radio communications centres, a fully equipped fire school and marine hospitality facilities. Tel: +44 (0)1489 576161 www.warsashacademy.co.uk on board | winter 2013 | 23

captain’s Profile

24 | winter 2013 | on board

Captain Russell Reid talks about his job on board Parvati to Frances and Michael Howorth What made you join the super yacht industry? In early 90s I took part in Chay Blyth’s first transatlantic rowing race in 1997. 29 teams began the race and 18 finished and we were one of them. It took us 63 days to get across and was a very hard race, and not just physically. At the finish only 3 of the boats had crew who were still talking to each other and again fortunately I was on one of those. It was then I realised my career path was to stay at sea

How does being a Captain affect your family life? Many Captains with seniority and experience are married or have been, and it can be very difficult to hold a marriage together with a full time job aboard a yacht. My own wife is at home with our 6 year old daughter. Sometimes it feels like crew have to sacrifice either their marriage or their job and this prompts the question should we live to work or work to live?

What was your first super yacht and when did you join her? I did a lot of dinghy sailing as a boy but my first real super yacht was when I was 16 in a tall ships race aboard Lutine, which was owned by Lloyds of London. We sailed from Denmark around Norway and Sweden ending in Greenock, Scotland.

What’s the most curious thing that has happened to you as a Captain? Being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night by charter guests who wanted to party. I could see instantly it was going to be a fun occasion because they were both in fancy dress. He was dressed up as a penis and she as a vagina!

Which is your favourite Mediterranean port and why do you like it? I like going to ports and harbours I have been to before when I have guests on board. It is, I believe, far less stressful knowing where everything is. I enjoy St Tropez, Capri, Turkey, and anywhere on the Dalmatian coast. What makes Parvati special? The owners, they enable me to do the best I can. They leave managing the yacht to me without any micromanagement from them. This enables me to look after the crew and be responsible for their jobs and shaping their careers. The boat is operationally mine and the Owners come aboard as guests. Many Captains would kill for that level of autonomy! In a perfect world what would your next yacht be? I would love to go back to commanding a large sailing yacht. I love the space on motor yacht but I love sails too. I am quite surprised and shocked at the number of crews and captains who have no idea about sailing and do not appreciate the effects of wind on their boats. None of my crew have had any sailing experience so recently I chartered a 50 foot sail boat and took them all out for the weekend to show them what it was about. It was a fantastic form of team building experience and was enjoyed by all. Do you have a pet hate? I loathe jet skis they are too fast and are very dangerous a fact that many people do not appreciate. Now on the other hand a stand up jet ski is much better, to handle it correctly it requires skill, and riding it well can be a challenge. If you had a magic wand what would you change in your job? All crew should have to spend some time working on a sailboat before they are allowed to work on motor yachts. From a captain’s perspective I would like to see job rotation being accepted in much the same way that engineers have achieved this.

What advice would you give to someone new entering the industry? Support your crew, have faith in them, coach them, but let them make their own mistakes and learn from them. Most importantly make sure you are always the same person, don’t be unpredictable.

Quick Fire Favourite Motorcar: TVR Griffith 500 it’s hairy! All Time Favourite Movie: Close Encounters of the Third Kind Favourite Book: Any mind-bending thriller Favourite Movie Star: Robert De Nero Favourite Music Type: Easy listening, soul, instrumental, Favourite Restaurant: Cecilia’s, Antigua Favoured Relaxation: Cycling, reading, a decent bottle of wine Favourite City: Vancouver Favourite Super Yacht Destination (in the world): Antigua Favourite Classic Super Yacht: Velsheda

Captain’s CV ll Reid Name: Russe d Age: 44 hire, Englan e Up, h: Hertfords ia Alba, Doubl ar M , Place of birt na ea Oc e, tin Lu : chts Previous ya , ago la el Av ined 5 years t: Parvati, jo Current yach ional ew: 8 lson Internat Number of cr mper & Nicho Ca : nt ge A l ra $75,000, Charter Cent w season US per week: Lo e Fe r te ar Ch US$80,000 High season on board | winter 2013 | 25

wear it Ski Boots

Hermann Henke created the first ski boot revolution in 1955 when he acquired the patent to a buckle and initiated the decline of laces. It was a lot faster to put boots on, leading to the infamous Henke advertising stating “Are you lacing when others are racing?” The only problem was the buckle put so much pressure on the soft leather used in boots that it stretched and deformed, so most racers stayed with laces. That is until ... Bob Lange changed ski boots forever in the early 60’s when he molded plastic to create a “shell” that was stiffer than leather boots. The Vaccari family pioneered injection-molded boots (instead of poured plastic like Lange) in the early 70’s. Virtually all ski boot makers have been using that same injection-molded plastic technology and manufacturing process (and indeed many of the same machines) for the last 40 years.

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on board | winter 2013 | 27



28 | winter 2013 | on board

Most adventurers would be satisfied enough at becoming the youngest person on the planet to sail around the world solo, but not Michael Perham. Words: James Passey


In fact, the 20-year-old from Potters Bar, England, decided the thrill was so great that he’d do it all again, but this time by car. Having completed that challenge at the end of November, he now assumes the honour of being the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe both by land and sea. And he won’t stop there, as he looks to add the same accolade by air to his already outstanding achievement. “I’m heading into this third chapter all guns blazing,” Perham says with typical youthful determination. “I’m giving this all my effort and I’m sending around 50 emails a day to try to get this project off the ground! “I won’t be leaving to fly around the world until 2014, probably around May, because there’s a big, big ladder to climb in this task, namely that I barely know how to fly at present! So to go around the world in the sky is quite a big deal, and a big ambition.” Although he describes these truly global challenges as daunting, you get the impression that there’s an overwhelming sense of calmness about the way Michael goes about his business. Anyone who decides to sail around the world by themselves at the tender age of 16 must surely have a gutsy attitude and inherent fearless streak inside them, but Michael admits he grew up with sailing in his blood, and being on the water was second nature. His father was in the merchant navy and he embarked on his first major voyage at the age of 14 when plotting a route across the Atlantic.

What comes naturally

but also onto the bookshelves too. Two days after his 18th birthday he released Sailing the Dream, a passionate and at times devastating account of a young man battling against considerable obstacles. “There are definitely more books to come, I think, although I guess I need more life-changing experiences in order to write them!” he laughs. “I may write one on the drive around the world, or perhaps I’ll combine that with the flying challenge.” It’s clear that Michael is an extremely motivated individual, a person who is hungry for the next challenge. Having achieved so much for someone so young, what’s the real driving force? “Adventure,” he replies, immediately. “I wanted to go around the world for an adventure. I didn’t mind so much what it was - sailing just happened to be the right thing at the right time - and it seemed like a good idea,” he continues. “Looking back was it a good idea to sail around the world? Probably not!

Pushing the boundaries “I’m glad I did though because you’ve got to push the boundaries at certain points and that’s what adventure is all about. “There’s a guy I know and I love what he says - he says an adventure is a project that doesn’t have a defined outcome; you don’t know what’s going to happen along the way and you don’t know if you’re going to succeed entirely. “It’s that unknown that I really love and we’re definitely getting into that unknown again with the new project, because fewer people have flown around the world than have sailed, and no-one has ever done both. So it’s really cool to have that to aim for, even outside of having driven around the world as well.” The Hertfordshire born adventurer is certainly accustomed to the unknown, as during his unassisted sail he was forced to stop for repairs in Lisbon, Canary Islands, Cape Town and Auckland, suffering multiple problems with his yacht, particularly with the autopilot function. With his life in the boat’s hands, it was essential that he knew exactly what was wrong. “It was frustrating but I like to muck in with the repairs,” he explains. “It also comes down to needing to know what’s being repaired and needing to know how it’s being done in case it breaks again. “It was a good opportunity to learn from the guys as well because every sailor has to be part-mechanic, part-sail maker. “I think everyone knows you will always run into problems, but it comes down to how well you prepare and how well you know your boat. While it’s maybe annoying that I couldn’t achieve the feat non-stop, I always knew that there was about a 50 per cent chance that I’d have to pull in, and ‘safe not sorry’ is never more pertinent than on the sea! “At the end of the day there are always certain things out of your control - like my rudder bearings being off after 10,000 miles. You can’t really train for that, and it’s all part of the adventure, and I really love that.”

You can only practice so much before you just have to go out and get on with it!

“Most elements of sailing came to me naturally, although to be honest, it took me a while to get used to it at first!” he admits. “But one thing led to another, and while growing up, my family got more and more into the boatbuilding business. So for a few years I saw boats being built, broken, destroyed, then fixed again, and that really led to me sailing.” Sailing as a hobby is one thing, but to want to be alone out at sea for months on end in a 50ft racing yacht is another entirely! “When I left that dock on day one I thought, ‘what am I doing!?’ It was a huge challenge and I did question whether I had the experience to go through with the whole thing. “But I like to think that sailing around the world is a bit like going to the moon - you can only practise so much before you just have to go out and get on with it!” With sailing a constant force in the Perham family, Michael had other influences that inspired him to set off on his mammoth adventure. “I’ve always been a big fan of a sailor called Pete Goss, who went around the world in 1996. I read one of his books as a child and I just absolutely love his attitude towards sailing. His philosophy was that you make every moment and every day count, take the setbacks on the chin, and smile,” he continues. “There are lots of other great sailing books out there, but his really struck a chord with me. “After reading about his experiences, I thought ‘I could do that’.” And Michael has not only followed Pete Goss around the world,

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30 | winter 2013 | on board

good Hey


It’s a harsh reality that the uber rich do not want to be surrounded by anything less than beautiful, and we all know stories of the average looking crew member being let go for no particular reason. Is it a case of only the good looking need apply?


Yachting. It´s a luxury industry. You say “superyacht” to the average Joe and if they know anything about boats you´ll get the “ooooOOOOooo” response. It´s flashy without being trashy; they are the play things of the mega rich. When people think of yachts they imagine beautiful women lounging in bikinis on deck, hot rich guys in unbuttoned linen shirts supping expensive cocktails and generally being gorgeous. Does money buy taste? Judging by the outfits we see on the red carpet in our weekly showbiz gossip web sites the answer is a resounding “no”. Yet why do beautiful people gravitate to the guys with the big wallets? In today´s society money buys you whatever you want. Including a certain type of person. The harsh realization is that the uber rich simply don´t wish to be surrounded by anything less than the physically resplendent; this rule is especially true when it comes to leisure time. When you´re cruising on your multi-million dollar yacht you want to enjoy the view right? Imagine you´re cruising along in crystal blue waters, heading from one amazing island to another, the palm trees coming into view, forgetting for a moment any work related issues as paradise looms on the horizon when “Yeeeargggh!”

What is THAT serving your brightly coloured tropical fruit and tiny umbrella adorned beverage? In the interest of equal opportunities your captain has hired a stewardess with a backside bigger than the aft deck and a face that definitely did not launch a thousand ships. Unless we´re talking cargo tankers. And teeth which resemble, well tombstones. Stop smiling love, you´re putting the guests off their canapés. And you´ve got a little something on your cheek there… no my bad, it´s a mole which appears to have its own personality it´s so damn big. Perhaps it´s something to do with how success is measured; the more money you make the more beautiful people gravitate towards you. Is it fake and false? Oh completely. But who cares when you can walk into a showbiz event with a supermodel on your arm. What would you prefer? You want people to envy you don´t you? Everyone who works on a yacht secretly wants to be as wealthy as the owner, to be in that position of being waited on hand and foot. Or not so secretly actually. I´m sure their land based business operations are equal opportunities all the way (I mean who cares what the guy looks like who´s putting that Pentium processor into your laptop, or on board | winter 2013 | 31

32 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

the woman who comes up with those amazing marketing ideas which´ll only make them richer still) but when they´re on their down-time they want pretty girls and attractive guys around them. Being around gorgeous people seems to enhance the whole experience for them. Yachting has an image to uphold. It´s for the successful, the glossy, the wealthy, the amazing, the upper echelons of society. Not for rednecks. Not for chavs. No tracksuits allowed. Unless we´re talking Juicy Couture in leather. This extends down to the crew. Crew should be young, fit, sporty and easy on the eye as well as being able to do their job well. It´s like watersports instructors, these are people everyone wants to be a little jealous of – how many girls have had crushes on that windsurf guy, that scuba instructor…? How many guys have wanted to be that guy?

In Vogue When that yacht comes into port the owner wants people to stop and stare in awe. Not just at the vessel itself but at the crew standing on deck, the hot young guys throwing fenders out and pulling lines. Nobody wants to see a bespectacled weakling whining that he can´t lift a rope, whatever you say out loud, let´s face it the ladies want to see muscles flexing through those thin white crew shirts. Crew are part of the yacht´s overall perceived image, like it or not. And owners and charterers want to be seen on the best of the best. The head-turners, the jaw droppers. Or knicker droppers depending on the guest. Captain X told us “I´m always embarrassed to call a crew agent for a new stewardess. The owner is very specific; they must always be blonde, no bigger than a size 36, and the taller the better. This is not something I can pop into an email, I have to ask over the phone and cringe every time… fortunately the agents I work with understand but it doesn´t make me feel any better about asking.” This is the industry we live and work in. It´s for beautiful people. Apart from engineers but that´s a different story…. Anyway, who are we to deny that owner what he wants? Rich people get what they like. And if he wants skinny pretty girls, he´ll get them. We have heard people whining about weight discrimination on yachts but come on, yachting is a physically demanding job. Fatties just can´t cut it. If you´re a captain looking to hire a new deckhand presented with a fit active guy and an overweight guy, you´re not going to look twice at the porker. He naturally assumes he´ll get more work out of the fit guy. His stamina

should ensure he´s out on deck working longer, and he won´t be disappearing down into the galley every five minutes searching for cake…. Same on the interior; the girls need to be fit to run around answering the demands of charter guests and owners, fat people just don’t move as quickly. Even engineers who generally have a lot less face time with the guests need to be slim – how else can they fit into the tiny gaps and spaces in the engine room? If they want to be fat then then should go and find a job on a tanker with a big engine room. And a cookie jar. With XL size overalls. Everyone knows this but nobody likes to talk about it. Captain Z told us “I once hired a girl with great experience; luxury hotels, high end restaurant experience the works. But the boss´s wife – yes the wife – came to me and said she wanted her off the yacht. I think her actual words were “I don’t want those chubby fingers getting food stains on my delicates”, so we had to hire a less qualified girl who was pretty and slim.” He then went on to point out “Crew must realize that when it comes to weight it´s a sign that you look after yourself and understand the importance of looking good. Overweight crew naturally appear slovenly, that´s just how it goes. You´re not going to print my name are you?!” Of course not captain…. He has a good point though. Captain Y told us his female boss demands that all her deck crew are hot to trot. Not only can this woman spot a fingerprint on stainless from a hundred paces (actually from the chopper window coming into land), she expects her deck crew to look good whilst they´re buffing and polishing. A well known sailing yacht owner likes his lads to have tattoos as he perceives these guys to look more like tough sailors; he says “Popeye has tattoos doesn´t he?”. See? It´s always about image.

The owner is very specific; they must always be blonde, no bigger than a size 36

Beauty before age In some cases as demonstrated above, it´s not just the owners who want their crew to have a certain looks, it´s the captains. As they age and start to lose their looks a little they want to cement their position by being surrounded by young attractive crew. It makes them feel a bit better and helps them forget about their wrinkly bits. Yachting is fattist, sexist, and looksist. Yes that´s a new word but we´re running with it. Attractiveness equates to success. Fact. This is a glamorous industry and we all have to look the part; if you don´t like it then work ashore… on board | winter 2013 | 33


The Ultimate Mediterranean Destination

photo credit: www.veri.me

Gianluca Devicienti explains that Montenegro, the Mediterranean’s newest country is also one of yachting’s hottest secrets

34 | winter 2013 | on board


country whose name is translated as Black Mountain may not immediately sound appealing to the yachting community. However Crna Gora or Montenegro, as it is better known, has been rather modest about its alluring appeal. Many yachtsmen will be aware that Montenegro has one of the very best and most beautiful marinas in the world: Porto Montenegro. With currently well over 200 berths, and plans to double in size in the near future, Porto Montenegro can cater to every size yacht. With its abundance of high end shopping, restaurants and bars this marina is almost a self contained community. Its level of quality and service needs to be experienced to be properly appreciated.

To Your Advantage

But Montenegro offers so much more to the yachtsman than just a world class marina. For example did you know that, despite being a Euro currency country, Montenegro is actually a non EU country? This can give numerous advantages to the visiting yachtsman including offering duty free fuel for all foreign yachts in any port within Montenegro. It is also a great place to start or end a charter to or from neighbouring Croatia where the cabotage regulations are restrictive to foreign charter yachts. However, the true appeal of Montenegro lies in its breathtaking and unspoilt nature. For example the exquisite Bay of Kotor is one of nature’s maritime masterpieces. This large, complex and beautiful bay is home not only to Porto Montenegro marina but also many other attractions such as the fortified town of Kotor, the historic town of Perast, several iconic island churches and numerous excellent rustic waterfront restaurants. The bay is mostly surrounded by very steep mountains, many rising to over a thousand metres giving it a very fjord like appearance. Just a few miles along the coast to the South lays the glittering Budva Riviera with its sandy beaches, intense nightlife and a remarkable old town. A couple of miles more along the coast we find the emblematic islet of Sveti Stefan recently converted into one of the worlds greatest hotels. In the immediate hinterland of the Bay of Kotor is Lovcen Mountain rising to nearly 1,700m. At the Lovcen summit is the remarkable Mausoleum of Njegoš, an awesome place to visit to gaze down upon most of Montenegro.

Sea And Ski

Kolašin ski resort is very accessible and is surrounded by dense pine forest and scenic mountains. It has a couple of excellent ski hotels and a spa and is well worth the visit. The entire country of Montenegro is increasingly recognized as one of the world’s premier hiking destinations. It is also a top-notch destination for the mountain biker and many other adventure sports. Further inland the famous Tara Canyon is the second deepest canyon in the world after Arizona’s Grand Canyon and is particularly noted as a base for white water rafting. To the South, Skadar Lake is one of Europe’s largest bird reserves and is home to an impressive array of birds such as eagles, storks, falcons, herons and pelicans and many more. Montenegro’s weather in the coastal areas is a pleasant warm Mediterranean climate that verges on being classified as humid subtropical. For more information on yachting in Montenegro contact Montenegro Shipping Agency: info@msa-yachting.me

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baby Ice

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Alf Alderson forsakes his skis and heads beneath the ice to check out the submarine winter world of the Alps


January in Tignes, one of the highest of the French ski resorts, and the snow is cascading down most impressively – indeed, many pistes are closed due to the avalanche danger. So it seems only right and proper to squirm into a drysuit, don an aqualung and slip through a dark, forbidding hole in the frozen waters of Tignes-Le-Lac to avoid the blizzard conditions. Or perhaps not… Either way, that’s what I was doing. Long gone are the days when you came to a ski resort simply to ski, and ice diving is one of the latest options being offered to non-claustrophobic thrill seekers who for one reason or another find themselves kicking their heels in Tignes. Surprisingly, no prior sub aqua diving experience is required to spend twenty minutes or so bumping your head on the underside of a frozen lake, and within five minutes of introducing myself at the small lakeside cabin where the operation is based I was out on the frozen surface of the lake in a full dry suit, while my guide David used one of his flippers to clear away the thin film of ice that had developed over the hole we’d be disappearing through.

In Deep Meanwhile, as snow flakes tumbled around us, David’s companion Alban casually explained how to use the regulator, then wrapped a weight belt around me, slipped fins on my feet and an air tank on my back, pulled a mask and regulator over my face and invited me to slip into the black, frigid water beside David, who would be guiding me on my underwater tour. I can’t say it was the most tempting invite I’ve ever had to get wet, indeed, I could hear both my heart rate and breathing increase markedly inside the confines of my neoprene helmet, but you don’t just sink beneath the surface and start swimming about like a penguin. First of all there’s pressurisation to deal with – which is essentially allowing all the air in your dry suit to escape so you can actually sink. This became a rather elaborate process of raising and lowering arms like an aquatic semaphore signaller until eventually all excess air was expelled and, David holding a firm grip on my weight belt, we sank beneath the surface together. (At this point I should also mention that you’re connected to your instructor by a rope, which is in turn also connected to the surface, so there’s no danger of getting lost beneath the ice – which is a comforting thought.) The first sensation is that of the water squeezing your dry suit against your ribs and making it slightly uncomfortable to breath, which, along with the noise of breathing through the regulator (you’ve seen those Jacques Cousteau films sounds on board | winter 2013 | 37




Le Village des Artisans C 83310 PORT COGOLIN Tél. +33 (0)6 09 68 88 12 Fax. +33 (0)4 94 97 65 01

Just For Sea

just like that) kind of takes your attention away from the submarine scenery. Eventually, however, David gives me a tap on the shoulder and points first to the air bubbles leaving my mouthpiece, and then follows them upwards. He hands me an underwater torch to view them all the better.

Deep Freeze As they hit the underside of the ice the bubbles coalesce then scatter like mini, iridescent Frisbees, racing along the frozen ceiling desperately trying to find somewhere to escape into the atmosphere. Many make it to one of the holes cut in the ice (there are several besides the one we plunged through), but many don’t, and they eventually freeze to create formations not unlike glittering stacks of plates and dishes attached to the bottom of the ice. David invites me to run my gloved hand along the ice’s surface and feel the outline of these formations – in some places air still remains in them, and one end may be open, providing ‘pockets’ to grip and pull yourself along with. Its dark down here – the ice above is covered by a thick layer of snow, blocking out much of the daylight – so the torch comes in useful as David points out various ice formations. This is definitely not an activity for the claustrophobic, I note, as I feel my gaze being constantly drawn towards the shafts of fuzzy blue light that indicate the holes in the ice. I have every faith in my instructor (do I have any choice?) but it just feels better to know where they are. To be honest it’s no time at all before I’m completely disorientated and it’s only thanks to David guiding me around that we make it from one location to another. He shows me areas of the lake’s ice sheet that are just beginning to freeze and attach themselves to the ice above, and its fun to run a hand through them and watch long, clear spicules and sparkling daggers of semi-frozen water bob and clatter against each other. Despite the poor visibility, the shades of ice blue, aquamarine, cool greens and glinting whites puts me in mind of an ice palace for an underwater ice queen – a deep frozen mermaid perhaps? Eventually we surface briefly in a small ‘ice cave’ – a dome in the ice large enough for us both to poke our heads above water yet still remain beneath the lake’s frozen surface. We could be in Antarctica… And yet for all the general frigidness of the whole environment, I wasn’t really feeling too cold. True, I could feel the all enveloping coldness of the water pressing against my drysuit, but since the suit was just that, dry, there was no water actually touching my skin (just as well since I was only wearing a thin base layer) and any sensation of chilliness was more akin to that of having a damp cloth against bare skin than anything else. It wasn’t something you readily get used to though – indeed, like most people I was doing a one-off dive, during the course of which there’s simply no chance to become comfortable or familiar with your surroundings, and by the time our 20-minute tour of Tignes-Le-Lac was over I have to say that I was quite happy to be assisted out of the entrance hole by Albon and breath clear mountain air along with the occasional snowflake. That said, I wouldn’t have missed my trip beneath the ice for anything. It’s not just a different world down there it’s a different universe, about as far removed from the skiers and boarders sliding down the mountains that surrounded us as it’s possible to be. Ice diving costs �80 (�100 for a night time session) with Evolution 2 (www.evolution2.com) based in Tignes and Val d’Isere. on board | winter 2013 | 39

Sound Lights


40 | winter 2013 | on board

The art of installation on board super yachts is changing fast and entertainment-wise means owners only need to see what they want to see when they want to see it but could still have entire libraries, cinema systems, and fullblown nightclubs right at their fingertips, without touching a single switch. Words: Claire Griffiths


That’s it, folks, time’s up. It’s your very last chance to roll your tongue around and, ahhh, relish a whole bunch of bygone words that are heading along a lonely road to that great tome the – The Dictionary of Etymological Dinosaurs’. Lights no longer switch, cameras don’t whirr, purr or click, and for a long time now records don’t scratch, tapes no longer spool into spaghetti mess by evil-minded tape players. Speakers don’t harbor strange sounding ghosts. And you can’t even bang your head on bookends – because there aren’t any. Entertainment and its devices in any form, have gone behind the scenes, but weirdly are now supremely smoother and easier to get at. We’ve moved into a world where the Hi-Tech honchos play hide-and-seek havoc with the Hi-Fi: In a good way. If you want to watch TV, you can – but first you have to find it. It’ll be ‘integrated’ into a cheeky little place and only a smooth touch on your ipad is going to have it pop-up -Hitchcock horror style – and leave you gasping for air and water – both of which are still freely available – if only you can find the right touch on your pad – to get them. But it is good news: Entertainment – the adjustability and access of ambiance, atmosphere, mood-makers, music, film and photos – has now reached extreme levels of sophistication and front- of- house-wise (where you are sitting pretty) has never, ever been simpler or easier to use thanks to extraordinary levels of brain power and acumen round at the ‘back of house’, behind the scenes, where the hi-tech honchos hang out.

Bespoke Neil Grant is Managing Director of Harris Grant Associates, a UK-based practice that creates bespoke audio-visual, IT and security system installations for super-yachts as well as private residences and commercial spaces. Founded in 1983, this design-led business with a strong broadcast and music industry background designed the first full-blown cinema installed on a Feadship in 1996. The company is currently working on delivering two new-builds, both due to launch early this year. Reflecting on a rapidly evolving industry, Grant remembers the days when entertainment systems were velcro’d boxes on a shelf; “Today’s yachts have become floating entertainment systems. And as we predicted a long time ago, enterprise-strength IT systems have become the norm, alongside sophisticated A/V

distribution systems. Client demands for a slicker, friendlier user experience have been driven by companies like Apple. Owners aren’t that interested in behind-the-scenes complexity – they only care about the front end. So we’re seeing more solutions with devices like iPads and touchscreens that are there when you want them, and hidden or disguised when you don’t.” As Grant stresses, there’s a current trend towards taking control of all areas of the yacht. Here, mobile devices are becoming tightly bound to the vessel’s complete audio-visual and IT distribution systems. Nowadays, the only limits are the imaginations of designer and owner. Want to pilot the boat, change watch, drive a 360-degree camera and talk to tenders… all from your smartphone? It’s no problem. “The days of speakers bolted to decks are disappearing”, notes Grant. “Entertainment is becoming simpler for the user, more flexible, more discreet and more elegant. And that’s made possible by the increasing power and complexity of what we can achieve out of sight of the owner.” Rudi Benedikt, founder of PSP Audio- & Video- Technik has this to say on the subject of IOS devices, ‘ The really difficult thing is to keep the surface on the iPad clearly arranged because all these functions need reams of buttons and the surface would be confusing. The ipad can be programmed with so- called macro commands where all single commands are integrated into one button. PSP-AV has developed together with partners Empure an effective interface called KNiX Port – a component to combine all these different network components

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and functions - it will detach all these very expensive single solutions from the past and opens an attractive, cost-efficient market for controlling everything with your ipad or with other remote control systems. It gives the owner the possibility of sitting in a restaurant in front of his yacht to control the underwater lights, gangway, doors, by touching one button in the main entertainment App’. The reason, of course, for hiding audiovisual, IT equipment and all in awfully clever places, is because often they ain’t always (all that) pretty but also it’s a question of space. Miraculously, the Hi-Tech honchos aren’t just clever at IT /AV– they’re really pretty nifty at concealing things. ‘We have a finite space to work with and we need to use the space given efficiently,’ explains Managing Director of PI Marine, Richard Hollander, ‘ We use a lot of lifts to hide technology so it’s there when you need it and not when you don’t. It’s technology on demand. Massive TV screens in your face are a thing of the past. And control of the system is very important. We want technology that doesn’t scare people away. It’s about ease of use, you want to know how to get your music library without re-inventing the wheel and being able to watch what you want, where you want’. Now you can really have a proper ‘movie night’ with better than cinema quality sound and vision – on the yacht – you just need to get the chef to make pop-corn.

In control PI Marine are particularly well known for their ability to control LED lighting: Says Richard Hollander, ‘A lot of traditional integrators are stuck in the AV world. We maintain our roots in AV but push for further integration’. Talking of LED control particularly, he comments; ’We manufacture pre-fabricated panels that allow us to bring onboard controllability through a pre-engineered lighting control panel. It allows us to use front end engineering design theory. We spend a lot of time at the beginning of the project doing the prerequisite engineering and at the end of the project guests will control colour changing LEDs, including light in underwater space with our partnership with OceanLED – something that for many years was difficult to do. These are all things that make the experience on board special and real that complements the on-board lifestyle’. Jeremy Ashibende is Technical Director of AVIT Marine in Palma, a company that specialises in the distribution and installation of high-end Audio Visual Information Technology for superyachts and luxury villas. He says a lot of the changes we see today are thanks to end users becoming more and more technologically savvy. Right now high-definition (HD) distribution is particularly important to have access to throughout the yacht. Streaming is the area that will see the greatest development over the next few years which at the moment still leaves even some of the super-rich baulking at the price; Explains Jeremy; ‘ To access content that is not stored on the yacht like YouTube, Apple TV or Spotify, you need about 1 meg bandwidth per source which is usually not a problem because not everyone needs the bandwidth at the same time. Each meg costs about

PSP PSP offer professional audio and video for Superyachts and smart homes, they have lounged more then 25 Superyachts from 18m up to 160m,9 Superyachts at Lürssen and offers complete planning, installation and surveying of high end entertainment as well as an efficient after sales service. They offer high quality network AoD / VoD solutions, Live TV, BluRay 3D, real Home, 3D Cinemas in any size, Room Control, KNX / LUTRON Lights Control, AC Control, Security, CCTV, DJ Systems as well as complete recording studios on board. They also have a new product line..” Control everything with your iPad “ For more details; Tel: +49 9163 995588 or visit:www.psp-av.de

13,000 euros per month. A client of ours recently installed a dedicated 20 meg bandwidth source so he and his wife could watch Apple TV and HD movies in an instant without waiting for the movie to buffer. He has Apple TV at home, so he wants Apple TV on board the yacht…. ‘ Equally, explains Neil Grant of Harris Grant owners also want the same content of their music, film, photography libraries from their (various) homes to be available on board; ‘Some yacht owners with a proprietorial interest in IT have been doing this for years. But now, owners from other walks of life have the possibility too’. Nowadays owners want areas of the yacht turned into full-blown night clubs with incredible lights and lasers or lights and music that sychronise. They want music studios and cinemas that can all disappear with a single touch and they want their personal ‘entertainment belongings’ with them at all times – and they’re getting it – .There’s nothing the imagination can think up that these back-of-house-boys can’t do.

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AVIT Marine are experts in giving you the edge; with superbly integrated, high-end audio visual solutions to suit your every need. Our installations range from flat screen television mounting to custom-controlled multi-zone systems including home cinema projector screens with full surround sound. We design and manage the complete installation, selecting the right products from brands such as Kaleidescape, Bose, Denon, Linn, Apple, Sharp, Samsung, Creston, AMX, RTI and many more. Bespoke audio visual, IT, communication and remote control solutions are our specialty, so for elite technology to match your lifestyle, make sure that AVIT Marine is your first port of call.

Tel: (+34)971 13 48 07 sales@avitmarine.com www.avitmarine.com

44 | winter 2013 | on board

Sounds with

STYLE The latest and best audio visual gear for superyachts


Kaleidescape disc vaults make it fast and easy to add movies to your system. Insert as many discs as you like and the Kaliedescape disc vault does the rest.The M700 and DV700 disc vaults include a tilt sensor that detects when it is tipped past an unsafe angle and automatically shuts down the component. This is particularly valuable for the marine industry www.kaleidescape.com

bang & olufsen

There is nothing conventional about BeoLab 11. With its compact, tulip-shaped form. A strong sculptural presence and a discreetness that will integrate perfectly into any interior. The days of hiding your subwoofer behind the sofa or in a darkened corner of the room are gone. www.bang-olufsen.com


bang & olufsen

The Beo6 allows you complete control of your music and movie systems, with a touch screenmonitor and Wi-fi connectionallowing easy access menus to whichever B&O device you wish to operate.Measuring 118mm tall, the unit lights up when touched and it can be configured to set zones on the yacht so you can always access the right device if you are moving around the unit. www.bang-olufsen.com

AMX’s award winning Enova DG16 and 32 are the first modular didital media switchers with a built in central controller. They manage and distribute analogue plus digital audio and video including HDMI with HDCP, control and Ethernet without any of the typical problems associated with HDCP authenticated content distribution and switching. www.amx.com

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 45

ski sea To The

46 | winter 2013 | on board

It’s possible that the hardest thing about sailing and skiing along the north coast of Iceland isn’t the logistics, the navigating of rocky shorelines, the beach landings in choppy seas and the long climbs to the summits of various sub-arctic peaks, but pronouncing the place names. Words and pictures: Alf Alderson


On the second day of my adventure here our schooner ‘Hildur’ anchored in Rauðavík Bay before we took the tender ashore to climb a 1129-metre mountain that goes by the entirely unpronounceable name of Skálavíkurhnjúhur. Getting to the top of Skálavíkurhnjúhur is no less demanding than trying to pronounce it, for although there’s no real climbing involved, it’s a long, hard slog of several hours on skis. You may be thinking skis are designed for coming down hills, but when fitted with ski touring bindings and ‘skins’ which attach to the bottom you can also climb on them. Iceland lends itself well to a trip like this, where you use a boat as your base from which to ski. The peaks of the Í Fjörðum region which we were exploring are easily reached in just a few hours sailing from the busy whale watching centre of Húsavík, which despite a modest population of just 2500 souls is one of the largest settlements on Iceland’s north coast. A boat is by far the best way to access Í Fjörðum, a perpetually snowcapped landscape of mountains and moorlands that is virtually inaccessible by vehicle and which has no settlements other than an occasional remote, abandoned farmhouse or an equally remote ‘summer house’ here and there along the shoreline.

Follow my lead

oak schooner this was done in shifts, and once everyone was fully kitted up we lowered skis, poles and rucksacks into the Zodiac tender and headed ashore. Getting out of a bobbing RIB whilst wearing ski boots and carrying a pack isn’t the easiest of ways to start a day’s skiing, and getting back in when there’s a bit of a swell running proved even more difficult on one occasion which saw three of us emptying seawater out of our ski boots when we eventually clambered back aboard the ‘Hildur’ – that’s not something that happens too often in Verbier or Meribel…

Skinning up Once ashore we set off walking towards the snowline, which is usually around 200 metres above. Here we remove skis from packs, attach the skins to the bottom, clip into the bindings and then settle in for several hours off ‘skinning up’ to our chosen summit. This is a slog, but every time we stop for a breather we’re greeted by views of elemental sub-Arctic landscapes – sky, snow, sdea, it’s about as primal and as glorious as it can get and more than repays the effort. And, of course, if you keep climbing for long enough you inevitably reach the summit. Most of the mountains that stand guard along this stretch of Iceland’s north coast top out at around 1000-metres, which means that give or take the couple of hundred metres of snow free slopes at the bottom you’ve earned a descent as long as that in most decent sized ski resorts. But unlike most ski resorts this descent will be with just a handful of friends on untracked spring snow, with no sign of humankind to be seen anywhere other than in the form of the ‘Hildur’, a tiny speck sitting on the deep blue waters of the Greenland Sea far below to eventually welcome us back to warmth and comfort after a long, hooning, grin-inducing descent which almost makes you ready to head back up and do it all again. For now, food, drink and soft slippers prevail – but there’ll be plenty of chance to repeat it all again tomorrow…

It’s about as primal and as glorious as it can get

I was travelling in a mixed group of Canadian and Brit skiers along with ski guide Friðjón Þórleifsson (See, I told you everything is unpronounceable) a man who besides providing the kind of seemingly effortless leadership that is the mark of a top guide also had a seemingly endless stream of jokes with which to regale us as we sat in the galley each evening after a hard day in the hills. None of them are repeatable here… I’d been attracted to Iceland since it offered the chance to ski amongst landscapes that you just don’t find in the Alps or Rockies; where else can you stand atop a mountain and look down on the ocean, the small dot of Flatey Island just offshore, further north the outline of Grímsey Island through which passes the Arctic Circle (and which we’d later sail to, just to say we’d been to the Arctic) beyond which is nothing until the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean? And although ski touring is quite hard work in itself, there was never any rush about going about our daily business, since with almost 24 hours of daylight when I was there in early May it doesn’t really matter what time you head off into the hills – even if you got ‘benighted’ it would only be for about 90 minutes. Our days followed a regular pattern. Rise to bright sunlight glinting on the still waters of whichever bay we’d anchored in for the night, down a huge breakfast and then start getting into our ski kit. In the relatively confined quarters of a 60-foot

Alf Alderson travelled with Bergmenn Mountain Guides (www. bergmenn.com) whose five day ‘Ski to the Sea’ schooner skiing adventure trips cost from 1490 including accommodation and all meals aboard the schooners ‘Hildur’ or ‘Haukur’, ski guiding, transportation Akureyri - Húsavík – Akureyri, use of emergency equipment and communications and rental of glacier travel gear (ropes, harness, crampons). Not included are flights to Iceland and internal flights Reykjavik – Akureyri.

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who’s Providing From the freshest products to the best Thai cookery courses, these guys can meet all your demands. Turnaround Turnaround looks forward to provisioning you in the upcoming 2013 season. Many of you will be having some well-deserved R & R at this time of year, or even getting the yacht into the shipyard for some sprucing up. Turnaround is busy sourcing new products and researching what’s new in the food industry so that they can cater even better to all your special requirements next season including those special essentials for the crews. For more details; Tel: +33 (0) 630 507 940 or Email: turnaroundfrance@gmail.com.

Krua Thai Cookery School

The School is well-known for achieving the highest standards in traditional Thai cookery. Many superyacht chefs aim to impress their clients by offering top notch Thai cuisine by attending Professional Thai cookery and fruit carving at Krua Thai cookery school in Edinburgh. The school has an international reputation and offers flexible training for chefs from superyachts around the world for the past 15 years. For more details Tel:+44 (0)131 664 3036 or visit: www.kruathai.co.uk

Zoom Yachting

There are many benefits to adding a visit to Turkey onto your charter, however, it is vital to make sure you’re connected to a professional and reliable agent. Zoom fits the bill perfectly for your voyage into Turkey’s regions of blue romance. Zoom offers a hand picked team of experienced yachting professionals with many years of experience ready to assist the visiting superyacht with anyone of their many requests. When visiting Turkey it is vital to have dependable relationships with an agent to assist with; yacht clearance, marina/berthing arrangements, bunkering, customs and immigration services, transfer or any other mechanical issues faced whilst in Turkish waters. Tel: +90 (0) 532 371 70 17 info@zoomyachting.com

48 | winter 2013 | on board

Gourmet Deliveries

Gourmet Deliveries is one of the leading Yacht Provisioning companies on the Riviera, based on the Nice Market and on Paris Rungis market and offers a full range of produce for the galley and for the interior. Being true fruit and vegetable specialists from the market, they also provide fantastic meat, fish, caviar, general groceries, Asian, English and Russian specialities, cheeses, frozen foods, breads and pastries, organic produce, professional chef’s products, kosher and halal foods, kitchen equipment… For the interior, they can offer beautiful flowers and flower arrangements, cleaning/household produce, waters, soft drinks, wines and spirits…. All produce is delivered in refrigerated vehicles along the French and Italian Riviera and throughout Europe. They can also deliver worldwide using airfreight (Caribbean, Maldives…). They aim to process all orders within 24 hours. For more details; Tel: +33 (0)6 18 73 80 20 or email:orders@gourmet-deliveries.com

Frangipani New for the 2013 season are these luxurious essential oil towelettes from Herban Essentials in California. Made in the US with the highest quality pure essential oils, they smell amazing and are naturally cleansing. Available in orange (soothing), lavender (calming), lemon (uplifting), peppermint (energising) and eucalyptus (renewing). Pop them in the suncream For more details Email: becky@frangipani.fr for samples.

Kirton & Co.

A family run ship & yacht agency, established in 1884, Kirton and Co prides itself in being a leading superyacht agency in the heart of the Mediterranean in Malta. They are a fully committed, hands on, 24/7 agency providing excellent services to the ever growing, highly demanding superyacht industry. They offer services such as bunkering, berthing facilities, crew changes, stores and supplies as well as dry docking. Their in house knowledge is invaluable and expertise essential in these regions. For more details Tel: (356) 21 238170 / 21 240771 or visit www.kirton.com.mt

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Barcelona Bites On Board’s favourite eateries in Barcelona to fit all palettes and pockets

DOS PALILLOS The ex-head chef of El Bulli offers an exquisite dining experience. A fusion of Spanish and Japanese creations acts as the in-house restaurant of the hip Casa Camper design hotel. There are 12 seats around an intimate u-shaped kitchen to place you in the heart of the action or you can try your luck securing a seat in their tiny cocktail bar. Advance bookings essential! €€€€€ C/ Elisabets, 9 08001 Tel: +34 (0) 933 040 513

50 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

CAN MAJO Offers varying dining spaces to suit your mood with an effervescent atmosphere with views to die for from the terrace. Mainly serving seafood together with an impressive wine list that offers fine dining at a good price. Popular with locals and visitors alike, you can’t go wrong. €€ c/ Almirali Aixada, 23, Barceloneta, 08003 Tel: +34 (0) 932 215 455

CAL PEP If you like Tapas you need go no further. Look for the queues and try to go for one of the coveted bar stools. Great wine lists, great staff, amazing selections of tapas and a buzzing atmosphere make this a must all action dinning experience. Do not miss this gem. € Place Olles, 8, Born Tel: +34 (0) 933 107 961

BAR LOBO Cool, fun all day dining. A glass of wine and a tapas or two on the outdoor terrace is the perfect place to while away an hour or two. The bar is more about aesthetics than the food. Upstairs is a Japanese restaurant that turns into a night club in the evening. Cool and relaxed - enjoy. € C/ Pintor Fortuny, 3 08001 Tel: +34 (0) 934 815 346

FONDA GRAIG Stress-free brasserie with a cool, cozy dining area featuring red leather armchairs. A sumptuous place to settle in for a long and indulgent meal. Traditional Catalan food served in hearty portions. Impeccable service, and a stylish setting for a business lunch or dinner or casual dining with friends. Always busy so book in advance. €€€ Còrsega 200, 08036 Tel: +34 (0) 934 532 020

COVA FUMADA An authentic, family-run Barcelona tapas bar. A small bodega located in an old wine cellar, furnished with rustic wooden barrels and original marble chairs. The open kitchen serves typical Mediterranean fare creating a relaxed atmosphere. Arrive early to secure a table for lunch or dinner, otherwise be prepared to share a table or stand with Barcelona’s locals as the small dining room fills up quickly. €€ Calle del Baluart, 56, Barceloneta, 08003 Tel: +34 (0) 932 214 061

Crayfish, tomato and black olives cannelloni Blanc Restaurant & Brasserie Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona

FRESH PASTA 250 gr bread flour 175 gr egg yolk 8 gr salt Mix all the ingredients and knead together with the egg yolk, knead the dough until it is smooth, firm. Set aside for around three hours. Stretch with a pasta machine and cut into 10cm by 10cm squares. Cook in salted water for 2 minutes and let it cool. OLIVE CRUNCH Olive oil Filo pastry Olive tapenade Cut filo pastry rectangles of 20cm by 20cm . Brush them with olive oil and a little bit of olive tapenade. Roll and place on an oven tray. Bake at 180ºC for 7 minutes. CANDIED TOMATO 8 medium sized ripe tomatoes 50gr black olives from Aragon Olive oil Blanch and peal the tomatoes. Remove tomato seeds. Remove olive bones and chop them. Cook together with the olive oil on a low flame keeping an eye on it until candied. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE 150gr melted butter 2 egg yolks 4 crayfish 1 teaspoon of lemon juice Whip all the ingredients together and add the butter slowly. METHOD Clean the crayfish and place them in the grill. Lay out the pasta squares and fill them with the candied tomato and crayfish. Roll and place in a plate. Decorate with a line of Hollandaise sauce.

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smell the coffee

In a world obsessed by Nespressso, the Diva coffee machine from Casa Bugatti is clearly a cut above the competition. Designed by Andreas Seegatz the Diva’s good looks mean it is far too desirable to be hidden away in the galley, especially when you consider the array of finishes available. I addition to the standard chrome, red, black or white, there is also an iridescent range encrusted with Swarovski crystals or dressed in blue denim. But our favourite is the version clad in full-grain Italian leather www.casabugatti.com €1,100

High tech gadgets. You may not need them, but you could certainly get used to them. Waffling on

Produce endless amounts of stick waffles with this stylish and durable Waffle Maker. It’s easy to use with a digital temperature control and timer for total control. Cooking time is just 3 minutes and the rotating cast iron plate makes up to 6 perfect waffles at a time. www.jmposner.co.uk €950

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Not only can you get the unique ‘cup’ design of the Cascade chocolate fountains, now you don’t need to limit your clients to one flavour of chocolate. Offer a premium service to your customers and differentiate yourself from the competition with a chocolate fountain unlike any other. www.jmposner.co.uk €3,200

Having your cake

The Fatman is a folding cake stand designed by Marcel Wanders who has focused his attention on the object’s decoration, creating a kind of colourful suit in which to dress the cake stand. This aspect makes the object versatile,closed, it is a table sculpture;open it becomes a multi-tier cake stand for table service. www.alessi.com €215

in the mix

Roband Milkshake Mixers are the ideal machines for making perfect thickshakes or milkshakes every time. The new Saturn Beater produces extra fluffy shakes using minimal ingredients, time after time. Merging style, power and performance these mixers are a must for the galley www.metcalfecatering.com €150


Le Nid was created by Christian Ghion and Michelin star awarded, star chef Pierre Gagnaire. The project is aimed at meeting the needs of its preparation in the kitchen, of serving it at the table and of its individual consumption.Le Nid is composed of a container, a trestle and a ring. Made of stoneware, it is possible to use the container in the oven and in a bain-marie, using the steel ring as a support. Then, when it’s time to serve, the container is placed on a stainless steel perch that keeps it raised off the plate, for reasons of both convenience and to properly highlight the preparation. www.alessi-shop.fr €40 ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 53

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23/02/2012 2:40:32 PM



On Board recommends a few different varieties of these invertebrate crustaceans to serve up over the coming season

It’s all about the lobster at the moment, and it’s having something of a renaissance right now. Lobster has become increasingly available to the masses, so take advantage and give the people some Lobster Lovin’.

Lobster Corn Dogs

Tricky and laborious to make, these can make show stopping and eye catching canapés for a casual soirée. Involving making a lobster ‘dog’ out of lobster meat, coating in a corn batter, then frying for 3-4 minutes, they really are worth the effort. Truffled Lobster Hollandaise as a dipping sauce will have the words “wow” being uttered by all on board. We recommend Steve Corry’s recipe on www.delish.com for guidance on making these tricky puppies. Woof.

Tempura Lobster/Lobster Fritti

Crisp batter can be a most heavenly foil for lobster, and the meat is chunky enough to handle a bit of high heat in the fryer too. Mix 00 flour with sparkling mineral water until it’s a sticky batter (lumps are good, and will help the crimping process), and fry at 170C/325 until golden, about 3-5 minutes. A dipping sauce of soy, ginger, rice wine vinegar and a bit of sugar works extremely well.

Lobster Mash

The most humdrum of ingredients mixed with one of the most sought after gourmet treats puts a different spin on the potato. Buttery mash spiked with chunks of sweet lobster, some of the cooking jus used to give it all an extra ‘lobstery’ kick. Potatoes have never had it so good.

Lobster Roll

Decadence personified and and luxuriously tasty, putting your precious lobster meat in a toasted brioche roll takes out all that messy shell snapping and digging for the sweet meat. Mixed with a generous dose of mayonnaise, it’s the perfect on board snack.

Lobster Cocktail

Taking the humble prawn cocktail to new levels, pimping your average prawn cocktail with a bit of the good is being seen increasingly in cities across the world. Jump on board the the trend.

Whole Lobster

It’s the classic method but it remains a classic for the best reasons, and a whole cooked lobster is a head turning sight on any table. Some warm butter on the side for dipping, and a glass of Champagne to hand - does it get any better?

Lobster Thermidor

This old school classic has been making a comeback, driven by the proliferation of steak restaurants in the UK focusing on a ‘Surf ‘n’ Turf menu. A creamy mixture of cooked lobster meat, egg yolks, English mustard and a splash of brandy, stuffed back into a lobster shell and placed under a grill. An optional extra is to finish with a cheesy crust, typically Gruyère.

Mayonnaise: A kebab-shop staple it may be, but the culinary potential of the world’s premier emulsion should not be underestimated Origins: There is much disagreement over the origins of mayonnaise. Some say it originated in the French city of Bayonne and was known as Bayonnaise, while others insist it takes its name from ort Mahon on the Baleric island of Minorca (Mahonaise). Marie-Antoine Careme, an early practitioner of the haute cuisine, claimed that the word derived from the French verb ‘ manier’, to stir.

Health & Safety: Traditionally, mayonnaise is made with raw egg yolks but most chefs favour prepasteurised liquid egg yolk. Vinegar and extra virgin olive oil create a difficult environment for bacteria but mayonnaise should still be treated as highly perishable. Make small batches, keep refrigerated, and don’t keep for more than a few days.

Bet you didn’t know: Artisan, unrefined olive oils make for great-tasting mayonnaise when mixed with a neutral oil but can often cause the mayonnaise to split a couple of hours after being made. The delayed disintegration is well known in Italy. Where the sauce is said to “go crazy” (impazzaire)

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27.11.12 08:03


he Hotel Metropole is a crucial part of Venice both past and present and with an innovative approach to cuisine it’s clear that the The Met is leading the way. Breaking with tradition, Tra’Contemporary cuisine, an exciting gastronomic experience has launched at the Met Restaurant at the Hotel Metropole in Venice giving diners the choice of a traditional Italian and Veneto menu or a contemporary interpretation of the same flavours. Both menus combine the best local produce, from the freshest seafood to succulent Italian Piemonte beef and changes seasonally offering a wide variety of choices. It’s the best of both worlds. The Metropole caters to visiting luxury yachts by providing a personal “Chef Onboard” experience. For visiting yachts it’s the perfect way to explore Veneto cuisine while docked in Venice. The bespoke menu, first proposed by the Chef is then prepared and cooked onboard by his staff with options for either the traditional or contemporary menu tailor-made for the most discerning palate.

Nothing Left to Chance

at the Hotel Metropole Gemma Lawson samples the delights of The Hotel Metropoles Tra’Contemporary cuisine

The Old And New

Developed by Oscar Cavellera, an expert food consultant and Marco Fallani, the personable and knowledgeable maître d who offered an in-depth and interesting explanation to the concept of Tra’Contemporary cuisine, the ideal experience is to sample the tasting menu. It’s the perfect opportunity for two diners to compare and contrast the two cuisines side by side. And so my companion and I did just that! A delightful amuse bouche arrived first. Delicate crispy turbot served with a light cream sauce flavoured with black tea. It was the perfect bite-sized start to what promised to be an interesting meal. Through the subsequent four courses we enjoyed interesting combinations of flavours sparking lively conversation as we discussed the merits of the traditional versus contemporary menus. From a traditional ravioli filled with potato, cinnamon, ricotta and cocoa, the flavours harkening back to the past when leftover spices were used from the bottom of the traders’ bags returning home to Venice, to the deconstructed version where a savoury cocoa gnocchi melted in the mouth, a light white fish combined with grapes and crunchy breadcrumbs combined perfectly. It was a unique and delicious experience.

Delicate And Succulent

Perhaps the highlight of the meal however was the delicate and succulent Piemonte beef. The traditional version featured shoulder of beef braised in a barolo wine sauce for eight hours while the contemporary option was simply the same exquisite beef cooked shabu-style and served with a rich, viscous barolo reduction. Paired with Marco’s wine suggestion, a full-bodied Barolo, it was a decadent course and captured the concept of Tra’Contemporary cuisine perfectly. Replete after several delicious courses we strolled from the intimate surroundings of the restaurant through the Gallery where we viewed the impressive private collection of fine art and antiques, From one of the largest Italian collections of crucifixes to 19th century mother-of-pearl visiting card holders, nutcrackers and corkscrews, there’s something of interest for everyone, the Metropole is an interesting juxtaposition of old and new and nothing reflects that better than Tra’Contemporary cuisine.

Executive Chef Luca Veritti

Perfectly Cooked Turbot

Located on the Grand Canal, steps away from the Piazza San Marco, the Hotel Metropole is one of the Grand Dames of Venice. For a hotel whose mantra is “Nothing is left to Chance” it’s clear that they haven’t left anything to chance as they continue to break with tradition and explore new ground both on dry land and onboard. on board | winter 2013 | 57


When it comes to fizz, Jamie Goode points out that there is a striking division between Champagne and the rest.


Champagne has it all. It has sexiness, exclusivity, it’s associated intimately with celebration, and it’s expensive. From some of the highest yielding vineyards in the world, the grapes that make Champagne would make horrid still wines. But the magical transformation of the second fermentation in bottle, and the interaction of the newly fizzy wine with the dead yeast cells (called ‘lees’), creates something soughtafter, delicious and exclusive. This makes Champagne grapes a valuable commodity, and in turn means that a grower in the Champagne region who has just a couple of hectares of vines can make a very good living.

Making A Difference

Aside from Champagne we have a whole range of different sparkling wines, many of them delicious and compelling, but which are all lumped together in the rather unglamorous ‘sparkling wine’ category. Sadly, these fizzes are seen very much as the budget alternative – good enough, but only really for those who can’t afford (or justify) the real thing. There’s a rather stark division, and the dominance of the sparkling wine world by Champagne has really stifled the whole category. Of late, this strictly binary division – Champagne and the rest – has begun to change. Of course, Champagne is still at the top. But sparkling wines from other places are beginning to develop a reputation of their own. People are able to enjoy them without feeling they are missing out on the real thing, and they are serving them confidently, not trying to hide the label. It’s a slow start, and who knows

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where it will lead. Will Champagne one day lose its pole position and be just another type of sparkling wine? Leading the vanguard is Prosecco. Prosecco has been booming in recent years, to the point where demand is beginning to outstrip supply. It comes from northern Italy, it’s affordable, and it’s even quite fashionable. Fruitier and less acidic than Champagne, Prosecco is also easier to drink, and many people prefer the flavour of Prosecco to the more austere, cerebral charms of the Real Thing. Prosecco is fun, which is the first duty of sparkling wine, so it’s alright by me. It comes in different quality levels, beginning with basic Prosecco, then … and then at the top of the tree Valdabbiodene. Elsewhere in Italy the other high quality sparkling wine is Franciacorta. It can be really good, but it’s rarely seen over here.

Down Under

I’m quite a fan of Australian and New Zealand sparkling wine. It’s typically affordable, fruity and well balanced. Try the likes of Green Point, by Domaine Chandon in Australia, and see if you agree. In New Zealand Deutz (pricier) and Lindauer (cheaper) are both brilliant. The wine regions in New Zealand tend to be a bit cooler and therefore produce fresher fizz with higher acidity, which takes them closer to Champagne than other new world fizzes. I have a soft spot for New Zealand Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc, which I think is a fabulous invention (it has only been made for a couple of years), showing off the fruity characteristics of Sauvignon in a joyous way.

Don’t forget French non-Champagne sparkling wines. Known as Cremants, good examples come from Bourgogne, Alsace, the Loire and even the Jura. They’re usually less fruity than Prosecco and Aussie/Kiwi sparklers, but they often represent good value. These wine regions are a little bit warmer than Champagne, so the make sparkling wines with a bit more fruit and a touch less acidity. Quality can vary with producer, and there are lots of them, so it is difficult to give specific recommendations. The most famous non-Champagne sparkler is Cava, and it’s still struggling a bit. The advantage is that most Cava is staggeringly cheap, and it won’t make you gag even if you’ve only shelled out £4 for a bottle. Cava is made by the traditional Champagne method, so it isn’t all that cheap to produce, so I wonder how they manage to knock it off so inexpensively. The good Cavas are fresh, a bit citrusy, and fruity. My only problem is that some of them have a slightly resinous, bitter edge to them that can be a bit awkward. But I am being fussy. It’s not enough to distract most drinkers, who enjoy the fact that with Cava they can have bubbles at an everyday price. Recently, Cava producers have tried to go upmarket, with cuvees to compete with less expensive Champagnes. Some

of them are pretty good, but I have yet to taste many Cavas that I’d buy for their intrinsic qualities as opposed to their bubbles and appealing prices.

Affordable Fizz My insider tip for affordable non-Champagne fizz? It’s South Africa, and their MCCs (Méthode Cap Classiques). I’ve been really impressed of late by the quality of traditional method sparkling wines from South Africa, which are almost invariably quite affordable, and frequently offer a bit more complexity than most new world sparklers. In some ways, it’s a bit surprising that an essentially warm-climate growing area should be able to make good fizz, but try the likes of Graham Beck, Krone or Pongracz and I reckon you’ll be impressed. There’s something about sparkling wine that’s fun, and it’s great that there are so many Champagne alternatives. Still, however, most fizzes that don’t come from Champagne suffer from the taint of being seen as a cheap substitute, and this casts a long shadow over the whole category. There are signs that this is changing, which can only be a good thing. Fizz is fun, and we should all be drinking more of it.

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flag The


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When it comes to choosing a state nationality for a super yacht there are so many flag states to choose from, it’s hard to know which one is going to flutter finest on the stern of a yacht. Claire Griffiths tries to find out.


Flags have got to be one of the most emotive symbols ever designed by humankind. Like no other image they conjure up deep-seated feelings you never knew you had that range from a spine-tingling, inexplicable sense of pride and belonging to a dark, black hatred for 1000 year old wrongs that have been never been righted. Unlike humankind for whom it takes years of good citizenship, tax-paying, and patriotic proof to change nationality – super yacht owners can choose the nationality of their yacht more or less by pointing a finger and saying; ‘That’s a pretty flag, I’ll have that one’. And quite right too – there’s nothing prettier than a pretty flag flapping prettily in a breeze. But bless my pretty little flapping flag, if things aren’t as simple as they first appear. Oligarchs from Georgia or Barons from Bolivia would do well to leave that patriotism the other side of the passerelle. Why? Well one reason is because the Port State Control Authorities deem some flags prettier than others – and the wrong colour flag will mean more inspections, more detailed accounts following inspection visits and a lot more hassle getting onto dry land. And it’s not just the Port State Control that cares about the colour of your flag – charterers, underwriters and banks all want to feel confident that your yacht is regulated by a reputable and responsible flag state. Even pretty little flapping flags suffer from the knowledge that there’s always another flag that is prettier (more reputable) flapping not far away. The Beauty Pageant for flapping flags is largely based on the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) White List that details countries who show full compliance with the STCW Convention and Code and the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU) whose mission is to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonized system of port State control . The Paris MoU publishes a list each year of white, grey and black (WGB) listed countries. Yachts flying black listed flags can expect prejudice, almost certain inspections and even detentions when entering white

listed ports. The most recent Paris MoU list was published in July 2012 and on the “White, Grey and Black list” for 2011 a total number of 80 flags listed: 43 on the “White list”, 20 on the “Grey list”, and 17 on the “Black list”. Explains the press release following the new WGB List; ‘The “White List” represents quality flags with a consistently low detention record. Compared with last year, the number of flags on the “White List” has increased by 1 flag to a total number of 43 flags. New on the “White List” are the Faroe Islands (DK), Vanuatu, Latvia and the Islamic Republic of Iran, which were still on the “Grey List” last year. Germany has been placed highest on the list in terms of performance. The next in line of the best performing flags in 2011 are Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Flags with an average performance are shown on the “Grey List”. Their appearance on this list may act as an incentive to improve and move to the “White List”. At the same time flags at the lower end of the “Grey List” should be careful not to neglect control over their ships and risk ending up on the “Black List” next year. On this year’s “Grey List” a total number of 20 flags is recorded. Last year the “Grey List” recorded 24 flags. New on the “Grey List” is Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which was last year still on the “Black List”. Kazakhstan and India dropped from the “White List” to the “Grey List”. The poorest performing flags are Libya, Bolivia and Togo. New on the “Black List” are the flags of Honduras and Dominica (medium risk). With 1,327 inspections and 152 detentions the ships flying a “black listed flag“ score a detention rate of 11.45%. For ships flying a “grey listed flag” the detention rate is 7.11% (1,181 inspections, 84 detentions) and ships flying a “white listed flag” 2.65% (16,829 inspections and 446 detentions)’. The Red Ensign (or “Red Duster”) originated in the early 17th century as a British ensign flown by the Royal Navy and was later adopted specifically by British merchantmen to be flown as the civil ensign of the British merchant fleet.

on board | winter 2013 | 61

QU a n ‘Lo d AL w Pa SHI Ri ris P2 sk M 1 ’ s oU ta tu s

A Flag respected for its Quality and Service • Online seafarers’ documentation • On all regional MoU Whitelists • Stable Democratic Government • Active Shipowners Association

• IMO Council Member

NEW YORK Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: +(1) 212 829 0221 Fax: +(1) 212 829 0356 E-mail: newyork@bahamasmaritime.com

LONDON 120 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AR, UK Tel: +(44) 20 7562 1300 Fax: +(44) 20 7614 0650 E-mail: reg@bahamasmaritime.com

NASSAU Shirlaw House, 87 Shirley Street, P.O. Box N-4679, Nassau, Bahamas Tel: +(1) 242 356 5772 Fax: +(1) 242 356 5889 E-mail: nassau@bahamasmaritime.com

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• Inspectors worldwide • Established Legal System • One of the world’s leading registers

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14/11/2012 11:53

The Red Ensign Group of British Shipping Registers remains one of the most popular flags and is made up from the United Kingdom, the Crown Dependencies (Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey) and the UK Overseas Territories (Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, St Helena and the Turks & Caicos Islands) which operate shipping registers from their jurisdiction. Any vessel registered in the UK, a Crown Dependency or UK Overseas Territory, is a “British ship” and is entitled to fly the Red Ensign flag. The Red Ensign Fleet represents 3,959 vessels of 46,561,241gross tonnage (based on statistics from May 2011) and ranks itself 6th in size of the World’s largest registers. Panama, Liberia, the Marshall Islands, Bahamas, Singapore head up the list.

The difference The Cayman Islands is the largest yacht register in the world and has a global reputation for reliability and responsibility as does Gibraltar and companies such as Integral Maritime Solutions (IMS), based in Luxembourg, who are regularly in contact with Registrations, insurance, sales and purchase brokers and help with yacht registration and selecting the flag that will suit you best and help with obtaining registration certificate, deletion certificate, change of ownership, name and port as well as renewals and amendments to Certificates of Registry and statutory certificates. But the days when the best known were always the best (for you) are behind us and surges in efforts to improve super yacht customer service and control mean that flag standards across the board – for white listed countries – are not exactly much of a much-ness, but are moving that way and since all yacht owners are different with different criteria – reliable choices from the box of pretty little flags continue to grow. Mr. John Samuel, Director of Shipping for the VIRGIN ISLANDS SHIPPING REGISTRY has no trouble in citing the benefits of registering your yacht VI and rattles off his reasons with a soothing confidence– the islands are a well governed, established offshore politically stable jurisdiction with competitive registration and annual maintenance fees and is party to all relevant International Maritime Conventions. It also has up-to-date maritime legislation based on English Common Law with excellent mortgage protection. He also cites the in-house technical expertise and benefits from a worldwide support network of surveyors including the seven

IACS Classification Societies and other approved certified authorities. The Virgin Islands is a Category 1 Red Ensign Group member which entitles vessels registered under its flag to be British. Adds Mr Samuel, ‘The V.I. Shipping Registry offers prompt, efficient and courteous service with a fully computerized ship information database, The Virgin Islands has a strong marine heritage and specializes in yacht registration’. Recently the VI Shipping Registry added White Bay and Gorda Sound as additional choices for a VI shipping registration. These quite beautiful and prestigious anchorages in the BVI, are in addition to the existing registration port of Road Harbour. Advises Mr Samuel, ‘Choosing the right registry is a simple but important part of yacht purchase or building. If you select well from the beginning, the relationship can be a long, profitable and comfortable one, which enables owners to identify and overcome potential difficulties with minimal effort’. ‘’Yachts Are Simply Better with The Bahamas’’, claims the Bahamas Maritime Authority literature and although not a Red Ensign Flag State still has plenty to offer discerning yacht owners. Explains Stephen Keenan, Deputy Director of the BMA; ‘ The Bahamas is on the white lists of all of the regional Port State Control MoUs, is considered a “low risk” flag in Paris MoU and is qualified for the US Coastguard’s Qualship21 initiative’.

Advantages The Bahamas also has a sturdy wealth management industry, an advantageous tax regime, great port and marine services as well as ambitious expansion plans throughout the archipelago for marina resort developments and larger boat slips for the world’s biggest boats. It has also published a Bahamas Yacht Code which is based on the UK’s Large Yacht Code and will be revised to reflect LYC 3 changes. Another advantage is that owners who wish to change into, out of or between the ‘Commercial’ and ‘Non-Commercial’ status of their yacht can do so with ease by making an appropriate declaration of use that is acknowledged and returned to the yacht for attachment to the vessel’s documents and means owners do not have to amend or renew the registration document every time they wish to change the declared status. It all brings us full circle in a way, - once you’ve checked the reliability, responsibility, reputation and Paris MoU and IMO ratings, checked if you can live with the VAT and tax implications of the flag state – you actually can, quite safely, - pick a flag – simply because it’s pretty.

British Virgin Islands The BVI is known worldwide for its premier yachting - amazingly clear waters, stunning white-sand beaches, sheltered harbours and point-of-sight sailing between sixty small islands and cays.The BVI is also known as a Red Ensign Category One Superyacht Register with prompt, courteous, efficient service, and the highest international standards of transparency and regulations.The Virgin Islands Shipping Registry is party to all relevant International Maritime Conventions and boasts up-to-date maritime legislation providing excellent mortgage protection. Our fleet is supported through our worldwide network of technical experts, and our standards and service monitored by our team of BVI and London based surveyors. For more details; Tel: :+1 284 468 2902 or visit: www.vishipping.gov.vg

Gibraltar Gibraltar has been involved in yacht registration for over 60 years and is expanding its services to the registration of super yachts. As an internationally recognized, high quality registry providing an efficient and cost-effective service, it is an ideal choice for yacht owners who want the confidence of belonging to a British Register and flying the Red Ensign. They have an experienced and dedicated team offering good customer service and assistance in the registration of these yachts, as well as specialized surveyors available to carry out the necessary surveys, and inspections for the issue of certificates showing compliance with both, LY2 and the Passenger Yacht Code. For more details Tel: +(350) 200 78343 or visit: www.gibmaritime.com/yachts.php

That’s It Tailor made yacht registration in European and Offshore jurisdictionsis That’s It’s first job.Fully complying with the VAT Package, effective since 1st of January 2010, they handle all mechanisms of VAT exemptions or refunding, applying to the acquisition or the operation of your yacht for both commercial or private use. In cooperation with your personal advisors, That’s It organizes modular and cost-effective packages, providing all services required by a yacht. For more details Tel: + (352) 26 20 34 22 or visit www.thatsit.lu

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venice guide Realto Bridge


Doges Palace

Peggy Guggenheim Museum

Where to stay Hotel Palazzo Barbarigo Sultry, sexy and sleek. Overlooking the Grand Canal in the heart of the action. Set within a stunning palazzo dating back to 1569, the beautifully restored facade contrasts seamlessly with the contemporary interiors within. www.palazzobarbarigo.com | €€ Tel: +39 (0) 41 740172 Casa Uscoli If you fancy a sneak peak into one of Venice’s breathtaking grand aristocratic residences, this is your man. The decor is a blend of Art Deco and contemporary minimalism, with furnishings limited to an antique piano, cutting-edge lighting and designer seating. www.casauscoli.com | €€ Tel: +39 (0) 41 241 0669

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A total of 118 islands go to make up this wondrous city – go explore! Palazzina Grassi A relatively new 5-star hotel. The 16th century palace has received a sophisticated facelift by legendary French designer Phillipe Starck. Sip a glass of champers at the hotel’s in-house Krug tasting room. www.palazzinag.com | €€€€ Tel: +39 (0) 41 5284644

Ca Maria Adele One of the most romantic boutique hotels in Venice. Set within a 16th century Palazzo overlooking a leafy canal in Dorsoduro. Fourteen individually themed rooms are spread over four floors. Adults only – no kids please! www.camariaadele.it | €€€€ Tel: +39 (0) 41 5203078

After dark Harry’s Bar If you’re only going to have one cocktail (Bellini) get yourself into Harry’s Bar. Not changed one bit over the past few decades, classically stylish interiors, wooden furnishings and low-ceilings. Just sit back sip your drink and think of yesteryear. www.harrysbarvenezia.com | €€€€ Tel: +39 (0) 41 528 5777

Essential information:

Alla Vedova Tucked away in a tiny backstreet, is a favourite Venetian Bacaro. Stand at the bar and snack upon their selection of cicchetti while sampling their delicious wines served in a tiny “piccolo” glass. Don’t miss their signature polpetti meatballs! Tel: +39 (0) 41 528 5324 | € B-Bar Having been a cult night-spot in the 1970s, the Bauer Hotel’s iconic B-Bar is still one of the most popular lounge bars in Venice. Spot the celebs in the 1950s inspired interior of marble floors, gold walls and cosy lounge chairs. www.bauervenezia.com | €€€€ Tel: +39 (0) 41 5207022 Paradisco Perduto Tucked away in a quiet area of the picturesque Cannareggio district, it’s all about good wine, a warm atmosphere and live music. Open until the early hours of the morning, its best to arrive early if you want to grab a seat amidst the crowd and settle in for some cool sounds. Tel: +39 (0) 41 720581 | €

Eating and drinking The Met The ultimate Venetian fine dining experience. Chef Corrado Fasolato has turned the Michelin starred eatery into a world class restaurant. The service is exemplary, but the price tag doesn’t come cheap. Bookings essential, go splash some cash! Tel: +39 041 52 050 44 | €€€€€ La Zucca Fancy a change from seafood-dominated restaurants? This is a welcome respite with an innovative menu of classic Italian dishes along with plenty of light, vegetarian-friendly flavours. Meat-lovers never fear, plenty for you here as well. Bookings advised. Tel: +39 (0) 415 241 570 | €€

The Realto Market Enjoy a delicious selection of bite sized tastes such as polpetti meatballs, frito misti and tramezzini. A choice of eateries to suit all tastes and budgets. A great view and superb wine selections all Al fesco! Tel: +39 (0) 41 72 41 035 | € Alle Testiere Tucked away in a quiet side street near the Rialto Market. With only nine wooden tables, charmingly rustic and a raging success. Menus change daily (sometimes hourly) where everything from the pasta to the fresh gelato is made by hand. Excellent wine lists. Bookings essential. Tel: +39 (0) 415 227 220 | €€

Culture Gondola tour You can’t go to Venice and not take a trip around the waterways. A unique way to see this incredible city. Not cheap but haggle and you can get a decent trip for under €80 Peggy Guggenheim Collection Breathtaking works of over 200 contemporary artists, including Picasso, Pollock & Calder. Basilica San Marco This highly ornate Byzantine Basilica is one of the city’s icons and serves as the Doge’s chapel, the resting place of St. Mark. Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Venice’s spectacular Gothic church with a vast art collection. Doge’s Palace The Gothic powerhouse of Venice’s rulers for over 900 years.

45º 25.93’N/12º20.99’E e: info@veniceyachtpier.com w: www.veniceyachtpier.com Tel: +39 (0)415334177 Maximum length: 165m Depth of water in berths: 5.5m No. of berths: no limit Ambulance: 118 Fire: 115 Police: 113 EU Emergency: 112 Provisioning & Yacht Services: All Services +39 (0)184533533 Catalano Shipping Services +39 (0)41 5098011

Essential Venice St Mark’s Basilica: Beautiful inside and out. A truly spectacular church – even if you don’t like churches. St Mark’s Square: Especially when it’s empty after a late night, perfect for a intimate stroll with your loved one. Gondola Tour. Dig deep get it done, try to pick a decent guide with a voice. This is the only way to see Venice. Doge’s Palace. A hefty admission fee but well worth it. A walk over the Bridge of Sighs. A tour of the criminal courts offers a fascinating insight into the workings of past powers. Grand Canal and Realto Bridge: The iconic bridge that’s sits across the central and vibrant Grand Canal. Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari: Venice’s spectacular Gothic church with a vast collection of art works. Realto Markets: A short stroll around the market stalls will hit every sense in your body. The food market is truly spectacular and the buzz phenomenal. Aperotivo Time: Join the cool crowd and grab a table facing the canal and just watch the world go by! A pure delight. Gelato Tasting: Hit anyone of the many ice cream shops and don’t think of your waist line, just dig in. Get Lost! Nothing personal here, just a great way to discover the city. It won’t take long either and you’ll be totally captivated.

on board | winter 2013 | 65

six of the best CAM AND GO

With these high definition video cameras you can capture favourite moments and they will look just as good as the professional movies.


This headcam serves up 1080p video with simple, intelligent operation, waterproofing to 10m and live streaming to your smartphone via the Wi-Fi Podz accessory. You get loads of mounts included and the slick design is the icing on top of this bullet-shaped cake. www.iontheaction.com €315

2 3 1 SONY NEX-VG20 Not only is this the best looking camcorder on the market, it also adds a higher bitrate for glitch-free footage,incredible 5.1 sound, and 1080p@60fps video shot on a 16.1MP APS HD Exmoor sensor. Chuck in superb stills, comprehensive manual controls, great RAW skills and refinements including enhanced grips and a second record button, and you’ve got the best camcorder around. www.sony.com €2,125

66 | winter 2013 | on board

LIQUID IMAGE SUMMIT HD VIDEO The Summit HD is a 720p video camera crossed with a pair of ski goggles. Unlike most action cams, there’s no need to mess around with fiddly mounts and it’s similarly easy to operate. Footage is good rather than great, though. www.liquidimageco.com €195



The Infinity brings something new to the action cam party: interchangeable lenses. In addition to the standard lens, which shoots with an angle of 127 in 1080p and170 in 720p, CamOne will be releasing 142 and 96 lenses. With a live view LCD screen, dual micro SD slots, a 5MP sensor, LED flash, HDMI and a soon-to-bereleased Wi-Fi unit for long-distance control, the infinity squeezes a lot into a compact package, In fact, you could go as far as to say that this camera has all the angles covered. www.camonetec.com €265

With a 3in touchscreen, 1080p@25fps video skills, HDMI out and three time-lapse modes, the Picsio is well specced for it’s size. Quality of footage is good-although it’s not the strongest performer in the dark, but it is a bit of a bargain www.jvc.com €95

456 GOPRO HD HERO 2 OUTDOOR EDITION The Hero has been fully updated, gaining new mounts, new processing smarts and new skills including adjustable field of view and 10fps stills burst shooting. With it’s hugely simplified menu system, you’ll be able to spend more time jumping off mountains. www.gopro.com €325

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CYS Classic Yacht Shipwrights S.L. 25 years’ experience working in the yachting industry - Classic & Modern yachts - 250m² workshop in Palma de Mallorca Tel: +34 678 788 263 Email: info@cys-sl.eu / Web: www.cys-sl.eu

Maintenance & Repairs for Propulsion and Generators Renowned Agent on the French Riviera – Overseas Support Support, Diagnostic, Emergency to Major Repairs Spare Parts, Maintenance up to Major Overhaul Sea Trials Recording, Brokage, flags, Class Surveys Fluids Analysis and Treatment, Cleaning, reports Engine Room Designs, laser Alignment, Install & Start Customised Costs, Efficiency and Satisfaction Guaranteed

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24/7/365 Hotline: +33(0) 631 384 119 68 | winter 2013 | on board


Owner’s Representative The yacht is just the beginning As the megayacht market has recovered and gathered momentum in recent years Jens Meyer points out that dozens of reports and statements on the role of the owner’s representative have appeared.


ersonal views, expert quotes and panel discussions look at what an owner’s representative is required to do, what is typically done right or wrong. Articles in trade magazines describe the job profile of an owner’s representative in detail, including qualities like the ability to serve the owner’s interests throughout the world of yachts, shipyards and subcontractors as well as to work and communicate with all parties – from unskilled laborers to top managers. These properties (see box) may all be important or even essential for an owner’s representative, but isn’t something missing? Isn’t one of the key duties of the owner’s representative to turn the planning, construction and operation of a yacht into a unique and unforgettable experience for the owner and all other parties? Yachtsmen love their vessels – and what could be more rewarding than a love shared? A love of the sea, the source of all life. A love of the art of engineering on the highest level, of individual design, natural motion, new challenges and continuous experiences that thrill and amaze.

Dreams And Demands

An exclusive megayacht brings these aspects together like nothing else on earth. It can be a gathering point for the family, a place for scintillating parties, a status symbol, a retreat. Each superyacht is individual, arguably the most personal object created to satisfy the desire for the ultimate luxury. Accordingly, the owner’s representative is confronted with a daunting array of problems, demands, dreams and risks on a day- today basis: he is responsible for keeping it all in balance and mediating between often opposing values and wishes. What education, training personal and professional background best prepare a

person to fulfill this multifaceted role? What personal qualities and experience are required in the creation of a vessel worthy of carrying the owner’s loved ones, valued possessions and most cherished memories? The skills and traits listed are of course important, but they are not enough. To make the dream of the perfect megayacht come true, an owner’s representative must not only meet the basic requirements, he must have a passion for the project and an excellent rapport with the owner. Perhaps most important, a successful owner’s representative must share the fascination and amazement of the owner and those close to him. The owner’s representative has to be in touch with the incomparable joy, adventure and luxury only a superyacht can offer, and take sincere pleasure in hearing of experiences on board.

Perfectly Equipped

The owner’s representative is not a project manager in the classic sense, although he must be equipped with all the same skills. He is the owner’s most loyal partner and “servant.” This loyal service often extends to the owner’s family and friends, but always remains clearly focused: nothing is placed above the owner’s best interests, no other responsibilities distract from the organization and management of the project at hand. If that sounds like a tall order, it’s because it is. An owner’s representative must put all his skills, capabilities and knowledge at the owner’s disposal without compromise – and do so even beyond the immediate tasks of overseeing the construction and operation of a luxury yacht. Nothing more, nothing less. For more details contact Jens Meyer: Tel: + (0)49 40 6 75 93 986 or visit: www.koelln-jacoby.de

WHAT MAKES A GOOD OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE Profile at a glance A strong personality Special negotiating talent Aversion to the spotlight Absolute incorruptibility Capacity to motivate all parties involved In-depth knowledge of the work of crews, captains and – especially important on-board service staff A large network, familiarity with the main shipyards and suppliers and knowledge of the latest technically feasible developments in ship - and yachtbuilding Unshakable composure in the face of all situations when dealing with shipyards and suppliers Years of experience as a project manager in megayacht construction General knowledge of organizational structures and concepts of shipyards Capacity to act as the “undercover” project manager at the shipyard Uncompromising loyalty and commitment to the owner’s interests

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Perfect Finish

It’s an unusual way to make a living perhaps, watching or making paint dry really, really well, but yacht paint and coating experts know exactly how to do it. Words: Claire Griffiths.

70 | winter 2013 | on board


On Board catches up with the leading artistes who time and again buff and brush the super yachts back to their gleaming glossy – good as new- brilliance and whose wizard-like skills banish the stains and spills. What does it take to stay ahead in the yacht painting game and what are super yacht owners are looking for when they get a new ‘coat’? ‘If you look at it like this’, says Managing Director Nik Cuttelle of TOPCOAT D’AZUR Yachts, ‘it’s a bit like buying the world’s most expensive car, say, the Bugatti Veyron, stretching it 30-40metres and then dumping it in the water and then expecting the same kind of Rolls Royce or Bugatti finish!’ It’s a tough call,– gloss up the yacht to a super fine finish that excels the most exacting automotive standards - and without the use of robots. Tough, yes. Labour intensive, indeed. Take Dutchman Joop Ellenbroek, for example, who holds a degree in chemistry and founded CCS Yacht Coating Services in 1991. The company has over 20 years of experience in technical and managerial functions with paint companies in The Netherlands, Denmark, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.A and recently expanded their services to Turkey. He’s a member of ISO and ICOMIA working groups for developing

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 71

our distributor in France: peSy 4, avenue du centre 06150 cannes la bocca, France tel.: +33-493-906011 aglmarine@agl-marine.Fr

Superyacht antifouling des ig alu ned min for ium

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You don’t alwaYs know what’s beneath the surface.

We all know that having a yacht painted can be a tricky business. Take advantage of the expertise of a CCS coating advisor, who will manage, measure, adjust, advise and coach your project through to completion. With over twenty years of experience in yacht paint consulting, we provide peace of mind for captains and owners throughout the world.

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setting the standard for two decades

07-11-12 10:52

paint standards. He’s also a specialist in complaint handling, arbitration and expert witness. Explains Joop, ‘CCS owes its position as leading yacht coating expert primarily to the experience and expertise of our highly qualified personnel, who are often Frosio-certified. Their know-how spans many coating fields, from yacht building, yacht paint application, refit paint management, to marine maintenance and interior finishes’. The CCS areas of expertise include blasting and paint preparation/application, paint contract management, application technologies, tank coatings and specification writing. The company also assists in legal proceedings by providing expertise and acting as an

One of the key developments in technology is the application of a ceramic protective coating expert witness during disputes. Ongoing training via internal and external workshops and close ties with co-makers (from paint manufacturers to teak layers) ensures that everybody at CCS stays ahead of the game. ‘Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the client benefits from the right paint job, at the right price, at the right quality level, completed within their required time frame’, says the MD.

offers a total corrosion control package incorporating unique technologies including VCI vapour corrosion inhibitors for the yachting industry’.

Colour trends Nik and his team work with all the big yards around the world but he believes one of the things that makes them unique is that TOPCOAT D’AZUR will undertake a full yacht coating in the water by constructing their own modular application environment (a tent, sort of) which saves huge costs for yachts compared to going into a yard. Says Nik, ‘Dependent on the yacht, repaints need to be done every three to five years and so for a 45m-50m yacht, for example, we offer a four year maintenance programme and take on two large areas each Fall and Spring – it means there’s no serious downtime for yachts offering charter’. These days Nik notes that owners are tending towards lots more colour – especially metallic and pearlescent – a example of which can be seen on the catamaran of the Queensland hairdressing mogul and power boat racing fanatic, Stefan Ackerie. The power boat, Hair Raz, is a ninety foot powered catamaran with exterior finishes in metallic silver to the hull and white pearlescent to the superstructure, provided by Pacific based Superyacht Solutions. It requires greater skill in terms of application to get it absolutely right which often in Nik’s case is done using the traditional roll

Topcoat protection Joop believes that one of the greatest recent technical developments to benefit captains and owners is the development of topcoat protection materials. These materials can –when properly selected and applied – prolong the performance life of the yacht coating system and cut down on the time periods between repainting. The trick to remaining palatable to yacht owners seeking a re-paint is quite simply delivery of the yacht within the agreed time frame and budget and WITH the contracted quality level. Explains Joop; ‘C.C.S. offers a successful program that assists owners and captains in achieving these goals, including an initial survey, bid packages, spot checks, inspections and final surveys. Owners increasingly expect a high quality (re) paint finish with a longer performance period before a repaint is necessary’. Managing Director Nik Cuttelle of TOPCOAT D’AZUR agrees with Joop: One of the key developments in technology is the application of a ceramic protective coating; ‘It’s an amazing technology and means a lot less dirt sticks to the surface’, says Nik. But it’s an amazing technology (like any) that doesn’t come without a price. Nik explains, ‘It’s a nightmare for us when re-coating and is one of our key challenges at the moment. Some companies won’t touch it. It costs 40% more in terms of labour costs to get the surface prepped. Captains and owners are looking for longevity and believe they’re saving money and time but it costs more for colour matches and to remove the ceramic coating’. Other advances can be found in anti-corrosive technologies that, according to Nik, have come along in leaps and bounds over recent years and are one of the things that TOPCOAT offers its clients. He explains, ‘They’ve been around for years in the commercial shipping sector and deliver fantastic results in preventing ‘yacht cancer’ – ie: rust. Corrosion Control Services supply the entire DuPont Marine Finishes™ range and Corroless® products. CCS

CCS In 1992 Joop Ellenbroek saw the need for a dedicated superyacht paint inspection and surveying service and founded CCS Yacht Coating Services. To this day the company has surveyed and inspected over 600 superyachts with a total length of 36000 meters. CCS employs 6 highly skilled coating advisors, the majority of whom benefit from a background in yacht paint application. At any point CCS’s 6 coating advisors are traversing the globe assisting owners, captains, management companies and shipyards with tailor made consultancy solutions. CCS also assists with in court cases and insurance matters and the company plays a role in the standardization of paint standards. For more details Tel: +31 (0) 343420544 or visit: www.ccs-exp.com

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Brands: Condaria, Climma, With development andCruisair, Marine Air, Webasto, Carrier, perfection at the heart of its corporate culture, With development J VM LS‘ #H_PTand H perfection is the at the heart ofspecialist its corporatein culture, leading HVAC Cofely Axima is the leading specialist technology, as well as being in HVAC technology, as well as being an acknowledged an acknowledged expert inexpert the fieldsin the fields ofand Refrigeration of Refrigeration Fire Protection. and Fire Protection. | Refrigeration | Fire HVAC HVAC l Refrigeration l Protection Fire Protection Tel: +33 42 0448642 85 04 | Mobile: +33 6l 21Fax 14 45 21 | 4Fax: 42 04 Tel4 +33 86 85 +33 42+33 04486 9786 97 Email: jean-philippe.moutte@cofelyaxima-gdfsuez.com Email jean-philippe.moutte@cofelyaxima-gdfsuez.com www.cofelyaxima-gdfsuez.com/marine

The Original Paint Specialist On The Cote d’Azur

We do exactly what it says on the tin Paint refinishing & repairs Metallic & pearl specialists Varnishing Experts in engine room application

MARINE PAINT REFINISHING AT ITS FINEST Tel: +33(0)492 92 18 51 www.topcoatdazur.com Info@topcoatdazur.com 74 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

and tip to get a perfect sheer gloss finish that would have the Bugatti boys begin to doubt their robots. Coating and paint developments continue to roll out and so do the companies looking for a part in the super yacht painting picture – like for example, Seajet – a marine coatings brand owned by Chugoku Marine Paints – a large, 90 year old Japanese coatings manufacturer listed on the Nikkei Index that claims a significant share of the commercial shipping and industrial coatings sectors. Seajet introduced Seajet Premium Superyacht Antifouling and Seajet Premium Superyacht Antifouling for Aluminium to the super yacht market at the end of 2011. Why? ‘Because’, explains Seajet’s representative Adam Fiander, ‘Seajet believes that no yacht

should be subject to the costly, harmful and unsightly effects of excessive underwater fouling’. Explains the blurb, Seajet Premium Superyacht Antifouling is a self-polishing antifoul made of cuprous oxide, copper pyrithione and selected booster biocides suited to the characteristics of relatively slow moving superyachts crossing a wide range of sea conditions and water temperatures. The Seajet Premium Superyacht Antifouling for Aluminium is made of copper thiocyante and zinc pyrithione and can be used on all substrates including aluminium hulls without fear of galvanic reaction. The polishing mechanism, called Hydration, is based on a chemical reaction with water allowing for a controlled and consistent method of biocide release.

Coating and paint developments continue to roll out and so do the companies looking for a part in the superyacht painting picture

CONTACTS CCS Yachting Tel: +31 (0) 343420544 www.ccs-exp.com

Seajet Paint Tel: + 31 (0) 167 526 100 www.cmpeurope.eu

Top Coat Azur Tel: +33 (0) 4 92 92 18 51 www.topcoatdazur.com

Superyacht Solutions Tel: +44 (0)7904 800579 www.superyacht.com.au

on board | winter 2013 | 75

yacht essentials Chris Clifford recommends his essential products and services A.J.Marine

Asterie Boats

Since its inception in 2001, the Asterie brand has continued to grow its range of vessels. Following the success of the first Asterie 35’, Asterie 40’ and then the Asterie 50’ – the sleek, powerful and gorgeous Asterie 50’ Sport has been recently launched. Retaining the day cruiser concept and renowned Asterie style the new 50’ Sport has a V shaped

deep hull, wide sun deck, comfortable deck seating area, hydraulic swimming platform, 2 comfortable cabins to sleep 4 and capable of comfortable cruising at 40 knots, by 2 x 800 hp MAN engines. For more details Tel: +33(0)6 09 68 88 12 or visit www.asterieboat.com

Formerly LNC Engineering, the company has been delivering a quality engineering service to the yachting community in the South of France for over 10 years. Accredited by Caterpillar and Kohler combined with a team of highly skilled engineers, they can address all your main marine engineering requirements. They deliver CAT and Kohler servicing, maintenance , new installations, diagnostics, rapid response breakdown repairs as well as supplying all necessary yachting spares. At their new offices and workshops they perform engine assembly/disassembly; parts cleaning, injector testing; fabrication. They also ensure a Large stock base of spare parts and lubricants For more details Tel: +33(0)612322789 or visit www.ajmarine.fr

Freestyle Cruiser

Portcall Group The company offers a vast array of their own in-house services with complete quality control, providing the customer with a single point of contact to solve all of their possible needs. They will organize, coordinate and supervise all kind of services and assistance for ships and yachting in general, always with a personal attention, a high quality standard and efficiency as an answer. Portcall provide a wide array of services from harbour and customs formalities to tax advice and insurance. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 971 213 348 or visit www.portcall.org 76 | winter 2013 | on board

The ultimate water toy for your superyacht. The 9.25 curved slide design would allow the slide to run right off to the back to the swim deck. An array of color options plus, your vessel name/logo on the slide and a 3 year manufacturer’s warranty. Designed and engineered to the highest standards; 100% of the seams are hot air welded, all Freestyle Cruiser slides are constructed out of 28 oz Firmatex™ reinforced PVC vinyl. Firmatex is the highest grade material in the industry, and our designs meet or exceed all of the US, European and Australian Standards for inflatable structures. Every Freestyle Cruiser slide is shipped with (2) hi volume electric pumps that will both inflate and deflate the slide. The pumps have thermal overload protection, and they are shipped with a standard electric rating of 230v with a Euro plug. For more details Tel: +1 727 563 2003 or visit freestylecruiser.com

FLIR The FLIR M-618CS is the most advanced member of FLIR’s industry-leading M-Series line of thermal imaging cameras. The M-618CS combines long-range thermal imaging cameras with a color zoom camera and gyro-stabilization, making it the most capable system in its class. The active gyro-stabilization provides steady images, even in rough seas; this is critical for getting the most out of the M-618CS’s long range cameras. The FLIR M-618CS produces clear and detailed images of 640 x 480 pixels along with 2x and 4x E-Zoom. The M-618CS’s 35 mm thermal lens can detect small vessels from over 3.5 km’s away. For further details Tel: +31 (0) 76 579 4194 or visit www.flir.com

Eurosurv International

Whether you are looking to buy a vessel, build or refit a vessel; by using Eurosurv International you have already made the first step towards finding your professional ally! Boating is not just about cold facts, it is a passion, a profession or quite simply, a way of life and sometimes this passion can be exposed and taken advantage of. The main drive behind Eurosurv International is to assist you throughout the purchase or project from start to finish, we can offer a wide range of services that can be tailored to meet your individual requirements. For more details Tel: +33 (0) or visit www.youryachtconsultant.com

Venice Marine Oil Services

An Italian broker/trader and consultant based in Venice, one of the most active ports concerning yachts. Thei work helps managers, captains and owners for bunkering operations, fuel and lubricants. They focus on supplying a complete service, achieving considerable savings in operating costs. Based on their great experience in the sector, they also offer a consultancy

service assuring their clients the right conditions and ensuring optimal customer satisfaction. Their confidence in these words are due to lengthy experience in this field and all their connections with maritime activities, guaranteeing a complete service regarding superyachts. For any further details Saskia at +39 (0) 346 6654760 or visit www.venicemarineoil.com

Naval Architectural Services Based in Maltaoffering specialised services to the yachting industry throughout the Mediterranean region in three distinct areas: Design, Survey and Consultancy Considering quality of service as its main driver, the company has successfully delivered design, refit, survey and related consultancy services to an array of projects undertaken by its repeat clients. For design they are equipe with top end fully integrated digital prototyping software supported by powerful rendering tools to ensure enhanced flexibility and improved delivery times. Its principal surveyor, Naval Architect Ing. Kurt Gutteridge being appointed as Government of Malta Surveyor of Ships (Unrestricted) by Transport Malta. NAS regularly undertakes regulatory consultancy as well as intact and damage stability evaluations on behalf of some of the most recognisable and reputable yachts at sea today. For more details Tel: +356 (0) 21 668 254 or visit www.nas.com.mt

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 77

YACHT ESSENTIALS Complete Yacht Management

Fender Hooks

Master Yachts is a dedicated yacht management company with a 10 year track record of reliable dependable and professional service in Superyacht construction, operations and refit management for both sail and power. Knowledge and expertise as well as integrity, reliability, professionalism and transparency are qualities for which Master Yachts are well known, inspiring confidence in owners, captains and industry partners worldwide.

The company ensures success in construction and refit projects and smooth operation of the vessel through the collaboration of highly experienced Yacht Managers equipped with the right tools knowledge and skills. HQ in Palma de Mallorca and permanent operations across Europe. For more details Tel: Tel: +34 (0) 971 220 562 or visit www.masteryachts.com

If you are the type of person who enjoys touching things, that is, letting your fingers and/ or eyes glide and slide around and over smooth sensuous objects, enjoying tactile thrills of smooth sensations; then you must explore the beautiful hardware used by FenderHooks LLC in the USA. Yachts are made up of details, it’s the little things that count. Owners value how the captain chooses proper products for his yacht. Practical, yet beautiful to behold, touch , even caress; Yachting Jewelry best describes the products the FenderHooks produces: Sparkling Polished, smooth practical 316L stainless steel hardware, WOW leathers, handcrafted. For further details contact: Tel 001 561 832 3434 or www.fenderhooks.com

Custom Carpet Company Their objective is to offer a comprehensive range of carpets for domestic and commercial projects, with specialist knowledge in yacht and aircraft installations. They produce custom made and standard carpets from plain broadloom to complex designs and textures. Custom colours are available in most qualities. These qualities include Handtufted, Handknotted, Customtufted, Passmachine, Woven and Machine tufted. The majority of their carpets are made in wool. They also use cotton, chenille, silk, linen and synthetic yarns. They have a full support service that can offer assistance with all aspects of project planning, including product advice, estimating, site surveys, installation and transportation. These services are available throughout the UK and overseas. For more details Tel: + 44 (0)1737 830301 or visit www.customcarpetcompany.co.uk 78 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

Carbon Neutral Investments CNI is an environmental consultancy specialising in carbon management and neutrality services. CNI provides footprint analysis, efficiency consultation and offsetting options through projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation, all of which provide social, economic and environmental benefits to the local community. In becoming carbon neutral, you will not only have pioneered the way for the yachting industry to address issues of global climate change, but also endeavoured to help change the public perception of carbon intensive activities. So, when motor-yachting, ensure wake is all you leave behind‌ For more details Tel: +44 (0)203 056 1218 or visit www.cn-investments.com

Classic Yacht Shipwrights


CYS has a team of highly experienced, shipwrights and joiners, who have earned their reputation as field leaders when it comes to refitting Yachts and Superyachts. Working closely with several top interior/exterior designers, CYS turn innovative ideas into reality. A crucially important aspect when it comes to the small details that make life onboard easier for the Captain & Crew. Company owner Daniel Hobbs is always on hand to advise or recommend the best way forward with a project, from minor joinery repairs, to a complete interior refurbishment or teak deck replacement; every job is afforded the same level of personal service. This, coupled with extensive expertise and attention to detail ensure every job is completed to the highest standard and on time. For further details Tel: +34 (0)678 788 263 or visit www.cys-sl.eu


Harken UK Ltd and TLC Refit & Repair Ltd have been working together since 2009 when TLC R&R secured the status of approved installers of the EN795 certified Harken External Access System. In 2010, the MCA issued new guidance for ‘Use of Equipment to Undertake Work Over the Side on Yachts and Other Vessels’. The Harken External Access System was the only system of its kind to have completed specialised testing to EN795.1997, required to meet MCA standards. However, the relevant marine authorities also required an approved installation method. TLC R&R built a test rig and installation system that has been approved by all relevant Marine Authorities, including Lloyds. TLC R&R has since carried out installations on over 30 super yachts. They have also achieved ISO 9001. For further details Tel:+44 (0) 1227 750068 or visit www.tlcrandr.com

Providing uniforms and accessories for super yachts worldwide, they have been a recognised and respected supplier of yacht wear to the global yachting market for over 2 decades. The company offer value and distinction while providing continuity and consistency of uniforms from one season to the next, with a reputation built on recommendation providing a hassle free, efficient service which is second to none. Deckers can reinforce your style and image by personalising your clothing and accessories with embroidery and screen printing. Adding your crest or logo as the finishing touch will evoke luxury, style and prestige. Headquartered in Palma de Mallorca, with a showroom in Barcelona and representative agents in Antibes, Malta, Holland and the UK. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 971 282 056 www.uniforms4yachts.com

Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers B.V. The Netherlands have a long history of building superyachts, and builders in this country despite the global financial crisis are still tremendously attractive for owners looking for the highest standards of building superyachts. The yacht team at Van Steenderen MainportLawyers B.V.has advised Owners with building projects at many of the major Dutch shipyards Oceanco, Amels, De Vries en Van Lent (Feadship), Heesen, Hakvoort, Vitters and Royal Huisman as well as several foreign shipyards. For more than two decades the firm has been involved in advising Owners to negotiate a fair and balanced building contract. For further details Tel: +31 (0)10 266 78 66 or visit www.mainportlawyers.com ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 79


Cofely Axima Cofely Axima is the HVAC & Refrigeration leader is France. Among their 150 agencies they have an establishment in La Ciotat on the Mediterranean coast where they carry out any job and maintenance on your air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Their technician’s teams can operate quickly with efficiency and reliability. Current customers include Composite Works, Monaco Marine, Sud Marine Shipyard, Sailing Concept, Classic Works, H2X and The Atlantic Refit Center. For more details Tel: +33 (0)621 144 521 or visit www.cofelyaxima-gdfsuez.com

Based in French Riviera, they also operate also worldwide such as the Caribbean, Middle East for many of their clients, owners, management companies, shipyards. They provide customized solutions, great reactivity, with a highly skilled team. They focus on short as well as long-term costs, for the right and effective services (MTU, ZF, generators, water-jets): Fast, major repairs, Maintenance, On-site or workshop overhaul (Engine as components), Alignment, videoscopy, sea trial recording, Installation, consulting, modernization of engines room,Inspection, purchase/sale/flag survey support, They have strong background, built on more than hundred cases solved every year. For further details Tel: - +33 (0)677 684 337 or visit www.seanergy.fr

Alpha Marine Group

A unique group of companies specialized in the field of Yacht Agency & Yacht Management Services, Chartering and Trading Fuels. To date their experience in yacht agency & management, yacht fuels & lubricant supplies has been for yachts operating in Greece and all over the Mediterranean. Currently they manage and represent a large number of different types/sizes of yachts. They also supply yachts with fuel in all parts of Greece & the Mediterranean with their sister companies TRUST OIL & ALPHA MARINE FUELS who are leaders in the physical supply of marine fuels. For more details Tel: +30 (0) 210 8983590 or visit www.alpha-group.gr

Alpha Yacht Services

Situated at the heart of the RED SEA South Sinai on the best place in Sharm Alsheikh, Alpha Yacht Services has built a reputation for personal and professional services to the ever increasing number of clients and their 80 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

superyachts. In this area experience counts more than ever, Alpha Yacht Services in the RED SEA managed by Mohamed Suleiman, as a ship agent with over 20 years experience, is ready to deal with all the necessary

legal and provisioning requests you might have while cruising these amazing waters. For further information Tel: +30 (0)210 898 3590 or visit www.alphayachtservices.com

Class Yacht Monaco

A dedicated yacht service company based in Rome, Italy with more than 10 years experience working in the yachting business as a yacht agent. The company has recently opened it’s new office in Monaco. Carlo Vehbi explains, “Our sole mission is to satisfy all the clients needs especially in the charter section where owners and guests can be very demanding. The expectations are always high so our job is to make sure that all requests and desires are satisfied with a top quality service.” They make sure that any problems that arise will be solved making the captain, crew and guests on board enjoy their cruise. For further details Tel: +33 (0) 640620596 or visit www.classyachtrome.com

Superyacht Solutions

Superyacht Solutions is an Australianbased yacht painting contractor with a lengthy track record for fairing & finishing large custom newbuilds, OEM finishing of production vessels and for refinishing of large yachts, power and sail. Having made many past forays into the Asian and European markets, the company recently established a permanent Southampton, UK-based operation, Superyacht Solutions LLP, headed by Chris Layton The new division is available to European yacht builders and owners seeking a highly experienced coating resource. Superyacht Solutions has particular expertise in large scale metallic and pearl applications. For further details Tel: + 44 (0) 7904 800 579 or visit www.superyacht.com.au

Giovanni Boccadifuocco

Situated across many ports and on call to make your trip to Sciliy one to remember and to run as smoothly as possible Giovanni Boccadifuoco provide a complete range of sevices at Sircausa, Riposto, Taormina, Palermo Trapani and Eolie Island. From berth reservations, yacht clearance

and duty free bunker services to arranging land based excursion across the island and emergency repairs if required and a full shopping and provision service. For more information, Tel: +39 (0) 930 463866 or visit: www.boccadifuoco.it

Gruppo Permare

The shipyard “Cantieri del Mediterraneo”, renewed and equipped with a 100t. travel-lift, is specialized in restructuring (glass, wood and metal) and maintenance.The covered area is 1800 sq. m. and inside it’s possible to recover yachts up to 30 m. In Portosole it has a 40 m. place in water.The shipyard “Sanremo Ship” is equipped with a 130t. travel-lift and a 30t. crane and is specialized in repair services of wood, metals and fiberglass as well as cleaning of hulls and antifouling works.It also offers the possibility of boat’s mooring places in Portosole from 26 m. For more details Tel: 0184 514484 or visit www.gruppopermare.it

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82 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD


1:09 PM

YACHT ESSENTIALS Heinen & Hopman As tender garages increase in size and sophistication, the way they are airconditioned has to be adapted to ensure that the tenders and other equipment is maintained in an ideal state. Heinen & Hopman recently unveiled an impressive new cooling/drying solution for lazarettes onboard superyachts. The Tender Garage Cooling unit is fully explosion-proof and built in AISI 316L. It includes a jet nozzle for a wide air supply range, can be fully customised to owner requirements and offers highly accurate heating, cooling and ventilation, along with optimal air conditioning controls. For further details Tel: +33(0)6 40 66 71 92 or visit www.heinenhopmanfrance.com

Kleen-Tex With more than 40 years of experience in the production of innovative mats, Kleen-Tex now offers their unique Nautic-Mats. The Nautic-Mats are especially developed for the use on boats as they are coated with a white non-marking rubber that protects against slipping. Additionally, the material is resistant towards UV, heat and saltwater. Nautic-Mats are washable up to 40°C, produced within the EU and Kleen-Tex offers a 5 year guarantee. With their maritime designs, the Nautic-Mats will surely be the eye-catcher on any boat. Your Premium Nautic-Mat will even be individually embroidered with your boat name or logo and can be embellished with Swarovski Elements! For further details Tel: +43 (0)5372 61380 or visit www.nautic-mats.eu

Ensign Marine Engineering

The company can carry out any engineering work on your yacht, from servicing and repairing all makes of Main Engines and generators and reducers, to servicing all hydraulic systems from bow thrusters, stabilizers, cranes and passerails. They also service all makes of pumps, this could be a lot cheaper than just replacing for new ones! They can carry out fabricating work, from replacing old exhaust systems, to modifying existing systems big or small, Or they can just supply parts, at very competitive prices with any type of oil, all delivered to your yacht free. A one stop company! For further details Tel : +33(0) 699 960505 or email ensignmarine@free.fr


Energy saving technology is increasingly in demand in all areas onboard superyachts, both for environmental reasons and as a means of economical savings. The influence of a growing customer requirement is clearly being reflected in the development work now in progress at a number of companies specialising in onboard galley and pantry equipment. One of the most proactive companies in terms of the development of high-tech solutions for superyacht galleys is Meiko of Germany. According to the head of Meiko’s marine division, Jürgen-Iver Sell, «These improvements have reduced water consumption by around 20 per cent, and this has been achieved mainly through the use of more intelligent control technology.» For further details Tel: +49 (0) 781 203 1204 or visit www.meiko.de ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 83



Sustainable Future

Environmental Specialist James Dent explains that when operating a luxury motoryacht, with the pressures of providing a first class service, it can be easy to forget about the impact of such activities on the environment.

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ue to the quantities of fossil fuels used to provide propulsion and generate electricity, a motoryachting vacation can be responsible for the release of significant quantities of greenhouse gas (GHG) emmissions into the atmosphere. GHGs are commonly known as the gases, increasingly emitted from anthropogenic sources, which are responsible for manmade climate change, and the resultant increased frequency of extreme weather events combined with potential sea level rise could pose serious risks to the yachting industry.


The international community is becoming increasingly active in combatting climate change with voluntary and mandatory initiatives being rolled out to account for and reduce GHG emissions. Key examples include the Kyoto protocol and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme which, as the first large-scale emissions trading scheme in the world, received huge media attention, providing the basis for other similar schemes, with a global shipping cap-and-trade scheme a notable possibility. Also, the International Maritime Organisation has developed a range of programs aimed at improving vessel efficiency. This rise in awareness, and the desire to drive change, requires innovative new ways to promote sustainability worldwide. A main proponent in this market is Carbon Neutral Investments Limited (CNI). CNI works with a number of high profile clients, such as Formula 1 teams, English Premier League clubs and the land speed record attempts among many others; all of whom are keen to develop their business with Environmental resource, and therefore financial, efficiency at the heart, while addressing the stigma attached to their perceived carbon intensive nature, through carbon offsetting.

Therefore the only way to quickly and easily take full responsibility for your footprint is to enable an equivalent amount to be absorbed, or avoid being emitted, elsewhere, also known as offsetting. Where once activities such as motor yachting were seen as environmentally damaging and unsustainable, through offsetting they can now achieve carbon neutrality. Due to the competitive nature of the yacht charter market the development of a unique selling point - offering carbon neutral yacht charters - can provide a very distinct competitive advantage. Organisations embracing environmental best practice and innovative CSR, such as offsetting, are realising its potential as a powerful marketing tool for building brand recognition and reputation through alignment with increasingly discerning, eco-conscious clients.


Carbon offsets are created through various types of projects, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, destruction of various industrial gases, and carbon sequestration. These projects provide essential capital to finance cutting edge methodologies across the globe, which would not have existed without offsetting, thus improving world energy balance and ensuring future technological advancement. Additionally, there are always socio-economic benefits to the local communities such as: • Improving healthcare, education and infrastructural facilities. • Creating employment, investment into local supply chain, and safeguarding energy supply. • Reduction of GHG emissions, pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants and recovery of degraded areas.

How can you take action?

There are a range of methods with which to reduce the carbon footprint of motor yachting. Technological advancements such as using biofuels or installing solar panels will replace fossil fuels; behavioural change including slower cruising speeds can reduce your fuel usage. Unfortunately, difficulty to retrofit these measures or their impact on the enjoyment of the customers yachting vacation often act as barriers to implementation.

To find out more about CNI’s programs of energy efficiency and carbon offsetting or to find out how they can help your organisation to reduce your carbon footprint visit: www.cn-investments.com; or contact the team directly +44 203 056 1218 or email info@cn-investments.com

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 85

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86 | winter 2013 | on board

BODY What is?... Deep Freeze Therapy If sitting in a bitterly cold room with six strangers, while wearing an outfit of dubious fashion merit (blue shorts, T-shirt, insulated shoes, ear protectors and a paper mask) is your idea of hell freezing over, wait until they turn it down to –120 degrees centigrade. You only have to stay there for three minutes, and it’s all overseen by doctors, but why put yourself through it? The ultra-low temperature stimulates circulation and the endorphin release reduces inflammation and pain, as well as combating depression and cellulite.


Getting crushed by your worldload? You need Vitamin B. There’s a reason they’re nicknamed ‘stress vitamins’. B6 produces serotonin, B5 stabilises our adrenal glands, and B12 creates monoamine compounds – a shortage of which has been linked to depression. B vitamins also release more energy from food. Tip: Take a B complex

Is a cold on the cards? You need Echinacea. No one wants to carry a Kleenex-stuffed clutch around all day. In one study by the Mealey British Dietic Association it noted that Echinacea can slash the odds of getting a cold by 58%. It won’t prevent a cold but you can reduce the odds and severity of the symptoms.

Do you want to crawl into bed? You need vitamin D. When its dark and cold outside and your party mood has ‘done a runner’ and you need a little lift then vitamin D is your man. Studies have shown links between SAD syndrome and vitamin D deficiencies. Sometimes known as the sunshine supplement, it can also improve your mood.

Are you giving your liver some punishment? You need a multivitamin and mineral formula. The dreaded drink flushes out magnesium, potassium and vitamins B and C. These are essential nutrients and you’ll need to restore energy and hydrate your cells.

Beauty Myths Shaving will make your hair grow back darker and thicker Hair that hasn’t been cut grows to a point–it is widest at the base and narrowest at the tip. When you shave a hair, you cut it at the base. The widest part then grows out, and the hair appears thicker. But it’s just a visual impressionshaving doesn’t change the width, density or colour of the hair.

Looking for overall health improvement? Omega 3 fish oil. Our bodies can’t make omega 3 fats, so we have to get them from oily fish or supplements. Without omega 3 our brains can’t pickup neurotransmitters such as serotonin. So, think sharper, have a happier brain and healthier body. ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 87

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88 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

BODY WINTERWORKOUT It may be difficult to keep your fitness going through the winter months, so why not grab a friend, a colleague, your partner, whoever. Just set an appointment with someone, stick to it and go and give my Partner Power workout a go. If you are focusing on muscle tension and correct form throughout, you will find this tough. Don’t worry, your partner will help! Have fun. THE CHALLENGE: Two rounds of 6 exercises (Partner 1, Together, Partner 2).

YOU WILL NEED: A timer, a pencil and paper, a mat, a water bottle and your best effort.



Bridge Dipper

Jumping Mountain Climber

Repetition Aim: 10-20

Repetition Aim: 40 - 60

Paddy Warwick Personal Trainer

Paired Set 1: Partner 1 performs 40 seconds of A1 and counts their reps (Partner 2 is working in a bridge). Rest 20 seconds. Both partners perform 40 seconds of A2, as many reps as possible. Rest 20 seconds. Partner 2 performs A1 and tries to best or match Partner 1’s Score.

Partner Two Performs C1 and attempts to match or beat Partner One’s Score.


Fullburpee Lateral Plank Jump Repetition Aim: 6-12


Paired Set 2: Partner 1 performs 40 seconds of B1 and counts their reps (Partner 2 is working in a bridge). Rest 20 seconds. Both partners perform 40 seconds of B2, as many reps as possible. Rest 20 seconds. Partner 2 performs B1 and tries to best or match Partner 1’s Score.

Partner Ab Circles

Repetition Aim: 15-30 Partner Two Performs C1 and attempts to match or beat Partner One’s Score.


Long Plank Shoulder Press Repetition Aim: 5-10


Paired Set 3: Partner 1 performs 40 seconds of C1 and counts their reps (Partner 2 is working in a bridge). Rest 20 seconds. Both partnersperform 40 seconds of C2, as many reps as possible. Rest 20 seconds. Partner 2 performs C1 and tries to best or match Partner 1’s Score.

Full Sqat Jump

Repetition Aim: 15-25 Partner Two Performs C1 and attempts to match or beat Partner One’s Score.

If you feel slightly nauseous during a session, don’t panic. This often means you’re working hard enough to create metabolic waste (i.e. lactic acid and carbon dioxide). This triggers release of Growth Hormone and Testosterone and is a good sign for fat-burning purposes!

For more information or to make your own life-changing transformation, visit: www.paddywarwick.com or email paddy@paddywarwick.com

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 89

YPI Crew Report 190112:Layout 1



Page 1

Your Partner in Recruitment

Successful Careers on Premier Yachts, wherever the location, whatever the circumstances, is YPI Crew’s Priority. Contact: Helen, Jacqui, Fiona, Laurence, Laurent, Ulrica or Marjorie.

7 Rue Honoré Ferrare, 06600 Antibes, France. E-mail: info@ypicrew.com Tel +33 (0)4 92 90 46 10 www.ypicrew.com

90 | winter 2013 | on board




A Stick Up Protect your face from the elements this winter with these great sun blocks


5 1. California Baby Aromatherapy Non Chemical SPF 30 www.californiababy.com €12 2. Babo Botanical Clear Zinc Sport Stick SPF 30 www.trentandcompany.com €9 3. Verta Very Water Elemental Resistants SPF 35 www.vertra.com €18 4. The Naked Bee Vitamin C Enricher SPF 30 www.nakedbee.com €6 5. Piz Buin In Sun SPF 20 www.pizbuin.com €6 6. Watermans Applied Science SPF 30 www. watermansappliedscience.com €25



7. Rona Ross Blue Zinc Lip Balm SPF 30 www.suncaresolutions.com €8 on board | winter 2013 | 91

Wine away HOURS


Culture, romance, good food and great wine, does it get any better? ON BOARD recommends some relaxing vineyard retreats for a long weekend.

CHAMPAGNE Reims, France

A wide spectrum of Champagnes (at least twenty five starting at breakfast!). Meet the smaller, high quality producers out in the villages; learn about the fascinating ‘Methode Champenoise’ whilst visiting the cellars of a cross section of famous houses, such as Taittinger, Billecart-Salmon, Vilmart, Bollinger, Pol Roger and Jacquesson. Enjoy special welcomes, generous tastings and a private meal at one of the houses. After all those tastings the opportunity to buy grower champagne direct from around £10 a bottle is an added bonus! March & May 2013 Arblaster & Clarke Wine Tours Tel: + 44 (0) 1730 263111 www.winetours.co.uk


Catalonia, Spain You can stay at the amazing Wine Resort & Spa Can Bonastre in Masquefa visiting PINORD, a large classic vinery, in Vilafranca del Penedès. This company produces wines in three Catalan wine regions, and three more Spanish regions. There is a wide variety of activites plus wine-pairing lunches and dinners. WineAnd Tours will develop a weekend tailored to your own specific requirements for team building or just a truly gastronomic weekend break. WineAnd Tours Tel: +34 658 961 650 www.wineand.net

92 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD


Vaucluse, France Try a weekend in the Chateau de Mazzan, formerly the residence of the Marquis de Sade, an 18th century French aristocrat, politician and writer. Relax, get pampered and discover the Rhone and Provencal wines including the prestigious Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Visit a family run vineyard at the foot of the Ventoux Mountains, enjoy a unique tour and tasting season. Various upgrades are available for further tours to nearby estates, plus visits to Avignon and the nearby stunning Luberon National Park. Grape Escapes Tel: 08456 430 860 www.grapeescapes.net


Provence, France Why not relax and unwind at the luxurious 5* Chateau de Berne. Explore the 1500 acre estate on a quad-bike or visit the nearby Verdon Gourges. The evenings are filled with gastronomic dinners on the terrace of the l’Orangerie. Day 2 starts with a cooking class in the delights of using produce from the region. A guided tour of the Chateau’s winery which produces 500,000 bottles per year and has been making wine since 1750. Sumptuous accommodation in magnificent settings accompanied by superb food and wine – what more could you ask for from any weekend break? Grape Escapes Tel : 08456 430 860 www.grapeescapes.net

CHIUSDINO Tuscany, Italy

Unwind at the award winning 15 bedroom hotel, nesteld within the hills of the Valle Serena. With 8 individually styled rooms in the main house and 3 garden cottages, 4 garden rooms, an infinity pool, an 800 year old former bake house as home to a private spa sanctuary and the Treehouse Bar are amongst the many treats lined up. Close to wine producers in Chianti, Montalcino’s Brunello and Maremma wines. The hotel can organise visits to the smaller less accessible vineyards plus the hotel will organise wine tastings with their own sommelier in the wine cellar. Spoil yourself at the recently awarded ‘Best Overall Boutique Hotel in the World’, a truly amazing setting for a well deserved long weekend. Borgo Santo Pietro Tel: 00 39 0577 75 12 22. www.borgosantopietro.com

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 93



Italian Lessons

MARKETING EXECUTIVE In each issue of On Board Magazine Frances and Michael Howorth ask a super yacht professional who is based in or is cruising the Cote d’Azur to map out a typical day. This issue it is the turn of Lisa Peck a Superyacht Marketing Executive who works for Fraser Yachts in Monaco.

Lisa Peck

Lisa’s first taste of super yachts in the South of France was as a Bilingual Communication Assistant at the Yacht Club de Monaco. Several years later she joined the then fledgling company Y.CO, where she developed and managed the company’s branding and marketing as it grew rapidly. In 2011, she decided to move to a bigger company and joined the marketing team at Fraser Yachts in their Monaco Office.

normally a new magazine featuring our artwork most days. My role is to manage the European and ROW marketing activities, so pretty much everywhere except America. One of the perks of my job (in my mind) is that I regularly have to visit these regions, so there’s often a lot of travel involved, especially to new markets such as China, which I find exciting. I love the fact that there is no ‘normal day’.

Breakfast time

My morning

My day begins around 7.00 am in Nice port, I always start the day with a decent breakfast, in the winter I usually have a big bowl of porridge to warm me up ready for the drive to work. I have the most amazing commute in the world, driving my Vespa along the Basse Corniche to Monaco. I’m still stunned by the view every day and wouldn’t swap it for anything, although it does get a bit chilly in the winter when I have occasionally been known to arrive in the office wearing my full ski outfit!

Start work I normally arrive at the office around 9, where I check my emails and skim the industry news and latest magazines that have arrived for anything interesting and to see our adverts. We produce around 40 pages of advertisements a month so there’s 94 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

Summer is the busiest part of my year in the run up to the autumn yacht shows. A typical morning might see me doing anything from ordering flowers and discussing the dimensions of a reception stand to hiring staff and organising a film crew. In the off season I will spend some of my morning working on the annual charter catalogue; contacting writers and designers, and the hardest part – finding an original idea for the front cover. In the spring time my attention turns to new support materials for our brokers and charter managers, ready for the summer season. With over 30 sales brokers to support, and over 200 yachts for sale, not to mention the charter side of things it is a huge job creating interesting and up to date presentations and support material for them all.

Nice Port


The Morning Commute


At the end of the working day

In Monaco the weather is normally pretty good so I try to head out somewhere in the sunshine. If it’s overcast, then we are spoilt for choice with great Italian restaurants in Fontvieille; Michaelangelos and La Saliere are my favourites. Once a week I try and attend an Italian class provided by the company, I’d love to master the third language.

My day officially finishes at 6pm but it’s pretty rare that I’ll actually leave then, however, I do try to get out the door by 7pm. Then I jump on the scooter and unwind on the trip home.

Afternoon My focus tends to be more on reviewing design work. I’ll also be sourcing new ideas for the next issue of the magazine, not to mention editing and proof checking all the publications before they go to print. I also like to look into new ideas for how we can develop our marketing strategy and evolve our brand. We’re an innovative company, so we’re constantly on the lookout for new developments in marketing and new technologies. Throughout the year I’ll also be organising open days, managing other events such as Genoa and the Hainan Rendezvous, designing and sourcing merchandise, writing PR, planning and supervising photo shoots, managing budgets and creating marketing plans for yachts, not to mention all the ad-hoc requests we receive so the day passes quickly.

The evening If I do head out for dinner during the week, I like to stay local and go to one of the newer restaurants in the port. L’Atelier du Port is a great little restaurant and very popular with the locals, thankfully it’s a little off the beaten track for the tourists. They specialise in serving local organic produce so it’s always healthy and great value.

And relax… In the evenings I tend to chill out at home, particularly in the winter, though a couple of times a week I like to go to a kick boxing class where I can really let off steam. However if it’s a Friday night and the ski season has started you’re more likely to find me on the evening train up to Limone. We’ve got it timed to perfection, leave the office at 6 and we can have the bags in the hotel and be in the bar by 8pm, it’s not a bad life. ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 95


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www.tlcrandr.com +44 (0)1227 750068 • info@tlcrandr.com 96 | winter 2013 | on board


ISM & Mini ISM

Keeping it Simple

Shelley Dowie looks at the easy solutions and systems for handling the ISM Code


hen you think of ISM Code what comes to mind? Is it numerous hours spent on the bridge piling through mounds of paperwork, filling in forms, checklists and writing reports? The team at Oplicity Yacht Management feel they have come up with a simple but effective Safety Management System. In 1998, the ISM Code became mandatory. The Code established safety-management objectives and requires a Safety Management System (SMS) to be established by “the Company”, which is defined as the yacht owner or any person, such as the captain or yacht management company, who has assumed responsibility for operating the yacht. The Company is then required to establish and implement a policy for achieving these objectives. This includes providing the necessary resources and shore-based support to its vessels. All commercial yachts over 500GT are required to implement a full ISM System and yachts under 500GT a Mini ISM System.

Rules And Regulations

With regulations becoming more abundant and complex, Captains and Owners should be looking towards specialist Safety Management companies such as Oplicity Yacht Management to assist them with navigating through the ever-increasing minefield of rules, regulations and Inspections. Founded in 2010, Oplicity has an innovative approach to Safety Management. Oplicity’s mantra has always been ‘Keep it Simple” and that’s just what they deliver: efficient, forward thinking Safety Management solutions that keep owners and their yachts compliant with requirements. Their system ensures that captains and crewmembers are not overloaded with administrative tasks so they can remain focused on their normal duties. “Having spent many years being on the receiving end of other ISM systems, we wanted to develop a system that streamlined

and simplified the Safety Management process,” said Operations Director Shelley Dowie. “So many Safety Management Systems are overly complicated and time consuming; a result of over management” Shelley continued. Oplicity’s Safety Management System was designed with Captains and crews in mind, and as a result offers a number of simplified and time saving features such as certification alerts, intuitive digital checklists, combined onboard manuals and tick box style reporting. “We thought long and hard about how to create a fresh approach whilst still meeting the requirements of the Code,” said Technical Director Malcolm Tod. “Because we’ve developed a Management System that is both dynamic and innovative, we are able to make changes along the way that can be tailored to the specific needs of each yacht“ continued Malcolm, “we continually analyse yacht data to improve its safety, quality and reliability, and give the yacht valuable feedback on its performance”

In The Final Stages

Oplicity are also in the final stages of bringing to market a complete digital Yacht Management System designed for yachts and management companies to enable them to store and monitor all administrative tasks and regulation requirements in one place. If it is as innovative and simple as their SMS then surely its worth considering. However you look at it, ISM is here to stay, and implementing a Safety Management System which is both simple and effective should be at the forefront of any Owners and Captains minds. For more details: Tel: +44 (0) 2392 704351 Email: enquiries@oplicity.com Visit: www.oplicity.com on board | winter 2013 | 97


Governmental Approved Under The Law Of The GRAN DUCHY OF LUXEMBORG Member Of The IMO / ILO and the EEC Independent advice on the most appropriate flag to structure, hold and operate your yacht


Licensed as marine manager by the Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg Tél : + (352) 26 20 34 22 Fax: + (352) 297 222 e-mail: info@thatsit.lu or jpv@thatsit.lu website: www.thatsit.lu

98 | winter 2013 | on board



Managing Director Barracuda Yacht Design

Design and Technical Support Cockwells Boatbuilding



When we were started design for ‘Akalam’ - the 32m sloop completed by Pendennis last year - the client wanted a yacht where he could enjoy as much time outdoors as possible. This us towards creating a spacious aft-deck living space of 60m², this provided the enjoyment of being on board a yacht of far greater length than her 32m would have you believe. We achieved this by pushing the coamings out to their widest possible point and having the twin helm stations adjoin the rear of the pilothouse, which left the whole of the aft-deck area free of any sailing action and completely unencumbered by the movement of crew. Privacy when required, and protection from those long days under the sun, was provided via a large, permanently-fixed bimini with removable sidescreens, on a central arch.

A tender is often the first impression an owner or guest has of their yachting experience, so choosing the right tender for the job is therefore an important decision. Standard ‘off the shelf’ boats may not look, feel or perform exactly how you want them to. At Cockwells we think the key to our success is that wherever possible we will provide our customers with exactly what they want. We listen to the captain and find out how the boat will be used. Then work with them and the chief engineer to detail the design and overcome any issues. Keeping this up throughout the build results in a practical, comfortable yet unique tender that we know they, and the owner, will love to use.


Managing Director Van Oossanen Naval Architects


US Charter Manager Camper & Nicholsons



Some owners or owners reps might not be aware that alumium allows for a more efficient hull form requiring less propulsion power. Example; a 42 - 43 m yacht designed for a max speed of 16 knots. In steel the half-load displacement will be around 350 tonne and in alumium around 220 tonne. Representing a weight saving of 37%. This leads to significantly different hull forms, with the lighter aluminium hull being more slender, requiring lower engine power. This leads to less fuel that needs to be carried (about 30% less), and last, but not least, the vessel in aluminium will be less costly as the lesser cost of the engines always outweighs the extra cost of the aluminium construction

We are seeing an increase in business for the Caribbean season and it is reflecting a greater percentage than last year which is a great sign. We are cautiously optimistic, but think that interest in the Mediterranean will still be the stronger of the two locations. Looking further afield we are seeing increased interest in the Pacific due to the America’s Cup this summer in California, albeit a limited number of yachts available to charter in US waters. The South Pacific, New England, and the Bahamas are seeing renewed interest and the market in Indonesia while limited has great opportunities. The market is strong in the mid-range (120-160 ft) and that is where we could certainly use more inventory, versus the 55 (180 ft and above) meter plus range which tends to be the last to book.

ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 99

MYBA Update This year marks the 25th Edition of the MYBA Charter Show - the Mediterranean’s most important ‘trade-only’ show for charter brokers, charter agents and professionals operating within the luxury yacht charter industry.


lthough the title of the show and the venue have changed during the last 25 years, the purpose and underlying principles behind the organisation have remained largely unaltered in all that time. The origins of the show can be attributed to active MYBA member and former CNI charter broker, Sylvie Romain, whose vision and awareness recognised the need to court the attention of mainly US based charter brokers who, at the time, were somewhat reluctant about recommending Mediterranean based yachts and Med based locations to their US clients. Sylvie, now Owner and General Manager of International Yacht Charter Cannes, served on the MYBA board for 9 years between 2000 and 2009 and continues to participate in the MYBA charter committee and Charter Boat Show panel. Following a lot of coordination and hard work, the first few years saw the show take place at different French and Italian Riviera marina locations and the enthusiasm and uptake by yacht captains & crew eager to impress potentially lucrative US based charter yacht brokers was strong.

A great success

Witnessing the success of the first few years, AYCA members Missy Harvey, her assistant Hope Frank and Maria Gasparet had the idea to extend the show invitation to all yacht charter brokers within the luxury end of the industry. Meetings were had by all and eventually Portosole Marina in San Remo was chosen as an ideal venue, with the incredible help of Commandante GianPetro Gavignin. The newly formed organising committee made up of both AYCA and MYBA member volunteers, headed by the redoubtable Missy Harvey, set about establishing guidelines that ensured the quality reputation of the event remains intact to this day. Yachting folklore tells of an exciting formative period for the show, which bore witness to an emerging industry on the cusp of steady growth and prosperity with each day ending with legendary parties both onboard and ashore. In 2001 the show then relocated to the Porto Antico (Ancient Harbour) area of Genoa utilising the Marina Molo Vecchio & Aquarium Quays where it has remained ever since. With their contacts and experience, local organisation was ably provided by the Pesto Sea Group srl, who have helped take the show to even greater heights with better facilities for visitors and more involvement throughout the week for captains and crew.

Name change

With less involvement from the AYCA, the show changed its name in 2006 to the MYBA Charter Show, and since 2010 has been owned by MYBA’s commercial company, All Yachting SAS (AYSAS). Summarising the past and the present, Sylvie told us “Since the very first show it’s important to recognize the work of different teams and remarkable people in charge during these past 25 years. Long-lasting friendships have ensued; we’ve had plenty of 100 | winter 2013 | on board

good laughs and above all brought about an envious result every time.” With a little past history bringing us right up to date, what exactly can we expect from next year’s 25th ‘anniversary’ edition of the show? Based upon the last two editions we can expect to see around 80 plus of the world’s finest yachts for charter, of minimum length 20 metres. In 2012 we hosted four yachts over 70m in length and see no reason why this trend for increasingly larger yachts will not continue next year. Upwards of 70 international charter-related exhibitors and various show event sponsors will be given the chance to display their products and services in front of a targeted audience, made up of captains and crew in charge of the assembled yachts and something in the region of 400 plus registered attendees made up of charter brokers, yacht managers and associated professionals working within the large yacht industry. Visitors will be welcome to attend our important show seminar where charter related matters will be debated and discussed in a professional environment. In keeping with the tradition of the show, a lively social programme will ensure everyone makes best use of the potential for networking and the show’s main gala event will be held once again take place at the magnificent Villa Lo Zerbino in Genoa.

Giving back

Finally this year we intend to mark our special show occasion supporting two important charities: Set up in 2003 by Alex Braden, former Owner/Director of Yachting Partners International and past MYBA President and Chairman of the Charter Show Committee, Encompass Trust seeks to bring together young people from different countries, cultures, faiths, ideologies and socio-economic backgrounds to understand each other more closely and to challenge hostility head on.

Life saver

SNSM Antibes Lifeboat Service – anyone using the waterways between Theole-sur-Mer and the Italian frontier requiring assistance will call upon the Antibes Lifeboat. It costs 80,000 Euros per year to run the lifeboat and 1,800 Euros every time just to fill the fuel tank! For further information on yacht attendance or exhibiting at the show contact Francesca Carbone at Pesto Group srl, +39 340 643 0966 or by email: fran@mybashow.com. ` For show sponsorship enquiries and press registrations contact Coralyn Tracey at MYBA / AYSAS Admin +33 493 31 85 49 or email: cora@aysas.com

Pics from top left to bottom: Gala Evening, Sylvie Romain, Mike Everton-Jones & colleague (YPI), Raise a glass, Sarah Balls & Neil Hornsby, Gala Evening, Andreas Liveras, Neil Moore and Lesley Excoffon, Missy Harvey and Hope Frank, Maria Gasparet and Noelle Alice. Photos sourced: Beverly Parsons, Interpac Yachts on board | winter 2013 | 101

HAPPENING A round up of what you need to know for this and the next season.

Fun comes in the shape of a Rum Festival for Valentine’s Regatta in Antigua Plans are moving ahead for the Jolly Harbour Valentine’s Regatta 2013 and the organisers can now confirm that the addition of a Rum Festival as part of the event will ensure as much fun will be had off the water as on it. The three main events include ‘Rum and Bites’, ‘Rum and Rhythms’ and ‘Rum on the Beach’ This will give yacht crews a much needed reason to head to Jolly Harbour for a three-day weekend to indulge in a perfect combination of food, music and of course . . . rum! Back out on the water the racing options are as varied as their party counterparts. Competitive keelboats can race in CSA classes; less serious racers, cruisers and boats that prefer individual starts can opt for pursuit races; classics will compete in a classic class; and a separate class of Laser Picos will compete alongside other dinghies off Jolly Harbour’s south beach.

Foreign Exchange Specialists, Help Crew Save on International Transactions Yachting is a global industry and almost everyone involved in it needs to transfer money around the world or buy foreign currency. As the size, frequency and cost of international money transfers increases throughout the yachting industry, Yachting Partners International (YPI) has found a way to help clients and crew limit the cost and inefficiency surrounding these transactions and bring savings of up to 5%. They have partnered with foreign exchange specialists, Currencies Direct, to help its clients and crew save on all international transactions. In doing so they have become one of the first companies in the industry to identify the potential of using a foreign exchange specialist. Former super yacht, Captain Sim Lighten is now Business Development Manager for yachting partnerships at Currencies Direct has been aware of the apparent lethargy within yachting when it comes to looking for savings on international transfers. “That’s changing now,’ he says. “As yachting moves towards the need for greater commercial viability in light of industry changes, client expectation and the global economic situation, companies 102 | winter 2013 | on board

and individuals alike are increasingly looking for ways to reduce costs. By using Currencies Direct to send transfers overseas or make international payments, they can expect savings of between 2% to 5% compared to using the services of their high street bank. On the large sums involved, that quickly adds up to savings of thousands of pounds.” Lauren Symons, Chief Stewardess on the 59m motor yacht GU, is a good example of how the process can offer crew enormous benefits. “My employer was sending my euro wages to my Euro bank account in Jersey monthly. I was then sending my pay home every month to my Australian account via my bank, paying a fee for every transfer and never getting the rate I saw online. Currencies Direct were able to pay my salary direct into my AU$ account at no additional cost to me and at a significantly better exchange rate. Rather than making numerous phone calls at inconvenient times, Currencies Direct contacted me by email when they had received the funds and I saw the money in my Australian account the very next day. I wish I had known about their service sooner and I shall be recommending it to all crew going forward.”

Compiled by Frances and Michael Howorth

Roaming Marina Pass for Large Yachts An ever-increasing demand for more flexible dockage programs from yacht owners, has led to IGY Marinas making available a new 365-day berthing plan for yachts over 24 metres. Launched as The Anchor Pass the plan includes 8 IGY destinations, significant dockage discounts and a new refund program on unused dockage. Captains and owners of yachts over 80 feet now have the opportunity to roam the company’s network of marinas for 12 months with minimal risk of overspending. Pass holders can now get money back on unused dockage when their contract expires. The program offers one full year of dockage with savings of over 50% off the rack rate, when the vessel pays in advance. The programme offers,

MGMT Concierge opens up it doors to London’s luxury market Put to the test during the recent London Olympics MGMT concierge provided concierge and logistical support to some of the world’s largest and most expensive super yachts. As crew know only too well in the world of super yachts, what the Boss wants, he gets. And now having proved they can do it MGMT Concierge is offering its services to those outside of the world of super yachts for the first time. The lucky few will be able to benefit from a variety of exclusive services and luxury experiences, such as private jet transfers, luxury yacht charters, and shooting weekends in the Scottish highlands. Mark Upton Managing Director of MGMT Concierge, said: “From billionaire Super yacht owners to leading entrepreneurs and CEO’s we talk to our clients to learn what they want from their concierge service and will only work with the world’s leading providers to deliver it. “We’re very experienced in dealing with all kinds of unusual and extraordinary requests, nothing is too much for us. Our aim is to provide unique experiences and unparalleled services that our clients will never forget.”

365 days of dockage across 8 destinations for one upfront price. There is money back on unused dockage with savings of over 50% off regular dockage. Customers get priority reservations at all participating marinas, where reasonable along with full-service facilities at locations throughout the Americas, Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Participating destinations include: Yacht Haven Grande, St. Thomas, The Yacht Club at Isle de Sol, St. Maarten, Simpson Bay Marina, St. Maarten, Rodney Bay Marina, St. Lucia, Marina Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on the Sea of Cortez, La Amada Marina, Cancun, Mexico, Red Frog Beach Marina, Panama on the Caribbean side and Palmas del Mar Yacht Club in Puerto Rico.

Classification Companies Merge Two of the worlds largest Classification companies are to merge. An agreement has been signed to merge Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and Germanischer Lloyd (GL). The new entity will be called c. It will be one of the world’s leading ship classification societies and risk experts in the oil and gas, renewable energy and power sectors, and among the global top three within management system certification. The merger rests on a strong strategic rationale, and responds to challenges of increased globalisation, rapid technological change and the need for sustainable development. Customers should benefit from an increased service offering and global competence base as well as one of the densest networks. By combining the two international organisations, the new company will be one of the world’s leading independent technical service providers with state-of-the-art technological expertise and strong capabilities for innovation. With more than 17.000 employees and an extensive global network of offices, the new group is positioned to meet increased international competition. The DNV Foundation will hold 63.5 %, while GL’s owner Mayfair SE will hold 36.5 % of the shares. The new company, with a combined turnover of some EUR 2.5 billion, will be headquartered and registered in Norway.

Privinvest Acquires Another German Shipyard Having purchased the Nobiskrug shipyard in Rendsburg during 2009 and the subsequent take-over the of the former HDW-Gaarden shipyard in Kiel in 2011 Privinvest Holding SAL and its group and affiliated companies has acquired a third shipyard in Germany the Lindenau shipyard also in Kiel. This means the group now owns and operates an international group of shipyards with more than 2,500 employees and an order book in excess of EUR 2 billion much of it in super yacht construction. Nobiskrug already plays a role in super yacht construction and HDW-Gaarden now named ADM Kiel entered the offshore wind market. Both shipyards also have military new build works under execution with an order book lasting well into 2016 Privinvest had also investigated the opportunity to acquire the bankrupt Peene Werft, situated in East Germany close to the Polish border, however that was acquired recently by Lurssen.

US Superyacht Association Plans 2-Day Captains Seminar Run by the US Superyacht Association the Captains’ Briefing is a two-day extended seminar to be held at The Yacht Club at Isle de Sol on the island of Sint Maarten in the Caribbean Program highlights include Security Presentations & Exercises and US Entry and Flag State Audits, all of which accompany a Certificate of Completion. Nightly cocktail parties are planned as well. For more information, contact the USSA at +1 954 792 8666 or info@ussuperyacht.com. ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 103

104 | winter 2013 | on board


Air Apparent

Heinen & Hopman in the Netherlands has appointed a new full-time service mechanic to its dedicated subsidiary on the Côte d’Azur, Heinen & Hopman France.


ighly experienced in the maintenance and repair of superyacht heating, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, Reinder van de Rijk will be on hand to assist yards, owners and captains. The move reflects the increasing demand for on-site services in this area of the Mediterranean. Headquartered in Bunschoten (NL), Heinen & Hopman is a leading specialist in HVAC systems with a global client base supported by offices and agents worldwide. Within the maritime sector, Heinen & Hopman is renowned as an innovative and clientoriented business that provides bespoke solutions created in close cooperation with its clients. “We specialise in providing HVAC systems for the nautical industry, including yacht building and shipyards, the navy, commercial clients, the offshore industry and most recently, offshore windmills,” says Jessica van Montfoort, communications manager at Heinen & Hopman Engineering. “Our success as an industry leader can be attributed in large part to an ability to be flexible when it comes to meeting client requirements. Within Heinen & Hopman we have a multi-disciplinary workforce and can easily match the right person to a specific problem. This thought was also behind

the recent appointment of a new full-time service mechanic to our dedicated subsidiary on the Côte d’Azur, Heinen & Hopman France.” “Reinder van de Rijk has moved from the Netherlands in order to take up this full-time position in France,” adds Joep Hopman, general manager of Heinen & Hopman Engineering. “This appointment increases our capacity to provide last-minute, on-site support and maintenance as well as a variety of service and after-sales programmes for onboard air-conditioning, heating, mechanical ventilation and provision cooling systems.” Heinen & Hopman France provides exceptional after-sales support and guarantees the best possible solutions. Its service area includes the Mediterranean coastline along the south part of France, including Monaco, from the Italian border in the east, to Marseille in the west. The office provides all yacht owners and shipyards with the convenience of a trusted service and maintenance provider in this key sailing region. For further information about Heinen & Hopman France, visit www.heinenhopmanfrance.com ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 105

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Niche player Van Steenderen MainportLawyers is a niche player combining a detailed industry knowledge with specialist legal expertise to provide the highest quality legal service and assistance to clients in the resolution of disputes and transactions Our expertise includes: • Chartering and Management agreements • Construction, Design and Refit contracts • Finance • Sale & Purchase agreements • Ownership structure www.mainportlawyers.com

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106 | WINTER 2013 | ON BOARD

Legionella Legionnaires disease can affect superyachts in much the same way it attacks closed water systems aboard passenger cruise liners. Captain Michael Howorth finds ways to keep superyachts safe from the killer disease.


sk any manager in charge of passenger cruise liners what their number two fear is, and they will say Legionella. vvTheir first fear is always; Fire aboard a large passenger ship. Fortunately the outbreak of fire aboard a well run passenger ships is rare, sadly the outbreak of Legionnaires disease is a lot more common than many in the industry would hope for. Legionella is found everywhere, and without good management programmes in place it will proliferate and become a problem. All ships have closed water systems, which are by their nature, subject to uncontrolled external influences through recharge or desalination. In this regard superyachts are no different to ships. Bacteria is often found in saline water and can be introduced through any recharge system. Given the expense of controlling water temperatures in many off shore situations and the type of water systems found on board some superyachts it is surprising that there are not more outbreaks of disease. It is however possible that many crew and even at times guests who do get infected are often wrongly diagnosed with straight forward pneumonia rather than Legionnaires’ disease.

Media attention Legionella is the bacterium which is responsible for Legionnaires’ disease which acquired its name in July 1976 when an outbreak of pneumonia occurred among people attending a convention of the American Legion in Philadelphia. The causative agent was identified as a previously unknown bacterium, subsequently named Legionella. Whilst outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease often receive significant media attention, individual cases and small clusters are more common but receive less notoriety. The fatality rate of Legionnaires’ disease has ranged from 5% to 30% during various outbreaks. The disease can be virulent and is taken very seriously in developed countries. Records for cases and outbreaks of the disease vary according to the seriousness of the authorities in controlling the disease. Counter-intuitively those countries which record the highest number of disease cases are those which are best at identifying the disease. Indicating that the disease is likely much more prevalent than recorded. For example there are more cases of Legionnaires disease in UK from people who have recently visited Turkey than there are cases of the disease in Turkey itself. The bacteria exist in natural waterways, but are particularly effective at colonising man-made water systems, particularly when the system is used intermittently allowing stagnant places to occur. The highest risk aboard most superyachts is likely to be from whirlpool spas (Jacuzzis), hot tubs etc, but other area such

as shower heads and air conditioners which present the bacterium in aerosol form, in which it can enter the lungs where it lodges causing pneumonia. The most important part of control is prevention. This is done by keeping all pipe work and holding tanks clean and preventing stagnant places. All taps and outlets should be used regularly (at least weekly). Water temperatures should be very hot >55 degs C or cold less than 20 degs C. Testing the water aboard superyachts is an important part of a management and control system, but this is itself not straight forward. It is best done by the yachts own engineering team, following the routines laid out inside the testing kits. Legionella has a complex life cycle with two distinct phases. It is a parasite of protozoa or amoeba. In its replicating phase it grows and replicates inside the host. Once the host cell nutrients have been consumed the bacterium switches to its distribution phase, grows a thicker cell wall and a tail, dissolves the host cell wall and escapes into the larger environment or water system. During the motile phase it is at its most virulent and it is during this phase that it can cause disease and death to humans. Typically in aerosol droplets it enters the human respiratory system and takes up residence in the lungs causing pneumonia.

Testing times The Hydrosense Legionella Field Test is an immunoassay meaning it detects Legionella antigen. The test returns a result in 25 minutes. This makes it a good indicator of the presence of Legionella in a water system. If Legionella antigens are detected then there has certainly been Legionella in the system and the system should be thoroughly cleaned. It is certainly worth knowing if the bacteria exist in the more virulent, non-replicating form, and whether it has existed recently within the system in its replicating form. An immunoassay like the Hydrosense Legionella Field Test can provide this information within 25 minutes. It is therefore a valid and powerful part of a Legionella risk assessment strategy. Basically if Captains of superyachts are confident and can demonstrate that the water system is well managed and has been clean for over a year then it would be sufficient to carry out testing monthly or even quarterly. If there are doubts about the water quality for whatever reason then it would be sensible to carry out tests which provide quick and reliable answers so that remedial action can be taken. The writer is indebted to Graham Tyrie and Dr Neil Polwart of Hydrosense who assisted by providing many facts and figures. on board | winter 2013 | 107




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108 | winter 2013 | on board

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Keeping stable

Kai Wang-Erlandsen explains that there is a big difference between a boat that has stabilizers and one that does not.


t is not so much that you notice them when they are activated, but when they are not, their absence is quite apparent. A modern fin stabilizer system will provide stabilization at anchor as well as underway, and will typically achieve 90% roll reduction. In severe sea conditions, rolling may make it necessary for a ship to deviate from her planned course to avoid the rough sea with consequent loss of time and money. Having a yacht with fin stabilizers, this is no longer a problem - the planned course can be maintained without compromising comfort. While adding fins (or other types of roll stabilizers) basically will increase the fuel consumption a little at the same speed, the general experience is that the overall fuel consumption will be reduced - because: • You can take the direct route to where you wish to go even in rough conditions • You can go at a lower speed with the waves from the side while still being comfortable (modern cruisers have less roll at higher speeds, thereby people often drive them hard to avoid the rolling)

Side-Power Stabilizers

On request from many of the leading boat builders in the world using the Side-Power thrusters, four years ago Sleipner Motor started developing stabilizer systems to compliment the thruster range of products because they are generally technically linked through the boats hydraulic system. The close cooperation with leading boat manufacturers has helped Sleipner Motor to focus development on improving technical features to make fin stabilizers perfectly suitable and highly efficient for modern, fast motor yachts.

These key features include: • Improved hydrodynamics of the fins for minimal drag and speed loss. A reduction in drag of between 20 to 50% compared to other fins has been achieved- inspired by nature to have “naturally low drag”. • Very fast reaction time in both electronics and mechanics to work on fast boats. • Compact and quiet actuators for installation in modern boats with maximized living space. • The highly automated and simplified control system enables safe and easy use in owner operated yachts whilst still allowing the operator several choices to fine tune to their preferences if required. • Total integration with the hydraulic thruster system, sharing key components and intelligence for optimized space, efficiency and cost of the complete system. • The hydraulic thruster system supplied in boats with stabilizers is fully proportional without adding cost over on/off hydraulic thruster systems because of the efficiencies in the intelligent “S-Link” CanBus control system shared by both thrusters, hydraulics and stabilizers. • Designed for “Any Speed” (including zero) function from the start.

For further information please contact Tel: +(0) 47 69 30 00 76 or visit www.sleipner.no on board | winter 2013 | 109

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110 | winter 2013 | on board


SIMPLY THE BEST better than all the rest Laurence Reyman gives a few tips on nailing that next job interview.


he Caribbean season is in full swing as I am writing this piece , yet not long from now it will be Monaco Grand Prix and Cannes Film Festival time again ; As we all know, both these events mark the beginning of the Mediterranean yachting season. Is it perhaps time to look for that next job? Time to brush up on your interview techniques in order to stand out from the crowd. Here are a few pointers to help you on the way. Be likeable and affable from the moment you arrive, to the deckhand at the passerelle or the yacht owner’s PA or receptionist; The interviewer will probably ask their opinion about you ! We all know it, first impression counts. Be likeable during the interview, make good eye contact and smile. Don’t over-do it with extreme politeness, just be the best of who you are, it’s show time ! We all prefer to work with people we like.

right for you : who will you work with and how long have they been in the team? What is the team’s strong point, what is missing in the team in terms of skills and know how and how could you contribute? , what is really expected of you? If you’re going to share a cabin, who are you sharing with and could you meet this crew member? The idea is not that you control the interview, but that you build as good a picture as possible of the job. Don’t be negative about your previous job even if it was an unpleasant experience. Be ‘to the point’, explain that it was not the best situation but that you have come away wiser and that you have learned XYZ…because you have, we all learn from our mistakes.

Don’t be afraid to actually ask for the job

Impressions count Make an impression : The reality is the interviewer is likely to meet a few candidates on the same morning or afternoon and after a while, facts will become blurry and the interviewer will forget quite a bit of what you have said. He might later refer about you as the guy who ran the London marathon or the engineer who was qualified so young or the chef who grew up sailing around the world, basically, something which is memorable. What are you memorable for? Work on this and make it your unique selling point. Ask questions which will really help you to ensure the job is

Keep motivated Ask for the job. By the end of the interview you will most likely know if you want the job ( if not, ask more questions) and if so, ask for it. However incredible it sounds, most people don’t dare and miss on an incredible opportunity. Faced with four candidates at more or less equal skill levels who have all made a good impression, who will the interviewer offer the job to? To the only candidate who was enthusiastic and motivated enough to ask for it, because it just makes sense ! Bonne Chance - Here’s to a great Mediterranean season ! For more information contact Laurence Reymann and the team at YPI : Tel: +33 (0)4 92 90 46 10 or www.ypicrew.com ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 111

set your course... ...but be prepared to revise it if the wind shifts (that’s what we do with our clients)

0033 (0)4 93 00 17 80 riviera@blevinsfranks.com Blevins Franks Financial Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Services Authority only for the conduct of investment and pension business. Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of trusts and companies. Blevins Franks Tax Limited only gives taxation advice; all of the advisers are fully qualified tax advisers.

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FINANCE Can The UK Taxman Still Reach You? The UK government has long arms. Rob Kay explains the new UK tax residency tests.


re you British but spend most of the year outside the UK, enjoying life on board in the Mediterranean? Do you think you have escaped the UK taxman, or wish that you could? The UK government has a long arm when it comes to tax and you need to be sure about whether or not you are liable for tax in the UK. This article summarises the UK’s new Statutory Tax Residence Test which comes into effect in April 2013. We are still waiting for the final details but do not expect significant changes at this stage. There are definitive tests for whether you are definitely UK resident or not resident. You will always be UK resident if you spend more than 183 days per UK tax year in the UK, have only one home, which is in the UK (or two or more homes, all in the UK), or work there full-time. Definitive non-residence depends on whether you are an “arriver” or “leaver”. Leavers - UK resident in one or more of the previous three tax years Arrivers - not resident in any of the previous three tax years Arrivers who spend fewer than 46 days in the UK will always be non-UK resident, whereas leavers can only spend up to 15 days in the UK before they are no longer definitively non-resident. There is a third category for those who work full-time abroad, which must span at least one complete UK tax year. If you are not definitively resident or non-resident, you will fall into a category whereby your residence will depend on the number of “connecting factors” you have with the UK and how long you will spend there. These are: ◆ Family in the UK (spouse/minor children) ◆ Available accommodation ◆ Substantive employment (40 days or more) ◆ UK presence in previous years (more than 90 days in either of the previous two tax years) ◆ More time spent in the UK than any other single country. ◆ Each factor is subject to its own specific criteria.

Working full time abroad “Full time work” is defined as working 35 hours a week under one or more contracts of employment, but you must spend less than 90 days in the UK, and less than 20 working days in the UK (a day of work being defined as three hours or more!). The government is consulting on increasing the number of UK workdays from 20 to 25, or increasing the number of hours which determine a “day in working in the UK” from three to five. This is a summary of a long and detailed legislation. It is important to take advice so that you know exactly where you stand with regards UK residence – it can be very costly if you get it wrong. The test will not override any double tax treaty provisions with other countries, so if you spend time in a particular country you also need to understand its tax residency rules and how they interact with the UK’s. Blevins Franks has in depth knowledge and experience of the tax and residence laws of the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta and Cyprus and how they interact. We would be happy to guide you through the rules, impact and potential solutions.

The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual must take personalised advice.

For more information contact Rob Kay, Senior Partner at the Blevins Franks Var & Côte d’Azur office on 0033 (0)4 93 00 17 80 or rob.kay@blevinsfranks.com www.blevinsfranks.com ON BOARD | WINTER 2013 | 113


Gigs / Events



January Usher O2 Arena, London 25 – 1 Feb Historic Monte Carlo Rally

January 11 – 20 London Boat Show 19 – 27 BOOT Dusseldorf Boat Show 20 – 25 Yacht Racing Key West, USA

January 1 Zurich Marathon 14 – 27 Australian Tennis Open

February The Killers Manchester, Belfast, Dublin, Stockholm Sheryl Crow Naples, Italy The Who Manchester Venice Carnival Venice,Italy Sitges Carnival near Barcelona, Spain Nice Carnival Nice, Cote d’Azur Strong beer Festival Munich, Germany Rio Carnival March Kaiser Chiefs, Brixton Dionne Warwick Naples, Italy Fallas de Valencia Madly Explosive! 17 St Patrick’s Day - Everywhere April 18 – 21 Top Marques, Monaco May Muse London, Coventry, Manchester Depeche Mode London, Munich, Blur Barcelona Pink Dusseldorf Eric Clapton London Alicia keys London Mark Knopfler London

RBS 6 Nations Rugby February 2 Wales v Ireland 2 England v Scotland 3 Italy v France 9 Scotland v Italy 9 France v Wales 10 Ireland v England 23 Italy v Wales 23 England v France 24 Scotland v Ireland March 9 Scotland v Wales 9 Ireland v France 10 England v Italy 16 Italy v Ireland 16 Wales v England 16 France v Scotland 108 | autumn 2011 | on board

February 2 – 10 Belgian Boat Show, Ghent 2 – 10 Gothenburg Boat Show 6 – 8 Seatec Exhibition, Carrera, Italy 6 – 10 Vancouver Boat Show 8 – 13 BOOT Holland water sports exhibition, Leeuwarden 8 – 17 Helsinki International Boat Show 9 – 17 Big Blue, Nautica e del Mare, Rome 14 – 18 Miami Yacht & Brokerage Show, Florida 20 – 24 Lisbon Boat Show 20 – 24 Zegreb Sport & Boat Show 23 – 26 Mumbai International Boat Show March 1 – 10 Stockholm International Boat Show 5 – 9 Dubai International Boat Show 5 – 10 HISWA In-Water Boat Show 7 – 10 Japan International Boat Show 20 – 25 Norwegian International Boat Show 21 – 24 West Palm Beach Boat Show 22 – 24 St Thomas International Rolex Regatta 28 - 31 St Barth’s Bucket Regatta April 11 – 14 China International Boat Show 16 Americas Cup, Venice 17 – 18 Asia Superyacht Conference 18 – 21 Antibes Yacht Show 18 – 23 Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta 19 – 24 Moscow Boat Show 27 – 1 May Palma International Boat Show 25 – 3 May MYBA Charter Show, Genoa, Italy

February 3 Super Bowl XLVII, New Orleans 6 England v Brazil, Wembley March 1 – 3 European Indoor Athletics Championships 5 - 6 Geneva International Motor Show 7 Australian Grand prix 12 – 15 Cheltenham National Hunt Festival 17 - 19 World Baseball Championship, USA 31 Dubai World Cup Horse Racing 24 Malaysian Grand Prix April 6 Grand National, Aintree 11 – 14 Augusta Masters, Golf 13 – 14 FA Cup Semi Finals 14 Chinese Grad Prix 20- 21 Monte Carlo Masters Tennis 21 Bahrain Grand Prix 21 London Marathon

Image: Rick Tomlinson

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right people worldwide

Whether you are looking to work as crew onboard a yacht, or looking for crew to work on your yacht, log onto our website www.camperandnicholsons.com. You can also contact CNI Crew Placement Division at crew@camperandnicholsons.com or call +33 (0)4 92 912 890.

www.camperandnicholsons.com SALE & PURCHASE I NEW CONSTRUCTION I YACHT CHARTER I CHARTER MARKETING I YACHT MANAGEMENT I CREW PLACEMENT C&N marks are registered trademarks used under licence by CNI. Photo: Jérôme Kélagopian

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