ONBOARD Magazine spring 14

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Angelina Jolie interview Providing the answers Dome sweet dome Safe and sound

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CONTENTS features 20

Tranquil Waters Movie star, director, mother and humanitarian. Angelina Jolie talks to ONBOARD magazine


At Your Service Yacht Agents provide an essential service. A look at the good and the great


My Space Your Space Living together means being considerate to your fellow crew members


Against All Odds Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge winners Tom Salt and Mike Burton


Dome Sweet Dome Industry leaders give their views on the ever changing method of satellite communications


Mediterranean Trumps ONBOARD’s guide to the best marinas in The Mediterranean


Palma Vela Racing fever is about to hit the bay of Palma


Providing The Answers Coming up with the goods on time. An in-depth look at provisioning


Turn Me On The development and innovation of entertainment systems on board yachts


Safety And Security Safety and security are paramount on board superyachts as Muriel Pénoty explains

spring 14



126 The Big Adventure Time to embrace a new challenge

regulars 7

Comment If there is no job security in our industry, why are we so anti union?


Upfronts Tips, people, advice and myths


MY Opinion Tony Rice on maintaining and improving global superyacht quality


New Launch Benetti’s latest custom displacement yacht Lady Candy

3 | WINTER 2014 | ON BOARD

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22 56

ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 3

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contents regulars 24 Desire Design trends, from the affordable to the downright expensive 74 Table Talk ONBOARD’s favourite eateries in the Greek capital of Athens 98 Navigator A guide to the exciting French port of Marseille 102 Six Of The Best Music with style. The best portable speakers

24 64

104 Yacht Essentials ONBOARD’s recommended essential services and products for the coming months 121 Body Treatments, myths, a spring workout for lean limbs and the best hand creams 128 A Day In The Life Of A strenuous day spent with Lee Rampton of Superyacht Distribution 133 Ask The Experts Advice from the leading experts in their fields 135 Recruit When was the last time you interviewed captains and crew? 137 Finance Rob Kay looks at changes to Capital Gains Tax for non-residents


Editor Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager Tim Morris Sales Executives Randall Pevin, Simon Millward Art Direction Katie Prentice Accounts Julie Hewitt Contributors Frances and Michael Howorth, Jamie Goode, Claire Griffiths, Paddy Warwick, Rob Kay, Laurence Lewis, Erica Lay, Alf Alderson, Muriel Pénoty Front cover Thierry Ameller

126 74

Distributed by Superyacht Distribution www.superyacht-distribution.com info@superyacht-distribution.com OnBoard is published quarterly by Plum Publications 8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritime, France tel: 00 33 (0) 4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.

4 | spring 2014 || on on board board winter 2014

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State of the Union OnBoard’s resident sage asks “Why, since there is no such thing as job security, are we, as a profession, so anti union?”


here has never been any job security working as crew aboard superyachts. Recently I discovered a friend had been sacked. Wishing to commiserate with him or at least buy the poor bugger a beer, I phoned his mobile. We agreed to meet and after a few gulps of amber fluid he began to tell the story. He explained, he was given the old heave-ho, by the management company, newly employed to look after the yacht by the boss. His crime was that he was caught fraternising with the Chief Stew and the management company had clearly laid down a rule that crew should not become emotionally involved with each other. They claimed that they were simply enforcing the rules laid down by Russian owner. My Captain colleague politely pointed out that both he and the Chief Stew had been interviewed for their jobs by the owner as a couple, hired as a couple and had since married but that seemed to cut no ice with the management company who claimed that the Chief Stew should have changed her surname upon marriage and that simple fact would have altered the situation.

United we stand The legal argument for such sacking is poor at best and no doubt had the Captain wanted to take matters further, he would have probably won any court case that might have followed. It happens that he did not want to and was in fact happy to be rid of what he called the poorly managed yacht but it was his answer to my next question that raised my eyebrows! I asked him are you a member of Nautilus? He was aghast that I should have asked if he was a member of a marine trade union and said we professional yacht crews would never need to go on strike and so would never need the services of a union. My point is that trade unions offer far more than industrial action and that his own case was a perfect example of where a union would have intervened on his behalf. Now I am not going to give any organisation a free advertisement in a magazine but I would point out that I became a member of what in those days was called the Merchant Navy and Airline Officers Association since I first went to sea way back when Noah was a deckhand. In all my time of membership I have never been asked to consider industrial action against an employer. Fortunately I have never been in the same situation as my colleague mentioned above but had I been I could have made a phone call to the union who would have put me in touch with a specialist lawyer and the union would have picked up the bill for doing so.The real reason I remain a member is that Nautilus

offers me certificate protection that would kick into action if I were unlucky enough to have my certificate suspended or worse removed. Captains have been fired for all sorts of reasons in situations that would not be tolerated in other industries. I know of one Captain in a two-yacht fleet who was fired by the senior of the two Captains after he had run his own yacht onto a reef. He was so scared that the owner might single up to just one yacht that he fired the Captain on the second yacht and assumed command himself so securing his own billet. Deckhands and interior stewardess are dropped at a moment’s notice when charter bookings slump despite having signed on for a summer season. Management companies are on the side of the owner so maybe it is time for all levels of crew to level the playing field and join.

Support act With the maritime profession under increasing risk of criminalisation, Nautilus International provides specialist support, including a worldwide network of lawyers who can provide free and immediate advice to full members on employment-related matters. As a full member, you have free financial protection against loss of income if your certificate of competency is cancelled. Full members are also entitled to representation during accident investigations or inquiries.None of us would contemplate not insuring our homes or cars so why are so many superyacht professionals prepared to run the risk of not insuring their livelihood? Legal and professional support, plus the certificate protection is essential in sectors such as ours, where employment can be terminated at a whim. You don’t need to be a leftie or even a commie because Nautilus is not militant. It’s just on your side!

on board | spring 2014 | 7

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Mythical Sea Creature

Yachtie Types Teenage Charter Guest

Iku-Turso A malevolent sea monster in Finnish mythology. This grotesque, emeraldscaled creature resembles a crossbreed of an eel, a viperfish, and a clawed humanoid. Iku-tursos are hideous denizens of the deep sea. They revere sinister gods of plague and contagion and torment victims plucked from ship and shore in special air-filled torture chambers.



Fastest PWC record, Reggie Sanchez at Tavares, Florida, 20 Oct 2013

Here she comes! Totter totter totter. Cue deckhands stopping in their tracks to gawp/stare/flex muscles/attempt to look REALLY cool… it’s the charter guest’s teenage daughter! Ever since Bernie Eccelstone’s daughters got caught being photographed on the teak in their stillettoes, it’s become cool for princesses to come along on charter with the oldies. Wrapping deckies round her little finger with pouty faces, getting them fired for putting sun cream on her shoulders with a poorly disguised boner, running the stews ragged with her demands for cocktails and having tantrums when they refuse to make them alcoholic because she’s only 15, demanding chef make her burger and fries then screaming he’s trying to make her fat and she’s so ugly, OH the fun of it… As she tosses that handbag on the floor, the one that’s worth more than your annual salary, scratching the varnish as it lands… and tells you “you don’t understand” as she “hates Daddy” for not giving her another credit card. Let’s hope she grows up and charters her own yacht, like, NEVER!

My Favourite Destination Kornati Islands

Sara Hill Yacht Charter and Management Support, YCO Imagine a destination so enchanting it is littered with historic leftovers from generations past, engulfed in sunshine and waterfalls so blue they take your breath away. I introduce to you; Croatia. Croatia offers a unique blend of glamour and old fashioned authenticity with over 1000 islands and a string of beautiful beaches. There’s something magical to discover at every turn. While cruising the Kornati Islands we anchored in a peninsula of cliffs only to discover the ruin of a deserted castle. I promise one cruise through Croatia and you’ll want to go back.

ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 9

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Fictitious Captains

UPFRONTS Open to Question For all you love birds working apart, how do you keep your long distance romance alive? No filth please....

MANIE STEYN 2nd Mate SY William Tai Having something to look forward to such as a set date or weekend away as hard as it is to organise helps, so does Skype. Bottom line is it’s hard but you get through it.

Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.


CLAIM TO FAME The capture of the Spanish warship Natividad MODUS OPERANDI Sailing the seven seas, defeating the French naval enemy before returning home to his young son and embracing Lady Barbara! QUOTE “He is a good sailor, ill-fed and thirsty. Watch the cat as it cuts his back to pieces.” SHIP HMS Lydia WEAPON OF CHOICE T38-gun frigate FIRST APPEARANCE 1951 film based on C.S. Forester’s novels FACT Warner Bros were to initially cast Errol Flynn, then Burt Lancaster but the part was finally given to Gregory Peck

The answer for me was simple. Don’t be apart. I’ve been with my partner for 2.5 years and the longest we have been apart is 2.5 weeks. We have the dream to work together and won’t have it any other way. It took a year of dayworking (a little painful after over 5 years in the industry having to step back into dockwalking etc) and relief gigs until we got our first job together, but at the end of the day, being with my girlfriend is far more important than any job, and if for some reason it happens that we can’t work together or be together, then I guess it’s time to figure out a change of lifestyle or career.

JOHN ADAMS Chief Engineer MY Sapphire I have been home about 4 months in the last 3 years. My girlfriend and I have been together for 26 YEARS!!! We rarely communicate when I am away. A phone call every couple of weeks and Whatsapp once or twice a week. But she joins me for some awesome holidays. For me it’s not what happens when you are apart it’s what you do when you are together.



ere in the w Wh

Where is the world’s highest mountain? 19°49’14”N 155°28’05”W

MICHAEL SCHIMANN Engineer First rule: marry an engineer, they’re more likely to get rotation. What it comes down to is a decent amount of routine with skype facetime and messages and a great deal of trust, patience, and understanding. The right partner makes the difference. I’ve had some tough times being apart from my partner for months at a time, but knowing that when I see her I’ll be with my best friend makes it all worthwhile!

Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano on Hawaii. Standing 4,207m (13,803 ft) above sea level, but 10,100m (33,100 ft) from it’s ocean base

ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 11

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12 | SPRING 2014 | ON BOARD

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TOOLS of the

TRADE VHF Marine transceiver

Icom IC-M23 Buoyant Icom’s smallest and lightest buoyant handheld measures just under 13cm in height. Even with its incredible size, the IC-M23 can match the audio and battery performance of other comparable models on the market. What’s more, the IC-M23 sports a bright red LED which flashes if dropped in water, even if the radio is turned off making it easy to find, day or night. www.icomuk.co.uk €200

The facts Float n Flash, Energy saving 3.7v circuity, Built-in regular charger circuit, Easy to see LCD with large channel indication, Tag scan & favourite channel function, IPX7 waterproof, Dual/Tri watch functions, AquaQuake draining function ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 13

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…swimming with pigs in the Bahamas … island hopping in New England … berthing outside FIFA World Cup in Brazil … private dining in Ephesus … strolling down the red carpet in Cannes … eco-traveling in Albania

F R E E AG E N C Y F E E BWA Yachting is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary. And we are inviting all of you to come with us to new destinations, where we still haven’t worked together – for 10 days, free of charge*.

10th anniversary

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4/2/14 10:36 AM


Add some apps with these OnBoard favourites T3

The Gadget Magazine is the UK’s biggest-selling digital edition and the world’s authority on consumer technology. The fully interactive edition is home to the latest and greatest news, reviews, opinion and previews on gadgets, technology, gear and apps. *****

MSW Surf Forecast The app provides long range surf forecasts for over 2,500 beaches across the globe. Giving star rating, surf size, swell height, swell period, swell direction, wind strength, wind direction and temperature. *****

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Extreme Sailing Series All the latest news, spectacular video and images as well as live race coverage and full results from each act of this global sailing series at your fingertips as well as the chance to upload fans photos via Flickr. ****

bloom.fm The all-in-one music app with 22 million tracks. Borrow tracks to play offline, hundreds of free genre radio stations, plays your iTunes downloads. Rave reviews. ****

W h ats H ot & W h ats N ot


Beards Previously regarded as “the crossing beard”, these masculine symbols have stayed put, adamantly and stubbornly refusing to be shifted for owner trips. And why? Not only do they increase wood chopping ability by up to 50%, they act as air filters, handily removing toxins, pollutions and of course, stray bits of food. Beards double handsomeness (some scientific organisations claim they quadruple handsomeness but this is so far not proven).

Proficiency in Security Awareness The new course for all yacht crew working on ISPS. Since 1st Jan 2014, this latest half-day course has popped up all over the place. Online and in person with varying prices apparently… and as usual with new courses, lots of feedback on whether or not it’s another cash exercise for sea schools.

Jobs! The season kicked off fairly early this year with lots of jobs piling into the agencies in March. Lots of opportunities this year for new and experienced crew across the board. Crewing is on the up and up again.

Explorer Yachts Similar to the first point, rugged on the outside but smooth on the inside. With the range, safety and reliability to explore the remote corners of the globe. Plus, large hull volumes mean more space for toys!

Complacency Seems to be an awful lot of it in the new crew this season. Social media sites seem to be chocked full of seasoned crew complaining about the attitudes. With minimum courses required to step onboard, this industry is now for the career driven surely?

The weather It’s been pants. Gale force winds across the Med have seen crew walking with limps when they’re ashore due to having worked/slept/ lived on a vessel that’s been stuck at 45 degrees for the past couple of months.

Dodgy Uniforms Surely after putting men on the Moon (open to conjecture), sending spacecraft to Mars and then getting pictures back, how can uniform companies not come up with decent fabrics and styles that don’t look like something from the 70s.

Oil exploration fights in the Balearics The Spanish government have

allowed a large Scottish company to start drilling around the Balearic Islands, claiming it will create jobs in Spain. After the changes to matriculation tax thus encouraging charter yachts to operate out of Spain and visit for long periods, this seems like a backwards step?

on board | spring 2014 | 15

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AN INDUSTRY UNITED Tony Rice, ICOMIA Secretary General, talks about maintaining and improving global superyacht quality


COMIA is the international trade association representing the global marine industry since 1966. We unite national marine industry associations in one global organisation and represent them at an international level. 35 marine industry associations across the world are members of ICOMIA today and our membership is estimated to represent more than 90% of the world’s leisure boating business. With the help of our members throughout the world ICOMIA acts internationally on behalf of the recreational marine industry. Together with our members, ICOMIA has worked towards improving the global trade market and removing unnecessary regulations. Important issues are discussed and substantial decisions are made in our various committees, including the ICOMIA Superyacht Refit Group (ISYRG), which represents quality refit, repair and maintenance yards.

New standards Working towards maintaining and improving global superyacht quality, ISYRG follows professional working standards and specified environmental practices. All yard members of ISYRG conform to a unique Code of Practice that brings certainty to refit and eases the owner’s concerns on how their yacht’s refit will be managed and the quality that will be achieved. Our ISYRG Code of Practice ensures that yard members develop and maintain relationships, certainty, performance and confidence; it sets out the values and practices of the group. Whilst certain client issues are mandatory, such as insurance, warranty, transparency, environmental practices, customer satisfaction and 10 million liability. Member yards offer their clients a standard framework contract that has been developed by prominent international marine lawyers. The contract addresses matters such as performance, subcontracting, redelivery, liability, warranty and insurance. Known to many leading yacht management companies and marine lawyers, our Standard Contract speeds up the process of contractual settlement – it is the industry standard. Since 2012, the ISYRG has participated in a series of special workshops and meetings focusing on issues affecting the refit industry, such as problem surrounding refit work carried

out in marinas; refit governance; subcontracting and how it can jeopardise warranties; the legal impact of bringing in a subcontractor onsite; health and safety and most prominently, preparation for and delivering a refit.

Focus on refit During a pivotal meeting in March, ISYRG members were joined by leading management companies and Captains in order to discuss the concept of a standardised refit protocol. The outcome of this meeting was to develop a standardised worklist that could be utilised by Captains and managers in preparation for a refit project. This is because Captains and management companies feel that shipyards, either deliberately or due to their historically developed quoting methods, produce documents that are either not adequately detailed with regards to the works or else do not allow for good like for like comparisons between the shipyards. Our refit yard members counter this argument saying that they find the work lists describing the jobs to be completed are insufficiently detailed leaving too many assumptions to be made. And ultimately, a standardised worklist could allow for the creation of a simple, well defined way to manage the work and plot/shortlist for projects. We have now formed the ‘ICOMIA standard refit protocol working group’ which includes ISYRG yard members, management company representatives and Captains. The management companies are submitting their current worklist/ specification templates to us for consolidation into a common standardised worklist and the working group is due to reconvene in late April to discuss the next step forward”. Tony Rice joined ICOMIA in 2002 after a long career in the British Army, with the previous 10 years spent in international appointments, including an international fellowship at the US Army War College. For more details on ICOMIA visit www.icomia.org and for ICOMIA Superyacht Refit Group visit www.superyacht-refit.com

ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 17

My Opinion.indd 17

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Whether you want the coolest cuts to watch the sun go down to or the latest music to dance the night away, the right mix of music is essential when creating the perfect playlist. Whatever the occasion, the music makes the difference!



The coolest sounds for the hottest beaches

This is the sound of cocktails on the Riviera, perfect with drinks to set the mood for a party. All songs are festive and upbeat and and you can almost hear the sun shining through the music

Juanes - La Camisa Negra Fun Lovin’ Criminals - Couldn’t Get It Right Anakelly - Under My Thumb Kool & the Gang - Children (Chillout Mix) Coldplay feat. Rihanna - Princess Of China Kenji Club - Smalltown Boy (Flatliners Remix) Purple Avenue - Justify My Love Monique - Rolling In The Deep Carlos Santana & Project G&B Maria Maria

LATIN COCKTAIL After a day in the sun, this is the perfect tonic, Latin style Chakachas - Yo Soy Cubano Gloria Estefan - Mi Tierrra Pete ‘El Conde’ Rodriguez - I Like It Like That Afro-Cuban Allstars Distinto, Deferente Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan Merengada - No Woman, No Cry Jorge Ben - Oba, La Vem Ela Tito Puente - Ran Kan Kan Tamba Trio - Mas Que Nada Edmundo Ros - The Peanut Vendor

DINING WITH FRIENDS The choice of music is just as important as the choice of wine

Negro Can – Hotel California (Spanish Mix) Caro Emerald – That Man APM Swingers – Give Me A Dream Rihanna – Te Amo Tina Turner – Private Dancer Fun Lovin’ Criminals – Loco Rhythms Del Mundo & Maroon 5 – She Will Be Loved Santana – Oye Como Va Ray Foxx – The Trumpeter DJ Disse – Walk On The Wild Side

ST TROPEZ PARTY The soundtrack to this spring on the Riviera. The hottest tracks to create the perfect party vibe! Inna – Sun Is Up DJ Antoine – Welcome To St. Tropez Alexandra Stan – Mr Saxobeat Sak Noel – Loca People Michel Telo & Pitbull – Ai Se Eu Tu Pego Alex Gaudino – Destination Calibria In-Grid – You Promised Me Rico Bernasconi vs. Vaya Con Dios – Nah Neh Nah Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers (The Magician Remix) Bob Sinclar feat. Garty ‘Nesta’ Pine – Love Generation

Lumineers – Oh Hey! Ely Bruna – Never Gonna Give You Up Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick James Blunt – Wisemen Seal – Secret George Michael – Jesus To A Child Sting – Fields Of Gold Amy Winehouse – Love Is A Losing Game Passenger – Let Her Go Zak Brown Band – Free

ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 19

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20 | spring 2014 | on board

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tranquil waters It seems fitting to find Angelina Jolie; movie star, director, mother and humanitarian, offshore and making waves. Words: Camilla Davies


tar of the big screen Angelina Jolie has attracted some controversy in her time. There’s her brief marriage to Jonny Lee Millar and their perchance for blood-filled vials. Following that came her relationship with model Jenny Shimizu and, drawing the most fervent scandal of all, her love affair with Brad Pitt. Seven years and six children on, the couple are finally engaged. Jolie has recently made headlines after taking preventative measures against breast cancer, undergoing a double mastectomy having learnt she had an 87 percent risk of developing the disease due to a defective gene. The humanitarian actress is said to be looking into more preventative surgery. It seems the media circus constantly hounds Jolie, so with the paparazzi ever knocking at your door, how do you get a bit of peace and quiet? Jolie found the answer in taking to the ocean with her family. You would think that a suitable yacht for Brangelina must ooze sex appeal whilst comfortably accommodating their handsome brood. With oldest kid Maddox, 12, at the helm, along with Pax Thien, Zahara, Shiloh and five-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne bringing up the rear, it takes an Italian luxury vessel to fit the bill. Rumour has it the Jolie-Pitts are looking to purchase a $5million, 300-foot-long yacht, fitted with two apartments, two guest suites, a swimming pool, heliport, speedboats and even a small submarine! The pair have friend Johnny Depp’s luxury 156ft The Vajoliroja to test drive too, having previously holidayed on board the luxurious craft.

Water babies The water-faring Jolie-Pitts also enjoyed a stint upon superyacht Ghost II, a 120-foot 2009 Warren Sports Yacht. Shots of the couple and their six children frolicking at the waterside show a softer side to the star of Salt and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. “I think you have to take any opportunity to spend time with your family,” she says. “I was always near the coast when I grew up, and I think I’ve always had a part of that with me. “I think there’s a perception that having yachts is a way of celebrities putting distance between themselves and the press. It’s not, it’s just a nice way to spend time; a place where you can chill out and enjoy unique surroundings, and I love that.” Back on terra firma, Jolie’s latest role is also rather family-friendly and required working closely with her youngest daughter Vivienne. In the upcoming dark Disney fantasy Maleficent, Jolie becomes the ultimate Disney villainess, the eponymous Maleficent, with

Vivienne portraying Princess Aurora in the reimagining of beloved tale Sleeping Beauty. Jolie explains how whilst she didn’t initially see her daughter as a child actress, but Vivienne was cast into the spotlight through necessity, as the actress explains. “The reason we cast her, because we never planned on putting our children in film, was because every other three-year-old that sees me dressed like this is scared of me,” she laughs. Admittedly Maleficent is a role of a different calibre to the type the action heiress is usually associated with, but nonetheless one close to her heart. “When I was a little girl, Maleficent was always my favourite. So I was so excited to get a chance to play her and any time we had been not sure about certain things, whether it be her look or anything about her voice, we’d always go back to the original because she was perfect as she was.”

Life in focus Away from the big screen, the actress is more in the limelight than ever given the rumours surrounding her upcoming nuptials. She tells us how having a family has given her greater clarity in life. “You learn that the only things which are meaningful is how much love you can bring to your world and what you can do to build a happy life for your children. It makes you forget about all the selfish concerns you might have had and which I had when I was younger and not at all at ease with who I was and what I wanted from life. “Now I wake up each morning surrounded by Brad and my children and all the love and warmth that comes from being part of their lives. My children give me a sense of peace and fulfilment when I see how happy and healthy they are. I feel truly at ease when I know I’ve helped give them a safe and hopeful life. A big family can generate a lot of chaos, but it’s also a source of inner peace. At the end of the day it’s the best feeling in the world.” With family-time so precious to the Jolie-Pitt clan, long may their offshore yachting antics continue. And as speculation as to the top secret location of their nuptials continues, perhaps a maritime Jolie-Putt union shouldn’t be ruled out. Pitt’s latest purchase fits with the rumour he’s planning some seaborne element to the big day. “We both love being on the sea and enjoying what is a really fun and unique experience. The kids adore it as well and everything we do is about ensuring our children are happy and we are giving them great times to remember.” on board | spring 2014 | 21

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Lady Candy Benetti’s latest custom displacement yacht is the ultimate charter and entertainment vessel. Reviewed by Frances and Michael Howorth


he hugely experienced yachtsman, Alan Chuang a Hong Kong based real estate developer and entrepreneur is the excited Owner of the newly delivered 56 metre Lady Candy from Benetti. He is eagerly waiting to take over his yacht and excited at the prospect of using her to indulge his passion for scuba diving He plans to enjoy the yacht together with his family and friends and has plans that see her cruising extensively throughout South East Asia.

saloon that covers 88 m2 of the main deck. He also had his own cabin and that of Candy, his daughter, moved to the upper deck to maximise privacy. As a keen diving and underwater enthusiast, he could not pass up on the opportunity to install a fully equipped beach club, complete with bar, gymnasium, steam shower, bathroom and living area right next to the swimming platform, that includes separate entrances for guests and crew.

He played an actively important role in the design paying particular attention to the interior layout which was customdesigned for him by Captain Paul Brackley’s Hong Kong based Central Yacht Design Studio. He did, for example, explicitly request that the interiors be given priority over the exteriors, and doing so, he has created an enormous and exciting main

Candy girl Named after his daughter, Lady Candy has four decks connected by a central lift that opens onto an elegant lobby leading to various spaces. To this deck is added an additional lower deck for the engine room, mechanical rooms, and various stowage areas critical to ensuring efficiency and autonomy, the laundry

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Specifications Length overall 56.0 mt Beam 10.6 mt Draught 3.55 mt Displacement 800 tons Tonnage 962 gt Fuel tank capacity 130,000 litres Owner & guests 12 persons in 6 cabins Accommodation for crew 14 persons in 7 cabins Main engines 2 x MTU 12V 4000 M53 Output power 1,320kW @ 1800 rpm Generators 2 x 175 kW Cat C9 Genset - 400V - 50hz Stabilisers Naiad Zero Speed system Speed 17 knots Range speed @ 12kn 5,000 nm Builder Azimut Benetti Spa - Benetti Shipyard Naval Architecture Benetti Technical Department Exterior designer Central Yacht Interior designer/decorator Central Yacht/BAMO

room, and other service areas. Forward, with separate access, are five cabins and common areas for the 12- man crew. Abaft, is the large engine room and still further astern is the beach club. Further forward still the garage houses the 7.3 metre Tendershipyard TS 73 tender. Regardless of the weather conditions, the launching of the tender can be easily controlled from above by opening the side door and operating a simple launching-hauling system. The garage also accommodates two jet skis, assorted water toys and a cavernous chilled garbage locker for extended cruising.

Satisfaction guaranteed Fitted with twin 1,320 kW MTU 12V 4000 engines and two 175 kW Cat C9 generators, the maximum speed achieved during sea trials was 17 knots, while cruising the speed is likely to be

set at 16 knots. For best fuel-economy 12 knots, gives her a range of 5,000 nautical miles. The commissioning Captain Paul Brackley is very satisfied with the finished product; he worked with the boatyard to come up with the concept, exterior style, and interior plan: “This is our third project with Benetti. The first one was back in 2005. That was the 65-metre Ambrosia, an award winning and technologically advanced vessel with a hybrid diesel-electric drive; it was the first yacht in the world with ABB compact Azipod propulsion system. “We followed this up with the 60-metre Xanadu which won Robb Report “Best of the Best” charter yacht in 2009.” Lady Candy is the first yacht to be developed directly by Central Yacht, and it has proved to be a resounding success, already receiving various nominations in design competitions.

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Hovering around

Mercier-Jones blends cutting-edge hovercraft innovation with luxury, high-performance supercar technology, resulting in the world’s first Supercraft. A luxury high-performance hovercraft. Agile, fast, easy to pilot, the 2015 Supercraft is an advanced amphibious vehicle with style certain to draw attention. Mercier-Jones has patent pending technology in its revolutionary propulsion system and hybrid drive train, making the Supercraft the most innovative hand built hovercraft ever manufactured. www.mercier-jones.com €54,500


From affordable to downright expensive. The latest eye catching innovations and design trends

Wooden sounds

Grado have built a strong reputation for its specialty headphones since opening its doors in Brooklyn more than 60 years ago. The limited-edition on-ear headphones, called simply Bushmills x Grado Labs, are made of wood from barrels used to age whiskey. Grado uses mahogany in its higher-end headphones, which helps produce its signature sound. www.gradolabs.com €290

Disc play

Your old plastic frisbee may hold a special place in your heart, but it doesn’t reflect your penchant for frivolous luxury items quite the same way the Leather Flying Disc Geoffrey Parker does. These fancy frisbees fly surprisingly far, although you’ll probably never toss one in the yard for fear of losing it. www.geoffreyparker.com €220

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Wings of desire

This sonic masterpiece has two 15” woofers mounted in a unique enclosure delivering bass that no high end design using small woofers can even hope to match. 104db efficiency (1w/1m) means any low powered tube amplifier can drive the Monarch. OMA’s proprietary cast aluminium alloy horn and compression driver cover the midrange and high frequencies. www.oswaldsmillaudio.com €72,500

Up in smoke Wheely great

It takes only one second to convert the URB-E from something the size of carry on luggage to a ‘go anywhere’ personal e-vehicle for you to scoot around the quays on! Because of its amazingly compact size and ability to store on board, this trendy vehicle hits the spot. www.urb-e.com €1100

Made with hand crafted ceramic and smoke chambers of hand-blown glass and cut crystal. Every piece of metal is milled out of a solid block of metal, sanded and polished by hand and individually coated. The patented, innovative centre ring is an engineering feat, allowing for the first time in Shisha history, for the pipe to rotate around it’s own axle. www.desvall.com €43,600

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Claire Griffiths takes a quick spin around the Med to catch up with yacht agents and find out what they anticipate will fill their days this season compared to other years. Are there any changes worthy of note?

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Charter Assistance

Berth Reservation



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Lara Toti Phone + 39 331 7086507 +39 393 6594976 lara@starsteam.it

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L&L Stars Team

L&L Stars Team is a leading yacht service agency for yachts and megayachts in the Med.Their highly experienced staff together with their partners offers you a trouble free cruise all over the Mediterranean. Whenever business or pleasure brings you to Sardinia you can depend on them for a tailored top class service with a great added value, their total commitment and passion. L&L provide 24/7 logistic, technical and provisioning assistance and are aware that the good result of a cruise depends on the real time finding, access to information and excellent sea land support. For more details Tel: +39 393 6594976 Or visit www.starsteam.it

Sardinia Lara Toti worked for a yacht agency for 11 years before making her dream come true and opening her own full service agency in 2012 with business partner Leila, L&L Stars Team. They promise yacht support and assistance based in Sardinia with a worldwide reach and a wedding service for anyone who wants to tie the knot on the Emerald Isle. Mid financial crisis, it wasn’t the best time to launch into new waters and Lara admits they were nervous when their doors opened two years ago. Says Lara; ‘We were afraid at first but we had 45 boats the first year, and last year more than double, around 90. Once clients connect with you and trust you, they follow you and become loyal.’

‘Italian tax is confused at the moment and I know France is suffering the same, charter brokers selling weeks have a big problem deciding where to start charters from. But the big boats still want to come to Cervo and Cala di Volpe, it’s the smaller boats that might have a problem’. Whatever the reason, Lara noted the 30-40 M range were missing on the island last year. ‘Perhaps’, muses Lara, ‘because a lot of our clients were South American and Russian who are fond of large yachts and we had less Arabic clients, Ramadam was very late last year.’ Grass for dogs, limos, private jets, food, drink, berths and technical orders from

the engineers filled the waking hours of the L&L Stars Team last year. Lara, half Italian, half Lebanese and Leila, offer Babylon-esque language skills and are often asked to accompany and translate for clients on shopping trips. Arranging costumes, DJs, make up for 100 guests in two hours flat is all in a day’s work and there is never enough time to do things properly. ‘But somehow it happens and clients never know about the panic behind the scenes’. But the Jewish family joining a yacht a couple of days after the previous charter and requesting new bedlinen, pillows, mattresses etc. did test the girls’ skills a bit.

DRM Maritime Services

Founded in 2006 DR Maritime was created as a result of the combination of years of experience, of its founder and director Capt. Dragovic, who has experienced time in the merchant navy and the last ten years in the megayachts industry. DR Maritime started providing services for megayachts in Montenegro, but soon after thanks to recommendations from Captains have developed a network providing services to clients in the area of the Adriatic Sea, together with their partner agents from neighboring countries including the USA, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and Croatia.Their clients are some of the largest and most famous yachts in the world who come from the most prestigious shipyards. The Company has built up a reputation for offering customers an excellent service based on the quality of their human resources, professionalism and trust. For more details Tel: +382 32 304 200 or visit www.drmaritime.com

Montenegro Situated along the pier at the centre of the historical port of Kovoc is DRM Maritime Services Ltd. Managing Director Captain Radule Raki Dragovic anticipates the completion of the second phase of the marina Porto Montenegro will bring more boats to Montenegro and then later the

construction of the new marinas Porto Novi and Lustica Bay. His season will be filled with requests for clearance procedure, provisions, berth bookings, transfers and fuel supplies and the odd ask for 1000 white roses, or organising a surprise birthday party. But none of it fazes him;

‘Each request for me is the same I do not make any difference between services I have the same approach to all of them. It doesn’t matter if it is just flower delivery or supplying 100,000 litres of fuel.”

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Alpha Marine Group

Alpha Marine Group is a unique group of companies specialized in the field of yacht agency and yacht management services, chartering and trading fuels.To date their experience in yacht agency & management, yacht fuels & lubricant supplies has been for yachts operating in Greece and all over the Mediterranean. Currently they manage and represent a large number of different types and sizes of yachts. Alpha also supply yachts with fuel in all parts of Greece & the Mediterranean with their sister companies Trust Oil & Alpha Marine Fuels who are leaders in the physical supply of marine fuels. For more details Tel:+30 (0) 210 8983590 or visit www.alpha-group.com

Greece Captain Nikos Politis is managing director of ALPHA Marine Group, a combination of companies fully compliant with ISPS security standards and specialized in the field of trading fuels including marine fuels, Mega Yacht Management, Agency services and Chartering throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. He anticipated little change in the industry until recently when a new bill was submitted to the Ministry of Mercantile Affairs regarding the yachting industry which ‘will really untie our hands and increase yacht tourism’. However the bill has some time to go to pass through parliament so for the moment there is no real change. He and his team put themselves in the shoes of the owners to make their every wish come true with a positive outlook and

a goal for perfection: ‘Of course this is not so easy to do if there is an accident on a yacht which happened a while ago when it was sailing around the Greek Islands when one of the crew fell and damaged his back. Says Nikos; ‘We immediately called an English speaking doctor to visit the patient on board the yacht who said that he should be transferred immediately to a hospital. As he could not walk or even sit in a wheelchair we tried to find a big helicopter to take him on a stretcher to Rhodes Hospital, which was the closest one, but as it was already late afternoon and private helicopters are not allowed to fly after sundown. Luckily we managed to find on a nearby island an emergency hospital helicopter that was picking up another patient and they came and picked him up and took him to Rhodes. Then we and our

representative in Rhodes took over with the arrangements, the doctors, the tests etc. to make sure the patient was recovering. We were in direct contact with the patient all day, every day, making sure that all was well. After a week when he could be moved by wheelchair we made arrangements for the patient to be transfered by ambulance to a cabin on a ship to Athens to a limo that took him to his VIP flight (fully reclining chair like a bed) for the long flight home to recover. Luckily the damage was not permanent; the best news ever as he was only 28 yrs old’. But these incidents, hopefully, are rare and more usual yacht services requests include itineraries for the yachts, berthing, guided tours of the Acropolis, air tickets and events, on board or on secluded island beaches.

Giovanni Boccadifuoco

Situated across many ports and on call to make your trip to Siciliy one to remember and to run as smoothly as possible Giovanni Boccadifuoco provide a complete range of services at Sircausa, Riposto, Taormina, Palermo Trapani and Eolie Island. From berth reservations, yacht clearance and duty free bunker services to arranging land based excursion across the island and emergency repairs if required along with a full shopping and provision service. For more details Tel: +39 0931 463866 Mob +39 335 5239462 or visit www.boccadifuoco.it

Sicily Alfredo and team manage shipping and yacht agency Boccadifuoco in Sicily with offices in Siracusa, Augusta, Pozzaloo and S. Panagia. He’d like to see the superyacht season last a bit longer and urges superyachts to take advantage of reasonable berth pricing and warm winter climates instead of the ‘crazy’ prices in

the Med. After 20 years in business he rarely has a problem fulfilling orders which include costume parties, events, visits to ancient sites and protected reserves, the mouth of the volcano – all can be organised. Over the season they expect around 100 yachts, but never say no to new business.

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When you visit


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Captains’ Concierge

Captains’ Concierge is a yacht support agency entirely dedicated to assisting all captains and crew aboard yachts cruising in the south of France.Their yacht agents are available 24/7 all year round and provide all sizes of yachts with the best services and the highest quality of supplies anywhere between Monaco and Marseille. They can also deliver at sea with their fast tender. With excellent knowledge and experience in the region, they guarantee to only bring onboard the most reliable professionals and the highest quality of goods within the shortest delays. They also offer great competitive rates to their clients. Captains’ Concierge has offices in both ports of Cannes and members of their team can be met in any port on the Riviera.They can assist yachts with a large range of services including; port reservations, bunkering, provisioning, technical support, charter assistance, equipment & parts supply, crew placement and all the many services usually offered by private concierges. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 83 44 06 94 or visit www.captains-concierge.com

French Riviera Pierre Badin runs Captains’ Concierge from Cannes and covers all yacht services throughout the French Riviera. There have been a few changes in the past couple of years which he considers improvements, like the organization of many ports with new reservation systems but the biggest change is that yachts are looking for the lowest possible rates. ‘Of course, captains still want the highest quality of products and services but they are now negotiating a lot and asking for discounts, following their owners’ instructions’, says Pierre. ‘The challenge for us is to carry on providing the best products and at the same time to remain competitive in terms of rates. Fortunately, we have a really good network of suppliers who have understood this and have adjusted their prices without changing their quality standards. Our margins can be very small at times on some products but never mind, the most important for us is the client’s satisfaction’. Captains’ Concierge provides all services to yachts

all year-round and naturally the most frequent requests are related to berth reservations and provisioning in summer, technical support in winter. But also a colossal number of reservations for restaurants and clubs during the season and the very late calls in the middle of the night for last minute reservations in the most exclusive clubs. Last summer Pierre had over 40 guests from different yachts booked on the same day at the famous “Club 55” in Saint Tropez! Time-consuming requests are the rare items that often he and his team have never heard of like Spiderman costumes with shouting gloves for adults (!?), un-findable organic products or Modern Art garbage cans from obscure Swedish manufacturers – all things that can take several people several hours to source find and deliver - hardly worth the value of the item sought; ‘But we like challenges and it is a good way to prove to our clients that they can rely on us for anything they need’. The everyday requests

are pock-marked with the more unusual, impossible to anticipate but sometimes easier to accomplish than first thought: ‘A regular client once asked me at 7pm for a couple of Mediterranean fish to be delivered alive to the boat before 10am the next day. They were having a wedding on board and the bride wanted to release the fish in the sea, as a symbol of the launch of their new life as newly-weds. ‘Obviously, we couldn’t buy fish from a pet shop as they usually are tropical fish and would have died straight away in the Med. I asked a fisherman who I know goes fishing very early to save me 4 or 5 identical fish from his net. My guys met him at sea with our tender and brought the fish back to Cannes where I was waiting on the dock with a cooler full of sea water which I had equipped with an air filter for the fish to stay alive during the 50 minutes truck trip to Beaulieu. I was under a lot of pressure and stopped a few times on the way to check on my fish but they made it!’

BWA Yachting

BWA Yachting offers a full concierge and marine agency solution dedicated to superyachts. The local teams are working 24/7 from more than 30 offices across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Americas, offering you a seamless marine service paired with the unique local tastes of each destination you visit. To their most demanding vessels and fleets, BWA also offer a tailored and global hub agency solution that offers a dedicated account management along with several added benefits and discounts. For more details Tel: +41 91 913 3240 or visit www.bwayachting.com

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Kedus Yacht Services W ORLD WID E YACH T M AN A GEM EN T

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WE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES • Berth Reservations • Yacht Clearance • Duty Free Bunkering • Banking Services • Firearms Authorisation • Spare Parts • Ship Provisions • Transfers • Helicopter & Private Jet Transfers • Beauty Treatments & Spas • Medical Assistance • Tourist Excursions • Travel Reservations & Accommodations • Emergency Repairs • Shopping • Restaurant Booking • Internet Point

Tel +39 0931 463866 M +39 335 5239462 E alboccadifuoco@virgilio.it www.boccadifuoco.it Via Mazzini, 7 96100 Siracusa 34 | SPRING 2014 | ON BOARD

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KS Shipping Malta

KS Shipping offers professional services to yacht owners wishing to use the advantageous Malta Yacht VAT leasing scheme. This incentive applies if a yacht bought by a Maltese company is leased for a minimum period of 1 year to a maximum period of 3 years to another related person or company who will pay VAT on the lease payments. The VAT Department has implemented this scheme by virtue of which the payment of VAT upon the purchase of a yacht which is privately used is considerably mitigated depending on the actual time spent by the yacht in EU waters. Upon the exercise of the purchase option the vessel is transferred to the lessee and a final VAT payment under the Scheme is made. A VAT paid certificate by the Maltese authorities as an EU member state is granted accordingly. The scheme requires the boat to be in Malta on commencement of the lease agreement. For more details Tel:+356 (0) 9971 3545 or visit: www.ksshippingmalta.com

Malta Captain Edwin and Sarah Vella run VELLA MARINE MALTA. They have recently opened a new office in Gzira next to Manoel Island Marine. The company deals in shipping and yachting services and crew recruitment. The most time consuming requests happen when he works through a third party for the first time. He says; ‘I have a situation right now, where I am delivering a boat from the UK to Malta, and I only have “control” over the Malta representative

of the shipping company. The boat did not fit in the container as planned, because we were given the wrong dimensions of the container. Now we are still waiting for the second quote, with the client calling us for more info, and it is not something we can provide him with, unless we receive it from the third party involved. It is just taking a lot more time than it should!’ Other than that he expects a season to include limitless requests for duty free fuel and

other provisions. Recently he’s had a lot of requests related to crew recruitment and in particular candidates looking for work with no experience or even basic safety training; ‘I do not understand how someone can expect to just walk on board a yacht and start working. Even though you try to explain, there are a few that do not get it…’ Keith at KS Shipping based at Marsa in Malta doesn’t expect much difference to the busy summer they had last year.

Vella Marine Malta

As a fresh, driven and goal orientated company Vella Marine not only aim to offer their clients the routine agency services but also try to offer each client the individual attention and requirements they may need. Crew recruitment, off shore supplies, Maltese flag registration and yacht management are amongst a number of services they offer. For more details Tel: +356 (0) 792 71344 or visit: www.vellamarinemalta.com

Mediterranean Brieuc Audebert of the BWA Yachting network notes changes in the size of vessels having grown over the last five years from 30-50 M yachts to nowadays a fleet of 70 metres plus, that still require the same kind of services and assistance but on a much larger scale. These changes meant the company had to adapt its structure and staff. The other significant change lies with the vessels’ expenses management;

whereas 10 years ago it was simply a question of the Captain placing an order and paying in cash, these are the days of three quotations, the captain’s consent, management approval and 30 to 60 payment terms. Internet sourcing and competition that offer ‘last minute’ services means that no God fearing yacht agent can really sleep soundly at night. Everyday job lists for Brieuc involve ensuring berth

availability for the ‘Jet Set’ destinations, VIP bookings at Clubs, organizing parties with tight timeframes and tight budgets and winter berthing and shipyard selection assistance. But Brieuc is positive; ‘We are well organized, with a full year structure covering geographically the world’s yachting destinations with specialized local staff with a great sense of service and good local contacts. ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 35

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my space

your space Living together in close quarters means having to be more considerate to your fellow yachties. A crew agent looks at your personal space on board


arrived at the offices early that particular balmy late summer morning. Because, quite frankly, that’s how I roll. I like to set up early before the minions arrive; have a cup of coffee, wait for my backwards computer to cough and splutter into life (not unlike myself whilst enjoying aforementioned first cup of rocket fuel of the morning), and generally ease myself slowly into another hectic day of phones ringing incessantly, crew dropping by unexpectedly, and of course, the tackling of a thousand overnight emails from crew and clients alike. So, back to that morning in question, I’d been supping on my cafe au lait for only a mere miniscule moment before I heard a noise that made my nostrils flare, and my upper lip rise up into an unpleasant and unflattering sneer. You know the sort;

the one that looks like someone’s smeared something rather unpleasant on your top lip. The small, and very much shared, toilet was flushing. Someone else had infiltrated my quiet time. And, worse than that, the awful realisation that this said infiltrator had been parked in said bathroom for upwards of fifteen minutes – the time lapsed between me arriving, making coffee and parking my fat office butt in my fat office butt shaped chair to boot up my fat lazy ass computer. The door opened. The accountant emerged. She left that door slightly ajar. She smiled and gaily said hello. I said hello back. A difficult feat, one might add, when one’s upper lip is holding the aforementioned sneer. Moments later, a vile rancid stench, not dissimilar to that left behind by a garbage truck which has

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For more information go to www.2oma.com or call us on +27 21 7902442

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my space

just come fresh from the slaughterhouse route and dumped out a biffa bin full of babies’ nappies on a very hot summer’s day, permeated the air and infiltrated my delicate early morning nostrils. Fighting the urge to vomit back into my coffee cup, I got to thinking about how inconsiderate this woman was. That is, after my mind had wondered what the hell this person had eaten the day before to back out such an unholy mother load. People? Road kill? People who’ve been eating road kill? The mind boggled.

When you are working and living in such close proximity to various other people (and let’s face it, often strangers), it’s hard to get into a routine and to adjust to other people’s foibles and little ways. I for one am renowned for leaving my shoes all over the place. Fine in my own apartment, if I fall over them I have nobody to yell at. If I fall over yours however, all hell will break loose. I will kill you. Fact. Some people are incredibly and naturally untidy. But when sharing that tiny weeny cabin with another person you have to reign in those bad habits.

Anyway I digress; I pondered how she’d come in early to befoul our communal toilet with such an all embracing vileness that the revolting odour would no doubt linger the entire day, taking poor unsuspecting fellow office workers by a gag-inducing surprise when popping in to relieve themselves, not to mention stripping them of their teeth enamel, AND that this would not have been the first time she’d performed such an horrific act of desanctifying our communal holy of holies. Surely she could have done that at home?

I can’t help myself, I have to return to the theme of the toilet. Boys, if you’re sharing a head with the ladies, stop leaving the seat up. Yes, we CAN put it down. That’s not the issue. The issue is, when we stumble into the toilet late at night, dog tired (or half cut), we see the lid is up, sit down, and if the seat’s also up we fall in and get stuck. That’s really not great. Really. It’s not fun to be calling out for margarine to oil up one’s hips to get us out of the john in the middle of the night, and it also leaves unsightly bruises. Ladies are you with me?

Which led me to start thinking about how personal space, and consideration for other people’s personal space is so very important.... if it’s this crucially essential in a big old office, then it’s downright fundamental in a small confined space... like... crew accommodation in a yacht.

Snoring has to be the worst problem with sharing cabins, I know of people who have had to use earplugs in order to get their much needed shut eye and then getting a fierce bollocking from the captain after they slept through the fire drill one morning. How do you combat that? And especially when you get tall guys sleeping in bunks built for pygmies, people get all bunched up and snoring seems inevitable. Should we put the snorers in together? Or perhaps just put them in the engine room...

Ignorant and inconsiderate How many crew have been lumbered with the world’s most inconsiderate bunk mate for a whole season? I could elaborate on the story I heard about the two man crew (captain and stew cook) where the captain used to wet his own mattress every night and she had to hose it down on deck each morning, but I won’t… so come on guys, how hard is it to think, “blimey I had a LOT of curry last night, I’d best use the head with the porthole I can leave open to air it out a bit so my colleagues don’t vomit at the sheer evilness of my depravity”? Ok so it’s not just all about how bad your roomy’s dump smells. There are a whole heap of other things to consider when trying to make your life and your fellow crew mates’ lives more bearable. I’ve illustrated quite possibly the worst example because that’s what happened to me the other morning. However, being crew you must try to be considerate to your compadres in various ways, and adapt previously socially unacceptable conduct to become, well, more socially acceptable.

But, loathe as I am to say it, girls do seem to be some of the worst contenders in the cabin sharing stakes though...make up and dirty knickers everywhere, phone chargers left on the floor (just perfect for bare feet to step on in the dark), or just plain old barging in without knocking on male cabin mates. Just cos he’s a guy does not mean he’s happy for you to see his todger love, so please, just knock and wait. It’s called manners. How you all do it I have no idea, being a miserable old spinster with lots of cats (well that’s what everyone thinks anyway), I enjoy having my own space to breathe; be it overpriced and tiny as are most properties on the French Riviera but still. I like to leave my shoes / jeans / knickers (delete as applicable) on the floor / banister / dog (again, delete as applicable) so how you manage to cram your whole lives into a cabin the size of a shoebox I have no idea. Hats off to you all, I salute you.

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captain’s Profile

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Captain Alex Greenson talks to Frances and Michael Howorth on board the Benetti built Panthera What made you join the superyacht industry? Having grown up in the seaside town of Plymouth, Massachusetts I was exposed to sailing at an early age, and developed a love for boats and boating.

What was your first superyacht and when did you join her? Quo Vadis, a 100 foot Broward motor yacht. I joined her in Newport R.I., as chef and immediately sailed for Hyannis Port, the summer home of the Kennedys. Next we picked up the guests; John F. Kennedy Jr., his Aunt Ethel, and other members of the Kennedy family.

Which is your favourite Mediterranean port and why do you like it? I would have to say Palma de Mallorca. Palma is a great town, and the island of Mallorca is so diverse.

What is your favourite restaurant or bar in the Mediterranean? Sa Punta restaurant in Ibiza. It is open air, has great service, great food, and a great atmosphere.

Which is your favourite Mediterranean anchorage? I have always enjoyed the anchorages in and around the Bonifacio Strait.

The Mediterranean is said to be crowded with superyachts. Where do you think is the best spot to get away from the others? The Eastern Med probably has great anchorages, that are not too crowded, Croatia is one, and the Greek Islands have many anchorages where you can find some solace.

What do your crew do really well? The full time crew works well together, and without much direction. Everyone does their job.

Do you have a pet hate and if so what is it? Dishonesty.

If you had a magic wand what would you change in job?

What’s the most curious request you have had made of you? To arrange a private dinner at Ephesus, the ancient ruins in Solcuk, Turkey. To pull it off we had to get a permit from the department of antiquities. The dinner was great. The budget that I had to work with allowed us to arrange 5 star catering, and a stringed quartet, that played in the background during the dinner. It was a great night, and the client loved it.

How do you think your crew talk about you behind your back? I’m sure there are things that are said, but mostly crews that have worked for me, would want to do so again if given the opportunity.

What would you like to do when you cease being in command of a superyacht? Write, paint, and sail around the world on my own time, and my own yacht.

Quick Fire Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite

Motorcar Aston Martin Motorbike Harley Davidson Movie Good Fellas Book Herman Wouk’s The Winds of War Movie Star Tom Hanks Music Artist John Mayer and James Taylor Restaurant Sa Punta, Ibiza Food Type As a New Englander I would have to say

a clambake, but I also enjoy a good rib eye steak Favourite City Boston Massachusetts, because it’s a great town and I’m from there. Second choice is Florence for its architecture, beauty and history Favourite Superyacht Destination Newport Rhode Island, USA Favourite Classic Superyacht Velsheda. I like all of the J boats, but she, like Endeavour, were originally built during the era in the 1930s

Captain’s CV

Have it situated closer to family.

What is the most funny superyacht experience you can recall? Hiring a violinist the night before a Monaco Rendezvous. It was in 1991. Sam Israeloff (yacht broker), from Fort Lauderdale, had arranged for our appearance at the rendezvous. He wanted us to win the Concours du Chef competition, and he thought that having a violin player playing in the background would assure a win for us. At 11:00 PM, after a few cognacs, he talked me into going to the Hermitage with him to find the violinist. It was a fun experience!

Name Alexander D. Greenson (Alex) Age 54 Nationality American Previous yachts in command Aile Blanche, Schooner America, Tiziana, Walkabout, Artemis, and Liberty Current yacht Panthera Number of crew 8

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wear it the BLAZER The sartorial term blazer originated with the red ‘blazers’ of the Lady Margaret Boat Club (1825), the rowing club of St. John’s College, Cambridge. The club jackets were termed blazers because of the bright red cloth. Although other sources lean towards the term coming from HMS Blazer. Before the standardisation of uniform in the Royal Navy, the crew of HMS Blazer wore “striped blue and white jackets”, apparently in response to the sailors of HMS Harlequin being turned out in harlequin suits. As late as 1845 the crew of HMS Blazer were dressed by their Captain in jackets of blue and white stripes and it is from this that the word “Blazer”, meaning a striped jacket, has entered the language. Striped blazers became popular among British Mods in the early 1960s. Boating Stripe Blazer www.prettygreen.com €595

Personal Shopper Unleash your individual style this season

Clarks Marcos Edge €72

Vans Surf Chauffette €54



Sperry Lola €28

Put your best foot forward

Lacoste Sumac €76

All deck shoes available from www.surfdome.com

Chatham Rosanna €48

42 | spring 2014 | on board

Wear It.indd 42

4/1/14 8:40 PM

Slowear cotton linen shorts www.mrporter.com €50

Yi Zhou shorts www.each-other.com €567

Bellerose Picas pants www.bellerose.be €91


SWEET Bellerose camouflage pants www.bellerose.be €125

Wooyoungmi cotton and linen www.mrporter.com €230

Hot pants for cool guys

Bellerose Picas pants www.bellerose.be €104

AMI washed twill shorts www.mrporter.com €35

Folk cotton shorts www.mrporter.com €40

ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 43

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4/1/14 8:41 PM


Whether you’re an expert or a novice try out one of these latest paddle boards

BIC - Dura Tec

NAISH - Nalu Air €899

C4 - Holo Holo EVA €799

C4 - MR Pro Model €950

BIC - Ace Tec Green €699

All paddle boards available from www.surfdome.com

FANATIC - Fly €699

NAISH - Nalu GS €896

4/1/14 10:16 PM

paddleboards.indd 44


44 | SPRING 2014 | ON BOARD


Paddles UP

Brad Walker looks at the simple, yet fun toy, which has taken the world by storm. For the pure ease of use, enjoyment, fitness and exploration, the paddleboard and it’s adventurer have taken this to places never thought possible


ith varying types, sizes and shapes it is extremely important to match the correct board and paddle for its varying purpose and user. For example, there are a myriad of options from long narrow race boards, short maneuverable surf style to mid sized multi purpose boards used for cruising, or perhaps SUP Yoga! There are also the all incredibly popular inflatable models, for their ease of storage, safety and functionality without worrying about any damages. With just a few manufactures making these to a very high rigidity and standard, using the ultimate glues and materials to last. Selection and the correct advice is paramount. The right inflatable paddle board will quickly become the most used toy on any charter yacht, and will last for years to come. All this to be quickly and easily deflated, rolled away and stored in a backpack or locker for the next charter..

Keep it personal Paddle’s become personal, however the advent of the adjustable length paddle make’s selection easier for all types of riders. There are materials with flex, strength and weight advantages, including varying blades and handgrips. We must make mention of the all important locking mechanism, the last thing needed is for this to start adjusting itself when the owner or 10 star guest’s are out a few miles away from the boat. All in all the Stand Up Paddle Board will, by far, become the most popular piece of water sport’s kit onboard, simply because of its natural feel and capability to empower guests to go and explore, while exercising and remaining fit off shore! Pure Watersport provides exclusive coaching and a high level of training on these boards to incorporate all levels and personal lifestyles, including SUPfit and Yoga!

Secondly, there is the incredible emergence of enthusiastic kiteboarders amongst owners, guests and crew. Kiteboarding should be taken seriously. For those of us who have done it, been through the learning process and are progressing at various levels, we appreciate the degree of difficulty. We have a tremendous respect for the wind and the equipment during which time the enjoyment that can be gained is tremendous, provided the correct coaching has been gained.

Top tuition This is where common errors or mishaps can, and generally will happen. Always look for, at minimum, an International Kiteboarding Organisation (IKO) Level 2 Certified Instructor with the experience and knowledge that everybody deserves. Incorrect instructions lead to accidents, but risk can be completely eliminated with the right tuition. Equipment also varies, and this is extremely personal and weather oriented. The experience and knowledge shared at the time of purchase is invaluable for complete safety, enjoyment and time on the water. Pure Watersport do indeed offer the most experienced and highest level of coaching to each one of their clients. Following a number of charters over previous years, they provide Pro level riders who competitively kiteboard for a living, some of the biggest international names and most experienced teachers. Not all kiteboarders are able to explain the intricacies behind what it is they do, therefore selection is key. Plan and book charters early for an enthusiastic kiteboarding group or individual, chances are they will be completely hooked and wanting the absolute maximum out of their time every single day. For more details Tel: +44 (0)20 8133 9404 or visit www.purewatersport.com on board | spring 2014 | 45

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Against all odds Two men, 23 years apart in age, but with one extraordinary shared goal, to cross the Atlantic. Words: Jack Ross


n January of this year British sailing enthusiasts Tom Salt and Mike Burton achieved their goal of crossing one of the most testing oceans in the world, clinching the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. In shifts of two hours on and two hours off across 41 spirit-sapping days, they rowed their way from the Canary Islands to Antigua, battling sleep deprivation, mammoth storms, and even ocean wildlife. Billed as ‘The World’s Toughest Rowing Race’, Salt, 30, and Burton, 53, together formed the team ‘Locura Rows the Atlantic’, and in their six-metre boat overcame 17 other teams taking part in the gruelling endurance contest. It was an unbelievable testament to persistence and strong will, and a well-won battle against Mother Nature, yet for Salt at least, entering the challenge came as a pained reaction to the monotony of London life working for a telecoms company. “In 2010 I met up with a friend of mine who had just completed the row,” he tells On Board. “I spoke to her about it, and I must admit, at the time I just couldn’t think of doing anything worse! The thought of how slow the rowing must have been was so depressing. However, the years went on and the idea was still there. One day, out of the blue, Mike sent me a text saying ‘Fancy rowing the Atlantic?’ and I thought, ‘Wow, that’s suddenly quite appealing’!

Neither Tom nor I had ever rowed in any shape or form before we took on the race “I’d been working seemingly solidly for a couple of years, and I was looking around for another adventure.” But there was a problem, admits Mike. “Neither Tom nor I had ever rowed in any shape or form before we took on the race. Exaggerating slightly, surely, we ask the pair whether it would be sensible for competitors with minimal experience to attempt the challenge. After all, the statistics show that more people have been in space or climbed Mount Everest than have rowed the Atlantic. So how could two regular guys complete the task?

Ship shape To compensate and to prepare their bodies for the severe physical and mental challenge ahead, the pair had to undergo a strenuous training regime.“We went to see a number of endurance specialists,” Mike says. “We spent what was an enormous amount of time on rowing machines, and must have done 600 miles rowing our way round the UK as preparation. Then there were a lot of weights, a strict diet plan, and more training. It was pretty constant.” Preparing themselves physically was important, but there was also the task of sourcing equipment

and supplies for the vessel. The Locura is hardly a Viking long ship - the six-metre craft is better likened to a high-tech canoe, made entirely of fibreglass and packed full of sea-faring gadgets – but being in such a confined space was a world away from the pair’s experience in 2010 as crew competing in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. “We met on that race,” says Tom, “so we both came from the same start point, but moving down into such a small boat was a strange experience. It’s amazing that when you go out on a six-metre rowing boat you can touch the water on both sides without moving the seat you’re in. Very quickly you begin to realise how exposed you are.“I remember thinking, ‘Hang on, this isn’t like sailing anymore’. You haven’t got a 5ft freeboard where you’re so far off the water you can’t touch it. So it’s a very different experience, and during those first couples of weeks when the storms hit, we were seeing around 12-metre swells. I’ve seen bigger, but compared to the size of the boat we were in they were made far, far more scary. The boat threatened to go stern over bow a few times and we were being sent down vertically, like the steepest rollercoaster ever. I was just thinking, ‘This isn’t pleasant’.”

Tired and tested As well as the physical duress of battering waves and the maintenance of the wafer thin vessel in stormy waters, Mike admits another strain involved dealing with relentless work schedule, meaning any rest period was painfully short. “There were certain times when we would have got off the boat had we been given the opportunity! My biggest issue was the transition from the normal eight hours of sleep a night to operating two hours on, two hours off. The change in sleep pattern and general sleep deprivation I found very difficult. There were times when all I wanted to do was get in my sleeping bag and curl up.” The bright white Locura, covered in sponsorship names and solar panels, and flying the British Red Ensign, coasted in to port a full week before the pair’s nearest competitor, but there was one particular moment that almost threw the possibility of finishing into doubt. “We had a marlin attack,” says Tom. “It put an eightinch gash right into the side of the boat. We don’t know when it happened, but it came up from underneath us and smacked the underside of our hull. Because carbon fibre is such a lively material and is so light, it’s very noisy all the time. So with that and the waves chucking around, I don’t think you’d notice the marlin going through the hull; we never did. “We were incredibly lucky. It basically took out a locker which was about 150 litres in capacity, and it filled that up with water. That listed the boat, making us heavier and slower. But thinking it through, the worst case scenario would have been that it went through the cabin and, subsequently, through either me or Mike who were in there at the time. It could have gone through our batteries too, or through our water maker. That would have ruined our race - it would have been over. So really, we were incredibly lucky.”

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Dome sweet

Dome Captain Michael Howorth talks to industry leaders and elicits their views on this fast and ever changing method of on board satellite communication


he seemingly never ending demand for faster, cheaper, satellite broadband is not, as many in the superyacht industry could hope, being driven by the needs of superyachts. Nor is it, as one might have expected, being driven by the everincreasing use of the medium by commercial shipping. It is in fact being driven by the likes of Iraq, Syria and other Middle East companies where fixed-line broadband connectivity is expensive. “Telecoms is an important element in a country’s infrastructure. Iraq is a good potential for the satellite industry because of the oil and the political challenges,” said Riyadh Al Adely, the managing director at SkyStream. Countries that are affected by instability tend to become lucrative markets for satellite service providers because the communications infrastructure and

backbone may be easily affected or shut down. Non-governmental organisations, news outlets and emergency services in such places rely on satellites for communication. As the Syrian civil war heated up, Dubai-based Thuraya noted higher sales and a 40 per cent increase in traffic during communications blackouts that frequently occurred in the country. The lack of fibre-optic infrastructure in Iraq and the rising number of oilfields makes it a prime target. “Iraq as a market is huge. Its infrastructure is still lacking and needs more resources, and people need to access more data in retail and oil and gas,” said Mr Al Adely. “But superyachts are demanding Internet and television-on-demand connectivity, which can only be provided only with these same satellites,” said Mr Al Adely, whose

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Fast dependable broadband internet with superior customer service and support Internet at sea ion keeping you connected coverage area USa T12 & T11n aTLaNTIc T14R

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Fast dependable broadband internet with superior customer service and support






Internet at sea ion keeping you connected



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USa T12 & T11n aTLaNTIc T14R

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For more information visit us at www.internationaloceannetworks.com Tel +44 (0) 1269 833 800

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Dome sweet

Dome company has been appointed as the international distributor of YahSat’s YahClick satellite broadband service that will sell the satellite broadband service across the Middle East and North Africa region to consumers and enterprises. Yahsat’s satellite has coverage in 28 countries across the Middle East, Africa and Central and South-west Asia, covering 1 billion people. Already YahClick is live in 11 countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and South Africa. Tore Morten Olsen, Head of Maritime Satcom activities at Airbus Defence and Space however believes that it is the rising number of superyachts in the world that is driving up demand for satellite broadband “Look at the owner profile,” He explains “Having his family on board means the Internet must be available for children or spouses, who will no doubt want to be connected to friends and family at home all the time. Or perhaps the owner is himself a 24/7 trader, so being connected is not a nice to have, but a must-have.” Costas Charalambous the Sales Director of Global Marine Communications is not so sure it’s the superyacht owner that is driving demand saying, “It’s more the proliferation of services we need and want, together with a growing awareness of these services that is driving demand.”

Early adopters A few years ago users on a yacht only had one device. In 2013 they typically had three devices. This year there will now be users wearing their own devices as well. This is not just owners and guests but crew with large disposable incomes with time on their hands. “People on yachts have always been early adopters, said Roger Horner Managing Director of e3 the communications specialist company based in Palma Mallorca.”

NSSL Global Established in 1969, NSSL Global is an independent provider for satellite communication solutions, specialising in superyachts offering “on the shelf” and bespoke packages with the fastest download speeds available. Their Cruise-IP network offers the most extensive VSAT coverage in the market with six teleports, 15 satellites and 21 beams. This provides customers with an assured coverage of the vital superyacht destinations such as; The Caribbean, Mediterranean, Seychelles, Maldives, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, they offer a first class customer service 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day; providing you with peace of mind. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1737 648 800 or visit www.nsslglobal.com

Throughout this time there has been a steady growth in data hungry apps on mobile devices used by those on superyachts such as iPhoto, iCloud, Dropbox and other Cloud services. Many crew are now wearing Internet compatible devices such as the fitness monitor Fitbit. Horner says, “All you have to do these days is take ten photos on your iPhone and if you have iPhoto switched on the clever old smart phone will connect to iCloud via the satellite connection and upload 30Mb of photos and of course vice versa.” “Facebook and many other similar apps that everyone used 2 years ago may look the same as they did back then but they are considerably more data heavy today.” “So many client captains suggest, nothing has changed, but my goodness a lot has changed it is just that most of it is invisible and they simply are not seeing that change”

Size does matter Sean Farrell of Station 53, Inc with sales offices in both Italy and the USA believes that size of yacht has got something to do with the higher proliferation. “Definitely, the bigger the yacht the more megahertz it needs is a truism” he says “Although it is difficult at times to explain this to a captain who is watching expenses.” High usage equals high bandwidth, which in turn equals high costs. Some superyachts elect to go with lower costs only to find out they require much more bandwidth. We offer bandwidth upgrades to be put in place at a moment’s notice to increase speed and bandwidth when we are informed the

e3 Systems Why do yachts spend a vast amount of money to use a VSAT system which is the slowest communications connection? Many new wireless technologies are faster and cheaper and can be combined and managed with a reduced VSAT service using e3.Hybrid. They can look after you by using the leading services , via satellite, 3G, 4G and terrestrial broadband which gives you; high bandwidth connections to support video and TV streaming, high speed networks on board and expert online support regionally or globally. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 971 404 208 or visit www.e3s.com

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Over 30 years’ experience in satellite communications 24/7 Customer support Competitive rates Idirect evolution and infinity platform Automatic beam switching Committed information rate [CIR] Ku & C band Global coverage Trans‐atlantic and trans‐pacific coverage Shared and dedicated bandwidth Seasonal upgrades Slow season suspensions US and european VoIP telephone numbers Inmarsat fleet broadband Flexibility to deliver customized service packages to meet the unique needs of each client Superior VSAT antenna systems knowledge & expertise

US +I 843 564 4028 EUROPE +39 (0) 236 007 355 www.station53.com satsales@station53.com 52 | SPRING 2014 | ON BOARD

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DOME sweet

DOME owner or a charter is onboard. But there are examples where a 150m yacht demands an internet connection that equals that of an average fifty metre yacht on charter. The demand of their Internet bandwidth is purely driven by the type or number of people using the yacht or the type of equipment the owner choses to install.

Superyacht owners need to be educated in terms of how they can use their satellite communications package more efficiently Established in 1969, NSSL Global is an independent service provider for satellite communications solutions. Adrian Harrow the company’s Marketing Director suggests, “To get the provision right, superyacht owners and captains should actively manage the satellite broadband.” He says, “One very simple way of reducing bandwidth use is turning off automatic updates on devices. This ensures that bandwidth is only being taken up when people onboard are actually using their connected devices, which means they can enjoy a faster service on their current package. Alternatively, limiting crew’s access can ensure that owners and guests get the service they want, when they want. Therefore, superyacht owners need to be educated in terms of how they can use their satellite communications package more efficiently by establishing protocols and guidelines for crew members and guests.”

International Ocean Networks ION is a direct source satellite airtime provider focused on beaming internet access into the maritime industry directly from the Satellite Earth Station for 14 years! They have designed and built satellite networks from the ground up specifically designed for ‘at sea’ applications. Mega Yachts or Oil Rigs, Cruise Ferries or Fishing vessels all talk about how ION has gone the extra mile to keep them connected regardless of hazardous conditions. For more details Tel: +44(0) 1269 833 800 or visit www.internationaloceannetworks.com

Need for speed Barry Panter of the International Ocean Network (ION) believes that superyachts are demanding faster and faster Internet and television-on-demand connectivity. “Companies that manufacture the satellite routers that function in a similar way to our home ADSL router are working ever harder to develop new software that increases Internet speeds without the need for more space being purchased on the satellite. At ION we have chosen the world leading satellite platform manufacturer iDirect Evolution hardware and seen gains of up to 60% additional throughput in ideal conditions.” Satellites carry a number of transponders which can be pointed to serve different or overlapping earth regions. In the past each transponder provided 32 Mhz to 64 Mhz. As technology has advanced these transponders now provide in excess of 100 Mhz. The limitation is the amount of power the satellite demands from its batteries versus the amount of weight and mass the rocket that launches it is able to handle. New KA Band satellite technology is claimed to be the answer to the demand for more bandwidth but the technical ability and reliability of this concept are very much a controversial point among industry experts. AuroraMaritime is the new Maritime specific service based on the AuroraGlobal initiative’s infrastructure and capabilities. It offers KU services with throughput comparable to

GMC Global Marine Communications know exactly what their clients need because they listen. Only when they really understand do they propose a solution. Whether you are the owner, captain, management company or technical partner, their mission is simple, to find the right solution to satisfy your communication needs. Broadband has moved from a novelty to a luxury to a necessity and with their VSAT internet services, their bandwidth management solution and their 24/7 technical support they make sure you have the right solution for your needs. For more details Tel: +377 (0)680 860 820 or visit www.gmcomms.net

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Bandwidth Optimiser & Service Selector

Broadband on boats is a tried and tested technology, but remaining in control of who consumes it is not. GMC is proud to introduce our simple, effective & proven solution to put the Ship’s Master back in control. For more information: Email: info@gmcomms.net - Web: www.gmcomms.net Call: UK +44 207 024 9736 – Monaco +377 680 860 820 – Cyprus +357 99 254 905 Twitter: GlobMarComms - Facebook: Global Marine Communications GMc.indd 96

4/2/14 11:21 AM

DOME sweet

DOME forthcoming next generation services available now, using existing antennae. The company is suggesting they will double the value for money offering High speed broadband with increased data allowances or throughput speed to meet the growing demand for IP applications and Internet connectivity on all types and size of vessel. Satellite manufacturers continue to place the well-established KU Band technology satellites in orbit, which is a good indicator that KU Band will continue to dominate the industry by means of companies like iDirect advancing the satellite platform abilities. You might not see it, but the evidence is all around us and yes VSAT is changing so very quickly.


Buzz Connect

The case for 3G/4G data at sea

Buzz Connect has been at the forefront of the marine 3G market with products like the Hubba X selling across the world. They have just released a range of 4G/LTE units with single and dual SIM versions in order to take advantage of the new high speed data services becoming available and to help satisfy the burgeoning demand created by more data hungry devices now arriving on board vessels. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 203 488 0088 or visit www.buzzconnect.co.uk

The information age has proved expensive for those who live and work at sea. The burgeoning requirement for Internet access in all walks has put increased pressure on owners and operators to provide high speed Internet access available to crews and guests on board, but the use of VSAT has been the only real option. Steve Smith the Managing Director of Buzz Connect in the UK is now able to offer 3G Broadband at speeds up to 21Mbps for use on yachts. Captains are turning to services such as these to access shore based mobile networks that deliver the sort of high speed connectivity that users require, and whilst the solution is good it also brings it’s own challenges in choosing the right kit for the job and also keeping up to date with the wide range of data SIM card packages available in different countries. Add to this mix the lack of a global standard set of operating systems and radio frequencies and it is not surprising that a certain amount of confusion exists. Vessels operating in coastal waters in individual countries have an easier choice in so much that one operators SIM package will support them in most situations up to maybe 15 miles offshore, but there are still spots where there is little or no signal and there are still areas where one operator provides coverage and another does not. Travelling across borders creates other problems as data roaming from one country’s operator to another is prohibitively expensive and largely impractical. However, the problems apart, lying at anchor close to the shore or in marinas, there is generally a good opportunity to use a 3G/4G modem or router to provide a quality connection for both fixed devices on a wired network or via wi-fi to the various smart-phones, laptops and tablets that are all hungry for data. In such situations the costs against VSAT are comparatively minimal and worthy of the time and effort invested by the diligent captain to provide this increasingly essential service.

Station 53 Station 53 is widely recognized as a VSAT leader in the yachting industry. Encompassing over 30 years experience in marine electronics and communications. Offering Trans-Atlantic and TransPacific global coverage connecting vessels around the world. Yachts rely on Station 53’s technology to provide and maintain their VSAT and VoIP communication connection while they travel around the globe. Station 53’s unparalleled client/technical support supersedes the standards in the VSAT industry. Yachts confidently depend on Station 53’s knowledge, expertise and reliability to deliver quality internet and VoIP communications. They also offer Inmarsat and Fleet Broadband Services. For more details Tel: +39 (0)236 007 355 or visit www.station53.com

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Alf Alderson gets down and dirty, mountain biking on the ancient salt roads of Provence


he purists will disagree, but there’s a lot to be said for throwing your mountain bike into the back of a van and taking the easy way to whichever peak you’re planning to ride down – particularly when the starting point is on the 870-metre high Col de Brouis in the Alpes-Maritime region of Provence. So it was that I found myself bouncing along a dry and dusty trail fresh as a daisy whilst high in the hills with local mountain bike guide Olivier Carriott. I had based myself way down below the col in the picturesque medieval town of Sospel, once a major hub on the ancient ‘Salt Road’ between the French Mediterranean coast and

Turin, and Olivier and I would be riding a long and convoluted descent back to town (with 400-metres of climbing thrown in to justify our van ride) which took in the best of the world-class single track the region has to offer. This area above Provence’s Vallée de la Bévéra, tucked between the Mercantour National Park to the north and the glitzy Cote d’Azur to the south, is rapidly becoming a focal point for discerning mountain bikers thanks to the publicity brought to the region by the Trans-Provence Race, the world’s first and only multi-day point-to-point singletrack mountain bike race. Uncharacteristically the day was rather overcast, but even so the panorama at the start of our ride was impressive, taking in ridge after

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generally played fast and loose with the more tedious aspects of life such as bureaucracy, law and taxes. From here we hit some truly luscious single track which threw everything at us – rocks, roots, switchbacks, drop-offs, trees – lots to challenge but little to terrify. And it all smelt so good – yes, you read that correctly. For we were literally surrounded by the famous ‘herbes de Provence’, and the bouquet of thyme, fennel and basil filled the air as we rode; so if mountain biking doesn’t give you appetite enough for a big lunch the atmosphere here will whet it for you instead.

Border crossing We eventually crossed the border into Italy and rode into the small town of Olivetta, where a coffee stop was posited and then dismissed as a waste of time when we had more fantastic trails awaiting us. A steep climb saw us hit the ‘Sentier Botanique’, roller-coaster single track where more cultured riders may stop occasionally to read the various signboards informing you about the flora you’re passing through. Chances are you’ll ignore all that for another time though, and just keep hammering along the trails.Most of the trails through the area are centuries old and were developed to provide access to the region’s famed olive groves, or other agricultural areas. Others routes take in hunters’ trails, and we regularly came across areas where the wild boar that are a big prize for local hunters had been scrubbing up the earth for food. Suddenly the trail became more challenging and accompanied by some five-star grunting and straining Olivier polished off a back-breaking climb up steep, rubbly switchbacks that he’d been taking on for years without prior success. I pushed…

ridge of hills and mountains rising to almost 2000 metres, with Italy squeezed up against our left shoulder and, Olivier assured me, beautiful views down towards the beautiful people on the Mediterranean coast on a clear day.

Cry wolf We’d been riding for just a few minutes when Olivier pulled over and pointed into the trees. “Two years ago I saw a wolf just there”, he said. Now I’ve been lucky enough to ride my bike in some pretty wild places – remote corners of the Rocky Mountains, Mexico’s Sierra Tarahumara and even parts of Wales, but nowhere have I met anyone who has ridden with wolves as part of the scenery. I asked Olivier what happened and he said “He just returned my gaze then trotted off”. Which is no doubt what pretty much any self-respecting wolf would do, but even so, it’s not the standard ‘view’ you get on a mountain bike ride. A minute later the views were the last thing on my mind as we hit the top section of ‘Trail 6’, which soon transformed from an easy dirt road into exhilarating single track that took us through a mix of upland meadows and woodland. This is the kind of riding that mountain biking is all about - the trails are bone dry and just loose enough that you have to focus on where you’re going but at the same time you can enjoy sliding the back wheel around most corners and generally having fun. It’s all well signposted so even without a guide you can’t really get lost, meaning you’re free to pretty much rip along at your own pace. Eventually we rolled into the rustic village of Piène Haute, situated on a ridge a high above the River Roya. Olivier seemed to know every inhabitant, all of whom had a cheery comment for us, but it wasn’t always like this hereabout; apparently in centuries past the residents of Piène Haute were a bit of a law unto themselves thanks to their remote and inaccessible location on the border of France and Italy, and

From here we rode along rock strewn single track where you really wouldn’t want to take a tumble to your left as it would be at least a second or two before you hit the river (or rocks) below, so distant is the valley bottom. And then the unexpected happened – it started to rain. But it was quite refreshing to feel warm raindrops on my face after a couple of hours of burning up the calories; and we were only a few kilometres from Sospel; and we’d just nipped into the back yard of a house owned by Olivier’s uncle to help ourselves to a bunch of deep purple grapes grown on the local hillsides – so who really cared? The rain had stopped by the time we rode down Sospel’s main street, and no one batted an eyelid as I checked into the Hotel des Etrangers with my hair plastered to my head and mud splattered across my face; it’s part of the scene here the same way as mule trains carrying salt through the town once were. And despite the fact that the Salt Road is long gone, there’s no doubt that the off-road is here to stay.

Essentials ROYA-BÉVÉRA TRAIL Sospel is an official ‘Site VTT’ and is located in the heart of the Roya-Bévéra area, with around 170km of marked trails; there are over 660km of trails in Roya-Bévéra in total. Like Sospel, the mountain town of Tende to the north is also a ‘Site VTT’ with a great network of trails, and it’s quite easy to visit both locations on the same trip. www.oliviercarriot.com www.trans-provence.com www.espace-vtt-sospel.com

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NORCO Sight Carbon €3600

HIT THE PEDAL The best of the current crop of mountain bikes



Mach6 €4600

Rallon €2499



Tallboy Carbon €4200

M429 Carbon €5500 ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 59

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Marina Ibiza

As the 2014 season gets going, make sure you spend time in one of these top marinas

LOCATION 38°54.8’N/01°26.5’E

Marina Ibiza is located in Ibiza town providing a complete service for those who believe the best way to arrive on the island is by sea. Indeed there is no better way to discover the island by sailing around gazing at the natural beauty over crystal blue waters. Marina Ibiza offers a wide range of services for the yacht’s crew and cruising guests.



NUMBER OF BERTHS 120 VHF CHANNEL 09 info@marinaibiza.com www.marinaibiza.com

Manoel Island

Centrally located in Gzira on the shores of the Sliema Creek, offering simple access to chandlery shops, large shopping malls and a wide range of tourist services all within a few short minutes walk from the water’s edge. Visitors are spoilt for choice with numerous bars, cafes and restaurants on hand, together with the island’s rich and diverse historical sites just waiting to be discovered.




Athens Marina


NUMBER OF BERTHS 50 VHF CHANNEL 13 info@miym.com.mt www.miym.com.mt

LOCATION 37°56.3’N/23°39.94E The marina (formerly Faliro Marina) was founded in June 2004, to accommodate the yachts of VIP visitors to the 2004 Olympic Games. Since opening, the marina has hosted many of the largest and best known superyachts from around the world. The renovated Faliro Marina, provides high quality services & facilities for superyachts, and is an excellent base to explore more than 3,000 Greek islands. Many islands are within leisurely sailing distance, such as the Cyclades and the Saronic islands.



NUMBER OF BERTHS 55 VHF CHANNEL 09 info@athens-marina.gr www.athens-marina.gr

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Porto Montenegro Set in the UNESCO listed Bay of Kotor offering berths, tax & duty free fuel, onsite customs, provisioning, chandlery and 24/7 yacht concierge service. A first class superyacht maintenance and refit facility also provides a complete service in the marina. Complemented by signature restaurants, lively bars and a wide range of sports, leisure and cultural activities. The facilities were created with every aspect of the yacht owner, crew and guests’ experience in mind. Yacht-friendly legislation offers some of the most favourable benefits in Europe.

LOCATION 42°25’59.33’N/18°41’32.13’E MAX LENGTH 100m

Pantalán del Mediterráneo


NUMBER OF BERTHS 75 VHF CHANNEL 71 info@portomontenegro.com www.portomontenegro.com

The marina is dedicated to providing the finest quality moorings, and offers the necessary services that will make your stay comfortable, enjoyable and exceed expectations. It is a shore facility developed by yachtsmen for yachtsmen, from the yachting beginner to the international professional crew. They are committed to the constant reduction and prevention of environmental pollution by means of an Environmental Management System that includes periodic evaluation of the environmental impact of the procedures and services provided by Pantalán del Mediterráneo.

Port de Plaissance de Bonifacio

LOCATION 41°23.4’N/09°09.8’E MAX LENGTH 75m

DEPTH 5.8m

LOCATION 39°33’42.7 N/02°37’47.7 E MAX LENGTH 120m


NUMBER OF BERTHS 61 VHF CHANNEL 09 info@pantalanmediterraneo.comwww. www.pantalanmediterraneo.com

Port de Plaissance de Bonifacio is a sheltered harbour, with exceptionally well preserved architecture. Having had a turbulent history as a fortified town, and the victim of many attacks from armies from all corners of the Mediterranean. Today, Bonficaio offers a relaxed and naturally beautiful habitat catering for the visitor who may wish to escape the frantic city life. Here they can take in the beautiful scenery and sample local delicacies from a first class marina base.

NUMBER OF BERTHS 53 VHF CHANNEL 09 Port.bonifacio@wanadoo.fr www.port-bonifacio.fr

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The arT of running marinas

128m pier in the heart of Palma

+34 667 494 858


Berths from 20m to 128m oscar.indd 96 Amarres deportivos english 2.indd 1

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The ultimate in protection Jason Steinmann talks about the high performance application system that protects and preserves marine surface coatings


olishing is bad. You may think this a curious statement from a polishing company but attacking paint with abrasive compounds, abrasive pads and fast-rotating machinery is never going to be a good thing especially when carried out in harsh sunshine, sometimes suspended from harnesses, other times on rafts, with time pressures to get the job done. The very best surface protection available to yachts right now is paint and there are no other coatings available to match its finish and protective qualities. However, the fact is that yachts’ appearance is of paramount importance and, after a certain period of time, the optical qualities will have deteriorated to an unacceptable level. Invariably, this will have occurred before either programme or budget allow for re-painting.

A bright future It is at this point that restoration and protection of the paint becomes necessary to recover and maintain the colour, distinction of image, gloss and repellent (phobic) properties of the vessels coating system. We, at p3, have found that in about 90% of cases the above qualities can be recovered by cleaning the surface of the myriad crystalline contaminants therein without having to cut away microns and microns of the true protection, paint. We achieve this result using a specially developed, non-coalescing compound that contains particles of just the right size to extract the pollutants from the pores in the surface. This process not only drastically reduces the removal of paint compared to normal polishing procedures but it also eliminates the risk of inducing swirls and holograms in the finished surface. Clearly, there are often some areas that are damaged to such

an extent that there is no other option but to re-profile the surface by traditional cutting techniques. By reducing this practice to only the severely affected areas, we ensure maximum preservation of the paint’s life cycle.

Lasting finish Once the finish has been recouped to an acceptable level it is imperative to seal the paint with a coating that will provide phobic properties to keep the contaminants from adhering to the surface as well as adding UV resistance and reflectance (it is UV that is the real long term enemy of paint). Whilst durability of this coating is key, it is important not to interact chemically with the paint itself in case of accelerating its’ deterioration and, also, not to prejudice future paintworks in any way. This is achieved by the application of an advanced polymer lattice which mechanically bonds to the surface (a hooking-on process akin to Velcro) that acts like an invisible shield which repels water, soot, pollution (and contaminants in general) for periods up to a year or so. The lack of chemical penetration of the polymer assures that there will be no issue with re-painting at any time. Contained within the lattice structure are UV reflectors that have been shown to reduce UV ingress by up to 80% during the first six months after application, thus helping to preserve the life of the paint itself and increase the re-paint interval. We, at p3, are constantly improving and refining our products and processes to help you onboard maintain your vessels to the highest standards expected and we look forward to helping you with any surface care issues that you may have. For more details Tel: +34 971 214 698 or visit www.p-3.com on board | spring 2014 | 63

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VELA Racing fever is about to hit the Bay of Palma with the forthcoming Gaastra PalmaVela. Sue Pelling takes a look at what to expect

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hose fortunate enough to be based in Palma in the next few weeks are in for a big treat with a flock of beautiful sailing yachts expected to arrive for the Gaastra PalmaVela 2014. This annual, popular early season European regatta organised by Real Club Náutico de Palma (RCNP) and the Real Federación Española de Vela (RFEV), is taking place from 30 April-4 May and an interesting entry of 130 plus boats is expected. Now in its 11th year the regatta continues to offer world-class sailors an opportunity to combine serious racing with some of the finest European hospitality, thanks to Majorca’s intriguing mix of tradition, culture and modern sophistication. Over the four-day event, the Bay of Palma and the splendid sailing waters around the Balearics will be awash with a host of different classes including a healthy fleet of Wally class yachts. There will also be plenty of Maxis, Mini Maxis, IRC, ORC class yachts, plus vintage and classic yachts, Lateen sail rigged boats, Soto 40s, J/80s, Flying 15s, and International Dragons. The Disabled Sailing fleet competing for the Trofeo Illes Balears is also expected to attract a large fleet.

Winning ways The spectacular Wally fleet never fails to impress and this year the competition will be exceptionally high with the likes of Jean Charles Decaux’s British-registered J One hoping to defend her overall winning title from last year when she scored a notable three first places. This boat’s biggest threat once again, will be Thomas Bscher’s Open Season, which finished second, just three points behind. Jean Michel Robert’ Belgian registered Virtuelle is also back this year attempting to repeat her winning performance in the Maxi class. So far three highly rated British Mini Maxis including Alegre, Jethou and Robertisssima III have signed up and, the Turkish TP52 Provezza 7 that won the highly competitive IRC class last year is back, hoping to repeat her performance. Andres Soriano, a regular at this event year since 2009, is racing his Mills 72 Alegre again this year. Chatting about what inspires him to return on a regular basis he said: “One can always expect any Real Club Nautico de Palma de Mallorca-run event to be well organised, competitive, and the races professionally run. It is one of, if not the, most welcoming yacht

clubs I have ever visited. “I know that many use this event as a boat and crew warm-up to get them up to speed after the winter rest. However, one must not take the event lightly as the conditions can be demanding. We missed 2010 because we were not ready.”

Class act One of the biggest and most competitive groups is ORC, which is split into four classes. Over 50 boats turned out last year and a similar number is expected to compete this year. Earlybird (GER) and Bigamist (POR) who took first and second respectively in the Soto 40 class last year are looking to continue their battle for the top spot and, as a qualifying event for the Soto 40 European championship, a bigger and even more competitive fleet is expected this year. Locally based Javier Sanz and team aboard Pro-Rigging are the ones to beat in the huge J/80 class and, in the Vintage and Classic class, for the Spanish championship, the beautiful 100 year old William Fife built Moonbeam IV, which finished third in class last year, will be hoping to improve her performance. Those anxious to enhance their visit to Majorca with a sport of sightseeing couldn’t be located in a more perfect spot because the sailing base at Real Club Náutico de Palma is located at the heart of the Bay of Palma, in south-west Mallorca, which offers speedy access to taxis, buses, trains and car rental companies.

KEY DATES 30 APRIL Registration for Wallys Maxis and Soto 40s 1 MAY Maxi and Wally first race 1200 Soto 40 practice race 1200 Registration for ORC - IRC, Classic and Vintage, J/80, Flying 15 and Dragon 2 MAY Registration for Lateen Rigged boats and Disabled Sailing. All other classes racing 3 MAY All classes racing starting at 1200 4 MAY All classes racing starting at 1200

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making provisions Yacht provisioners are the life-source of superyacht clients satisfying cravings and of course keeping Chefs the right side of nervous breakdowns. Words: Claire Griffiths


eally riotous reality TV is missing a scoop by not fixing a camera to the backsides of provisioning professionals or seeing how a newbie could cope, with a ‘day’ in the life of a ‘prov pro’, let alone understand the shopping lists of some of the superyacht sailors. But the food finding fanatics know how to do it and if the lack of sleep doesn’t get them, a call to arms for ‘Live lobsters, on the other side of the world, now, please’, surely isn’t.

That’s not to say there isn’t a moment, just after the order, when a frisson of ‘How the Hell?’ doesn’t flash across the frontal lobe of our foodies: Take the case of Joost van Gorsel of NEKO Yacht Supply, based in Rotterdam with offices in Barcelona, Antibes, Gilbraltar and St. Maarten. Probably his greatest challenge was in 2012 for a 110m yacht: The order came through one early morning from the Chef asking for a delivery to Salalah in Oman. It was a big order of at least six

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pallets of fresh provisions. Thanks to their software systems, processing the order was not a problem, but delivery from Holland to Salalah set the mind racing a bit. Explains Joost; ‘It was easy to find a way on paper to Salalah From Holland but there were no direct flights available. The only option to get the fresh provisions to Salalah was from Amsterdam to London, from London to Doha and from Doha to

Muscat. Muscat is located in the north of Oman and Salalah is located in the south of Oman, 1000km from Muscat. In the beginning the communication was hard with the local agent, but once the captain and owner’s chef explained the urgency of the order everything was possible’. One difficulty with the short notice of the order was finding a way of getting all the products certified on time – meat, fruit, vegetables and fish need health certificates for export to the U.A.E. ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 67

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THE MARITIME SKILLS ACADEMY... Viking Recruitment’s new training division offer a portfolio of MCA accredited short courses and is an Approved English Marlins Test Centre. Over the next 12 months a state of the art training and conference facility will be built in Dover, Kent, perfectly located for links to the UK and Europe. The Academy will specialise in STCW training and professional development courses for everyone involved in the maritime industry.


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12 Barriera Wharf Valletta, Malta Tel: +356 79288036


Carrer de Porto Pi, No. 8, Floor 7 07015 Palma de Mallorca Spain Tel: +34 609 728 152 info@no12wines.com www.no12wines.com

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making provisions issues: Gabi Gruber of Gourmet Deliveries, yacht provisioner, in Cannes, has similar stories, albeit on a slightly less spectacular scale; like when the call came through at 2.00am that an order scheduled for Cannes now needed to be in Ibiza. Planes, trains, autobmobiles and ferries later, Gabi stood on the keyside of the harbor in Ibiza, waiting for the yacht to arrive. Other stories include private jets to Naples with fruit and vegetable cargo, and a disgruntled pilot, unhappy about transporting the illicit passenger.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Yacht Pantry This summer the Yacht Pantry enters its 7th season. Whether its nice local produce or hard to find fine foods. Maybe its fine wines you need? We have that covered too! As of this year TYP Croatia will be the exclusive partner with VSF! We have carefully selected from the VSF range some wines that should suit most guest demands. If there is something that you specifically need we can also import directly from the VSF catalogue (Croatia only). We are perfectly placed to take care of your provisioning needs whilst cruising the Adriatic this summer! Get in touch and we look forward to working with you! All we do is provisioning! For more details, Tel: +385 91 528 2540 or visit www.yachtpantry.com

Says Joost;’The Dutch veterinarian inspections here in Holland were able to certify all goods on time. The transit from Amsterdam to Salalah was 7 days. It took 3 days to get to Muscat and from Muscat there are no flights that take 6 pallets of cargo. So the agent of the 110m motor yacht had to arrange transport from Muscat to Salalah – a challenge for him, because the goods had to be collected immediately the plane landed and refrigerated locally, it was more than 35 degrees outside. The other important thing was packaging of the goods. Through our experience in supplying motor yachts for more than 10 years we know exactly how to handle these orders. All was packed in white styrofoam boxes with ice packs inside to guarantee the temperature in the boxes. From the airport of Muscat the agent of the 110m yacht arranged a big truck with refrigerators inside the container. First we loaded the frozen products and installed a wall and then loaded the fresh produce. The truck had to drive 3 days through the desert in the heat’. Needless to say everything arrived in good shape before the guests. ‘It was all’, says Joost, ‘only possible through the cooperation of the yacht, agent, freight forwarders and us’. That’s another thing about yacht suppliers, you need the logistical talents of an army Field Marshall and the team spirit of the rank and file. Provisioning headaches often begin and end with transport

Why provisioners go to such trouble to satisfy their salivating clients isn’t a question they ever ask themselves until the end of the season when, run ragged they fall asleep for winter. Explains Gabi; ‘I love discovering and tasting new produce and finding what people are looking for. We’re very excited at the moment about our new source for Japanese Wagu and Kobi beef and the delicious truffle bread our own chef is making’. Her world is scented with swathes of balsamic pearls, date flavoured vinegar and seaweed or yuzu butter, and it does sound delicious. Joost loves to see the chef’s smile when his provisions arrive on board, or the phone call that tells him his produce is awesome. ‘Besides,’ he adds, ‘I really like to travel to ports in the Med from Cartagena to Mallorca, Antibes, Genoa and make friends for life!’

Gourmet Deliveries True fruit and vegetable specialists from the market, Gourmet Deliveries also provide meat, fish, caviar, general groceries, Asian, English and Russian specialties, cheeses, frozen foods, breads and pastries, organic produce, professional chef’s products, kosher and halal foods, kitchen equipment… For the interior, they offer beautiful flowers and flower arrangements, cleaning/household produce, waters, soft drinks, wines and spirits. All our produce is delivered in refrigerated vehicles along the French and Italian Riviera and throughout Europe. We also deliver worldwide using airfreight (Caribbean, Maldives, Seychelles). Gourmet Deliveries aim to process all orders within 24 hours and strive to offer quality produce, true value and excellent service. For more details Tel: + 33 (0)618 738 020 or visit www.gourmet-deliveries.com

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for The specialisTs in yachT provisioning call +385 (0) 91 528 2538 email info@yachTpanTry.com or visiT www.yachTpanTry.com now!

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making provisions Trends come and go in delivery orders and Joost notices chefs bringing new technologies into the galleys such as sous-vide, dry ageing meat tanks, Thermomix, pacojet, smoke guns and biltong machines, an ‘on-trend’ move towards the home-made and the preference for perfect provenance. The chefs are also developing new skills in gluten-free and vegan dishes. Says Joost; ‘In the past lots of chefs ordered bread, ice and pastries but now we see they make the request for the ingredients to make their own. They are bringing real craftsmanship back to the yacht and it results in higher level of food on board, with the chef able to customise his bread to the wishes of the owner’.

Stories include private jets to Naples with fruit and vegetable cargo, and a disgruntled pilot unhappy about transporting the illicit passenger Gabi points out that such luxury of galley space and man power applies to yachts with multiple chefs on board – a Head, Sous and Crew Chef, for example, but the smaller (ish) yachts, the madly busy charter boats, will rely on sourcing excellence from the other side of the passerelle; such as the Yacht Pantry in Croatia which is now entering its seventh summer and their office in Montenegro, now in its third year: The Zagreb deli store stocks cheeses, Italian prosciuttos, English preserves and chutneys, plus Irish and Australian beef, French poultry and Asian products.

Neko Yacht Supplies A worldwide yacht supplier providing the finest food, professional equipment, technical supplies and tailor-made services. When you appreciated a supplier able to arrange everything between receiving your order, on time delivery and long term relationships, NeKo Yacht Supply is the one to turn to. We save time and prevent stress. All this makes us undoubtedly the best choice in the world for mega yachts owners, captains, chefs, crew and management companies. We are very proud of running a business based on our passions: food, yachts and luxury. Our services are also available at your villa! For more details: Tel: +31 (10) 8005555 or visit www.nekoyachts.nl

Cellar mates Victuallers Salvo Grima have been provisioning from Malta since 1860 and supplying superyachts for a good 10 years. They anticipate no change in consumer trends for fine wine, spirits and cigars and launch the new arm of their business, No.12, at the MYBA Charter Show in Genoa this year. No.12 refers to the number of their original warehouse and Andrew Azzopardi and his team see themselves as the ‘established new kids on the block’. With a warehouse in Malta and a replica in Majorca, the No.12 Majorca-based rep also covers Ibiza, Barcelona and Palma supplying clients with 100,000 euros worth of stock, top French Burgundies, Bordeaux, the Italian Tuscan Greats etc. Explains Andrew; ‘Many yachts arrive, for example in Palma and they want the Chateau de Mouton Rothschild 1982, and they want it now, and we can offer that or we can offer a very similar wine of the right region and vintage, or if they can wait a few days we can order it’. Our strategic alliance partners Berry Brothers & Rudd and Gebr Heinemann means we can offer preferential pricing and peace of mind for clients. Our philosophy is based on four pillars: Partners, provenance, premium personal service and peace of mind; the

Finest Bed Linen Home & Yacht Finest Bed linen provide luxury linens made in house with fine Italian, Egyptian cotton fabrics and supply world class brands such as Frette, Schlossberg and Escada. Their extensive range of interior supplies makes them a good place to start for provisioning. Not only can they service your linen requirements from crew to master cabins but also supply amenities from Jo Malone to Rituals. Their large showroom offers beautiful tableware from Villeroy & Boch to Dibbern, table linens from the finest names or bespoke in-house fabrics, Rattan products, dock mats and personalised luxury hangers all of which can be shipped world wide. For more details Tel: +34 697 914 233 or visit www.finestbedlinen.com

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NeKo Yacht Supply BV is a worldwide yacht supplier providing the finest food, professional equipment, technical supplies and tailor-made services. When you appreciate a supplier able to arrange everything between receiving your order, on time delivery and long-term relationships, NeKo Yacht Supply is the one to turn to. We save time and prevent stress. All this makes us undoubtedly the best choice in the world for mega yacht owners, captains, chefs, crew and management companies. We are very proud of running a business based on our passions: food, yachts and luxury.




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making provisions Chief Stew can relax and know we will deliver.’ No.12 also plans a website so that orders can be made online. Client consumption of super-fine wines might not be diminishing but budgets are getting tighter and yachts are becoming more and more cost-conscious including or even especially the largest yachts, notes Gabi Gruber of Gourmet Deliveries. NEKO has developed a crew-specific line of goods, explains Joost;’ Most of the yachts we work with are now working with crew budgets and they are not allowed to have the same as the owner anymore. But there are still some lucky yachts out there! We consider our crew line to be the difference between good and perfect quality, because crew deserve good food for the hard work and long hours they do. Of course there is a big difference in price and quality between Guest and crew.’ So times might be changing but we are all still feeling the pinch.

Salt it out Salt is the topic of conversation in many kitchens across the world and chefs are being accused of salt snobbery. Your chosen provisioner should be able to supply one of these rock solids... if they’re worth their salt. Amethyst Bamboo – €38 for a 34g jar Used for cooking and as a finishing salt. It should be used sparingly on spicy foods or can be blended with other salts. Korean Oyster Bamboo – €20 for a 34g jar With no moisture, this salt can be used for finishing a dish or while cooking, but should be used sparingly on spicy foods.

Number 12 Number 12 fine wines and provisions is a supplier or fine wines, spirits and Cigars to superyachts across the Mediterranean. Having our own stock of premium beverages in temperature controlled warehouses in Palma de Mallorca and Malta as well as access to a vast selection of different lines of wines and spirits we are committed to guaranteeing provenance , a premium and superior services, being your perfect partners and ultimately giving you peace of mind. For more details visit www.no12wines.com

Hana Flake – €12 for a 34g jar A light and refreshing finishing salt that works well on salads, ceviches, vegetable soups and fish. Kamebishi Soy Salt – €12 for a 34g jar This salt is ideal on rice, in place of soy sauce for texture. Black Truffle Salt (Tartufo Nero) – €11 for a 34g jar Another example of a flavored salt that uses expensive ingredients. Just a pinch, and presto, truffleness. Iburi Jio Cherry Smoked Salt – €10 for a 34g jar A finishing salt that is ideal for an array of foods like squid steak, popcorn, miso soup, raw salmon, beef filet and toast Saffron Salt – €11 for a 34g jar This saffron-infused salt is an example of a flavored salt that is oftened used with very expensive ingredients. Kilauea Onyx – €9 for a 34g jar This stunning finishing salt comes from Hawaii and can be ground in a mortar and pestle or sprinkled on fish and fruits like mangos. Oshima Island Blue €9 for a 34g jar A finishing salt that works well in Asian-style dishes like seaweed salads, sea urchin or yam tempura. Takesumi Bamboo – €9 for a 34g jar With an arresting color, this salt smells of charcoal and has a similar taste.


Celebrating its 50th Birthday EGP is opening a Wine shop in the heart of Port Canto. “Le Cave Canto” is situated next to the Ship Chandler and has gone through quite a transformation turning it into a luxurious boutique. Regular wine tastings will be organized for captains and crew, so they can place their orders and have them delivered directly to the yacht. Expanding EGP’s complete offer of tax free / tax paid deliveries from their entire range of products, EGP’s “Le Cave Canto“ is open and ready for business with JeanPierre happy to help out with selecting a wine list to match the menu, or complementing the menu to match the wine. For more details Tel: +33(0)4 92 99 55 30 or visit www.egpfrance.com

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Athens ONBOARD’s favourite eateries in Athens to suit all palates and pockets

KOHYLIA RESTAURANT Perfectly situated within the beautiful perimeter of Grand Lagonissi Resort, with food inspired by its magnificent surroundings. The menu provides the privileged diner a host of choices in style, flavour, texture and taste. Influenced by Greek specialities, but other international delicacies are on offer. Save up and enjoy the entire experience. Grand Resort Lagonissi, 40th klm Athens–Sunion, 19010 Tel +30 229 107 6000 | €€€

SEMIRAMIS Located at the colourful, art-inspired Semiramis Hotel, this poolside restaurant serves international cuisine. The menu includes homemade pastas, seafood dishes, and traditional Greek salad, while the bar serves a variety of inventive cocktails. Five days a week, the resident DJ spins eclectic tunes, adding to the trendy vibe. Get a window seat and enjoy the style. 48 Charilaou Trikoupi Tel +30 210 628 4500 | €€

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BEETROOT ORZO MAMACAS Initially opened in Gazi, the now trendy ‘gasworks’ district of Athens, the owners pay homage to Mum’s cooking. Veggie-rich appetisers and simple grilled meats. Opposite the defunct gasworks, now a concert and exhibit centre, this simple Neoclassical building has a wine cellar and a rooftop space with Acropolis views. Lots of action and great food. 41 Persephonis, Gazi, 11854 Tel +30 210 346-4984 | €€€

BAKÙ RESTAURANT The Magri Hotel, Athens Head Chef Panagiotos Yiakalis

ALATSI Rediscovering regional Greek cuisine the restaurant has become a hangout for journalists, writers and artists. Try the Gamopilafo, a paellalike concoction of chicken, lamb, and rice. Friendly and attentive service. Everything you eat once you step through the doors has been sourced from local producers of Crete, delivered fresh daily, and cooked in the simple, healthy Cretan way Vrasida Street, Pagkrati, 11528 Tel +30 210 721-050113 | €€

INGREDIENTS 80 g of orzo 60 g purified unsalted butter 20 g beatroot puree 50 g parmesan flakes 20 ml white wine vinegar 30 ml white wine 50 ml double cream Half a cup of chicken broth 1 garlic clove 15 g smoked mackerel cut in bite sized pieces Freshly ground salt and pepper to taste



A favourite with politicos and yachties who just step off their boats and onto its dock. Exceptionally fresh and creative seafood, from sea urchin salad to the signature dish, tender octopus in sweet Mavrodaphne wine. The innovative cuisine attracts a mélange of diners. The terrace is a wonderful spot on a warm afternoon. 46 Alexandrou Koumoundourou, El Pireo, 18533 Tel +30 210 412-4417 | €€€

Heat 20 g of the butter in a wide saucepan with the orzo and cook to soften for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the chicken broth in another saucepan and keep it at simmering point. Pour a ladleful of the broth into the orzo and keep stirring until it is absorbed. Continue doing this until the orzo is cooked, approximately 15 minutes, al dente and there is no juice left. Add the rest of the butter, beetroot puree, white wine, vinegar, and parmesan. Stir well. In another saucepan gently heat the cream with the garlic clove, until just before boiling point. Pour the cream mixture over the orzo in a spiral shape and finally add the smoked mackerel. Season with freshly ground salt and pepper and serve immediately.

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galley gadgets

Herbalicious This set of great looking herb keeper pods triples the life of your fresh herbs! The water well irrigates your fresh herbs, allowing the stems to draw up fresh water and supply the rest of the plant with life. BPA free and top-rack dishwasher safe. www.surlatable.com €22

A culinary collection. You may not need them, but you could certainly get used to them Bizzy with the fizzy Created by globally renowned designer, Yves Béhar. SodaStream Source is available in four, vibrant colours to suit any colour scheme. With its sleek, high-tech design, Source allows you to turn tap water into sparkling water in an instant to keep you hydrated. The machine’s responsive touch system creates three levels of fizziness, clearly visible on an LED display, whilst its Snap-Lock mechanism makes it quick, simple and easy to use. www.sodastream.co.uk €58

windy miller Smart table top salt and pepper sets, grinders and novelty salt and pepper shaker sets to add a distinctive touch to any table. This iconic windmill shaped spice mill will blow you away with its unique design inspired by the beautiful windmills of Germany. The powerful ceramic grinding apparatus will grind salt, pepper, cardamon, dried chillies and many other spices. www.uutensil.com €20

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IN THE MIX Have a monster blender without disturbing the owner or guests with the Blendtec Q-Series Smoother blender. Great performance while keeping the sound level as low as possible, thanks to the development of the Blendtec Q-Series Sound Reduction The commercial Q Series Blenders continue to deliver the same industry leading performance, at a reduction of 10 decibels, nearly half of the audible sound associated with normal blender operations. www.blendtec.com €655

Bread winner

Cutting edge

Wesco Superball bread bin - the ultimate in futuristic design! This bread bin can also be used for storing fruit, vegetables, biscuits etc. Made from powder coated steel & chromed steel wire. www.ziggiziggi.com €52

Possibly no other knife in the world conveys its provenance and the consistency in its artisanry as clearly as the handmade knives from Nesmuk. Around four dozen work steps are involved in the production of a Nesmuk EXKLUSIV knife. From drawing and forging, tempering, annealing and the wet grinding of the hollow ground blade to the mounting of the handle. This is unusual, even in a craft establishment, resulting in maximum precision and perfection. www.nesmuk.de €1440

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I can guarantee that my chefs are the best Michelin Star trained chefs in the business



All of our chefs have been trained at a Senior level to at least One Michelin Star. One was head chef at a 2 Michelin Star standard property for over 10 years.

GLADSTONE PARK CHEFS 1 Crouch Street, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9PP England Tel +44 (0)1296 265 366 john@gladstoneparkchefs.co.uk

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FOOD SNIPPETS The latest food trends and snippets for you to try over the spring months

THAT’S EXPENSIVE... La Bonotte Potatoes €3,394 per kg Normal potatoes come in at an affordable price but this expensive form of starch and nutrients can only be harvested in Noirmoutier, an island located off of Western France, with a kilo going for as a much as €3,394 That’s a handful of French fries for over €1,000.

Basmati Rice Buying advice

What is...


This beige paste might look unassuming but it packs a big taste punch. Made from ground sesame seed kernels, it’s used in sweets and sauces from North Africa through to the Middle East. It’s tahini that gives houmous its distinctive, slightly bitter flavour. Though ranking high on the calorie ladder, it’s packed with antioxidants and vitamins.

They’re eating what?


Smell you later, quinoa and gluten-free stuff. In 2014, people will be eating dirt. Literally. According to those in the know “edible soil” is actually a thing that is predicted to catch on this year. The Tokyo restaurant Ne Quittez Pas introduced a soil-based menu, including dirt and potato soup, dirt risotto with sea bass and dirt ice-cream. According to Yoshihiro Narisawa, a chef from another Tokyo restaurant, soil is rich in umami. This could catch on.

Rice keeps well so always purchase in bulk, 5kg or 20kg bags to keep prices down. Basmati starts to lose its flavour gradually after about three years, but will be edible for up to ten. Rice stored in hessian sack often becomes tainted. Plastic and more modern foil packs are a better bet. The fewer broken grains the better the quality of the rice as a rule.

Cooking advice The bacteria Bacillus Cereus is present in most rice and is able to survive boiling. There is no danger if the rice is eaten immediately but be aware that leaving cooked rice out for extended periods of time creates ideal conditions for the bacteria to multiple to dangerous levels. If rice is not to be eaten straight away, it needs to be cooled quickly. Don’t leave it hanging around or there could be problems - bin it!

Key flavour matches Raisins, dates, peas, butter, coconut, onion and spices, especially saffron, star anise, cumin and mustard and coriander seeds.

Key flavour matches Bacon, hard salty cheeses, grapefruit, prawns, tomato, air-dried hams, chilli, garlic, balsamic vinegar, lime, cumin, coriander.

Bet you didn’t know Most of the world’s rice is consumed in the area in which it is grown, just 6% is traded internationally.

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THE CORKER Jamie Goode doesn’t know who it was that first dubbed the Grenache grape variety the Pinot Noir of the South, but he thinks that they were probably right


renache isn’t like Cabernet or Syrah, varieties which produce powerful, dark coloured wines. Instead, it tends to make lighter-coloured, perfumed wines with softer tannins. And, as such a significant variety, it doesn’t really get the attention it deserves. Grenache Noir is a red grape variety widely planted in the Mediterranean. Its origin is thought to be northern Spain, where it is known as Garnacha tinta, and it is ideally suited to the hot, low rainfall climate found in the south of France and Spain. Grenache is often grown as a bush vine, without any support from a trellis, and doesn’t mind a bit of wind, and can also cope without any irrigation. In these sunny climates, the leaves of a bush vine provide partial shading of the fruit, which helps prevent it suffer sunburn. Plantings in Spain have halved in recent decades (Tempranillo is more fashionable there), so now France has the largest area of Grenache vineyards, where it’s the third most widely planted grape variety. The latest figures show that worldwide, Grenache is the seventh most popular variety, and the fifth most popular red variety, with just over 4% of vineyard share globally. But you rarely see the name ‘Grenache’ on wine labels. This is because it is the backbone of the reds from the southern Rhône valley, wines that are labelled not by variety, but by appellation. Likewise, in Spain, it is blended into wines where the varieties aren’t disclosed on the label. So we have Côtes du Rhône,the majority of which will be made largely of Grenache, and the likes of Châteauneuf du Pape, Gigondas, Vinsobres and Tavel, all of which will be based around this variety.

Well adapted One of the most famous of all Châteauneuf du Papes, the legendary Château Rayas, is 100% Grenache, and although a large number of varieties are grown in this celebrated appellation, over 70% of its vineyards are planted with Grenache. In Spain, Garnacha is an important component in many Riojas, although it usually plays second fiddle to Tempranillo, which is deeper in colour and has more obvious charms. It is a significant grape in Catalonia, and in particular in the spectacular vineyards of Priorat, where it seems well adapted to the schist soils of the region. It’s in the new world that we most often encounter wines labelled by grape variety, but for one reason or another, Grenache hasn’t really taken off in Australia, California and South Africa, even though it would be ideally suited to the conditions found in many of the regions in these countries. So what is the connection with Pinot Noir? Pinot, the grape of red Burgundy, is revered because it makes elegant, floral red

wines, a little lighter in colour than most reds, with its key asset being beauty rather than power. Pinot would do badly planted in a Mediterranean climate, but this is where Grenache comes in. Well adapted to hotter southern climes, Grenache makes lighter coloured red wines with similar properties to good Pinot, when handled well: elegance, finesse, texture and perfume. Unfortunately, many consumers don’t respond well to lighter-coloured red wines. We taste in part with our eyes, and we expect that lighter reds will be lighter in flavour, and tend to opt for deeper, darker coloured reds. This is a shame, because Grenache can make some lovely wines, not lacking in flavour, even if they aren’t the darkest in colour.

Handle with care A positive aspect of Grenache is that the wines often have a silky, smooth texture in the mouth. This is because the tannins of Grenache tend to be less grippy and assertive than those of other red varieties. Another fact: Grenache is known as an ‘oxidative’ grape variety. This means that it must be handled carefully in the winery and protected from oxygen, which it is sensitive too: too much oxygen exposure and Grenache wines lose their red colour, and begin to show brick red and even brown tints, with a corresponding loss of fruity aroma. Grenache also makes some good rosé wines in Provence, but as with other regions, it tends to work best in concert with other varieties: here, principally Mourvèdre and Cinsault. The relatively pale colour of Grenache is an asset here, rather than a hindrance, because the best Provence rosés tend to be pale salmon pink in colour.Grenache also comes in the Gris and Blanc versions. These make white wines, and are particularly successful in the Roussillon region. Grenache Blanc and Gris are really interesting varieties and make some of the best white wines in the South of France, so if you see their names on a back label (again, their presence will rarely be advertised on the front of the bottle, this is France), then that’s a promising sign. Technically speaking, the Gris, Blanc and Noir versions of Grenache are genetically indistinguishable, and should be considered the same variety. The difference is the Gris and Blanc versions have colour mutations. Originally, they’d have been red berried, but Blanc lacks pigments called anthocyanins in the grape skins, and is yellow skinned, while Gris only has some of the pigments and is pink skinned (but makes white wines, when the grapes are pressed the colour doesn’t go through to the juice and thus the wine.) So, there you have it. Grenache/Garnacha, an important grape variety that should be more famous than it is.

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Capella Marina at Marigot Bay the most exclusive yachting destination in the Caribbean

www.marigotbaymarina.com Tel: 1-758-451-4275 manager@marigotbaymarina.com VHF Channel 12


www.synergynox.com +34 678 969 190 +34 871 230 352 C/ Hadepema 1, loc 2, 07011 PolĂ­gono Can Valero, Palma de Mallorca - SPAIN

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Put the wind in your sails Currencies Direct talk about the cost-effective benefits of using a currency transfer specialist


Companies like Currencies Direct have been helping people transfer funds abroad quickly, simply and cost-effectively since 1996. Using a specialist means getting a better exchange rate, and usually a lot less in fees and hidden charges. In fact, you could save up to 5% by choosing one instead of a high street bank.

Living the simple life


rom Antigua to Portofino, Palma to Antibes’ Billionaires Quay, your money needs to be able to move around as much as you do. Moving money quickly, safely and cost effectively is an essential part of the yachting industry, something which affects all individuals which are a part of this luxurious and global community. It is staggering to know that more than 82% of yachting crew use their banks to make their international transfers, what they don’t know is there is a better, easier and more cost-effective solution, Currencies Direct Yachting. We are proud to also be working with yacht owners, management and charter companies and those chartering yachts, to significantly reduce the cost and hassle of making their international payments.

Anchors aweigh It’s easy to get swept away by the sweet smell of the sea. However, at some point, practical considerations will creep in, like how you’re going to transfer your hard-earned money to follow you around the world. The world of foreign currency can be a confusing one and if you are making overseas transfers for the first time, it’s easy to get a bad deal or lose a lot of money without realising it-until it’s too late. The role of a currency provider is to create solutions from confusion, facility from stress and most importantly savings from otherwise lost money. You might not know that, if you use your local or high street bank, you could lose thousands in transfer fees and unfavourable exchange rates. Whether you’re transferring your wages, chartering your yacht or someone else’s, buying or selling an asset overseas, relocating to a new country, or you simply need to transfer money across borders for personal expenses or operational costs, you’ll be better off with an experienced currency transfer specialist.

Currencies Direct has friendly and knowledgeable staff, who are available on the phone whenever you need them and are savvy in yachting-specific transfer needs. You shouldn’t be baffled with jargon or hit with any hidden costs, and any money you transfer will be sent quickly. Living the simple life means you can enjoy your life at sea. And let the experts sort out the foreign currency needed to make it happen.

Savings speak louder Example of trading €40k

If you needed to transfer €40,000 with your bank, it would have cost you £34,508 (that’s at your bank’s exchange rate of €1.16, plus the £25 transfer fees). However, the same transfer with Currencies Direct would have cost you £33,333 (by eliminating transfer fees and receiving fees from the picture, and using a much friendly rate of €1.20). By knowing your options and choosing a foreign exchange specialist instead of your bank you could’ve saved £1,175. That might be enough for a well-earned holiday! Now, that’s something worth considering. Rates correct on 06/03/14

For more details, contact Cosette Cutrara, Alliances & Partnerships Executive. T +33 (0) 422 326 241 M +33 (0) 787 494 693 E yachting@currenciesdirect.com W currenciesdirectyachting.com ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 83

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Turn me on The development and innovation of entertainment systems on board yachts Words: Muriel Pénoty


he technology available at the office or at home has seen a number of new devices come up and the entertainment systems have made leaps in a very short time. It’s almost too overwhelming, tablets such as IPads, the TV and printers 3D, touch screen PC but also touch screen multimedia systems… where will it stop? Of course as soon as those products are conceived for homes, and business, the yacht owners want them onboard. The challenges for the companies who install those systems are multiple. However three main challenges stand out. Firstly these systems need to be as versatile and as complete as possible. The idea now is to have everything linked together. No more multiple remote controls lying

around the coffee table, you end up with one single control: the IPAD. And as there’s not just one single area on the yacht where there is a multimedia system, you end up by having as many Ipads as needed. It’s important to bring all of these technologies in one centralized control system. As they can be quite numerous as Martin Dickson from Flare Tech explains “I once saw a system on board a yacht where the control room had 190 skyboxes. The amount of equipment a yacht can have is just colossal! “

Control centre Most systems on board are linked through the existing network base. Then through the IPad, each company develops its app so that you can then control anything that’s controllable on the yacht. You can adjust the

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temperature of an area, of course have your Sky TV, your VCR, your ipod at your disposal, but you can also adjust the light, the heat, pull down the shades... Adam Steve Blunt from EZAV goes even further “you can send a text to the stew to ask him for a cup of coffee if you want”. Of course on smaller boats you can still have just a couple of remote controls, and maybe two or three areas with the full entertainment system, however some large yachts of 90 metres plus require over 20 Ipads in total to cover all areas they want to have access to on the yacht. Then comes the after sales service: although crew members are usually trained to know how to use the systems on board, maintenance is a big part of the

business. Martin confirms “we are responsive to any break down, whether it’s our material or not. As my colleague and I are based in Palma and Antibes, we can touch any yacht coming through the Med. We’re well located not far from shipyards like MB 92, or La Ciotat, it’s important to be available. When you’re that responsive during the season, when the yacht’s owner will decide to have work done, he’ll think of your company, because you’ve already shown him how quickly you can respond to a break down in the middle of the high season.” As yachts are normally just a place to take a holiday and it seems trivial to have a 24/7 hotline to answer your IT problems on board; however as Martin continues it seems obvious why “Most yacht owners and charterers

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Turn me on

need to keep a constant eye on their business, hence the need to have a good Wi-Fi connection, but also, to have the rest of the IT equipment working. You may have the owner of a football club on board, and he will automatically watch all the games. Believe me he won’t be happy if the systems goes down at that time. On most yachts above 70 meters, it’s common to find full offices set up on board. It’s just as equipped as the one they have in town” And a good Wi-Fi connection is important as explains Steve Blunt “With our hotline, we are able to assist the owner or the crew with the problem on board. As we have a master IPad which regroups all of our YES system, we are able to remotely access that computer and analyses what’s not working properly. Of course if there’s no Internet connection, then we need to come on board in person. However, as we give a thorough training to the Crew they do a lot on their own and they’ll call us mainly just for breakdown. We even show them how they can add a new speaker or a new TV in the system, so they have a pretty good knowledge of our IT.”

Looking good Last but not least it has to be as aesthetic as possible. No owner wants to see multiple wires lying around. They need to be as hidden as possible, cable, speakers, nothing that can alter the interior design the way it’s meant to look like in the end. In order to conceal all what should, Steve Blunt confirms that it’s easier to be implicated from the beginning “We prefer to start at the design of the construction phase of the yacht if possible. We are already involved in the project and we can plan to use the existing infrastructure on board to install our system.” Thus, in the end when it’s time to do the commissioning with the owner representative it should all be working and looking as originally planned. Steve insists “All of our system is made to be invisible, the only thing you should be able to see is your Ipad and your TV screen. We can hide the speakers and wires in the walls, in the ceiling or in cupboards. Of course when you design this with the yard it’s easy to integrate everything to the yacht.”

Flare Technologies Flare Technologies offers a rapid and effective support service to their growing number of discerning clients. Located in the two key service hubs of Antibes and Palma, it supports all your vessel’s systems, with expertise in Entertainment Systems, Control Systems, IT Services, Security Solutions, Navigation and Communications, Satellite TV subscriptions, Airtime and GSM solutions. Flare Technologies has a very straightforward and proven business model. Working closely with their clients, whether on an urgent outage or planning the next phase of an upgrade, Flare Technologies provides a great level of service. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 672 32 75 18 or visit www.flare-tech.com

Of course that doesn’t mean that such installation isn’t possible on refit yachts, Martin Dikson from Flare Tech explains: “As we tend to get to know some of those yachts during the season for break down, we are able to advise them, should they need to change some of their equipment or just add an extension to the existing system. We already know the material on board it’s easier to propose something that will seamlessly integrate with the system.”

What’s next? When we think of it, it’s only been about 15 years that everyone has his own PC at home, and maybe about seven to eight years that phones allow us to read our mail. Now we don’t do much without Internet and without smart phones and the technology doesn’t seem to slow down. So what’s next? Steve Blunt thoughts are clear: “When the yachts will have a better Internet connection they’ll be able to get streaming. Right now the owners don’t want to buy the big Internet package, then they don’t have the band to use those streaming passes, when they’ll be available, imagine people of board will have the ability to stream movies, satellite TV and music through the Internet. I hope that comes up soon, because then that will also save a lot of hardware for the boats”.

EZAV EZAV provides an all in one home entertainment service for yachts and residences all around the world. They provide a user friendly onboard entertainment system and have developed the easy to use and popular Yacht Entertainment System.EZAV have extensive expertise and experience in providing modern, topquality, and easy-to-control entertainment systems on board luxurious vessels. From refits to new projects, EZAV can provide the perfect service worldwide. For more details Tel: +49 (0)421 1669 7107 or visit www.ezav.com

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ALL EARS Drown out the noise and keep it personal with our pick of the best headphones 4

5 1 PHILIPS O’Neill Crash www.philips.co.uk €400 2 B&O BeoPlay H6 www.bang-olufsen.com €397 3 BOWERS & WILKINS P7 www.bowers-wilkins.com €361 4 SHURE SRH1540 www.shure.com €555 5 KEF M500 www.kef.com €217 6 MARSHALL Monitor www.marshallheadphones.com €218



7 GRADO GS1000i www.gradolabs.com €725

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Why are portholes round?

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Melanie Corbett looks at the benefits of dealing with an insurance broker that places service at the top of the list


wning a yacht is a pastime that has been with us since the middle of the 17th Century when Charles II, King of England, was given a ‘jachtship’ as a gift from the Dutch. The resurgence of yachting over the past 30 years may perhaps make you ask what the attraction of yachting is; after all, they cost you a fortune to run, and governments are forever reinventing ways to tax you as a result of their ownership and use. However, whether it is on a 10ft dinghy or a 400ft Superyacht you have the freedom to go wherever you choose; whether it’s to follow the seasons or undertake your own voyage of discovery. For those who have enjoyed the freedom and challenges of the oceans, once you are addicted, it really is a case of ‘what can I afford’?

Symbol of success Many yacht owners don’t have any idea what it costs to operate their yacht, some really lucky ones don’t care. In the main, owners are surrounded by quality and want their yacht and its operations to be the same. This is an industry driven by passion, not necessarily price. A yacht is no more a blatant symbol of success than a Ferrari or Lamborghini, but for such a high degree of privacy and freedom, you also own one of the most expensive assets available, both to buy and run. So once the red tape is out of the way, berthing fees are paid, refit costs are covered, fuel has been taken care of, crew have been employed, food taken on board, security arranged, sun tan oil purchased … away you go………..well not quite. You’ll have to buy some Insurance and there are two important questions you have to ask yourself before you do that: 1.Why are Portholes* round? This is an easy question. Those of us involved in marine industries know the answer to this conundrum. Being round they are an easier shape to seal against the elements, this shape offers the most resistance to external pressures; and any other shape produces stress at the corners.

2.Why should I ask Lockton Private Clients to look at my Yacht Insurance as well all as my other Insurance requirements? This is easy to answer. It’s also to do with strength. Lockton Private Clients is a trading name of Lockton Companies LLP, the largest privately owned insurance broker in the world. So we work for you and your family, not the interests of shareholders. We believe Insurance Brokers who work within structures involving heavily incentivised roles are incongruous to the depth of understanding your family needs. But by utilising a broking company who place Service at the centre of everything they do, you will have at your disposal a number of different specialist experts whose sole priority is the benefit of you and your family.

Over many years we build deep personal relationships with you and your family members. We understand that you have structures which define the separation of wealth and plans for succession. We understand the dynamics of the relationships and politics within the family. This is why when assembling a team for the new “Lockton Private Clients” the management looked to ensure that they had Industry experts in each area of the clients’ passions, to provide real solutions to the problems our clients are facing, but in a seamless, stress free way.

Looking to the future We see the opportunity to work with you and your family over your whole suite of assets as a gift; and that it is our job to ensure that we: seal you and your family against the elements; offer you the best protection against external pressures and remove as much stress as possible from the whole process…allowing you to decide the course for your next adventure. For more details contact: Melanie Corbett, Vice President - Private Client Division Tel:+44 (0)207 933 0132 or visit www.locktonprivateclients.com Lockton Companies LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. *The author acknowledges that “Portlights” is a more appropriate term for these windows

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Safe & SECURE Safety and security on board is the one thing no owner or captain should take lightly. If not taken seriously they can jeopardize the people on board and the goods including the yacht itself. Words: Muriel Pénoty


f course, nowadays no one would do as Titanic’s owner; deciding to have more passengers than life jackets or life rafts. In order to make sure this never happens again, pleasure yachts now respond to strict rules and regulations. They respond to the yacht’s flag rules but also the class it is registered under (ABS, Lloyds, Rina…) and to the ISPS code (International Ship and Port Facility Security).

extinguisher and it doesn’t work. I’m glad to say that I’ve had the other kind of report. A yacht on which I had serviced its equipment had a fire. It was put out before spreading, thanks to the fire extinguishers I had serviced. It’s the same with buoys; it’s not when you need to save someone’s life that one should worry about the efficiency of his life jacket.”

Over the years the safety rules have come to regulate what need to be onboard so one can be ready should an accident arise. As part of the STCW95 crew members are trained to use fire extinguishers and handle crisis situations. They can be as small as a kitchen fire, but can be bigger such as having a fire in the engine room. Fire can spread so quickly that no one wants to be unprepared when facing it.

Although most equipment has not changed in the last 20 years, some has. “I have noticed that life rafts nowadays are equipped to better handle a tragic situation” continues François. “For instance, under Solas (Safety of Life at Sea) regulations a yacht in charter situation can have as much as 50 items in its life raft. They now include better survival food, better water preservation that can be drinkable. Also apparatus like the MOB (man overboard) now has an orange smoke that lasts twice as long as before, thus giving more time for someone to be able to spot a person in the sea.”

Although these situations are not part of everyday life, they still happen and crew must be able to react and also have the proper equipment on hand. That’s when people such as François Péjout from Péjout Marine Services are important. His business is to make sure that all safety material on board is up to date. He has the authority to check and replace if necessary all gear. He explains “I check all the fire extinguishers and lifebuoy equipment every year, replace those that need to be replaced by the exact same reference. It’s important to do this checking, you don’t want to take the chance that one day on board you need a fire

Change for the better

Brian Kernaghan, financial director at Oscar Sierra a leading marine safety specialist in the Mediterranean, specialises in maritime safety, his company services safety equipment for airports and firemen as well. His team takes their business seriously: “We started to work in the safety equipment back in 1997, and we have a few ex captains with years of sea experience in our teams. We don’t take safety issues lightly. We too have had

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Photo by Jim Raycroft

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Safe & SECURE good feedback from crew members who have reported that our fire extinguishers worked properly during a fire in the exhaust system in the engine room. It’s reassuring to know your work can save lives.” Brian however has seen a different kind of evolution, or should I say a regression because that is exactly what it is: “Some people tend to buy cheap Chinese products, although they shouldn’t be allowed to. Owners will rather have a new carpet on their yacht than the mandatory life raft. Chinese manufactured goods used to be as good as ours, but they’re not anymore and those life rafts can’t be serviced even if they’re supposed to last 3 years as quality control has gone to hell.” Quality also goes with branding explains Brian, his company offers different type of products “if an owner chooses a Zodiac or a Narwhal rescue boat, those are of extremely good references and the backup is always excellent and very highly controlled.” Adding to their high level of services O.S. Safety Equipment are also holders of the esteemed ISO9001:2008 certification and are Lloyd’s register approved. But safety is not the only thing a captain needs to think of to have his staff and the owner’s goods protected. Security has come a long way in the last 20 years. Tom Parsons has been with Vector Developments for 8 years and has seen the creation of their Seenite range. “We design, manufacture and sell night vision cameras which include thermal imaging (infra-red)” he starts “they are mainly used for pilotage especially in a night time situation, but can still be used during the day. They are also an essential piece of kit in a man over board situation.” As men are not perched on watch on a high mast as they used to be in the times of sailing boats only, they now stare at their radars and sonars for what can be out there in the middle of the ocean. Tom continues “in order to actually “know” what’s appeared on your instrument, you can now check your video screen and discover if what you have in front of you is drift wood, another vessel, a channel marker, a man over board, or an animal. Seenites offer different detection ranges depending on the model. It goes from 5.5 kilometers for the Seenite Mini, the latest and smallest product we have to 15 kilometers for the XLD. That way you can see a tender coming from far away. Of course there are other ways to protect oneself including our Seamoon CCTV range for gangways and swim platforms. For the security guy it’s useful, that way he can see who’s coming on board. It’s practical when you’re expecting someone but don’t want to wait out back especially when it’s the boss!”

Pejout Marine Services Based in Antibes since 2006, Péjout Marine Services is an expert in the periodic checking of safety and lifesaving equipment on board yachts. Specialized on yachts above 24 m and over, they cover the area from Imperia to Marseille. Péjout Marine Services is the only professional in the Alpes Maritimes certified from the classification offices of ABS, Rina and Bureau Veritas and can check all your equipments from all flags and other classifications. A certificate will be delivered at the end as per the regulations of each category of products. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 09 952 356 or visit www.pejout-marine-services.fr

Technology update Although Seenite was originally created for yachts of 100 m and more, Tom reminds us that “the technology has developed so much that his company is now able to provide a smaller system at affordable cost. It means that smaller yachts that obviously have smaller budgets now have access to such technology as well. He confirms “The Seenite range is the most intelligent system we’ve developed; they now go beyond seeing in the dark, with integrated lasers as standard to illuminate objects such as man over board scenarios or to deter a threat.” Even with this type of security onboard, some owners still don’t feel safe enough. They may have their crew trained by specialists such as Rob Lankester from Orcas Associates. Rob is an ex marine and has been working in the yachting industry for over 10 years. His field of expertise is known in the industry and sometimes people call him up just to have the answer to a

Command at Sea A unique yacht security provider, Command at Sea International (CASI) offers owners and captains risk assessments; discreet, sophisticated security technology; crew training and qualification,and plans that fulfill flag state requirements. CASI is the maritime component of a global consulting group whose principals provided White House security and VIP protection through three U.S. presidential administrations. From concept design through the yacht ownership lifecycle, CASI provides an essential element of the luxury experience: peace of mind. For more details Tel: +1 (202) 640 1804 or visit www.casi-security.com

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Quality you can rely upon When you specify lifesaving equipment you need to know that it is the most reliable and cost-effective available. Our comprehensive range of marine distress signals and safety systems are trusted for their reliability by sailors and yachtsmen worldwide.

Marine Distress Signals www.painswessex.com

FRANCE yachting@servaux.com 24-7 YouR SAFEtY PARtNER


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Safe & SECURE practical question. “We train crew on board their yachts” starts Rob “That way they’ll remember which door to lock or which part of the yacht is at risk. It was always left to the Captain to appreciate a situation, lock the doors and turn on the lights at a certain time, or put the tape in the video recorder, but it was never said anywhere he had to do it. After 2001 the whole of the maritime industry realized that they had no legislation in place like the aerospace industry did. However, if a civilian vessel was hijacked, then the liability to resolve the issue falls on the Government to which the vessel is flagged. the ISPS code (International Ship and Port Facility Security) shifts that responsibility to owners, captains and crew. Goverments are still there if required but due to reduced risk, they rarely have to intervene. Of course owners prefer abiding to a security code than being hijacked and having a chance of never getting their yachts back.” Robert is so well known in his environment that he was involved in the writing of the early Ship Security Plans, which everyone needs on every vessel. An owner can sometimes request his qualified staff to come onboard for a trip near known dangerous areas and bring weapons on board to be prepared for the worst, but it’s not such a simple thing. “It’s a complicated situation and each yacht is unique. They fall under their flag’s registration, but I also need to take into consideration the legislations of the countries the yacht transits through, nothing is easy, of course they always want to know why you have weapons on board and what are your intentions” he concludes.

Bespoke solutions Brian Peterman ex US Coast Guard and now president of Command at Sea has a different approach: “When we get to the stage that we need armed men on board we work with a company already operating in the area, that way they’re familiar with the laws of each port and we know they are professionals. However, we rarely get to that stage. We first assess the type of security the owner has on land and what he’ll need on his yacht, this also depends of his destination obviously. We train the crew and try to operate in an intelligent way so the technical security and the equipment on board is up to date and appropriate. We don’t manufacture anything, but don’t just go out and buy Cisco or Panasonic systems; as we have a group of people who have worked for the White House, we know what we need and go and gather the best cameras, the best DVR, the very best electronic components and then in our lab, we put together a top notch first grade system” Brian’s team has also come up with the idea of a “citadel”, a panic room which can help the crew and the passengers sustain for several days. It’s important in a hijacked situation. “We remind people that at home or in their office the security systems installed is done so you can wait for 15 minutes or so until the police arrive, when you’re in the middle of the sea it can be days.”The room they built on board is equipped with food and water supplies but also has a separate tool to communicate with the outside for a short period of time and get help that way. However, it seems that piracy has gone down and owners are reassured about transiting near countries such as Somalia or the Gulf of Aden. But it doesn’t mean that one needs to feel completely secure either. They should seek advice, follow the BMP4, and ISPS code. Finally, in order to feel safe and secure, be alert and make sure your material on board works properly.

Vector Developments Seenite Mini is a compact, gyro stabilised, affordable camera system for maritime applications. A high resolution thermal imager, high zoom day/night camera and powerful laser pointer within a stabilised platform enables you to detect and engage targets during day or night and in any sea state. A laser pointer provides visible designation of a target location to other search and rescue or security operatives and can be used as a visible deterrent, a high zoom colour camera with a powerful 36x optical zoom lens enables long range recognition of targets in daylight or low light conditions, and a joystick controller that has single function buttons, without the need for on screen menus or sub-menus ensure intuitive operations with minimal user training. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1929 554709 or visit www.vestor-developments.com

Orcas Associates Orcas specialise in executive personnel and protection solutions for high-value private and commercial assets including superyachts, property and investments. Their professional, fully licensed and qualified in-house team of operatives and specialists provides a range of comprehensive security services that keep risks at bay and deters anyone who comes too close. Through tailored security awareness training, they can also equip you, your loved ones and your crew with the skills to protect yourselves and look after your own safety. For more details Tel: +44 (0)207 0606 689 or visit www.orcasassociates.com

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marseilleguide Palais Longchamp

Cathedral St Marie Majeur

Vallon des Auffes

Isle d’If

From a commercially important trade centre to the European Captial of Culture 2013 Where to stay VILLA MONTICELLI Colette and Jean are passionate about their city and their five exquisite chambre d’hôte rooms in their stunning villa are worth the slightly outer city location. Breakfast of homemade everything is served on the panoramic view terrace. +33 (0)4 91 22 15 20 | € € € LE RYAD With high ceilings, arched alcoves, warm colours and minimalist decor, Le Ryad draws sumptuous influence from Morocco. Beautiful bathrooms, garden view rooms and great service make up for the sometimes sketchy neighbourhood. Despite the four storey walk up, it’s worth booking the top floor room (Mogador) for its rooftop terrace. +33 (0)4 91 47 74 54 | € € € CASA HONORÉ Los Angeles meets Marseille at this four-room maison d’hôte, built around a

central courtyard with a lap pool shaded by banana trees. The fashion forward style reflects the owner’s love for contemporary interior design (she has a shop down the block), using disparate elements like black wicker and the occasional cow skull, which come together in one sexy package. One complaint: some bathrooms are partitioned by curtains, not doors. +33 (0)4 96 11 01 62 | € € € €

SOFITEL MARSEILLE VIEUX-PORT Marseille’s top full service hotel commands spectacular views of the sea and the old port. Rooms have all the requisite bells and whistles, from iPod docks to feather beds; some have double-size soaking tubs. There is also a great spa. +33 (0)4 91 15 59 00 | € € € € € MAMA SHELTER MARSEILLE The brainchild of Serge Trigano, son of Gilbert (Club Med creator), this affordable-chic new kid on the block opened with a bang in 2012. It sports design by Philippe Starck, nifty extras like Kiehl’s bathroom products and free in-room movies. Sister hotels in Paris, Istanbul, Lyon and Bordeaux. +33 (0)4 84 35 20 00 | € € € €

Eat LE BISTROT D’EDOUARD A welcoming tapas and pinxo restaurant in an old provençal cottage in the Prado district has been packed from the day it opened. The new generation is proud

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of the city’s diversity, and love eating each other’s foods. Grab a table in the tiny garden for a light supper and soak up the atmosphere. Rue Jean Mermoz | €€€ Café Populaire Located on the chic rue de Paradis, this popular brasserie is where well-heeled locals take a break from shopping over beautifully prepared Mediterranean nosh. An open kitchen and dining room with an eclectic decor of factory lamps and fleamarket chairs with tables overlooking a courtyard garden. The ever-changing menu is a pure delight – book now! 110 rue Paradis | €€€ Pizzeria Chez Etienne In Le Panier, the city’s oldest neighbourhood, this simple but much loved restaurant offers a delicious time capsule of how southern Italian cooking evolved in Marseille. Excellent wood oven-baked pizzas, cuttlefish cooked with garlic and parsley, good steaks, and rosé de Provence to wash it all down. 43 rue de Lorette | €€ L’Epuisette Built on a craggy stone point jutting out into the Mediterranean, this casually elegant eatery offers views over the sea as well as some of the finest seafood cooking in the south of France. Over 55 years this restaurant has kept its gourmet cuisine to the highest standards. Definitely book in advance – a long way! Vallon des Auffes | €€€€

Play La Caravelle Look up or miss this upstairs hideaway, styled with rich wood and leather, zinc bar and yellowing murals. If it’s sunny, snag a coveted spot on the portside terrace. Fridays hear live jazz 9pm to midnight. They also do a good breakfast. 34 quai du Port Caffè Noir This drinking den is one of the reliable addresses for a young, mixed, harddrinking crowd. Offers simple but convivial surrounding inside or out. Gay friendly. 3 rue Moustier

Essential information

Dame Noir Opening its doors in 2009, this hot spot has never looked back. Hip cats spill onto the sidewalk from this bar. DJs spin Thursday to Saturday. Admission is free so enjoy a nice expensive meal and work off the calories here. 30 place Notre-Dame du Mont Au Petit Nice Cheap and cheerful: 2 beers in a happening courtyard cafe with a youthful crowd. Whatever the hour there is always a great mix of patrons. Charming waiters, great views from the terrace – perfect to soak up some sun. 28 place Jean Jaurès

Culture Basilique Notre Dame de la Garde Occupying Marseille’s highest point, 162m. Built between 1853 and 1864, it is ornamented with coloured marble, murals depicting the safe passage of sailing vessels and superbly restored mosaics. The hilltop gives 360-degree panoramas of the city’s sea of terracotta roofs below.

43º 17.75’N 05º21.25’E E capitainerie.vieux-port@marseilleprovence.fr w www.marseille-provence.fr Maximum length 100m Depth of water in berths 6.8m No. of berths 3200 Tel +33(0)6 32 87 52 39 VHF Channel 9 Fire 18 Police 17 EU Emergency 112 Provisioning & Yacht Services ATL Méditerrannée: T +33(0)484 255 287

Essential Marseille Capucin district Market Uproarious market, open-fronted spice shops, black-market cigarettes and surging street-life all indicating that Marseille’s united nations resist being tidied away out of the centre. Fort St Jean Built in 1660 by Louis XVI at the entrance to the old port. Frioul Isles In a group of four, these barren dykelinked white-limestone islands are home to sea birds and rare plants that thrive on these tiny islands. Vallon des Auffes About a 30 minute stroll from the old port, brightly coloured traditional fishing boats and cottages huddle in this setting unchanged for centuries.

Château d’If Immortalised in Alexandre Dumas’ classic 1844 novel Le Comte de Monte Cristo, the 16th-century fortress-turned-prison. Political prisoners were incarcerated here, along with hundreds of Protestants, the Revolutionary hero Mirabeau, and the Communards of 1871.

Vieux Port Marseille’s focal point and so it remains, for celebration, protest or anything else.

Palais de Longchamp Its spectacular fountains were constructed in the 1860s; The northern wing houses Marseille’s oldest museum, the Musée des Beaux-Arts. The shaded park is one of the centre’s few green spaces, popular with local families.

The Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisation A permanent collection charting historical and cultural cross-fertilisation in the Mediterranean basin, costing a mere €191m.

Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde A Catholic basilica built on the foundations of an ancient fort located at the highest natural point in Marseille, a 149 m on the south side of the Old Port.

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A breath of fresh air Heinen & Hopman will attend this year’s Antibes Yacht Show in April to showcase the full range of its products and promote its local office for the Mediterranean


he Antibes Yacht Show will take place in the famous Port Vauban, the largest marina in Europe, between Wednesday 23 and Saturday 26 April. This is the Mediterranean’s unmissable spring show, where professionals present their products and services just before the season starts. Over 15,000 people visited the show last year. Heinen & Hopman will be present at this year’s event with a stand exhibiting its unparalleled expertise in the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration, and underlining its strong regional presence. The HVAC specialists have a great deal of know-how to share…And an impressive selection of leading edge solutions for the maritime world.Keeping in mind the old saying that prevention is better than cure, visitors will have the opportunity to win a full check-up of their onboard HVAC systems.

Global reach Heinen & Hopman has a global client base supported by offices and agents worldwide. Within the maritime sector, the company is known for its innovative and client-oriented approach that provides bespoke solutions created in close cooperation with its clients. “We specialise in providing HVAC systems for the nautical industry, including yacht building and shipyards, the navy, commercial clients, the offshore industry and most recently, offshore windmills,” says Communications Manager Jessica van Montfoort. “Our success as an industry leader can be attributed in large part to an ability to be flexible when it comes to meeting client requirements. Within Heinen & Hopman we have a multidisciplinary workforce and can easily match the right person to a specific problem.”

H&H France Heinen & Hopman’s dedicated French office is the only specialised marine HVAC representative for Heinen & Hopman systems that covers the coastline from Marseille in France to Genoa in Italy, including Monaco and the Côte d’Azur. In addition, Heinen & Hopman can ensure top-notch after-sales support and guarantee quality solutions. The office provides all yacht owners and shipyards with the convenience of a trusted service and maintenance provider in this key sailing region. Heinen & Hopman’s service on the Côte d’Azur was recently reinforced by the appointment of a new full-time service mechanic to the dedicated office in Antibes. “This addition increased our capacity to provide short-notice, on-site support and maintenance as well as a variety of service and after-sales programmes for onboard air-conditioning, heating, mechanical ventilation and provision cooling systems,” underlines Joep Hopman, CEO of Heinen & Hopman Engineering.

Win a free check-up “We have noticed that many of our customers use their systems right until the moment they stop working completely,” adds Van Montfoort. “In addition to having a detrimental effect on the performance of the onboard equipment, this wastes energy and cost efficiency and, of course, does little to help reduce CO2 emissions. This is why we decided to give visitors to the Antibes Yacht Show the opportunity to win a system check-up. Look for our promotional water bottles or visit us at stand IYCA C 646 at the Antibes Yacht Show for more information.” To learn more about Heinen & Hopman Engineering, visit Bit.ly/hvacantibes, or contact us via info@heinenhopmanfrance.com on board | spring 2014 | 101

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Bring your music with you in style with these recommended portable speakers B & O BEOLIT 12

120 watts of pure perfection. 4 stylish colours, solid aluminium grill, illuminated controls. Exquisite looks and sound quality. Battery life up to 8 hours. www.beoplay.com €699

BOSE SOUNDLINK It connects wirelessly to your smartphone, tablet or other Bluetooth device, so you can listen to your music, videos or games anytime, anywhere. Just grab it and go. Battery life up to 7 hours.

JAMBOX MINI The ultra-slim enclosure is crafted from a single piece of extruded aluminum, coming in 9 colours. Battery life up to 10 hours. www.jawbone.com €135

www.bose.com €146

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Designed for use on the water and offering protection from the Earth’s elements, plus it floats. Comes in 3 great colours. Battery life up to 10 hours.

The aircraft grade aluminium exterior has been machined to perfection, creating a beautiful sleek design. Battery life up to 12 hours.

www.ecoxgear.com €95

www.braven.com €125

MARSHALL STANMORE The vintage-inspired look adds a touch of style to your entertainment setup. Slightly bigger than the rest, but certainly more bang for your buck. Runs on mains power. www.marshallheadphones.com €400

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yacht essentials Chris Clifford recommends his essential products and services Flexiteek

Flexiteek 2G looks similar to other decking, but you will feel the difference, the surface cools off 30% faster than traditional composite decking. The new Flexiteek 2G material has an enhanced thermal performance as well as reduced weight. The outstanding heat reflecting properties have been designed to reduce the thermal transfer so that the synthetic decking feels more like walking on natural wood without shoes! All the

benefits from their first generation of world leading synthetic decking are kept, they’ve just made it even better! The material is fully recyclable and is made using REACH compliant phthalate free plasticizer. For more details Tel: +46 (0) 223 100 00 or visit www.flexiteek.com

Custom Uniform Shop

Waterproof Expeditions As a specialized, luxury charter company, the professionals at Waterproof Expeditions charter expedition cruise vessels and luxury superyachts for exclusive private groups and families to remote and exotic destinations. They have operated expeditions to the Polar regions for many years and organize necessary permits, expedition staff and itineraries for tailor made experiences. With vessels like the MY Sherakhan, MY Legend and MY Hanse Explorer a.o., charterers can venture out of traditional yachting destinations and experience special places with truly unique superyachts. From the High Arctic to Antarctica, British Columbia, Seychelles, Raja Ampat and any other fascinating destination. For more details Tel:+ 31 (0) 118 435 885 or visit www.waterproof-expeditions.com

Focused almost entirely on Custom Design, their philosophy is to give the clients exactly what they want. By matching design concept, colour and styling with the interior or the exterior of the yacht. Sylwia helps to make the clients’ uniforms an integral part of their yacht design. Although the in-house creations are focused mainly on delivering modern styles, they are also able to produce more conservative and classic looks in more up to date cuts whilst using much higher quality fabrics, to the available off the shelf items. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 693 366 014 or visit www.nuuq.eu

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Penguin Marine

Titan Fleet Management Titan Fleet Management has positioned itself in the yachting industry as an innovative and forward thinking company continually seeking to improve the standards offered to owners on board their yachts. We know, through our own extensive experience, that to achieve the highest of standards, yachts require extremely motivated and professionally competent crew. To this end, they have installed professional facilities for yacht training and engineering courses in Golfe Juan in the South of France offering high-quality, flexible and affordable training opportunities for crew. For more details: Tel +33 (0)4 92 93 75 07 or visit www.titanfleet.com

Former Merchant Navy Captain Phil Hooper formed Penguin Marine Refrigeration in Antibes in1991, establishing a very high reputation since. Assisted by an English, French and Italian speaking team, they sell, install and service all makes of marine air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Specialising in refits, they are official dealers and agents for most of the main manufacturers including Condaria, Marinair, Cruisair, Climma and are associates of Heinen and Hopman. They can also help with any requirements for custom fridges and freezers. Working with major brokerage houses and European shipyards, they also have excellent follow up and after sales service worldwide. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 95 06 96 or visit www.penguinmarine.com


Lockton’s focus is insurance, they understand this on every level and help private clients to manage the complexity of their risk exposures. Their Yacht Practice is structured within the Private Client Suite, where a personal service is designed around you and delivers a ‘Portfolio’ approach. This results in better rates and smart solutions on all your fixed and mobile assets in the UK and worldwide. Their empathy, passion and specialist knowledge provides comprehensive, strategic insurance solutions from a business built upon exceptional relationships with clients, colleagues and partners. For more details Tel:+44 (0)207 933 0132 or visit www.locktonprivateclients.com

Marigot Bay Nestled into the rainforest that envelops the scenic west coast of Saint Lucia, Marigot Bay is the most enchanting and intimate yachting destination in the Caribbean. Set in front of the Discovery Hotel, The Marina prides itself on providing the highest quality of eco-friendly service to its visitors in tandem with the full range of technical support, power, fuel & provisioning all in conjunction with a friendly and welcoming local community. Berthing up to 80 metres, the Marina offers perfect shelter and security in nature’s Hurricane Hole in the Eastern Caribbean. For more details: Tel +1 (758) 4514275 or visit www.marigotbaymarina.com on board | spring 2014 | 105

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MME DYT Yacht Transport is the world’s premier provider of yacht transport and logistics solutions tailored to the mobility needs of the global yachting community. With its unique fleet of semi-submersible, dedicated yacht carriers, DYT offers a reliable sailing schedule and provides exceptional liner service throughout the year. Since its maiden voyage in 1987, the company has transported over 13,000 motor and sailing yachts to various destinations around the globe, offering owners and charterers safe and easy access to many of the world’s most desirable cruising playgrounds. While its schedule with the semi-submersible yacht carriers regularly covers main ports around the world.The company also offers lift-on/lift-off possibilities. In close collaboration with Sevenstar Yacht Transport, a leader in global yacht transport, DYT has the ability to offer a wider network of global destinations, utilizing over 120 independent carriers. For more details Tel: +1 954 525 8707 or visit www.yacht-transport.com

MME offers onboard microturbine power generation solutions for superyachts, replacing traditional diesel generators with an advanced yet simple technology that meets responsible yacht owners’demands for more sustainable energy and reduced environmental impact without compromise to their comfort and enjoyment of life onboard. Microturbines are compact turbine generators designed to reduce noise and vibrations, pollutants and greenhouse gases and not least, energy costs. Extensive experience gained during a full year of testing has contributed to high level of built-in optimization for MME Microturbine solutions. For more details Tel: +49 (0)89 641 60 120 or visit www.mme-generators.com

M2M Fenders M2M Fenders means quality products with a quality service. M2M hypalon fenders made in the UK with a unique code so individual fender manufacturing process fully traceable. Hypalon fenders available in standard sizes and bespoke sizes. They also supply a wide selection of recognised brands of PVC coated and hypalon coated fenders to cover most requirements. M2M fender hooks are made in UK and fender covers are manufactured in UK to fit individual fenders. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 1983 210493 or email info@m2mfenders.eu

Skuld Skuld, an ‘A’ rated P&I club, introduced its Yacht P&I cover in 2013. Tailored for the superyacht market, the cover was designed by a specialist yacht team with the assistance of key players in the industry. Skuld’s global presence with offices in virtually every time zone and a dedicated Skuld Yacht team ensures outstanding and personal service for the yacht community. Close cooperation with clients is what sets Skuld Yacht apart from the competition. By working side-by-side with their clients, the Skuld Yacht team can achieve the best results in claims situations, loss prevention support and specialist advice. For more details visit www.skuld.com/yachts

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Enjo Yachting

2 Oceans Maritime Academy 2 Oceans Maritime Academy is South Africa’s superyachting and adventure sailing centre offering a range of courses that allow you to get into the superyachting Industry. The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean graduate program is an internationally recognised qualification and the best way into the industry as Deck Crew. The Stewardess program will equip you with all the skills you need and ensure employment as interior crew. The Crew Chef course adds value to your CV and allows you to work in the galley and interior of superyachts. Plus, the new Odyssey Program, with 2 Atlantic crossings, is a fast track to the Yachtmaster Program or the ultimate sailing adventure. With over 18 years experience they tailor your program, advise you on the best course to become a professional in the superyacht industry. For more details Tel: + 27 21 790 2442 or visit www.2oceansmaritimeacademy.com FunAir brings family and friends together with exciting inflatable products that deliver a lifetime of memories and smiles. Since inventing the first sealed air inflatable slide that hooks over yacht railings for the MY Lazy in 2009, FunAir cofounder, Mark Anastasia, has created over 200 custom inflatable yacht products for mega yachts across the globe. Their experience and obsession with using the highest quality materials and workmanship form FunAir’s extreme commitment to designing some of the best inflatables available. FunAir offers the ultimate custom inflatable design and production, using each yacht’s specifications, colours and logo. For more details Tel: +1 512 270 4900 or visit www.funair.com


Are you earning good money but working with harmful cleaning products on a daily basis? What if you knew there was a powerful cleaning system that doesn’t use chemicals, that won’t damage surfaces like marble and glass and will also cut your cleaning time in half? ENJO products work with water, by using innovative high-density fibres to lift, trap and hold dirt, grease and even bacteria. From the galley to the deck, ENJO have custom gloves and cloths tailored to every workspace. Turn your yacht into a chemical free zone. For more details Tel: +33 (0)675 307 687 / +34 (0) 603 137 342 or visit www.enjo-yachting.com

Whether you are crew member, owner, or Yacht Company, each Currencies Direct overseas transfer is unique; therefore you should have a service tailored to help you. ‘Learn to discern’ which products will work best for you and make your life easier – as well as making your money go further. With Currencies Direct you can use spot contracts for moving money quickly across your accounts,use forward contracts forfuture yacht purchases when you want today’s rate,use regular transfers for transfer your monthly wages or pay the crew’s salary,use limit orders formaximum benefit when exchange rates move in your favour and use a rate watch for keeping an eye on the currency markets. Let the experts watch the markets for you. For more details Tel: +33 (0) 422 326 241 or visit www.currenciesdirectyachting.com

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Superyacht Marine Engineering

REFIT ON THE HORIZON? Talk to TLC Refit & Repair and you will access a wealth of varied experience that will save you time and money Mechanical Stabilisers Hydraulic Electrical Safety

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Superyacht Marine Engineering

REFIT ON THE HORIZON? Talk to TLC Refit & Repair and you will access a wealth of varied experience that will save you time and money Mechanical Stabilisers Hydraulic Electrical Safety

ad-onboard-FINAL.indd 3

www.tlcrandr.com +44 (0) 12 27 75 00 68 info@tlcrandr.com

05/12/2013 12:19

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yacht essentials Vikal

Jersey Ships Registry The Jersey Ships Registry is a well-established and popular choice among boat owners as a port of registry under the reputable Red Ensign. The Registry is open to all vessels up to 400 gross tons, and Commonwealth, EU, Crown Dependency and Overseas Territory. Individuals and companies are able to register in their own names so it is not restricted to just British subjects. There are many benefits in registering in Jersey: non-EU Registry so attractive for the HMRC Temporary Importation Scheme; 10 year registration with no annual fee; located within a well-regulated white-listed offshore centre with excellent connections and communications and friendly efficient service. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1534 448128 or visit www.gov.je/shipsregistry

Commencing in 1982 and soon establishing itself as a competent composites boat builder, Vikal was awarded contracts to build some very large highly specified composite marine structures which cemented Vikal’s place as a premium composites builder. As a result, in 1993 the late Jon Bannenberg commissioned Vikal to build two luxury tenders for the Motor Yacht Coral Island. This was the start of the evolution of large yacht custom tenders which Vikal now specialise in and they have developed a highly skilled team of tradesmen and advanced expertise in composite construction with quality, strength, weight and performance being critical factors. For more details Tel +61 (0) 89434 2480 or visit www.vikal.com.au

LM Group LM Group is divided into specialist departments focusing on the service and maintenance as well as supply and installation of Stabillisers (Quantum, Koop, Vosper, NAIAD and Trac), Thrusters (NAIAD, Vosper, Wesmar and Quantum), deck/beam cranes and passerelles (Nautical Structures) and deck/anchor winches (MUIR). They also have a hydraulic hose and pipe division and can work anywhere around Europe and further afield with their mobile work vehicles. All of their work carries a global warranty and partners great coverage. Their hydraulic department deals with general hydraulics with the latest on site digital diagnostic equipment and flushing capabilities with particle analysing. For more details Tel: +34 (0)971 253 006 or visit www.lmhydraulics.com

Virgin Islands Shipping Registry The Virgin Islands Shipping Registry is a Red Ensign Category One Register with prompt, courteous, highly efficient service, and the highest international standards of transparency and regulation. It boasts a fully computerized Fleet Management Database to ensure efficient management of its registration business and combined with a well-trained, dedicated team of experienced professionals, VISR, like few other registries in the world can guarantee prompt turnaround, usually within 48

hours. VISR is party to all relevant International Maritime Conventions, with up-to-date maritime legislation providing excellent mortgage protection, with technical expertise in-house and worldwide (MCA, IACS). Vessels flying the Virgin Islands Red Ensign are entitled to British Diplomatic/Consular support and Royal Navy protection. For more details Tel: +1 284 468 2902/2903 or visit www.vishipping.gov.vg on board | spring 2014 | 109

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Whale Watermaster

Pro Rigging Rodrigo Sanz is the owner of Pro Rigging, and has been working in the rigging business for more than 15 years. Working from their 500 m2 workshop, one minute from the Palma harbour and STP yard, they cover the full region of the Balearic Islands, though have also have done works in Barcelona, Coruña and Italy. They address all their projects in the same way with the principal goal to satisfy all their clients with the work they carry out. A lengthy list of satisfied customers is the proof of their quest and delivery for perfection. For more details +34 (0)971 592 905 or visit www.pro-rigging.com

Whale is a key player in the leisure marine industry specialising in the design and manufacture of water and waste management systems including manual and electric fresh, bilge and waste pumps, Quick Connect plumbing, faucets, showers and accessories In 2013, Whale extended its extensive portfolio to include galley appliances and water heaters. Whale combines innovative products with excellent customer service to supply manufacturers worldwide. Recent innovations include the award winning low profile Supersub Smart Range of automatic submersible bilge pumps, IC range of Intelligently Controlled bilge and grey waste management systems, Watermaster Pressure Pump Range delivering smooth consistent flow and the unique Twist Deck Shower with integrated temperature and flow control in the handset. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 28 9127 0531 or visit www.whalepumps.com

Aero Tec Laboratories Aero Tec Laboratories manufactures fully collapsible on-deck fuel bladders that serve as an auxiliary fuel source for motor yachts. These rugged bladders provide security and piece of mind when travelling long distance or exploring exotic locations far away from port. In addition to extending range, these bladders are ideal for refuelling tenders and personal watercraft while out at sea. ATL bladders are compatible with both petrol and diesel fuel and can be filled easily with any standard refuelling nozzle. Standard bladder capacities range from 200 to 2000 litres and can also be custom built to accommodate client needs. When not in use, ATL bladders can be folded up for compact and easy storage. For more details Tel: +1 201 825 1400 or visit www.atlinc.com

Fastnet Marine Fastnet Marine is a privately owned insurance broker dedicated to providing solutions for insuring yachts of all types and sizes, all over the world. With connections amongst a wide range of insurers, they offer packages of hull & machinery, war risks & confiscation, protection & indemnity and crew welfare cover for a variety of yachts - both power and sail, cruising and racing. They also handle enquiries from the marine trade sector for combined commercial insurance offering buildings, contents, public & products liability, employers liability and business interruption cover for marine businesses, as well as professional indemnity insurance for yacht managers, brokers, naval architects and the like. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 2380 636677 or visit www.fastnet-marine.co.uk

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MME is powered by Capstone ® Turbine Corporation with tens of millions of run hours and counting.

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28.03.14 10:29


On Course in your yachting career? Professional and personal training courses to help you attain your ambitions!



RYA Short Range Radio License – online RYA Yachtmaster Offshore package course RYA Day Skipper practical course – 4 day recreational boating course RYA Power Boat level 2 RYA Advanced Power Boat

AEC Approved Engine Course This is an approved MCA course to meet the requirements of the D.F.T. codes of Practice for the safety of small commercial motor and sailing vessels MEOL(Y) Marine Engine Operators Licence 5 day oral preparation course

RYA Personal Watercraft Proficiency and Instructor courses Jetski driving license –1 day course and 3 day course to qualify as Jetski Instructor Yacht’s recognition as Jetski Centre Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course Yachtmaster Offshore commercial endorsements PPR online course and PPR course with instructor and full endorsement

5 day Advanced Engineering Course - This is an industry standard course to complement the AEC. Includes air con, refrigerator, sewage plant, water makers, gearboxes, clutches, hydraulics, dc and ac motors maintenance 5 day oral preparation for Y4/Y3/Y2/Y1

We can arrange courses to suit your dates

10% reduction on all courses if you quote this reference code when booking TFTC001

Titan Fleet Management – Port Azur – 79 Avenue des Frères Roustan – 06220 Golfe Juan – France Tel Office +33 (0)4 92 93 75 07 | +33 (0)4 92 93 17 43 | www.titanfleet.com | Email training@titanfleet.com

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Full European Refit & Service Assistance Specialists in: • Stabilizers (Quantum, Koop, Naiad, Wesmar) • Bowthrusters • Cranes & Deck Equipment • Integrated Hydraulics

Certified Load Testing Hydraulic Systems Flushing Full hydraulic Diagnostics Particle Analysis

T + 34 971 25 3006

E info@lmhydraulics.com W www.lmhydraulics.com

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yacht essentials Freestyle TLC Refit & Repair

FreeStyle Jet Ski Docks are a versatile floating platform designed to dock jet skis, SEA DOO’s and SEABOBS, with safe, easy access. Made with 100% welded seams using Drop Stitch material that can support thousands of pounds for a variety of uses. Each FreeStyle Jet Ski Dock can be customized to your specific size requirement. In addition you can choose from an array of colours as well as adding your own personalized logo. Freestyle also offer standard sizes in stock, their Jet Ski

Docks come with a 3 year warranty and all equipment including storage bag, air pumps and water ballasts. As a yacht or boat owner Freestyle recognize the quality of life and the level of entertainment that you have come to expect and pride themselves on being the only truly bespoke supplier of inflatable products in the world. For more details Tel: +1 727 563 2003 or visit www.freestylecruiser.com

Harken UK Ltd and TLC Refit & Repair Ltd have been working together since 2009 when TLC R&R secured the status of approved installers of the EN795 certified Harken External Access System. In 2010, the MCA issued new guidance for ‘Use of Equipment to Undertake Work Over the Side on Yachts and Other Vessels’. The Harken External Access System was the only system of its kind to have completed specialised testing to EN795.1997, required to meet MCA standards. However, the relevant marine authorities also required an approved installation method. TLC R&R built a test rig and installation system that has been approved by all relevant Marine Authorities, including Lloyds. TLC R&R has since carried out installations on over 50 superyachts. They have also achieved ISO 9001. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1227 750068 or visit www.tlcrandr.com

Allabroad Maritime Academy Allabroad Maritime Academy based in Gibraltar’s prestigious Ocean Village Marina has been offering maritime courses for professionals since 1999. Allabroad is a RYA & MCA accredited training provider offering the STCW95 Basic Safety Training, SSO, Medical First Aid & Medical Care and ENG1 medicals amongst other courses which gives all the more reason for yachts traversing in and out of the Med to make a scheduled stop in Gibraltar. With berths for sailing yachts up to 24 metres and no limitation on length of motor yacht Gibraltar is a perfect location for training whilst taking advantage of duty free fuel and accumulating nights outside the EU. For more details: Tel +350 200 50202 or visit www.allabroad.co.uk

Home & Yacht Finest Bed Linen Home & Yacht Finest Bed Linen specialises in high quality, luxury bespoke and standard bed linen and towels for superyachts worldwide. They offer world renowned brands including Schlossberg Switzerland, Zimmer+Rohde, Escada, Christian Fischbacher & Pratesi and are the official distributors of Frette for yachts in the Balearics. They also have their own range of luxury linens made in-house from fine Italian fabrics in 96 colours from 200-1200 thread count in Egyptian cotton percale, sateen and jacquard finishes. In addition, they have a wide range of products for the interior including tableware, accessories and amenities. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 697 914 233 or visit www.finestbedlinen.com

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Range ?






• Rugged, Reliable, & Safe Auxiliary Fuel Bladders • Standard Capacities From 200 to 2000 Liters Larger Sizes Readily Available Upon Request • Petrol & Diesel Compatible, Simply Unfold & Fill • Fully Collapsible & Foldable For Quick And Compact Stowage, Freeing Valuable Deck Space • Also Ideal For Refueling Tenders & PWC








It only starts with the finish

Superyacht Solutions Qui id modit audipsam voluptam nihitior atecus, totati cum re, sam quossectur audipsam voluptam nihitior atecus, totati cum re, sam EUROPE Tel: +44 (0) 2380 840 787

ASIA PACIFIC Tel: +61 (0) 755 028 255


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Kedus Yacht Services

As a captain, choosing a yacht management company to look after the day to day operation of your vessel is a major priority, you need to feel secure in the knowledge that any headaches will be theirs! Kedus have a reputation for quality, integrity and innovation resulting from many years of building relationships with their clients that have been based on trust and mutual respect. Their expertise and knowledge encompasses all aspects of yacht management,

including the application and thorough understanding of formal codes for the code of practice, rules and regulations, technical expertise, reliable administration, commercial awareness and crewing needs. They have developed solutions from their experience from many years of cooperation with yachts of all types and sizes. For more details: Tel +44 (0)7985 389421 or visit www.kedusyachts.com

The chaps at Branagh are frequently asked to ďŹ nd new and innovative ways to solve practical problems on-board, so have launched into 2014 with greater capabilities than ever before. Their focus on providing the most current advanced composite services has led them to consolidate working relationships with many specialised high-tech suppliers. They can now provide a complete service from design consultancy, through structural and composite engineering, CNC machining to construction and installation. Using the latest techniques in 3D scanning, modelling and CNC cutting, they can easily produce scale mock-ups and or prototypes and then produce almost any composite structure to the highest of manufacturing standards. Branagh also understand the time and budget pressures involved in a reďŹ t and can work alongside captains and management companies to ensure success. For more details Tel: +34 (0) 971 254 181 or visit www.bmcomposites.com

Synergy Synergy is a Palma based custom fabrication business working with stainless steel, aluminum, carbon, steel and perspex. With a nine man crew in immaculate 1.500m² workshop facilities, Synergy is fully equipped with machine shop, polishing booth and an extensive weld and fabrication area to deliver precision components and bespoke prototype hardware, meeting the high demands of the superyacht industry. The business is driven by owner/manager Daniel Muir with his keen energy-charged ambition and drive to guarantee end product perfection to his demanding clients. Personally motivated to deliver remarkable service with project concept designs like none on the island. For more details Tel:+34 (0)678 969 190 and +34(0) 871 230 352 or email: admin@synergynox.com

The Seafarer Account from Standard Bank Isle of Man Limited is a unique current account available exclusively for yacht crew. It has a low minimum balance, no minimum income requirement and offers free electronic payments. Combined with an optional Visa debit card and secure 24/7 internet banking, the Seafarer Account puts you in control wherever you are in the world. For more details: Tel +44 (0) 1624 643810 or visit www.standardbank.com/seafarer

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2738 FMIS On-board ad:2343 FMIS Superyacht ad

S u p e r Ya c h t s



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R a c e Ya c h t s

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Authorised and Regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority

inflatable fenders Available as a standard inflatable fender or hypalon inflatable fender. ✓ ✓ ✓

Maximum protection with minimum storage Available in wide range of sizes Bespoke service for hypalon fenders

M2M Fenders

luxury yacht fender specialist

fendercovers and fendersocks Made in England from UV resistant acrylic yarn. Providing maximum protection for gel coats and paintwork. ✓ ✓ ✓

Made to fit specific make and size of fender Available in wide range of colours Covers can be branded and personalised

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Simple quick fender height adjustment Standard rail sizes available Bespoke service available Email your requirements to info@m2mfenders.eu OR visit us at


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yacht essentials

Prodive Monaco Top Coat d’Azur Topcoat d’Azur are leaders in the field of paint application and work closely with some of the industry’s R&D departments, field testing products to assist development of optimum performance and durability, as well as keeping at the forefront of application techniques for finishes such as pearlescent and metallic. Experts in anticorrosion technology they have solutions for fighting corrosion problems even in hard to reach areas. Topcoat d’Azur have also opened a sister company, Topcoat UK Ltd which will bring the same Topcoat service and quality to the UK and northern European market. Topcoat d’Azur offer an all round service from small repairs to full refinishing and have developed a unique modular ‘in water’ system, allowing them to recoat the whole vessel, above the waterline whilst in the water, enabling the vessel to obtain a paint refinish at a fraction of the cost of going into the yard. For more details Tel: +33 (0) 492 92 18 51 or email info@topcoatdazur.com

Prodive provide a team of highly qualified and regulated (Lloyds Registered) professionals. Specialising in the superyacht arena for assistance in mooring and anchorage, maintenance, mounting and dismantling of propellers. Plus, all underwater certified inspections for navigation and protection. Laurent Boulmier

aquired Prodive in 2006 from a family run business strated in 1965, but to this day Laurent runs a tight team of professionals that will assist in all technical areas and necessary maintenance for superyachts. For more details: Tel: +377(0)9350 6100 or visit www.prodive-monaco.com

Gladstone Park Chefs Gladstone Park Chefs has an edge in supplying the best Michelin Star Trained Chefs around. Firstly all of their chefs are not just Michelin Star trained, they are trained at a senior level. Neither have they only stayed a few months at Michelin Starred establishments, many have stayed for years building up the discipline that is necessary when working on a yacht. For example one of their applicants was Head Chef at a Two

Michelin Star property for 12 years, they also have other chefs who have similar experience, even up to 3 Star Michelin. So if you want food from The French Connection, The Fat Duck, El Bulli, The Manoir, The Waterside, you should try their services. For more details Tel: +44(0)1295 265 366 or email john@gladstoneparkchefs.co.uk

Global Yacht Fuel Global Yacht Fuel have been arranging fuel supplies exclusively for yachts since 1990 and are considered one of the industry’s top and most trusted suppliers. Over the years it’s become apparent that the elements of a successful bunkering are simple: good communication and reputable suppliers. Over the last 20 years they have established a very large network of suppliers

around the world, in both popular ports and remote ones. Because of this experience they are able to give advice on which ports to avoid, and which ports are more yacht friendly, based on both their own dealings with the local suppliers as well as feedback from captains and engineers. For more details Tel:+1 954 462 6050 or visit www.globalyachtfuel.com

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One Whale fits all PLUMBING

Whale manufacture a full range of water and waste systems tailored to suit your specific model needs




11.5 ltrs/ min



FRESH 8 ltrs/ min


Automatic Pressure Pump Range Power, Performance, Protection



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YACHT ESSENTIALS Credence Maritime

Credence is a leading provider of a full range of advisory, maritime, fiduciary and corporate services based in Malta. The firm’s professionals advise individual and corporate clients as well as global banks, the world’s top law firms, leading asset management companies, yacht and ship owners and providers of fiduciary services. In addition,

Credence offers its expertise to governments and governmental agencies. Credence retains the flexibility to tailor its services to individual clients’ requirements. For more details Tel: +356 (0) 2125 2893 or visit www.credence.com.mt

Polyform The idea for the modern plastic buoy was inspired by the canvas buoys used by fishermen in Norway. Invented at the end of 1955, these new products, were quickly adopted by fisherman around the world and available as far away as Seattle (USA) by 1958. It didn’t take long for people to realize that the buoy worked equally well as a fender. Cylindrical shaped fenders with rope holes in both ends were the next step in the evolution of Polyform’s product line. After initial concerns about the strength of the rope holes, Polyform’s signature blue rope hole was designed, using even stronger material and a new blue colour. For more details Tel: +1 253 872 0300 or visit www.polyformus.com

Superyacht Solutions Superyacht Solutions is an Australian-based yacht painting contractor with a lengthy track record for fairing & finishing large custom new builds, OEM finishing of production vessels and for refinishing of large yachts, power and sail. Having made many past forays into the Asian and European markets, the company established a permanent Southampton, UK-based operation. Superyacht Solutions LLP is headed by Chris Layton with the new division available to European yacht builders and owners seeking a highly experienced coating resource. Superyacht Solutions has particular expertise in large scale metallic and pearl applications. For more details Tel: +44(0)2380 840 787 or visit www.superyacht.com.au

R&Q Marine Services has the knowledge, expertise, innovation and commitment to deliver insurance for yachtsmen by yachtsmen with over 150 years of collective experience. They insure some of the largest and most recognisable megayachts in the world and are known globally for their professionalism, integrity, innovation and service. They offer physical damage, war and liability coverage (including P&I) for all types of vessels and have immediate capacity to insure vessels up to $115,000,000. They can offer a broad variety of policy wordings including their own plain language wording that clearly sets out both the owners and the insurer’s responsibilities. For more details Tel: +44(0)207 977 0910 or visit www.rqih.com

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What is...

A Caviar Facial?

THE BLOOD GROUP DIE T Created by Dr Peter D’Adamo who believes that our blood type determines which foods we should and shouldn’t eat. According to D’Adamo each blood group is unique and reacts adversely with certain types of foods that can cause health problems later in life. Tailoring your diet to your blood group should lead to more efficient digestion and weight loss.

BLOOD TYPE O The most common blood group. He recommends that you should follow a high protein, low carb diet and suggests fish as the best way to get a healthy dose of protein. Type Os are prone to digestive difficulties and weight gain if they eat too many carbs as it is difficult to metabolise starches properly. Foods you can eat freely - meat, oil and fish. Food to eat in moderation - eggs, fruit, vegetable, nuts and seeds. Foods to avoid - dairy, all carbs including bread, cereal, rice and pasta.

BLOOD TYPE A The second most common blood type. He believes a macrobiotic type diet suits you. Type As often find it difficult to digest red meat and dairy. Foods you can eat freely - nuts, seeds, cereals, pasta, fruit and vegetables. Foods to avoid - meat and dairy.

BLOOD TYPE B A combination of Type O and Type A, so these people benefit from a combination of diets from both blood types O and A. As they can eat a combination of most foods, Type Bs find it easier to lose weight. Foods you can eat freely - meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables Foods to avoid - processed foods, nuts, seeds and carb-rich foods

BLOOD TYPE AB This is the rarest and newest blood type. A combination of types A and B. Types B can eat most foods, while Types A should eat a vegetarian diet which suggests you should adopt a mostly vegetarian/macrobiotic lifestyle and treat yourself with meat and dairy occasionally. Foods you can eat freely - seafood, grains, soya Food to eat in moderation - dairy Food to avoid – meat

Though it may sound a little fishy, caviar rivals Botox in its beauty benefits. Freeze-dried caviar, imported from Switzerland, is thawed out in room-temperature water and smeared on the face. It’s absorbed into the skin by way of an electric current, which treats fine lines and wrinkles under the surface. Caviar, rich in amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants, moisturizes the skin, helps repair sun damage and softens the appearance of wrinkles so you leave with an egg-cellent glow.

B E AU T Y M Y T H S If you leave your hair for long enough it will begin to clean itself

FALSE We all knew someone at uni who swore by this method of personal hygiene (the same person who would religiously wear tie-dye and douse themselves in patchouli oil), we‘re rather glad this myth has been put to bed once and for all. You should wash and condition your hair daily, a clean scalp and hair equals a healthier scalp and hair.

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Leading specialists in design & manufacture of carbon fibre equipment for superyachts

bespoke carbon fibre designs and composite refits • • • • • •

t. (+34) 971 254 181 info@bmcomposites.com www.bmcomposites.com





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BEACH BODY WORKOUT Summer will be upon us before you know it and although one or two weeks of concentration might be better than nothing, the lean stomach, arms and thigh area you want to look good on the beach this summer means you have to start now. Give this core-centric workout a go. By doing this workout 2-3 times a week for three weeks and cleaning up your food by halving (or ideally dropping) your alcohol, bread, cereal and dairy, I would expect to see huge physical changes. This workout is sure to shed fat like never before and sculpt those long, athletic, lean limbs that you desire for the summer season.



Paddy Warwick (from any stable platform)

TECHNICAL FOCUS Keep weight central between feet as you go up and down

TECHNICAL FOCUS Keep elbows as tight as possible to target triceps. Switch feet after each push-up

MUSCLE FOCUS Glutes and thighs

MUSCLE FOCUS Abs, triceps, pecs and shoulders

Do 10 reps per leg of Ex 1, then immediately 8 reps of Ex 2. Rest for 30-60 seconds, then repeat three more times.



TECHNICAL FOCUS Keep weight over hands and thrust leg up to sky. Return to ground in a mountain climb position

TECHNICAL FOCUS Front plank with forearms running parallel, then roll around into a side plank. Alternate each side

MUSCLE FOCUS Abs and glutes

MUSCLE FOCUS Abs and glutes

Do 10 reps per leg of Ex 3, then immediately 8 reps each arm of Ex 2. Rest for 30-60 seconds, then repeat three more times.


6 SINGLE-FOOTED PUSH-UP TECHNICAL FOCUS ‘Skate’ over to side. When rear foot touches, immediately hop to replicate on the other side MUSCLE FOCUS: Glutes

TECHNICAL FOCUS Keep elbows as tight as possible to target triceps. Switch feet after each push-up MUSCLE FOCUS: Abs, triceps, pecs and shoulders

Do 40 seconds *AMRAP of Ex 5, take 20 seconds rest. Then do 40 seconds AMRAP of Ex 6. Rest for 20 seconds, then repeat x 2-4 For an intense 6-weeks of amazing results, try a Paddy Warwick Boatcamp in Antibes or Bootcamp in Mougins and Monaco. See www.paddywarwick.com, or follow him on www.facebook.com/paddywarwickpersonaltraining or www.instagram/paddywarwick for more information, inspiration and bonus workouts. * AMRAP as many reps as possible

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4/1/14 7:46 PM

RYA & MCA Training Centre Ocean Village Gibraltar Established since 1999

Internet Lounge


With Sky TV 24 hour Keycode Access


Beneteau Oceanis 473

Prestige 46

Jeanneau 45

Bavaria 44

Bavaria 42

Jeanneau 40.3

Bavaria 44

Training Room 2

7 days a week 09:00 - 18:00

Bavaria 37

Training Room 1

Superyacht Academy Upcoming MCA course dates

Upcoming RYA course dates

STCW95 Basic Safety Training

Fast Track MCA RYA Yachtmaster Offshore with STCW95 & Commercial Endorsements

STCW95 Medical First Aid on board ship

2014: 4th May • 1st June • 6th July • 3rd August 7th September • 5th October • 2nd November

STCW95 Medical Care on board ship £675 or €810 – 5 days - 16th May 2014 STCW95 Basic Safety Training

2015: 3rd January • 1st March • 5th April • 3rd May

£995 or €1195 – 5 days - 7th May 2014 £450 or €540 – 4 days - 12th May 2014

£995 or €1195 – 5 days - 21st May 2014

STCW95 Basic Safety Training

£995 or €1195 – 5 days - 4th June 2014

STCW95 Basic Safety Training

£995 or €1195 – 5 days - 2nd July 2014

MCA ENG1 Medicals available – £80

Other RYA courses offered weekly Powerboat level 2 Sail and Motor Day Skipper & Coastal Skipper ICC Sail, Motor and Powerboat SRC VHF Radio Courses RYA Radar and Diesel Engine Courses MCA RYA Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore

7 The Square , Marina Bay, Ocean Village, Gibraltar Gibraltar: 00350 200 50202 UK: 0044 7872223325 info@allabroad.co.uk www.allabroad-sailing-academy.co.uk rya all aboard.indd 96

4/2/14 10:55 AM






Keep dry and work-weary hands smooth and soft with one of these soothing skin savers

5 1 Aesop Resurrection Hand Balm www.aesop.com €80 2 Dr Sebagh High Maintenance www.drsebagh.com €42 3 Crabtree & Evelyn Gardeners www.crabtree-evelyn.co.uk €18

4 DERMALOGICA Multivitamin www.dermalogica.co.uk €26 5 CLaRINS Hand & Nail www.clarins.co.uk €22 6 MRS WHITE’S Absolute Gentleman www.roullierwhite.com €30 6


7 L’OCCITANE Dry Skin www.loccitane.com €20

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4/1/14 7:35 PM

The Big Adventure Spring is here. Put down your ipad, get out there and embrace a new challenge

APUSENI EXPERIENCE Transylvania, Romania The Apuseni Mountains is a mountain range in Transylvania, Romania, which belongs to the Western Carpathians. The highest peak is ‘Cucurb�ta Mare’ 1849 metres, also called Bihor Peak. The Apuseni Mountains have about 400 caves. Discover typical landscapes: forests, glades, ice caves, karstic phenomena; explore the finest natural highlights: Ponorului Fortresses, Lost World Plateau, Scarisoara Ice Cave; explore the local mountain culture and more. Since 2010, thanks to the thousands of ‘muchbetter’ community travellers in the community, the company has discovered 6000+ local, independent and adventure holiday providers in the best natural playgrounds in the world. For more details Tel: +44 (0)20 0333 1176 or visit www.muchbetteradventures.com

SWIM TREKKING Aeolian Islands, Sicily Declared a world heritage site, the Aeolian Islands are the setting for ‘SwimTreks’ Sicilian adventure. The archipelago provides a unique experience of exposed swims in the deep blue sea of the Mediterranean surrounded by wild nature and magmatic colours of the volcanic landscape. The swims are led by a local Italian guide, whose relationship with the open water started on these very islands. Expert guides will lead the way and swimmers can expect up to 7km of swimming a day based around the Island coasts of Vulcano, Lipari and Salina with the longest swim of the week, a 5km crossing from Lipari to Salina. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1273 739 713 or visit www.swimtrek.com

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Trogir, Croatia

Rome, Italy

Explore’s eight day Croatian Active Adventure offers the ideal getaway for active people. Based in a rural hamlet with access to the Dalmatian Coast, you’ll enjoy the thrills of white-water rafting, sea kayaking and canyoning through caves and waterfalls. There is also time to rest and relax, discover Croatia’s historic sights and visit the fascinating towns of Trogir and Omis. For more details Tel:+44 (0)844 499 0901 or visit www.explore.co.uk

Russell Crowe had his vengeance and now you can too by learning how to fight like a Roman gladiator. Learn the history and the culture and get suited up to thrust your sword about in throes of glory and gore just like Spartacus. On this short gladiator course that takes place in the arena of the Gruppo Storico, just outside Rome, you will rise up as gladiators did before you over 2000 years ago and learn how to fight with the same weapons handled by the gladiators of ancient Rome. For more details Tel: +44 (0)208 1445 990 or visit www.golearnto.com

GOLDEN EAGLE PHOTOGRAPHY Halsingland, Sweden Join acclaimed prize-winning photographer, Nick Garbutt, to watch and photograph wildlife over a long weekend. You’ll drive north from Stockholm to a remote and rustic, but nonetheless comfortable, forest lodge which acts as a warm and welcoming base for daytime photography of golden eagles from a hide deep in the winter wonderland. Daily sessions with Nick will enable you to pose questions you’ve always wanted to ask in situ and hone your photography talents. For more details Tel: +44 (0)845 130 6982 or visit www.wildlifeworldwide.com ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 127

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4/1/14 7:29 PM


in the life of a... Superyacht distribution specialist Lee Rampton spent most of his childhood and teens playing sport and was a pro apprentice footballer and county squash player. He entered into publishing and worked on lots of different magazines from finance to tourism ending up with a job in St Tropez eight years ago looking after Les Voiles press section and distribution. His company, Superyacht Distribution now distributes over 30 different titles onboard yachts and into luxury establishments around the Mediterranean.


The day begins Up at 6, breakfast consists of our own concoction we call SPLODGE, that’s raw oats, berries, banana, coconut, almond milk and whatever takes our fancy, a great way to get the system going. Then if time permits it will be a quick coffee in the sun before jumping in the van and starting the day.

Starting work

Warehouse delivery

My first call is the warehouse. It is a 30 mins drive north of Nice by Carros, driving away from the crowds and towards the open mountains and fresh air is a nice way to start the day. At the warehouse the first thing I do is check on the stock and any new pallets of magazines that have arrived and then start organizing the days deliveries. By 9 my delivery guys have turned up and we will have a briefing for what needs to be done that day and away we go. That normally consists of yacht and hotel distribution, depending on what we have in that week. We share the work load which normally entails a lot of time spent in the van.


On the piste

By 12 I have hopefully finished my morning loads, if I am around Nice port I might see if Sarah, my partner, is available for lunch. If so we’ll go to the Passport on the port for some good home cooked food. The woman who runs it happens to be my neighbour and has the best Daube Nicoise around. If not I’ll head back towards the warehouse and try and stop off at Le Broc Lake where I will get in my daily run. I am currently training for the Paris Marathon, so I am running six times a week. Fitting in training programs, work and family life has proved challenging but it’s something I am really looking forward to.

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Afternoon In season it isn’t unlikely that around 3pm I will get a last minute call for an SOS delivery to St Tropez or elsewhere; if one of the guys is available I’ll send him, if not I’ll be on my way and make the call home explaining that the 5pm RDV for a swim isn’t happening. On one occasion we had a last minute request for a driver to deliver wild strawberries to a yacht that was in Greece. The client had decided that flying them by private jet was a bit expensive. The second option was to drive them over in one of the client’s refrigerated vans. As this was very much last minute and none of my drivers were available I decided to take this on myself. After a non stop drive to Ancona on the east coast of Italy as I boarded the ferry I realized that the adapter plugs for the electricity charger were not correct for the van. This would mean no refrigeration for over 24 hours – not an option in mid August. After a few hours of trying to convince the crew onboard there was not much else I could do, I then asked to speak to the captain who just happened to have spent a few years in my home city of Leicester. So I explained my dilemma, he then ordered his head chef and catering department to assist with placing all the goods in their refrigerators. Needless to say strawberries were saved and delivered on time, client and boat extremely happy.

Cap Verde surfing

Day’s end If all goes smoothly I can shut up shop and start heading back to Nice Port around 5ish. Our apartment is right on the port with a balcony practically overhanging the yachts. In summer I’ll try and have an early evening swim, we’ll jump on the bikes and go round to the rocks by La Reserve, there are no tourists and just locals that we have gotten to know over the years. Sarah and I have just learnt to surf in Cap Verde in January and have definitely got the bug. La Reserve is one of our favourite after work drinks spots too, based just coming out of Nice harbor with a roof terrace overlooking the sun setting on the islands off Cannes. Their cocktails aren’t cheap but they are well worth it.

After Family work time dip

Dinner Normally dinner is spent at home. I’m quite lucky to have a wonderful little cook in my girlfriend, who being diabetic type 1 always makes extremely healthy and flavorsome food. Her new thing is raw food which I have found has given me a whole load more energy and just a general feel good factor. Our life does revolve quite a bit around sport and healthy living outside of work when possible, but don’t get me wrong when given the chance I’ll go for a kebab and a few pints down Ma Nolan’s with some of my mates in the industry. If there’s a football match on and Nice are playing at home, you’ll more than likely bump into me there with sausage and chips in hand. I’m a member of the Nice supporters, Populaire Sud and from my point of view Nice has one of the best and noisiest fans in the French league. The new Allianz Riviera football ground has an amazing atmosphere and is a great way to spend the evening. Early to bed, early to rise. It’s usually lights out at 10.30.

Down Ma Nolan’s

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4/2/14 12:21 PM

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It’s Show Time

Jacqui Lockhart talks about the upcoming show season for MYBA


n little more than one week’s time, two important Med based Shows will be underway and uniting them both is a professional connection with MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association.

MYBA Charter Show At around the same time as this edition of On Board is being read, upwards of 60+ significant charter yachts will be assembling in readiness to slip into their pre-booked berth spaces at Marina Molo Vecchio in Genoa, therein forming the main attraction of the 26th edition of the MYBA Charter Show (28th April to 2nd May). Chairwoman of the MYBA Charter Show Panel and instrumental in the executive policy, planning and preparation of the Show, experienced Charter Broker, Jacqui Lockhart, had encouraging news when she said: “We were pleased to see an upsurge in early-bird bookings from shore-side exhibitors, which resulted in pretty much all available stand space being snapped up within three weeks from when applications first opened. “The shore based business side of the Show has grown in recent years and we were pleased to welcome fresh sponsorship proposals for our Business Seminar Programme and this year have extended the use of the seminar room from 8.00am until 1pm. “Every year we try to introduce new ideas for improvement and this year, have introduced a daily email / SMS service, so that visitors – upwards of 400 pre-registered charter brokers and yachting professionals – will be kept personally informed as to each day’s timetable of events. “The ever popular Chefs’ Competition makes a welcome return, so once again we are looking forward to being blown away by the skill and creativity of the Chefs and Hostesses who have entered the various categories. “In response to feedback from previous years, we have forsaken the traditional Gala Evening, in favour of a shorter length Cocktail Party which is located closer to the moored yachts. This came about so that we could give even more time over to the brokers, keen to display the splendour and excitement of their yachts as much during each evening as during the day.”

Palma Superyacht Show in partnership with MYBA Taking place between the 30th April and 4th May, the second edition of the Palma Superyacht Show gets underway as part of the 31st Boat Show Palma. In January this year, MYBA Board Members sat down with the organizers (members of the Balearic Yacht Brokers Association, who are all existing MYBA corporate members) and signed a formal agreement to become official partners to the Show. The main intention being to secure the future of the show for the industry, such that the Palma Superyacht Show can proudly claim to be the only public admission Brokerage & Charter Show organised by the industry itself. The partnership agreement made sense on a number of different levels: MYBA’s role as an industry association of 30 years standing, has always been one of responsibility, not just on behalf of its own membership, but by having an open and objective mind towards supporting other worthwhile industry events and causes. MYBA’s overriding objective being to promote, secure and maintain high standards of professionalism and ethical responsibility at all times. One aspect of MYBA backing the Palma Superyacht Show will ensure the cost of registration fees for participating yachts and brokers are kept to manageable proportions. Something, perhaps, which could not have been said for the Show should it have been allowed to pass into the hands of private organizers. Majorca is proving to be a great hub for the Show. Not only do the Balearics boast a significant high-net-worth community, but many residents are already yacht minded and have family, friends and business colleagues who may like to become so! An anticipated increase up by 50% from last year will mean that 60+ yachts of minimum length 24m for sale or for charter, plus an increased number of shore-side exhibitors will be enjoying the stylish surroundings of Palma’s Old Port. on board | spring 2014 | 131

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The Original Paint Specialist On The Cote d’Azur

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2/13/14 2:36 PM

We do exactly what it says on the tin Paint refinishing & repairs Metallic & pearl specialists Varnishing Experts in engine room application

MARINE PAINT REFINISHING AT ITS FINEST Tel: +33(0)492 92 18 51 www.topcoatdazur.com Info@topcoatdazur.com 132 | spring 2014 | on board

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Marketing & Sales Manager Lantic Entertainment Systems

VP Global Marketing Intellian Technologies

Technical Manager Lumotics Marine

General Manager RMK Marine





With many popular entertainment systems designed and manufactured in Englishspeaking countries, or by companies with an eye on the USA market, English is the default language for AV systems. Switching smoothly between two or more languages across a wide range of menus also requires programming that is prohibitively expensive for the lower end of the market. However Lantic Entertainment Systems has just become the AV manufacturer to break with this by launching its first alternative language - Russian. It believes that in the superyacht market owners require everything to meet their needs down to the last detail, and that includes the courtesy of allowing them to browse their entertainment and IT options in their own mother-tongue. Other languages will follow.

Before choosing an antenna your supplier will need to know the regions that the yacht may travel to/from as well as any space constrictions, to enable correct product selection. It is really useful for the operator to have an antenna that will automatically switch satellite television provider when entering different satellite regions, negating the need for you to manually over ride. It is beneficial to have an antenna that has DirecTV HD capability plus globally capable LNB. And if you do need to make any tweaks, wireless apps such as our in-house developed Aptus™ software make it easy for the operator to control the antenna from anywhere on board. It’s also possible for owner and guests to watch channels using different bandwidths at the same time. Ask about antennae that are dual-band compatible.

With low-efficiency halogen bulbs ceasing production in September 2016 across the EU and USA, from now on those planning refits and new builds should be considering alternative forms of lighting for their yachts. After September 2016 retailers will be permitted to sell down their existing stocks of halogen bulbs, but availability will steadily decline. LED lighting, while not the only energy efficient option, is much the most popular. LEDs require the use of software drivers to ensure efficient operation, but in combination with controllers they offer a whole new world of exciting and varied lighting options. Power savings, reduced maintenance and low heat emissions are additional benefits. So don’t delay, the time to start planning is now.

Turkey has become the yacht building and refitting hub for many clients all over the world when considering the price-quality ratio. Our economy has grown at a higher pace in recent years. After various economical developments, building and refitting in Turkey has become more attractive due to in-time and on-budget delivery and overall quality and cost comparisons. RMK Marine has become synonymous with quality considering the latest launch of M/Y Karia and M/Y Keyla. We currently accommodate yachts M/Y 38m, M/Y 58m, and S/Y 43m as well as various restoration projects ranges between 60 and 141 years-old. For new builds, we are in talks with various potential customers to realize their dreams. Turkey is an exciting place for a new build, a strong history in ship building with well trained and technically proficient employees.

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4/1/14 7:32 PM

SKULD YACHT JUST YACHTS YOUR YACHT INSURANCE At Skuld Yacht we understand the superyacht owners’ insurance needs and have designed a specialist P&I insurance product exclusively for the superyacht industry.

Our experienced yacht team offers ‘A’ rated security, high quality service and a proactive hands-on approach to claims handling. We look forward to being of service to you.


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ONE TO ONE When was the last time you interviewed captains and crew? asks Laurence Lewis


nterviewing candidates is often regarded as a painful exercise for owners, managers, captains and heads of department. A lot is riding on making the correct selection and one unsuitable match is all it takes to destroy the cohesive team spirited crew which could have taken a long time to build. You’re all familiar with the following questions, “What is your biggest strength? What is your biggest weakness? What motivates you? How do you describe yourself? Tell me about a time when you went the extra mile?” The above questions have been around for decades and likewise, their clichéd answers. Their repeated use means candidates will know what to expect and the astute ones will deliver a pre-rehearsed answer, arguably partial with the truth. Who will admit to struggling to get up in the morning? To lack leadership skills, drinking too much and not interacting well with fellow crew members?

Question time The questions survive as they are perceived as being adequate to assess a candidate’s suitability for a job. They give the illusion that the interview is structured and has a framework, they feel safe and familiar, so never mind if the candidates come armed with well-practiced answers. Of course, they are part of a much broader spectrum of job related questions, but if we know that these specific questions generate phony answers, why not ditch them altogether and make space for more interesting conversations and exchanges of views. Let’s not waste air time with stereotyped questions and instead, let’s ask questions appropriate to the role, situation and candidate being interviewed.

There is a trend towards more relaxed and spontaneous interviews, generally speaking, whereby the true nature of the candidate is allowed to flourish. Let’s consider for a moment that an interview is no different from a regular business conversation: the employer describes his needs and the candidate gives his input and interpretation of the situation; it can be that straight forward. The owner explains what he wants to do with his yacht; two charter seasons back to back or anchoring off Cannes all summer for example, and then asks his potential captain what he sees the biggest challenges are in running the vessel and how he would tackle these. As the interviewer you are getting the candidate to react to real facts and situations which will allow you to see how he thinks.

Matchmaker Perhaps over time, we as people have forgotten what the real purpose of an interview is: to successfully match an employer who has a problem which needs solving with a job seeker who brings his personality and skills to fix the problem. To assess if it is a good, compatible match, all that is required is for both parties to speak about simple topics, the job and challenges at hand, in a pragmatic way. In contrast to the questions above, the “do you have any questions?” to the candidate is a key point. Sometimes it’s not the questions you ask but the ones you are asked which give you the most insight into what motivates a candidate and ticks his box. It also allows you to assess the person’s alertness and interaction skills. For more information contact: laurence@ypicrew.com or visit www.ypicrew.com

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UK property. New capital gains tax. Can you take action now to save tax? We need to talk.

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riviera@blevinsfranks.com Blevins Franks Financial Management Limited (BFFM) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, reference number 179731. Where advice is provided outside the UK, via the Insurance Mediation Directive from Malta, the regulatory system differs in some respects from that of the UK. Blevins Franks Tax Limited provides taxation advice; its advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFFM.

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4/2/14 10:57 AM


DO YOU OWN UK PROPERTY? Rob Kay looks at changes to Capital Gains Tax for non-residents


o you own property in the UK? If you do, and are not resident there, you need to be aware of changes to capital gains tax coming in next year. Whereas you may be able to avoid UK tax if you sell the property now, if you wait a year it will be a different story.

So far we do not have information on how the tax will work, so we do not know if the same rates and allowance will apply as for UK residents. The government also needs to confirm if the tax will apply to gains since acquisition or those arising from April 2015 – the December documentation referred to “future gains”.

Current rules

The fact that the new tax does not start until April 2015 provides a window of opportunity for non-UK residents who are thinking of selling a UK property. This is a good time to review your assets, consider their tax efficiency, and take steps to avoid tax where possible.

UK residents pay capital gains tax at 18% or 28%, depending on how much income they earn that year, when they sell a property. There is an allowance of £10,900 per individual. Principal Private Residence Relief is given to the main home. If you occupied the property for the full period of ownership, the gain is tax free. You can sell the property up to 36 (months?) after moving out of it and still receive the Relief. If you are non-UK resident (and you need to be very sure about this, the rules are complex and catch people out), then any assets you sell in the UK are free from capital gains tax – provided you remain non-UK resident for five complete and consecutive UK tax years. The sale can be made any time during the period after leaving the UK (although sales made in the tax year of departure or arrival usually remain taxable in the UK). If however you return to the UK any time before the end of the five year period, you will have to pay UK tax on the full gain. Gains are also likely to be taxable in your country of residence, so you need to understand how the double tax treaty works. Fiscal nomads may be able to escape tax, but this is a specialist area and you need professional advice.

The Principal Private Residence Relief rules are also changing, from April 2014. The 36 month grace period to sell your property tax free after moving out has been cut to 18 months. Remember, you cannot look at the UK rules in isolation; you also need to consider those in your country of residence. When moving country, the timing of the move and the sale of assets can make a huge difference tax wise, so take professional advice. You need to fully understand the tax residence rules in the UK and where you live – something that is particularly complex for a “yachtie”. Getting this right can save you tax, getting it wrong can land you with an unexpected tax bill. Blevins Franks has in depth knowledge of tax and residence rules of the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta, and could provide advice for your personal situation.

Changes to the rules

Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice.

As announced in December, non-residents selling UK property will start to be taxed on the gains from April 2015. This is regardless of how long you have lived outside the UK, and whether you return or not.

To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website www.blevinsfranks.com ON BOARD | SPRING 2014 | 137

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Yachting APRIL


Sport MAY

APRIL 13 Venice International


Golf, Master, Augusta


Billy Bragg, London

Boat Show


London Marathon


Peter Gabriel, Budapest


Rio Boat Show


Monte-Carlo Tennis Masters


Katy Perry, Birmingham


19th China International


Snooker World Championship


Miley Cyrus, Birmingham


Lisa Stansfield, Munich


The Flaming Lips



Boat Show 10

Singapoare Yacht Show


Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta


Antibes Yacht Show

28 30

MYBA Genoa Charter Show Palma Superyacht Show

MAY 01

West Indies Regatta, St Barth


Adriatic Boat Show, Slovenia


Marmaris Yacht Charter Show


Beirut International Boat Show


Sanctuary Cove Boat Show


MAY 03

Kentucky Derby


Spanish F1 Grand Prix



FA Cup Final


Nine Inch Nails, Toulouse


UEFA Champions League Final


Jeff Beck, Munich


Monaco F1 Grand Prix


Kings of Leon, Amsterdam


Heineken Cup Rugby Final


Paul Weller, Amsterdam


Justin Trousersnake, London


Miley Cyrus, Barcelona


Tom Jones, Amsterdam


Rod Stewart, Munich


Field Hockley World Cup, The Hague


Canadian F1 Grand Prix


US Golf Open



FIFA World Cup Starts


Bob Dylan, Munich


Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta,


Austrian F1 Grand Prix


Michael Buble, London


Les Voiles d’Antibes


Wimbledon Tennis


Jamie Cullum, Barcelona


Chicago Boat Show


French Tennis Open


The Who, Amsterdam


Korea International Boat Show


Robbie Williams, London


NYYC 159th Regatta,



One Direction, Madrid

Tour de France

Rhode Island



James Arthur, Madrid


Giraglia Rolex Cup, St Tropez


British F1 Grand Prix


Bruno Mars, Manchester


Superyacht Cup, Palma


FIFA World Cup Final


Simple Minds, London


Newport to Bermuda Race


British Golf Open


Round the Island Race,


German F1 Grand Prix

Isle of White


Commonwealth Games, Glasgow


Hungarian F1 Grand Prix


Le Vele d’Epoca a Napoli


Cork Sailing Week


Panerai British Classic Week


Puig Vela Classic Regatta


Sydney International Boat Show

Calendar.indd 138

4/1/14 7:49 PM

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vikal.indd 96

4/2/14 11:03 AM

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