1 minute read

Letting Magic In A Memoir of Becoming

Letting Magic In is the story of pushing past the boundaries of what once seemed possible to discover the extraordinary all around us. In this enchanting memoir, Maia shares how she learned to let magic in so she could live the life she longed for–one filled with curiosity, connection, and the deepest kind of inner knowing.

In this soulfully written recollection–peppered throughout with magical learnings and rituals gathered along the way–Maia uncovers the things that change you in unexpected ways and guide you to become the person you never knew you wanted to be, but perhaps, always were.

“Letting Magic In is about the nurturing and life-changing lessons we can learn when we have the courage to change our narrative from ‘What is possible?’ to ‘Everything is possible.'” — Sarah Addison Allen, New York Times bestselling author of Other Birds

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit: Amazon.com