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The Six Keys to Living In Your Heart Place

By Peg Jones

Your heart place is a place where you feel loved and feel at peace at all times. It is a place where the angels and your guides live too.

There is no anger and hate there. There is no ego present either. It's more of a place where you think with your heart, not your head. In the first part of the article, I will talk about the emotions and feelings you may have when not living in the heart place.

The second part of the article will be about the 6 keys to knowing you are living in your heart place.

Ways that you know you are not in your heart place are as follows.

1. An ger keeps you fully out of the heart place. When feeling anger, you feel very negative towards the person you are angry with. You do not feel very peaceful, and sometimes it is difficult to get over your anger toward someone. Sometimes stepping away from the offense, and feeling forgiveness towards that person, helps you to move on from that anger. This will help in moving towards living, in the heart place.

2. Despair is another emotion or feeling that keeps you out of your heart place. Despair can be a type of hopeless feeling which makes you feel totally helpless. When feeling despair, we often feel we cannot get the help we need because we feel no one can help us.

3. Sa dness or grief can also keep us out of the heart space. When we are sad or grieving, we are so overcome by that feeling that we become totally paralyzed by that feeling. As a result, we tend to isolate ourselves and may also become angry on some level. Understanding that sadness or grief is a life transition of some sort makes it easier to be positive, despite the situation.

4. Hate is a very powerful word, but it is something that someone may feel towards someone at one time or another. Hate is a very strong feeling and can erase any positive emotion. Feeling hate is like a black cloud blocking you from always feeling joyful.

5. Jealousy is another emotion that will keep you out of the heart place. Jealousy will keep you from being joyful when someone you might know is enjoying a positive milestone in their life. You might feel some bitterness toward that person, or you may just totally resent what they may have accomplished on some level.

Those feelings or emotions that have been listed above are just a few of the feelings or emotions that may keep you out of the Heart Place. We all feel these emotions at one time or another. When we realize we have this reaction, we may change our feelings towards this person or group of people. When we do this, we start to move towards living in the heart place.


1. Joy is always present in our hearts. We feel a great deal of joy in our lives and towards the people that are in our life. We love to start our day with joy in every way. We wake up with great joy and plan our day with lots of joy too. We tend not to dread what our day will be like. We plan our day with careful thinking and plan it, so the joy can stay there at all times.

2. The feeling of love towards others is present in our lives. We feel a great deal of love towards all we know, whether they be the people we see the most or the people we see less often. Love helps us live in our hearts because the ego is nowhere in sight. We tend not to judge as much and be more positive toward all we know. The love we feel is unconditional, and no strings are attached in any way.

3. Peace is very much felt when we are in our heart place. The peace that we feel is very deep. Our thoughts are not racing with negative thoughts. We are thinking very positively about issues in our lives and the people in our lives, too. We are peaceful when we know our life will always be blessed.

4. Calmness is a lot like peace. When feeling calm, we are not allowing life to upset us in any way. Yes, there may be upsetting things happening in our life, and we choose to remain calm through it all. We are mindful of what is happening but not allowing the issue to wreck our life. We are choosing not to react negatively and to remain positive at all times.

5. Inspiration is a way of letting spirit into our lives. We find that we get much comfort in listening to angels, or our guides, and mostly hearing from God or other Higher Power. We find that their wise words may be making some sense to us. We notice the synchronicities that are happening, and we realize that we are being helped and guided. We know that we are not alone. Most importantly, we are grateful for all that we have in our lives.

6. We have a lot of clarity in our lives, realizing who we were before understanding the heart place and how it feels to live there. We have a sense of handling ourselves much more positively in our life. We think life is a learning process, and we learn new things daily. We feel our angels' presence and the love we receive from them. We have a sense of purpose in helping ourselves and in helping others.

Many times, I have heard that when you are in your heart place, you start to realize that negative thinking is really a choice. Sometimes the tapes of our growing up with loved ones were played to us. We didn't know any better and realized that to think there were other ways was impossible to grasp. Yet, we felt the black cloud hanging over us. The realization that the black cloud can clear is life changing.

The angels also remind us that life can become so much more wonderful when the tapes are changed. You will find more sunny days than days with black clouds. When living in the heart place, you feel brighter, and the new clarity your feel is life-changing for you on every level.

Please don't be afraid to go to your heart place, for you will feel so much joy when the black clouds clear. When you feel this joy, love, peace, calm, inspiration, or clarity, you will know that you are living in your heart place.

Peg Jones is an Angelic Life Coach. To learn more, visit pegsangelicalwhispers.com