1 I Am That (Nisargadatta Maharaj) - Resumo

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M: There is no such thing as the experience of the real. The real is beyond experience. All experience is in the mind. You know the real by being real. Q: I hear you talking of the unshakable and blissful. What is in your mind when you use these words? M: There is nothing in my mind. As you hear the words, so do I hear them. The power that makes everything happen makes them also happen. Q: But you are speaking, not me. M: That is how it appears to you. As I see it, two body-minds exchange symbolic noises. In reality nothing happens. M: Assiduously watch your ever-changing life, probe deeply into the motives beyond your actions and you will soon prick the bubble in which you are enclosed.

86. The Unknown is the Home of the Real Q: How is the person removed? M: By determination. Understand that it must go and wish it to go -- it shall go if you are earnest about it. M: The door that locks you in, is also the door that lets you out. The ‘I am’ is the door. Stay at it until it opens. As a matter of fact, it is open, only you are not at it. You are waiting at the non-existent painted doors, which will never open. M: If you stay with the idea that you are not the body nor the mind, not even their witness, but altogether beyond, your mind will grow in clarity, your desires -- in purity, your actions -- in charity and that inner distillation will take you to another world, a world of truth and fearless love. Resist your old habits of feeling and thinking; keep on telling yourself: ‘No, not so, it cannot be so; I am not like this, I do not need it, I do not want it’, and a day will surely come when the entire structure of error and despair will collapse and the ground will be free for a new life. Q: There was a time when I was most displeased with myself. Now I have met my Guru and I am at peace, after having surrendered myself to him completely. M: If you watch your daily life you will see that you have surrendered nothing. You have merely added the word ‘surrender’ to your vocabulary and made your Guru into a peg to hang your problems on. Real surrender means doing nothing, unless prompted by your Guru. You step, so to say, aside and let your Guru live your life. You merely watch and wonder how easily he solves the problems which to you seemed insoluble. 108

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