August 2010 - The New Vision

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of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson

Volume V - Number VIII             August 2010 • $15 per year • Tucson, Arizona           Visit

Bishop: Face ‘migration realities’

Fix ‘broken’ system this year, he tells House subcommittee By BERN ZOVISTOSKI The New Vision The nation’s immigration system is “morally unacceptable and must be reformed,” Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas told a House subcommittee in Washington last month. The “broken” immigration system, he said, “does not accommodate the migration realities we face today.” Bishop Kicanas, vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, testified on behalf of the bishops on July 14 before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law. The bishops “strongly believe that comprehensive immigration reform should be a top priority for Congress and the administration” this year, he said. “We must have a new system which applies a humane but fair standard of law,” he said.

One that “replaces illegality with legality…and this must be achieved as soon as possible,” he said. Despite popular misconceptions, the Bishop stressed that the Church does not favor open borders, does not favor amnesty and does not favor illegal immigration. Beyond his oral statement, he gave the committee a longer, printed message that outlined the Church’s thinking on various elements of a comprehensive reform program that called upon both the U.S. and Mexican governments to “examine why people migrate” and determine “the underlying causes of migration.” While the immigration issue is often dissected in terms of its economic, social or legal impacts, Bishop Kicanas said, “what is not often acknowledged, and frankly is often dismissed, is that immigration is ultimately a humanitarian issue.” The immigration issue “impacts the See MIGRATION on page 8

The Bishop stressed that the Church does not favor open borders, does not favor amnesty and does not favor illegal immigration. ‘We must have a new system which applies a humane but fair standard of law.’

Vatican revises rules to deal with ‘grave crimes’ VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The revised Vatican norms dealing with sexual abuse of minors by priests and other “more grave crimes” against Church law contain several changes from the previous version published in 2001. Vatican officials said the changes allow the Church to deal with such abuse more rapidly and effectively, often through dismissal of the offending cleric from the priesthood. The Vatican’s update of its list of the “more grave crimes” against Church law, called “delicta graviora,” included for the — Msgr. Charles Scicluna, the Vatican’s chief prosecutor of clerical sexual abuse, answers questions about the Vatican’s revised procedures for handling cases of sexual abuse by priests during a press conference at the Vatican on July 15.

first time the “attempted sacred ordination of a woman.” In such an act, it said, the cleric and the woman involved are automatically excommunicated, and the cleric can also be dismissed from the priesthood. Vatican officials emphasized that simply because women’s ordination was treated in the same document as priestly sex abuse did not mean the two acts were somehow equivalent in the eyes of the Church. The main provisions of the revised norms: -- Extend the statute of limitations from 10 to 20 years after a sex abuse victim’s 18th birthday. -- Include use of child pornography as a type of sexual abuse of minors. -- Establish parity between abuse of mentally disabled people and that of minors. -- Confirm the right of the Vatican’s

doctrinal congregation to ask the Pope to laicize an abusive priest without a church trial, in the most serious and clear cases. -- Confirm that the doctrinal congregation can use an “extra-judicial” process to quickly remove an accused priest from active ministry. -- Confirm the practice of allowing qualified lay Catholics, and not only priests with doctorates in canon law, to serve on tribunals that deal with sex abuse cases. -- Confirm the doctrinal congregation’s competency to judge cardinals, patriarchs and bishops accused of “more grave crimes.” -- Lists “attempted sacred ordination of a woman” among the “more grave crimes” reserved to the doctrinal congregation. -- Makes it a grave crime to record confessions with modern technology.

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Names are engraved on the memorial wall at “Garden of the Ancestors.”

Cemetery site dedicated Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas and other faith leaders joined together last month to dedicate and bless the final resting place of 1,300 people whose original burial grounds were closed by the city of Tucson in 1875. The memorial site on the city’s far east side is at All Faiths Cemetery, where a special “Garden of the Ancestors” section was established by the Diocese of Tucson in partnership with Pima County to house the remains of those exhumed from the “National Cemetery” that was taken over for city expansion. A striking memorial, designed by John Shaheen, diocesan property and insurance manager, symbolizes Tucson in the years 1862 to 1875. The walls feature impressionistic tile murals by Stephen Farley rendered from photos of the era. The names of those who died in Tucson during the years of the National Cemetery are engraved on black granite slabs. Most of the names are from the burial records of St. Augustine Cathedral. Bishop Kicanas said he was “grateful to all who participated” in the dedication and blessing ceremony, including Joseph Joaquin of the Tohono O’odham Nation, Peter Yucupicio, chairman of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Pima County supervi-


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Bishop Kicanas blesses site.

sors Richard Elias and Ray Carroll, Hector Sosa of Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson, musician Ted Ramirez, Prof. Tom Sheridan of the University of Arizona, and Ashley Reynolds and Jacob Soza Hurley, who represented the children of the community.

Celebrating Padre Kino The Kino Heritage Society will sponsor an inaugural Mass on Saturday, Aug. 7, at San Xavier del Bac Mission to commemorate the birth of Padre Eusebio Kino and his legacy. The Mass will be concelebrated at 10 a.m. by Father Steve Barnufsky, pastor at the mission church, and Father Greg Adolf,


pastor at St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Sierra Vista. Father Greg will speak after the Mass about “Padre Kino: Arizona’s First Apostle.” A reception in the courtyard will feature refreshments, including a birthday cake, and entertainment.

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Lessons from soccer

Las lecciones del fútbol

Through much of June and July, nine stadiums around South Africa were jammed with screaming soccer fans. Some were draped in their country’s flag. Some wore painted faces. Many blew into their vuvuzelas, those horns that sounded like a huge swarm of bees. Around the world, millions of viewers sat riveted before their televisions, watching the world’s nations compete for the World Cup. I was one of the viewers. I love watching soccer. While scoring happens seldom, the game has an intensity, with thrilling moments when goalies dive or leap after shots on goal. The suspense is palpable as one player stands before the goalie, setting himself for a penalty kick. I watched while players cried and jumped into teammate’s arms at making a goal or when players fell to their knees dejected, despondent, defeated at losing a game and knowing they had disappointed their fans and sometimes even their nation. In the end, only the teams of the Netherlands and Spain remained. They competed in the 64th game of the tournament for the World Cup. It was the most watched television sport event in the world. Spain, as we all know, won. The nation flaunted its victory in the stadium and in the square in Madrid, erupting with shouting, chanting, and applause. All Spain stood proud. Even though not so popular here in the U.S., soccer is the world’s sport. We might prefer our football or baseball, but for many there is no game like soccer. Among all the news media accounts of the World Cup in South Africa, Celia Dugger’s story in the New York Times stood out for me. Headlined “To Those with Nothing, Soccer is Everything,” her story describes how Jessica Hilltout, a Belgian photographer, went on a seven month road trip across Africa, visiting some 30 villages to capture that continent’s love of the game. Her trip resulted in an exhibition and book titled “Amen: Grassroots Football” in which she shows children playing the game on “dusty patches of ground, sandy beaches and lush fields,” leaping in jubilation as their team scored a goal. Her images focus on an array of objects used by the kids to play soccer, including balls made “from plastic bags, old socks and rags tied up with string or strips of tree bark.” The children play without uniforms or corporate sponsors, prompting Hilltout to comment, “So many people have so much and do so little with it. The people I met had so little yet managed to do so much with it.” As we look to beginning a new year in our parishes and schools, I think we can take three lessons from the game of soccer for our ministry: teamwork, involvement and joy. Soccer calls for teamwork. Passing the ball to a teammate is as important as taking a shot on goal. Ministry calls for teamwork. Let’s try this year to help our teammates to do well by affirming their successes and encouraging them to draw upon their gifts. Soccer calls for involvement. During the game, each player on the

Durante gran parte de junio y julio, nueve estadios de Sudáfrica se vieron colmados de aficionados que alentaban a sus equipos con algarabía. Algunos se envolvían en la bandera de su país. Otros se pintaban el rostro. Muchos de ellos hacían sonar sus vuvuzelas, esas trompetas que sonaban como un enjambre de abejas gigante. En todo el mundo, millones de espectadores siguieron paso a paso la acción sentados frente a sus televisores mirando a las naciones del mundo competir por la Copa Mundial. Yo era uno de los telespectadores. Me encanta mirar fútbol. Si bien los goles no se dan con mucha frecuencia, los partidos son intensos, marcados por momentos emocionantes en que los porteros saltan o se lanzan para interceptar un disparo dirigido a la portería. Y cuando un jugador se coloca frente al portero, disponiéndose a ejecutar un tiro penal, el suspenso es palpable. Vi jugadores que lloraban y se lanzaban al abrazo de un compañero de equipo cuando anotaban un gol. Vi también jugadores que caían de rodillas abatidos, descorazonados, vencidos al perder un partido sabiendo que habían decepcionado a sus aficionados y a veces a su país. Al final, solo quedaron los equipos de Holanda y España. Compitieron en el partido número 64 del torneo de la Copa Mundial. Fue el acontecimiento deportivo más mirado en todo el mundo. España, como ya sabemos, ganó. El país hizo alarde de su triunfo en el estadio y en la plaza de Madrid, irrumpiendo en cantos, gritos y aplausos. Todo el pueblo español se mostró orgulloso. Aunque aquí en EE.UU. el fútbol no es tan popular, en el resto del munto es el deporte favorito. Es cierto que aquí preferimos el fútbol americano o el béisbol, pero para muchos no hay otro deporte como el fútbol. Entre todos los relatos de la Copa Mundial de Sudáfrica que la prensa nos brindó, me llamó la atención la historia de Celia Dugger, publicada en el New York Times . Titulada “Para quienes no tienen nada, el fútbol lo es todo”. Su historia describe un viaje de siete meses que una fotógrafa belga, Jessica Hilltout, realizó en África visitando cerca de 30 aldeas para captar el amor al fútbol que siente ese continente. Su viaje resultó en un libro informativo titulado “Amen: Grassroots Football” en el cual ella muestra niños jugando al fútbol en terrenos polvorientos, playas arenosas y campos verdes, saltando jubilosamente cuando su equipo había marcado un gol. Las imágenes que comparte en el libro muestran una variedad de objetos que los niños usan para jugar al fútbol, como pelotas hechas con bolsas de plástico, calcetines viejos y trapos amarrados con cordel o tiras de corteza. Los niños juegan sin uniformes y sin el patrocinio de empresas o negocios, por lo cual Hilltout comenta que “Muchas personas tienen mucho y muy poco que hacer con ello. Las personas que yo conocí tenían muy poco y sin embargo se las ingeniaban para sacarle mucho provecho”. A medida que se acerca el comienzo de un nuevo año en nuestras escuelas y parroquias, pienso que podemos aplicar tres lecciones del fútbol a nuestro ministerio: trabajo en equipo, participación y alegría. El fútbol requiere de trabajo en equipo. Pasarle la pelota a un compañero de juego es tan importante como hacer un disparo a la portería. El ministerio requiere de trabajo en equipo. Este año, hagamos todo lo

I hope we can bring to our ministry the teamwork, involvement and joy that characterize the game of soccer.

Espero que podamos infundir en nuestro ministerio el trabajo en equipo, la participación y la alegría que caracterizan al fútbol.

See BISHOP on page 4

• Editor and Publisher:  Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas

Mirar OBISPO en página 4

• Managing Editor: Bern Zovistoski Phone: 520-792-3410; Ext. 1062 Fax 520-838-2599

• Advertising:  Claudia Borders Phone: 520-298-1265 Voice mail: 520-298-1265

• Graphic Designer:  Omar Rodríguez Ph: 520-792-3410; Ext. 1063

Rubén Dávalos Phone: 520-990-9225 or 520-548-0502

• La Nueva Visión  Contributing Editor Team: José Luis González, Angel Martínez, Rubén Daválos

• Th   e New Vision  111 S. Church Ave. Tucson, AZ 85702 • Advisory Board: Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas, Fr. Al Schifano, Sister Rina Cappellazzo, Fr. John Arnold, Fr. Michael Bucciarelli, Bob Scala

The New Vision is not liable, or in any way responsible for the content of any advertisements that appear in its pages. Statements, claims, offers or guarantees made by The New Vision’s advertisers are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Deceptive or misleading advertising is never knowingly accepted. Complaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to the Better Business Bureau. The New Vision reserves the right to reject any advertising copy or art.

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BISHOP from page 3

field has to be engaged all the time. No one can slack off. Ministry calls for involvement. Our mission as Church is daunting, even formidable, but if more would become active and involved in the Church and lend their gifts, how much more we could accomplish. Everyone has much to contribute if they would get involved, get in the game. We need everyone’s feet, as it were, to get the work done. Get involved. Soccer calls for joy, the joy reflected in the faces of the children playing the game in a remote African village. The ministry that we do in our parishes and schools should fill us with joy. What we do for others should be done with passion and commitment. We should strive to love what we do. The passion and commitment we demonstrate will draw others into the mission that Christ has entrusted to us. The Diocese of Tucson will never compete in the World Cup, but I hope we can bring to our ministry the teamwork, involvement and joy that characterize the game of soccer. Here’s a big blast from my vuvuzela for encouragement!

OBISPO de página 3

posible para ayudar a nuestro compañeros de equipo a desempeñarse bien reconociéndoles sus logros y animándolos a utilizar sus dones. El fútbol requiere de participación. Durante un partido, cada jugador que está en el campo de juego debe participar continuamente. Nadie puede desentenderse. El ministerio requiere de participación. La misión de nuestra Iglesia es intimidante, aun formidable, pero si hubiera más personas activas y que participaran en mayor grado en la Iglesia y compartieran sus dones, podríamos lograr más. Todos tienen mucho que podrían contribuir si participaran, si se sumaran al juego. Necesitamos de los pies de todos, por así decirlo, para cumplir con el trabajo. Participe.

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El fútbol requiere de alegría, esa alegría que se refleja en los rostros de los niños que juegan al fútbol en una remota aldea de África. El ministerio que realizamos en nuestras parroquias y escuelas debe colmarnos de alegría. Lo que hacemos por el prójimo, debemos hacerlo con pasión y compromiso. Debemos esforzarnos por amar lo que hacemos. La pasión y el compromiso que demostremos servirá para atraer a otras personas a la misión que nos Cristo nos ha encomendado. La Diócesis de Tucson nunca competirá en la Copa Mundial, pero espero que podamos infundir en nuestro ministerio el trabajo en equipo, la participación y la alegría que caracterizan al fútbol. ¡Me despido alentándolos con un trompetazo de mi vuvuzela!

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LETTERS Say ‘undocumented’ To the editor: Please stop using the term “illegal” in reference to those who reside in the USA unlawfully. The term is “undocumented.” In any Spanish country nobody is “illegal” but many could be “undocumented.” Any action prohibited by the law is illegal. A person cannot be illegal. Alba Egger

‘Fabulous’ issue

To the editor: I just had to thank you for a fabulous June 2010 “New Vision.” I usually read the Vision and then put it away, but this particular edition has really enveloped my attention. I was so happy to see a calmness coming from the Bishop regarding his immigration responses. I was intrigued by the wonderful article on Father Bart and Father James and I would love to read the whole article that was originally printed. This particular “Vision” has some real “meat” in it. Having taught in our Catholic schools for 18 years, I would have loved to have known what awards were given to the graduates (specifically the students whose pictures were in the paper. One of those students was a former student of mine. I was able to place some of the faces with the awards). Who were the priests that completed the “Leadership Course” and where are they serving? What is the status of the CTSO for next year? Will we be able to support our Catholic schools with the “in and out” donations. This was an especially “full” paper this time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Kyle Frank St. Augustine Cathedral Music Director Editor’s note: Regarding our June article titled “Older, younger priests pursue the same goal,” the following comments were submitted to our website,

Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas Calendar

dino. I often look at the newly ordained as “Hey, I remember doing that...” I look at some of the older ones and say “I think that’s where I’m headed.” But the bottom line when I look at myself, I say, “Is what I’m doing going to bring someone closer to salvation?” I can see pro’s and con’s at every stage of my presbyteral development. I’ve had to learn not to compromise the truth of our faith, but to be “pastoral.” A shepherd does not wave to the sheep out away from the fold and say “Hope you’re having a good time out there” while the wolf is lurking behind a bush. It doesn’t mean beating the lamb into submission either. Oh to keep the zeal of my ordination and apply the experience of time without compromising it! It’s the challenge of all priests. After all theology is not faith. Neither are rubrics. We give ourselves to them as a sign of our unity in Christ and our desire to be one with Him. Our criticisms can be very constructive. But if the foundations are not to bring God’s love and salvation to all, then it is all for naught.

August 2010

1-17 Dom Helder Camara lecture, Melbourne, Australia, and other talks in Melbourne. 18  11:30 A.M., Mass, Staff Birthday Luncheon 4:00 P.M., Mass, Salvatorian Retreat, Most Holy Trinity 19  8 A.M., Administrative Directors Meeting 9 Pastoral Directors Meeting 20  12 noon, Mass, Holy Family Home Educators, St. Augustine Cathedral 7:15 P.M., Diaconate Convocation, Most Holy Trinity 21  11:00 A.M., Recommitment of Diocesan Deacons 22  10 A.M., Mass, 130th Anniversary of

Sacred Heart Parish, Tombstone 25  10 A.M., CCS Building Blessing, Douglas 26-27  Diocese of Orange, Presentations, Diocesan Educators Convocation 28  9 A.M., Diocesan Pastoral Council 1 P.M., Directors of Religious Education Conference, Our Mother of Sorrows 5:30 P.M., Mass, Fiesta de San Augustin, St.Augustine Cathedral 29  2 P.M., Mass for Florecitas, St. Augustine Cathedral 30  10 A.M.-3 P.M., Hispanic Priests’ Conference, Redemptorist Renewal Center 31  8 A.M.-12 P.M., Mexican Bishops’ Regional Conference, Nogales, Sonora


Roman Missal, Third Edition The Diocese of Tucson plans presentations to prepare the clergy and laity for the implementation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. Mark your calendars: Dec. 1 - Presentation to priests, Tucson, times and location TBA Dec. 2 - Presentation for priests, deacons, Rev. Amaro Saumell  laity, Yuma, times and location TBA St. Ann Church  Feb. 19 - Liturgy Study Day 9 a.m. for Needles, CA deacons, liturgy leaders, music ministers, RCIA directors, and interested parishio-

ners, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Tucson. Presentations on the Roman Missal, workshops. On-going formation for clergy, laity Nov. 8 - Ethical and Moral Directives for Health Care, Ascension Health Educational staff, at Redemptorist Renewal Center. 10 a.m. for priests, 7 p.m. for deacons and laity. March 1 - Praying and presiding with the Third Edition of the Roman Missal with Rev. Jan Michael Joncas, at Redemptorist Renewal Center. 10 a.m. priests.

‘I’m 60 years young’ To the editor: As the “somewhat older priest” (referred to in the editor’s note at the story’s end), I look forward to ministering at St. Thomas More Newman Center, U of A. Lest I be “type-cast,” I’m 60 years young, and a combination of southwestern (raised in L.A.), previous campus minister at U of Alaska, Anchorage, U of Utah, SLC, A.S.U., U.C. Riverside, and a MSW (psych) from U of Utah (1989). I fondly remember Father Bart when he was Chip Hutcherson, novice, and equally fondly remember Father James when he was James Moore, graduate of Sta. Clara U. in music. Never would I consider New Vision “age-ist” ;)) PS: I speak Spanish, too! Looking forward to being the somewhat older priest ministering to the campus at U of A, Arizona, not Alaska! Father Donald Bramble, O.P.

Laughing all the way To the editor: I read this article laughing all the way. Why? Well, I guess I could see myself in both priests. I’m a priest of the Diocese of San Bernar-

To comment on what you read in The New Vision, write to us: The New Vision, P.O. Box 31, Tucson, AZ 85702




Young people “caught up in the love of God” enjoy the Diocese of Tucson Youth Ministers Conference in Rio Rico.

Diocesan youth conference a success

By STACY DeLONG Special to The New Vision “Caught Up” was the theme of the first annual Diocese of Tucson Youth Ministers Conference held recently at the beautiful Esplendor resort in Rio Rico. More than 70 participants represented 25 parishes from throughout the diocese. Passion for working with youth was the common denominator of all present, from the team of planners, to the MC and presenters, to the participants. “The conference was a vision 10 years in the making,” said Joe Perdreauville, assistant director of Pastoral Services for the Diocese. “Our goal was to show our support of all youth ministers in the diocese; to let them know they are not alone out there; and to help them network and create lasting friendships and working partnerships.” Music was an important influence throughout the conference. The house band was “Emmaus,” a local young adult group from the University of Arizona Catholic Newman Center. Their praise

and worship music helped set the tone of the weekend when they led off with a song created by leader David Mares and Rebekah Sharpton, a musician at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. Janna Larson, choir director of St. Mark, added her lovely singing voice and instrumentals and Father Joe Rodrigues, SDS, lent his vocal and numerous other talents as the MC for the weekend. Keynote presenter Father Bart Hutcherson, OP, of the Newman Center spoke of being “Caught up in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.” Tom East of the Center for Ministry Development spoke on “Helping Youth and Their Families get CAUGHT UP in the love of God.” Father Joe Rodrigues led a MultiCultural Dialogue to help all appreciate the many cultural differences that youth ministers encounter in their ministry – not only with their teens and local parishes, but with their volunteers and staff as well. Tom also presented a surprise when he announced a new program the Diocese will be hosting so that all youth minis-

ters will achieve a nationally recognized certificate in Youth Ministry Studies. The two year process of quarterly sessions will be supported by the Diocesan Capital Campaign, Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future. The program is also affiliated with the University of Dallas and can be used toward a Master’s program. Workshop presentations included two sessions on “Technology and Youth and how they use it today” and “Technology: How to use it to enhance your youth ministry program” by Richard Rivera, Director of Youth Ministry at St. Andrew the Apostle parish in Sierra Vista. Stacy DeLong of Corpus Christi parish in Tucson presented interactive sessions on “Finding, Training, and Keeping your Volunteers”. And Father Bart led two sessions on “Inviting youth and young adults into the Church”. On Saturday, general sessions included talks from Sr. Rina Cappellazzo, OP, Vicar for Vowed Religious for the Diocese, and Father Ricky Ordoñez, newly appointed Vocation Director for the Diocese, who shared ways that youth ministers can assist in the vocations of the young

people they work with in his talk, “Creating a Culture of Vocations-What’s a Youth Minister to Do?” Julieta Gonzalez, MFA, OPL from the Office of Child, Adolescent and Adult Protection spoke on “Developing SOPs to Reduce Your Risk!”; and Margie Puerta Edson, CFRE, Executive Director of Stewardship and Development, talked about “Building a Culture of Stewardship with Youth”. Sponsors who assisted in the planning, preparation, and successful completion of the first Diocesan event included Starbuck Design, Inc., and Mantled Catholic Clothing for our welcome bags; Life Teen and Serra Club for hosting our two socials; Erin Blanchette for art and environment; Bill Buhs for photography; Daniel Vaughn and Diego Lopez for technical setup; Emmaus band members: David Mares, Clare Horton, Dustin Abraham, Kyle Wilson, Ross Helland, and Aidan Garza; Janna Larson and all the workshop and keynote presenters. Mark your calendars for next April 28-30 for the next conference.

Training offered for those interested in youth ministry The Diocese of Tucson, in conjunction with the Center for Ministry Development, is working to provide leadership training for Coordinators of Youth Ministry and adult volunteers. By sponsoring the Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies, the diocese is making this national leadership training program available to local parish and school leaders. The Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies is a dynamic way to train leaders in the vision and practice of the Catholic Bishops’ of the United States pastoral plan for youth ministry, Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry (USCCB, 1997). This program provides a ministry education for youth


ministry, campus ministry, and religious education leaders, combining resources for youth ministry theory, skills, and practice. One of the past participants of the program noted the practical and motivational dimensions of the course: “I am enjoying these courses tremendously. As a 7th-12th grade math teacher, I have taken many an education course but have found none as clear, practical, and focused as the courses I have had the privilege to take thus far. I always leave motivated, full of ideas, and ready to take on the challenges ahead of me.” Another participant commented, “I feel affirmed and challenged. I feel equipped to take these resources and make youth ministry happen in my parish.”

Course topics include Principles of Youth Ministry, Practices of Youth Ministry, Foundations for Ministry Leadership, Skills for Christian Leadership, Fostering the Faith Growth of Youth through Evangelization and Catechesis, Justice and Service, Prayer and Worship, and Pastoral Care. Currently, more than 1000 adults are involved in sites sponsored by 50 dioceses and universities across the United States and Canada. The program will be offered locally, coordinated by Joe Perdreauville, and made possible by donations to Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future, on the following dates: Aug. 21-22, Oct. 16-17, Feb. 5-6, and April 2-3. For more information, contact Joe Perdreauville at joep@diocesetucson. org or call 520-838-2539.




17 discerning priesthood Some of the men traveled by van for sixand-a-half hours to get there. They came from Yuma, Somerton, San Luis, Casa Grande, Nogales and Tucson – 17 men in all – to attend a special gathering at La Pursima Retreat Center near Hereford. The 17 men are discerning a possible call to the priesthood, and they met with most of the current seminarians, several priests and Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas for a Diocesan Priesthood Vocation Retreat. “These retreat experiences have a powerful impact on those discerning God’s call in their lives,” Bishop Kicanas said later. “Please join me in praying for these men as they listen attentively to the Lord’s call in their lives.” The current seminarians, who were the

primary presenters, were praised by the Bishop: “These men inspire and impress me by their enthusiasm and their desire to encourage others to consider service as a priest. I know their commitment and witness is a powerful encouragement for others to consider priesthood.” The retreat signaled the completion of service by vocations office co-directors Father Mike Bucciarelli and Father Vili Valderrama and the beginning of service for full-time director Father Ricky Ordoñez. Bishop Kicanas expressed appreciation for the work of Fathers Mike and Vili and said Father Ricky will bring “energy, creative ideas and enthusiasm” to his new role.

Three parishes have new pastors

Msgr. Ambrose Nwohu has been installed as the first pastor of St. Helen Parish in Oracle by Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas. “In his home diocese in Nigeria, Msgr. Ambrose was highly respected as a wise pastor and loving priest,” Bishop Kicanas said. “He has brought those same qualities to our Diocese as a missionary priest. “As the founding pastor of St. Helen Parish, he will lead the community as they anticipate building a new church,” the Bishop said. Also, Father Bardo Atunez has moved from administrator to pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Clifton, Holy Cross Parish in Morenci and St. Mary’s Mission in Duncan.

At his installation, Bishop Kicanas said Father Bardo “enjoys serving the people… in remote communities in our Diocese” and he has “won the hearts of the people.” Also, Father Alonzo Garcia, pastor of Holy Family Parish in Tucson, has been appointed pastor of Our Lady Queen of All Saints Parish. The community of Holy Family has been entrusted to the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, much as what happened at the parishes of St. Cyril and Santa Catalina. Deacon Armando Valenzuela will serve as administrator of Our Lady Queen of All Saints while continuing his service at St. Gianna Oratory.

Changes made at Santa Cruz Parish Santa Cruz Parish in Tucson will have an administrator, a parochial vicar and a priest-in-residence, effective Aug. 9. Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas said Rev.

FR. KINO 1/8 ad

Thomas Reeves, OCD, will be the administrator, Rev. Mark Kissner, OCD, will be the parochial vicar and Rev. Bernard Perkins, OCD, will be priest-in-residence.

Reyclers at St. George Parish display the $1,000 bonus check they earned.

St. George recycles 40 tons of paper

For the past 10 years, St. George Parish in Apache Junction has been recycling. Parishioners faithfully bring in their newspapers for recycling – not only to help the environment, but to help the youth of the parish realize their dreams, as the money received from this effort funds scholarships for high school seniors. In honor of Earth Day this year, the parish was challenged by Abitibi, the recycling company, to double the amount the parish recycled the year before. Meet the goal, Abitibi said, and it would pay double the amount ordinarily received per ton. The goal was to collect 13 tons. Parishioners came through with flying colors – collecting more than 40 tons of paper in

one month. Abitibi said the parish was second in the nation for total tons collected. The effort resulted in $2,404 being added to the scholarship fund, and on Sunday, June 6, Rick Meek, area manager for Abitibi, joined parishioners at the Life Teen Mass and awarded a bonus check for an additional $1,000. Of their 22,000 accounts nationwide, Meek said, St. George is the one account that consistently exceeded its goal every time a challenge was presented. This year eight $2,000 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors, mainly from the proceeds of the recycling efforts and some generous private donors.

PRE PAID 1/8 ad



MIGRATION continued from page 1

basic rights and dignity of millions of persons and their families,” he said. “As such, it has moral implications…” From a moral perspective, he said, “as a nation we cannot accept the toil and taxes of immigrants without providing them the protection of law.” The issue of the rule of law, he said, is a “flashpoint in the debate” that immigration reform opponents use to argue against legal status for the undocumented. “The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops wholeheartedly agrees that the rule of law is paramount, and that those who break the law should be held accountable,” he said. The 11 million undocumented should be required “to pay a fine, pay back taxes, learn English and get in the back of the line,” he said. “We believe this a proportionate penalty for the offense.” Further, he said, “Church teaching acknowledges and upholds the right of a nation to control its borders. It is our view that the best way to secure our southern border is through immigration reform. Enforcement-only policies, pursued for 25 years now, have not solved the problem.” Since 2000, he said, the nation has spent $100 billion on immigration border and interior enforcement, but it has not halted the migration flow; instead, it has directed migrants to cross into the more remote areas. Bishop Kicanas said as the overseer of the diocese along the whole of the Arizona-Mexico border, “I witness the human consequences…in my diocese’s social service programs, hospitals, schools and parishes.” While striving to do everything possible to assist migrants, he said, “we are only providing a band aid to the situation”

‘It is my belief that the passage of (SB1070) reflects the frustration of Arizonans and the American public with Congress for not addressing the issue of immigration reform. The message is to break the partisan paralysis and act now.’ — Bishop Kicanas under the current laws. “It is shocking to realize that about 5,000 men, women and children have died in the desert since 1998,” he told the committee. He said the “overwhelming majority” of migrants come to the U.S. “not for nefarious purposes, but to either find work to support their families or to join their loved ones.” Once here, he said, “they do contribute their work and skills to our country.” Bishop Kicanas recommended that Congress provide a path to permanent residency for undocumented workers while providing them a way to enter and work in “a safe, legal, orderly and humane manner.” Adopt policies, the Bishop said, that “ensures our nation’s borders are secure at the same time that the abuse and deaths of migrants are prevented and their basic human rights and dignity are protected.” He said it is “vital” that Congress and the administration establish (1) a path to permanent residency for the undocumented now working in the U.S., (2) a new worker visa program for employmentbased immigration and (3) family-based

Named to school post Sheri Dishong, former associate superintendent of schools in the Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph in Missouri, has been appointed assistant superintendent of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Tucson. She succeeds Sister RuthMary Powers, who retired this year. Dishong proudly traces four generations of women in her family who have had and will have an influence on children. “My grandmother, Anna Klein, was a teacher. My mother, Ruth Borchardt, was a Catholic schoolteacher and special education teacher. I’m a teacher, and my daughter, Dayna, is now teaching first grade


Sheri Dishong in Tucson,” she said. Born in Omaha, Sheri completed undergraduate studies in Education at the University of Nebraska – Omaha. While completing a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration at Doane College, Dishong served as principal of Sacred Heart School, in the Diocese of Lincoln.

immigration reform. Those issues, he said, form a “threelegged stool” and failure to address any of the three will eventually doom any reform effort. He asked the subcommittee to “take the lead in ensuring that the upcoming debate is a civil one and refrains from labeling and dehumanizing our brothers and sisters.” Such a situation, he said, “cuts against American tradition and values.” Bishop Kicanas said the state of Arizona’s passage of controversial law SB 1070 “has highlighted the divisions in this country” on the immigration issue. “It is my belief that the passage of this law reflects the frustration of Arizonans and the American public with Congress for not addressing the issue of immigration reform. The message is to break the partisan paralysis and act now.” The Bishop told the committee that as a pastor of a diverse and large faith community, “I have seen in my ministry hardening attitudes, deepening divisions, and growing rancor around this issue.” Others who testified at the hearing were the Rev. Richard Land, president of the

Enrollment down, school closed Declining enrollment has resulted in the closing of Holy Angels School, a Catholic elementary school that has operated in Globe for 53 years but had only 45 prospective students signed up for the coming year. The school’s dire financial situation was cited by the board of directors of Holy Angels Parish and School, which announced the “difficult and painful” decision. In a statement to parishioners, the board said: “Holy Angels, which opened in 1957, has contributed significantly to educational opportunities for families in the Globe community and on the San Carlos Apache Reservation, especially because of the outstanding work of the Presentation sisters and the dedicated lay people who have staffed the school the past 53 years.” The school facilities will continue to be used for the parish’s religious education program and other education and religious formation programs. The board said it is “grateful” to Cecilia Broderick, principal, and the members of the school board for their efforts in recent months to try to assure a future for the school.”

Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; and Mathew Staver, dean of Liberty University’s School of Law. All agreed that the policy Congress should adopt for new immigrants must include an English competency requirement and a means to ensure them an earned pathway to legal status. James Edwards, fellow at the Center for Immigration, disagreed, however, on the best solution for undocumented immigrants already in the country. Committee member Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., asked Bishop Kicanas his view on separating immigrant families, specifically those who take part in immigrant worker programs. Bishop Kicanas said, based on what the Church teaches, families must be kept together. Lungren replied: “So they should be treated better than our men and women in the Armed Forces who are separated from their families?” The Bishop said situations were not analogous. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., pointed out a 2007 case in which a U.S. Navy man, Eduardo Gonzalez, who will be serving on his third tour on the USS Harry Truman in the Persian Gulf, faced a similar situation. Gonzalez’s wife, who is not a U.S. citizen, is under investigation and is facing deportation to Guatemala. Bishop Kicanas said that the Church would, in general, support the judicial decision to deport some individuals but would not agree with a mass deportation. Several committee members expressed an interest in having further talks with the panelists.

Golf tournament Cash prizes will be awarded at the fifth annual Santa Cruz Parish Golf Tournament, to be held on Saturday, Sept. 18, at Randolph golf Course. Tee time is 8 a.m. with a shotgun start preceded by a putting contest at 6:30 a.m. Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas will be a special guest player and bidding will be held for a chance to play in a foursome with him.

The event is sponsored by Santa Cruz Parish Knights of Columbus, Father Bach-Brother Angel de Santa Cruz Council 14139. Entry fee is $85, or $340 for a team, and this includes range balls, cart and lunch, as well as all contest entries. Proper golf attire is required – no denim, collared shirts or soft spikes.

Obituary Sister M. Christian, CSC Sister M. Christian (Bertha Marie Koch), CSC, who taught at St. Cyril School in Tucson for three years, passed away on June 14, 2010. Sister M. Christian was born on April 11, 1930, in Richmond, Calif., and entered the Sisters of the Holy Cross in 1952 after graduating from St. Mary of the Wasatch College, Salt Lake City.



Msgr. Richard ‘Dixie’ O’Keeffe ‘I like to get people to work together…’ By BERN ZOVISTOSKI The New Vision

He feels as much at home with saguaros as he does with shamrocks. He rubs shoulders with powerful politicians and he’s intimately familiar with the struggles of migrant farmworkers, miners and military families. After serving 51 years as a priest in the Diocese of Tucson, he is just beginning his retirement, but “retiring” is not his style. He was born 75 years ago in Horse and Jockey, a small village in North Tipperary, Ireland. His family owned a farm of some 200 acres and a pub in the village, the “Horse and Jockey.” As a child he was often handed a fork or a hoe and sent off to the fields, being told: “See you at tea time.” He learned to drive a tractor – and then a car – in the verdant open fields of the family farm, and, “I learned a lot about how farming was going to evolve,” he says, knowledge that would serve him well later. “Dixie” was his nickname – “my mom called me that.” As a teen, he began to feel the tug of a call to the priesthood. When he spoke to his mother about his desire to become a priest, her response was simply “I’ll pray for you.” If he were to become a priest, she said, “I’ll be happy.” He studied for the priesthood at St. Patrick’s College and Seminary in Thurles, and it was there that he first heard about the Diocese of Tucson. “Msgr. John McMahon came and said he was seeking volunteers to serve in Arizona, and I spoke with Father Walsh, the school president, who had passed through there on his way back from Australia. He said ‘go’.”



MSGR. RICHARD ‘DIXIE’ O’KEEFFE Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe was ordained in Ireland in June 1959, and two months later he was on his way to Arizona. While he says Bishop Daniel Gercke, then Bishop of Tucson, “impressed” him, Msgr. O’Keeffe notes the Bishop didn’t provide funds for airfare so the trip was made by ocean liner, the Mauritania, then by cross-country train. On the train in New Mexico, he says, he encountered his first “real taste” of monsoon storms, and later when crossing into Arizona “the most gorgeous sunset you’ve ever seen.” He arrived in Tucson on Aug. 22, 1959. Nobody was awaiting his arrival, so he took a taxi to St. Augustine Cathedral, where he was accommodated and, the next day, met Bishop Gercke. The Bishop told Msgr. O’Keeffe he had an assignment for him in Douglas. “I didn’t know where Douglas was,” he says with a smile. His arrival there coincided with a major mine strike, which he says taught him a great deal about social justice. “The company owned them,” he says, referring to the miners. “The company extended them credit and then when they wanted higher wages all of that came into the mix.” In 1962 Msgr. O’Keeffe was assigned to San Manuel (“I didn’t know where San

As a boy, with his cousin, and as a newly ordained priest.

Manuel was”) where he was provided his own house, “really tremendous.” There, he learned about the underground working conditions of the miners. “They smuggled me down 2,900 feet. That was an experience – unbelievable.”

In 1963, Msgr. O’Keeffe returned to Tucson, assigned to St. Cyril of Alexandria Parish. He also spent a short time at Holy Family Parish. His schooling on social justice continued when he met Msgr. Ed Ryle, who led

the Diocese’s Catholic Charities. “He had a profound influence on me. He was a tremendous teacher of social justice.” Another mentor, Msgr. O’Keeffe says, was Msgr. Ed Carscallen. He also fondly recalls Father Phil Porier, whom he described as “a great character.” Over the years, Msgr. O’Keeffe developed special ties with the young people he encountered, working with the Catholic Youth Organization, of which he became the director. “I saw the future leaders” in the CYO, he says, and bonded with them and developed credibility with them. At age 32, in 1969, he was named a monsignor by Pope Paul VI, becoming the youngest priest in the U.S. to receive that honor. Four years later, Msgr. O’Keeffe moved to Yuma, where he fell in love with the people and the place – and he never left. He was assigned to Immaculate Conception Parish, becoming pastor there in 1981. For many years he has served as Episcopal Vicar for the parishes in the Yuma region. “The people of Yuma are probably the greatest people in the world,” he says. “I have a great love relationship. I feel it, I know it. They know my weaknesses, probably better than I do. They are very

“The hearts of the holy ones have been refreshed by you” Phlm 1,7b

The community of Sacred Heart Parish, in La Paz County, thanks God for all He has done for us through the incessant pastoral work of

Congratulations on your Retirement and best wishes in the future!

Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe in the Yuma-La Paz Vicariate. May God continuously bless him in his retirement.

MONSEÑOR RICHARD W. O’KEEFFE, V. E. Muchas gracias por el apoyo incondicional que le brindó a esta comunidad por más de 37 años. Nos entristece verlo partir, pero nos anima saber que se queda entre nosotros a gozar de un bien merecido descanso. ¡Que Dios lo siga colmando de bendiciones! La Comunidad entera de San Jose Obrero en Wellton, AZ




An avid sports fan, he attends a pep rally.

supportive. “I didn’t realize the depth of that love until more than 800 people showed up at the Mass of Thanksgiving, my last Mass (as pastor). I thanked them for their generosity and support. There’s a lot of good will here now.” Msgr. O’Keeffe became an influential force in Yuma, a role that extended far beyond the Catholic community.

on the campaign trail with friend Bobby Kennedy.

“I like to get people to work together, not against each other,” he says. It’s an axiom he has applied repeatedly in the interest of advancing social justice through his support of organized labor and immigrants’ rights. He was a friend of farm-worker organizer Cesar Chavez, who was baptized at Immaculate Conception. In a region blessed with sprawling

Dear Monsignor O’Keeffe, It’s been great having you around these past 38 years. We’re going to miss you lots, and hope you don’t forget us either.

Bobby Brooks and the Whole Gang at Brownie’s

fertile farmland, Msgr. O’Keeffe has long been involved in advocacy for migrant farmworkers, laboring often behind the scenes to improve their working conditions. A friend and colleague to political leaders at all levels of government, Msgr. O’Keeffe’s influence has guided many of their decisions. The monsignor’s outspoken affinity for

politics is uncommon for a priest, but in his case stems from his upbringing. His parents, both now deceased, were active in politics and had encouraged him – before his call to the priesthood – to seek public office. That tendency toward politics was not diminished when he became a priest – and the results have been positive. Continued on page 15

Congratulations and best wishes for your well deserved retirement. You have devoted 37 years to serving Immaculate Conception. You have embraced your congregation making all of us your “Family”. We will miss you and our prayers will always be in thanksgiving for having been blessed with you as our pastor. Colleen Newman

May God’s Blessings Always Be With You John T. Beltran Southwestern Steel & Supply Co., INC.

A nombre de la comunidad y su servidor tomamos la oportunidad para dirigirnos a usted por motivo de su retiro y servicio al Reino de Dios por casi 40 años. No lo despedimos porque se quedará en nuestros corazones para siempre recordando todo lo que ha hecho por su pueblo, lo que se ve y lo que no alcanzamos a ver. Al hombre sencillo, al amigo, al pastor, al guía espiritual, al que ayuda al necesitado al que ha sabadio superar tantos retos, en una plabra al que ha sabido ser un gran sacerdote, elevamos nuestras plegaria al Todopodersoso por darnos luz en momentos de oscuridad, por conducirnos cuando más se necesita, por llevar esperanza a través de los Sacramentos y por compartir su sabiduría a través de sus consejos. Que nuestro padre Dios derrame abundantemente sus bendiciones, y le siga dando fortaleza para continuar en la misión que ahora le tiene preparada. Nuestra comunidad de San Judas Tadeo en San Luis, AZ, le estamos infinitamente agradecidos por su gran apoyo; no lo olvidaremos. Quedará siempre en nuestras oraciones y recuerde que en San Judas Tadeo, tiene una comunidad que lo queremos y apreciamos mucho. Con afecto y admiración para un gran ser humano. Rev. Raúl Valencia y comunidad de San Judas Tadeo. San Luis, AZ.




“Dear Monsignor O’Keeffe, Our sincere thanks for saying YES to work in the Lord’s vineyard these past 38 years. What a great joy it was to have you as pastor of our community. We are deeply grateful for being there, with us, in the recovery of Jorge, our son. Moments like this are never forgotten; they are appreciated and remembered for the rest of our lives. May God keep blessing you always!!!

❦ Querido Monseñor O’Keeffe, Muchas gracias por haber dicho Si a trabajar estos 38 años en la viña del Señor. Que dicha tan grande fue tenerlo como pastor de nuestra comunidad. Estamos muy agradecidos con usted por haber participado con nosotros en la recuperación de nuestro hijo Jorge. Su presencia nos dio fortaleza, paz, esperanza y apoyo. Momentos como este jamás se olvidan; se siguen agradeciendo toda la vida. Que Dios lo siga bendiciendo siempre!!!!

Alberto y Aída Urbieta”

Fr. Martin S. Martinez and Sacred Heart Parish, Nogales

CONGRATULATE MSGR. O’KEEFFE on his long service to the people of the Diocese of Tucson. “AD MULTUS ANNUS”

Good luck in your future endeavors! Bob Boemer & Mike Cobey Sun Valley Beverages of Yuma Sacred Heart Parish, Nogales








We would like to Thank You for being a special part of our Family’s lives. You were a faithful friend to both Bill & Marie Alexander and our Family, thanks you for that. You have reached true success in discovering what God created you to do, and then doing it with all your heart. You have been a mentor, spiritual advisor and a true friend. May God give you the strength and health to continue the journey that he has planned for you. We offer you an Old Irish Prayer: May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours. With our great appreciation, congratulations, The Alexander Family




With Pope John Paul II and Bishop Moreno in Rome.

Walking his dogs, Sassy and Toby, is a daily ritual. Continued from page 11

“Monsignor has definitely been a strong moral voice,” says Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas. Msgr. O’Keeffe said he never used the pulpit for politics, even as he grew close to

the Kennedy Family, Irish Catholics who “gave us the great sense of encouragement and hope,” he says. In 1968, he gave the invocation during Robert Kennedy’s campaign stop in Phoenix, just a week before the presidential

candidate was assassinated in California. Over the years, Msgr. O’Keeffe has developed relationships with governors, senators and representatives as he advocated for social justice. He has a strong friendship with former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, now the Secretary of Homeland Security. In a recent letter acknowledging his retirement, Napolitano told Msgr. O’Keeffe: “…You have performed Continued on page 18

With Bishop Kicanas at a press conference in Washington.

Monsignor O’Keeffe, thank you for dedicating your life to God and his people. You have been a great true server for God and an outstanding leader in our community. You shown us to stand up for what we believe in with the help of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It has been a great honor and privilege to serve God in different ways under your leadership. From the Holy sacrament of Matrimony thoughout the sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation of our children. You have accompnied us on our journey to Christ. We also want to thank you for taking care of our children and other students at Immaculate Conception School and Yuma Catholic School. May God bless this new journey in your life as He blesses ours. Monseñor O’Keeffe, gracias por dedicar su vida a Dios y su gente. Usted ha sido en verdad un gran servidor de Dios y un líder extraordinario en nuestra comunidad. Nos ha mostrado que hay que luchar por las causas justas con la ayuda de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Ha sido un gran honor y privilegio servir a Dios de diferentes maneras bajo su liderazgo. Desde el sagrado sacramento de nuestro Matrimonio hasta los del Bautismo y Confirmación de nuestros hijos, usted nos ha acompañado en nuestros caminar hacia Dios. También le damos las gracias por cuidar de nuestros hijos y otros niños en las escuelas Inmmaculada Concepción y Yuma Catholic High School. Que Dios lo bendiga en su nuevo caminar a Cristo asei como bendice el nuestro.








Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe May love and laughter light your day and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring to you and yours! Msgr. Our prayers and gratitude go with you always. God bless you and may Mary our mother cover you always with her mantle. The Barrientos Family Mama Frances, Alice Isom, Frances & Lionel Daniel, Maggie & Rudy Cabrera, George & Lenore Barrientos.

Mons. Ricardo O’Keeffe Que sus días se alumbren de amor, de risa y de alegría, y que su corazón sienta el calor de éstos en su hogar. Que siempre esté rodeado de amistades íntimas y fieles, doquiera que se encuentre. Que su mundo sea pleno de paz y abundancia Lleno de un gozo que perdure. Que todas las etapas de su vida Le traigan lo mejor de todo a Ud. y a sus seres amados. Mons. Cuente con nuestas oraciones y gratitud. Que Dios lo bendiga y que nuestra Madre Santísima lo cubra siempre con su manto. La familia Barrientos, Mamá Frances, Alicia Isom, Frances y Lionel Daniel, Maggie y Rudy Cabrera, Jorge y Lenore Barrientos

The Cursillos in Christianity Movement extends to Monsignor Richard O’Keeffe a sincere

THANK YOU for the many years of support and spiritual guidance

The Parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary honors Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe for his remarkable work as Pastor, Vicar Forane and Episcopal Vicar at Immaculate Conception Parish and Yuma-La Paz Vicariate

extended to the Cursillo Communities of Tucson

“Enjoy Retirement” El Movimiento de Cursillos en Cristianidad extiende a Monseñor Richard O’Keeffe un sincero agradecimiento por muchos años de apoyo y guía espiritual a la comunidad cursillista de Tucsón

“Disfrute su Retiro”

Somerton, AZ



MSGR. RICHARD ‘DIXIE’ O’KEEFFE Continued from page 15

a valuable service for Arizona, and in particular for the members of the Immaculate Conception Parish and the citizens of Yuma. It has been an honor getting to know you and work with you. “…I am sure our paths will continue to cross, especially on your visits to Washington. Your contributions are too valuable to go untapped. God bless you with good health for many years to come. “Your strong advocacy will be missed!” O’Keeffe has served on the Bishop’s

Task Force for Urban Affairs and as chairman of the U.S. Commission for Civil Rights for the state of Arizona. He also has headed the Tucson Human Relations Enforcement Committee. In 2000, he helped found Yuma Catholic High School. He continues to be a loyal and enthusiastic supporter of the students – both in academics and in sports. Among the roles of which he is most fond is his chaplaincy ministry at the Yuma Army Proving Ground where, since 1978, he has “developed a great relationship” with the military forces training

We wish you a happy, fulfilling retirement.

We know your retirement will be filled with your favorite things and that foremost it will be your concerns for the welfare of your people. Lenore Lorona Stuart Jerry Stuart

Congratulations on your retirement

Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe and many thanks for your long years of service.

Fr. Dale Branson and Parishioners from St. Joseph Parish, Hayden-Winkelman

Thanks and Thanksfor formany manyyears yearsofofspiritual spiritualservice services many in your your happy happy retirement retirement Manyblessings blessing in

there. Asked to relate one of his fondest memories, Msgr. O’Keeffe says: “It was when Bishop Moreno invited me in 1989 to say Mass with Pope John Paul II in the Pope’s private chapel.” He plans to remain active in his ministry to the military and support and encourage the young people. He says he hopes to continue involvement in advocating for the poor and supporting the U.S. Bishops’ advocacy for comprehensive immigration reform. And perhaps he’ll spend a bit more

time with Sassy and Toby, his dogs, which he said provide him a great sense of comfort. Sassy is a big Australian heeler, and Toby is a miniature Eskimo, and he runs them every day in a field behind the rectory, he says. Now living with their master in their new home, a condominium about a half mile from the parish, the dogs still take an early morning walk in the same field every day. “It’s great to see them when I come home,” he says, adding, with a chuckle, “I give them cheese. They love cheese.”

Monday mornings without Monsignor? Every Monday we gathered come rain or shine, with Monsignor we counted every check, dollar and dime. But alas, the time has come to bid our adieu Mondays will never be the same without you! Your Monday morning quarter-BUCKS! Mary Louise




“Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.” Dear Msgr. O’Keeffe, as you settle into your retirement, and we reflect on your priestly service, I am reminded of my Cursillo song, “Here I am Lord.” You have certainly heard and answered the call… You will forever be in our thoughts and prayers. The Lord be with you, Judge Maria Elena Cruz and Family

Best wishes for a happy retirement! From Your Monday Lunch Group

Bob Lutes, Charlie White, Rick Sellers, George Keuchel, Dennis Holling, Terry Meyers, Bob Mclendon, John Flanagan and Pat Conner





Dear Msgr. O’Keeffe,

It seems like you have always been a very important part of our lives.


You offered comfort in times of extreme sorrow, and you were also present in times of great joy.


We have always counted on your sound advice, counsel and unconditional support.


To say we appreciate your total commitment to our Community is not enough… You have shown us how to be strong but humble, compassionate, generous in all those virtues You practice so well. It is a privilege and an honor to be included among your many friends, and we thank God for your 38 years of dedicated service to our Community. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO FILL YOU WITH HIS GRACE AND BLESSINGS!!!

John and Yvonne Peach

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Congratulations and Many Blessings

Saint Odilia Catholic Community congratulates Monsignor Richard O’Keeffe For his years of priestly service as builder, teacher, and pastor for almost 40 years. May his Retirement be a peaceful blessing and a joyful ministry.

to Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe on his retirement

Thanks for your many years of service

Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe








de la Diócesis Católica Romana de Tucson

Volumen V - Número VIII

Agosto 2010 • $15 por año • Tucson, Arizona

REFLEXIONES Padre Roberto Kose, OFM Cap.

!Sí se Puede! Otras personas lo han hecho, entonces nosotros también podemos hacerlo. A pesar de nuestras excusas, y algunas son válidas, podemos hacer a Cristo presente en nuestra parroquia, comunidad y familia. Si vamos a tomar en serio nuestro compromiso bautismal, enfocaremos nuestra atención en la necesidad de ser la luz de Cristo. Muchas veces, la gente que asiste a un bautizo se muestra sorprendida, o tal vez desanimada, porque su parroquia no celebra bautismos privados los sábados por la tarde, como ocurría en años pasados. Hoy en día, más y más énfasis está puesto en el aspecto comunal del bautismo. El bautismo NO es una celebración privada, sino una celebración de la comunidad entera, especialmente la iglesia local. Como una comunidad de fe estamos dando la bienvenida a un niño bajo seis años de edad a nuestra familia. Proclamamos que haremos todo posible para ayudarle a crecer con ideales y principios cristianos. Con los adultos --y niños con más de seis años-que no han sido bautizados, hay un tiempo especial de preparación. Ellos asisten en clases de educación religiosa para que comprendan completamente el compromiso de ser seguidores de Jesús y la necesidad de compartir la fe con los demás. Si somos cristianos maduros, con plena comprensión de la fe, tenemos la capacidad y el poder de traer a Cristo a otros. Nuestra religión no será solamente una tradición o obligación, sino una fe viva que dice ¡Sí se puede! ¿Podemos contar en USTED, como miembro de su iglesia, para tomar su fe y convertirse en una persona que se sacrifica voluntariamente para traer la luz de Cristo a nuestro mundo? Su Iglesia necesita a USTED. No importa su edad, no importa su nivel educacional, así como tampoco su condición económica. Haga todo posible para ser un miembro de la comunidad de fe exigida por su bautismo. ¡SÍ SE PUEDE!

Desde Jerusalén, se Lanza una Histórica Convocatoria a la Unidad de los Cristianos La oración Debe Ser la ocasión para Trabajar por un Verdadero Ecumenismo CIUDAD

DEL VATICANO. ( Jerusalén, cristianos de diferentes confesiones lanzaron un llamamiento a la unidad plena, en forma de imploraciones que se elevaron en la Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos. En esta ocasión, cristianos de Tierra Santa redactaron la base de los textos para ese octavario que ha distribuido, entre los más de dos mil millones de cristianos, el Consejo Pontificio para la Promoción de la Unidad de los Cristianos de la Santa Sede y la Comisión Fe y Constitución del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias. El tema para este año ha sido la frase bíblica tomada de los Hechos de los Apóstoles (Cf. 2, 42) “Unidos en la enseñanza de los apóstoles, la comunión fraterna, la fracción del pan y la oración”. Las oraciones que se rezaron durante la semana transcurrida del 19 al 26 de Julio pasado, fueron propuestas por representantes cristianos de

Jerusalén que se reunieron en el monasterio San Cristóbal de Saydnaya, en Siria. Entre los que colaboraron en la redacción de los textos se encuentran Su Beatitud Michel Sabbah, patriarca latino emérito de Jerusalén; Su Gracia Munib Younan, obispo de la Iglesia evangélica luterana en Jordania y en Tierra Santa; el reverendo Naim Ateek, de la Iglesia episcopal de Jerusalén y Oriente Medio; el padre Frans Bouwen, de la Iglesia Católica (romana); el padre Alexander, del Patriarcado greco ortodoxo de Jerusalén; el padre Jamal Khader, de la Universidad de Belén. “La llamada a la unidad llega este año desde Jerusalén, la Iglesia madre, a las Iglesias del mundo entero”, afirma el documento leído en la presentación de las oraciones”. “Conscientes de sus propias divisiones y de la necesidad de hacer ellas mismas mucho más por la unidad del Cuerpo de Cristo, las Iglesias de Jerusalén piden a todos los cristianos redescubrir los valores”.

Cita con Dios de Agentes de la Caridad en Czestochowa CIUDAD

DEL VATICANO. ( La Santa Sede ha propuesto a obispos y responsables de organizaciones caritativas católicas, en especial presidentes y directores de Cáritas, una cita con Dios en el santuario polaco de Czestochowa del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2010. Los Ejercicios Espirituales han sido


sugeridos por el Consejo Pontificio “Cor Unum”, cuyo presidente es el cardenal Paul Josef Cordes. Con esta iniciativa, se busca profundizar en las propuestas que hace Benedicto XVI, en su primera encíclica “Deus Caritas est”, en particular en el número 32, donde presenta a los obispos como primeros responsables de la misión eclesial de la cari-

dad (diakonía). En ese documento, el Papa recuerda “el deber de la caridad como cometido intrínseco de toda la Iglesia y del obispo en su diócesis” y subraya “que el ejercicio de la caridad es una actividad de la Iglesia como tal y que forma parte esencial de su misión originaria, al igual que el servicio de la Palabra y los Sacramentos”.

Singular Peregrinación Ciclista a la Basílica de la Virgen de Guadalupe CIUDAD

DE MEXICO. ( - El Observador).- Una peculiar peregrinación de ciclistas a la Basílica de la Virgen de Guadalupe, se llevó a cabo el domingo 18 de Julio, unida con la peregrinación anual de la Diócesis de Querétaro, que es la más antigua de México y que está punto de cumplir los 120 años de ir a pie al santuario más visitado del mundo cristiano. Esta nueva peregrinación estuvo compuesta por emigrantes guadalupanos quienes recorrieron en bicicleta los 1,200 kilómetros que separan a la ciudad fronteriza de Nuevo Laredo con la Ciudad de México. La finalidad de este esfuerzo es reconstruir una capilla antigua situada en Doctor Mora, Guanajuato, y dedicarla a la Virgen de Guadalupe como patrona de los migrantes mexicanos. La primera etapa de la singular caminata se realizó el domingo 11 de Julio, cuando después de una misa celebrada en la parroquia de Doctor Mora, los peregrinos ciclistas se trasladaron en vehículo hasta la frontera norte, a la Casa del Migrante que se encuentra en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Desde ahí, el lunes 12 de julio se inició la peregrinación en el Monumento al Migrante situado en la línea fronteriza que separa la población de Laredo, Texas, y Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, en territorio mexicano. Partiendo de este punto y con paradas en Agua Caliente, Nuevo León; Matehuala, San Luis Potosí; y Querétaro, Querétaro, la peregrinación tradicional se incorporó a la romería ciclista, para llegar finalmente a la Basílica de Guadalupe, junto con más de 50 mil peregrinos --hombres y mujeres-- de la Diócesis de Querétaro. Lo que se busca es que la Virgen sea la protectora del migrante, que se renueve la capilla en Doctor Mora y que la peregrinación ciclista sea un llamado de atención sobre las necesidades de los migrantes mexicanos a Estados Unidos, así como un anuncio de que la Iglesia católica los acoge bajo el manto de Santa María de Guadalupe.

VIDA ECLESIÁSTICA orientación Familiar

La Lectura Por Lucero de Dávalos

Querido hijo:

No cabe duda que la lectura es alimento para el espíritu; dime que lees y te digo como piensas. Y es que lo que se lee va directo al entendimiento, al cultivo de la razón, la inteligencia. Te das cuenta que va a aumentar o a disminuir tu libertad según te acerques o te retraigas de la verdad. Es curioso, pero para cada materia científica el maestro da su texto y a nadie se nos ocurre decirle que nos coarta la libertad por seguir tal o cual libro. Pero si se trata de fe, moral o costumbres y se quiere imponer criterio siguiendo la verdad y se atreven a indicar que leer y que no leer, hay personas que reclaman que ellas pueden hacer lo que les venga en gana… y tienen razón. Claro que también pueden entrar a una farmacia y sin receta tomar cuanto medicamento quieran, aunque no lo necesiten, tan sólo porque les gustó el envase, el color o el papel en que estaba envuelto; incluso podrían tomar arsénico o morfina que le darían como resultado que fueran directo a visitar a San Pedro. Me imagino a una buena mamá en el supermercado que no lleva fruta podrida, ni carne maloliente, ni harina con gorgojos, entonces porque extrañarnos que para lo que va a ser procesado, no por el estómago sino por la razón, tengamos que acatar indicaciones sobre lo que nos conviene o no. No se debe leer todo sin informarnos antes si ello nos va a mejorar o no. Se necesita sencillez, lo contrario a la soberbia intelectual. Cuantos casos, hijo querido, que por una ideología pepenada a través de literatura corriente, se pierde el hogar, los hijos; se falsean los criterios que muchas veces, porque lo dice tal o cual ídolo cinematográfico, se cree que es ley, cuando la verdad es otra. Muchas veces una actriz de cine casada se atreve a dar consejos para un matrimonio feliz, aunque suene que esto no va ni con el más elemental sentido común. Hace días leía una nota periodística sobre una estrellita actual, la cual daba su opinión sobre relaciones prematrimoniales, afirmando que si tienes madurez y responsabilidad puedes fornicar sin mayor recato. Es la primera vez que escucho que para pecar se necesite madurez y responsabilidad. ¿Pecar no ha sido siempre ir en contra de la ley natural? Ah, pero esa muchachita nos habla también de conciencia, sólo que la de ella, como la de otras tantas personas, se halle encallecida o deformada, parte por ignorancia de la verdad o parte por ese afán tonto de sentirnos muy modernos, muy liberados, muy “in”. Recordar que “la verdad nos hará libres”, dice Jesús y Él mismo se define como tal. Así que busca la verdad por medio de buenas lecturas, Una vez encontrada esa verdad, medítala y vívela. Con cariño, te bendice tu madre.


Descubren Antiguos Iconos de Apóstoles; se Construirán 51 Nuevas Parroquias en Roma Por Edward Pentin

ROMA. ( La última semana de Junio fue, por múltiples motivos, particularmente importante para la Iglesia en Roma. El anuncio del descubrimiento de los iconos más antiguos conocidos de los Apóstoles Pedro, Pablo y Andrés, atrajeron gran parte de la atención mundial. Descubiertas en el techo de una tumba en las catacumbas de Santa Tecla, cerca de la Basílica de San Pablo Extramuros, las imágenes han sido situadas hacia la segunda mitad del siglo IV. Fueron descubiertas utilizando una importante técnica nueva de láser que quema gruesos depósitos de carbonato de calcio, pero dejando los colores oscuros subyacentes de las pinturas originales intactos. La calidad de las imágenes es impresionante dada su edad y la cantidad de basura que tuvo que ser removida. Cada apóstol aparece en medallones en las esquinas del techo: San Pablo, cuya imagen fue la primera que se descubrió el año pasado, es quizá la más clara de distinguir. Parece un filósofo renacentista con la cabeza calva y la barba puntiaguda. Los santos Andrés y Juan, vestidos con atuendo romano, se muestran resueltos y pensativos, mientras que San Pedro, con barba blanca y

gruesos mechones de pelo, se ve sereno y distinguido. Los arqueólogos hicieron el descubrimiento en la que quizás sea la parte más improbable de la ciudad: un sencillo suburbio lleno de algunos de los peores ejemplos de la arquitectura de los años 70. Poco antes de ese anuncio, llegaban otras buenas noticias para la Iglesia católica en Roma: los planes para construir 51 nuevas parroquias en la ciudad. Gianni Alemanno, el alcalde, dijo que las nuevas parroquias, financiadas con la colaboración del Vicariato de Roma, otras diócesis y donaciones de terrenos del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad, “no serán sólo centros de culto, sino también centros sociales para los suburbios de la ciudad”. Afirmó: “Somos muy concientes de que las parroquias son a menudo lugares de encuentro y de identidad en los barrios de la ciudad”. Es difícil imaginar que Roma, una ciudad en la que uno puede visitar una iglesia diferente cada día del año, necesite más iglesias, sin embargo hay parroquias, como la Santa María Reina de la Paz en Tor Vergata, un suburbio de la ciudad, que lleva esperando más de ocho años para encontrar un hogar permanente. Ahora sus parroquianos podrán por fin tener uno, dijo Alemanno, una vez se hayan aclarado las complejidades del proyecto.

El Acolitado es un Ministerio de la Iglesia Por Germán Sánchez Griese Fuente:

Es alentador observar en misa la figura de los acólitos: niños o niñas que con un vestido apropiado asisten al sacerdote en misa: le ayudan con el misal, las ofrendas, el lavatorio de las manos y portando la charola de la comunión. Hago la aclaración de que en este artículo no me referiré a estos acólitos, sino a los varones que reciben el ministerio del acolitado. Para hacer una diferencia entre estas dos personas, el mismo Juan Pablo II ha utilizado la palabra monaguillo al referirse a esos niños y niñas que ayudan al sacerdote en el altar. El acolitado pertenece a los ministerios de la Iglesia. ¿Qué son y cuándo nacieron estos ministerios? Con el fin de dar a Dios el culto debido y prestar un servicio adecuado al pueblo de Dios la Iglesia estableció, desde tiempos remotísimos, algunos ministerios

según los cuales se confiaba a los fieles ejercer oficios en la liturgia y en la caridad, acomodados a los diversos tiempos y circunstancias. Algunos de estos cargos más estrechamente ligados con la liturgia, es decir con el culto divino, fueron poco a poco tenidos como instituciones previas a la recepción de las órdenes sagradas, concretamente al sacerdocio o presbiterado. De esta manera el ostariado, el lectorado, el exorcistado y el acolitado se consideraron en la Iglesia como órdenes menores en relación con el diaconado, al presbiterado y al episcopado, que fueron denominadas órdenes mayores. Por regla general se tenía que para llegar al diaconado se debía pasar antes por las órdenes menores. Sin embargo el Papa Paulo VI, en consonancia con el espíritu del Concilio Vaticano II hizo una revisión de estas órdenes menores y realizó las siguientes adaptaciones: Las órdenes que hasta

ahora se llamaban menores, en lo sucesivo se deben llamar ministerios. Los ministerios pueden confiarse a fieles laicos, y no se considerarán reservados únicamente para los aspirantes al sacramento del Orden sacerdotal. Los ministerios que se han de conservar en toda la Iglesia, adaptados a las necesidades actuales serán el de lector y el de acólito. En armonía con la tradición de la Iglesia la institución de lector y de acólito está reservada a los varones. Los ministerios son conferidos por el Obispo mediante el rito litúrgico de la institución de lector y de la institución de acólito. Para los que van a recibir el diaconado y el sacerdocio, deben recibir los ministerios de lector y acólito y ejercerlos durante un tiempo adecuado, para disponerse mejor a los futuros oficios de la Palabra y del Altar. Estas mismas disposiciones quedaron recogidas

en el Código de Derecho Canónico, en el canon 230 donde establece lo siguiente: “Los varones laicos que tengan la edad y las condiciones determinadas por la Conferencia Episcopal pueden ser llamados para el ministerio estable de lector y acólito, mediante el rito litúrgico prescrito; sin embargo la colación de esos ministerios no les da derecho a ser sustentados o remunerados por la Iglesia.” De esta manera la Iglesia establece una clara diferencia entre ministerio y sagradas órdenes. Los laicos que por llamado y disponibilidad especial quieran ayudar a la Iglesia en el servicio de la Palabra y del Altar, lo pueden hacer, sin dejar su condición de laicos, a través del ministerio permanente de lectorado y acolitado. También lo podrán hacer a través del diaconado permanente, pero siendo éste no ya un ministerio sino una órden sagrada, aunque sin dejar su estado laical.



Dan Sacerdotes Testimonios Sobre sus Vocaciones Ante Guerras, Vicios, Enfermedades, Crisis de Fe… Por Carmen Elena Villa CIUDAD DEL VATICANO. ( Durante la celebración del encuentro denominado Sacerdotes Hoy…, previo a la clausura del Año Sacerdotal --llevado a cabo en Junio pasado--, sacerdotes que han descubierto y cultivado su vocación en medio de la guerra, hombres que han dejado atrás una vida dedicada al vicio, que han descubierto su vocación en medio de la crisis de fe del país secular al que pertenecen o enmedio de una enfermedad, ofrecieron testimonios extraordinarios que compartieron ante miles de asistentes a este evento. El encuentro fue promovido por los sacerdotes del movimiento de los Focolares y del movimiento Shoenstatt, en colaboración con la Renovación Carismática Católica Internacional y otros movimientos eclesiales de Europa y América Latina. Igualmente contó con el apoyo de la Congregación para el Clero. En medio de un ambiente festivo y de oración se veían miles de sacerdotes, venidos de los cinco continentes, con los audífonos para la traducción simultánea, dispuestos a escuchar los testimonios de decenas de sacerdotes que pasaron por el escenario, compartiendo en primera persona cómo Dios les tocó su corazón y cómo les sigue alentando para ser fieles a este llamado En medio de la guerra Los primeros en compartir la historia de su vocación fueron tres sacerdotes de Burundi (África), Ildephonse Niyogabo, Pasteur Manirambona y Marc Bigirindavyi. El primero de ellos contó que entró en el

seminario en 1992 y al poco tiempo estalló una guerra civil en su país. Las tropas invadieron el seminario menor de Buta, donde él realizaba su formación. “Recuerdo que el 29 de abril de 1997 los adversarios entraron en nuestro seminario. “Todos los presentes pensamos en permanecer unidos –recordaba el joven sacerdote–. Comenzaron a disparar sin control. Permanecimos unidos, y aquel día perdí a mi hermano. Me hirieron y fui a parar bajo la cama. De pronto hubo una gran explosión, habían lanzado una granada junto a nosotros”, recordó. “Continuaron disparando. En medio a este infierno mis compañeros morían diciendo: ‘Dios: perdónalos porque no saben lo que hacen’. Los demás se pusieron a curar las heridas de los otros, a riesgo de morir”, dijo. El padre Niyongabo confesó que luego de este episodio experimentó una batalla interior y comenzó a preguntarse si era necesario ser sacerdote para ser un buen cristiano. Luego el rector del seminario le pidió enseñar allí, donde nuevamente se sintió llamado. “Entré en el seminario mayor y en el 2004 me hice sacerdote”, concluyó. En una cultura secularizada En el encuentro participó también monseñor Joseph Grech, obispo de Sandhurst (Australia) quien aseguró que el único objetivo de su vocación sacerdotal es el de “ayudar a la gente y tener una relación profunda con Jesucristo”. “Doy gracias a Dios por mi primer párroco que un día, no mucho tiempo después de mi llegada a la parroquia, oró conmigo. Pedía que pudi-

era experimentar desde el inicio de mi ministerio sacerdotal y ser un testigo de Cristo resucitado”, dijo monseñor Grech. “En lo profundo de mi corazón sé que Jesús está presente en todo lo que hago y toca a quienes encuentro como hacía en el tiempo lo hacía cuando caminaba por las calles de Israel”, dijo el obispo. En la esclavitud del alcohol El padre Helmut Kappes, de Alemania, confesó ante el público los problemas de alcoholismo que enfrentó en su juventud: “Pensaba que esto me ayudaba a afrontar mejor situaciones difíciles. Al contrario, estas aumentaron”, dijo. Y fue así como decidió entrar en una terapia de rehabilitación: “Diferentes encuentros me hicieron entender lo importante que era escuchar lo que había en el fondo de mi alma”. Hoy el padre Kappes trabaja a tiempo completo en el apostolado: “Me siento sostenido por mi comunidad”, concluyó. En la prueba de la enfermedad El sacerdote venezolano Cristian Díaz Yepes contó que de joven quería ser pintor y escritor “pero Dios me llamaba a cosas más grandes”. Sin embargo, su camino hacia la ordenación sacerdotal no estuvo exento de pruebas, ya que le descubrieron una esclerosis múltiple, enfermedad que le impediría ser ordenado como sacerdote. “Pensé que había perdido una vocación bella, pero gracias a la ayuda de un sacerdote y de personas laicas, ví que mi nuevo llamamiento era escoger sólo a Dios”.


Jesús le Dijo: “Sígueme…”

La Vocación de Felipe Fuente: Churchforum

“Al día siguiente, Jesús resolvió partir para Galilea. Encontró a Felipe y le dijo: “Sígueme”. Felipe era de Betsaida, el pueblo de Andrés y de Pedro”. ( S. Juan I, 43-44). Jesús “encontró a Felipe”. Aparentemente era un encuentro casual. De hecho, adivinamos que Jesús encontró a Felipe en el camino porque lo quería encontrar. Desde hacía tiempo había preparado este encuentro por un trabajo secreto en el alma de Felipe; no hubiese podido lanzar su llamado al que no estuviera dispuesto de algún modo. Encuentro y llamamiento sólo se improvisan en apariencia; por mucho tiempo han sido meditados por Cristo, que encuentra al que quiere, en el momento que quiere, en las circunstancias que quiere. La vocación viene de un encuentro con Cristo, quizá en el momento menos pensado. Jesús se adelanta al que quiere llamar. Como lo ha preparado para escuchar el llamado, el encuentro puede mover inmediatamente las profundidades del alma. “Sígueme”. La invitación dirigida a Felipe prueba que el llamado de Cristo pide ante todo el apego a su persona. Jesús no le dice a Felipe qué actividad va a desempeñar. Sencillamente le pide que lo acompañe en el camino y se abandone a Él con confianza para todo su porvenir. El término que traducimos por “seguir” quiere decir más exactamente “acompañar”. Jesús no quiere que lo sigan como un siervo sigue a su amo. Quiere que lo acompañen, que vivan a su lado como amigos. Seguir, es dejarse conducir por un llamado de amor y comenzar una amistad. La expresión “sígueme” es, en su brevedad, la fórmula más característica del llamado a una vida enteramente entregada al Señor. Subraya la unión de persona a persona que se establece en una vocación. El que acepta el llamado no sabe por adelantado lo que tendrá que hacer ni las situaciones a las que tendrá que enfrentarse. Pero está seguro de Cristo; su compromiso de fidelidad personal. Compromiso y fidelidad se fundamentan en el que ha sido llamado sobre el compromiso y la fidelidad absoluta del Señor. Al decir “sígueme”, Jesús se obliga a trazar el camino y a sostener con su fuerza divina al que se confió a Él. Le promete una fidelidad sin desmayo. El que sigue a Cristo jamás puede perderse, ni encontrarse sin apoyo. Con tal que no se detenga en su seguimiento, infaliblemente se salva y salva a muchas almas.



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VISIÓN CATÓLICA Un hombre sometió a juicio al mundo, y teminó

condenándolo, por las cosas que hace, por las que ha hecho, y por las que ha dejado de hacer. La sentencia decía: “Mundo, yo te enjuicio y te declaro culpable. Si, te declaro culpable por los niños explotados que mueren de hambre, sabiendo que hay pan para todos; por los hombres que se han armado hasta los dientes y se matan por tus mezquinos intereses; por ocultar la justicia y entregarla con una brutal impureza; por haber asesinado a seis millones de hermanos judíos; por las personas que no tienen casa, comida o un techo en donde descansar en paz; por las muertes de tantas personas pobres que se quedan afuera de un hospital; por reprimir la ternura hasta agotarla; por matar a tantos niños en el vientre de su madre; por inyectar orgullo y malicia en la sangre de tantos hombres; por todo el daño que has hecho a la humanidad; por las enfermedades con las que nos has contagiado: avaricia, lujuria, injusticia, y explotación. Estás enfermo. Estás de luto. Te declaro culpable”. He aquí una crítica muy severa al mundo. No hay duda. Pero dice el refrán que “a los grandes males, grandes remedios”. El cáncer no se cura con una aspirina. El mal solo se cura con el amor. Efectivamente, el amor es para muchos el antídoto mas eficaz para el mal. Pero si decimos que el amor cura, entonces surgen muchos interrogantes: ¿Qué es el amor? ¿Cómo se puede medir? ¿Es acaso una sustancia química que estimula la producción de neurotransmisores en el cerebro? ¿O es una actitud existencial que está en la mente, y no en el cerebro? ¿Es la apertura al ámbito del otro? En un sentido religioso, la Biblia dice que “Dios es amor”. ¿Podríamos afirmar entonces que “el amor es Dios”? ¿O que amar es impregnarse de Dios, o participar de la esencia de su divinidad? Hay textos bíblicos que ven el amor como un imperativo moral: “amaras al Señor tu Dios, con todo tu corazón…. y a tu próximo como a ti mismo”. Otros textos lo describen: “El amor es paciente, es

NI TANTO QUE QUEME AL SANTO Padre Viliulfo Valderrama

Parroco de San Felipe de Jesús, Nogales, Az

El Antídoto que Todo lo Cura servicial, no se irrita, todo lo cree, todo lo espera... Antony de Mello reitera que: “Amar es regocijarse en la existencia del otro”. San Agustín de Hipona, por su parte, exclamo: “Señor, nos hiciste para tí, y nuestros corazones estarán inquietos hasta que no descanse en ti”. Los griegos clasificaban el amor en tres niveles de perfección: eros, filia y ágape. Eros era el amor sensual, erótico, basado en lo instintivo. Filia era un tipo de amor que iba mas allá de lo sentidos. Ágape era una especie de amor sacrificial, como lo que dijo Jesús: “nadie tiene más amor que aquel que da la vida por los demás”.Las grandes religiones fundamentan sus postulados en esta exquisita dimensión de la vida: amor. El islamismo, por ejemplo, tiene entre sus pilares fundamentales la práctica de el amor a los pobres, a los enfermos, a los caminantes, a los esclavos, a los deudores, etc. Incluso, es conocido entre los musulmanes el pasaje de una prostituta cuyos pecados fueron perdonados por Dios por quitarse un zapato y atarlo a su mascada para poder extraer agua de un pozo con el fin de darle de beber a un perro a punto de morir de sed (Bukhari 6,6). El budismo por su parte, sostiene que la benevolencia tiene tres características: la compasión , la gratitud y el gozo. Y la compasión es la capacidad de apertura al sufrimiento del otro, el único camino hacia la paz. El término “Dalai Lama” significa “mar de compasión” (o “mar de amor”, se podría decir). La psicología no puede medir al amor, pero si establece

A Word of Caution about Tours and Pilgrimages by Fr. Al Schifano, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia A recent situation involving pilgrimages advertised in The New Vision has brought to light a potential problem or risk for people who book such travel. While the history of successful tours advertised in The New Vision is impressive, there was a recent incident that warrants some word of caution to prospective travelers. The Diocese received a complaint from a customer who purchased a tour promoted by JMJ Ministries, a travel agency that has successfully promoted tours in The New Vision for many years. That complaint alleges that a pilgrimage was canceled at the last minute and that the customer was not able to get a refund. The customer filed fraud charges against JMJ. JMJ is responding to those charges which it considers to be unfounded. JMJ has assured the Diocese that they are working diligently to help this customer and other affected customers to get a refund.


JMJ’s response to the Diocese included the statement that they will stand on their “reputation of the past 15 1/2 years in this ministry.” The key point of this article is to give a “heads up” to prospective customers of any offer of travel promoted by any travel agency, including JMJ. The “heads up” is this: the travel agency is simply a broker of the proposed travel and routinely requires the customer to sign a release when booking travel. The release relieves the travel agency of any responsibility for any problems arising out of the proposed travel, or arising out of any financial loss connected to the cancellation of all or any part of the proposed travel Customers should be aware of the potential risks, make inquiries about the history and stability of the tour companies providing the travel and should consider purchasing tour insurance.

que la experiencia de este tiene una notable influencia en la conducta humana. El amor puede ser sinónimo de salud mental, y el no-amor de neurosis y disfuncionalidad. Los que dicen amar le ven un profundo sentido a la vida. Los que se auto-valoran presentan una autoestima sólida, y toman decisiones sin demora. Los que se perciben amados se sienten vivos y están dispuestos a los grandes desafíos. El psicólogo Roger le llamó al amor “respeto positivo incondicional”. Como una especie de compasión terapéutica que, cuando es puesta en práctica con los que sufren, activa una sanación interna. William Glasser, el psicólogo de la terapia de la realidad, en su obra clásica escrita en 1963, preguntaba: Que es eso llamado amor? Y concluía que el ser humano necesita, para llegar a su máxima realización, “amar y ser amado”. El perdón, que sana las heridas del pasado, no podría ser posible sin estar impregnado por esa substancia o actitud llamada amor. En fin, los seres humanos hemos sido creados por el amor, y este sigue siendo el antídoto del mal. Otra anécdota: en un monasterio, un monje observaba atonito la escena de otro hermano que con su mano trataba de salvar a un alacrán de morir ahogado en un estanque de agua. En el momento es que lo sacaba del agua, la alimana vertia su veneno en la mano del monje. Al reaccionar el monje, el alacrán caía en el agua, y volvía a luchar por no morir ahogado. El monje nuevamente tomaba al alacrán fuera del recipiente, el cual volvía a picarle otra vez. La escena se repitió varias veces. Hasta que el observador le dijo: “Hermano, lo que quieres hacer es una locura. Como te atreves a salvar una alimana que es capaz de matarte”. El monje contesto: “la esencia del alacrán es picar y matar. La esencia del hombre es ayudar y amar”. Los psicólogos lo intuyen, y las religiones no dejaran de proclamarlo: el amor lo cura todo. Y al final de los tiempos, en la tarde del juicio final, “seremos juzgados en la ley del amor”.


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Are you eligible? St. Elizabeth’s helps struggling families By RUTH LILJENQUIST Special to The New Vision For millions of Americans without health insurance or access to affordable health care, help may be available through federal, state, and local safety net programs, but navigating through the maze of these programs can be a formidable barrier to getting much-needed health services. Not so at St. Elizabeth’s Health Center, an agency of Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona. When people come to St. Elizabeth’s Health Center, which serves people without health insurance, the very first thing they do is meet with staff members of the center’s Patient Services Department, who determine each new patient’s eligibility for several

programs that reduce or eliminate the cost of health and dental care. These programs include the state’s Medicaid and children’s health insurance programs, AHCCCS and KidsCare, the Pima Community Access Program, and St. E’s own sliding scale fees programs and prescription assistance. For people who do not have health insurance and cannot afford health care, this is obviously a great help. Many of them don’t know how to apply for state and local programs or are intimidated by the process. Others have misinformation about eligibility, and therefore, do not apply. “We inform them about the process and walk them through it,” said Vanessa Diaz, who assists patients with registration and eligibility services at St. E’s. The various programs take into consid-

Reading recently about the current theory and research on acculturation – how people adapt to a different culture – prompted me to think about how we help new employees and volunteers in our parishes and schools to adapt to the “culture” of our diocesan Safe Environment Program. Whether they are coming from a different country, a different diocese or starting their first job or volunteer activity in Church ministry, we must deal with the potential miscommunications and other problems that result from different cultural practices and values. We’ve learned that unaddressed differences and resulting confl ict can challenge all aspects of the pastoral mission, including our efforts to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from abuse through our diocesan Safe Environment Program. While the components of the Safe Environment Program (criminal history checks, mandatory reporting of suspected abuse, standing operating procedures and ongoing education) have become second nature for many of us, persons coming from a different environment may find it quite difficult to understand and embrace them. What does acculturation theory and research tell us about how best to help persons new to parish and school ministry in the Diocese of Tucson understand and accept the Safe Environment Program? Among all the factors that affect acculturation, I think three are most important for us to remember: cultivat-


Acculturation and the Safe Environment Program ing shared values, displaying a welcoming attitude and providing tangible support. Cultivating shared values begins with good communication. It’s important that we communicate the values of the parish and school culture to new employees and volunteers during their orientation phase. These values always rest on the importance of protecting our children, youth and vulnerable adults. There is an old saying that a task without a vision is just drudgery. If we do not remember why we are doing all this work, it is just work. A welcoming attitude helps the newcomer understand that the requirement to go through fingerprinting, background screening and education is not a statement of

Jordan Ministry plans anniversary gala By REBECCA PINA-CAMMAROTA The Jordan Ministry Team is celebrating 10 years of Catholic education and spiritual formation for adults in the Diocese of Tucson with a fundraising gala on Nov. 19. With the support of Society of the Divine Savior and Sisters of the Divine Savior, and our diocese, JMT has been able to provide workshops that lead to certification for catechists and Catholic school teachers, and others in leadership positions. JMT also offers retreats for parishes and faith groups as well as liturgical minis-

eration income, financial assets, size of household, daycare costs, residency, and other factors. If people aren’t eligible for state and local programs or cash assistance, they are always eligible for St. E’s sliding scale fees. Finding that a person or family is eligible for assistance clearly has significant benefits—it can help people get the health care they need and at a price they can afford. “It’s about getting people to the right health services,” said Dana Pepper, executive director of St. E’s. “They can establish a medical home, get regular services such as vaccinations and annual checkups, and have their medical needs met in a timely way. We don’t want to see patients turning up at ERs or urgent care centers when they don’t need to.”

try formation and sacrament preparation. Every program is tailored to meet the needs of the particular parish or community. The gala evening will be a premier of Father Joe Rodrigues’ new Christmas CD titled “Spirit of Christmas,” which is also the theme of the fundraiser. This event, at Skyline Country Club, will include dinner, inspirational live music, dancing, fellowship and fun. We have invited Bishop Kicanas, who has put this event on his calendar. Advance tickets are available for $60 until Oct. 15 and after that for $75. To purchase tickets, call 520-623-2563 or visit

mistrust of him or her personally. Sincere words paired with a warm smile communicate, in every language and in every situation, the message that this is something we all do – no one is grandfathered, no one gets a free pass – for the good of all. Tangible support includes clear direction as to how to accomplish the tasks of screening and education and how to effectively and safely carry out the ministry to be undertaken. Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) are a great way to provide a meaningful first education session. No reasonable person would think of beginning a hike without checking a map to get oriented. SOPs provide an orientation to the Code of Conduct and how it applies to the work to be undertaken. That’s why it’s so important that our parishes and schools work to expand their repertoire of SOPs, especially for high-responsibility positions. In our Diocese, we have worked hard to change the culture of the past that tragically had allowed children to be at risk of abuse. Helping newcomers, whether they are new parishioners and school families or new employees and volunteers, to embrace the values of the culture of our Safe Environment Program is an essential component of our commitment to safety of children and vulnerable adults.

Th   e Jordan Ministry Team

Sharers in Ministry

We off er: • Level One and Two certification classes for teachers and catechists • Courses on theology and spirituality • Advent and Lenten Series • Retreats and Days of Recollection • Other programming to fit the needs of your faith community Jordan Ministry 520-623-2563

St. E’s also helps people access services through the “Tu Salud” community outreach program, funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “We’re here to help people meet their needs, even if it means that they go elsewhere for services,” said Pepper. “ “When people show up at emergency rooms without money or insurance, they are told to come to us to see what we can do for them,” said Pepper. “Doctors often tell us that they wouldn’t know where to refer people if it weren’t for St. E’s.” For more information Call Iris Vazquez or Vanessa Diaz at (520) 628-7871. Also visit www.ccs-soaz. org . From the homepage, click on St. Elizabeth’s Health Center, then on Registration and Eligibility.

EVENTS FOR AUGUST 2010 Aug.  3-Peggy -Level I Blitz-St. Francis Cabrini-3:30 & 6:30 pm Aug.  4- Sr. Jane-Level I Blitz-St. Francis Cabrini-3:30 & 6:30 pm Aug. 5-Sr. Jane & PeggyLevel I Blitz- St. Francis Cabrini-3:30 & 6:30 pm Aug.  11-Rebecca-Level I at St. Charlie’s-Safe Enviornment-10:00am12:00pm Aug.  13-Peggy at St . A mb ro se -Fa cult y Retreat-12:00-3:00pm

Aug . 1 3 - 1 5 -A l l - R R C Retreat for CFP-Eve, Day, & Morning Aug. 17-19-Sr. Jane-SDS Retreat-RRC Aug.  19-Rebecca-Youth Directors Day of PrayerDCP-4:30 pm Aug.  22-All-JMT Advisory Board Orientation/ Retreat-St. Mary’s Centurion Room-2:00-6:00pm Aug.  24/31 Sr. Jane at Wilmot Prison-1:30pm.




Parishes share rebates from Diocesan renewal fund

The Diocese of Tucson’s five-year renewal campaign, “Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future,” has raised nearly $19 million so far, and rebates to participating parishes now total more than $3 million. Here is a breakdown by parish, as of June 30: Parish Our Mother of Sorrows - Tucson Sacred Heart - Tucson St. Ambrose - Tucson St. Cyril - Tucson St. Frances Cabrini - Tucson St. Joseph - Tucson St. Odilia - Tucson Ss. Peter & Paul - Tucson St. Pius X - Tucson St. Francis de Sales - Tucson St. Thomas More Newman St. Rita - Vail St. Thomas the Apostle - Tucson Santa Catalina - Tucson Corpus Christi - Tucson (30%/60%) St. Mark the Evangelist - Tucson # St. Augustine - Tucson Holy Family - Tucson Our Lady, Queen of all Saints St. John the Evangelist - Tucson St. Monica - Tucson Santa Cruz - Tucson St. Margaret - Tucson San Xavier Mission - Tucson Our Lady of Fatima - Tucson Most Holy Trinity - Tucson Immaculate Conception - Ajo Our Lady of the Valley - Green Valley St. Christopher - Marana Sacred Heart - Nogales St. Ann - Tubac St. Theresa - Patagonia San Solano - Topawa St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Tucson # Blessed Kateri - Tucson

Pledged 1,424,957 391,930 448,680 914,129 1,017,826 670,180 856,254 733,110 1,504,239 1,236,308 520,622 123,525 2,438,585 867,994 450,815 353,150 658,147 210,580 191,465 713,710 771,970 386,776 398,829 157,405 480,465 446,073 167,545 1,534,063 188,380 536,130 260,946 95,505 0 1,017,350 96,880

Payments 602,069 105,898 265,046 361,046 721,094 314,461 425,359 368,903 749,873 695,986 213,147 52,555 1,722,988 414,281 223,518 70,795 203,063 44,925 26,055 140,932 87,866 72,630 77,480 48,585 105,180 137,491 53,242 922,455 33,895 83,769 115,914 41,349 3,306 808,390 14,198

Rebates 120,414 21,180 53,009 72,209 210,787 62,892 85,072 73,781 149,975 139,197 42,629 10,511 454,454 * 82,856 67,056 N/A 40,613 8,985 5,211 28,186 17,573 14,526 15,496 9,717 21,036 27,498 10,648 184,491 6,779 16,754 23,183 8,270 661 N/A 2,840


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Parish Most Holy Nativity - Rio Rico San Felipe de Jesus - Nogales St. Mary of the Desert - Tucson Our Lady of Lourdes - Benson St. Patrick - Bisbee Immaculate Conception - Douglas St. Luke - Douglas St. Bernard - Pirtleville St. Andrew the Apostle - Sierra Vista Sacred Heart - Tombstone St. Jude - Pearce-Sunsites St. Francis - Elfrida Our Lady of the Mountains -Sierra Vista Holy Angels- Globe St. Joseph - Hayden Infant Jesus - Kearny Blessed Sacrament - Mammoth Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament - Miami St. Philip - Payson St. Bartholomew - San Manuel St. Francis - Superior San Carlos Mission - San Carlo St. Helen - Oracle Sacred Heart - Clifton Holy Cross - Morenci St. Rose of Lima - Safford Our Lady of Guadalupe - Solomon Sacred Heart - Willcox St. George - Apache Junction St. Anthony - Casa Grande St. James - Coolidge St. Helen - Eloy Assumption of BVM - Florence St. Jude - San Luis Sacred Heart - Parker Immac. Heart of Mary - Somerton Immaculate Conception - Yuma St. Francis - Yuma St. Joseph - Wellton St. John Neumann - Yuma San Martin de Porres - Sahuarita Our Lady of La Vang - Tucson St. Gianna Oratory - Tucson Bishop’s gifts Other

Pledged 249,187 613,030 6,000 476,450 208,188 238,446 311,905 85,630 1,674,462 38,850 94,000 36,770 575,045 364,555 184,835 144,875 118,605 253,150 413,245 138,490 104,080 35,580 101,540 178,890 151,400 764,405 21,900 84,348 1,191,012 544,205 244,506 430,842 578,755 667,671 107,806 200,780 1,346,778 1,066,254 48,010 384,230 604,009 71,010 62,325 5,476,312 317,604

Payments 92,890 62,899 2,200 188,126 69,421 61,561 92,645 20,473 643,576 20,956 40,215 11,601 213,967 111,837 48,245 42,612 24,625 59,468 156,366 41,205 27,509 4,923 39,545 56,477 46,805 373,969 5,695 18,550 543,318 148,075 55,538 69,554 185,491 112,947 21,861 44,131 403,916 355,362 16,189 130,674 256,748 15,532 16,900 3,512,021 32,413

Rebates 18,578 12,580 440 37,625 13,884 12,312 18,529 4,095 144,380 4,191 8,043 2,320 42,793 22,367 9,649 8,522 4,925 11,894 31,273 8,241 5,502 985 7,909 11,295 9,361 98,665 1,139 3,710 108,664 29,615 11,108 13,911 37,098 22,589 4,372 8,826 80,783 71,072 3,238 26,135 61,174 3,106 3,380 N/A N/A





* St. Thomas the Apostle Parish contributes all of its rebate money to the priest retirement fund. # Parishes with modified capital campaign plans.


Catholic schools need your support

CATHOLIC FOUNDATION FULL PAGE AD Classrooms within the Diocese of Tucson are alive and thriving in academic activity but area parochial schools still need your support.

Twenty-one elementary schools and six high schools provide a faith-based education in our Diocese. In 1990, Catholic bishops in the U.S. affirmed a strong conviction that Catholic schools are of great value to our Church and our nation. Our challenge is to make Catholic schools accessible and affordable to all Catholic parents and their children, including those who are poor and in the middle class. In Arizona, we are blessed to have individual and corporate tax credits available to support our students; however, these programs are not sufficient to meet the increasing demand for scholarship assistance. A simple way to support Catholic education is to give to the Catholic Tuition Support Organization (CTSO). Money given to the CTSO provides tuition assistance to students. You will receive a

“That men may appreciate wisdom and discipline, may understand words of intelligence; may receive training in wise conduct, in what is right, just and honest; that resourcefulness may be imparted to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.” – Proverbs 1:2-4 tax credit from the state of Arizona of up to $500 per individual or $1,000 for married couples. Another option is a school endowment, which allows you to give once and provide support for a lifetime. The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson manages endowment investments for 17 elementary schools and five high schools.

can assist you with everything – from providing bequest language to establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust. For more information about how you can help, please call Executive Director Martin Camacho at 520-838-2508, or visit our website at

A scholarship or memorial fund can also be set up. For a minimum gift of $10,000 you can establish a scholarship fund in your name, family name or in memory of a loved one. You tell us what you want and the Foundation will manage the rest. The Foundation also helps individuals who wish to make a legacy gift through their will or trust. We

The purpose of the Catholic Foundation is to build endowments that provide enduring resources to support the mission of the Church in the Diocese of Tucson.

Every Life Leaves a Mark

What will be your legacy? Discover the ways you can impact the lives of others and continue to make a difference with a lasting gift through the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson. The Foundation maintains and builds funds so that people and programs within the Diocese benefit. For more information, contact Martin Camacho at 520-838-2508.

Together we build an enduring legacy of faith.



On the path to priesthood Seminarians gather for a convocation at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson with Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas and Father Ricky Ordonez, newly appointed director of vocations for the diocese. The convocation’s theme was “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” The event launched the seminarians’ new season of study as they continue on the path to priesthood.

Supporters pray for Blessed Kateri’s sainthood ‘soon’ FONDA, N.Y. (CNS) -- Under a rustic pavilion a popular hymn of gratitude for God’s creation is being sung at the start of Sunday Mass. Nearby, smoke from burning sweet grass and sage hangs in the air as a powwow gets under way. At the National Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha here, there is an enduring connection between Catholicism and the indigenous people of this land. Blessed Kateri, the Mohawk-Algonquin woman who would be the first American Indian saint, was born and baptized in the area in the mid-1600s. Situated on 200 wooded acres on the north bank of the Mohawk River, the shrine is a testament to the young Indian maiden, who despite objections from some in her own clan, came to know and love Christ. “This is the most peaceful place I know,” said Marian Sarchet, a Fonda Catholic who frequents the shrine. The focal point is St. Peter’s Chapel, a converted barn adorned with Christian and Indian art and objects. Below the chapel, a museum features American Indian artifacts. On display is a model of the 17th-century village of Caughnawaga, the settlement where Kateri is believed to have lived on a hill above the presentday chapel. A rare image of her painted by her spiritual director following her death is also part of the exhibit. When American Indians visit, they often drop tobacco leaves at the Caughnawaga site as an offering and sign of respect. At an adjacent spring, the place where Blessed


Shena Wambli Luta, 21, of Reading, Pa., dances during an all-nations powwow at the National Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha in Fonda, N.Y., on July 5. The young woman of Cherokee and Blackfoot ancestry, who has spent a decade performing traditional Native American dances, joined in the three-day gathering of people from across the U.S. and Canada. The shrine is dedicated to the 17th-century Algonquin-Mohawk woman who could become the first Native American Catholic saint. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)

Kateri was probably baptized, Catholics leave prayers, sometimes rosaries and devotional medals. Conventual Franciscan Brother James Amrhein, acting administrator of the shrine, said many people come here with one burning question: “They want to know when she is going to be canonized.” Explaining that the sainthood process is usually a lengthy one, he says, “Soon, we hope and pray.” Msgr. Paul A. Lenz, vice postulator for

Blessed Kateri’s cause, is among those waiting for news from the Vatican about a final miracle to be validated before she can be declared a saint. Documentation supporting a healing through her intercession was sent to the Vatican in July last year. The case is still pending, but “very hopeful,” Msgr. Lenz said. Kateri Tekakwitha died April 17, 1680, at a mission near Montreal. Records indicate she was about 24 years old.

American Indians have made appeals to the church for her recognition since at least the late 1800s. Documentation for her cause of beatification was sent to the Vatican in 1932. She was declared venerable in 1942 and beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980. The memorial to Kateri in Fonda was established in 1938. Kateri was not the only member of her community to embrace Christianity during a colonial time fraught with conflict and struggle for native tribes. But she was remarkable, even to her older, more educated Jesuit mentors at the Caughnawaga mission. Her deep faith, joy, spirituality and generosity were well noted by the Jesuit missionaries, said Msgr. Lenz. “She so vividly lived the life of a holy person.” When she worked in the fields, he said, she would carry a cross out as a source for contemplation. Her last words were reported to be, “Jesus, I love you.” Orphaned at age 4 during a smallpox epidemic, Kateri was left pockmarked and nearly blind by the disease. Later, when she embraced Christian meditation and prayer and refused to marry, she was the subject of scorn by other Mohawks. She was taken from Caughnawaga to a Mohawk Catholic mission in Canada for her own safety. There she taught prayers to children and tended to the sick and elderly. The U.S. church marks her feast July 14. She is listed as patron of American Indians, ecology and the environment and is held up as a model for Catholic youths.


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