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Diaper duty

How many diapers do newborns need?

Whether you choose disposable or cloth diapers, you’re going to need a lot of diapers when starting out. On average, expect to use between 2,200 and 3,000 diapers in the rst year, but keep in mind that the number of diapers needed depends more on weight than it does age.


Unlike disposable diapers, cloth diapers can be washed and reused as long as they provide a comfortable t for the baby. Many are also adjustable, so they continue to t even as the baby grows. To be on the safe side, always keep one or two dozen reusable diapers on hand, rotating in new ones when current ones wear thin or no longer t. Whether you’re using washable or non-washable diapers, you should change your baby’s diaper every two hours or when soiled. Neglecting to do so could result in diaper rash or more serious problems like a yeast infection.

Here’s a size guide for what diapers you may need, and how many.

Baby’s weight: Premature babies tend to weigh no more than six pounds.

Number of diapers: Preemies need between six and 10 diapers per day. Because they’re born at a lower birth weight, it could take several months for them to catch up to other babies their age, meaning the number of diapers they require will change as they grow.

Baby’s weight: Most newborn babies weigh less than 10 pounds for their first few weeks.

Number of diapers: Prepare to use eight to 10 diapers a day during this time.

Baby’s weight: Over the first three or four months, babies gain weight at a steady pace. The average 3-month-old can weigh around 13 or 14 pounds.

Number of diapers: During this period, the majority of babies still need eight to 10 diapers a day.

Baby’s weight: By the time they’re 8 months old, babies can weigh up to 18 pounds, and go up a size in diapers.

Number of diapers: For some babies, the number of diapers used daily may decrease by one or two at this point. For others, expect the same number of diaper changes as in the previous months.

Baby’s weight: At this point, babies typically weigh 16 to 28 pounds, and there’s a more noticeable change in how often they need a new diaper.

A guide for figuring out how many your newborn will need

Many soon-to-be parents prepare for their baby’s arrival in advance, like making a registry or stocking up on what the baby might need, such as a bassinet, baby wipes or onesies.

But while many of these newborn essentials are easy to pick out, there can be some confusion when it comes to diapers. In fact, one of the most common questions many expecting parents ask is: how many newborn diapers do I need?

The short answer? Many. The long answer? It varies based on the baby’s starting weight and size. Here’s how to gure out how many (and what size and type) diapers your newborn will need.

Washable diapers

Number of diapers: They usually stay in this range for the first year or, in some cases, two years of life. Expect to use six or seven diapers daily.

How much do diapers cost?

If you want reusable diapers, look for a set that has adjustable snaps, absorbent inserts and machine-washable fabrics.

ALVABABY Adjustable Cloth Diapers, starting at $29.99 for a six-pack at Amazon.com

The cost of diapers depends on the brand, type, material and number of diapers in the pack. Disposables can range from 20 cents to 30 cents per diaper. At 10 diapers per day, your monthly costs could reach $100, or about $1,200 in the rst year. Reusable diapers can cost upwards of $20 each, but with proper care, they can last several months. This makes the long-term costs of diapers cheaper than the reusable option by several hundred or thousand dollars.