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Be Mine

Painted Salt Dough Hearts fun


Valentine’s Day craft for all ages

KILEY CRUSE | World-Herald Sta Writer

Finding a craft that appeals to all ages — from toddler to teen to adult — is often a tricky venture.

Salt dough magnets easily t that description. The hardest part of this craft is the need to plan ahead. The dough needs time to air dry so they have be made a few days ahead of decorating. (You could dry them quicker in a warm oven but the dough often curls and makes it more dif cult to adhere the magnets.)

Our crafters, all elementary-aged kiddos, had fun using a mixture of tempera paints, acrylic paints, permanent markers and paint pens. If you are brave, they would be really pretty decorated with glitter too.

Salt Dough Heart Magnets

• 1 cup flour

• ½ cup salt

• ½ cup warm water

• Paint

• Markers

• Mod Podge or clear glaze spray

• Magnets

• Hot glue gun

1. Whisk together our and salt

2. Add warm water and mix with a fork until combined.

3. Turn dough out onto the counter and knead until it’s the consistency of Play-Doh. Add our or water as needed to reach this consistency.

4. Roll out to 3/16 inch thick. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes.

5. Gather up and knead scraps. Reroll and cut until dough is gone.

6. Put shapes on a baking sheet lined with paper towels to dry. After about 24 hours, ip the shapes and continue drying. Ours took 2 to 3 days to completely dry but total time will depend on thickness of the dough and the humidity and temperature in your home.

7. Once completely dry, decorate with paint and/or markers.

8. We recommend sealing them when the paint is dry. Without it, the our and salt will naturally absorb moisture. You can seal with either Mod Podge or a clear glaze spray.

9. Glue a magnet on the back and share with your valentine.