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Wayne Eglinton, Head of Campus

We hope you had a fantastic break filled with joy and cherished moments with friends and loved ones. As we embark on this new semester, we want to extend our warmest greetings to all our students, parents, teachers, and staff, especially those new to our community. It’s a fresh start, and we are excited to continue our learning journey together.


This semester holds endless possibilities for growth, exploration, and fun! Our dedicated team of educators is ready to guide and support each and every one of you on your educational path. Whether you are in Year 5 or Year 8, we have exciting and engaging lessons planned to challenge your minds and nurture your creativity.

For Year 8s, this is their final semester at Traeger. This is a time to continue to prepare yourselves for senior secondary but also leave Traeger on a high note - “Letting their little light - SHINE!”

Remember, we value not just academic excellence but also kindness, respect, and empathy towards one another. Let us strive to create a school environment that fosters friendship, inclusivity, and understanding, following in the footsteps of Jesus.

Parents and guardians, your involvement is crucial in shaping our students’ future. We encourage you to maintain open communication with our teachers and staff, as your partnership is vital in providing the best possible education for your children.

To our students, embrace the opportunities that await you in Semester Two. Take risks, ask questions, and let your curiosity guide you. Each day is a chance to learn something new, not only from your textbooks but also from your friends, teachers, and experiences.

Let’s make this semester extraordinary and memorable. Together, we can achieve greatness! Welcome back, everyone, to a fantastic Semester Two.

Academic Assembly

We celebrated the achievement of many students last Friday at the Academic Assembly which was held at the Marian Centre. It was wonderful to see so many students receiving awards for 100% attendance, Academic Endeavour and Academic Excellence.


Week 1 assembly “ Ordinary Time “ was prepared by 8.3 with Miss Paige . Thank you. Week 3 assembly was prepared by 7.3 with Mr Clark . Thank you. Congratulations to the award winners presented at the assembly: Tyler Campbell, Mia Coulson, Ikman Deol, Logan McGargill,Gracella Lema, Edna Kurian, Bhajleen Kaur.

All correspondence will be via email or telephone. Contact the Campus using these details. Direct phone: 89508511 email : traeger.olshalice@nt.catholic.edu.au

Please email any student absences. Please advise promptly if you have any change to your contact details.