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Kiss & Go/School Crossing

Please continue to adhere to all Kiss & Go rules to ensure the smooth running of pick-ups and drop-offs. Also, regarding our school crossing, we had a rather frightening ‘near miss’ on Monday this week. Please stop at the line before the crossing when instructed to do so by our crossing monitors. We urge all parents to drive carefully and attentively on Bath Street, especially during peak times. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Important Dates & Upcoming Events

3rd August - Parent and Child First Communion Meeting 5:30pm

4th August - First Friday Mass 9am, Year 3, Year 12s will be joining us

7th August - Picnic Day

9th August - Bath Street Campus Tours 9:00 - 10:00am

15th August - Assumption Day Mass

21st August - First Communion Retreat Day/

First Communion Practice in the Church

23rd & 24th August - College Concert, Marian Centre

31st August - Father’s Day Stall

1st September - First Friday Mass Year 2

Week 8 starting 4/09 - Transition & Year 2 Swimming

Week 9 starting 11/09 - Year 1 and Year 2 Swimming