Olivet the Magazine; Miracles & Moments - Winter 2021

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Miracles and Moments SPECIAL FEATURE

The Case for Miracles Lee Strobel

Miracles Interrupted Meeting Our Heroes Discovering Community

MERRY CHRISTMAS(K) Our team of dedicated admissions counselors, financial aid representatives and guest services staff are excited to guide you through the application process. We offer several different ways for you to visit our beautiful campus. Whether you visit in person or online, or choose a personalized visit or energetic event day, we want to show you all that Olivet has to offer. PHOTO BY IMAGE GROUP

WINTER 2021 OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. VOLUME 89 ISSUE 1 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright ©2020-2021 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 800-648-1463 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Dr. David J. Pickering ’89/’94 MBA, D.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88/M.A., Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ONU GLOBAL Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 MBA, D.B.A. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group Lauren Beatty ’13 Erinn Proehl ’13/’19 MBA ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group Donnie Johnson ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATION AND PHOTO EDITING Thomas Dinkleman ’18 PHOTOGRAPHY Jones Foto Image Group Mark Ballogg Joe Mantarian ’16 Austin Siscoe ’17 Natalie Cook ‘22 Elizabeth Kijowski ‘21 Additional photography submitted EDITORIAL SUPPORT AND DESIGN Adam Asher ’01/’07 M.O.L. for 989 Group Alicia (Gallagher) Guertin ’14 Rebecca Huber Austin Siscoe ’17 Heather (Kinzinger) Shaner ’98 STUDENT SUPPORT Justin Breuker ’21 Natalie Cook ’22 Hannah Iverson ’21 Jamie Kuiken ’21 Joe (Josiah) Mayo ’23 Kelli Neal ’22 Raegan Pedersen ’22 Madison Thompson ’23

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Dear Friends, It is surprising, even startling, how little we speak of miracles these days, given how central the supernatural intervention of God is to the Biblical narrative and to the life of Jesus the Christ here on Earth. Jesus turns water into wine … Jesus heals … Jesus feeds … Jesus drives out evil spirits … Jesus walks on water … Jesus calms the sea … Jesus cleanses … Jesus restores sight … Jesus raises Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter and a widow’s son in Nain back to life … Jesus is raised from the dead! Wow! Thanks be to God! And we believe God is still in the miracle-working business today! Our team has been in search of these “signs and wonders” in and around the Olivet community, and we are delighted to share just a few of these miraculous moments and miracle stories with all of you. Be encouraged! God is still moving! We begin with what C.S. Lewis referred to as “The Grand Miracle” in his book Miracles: The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. ... Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this. ... It was the central event in the history of the Earth — the very thing that the whole story has been about. … He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity; down further still ... (to) the womb ... down to the very roots and sea-bed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world up with Him.



FROM THE PRESIDENT The Importance of Belonging


MIRACLES AND MOMENTS Four Stories of God’s Faithfulness


THE CASE FOR MIRACLES Lee Strobel Presents the Evidence


LIVES OF SERVICE The Proehl Family: Choices, Sacrifices and Success

As we move through the wonder of this Advent season and into the solemnity of the winter months, may we all participate in the miraculous, may we be keenly aware of His presence and may this “wonder-working power” through the Holy Spirit of God be alive in all of us each day!

Merry Christmas and may the Great Miracle Worker be with you all!

The Editorial Board





The world around us — the people we see in neighborhoods, shops and restaurants — likes the story of Christmas; but my guess is … they don’t believe it. Although the world celebrates Christmas with cards, gifts, parties, family gatherings, special songs, lights and so on, for many of those individuals, the Christmas story is simply a story. It is a form of mythology, a fairy tale, one of Aesop’s fables, a Hallmark card. They like it — but they don’t believe it. I can understand that, in a way. After all, we are expected to believe that the Son of God, the Creator of the ends of the Earth, was born fully human, of a virgin girl, in a dead-end town on the outskirts of the Roman Empire — born in a stable, placed in a manger and visited by shepherds, who, in turn, had been visited by angels. Then, sometime later, Magi from the East followed a star to find this child and presented to the infant and His family costly gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Really? I can appreciate why some find the story hard to believe. Let me put it another way. It is impossible for a woman to bear a child without a man, isn’t it? I know there are technologies and procedures now that can short-circuit the process like in vitro fertilization and so on. Yet, for Mary, at that moment in history, it was certainly impossible. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.


But Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” ¹ Mary knew that this was not possible, and that is the very point. Her question is my question. How is this possible? “How will this be,” she asked, “since I am a virgin?” When Mary raised this issue with the angel, she was told the one thing that makes this unbelievable story believable. She was told, almost in passing, the single truth that — more than any other — one must lay hold of if he or she is to grasp the fullness and wonder of the Christmas story. Mary was told in Luke that nothing is impossible with God. These few words unlock the truth of Christmas … and the Christian faith. God’s presence, His Holy Spirit and His overshadowing power make all things possible. How fitting it is for God to make His appearance in such a way, for only with God is such a thing possible. Unless you are willing to believe that nothing is impossible with God, you cannot believe this unbelievable story. However, once you let God be God, you cannot only believe this miracle; you can believe God for other miracles as well. Albert Einstein was once asked what was vital in mathematics. He stepped to the blackboard, erased a full set of equations and




“Everything I see around me in this world convinces me to believe in a God I cannot see. There is evidence of God’s presence everywhere I turn: the wonders of creation, the intricacies and laws of science, and the magic and majesty of human DNA.”

wrote, “2 plus 2 equals 4.” The most intricate and complicated formulas and problems of math are hopeless without a foundation upon which one can rely. So it is with life and faith. God either exists or not — right? The virgin birth was no problem for God and it need not be a problem for you or me — IF we believe in God. By definition, if God exists, nothing is impossible. I do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God because of the virgin birth; I believe in the virgin birth because I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I am not playing word games; I am simply saying that one’s personal belief in God comes first — then you fill in the details. Eventually, all of faith boils down to the single question “Do you believe in God?” Everything I see around me in this world convinces me to believe in a God I cannot see. There is evidence of God’s presence everywhere I turn: the wonders of creation, the intricacies and laws of science, and the magic and majesty of human DNA. In addition, there is the presence of a moral code and conscience. From where does our sense of right and wrong come if not from God, a moral being? Those things do not emanate from matter or energy. A rock does not know right from wrong. The periodic table of elements does not impart morality.

In addition, whenever you observe anything that manifests purpose and design, it bears witness to a designer. Take the cell phone in your pocket or purse, for example. It did not “just happen,” although all of the raw elements were present in the universe: metal, glass, electricity and so on. It took an intelligence, a will and purpose to form and fashion those elements into such a magnificent little machine. In the same way, the world also did not just happen. That alone is a miracle. Apart from the miracles of the physical world, I also see miracles of a different nature unfolding regularly across the campus of Olivet. Lives are transformed; hurts from the past are healed; futures are forged; hope and faith are rekindled. Miracles … really? REALLY!! The poet William Blake noted, “The person who does not believe in miracles surely makes it certain that he or she will never take part in one.” Don’t miss the miracles! “For nothing is impossible with God.” ¹ Luke 1:30-34, New American Standard Bible

DR. JOHN C. BOWLING is in his 30th year as president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, Dr. Bowling is a bestselling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is Windows and Mirrors: Exploring the Parables of Jesus.


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ONU THEATRE GIVES AUDIENCES CREATIVE ESCAPE The show must go on for ONU Theatre. This fall, students performed classic plays, creatively modernized for the fall 2020 season. Professor Ashley Sarver ’15/’18 MBA, ONU Theatre director, guided students through the modernized productions of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet and provided leadership for Green Room’s digital production of Broadway Revue. “As people of faith, we have a responsibility and unique privilege to use our storytelling skills to help serve others,” she said. “My hope and vision for ONU Theatre is to embrace the power of storytelling and to be intentional about using our work for serving others, glorifying God and building the Kingdom — especially during a pandemic.” In cooperation with state regulations and University guidelines, productions for the fall semester moved from the traditional setting of Kresge Auditorium to the lawn of the Sims Educational Center, the ONU Theatre rehearsal space and digital formats.






In October, the Kankakee School District unveiled the final artwork on its newly commissioned food truck, Kays’ Kitchen, which was designed by a team of students from Olivet’s Department of Art and Digital Media. Earlier in the fall, the school district’s community engagement specialist, Bill Yohnka, approached adjunct professor John Fetterer about collaborating to design the artwork for the district’s food truck, which will provide meals to local students struggling with food insecurity. Professor Fetterer tasked his Advertising and Publications class with brainstorming ideas and drafting potential content. After six class sessions, the students emerged with a final design, which the school board approved. The graphics for the truck were printed and installed by Image Crafters in Bradley.

NEW LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS NEEDING FLEXIBILITY While there is certainly no substitute for the on-campus Olivet student experience, the recently launched Veritas Program: Christianity, Culture, and Character is the next best thing. With 20 students per cohort, the Veritas Program is a fully online first-year experience available to a limited number of traditional ONU students. Each semester will be comprised of 15 fully online credit hours with a focus on academic inquiry, social connection, spiritual growth and civic action. Successful completion of these courses will result in earned credits of interdisciplinary general education coursework. The Veritas Program is taught by seasoned Olivet faculty members. Dr. Jay Martinson ’86, Olivet’s dean of online learning for the residential campus, provides leadership to the program and student experience.




While many things on campus have changed to accommodate new rules and regulations, the emphasis that the University places on serving one another in love has remained a principal value within the student body. During the fall semester, students creatively found ways to show the love of Christ through service. On Oct. 17 and 24, 13 students who volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, HeArt Ministry and Save Our Streets provided a fresh coat of paint to the lobby, welcome desk and hallways of The Salvation Army of Kankakee County. Junior Katie Salopek, student co-leader for Habitat for Humanity, helped to organize the project. “The Salvation Army is such an amazing ministry that God has been using especially during this time,” she said. “It has been a blessing to get to know their staff and help bring their vision for the space to life.”


OLIVET RANKED NO. 2 BEST VALUE SCHOOL - MIDWEST U.S. News & World Report recently released its 2021 U.S. News Best Colleges list, and Olivet received rankings in four unique categories, including No. 2 in the Best Value Schools list for regional universities in the Midwest. Olivet was also recognized as a top Regional University in the Midwest, Top Performer on Social Mobility, and Best Undergraduate Engineering Program for national non-doctoral engineering programs. These rankings took into consideration various factors, including retention and graduation rates; faculty and financial resources; student excellence; and alumni engagement. For more than 30 years, U.S. News & World Report’s rankings and advice have served as a valuable consumer reference. The U.S. News Best Colleges annual report provides nearly 50 different types of numerical rankings and lists to help students narrow their college search.




PATIENT PERFORMANCE IN FINANCIAL MARKETS Over the past few years, the ONU Investment Club has grown in both student participation and the positive performance of the club’s investments. At weekly meetings, students pitch what they deem to be attractive stocks by providing an overview of funds and predicting whether current economic events or trends will have an impact on the performance. Club members have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the pitch and then vote on whether to change investments or the allocation to various types of securities.


In spring 2017, two donors gave an initial investment of $250,000 for students to actively manage in the financial markets. Since then, the club has been given a total of $620,000, and the principal investment has grown to $757,000. In addition to giving students realtime investment experience, this principal investment allows the club to support student scholarships within the McGraw School of Business and to pay fees associated with regional and national competitions.



Through the partnership of the Office of Alumni Relations and the Office of Development, Olivet is spreading Christmas cheer with the release of a 2020 Christmas ornament. Manufactured by the creators of the White House Historical Association’s Official White House Christmas Ornament, this year’s piece features the Burke Administration building. Burke was part of the original campus purchased from St. Viator’s College in 1940. The building currently houses the Office of the President as well as several academic departments and administrative offices. Over the years, Burke has been used for a variety of purposes, including a radio station on the fourth floor, chapel on the ground floor and even College Church services on the lower level. Administrators cited Burke’s symbolic representation of the University’s mission of “Education With a Christian Purpose” in choosing it as the inaugural ornament of the Olivet Christmas Ornament Collection.

OUTSTANDING MEMBERS OF 2020 RECOGNIZED On Sept. 8, 2020, President John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A. hosted a small ceremony to recognize Erin Olson ’20 and Dakota Mellish ’20, respective recipients of the Maggie Sloan Crawford Award and Robert A. Milner Award. Erin and Dakota celebrated the achievement with their families and members of the Olivet administrative team.



The Sloan Crawford and Milner awards are given annually to one woman and one man from the graduating senior class. These recipients are chosen by the faculty according to the following criteria: Their lives exemplify the highest Christian ideals; their faith is evident in their commitment to service; and their personal lives, scholastic achievements and extracurricular activities reflect the best and highest University standards.

THREE STUDENTS LAND IMPRESSIVE INTERNSHIPS Almost all of Olivet’s academic programs require some sort of practical experience, whether clinical rotations, student teaching or internship hours. These opportunities allow students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom. After graduating with a degree in architecture in his home country of Nigeria, senior James Ijalana enrolled in Olivet’s architectural engineering program to expand his knowledge of the field. While many internship experiences last only a few months, James completed a yearlong design apprenticeship with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (The Chicago Fed). The Chicago Fed is one of 12 regional Fed banks in the United States that together create the central bank for the country. James discovered the apprenticeship at The Chicago Fed when a recruiter saw his profile on LinkedIn and encouraged him to apply. During his apprenticeship, James worked with six project managers on workplace strategy for floor, office and building updates and renovations. He frequently updated electrical drawings and signage using CAD technology and used Adobe Illustrator to update artwork templates and print them on paper, vinyl and foam core. James knows that his apprenticeship will provide insight into his future career. “I want to work with a construction or architectural firm,” he said. “Although I don’t want to work directly in the field of my apprenticeship, I made connections with company partners and anticipate lasting relationships.” For Sam Durnil, a senior corporate communication and public relations major with a minor in theatre, a public relations internship with the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre (CST) was a dream come true. Sam had performed in several ONU Theatre and community shows but hadn’t had much experience on the administrative side of show business.

have been in the industry for decades. While the pandemic ultimately cut the internship short, during his two months at CST, Sam helped create social media content and organize press releases; participated in strategic meetings; and worked on an independent project to streamline social media tracking. “In communications, you need an interest, talent or experience to help you stand out,” Sam said. “This internship gave me an opportunity to learn how to use my strengths and refine what I want to do in my career.” When looking for an internship, senior Gabrielle Murphy, who is double majoring in political science and international business with a Spanish minor, turned her eyes to the sky. Although she didn’t have any established connections with NASA and didn’t anticipate hearing back from the agency, Gabrielle applied for an internship during the 2020 spring semester. By the end of spring break, she was offered the position. Although NASA is headquartered in Washington, D.C., the pandemic necessitated that all agency internships be conducted virtually. Over the summer, Gabrielle worked on four communications and business analytics projects with the Space Technology Mission Directorate. In addition to the practical experience, she also benefited from virtual social gatherings for the interns, including coffee chats with astronauts. “NASA is the No. 1-rated federal agency, and the organizational culture is so incredible and diverse,” she said. “Even working remotely, it was a beautiful work environment to experience.” Gabrielle encourages other students to dream big when looking for internships. “Don’t limit yourself. As my internship at NASA proves, organizations want people who are passionate and adaptable,” she said. “You can teach someone about nuclear thermal propulsion; you can’t teach someone to have grit or enthusiasm. The sky’s the limit.”

As the CST’s only public relations intern, Sam gained an insider’s view of a working theatre, benefitting from the mentorship of people who



OUT ON THE TOWN Beyond the vibrant campus life, the local community offers a wide range of activities and events in which students can participate. With unique coffee shops, movie theaters, bowling alleys, an ice-skating rink, boutiques and miles of state park trails to hike, there are a variety of places to explore around town. PHOTO BY NATALIE COOK


LIBERAL ARTS EXPERIENCE With more than 140 areas of study, Olivet students have the opportunity to fully explore the breadth and depth of industry options. Organized into the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Professional Studies and the School of Theology and Christian Ministry, Olivet academics are meant to prepare students for lives of service to God and humanity. PHOTO BY NATALIE COOK




WITH HONORS Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Pursuits



The Honors Program at Olivet Nazarene University exists to equip academically gifted students for lives of service as Christian scholars and leaders in their chosen disciplines. From the moment students in the Honors Program set foot on campus, they join a community of scholars. Together in Christian fellowship, they study, learn and grow. Olivet’s Honors Program uses a cohort model that fosters a community of scholarship as students and faculty progress together through a sequence of courses that satisfy four general education requirements. During their freshman and sophomore years, students learn from discussion-based interdisciplinary classes taught by a dedicated team of faculty experts. In each course, students explore what it means to be human through a variety of disciplines, media, research techniques, presentation opportunities and vibrant discussions. As part of their exploration of humanity, students are encouraged to participate in community service and cultural event opportunities unique to the program. In addition to social gatherings among the cohorts, enrichment activities typically include an overnight retreat for incoming freshmen and a sophomore Chicago trip at the conclusion of coursework. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both overnight events were canceled this year. Throughout their junior and senior years, students work on a capstone scholarship project with faculty mentors in their area of study to produce original investigations and draw conclusions about the world and about God’s creation. Every spring, senior students present the findings of their research during Olivet’s annual Scholar Week. The following fall, the culmination of their research is featured in ELAIA: The Honors Journal of Olivet Nazarene University. The third volume was published digitally in September 2020.

to their résumés for internships, research fellowships and graduate school applications. Students also receive an honors designation on their official transcript and special recognition at graduation. Recently, two Honors Program students were published alongside their faculty mentors in respected journals. Sophomore Alyssa Black, junior London Withers and Dr. Ryan Himes published their policy memo “Financial and Environmental Cost-Benefit Analyses Support the Continuation of Government Incentives for Solar Power” in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance. This past fall, McKenna Conforti ’19 and Dr. Derek Rosenberger finalized and published “Native and agricultural grassland use by stable and declining bumble bees in Midwestern North America” in Insect Conservation and Diversity. “A mentored research project becomes evidence of leadership in a student’s discipline,” says Dr. Steve Case ’05, associate director of the Honors Program. “Our students enter the job market or graduate school having taken their place at the table as experts in their discipline. They can think outside the box and tackle openended problems as they move from being consumers of knowledge to producers of knowledge.” To be eligible for application to the Honors Program, students must meet at least one of the following qualifications: have an ACT score of at least 28 or an equivalent SAT score; graduate in the top 10% of their graduating class; or have an unweighted GPA of at least 3.75 on a 4.0 scale. High school students who are interested in the Honors Program can apply for consideration before January 2021. For more details about the Honors Program and application information, visit www.Olivet.edu/Honors.

The experience that Honors Program students gain from diving into a two-year capstone research project often provides clarity for career pursuits; opportunities to present at national conferences; and a boost

The culmination of students’ Honors Program research is published in ELAIA: The Honors Journal

of Olivet Nazarene University, featuring the work of the previous year’s graduating class. The 2020 ELAIA was published digitally in early September. For more details about the Honors Program and application information, visit www.Olivet.edu/Honors.

SCHOOL OF STEM With recent renovations to Reed Hall of Science, the Walker School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is at the forefront of academic instruction in the sciences. Students benefit from enhanced classroom and lab improvements, giving them more hands-on, practical experiences with in their industries. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO



Miracles and Moments The Great Miracle Worker — the incomparable God of the universe — has been at work in miraculous ways throughout all of human history. This redemptive and transformative work continues today through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our great privilege is to participate in the miraculous, to observe and record the miracles and to give thanks for all these things. As Charles Colson wrote, “It is not what we do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through us. God doesn’t want our success; He wants us. He doesn’t demand our achievements; He demands our obedience. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of paradox, where through the ugly defeat of a cross, a holy God is utterly glorified. Victory comes through defeat; healing through brokenness; finding self through losing self.”



Vicki Newsome

Our 50-Year Miracle SPRING 1970 Gary Newsome ’74 had never heard of Olivet Nazarene College. He had already signed to attend Miami University (Ohio). However, his high school basketball coach, R.J. Rupp ’65, felt compelled to take Gary for a visit. Gary’s overnight host at Olivet was baseball player David Wilson ’72. David never went to bed without reading his Bible and praying on his knees. Gary had never witnessed anything like that, but it spoke volumes straight to his heart. He determined that was how he wanted to live his life, and he withdrew from Miami and enrolled at Olivet. SUMMER 1972 God had promised me that I would finish my education at a Nazarene college. I had earned my associate’s degree at Mt. Vernon Nazarene College and was anxious to transfer to one of our sister schools. But my Nazarene pastor father reminded me that we didn’t have the money. I told him, “No worries! God’s got this!” I prayed and trusted all summer, and then the unthinkable happened: School started and I wasn’t there. I was devastated. How could God let me down like this? I spent Saturday night on my knees trying to make sense of things. At 4 a.m., I relinquished my will to God and told Him that I would wait a year. The next morning, a dear widow in our church asked me about my college plans. I told her I planned to wait a year and raise money.


Later that day, the phone rang, and my dad spent quite a while talking to someone. It was my sweet widow friend. God had told her to pay for my college. I quickly packed, drove 12 hours to campus and started school — just like God promised. TOGETHER ON CAMPUS A couple weeks after I got to Olivet, fall revival started. One night after the service, Gary gave me his number. He invited me to church … and it was just meant to be. We got engaged the next summer and married in January 1974. While at Olivet, Gary not only found a relationship with Christ but also witnessed to his parents. His father, an alcoholic for years, turned his life over to Christ and became one of the founding members of a Nazarene church in their town. In 1980, Gary and I returned to Olivet. He was the defensive coordinator for the football team and the head baseball coach, and I worked on campus in the registrar’s office. In 1982, God led us to work in Ohio. During that time, God blessed us with three children: Jillian ’00, Christian and Marie ’05/’07 M.A.E. We spent the next 18 years in Ohio, where Gary excelled as a football coach and administrator. Then, in 2000, God opened the door for Gary to coach football at Olivet. He still retains the title of winningest football coach in Olivet history. His real focus, however, was influencing young men for Christ. I recruited Olivet students for 21 years — first at the

graduate school and then with undergraduate transfer students. This was where my heart flourished: helping students transfer here and recognize that God had a plan for their lives. LASTING LEGACY God has blessed us with six grandchildren. Jillian and her husband, Shannon Swilley ’02/’06 M.A.T./’11 M.A.E., have three children: Isaiah (18), Micah (16) and Leah (14); Christian and his wife, Danielle, have two: Gary “Christian” (19) and Kasey (17); and Marie has Kwesi (8), whose father, Edward Anderson ’05, also graduated from Olivet.

This year, our grandson Gary “Christian” let us know that he felt God was calling him to Olivet. When he started his freshman year this past fall, I realized it had been exactly 50 years since the first Gary Newsome started at Olivet. God has been more than faithful. Our family can truly say, “God is good — all the time.” Vicki (Evans) Newsome ’74 and her husband, Gary ’74, are semiretired and live in Bourbonnais.



Tara Beth Leach

Miracles Inter

When I was a child, I devoured the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series — especially the stories filled with miraculous reunions, homecomings, rescues and healings. Miracle stories captivate humans in every generation. We crave the rags-to-riches stories, the victory of the underdog, the healing of the terminally ill and the gift of companionship to the lonely.

My current story, however, isn’t one of those stories of miracles. In fact, to many, it seems like the antitheses of a miracle — unless, that is, you have eyes for the economy of God’s Kingdom. For my family, 2020 has been a year of heartache, as it has for so many others living in this chaotic world. In February, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer and was told he had a year or less to live. This, on top of other family illnesses and losses, was earth-shattering news. It has drastically changed the trajectory of my personal and professional life. In 2016, our family made the major transition from the Midwest to Southern California, where I was installed as the senior pastor of the historic First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, or “PazNaz.” That same year, Jeff stepped into his dream role as an engineer at NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory. It was an exciting and hopeful season for us, and it would have appeared by all worldly standards that we were climbing the ladder to the top of our dreams. Jeff and I were young parents, and we were told by many that we were at the “prime of our careers.” Pastoring a church through many changes, including a pandemic and a season of heightened political and racial tensions, sent us to our knees, begging the Lord for clear direction. Jeff and I knew that we had reached our limits and that I could not care for my ailing parents while also pastoring a turnaround church in a pandemic. Something had to give. Although we prayed for clarity, what the Lord eventually called us to give came as a surprise to many, including Jeff and me.


So, in August 2020, when Jeff and I resigned from our jobs to move back to the Midwest and be near my family without jobs immediately lined up, we were told we were crazy. But, trusting in the Lord’s providence, we left and stepped into a liminal space with an unclear picture of what our futures would look like. To the world, that’s crazy. But, God is a God who moves people through uncertainty in the betwixt spaces of life with just enough light to see the next step ahead. The miracles in God’s economy aren’t always the stories of rescue that pluck the suffering out of the wilderness. The miracles are found as God comes to those who are suffering in the wilderness. The miracles in God’s economy aren’t always the impeccably buttoned-up made-for-Hallmark stories. They are the messy and upside-down moments of life. They are holy.

The miracle in which my family finds itself is the gifts that come to us in God’s Kingdom — that is, that grief and gratitude can be held all at the same time. We grieve the loss of friendships and life back in Southern California, and we are grateful that both Jeff and I are stepping into new jobs in Illinois. We grieve the loss of our beloved church, PazNaz, and we are grateful that God has provided a path for us to serve at a church near my parents. Life has been hard for us in 2020, but there are miracles in the wilderness. The miracle is that the Spirit of God continues to blow before us, behind us, within us and around us as the Spirit drenches our grief and sorrow with grace and provision. Tara Beth (Moore) ’05 and Jeff ’04 Leach live in northern Illinois with their boys, Caleb and Noah.


“The miracles in God’s economy aren’t always the stories of rescue that pluck the suffering out of the wilderness.” IMAGE GROUP




Meeting Our Heroes It was a beautiful, crisp spring day in April 2019. I planned to meet a generous couple for dinner at a restaurant in Forsyth, Illinois, a small village two hours south of Olivet’s campus. Twenty years ago, this couple established an endowment scholarship to support Olivet students. I had the privilege of presenting their executive scholarship summary. This is how their endowment worked: Their initial gift remained whole and only the yearly earnings, usually income and a portion of the principal growth, were used to fund their scholarship. I climbed the stairs to the second floor of Burke; grabbed the document from Derek Ferris ’93/’02 MBA, director of development strategies and prospect


“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

development; inserted it into my portfolio; and hopped into my car en route to the restaurant.

serving; the third page showed a U.S. map with smiley faces placed in the cities where those students reside.

My excitement to visit with this couple for the first time grew as I traveled down Interstate 57 from Olivet to Forsyth. During the two-hour trip, I was reminded of the adage “You never have a second chance to make a first impression.” So, before arriving at the restaurant, I stopped by the local hardware store to purchase a flower, thinking to myself that this gift would show appreciation for their partnership with Olivet for increased student impact and the advancement of Christian education.

They quickly scanned the information on the first page. Then, I instructed them to turn to the second page and review who was mentioned on the second line. They flipped the page and looked down in search of the second line. Upon finding it, they looked at each other, somewhat puzzled, and then their eyes shifted toward me. Their heads dropped again as they studied that second line. Then they looked at each other and turned my direction again — now looking right at me.

I took a right turn into the restaurant parking lot, shut off the car and walked into the restaurant in search of a table facing the front door. As I spotted the couple, I waved them over. They sat down and we exchanged pleasantries. They told me about their family and why they decided to be generous. They shared their passion for Christian education and love for Olivet and its mission. It was a rich time of fellowship around the table. We finished our meals, the waitress came to take our plates and I wiped off the table, making space to present the executive scholarship summary. I turned the document their direction and explained the first page: a snapshot of what the scholarship account had done over the years. I discussed the corpus of the account, its market value and lifetime scholarship payout. I mentioned that the second page highlighted the students who received the scholarship over the years and the industries in which they are currently

The name on the second line was Warren W. Rogers III. My name. Twenty years ago, I was the second student to receive this couple’s generous scholarship. The couple sat there for a moment deep in thought, processing what they had just discovered. The look on their faces was as if time stood still. As for me, never did I think I would have the opportunity all these years later to thank the couple whose financial support helped me persist and graduate from Olivet Nazarene University. Warren Rogers recently completed his second year as a development officer serving in the Office of Institutional Advancement at Olivet. He and his wife Jeena (Samuel) Rogers ’98, and their kids, Maya, Ava, Ruby and Warren IV, live in Olathe, Kansas.



Story by Lauren Beatty

Shemara Fontes was born in the U.S. but grew up in Cape Verde, where her dad was a Nazarene pastor. One summer, he attended the Church of the Nazarene’s General Assembly in the U.S. Wanting to share a bit of America with his family back home, he brought back shirts and other swag items from the different Nazarene schools, including a purple T-shirt from Olivet. When Shemara was 16, her family decided that she should finish her high school studies in the U.S., so she packed her bags and flew to Massachusetts to stay with an aunt and two cousins. She started her senior year a month late, so her guidance counselor quickly signed her up for standardized test dates and began asking her about college her preferences. “The only school I could think of was the ‘purple school,’” Shemara remembers. “So, I applied to Olivet.” The shirt from General Assembly had clearly made an impression. Shemara did consider other options for college, but Olivet ended up providing her with the best financial aid package. “I moved here by myself and knew I would need to support myself through college,” she explains. “So, it was important for me to find the best fit in every aspect.” The first time she ever stepped foot on Olivet’s campus was at freshman orientation. It was love at first sight. She arrived with all of her belongings, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to travel back and

forth to Massachusetts (or Cape Verde) multiple times before the start of the semester. Her plan was always to stay in the U.S. until she finished her degree. But, being 4,000 miles away from home with few known connections proved difficult when she realized that she couldn’t move into Parrott Hall until the official early arrival period. “God works in mysterious ways, because I didn’t initially think I had any family in Illinois,” she says. “Then my dad remembered that he had a half sister in Monee. My aunt took me in and has continued to provide me with a home away from home during breaks and holidays.” Shemara started her freshman year as a communications major but wasn’t initially sure in which area she wanted to specialize. The faculty and students within Olivet’s Department of Communication were supportive and encouraging, and Shemara quickly found her footing. She settled on majoring in multimedia communication with a concentration in radio and minors in French and leadership. “The whole goal of the department is to equip students to go do things,” she says. “All of the professors know the students by name and they are intentional about building community. When I had to write my professional communication speech, professor Patrick-Trippel had me rewrite my outline five times. But, each round of edits, she was super helpful and gracious in helping me succeed.” The Introduction to Broadcasting course with professor Brian Utter ’91 at Shine.FM particularly opened her eyes to interesting

career possibilities. Establishing a connection with professor Utter also opened the door for a job at the radio station. Through her job at Shine, she has worked as one of the on-air personalities for overnight hours and has done production work on sound bites and some Shine podcasts. As she is looking forward to graduation, Shemara is keeping her professional options open, but her ultimate dream is to produce audio content for a faith-based organization. While the pandemic halted her internship plans with World Mission Broadcast in Congo, Shemara is confident that regardless of travel restrictions, she will get to use broadcasting for ministry opportunities. Shemara’s time at Olivet has been full. In addition to working at Shine, she has worked with the Associated Student Council as a class representative and as an executive officer; participated in Proclamation Gospel Choir, the Food Recovery Network and Enactus; and served as a resident assistant for three years. “My life mindset is to always find new learning opportunities, whether that is building on something I already know or finding something new,” Shemara says, simply. “I thrive when I’m busy and my time here has been amazing. I felt so welcome right from the start. I wish I could stay forever, but I’m also so excited to discover what is next!”


Shemara Fontes is a senior multimedia communication major with a concentration in radio and minors in French and leadership.

Discovering Community From an island country in the Atlantic Ocean to the prairies of Illinois, Shemara Fontes finds friendship and purpose at “the purple school.�



FOCUS ON ATHLETICS The athletes of Olivet’s 22 intercollegiate athletic teams benefit from Christ-centered coaching that not only improves their physicality but also promotes good sportsmanship beyond the playing field. With championship-winning teams and a kinetic energy in the stands, ONU sports adds excitement to every area of student life. PHOTO BY IMAGE GROUP


KNOW YOUR PROFESSORS With a student-to-faculty ratio of 15:1, students have unique access to build meaningful relationships with their professors. The vast majority of Olivet courses are taught by full-time faculty members who are experts in their field, giving students the chance to learn from and be mentored by practitioners, not just academics. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO





The Case for Lee Strobel

New York Times bestselling author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Miracles shares his thoughts on miracles in this exclusive feature for Olivet The Magazine.



Is God Still in the Miracle Business? I was an atheist for much of my life. As legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, I considered myself too rational to be swayed by religious propaganda. Yet it was the persuasive historical evidence for a miracle — the resurrection of Jesus — that convinced me Christianity is true and brought me to faith in Him. Still, my skeptical nature didn’t dissolve at conversion. Yes, I believed God had performed miracles in the past, but I wondered: Is God still in the miracle business today? Using my journalism and legal training, I embarked on a nearly two-year investigation into the supernatural, resulting in my new book The Case for Miracles. And frankly, the results blew me away. Spoiler alert: My conclusions are that (1) God is still performing miracles today; (2) miracles occur more often than most people think; and (3) many miracles are far better documented than skeptics suppose.


How common are miracles? I conducted a scientifically valid survey of American adults and found that 38 percent said they’ve had at least one incident they can only explain as a miracle. Let’s suppose 99 percent of them are mistaken. That would still leave nearly a million miracles in the United States alone! How can we tell if a miracle is genuine? While it’s true that some supposed miracles may have naturalistic explanations, I found that this cannot account for all miracle claims. I encountered healings and other miraculous events that are simply inexplicable apart from the supernatural work of God. I believe we can reasonably conclude a miracle occurred if we have solid documentation with multiple and credible eyewitnesses who have no motive to deceive, if there are no naturalistic alternatives, and if it occurs amidst spiritual circumstances, such as prayer. In fact, more and more miracles are being documented by researchers. For example,


I conducted a scientifically valid survey of American adults and found that 38 percent said they’ve had at least one incident they can only explain as a miracle.

I encountered healings and other miraculous events that are simply inexplicable apart from the supernatural work of God.



Indiana University professor Candy Gunther Brown (PhD, Harvard), led a team that went to villages in Mozambique to study 24 people who were blind or deaf, or who suffered from severe visual or hearing impairment. First, her team used technical equipment to precisely determine each person’s level of hearing or vision. Then they were each prayed for individually in the name of Jesus with accompanying touch. Immediately, they were tested again. The results? “We saw improvement in almost every single subject we tested,” Dr. Brown told me. “Some of the results were quite dramatic.” Indeed, the average improvement in visual acuity was more than tenfold. Martine, a resident of the Namuno village, couldn’t hear the equivalent of a jackhammer next to her when the researchers first tested her. After prayer, she is now able to hear normal

conversations. Brown and her team then did a replication study in Brazil to see if they would get similar results — and they did. This was a rigorous scientific study accepted for publication in the secular, peer-reviewed scientific Southern Medical Journal. What’s Dr. Brown’s conclusion? “Our study shows that something is going on,” she told me. “This is more than just wishful thinking. It’s not fakery; it’s not fraud. It’s not some televangelist trying to get widows to send in their money. It’s not a highly charged atmosphere that plays on people’s emotions. Something is going on.” Personally, I would venture to say that something miraculous is occurring — and that’s just one of the studies that I examined. God, you see, is still in the miracle business today.

LEE STROBEL is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 40 books and curricula that have sold 14 million copies combined. For the last 25 years, his life’s work has been to share the evidence that supports the truth and claims of Christianity and to equip believers to share their faith with the people they know and love.



MAKING CONNECTIONS Life at Olivet is full of opportunities to connect. From floor dinners to pop-up food trucks in the Quad and from study breaks in campus coffee shops to opportunities to serve in the local community, there are endless ways to make the most of the student experience. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO





The Proehl family wasn’t familiar with Olivet prior to when the eldest of the five siblings, Billie Jo, took a campus tour. However, Billie Jo’s decision to study at the University in 2005 inadvertently set into a motion a family affair. Over the course of eight years, the rest of the Proehl siblings — Calebb, Dusstin, Erinn and Fayleyanna “Fay” — all embarked on their own Olivet adventure. At one point, the oldest four Proehls were attending at the same time. Now, all the Proehl siblings have graduated from Olivet, married and dedicated their personal and professional lives to service.




BILLIE JO & CHRIS In 2005, Olivet welcomed Billie Jo to campus for her freshman year. At Olivet, she studied and fell in love with the field of nursing. “I had so many excellent nursing professors at ONU,” she says. “Each of them challenged me and taught me how to be a lifelong learner in nursing.” Billie Jo has worked for 10 years in the health care industry. In 2016, she completed Olivet’s Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner program. She is a nursing professor and the nursing lab coordinator at a college in Indiana. Billie Jo and her husband, Chris Stamp, a mechanical engineer, enjoy traveling together, learning new songs to play, hanging



out with their three cats and renovating their house. “Teaching has been my inspiration and passion,” she says. “It is an aspect of my career that I feel God was preparing me for all along. Students are experiencing increased stress regarding health, school, family and work. I find it rewarding to be a resource and educator, especially during this difficult time. It is an honor to be a part of their journey and very rewarding to see them succeed as nurses, especially in the middle of a pandemic.” LIVES OF SERVICE

CALEBB & TORI Billie Jo had been at Olivet for a year when Calebb began looking for a college where he could pursue ministry and a passion for football. Offered an athletic scholarship and with the option of earning a ministry degree, he felt like Olivet was the right fit. As a motivated student-athlete, Calebb quickly found a good balance and added more activities to his plate. He was invited to test for Olivet’s ROTC program, passed the test and was offered a full scholarship. Additionally, during his

student years, Calebb was a National Guard soldier and volunteer pastor. He graduated in 2011. This past fall, Calebb returned from an eight-month deployment to the Middle East. He has worked in various ministry capacities over


the years and now serves as an active-duty Army chaplain at Fort Bragg. He has also earned a Master of Divinity degree and numerous military certifications. Calebb and his wife, Tori, live in North Carolina. They have two 5-yearold daughters, Lucy and Oni, whom they adopted from India. “I knew, followed and loved Jesus before Olivet,” Calebb reflects. “My parents handed me off already equipped with the tools and the passion. Olivet gave me even more tools and taught me to use the ones I had.”





Dusstin enrolled at Olivet to pursue a degree in recreation and leisure studies and play football — and because his older siblings were already attending.

Starting in early high school, Erinn was confident he belonged at the University. When the whole family packed in the van to go to Billie Jo’s summer orientation at Olivet, many people thought Erinn was the one enrolling.

“We have always been a close family, and I think our time at Olivet brought us even closer,” Dusstin says. “My parents made Christ a priority in our home, which helped us kids make Christ a priority in our lives.” These sentiments directly translated into Dusstin’s unique campus experience at Olivet. The relationships he built in college through studying, playing football and working for Recreation Services profoundly impacted his experience. Dusstin also met his wife, Karyn (Nichols), at Olivet, where she studied exercise science. The couple went on a spring break mission trip to Haiti in 2012. The experience bonded them and set the tone for service in their relationship. Dusstin and Karyn both graduated in 2012.


“The Great Commission tells us to go and make disciples,” Dusstin says. “To do that, we must live lives of service. We need to serve the needs of the people around us as part of our everyday lifestyle.” Karyn has worked as a licensed physical therapist at Orlando Health for the past three years. They live in Florida with their son, Lincoln. Now, as the youth pastor at Apopka Calvary Church of the Nazarene, Dusstin directly incorporates a service mentality into his work. “Being a youth pastor has been a life-changing experience,” he reflects. “I love seeing students grow in their faith and put it into action. We serve an amazing God who does amazing things — even with teenagers. It’s exciting to have a small part in helping to raise up a new generation of world changers.”

“I got the Olivet bag and T-shirt, and everyone was paying attention to me,” Erinn remembers. “The fact that the people of Olivet noticed me made an impact. It was torture at the time to have to hear about all of the amazing opportunities. Ollies Follies class competitions, revivals, pranks, all of the friends — I was very ready to come to Olivet.” Erinn never took the college experience for granted. His duties as a resident assistant taught him




EVERYDAY HEROES. HEROES EVERY DAY. to care for the development of others, and his time as part of the Associated Student Council gave him event planning experience. Dr. Lynda Allen ’82/’88 MBA was an influential mentor and connected Erinn with the Office of Admissions as a student worker. That position honed his leadership skills and solidified His desire to continue working for Olivet. He is now the director of alumni relations and lives with his wife, Kelsey (McNulty), in Bourbonnais. They both completed their undergraduate degrees in 2013 and later returned to Olivet for master’s degrees: Erinn received his MBA in 2019 and Kelsey received an M.S.N.FNP degree in 2019. Kelsey grew up attending a Nazarene church in Michigan and had a strong desire to receive a Christian-based education in nursing and Spanish. During her time as a student, she was able to practically apply both skill sets on yearly spring break trips to Honduras. Since graduating, Erinn and Kelsey have continued to lead annual student mission trips back to Honduras. “Our trips with students have been some of the most rewarding aspects of life,” Kelsey says. “Being used by God to grow the


relationship those students have with Him and helping them to realize their responsibility to make a global impact through daily life by loving on the people around us has been so enriching.”

in leadership. She was heavily involved in intramural sports and worked in the Perry Student Life and Recreation Center. She also participated in mission trips to Hawaii and Honduras — the latter with Erinn and Kelsey. “It was really awesome to see my brother and his wife follow their calling and to experience the trip with them,” she says. “My siblings have always paved the way for me in life.”



FAYLEYANNA & JACOB Fay, the youngest of the Proehl siblings, jokes that with four alumni in the family, she didn’t have a choice whether or not to attend Olivet. “When my siblings were home for breaks, they would tell fun stories about all the great people they met and all the kind professors,” she says. “I received my Olivet acceptance letter on Christmas Day and couldn’t have been more excited to attend in the fall.” Fay earned a degree in family and consumer sciences with a minor

Fay graduated from Olivet in 2018 and now works as a qualified intellectual disability professional case manager at Fern Park Developmental Center, a center for adults that have intellectual and physical disabilities. “Everything about my career has been rewarding,” she says. “My mom was a special education teacher, so I developed a passion for the field early on. It’s inspiring to wake up every day knowing that I love my job and that I am fulfilling God’s plan for me and to help a group that has been overlooked for years. I’m positive that the clients that I serve impact my life as much as — if not more than — I impact theirs.” That commitment to a life of service has translated into her marriage to Jacob Warfle ’17. Fay

EVERYDAY HEROES. HEROES EVERY DAY. and Jacob live in Florida with their dog, Winston, and enjoy work and volunteering in their church’s youth group, teaching basketball lessons together and making an impact on their community. At Olivet, Jacob studied sport management with a minor in writing. He works for the Families, Parks and Recreation Department for the city of Orlando. His current position directly serves children in the impoverished Parramore neighborhood. He also writes content for blogs that cover both the Detroit Pistons and Orlando Magic. “The best part of my career so far is the opportunity to impact younger generations,” Jacob says. “Growing up, I was fortunate to have great parents and grandparents as well as mentors, teachers, youth pastors and coaches that made an impact on my life. It is now my goal to be that ‘impact person’ for youth.”


ANNETTE & GARRY Annette and Garry are empty nesters now and live in Apopka, Florida. Garry is the pastor of Apopka Calvary Church of the Nazarene, leads the Better Together Movement in Apopka and is halfway through a master’s degree in pastoral leadership at Olivet. Although Garry and Annette Proehl attended other colleges,


“Being at Olivet with my siblings really protected the special connection that our parents instilled in us while growing up,” Erinn says. “I can’t imagine if we would have gone our separate ways after high school. We all now have Olivet in common, which continues to keep us close-knit. My family keeps me grounded and humbled.”

looking back, they’re thankful and proud to have sent their five children to Olivet. “We hoped they would continue their spiritual development and that ONU would provide a safe educational environment for them to do so,” Garry reflects. “We also hoped that the educators of Olivet would help them develop in the careers that God placed before them. The investment in ONU is well worth the sacrifice.” Annette reiterates, “Garry and I learned early in parenting to dedicate our children to God. He knows everything about them. I ask God daily to bless them mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and even financially. These are the tools they need for lives of service.” By all accounts, the Proehl siblings and their families are all living in service to God and humanity. While they all have had to make personal choices and sacrifices along the way, they largely credit their success to the examples of humility and authenticity that Garry and Annette demonstrated. “Our parents raised us to be independently dependent on God,” Calebb says. “This enabled us to add value to any and all areas where we work and reside.” OLIVET.EDU


The Pause That Refreshes Les Parrott


Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by a pharmacist named John “Doc” Pemberton. He fought in the Civil War, and at the end of the war, living in Atlanta, Pemberton got serious about selling his cola. But it was Asa Candler that made it an unimaginable success. Believing in word-of-mouth advertising, Candler distributed thousands of complimentary tickets for free glasses of Coca-Cola. He also promoted it on posters, calendars and even wall murals (this was before billboards). Then came one of the most successful marketing slogans ever: “The Pause that Refreshes.” The slogan made its debut in The Saturday Evening Post just before the onset of the Great Depression. It made the point that people work better if given a few breaks in their workday. Coca-Cola’s consumption doubled that year. “The Pause that Refreshes” campaign lasted well into the 1950s. And the sentiment lives on. After all, who doesn’t want a refreshing moment to savor — even if it’s just a cold, crisp beverage? Candler was tapping into a human experience long before it was ever studied. To this day, you’ll find plenty of books on coping with life’s negative events, but what about enjoying the good and joyful events for all they’re worth? That’s the business of savoring — something that is particularly important during the holidays.

Share your good feelings with others. “Savoring is the glue that bonds people together, and it is essential to prolonging relationships,” Bryant says. “People who savor together stay together.” Take a mental picture. Consciously be aware of things you want to remember later, such as the sound of a friend’s laugh or a touching moment between two family members. Sharpen your senses. Taking the time to use your senses more consciously flexes your savoring muscles and increases joy. For example, studies reveal that if people take in the aroma of a pleasing dish before they eat it, they’ll enjoy the taste even more. Absorb the moment. Try to turn off your desire to multitask and be in the here and now. If you’re taking in a work of art or reading a story to a child, tuning into a message on your phone removes you from the pleasure. Enjoy the passage of time. Good moments pass quickly, so you’ve got to consciously relish them. Realizing how short-lived certain moments are and wishing they could last longer encourages you to enjoy them while they’re happening. The point of savoring is to maximize joy for you and the people around you. So, during this special season, whether you’re drinking a cola or not, don’t hesitate to take a “pause that refreshes.”


“It’s been presumed that when good things happen, people naturally feel joy FOR IT,” says Fred Bryant, a social psychologist at Loyola University Chicago. However, he suggests in his book Savoring: A New Model of Positive Experience that we don’t always respond to these “good things” in ways that maximize their positive effects on our lives.

What does he recommend for maximizing good moments — for really absorbing the joy of good moments? Here you go:

DR. LES PARROTT ’84 is a psychologist and No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous books, often with his wife, Dr. Leslie Parrott ’84, including Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, which has sold more than 2 million copies. Visit LesAndLeslie.com for more information.




FIRST PERSON Dr. Roy Quanstrom


In the fall of 1992, I purchased a Precision 23-foot sailboat that became a valuable teacher for my family. My son, Mark, had owned smaller sailboats which served their purposes. But the Mystic Lady, the name on the sailboat, became a member of our family.


One of the joys of my work at Olivet is the opportunity to interact with Olivetians of all ages. My life is enriched daily by conversations and miracle moments shared with students, parents, colleagues, alumni, pastors and friends at all stages of life. Recently, in a meeting with our Office of Development team, we were discussing some of the headwinds that we are currently facing as a university. One of my favorite people, senior development officer Dr. Roy Quanstrom, shared his anointed take on the

I have sailed many hours alone on the Mystic Lady, and she and I became great friends. I have had to change the sails with no one at the rudder, and the sailing was not pretty, but she never threw me overboard. At times, she almost tossed me into the cold water, but not entirely, for she just wanted to teach me a lesson or two. Owning a sailboat has many advantages. Great conversations take place on sailboats. There is no place to go, for there is water all around and the shore is usually far away. Because most sailboats pretty much sail themselves and the speed is not excessive, there is an abundance of time to talk. I cannot think of a better place to bond together than sitting in the cockpit of a moving sailboat with the sails overhead catching the wind and moving us smoothly across the water’s surface. There is an abundance of life lessons to be learned while sailing. For example, it would seem that a wind behind the boat, called a “following wind,” would push the boat along most rapidly. It turns out if the wind is from behind the boat at 5 mph, that is all the sailboat will accomplish: 5 mph. On the other hand, if the wind is coming toward the sailboat, then — with a zigzag route — you will sail faster than the wind. You will not go from point A to point B in a straight line, for, after all, you are sailing against the wind. Rather, you will tack slightly off the direction of the wind, and then tack the other direction or slightly to the left of the wind. You will do this repeatedly as you sail from point A to point B. Through the wind passing over the surface of the sails, you will gain more speed than the wind alone offers. The sails serve as a way to increase speed and lift. There is a science to correct sailing.

current circumstances at just the right time. Roy is a distinguished Olivet alumnus and a force for good and for God in the world. His words and wisdom inspired me that day and they will encourage you as well. -Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D., Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Member of Olivet The Magazine Editorial Board

you planned to take from point A to point B must change. Lots of things must change to get to point B successfully. In sailing, we must use the oncoming wind as a way to slightly change course, adjust the sails and the rudder, and sail on. There is no advantage to getting angry at the wind or wishing it was not there or complaining about the difficulties the wind is causing or resenting the extra work of setting sails and then setting them again for a new tack direction. In sailing, all the effort is directed to making lots of adjustments to eventually get to point B. That is not only in sailing; that is life! A few years ago, my family was sailing in the North Channel of Lake Huron, Canada, and a strong northeast wind, tornado-like, came up suddenly. We decided the safe thing was to sail back to the marina miles away, knowing it would take several hours sailing through the dark night. We cut one of the anchor lines because it was stretched as tight as a piano wire and impossible to cut. Luke and Ryan, two of Mark’s sons, took care to lift the front anchor at the right moment. Mark was at the wheel. The ladies, Shirley, Deb, and Rachel, were safely in the cabin wearing life jackets. It was not a pleasant sail: dangerous, frightful, worrisome and dark. We sailed all night. Yet, the sailboat carried us safely through the storm to the harbor and the marina. Life, at times, is like that dark night in the North Channel. What do we do? We must sail on! Dr. Roy F. Quanstrom ’69 M.A. lives in Bourbonnais with his wife, Shirley.

Have you noticed, in life, sometimes a hard wind — difficult circumstances — will force you to alter course? The direction OLIVET.EDU

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Throughout the month of December, we are inviting you, the Olivet community, to give a gift in honor of someone who has made a significant difference in your life. Perhaps you loved playing basketball for coach Hodge, enjoyed your time singing under Dr. George

Dunbar, or maybe your RA in Williams Hall made a particular impact on your life. This is a wonderful opportunity to say “thank you,� to make a gift in their honor and to give back.

Visit olivet.edu/give to make your gift today.


AN ACTIVE STUDENT BODY One of the keys to a successful college experience is to stay healthy while navigating all the challenges. Olivet’s recreational facilities provide students with a variety of outlets to let off steam and stay active. From rock climbing to a pickup basketball game to walking the track at Snowbarger Athletic Complex to taking yoga, HIIT or Zumba classes, there are options for every student to enjoy. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO


TRAVELING BAND Over the past few years, the University Marching Band has traveled around the world to perform. In January 2020, 131 students and staff literally rang in the new year in Italy by performing in the New Year’s Day Parade in Rome. The band has previously performed at events in London and Washington, D.C. PHOTO BY MORGAN BYERS




FROM THE ARCHIVES Snowballs, formals and Christmas celebrations

Share your memories! Email us at Archives@Olivet.edu or join the conversation on Facebook. @OlivetArchives





Professional Accomplishments, Weddings, Births & Adoptions

1960 BYRON L. BUKER ’60 was recently honored by Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb with the Circle of Corydon award for his community service.    Byron served for 26 years as a member — including 12 as president — of the Bedford City Council; 19 years on the Lawrence County Solid Waste Board of Directors; 18 years on the North Lawrence Community Schools Foundation; 16 years on the St. Vincent Dunn Hospital Foundation board; 12 years on the Bedford Planning Commission; 12 years on the Bedford Board of Zoning Appeals; and on various other boards in the Bedford area.    Byron presently serves as chaplain for St. Vincent Dunn Hospital and the Bedford Police Department. He is married to Carolyn (Wilson) Buker ’60 and is the father of Karen (Buker) Morgan ’82, Dr. Lillian (Buker) Webb ’86 and Keith Buker.

1970 E. ARTHUR “WOODY” SELF ’71, PH.D., recently wrote a book titled GOOD SUCCESS: Learning Good Lessons from Bad Leaders, which was published by Morgan James Publishers.

GOOD SUCCESS provides helpful advice to those who have experienced working with or for a bad leader to expand and leverage their emotional and spiritual intelligence to benefit from the turmoil created by bad leaders. GOOD SUCCESS also provides a new template for extracting enduring lessons from leadership failures locally, nationally and internationally. The book concludes that “you can’t always take yourself out of the chaos bad leaders create, but GOOD SUCCESS helps take the chaos out of you.”    Woody is married to Carol (Hunter) Self ’70 and they reside in Oro Valley, Arizona. His complete bio can be found at www.goodlessonsgroup.com.

1974 JOHN PAUL DODDS ’74 retired after 40 years of pastoral ministry. He served churches across three denominations in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois and Iowa. He has served as a professional sports chaplain with three teams in baseball and basketball; as a member of the Habitat for Humanity board; and as an evangelist in the Free Methodist Church. He and his wife, Linda, now make their home in rural Montezuma, Iowa.

1975  REV. RAYMON E. BAKER ’75 is beginning his fourth year as athletic director (AD) at the University of Los Angeles College of Divinity in Compton, California. The university’s basketball team is the only American college basketball team to win a national championship (Association of Christian College Athletes) before the pandemic shut down all the remaining March Madness championship tournaments.    Besides AD duties, Ray keeps busy as school chaplain, head librarian, team statistician and professor. He has also continued his position as youth pastor at the Los Angeles Grace Church of the Nazarene.

Su b m i t a C l a s s No t e


To OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu or online at Olivet.edu/class-notes 52 OLIVET.EDU

1984 On May 21, 2020, CHRIS (WHITTINGTON) KUBERSKI ’84 was unanimously voted to serve as the ninth president/executive officer of Highland Community College.    Chris started at Highland in 2015 as the executive vice president, providing leadership to the administrative team under the direction of the president. She also serves as the chief academic officer, helping align planning for the college and providing input, coordination and leadership for institutional planning and effectiveness. She leads the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation process for the college and is a trained HLC peer reviewer.    In addition to her administrative duties at Highland, Chris is a member of the Women’s Enrichment Network


for the Greater Freeport Partnership, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the Chief Academic Officers of the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). She also previously served on multiple ICCB committees.    In her free time, Chris enjoys spending time with her family and friends, gardening, reading and helping out with their Clydesdale horses. She and her husband, Paul, live in Freeport, Illinois. They own a family farm in southern Illinois that their son, Josh, and his wife, Desiree, oversee. Josh’s twin brother, Zach, lives in Rochelle, Illinois, and works for Maplehurst Farms. The Kuberskis also have a daughter, Mara, who is a graduate of Southern Illinois University and is a Highland alumna.



 In December 2019, MATTHEW ’08 AND JACKLYNN FRY sold their house in Nashville, Tennessee, and began traveling the country to make memories as a family. Since being on the road, they have traveled to 18 states and visited 14 national parks. You can follow their journey on social media and their YouTube channel, Away We Roam.

2019  SAM ’19 AND JANE (ROSS) ’20 NICHOLS were married on June 6, 2020.



 EMMA (KUNTZ) ’19 AND BRITTEN WOLFF ’20 were married on August 8, 2020. Emma is in medical school at Midwestern University’s Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine and Britten is a data analyst with Strata Decision Technology in Chicago. They live in Downers Grove, Illinois. OLIVET.EDU




1942  LT. COL. LOUIS EDWARD GALE ’42 died peacefully in Powell, Ohio, on June 21, 2019. A pilot in the U.S. Air Force and a veteran of World War II and Vietnam, he flew over 10,000 hours during his 29-plus years of service. He trained in numerous planes, including the C-47, B-47 and — his personal favorite — the C-130. He was also awarded the Silver Star among other awards and citations.    Louis was born on Nov. 16, 1920, in Washington Courthouse, Ohio, to the Rev. Floyd and Helen (Williams) Gale. After high school, he attended Olivet Nazarene College and later received his master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh. In 1942, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps.    In 1948, he met Betty Smith at the Nazarene Camp Meeting on Morse Road in Columbus, Ohio. They were married on June 5, 1949, after a courtship while he was stationed in Louisiana. During their courtship, he would volunteer to fly planes to Columbus on the weekends for maintenance at Lockbourne Air Base so that he could spend time with Betty.    They were married for just short of 50 years. Together, they had three sons,

great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty, and his oldest son, Tim.



 RUTH PSAUTE ’46/’51 passed away on Aug. 13, 2020, in Plymouth, Indiana. She graduated from Olivet in 1946 with a degree in English and in 1951 with a degree in music. She also earned a master’s degree from the University of Illinois. Surviving siblings are George Psaute ’50, of Mesa, Arizona, and Jeanne (Psaute) Middleton ’51, of Plymouth, Indiana.



Jon Timothy, Thomas Alan and David Louis. Louis enjoyed family, travel and involvement in church. During the last 15 years, he enjoyed dinners out and various events with his special friend, Linda Davis. He is survived by his sons, Tom and Dave; his special friend, Linda; his seven grandchildren; and his 12

DALE R. HARVEY ’50 of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, formerly of Tecumseh and Lansing, Michigan, passed away peacefully on Aug. 5, 2020. Dale served in the U.S. Army during World War II from April 28, 1944, through March 7, 1946. After his discharge, he attended Olivet Nazarene College. He ministered at Clyde Church of the Nazarene in Ohio before attending Nazarene Theological Seminary. He also ministered in churches in Astoria, Oregon, and Tecumseh, Hastings and Jackson, Michigan. He received a graduate degree from Sienna Heights College in Adrian,

Su b m i t a n Ob i t u a r y


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Michigan, and began a teaching career in the public schools near where he lived. He was a life member in Mensa and enjoyed bowling.    He was born in Hutchinson, Kansas, to Alexander A. and Lucy B. Cox Harvey and raised in Kansas, Missouri and Michigan. He was married to June L. (Thomas) Harvey ’51, with whom he raised three children. He was also married to Lou Anne Swartz Harvey and Eleanor June Good Frederickson Harvey. Dale was preceded in death by his parents, all eight of his siblings, his son Mark Timothy (aka Bryden Lam) and a myriad of nieces and nephews. He is survived by his daughter, Judith D. (Harvey) Bohlmann ’64; son Daniel Roger (Judy) Harvey; six grandchildren; and 18 greatgrandchildren.

1951 JEANETTE (ELLWANGER) ROWE ’51 slipped into the hand of her Savior and Lord and walked into paradise on Jan. 16, 2020. When she passed, Jeanette was surrounded by her husband, Richard Rowe ’51; two daughters; two granddaughters; and one son-in-law.

1953  DONALD EDWARD “DON” DURICK ’53, age 91, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, died Oct. 17, 2019, at Lutheran Life Villages in Fort Wayne. Don was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Jan. 7, 1928, to the late Edward Amos and Vera Viola (McLaughlin) Durick. During high school, he was on the softball, football and wrestling teams. He also played trombone in the Thomas Jefferson High School band and participated in youth

(Laurette) Durick; daughter Londa (Matthew) Garringer; daughter Pamela (Eagle) Lindsey; four grandchildren, Nicholas (Stacey) Fletter, Melissa (Daniel) Byam, Maria (Mark) Bennett and Daniel (Riah) Durick; and four great-grandchildren.


ROBERT (BOB) MEYER ’56 of Roswell, Georgia, died at home on June 23, 2020. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, of 57 years. Bob graduated with a music education degree and served as a minister of music in Nazarene churches. He also developed a Christian discipling ministry and traveled across the United States presenting seminars.


programs at the First Church of the Nazarene. On Oct. 6, 1945, 18-year-old Don enlisted in the U.S. Navy and honorably served his country during World War II.    After his Navy duty, Don attended Olivet Nazarene College from 1949 to 1953 and graduated with a degree in business administration. His first job was in Fort Wayne with the American Industrial Bankers Association. It was in Fort Wayne that he met his wife-tobe, Marlene Evelyn Imel, at a religious conference they both attended at the Scottish Rite. Marlene and Don dated for about one year before they were married on July 24, 1954, at the Plymouth Congregational Church in Fort Wayne.    He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Marlene; son, Douglas

 General Superintendent Emeritus PAUL CUNNINGHAM JR. ’60 passed away July 18, 2020, at age 82. Paul was born 27 August 1937 in Chicago to Paul Sr. and Naomi Cunningham. His family attended Chicago First Church of the Nazarene, where he accepted Christ at age 12. During high school, he met Connie Seaman, whom he later married on May 23, 1960.    In 1961, the Cunninghams moved to Kansas City, Missouri, so Paul could attend Nazarene Theological Seminary. Upon graduating in 1964, Paul became the pastor of Olathe Church of the Nazarene, a small church with only 46 members that had been through four pastors in five years. Paul served there for nearly 30 years, and membership grew to over 3,000 by 1993.    A month after accepting the pastorate in Olathe, Paul attended the 1964 General Assembly in Portland,

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IN MEMORIAM Oregon. He listened as the assembly voted to start two new liberal arts colleges and felt an urge from the Lord to start one in Olathe. He approached a local leader, R.R. Osborne, and together they convinced a group of business leaders to donate land and help secure local support. The land became MidAmerica Nazarene College (now University), which welcomed its first students in 1968.    From 1968 to 1993, Paul served as the spiritual shepherd to students, faculty, staff, and many residents of the area. He and his wife welcomed students to their home, provided guidance, and influenced thousands for Christ.    At the 23rd General Assembly in 1993, Paul was elected to the Board of General Superintendents. During his time as a general superintendent, he and Connie continued to work as a team. Connie was one of the first general superintendent spouses to travel alongside her husband. Paul retired at the 2009 General Assembly after 16 years of service on the Board of General Superintendents and 45 years of ministry.    Paul is survived by his wife, Connie Cunningham; daughters Lori Wegley and Connie Jo Mason; son, Paul Mark Cunningham; sister Joanne Carlson; seven grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren.

1972  The REV. WESLEY “WES” EUGENE MCCAMENT ’72 went to be with the Lord on Feb. 5, 2020. A member of




the 1968–1970 pioneer class of then Mount Vernon Nazarene College, Wes completed his education at Olivet Nazarene University in 1972. His service as a minister and evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene included pastorates in Illinois and Ohio. He leaves a legacy of a life well and courageously lived. He is survived by his beloved wife of 51 years, Janice (Comrie).

1995 TIMOTHY SMITH ’95 came to know the Lord at a young age; his faith in God was talked about often. As a child, he learned he had a gift for music. Tim was an accomplished pianist, and he traveled and played with the Praisemen Quartet while at Olivet. He played for many groups. For many years, he counseled young adults and families, and, in recent years, he became certified and proficient in Braille. On July 13, 2020, following major surgery on his back, stage 4 cancer was discovered and he went to heaven.

2016 MADELINE GRACE (BLOOM) HUBERT ’16 passed away on June 6, 2020. Madie was born Oct. 18, 1993, in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Music was essential to Madie, and she developed her musical abilities to pursue majors in music ministry and Spanish at Olivet Nazarene University. After graduation, Madie returned to Minnesota and began her career as a music minister. Professionally, she transitioned to working with students and youth with the nonprofit Play to Your Strengths in 2017.    Madie’s first job was where she met her husband, Benjamin. A proposal at Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis on March 17, 2018, led to their wedding on July 28 that same year. They began their marriage at Substance Church and quickly became active participants together in service there.    Madie passed away suddenly and unexpectedly while on a getaway weekend with her beloved Ben. They were in northern Minnesota enjoying hiking their way through three state parks. She left this Earth with her husband by her side, attended by emergency medical personnel and with Jesus leading her home. She is survived by her husband, Benjamin; her parents, Jeff and Mary Beth Bloom; grandparents; aunts and uncles; cousins; and friends.

EDUCATION AND PURPOSE Since 1907, Olivet has provided excellent academic instruction for the purpose of personal development and career preparedness. In fact, 96% of the class of 2019 found placement in a full-time job or graduate program within six months of graduation. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO




FIRST PERSON Gordon Tommy, Abbott Laboratories



“Figure out what you like. Find new challenges. Soak up the knowledge, wisdom and advice from veterans in your field. . . . If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it!”

As a chemistry major with minors in biology and math at Olivet, Gordon Tommy ’97 spent most of his time in Reed Hall of Science. He benefited from the small class sizes and the opportunities to get to know his professors. In addition to his studies and work as a chemistry lab teaching assistant, Gordon also played four years of football. The comradery with his teammates gave him an appreciation for learning from a wide range of people with varying interests. When he first graduated from Olivet, Gordon took his time to find the right job in the right company, eventually finding his footing at Abbott Laboratories in the Chicagoland area. Over the years, he has worked for various pharmaceutical companies, including 14 years at Baxter Healthcare. Because of the interconnectedness of the industry, Gordon has had opportunities to travel around the world and speak at industry conferences, further strengthening relationships with colleagues at competitor companies. His ability to adapt and grow made him an attractive employee, and he was asked to return to Abbott two years ago. “I’m proud that I never settled in my career,” he says. “I took risks and tried things outside of my comfort zone. While I initially thought I would be a lab rat for my entire career, I learned I was a good supervisor and was able to take steps into management. I had good supervisors who gave me more responsibility, but I also sought out great mentors who helped me cultivate my skill sets. I also had a lot of support from my wife of 20 years, Ann, who always encouraged me during each new venture.” As a senior manager of material control at Abbott, he is responsible for overseeing the team that verifies the quality of products that enter the consumer market. While his division

primarily does quality control on many legacy pharmaceutical products, they have also been charged with quality testing for COVID-19 test kits. Early in the spring, the team rallied together to get the high-quality kits out to the public. Although the pressure is high, Gordon is excited to be a small part of contributing to a greater goal. “The thing that keeps us going is that there is a global impact,” he says. “We’ve received thank-you notes from people who have been impacted. It’s been a humbling process to be a part of.” In a highly competitive field, Gordon’s experiences prove that Olivet graduates’ academic and leadership opportunities stack up favorably against those of other college graduates. His advice for finding a career in a competitive industry is to focus on the interview. “Don’t worry so much about the work experience on your résumé,” he explains. “Rather, practice for the interview. Be prepared for highlevel interaction with a prospective employer and show up with questions. Do research on the company and show genuine interest.” Looking back at the wide range of jobs he has held during his career, Gordon advises new graduates to not settle. “Figure out what you like,” he says. “Find new challenges. Soak up the knowledge, wisdom and advice from veterans in your field. Try different positions, try different companies and keep exploring. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it!” Gordon, Ann and their four kids live in northern Illinois.



The college choice will be heavily influenced by how you and your student perceive cost and the financial aid process. Be sure to make decisions based on accurate information. You don’t want to rule out schools based on sticker shock when financial aid could bring those schools within reach.

UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL AID WHEN CAN WE FILE THE FAFSA? You can now file the FAFSA at fafsa.gov beginning Oct. 1 for the following school year. You previously had to wait until Jan. 1, but the government moved up the filing date so you can have your financial aid picture sooner and longer to best prepare for the start of school. Another improvement: You’re able to pull financial information directly from electronic tax documents into your FAFSA form.

AFTER FILING THE FAFSA, WHAT COMES NEXT? The FAFSA allows your student to select up to 10 schools to automatically receive your family’s FAFSA information. Each school that has accepted your student for admission will then send a financial aid offer outlining the federal, state and institutional aid for which your student is eligible.

WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE COLLEGE AFFORDABLE? File your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and file it as early as possible. The FAFSA is the gateway to state and federal financial aid, and universities use this information to determine your student’s awards. The FAFSA can give access to grants as well as loans that tend to have lower interest rates with the most advantageous payback schedules. Some state grants have limited resources. It’s important to file as soon as possible. 60 OLIVET.EDU

ASK THE EXPERTS At Olivet, the Office of Admissions is a great resource for families in every stage of the

WHAT ROLE DO STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES PLAY? It’s important to find out how each admissions office handles test scores, as each school is different. If your student takes the ACT or SAT more than once (not required but permitted by both testing organizations), some universities take the highest score, while others take an average. A higher test score could improve an academic scholarship by thousands of dollars per year.

ARE THERE OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE? Some schools offer only academic scholarships. Most have additional opportunities. Like academic scholarships, most others are provided on the basis of merit and/or participation. At Olivet, there are scholarships for athletics, music (including University Marching Band and University Orchestra), art, ministry and ROTC.

financial aid process.

KIMBERLY STRICKLAND klstrickland@olivet.edu “It’s my pleasure each day to assist students and their families with their award packages. The options are almost limitless.”

MARK REDDY mwreddy@olivet.edu “One of my favorite moments is when families see their students


awarded for their diverse,

YES! Students should seek out local and national scholarships. Consider organizations your student has been a part of, businesses you frequent and your employer. Many offer scholarships. For national scholarships, register at reputable websites such as scholarships.com, bigfuture.collegeboard.org or fastweb.com and begin applying as soon as possible. Never pay for scholarship searches. The reputable sources are always free.

LUKE FRANKLIN lfrankl1@olivet.edu

WHAT IF WE HAVE A REMAINING BALANCE? The reality for most college students is that scholarships and government assistance alone do not fully cover tuition expenses. The remaining portion can be covered by parent loans, private student loans or payment plans. There are many federal and private loan options. You should know that student loans may require a cosigner. Payment plan options are unique to each institution. Financial aid isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” process, so work with your financial aid adviser to explore your best options.

WHAT IS A PARENT’S BEST RESOURCE FOR INFORMATION? This process can be overwhelming, so don’t be afraid to lean on financial aid advisers. They will work with you to find financial aid solutions based on your needs. Ask the tough questions and stay informed. The more involved you are, the easier it will be.

outstanding achievements.”

“From afar, it seems like a puzzle. But when we get into it, the facts come alive and paint a pretty clear, affordable picture.”

DEBBIE RATTIN drattin@olivet.edu “My goal is to connect the dots for students and their parents, and to use every available resource to make Olivet affordable.” Our amazing team is available to answer your questions. Call 800-648-1463 and ask for them by name, or reach out via email.





million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students


percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities

AT A G LA N C E STUDENTS More than 3,700 — 2,500 undergraduates — from nearly every U.S. state, 21 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 living alumni making a worldwide impact. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Professional Studies, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Study-abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the Council on Social Work Education, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training, the National Association of Schools of Music and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. In addition, the Teacher Education Program is a recognized education preparation provider by the Illinois State Board of Education. ATHLETICS At Olivet, student-athletes compete on 22 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half the student body participate in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including a campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine; Enactus; Student Philanthropy Council; ROTC; radio broadcasting (Shine.FM); numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including University Marching Band and the University Orchestra); drama and musical theatre performances; intramural athletics; and community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, just 45 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Illinois. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Business, Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Leadership, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Bilingual Endorsement, Safety and Driver’s Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Learning Behavior Specialist Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement Multidisciplinary Studies: Bachelor of Applied Science in Multidisciplinary Studies and Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-B.S.N.), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-M.S.N.), Master of Science in Nursing: Education, Master of Science in Nursing: Leadership/Management, Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Ministerial Studies, Master of Arts: Missional Multiplication, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 1,540 participants each year


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 3,700


percent career outcomes rate for class of 2019

Statistics compiled from 2017, 2018 and/or 2019.

AREAS OF STUDY Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Graphic Design Art - Drawing/Painting Art - Media Arts Art - Photography Art Education Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biology Business Administration Business - Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Philanthropy/ Not-for-Profit Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Christian Studies Communication Studies Computer Science – Networking & Data Communications

Computer Science Software Development Computer Science Software Entrepreneurship Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Cybersecurity Data Science Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Mechanical English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Education English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science

Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality Fashion Merchandising Finance French Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - Corporate Relations Marketing - International Marketing - Management Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication

Multimedia Communication Film Studies Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Mgmt. Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Philosophy & Religion Photography Physical Education Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant

Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religious Studies Science Education - Biology Science Education - Chemistry Science Education Earth/Space Science Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Theatre Theology Writing Youth Ministry Zoology




BENEDICTION MIRACLE HYMN On a starry night in Bethlehem A Child was born to bring light to men And our faith wade, our eyes grew dim In a candle’s light, we found hope again. There are miracles all around Miracles yet to be found Hid in every heart is an answered prayer Like a candle’s flame, hope will lead us there When the darkness comes, let the light shine through A spark of faith will ignite in you In a candle’s glow, a virgin’s womb In a simple prayer, in the empty tomb There are miracles all around Miracles yet to be found Hid in every heart is an answered prayer Like a candle’s flame, hope will lead us there When the light has dawned on Christmas Day We will lift one voice in endless praise When the light has dawned on Christmas Day We will say There are miracles all around Miracles here to be found Hid in every heart is an answered prayer Like a candle’s flame, hope will lead us there Lyrics and music by Candace Lee and Luke Atencio




PURPLE & GOLD DAYS Join other high school seniors and their parents for this exciting visit experience.

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schedule a campus visit at Olivet.edu/Visit today! HOLIDAYS AT OLIVET




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