The Olive Press Catalunya magazine September 2011 issue 41

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Sept 2011 issue 41


editorial MEET BOB THE EDITOR welcome to the SEptember issue covering catalunya.


"Wine From These Grapes Wine from these grapes I shall be treading surely Morning and noon and night until I die. Stained with these grapes I shall lie down to die. If you would speak with me on any matter, At any time, come where these grapes are grown; And you will find me treading them to must. Lean then above me sagely, lest I spatter Drops of the wine I tread from grapes and dust. Stained with these grapes I shall lie down to die. Three women come to wash me clean Shall not erase this stain. Nor leave me lying purely, Awaiting the black lover. looking for a business then visit our business directory online. see our web site for daily updates of classifieds and extra useful information.

all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"Frozen grapes used for making Ice Wine" see the article on page 29...

Death, fumbling to uncover My body in his bed, Shall know There has been one Before him. (Edna St. Vincent Millay,1934)

Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www. Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month.

No adverts or artwork in the Olive Press Catalunya magazine or web site may be reproduced or used for print, media or web in part or in their entirety without the express permission of the Olive Press Catalunya. Adverts and logos remain the property of the magazine . To use any artwork please contact us.

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Visit our web site & view the magazine online

What’s News -In Spain Can it be True?

Your Horoscope Leisure & Entertainment

6 10,28&30 11

The Lighter Side PC tips Rural Internet

Contents Page 12

16 31

Nature & Animals News Hounds and more


Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain


Finance & Law Qrops in Spain

What’s On -Car boots etc. From previous years Olives & Popcorn

Gourmet Treat your taste buds Ice Wine from Spain

Crossword- Spanglish Health & Well Being Yoga for All Health self help

Property for Sale by Owner Classifieds Business Card Directory

Page 27

9 32 36 27 22 29 32 25 6 36 34 36

Page 29

Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers



news in spain


pple snails take over the Ebro delta. A plague of apple snails are taking over the delta of the Ebro river, Tarragona, and are proving resistant to all attempts to remove them. The Pomacea Canaicilata originated in South America and is thought to have reached the Ebro in an accidental escape from the installations of a tropical fish breeder in 2009. The snails eat anything vegetable under the water, and have a dramatic effect on the communities and habitats of other species. One expert told El País that the expansion can be halted but they cannot be eradicated. Even attempts of using quicklime and other toxic products have proved unsuccessful. Indian biologist, Ravindra Joshi, who has been studying the species since 1980, told the paper that no country has ever proved successful against the snail. The desiccation of 9,500 hectares of the delta for five months at a cost of 3.5 million € by the regional government in attempt to eradicate the snails has proved fruitless. The Generalitat currently has 77 people dedicated to trying to stop the expansion of the snail to the right hand side of the delta. ritish Consul meets with property owners in Valle del Sol and Llíber. British property owners in Valle del Sol, in the Region of Murcia, and Llíber, in the north of Alicante province, met with British Consul, Paul Rodwell, and the British Embassy’s Adviser, Alexandra Brown on Thursday and Friday of last week respectively. Over 90 British property owners in Valle del Sol attended the meeting showing their frustration and explained there had been no advances in their efforts to solve the worrying situation over the illegality of their homes. The British


Consul, Paul Rodwell said: “Many British property owners in Valencia and Murcia are awaiting a solution to the serious problems with their homes which are causing them much distress and anxiety. As representatives of a foreign government, we cannot interfere in any matters relating to Spanish domestic legislation nor intervene in individual cases but we take every opportunity to engage Spanish authorities to take action to resolve these issues. The Ambassador and Ministers have raised property issues with Ministers in Spain and regional governments on numerous occasions. “ The British Embassy website uk provides information to signpost people with property problems to competent authorities and organisations as well as useful information for potential buyers. The Embassy and the consulate network in Spain monitor the property issues affecting British nationals in the country and appreciate updates on any progress made. Updates should be sent to Alexandra Brown (Alexandra.Brown@fco. Please find useful advice on the British Embassy website. oddler found abandoned in rubbish bin in Spain. The child was discovered after residents taking an evening stroll in the town of Cabezo de Torres in the Murcia region of Spain heard muffled sobs coming from a wheelie bin. After removing several large rubbish bags they discovered the girl cowering inside. Local reports said she was “crying and sweating and showing panic in


6 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


her face”. Police located her parents, reportedly of North African origin, and they were arrested later Saturday evening and are now awaiting trial on suspicion of neglect. The suspects have not been named and the girl, described as being “in perfect health”, is being cared for by social services. The incident follows that in May in the nearby town of Alcantarilla when a Romanian couple approached four different women offering to sell their five-month old daughter for €5,000 (£4,450). That couple were also traced and arrested and are awaiting trial. raudsters who conned men into signing up as 'gigolos' arrested in Spain. The gang of six based in Fuengirola on Spain’s Costa del Sol made at least €50,000 euros (£44,000) after persuading some 180 men to pay a joining fee to register as gigolos. The elaborate scam lured men in with advertisements in the national


media promising vast returns for wining and dining lonely women. Men wanting to follow in the footsteps of ‘Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo’ - a 1999 comedy about a fishtank cleaner who goes into business as a male prostitute - were then asked to pay joining fees of between €200 and €1,000 euros (£175 and £875) to be put on the books of “reputable agencies”. But the online agencies were hoaxes and the clients never materialised. Police said the masterminds behind the scam were a husband and wife and her older brother. Three others were arrested for opening bank accounts used to transfer money from the victims for five per cent of the profits. None of those arrested nor those that fell for the scam have been named. Police said they uncovered the network after receiving complaints from different men who said they had never received any work as a result of signing up with the agencies.


THE Health self-help toolkit: 'Standing like a Tree'

In Qi Gong

ancient Chinese medicine's internal energy exercise system, one of the simplest of all exercises, 'Standing like a Tree' is considered one of the most profound and beneficial for replenishing vital energy and calming the entire nervous system. It is normally done standing but can be adapted if the body's energy is weaker to be done in a chair. The stationary positions promote increased circulation, deeper breathing, and induce inner calm. When we join our body & mind through attention to simple reference points, such as our awareness of our body in the space we are in, ordinary sanity and balance stabilise. Simply stand with the feet shoulder width apart, with the knees unlocked slightly. The arms rest effortlessly by your sides with the shoulders relaxed (sometimes hunching them up briefly and then dropping them re-teaches them their relaxed position). Breathe naturally and keep your eyes open, looking calmly forward. Try remaining in this position for one or two minutes and gradually increase

the time to several minutes. Imagine that your feet are like roots of a great tree sinking down into the earth. Your body rests unmoving like the trunk of a tree. Imagine that the top of your head is lightly suspended from a golden cord reaching up infinitely into the sky. It is as if the top of your head opens and relaxes as the countless leaves of the tree open into the sunlight. There you are, a good human being joining heaven, the inspiration and space of the sky, to earth, the stability, manifestation and groundlessness always present where we live.

Taru Burstall, Licenced Acupuncturist, Massage, Licenced Psychotherapist


LATEST: New Clinic Racó de Salut Natural Therapies Centre open at The Plaça, 8 in El Perelló 977 490 333, & 629 301 509

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The Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre (PDE) We would like to offer you news stories relating to our struggle to protect the river Ebro and its eco-systems. The first is in English but the other news items are in Catalan or Spanish so we offer a brief summary. 1. The European Comission will take the Spanish state to court regarding the more-than-two-delay in publishing the River Basin Plan for the Ebro. EU Press Release Brussels, 16 June - The European Commission is referring Spain to the EU Court of Justice for breaching two pieces of EU environment legislation. The EU Water Framework Directive requires Member States to publish a management plan for each river district by 22 December 2009 at the latest. Spain is required to adopt 25 plans in total, but has so far only adopted and communicated one (the Plan de gestión del Distrito de Cuenca Fluvial de Cataluña).

Despite earlier warnings (see IP/11/91), as the plans have still not been adopted almost a year and a half after the deadline, the Commission has decided to refer Spain to the EU Court of Justice. 2. The lack of flow in the Ebro (closely related to the delay in publishing the Basin Plan, and hence a “minimum environmental flow”) is causing serious problems. An excessive growth of river algae, for example, has led to serious health and social problems for the local population due to the massive expansion of the “black fly” (Simuliidae). Another potentially more serious problem occurred recently when river algae blocking the water pipes of the cooling pumps at the nuclear power plant in Asco, led to a 40% drop in power. The Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre (PDE) is a group of volunteers campaigning to protect the river Ebro, its eco-systems and, consequently, the livelihood of many people who live on and around the river. Please Contact the Platform for the Defense of River Ebro : briansilvia@ for more information.


can it be true???


No riots in Scotland shock +Robin Hood resigns due to ‘disillusionment’ with job Robin Hood, famous Scotland: First Minister for his job as a ‘fiscal Alex Salmond today hit re-distributor’, has back at news agencies announced his resignation for describing the riots as from the role having English riots, the Scottish last week expressed his Premier was shocked concerns about his job to find out that no riots publicly for the first time. were going on in his beloved country, and has ‘I took this job for noble accused the media of an reasons,’ he said. ‘The English bias. idea of robbing from the rich and giving to the poor appealed to my socialist ideals. I didn’t really care for the "We've got an amazing country," explained the Braveheart salary, or the living conditions. For me it was all about a loving politician, "there is no reason for the people of communist ideal, good friends, and outdoor living.’ Scotland to not want to riot as we have as much social deprivation, if not more, than the hated English. Our However, after time doubts started to emerge, ‘I started to glorious nation has a long history of violence of which we realise that maybe I was being naive,’ said Mr Hood, ‘the are very proud, in fact, we originated the famous fighting rich weren’t always the wealthy capitalist oppressors that saying 'Are you lookin at me pal?'" I thought they would be. And the poor were hardly the paragons of virtue. They started giving me shopping lists, Mr Salmond has been accused by his political opponents of like plasma televisions, Kappa tracksuits and Nike trainers. trying to make political capital out of the situation. I would be particularly annoyed when they would waste a large portion of the money I gave them on drunken, One commentator noted "The First Minister is desperate to violent nights out in the city centre.’ prove he has something useful to say and is willing to jump on any bandwagon to get his name in the papers. However Mr Hood’s views of the wealthy also changed during his the truth of the matter is riots are near impossible in employment, ‘I grew to learn that most of them were Scotland as everything is just to wet to burn." doing highly stressed, highly responsible jobs, and that much of their income was being spent on their day-to-day Scottish Health Minister, Nicola Sturgeon joined in the living. They had mortgages, families and other financial debate saying "It's just typical of the English based press commitments. On top of that, they were mostly wellto claim everything as theirs only yesterday Scotland was educated and interesting to talk to. I began to feel guilty put top of a poll for drug use in Europe, at last we're top for my crimes against them.’ of something, but did we get any mention south of the Mr Hood’s employers said that the news had been a shock border? No, it's all England, England, England." to them, but said that they had been considering making him redundant anyway. ‘After all’ they said, ‘the poor seem Mr Salmond's opponents in the Scottish parliament have more than capable of robbing from the rich themselves described him as "an embarrassment". these days.’

10 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364



a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 Are you feeling

CANCER Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -Where you are isn't

a bit under the weather. As if you need more rest

adequate anymore. What you do professionally

than you can conjure? Have the past months

isn't either. You want to cast yourself forward into

been emotionally draining and is it difficult to

new endeavours, seek new burning grounds, and

tend to necessities? You need to accept a bit of

create a new home so the art of living can finally

non-doing along with a bit of lazing about. Take

be achieved. All these desires and yet no place for

your shoes off. Lay down.

them. Careful of irritation. Keep patience.


Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -Out into the


Jul. 23 - Aug. 23

-Something between

community is best for you. Take along a Sag not

you and another may be quite challenging. You

a Cap. Or another Aquarian. Take care of no

intuitively sense aspects of truth. Your friend

one. Only your well-being and some fun time, a

doesn't agree. You embrace a tradition with

party or something. While you’re doing all that

care. They want everything cast aside for new

planning for everyone else, plan something for

endeavours. This is a duality and a polarity

yourself. Is that possible? People like you.

that will synthesize in time and space. You're

PISCES Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 -You will seek new

experiencing Harmony through Conflict.

ways of doing your work. Someone may come to

VIRGO Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -Very important and

you offering new ideas. Be careful as usual. Often

clarifying power issues emerge this month so

you need to hide away a bit before decisions

you may experience new learning. Everything

are made. What you think, say and do is often a

encountered needs to be observed through

result of internal inquiry. Continue with this and

this lens. It's also important to be careful of

trust your intuition. Don't step back.

things hidden, joint assets, and intimacy that is

ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 20

unrequited or perplexing. Embark on a new path.

-You may think that

risking (and gambling) all that you have is a good


thing. But it's not necessarily so. Careful with all

conflict always arises for Libra, which is this

interactions with speculative ventures. Careful

sign's purpose. To take the conflict and chaos

also with family who you may feel impatience

and shape it, like Vulcan, into something graceful

with. Something hurts and something's dissolving

and golden. Actually this is the Soul as it shapes

there. For the purpose of refinement. It's not

the personality. Don't worry should you feel that

permanent. But it will change you.

you are dying. You're not. Only the past is (lunar


Apr. 21 - May 21

-Spiritual and

Sept. 24 - Oct. 23

-Some sort of

eclipse). Something old is being released.

religious ideals are being presented. Perhaps in


dreams, both night and day. You ask how they will

is pondered upon. You may be relentless in

further your world work and how to serve with

your desires, aspirations, and thoughts about

your special gifts which are different than most.

how to organize, serve better, to bring forth a

At times you may wish to dissolve all dreams,

harmonious future. It may be an up and down

feeling they will never come true. There's work to

situation but in a few months more knowledge is

do in relationships first. What is it?

available. Careful with work and intimacy. Don't


May 22 - Jun. 22

-Careful with

Oct. 24 - Nov. 22

-New work

allow the two to be confused.

driving, travelling, and creating goals too far into

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23-Dec. 21 -You've been so

what's to come. There's a veil between you and

busy no one's heard from you. We see you like a

the future. It will fall away soon but this month

squirrel in your borrow working hard on putting

it's definite and intact. Ask yourself what your

things in order so new realities can emerge. You

aspirations are, what refinement is needed in

must get out and about a bit more. At least walk

your actions, and what peaceful environments

Smile at everyone. Do a bit of sports. Take in a

look and feel like. For you.

play and don't believe all that you hear.




e thought it would be useful to bring to your attention the attractions and versatility of QROPS for the UK non-resident who has come to live in Spain. In particular, for those who left the UK more than five complete UK tax years ago i.e. before 6 April 2006. A QROPS is a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme. It is a mechanism that allows an expat with a UK pension fund to transfer their fund to an overseas location. QROPS have become much more accessible over the last few months as we have seen new schemes and jurisdictions open up. This has resulted in more competition accompanied by a reduction in fees and greater choice and options available for our clients.

What are the key benefits of a QROPS: Before considering jurisdictions and costs the key benefits of having your pension fund in a QROPS as opposed to in a UK scheme include: 1. Greater flexibility of benefits – a higher lump sum can be possible if required. 2. Tax efficiency - on taking benefit from a QROPS. If structured correctly income taken will be taxed in Spain at between 1.6% and 2.6%. 3. Protection for dependents - following the QROPS member’s death a lump sum or income is available. With lump sums no UK tax is payable whereas in a UK scheme tax at 55% will typically apply. 4. Greater investment flexibility.

The importance of expert advice With schemes based in countries including Guernsey, Isle of Man and New Zealand available which is the best jurisdiction to choose? What is the best scheme to suit your particular requirements? Well that is where expert advice is required. It is not going to come from those who “dabble” - arranging the occasional QROPS with a main motivation of making as much commission as possible from investments. Rather, it will come from experts who understand the UK pensions system in depth as well as the systems operational in the main QROPS jurisdictions.

Getting it wrong can be costly There are for example two types of Isle of Man QROPS. One of these is totally unsuitable for residents of Spain as when income is taken a non-recoverable tax of 20% will be applied. Of the available Guernsey schemes, some are cost transparent whereas others will have you believe they are as cheap as chips (even “free”) whereas the truth is rather different.

New Zealand and capital lump sums New Zealand schemes are generally for those with smaller funds and who would prefer to receive an immediate lump sum. Funds that are left invested in New Zealand schemes are subject to tax at around 1.4% p.a. but the abolition of this tax expected later this year will suddenly make New Zealand an attractive longer term place to hold your pension fund.

For further information about QROPS and Pension Planning opportunities please email (M: 697 557 324) or see and quoting ref: OP0911

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

news hounds & more..."

The strategy of fleas for achieving great leaps "

BY Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.

They transmit the stored energy in their chest to the legs. | G. Sutton / M. Burrows.

They are tiny, weighing just 0.7 milligrams, but when they jump they can reach two meters in one second. Fleas have an amazing ability to jump that for decades has puzzled entomologists-insect biologists. A study published recently in 'The Journal of Experimental Biology reveals how they do it and contested the results obtained in previous research. According to the new work, the fleas are pushing with their feet, particularly with the tarsus. From there they project the energy stored in their chest muscles and so are able to achieve amazing jumps. In 1967, Henry Bennet-Clark discovered that fleas store the energy needed to catapult into the air in their chest area, this consists of resilin (the protein that allows the insect to be flexible.) However, it was not clear how they were able to achieve propulsion. In subsequent years, both Bennet-Clark and Miriam Rothschild made several assumptions about how they succeeded but did not have recording equipment to check speed. The researchers, led by scientists at the University of Cambridge Malcolm Burrows and Gregory Sutton, analyzed the behavior of 10 fleas. In total, they managed to film 51 jumps. They said the task was not easy because the filming usually was recorded using the same technique used to record lobsters, much larger than fleas. However, they soon saw that the insects were completely still in the dark and only jumped when the lights were lit, which facilitated their work. Propulsion from the tarsus While Rothschild had suggested that fleas are propelled by their trochanter (the second of five parts that comprise the legs of insects and is articulated with the hip and femur), the new study has found that these insects can transmit force from their chest muscles to the legs and are able to push using the tarsus (the outermost part of the leg), getting to jump to a height of 1.9 meters per second. In most of the jumps, the tarsus and trochanter were in contact with the ground during the 'take-off'. Only 10% of the jumps filmed showed that the tarsus was the only part of the leg that hit the ground. That is, that if in these cases they did not need to use the trochanter, it is probable that this part of the leg was not essential for the jump, fleas have two mechanisms for propulsion. To find out more precisely they continued collecting evidence. The recordings showed that during the 'take-off'

the bugs continue to accelerate, even when not using the trochanter. In addition, analysis of the leg by an electron microscope revealed that both the tibia and the tarsus were equipped with grippers while the trochanter was smooth, so it could not get a good grip to gain the needed momentum for propulsion. Then they developed two mathematical models that reproduced the trajectory of the flea on the basis of theories of Rothschild (propulsion from the trochanter) and Bennet-Clark (from the talus). By comparing the results with recordings of the second model it was the one that coincided perfectly with the trajectory of the insect and its acceleration, and was able to confirm how the fleas have gotten to be great at jumping. Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M. Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre Dog of the


Please to say both Marc & Laika previous dog of the month have both found wonderful families and are very happy. Hello, I’m Nouschko, I’m a bouvier type of dog, grey colour, and I have been living for over three years in the animal shelter Alberg d’Animals in Camarles. I’m about 4 years old. I was brought in by the police, so they don’t know where I came from. My right eye is coloured with a little extra grey, which gives me a funny facial expression. I have a lot of energy and I don’t like all other dogs. But if you’re interested in me, bring your other dog then as well and we can sniff at each other to see if we like one another. I love to play with a ball and can do that for hours. Unfortunately, a previous owner cut my tail to short and now I have a spot on my back that every now and then needs taken care off. Do you have a nice place for me with a fence around or can you walk me daily, so I can get my daily exercise? Are you interested in giving me a better life; I’d love to invite you to come and meet me. Nouschko Call for more information or a visit: Encarna (Spanish) 657 181 437 or Anna (English, German, Dutch) 977 265 018 or 680 160 051 col.laboració amb Pinsos Folch, Mora d’Ebre

A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

14 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

L' Ampolla

Next to the train station

"Bar Estacion is Going to the Dogs"

on Sat 17th Sept ...12 euro entry Includes Race cards, all betting chips for 10 races, glass of Cava + BBQ on the terrace. Ticket only Lots of fun and prizes to be won. Booking essential, call to reserve your ticket now!!

Tel: 977 460 387 "moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. (Association for Refuge and Taking care of the Animals) it is a non-profit association operating since the summer of year 2001. At this moment they have 300 abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the much appreciated donations but with each new arrival more donations are needed. If you want to donate to Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an e-mail with your personal data and account number or call or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. email: protectora. ARCA mail: Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 359

Call Arca Today to Provide A Home To 1 Of 300 Dogs Needing A Loving Home Or If You Can Volunteer Any Assistance With The Dogs



16 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364


A man was sipping on a glass of wine, while sitting on the patio with his wife, and he says, "I love you so much, I don't know how I could ever live without you." His wife asks, "Is that you, or the wine talking?" He replies, "It's me ............. talking to the wine." __________ Our father, who art in prison (my mum knows not his name), Thy riots come, read it in The Sun,in Birmingham as it is in London. Give us this day our Welfare bread, And forgive us our looting, as we're happy to loot those who defend stuff afainst us. And lead us not into employment, but deliver us free housing. For thine is the telly, the Burberry and the Baccardi, For ever and ever . . . . innit. OH TO BE 8 AGAIN!

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife, who was looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her birthday. 'I'd like to be eight again', she replied, still looking in the mirror . On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Coco Pops, and then took her to Adventure World theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favourite chocolate, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being eight again? Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 'I meant my dress size, you f@*#*! retard!!!!' The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it wrong.


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Tel. 977 81 11 43

Avda. Barcelona, 160 |43892 Miami Platja Tarragona, España

            ; K F 

treat your taste buds.

Cream Cheese Pecan Grape Salad - I just love these desserts that masquerade as "salads"!" Ingredients for 10 appetizer servings 1 lb. green grapes 1 lb. red grapes 1 8-oz. package cream cheese, softened 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 2-lb. bag pecan pieces 2 cups brown sugar Instructions: Wash and dry the grapes. Cream together cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and sour cream until smooth. Fold the grapes into this mixture. Spread the grape mixture out in a 9x13 dish. Mix together pecans and brown sugar, and sprinkle over the top of the grape mixture. Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.

GRAPE AND ALMOND GAZPACHO Ingredients: 2 pounds seedless green grapes 1 small cucumber, peeled, seeded, and coarsely chopped 1/4 lb almonds, toasted 2 scallions. white and green parts only, coarsely chopped 1/4 cup rice vinegar 1/2 cup plain yogurt 3 ounces cream cheese 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup buttermilk 1/2 to 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper 2 large dill sprigs, minced 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper Garnishes: minced chives, thin cucumber slices, dill, sage or chive flowers Combine the grapes, cucumbers, almonds, scallions, vinegar, yogurt, cream cheese, olive oil, and buttermilk in a blender, or food processor. Process until almost smooth, with just a bit of texture remaining. Stir in salt, white pepper, cayenne and dill. Cover and refrigerate until very cold. Serve in cold bowls and garnish.

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hebjust grapes xpk CHICKEN WITH GRAPES Ingredients: 8 ounces uncooked linguine/pasta 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (6 ounces each) 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup white wine or chicken broth 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream 1 cup green grapes, halved 2 tablespoons minced fresh tarragon Directions Cook linguine according to package directions. Meanwhile, sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook chicken in oil and butter for 5-8 minutes on each side or until juices run clear. Remove and keep warm. Add wine to skillet; stir to loosen brown bits. Bring to a boil; cook until liquid is reduced by half. Stir in cream; cook and stir until thickened. Add the grapes, tarragon and chicken; heat through. Drain linguine. Serve with chicken mixture. Yield: 4 servings. GRAPE JELLY INGREDIENTS: 250gr of green grapes 250gr of red grapes 6 leaves of isinglass/gelatin 1 cup of mosto or grape juice A half a cup of white wine A cup of sugar Two spoonfuls of lemon juice Two cups of milk METHOD: Cut the gelatin into pieces and put them in cold water to soak. Wash the grapes and saving some for decoration cut them in half and de-seed them. In a pan pour the mosto or grape juice, the white wine, the sugar and the lemon juice and mix everything really well and then start to heat it. Drain the gelatin and add it to the pan and stir until it dissolves. Then pour some of the jelly mixture into a glass and wait until is coagulates a bit. Then add a layer of grapes and then pour more liquid into the glass and do this for all glasses of jelly. Put them all in the fridge for at least three hours. Before serving add a few of the saved grapes on top to decorate. TIME: 25 minutes + 3 hours

22 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

        ; K F     

Stroll down to the peaceful cove of Cala de les Sirenes, (only 50m away) after a lovely meal and have a siesta or a gentle swim to burn off your lunch or have a pleasant dinner after your day on the beach. The Menu Del Dia is a superb example of what you will receive from the À La Carte as you can see from the photos below of a Menu Del Dia starter and homemade deserts. Just imagine what else is on offer from the À La Carte! Certainly plenty to tickle your taste buds. Le Bistro de Cathy with home made French cuisine, welcoming and friendly staff serving you on the terrace under the palm trees or dine inside amongst the pleasant surroundings.

© Developing a great Spanish Garden By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe Practical holistic gardeners and authors living in Spain for 25 years.

How does your garden stack up? Apart from the swimming pool terrace how much use of it did you make this summer? Does it take maximum advantage of the Mediterranean climate we experience? Is it a garden in which it is enjoyable to walk around, work in, take siestas, eat out in on most days of the year and at the same time provide some of the family’s fruit and vegetables and perhaps even eggs? If not we provide a basic framework for you. Enables you to create an outdoor lifestyle for most of the year by, amongst other things, providing for summer shade and sheltered winter sun.

Perfume throughout the year as one passes through the entrance gate and around the garden. Favourites include jasmines, roses, honeysuckles, galan de noche, san diego, frangipani, mock orange, citrus trees, freesias, lilies, passion flowers, sweet peas, geraniums, and naturally culinary and medicinal herbs.

The traditional Spanish sound of dripping water from a fountain, the running water of a waterfall into or between ponds or a creative mini water feature.

Attraction of an interesting range of beneficial wildlife ranging from geckoes on the walls at night that catch flying insects to lizards on rocks and frogs and dragon flies around a the pond.

Has an attractive and interesting network of terraces and paths. Terraces of different sizes for different activities such as cooking and entertaining, secluded siestas, sunning after a dip in the pool or a quiet winters read. Curving rather than straight paths and the use of a variety of surfaces can add to the magic of a new garden even before the first plants are planted.

A number of interesting and contrasting mini gardens, patios or corners. The pool area treated as one of several mini gardens rather than the only feature of the garden.

A variety of colour schemes in different parts of the garden using plantings with the many hues and textures of green foliage as well as the subtle or blazing colours of the flowers. Our book ‘Your Garden in Spain – Planning planting and maintenance’ includes an important chapter in this respect – chapter 2 ‘Painting with plants?

The growing of even just a few seasonal vegetables that can be harvested and eaten fresh, especially if grown ecologically. If you have prepared the ground well and kept up the watering during the summer you may be voted as amongst the best at the vegetable display to celebrate the Virgin de las frutas?????? on the 17/18 September.

The growing of a variety of herbs for use in cooking as well as for their natural aroma therapeutic and medicinal benefits Herbs can be grouped in a herb garden or on a rockery or spread around the garden in mixed beds.


Naturally you won’t achieve such a garden within a year unless very small but do have a clear vision of what you are aiming for before you start. Send us a photo when you have finished! Clodagh and Dick’s instructive books will tell you more about garden design planting and maintenance whether starting from scratch or improving an existing garden. You will find them in bookshops including Bookworld and Carrefour. For convenience many internet bookshops stock them including Santana Books, Amazon UK, Bookworld and The Royal Horticultural Society. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe August 2011.

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:

yoga for all- Increasing our energy levels


oga has many health benefits including a boost to your energy levels and improved overall health. You don’t need to set aside a special time of the day to do yoga. In fact, can do yoga at any time you want. Try these simple tips for energy boosting yoga poses that you can do at home when you feel tired - they really do work! The Mountain Pose This pose begins with you standing still with your feet hip width apart and arms resting by your side. Keep your feet parallel with the toes facing forward and ensure that your weight is distributed evenly. Shoulders are relaxed, fingers stretch towards the floor. Breathe in deeply and hold the position for the length of one breath. Extended Mountain Hold the mountain pose and put your hands above your head by slowly raising your arms outwards. The palms must be apart, at least shoulder width, and facing each other. Now extend your spine, your back should be curved inwards and hold the position for the length of the breath. Standing Forward Bend This position is continued from the last position. Exhale and from the waist bend forward keeping your spine straight and long. Bend the knees as much as you need to while keeping the back long from the hips to the head. Stretch your arms towards the floor and once the hands reach the floor, place them either on your thighs or on the ground. Hold the position for the length of one breath while you focus on your legs. Ensure that your neck and head are relaxed as it will make this position easier. The Modified Long Staff This move follows forward bend. Position yourself completely on the ground by moving your feet backwards. Exhale deeply while you do so. Now balance your body on your toes and hands so that

you are parallel to the floor (like a low push up). Bend your legs in such a way that knees, shins and your feet, the top portion, are on the floor. Bend your arms; hold the position for the length of one breath. Modified Down-Dog Split You should start this move with a pushup position and then lift your hips moving into an inverted V position, facing down. Now take five breaths and lift your right heel and leg upwards, toward the ceiling. Lower the right leg, raise the left leg and heel to the ceiling. Return the right foot to the floor. Warrior 3 This position follows the down-dog split. Lunge the right foot forward between the hands if possible. Balance all your weight on the right foot, straighten the right leg while you raise the other leg behind you. Ensure that your torso and back leg are parallel to the ground and stretch your arms forward. Repeat by balancing on the left leg and raising the right leg behind you, parallel to the floor. Tree From the last position, go back to a standing position using only your core muscles. Place the left foot on the right thigh and lift both arms upwards. Repeat on the other leg. When we relax into yoga we find unlimited reserves of energy. Try every day for one week to enjoy the full benefits. Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly classes. Contact Sarah for more details on 663 140 297


L' Ampolla



Bingo Night 8pm



night "Fish & Chips" and "Karaoke with Amanda".


EVERY SUNDAY Traditional Roast Lunch With All The Trimmings from 12noon - booking advisable

Booking essential Tel: 977 460 387

Full English Menu, as well as Menu Del Dia - Mon-Sat 10€ 3 courses, Sundays 15€ 3 courses- (includes wine, water & bread), Baguettes/Sandwiches and Tapas.

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month I present a rarely seen documentary film set during World War Two………Garbo: El espía (Garbo: The Spy) 2009

Garbo: The Spy offers a fascinating account of an extraordinary Spanish double agent during WWII who helped change the course of history. Director Edmon Roch utilizes a dazzling mixture of feature film and archival footage, interviews and music, beautifully underscoring the film’s theme of the shifting border between truth and falsehood. The former manager of a chicken farm, Catalan Juan Pujol was in hiding during much of the Spanish Civil War, which gave him a distaste for fascism. In 1940, he offered his services to the British as a spy against the Nazis but was rejected. Instead, he set himself up as a German agent, operating out of Lisbon but pretending to the Nazis that he was based in London. On his fifth try, the Brits accepted him. Pujol wrote thousands of pages of information (some true, some false) which he sent to the Nazis. The passion, detail and sincerity of his letters were enough to persuade the Germans that he was for real. The peak of his career came in 1944, when he succeeded in diverting German defense forces to Calais while the Allied landings were taking place in Normandy, thus averting considerable bloodshed. After this, Garbo retired by faking his own death. Garbo the spy successfully worked for both the Allies and the Third Reich partly due to the credibility he earned through his impressive knowledge of classified information--information he accounted for with reference to a web of 27 fictitious subagents, supposedly under his command. Honoured as a hero on both sides at the end of the war, Pujol subsequently disappeared. Rumour had it he died in 1949 after contracting malaria in Angola-until he was discovered more than 30 years later living a new life, yet again, in Venezuela. Telling the incredible story of this secret agent, who British Intelligence named Garbo for being the 'greatest actor in the world,' director Edmon Roch relies on a collection of eloquent interviews that fluidly guide the viewer through the many lives of a true master at the art of deception. Imaginatively mixing these with archival footage and excerpts from spy films to create a suspenseful and witty tone, Roch constructs a narrative that not only deciphers a fascinatingly complex character but ultimately implicates the documentary process itself in its analysis of the truths to be won from a canny mixture of facts and fictions. As always if you want to check out the trailer, you can do so at Jason.M.Berry 04/08/2011 Contact

Asda introduces ‘slapping-friendly areas’ for shoppers with small children Supermarket chain Asda is to create ‘slapping areas’ where frustrated parents can hit their children without causing offence to other shoppers. ‘Parents of course have a right to slap their children, but not everyone wants to see children being hit while they shop, so by creating slapping and non-slapping areas of the store we are meeting both needs,’ said a spokeswoman for Asda today. ‘Many of our patrons have complained that it can be difficult to land a proper blow when their child is writhing around on the floor of an aisle, so the provision of a purpose-designed smacking area will allow them to mete out a proper thrashing to their disruptive child away from disapproving eyes.’ The supermarket giant says the slapping areas will be in quieter ‘neutral’ areas of the store, rather than the traditional cereal or confectionery aisles where family conflict often flares up. A special sign featuring a raised hand and a tearful child’s face will guide parents to those areas of the store that are designated as slapping-friendly. One parent who preferred not to be named praised the scheme. ‘My mum used to belt me really hard in the Co-Op bacon queue and it never did me no harm. How I choose to bring up my kids is my business. Troy, I told you. Stop making that bleeding noise or you know what you’ll get.’ With the idea proving a success, Tesco is now considering a similar scheme to deal with unruly small children, ‘Every Little Yelps’. But not everyone supports the approach. ‘Of course you’d never catch me shopping in Asda,’ said one lady shopping at Waitrose today. ‘I can’t bear hearing screaming and yelling while I do my shopping. That’s why I pay to send my children to boarding school so they can be abused by trained professionals away from the public gaze.’

Four year-old girl to run Royal Bank of Scotland FOUR year-old Gemma Logan has been unveiled as the new chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Logan was hired to run the taxpayer-owned bank after the previous management spent £750m on a series of things that were utterly worthless. The four year-old, who has no high-level banking experience but can go to the toilet by herself, is expected to reassess the bank's investment strategy and point to all the things it should obviously not have spent other people's money on. Logan said: "Occasionally my mummy has the radio on when I am having lunch in the kitchen and even though I am not really paying attention and am far more interested in the way in which my peas and carrots have been arranged into a rather manic, smiling face, I was able to work out for myself that investing in Greek government bonds would be, at best, inadvisable. "I was three at the time." She added: "I am sure that many will say that I could not possibly have garnered the experience necessary to run a major international financial institution given that much of my time has been spent chasing the cat with a spoon. "But I'm not sure the Royal Bank of Scotland can actually withstand another 24 hours of being run by someone with a banking qualification. "It is time for them to stand aside and make way for a spoon-wielding cat chaser who will at least read the papers and watch Newsround before deciding whether or not to buy hundreds of millions of pounds worth of debt from a country that does not have any money. "Even the cat has worked that one out."

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


wasn’t aware that Spain produced Ice Wine but the DO (Denominación de Origen) was the first approved to do so in the region of Penedès. This has become the first European appellation to approve the creation of ice wine by artificial freezing methods; the newly approved ice wine, Vino Dulce de Hielo, was available from the 2009 vintage. The artificial freezing of grapes is forbidden in the traditional Ice Wine regions of Germany, Austria and Canada where grapes must be left to freeze naturally on the vine. Traditionally Ice Wines are made when the grapes have been frozen at a temperature of below -6 Celsius (20F) for a number of days before harvesting; however the newly approved Spanish ice wine, DO Vino Dulce de Hielo, is created by freezing the grapes in either a cold room or on dry ice in a refrigerator. The grape varieties used to make the Ice Wine are Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Malvasia de Sitiges, Moscatel de Grano Menudo, Moscatel de Alejandria, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and/ or Merlot – and the final wine must therefore contain 70/150 g/l of residual sugar with alcohol content between 9.5-13 percent. I am quite surprised that Spain has allowed this DO to go ahead as there has been little Ice Wine production there historically. Spanish Ice Wine only dates back to over ten years ago when the Gramona family (noted Cava producers) in Catalonia opted to make the first Spanish Ice Wines – Gramona Gewürztraminer, Riesling-Muscat and Gewürztraminer Crianza. The venture was the idea of Jaume Gramona who was inspired by the techniques used to make German Eiswein. Some winemakers in Rioja and Utiel-Requena have also made experimental batches. The Spanish Ice Wine has to be made differently as lack of frost in the Catalonian vineyards is a problem. The Gramonas discovered that after various tests, the only possible way to achieve the higher concentration of must after a late harvest was by partially freezing the grapes, using techniques known as “supraextracción” and “crioextracción” that take place in cold storage. There has been some discussion that the artificial freezing used to make the Spanish Ice Wine detracts from the traditional skills used to produce Ice Wine in other countries . . . what

do you think? Ice wine was discovered accidentally in the 1700′s in Germany. Currently Canada is the largest producer of Ice Wine but this may change as a small town in north eastern China is also producing this rare, rich ambrosia. Huanren, a picturesque, mountainous county in Liaoning province, is currently building the largest Ice Wine estate in the world. Due to the environmental conditions needed to grow the grapes for Ice Wine, there are only a few countries which are able to produce the luxury product – as a result, supply falls far short of current demand. As you can imagine this offers quite an impetus if you can produce it and countries such as Israel, Australia and New Zealand are also starting to make Ice Wine. However you don’t have to look so far afield – Ice Wines (vins de glace) are also made in Alsace – where they are less common but most of the major wine makers produce them from time to time. The riesling is the favoured grape, but Ice Wines are also made from gewurztraminer and pinot gris grapes. Seppi Landmann’s winery makes vins de glace on the slopes of Zinnkoepflé, the highest vineyard in Alsace . France does not officially recognize the name “Ice Wine” and very few French winemakers embark therefore in what appears to be a risky and unprofitable venture. The only other Ice Wine I have heard of being made in France is in the Loire – namely the one off vintage of 1980 Huët Vouvray Vin De Glace Sec Le Haut-Lieu where 1000 bottles of vins de glace were made after a sudden frost in the November!


US debt crisis averted thanks to loan from The US breathed a collective sigh of relief today following President Obama’s announcement that the nation’s application for a loan from online lender had been approved. ‘The site was really user-friendly and made getting out of debt by getting into even more debt a doddle,’ said Obama. ‘The green undulating fields and cartoon butterflies at the top of their homepage made me feel immediately at ease, plus they had this cool slider thing that went all the way up to $2,400,000,000,000 – which was handy. They didn’t even seem bothered about our credit history.’ The deal comes after a night of fraught discussions between Democrats and Republicans around the White House kitchen table. ‘Hillary Clinton was writing down ‘what we’ve got coming in’ and ‘what we’ve got going out’ on the back of a manila envelope, but we quickly ran out space for all the noughts,’ continued Obama. ‘Then we went online and found Their guaranteed instant decision and 15-minute payout was just what we were after. I’d certainly recommend their service to any other struggling superpower.’ Wonga are delighted by the deal. ‘We usually specialise in small-time borrowers who need that little bit extra to help make ends meet until payday. But anyone can experience cashflow problems, and it’s just good to be able to do our bit for the world’s largest economy.’ However, many in Congress and the House of Representatives are said to be furious after checking the smallprint and finding that Wonga is charging a typical APR of 4,214% on the $2.4 trillion loan. ‘The main thing is that we now have the money to stop us defaulting on our debts,’ said Obama. ‘Our credibility would have been in tatters if we couldn’t keep up our repayments to cash4u. com.’ jim died His will provided €40,000 for an elaborate funeral. As the last guests departed the affair, his wife Sharon turned to her oldest and dearest friend. 'Well, I'm sure Jim would be pleased,' she said. 'I'm sure you're right,' replied Brenda, who lowered her voice and leaned in close. 'How much did this really cost?' 'All of it,' said Sharon. 'Forty thousand.' 'No!' Brenda exclaimed. 'I mean, it was very nice, but €40,000?' Sharon answered, 'The funeral was €6,500. I donated €500 to the church. The whisky, wine and snacks were another €500. The rest went for the Memorial stone.' Brenda computed quickly. '€32,500 for a Memorial Stone? How big is it?'

MPs facing ‘impossible choice’ between two huge fibbers MPs say they have no plans to call Piers Morgan for questioning over the alleged hacking of Heather Mills’ phone while they struggle to decide which of the barefaced whopper-mongers they should believe. ‘From anyone else these accusations would prompt very serious questions, but unfortunately from Ms Mills they just make you roll your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and go la, la, la,’ said Tory MP John Whittingdale, head of the media select committee. ‘We’re dealing here with a woman who, even if she told you herself that she only had the one leg, you’d still do a quick count to be on the safe side. She thinks veracity’s a fashion designer. How can we choose between them? It’s impossible – why couldn’t I be asked to decide on something simpler like whether to turn off someone’s life support machine?’ Fellow committee member Tom Watson MP agreed. ‘Christ, and then you’re left with the option of believing Piers Morgan – a guy who is rumoured to have given a false name during his wedding vows. If his pants were anymore aflame, you’d think Hell was having an open day.’ After discussing the matter for over nine gruelling hours on the day following Ms Mills’ allegations, the Committee was no closer to knowing who to believe. ‘You would imagine that coming from a world knee-deep in Nixons, Clintons, Aitkens and Archers this would be shit off a bull’s back,’ said MP Louise Mensch. ‘But this is probably the first time I’ve encountered two people capable of four-faced lying.’ Labour MP Jim Sheridan added it ‘would be immensely helpful to the work of the committee if both Morgan and Mills would agree to appear before MPs, and then on their way in, drive off a cliff.’ While the Committee’s deliberations continue, Ms Mills has made futher allegations claiming that while in Piers Morgan’s company he admitted he was a warlock and that she witnessed him drink the blood of kittens. In turn, Mr Morgan has sought to draw a line under the matter by arguing that while the alleged illegal hacking was taking place he was playing cards with close friends royal butler Paul Burrell and former Prime Minister Tony Blair. ‘If anyone doubted my word, there’s no way they’d doubt Paul’s and Tony’s,’ he said.

30 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

I live in the middle of nowhere; can I have an internet connection? Advertorial

The answer is YES! Until recently having internet in the middle of nowhere was possible but only with expensive satellite equipment. Now, thanks to a grant from the Generalitat, it is free. Yes, you read correctly, free. Is it really available, don’t I need to be a resident/Spanish/ Catalan? YES it is really available; I’ve (in the last 3 weeks) installed 27 systems. There is still equipment available. It is available to anyone who has a residence here, even if they live here or not. You do need to be in Catalunya as it is only available here at the moment. Do I need to apply, wait to see if I’m lucky, and stand in a queue with every paper I have but still be missing some permission? You need to call me! As long as you have an NIE, address (polygon/parcel) and Spanish bank account then you don’t need anything else. Do I need a telephone line? NO. The service is bidirectional, which means it sends and receives directly from the satellite; you don’t need any other connection. What about a phone? A telephone service will be launched in 2 to 3 months; it is currently in testing and does work. Will it work on my inverter/does it use much power? Yes, it will work with an inverter and/or generator. Power consumption is minimal, about the same as a laptop computer. Can I have a WIFI connection? Yes, but this is an optional extra that you need to pay for.

The router costs 60 euros + IVA Will it always be free, should I wait? In theory the offer runs until October 2012 or until the money runs out. As with all grants, the money usually runs out before the time. I have ADSL/Iberbanda/Eurona/3G, can I have satellite? It depends. The free offer is for people who do not have what is classed as a ‘decent quality’ of service. The definition of ‘decent quality’ is a reliable service with a speed of 1Mb. If your service doesn’t meet this speed then yes, if it does then no. What does it cost per month? Is it unlimited use? The basic service costs 31.50 euros + iva per month. It is limited to 4Gb of data at a (theoretical) speed of 6Mb download and 1Mb upload. Usage is controlled by a ‘Fair Access Policy’ that reduces your speed should you exceed your usage. I want faster/more data, can I have it? Yes, several packages are available however you will need to pay a fee to upgrade and the monthly charges are higher. What system is it, I want to know more about it? The system is Tooway 6. You can either call me for more information or search on the internet. If you would like more information or to have a system installed please call me on 620 353 138. Nigel Morton

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages “No internet coverage, no problem! If you live in Catalunya in an area where there is no internet via ADSL, WiMax or 3G mobile then you qualify for Subsidized Internet via satellite. This is an initiative between the Generalitat and Eurona. Equipment and installation is FREE (worth around 600 euros) for the basic service (4Gb monthly download limit, 6Mb speed), monthly cost €31.50 + IVA. LIMITED OFFER SO DON’T DELAY.” NOW BEING INSTALLED!

Contact Nigel Morton: 620 353 138

-now 1200 minutes free calls to Spanish landlines - UK landline calls 2.5c/minute -Technical support in English - installation 70 € - Keep your existing phone number or have a new number

Special Offers:

• Installation free then depending on the contracted speed; • For 1Mb 1 month free, • 2Mb 2 months free, • 3Mb 3 months free.


How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as easy.

“Available for live Performances”

spanglish?-answers next month

ACROSS 1. bath 2. kitchen 5. temptress 6. runner (table) 8. sorbo (E) 10. this 12. zero 14. monja (E) 15. hello 16. señor (E) 18. añadir (E) 19. once (E) 20. to block 21. elect 22. August




5. 6.

7. 8.






14. 15.

16. 18.


19. 20.


ACROSS: 1. pensamientos 7. scour 8. rios


DOWN 1. botella (E) 2. handicraft 4. cuddle 7. age 9. bread shop 17. such 13. echo 15. man 16. mentira (E) 17. money by Sarah (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish)


ANSWERS TO THE AUGUST ISSUE OF SPANGLISH 11. near 3. inch 6. tres 16. beso 23. alternativas DOWN: 12. cien 12. chupete 20. sere 1. padrino 4. nose 9. opaca 13. there 15. panceta 21. tacon 2. seis 5. oso 10. luna 14. jovenes

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

18. once 19. tren 20. semi 22. cal

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd Sunday of every month, Kestrel Riding Stables, El Perello. Arrive 9am starts 9.30am-1pm, Refreshments, Pony rides. Tel: 638 191 128. •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area). •EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer

L' Ampolla

Next to the train station

"Bar Estacion Jamming"

Every Wednesday night from 7pm jamming session at the bar bring an instrument and join in the fun

Tel: 977 460 387 PHOENIX GROUP | set up for women by women to offer friendship, support and practical help. Meetings every second Tuesday of each month @ Bar Calxic (opposite Cinema Victoria), El Perelló @ 3 p.m. All welcome. Contact Marge on 977 267 779 or 689 608 611

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday EARLY EVENING UNTIL DARK!! 5pm Until Dark. Every Sunday Evening until further notice. Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 4 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission

At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road

Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry. charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 3rd and 17th September. More information by phoning Janet on 977902603 or 608610589. •Cof E CHURCH SERVICES | The services are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Parish Church in L'Ampolla at 12;30. All are welcome, followed by Menu del dia lunch (optional) Enquiries: 977 593 219. The Anglican Congregation of St Christopher's, Costa Azahar -5, Plaza Primero De Mayo,Vinaros-Services 10am. every Sunday. Also other activities i.e. Thursdays, a "Drop. In" morning from 11.a.m.- 1.00 p.m. to meet for a coffee & a chat. Paul Needle can be contacted on 964 761 641 or mobile 662 482 944 or e-mail for pastoral needs.


GROUP Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: N.B. Most clubs are broken up for the summer period until September. BADMINTON CLUB -"Established Intermediate Badminton Group meets every Tuesday at Perello Sports Pavillion from 11.30am to 1pm. Good club standard to league level play. First session of the season starts on Tuesday 13th September. Phone Marian for details on 697 353 914".

LINE DANCING | Join us for an afternoon's Line dancing. Just bring a drink and a smile. Thursdays 3-5pm at the School of Music in El Perelló. First 1/2 hour dedicated to beginners. Good exercise for the legs and jaws! More details from Irene 630 115 006 or Jo-Ann 634 495 572. We restart on 22 September. “YOGA DAY OUT WITH A DIFFERENCE” If you enjoy yoga and the company of like-minded women, why not join us for a day out with a difference? The yoga is held at the Town Hall in La Galera from 11am to 1pm and is led by Pamela Sharp, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master, who has lived and practised in Spain for 35 years. Pam is an excellent teacher and always does something different. We never know what to expect, but it’s always fun! After yoga we normally go to a local restaurant for lunch, where the food is excellent and very good value for money. The whole day usually costs about €20 and will definitely be no more than €25.00. It is usually held on the first Friday of the month starting again on Friday 7th October, so if you are interested please ring Jeanette Lane for further information & to secure a place (at least one week before) on 977 477 042 or 686 292 823. THE READING CLUB where an English spoken person reads a short English story- members consist of Spanish, Irish and English. We will meet in October, the 17th, Jenny Walker will read for us the last chapter of The Pearl, by John Steinbeck., 19:30 pm, Domingo Public Library, Tortosa.


personal classifieds

come ist in!



“The Plan” new Pop-Rock-Funk band!! Keyboards and vocals:

condition 55.5"(h) x 22.5"(d) x 21.5"(w) 100 euros ono tel 666

Julio (Manu Chao), bassguitar and vocals: Nico, drums: Pep

953 294 IGNIS FRIDGE FREEZER | for sale 50 euros ono tel

(The 4 Legends). Info and bookings: Please call 977 265 018

666 953 294

or 630 583 102.

SOFA | L shape terracotta, 150€. RUGS | 2x Marks

“CLOVER” folk, blues, pop and rock n’ roll band | Info and

&Spencers burgundy, 30€. AIR CONDITIONER | portable

bookings: 977 265 018 or 686 066 707

60€. MICROWAVE | digital silver 40€. CHESTS | 6 draw + 2x


2 drawer. OFFICE DESK | 50€. Call 688 632 359

cooker type €30. Call 977 059 364.

CORNER LOG BURNER | with oven , 3yrs old, ex. condt.,

SWIMMING POOL LIGHTS | new only 60€. call 629 010 529

new door seal. H97 D68 W70, new 870€ accept 470€. Can

or 626 876 738

deliver. Call 669 346 642

WHITES SURFMASTER PI PRO PLUS | metal detector for

LARGE CHERRY WOOD | finish crescent desk with desk-

sale with probe for beach & underwater excellent condition

high 3 drawer pedestal. Can be assembled as right hand or

450euros ono phone 666 953 294 for details

left hand desk. As new, €130. Tel 616 887 298

PENN 321 MULTIPLIERS | x 2 brand new in box perfect

ESTUFA | cast iron like new, 200 euros. INTERNAL DOORS

catfish reel 60 euros each contact 695 103 570

| 6 of 30euros each, MAHOGANY DISPLAY CABINET |drinks

VARIOUS | Exercise Bike Suntrack 20€. Waterskies Conquest

cupboard below 40euros, Tel. 977 050 104, mob 669 539 676

Combo 99€. Adjustable dog guard for car 20€. Electric water


pump Pentax 5.35ltr/min pumps to 45m high Max press 10 bar

WANTED DOOR AND 2 WINDOWS | Call 977 059 420 or

works on 240v 99€. Contact tel 618 199 417

660 823 423

BUTSIR GAS FRIDGE/FREEZER | Full working order, just

WANTED CONTAINER | call 626 876 738 or 629 010 529

serviced. Three years old. Can be seen working 450euros. Tel

FRONT BUMPER WANTED | for Land Rover Discovery 2,

693 725 242. Bitem area

ring 636 925 582

WIND GENERATORS (24v) | Hornet 1000+, working order,

FAMILY CAR WANTED | VW/Audi or similar or Lada Niva.

400 euros; other, needs servicing, 100 euros; with mountings

To buy or possible exchange for C15 van, low mileage. tel

and cable. Call Stephen on 636 682 993

649 429 056

ELECTRIC TROLLING MOTOR | for boat only used 2 times,

WANTED CHICKEN COOP | urgent, tel evenings 977 409 325

100€ Call 634 469 368 VARIOUS | Circular saw + stand almost new 100euros. Aluminium double ladders 20euros. Backpack weed sprayer 15euros.





terracotta pots/plants 2-10euros. Contact 977 477 092 or 610 610 215 or 639 545 348 FOR SALE | Due to relocation Solar installation 6000 watt. Very Good Condition. Two complete solar installations of 2 x 3000 watt 13 solar panels of 190 watt 24 batteries of 630AH-2volt 1 generator ISUZU 16KVA 220/380volt Outback inverter

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call W E N D Y 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 231euros have been raised so thanks to all !!!

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP

Outback charge regulator


Outback mate


Solener inverter etc If you are seriously interested please call 630 257 003

etc. 3800€ Call 656 428 568 PAJERO | short wheel base, 3.5V6,UK reg., needs service. 700€ Call 671 772 937 or 977 090 551

34 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327. OSPREY SAILING DINGHY | with trailer. Wooden, suitable for a crew of 2 or 3, with trapeze. Length 5.35m, beam 1.75m,

Into English or Spanish from English, Spanish, Catalan or French. British national raised in Catalan-speaking area of Spain. BA in Translating and Interpreting. Based near Ginestar. Contact: 667 224 766,,

sail area 31m2. €275 ono Tel 616 887 298


VAUXHALL ASTRA | m reg. Convertible, reliable, clean.

Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years.

500€ Tel. 688 632 359

Bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing

CITROEN PICASSO XSARA | diesel 2005 exc






etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053

condition full service history Spanish car with 2 years ITV recent cam belt change 4000 euros tel. 650 080 981 Kim YAMAHA XT 660CC ENGLISH MOTORBIKE | 2004 exc condition only 2000 miles new tyres must be seen at

2500 euros ono tel. 650 080 981 Kim OSSA MAR 250CC TRIALS BIKE | Mick Andrews this bike is a classic 40 years old immaculate condition

DRIVER WITH LARGE VAN | Making regular trips between Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to & from Spain. Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596

MISS SHOPPING IN UK STORES | Why not buy in English stores. Have your goods delivered to our UK address and

recently restored all new engine totally original 2000

you collect from our local address in Spain. For as little as

euros ono tel. 650 080 981 Kim

10€. terms & conditions apply. 0034 977 477 367


GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico

Casa Catalan Services

on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707

for all your maintenance & management needs Competitive rates, References on request, Reliable & professional service, no job to big or to small Call Chris: 680 306 365.

TRANSLATIONS and INTERPRETATION SERVICE | (English/Spanish) FLIX AREA: 676 742 500 FLOOR & WALL TILER | Domestic or commercial. References available. Call Mark 686 069 923


CARPENTER & JOINER WITH GENERAL BUILDING SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/


L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929

PROPERTY | in good order, at realistic prices. Telephone 680 701 840, email

ENGLISH MECHANIC - Basic servicing, maintenance and repairs. Tel: 977 407 990. mob. 699 396 053

VAN SPAIN-UK-SPAIN Van going to UK first week October and returning second week. All shopping done at very competitive rates Asda, Tesco, Screw Fix, what ever you want I can shop for you and deliver back to Spain. Contact Les on 0034 629 010 529

FOR SALE, 2 plots of land l'Ametlla de Mar excellent situation and access just off the N340 going into the village of L'Ametlla. Clean flat land with olive trees and carobs. Adjacent properties have mains electric and mains water. Sea and mountain views Totally fenced in, just 2km from L'Ametlla de Mar. Plot 1 approx 6600 m2 only 39,500 euros Plot 2 approx 4500 m2 only 34,500 euros. Call to view or more details: 977 059 420 or 660 823 423

property for sale or rent by owner


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a separate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000 euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email : info@

MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327. NEW FIVE STAR RESIDENTIAL PARK. Close to San Jordi and 10 minutes from the coast at Vinaros. Large plots from €170 per month. English, Spanish & German spoken. Full range of amenities. Call 964 412 645

Jim Love's House for sale. Retirement forces change| 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Mains electricity. Mains water (drinking). Telephone line available. Air conditioning. 15 mins walk to centre of town. Land for cultivation, also olives & almonds. Not a palace, hence the price. In the region of 90,000€. Call 977 265 116 FOR SALE, 2 plots of land l'Ametlla de Mar excellent situation and access just off the N340 going into the village of L'Ametlla. Clean flat land with olive trees and carobs. Adjacent properties have mains electric and mains water. Sea and mountain views Totally fenced in, just 2km from L'Ametlla de Mar. Plot 1 approx 6600 m2 only 39,500 euros Plot 2 approx 4500 m2 only 34,500 euros. Call to view or more details: 977 059 420 or 660 823 423

PATRON SAINT’S FESTIVAL IN HONOUR OF THE MARE DE DÉU DE L'ERMITANA Peñíscola Declared as being of National Tourist Interest, the big festival dedicated to the Mare de Déu de l'Ermitana starts on 7th September and its duration varies. The characteristic events are the traditional farmers’ dances (danses de llauradores), dancers (dansants), gypsies (gitanetes), pilgrims and little horses (peregrines i cavallets) and the dance-battle of the Moors and Christians (dansa-batalla de moros i cristians), that takes place on 8th and 9th September at the Plaça d'Armes, the heifers on the beach and during the early morning, the Moors and Christians parades and the fireworks. This festival starts on 7th September. On 11 September The Day of the Catalonian Nation Every September 11, the urban landscape of Catalonia is dotted famously with the national colours as they are draped over every window sill and balustrade. Throughout her long history as a sovereign nation, Catalonia had her own language, currency, army, culture, and political institutions, which were clearly different from those of neighbouring countries. Catalonia commemorates the defeat it suffered at the hands of the Spanish troops of Felipe V of Bourbon in 1714. Catalonia, which had been a sovereign nation up to that point, lost its national rights and liberties, with its own laws abolished and Catalan language and culture banned. Every 11 September, many Catalans continue to demonstrate in the streets to demand recognition of their national rights and liberties and a greater degree of selfgovernment. SANTA TECLA TARRAGONA 16TH-25TH SEPTEMBER 2011Santa Tecla is a burst of joy, music and colour that courses through the city for ten straight days. It blends all the traditional elements of the Seguici Popular with an endless variety of dances, human castles, spark-throwing nighttime parades, mythological beasts, mediaeval treats and “spoken dances” (verse re-enactments of the struggle between good and evil) villages with royal privile- ges could exhibit this piece. More information from www.santatecla. La Vuelta 20th Aug to 11th Sept 2011 a España, the Tour of Spain cycling road race, is used to being regarded as the little brother of the three Grand Tours of Europe, lacking some of the history and tradition of the tours of France and Italy.

business card directory All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS





Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar

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ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up it

you relax...

is truly appreciated. Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- www. or email: protectora.arca@

Barton Kuebler

Piano & keyboards

Call (64)86 111 6326

bad attitude always late

hard to find lousy equipment

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

977 059 364 u n

Aptdo. de Correos, 147 • 4389 43895 8 L’Ampolla • Tarragona

BE HERE TO BE KNOWN!I If you are not here how will you get business. To check out if the business you want is still here and operating just look at this space. This directory is vital for newcomers to the area as well as to remind people you are reliable and wanting to succeed in your new life here. Contact 977 059 364

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