The Olive Press Catalunya magazine November 2011 issue 43

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Nov 2011 issue 43

November - birth flower is the chrysanthemum and the Zodiac sign is scorpio


hrysanthema in Lahr - An autumnal event

unique in Germany rom 22th October to 13th November 2011. In autumn, the city of Lahr on the edge of the Black Forest has a chrysanthemum Festival that floods the idyllic city with colour. This year, visitors will be able to participate in a major colour and music festival. Take part in an unforgettable guided tour of the city to discover the historic centre and its thousands of chrysanthemum arrangements that make the most of autumnal colours. Each year, over 300,000 visitors are absorbed in a bright yellow, blazing purple and intense orange floral show. A walk through the city centre allows visitors to discover the chrysanthemums displayed in fascinating arrangements, on artistic flowered carts and in the form of original and rich cascades decorating house facades. A varied cultural and musical programme is on offer from Wednesday to Sunday on the Marktplatz, with well-known groups and unique performances. The major Chrysanthema opening event will take place on 22th October 2011.



n Greek Mythology, the myths associated with Scorpio (Scorpius) almost invariably also contain a reference to Orion. One tale is that Orion was a giant who was a great hunter and very modest about his amazing skill. One day he fell in love with a princess of an island he was passing, but her father refused to let his daughter go and, thus, was determined to keep Orion away from the princess. The king did so by blinding Orion, thus not letting him hunt and amaze the woman. Orion travelled to the Sun which healed his eyes, and decided to kill the king (who later died during a war) and pursue his hunting. He became great friends with Artemis, who favoured Orion greatly for his modesty and superb skill at hunting. One day Apollo was jealous that the two were great friends, and sent a harsh scorpion at him and stung his heel. Artemis, furious with her brother, killed the scorpion and threatened to throw Delphi (Apollo's beloved city) into ruins if he did not apologize, which he hastily did. Zeus decided that Orion should be put in the stars, and the scorpion should always chase him; therefore, the constellation Orion appears in the winter, running away from the constellation of Scorpio which arrives in the summer...


editorial MEET BOB THE EDITOR welcome to the November issue covering catalunya.


November—The month of the stately Chrysanthemum, the month where it reaches its height of beauty, the month of Scorpio. It lifts its proud and haughty head upward toward the sky as though endeavouring to live up to the status of Scorpios magnificent reputation, symbolized by the Eagle which flies closest to the Sun than any other bird. Latecomer: Am I too late for the bonfire? Host: No jump up there on the sticks, there is room next to that Guy. How come the village Guy Fawkes won the Nobel Peace Prize? 'Cause he was outstanding in his field'. How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start your Guy Fawkes bonfire? emember, remember A policeman arrested two kids. One for drinking keep your pets in on battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. November the 5th as we He charged one and let the other off! don´t all like Firework How many safety inspectors does it take to light the Night !!! bonfire? 4-One to light the match and three to hold the fire extinguisher How many Mafia hitmen does it take to light the How many civil servants does it take to set fire to bonfire? 3- One to set fire to the effigy, one to watch Guy Fawkes? 23- One to strike the match and his back, and one to shoot any witnesses. Please contact us by: twenty two to fill in the paper work.


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all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"The November Chrysanthemum depicted as a fractual."

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Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month.

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What’s News -In Spain Can it be True?

Your Horoscope News from California Leisure & Entertainment

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The Lighter Side PC tips Windows 7

Qrops Nature & Animals News Hounds and more

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Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain


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news in spain


pain may exhume the remains of dictator Francisco Franco from the vast mausoleum erected using the forced labour of political prisoners in the hills near Madrid and convert the site into a museum of reconciliation. Under proposals to be considered by the Spanish government the dictator's corpse could be transferred from the controversial Valley of the Fallen to the El Pardo cemetery in central Madrid and buried alongside his wife, Carmen Polo. The remains of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, the founder of Franco's Falangist party, which currently lie next to the late dictator, would be removed from the basilica and placed in a separate grave within the complex. The proposals have been made by a commission of experts tasked with deciding the fate of a memorial that even 36 years after the death of the General still casts a dark shadow over Spain. The panel of experts was due to deliver its report this month but has delayed its conclusions until after general elections called for November 20 - the anniversary of Franco's death - for fear of influencing the vote. But the daily Periodico de Catalunya published the leaked preliminary proposals of the commission reporting that they hoped to win the support of Franco's family for the project. ogs and cats vanish from shop windows in Spain. Madrid and Cataluña have prohibited animals being shown in pet shop windows, with the idea being that it will stop people making a spontaneous or impulsive purchase. President of the Federation of Madrid Animal Defence Associations, Matilde Cubillo, welcomed the measure, describing it as a very good idea. One of the main pet shops in the capital, Mundo Canino, claimed that in 90% of establishments the measure would have little effect. However a pet shop owner in Getafe told 20 minutos that ‘Dogs and cats in the window will always attract more customers’. So far Madrid and Cataluña are the only two regions of the country to introduce the restrictions, but



animal lovers are encouraging other regions to follow suit. ataluña local councillor arrested for running over two people who took down a Spanish flag. An independent councillor from Masquefa, Barcelona province, faces two charges of attempted murder for intentionally driving his van at two people when they were taking down a Spanish flag which he had hung from the Town Hall just minutes before to celebrate Spain’s National Day on Wednesday. He then tried to attack them with the flagpole, but was stopped from causing any further harm by the rapid intervention of police and passersby. One of the two escaped with minor bruising, but the second man has undergone surgery for fractures to his leg. Councillor Juan José García Mora was released with charges on Thursday, the day after the assault, but has had his passport withheld and must report back to the court every five days. A distancing order is also in place. The Town Hall voted in a council meeting to place a private accusation in the case against the councillor, who it’s understood had not applied for permission to hang the flag. pain's white elephants – how country's airports lie empty. Only 11 of Spain's 48 regional airports are profitable and its newest project has yet to see


6 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


a single passenger through its terminal. The gleaming new air traffic control tower shimmers in the midday heat, visible for miles around, it rises up above groves of orange trees in the agricultural region of Castellón, north of Valencia. But it has yet to guide a single aircraft onto the 3,000 yards of virgin runway at Spain's newest airport, inaugurated in March at a cost of 150 million euros (£130 million). The metal clad terminal stands empty, its vast car park untarnished by a single vehicle, weeds growing up through the pavements, the only sign of life. It is the newest example of infrastructure "white elephants" that litter the Spanish countryside, huge projects often funded by taxpayer money that helped drive Spain's economic boom and that have come to symbolise the wasteful spending contributing to its spectacular bust. Castellón Airport promised to be a gateway to an undiscovered region, providing jobs for locals in a country struggling with 21 per cent unemployment rate, and delivering tourists tempted by cheap deals to some of Spain's most beautiful white sand beaches. But six months after its completion it has yet to be awarded an airport license, a fact many attribute to political differences between the Conservative, run region and the socialist government in Madrid, it has yet to attract the attention of the low-cost airlines deemed so necessary for its success. The fate of another of Spain's airports will do little to encourage investors in Castellón. Next month Spanish low cost carrier Vueling will cease to operate routes from Ciudad Real airport, 125 miles south of Madrid in Castile-La Mancha. Another example is Huesca airport, opened in 2007 in the shadow of the Pyrenees in northeastern Spain, regional authorities hoped to attract skiers to its slopes, even subsiding the now defunct Pyrenair. Seeing only 6,228 passengers in the whole of 2009, one report stated that each passenger cost the public coffers some 700 euros (£600) and last year its losses amounted to 6m euros (£5.2m). The last commercial flight departed in April, the next is not due until January.

But the fully staffed airport still attracts visitors – locals drive out to the airport to dine in its air-conditioned cafés and restaurants. During the height of the construction boom, authorities rushed to take advantage of lowcost airlines, to plan new airports and open up hitherto unknown regions to northern European tourists. But of the 48 regional commercial airports built in the debt-ridden country in less than 20 years, only 11 make a profit. As part of a series of austerity measures designed to wrench Spain out of its deep economic problems, Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero promised partially to privatise its airports. Negotiations are still under way. Back in Castellón, residents are not at all surprised at the fate of Spain's newest airport. "I always thought it was a stupid idea to build one here when we are less than one hour from Valencia airport and I was right," confessed Vicento Bore, a 78-year old pensioner playing cards with friends in the tranquil square of Vilanova d'Alcorea, a village with 700 inhabitants less than two miles from Castellóon airport. "To think that we were worried about all the noise of suddenly being in a flight path," he laughed. "What a joke."



news in spain


bank manager in northern Spain has been arrested for attempting to rob his own branch along with his brother. In what resembles a comedy of errors the hold-up was thwarted after the bank manager's brother raised suspicions when he was seen parked outside the bank applying a disguise. Observers reported him to police after spotting him seated in a white van using the rear view mirror to stick on a false beard and moustache. He then pulled on a wig and topped the disguise off with a hat. He was followed into the branch of regional savings bank Caja Vital in Vitoria, in the Basque Country where he approached his brother, the bank manager, at the counter. But the hold-up was aborted with the arrival of a local police officer who then followed him back to the vehicle, which was registered in the bank manager's name. A plastic gun was discovered in his bag but the bank manager claimed not to recognise the "client" who he said had simply inquired about opening an account before leaving. The bank manager later admitted to police under questioning that he and his brother had spent months planning the heist on the bank as the family were "suffering economic difficulties". The British Consular Network, Spain Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team THINKING AHEAD On 6th April 2010, the rules surrounding the UK State Pension changed. You may know that the UK State Pension Age for women has started to gradually increase since the Pension Reform Act came into force last year. However, did you know that there are also other changes that could affect you and your UK pension? If you have not yet reached UK State Pension age, you should be aware of the following: - Men and women now only need 30 qualifying years of UK

National Insurance contributions to get a full basic UK State Pension - Men and women now only need 1 qualifying year of National Insurance contributions to get some UK State Pension Parents and carers, past and present, may be given new National Insurance credits that will count towards a UK State Pension. For full details on all the changes, and how they could affect you, see WEBSITE OF THE MONTH Although the PBHT can help customers in many ways, Martyn, PBHT Officer in Alicante, pointed out last month that there are some questions we cannot answer as we do not have the expertise to do so. One such topic is tax. However, our website of the month for October, www., might be able to help where PBHT can’t. And it’s not just tax that is covered. National Insurance numbers, National Insurance contribution records, paying voluntary contributions… It’s all there, so why not take a look. CONSULAR BIRTH REGISTRATIONS Did you know that if a British child is born in Spain, the parents can choose to register the birth of the child in the Consular Birth Register in Madrid? It’s important to be aware that, although you must register the birth with the Spanish authorities, there is no obligation to register it in the Consulate, and it won’t affect the child’s eligibility for a British passport which you, as parents, can apply for at any time. However, many do choose to register. Benefits include the possibility of purchasing a British-style Consular registration certificate and having a permanent record of the birth held at the General Register Office in the UK. Full details on how to apply, documents required and fees can be found at: help-forbritish-nationals/living-in-spain/births-deathsmarriages/birth-registration

8 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


by David Piqué

Last August the government approved a decrease in VAT in the purchase of a new home, thus reducing it by half, from the 8% that was applied in the past to the new 4%, but this reduction is only temporary and will be applied until the 31st of December. With this measure they want not only to re-activate the construction sector which is not just hurt, but has been dead and buried for many months now and whose recuperation seems to be an impossible task right now, but, besides that, also to open up the “stock” of already constructed and prepared houses to be able to hand them over. Well, it goes without saying that I do not agree with the measure taken, the whole thing seems to me poor, insufficient, politicized and in essence reeks of deception because frankly I doubt very much that by only reducing the VAT the situation is going to change seeing that I consider that the current problem has little to do with the type of tax. For example, for a house of about 150,000€, the price will be reduced by about 6,000€ , which means, and I don’t consider myself an expert, this measure will do little to influence an improvement in this sector. Frankly, I am surprised that more ambitious, social and above all more necessary measures have not been taken. Why don’t they attempt to put the infinity of constructed and vacant houses on the rental market? Why is it that thousands of constructed houses which have never been

occupied are still in the same position and deteriorating? In my modest opinion, it is absolutely absurd that whilst numerous families are evicted from their houses on a daily basis, on average 21 families per day only in Catalunya according to official statistics, whilst thousands of houses are deteriorating and without being sold, according to the Ministry of Public Works in 2010 687,523 houses were unsold, I suppose that it wouldn’t be pessimistic of me to say that this number has done nothing more than increase in 2011. Lastly and only to finalize this reflection on how to make access to housing more available, I would like to share with you one of the most debated pieces of news of the week in the Catalan press, the fact that the Generalitat of Catalunya disposes of 14,000 council houses distributed around Catalunya and of which 3,100 are empty right now, that is to say, one in five. Incredible, don’t you think? Whilst every day families are obliged to live badly, in precarious conditions and even in the street, a mere 3,000 houses constructed with public money to be used to help those in need are closed up. Oh well, it is very ugly to criticize without offering solutions but there are situations in which it is very difficult to keep quiet.

By David Piqué. Any legal questions can be sent to or The Olive Press direct.


can it be true???


McCartney hoping this one isn't mad + River Cottage downshifters 'must mate with locals' SIR Paul McCartney last URBAN professionals escaping to rural areas must contribute to week toasted his new the local gene pool, it has been bride saying, 'I really hope claimed. you're not a complete Under new proposals, city workers nutcase'. who move to the countryside The Beatles legend because the telly said it was nice should mate with the dwindling married Nancy Shevell in indigenous population to ensure a London as McCartney's steady supply of harvest gatherers. close friends and family Dr Helen Archer, from the Institute scoured her face for even for Studies said: "You can't a hint of insanity. blame people for relocating to somewhere lovely, but problems A friend said: "So far, so arise when they don't work locally, good. I thought I saw a shop locally and, most importantly, glimmer of barking but it don't have sex with local people. was just a shadow caused "In many rural areas crops are by a pigeon. going to seed simply because farmers cannot find strong, "She's very nice and unlike the last one doesn't actually think he's an imposter dependable labourers with no more than 11 fingers. "Even if they were willing to pitch in, urban escapees who replaced the real Paul McCartney in 1966." are mostly pencil-necked management consultants and At the reception in his luxury St John's Wood home, Sir Paul thus of little use with a scythe. Nevertheless, their DNA told his bride: "You're a totally gear chick. I think you're fab could be used to create broad-shouldered yeomen who understand what a deadline is." and not at all grotty. "So here's to the ongoing balance of the chemicals in your Following Institute for Studies guidelines, the government is piloting a local-newcomer interbreeding program in the brain." Oxfordshire village of Tunbury. Sir Paul then took to the piano and sang Maxwell's Silver Tunbury-based architect Stephen Malley, who recently Hammer in what guests described as a 'friendly warning' moved from the Swiss Cottage area of London, said: "I had expected a River Cottage-esque idyll with babbling to his latest wife. Martin Bishop, showbiz relationship analyst at Donnelly- brooks, freshly-foraged food and a reassuring lack of noncaucasian teenagers. McPartlin, said: "The unfortunate thing is Nancy has her "Instead I was stripped to my underwear and forced into a own money, so if she is mad and they do fall out there filthy cattle trailer with a massive dry-stone waller known won't be a disturbingly revealing court case. as 'Mutton Jeff'. "She may well be able to keep her bonkers under the radar." I desperately explained that I couldn't give him strong sons as I wasn't female. "He says we should keep trying."

10 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364



a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 Relationships


may seem to be extra burdensome. Don't allow

a sense of community, you'll also experience

this illusion to capture you. Instead, you're

a sense of reorientation, a dying of the old, a

being offered an opportunity to deepen into

transfiguration, a revolution, and a pulsating new

your relationship by making you peer into the

world where phoenixes from the past arise from

inner depths of self and other, grasp your true

the ashes of your life and you boldly go where no

values and why you came together originally.

one advised you to go. Get a couple of peacock

AQUARIUS Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -Take care of your

feathers for protection.

most private wants and needs. Allow nothing


from the outside world to steer you away from

Energizer bunny (awful visual and metaphor)

your aspirations to succeed. You may feel as

that never stops. This is good but careful that you

if there are roadblocks. There aren't any. But

don't burn yourself out trying to communicate

you must be aware that more sleep is needed

all your thoughts during the Mercury retro. Your

and extra attention given toward your need for

messages won't come out as planned. Spend a

protein and vital green and yellow foods.

little money on yourself.



Feb. 20 - Mar. 20

-You feel most

Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -Wherever you find

Jul. 23 - Aug. 23

-You'll feel like the

Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -You will seek new

private and need the solitude of empty spaces,

and innovative ways planning the hours of your

vast green fields, uncrowded public places, and

daily life. Nothing from the past, nothing old or

a big wide sky. Texas sounds good. Or Oklahoma.

done before, will do. This may set you somewhat

Perhaps a convent or pilgrimage or Benedictine

adrift between what you know and what's still to

monastery that makes fruitcakes and overlooks a

appear. Nevertheless you must seek innovation,

sea is best.

rebellion, revelation, and revolution within.

ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 20 -With all the planetary

LIBRA Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 -A new creative act,

movements in your life, you have finally become

a sort of being a self-muse is most important.

an Aquarian occultist and Piscean mystic. What

You will need unique sorts of entertainment,

does that mean? That you'll be impelled to take

innovative romantic acts, and dramatic moments

your entire individual gifts known only to you

to express yourself in order to achieve a new

and bring them to a group in need of guidance.

state of freedom and liberty. Imaginative play

And you will teach them to invoke (ask/pray for)

with children would be excellent for reviving your

guidance on the spiritual kind so that the future

original sense of play.


reveals itself.


Oct. 24 - Nov. 22


-You will either

suddenly ends and this is good for it leaves

visit a community, start one, create community

room for an entirely new state of self, different

in your workplace, and/or bring hope and vision

(and better) family relations, and a revamping

to the world at large. That means you'll have to

of where and how you live. You also must stay in

remove yourself from whatever comforts you

touch with everyone. So upgrade phones, email,

and act as if you're visiting a Tibetan lamasery

computer so that nothing gets missed.

somewhere in Llasa. Or perhaps the Dalai


Lama's Dharmasala. GEMINI

May 22 - Jun.

you're looking for adventure and excitement and

Apr. 21 - May 21

Nov. 23-Dec. 21


-Perhaps you have thoughts of travelling to

things new, bold, and innovative. Look around.

a community somewhere, where refuge can be

You don't have to go anywhere. It's in your

found, and visions of Ashrams become clearly

neighbourhood, on your desk, in the next room,

visible. Perhaps you think that somewhere far

in the sky, and everywhere as you walk down

away a new life, culture, and civilization can be

the street. you need. It's in your community, and

found. Well, actually you're correct.

alors! (French for "then") right at home.



news from our california correspondent (norfolk) Travelling while I can still ‘Afjord’ it.

By your celebrity DJ, you can listen to him live on Thursday mornings 10am-12pm

Travel, it is said, broadens the mind. It also diminishes the bank balance. My most recent venture into foreign lands took me to Norway which is, apparently, the second most expensive place to live in the World. Anyway it was on my list of places to see before I shuffle off this mortal coil, and it is relatively close, so I embarked on my journey from the local airport, via Schiphol, to Bergen. The first thing we noticed at Bergen airport was that at no time did anyone want to see our passports. We were sniffed by an over-enthusiastic spaniel and anyone who exhibited any of the darker shades in the Dulux catalogue was hauled off to have their luggage searched. One unfortunate lady had her bra contents handled in full view of the rest of us, and whilst she was still wearing it! Fortunately we passed whatever test there was and were on our way to our destination of Balestrand on the Sognefjord. Even in the rain, and it rains a lot in Norway, the scenery did not disappoint. The road twists and winds, up and down, and when it meets an obstacle, like a mountain it just ploughs straight through it, sometimes for several kilometres. No expense is spared in road safety in Norway. They accept that multi-lane motorways are a bit out of the question, so they compromise by getting you through things rather than round them. If they hit a stretch if water then you are onto a ferry. It is not unusual that a ferry journey carrying dozens of cars, buses and trucks will take all of about 10 minutes. On one route we would drive

off after one such journey, turn the bus round and reload while the ferry then went off for another ten minute trip in another direction. It all gets a bit surreal after a while. Needless to say the system runs like clockwork. Arriving at our hotel we were suitably impressed. The frontage is a classic Norwegian wooden construction, attached to a more conventional concrete building from the 60’s. The hotel, which resembles a cross between a country house and a museum, has changed little since the days when Kaiser Wilhelm II, and his natty moustache, used it as a holiday destination. Although he would wine and dine in the hotel he would stay in a warship parked outside; along with several other warships. These trips came to an end when his mate Franz Ferdinand got into a spot of bother in 1914. I will not linger over the catering arrangements. Suffice to say I have never seen so much food in quantity and variety in one place. We counted around 30 variations in the sweet course alone! Naturally you want a little alcoholic beverage with your meal. It is then that the reality of Norway hits home. One of our fellow travellers elected to have a small bottled beer. When it arrived we set to work translating the bill; it was a little short of £11! A more modest draught beer could be had for £9 and should you want to indulge in an exotic gin and tonic you would be almost £12.00 worse off. An examination of the wine list revealed why the bottles were kept in locked

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

cabinets. A modest bottle of 2010 Chateau Aldi would set you back around £50+. I leave it to you to translate this into Euros. But I can vouch for the fact that the water is very good, and thankfully free. The Norwegians, probably rightly, have clung on to their Krone and doubtless won’t be joining you in bailing out the Greeks. Buying booze in the local supermarket offers little in the way of a bargain. Wine and spirits are unobtainable, or more likely unaffordable. Should you be observed drinking a can of lager on your hotel balcony you are at risk of being arrested as it is an offence to drink in public. Although our tour leader admitted she had never seen a policeman emerge from the local police station in 7 years. In any case it was closed at weekends. Front doors and cars are left unlocked, children leave their bicycles propped up unsecured. Crime is pretty much non-existent, except unfortunately for a recent gun related incident. As it is a very much a huntin’ shootin’ and fishin’ country children are taught to use guns at a very young age; although they are taught to aim at over abundant wildlife rather than each other. Perhaps it would be impossible to explain to a Norwegian what a ‘hose pipe ban’ is. Water comes at you from all

directions. It fills the fjords which are staggeringly deep, plunges down mountainsides in thousands of spectacular waterfalls and, I can vouch for this, falls from the sky quite a lot. It also sits on top of mountains in the form of glaciers which, we were informed, are shrinking. Although the expert at the glacier museum lectured us at length about this he could not explain global warming. Thoughtfully the museum provided us with a barrow load of ‘glacier’ to poke and probe. Obviously this exercise of providing a daily sample was playing a small part in the shrinking glacier situation. Norway is certainly a place worth visiting. The beauty of the place is staggering and the lifestyle quite unlike anywhere else I’ve been. Should you want to live there then you are required to have undergone 300 hours of tuition in the language and be deemed a competent speaker. Failure to do this and you’re ‘out’. Would I recommend a trip? Of course I would. Save your pennies and go, stay on land rather than the insular world of the cruise ship, and drink lots of water. Mike Stevens 2011. If you need to contact Mike you can now do so at his blog,

news hounds & more..." YOU NO LONGER NEED REWARD POSTERS or WHISTLES " BY Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.

A GPS Device Prevents Lost Pets Pet owners no longer have to worry about the possible loss of their pets, thanks to Tagg - The Pet Tracker, the last word in tracking systems for you and your pet equipped with GPS and wireless capability, so that pets can stay in touch with their owners at all times. Tagg_The Pet Tracker is made by Snaptracs Inc., a subsidiary, recently created by mobile technology company Qualcomm Incorporated. The tracking system uses a pet Tagg, an advanced device using GPS technology with which pet owners receive a notice if their pets are lost and can locate them at any time. Tagg brings piece of mind to pet owners, allowing them to know at anytime the whereabouts of their dog, cat, etc, through the use of a mobile phone, a mobile device or computer. In America hundreds of thousands of pets are lost each year and according to the National Council for Population Studies of Domestic Animals, and only 15 to 20 percent of stray dogs and only two percent of lost cats are returned to their owners. Tagg The Pet Tracker is a solution designed especially to track animals, which uses an elaborate combination of GPS with wireless technology to monitor the location of the pet and the owner can be notified promptly by email or by text if the pet leaves the area where they spend most of their time, usually the home, garden and surrounding areas. The tracker Tagg is designed to accommodate dogs and cats over 4.5 kg and is a small, lightweight and sturdy device, which is installed in the pets´ collar. The scanner, built to withstand the busy pet's daily activity such as running, digging and jumping, should be worn at all times, even when swimming. The battery lasts about 30 days, but its´ life span may vary depending on their use. The compact and convenient scanner includes useful functions, such as notices of battery recharging and a scroll button, through which the pet and its owner can take a walk, ride a car or travel without sending alerts. "We created Tagg as the solution because we understand that pets are important members of the family today. We, as pet owners, found the inspiration to devise a solution designed specifically for this problem, which is reassuring for the pet owner ", according to Dave Vigil, president of Snaptracs. "The loss of a pet is an experience that nobody wants to live through and we are proud to have developed

a tracking system affordable and easy to use, which can help the owner to be reunited with their pet if it strays. " Tagg_The Pet Tracker service has already begun shipping in the United States. Also see alternative you can buy now in the UK:http:// Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M.

A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

14 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

"Moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. (Association for Refuge and Taking care of the Animals) it is a non-profit association operating since the summer of year 2001. At this moment they have 300 abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the much appreciated donations but with each new arrival more donations are needed. If you want to donate to Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an e-mail with your personal data and account number or call or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. email: ARCA mail: Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 359

Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

Dog of the month Please note

Leon from last month is still waiting for you to give him a home. Hello, I’m Benny,

I’m a cross- hound type of dog and I live in the animal shelter Alberg d’Animals in Camarles. I’m about 4,5 years old. I was brought in by the police, so they don’t know where I came from and how old I am exactly. I have been in the shelter for a long time now. Because I’m a not a dominant dog and I don’t attract a lot of attention, people first look at other dogs. But this month I’m gonna be the dog everybody looks at. I am a very nice dog. As said before, I’m not dominant. I love to play with people. I’m very good around other dogs, but being on my own isn’t a problem either. I love to run around here, and play with the other dogs in my kennel. My fur is short and greyish and I’m medium sized. Please have time to pay me a visit. Do you have a nice place for me with a fence around or can you walk me daily, so I can get my daily exercise? Are you interested in giving me a better life; I’d love to invite you to come and meet me.


Call for more information or a visit: Encarna (Spanish) 657 181 437 or Anna (English, German, Dutch) 977 265 018 or 680 160 051 col.laboració amb Pinsos Folch, Mora d’Ebre We want to thank everybody for coming to our open day on the 9th of October. Even though we had less people, we still have raised a wonderful amount. And the best part is that three dogs have been adopted and a few might be coming months. Thanks to all the helping hands. Kind regards, Encarna, Alberg d’Animals

URGENT ADOPTIONS NEEDED by Alex and his partner for their loving dogs. Sadly his partner is dying of cancer & have returned to England so they can spend their last days there, but they have these 4 lovely dogs. Gabriella who owns the kennels where we & Carmen take our dogs has kindly taken them in for us, it would have been too traumatic for them to be in A.R.C.A.. The owners dedicated their lives to these dogs & were devastated to have to part with them, but had no choice, they are all microchiped & vaccinations are up to date, Alex begged me to make sure they all find a good home. Can you please help us by putting a special appeal in next months edition. I have been down the last few days to spend some time with them but after coming from a home where they had so much love & attention they are not settling in so well, we really need to get them adopted asap. Many Thanks once again Mave. 678 975 816 or contact santsalvadorkennels@ or call 977 055 027 or 678 970 622 who also are trying to find homes for these 4 dogs on their website: www.


THE Excellent advice The FLU SEASON is coming! To avoid it...

Eat right! Make sure you get your daily dose of fruit and veggies. Take your vitamins and bump up your vitamin C. Get plenty of exercise because it builds your immune system. Walk for at least an hour a day, Go for a swim, Take the stairs instead of the lift, etc. Wash your hands often. If you can't, keep a bottle of antibacterial stuff around. Get lots of fresh air. Open doors & windows whenever possible. Try to eliminate as much stress from your life as you can. Get plenty of rest. OR Take the doctor's approach. Think about it... When you go for a flu jab, what do they do first? They clean your arm with alcohol... Why?

Because Alcohol KILLS GERMS. So... I walk to the pub. (exercise) I put lime in my vodka... (fruit) Celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies) Drink outdoors on the patio..(fresh air) Tell rude jokes and laugh....(eliminate stress) Then I pass out. (rest) The way I see it... If you keep your alcohol levels up, Flu germs Can't get you! As my grandmother always said, 'A shot in the glass is better than one in the arse!'

Live Well - Laugh Often - Love Much

16 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364


Tevez blows hole in Man City's theory of cash CARLOS Tevez has undermined Manchester City's long term plan to spend whatever it takes to win something. The striker has blown a hole in the club's previously bulletproof theory by being paid an enormous amount of money and then refusing to play. The Argentinian carnivore enraged manager Roberto Mancini last night when he refused to come on as a substitute during a Champions League match against Bayern Munich, insisting that Man City was not actually a very good team and then offering his services to Bayern coach Jupp Heynckes. Biting the head off a badger, he added: "I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding but I hate everything about Manchester. And while I am more than happy to sign contracts and take money I never really wanted to play the actual football. "I know that by setting this precedent it will make it much more difficult for the club to be successful, but like I said, I despise Man City." The move is expected to be followed by most of the squad who had not realised until now that they did not actually have to play. Kolo Toure said: "Thank God for that. Pulling on that powder blue jersey is like dressing up as a sad clown. It makes me hate myself." The move has stunned club chiefs who must now go back to the drawing board and begin searching for players who not only want to get paid ÂŁ200,000 a week but would enjoy playing football for Manchester City while doing so. Footballologist Wayne Hayes said: "I suspect they will now have to trawl the depths of former Liverpool players whose self-loathing is completely maxed out."


THE Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month like last month I present something a little different, but I hope still will interest our readers…… El hombre de las mariposas (2011) (English title: The man of the butterflies) Directed by Maxi Valero, whose previous credits include various titles over the past few years as writer, director, and composer! Plot: Lucio is an old Soviet general who emigrated to Spain after the end of the Soviet period. Natasha is a 12 years old girl, and at the time an unknown niece of Lucio, who is abandoned by her stepfather at the door of the house of her uncle. They don't know each other, they are both lonely people, additionally they don't like each other... but now, the old Soviet general and the strange little girl must live together. This new situation will ask for great sacrifices to the girl and the General, they will have to look inside to find the best of themselves in the worst time of their lives. For those readers who do pay attention this film features Claudia Silva who you may remember from “REC” The trailer can be checked out here - HeFEbxiMfNg Jason.M.Berry 17/10/2011 Contact e-mail:gatchajay@

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:

18 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364



" Unlocking your Investments" for expats in spain


e thought it would be useful to bring to your attention the attractions and versatility of QROPS for the UK non-resident who has come to live in Spain. In particular, for those who left the UK more than five complete UK tax years ago i.e. before 6 April 2006. A QROPS is a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme. It is a mechanism that allows an expat with a UK pension fund to transfer their fund to an overseas location. QROPS have become much more accessible over the last few months as we have seen new schemes and jurisdictions open up. This has resulted in more competition accompanied by a reduction in fees and greater choice and options available for our clients.

What are the key benefits of a QROPS: Before considering jurisdictions and costs the key benefits of having your pension fund in a QROPS as opposed to in a UK scheme include: 1. Greater flexibility of benefits – a higher lump sum can be possible if required. 2. Tax efficiency - on taking benefit from a QROPS. If structured correctly income taken will be taxed in Spain at between 1.6% and 2.6%. 3. Protection for dependents - following the QROPS member’s death a lump sum or income is available. With lump sums no UK tax is payable whereas in a UK scheme tax at 55% will typically apply. 4. Greater investment flexibility.

The importance of expert advice With schemes based in countries including Guernsey, Isle of Man and New Zealand available which is the best jurisdiction to choose? What is the best scheme to suit your particular requirements? Well that is where expert advice is required. It is not going to come from those who “dabble” - arranging the occasional QROPS with a main motivation of making as much commission as possible from investments. Rather, it will come from experts who understand the UK pensions system in depth as well as the systems operational in the main QROPS jurisdictions.

Getting it wrong can be costly There are for example two types of Isle of Man QROPS. One of these is totally unsuitable for residents of Spain as when income is taken a non-recoverable tax of 20% will be applied. Of the available Guernsey schemes, some are cost transparent whereas others will have you believe they are as cheap as chips (even “free”) whereas the truth is rather different.

New Zealand and capital lump sums New Zealand schemes are generally for those with smaller funds and who would prefer to receive an immediate lump sum. Funds that are left invested in New Zealand schemes are subject to tax at around 1.4% p.a. but the abolition of this tax expected later this year will suddenly make New Zealand an attractive longer term place to hold your pension fund.

For further information about QROPS and Pension Planning opportunities please email (M: 697 557 324) or see and quoting ref: OP0911

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treat your taste buds.

Beef with almonds and green olives Ingredients 1 kg chuck or boneless shin/gravy beef ¼ cup brandy 100 g green olives 100 g slivered almonds 2 medium brown onions, peeled and quartered 2 large tomatoes, skinned and quartered 2 cloves garlic, peeled 1 carrot, cut into 4 pieces 2 cups / 480ml beef stock 1 cup / 240ml red wine 2 tbsp chopped parsley mashed potato or buttered pasta to serve Preparation method 1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Cut beef into 2.5cm3cm cubes. Season with salt and pepper, add 2 about tbsp oil, and mix well. Heat a large frypan over a medium-high heat. Brown the beef in 2 or 3 batches. Remove each batch and place in casserole dish. 2. Reduce heat in the pan, add the brandy to pan (taking care that the saucepan may flame up). When it has come to the boil add the onion, tomato, almonds and olives. Toss in the garlic and carrots and pour in the red wine and stock and bring to the boil. 3. Add to the casserole dish, stir to combine. Cover the casserole dish, place in oven, and cook until the beef is very tender. Stir every 40 minutes or so, add water if needed to keep the ingredients just covered. To serve stir parsley through the casserole and serve with mashed potato or pasta. Cooktop method: Place the browned beef and other ingredients in a heavy-based pot. Partially cover, keep the heat low. Simmer until the meat is very tender. Stir occasionally; add water if needed during the cooking time to keep ingredients well covered. Tips: Don’t rush the initial stage of browning the meat. This will make your casserole rich in colour and flavour. Brown the meat in small batches over a medium-high heat. Simmer the casserole gently and taste it to see if it’s ready. Stir occasionally and adjust the heat as it cooks if needed. When it’s done the meat should be tender enough to fall apart easily with a fork. Best beef cuts for or casseroling: Chuck or Boneless shin/Gravy beef (these cuts take 2-2½ hours to cook). Topside, Round and Blade take 1-1½ hours to cook.

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Grilled Calamari Stuffed With Olives, Almond and Pepper Ingredients 8-10 medium- small calamari, bone discarded, heads separated (1½ to 2 pounds) marinade 3 tbsp / 45 ml olive oil 2 tbsp / 30 ml fresh lemon juice 1 pinch /0.25 ml hot red pepper flakes, to taste prepared stuffing 3 tbsp / 45 ml dried whole wheat bread crumbs ¼ cup / 50g raw almonds ½ cup / 100g firm green olives, pitted 1 grated lemon, zest of, preferably organic 2-3 fresh thyme sprigs, chopped 1 pinch / 0.25 ml hot red pepper flakes, to taste sea salt Preparation 1. Wash the calamari inside and out and pat dry with paper towels. With scissors or a very sharp knife, cut a 1/4-inch slit on one side, near the pointed end of each calamari tube. 2. In a bowl, mix the olive oil, lemon juice, and pepper to make the marinade. Toss the calamari (body and heads) in the marinade, rubbing with your fingers and making sure they are moist inside and out. Set aside for about 20 minutes. 3. In a food processor or blender, pulse together the bread crumbs, almonds, olives, zest, thyme, and pepper. 4. Add salt sparingly since the olives are usually quite salty. 5. Light a charcoal grill, or heat a stove-top griddle. 6. Stuff each calamari tube with about 2 teaspoons stuffing and secure the top with a toothpick. 7. Place the stuffed calamari, cut side up, together with the heads on a well-­oiled rack, close to the burning coals, or on a very hot oiled griddle. As the calamari tubes puff up, press carefully with tongs to extract the air. Grill until firm and marked, turning once or carefully rolling, to cook and mark on all sides, brushing every now and then with the marinade, about 8 minutes total. 8. Slice and serve. Couscous Salad with Dates and Almonds Ingredients 2 cups / 480ml water ½ teaspoon salt 1 10-ounce box couscous ¼ cup / 60ml extra-virgin olive oil 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon (generous) grated lemon peel 1 teaspoon ground cardamom

22 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

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15- to 16-ounce can garbanzo beans (chickpeas), ⅔ cup / 60g chopped pitted dates ½ cup / 100g slivered almonds, toasted ½ cup / 40g minced fresh cilantro ¼ cup / 50g minced green onions Fresh cilantro / parsley sprigs Preparation Bring 2 cups water and 1/2 teaspoon salt to boil in medium saucepan. Add couscous; stir 30 seconds. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand 5 minutes. Fluff with fork. Transfer to large bowl to cool. Whisk olive oil, lemon juice, lemon peel, and cardamom to blend in small bowl. Drizzle over couscous. Mix in garbanzo beans, dates, almonds, minced cilantro, and green onions. Season with salt and pepper. Let stand at room temperature at least 1 hour and up to 2 hours. Garnish with cilantro / parsley sprigs.

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Golden Coconut Almond Muffins Ingredients 1 ½ / 190g cups all-purpose flour 1 cup / 75g shredded coconut ½ cup / 100g white sugar ⅓ cup / 30g chopped toasted almonds 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder ¾ teaspoon orange zest ½ teaspoon baking soda + ¼ teaspoon salt ¾ cup / 180ml unsweetened coconut milk ¼ cup / 60ml orange juice ¼ cup / 60ml extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Preparation Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease a 12 cup muffin pan. In a large bowl, mix flour, shredded coconut, sugar, almonds, baking powder, orange zest, baking soda, and salt. In a medium bowl, whisk together coconut milk, orange juice, olive oil, and vanilla extract. Pour into the flour mixture, and stir until just blended. Transfer to the prepared muffin pan. Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until a knife inserted in the centre of a muffin comes out clean. Turn onto a wire rack to cool before serving.

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YOGA FOR ALL- Releasing A Tight Neck & Shoulders your chin to your chest, creating a long, gentle stretch along the back of the neck. Take several slow, deep breaths with the chin down. Lift the head back up on an inhale. Repeat.

2. Ear-to-shoulder.

Sometimes we carry the world on our shoulders and added to this the head is the size and weight of a bowling ball on top of your neck. No wonder you get a little stiff and sore now and then! The neck and shoulders take a lot of physical stress and abuse, turning, nodding, lifting, hunching and straining all day long. In fact, neck and shoulder problems are among the most common injuries. In addition to physical injury, we carry a lot of stress and tension in our necks and shoulders. The following simple exercises can help relieve stiffness and tension, and help strengthen the neck and shoulders against injury. However, please be careful when working with your neck and shoulders. Move slowly and deliberately. Pay attention to which muscles are being used and never go beyond your edge of comfort.

1. Chin-to-chest.

Inhale and as you exhale slowly lower


Inhale and then as you exhale slowly lower your right ear toward your right shoulder. It won't reach, but don't worry about it. Breathe into the gentle stretch created along the top of the left shoulder and left side of the neck. Take several slow deep breaths. Inhale and raise your head back up. Repeat on the other side.

3. Neck roll.

Follow the instructions for ear-toshoulder, then roll the chin down toward the chest, across the chest and up the other side. Inhale and as you exhale roll the chin down across the chest and up the other side.

4. Shoulders-to-ears.

Inhale and raise your shoulders up to your ears, pulling them up as high as they'll go. Then let go with an "ahhh" and drop your shoulders back down. Repeat several times.

5. Shoulder circles.

Raise your shoulders up, rotate them back and down, forward and up again. Repeat several times then go in the opposite direction.

Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly classes. Contact Sarah for more details on 663 140 297

We are closed for November holidays but welcome you back in December


FRUIT TREES MAKE A SPANISH GARDEN COMPLETE By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe No Spanish garden or apartment terrace should be without fruit trees or plants. Even in less than a square metre it is possible to grow alpine or ordinary strawberries in a strawberry barrel or window box and citrus, peach, apple, pear, pomegranate, avocado and fig trees on dwarf root stocks grow perfectly well in containers provided you fill the containers with a rich in nutrient and water retaining/ welldraining soil mix. Our experimental container orchard has done well. In a larger garden it does not require much imagination to plant a dozen varieties of trees or plants and be able to harvest one’s own ecological fruit crops on every day of the year. Try the following for starters – almond, apricot, fig, lemon, mandarin, orange, persimmon, peach, plum, strawberries, raspberries and walnut. If you combine the above with a vegetable raised bed or patch, even a moderate sized garden can become your daily market for the fresh healthy fruit and vegetables increasingly recommended by medical authorities. Spanish readers will immediately recognise what we are saying –i.e. return to the back yard or small holding of our grandparents – for what we recommend does not require a large orchard. Indeed, as many inland expatriates with 10.000 metre plots have discovered, how does one cope with the ripening fruit of several hundred trees when Spaniards are feeding surplus oranges to their sheep and goats as it is more economic to do so than pay to harvest the fruit for very low market prices. Luckily many fruit trees have multiple benefits so they

easily fit into mixed gardens for they are among the best trees for spring blossom, then the colouring fruit adds interest, followed by the vivid autumn leaf colours of the deciduous trees and early winter colours of persimmons and pomegranates well after the leaves have fallen. As mentioned in our earlier columns and described in detail in our popular book Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain there are now many natural, ecological and organic ways of fertilising and spraying fruit trees bushes and plants against pests and diseases so one does not need to be concerned about residual chemicals on the skins. Eating perfectly ripe fruit direct from the tree bush or plant is one of the delights of gardening in Spain. Fresh raspberries from May to October and in a few weeks’ time tangerines are regular pre breakfast snacks when working early in our holistic garden. They are irresistible. Thinking about citrus trees if you select early mid and late season varieties it is possible to harvest edible mandarins from October to May and a mature perpetual flowering/fruiting lemon tree can supply a year’s supply of lemons for gin and tonics and lemon sorbets. By the way the book includes over seventy fruits so there are plenty to choose from whether gardening on the Costa, inland valleys or a thousand metres up on mountainsides. For convenience Dick’s recently published book includes details of the beneficial vitamins and minerals etc., found in a wide range of fruits. Autographed copies of Clodagh and Dicks books can now be purchased via their website as well as unsigned copies from high street and internet bookshops. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe Nov 2011.

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Why have good insurance?...Advertorial

Good insurance is a necessity but in general people only look at the price. I am not surprised, as the cost of living is soaring; add that to the reduced exchange rate, it is not your top priority. When it comes to insuring your motor vehicle it is a legal requirement and cheap is not always the best. You must compare the cover that you are getting and the security of the Insurance Company. Insurance for your home has possibly been reduced to “when we can afford it�. When you insure through Beneficial Insurance Services, you may not just be reducing your premiums by the competitive quotes we can give, you can be assured that the correct product has been sold. All our policies are in English and designed to cover all eventualities. We are also able to help spread the cost. When you contact us for a quotation, you are answered by English speaking agents in a friendly, business-like manner and a quotation is usually given within 30 minutes. Another area of our expertise is planning for your funeral. This is a subject that most people do not wish to talk about.

So, to alleviate these worries and take the responsible approach, why not arrange and pay for a funeral plan. These Plans are designed to encompass all expenses, costs, arrangements and legal documentation. You can plan the funeral yourself, and with our help, you can make them as simple or as complicated as you wish. The plan is valid in both Spain and UK. One telephone call, day or night and your wishes are put into place immediately. The payments can also be spread over a period of time and through the Hour Glass payment system it can be as low as 70 cents per day but once started the cost is locked in at today’s price. We are also in a position to give help and advice on Pensions, unlocking your fund and the reasons for looking at QROPS. If you require any help in any of these areas please do not hesitate to contact Beneficial Insurance Services on 961 129 215 or email You can also visit our web site

48 trillion Nectar points to be put into the economy to boost recovery In an announcement that will delight shoppers and the city alike, a fourteenfigure sum of Nectar points will be released into the economy to boost consumer spending. Eight billion air miles will also be created, enough for a family of four to travel to RAF Northolt and back (terms and conditions apply), while Boots Advantage Card owners will get a free nail care kit. Junior Industry Minister Sally Jones said the scheme was the result of months of negotiating between retailers, the bank and government. ‘“Generous” is a loaded term in these difficult times, but we feel that this recovery package will stimulate consumer confidence, tend the green shoots of economic recovery and ensure no-one misses out on double points when you spend over a tenner on personal hygiene products,’ she said. ‘The Nectar deal alone is thought to be worth the value of one 200 gram box of unbranded cereal for every man, woman and child in the south east of England. And Air Mile collectors with more than 10,000 miles will, as a result, be entitled to a packet of cheesy biscuits on selected flights, provided they travel on the fourth Tuesday of the month in Class Y674 when Saturn is rising in the house of Aquarius.’ There are also moves to make quantitative easing more economic. Treasury spokesman Norman Armstrong said: ‘Printing the £64 billion the government will feed into the economy to help kick start growth doesn’t come cheap. So, in a pilot scheme, the government has emailed pdfs of three twenty pound notes to the whole adult population of Doncaster, along with a licence authorising their printing.’ Sceptics have criticised the scheme, but Industry Minister Sally Jones countered that: ‘With the increase in loyalty points put in place, there’s never been a better time to buy a full colour printer and a range of coloured inks. So get down to Argos.’ If successful in the UK, there are plans to roll similar schemes out throughout the Eurozone to boost the ailing single currency. ‘I only wish we’d thought of it first,’ said one anonymous MEP. ‘If we’d collected Clubcard points on the Greek bailout, I’d finally have enough for a ticket to Chessington World of Adventures.’ Blackberry to explain why world still turning The manufacturers of the Blackberry will today be asked to explain why Planet Earth still exists. After the crash of its email and messaging service, experts say the smartphone may not be as vital as all the people who own one had led us to believe. Technologist Stephen Malley said: "According to my calculations none of us should be here. "In the event of such a prolonged absence of Blackberry messaging facilities, the Earth should have exploded by now in a hellish furnace of molten rock and body parts. "There should be charred Blackberries spinning silently through space that will one day be picked up by aliens who will then be able to work out where it all went wrong for Earth."

It’s not unlike ‘Eric and Ernie’, insists Liam Fox Defence Secretary Liam Fox has insisted that his relationship with friend Adam Werritty is completely innocent and similar to that of the comedians Morecambe and Wise. “Eric and Ernie often shared a bed without anyone assuming there was something going on,” said Dr Fox, “and it’s exactly the same when Adam and I bunk down for the night. Often I’ll be reading important defence papers, wot I wrote, and he’ll just sit there quietly smoking his pipe.” BBC political correspondent Mark Sampson said that most people would be satisfied that this is all about accessing political influence and good old-fashioned greed, rather than opposition hints that things might have gone a bit ‘Torchwood’. In response to the allegations Dr Fox immediately ordered a thorough investigation of himself maintaining there had been no breach of security or the ministerial code and that Mr Werritty is completely trustworthy, before hastily leaving the country. He explained: “If you trust someone enough to let them be your best man, spike your drink, take polaroids of a stripper shaving your bits and then letting them handcuff you to railings in nothing but your pants then surely you can trust them with the plans of a new missile defence system?” The double-act of cabinet minister and unexplained bloke have been inseparable for many years with Mr Werritty even accompanying the Foxes on their honeymoon where he would pop up with annoying regularity and ask if anyone fancied hiring a jet-ski. The two men also went on other foreign trips together. Mr Werritty said: “It’s just like going on holiday with your bezzie mate, except instead of going somewhere wank like Benidorm, we get to go to Dubai and Sri Lanka. Ok, so during the day it’s all ‘blah blah tomahawk missiles or blah blah cluster bombs’ but at night we just hit the bars and get proper shit-faced.” Amid further allegations that Mr Werritty also spent many hours in Dr Fox’s office, with the pair playing Killzone 3 on the PS3, drinking beer and watching Judd Apatow movies, the Times also suggests Mr Werritty has been handing out business cards showing the pair ‘goofing around’ in a photo booth, and describing himself as the minister’s go-to-guy. Werritty has denied the cards were improper and as proof produced a string of other cards including one on which he has titled himself, “The Duke of Awesome”. Meanwhile, senior civil servants have requested copies of all memos and documents relating to meetings between business acquaintances of Mr Werritty and Dr Fox. The Defence Secretary said: “I will of course give them all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order.” He added: "I did the calculations on my Blackberry." But Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: "It's an easy mistake to make. Blackberries are owned by people who think they're incredibly important, whereas iPhones are owned by people who think iPhones are incredibly important and Android phones are owned by poor people who don't matter. "Anyway, we worked out that the world was able to continue to exist for two key reasons. Are you ready? "One - if you're in the office you can get emails and stuff on your computer, and two - if you're out of the office and something happens that actually matters then people can phone you. On your Blackberry." He added: "We then did another experiment which shows that if people keep using Blackberries then the word will eventually disappear up its own rectum."

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

The wonders of olive oil

1. A little extra virgin olive oil makes a fabulous substitute for foot cream. Just rub some on your feet before you go to bed, put on some socks and wake up with super soft tootsies.

Olive oil is truly a great wonder of the world! Not only is it amazing and healthy to cook with, but it has numerous benefits for a beauty regimen!

Better than Butter We already know, thanks to overwhelming research, that olive oil is an important part of a heart-healthy diet, with much less saturated fat and cholesterol than butter. You already know that we love baking with olive oil, especially in olive oil-centric goodies, but did you know that you can bake nearly anything with olive oil, and achieve a healthier, much more flavourful result? From cookies and cakes to muffins and breads, nearly all baked-goods can all be improved by partially or fully replacing the vegetable oil, shortening or butter called for in the recipe with olive oil. Another great benefit of using olive oil in place of butter is that you actually need less, which means you save money along with calories and fat! Here's a handy chart to keep on-hand for determining the conversion: CONVERSION OF BUTTER TO OLIVE OIL BUTTER = OLIVE OIL 1 teaspoon = ¾ teaspoon 1 Tablespoon = 2¼ teaspoons ¼ cup = 3 Tablespoons ⅓ cup = ¼ cup ½ cup = ¼ cup + 2 Tablespoons ⅔ cup = ½ cup ¾ cup = ½ cup + 1 Tablespoon 1 cup = ¾ cup The Beauty of Olive OilThe main reason behind the effectiveness of olive oil for beauty is that it's rich in squalene, a natural emollient that penetrates skin without leaving a greasy film behind. Beyond that, it’s packed with Vitamins A & E and a number of polyphenols that already make it a popular inclusion in beauty products." Opposite are 16 "other" great uses for olive oil:

2. Bad sunburn? Mix olive oil with white vinegar and apply before a warm bath to soothe and heal the burn. 3. Banish frizzy hair by putting a couple of drops of olive oil on dry hair. 4. Smooth generously onto hands before bed, put on white cotton gloves, and wake up with soft, youthful hands. 5. Dandruff issues? Mix olive oil with almond oil and leave on scalp for five minutes. (If it starts to burn, rinse it out.) Rinse well to clear hair of dandruff. 6. For a pampering bath, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to your bath to calm red, irritated skin. 7. Soothe chapped lips by smoothing on some olive oil. 8. Olive oil makes a great anti-aging moisturizer, since it contains polyphenol hydroxytyrosol, an antioxidant that helps to hold cell walls intact and thus reduce the signs of aging. 9. Apply a little olive oil to a Q-tip and use it as a makeup remover. (Yes, that’s why the store-bought kind is often so oily!) 10. Soak thin, brittle nails and ragged cuticles in a small cup of olive oil to soften, smooth and strengthen them. 11. Massage olive oil into your hair, then leave hair covered with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Shampoo and discover softer, more lustrous hair with fewer split ends. For an itchy dry scalp, massage a bit of olive oil onto it. 12. Sensitive skin? Go easy on your legs by using olive oil as a shaving cream. 13. Slather on olive oil before braving the sun – it’s rich in Vitamins A and E, keeping skin from drying out in the heat while protecting you from UV rays. 14. Rub on elbows and knees for intense moisturizing. (My elbows are actually soft now – I’m not kidding.) 15. For stained nails and fingers, simply add a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil and soak your fingers in it. 16. Apply a bit of olive oil to lips before bed or going out into the cold for a natural lip balm!


Knox to be trained in how not to look shifty AMANDA Knox will today begin an intensive training course in how not to look shifty, ever. As the American student won her appeal and flew home to Seattle, the media organisations she has not done a deal with pledged to catch her with either a knowing smile or a sinister sideways glance. Up to 3,000 photographers will use telephoto lenses to record Knox's every expression in the hope of capturing the crucial moment where she admits her guilt using at least one part of her face. And the UK's Daily Mail has appointed its emotionally fragile columnist Liz Jones to analyse the best new Amanda Knox photos on a daily basis and give them marks out of 10 for shiftiness. Media analyst Julian Cook said: "Hopefully we are just a few years away from shifty photographs replacing all this half-arsed dicking about with DNA." But the Knox family said they will use the money from the book, film, TV interviews, iPhone app and saucy action figure to train the 24 year-old in how to look perpetually innocent. A family spokesman said: "It's going to be difficult. At times even Mother Theresa could look as if she'd just stolen a pie. We'll get there, though there may be days when she has to walk around wearing a motorbike helmet." But Knox could still be dragged back to Italy after prosecutors pledged to launch an appeal against the acquittal based on one of the photographs where she looks like an evil, sexy witch. A source said: "It's a lot stronger than our first case, so we are reasonably confident." Meanwhile, the media organisations Knox has done a deal with have confirmed they are very close to convincing her to straddle a chair. Greggs fury at Michelin snub PASTY incubator Greggs has called for an inquiry after being overlooked for one of cuisine's biggest honours, it has emerged. With the recent introduction of the Jaffa Cake doughnut and snout batter lollipop, the UK's leading cholesterol enablers had hoped to gain their first Michelin star. Gregg's head of hoof procurement Roy Hobbs said: “The public's insatiable demand for brown crispy things that turn the paper bag translucent means we're always going to be solvent, but without the respect of our peers it’s all so hollow.' "There’s so much hard work and dedication that goes into our cheese-influenced slice, also quite a lot of gleaming off-white matter, but these snobs seem to be obsessed

Jackson's doctor accused of making him weird MICHAEL Jackson's doctor has gone on trial accused of making him weirder than a bald cat. The jury in Los Angeles was told that Conrad Murray's daily injections turned the King of Pop from an everyday chimpanzee owner into a man who was convinced his chimpanzees were having an affair with Uri Geller. Prosecutor David Walgren said: "The truth is Mr Jackson was a perfectly normal American who didn't know what colour he was and liked to invite children to his fairytale amusement park and then get them pleasantly drunk. "It's the same workaday story being played out in millions of homes across America. "But all that changed when Mr Jackson hired Dr Murray to perform the routine task of injecting him with a daily cocktail of drugs to stop his nose from falling off." The trial is expected to hear from a series of witnesses who will all claim that Dr Murray made them very unusual. Todd Logan, an LA-based chihuahua astrologer, has claimed he used to provide mainstream, personalised horoscopes to a wide range of tiny dogs until Dr Murray started prescribing him with large doses of over-thecounter weirdness. And Becky Harper, an unemployed singer, will tell the court that after just two consultations with Dr Murray she started wearing a third pair of celebrity underpants on her face. But Murray has denied the charge insisting Jackson was incredibly strange by the time he arrived. Defence attorney, Ed Chernoff, said: "During their first meeting Mr Jackson asked if he could buy Dr Murray's thumbs and then showed him more than 600 photographs of his buttocks. "My client's first thought was, 'we're going to need a bigger syringe'." with food that looks edible." The Michelin Guide's famously anonymous judges visit restaurants around the country, assessing each venue on atmosphere, service and whether the food induces a paralysing stroke. Judge Denys Finch-Hatton discussed his visit to Greggs, as well as his GP's prognosis after eating their lunch meal deal. He said "After being pleasantly surprised by the rustic yet excellent cuisine of some of Britain’s gastropubs, I joined my chauffeur for lunch at Greggs and asked what kind of Fanta would go well with their range of browny-gold rectangles. "I left with something rubbery lodged in a back tooth. I've had it biopsied and am assured that it is from some form of bovine." Greggs patron Nikki Hollis said: "Greggs is awesome, the haters just don't know the proper way to enjoy it. "Steak slice is the starter, custard slice your main and sausage roll for pudding."

30 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

PC TIPS: Windows 7 tricks you must know!

Did you ever feel that you should be able to lock any program in the Windows Task Bar of your choice or align windows as per your choice or minimize all the windows in background with just a click. I will show you how to do

3. How to minimize all the windows of background application? This is another feature of Windows 7 just open the application of your choice click @ the top most header of the application and shake the mouse left and right like you shake a bottle, you will notice all the background running applications are minimized instantly.

all this in very easy steps. Windows 7 is that OS which MS should have delivered instead of Vista, it is much more stable than Vista and has a lot of features which help users to reduce the click-o-meter considerably. Let me show how the above mentioned things are done in Windows 7: 1. How to lock any Program in Windows Task Bar? For this just open the app of your choice and right click on the icon of the app in the Task Bar. You will see option to Pin it to Task Bar and it will be locked in your Task Bar until you unpin it. 2. How to align a running application window to left, right? This is a really cool feature all you need to do is open the app and press Windows + ← key or Windows + → of left and right alignment. This way you can put two windows side by side.

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages “No internet coverage, no problem! If you live in Catalunya in an area where there is no internet via ADSL, WiMax or 3G mobile then you qualify for Subsidized Internet via satellite. This is an initiative between the Generalitat and Eurona. Equipment and installation is FREE (worth around 600 euros) for the basic service (4Gb monthly download limit, 6Mb speed), monthly cost €31.50 + IVA. LIMITED OFFER SO DON’T DELAY.” NOW BEING INSTALLED!

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How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as easy.

The Still Rockin Show on 107.3 fm Saturdays at 3pm and Sunday at 11pm An hour of Music and Information In English

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Please please join in and send your request to me. TEXT TO 617 162 264 EMAIL norman@normanjay,net Regards Norman Jay

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spanglish?-answers next month ACROSS 4. pet (7) 7. wattle (5) 8. beach umbrella (9) 9. mechanical pencil (8) 10. cherish (6) 12. robbery (4) 13. camping (10) 14. Corea del Norte (5,5) (E) 16. roof rack (4) 18. notario (6) (E) 19. rigorous (8) 21. ucraniano (9) (E) 22. underworld (5) 23. pulpo (7) (E) 24. commercial centre (7)











10. 11.






19. 20.



ACROSS: 2. otoño 6. tres 8. liar



DOWN 1. package (7) 2. navel (7) 3. tracker (10) 4. mammary gland (4) 5. chino (7) (E) 6. cartage (7) 11. pressing (10) 14. no (7) 15. work (7) 16. embroidery (7) 17. attorney (7) 20. god (4) by Sarah (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish)


ANSWERS TO THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF SPANGLISH 12. ugly 15. hero 23. hard DOWN: 4. nine 8. logic 13. care 17. fear 24. cinco 1. arco 5. gato 9. ducha 14. delta 22. humo 3. tope 7. silly 10. silla

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

18. chum 11. perro 19. mini 16. osuno 20. zinc 17. flash 21. faro

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area). •EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 12th, 26th November. More information by phoning Janet on 977092063 or 608610589. Christmas Fair which will be on Saturday 3rd


Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: BADMINTON CLUB -"Intermediate Badminton Club continues to meet every Tuesday from 11.30am to 1pm from now until Christmas. If you have reached a good club level of play in the past please come and give us a try. Experienced players are always welcome. For more info please contact Marian on 697 353 914". New Beginners group every Friday 11.30 to 1pm starting 23rd September. 50cents per person, all welcome, further info from Chris 638 191 128 PHOENIX GROUP | set up for women by women to offer friendship, support and practical help. Meetings every second Tuesday of each month @ Bar Calxic (opposite Cinema Victoria), El Perelló @ 3 p.m. All welcome. Contact Marge on 977 267 779 or 689 608 611 LINE DANCING | Join us for a morning's Line dancing. Just bring a drink and a smile. Mondays 10.00am-12.00pm at the School of Music in El Perelló. First 1/2 hour dedicated to beginners. Good exercise for the legs and jaws! More details from Irene 630 115 006 or Jo-Ann 634 495 572.

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday EARLY EVENING UNTIL DARK!! 3pm Until Dark. Every Sunday Evening until further notice. Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 5 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission

At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road

Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry. December at the School of Music, El Perelló. •C of E CHURCH SERVICES | Regular services and special events mark the late Autumn season at St Christopher’s English speaking church which covers an area of coast from Castellon to Ametlia del Mar, south of Tarragona. Weekly services are held every Sunday at 10am in Vinaros at the church centre known as Portico, in Plaza Primero de Mayo 5. In Alcossebre Sunday services are at 12pm in the Catholic Church of San Cristabal. The newest and rapidly growing congregation north of the Ebro Delta meets on the first and third Sundays of each month at 12.30pm in the Catholic church at Ampolla, with some special additional services for events such as Remembrance Sunday on 13th November. Each of the three locations also has a Drop-in Centre – in Alcossebre “El Camino” near the seafront, behind Valentin’s Restaurant is open from 11am till 2pm on Monday, Tuesday and Friday with a chance to meet new friends and pick up a book from our second-hand collection or something to wear from our quality used clothing store. In Vinaros, Portico is open to welcome you on Thursdays between 11am and 1pm. In Ampolla the latest drop-in centre is due to open during November and will offer a warm welcome to all visitors and local residents. The church also offers pastoral help – the Parish Priest, Rev Paul Needle is always on call on 662 482 944 and can respond quickly to needs for funerals or hospital visits. Baptisms and Marriage Blessings can also be arranged. Special Christmas services are being planned and details will be available shortly.

“YOGA DAY OUT WITH A DIFFERENCE” If you enjoy yoga and the company of like-minded women, why not join us for a day out with a difference? The yoga is held at the Town Hall in La Galera from 11am to 1pm and is led by Pamela Sharp, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master, who has lived and practised in Spain for 35 years. Pam is an excellent teacher and always does something different. We never know what to expect, but it’s always fun! After yoga we normally go to a local restaurant for lunch, where the food is excellent and very good value for money. The whole day usually costs about €20 and will definitely be no more than €25.00. It is usually held on the first Friday of the month starting again on Friday 7th October, so if you are interested please ring Jeanette Lane for further information & to secure a place (at least one week before) on 977 477 042 or 686 292 823. THE READING CLUB where an English spoken person reads a short English story- members consist of Spanish, Irish and English. We will meet in November, the 11th, Rosie will read a short story by Muriel Spark for the assistants.., 19:30 pm, Domingo Public Library, Tortosa.


personal classifieds

come ist in!


BUTSIR FRIDGE/FREEZER | 5 years old, not used for the


last 18 months, in very good condition and excellent working

cooker type €30. Call 977 059 364.

order 200€, for more info / or to view please email Martin at

SWIMMING POOL LIGHTS | new only 60€. call 629 010 529 or call 692 747 417

or 626 876 738 or email

BATTERIES | 12 volts deep cycle hoppecke 620ah 300€.Tel

TOMTOM GO700 | satnav EU maps, 90€ono. NAVMAN

681 005 363 DOUBLE BED | + mattress 70€. Tel 681 005 363

ICN510 SATNAV | 2010 EU maps, 60€ono. BLACK & DECKER

GENERATOR | brand new, 4 stroke petrol, 2.2kva. 275€ Tel

ELECTRIC STRIMMER | 20€ono. Tel/text: 653516183.

628 283 861



pine were 179£ each, 60 euro each. GAS FRIDGE FREEZER

FREE TO GOOD HOME | young, male kitten. Pretty, healthy,

| excellent working order 150 euro, WOOD | about 1½ton,100

tabby approximately 4 months. tel 649 429 056

euros, 977 050 104,mob 669 539 676



home given by bird lover phone 686 299 730


TV perfect condition and only 122watts!. Only 300€ Call 977 059 364


GAS BUTANO BOTTLES | for sale 15euros each. Phone 626

work condition and mot not important but would like a runner

857 963

please phone evenings 977 059 851 or 079 3958 3368



good condition 150euros. Phone 626 857 963

or 660 823 423

PINE WARDROBE | the measurements are 55cm deep

WANTED CONTAINER | call 626 876 738 or 629 010 529

196cm high and 219cm long there are four doors and two

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the

large drawers 626 876 738 / 629 010 529 offers in region of

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call W E N D Y 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 231euros have been raised so thanks to all !!!

euros120 or email PROF. COFFEE MACHINE | Bravilor Mondo 2 €175,00 (12 cups in 5 min). BRAND NEW GASOLINE WATER PUMP | Europa Tools WP30X € 175,00. WOOD BURNER | type PM3 € 75,00. Please call: 977265018 or 686066707. ELECTRIC RADIATORS | x2 25€ each. DECKCHAIR | with foot rest 20€. SUITCASE | orange with wheels as new 25€. GARDEN TOOLS | various offers. Call 977 824 581 PROFESSIONAL WOODWORKING BENCH | portable height adjustment, fixtures for microsoft, planners, power tools etc. New still boxed 65€. POWERWASHER | ideal for cars, boats, pools etc. as new 55€. 600 LITRE PLASTIC FUEL

abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP


CONTAINER | with fittings 65€ . Tel: 642 243 711


PRAMAC DIESEL GENERATOR | silent 6kv, key start,


perfect condition, low hrs., €1200 o.n.o. new €3000.

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Phone 664 146 940


TWO LARGE (35KILO) GAS BOTTLES | 25euros each. tel


977 092 090 mobile 659 288 608



DOORS AND WINDOWS | 3 sliding doors 2.35h.1.45w. 2







incredibly 116,000 Jan

windows 2.90+1.00. Window €225.-Call

2013, serviced, 3300 euros o.n.o. Call Helen 636 081 820


BESSACAR CAMEO CARAVAN | 4 berth, 1989, perfect for

POLE | very strong for help raising a person in bed €95.

guests or as storage 450€ ovno. Tel 977 092 090 or mobile

ZIMMERFRAME | with 2 wheels €60.-Call 977 570 819

659 288 608

34 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

subject to space ist

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 2500€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423


HARDWOOD LOGS | for sale inc delivery. Tel/text: 653 516 183.

VAN SPAIN-UK-SPAIN Van going to UK and returning towards the end of November. All shopping done at very competitive rates Asda, Tesco, Screw Fix, what ever you want I can shop for you and deliver back to Spain. Great for the Christmas goodies or sending presents back home. Contact Les on 629 010 529 or

GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico

FLOOR & WALL TILER | Domestic or commercial.

on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707

References available. Call Mark 686 069 923



M & S Plastering | Competitive rates, most works undertaken,

SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/ L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929

please call for a quotation. Tel. 657 285 436 / 691 982 199 DRIVER WITH LARGE VAN | Making regular trips between Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to

ENGLISH MECHANIC - Basic servicing, maintenance and

& from Spain.

repairs. Tel: 977 407 990. mob. 699 396 053

Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596 MISS SHOPPING IN UK STORES | Why not buy in English


stores. Have your goods delivered to our UK address and

Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years.

you collect from our local address in Spain. For as little

Bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing

as 10€. terms & conditions apply. 0034 977 477 367






etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053

El Perelló Freesia Group for Cancer Charities in Spain

El Perelló Freesia Group prepare for their 3rd Christmas Fair. Preparations are now well in hand for the 2011 Christmas Fair organised by the El Perelló Freesia Group. As in previous years this will be held at the Music School in El Perelló on Saturday 3rd December 2011 ( 10.00 am – 3.30/4.00 pm ). Attractions will include: - Around 40 stalls selling a wide variety of goodies (gifts, crafts, jewellery, cakes, books etc.) - Bar and Barbeque + tea/coffee/snacks. - Live entertainment including choral, band & folk/popular music. - Santa’s Grotto for the kids. We are sure there are a lot of kind people reading this who are not members of the Freesia Group but who would like to help this fund-raising event in some small way – because there are not many of us who have not been touched by Cancer – either directly or indirectly within their circle of family and friends. The Freesia Group desperately need: homemade cakes/tarts/savouries – whatever you are good at baking ! - prizes for their Tombola stall ( a bottle of wine, unwanted gift, box of chocolates – whatever you can offer )

This year the school children of El Perelló ( with the help of their families & teachers ) will be running their own stall with gifts they make themselves and toys they donate. Every cent they raise will be donated to AFANOC (Association for Children with Cancer – Tarragona province) This is a wonderful example of co-operation between an ex-patriot residents’ charity – The Freesia Group - working with their local Catalan community – to help those in need.

If you can help please contact:- Trev & Viv Wringe: 977 092 091 /email: Janet & Mike Hewison: 977 092 063 / To book a stall to sell your own goods at the Christmas Fair – the cost is only €15 for a 2metre table – ( this is not a carboot event so no second hand goods ) call Trevor on 977 092 091

property for sale or rent by owner


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a separate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000 euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email : info@

MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327. NEW FIVE STAR RESIDENTIAL PARK. Close to San Jordi and 10 minutes from the coast at Vinaros. Large plots from €170 per month. English, Spanish & German spoken. Full range of amenities. Call 964 412 645

Our Articles On What's On From Previous Years Issues Can Be Found On Our Web Site www. FESTA DEL VI I JORNADES GASTRONÒMIQUES DE GANDESA 8/10/2011 to 31/10/2011 "The Wine Festival began as a celebration among a group of friends to the end of the harvest went on to become the showcase of wines from the Terra Alta area. Around Cooperative Waldo you will find the stands of various cooperatives and private cellars of the region where you can taste the different wines for free. On Saturday the cooperative offers complimentary snacks to all participants and booths will be open in the afternoon. FIRA DE L’OLI NOVELL, DELS CÍTRICS I DEL COMERÇ DE SANTA BÀRBARA Propera edició: 19/11/2011 a

20/11/2011 The fair recovers ancient activities associated with the cultivation of olive trees (how to prepare the ground for the folding plus folding techniques), without neglecting the recreational and commercial sections of a typical fair. It has established itself as a area specialising in the oil of the important Terres de l'Ebre. It is a gastronomic fair, but also a fair of multisectoral and services.

15th MOSTRA DE L’OLI DE SIURANA, LA FESTA DE L’OLI NOU A REUS 18/11/2011 a 19/11/2011 This show, held in pl. Llibertat (Freedom Square), is organized by the Municipal Tourism and Commerce of Reus, the Control Board DOP Siurana Agricultural Cooperative Union of Reus. Today the PDO Siurana consists 42 oil mills that account for 62 cooperatives covering regions of the province (Bass Camp High Camp, Priorat, Ribera d'Ebre, Tarragona, Baix Penedès and Conca de Barbera). The Oil Show is an event created by Siurana in 1997 and every year since the most important producers / cooperatives DOP Siurana collectively present this seasons oil. Thus, it is the first place annually, Reus cooperatives jointly present the new oil of the season. Saturday the 19th at 10 hr, Come and taste the best oil of the world.

Jim Love's House for sale. Retirement forces change| 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Mains electricity. Mains water (drinking). Telephone line available. Air conditioning. 15 mins walk to centre of town. Land for cultivation, also olives & almonds. Not a palace, hence the price. El Perelló In the region of 90,000€. Call 628 308 140 FOR SALE, 2 plots of land l'Ametlla de Mar excellent situation and access just off the N340 going

into the village of L'Ametlla. Clean flat land with olive trees and carobs. Adjacent properties have mains electric and mains water. Sea and mountain views Totally fenced in, just 2km from L'Ametlla de Mar. Plot 1 approx 6600 m2 only 39,500 euros Plot 2 approx 4500 m2 only 34,500 euros. Call to view or more details: 977 059 420 or 660 823 423

business card directory All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS





Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar

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Your Olive Business Directory For English Speakers Plus Available 24/7 On Our Web Site. "Regular advertising is essential to let people know you are still in business and are reliable." Call To Add Your Business Here Today On 977 059 364


ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up it

you relax...

is truly appreciated. Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- www. or email: protectora.arca@

977 059 364 u n

Aptdo. de Correos, 147 • 4389 43895 8 L’Ampolla • Tarragona

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

Are you worried about your water quality. If you haven´t got mains water Fed up of carrying bottles of water home Or you would like clean drinking water from your tap. Then you need to call us for a water purification system today- this is not reverse osmosis and does not use electric or waste water plus it does not use chemicals!

Call 977 059 364 or visit the website for more details

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