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Meet up online for 2021 National Olive Conference

Yes, we’re set for another national Zoom hook-up!

While we were all keen to get together in Tassie for this year’s national conference and exhibition, the ongoing COVID pandemic and restrictions have once again ruled out a face-to-face catch-up. The practical decision was, therefore, to move to an online event for the second year running.


Afternoon sessions

The format of last year’s virtual conference was really popular, so the organising committee has taken an ‘ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ approach and this year’s event will run to a similar schedule: twohour sessions held over four consecutive days, running mid-afternoon from 3-5pm (AEST) each day. This allows delegates to complete a decent day’s work before sitting down for the sessions, with a chunk of daylight left afterwards for any remaining grove chores.

Each session will feature informative presentations from experts both within and outside the industry, discussing key issues that impact olive businesses. And the interactive online format will once again provide delegates with the chance to ask questions and contribute comments live.

Cost benefits

The move to an online format also means that for AOA members, attending the conference is completely free: there’s no fee to register, no travel time or costs, and no lost work time involved.

For others attending it also keeps the cost extremely low, with $100 covering registration for the entire four days – and again, no downtime.

Program overview

The Big Picture

The conference kicks off with The Big Picture, looking at the sales side of running an olive business. Providing invaluable insight for future planning, Bendigo Bank economist David Robertson takes a crystal ball to the economy post-pandemic, while Austrade’s Ollie Shugg and Cobram Estate’s Andrew Burgess look at the global market and exports. A local market focus rounds things off, with Mount Zero Olives’ Richard Seymour discussing the practicalities of pivoting amidst rolling lockdowns. Get ready to hear about some really innovative marketing!


Day 2 moves into the grove with the focus firmly on Biosecurity, an increasingly important element of grove management. National Xylella Co-ordinator Craig Elliot looks at our industry’s number one disease threat, asking ‘Are you Xylella ready?’ and DPIPWE Tasmania’s Andrew Bishop discusses how the renowned foodproducing island maintains its edge around plant biosecurity. There’ll also be discussion around industry pests and disease issues including fruit fly, a growing issue which affected fruit movement for processing during this year’s harvest. Factors Influencing Olive Yields

We stay in the grove for the third conference session, looking at some of the most significant factors influencing olive yields - frost, biennial bearing and canopy management. Looking at how and why they affect cropping rates, the expert panel of Paul Miller, Leandro Ravetti and Andrew Taylor also provide practical approaches to managing these issues in your grove.

Olives and Olive Oil in Food

The fourth and final session moves into the kitchen, focussing on table olives and EVOO in cooking and as part of a healthy lifestyle. Culinary and technical experts including renowned chef and olive afficionado Rosa Matto, oil scientist Claudia Guillaume and dietician Abby Dolphin will join producer Jared Bettio to discuss everything from the versatility of olive products in cooking to the proven health benefits of including more of them in our diets.

Australian International Olive Awards Virtual Presentation

Wrapping up the event is the chance to celebrate the fruits of this year’s labour at the industry’s ‘night of nights’, the Australian International Olive Awards Virtual Presentation. Gather your team around, grab a cuppa or a glass of bubbles, and join in as 2021’s top EVOO and table olive producers are revealed.

Will you be this year’s Best of Show winner? Register and Zoom in to find out!

2021 AOA National Olive Industry Virtual Conference When: Tuesday, 12 October to Friday, 15 October @ 3-5pm (AEST) Tuesday, 12 October – The Big Picture: the economy, trade, export, local markets Wednesday, 13 October – Biosecurity: Xyllela, fruit fly, other threats Thursday, 14 October - Factors Influencing Olive Yields: frost, biennial bearing, canopy management Friday, 15 October - Olives and Olive Oil in Food: table olives, cooking with olives, health and wellness **Followed at 5.30pm by AIOA Virtual Gala Presentation Cost: AOA Members FREE; Non-members $30+GST per session or full week $100+GST. AIOA Award Presentation FREE for all attendees

Register now at www.olivebiz.com.au

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