27 minute read

Production potential a champion choice for Romley Estate

The Parvins purchased their tractor-operated harvester from Spain in 2017 and were so impressed they took on the Australian distribution.

Buying a property ‘with producing potential’ led to a (very) active career change for Romley Estate’s Monica Parvin, who moved out from behind the desk of her finance broking business and into an established 15-acre olive grove. It was also a successful one for Parvin and her husband Rob, who in just a few years have seen their oils become regular fixtures on competition winners’ lists across the country.


2020 Award wins

Romley Estate was among the top multiple award-winners at last year’s Australian International Olive Awards (AIOA), with a cache including two Champion of Class Awards. The Romley Estate Grand Reserve Koroneiki took Gold and Champion Greek Varietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the Romley Estate Family Reserve Hardy's Mammoth took Gold and Champion Other Varietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil, while the Romley Estate Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil filled the medal list out with a Bronze.

The results were an exciting follow-up to their success at the 2020 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards, where the judges also awarded Gold to the Grand Reserve, along with Bronze medals for the Romley Estate Frantoio, Family Reserve and Garlic flavoured EVOOs.


The Romley Estate story started in 2016, when Monica and Rob ‘bought a property with olives on it’ in Willunga, South Australia, on the edge of the McLaren Vale wine region.

“When we were looking to buy our forever home a few years ago, we were hoping to find something that had income producing potential,” Monica said.

“We were looking around the McLaren Vale/Willunga area, as there are a number of primary production properties there and the rainfall in the region is quite good.

“We found our dream home on 185 acres, which included 15 acres of olives. Me being me, I saw the olive grove and thought, ‘I can make something of this!’ and Romley Estate was born.”

Busy first years

The grove had been established in the mid-1990s and has 1370 trees of seven varieties - Frantoio, Picual, Koroneiki, Kalamata, California Queen, Hardy’s Mammoth and Pendolino. The row spacing is traditional at seven by five metres and the first major task the Parvins undertook was intensive pruning, to enable mechanical harvesting.

They followed that with some serious gearing up to ensure the efficiency of their future harvests.

“We purchased our own shaker harvester in late 2017 from Spain, from a company called Agromelca,” Monica said.

“After much deliberation, we chose this machine over others after a visit to the Spanish factory, and also as it attaches really simply to our Kubota 95hp tractor when we need to use it.

The pros and cons of life as an EVOO and table olive producer

Every job has elements we enjoy and others that we just have to do, whether we want to or not. We asked Monica what she loves best about her life in olives, and the thing she really doesn’t like doing: “I love producing something, rather than just sitting behind a desk on a keyboard all day, like I used to. I really enjoy creating new products too. “I really don’t love pitting olives. I'd really like an olive pitting machine, but I can't seem to find one. If anyone can help, I’d love to hear from you!”

Having started her olive oil education as the highest scoring Australian Associate Savante, Monica’s tasting skills help ensure the award-winning quality of Romley Estate’s oils.

“It’s a very user-friendly machine to operate and we’ve been really impressed, so we’ve since taken on the distributorship for Australia.”


Monica also set about learning as much as she could about olive oil, including attending the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes tasting course in 2017. She’s obviously a natural to the EVOO tasting game, as the end-of-course evaluation saw her become the highest scoring Australian Associate Savante to date. Since then she’s continued to hone her tasting skills as an olive oil judge – and no doubt also used them to ensure the award-winning quality of Romley Estate’s oils. Progressive learning

The Parvins are totally hands-on in their business and Monica says she’s become a “Jack of all trades” in the past five years. From harvesting to pickling their table olives, she’s learned how to do it all and, like many others, has found industry peers are happy to offer the benefits of their experience.

“We’ve really just learned along the way,” she said.

“There’s been lots of reading, and taking various bits of advice from other growers. Then it’s just getting in and doing it.”

The only thing they get help with is their processing, given the scale of their fruit production.

“Our machine is too small to handle the volumes we do, which was

Their grove is obviously a very special place for Monica and Rob Parvin, who got married at home on the farm.

AOA 2021 National Olive Industry Virtual Conference

Tuesday, 12 October to Friday, 15 October – 3:00-5:00pm each day

Registrations Now open

Romley Estate’s 2020 awards cache included two AIOA Champion of Class trophies.

40-plus tonnes this year,” Monica said.

“Rob also works full time, so we really don’t have time to potter about doing 300kg per hour (on a good day). So Dom Scarfo at Diana Olive Oil does our processing.

“We have an excellent relationship with him and his team, and they obviously do a great job with our fruit and oils.”

Diverse product range

The Parvins produce both olive oil and table olives and sell both on their online store, along with a wide range of other olive-related products. Olive oil skincare products range from bar shampoo and soap bars (including one specifically for dogs!) to lip balm and olive leaf body scrub; condiments include tapenade, spice blends, sticky balsamic and dukkah; while a range of colourful ceramic kitchenware evokes the food and lifestyle of the Mediterranean.

Monica said a diverse product range is an important part of their business.

“I like to have variety, which is why I make both oil and table olives,” she said.

“I have quite a range of products now, and I like coming up with new ideas to keep our offering interesting and different.” Consumer connection

They also sell their products at the renowned Willunga Farmers Market and direct to consumers at the farm gate, with many coming to them via word of mouth. Monica said that interaction with consumers is invaluable for a boutique producer.

“It’s gold. I love it,” she said.

“I really enjoy telling people about what we do, and how we do it. It builds a connection and they engage in our story. It becomes personal, and really helps to build brand loyalty.”

Secrets to success

Romley Estate’s high quality oils have seen them consistently win medals and trophies at both state and national competitions in recent years. Monica puts it down to a number of factors, both beyond and within their control.

“Our climate must have something to do with it,” she said.

“It’s also time of harvest, and we always crush on the same day or within 24 hours after harvest. Then it’s care of the oils once harvested - i.e. racking and storage in a temperature-controlled room.

“But I don’t think there’s anything in particular that we do differently to other producers - although I’m not really up with what others do these days, what with having a toddler and all!”

Whatever the explanation, their AIOA Champion awards – both in 2020 and previous years - were a welcome result for a job obviously very well done.

“It’s such a wonderful reward after so much hard work doing the harvest,” Monica said.

“It really makes you feel like you’re doing something right, and producing a beautiful product. It actually means the world to me.

“Quality competitions like the AIOA are very important for us, enabling us to benchmark our product, and see what varieties and blends other growers are producing around the country.

“They’re also incredibly important to consumers: if they see a gold medal, they know it’s good. I’m often asked by a customer for ‘your best oil, please’ and that would be one with a medal on it – or even better, a Champion trophy winner.”

Help and advice are Gold

Monica and Rob really hit the ground running with their olive business, quickly becoming consistent award-winners for their EVOOs. With no background in horticulture, it was a huge learning curve but they obviously scaled it quickly and successfully. We asked Monica to share some tips for other new producers just starting out in the industry. “Ask for help and advice. “We have from the start, and continue to receive help and advice from a number of lovely people in the region. “We wouldn’t be producing such a beautiful product if it wasn’t for the help of these people.”


R&D Insights contains the latest levy-funded R&D project updates, research findings and related industry resources, which all happen under the Hort Innovation Olive Fund. Hort Innovation partners with leading service providers to complete a range of R&D projects to ensure the long-term sustainability and profitability of the olive industry.

Monitoring and mapping project steaming ahead

The collaborative horticultural industry levy project Multi-scale monitoring tools for managing Australian tree crops (various projects) has now moved to phase 2, continuing the development, trial and extension of technology-based crop mapping and monitoring tools to help growers in predicting fruit quality and yield, and monitoring tree health including in the early detection of pest and disease outbreaks.

The University of New England’s Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre (AARSC) and NSW Department of Primary Industries are the project partners involved in the olive industryrelated elements. Here they’ve provided an overview and update on their research, which will also enable our industry to make more informed data-driven decisions around water supply, infrastructure, planning and governance.

Australian Tree Crop Map (ATCM) The mapping of Australia’s horticulture tree crops provides the Australian olive industry with an accurate understanding of the extent (distribution and area) of production, at multiple scales. Knowing the extent of our industry helps us to understand current and future industry growth, assists in national and regional yield forecasting, and enables us to better respond to major events such as biosecurity threats and natural disasters. Without knowing where our groves are we simply can’t respond effectively. Through this project, a map of all commercial olive groves across Australia has been developed and is now directly available to growers and industry on the AOA website - www.

In-grove monitoring equipment is part of the range of technology-based tools utilised within the project.

australianolives.com.au. The mapping application shows the extent of groves across Australia, including statistics of production area summarised by state/ territory and local government area.

Is your grove on the map?

The Australian Tree Crop Map (ATCM) continues to be updated, with the goal to account for all commercial groves in Australia over one hectare in size.

Growers are encouraged to check that their grove has been mapped and if not, complete the ATCM Survey. The survey allows growers to quickly locate their grove and submit any other details for AARSC researchers to review and interpret the information, and action updates in the map. Note: Privacy has been a key consideration in the project. The ATCM is built to meet national standards and no personal or commercial information is captured or published. You can access the ATCM Survey and other applications of the map from the university’s industry applications gallery - www.une. edu.au/webapps.

Accurate pre-harvesst yield estimation is one of the project aims.

Biosecurity response The biosecurity response to Panama TR4 disease across banana plantations in North Queensland has proven that knowing the location of groves is essential for containment and management of exclusion zones for biosecurity events - for example, a Xylella incursion. Accurate, current spatial data for the location and extent of groves is fundamental for our biosecurity preparedness. Additionally, the spatial layer of all grove boundaries supports the rapid and regular monitoring of grove health at a national, regional and farm scale using remote sensing – also invaluable information in the occurrence of a significant pest or disease incursion.

Estimating and mapping yield variability The project team has been trialling methods to estimate and map yield variability at tree, block and farm levels. This has included the evaluation of high-resolution imagery via satellite and airplane, combined with extensive in-field sampling. Accurate pre-harvest yield forecasting offers significant benefit at a range of scales. At the farm level, forecasts guide grower decisions around harvesting, including labour, machinery, packaging, transport and storage requirements, as well as their own capacity to meet market demands. All of these aspects have the ability to improve profitability for growers and industry stakeholders. At the tree level, crop heath variability can be identified, facilitating management decisions to boost low performing areas as well as optimise crop inputs.

Do you have historical yield data?

To forecast yield early in the growing season and without infield counting, the project is also evaluating a remote sensing approach which has proven very accurate in other tree crops. The AARSC team is seeking historical yield data for multiple different groves to enable the accuracies of this method to be determined over different growing seasons, locations, varieties and management. If you have that level of data and would like to take part in the research, please contact project team members Dr Angelica Suarez at lsuarezc@une.edu.au or Alex Schultz at alex.schultz@dpi. nsw.gov.au.

from 75% up to 99% at the individual block level (6-60 ha). These accuracies were obtained across seasons, even with the substantial yield variability identified in Picual trees (around 300%) between the 2020 and 2021 seasons.

Grower access

The participating growers have access to yield prediction maps through web pages that are updated as soon as new information is available, allowing them to compare changes within the blocks across seasons. The ability to visually identify lower performing trees on a map and subsequently quantify yield variability in kg/tree has provided the opportunity to perform more targeted management.

Irrigation trials An additional part of the project, again involving collaborating growers, is an irrigation deficit trial. Involving two varieties (Arbequina and Picual), the trial is utilising three irrigation deficits (standard practice, 75% and 50%), two vigour zones (high and low, classified using satellite imagery) and replicates of each of these treatments. The deficits have to date been imposed for two growing seasons, with the third season currently being planned. As expected, there have been variable reductions in yield with deficit treatments (depending on variety and vigour), particularly in the second season. Areas with low vigour trees have been identified as less susceptible to water deficits, which is important if the grower needs to prioritise areas within the grove for irrigation. These findings will help guide water management decisions in years of water scarcity.

The Australian Tree Crop Map shows the extent of groves across Australia.

Water stress

The project team has also evaluated a range of commercial technologies that will provide growers with an affordable, practical and accurate method for measuring early water stress. These include weather and soil moisture probes, dendrometers (measuring small fluctuations in trunk diameter), sap flow sensors, soil conductance and remote sensing provided by satellite and airborne (CERES) platforms. The infield sensors are connected through a wireless network, providing hourly readings online for timely indications of water stress. From the results thus far, stem water potential and dendrometer measures appear to be the most responsive. The aerial imagery (using both thermal and multispectral sensors) has identified water stress across a grove. A derived remote sensing index, which is normalised by temperature and tree vigour, has provided estimation of stress across the site.

Optimal water use efficiency The data from sensors, imagery, tree measurements, and final yields and quality will be brought together to determine the best integration of technologies and models for supporting optimal water use efficiency by Australian olive growers. The outcomes will inform management decision to optimise the water/productivity trade-off in periods of water scarcity, considering both spatial variability and dynamic time-dependent water demand (due to weather conditions). This is a comprehensive study that offers much to the industry.

This project is supported by Horticulture Innovation, through funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment as part of its Rural R&D for Profit program, along with the continued support of project collaborators including the Australian Olive Association, NSW Department of Primary Industries, CERES, and participating growers.

A vastly increased preference for podcasts/webinars and on-line video validates the AOA’s decision to provide virtual events as an alternative, and addition, to face-to-face events during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Survey shows support for pandemic move to webinars

For the past three years the Australian Olive Association (AOA) has operated a communications and extension program for the benefit of our industry. A strategic levy investment project in the Hort Innovation Olive Fund, the Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL18000) disseminates and promotes worldbest practice and the results of R&D in grove management and olive oil/table olive production to the Australian olive industry.

The project produces a wide range of resources and learning opportunities for industry members, including: ƒ events – best practice workshops and field days ƒ webinars and podcasts ƒ monthly Grove Innovation - R&D e-newsletter

ƒ quarterly R&D Insights lift-out – project information and outcomes ƒ YouTube video content for the olive industry ƒ R&D updates on the OliveBiz website – projects and events ƒ Other resources as required.

With the current project deliverables substantially completed well ahead of the project finish date, in June the AOA conducted a stakeholder survey to measure the impact of the program and ensure each of the resources is delivering maximum benefits for producers. The feedback has also enabled the association to identify opportunities to further improve communications and target ongoing activities. The survey covered various aspects of the communications and extension program, including outcomes for participants, for comparison with the responses to the July 2019 ‘base-line’ communications survey. AOA OliveCare® Administrator Peter McFarlane prepared the following report on the 2021 Olive Industry Communications Survey outcomes.

Participant profile For the June 2021 survey there were 133 participants, with 127 identified as from Australia, compared to the July 2019 survey where there were 140 survey participants with 129 identified as from Australia. State of origin was broadly consistent with AOA membership distribution, confirming survey data relevance and integrity. In the 2021 survey, 73% of participants were olive producers and/or olive processors, compared to 86% in the baseline survey. The 2021 survey had a slightly older age profile than the 2019 survey, with 58% of survey participants having been in the olive industry for more than 15 years and 40% less than 15 years. In the 2019 survey only 48% of participants had been in the industry for more than 15 years and 50% less than 15 years. This data confirms the need to continue to provide introductory level information and training in an otherwise mature industry.

Communication mode preferences The preferred modes of communication were similar for the 2019 and 2021 surveys, with the most useful modes being: ƒ websites (91%) ƒ emails and e-newsletters (90%) ƒ one-to-one face-to-face discussions (84%) ƒ field days/workshops/seminars (83%) ƒ on-line videos (81%) ƒ word of mouth - other growers (81%) ƒ word of mouth - service providers (81%) ƒ magazines (74%) ƒ podcasts/webinars (66%) ƒ hard copy reports (64%) The modes of communication deemed less useful were:

ƒ brochures/fliers (50%) ƒ social media (39%) ƒ text messages (35%) ƒ CDs or USBs with reports (30%) ƒ newspapers (30%) The major changes were an increased preference for podcasts/ webinars, from 45% in 2019 to 66% in 2021; and for on-line video, which increased from 60% in 2019 to 81% in 2021.

This likely reflects the increased use of webinars and on-line videos during the current COVID-19 pandemic period, validating the AOA’s decision to provide webinars as an alternative, and addition, to face-to-face events.

E-newsletters and websites were nominated as the most useful modes of industry communications.

Specific communication channels Looking at specific industry communication channels, survey participants rated the following highly: ƒ AOA Update - quarterly email (80%) – surprising given this is quarterly, possibly confusing this as meaning all AOA communications?

ƒ Friday Olive Extracts - weekly email (80%) ƒ AOA industry notices - ad hoc email (79%)

ƒ Significant pests & diseases of the olive tree - web page (77%) ƒ industry field days and workshops – physical events (72%)

ƒ Grove Innovation - monthly email (67%)

ƒ Biosecurity Risk Management - webpage (67%)

ƒ Australian & New Zealand

Olivegrower & Processor industry print journal - quarterly subscription (66%) ƒ AOA product labelling guides (65%) - available on website to members

ƒ Chemical permit updates (61%)

ƒ OliveCare® News – monthly email (60%) - available to Code

Signatories and technical service providers

ƒ industry webinars and podcasts (59%) ƒ industry virtual conference 2020 (59%) ƒ R&D Insights – quarterly, in

Olivegrower & Processor and online on OliveBiz (58%) ƒ reviewed RIRDC resources – available online on OliveBiz (58%) ƒ market surveys and product compliance (58%) ƒ industry grove management online videos (56%) ƒ industry statistical updates - annual (54%)

ƒ Olive Growing Manual – industry reference book (50%) This data confirms the value of the AOA’s multi-channel approach to industry communications and information transfer.

Improvements to communications “On the question of what improvements can be made to AOA communications, participant responses ranged from ‘very happy’ with current communication channels to those who were looking for more condensed information and simpler website navigation,” McFarlane said. “No-one said there was insufficient information. Some thought there was too much, and clearly the challenge for participants is finding the time to look at all the information, or perhaps being able to prioritise the time to do so.

“The AOA is very appreciative of the level of response to the survey, particularly in this busy prolific harvest year, and will review and implement the survey findings. Our thanks to all who participated and shared their views.” Research recap

PROJECT NAME: Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL18000) PROJECT AIM: To promote worldbest practice and the results of R&D in grove management and olive oil production to the Australian olive industry. PROJECT PARTNER: Australian Olive Association

PROJECT DURATION: Three years - October 2018 to September 2021

2021 Olive Industry Grove Productivity and Marketing Survey The AOA also operates an industry grove productivity program and a second survey was conducted in July to measure the impact of the program and to identify opportunities for improve and extension.

The survey included questions on grove productivity, the impact of COVID-19 on markets and marketing, weed control options, and table olive varieties and production. We’ll report on the outcomes of the second survey in the December edition of R&D Insights.

This project was funded by Hort Innovation using the olive research and development levy, with co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.

The new home page has direct links to the OWI’s social media accounts, providing even more great ‘olives and health’ information and insight to share with your customers and networks.

New look, easier access for OWI website

The Olive Wellness Institute (OWI) team has been even busier of late, producing not only its usual stream of new information offerings but also a new website to house it all.

Launched in August, OWI Health and Nutrition Education Manager Abby Dolphin said the new website was created to provide more simple and direct navigation around the site and its content.

“The Olive Wellness Institute website has been providing evidence-based scientific health information for close to four years now. It’s done a great job but it was time for an update,” she said.

“In particular, we know we have so much science-based and interesting information to share on the health benefits of olive products and we wanted to make it more easily accessible to our users. We realised that there’s now so much content on the site that some of it was getting a bit hard to find.

“And of course we’ll keep adding to it into the future, so it was time to get it sorted now.”

Modern and streamlined

The new OWI website has a more modern look and feel, with new imagery and quick home-page access to the latest blog posts, research papers and other popular resources. The cache of easy-to-follow recipes - all featuring EVOO, of course - and the OWI’s health and wellness podcast series, are also now just a simple click away. “Our website needed a new look and feel to keep our users engaged, and to help them find the information they’re after quickly and efficiently,” Abby said. “We know growers and producers are busy people, and also that they’re keen to use and share the resources on our site, so we hope the user journey on the website is now a lot more friendly and easy to navigate.”

The Olive Wellness Institute is part of the strategic levy investment project Educating Health Professionals about Australian Olive Products OL19001. The project is partially funded by Hort Innovation, using the Olive Fund research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.

It also highlights some of the website’s most useful and popular resources, including the myth-breaking ‘Can you cook with EVOO?’.

Final series of AOA Technical Webinars now underway

The AOA’s ongoing program of productivity and profitability webinars has been a huge success, providing industry members with information, learning and discussion about a wide range of timely and relevant topics.

A final series of technical webinars for 2021 is currently underway, with two held already and a further two over the next month:

Table olive cultivars - 28 September, 12.30-1.30pm AEST

A presentation and discussion with WA olive specialist Professor Stan Kailis around broadening the selection of Australian table olive cultivars, including the outcomes of the AOA 2021 survey results on table olive varieties grown in Australia. The session will cover a range of considerations around table olive cultivars, including: ƒ what makes a good table olive cultivar?

ƒ styles of table olives suitable for the Australian market

ƒ major table olive processing cultivars - international

ƒ major table olive cultivars -

Australia (AOA 2021 table olive survey outcomes) ƒ opportunities for Australian table olive producers.

EVOO storage considerations - 5 October, 12.30-1.30pm AEST A discussion with NSW DPI olive oil specialist Jamie Ayton around the effects of storage containers on olive oil quality. The session will cover the critical control factors for the storage of olive oil after processing, including: ƒ the major risk factors for olive oil quality under storage: » heat

» light

» oxygen » time

ƒ changes in oil chemistry and sensory parameters under various storage conditions: » peroxide value (PV), UV absorbance at 268nm (K268) and free fatty acids (FFA) » Pyropheophytin a (PPP), 1,2-diacylglycerols (DAGs) and Induction Time (IND) » polyphenols, α-tocopherol, chlorophyll, fatty acid composition (FAP) » sensory attributes ƒ The effect of different types of storage containers on the quality of olive oil during storage, including: » polyethylene, nylon, » metallised polyester, silver foil,


» multi-layered products containing more than one type of material.


As with previous webinars in the AOA program, attendance is free to all industry members. Separate registration is needed for each session, with an access link provided via email post-registration. The format for each event is a onehour Zoom meeting, comprising a 30-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute interactive Q&A session. A virtual one-on-one with leading experts on the subject topic, the session provides plenty of opportunity clarify information or query particular issues.

Find out more and register at the OliveBiz website - www.olivebiz.com. au/2021-technical-webinars.

These webinars are part of the Olive levy project Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL18000), funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.

‘Business as usual’ for OliveCare® as McFarlane retires

After 11 fruitful years at the helm of the program, OliveCare® Code of Best Practice Administrator Peter McFarlane will be retiring at the end of September.

AOA CEO Michael Southan will immediately take over the role, meaning it will be ‘business as usual’ for all program activities. “In the interim, please feel free to contact me if you have any outstanding issues to be addressed, including issuing of 2021 season OliveCare® certification compliance certificates,” McFarlane said.

McFarlane has also been involved in a number of other Olive Levy-funded projects and programs, including as AOA Agri-chemical Permits Coordinator and Tastebook® Program Co-ordinator, and since 2017 has served as the AOA’s Biosecurity Representative to Plant Health Australia.We’ll look further at Peter’s work with the industry in the December edition of Olivegrower & Processor. OliveCare® enquiries from 1 October 2021

For all OliveCare® enquiries please contact Michael Southan, AOA CEO and OliveCare® Code of Best Practice Administrator:

Mob: 0476 760 160

Email: olivecare@australianolives. com.au or ceo@australianolives. com.au

OliveCare® Best Practice webinar recordings now available

Presented by OliveCare® Code of Best Practice Administrator Peter McFarlane, the Best Practice webinar series guides participants through a selection of OliveCare® Best Practice ‘conversations’ that aim to lift grove productivity, achieve product excellence and develop sustainable businesses.

Recordings of the webinars are now available for viewing on the OliveBiz website:

Webinar 1: Grove Management Best Practice

ƒ Introduction to the OliveCare®

Best Practice Program ƒ OliveCare® HACCP Style Food

Quality Plans - An Introduction ƒ OliveCare® HACCP Style Food

Quality Plans - On-farm best practice checklists Webinar 2: EVOO & Flavoured Olive Oil Production Best Practice

ƒ AOA product labelling guidelines and Australian Consumer Law

ƒ The Australian Standard (AS5264-2011) and OliveCare® product certification - EVOO and flavoured olive oil

ƒ OliveCare® EVOO Freshness

Testing and potential shelf life ƒ OliveCare® Food Quality Plans:

The major risks to product quality - EVOO and flavoured olive oil production best practice checklists Webinar 3: Table Olives/Olive Paste Production Best Practice

ƒ Food safety regulations and table olive production in Australia ƒ Voluntary Standard for table olives in Australia (12-111) and

OliveCare® product certification - table olives and olive paste ƒ OliveCare® Food Quality Plans:

The major risks to product quality - table olive production best practice checklists

Access the webinar recordings, and powerpoint presentations for each session, at www.olivebiz.com under Projects - Webinars.

This webinar series is part of the Olive levy project Extending OliveCare® to foster excellence in production of Australian olives (OL17006), funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.