Hawk's Eye November 2008

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17 04 volume



Gymnastics Triumphs at State

Kevin Mays

Once AgainÂť

a student run publication Olathe East High School 14545 West 127th Street Olathe, KS 66062 Advisor

KarenBourland Editors

BenSchmitz EmilyFiore JohnWood Business Editor

8 7

Olathe East cheerleaders compete in Cheerfest

Students find inspiration at the Sprint Center

SydneySwinicki Senior Staff Writers

CalieeBehnke BrettCrawford Junior Staff Writers

EmmaBrockschmidt PeterDu TessaMagana NehaWahid EmilyFogle EricYarns AmandaEmslie TaraBoyd Sophomore Staff Writers

ZachHunter LexiPanfil MaggieHouston


Thespians present student directed productions



the hawk’s eye

Peter Du

LOCKDOWN   On October 29th, Olathe East was burglarized. 5: 30 that morning, a maintenance worker called in reporting the incident. The break in was said to have taken place around 2:00 am. Motivation? Burglary. The belief is that they were looking for cash and checks of the various fundraisers throughout the school. Many hallways were hit, but most notably, the Band and Choir office, the TSA office, Kay club office, library, Environmental Design, and FACS were broken into. In addition, the main office was also broken into, but the thieves were unable to get the safe open.   Windows were broken, rooms were broken into, and doors were defaced. Student estimations of the total value of damage and stolen items ranges wildly- Karlie Eis, a junior, puts the value at an impressive amount; “I’m guessing a lot of money was stolen- a bunch of rooms were broken into, lots of club money was stolen, and some stuff was broken. It’s gonna cost the school a lot. Some windows were pretty messed up.” Others, like Senior Daniel Grudeck, place the value slightly lower. “It’s still gonna be a few thousand,” he says, “but at least they didn’t get into some of the bigger safes.” No convictions have been made yet, but there are reportedly two arrests that have been made in relation to this case.   Students were kept in the gymnasium for

Peter Du

Thieves strike Olathe East

The 400 hallway, one of the buglarized areas

the first half hour of the school day as the authorities conducted tests for evidence. Incidentally, it was the final day for the French foriegn exchange students- an interesting event for them to remember America by.   The lockdown did interrupt the day of several students. “I got here, and there were police cars everywhere, and I was told to go into the gym. It seemed kinda like something out of a movie, where people aren’t allowed into the scene of the crime.” Said senior David Wu.   Mark Vu, a junior, “We had a debate tournament that day, but something having to do with the break in cancelled it.”   Nonetheless, the evidence tests were conducted and footage from the video cameras was reviewed. Officer Jewett was unable to comment due to the pending nature of the case. Hopefully, the proper people will be caught, and there will be some closure to this incident.

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It seemed kinda like something out of a movie.

[peter du]

-David Wu, Senior ®

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11/12/08 10:32:24 AM


thanksgiving 2008



Cheerfest [emily fogle]

The Olathe East cheerleaders gather in the hallway leading to the auxiliary gym. Moments away from performing, they seem only the slightest bit nervous. In fact, they’re having a cheerful conversation about the new sleeves on their uniforms.   “I love the orange on the inside, because you lift your arms up and there’s a flash of orange!” one girl commented happily.   Finally the Andover cheerleaders finish their routine, and the Olathe East girls take the stage.   The morning of November 15, cold and slightly snowy, saw 18 teams of cheerleaders gather at Olathe East for Cheerfest.   This competition, hosted by the Olathe East Cheerleading Booster Club, top right: Olathe East cheerleaders size up the competition middle: The girls perform their routine bottom right: The stunt group performs a throw

raises the most money of any fundrasier for East’s cheerleaders. Tickets sold for $3 for students and $5 for adults.   Cheerleading squads participating in Cheerfest can select up to three stunt groups consisting of four to six cheerleaders. The stunt routines only last a minute and a half, but that small stretch of time can seem like eternity when you’re worried about a potential disaster.   One such disaster almost struck Blue Valley Northwest; a flyer stumbled and fell from a lift. Luckily, spotters and her fellow cheerleaders caught her.   Cheerfest also features an exhibition routine by Barton County Community College.



the hawk’s eye




Concert showcases over 40 local bands

Where: Time: Why Go: When: photo courtesy of www.jamd.com

[tessa magana]

The Granada Theatre 1020 Massachusetts St Lawrence, KS 66044

November 22nd, 2008

How local is



Olathe East

The Working Perfect

Doors open at 11:30am

Support the local music scene. See friends, on stage and off. Explore legendary Lawrence.

This local.

Gardener Edgerton

Olathe Northwest

The Strobe Light Fiasco

Shoreline Summit



thanksgiving 2008

OntheStage Thespians perform in repertory classes

The cast performs at Countryside Elementary.

The ladies in waiting (from left: Karen Edwards, Katie Hunter, Alisha Moriss.

Katie Hunter


The musical reperatory theatre class performed their annual musical revue, 100 Years of Broadway on November 21.   100 Years contains some of the most famous numbers of Broadway history, from such musicals as Les Miserables, A Chorus Line, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Cabaret.

repertory theatre class performed The Princess and the Princess, a play for children which they performed for eight elementary schools in the Olathe School District.   The play revolves around two princesses: the rich princess Twinkleberry played by senior Olivia Guiyasimin, and the poor princess Popplepea played by senior Sif Matthews.   When the two princesses bump into each other on the trail to market, they engage in a bunch of people there that I a conflict of utter pigheadedhadn’t seen since 6th grade.” ness, trapping the kingdom’s   “I liked that we got to take the royal guards, soldiers, queen, show on tour to kids. I learned her ladies-in-waiting and royal how to perform for children.” wise person on a trail abutting a dangerous cliff.   “100 Years of Broadway was really fun because it had songs from so many different genres and styles of Broadway,” said senior Austin Findley. “It was a really cool experience.”


This year’s production includes a showcase of the class’s senior students, who will perform numbers from contemporary Broadway hits like Wicked, Hairspray, and Avenue Q.   “It was pretty cool going back to Heatherstone,” said junior Matt Munoz. “I got to see

100 Years of Broadway Cast members (from left) Brooke Lacy, Jessica Alcorn, Andy Miller, Emily Monrad, Karl Achey.

John Wood


On November 13, the

The Princess and

Katie Hunter


[john wood]

The cast rehearses “Give My Regards to Broadway.”

John Wood

Desiree Heinemann ‘gives her regards’ at rehearsal.

John Wood


the hawk’s eye


Leadership through Motivation [syd swinicki]


At 6 a.m. on November 13, 26 students met in the commons to board a bus together as leaders of various groups here at East. Students from the Leadership Studies program, Fashion OJT, and Debate traveled downtown to the Sprint Center for a motivational seminar. Students had the opportunity to hear from speakers such as Colin Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Tony Gonzales, Zig Ziglar, Bill Self, and many other big names in finance and business.

his involvement in the War on Iraq as former Secretary of State. Students also were able to hear the firsthand accounts of September 11, 2001 through governor of New York. Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani’s moving words and surreal perspective on the worst terrorist attack in the United States history was both captivating and motivational in itself.

“” If you hate America, do us a favor and leave.

Many political hot topics were addressed as General Colin Powell reinforced his support in President Elect Barak Obama; Powell as well discussed

Leadership and patriotism swarmed the air downtown as speakers like James Smith, real estate trainer, inspired unity when he said, “If you hate America do us a favor and leave, because if you think America is bad, take a look around and notice no one is trying to get out.” From high school students to

retiree’s, motivation knows no age, knows no color.   As Giuliani said, “The single most important attribute for a leader to possess is courage. Courage is not just being fearless, but overcoming fear.” Olathe East students got the chance of a lifetime to hear some of the most influential American leaders take the stage in our hometown.   Students were able to take advice to better themselves and ultimately better our environment here at Olathe East. They learned to be leaders who are willing to put themselves on the line, recognize the risk, and are still able to accomplish a goal.


thanksgiving 2008

Brett Crawford ’s


What To Do About:


Southern Living

For me, Thanksgiving used to be a simple day at the house. Wake up at noon, put on a nice shirt, say hello to my mom’s parents, eat lots of food, and then go back to bed. Now that my older brother is married and invites himself over for every holiday, and my grandparents are getting older, Thanksgiving has worked itself up to be one of the most confrontational and annoying days in my year. Between driving to the nursing home, helping cook dinner, giving directions to other relatives, and keeping the rolls from burning, I have a full plate.   Don’t get me wrong here folks; I love my family to death, but sometimes… I’m pretty sure anyone who might be reading this knows what I mean when I say there is a fine line between spending time together, and becoming just plain creepy. When my cousin asks me to play Pokémon cards with him six times in a thirty-minute period, I get a little annoyed. Eventually, I’ll have to throw down like Ash and kick my cousin’s little Venasaur out of the stadium with my Charizard holographic. About the time that the little ones are fast asleep with bellies full of turkey is when the grandparents start in. Hour long conversations about their doctor visits and how you need to save more money make me queasy and borderline sea sick.   Over the last few years, I’ve slowly been compiling little things that I can say or do that get me out of these sticky situations. If executed with the deft and precision that I use, you can work your way out of even the most terrible Thanksgiving conversations.   -First off, act totally disconnected from everyone. Staring off into space most of the time and answering questions with one-word answers is generally a good tactic to utilize at this point too.   -If your parents try to pawn the direction giving off to you, simply state that you have no idea where they are or

Turkey and stuffing and pie, oh my. Thanksgiving is coming up, and it is one of America’s fattest holidays. A time when the American people can gather together and eat mass quantities of food they don’t need, to celebrate a civil injustice performed three hundred years ago.   Aside from that trivial fact, Thanksgiving is merely an excuse for your extended family to get together once again. Your grandma Laverne with the bad legs, your uncle John with the spastic colon, and your cousin Tommy who asks you to smell his finger every few minutes. These are the people you are “related to,” and are generally the same people who drive you crazy.


how to get them here. Even if you do, the Thanksgiving madness will convince your parents you are right and they are crazy.   -When everyone tells about something that they are thankful for, a Thanksgiving tradition in many households, just tell everyone that you are thankful that you can celebrate Thanksgiving and have so much food because there are little kids in Africa who have no food to eat. This automatically excludes you from any dinnertime conversations because people think you are a Debbie Downer.

These are the people you’re related to... and drive you crazy.

-When asked about your plans for the future, as many high schoolers are by their extended family, say that you’ve been considering joining the Canadian National Guard and moving to Quebec to study the effects of nuclear energy on Canadian wildlife. If delivered correctly, no one will be able to ask why, because no one knows what that means.   -Lastly, if all else fails, offer to go to the store to pick things up at every opportunity. This one bailed me out several times last Thanksgiving. If you are always leaving, you can avoid all those annoying relatives! It is the perfect helpful excuse. In short, kids, just keep your chin up. If you can avoid some conversations here and there, you are doing great. It isn’t the worst thing in the world to talk to your senile old grandparents and share a non-alcoholic beer with Uncle Eddie. Just be sure to load up on that turkey, and don’t be afraid to over-indulge. Thanksgiving only comes once a year!



the hawk’s eye





ch ns




A Man’s Holiday

Thanksgiving is a man’s holiday. Yep, there’s no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. Just think… What are a guy’s two favorite things to do? Exactly. Watch football and eat obnoxious amounts of quality food. I’m going to give you a little preview of what The Giving of Thanks should look like this year.   Waking up on this day is always a glorious activity. Maybe you can smell the turkey cooking downstairs or hear the parade on the television. As for me, I’ll be arising to the crow of a rooster, very early. For the second year in a row, my family and I will try our luck at the Turkey Trot, a 5K held at the Sprint campus. Actually it’s a whole bunch of fun and there are probably a couple thousand people that participate. And yes, that includes the husband/wife team that dons a butcher and a turkey costume, respectively, and chases each other the entire 3.1 miles. The great thing about this race is it works up a tremendous appetite, which makes the food even more savory.   After the race, it’s time to spend time with some of the extended family. We head over to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to veg out for a couple hours before the giant meal is fully complete. Most people tend to partake in the same general activities in the morning.   At 11:30, the man festivities begin. The

awesome Tennessee Titans take on the Detroit Lions, who happen to be kings of Thanksgiving. Every year, though, I get stuck remembering my younger ages when Barry Sanders used to tear it up and the Lions almost always dominated. It’s different now but hey, change is good.   After the first game is usually around when lunch/dinner/linner is ready. Ah, the men of the family are always pumped to stuff their faces, enjoy great conversations... and stuff their faces. I’m now going to make your mouth water a bit. On the menu is, obviously, turkey. Although I’m a dark meat fan because of how moist it is, I’ll also dabble in some white meat.

I miss when Barry Sanders used to tear it up every Turkey Day

Cranberries are always a must and usually I end up stealing around half of the serving plate. Rolls, although common, make such an excellent combination with the turkey that it’s hard to go without. Probably my favorite dish of all, however, is mashed potatoes. Salt, butter, no gravy. Pure heaven on a fork, light and fluffy please. There is stuffing and green beans on my plate, too, but only in small amounts. I strive to take up as much room, yet still have enough in the tank for a slice of pumpkin pie and a slice of strawberry rhubarb pie.

Wow, this is the life.   The two other football games to consume your time (drifting in and out of sight during guaranteed naps) this season are match-ups between the Seattle Seahawks/Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals/Philadelphia Eagles. The latter contest should be very interesting with Kurt Warner playing out of his you-know-what and Donovan McNabb always having that certain star power.   After a long day, hitting the sack is the perfect end for a manly holiday. Christmas is looming about a month away, and although it’s not centered around food and football, presents aren’t too bad either.

I’m Thankful for Football The Detroit Lions have been playing Thanksgiving football every year since 1934. Only two Thanksgiving Games have gone into Overtime. The Dallas Cowboys also play on Thanksgiving every year. Emmitt Smith has won the Galloping Gobbler award a record five times. Six teams have never played on Thanksgiving Day.

thanksgiving 2008

student vs teacher



[neha wahid] Biggest pet peeve? Bigotry and people who don’t try to do things but just give up easily saying “it’s too hard.”

Favorite Saturday night activity? A relaxed evening with a small group of friends and/ or family. Dream profession? It sounds corny but I’m in it - I always wanted to be a teacher. For a while after college I was in business but I ultimately found my way to my dream. Favorite place at East? The science hall.

Ms. Donham biology


If you could pick any time period to live in when would it be? The one I have and am living in. Prior times sound romantic but I think our current times are exciting. I went to kindergarten in 1958 at a Kansas school that had just been integrated by the Supreme Court Brown V Topeka Board of Education decision so I’ve seen a lot of history from our first man in space to the first man on the moon, to the Hubble Telescope, the first heart transplant, and the current prospect of nanosurgery. I’m looking forward to what will happen in the next 30 to 40 years of my life. Favorite TV show while growing up? Zorro when I was really little, then Batman, followed by all the Star Trek series.

Biggest pet peeve? Those long, rambling voicemail messages that seem to go on and on and on and on without ever saying anything at all. Favorite Saturday night activity? Wii game night.

Dream profession? Nail-polish-color-namer. Favorite place at East? Mr. Richard’s room...because it smells delicious. If you could pick any time period to live in when would it be? 1920s.

Favorite TV show while growing up? Zoom.

Annie Coleman junior

the hawk’s eye


In Loving Memory

Of Gregory Jarrett The Jarrett Family

On Thursday October 30, OE senior Greg Jarrett was killed in a car accident. Although he is gone, he will live on forever through everyone’s memories. Tammy Robinette – OE Social Worker He always had a smile and kind words to share. Greg made it a point to come by my office every week to get a hug and to tell me how great I was (no surprise how much I adored this kid right?).

Ms. Taylor –CT Art teacher One time I reprimanded him for coming back late for lunch, and he said to me “Ms. Taylor, how am I supposed to get my moves on when you come looking for me after lunch? If you were at a club, would you want me to come looking for you?”

Mrs. Meives –CT Spanish teacher I never had Greg in class, but I felt like he was one of my students. Whenever I saw him in the hall he always greeted me with a huge smile and he would pop into my room all the time just to say hello. He had a really big heart and was a student I never forgot.

[caliee behnke]

Michelle Jacobson – OE English teacher Greg was a neighbor of ours, and my favorite memory is of him bringing his younger sister to play in the cul-de-sac, and him walking her home after school. What a good big brother! He was always smiling!

Stephone Easterwood – OE Senior I remember when I came out and I told Greg, he told me that if he was gay he would date me. I cracked up and pushed him. He was always full of joy and I will never forget him. He is like my brother.

Dr. Barry – OE Principal My best story revolves around when I first met Greg. He did not realize I was the principal and asked who I was and what I did. When he heard I was the Principal at East, he said “So you are the Big Dog”. I guess the name stuck because Greg would always greet me as “Dog” or “Mr. Dog” or “Dr. Big Dog” and then shake my hand. I can’t think of any other students I have let address me as such. He always brightened my day.

Adut Anei – OE Senior Greg would make the funniest jokes and just make everybody’s day in class. He also used to make fun of my name all the time. He will always be missed and it won’t be the same without him. Alyssa Dickerson – OE Senior Greg would always call me “dicky” and give me big hugs in the hall. I’m going to miss it.

Ally Wood – OE Senior Greg gave the best hugs. Jessica Alcorn – OE Senior Everyone who knew Greg loved him and he touched all of our hearts in many special ways. It was an honor to be friends with Greg and I always knew if I was having a bad day Greg would be there with a hug and a smile to help make me feel better. He was an awesome person and I feel blessed to have known and I know everyone else feels the same way.

Mrs. Goetzinger – OE Special Services I will always remember Greg for his positive attitude, his sincere friendship for all and his quiet leadership. Audre Solomon – OE Senior Homecoming 08. Everyone who was there knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Amelia Hobson – OE Senior I’m going to miss hearing my name yelled down the hall, which was always followed with a big hug.



thanksgiving 2008

Race For Olathe East represented well in the state championships for the fall season


The Hawks line up prior to the championship game.


We all played our hardest the whole time because we knew this was our last year. Kevin Hazelton

The girls’ cross country team prepares for their race.


Tara Boyd

The cross-country team went to the state meet at Rimrock in Lawrence on November 1. The boys finished ninth and the girls came in fourth by one point. The girls have finished in the top five for the past six years. Junior Ryan Hocker finished fifth, freshman Brooklyn Ellis finished eighth, and junior Brenda Ellis finished nineteenth. These finishes secured all state honors for these three runners.   The rest of the team finished with the following placements: Boys: Girls: Andrew Sheets-41st Casey Epps-31st Matt Murray 61st Darci Miller-39th Lana Thompson-66th Bryan Gum-72nd Sam Holloway-74th Paige Stein-77th Paul Zimmerman-83rd Kara Bartels-80th Jae Cochran-84th

Cross Country

The Olathe East Hawks soccer team started off their state championship career with an exciting victory. In the sub-state game the Hawks beat Wichita Southeast 5-0. Junior Dustin Derks and seniors Ryan O’Keefe and Dylan Kelling each scored one goal. Senior Jacob Lundberg scored two goals.     The championship game held on November 8, matched East against their rivals, Olathe South. Unfortunately, the Hawks lost 1-0 placing them second in the state. Laeth Hamil, one of twelve seniors on the team said, “It was a unfortunate outcome, but we had a great season up until then.”   The team fought all the way to the end knowing for the seniors this was the end. “We all played our hardest the whole time because we knew this was our last year,” commented Hamil. The Hawks ended their season with a record of 16-4-1.

The cross-country team finished with a solid record and looks to be a strong force again next year.

State 13

the hawk’s eye

[lexi panfil] [tara boyd]

The gymnastics team won first at state on Saturday, November 8. They beat


Shawnee Mission Northwest with a team score of 106.35. Senior Annie Pauls placed first in the all around competition and first on bars. Senior Beth Copeland placed first in the floor competition and received second in the all around competition. Junior Ellie Steck and freshman Ashlynn Mims were also a part of the state team.   This is the second year in a row the Hawks have won the state championship in gymnastics. According to Pauls there was not more pressure this year to win, but “we definitely wanted it more this year after experiencing what it was like to win last year.”   This year the team became close during their many hours of practice. “I love all my teammates. We’re more like sisters. We all worked really hard this year and worked together to win the team title,” commented Pauls.   Lydia Messenger coached the girls.

I love all my teammates. We’re more like sisters.

Lexi Panfil

Senior Annie Pauls placed first in the allaround competition.

High School Heisman

Senior Libby Marden has qualified as one of six female finalists for the Wendy’s High School Heisman award. Each high school has one male and one female winner. The state then narrows the competition down to 1, 020 finalists and then down to 102 state winnersone male and one female finalist. The state finalists are then narrowed down to twelve national finalists. Marden was the Olathe East female and Kansas state female winner.   Marden was surprised with the news on Thursday, November 13. During seminar there was an Tara Boyd assembly in the gym for athletic signings. Mrs. Meyers kept Marden in her office and said she needed to speak to her about a service project. When given the signal Meyers escorted Marden to the gym where a portion of the student body greeted

her with applause and shouting. “At first I was really confused and shocked because I had no idea what was going on.”   The following day a crew from ESPN followed Marden around as she went through her Senior Libby daily activities including Marden is a na- her classes, playing tentional finalist for nis, and cheerleading the Wendy’s High practice. The crew filmed School Heisman. her until nine o’clock that night. Libby commented that, “It was really weird being followed around school. It was really fun but a lot of work too.”   On December 9 Libby will travel to New York to attend the official award ceremony where the national winners will be announced.   The program, along with the video shot at Olathe East, will air December 14 on ESPN 2.


thanksgiving 2008

internet. the more useful


a list of websites that will make your time on the internet more effective and efficient.

www.musicovery.com   Tired of turning on the radio and

hearing music that you would rather not listen to? Step away from those antiquated FM radio stations and take a listen to Musicovery. com. Musicovery, an online radio that you control, allows you to choose your genre and mood, and will do the rest. Fulllength streaming music with everything from Bach to Tupac.


[eric yarns]

Annoyed by only being able to listen to 30 seconds before purchasing a song? Close that iTunes window and go listen to the fulllength version at Songza.com where an iTunes-worthy music library puts music right at your fingertips. From music videos to songs, Songza.com has everything that you could want.

.music f Er

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www.viewzi.com   Looking for a user-friend-

ly way to scavenge the internet? Viewzi.com allows you to search the internet as in google, but transforms that information into a specific format of your choosing. If you are searching for general information, use the multiple site view. For historical information, use the timeline view. With Viewzi.com you can manipulate the information in a standard search into a format most efficient for your searching purpose. Viewzi.com steps forward in searching for information on the internet.

Logos courtesy of each respective website

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History teachers, pay attention. Instead of just grazing over major documents from American history, why don’t you allow your students to read those documents for themselves? By taking advantage of the Yale University Law School Avalon Project, a massive index of law, history and diplomatic documents, you can put American history right at the hands of your students. Everything from as recent as the 9/11 Commission Report to the Articles of Confederation in 1781, or maybe the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, is available at avalon.law.yale.edu.


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Forget your Scarlet Letter book at school when there will be a quiz the following day? Don’t sweat it. Fortunately for you, Bartleby.com hosts a library of free online books. Among thousands of other notable titles are novles such as the Scarlet Letter, Macbeth, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Whether you are a sophomore or junior, senior or teacher, administrator or parent, Bartleby.com hosts the best place for online books.

eature f [emily fiore]


From the 400 hallway on any given day during any given hour one might hear

an array of music cascading from the end of the hallway. Only during third hour does the corridor stand silent. During this time, a collection of 14 students meets in the band room to “make” music.   Rather than being a performance class, music theory focuses the construction of music. “The goal is to understand why music sounds the way it sounds,” said Mr. Griffin, who teaches the class. “To get there, we start with trying to understand intervals, then classifying chords, then the classification of music itself, moving on to original composition,” described Griffin.     Typically, students take a few classes in high school that focus on what they think they want to major in during college. Griffin’s third hour is composed entirely of students that are preparing for their future in the arts.   Emily Gamel, junior and violinist, is taking the class because “I need it for my college major in violin performance. It really helps to know how music is constructed before you start to play it.” She continued, “Because I’m learning how music works, I can look at a compositions and ask myself how should I play that? Or how should I interpret that?”   Alex Frackowiak, commented on the class as well: “I want to major in composition during college, so of course I’m interested in learning how music works.”   So when you walk down the 400 hallway and you don’t hear the band’s thunderous roar, or the orchestra’s mellow tones, or the choir’s harmonious voice, don’t assume that there isn’t music to be made.

the way it sounds

music why sounds “

the hawk’s eye


Junior Emily Gamel

East’s Music Theory

Class Takes an In-Depth Look at

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Insurance Work Accepted


eature f

thanksgiving 2008


Title of Play: Foreign Exchange Summary: Anja goes to New York on a business trip and visits her old friend Susan. Susan lost her job and proceeds to beg Anja for money. Actors/Actresses: Lauren Giarratano, Brianna Lanawze-Hayes Did the show turn out the way you had planned? Absolutely. My actors were wonderful.

Were you happy with your final show? I was very happy with the way they performed. Anything you would have changed? I would have liked to have more rehearsal time on the stage, but other than that, everything went extremely well. Additional comments: I was extremely proud of my actors for the work they did. They worked wonderfully well together and with me. They exceeded my expectations and the performance was beautifully awkward.

Lauren Giarratano and Brianna Lanawze-Hayes during Foreign Exchange

Emily Monrad and Nick Snodgrass during Fear

[Dani Mouton]

Other A-Train directors not featured are: Alex Johnson, Alaina Hancock, Karen Edwards, and Alisha Morris.

[Dani Mouton]

Title of Play: Fear Summary: Two strangers meet on a subway with different suspicions about the world around them. Actors/Actresses: Emily Monrad, Nick Snodgrass Did the show turn out the way you had planned? No! Were you happy with your final show? Yes! Anything you would have changed? I love the script we ended up with, and had we not changed it, Emily [Monrad] wouldn’t have been able to fill in. But I

would have liked to see the original show staged. Additional comments: I started off with a play originally produced with the A-Train series... but due to certain religious elements within the show, a decision was made to cut it from the performance. So then I was left with two actors, two weeks left of rehearsal, and no play to perform. After speaking with Mrs. Hitchler and my actors, we went on the hunt for another two-man show.

We found that in Fear. It is an extremely relevant piece, with lots of room for interpretation, which I liked.   A second speed bump was when one of my original leads, John MacBride, got sick the week before the show. Fortunately, our incredibly talented assistant director, Emily Monrad, jumped in and learned the part in four rehearsals.   She is a life-saver and the show literally could not have gone on without her!




[emma brockschmidt]

f eature

the hawk’s eye


[ zach hunter]

James Bond-people know him as the tall, cool, muscular, super-spy who is followed by fast cars, beautiful women, and the world’s coolest theme music, but was he always the sex symbol we know so well?   Back in 1962, Bond took his first steps onto the big screen without the muscles, cool weapons, or even real hair.   Throughout his run as James Bond, Sean Connery wore a toupee. Other nuances exist in the Bond series as well: back in the sixties Bond was a smoker, but in the early 80’s, due to America’s no smoke adjenda, he quit.   However 10 years later Bond was seen smoking again in the 1997 film The World is Not Enough starring Pierce Bronson.   In the most recent bond film The Quantum of Solace, Bond stands at a mere five foot ten inches tall, but 42 years ago, when Bond was not as well known as today, he was a gargantuan six foot three inches tall.

But not everything has changed since Bond’s first on screen appearance. He’s still wearing the same tuxedo, he’s still driving the same Aston Martin, but in The Quantum of Solace there was a noticeable lack of witty puns, and he never gave his name in that sophisticated yet cocky way.   Some movie critics have said that in recent years Bond’s character has “de-evolved” and claim that only Sean Connery was fit to play the role of 007.   No matter which actor portrays the Bond character more accurately, one truth remains; if the world needs a hero, Bond will be there.   If civilization is in danger, Bond will be there. If a man named Goldfinger knocks out all of the guards around Fort Knox with nerve gas in order to steal all that its safes holds, Bond will be there.

From Connery to Craig, the battle for Bond has been fought for 42 years;who has come out on top? Zach Hunter

James Bond

Evolution of Bond... The


thanksgiving 2008

eature f

sixreasons why [emily fogle]

the top

you should be grateful for

1. She opened the school.   She (and others) started putting the school in motion in January of 1992.

2. She works so hard to make the day run smoothly for others.   She shows up before 7:00 each day to share her keys, give directions to the coffee machine, replace broken teacher badges as well as numerous other tasks. 3. She has a sense of humor.   One year, the Olathe Fire Department showed up at her birthday party to put out the fire caused by the candles on the cake. Adams calls it the “craziest thing that has ever happened to [her] at East.”

4. She basically runs the school.   Fielding phone calls and emails, making the announcements, sending the substitute teachers where they need to go, Mrs. Adams handles just about everything that makes Olathe East function. 5. She keeps track of Dr. Barry.   She knows when he’s going to show up at school, when and where his meetings are, and helps him get where he needs to be. 6. She gets everything done, no matter the circumstances.   If the copier fails when she needs it, she still gets the copies. If announcements need to be announced an hour early and no one has sent her anything to announce, she still pulls together a list of events and happenings.

Barb Adams Administrative assistant to the principal


dates to remember


by n e t a e y e Nov. 26 Thanksgiving rk u t f o s g d n n i iv g Pou s k n a h T Break ry e v e s n a c i Amer Dec. 6 KMEA District d e r a l dec s s e r g n Co Convention t ayBand a d i h l t o r h a l a Ye ion t a n a g Dec. 9 and 11 Music vin i g s k n a h T ed Department Winter m u s n o c es i r o l a c f o g n i v i g s Concert k Number n a h T n o n o s r e p r e p Dec. 13 ACT Test v a e th y b n u r r ou Dec.16 FINALS Beh r e p s e l i M ey k r u t e g a gin er

n o i l l i m 535

1 4 9 1 0 0 5 4 20

Barack Obama Tessa Magana

Quote of the Issue:

If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.

Tara Boyd

The soccer team plays Olathe South.

Tara Boyd

Tara Boyd

Tara Boyd

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