The Cantuarian September 1943 - September 1944

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THE C ANTUARIAN TH E SHAN VAN VOCHT Oh the Shan Van Vocht has wri tten, " death to every Saxo n Knave. To the red coats at the Curragh, Free the Island of the Brave ! See the Shamrock seal ari sing, Rai se the Banner of the Free. " A s th e Shan V an Y acht has written, now, we 'll dri ve 'em to th e sea.

Oh the Shan Van Vocht has wri tten, pass the cl oven stick around . And Dea th to every Ora nge man tha t ever shall be found . For Sein Feinn 's the cry of Heaven, and Eirin shall be free, A s the Shan Van V acht has wri tten, Oh, we' ll dri ve 'em to the sea.

Oh, the Shan Van Vacht sings freedom, and we' ll rid the Emerald l sle Of the stain of Saxon footprints, wash with blood each sil ver mile, For the Shan Van Vocht has wri tte n, a nd it's death to Engla nd's Queen. And the Saffron pipes are ma rching to the" Wearing 0 ' the G reen. " Oh, we'f( rid each emerald milestone of the Sassenach a nd sla ve, And we'll cleanse each Celtic shamrock wi th the brea th of Emera ld waves, For the Shan Van Vocht has written, a nd old Ireland shall be free, And the Orange men shall fea r us, for we 'll dri ve them to the sea, Oh, red Ulster 's hand is pa ling a nd the scarlet coat lies low And th e sound of distant singing comes from every bog and grove,

As the Shan Van Vocht has written, Death to England 's Saxon Queen, Oh, the Shamrock pipes are marching to the " Wearin g 0 ' the G reen." PALI NDIWMI POST TENE BRAS LUX God created man, T hat man mig ht worshi p God. Then why Do countless myriads, Bow down before a ro d ? The crooked rod of Germany! The Eastern rod of hate! Can no man,

Pause a nd think awhile, Before it is too late? The birds, the trees, all living things All music, love and art W ere formed ,

To gladden : satisfy: Man 's thought and warm his heart. o thoughtless Youth! Whose only creed is •• SELF. " Make bare Your proud a nd sinful head, And wonder how those Saints, . Now dead ; Have found a guide, a light, a friend, To lead them on to the appointed end. L t I'~ Z22

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