Live Magazines TEDxMaastricht

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Maastricht Maastricht

The Entrance

Marco Derksen is looking forward to Simon Sinek. “He is one of the rising stars amongst TED speakers. Look! This is so cool, we spoke last night at the bar and he gave me this special ‘inspire to activate’ button.”

Medical students Simak Zahmat and Yahya Hussin are both TED fans who don’t really like the term networking, but admit to hoping they get to meet some interesting people at this event.

Didi Braat is professor of gynaecology at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and serves on several advisory boards regarding public health. She’s not yet on Twitter or anything like that, but she is very interested to hear how healthcare can benefit from including patient input in medicine.

René Teunissen and Jeroen Alessie teach Fysiotherapy and care about the future of healthcare and education. Mr. Teunissen has not set a bar yet, but mr. Alessie has very high expectations indeed. Hanneke Noordam has a broad interest and is hoping for new and interesting ideas on healthcare.

This Live Magazine was made in association with Health Valley

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