OK Health & Fitness

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Healthy Eating Resolution May Be Key in Managing Varicose Vein Symptoms

The truth is the only way to get rid of varicose veins is to have them removed. Changing your way of life, and even your diet, won't make them go away on their own. Once you have them, they are here to stay unless you take steps to have them removed. Fortunately, the days of harsh varicose vein surgical stripping are behind us, making way for technologically advanced laser procedures. Today's procedures are performed in office and have you back on your feet in a matter of minutes. Most people can return to normal activities in hours, instead of weeks. Understanding Varicose Veins The heart and the arteries, veins, and capillaries make up the circulatory system, which carries blood throughout the body. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and out to tissues, while veins bring blood from the tissues back to the heart. Veins tend to have a harder job than arteries because they are much less muscular. They prevent the back flow of blood with one-way valves but also rely on muscle contractions to keep blood moving toward the heart. If these valves become weakened, especially in the legs where veins must work against gravity to move blood up to the heart, the weakened valves may allow blood to flow backwards. This backflow allows the blood to pool and where it pools, it pushes on the inside of veins. These veins eventually become stretched, resulting in varicose veins. How Food Affects Our Blood The saying “you are what you eat� holds true when we talk about blood. When a person ingests an excessive amount of sodium, the body responds by retaining more water to


December/January 2013

stay at the correct concentration. The opposite happens when we eat a lot of potassium, which exists in the fluid outside of our cells. Potassium causes cells to release water, which can then be excreted in the urine. When the body retains water in because of excessive sodium or deficient potassium consumption, the volume of blood circulating in the body temporarily increases. The increase creates extra pressure on veins and their valves, contributing to their weakness. A high salt or low potassium diet over the course of a lifetime may increase a person's chance of developing varicose veins due to constant water retention. What You Can Do To Encourage Healthy Veins Changing your diet may be the easiest thing you can do to diminish some of the symptoms of varicose veins, especially if you are preparing for varicose vein laser therapy. Consider making these changes to your diet: Fiber Foods rich in fiber do good things for our bodies by preventing the buildup of toxins in the blood and keep it flowing regularly. Fiber helps keep the blood pumping back to the heart instead of pooling near the skin. Steamed spinach is a great source of fiber as are beans, whole grains and carrots. Red beets and beet juice are useful for avoiding blood toxemia. Dissolving Calcium Deposits Inorganic calcium can accumulate in the veins and preventing blood flow. Calcium buildup works like a dam, restricting flow and forcing the veins to bulge outward near the skins surface. Raw garlic is known to dissolve deposits of both inorganic calcium and cholesterol, allowing the blood to flow freely. Parsley not only dissolves calcium in the veins, but also improves oxygen metabolism to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. Vitamin C and Flavonoids Foods high in flavonoids reduce free radicals and improve the quality of our blood. Dark greens such as spinach, dark fruits such as cherries and blueberries, yams, onions, grapes and dark chocolate are all good sources of antioxidants. Foods rich in vitamin C complex

give you an edge with varicose veins because Vitamin C can help strengthen the vein walls. To get vitamin C, try eating citrus or bell peppers. Remember, all of these fruits and vegetables provide more nutrients when juiced and eaten raw. Foods to Avoid If you are trying to decrease your varicose vein pain through diet, there are certain foods that you should avoid. First on the list is refined sugar. Prepackaged cookies, doughnuts, candy, sugary cereals and soda pop have little or no nutritional value and are detrimental to the cardiovascular system. Eating these snacks makes it hard for the body to do good work and can negate the value of the good foods you eat. Foods that have a high sugar content, or simple carbohydrates, can cause the release of a massive amount of insulin, which impairs your body's ability to excrete sodium, resulting in water retention. Alcohol and sugary fruit drinks have the same effect. What to Do If You Suspect Varicose Veins A brief exam and ultrasound can confirm varicose veins. Getting rid of them is easy using today's most advanced laser technology. Most people find that they are back to a normal routine quickly and may indulge in a new activity or exercise because they feel healthier. When your cardiovascular and circulatory system is operating at peak performance, you will naturally feel better. Insurance plans cover varicose vein laser therapy. We always encourage patients to seek the help of a medical professional before making major lifestyle changes or undergoing dramatic dietary changes. With sound medical support, these changes are easier than you think! Dominic Pedulla MD is a board certified cardiologist specializing in varicose veins. His office offers no obligation, free consultations for people interested in having their veins evaluated. Call his office today at (405) 947-2228 3300 NW 56th Street, OKC, OK. okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


Did you know that almost 1 of 2 Americans over the age of 50 will struggle with varicose veins? It's true, and while most varicose veins don't cause any serious health issues, most people who had them will experience pain, fatigue and will probably find them annoying. Additionally, most people find the big, bulging, blue veins just plain ugly.

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