CHAOS For some people, giving back is a part of who they are at their core. Randy and Tammy Will do just that within their chaos garden, located on the outskirts of Morrison, giving back to their community in more ways than one. Story by: Brianne Schwabauer Photos by: Dustin Mielke
uietly tucked along highway 177 near the quiet town of Morrison, Oklahoma, lies a parcel of land unlike most in Noble County. At first glance, it may not look like much, but as you wade your way through the tall grasses onto this five-acre plot, you will find it is much more than you ever could have imagined. Filled with a mixture of okra, squash, pumpkins, turnips, watermelons, cucumbers and radishes of all varieties growing amongst one another, it may look a bit chaotic to some, but the produce filling this field is meant for good in more ways than one. For landowners Randy and Tammy Will, RT Farms today consists of crops fairly typical for most Oklahoma farms and ranches, including beef cattle, alfalfa, corn, soybeans and wheat. Yet the Wills’ operation sets them apart from most producers because of their implementation of no-till practices over the last 12 years. Always keeping an eye out for new methods of conservation, Randy hopes to continually build back their soil health and improve their yields.
12 — Oklahoma Country