Saw you in the Ojo
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
Saw you in the Ojo
PUBLISHER Richard Tingen
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser 2I¿FH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ¿UVW ¿YH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWL¿FDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWL¿FDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR
Morgan Bedford writes about one of the most fascinating women in all of Mexican history—the unforgettable Carlota, who died in a mental asylum in Europe some 75 years after she and her husband, Maximillian, had ruled Mexico.
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5DOSK *UDYHV ¿QGV WKH UHDVRQ ZK\ witchcraft and sorcery are still so popular in Mexico, even in this high tech/ VFLHQWL¿F HUD
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Editor’s Page
Dear Portia
Richard Rhoda reels off an amazing set of facts that will surprise even those who think they know Mexico very well.
Front Row Center
Uncommon Sense
Jim Muir believes that Bradley Manning has only adhered to the principles set down at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.
Anita’s Animals
Child of Month
Bill Frayer signs in with a poem in celebration of . . . messiness. (Don’t scoff until you’ve read it!)
The Poets’ Niche
Profiling Tepehua
Gringas & Guacamole
Welcome to Mexico
Lakeside Living
Bridge by the Lake
The Ghosts Among Us
Tom Eck and his wife Betty started out in Ensenada, then moved to PV and later settled in Ajijic. He says that they are ¿QDOO\ home, but we’ll see . . .
54 LITERATURE Dr. Lorin Swinehart takes a loving look at the novel many (including Ernest Hemingway) believe the best ever written, and opens with a memorable Mark Twain quote, “Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.”
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El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
Saw you in the Ojo
Editor’s Page %\ $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ 'RPLQJXH] Que le vaya bien!
o what’s the main reason so many foreigners come and later stay here? Some cite the weather, lower cost of living, moderate climate, others mention the fascinating culture or the spectacular vistas...but everyone agrees that the best thing about Mexico is its people. We all have at least one experience that epitomizes this. I have dozens, but a single story will ill suffice. Many years ago, deciding to finally relocate in the homeland of my mother, I drove some three thousand miles through Mexico, in search of the perfect place to settle. Toward the end of that trip, I was returning one Sunday morning from the coast, driving toward Guadalajara. Going through a village, however, I hit a tope (surely one of the worst things about Mexico) going way too fast. Something snapped in the undercarriage of my car; suddenly it was listing like a sailboat in a storm. My car was of a foreign make not sold or serviced in Mexico. Parts would be difficult if not impossible to find. And it was a Sunday, in the middle of an out-of-the-way village. I was stewing in my dilemma when along came an old man and a boy on a bicycle. I hailed them and explained the situation, though of course it was obvious to anyone but a blind person. Getting a mechanic was the first priority. But on a Sunday, his shop was probably closed. No problema, the old man said, as he dispatched the boy to the local church. The mechanic would be attending Mass. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later, here he came to inspect the damage. A linch pin in the car’s rear aft shock had sheared off. Did the mechanic know where to get a new one? No, but possibly any pin of approximate size might do. However, the hardware store was closed. Then the boy piped up that he knew where the owner usually drank beer on Sunday mornings—and off he
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
pedaled in the direction of the cantina. Within half an hour, the owner had reviewed the situation and was back with exactly the right size pin. By now a crowd had gathered, and as several of the men hoisted my machine up, the mechanic crawled underneath and slipped the pin into the right place. My car was immediately back up on all four of its legs. Seeing that, the crowd applauded. Never having been especially adroit when confronted with any problem involving a car, I was awash with relief but conscious enough to know the debt I owned these people. Yet when I tried to pass some pesos around, the offer was politely rejected by the old man, the boy, as well as the mechanic and the owner of the hardware store. Turning to the old man, I asked if there wasn’t something I could do to show my appreciation? Flashing a toothless smile, he simply shook his head. Then the boy stepped forward to shyly suggest that I might want to buy everyone a soft drink. Was he kidding!? If I had possessed the money, I would have gladly bought them all a few shares of stock in the Coca Cola company! The years have misted over the memory of that Sunday morning, but I do remember that what seemed more than three dozen people, all with soft drinks in their hands, were waving goodbye as I pulled away, calling out Que le vaya bien! Alejandro Grattan
Saw you in the Ojo
CARLOTA—Mexico´s Lost Empress %\ 0RUJDQ %HGIRUG
he had many names and titles, but the one that has gone down in history was Carlota, Empress of Mexico. The only daughter of Leopold I of Belgium and Louise, Princess of Orleans, Carlota was born near Brussels on June 7, 1840. In 1857, a handsome and unattached Hapsburg Prince was rumored to be seeking a bride. That bride turned out to be Carlota, whom he didn’t love but felt she might make a suitable match. In time, however, Maximilian would virtually worship at her feet and it was Carlota, who burning with enthusiasm, talked Maximilian into accepting the tenuous position of Emperor of Mexico, a post which had been offered to him by Napoleon III of France. But her story, sans the fickle fates of history, could have been little more than a potpourri of European titles
mixed together by blood lines. Instead, it is the stirring saga of one woman´s long and remarkable stay on earth. The year Carlota died, Lindbergh flew the Atlantic. The year she was born, the Opium Wars raged in Asia and Hong Kong belonged to China. Does this sound familiar 170 years later? Anyone born before 1927 was a contemporary of Carlota´s. Mr. Webster defines contemporary as “existing, liv-
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
ing or coming into being at the same period of time.” Still, it is rather shocking to realize that you may qualify as a contemporary of The Empress of Mexico. The story of Maximilian and Carlota is also shocking, though the ill-fated Hapsburg prince did not strut on the stage of history for long. He was court marshaled and shot at Queretaro, Mexico, on June 19, 1867. Yet for fully a year before that, he knew he was beaten when Napoleon III withdrew the French troops from Mexico, leaving Maximilian to face the future with little more than confused bravado and befuddled behavior. During this agonizing interim, Carlota took a ship for Europe in the hope of saving her husband from his helpless plight. But nary a royal door opened for her. In desperation, she sought the aid of Pope Pius IX. The Pope refused, however, to use his influence. In turn, Carlota refused to leave the Vatican until he did so. The Pope, at wit´s end, finally had a cot installed for her in his apartment and Carlota spent the night. This is the first and only time in recorded history that a woman slept in the abode of St. Peter´s Vicar. Though Carlota had reigned as Empress of Mexico for 18 months, this did little to impress the European powers, which had her pronounced incurably insane at age 27. But was she? Incarcerated in the Chateau de Bouchout near Brussels, Carlota refused to surrender crown and scepter, obeying something stronger than mere caprice. She knew that one did not cast aside the highest earthly rank. One died with it. From what amounted to a highclass prison, Carlota watched the world change for the next 60 years. Yet how truly insane was she? And was she hanging onto to her last possession, her lost crown and all it represented. She wanted to be an empress until the end. Of this last grand period of European royalty, only Carlota of Mexico would survive to view the twilight of the royalty in France, Brazil, Russia, Austria, and
Germany. She watched the sunset of five dynasties: Bonaparte, Braganza, Romanov, Hapsburg, and Hohenzollern. During the German invasion of Belgium in 1914, a Prussian officer nailed a plaque above her gate: “This castle, the property of the Belgium crown, is occupied by Her Majesty, The Empress of Mexico, sister-in-law of our revered ally, The Emperor of Austria. German soldiers are ordered to pass by without singing and to leave this place untouched.” Death came quietly on January 16, 1927, She was 86. Her long hold on life had been a monument to Maximilian, and while she lived, she would not allow the world to forget him. Years after the fall of Maximilian, the Cuban actress/singer, Concha Mendez, appeared in Mexico City. The audience clamored for La Paloma Liberal, a parody of the song so loved by Carlota. The singer paled as she faced her public. “Never shall I do what you ask, Senores. I wear on my wrist the bracelet given to me by an unhappy princess who today weeps alone. Widowed and mad and very far from our country. Neither I nor the Mexican nation, to which I am joined by my heart and my cradle, shall insult the memory of a prince mowed down at Queretaro, nor that of a noble lady who in place of a queenly diadem wears now the martyr´s crown.” A great wave of emotion swept across the audience. The courage Concha Mendez had shown in the face of a hostile government met with a stirring response. Never again was she importuned to render the ballad that made her famous. Today, with the possible exception of those haunts frequented by tourists, La Paloma is not heard below the Rio Grande. “I was to blame, my beloved darling, for everything, But now I am happy. You have triumphed. You are part of God´s victory over Evil. Your eyes look down on me from every place and I hear your voice everywhere.” Such were the letters Carlota wrote during the sixty years after she had lost Maximilian, the great love of her life. But to return to the central question. Was Carlota actually insane? Or had she been only temporarily deranged when she had failed to secure help for her beloved Maximilian, and then later realized she had lost everything but her title and her memories. There is a third, more sinister scenario. She had been placed under house arrest, a political prisoner who was the actual heir to the throne of Belgium, and a potential heir to the Hapsburg throne, as well. Yet without outside help or support, the former Empress finally resigned herself to living inside a gilded cage. There she would live for the last sixty years of her life. Today, historians are still uncertain
about the exact causes of Carlota´s fate. But one thing sure was her great love for Mexico. Even toward the very end, her nurses had only to hum a few bars of La Paloma to becalm this courageous woman who for one brief moment in history had reigned over the lyrical land of Mexico. (Ed. Note: In 1939, Warner Bros. Studio sent a full cast and crew to the Vera Cruz area, where they toiled for some
six months making the movie Juarez. The film starred Paul Muni as Juarez, Brian Aherne as Maximilian and Bette Davis as Carlota, with a screenplay by John Huston, among others. For more than 15 years, it was the second most expensive movie ever made, after only Gone With the Wind. Today, it is regarded as one of the most magnificent movies ever made about Mexico.)
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hen in 1837 Charlotte Brontë sent some of her writings to Robert Southey, England’s Poet Laureate, his answer was: “Madam, literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be.” Charlotte had the chance to answer Southey ten years later with Jane Eyre, the first voice in English fiction of an angry, passionate woman struggling to maintain independence of spirit and intellect. Jane Eyre was a revolutionary work and a scandalous bestseller. Charlotte Brontë has always been seen as the waif of literary history, but Lyndall Gordon, in her biography (recently published in England), turns the tables. We see a Charlotte who is a fierce survivor, who in life and in art, turned loss to gain and found unexpected happiness. Outwardly she shrank and cringed, but the clues to the fire and rage of Jane Eyre and Villette lie in that unseen space in which gifted women of Charlotte’s time were forced to live. Sensitive, open-minded, vivid, full of psychological insight, her book is a brilliant reappraisal of Charlotte Bronte’s life, work and the .flow between the two. Born in 1816, Charlotte was motherless by the age of five and packed off to a grim charity boarding school at eight. One of her early memories was watching her sister Maria die of starvation and physical abuse at the hands of a sadistic teacher. Charlotte recreated that woman as the terrifying “Miss Scatchard” in Jane Eyre. The experience was seminal for all the Brontës, pushing Emily toward submission, Charlotte to rebellion. The isolation of the Victorian era, during which women were very much kept in the shadows, produced lives of ill treated under-stimulated young persons. Liberation came for
Charlotte Brontë
many of them, as it did for Charlotte when a school friend invited her to learn French in Brussels. This city is romantically depicted in Villette. At age 26, Charlotte fell in love with Monsieur Heger, her flamboyant rhetoric professor. “His mind was my library, and whenever it was opened to me, I entered bliss,” she said later. When Heger’s wife realized Charlotte’s attachment to her husband, she personally took her to Ostende, put her on the boat to England and restricted correspondence between them. By the time this book was published, all Charlotte’s siblings had died of consumption and she was alone. At the height of her creative powers, she married her father’s curate, whom she had always despised as her intellectual inferior. He was loyal and kind, but disapproved of her writing. Submissive, she abandoned it. Perhaps the unhappiness of having seen her whole family disappear, and to be forced to abandon her creativity to please a man she did not love, was what shortened her life. She died in pregnancy aged 38. Her only true love, literature, was wrenched from her. Possibly her life would have been much longer, and her work more abundant, if times had not been so difficult for Victorian women.
Saw you in the Ojo
(Ed. Note: Wherein Portia gets a couple of things off her, um, chest.)
ear Readers: For those sloshed crybabies who think the drunk driving laws in the United States, Canada and Mexico are too tough, I offer the following examples of how some other countries sober up those overgrown children who like to party behind the wheel of a car. Australia: Names of the drivers are sent to local newspaper and printed under the heading: “He’s drunk and in jail.” Belgium: Jail sentence of up to six months, and license revoked for as long as five years. Bulgaria: A second conviction results in execution.
Chile: Alcoholism is considered hereditary, and children of drunk drivers are not permitted to have a driver’s license. Finland: Those who are found to have an alcohol level of .05 are sentenced to hard labor on a rock pile for three months. If alcohol level is higher, the sentence can stretch to two years. France: One year in jail, three-year suspension of license, and a $1,000 fine. Malaysia: The driver is jailed−and if he is married, his wife is also thrown into the joint. Norway: If second offense occurs within five years of first, license re-
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
voked for life. Poland: Drunk drivers are jailed, fined and forced to attend political lectures. (Back in the days of Communism, this latter punishment might have been as grueling as working on a chain gang.) Russia: License revoked for life. If injuries occur due to drunk driving, culprit can be executed by firing squad. South Africa: Ten years in prison, or $2,000 fine, or both. Turkey: Drunk drivers are taken miles outside town, and forced to walk back under police escort.
EI Salvador: First offense is the last. Execution by firing squad. Here in Mexico, the drunk driving laws are getting tougher. Foreigners with recent (in the past 10 years) drunkdriving criminal convictions are generally refused entry at the border. Mexico’s Immigration Act section 36 considers any foreign drinking and driving outstanding charge or conviction as an Indictable offense (similar to a felony). So when getting behind the wheel of a car, make sure you’re sober enough to drive. The life you save will probably be that of a far better person than you are!
aria used to hold court at the rear table of a small outdoor cafe in Acapulco´s “Old Town.” She was a curandera and consulted throughout the day with various clients; reading fortunes with a set of tattered tarot cards, offering advice on love, money, family affairs, herbal cures and “cleansing” potions. “My mission in life is to help people,” she told me after reading my palm. “But I am not a bruja (witch) as some people think. The true witch or warlock can cast spells . . . or cure them. They are born with special powers for good or evil.” Witches, warlocks, shamans, curers, sorcerers, or whatever they may be called, the practitioners of magic-both white and black are revered and sometimes feared in Mexico—a country where belief in the occult proliferates not only among the rural and uneducated segments of society, but the upper classes as well. Of course, belief in witchcraft is as old as mankind, and in Mexico, its roots lie in both Hispanic and pre-Hispanic cultures. The use of herbs and potions were parts of elaborate rites and ceremonies to cleanse or purge evil spirits in ancient America. And the Spanish conquerors imported their medieval superstitions and beliefs that had roots in the Dark Ages in Europe; indeed, it is unclear whether today´s rituals of “cleansing” originated with the conquerors or the conquered. But they have survived the advances of modern medicine and are often used as a last resort when the latest drugs or surgical procedures have failed to produce the desired results. Cleansing, or purification, is often sought because a person (or in some cases, a house or business establishment) is believed to be suffering from a negative aura, curse or an evil spell. In mild cases, a shaman may prescribe magical amulets, charms or potions that are easily available in the market place. A dried hummingbird might be prescribed as a man´s love charm; a goat´s beard is to be burned and the smoke inhaled to cure certain internal maladies; laurel is often used as a cleansing agent and deer´s eye seeds can be
worn as an amulet to repel the effects of an “evil” eye. So prevalent is witchcraft in Mexico, its practitioners have their own national convention. Held each March in the tiny town of Catemaco, Veracruz, it draws witches, warlocks, curers, shamans, psychics, parapsychologists, wizards and sorcerers from all over the country. It is believed the site and the date for this event go back to the ancient Olmecs and is based on the annual ceremonies that purified their temples. At any rate, this is an occasion that calls for communing with the spirits and receiving new revelations from them. It is also a time of ritual initiation of new witches and warlocks. During the night, two important rituals are performed. One is of white magic, where rings of plants and flowers surround incense, lotions and purified water. A black magic ritual features symbols of demons, snakes, bats, owls, etc. surrounded by a ring of sulphur. Many of the conventioneers have great fame among those who believe in and practice witchcraft. As widespread as the practice is in Mexico, one might never suspect that witchcraft is illegal here. But, according to the third article of the Mexican Constitution, this type of “Charlatanism” is prohibited. But try explaining that to Maria. “Where else can people go to get help with their problems?” she asks. “A doctor can treat a broken leg, but who except a shaman can treat a broken heart?”
Saw you in the Ojo 11
id you know that Tijuana is closer to Juneau, Alaska than to Cancun? Furthermore, Cancun is closer to Nova Scotia than to Tijuana? While much smaller than Canada or the US, Mexico stretches over 2,000 miles [3250 kms] from end to end and is the world’s 13th largest country. What is interesting about the Mexican population? In 1500, the population in what is now Mexico was about 15 to 20 million making Mexico the 3rd most populous country in the world, behind only China and India. Now it ranks 11th in population. Surprisingly, 50% of Mexicans live in the tectonically very active “Volcanic Axis� which stretches from Tequila and Colima volcanoes through Mexico City and Puebla and into Veracruz. It turns out that volcanoes make for very fertile soils which can support large populations. Mexico has the highest average elevation of all major countries; fully 80% of Mexicans live above 1000 meters [3300 ft] compared to 5% in the US and Canada. What about biodiversity? Did you know that Mexico is among the world leaders in biodiversity along with Brazil, Colombia, China, India and the Congo? It is surprisingly among the top three in number of mammal species along with Brazil and Indonesia. Mexico has more species of pine trees, oak trees and cactus than any other country. Its biodiversity comes from enormous variations
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
in elevation and climate. Mexico is only one of seven countries with arid deserts, tropical rainforests and alpine icepacks. It gets more annual rainfall on average [760mm or 28�] than either the US or Canada. Does Mexico have natural wonders? Mexico’s Copper Canyon is bigger and deeper than the Grand Canyon, but receives far fewer tourists and is not as photogenic. A cave in Chihuahua has the world’s largest natural crystals; these sword-shaped selenite crystals can be 6 meters [20 ft] long. Visiting the cave is not recommended as the temperature is 60oC [140oF] with humidity near 100%. The level of Lago Encantado [Enchanted Lake] in Veracruz naturally rises to its peak elevation every dry season and hits its lowest point in the rainy season. It is not exactly clear why this happens. Mexico indeed has some fascinating natural wonders. Is the economy interesting? The silver-backed Mexican peso was legal tender in the US and Canada for over 100 years until the middle of the 19th century. Mexican Carlos Slim is the world’s richest person. Mexico’s 44 free trade agreements are more than any other country. Mexico is the world’s biggest exporter of smart phones and flat panel TVs, is 2nd in beer exports, and is 4th in car exports behind only Japan, Germany and Korea. These are all “Hecho en Mexico� though most carry foreign brand names. Bimbo is the world’s [and the US’s] largest bread maker and now owns such US brands as Thomas’ English Muffins, Entemann’s, Sara Lee pastries, Arnold’s and Orowheat. Bimbo is the world’s 4th largest food company, behind only Nestle, Kraft and Unilever. Virtually all the products in WalMart’s bread aisle are from Bimbo. There are some fascinating facts about Mexico, but is it important on the world’s stage? Mexico ranks 13th in size and 11th in both population and economic production [Purchasing Power Parity]. Mexico is one of only six countries in the Top 15 in all three categories. The other five are China, the US, India, Russia and Brazil. Doesn’t this make Mexico important on the world’s stage?
Saw you in the Ojo 13
The Upcoming Season 49 49
n interesting series of plays are due on stage for the upcoming Season 49 at Lakeside Little Theatre. Here they are: Local Hero, written and directed by Neal Checkoway, October 4-13. The Heiress, by Ruth and Augustus Goetz, directed by Roseann Wilshere, November 8-17. Over The River And Through The Woods, by Joe DiPietro, directed by Ann Swiston, December 6-15. Blood Relations, by Sharon Pollock, directed by Lynn Phelan, January 17-26. Hooray For Hollywood!, written and directed by Barbara Clippinger, February 21-March 4. Social Security, by Andrew Bergman, directed by Phil Shepherd, March 28-April 6. Patrons may note that this year opening night is on a Friday, and there is no Monday show. In 2005, Neal Checkoway brought
an original adaptation of the cult classic Being There to the LLT stage, including the projection of pre-filmed scenes onto a back screen. I will be interested to see what he makes of Local Hero, which was a 1983 comedydrama set in a fictional Scottish town called Ferness. The story is about an American oil company representative who is sent there to purchase the town and surrounding property to make way for a refinery. Naturally, he is affected by the strange beauty of
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
the place and some of the odd people he meets – there will be opportunities for actors and for creative sound and lighting effects. In different ways, both The Heiress and Blood Relations explore the plight of women trapped in impossible situations in the 19th century. The Heiress is based on the 1880 Henry James novel “Washington Square,” and the play opened on Broadway in 1947. It has since been revived several times, and won a Tony award for a very successful and long-running revival in 1995. The story is set in 1850 and revolves around the interactions between an initially reserved young woman, her dominant father and a young man who comes wooing – is he after the girl or her money? This period drama will be an exciting challenge for actors and director. By contrast, Blood Relations is about Lizzie Borden, and in effect it is a re-trial of her case with the audience as jury. Like Doubt, a play successfully performed here in 2007, the author provides no easy solutions and we are left to wrestle with our own pre-conceived notions of guilt and innocence. Over The River And Through The Woods is a 1994 play by New Jersey writer-lyricist Joe DiPietro. If you were brought up in a large Italian-American
family, you will certainly relate to this comedy-drama. And there will be significant parts for older actors, as young “Nick Cristano” has been having dinner with his four Italian grandparents every Sunday of his life. This play should provide some comic relief, in between two period dramas. Hooray For Hollywood! has been created for our entertainment by Barbara Clippinger, and the title says it all. We can expect plenty of great songs and high leg-kicks. Finally, the season will wind up with Social Security – a risqué comedy by Hollywood screenwriter Andrew Bergman, with plenty of one-liners and a juicy part for a feisty grandmother (no pre-audition selections, please!). So, Season 49 promises to be an entertaining and thought-provoking series of plays, with some serious dramas interspersed with light comedy and a fun musical. Two of the directors (Lynn Phelan and Phil Shepherd) are new to LLT and Neal Checkoway returns after an 8-year absence. Good luck to all – remember your lines, and don’t fall off the stage! Michael Warren
Emotional Intelligence
or many years, I chaired the Humanities Department at a community college in Maine. It was often a thankless job which required me to locate and hire qualified 30-40 adjunct faculty each semester to teach most of the courses in our department. These were faculty hired on a per-course contract basis with relatively low pay and no benefits. College faculties are an independent bunch. They often do not take criticism easily. They think they are “smart.” They have advanced degrees in their fields. Nevertheless, some are unbelievably inept at relating to the students on an emotional level. Many community college students are working parents trying to balance work, family and school. Sometimes, they need a bit of reassurance. Sometimes they need a little flexibility. They are often on the edge emotionally, trying to make everything work. With a bit of understanding and help, they will work their hearts out and succeed. I had a predictable number of the faculty (a minority) who apparently did not understand this. They viewed their role as simply providing course instruction and maintaining academic standards. They would refuse to show any flexibility and were clearly uncomfortable having to deal with the emotional side of student behavior. In 1995, Daniel Goleman coined the term “Emotional Intelligence,” which made the case that our ability to deal with people on an emotional level, is at least as important as our IQ. Let’s face it, everything is not about rationality. As we know, people don’t vote, make financial decisions, or decide who to marry based on exclusively rational criteria. Simply being intellectually smart, having a wealth of information, and being able to express oneself clearly is necessary, but not sufficient condition for being a good teacher, manager, plumber or anything else. We must deal with people who rely both on their rational thinking skills and their emotions. We all know people who believe themselves to be very brilliant and, indeed, may be, but who do not have complementary emotional intelligence skills. Unfortunately, they sometimes appear to others to be arrogant
%LOO )UD\HU and aloof, and they often are. They operate under the false impression that being well read and intellectually nimble will get them where they want to be. But when “the rubber hits the road,” so to speak, when they need to deal with real people in the real world, those who have not developed their emotional interaction skills are left isolated and alone. Emotional intelligence requires that we gain skills in watching to see how others are processing what you are saying. It involves being sensitive to non-verbal cues. It involves give and take and being a good listener. Ultimately it involves trying to understand where someone is coming from emotionally and responding in an empathetic and kind way. These types of people realize that being right is sometimes not the most important thing. “Right” may win out in the end, but it’s more important to bring people along so they feel confident and respected along the way. I remember attending one commencement when a woman came up to me and thanked me for giving her the confidence to stay in school and not drop out. “What did I do?” I asked. “You were kind and listened to me when I was depressed and about ready to give up,” she explained. I don’t remember that exact conversation, but it reminded me that success or failure can often hinge upon an open ear and a kind word. It rarely hinges upon how much we know.
Saw you in the Ojo 15
Guadalajara’s Santa Teresita bazaar
hat happens when the village street bazaar goes urban? In Guadalajara the answer is ‘the Santa Teresita street market’… a tianguis. There’s certainly no lack of ‘big box’ grocers in Guadalajara, and permanent market bazaars like the city’s Mercado Libertad serve up a homogenized version of weekly street markets throughout the week… but there’s nothing like the real deal! Located on the city’s near north side at the intersection of Pedro Buzeta y Ramos Millán (about halfway between the Avenidas Federalismo and Las Americas), the market takes its name from the parish church of the same name that sits at its center like a grand dame surrounded by her court. The scope of this place is staggering. Streets are blocked off and merchants pitch tents, set up tables, or spread merchandise on blankets curbside for something like 20 square blocks. Market stalls crowd the church so closely that they seemed poised to climb its steps. As I stand here on a Sunday morning it almost defies belief to realize that cars plied these streets on Friday afternoon, and will again come Monday morning; this entire market is a moveable feast. This is a working class neighborhood market, short on art and crafts and long on staples from fresh produce and kitchen utensils to baby diapers and DVD’s. This market affords a great opportunity to see a cross-section of urban Mexico in its own element; tourists are rare within the throngs threading their way along the narrowed streets. There’s an energy level here that’s harder to find in the country markets. Porters carry merchandise on their shoulders through the crowds or wheel them about on hand trucks and other makeshift contraptions. A giant tray of pastries edges past me waist-high, propelled by a man on a threewheeled bicycle. A woman pushes a cart full of hangered clothing down the lane toward her stall, and for a moment the same image from long ago in Manhattan’s garment district comes to mind. A vendor fishes a freshly fried churro from sizzling hot oil. When eaten fresh out of the fryer these are so good that you can skip the dusting of sugar or cinnamon!
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
Saw you in the Ojo 17
omely and tranquil with the fresh blush of a mountain apple, forty-fiveyear-old Doña Angelina, curandera (healer), wears a monk-like frock with a heavy twisted cord belt. Her lustrous braids hang to her waist. With luminous, smiling eyes she greets each new arrival. There is no sign, no cross, no phone, but people come from near and far to this kindly source of healing. Doña Angelina is always ready to put her faith, knowledge, and energy to whatever problem, be it mental or physical -the curse of an enemy, revenge of a former lover, a blight on a crop, sexual vigor, fertility, but mostly sickness and pain. The chapel’s adobe walls and great mesquite ceiling beams bespeak of earlier days, horse-drawn carts, muzzle loaders, and the Revolution. Appropriately, it is here that Doña Angelina practices the ancient art of healing. Backless wooden benches seat perhaps one hundred. There are two beds in the rear. The tiled dull red floor is swept clean and the walls are freshly white-washed. A sixteen-inch figure of the Sacred Heart, backed by modern drapery fabric, stands at the peak of the altar which is fashioned of sheetcovered boxes. A framed picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico’s patroness, hangs nearby. Cans and jars, some with labels, contain flowers both fragrantly real and artificial. Candles flicker. There is the hush of deference and piety. A young mother sways rhythmically patting her feverish fretful child. A frail old man totters up to the altar clutching a handful of fast-wilting flowers. ln sobbing, trembling, gestured talk his problems tumble forth. A well-dressed couple, obviously from a city, is greeted warmly by Dona Angelina, the veil of the lady’s hat only partly hiding a scabby skin disorder. A weathered old man dismounts and ties his scrawny horse next to the tethered burro in the corral adjacent to the chapel, where a young man
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with bandaged eyes is being guided over the concave threshold. Doña Angelina begins the healing ritual with outstretched arms, palms upward. The people repeat after her, “Thank you, Lord, I receive your charity. ln your hands I put my pain and pray that your will be done.” Then, they pray the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. Familiar, repetitious hymns are sung, simple voices embracing hope that their needs will be answered. For a single person or for many, Doña Angelina repeats the ritual daily. It was a curandero who saved her from near death when modern medicine failed her some twenty-five years ago. He became her role model and, in becoming his eager disciple, she learned of her own healing powers and vowed to never charge for her healing. With each person she rises and fittingly touches the genital area and each joint, then locks arms and gives the person a minor chiropractic adjustment. She and the individual sit down, confer privately, she advising and prescribing appropriate herbs, techniques, or attitudes and, sometimes non-prescription medicine. Three consecutive visits are thought to be beneficial so that she might check on progress. Desperate and despondent, Doña Angelina’s seventy-five-year-old husband, Don José, sits to one side of the altar pouring water from a pitcher into red clay mugs. Said to be holy water, each person drinks a full mug before returning to their seats. When every needing person has had their turn, Doña Angelina again, with outstretched arms and open palms, leads a recitation: “I have faith with confidence in God in which I am going to get well.” As the service is completed, the people exchange embraces within their immediate area saying, “Peace is with us.” Indeed it is. And there is also faith and hope.
Saw you in the Ojo 19
ll of us who have pets have been to a Vet on occasion. Here’s some hints how to make the most of that visit. Reminder: have your cat in a crate; dogs in a crate or on a leash, and keep them near you. Remember that sick animals may be in the waiting area with you and it may not be wise to have close contact with another animal. Think of it this way – would you go around kissing strangers/other patients in your own doctor’s waiting room? When you’re visiting a new Vet for the first time or going for an annual checkup, and especially if it is a sick visit, it’s important for you to be prepared. Be an active participant in your pet’s examination. Sometimes worrying about a pet’s condition causes us to forget questions we may have had at home. The answer is to write them down. If it is a first new vet visit, bring a copy of your pet’s vaccination record with you, if you have one, and a list of any medications your pet may be taking and the dosage. Be prepared to give a brief medical history of your pet. For an annual check-up visit, also bring the vaccination record and write out any questions or concerns you have about your pet, especially if there has been any recent significant change in it’s normal condition or behavior. If the visit is because your pet is sick - write brief notes about your pet’s illness, describing the symptoms and it’s duration. The vet will examine the animal and those things that are found on physical examination such as a wound, abnormal temperature [normal range: 100°F to 102.5°F / 38°C to
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39.2°C)], limited mobility, swelling, etc., may be obvious, while less obvious problems may not be apparent. The vet needs your help directing him/her in making an accurate diagnosis of the problem. You need to be totally honest about sharing information about your pet, it isn’t the time for secrets and halftruths. If they eat junk, behave badly, pee on your carpets, let your vet know. And, if your pet bites or has bitten people in the past, tell your vet staff at the start of your appointment! Don’t put anyone at risk of their safety due to lack of information or your embarrassment. Without sharing your observations of your pet, important information may be missed. Answers to these general thought provoking questions hopefully may be a guide to help you think about and describe behavior changes: What was your pet’s ‘normal’ condition/behavior, and now what is “the change”? What does the “change” look like”? Give as many details as possible, even ‘yucky’ descriptions. When did it start? How frequent does this new change happens? Do you have any ideas what might have triggered this new condition / behavior? If you have a sample of the vomit, diarrhea, partially eaten wrapper/container of a suspected substance the animal might have ingested, etc., bring it with you to the vet, to be examined. Veterinarians at times have to be detectives when it comes to diagnosing some diseases and the history you provide is very valuable and may help your veterinarian save your pet’s life. Anita’s Animals is a no-kill cat and dog sanctuary in San Juan Cosala. Anita has been performing rescue work for over 20 years, and relies on support of the community to perform this needed service. Donations of pet food is always welcomed. You can also make a cash donation at her booth at the Wednesdays Ajijic tianguis or via Pay Pal. Just Google Anita’s Animals Sanctuary
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of the month
his beautiful little girl is Maria Jose, diagnosed shortly after birth with Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a broad term used to describe a group of chronic “palsies” – disorders that impair control of movement due to damage to the developing brain. CP usually develops by age 2 or 3 and is a nonprogressive brain disorder which means the brain does not continue to worsen throughout life. The symptoms however, due to the brain damage, often change over time; sometimes getting better and sometimes getting worse. CP is one of the most common causes of chronic childhood disability.
Much remains unknown about the disorder’s causes but evidence supports theories that infections, birth injuries and poor oxygen supply to the brain before, during and immediately after birth are common factors. Premature infants are particularly vulner-
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able. Severe illness such as meningitis during the first year of life, physical trauma, and severe dehydration can cause brain injury and result in CP. Maria Jose has been bedridden since birth. She lives with her mom Sandra and two siblings. Dad is not in the picture and does not support the family. Mom first presented Maria Jose to Niños Incapacitados in February 2008. During the initial intake we learned that Maria Jose is dependent on oxygen and since she cannot swallow, a gastrostomy tube had to be in inserted directly into her stomach to allow her to receive daily nourishment and medications. CP cannot be cured; however a variety of resources and therapies can provide help and improve the quality of life for the individual. Unfortunately the family was not in a position to avail themselves of any such help and one has to wonder if it was even offered. Maria Jose is on anti-spasm medications, muscle relaxants, immune boosters, anti-convulsive and asthma medications as well as a host of other medications and supplements to help ward off infections and viruses. She wears diapers and twice yearly her feeding tube must be replaced. There
are special antiseptic creams to prevent bed sores, special milk products to provide nutrition as well as food supplements and vitamins. Since joining Niños Incapacitados, we have reimbursed the family 151,000 pesos. Mom is very grateful for all our help. Most children with CP can live long, happy, quality lives. However, the severity level of the child’s condition, as well as improper management of his or her symptoms, may put the child at risk for diminished life expectancy. Maria Jose falls into the latter category, thankful she is cared for by a loving family with a mom who dotes on her and two siblings who enjoy spending time with her and making her feel wanted. As Director of the Jocotopec Clinic, thank you again for the opportunity of presenting one of our children. Reminder, the Niños Incapacitados monthly meetings have resumed. Join us on October 10th, 2013 to meet another of our children. Our meetings are held at the Real de Chapala Hotel in Lower La Floresta, starting with coffee at 10:00, meeting at 10:30. If you would like to learn more about Niños Incapacitados, we encourage you to visit our website at www.programaniñ or call Rich Petersen (376-7655511) or Barb Corol (376-766-5452).
Saw you in the Ojo 23
The Poets’ Niche %\ 0DUN 6FRQFH PVFRQFH#JPDLO FRP Translations: A Chinese Puzzle
Internationally respected translator and my dear friend, James Falen, writes of translation: “It is a devilishly and tricky business, this game in a house of mirrors, this effort to catch and reflect elusive reflections.” He should know having spent eight years translating Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. Another translator, Willis Barnstone, declares, “Translation is the art of revelation. It makes the unknown known. In translation perfect mimesis is impossible. But a fake or counterfeit of the original is possible. The translator/artist must have the fever and craft to recognize, re-create, and reveal the work of the other artist. But even when famous at home, the work comes into an alien city as an orphan with no past to its readers. In rags, hand-me-downs, or dramatic black capes of glory, it is surprise, morning, a distinctive stranger.” I call translations the Pony Express ponies of civilization riding into town with new and different news. By way of example, let’s look at three translations of a Chinese poem by Meng Hao-Jan (7th century). All three translators are poets and skilled emissaries of classical Chinese poetry.* Kenneth Rexroth’s translation: Night on the Great River We anchor the boat alongside a hazy island. As the sun sets I am overwhelmed with nostalgia. The plain stretches away without limit. The sky is just above the tree tops. The river flows quietly by. The moon comes down amongst men. William Carlos Williams’ translation: Steering my little boat towards a misty islet, I watch the sun descend while my sorrows grow: In the vast night the sky hangs lower than the treetops, But in the blue lake the moon is coming close. Gary Snyder’s translation: Mooring on Chien-Te River The boat rocks at anchor by the misty island Sunset, my loneliness comes again. In these vast wilds the sky arches down to the trees. In the clear river water, the moon draws near. Here’s another Chinese poem by Li Bo (Tang Dynasty) translated respectively by Ezra Pound and David Hinton: Ezra Pound’s translation: Separation on the River Kiang Ko-jin goes west from Ko-kaku-ro, The smoke-flowers are blurred over the river. His lone sail blots the far sky. And now I see only the river, The long Kiang, reaching heaven. David Hinton’s translation: On Yellow-Crane Tower, Farewell to Meng Hao-Jan Who’s Leaving for YangChou From Yellow-Crane Tower, my old friend leaves the west. Downstream to Yang-chou, late spring a haze of blossoms, distant glints of lone sail vanish into emerald-green air: nothing left but a river flowing on the borders of heaven. They almost seem like two different poems, yet we still come away with the feeling of two friends parting (a lonely sail) perhaps vanishing in the vast Middle Kingdom, never to see one another again. As James Falen observes, “…the translator must try to view the work as a unified whole and try to be faithful, in some mysterious spirit, to this vision of wholeness. In the result, perhaps we can honor, if nothing else, the poor translator’s quixotic quest, a quest in some respects not unlike that of the artist he seeks to emulate.” *The New Directions Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry Mark Sconce
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n the following, printed in the Habitat International Coalition, June 2013: “World Charter on the Rights to the City.” Neilson Saule, Jnr. stated, “According to United Nations statistics, the degree of urbanization has now surpassed the 50% mark. In 2005, the population living in cities was already 3.2 billion, with another 3.2 billion living in rural areas. It is estimated that in 2050, the world’s urbanization will reach 65% with about 45% living in poverty, most of the population explosion taking place in rural areas, shanty towns and slums.” In 2006, Enrique Cortez said “The right to the city makes sense, but only if the right to inhabit the rural areas in dignity, exists alongside.” Fareed Zakaria on CNN G.P.S. Aug 25th 2013, discussed Urbanization of Cities World Wide. Taking a grim look at Cities and Suburbs colliding in 2050, he suggested that 84% of the people will be living there, most in poverty. Mexico City. 2008. The Promoting Committee made public the process of the Mexico City Charter for the Right to the City, a complex approach to Human Rights. “Democracy will not exist whilst poverty, inequality, exclusion and injustice prevails.” The objective being that all persons have the right to live in dignity. People were given the “right to build,” which is why you see so many half-finished houses. When they run out of money, they have the right to put it on hold for years. Sometimes it takes a poor family ten years to build a home, but they have the right to build it. Much brain storming, a lot of hours and paper work, went into a Charter that has never been fully implemented. Habitat Tepehua, a brain child of the Tepehua Community Center, came about because of the desperation of mothers living in lean-to’s in the rainy season, or shacks with roofs that leak or partially finished shacks. It is easier to live in poverty in the dry season, in
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spite of lack of water. In the rainy season, when water is in abundance, generally there is nothing to store it in. The Tepehua Center took requests from people in trouble due to lack of adequate shelter from rain. Donations were collected, one house at a time repaired, using local men for free labor. Pulling men into preserving their village, insisting they stand up and be counted. For the indigenous people of Tepehua, and those of mixed heritage, owning a piece of land makes them rich indeed. They would rather live in a tent until they made money to start building their own home, than give money to landlords. The rainy season brings disease, scabies, parasites, congestion in the infants and children, flu and conjunctivitis. It is spread through families because most have no means for hygiene, no running water. No toilets, which means human and animal waste mixed in the mud of the streets is taken into the homes on the bare feet of the children, who save their good shoes for school. The free Clinic at the Center quickly runs out of medicine, especially over the counter antibiotics for children and adults. These medicines, usually donated by our neighbors in the north, take a while to get here. Couriers have to be found to bring them over the border. A solution would be for civicminded people here in Chapala to add a few over the counter remedies to their shopping list once in awhile and donate to the Center’s Clinic. If you have contacts in the medical profession or pharmacies, ask them to help for Free Clinic of Tepehua. These barrio babies have no choice: their inheritance is poverty. That can be changed in time with education. But for now, they have the right to the city, they have the right to live in dignity, and they have the right to build. The Mexico City Charter of 2008 says so. If you would like to help, please contact the author.
The Slow Death Of Bradley Manning %\ -LP 0XLU
ow that Bradley Manning has been sentenced to the slow death of spending up to 35 years in prison, the United States Government has finally made it official that its actions in promoting, supporting and actively participating in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal was an act of consummate hypocrisy. This conclusion is unavoidable given the fact that a vast number of clerks, accountants and middle level military officers and civilian bureaucrats were prosecuted and sentenced to prison based on their knowledge of and refusal to object to or refrain from acting in furtherance of crimes being committed against the civilian population of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and conscientious objectors. The fact they were following orders was no defense. The Nuremberg Charter also established the principle that the unprovoked invasion of another country was a war crime. It is not new that the charge of hypocrisy has been leveled against the United States Government over its activities in Nuremberg and Tokyo. After all, shortly after the trials were completed, General Curtis LeMay, Chief of U. S. Air Force Strategic Bombing Operations in both Europe and the Pacific, stated that, given the principles supporting the convictions in both those proceedings, had the United States lost the war he would have been convicted as a war criminal. However, the conviction of Bradley Manning by a U. S. Military Tribunal for doing exactly that which many Germans and Japanese were convicted for refusing or failing to do makes the hypocrisy official. One wonders if Manning, standing before the Military Tribunal made up of uniformed officers and hearing his sentence delivered, might have been thinking, with a clear conscience, of the words of Isabella, the protagonist in Shakespeare’s Measure For Measure, as she delivered her consummate critique of the human condition – 35 words that encapsulate the essence of our existential and spiritual struggle: “. . . man, proud man, drest in a little
brief authority, most ignorant of what he’s most assured, his glassy essence, like an angry ape, plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make the angels weep; . . .” Manning, by reporting war crimes, acted in accordance with both his glassy essence (his conscience or eternal soul) and the principles set forth in Nuremberg. The members of the military tribunal that sentenced him remained ignorant of their glassy essence and acted like angry apes, making the angels weep.
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Tennis, Anyone?
t was becoming increasingly apparent that tennis was the new “in thing” among the residents living around Lake Chapala. The ladies at lunch raved about the new instructor´s patience and skill. He wasn’t hard on the eyes, with or without glasses on. Being as health conscious as the next person, I pondered taking lessons. I’d been banging my head against walls for a long time, but that only burns 150 calories per hour. There had to be a better way. I showed up for my first half hour lesson. Body parts I had ignored before were painfully demanding my attention. My buttocks hurt; they felt
like I had indulged in foreplay with a pair of vice grips. The loose skin under my arms gave up and drooped to my elbows. On weak, wobbly legs, I shuffled off the court. I was going to have to get into shape. One possible exercise came to mind; order larger and heavier drinks at Happy Hour. I blamed my lousy performance on the racket. It had been retrieved from an dumpster in Baltimore and
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I used it to beat rugs. The instructor suggested I purchase a new racket and offered suggestions on weight, size, face and make. I didn’t want to appear dumb, but names weren’t computing -Prince (didn’t he do the movie, Purple Rain?) Spaulding (Yuk, isn’t that something that salmon do?) and Head (oh, I don’t even want to go there!) Hey, life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid! On my next trip to the U.S., armed with all the pertinent data, I walked into a sporting goods store. I was faced with walls, ten feet high, of tennis rackets, Wandering around I was shocked at the prices, and couldn´t find the grip size or weights. I tried to impress a salesman by offering the information the instructor had given me. There was no reason I should be blatant about my ignorance. When he handed me a racket, I inquired knowingly, “Where is the “G Spot” on this particular racket?” With a very solicitous attitude he responded, “Do you mean the “sweet spot?” The $300 rackets didn’t seem much different from the $100 ones. Eventually I settled on one for $169.00, but was still hoping for a bargain. “OK, I’ll take this one, but now how much for the strings?” I think he threw in the carrying case
just to get rid of me. I was so proud of my tennis racket. Packing my suitcase with great care, I placed the new garden hose on the bottom as a cushion. Wedging the racket between the Miracle Grow and panty hose, I used bags of hard beer pretzels to cover it. I could envision myself thundering around the court in my Evonne Goolagong´s. I had gotten them out of the same dumpster as the old tennis racket. Gail Nott
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EL OJO DEL LAGO—Happy 30th Birthday!
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
We are greatly pleased d to anemnounce that with our September issue, our magazinee turned its 30th birthday. It was way back in 1983 that Richard Tingen, along with June and Cody dy Summers, established an inpala Rehouse publication for Chapala alty that only showcased real estate d provide the ads. Later, the Ojo would ere att LLakeside akesid k ide small ex-pat community here with news about upcoming events, local personalities, a smattering of history and an occasional piece of helpful advice. In the beginning, the publication ran eight pages, was in black and white (though later, it would live dangerously by going to sepia). The “staff” numbered only three people: Richard, the publisher, June, the editor, while Cody handled everything else. Luckily, June was a fine writer, and a prolific one, as well. The fledgling publication was also fortunate that Cody was chosen as an unofficial Lakeside representative for the American
Consulate in Guadalajara. MoreC over, ov as a former U.S. military serviceman, Cody had many helpful vic contacts within the local branch of co the the American Legion. In time, June would receive recognition as one of the best re chroniclers of our area’s history, (much of it contained in her fine book, Villages in the Sun) while Cody injected humor and helpful advice into the publication with his column “The Taller Mechanic,” taller in Spanish meaning an auto repair shop. Later, June would be followed as the Ojo’s editor by Dale Palfrey, Tod Jonson/ Joyce Vath, Rosamaria Casas and Alejandro Grattan, who has been with us for the past 18 years. With thanks to them all, as well as to the hundreds of other people who helped build what is today Lakeside’s premier magazine, we happily congratulate the Ojo on having reached its 30th birthday!
TO: Richard Tingen, Publisher Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez, Editor-in-Chief David Tingen, Associate Publisher On behalf of Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic (NCA), may I thank you for including us in your Writers’ Recognition Luncheon. It was a gracious gesture, and I thoroughly enjoyed time with your lively and entertaining group. Thanks is due also for your support of NCA by publishing our “Student of
the Month” column. Getting the word out about our motivated and intelligent young people is always a challenge; you make it much easier. El OJO makes an important difference; every child we help get an education is able to achieve his potential, help his siblings and family, and his community. It’s the only way to break the poverty cycle, and El Ojo del Lago plays a crucial role. On behalf of the Board of Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic, Thank You! Amy Friend, Secretary.
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Answering My Door
t is early evening, and the doorbell rings. Thinking it is our dog walker, I leash up the dogs and walk them to the garage door. I open the door, but it wasn’t him. Instead a young man stood there, and asked for me by name. I don’t know him. He is a stick of a man, with tussled hair and deep brown eyes that are sending me messages. He gives me a name of someone I don’t recognize. He tells me he needs work because his family is starving. In fractured English he tells me they don’t have food to eat. He will do any kind of work. I stand there with my two anxious dogs pulling at their leashes and jumping for attention. I’m in my pajamas. I
don’t know what to do. This isn’t the first time someone has come to my door asking for help. It won’t be the last. Our dog walker comes by and relieves me of the dogs, and I went to go get pen and paper. I ask the young man for his name and number, and I promised him I would put his name
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with another man I know who runs a free job service. But I have no job openings for him. I wish him luck in my fractured Spanish. And shut the door. I feel useless. Not a day goes by when I am not haunted by the look in his eyes; his slight frame. His desperation. I try to imagine what it would be like to go to a stranger’s door and beg for help. He never asked for money. He asked for a job. I gave his name to the man who runs the job service, and kept a copy for myself. The job service has 500 people with the same skill set as this young man. He told me he would do gardening and cleaning—“just anything.” I wondered how much education he had? Did he ever train for a vocation? Meanwhile, another family took up on the corner of Madero and Guerrero in Chapala. A couple with their two children, one just an infant. They begged for food and work. Friends and others would give them food. After two weeks, they disappeared. Whenever I pass that corner, I wonder where they went? No long ago, a woman came to our door with a note. I couldn’t read her note. I asked her to meet me with a translator the next morning. Her need was urgent, and her distraught expression is etched in my memory.
Whatever it was, it was bad. I asked my husband to be there with me then next morning. It turned out her four-month old son had died after a surgery. The hospital would not release his body to her unless she paid the $700 pesos left on the bill. All she wanted to do was bury her dead son. This was no act. Her weeping was that of a mother who lost her child. We help when we can. There are many things about this adopted country I do not understand. But I know there is poverty everywhere, even in the USA. I know many of us at Lakeside try to help in our own ways. Yet I feel so helpless, sometimes hopeless. There are those of us who have so much by comparison, yet complain about their lives. I prefer to concentrate on how much I have, and how much I am blessed—with a wealth that carries no decimal points. (Ed. Note: I have also had many strangers knock at my door, and while perhaps some were hustlers, the great majority were truly poor: the deprivation showed in their bodies, the desperation in their eyes. Most newly arrived ex-pats have never seen such poverty before, and something I have heard from them time and again is this: I don’t think I’ll complain about anything in my life ever again.
o Tao is one of those idyllic islands off the southeast coast of Thailand that boasts hillsides so lush, beaches so powdery and scuba diving so magical that it’s almost a travel brochure cliché. What the brochures conveniently fail to mention is how unwelcoming the natives can be: During a recent scuba dive, I was attacked – by a triggerfish. The size of a large raccoon, triggerfish are flamboyantly beautiful and commandingly imposing; and, as I learned, naturally territorial. The dive masters had warned us that the triggers at the site where we’d be diving are particularly aggressive. They’re one of the few fish that raise their young. Most other females lay and leave their eggs waiting for the males to come along and … do whatever it is they do with no obvious concern for calling the next morning. The little young’uns then become wards of the state and make their way the best they can. Triggers, though, nest and create little trigger tykes in need of protection. So, there I was, swimming along in my own little bliss, while the dive master swam about 20 feet ahead of me. “Visibility is perfect,” I thought when suddenly from the perimeter of my vision a huge fish charged for the dive master like an NFL linebacker with a score to settle. I thought the finned monstrosity was going to actually broadside her and roll her over. Instead, it tugged on her fin so hard, she turned around thinking it was me trying to get her attention. Then, the fish turned a sharp 90º and charged at me! I exhaled deeply and dropped about three feet. The fish flew over me, overshooting about ten feet. While I was wallowing in my underwater self-congratulatory bliss for having reacted so quickly, the fish U-turned to come back at me! It was like one of those late-night cable horror movies: Attack of the Killer Trigger Fish. As taught, I rolled onto my back and flexed my fins perpendicular to
the relentless fish, creating a couple of hot pink stop signs. Papa Trigger came back within inches of me before veering off. Meanwhile, I was backpaddling frantically, swimming on my back, fins up, looking like a bloated, ungainly manatee, not daring to take my eyes off the testosterony fish. I thought I was cleared, and then the fish came at me again! Trust me, I was moving; I had no desire to challenge its turf. It was like being chased by some West Virginian farmer with more shells in his shotgun than teeth in his head after I had accidentally wandering onto some remote corner of his grungy field. One of the other dive masters joined me, and I guess the now outnumbered trigger “territorialist” decided he’d taught me enough of a lesson and went back to tending to the next generation of “ichthyterrorists.” (Ed. Note: When not telling fish stories, Kelly Hayes-Raitt finishes her journalistic memoir Living Large In Limbo: How I Found Myself Among the World’s Forgotten about her work in the Middle East with Iraqi and Palestinian refugees. A popular college lecturer, she blogs at Kelly Hayes-Raitt
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he Distribution of Wealth in Mexico is a relatively obscure essay published in 1940. Its author, Federico Bach, was a Mexican economist and lecturer. He has been described as a known Marxist who at one time was expelled from Mexico as a “Communist agitator.” That may be, but his piece on Mexico’s wealth is worth reading. Bach writes that Mexico’s natural “wealth” was exaggerated from the start: the Cortés expedition was essentially a “for profit” venture financed in large part by investors whom Cortés needed to keep in an optimistic frame of mind by overstating the riches to be gained; the wealth of the mines and farms could only have been profitably extracted if the hard work was done on the backs of virtually enslaved poor people. Bach argues that Mexico was never very rich to begin with, that the wealth that did exist was distributed inequitably, and that any hope for Mexico depends on realignment of its wealth. About the time Bach was publishing his essay, a person of international renown, who was very much absorbed in the subject of wealth distribution, got axed in the head while living in Mexico. His name was Leon Trotsky, a Communist leader and writer who had been in-
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strumental in the 1917 Russian Revolution, but who was detested by his boss, Joseph Stalin. The feeling between them was mutual. Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Union in 1929. He tried living in Turkey, then in France and Norway, but Stalin kept the pressure on those countries to oust Trotsky. Trotsky did not appear to be welcome anywhere until Diego Rivera, the noted Mexican muralist, came to his rescue. When Diego Rivera was not painting murals portraying the plight of the poor and disadvantaged, he was out mingling with Communists. One of his murals, Man at the Crossroads, was commissioned by Nelson Rockefeller for the ground floor of New York City’s Rockefeller Center. Diego seized an opportunity to use the Rockefeller fortunes to impart a message dear to Diego’s heart: he painted the face of Lenin on a part of the mural. Mr. Rockefeller was not amused, but that is another story. Trotsky and Rivera were friends; so, too, were Rivera and Mexico’s President Lázaro Cárdenas. You have read that Cárdenas was a champion of the poor. He aggressively redistributed land (ejidos), advanced education, reformed labor unions, and nationalized the nation’s oil. Trotsky described Cárdenas as the greatest leader of the world but mused that he was not far enough to the left. Rivera persuaded President Cárdenas to allow Trotsky and his wife, Natalia, to live in Mexico. So Trotsky slipped out of Norway on a freighter headed for Tampico, Mexico. There, Trotsky and his wife were transported by a special train to Mexico City, where the Trotskys moved in with Diego Rivera and his wife, Frida Kahlo. Frida Kahlo was a renowned artist in her own right. She, like her husband, was active in Communist circles. Her family home (and the home in which she and Diego from time to time lived, and the home in which Frida died) was called Casa Azul (Blue House). It was
(and still is) located in a fashionable tree-shaded neighborhood of Mexico City known as Coyoacán. Trotsky was a prolific writer and extremely critical of Stalin – a dangerous stand to take despite the ocean between them. Books were loaded on window sills to absorb gunfire. Diego bought the house next door for additional protection. The Trotskys then moved to a more secure and heavily guarded home in Coyoacán. The better security didn’t pay off. On August 20, 1940, an undercover agent for Stalin managed to gain entry into Trotsky’s study where he delivered a fatal blow
to Trotsky with an ice axe. The blow was poorly delivered and Trotsky managed to live long enough to say: “Stalin has finally accomplished the task he attempted unsuccessfully before.”1 Fedrico Bach, Leon and Natalia Trotsky, Diego Rivera, and Frida Kahlo could hardly be described as “peas in the same pod,” but they all shared some common notions of economic and social justice which they expressed in very different ways. No doubt, if they were living today, there would be more essays to write and more murals to paint.
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Sandy Olson
Phone: 331-283-8529 376-766-3035 Email:
From left to right: Director Michael Warren, Kat Tetrault, Candace Luciano, Peter Luciano, Joan Cook, and Dick Yanko in Here on the Flight Path The Naked Stage The Naked Stage September production, Here on the Flight Path by Norm Foster, was performed on September 27, 28 and 29. The Humane Education Alliance was formed three years DJR E\ IRXU QRQ SURÂżW RUJDQL]Dtions whose common interest is to foster respect and responsibility in children towards all living creatures and the environment, through educational programs for seven to twelve year olds in Lakeside primary schools. The Alliance is working to build a culture of non-violence, especially towards animals, at Lakeside and eventually all of Mexico. Pictured is 0DULD 7HUHVD -LPpQH], from the local Alliance, teaching children about humane behavior with pets and the environment in the park by the Ajijic malecon. COMING EVENTS Lakeside Little Theatre Lakeside Little Theatre opens its 49th season with Local Hero, a modern day fable about the lessons learned when Big Oil meets Wee Scotland, based upon the movie of the same name. Performances will run October 4-13. The play is adapted for the stage and directed by 1HDO &KHFNRZD\ from the original screenplay by Bill Forsyth, and assisted by Russell Mack. 7KH ER[ RIÂżFH RSHQV WKH :HGQHVday before opening night (Friday) and from 10-12 every day except Sunday until the show is sold out. It is also is open an hour before each performance. Shows are 200 pesos; the musical is 250 pesos. Season tickets are still available. (PDLO 3DXOD WKH ER[ RIÂżFH PDQDJHU at or phone
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766-0954. Season tickets are 1000 pesos for the six shows. )XWXUH SOD\V November 8-17 The Heiress December 6-15 Over the River and Through the Woods January 17-26 Blood Relations February 21-March 4 Hooray for Hollywood! March 28-April 6 Social Security 2DVLV&ORXG &DIp creators, Duane and 0DU\ Ann Hanes, host monthly “Meet the Writersâ€? luncheons at their cafĂŠ in Riberas del Pilar. On October 9 -RKQ 'RGGV will present various works, and October 23 Valerie Siegal and Barbara Harkness will read from Who Rescued Who Book 2. Advance reservations for the luncheons are necessary. Social time is 11:30 and the readings begin at noon. Email Duane at or call (376) 765-3516. 2DVLV&ORXG &DIp LV DW Calle San Luis #330, Riberas del Pilar. Art Shows PICTURE 5 SOL MEXICANO Sol Mexicano, Galeria del Arte in Ajijic, will host two art receptions in October. Âł'LYLQH 5HĂ€HFWLRQV´ LV WKH ÂżUVW VKRZ IRU WKH Duane and Mary Ann Hanes new season at Sol Mexicano. It features the work of two of Lakeside’s abstract artists, -XOLH (OL]DEHWK 0LJQDUG and Monica Petrowitsch. The artists’ reception opens at 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 12, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Refreshments will be available. The show continues until the end of the month. On October 25-26 “Day of the Deadâ€? showcases award-winning jeweler Sascha Frowine. In a special launch event, Sascha will be showing her new line of wearable sculpture and Day of the Dead themed jewelry. The Friday event starts at 3:00 p.m. with a reception and refreshments and will continue on Saturday from lunchtime. Sascha Frowine Jewelry will continue to be featured in the gallery. Sol Mexicano is located at Colon 13 in Centro Ajijic. Opening times are 10:30- 4:30 Monday through Saturday (closed Wednesdays) and Sundays 12-5. Tel. (376) 766 0734. Viva Musica Concert 5 October 13, 4:00 p.m. Viva Musica presents two quartets: Quartet for PiDQR DQG 6WULQJV LQ ( Ă€DW 0DMRU E\ :ROIJDQJ $PDGHXV 0R]DUW DQG 4XDUWHW IRU 3LDQR DQG Strings, Opus 60 in C Minor, by Johannes Brahms. The performers are, from left to right: Konstantin Ziumbalov - violin, Tania Tourbyleff piano, Yalissa Cruz Espino - cello, and Robert Nelson - viola. The concert is at St Andrew’s Anglican church, located at the corner of Calle St. Lucas and Calle St. Luis in Riberas del Pilar. A cash bar will serve champagne during intermission. Admission: $200 members, $300 general, free for music students with ID, $100 for students. Tickets are available at LCS, 10 – 12 Thursdays and Fridays, or at Diane Pearl’s. Live from the Met Simulcasts Viva Musica is SODQQLQJ WULSV WR *XDGDODMDUD IRU WKH ÂżQDO RSHUDV RI WKH season: Saturday, October 5, noon Tchaikovsky, Eugene Onegin, (2 hours) Bus leaves at 10.30 a.m. Saturday, November 9, noon Puccini, Tosca, (2 hours). Bus leaves at 10.30 a.m. Saturday, December 14, noon Verdi, Falstaff (3 hours). Bus leaves at 10.30 a.m. Tickets are available at the Lake Chapala Society, Thursdays and Fridays 10-12, 300 pesos for members, 400 pesos for non-members. -DOWHSHF &HQWUR (GXFDWLYR 7KH ÂżUVW IXQGUDLVLQJ GLQQHU IRU WKH VHDVRQ ZLOO EH KRVWHG E\ -DOWHSHF &HQWUR (GXFDWLYR on Monday, October 21, starting with a no host bar at 6:30 p.m. Timothy Welch will play cocktail music. Students of the Centro prepare the menu, the meal, and serve it as well. The dinner is VHUYHG DW S P ZLWK D VWDUWHU FRXUVH DQG PDLQ GLVK FKRLFH RI ÂżVK ZLWK UDLQERZ VKULPS RU chicken stuffed with cheese and pecans. Dessert and coffee or tea are included in the $400 SHVR GRQDWLRQ 6HDWLQJ LV IRU D PD[LPXP RI ÂżIW\ JXHVWV Jaltepec Centro Educativo is a highly specialized institute: a Tecnico Universitario en
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The actors are Mark Bennett and Tina Leonard
+RWHOHULD IRU \RXQJ JLUOV ZKRVH ÂżQDQFLDO FLUcumstances would normally prevent them from HYHU JDLQLQJ DQ\ NLQG RI DGYDQFHG VSHFLÂżF training of the kind offered by this institution. To make reservations call Linda Buckthorp at 766-1631 or email Main course preference should be stated at the time of reservation. The Naked Stage The October 25, 26, and 27 reading at The Naked Stage is “Oleannaâ€? by David Mamet, and directed by &ROOHWWH &ODYDGHWVFKHU It is a two-character play about the power struggle between a university professor and one of his female students, who accuses him of sexual exploitation. By doing so, she spoils his chances of being accorded tenure.
)XWXUH 3OD\V DW 7KH 1DNHG 6WDJH November 22, 23 and 24 No Exit December 27, 28 and 29 Voice of the Turtle January 31, February 1 and 2 And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little February 1, 2 and 3 Comic Potential March 21, 22 and 23 Breaking the Code April 25, 26 and 27 Taking Leave The e-mail address for future reservations: or phone Michelle at 765-6408 The Naked Stage is located at #10A Rio Bravo. Directions: west on the carretera from Ajijic, south on Rio Bravo, about two blocks down behind Daniel’s Restaurant on the east side. Daniel’s is open for lunch and dinner with a no host bar available at 3:00 p.m. The box opens at 3:15 and the show starts at 4:00 p.m. Reservations guarantee a seat. Email: or p &XOLQDU\ $UWV 6RFLHW\ RI $MLMLF CASA ZLOO KRVW LWV ¿UVW DQQXDO &$6$)(67 LQ DQ DIWHUQRRQ HYHQW DW WKH 9LOOD (QFDQWDGD on Lake Chapala on Sunday, October 20 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. A buffet is catered by Manix and dance music is presented by the Doo Wops. In addition to gourmet food, a no host bar and live music, there will be a 50-50 drawing and a food trivia contest. Admission to the event is $200 pesos. New CASA members signing up during CASAFEST will be given an extra two months’ free membership. Tickets can be purchased at Diane Pearl Boutique or reserved by calling Mary Ann Waite at 766-1436. CASA gives back to the community through donations of food, money and time to worthZKLOH /DNHVLGH QRQ SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQV More information on CASA can be found at their website: or by calling CASA President, Annie Green at 766-5243 Lake Chapala Shrine Club The Lake Chapala Shrine Club is bringing the dance group Anajnu Veatem from Mexico City to Ajijic. Anajnu Veatem is a Mexican, interdisciplinary, traditional Jewish dance group. The group will present two performances, one on Saturday, November 9 at 7:00 p.m, and a matinee at 1:00 pm on Sunday, November 10. There is open seating for both performances. A nohost bar will be available one hour prior to each performance, and at intermission. Tickets are 200 pesos. 7KH IXQGV JHQHUDWHG IURP WKLV HYHQW ZLOO EHQH¿W WKH /DNH &KDSDOD 6KULQH &OXE WR VXSport its activities, especially helping Lakeside children in need of medical care. To purchase tickets, contact Noble Denny Strole at 766-0485, Noble Perry King at 7635126, or from any Shriner. Tickets will also be on sale at the Lake Chapala Society from September 23 and O&A Investments (at the corner of the libramiento and the highway), starting September 18. &UX] 5RMD *ROI &ODVVLF The 10th Annual &UX] 5RMD Golf Classic will be held on Thursday, November 7 at the Country Club de Chapala. There will be even greater prizes this year, and as always, a won-
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derful barbecue dinner. This is a day not to be missed! Tickets go on sale September 15 at the club pro shop (1200 pesos per player, 250 pesos for dinner only). For more information call Don at 766-4990 The Feria Maestros del Arte, the annual fair for Mexican art, will be held at the Chapala Yacht Club (Club de Yates de Chapala), Paseo Ramón Corona RQ 1RYHPEHU The times )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ D P WR S P DQG 6XQGD\ D P WR S P There is a 50 pesos admission. Credit cards for purchases will be accepted. The ceramic piece shown above was created by artist $QJHO 2UWL]. American Thanksgiving At the Beach 1LĖRV GH &KDSDOD \ $MLMLF LV VSRQVRULQJ ¿YH GD\V DQG IRXU QLJKWV DW 7KH +RWHO 5LX -DOLVFR in Nayarit. The prize includes door-to-door transportation from Chapala/Ajijic and is allinclusive for two persons. &RVW RI WKH UDIÀH WLFNHW LV SHVRV The drawing will take place at Los Ninos’ East Indian garden party on October 20. 3UR¿WV DUH GRQDWHG WR 1LxRV GH &KDSDOD \ Ajijic, Administrative Fund. The dates of the Thanksgiving vacation are November 25 - 29. 5DIÀH WLFNHWV DYDLODEOH IURP WKH %D]DDU GH ORV 1LĖRV LQ 5LEHUDV WKH 1&$ RI¿FH LQ Chapala, 765-7032, or call Dave at 765-2334, or Amy at 765-5454. ONGOING EVENTS American Legion in Chapala Saturdays: 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Fish Fry Sundays: Burgers & Dogs 12 - 3 p.m. 7HSHKXD %DUULR 3URMHFW 6FKRODUVKLSV Through the efforts of 3HQQ\ +RZH, Education Director of Tepehua Community Center, seven students from this small barrio community have been selected to go to university. The students all achieved over an eight-point average, in itself remarkable. In spite of hardships, these young people persevered with their studies, proving once again, that the only way out of poverty is education. Last year 200 students went to school from the Barrio. The goal is for 400 this year. The children have to go down the mountain each day to attend classes. There is no bus service.
From left to right: Ivan Contreras Martinez, Victoria Ibarra, Nancy Elizabeth Martinez Castaneda, Maria del Carmen Lopez Gonzalez, Director Penny Howe, Miguel Angel Aceves Barragan, Joana Guadalupe Mercado Aceves, Daniel Lopez Desales. Anyone interested in the sponsorship program and helping to make dreams come true, please contact Penny Howe at or Moonie King at moonie1935@yahoo. com Lakeside Bridge Club The Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club is pleased to announce the renovation and redecoration of the clubhouse in Riberas del Pilar (between Mom’s Restaurant and Maskaras Clinic on the Ajijic-Chapala Carretera). Lessons began in September. Beginners’ lessons are at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday mornings; there are more advanced lessons for players with fewer than 100 duplicate master points at 9:15 a.m. on Friday mornings, followed by a 99ers game. Supervised play starts Wednesday afternoon, December 4, a lesson followed by an opportunity to play and learn from a strolling mentor. 'XSOLFDWH RSHQ VWUDWL¿HG JDPHV DUH KHOG IRXU WLPHV SHU ZHHN RQ 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ Thursday, and Friday afternoons at 1:15. p.m. Visitors are welcome during normal hours of play. The clubhouse is usually open forty¿YH PLQXWHV SULRU WR VFKHGXOHG JDPH WLPHV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FKHFN WKH ZHEVLWH
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The Importance of Messiness
Life is messy, of course. No neat corners and predictable conclusions despite our good efforts clear results have a way of slipping through our hands, soapy eels. Thinking now, I see ahead clear lakes and blue skies, but when I draw closer the water is muddied the sky is dark my certitude vanishes. So, we plod along often in muck trying to live just where we are. Some try to avoid the eels and the swamps. They stand on the dry banks and count their blessings. But in the end we need the disequilibrium to find our truth. For what’s genuine is covered in the primordial slime of uncertainty and doubt.
By Bill Frayer
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%\ 7RP (FN
splinter of daybreak morphed the formless images in the marina below. I sat there on my veranda, thinking about those languishing vessels- both grand and humble- as they nodded to me ever so slightly, acknowledging the fate of their owners’ inattention. The Puerto Vallarta Marina is a charming place, almost magical, populated by a full spectrum of boats- from magnificent mega-yachts to aging pangas, barely large enough to accommodate the 2 or 3 men who pilot them to harvest the bounty of Banderas Bay in their ongoing struggle for survival. Ironically, the smaller, battered boats are used far more than the shiny, pristine yachts whose crews daily scrub and polish, as if cleaning up after an elegant on-board that party never was. My wife, Betty and I had moved to PV from Ensenada in our ongoing search for a place in Mexico that would meet our desires for tranquility, good weather, friendly people and an active, but not frenetic, lifestyle. PV seemed to fit the bill. I sipped my coffee, iced, as a necessary prelude to the warm day ahead. “Honey, I think we can do better than this. It just doesn’t feel right.” We had moved to the marina about a year before, enchanted by the village
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atmosphere of small shops and great restaurants fringing the docked boats. World class hospitals and galleria shopping were all within walking distance. Wal-Mart and Costco only a few miles. The more lively “Old Town” was just 10 minutes away by a 50 peso cab ride or a 7 peso bus ride. A sandy beach, across the street from our condo complex, waited for us. What’s not to like? “I have to agree with you, Tom. I love watching the beautiful sunrises and those fantastic lightning storms from our veranda. Remember, when we first arrived last July, woke up to the thunder and lightning, and, when the rain stopped at 3:00 in the morning, we walked along the marina? “But where is the community we thought was here? Everyone seems to be on vacation, including us; as if we are forcing ourselves to have fun. There are a lot of people here but no one is really home.” Betty and I were on the same page. PV was a postcard paradise, but not a home. We needed to be where there was a real community of both expats and gente, who lived, who cared and belonged. And the summer months had become oppressive, not only with the heat and humidity, but a sense of abandonment engendered by those manywho had left for “home”. Even the ones
who stayed, apologized for the town, as if ashamed of a less than perfect child. ********************************** There is soul to Ajijic. I could sense it as we entered the village on the treecanopied carretera east of town. It can be seen in the brightly painted shops and homes, the cobblestone streets, alive with the activities of families, vendors and expats. It can be seen along the malecon, where people stroll, rather than push the limits of their endurance in a frantic quest for longevity. It can be seen in the massive flowered stone walls, sequestering unseen families and their lives, yet contorting around gnarling trees in deference to their priority as magnificent denizens of nature. The substance of the village is defined in the art studios, retail shops and small restaurants hidden in beautiful gardens that were once-and perhaps still are- homes to those who now serve the food. But it can be seen best in the town square, the focal point of gatherings, chance meetings, of sharing experiences both present and past, reminisces of that which could never again be- or perhaps never was. And there is a subdued form of pride. Not the kind of puffery that marks regionalistic flag-waving , but rather, a sense of satisfaction from knowing we
are in a place on earth where nature greets its inhabitants with a smile, not a smirk. There is a sense of responsibility to the area for the bounty that is lakeside, and gratitude for having the good fortune to live here. The community that is Ajijic is no more apparent than in the many groups helping themselves as they help others. The Lake Chapala Society, Cruz Roja, The Ajijic Writers’ Group and scores of other organizations are visible tributes to the culture of care and charity so many residents of Ajijic share. Most here know that they have nothing to prove and aren’t impressed with those who think that they do. When we moved from PV to Ajijic, we immediately felt welcomed. Our writer friend, Mikel Miller, who introduced us to the village, helped us meet many wonderful people who share the common appreciation of those who are fortunate to call Ajijic home. Now, a daily walk to the plaza, and a seat at the Jardin restaurant promises communion with friends – both those we know and those we will meet for the first time-- but not the last. We are home. Tom Eck
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When we are in Canada during the summer, Herself and I often play at the Aurora Bridge Club in the town of the same name just north of Toronto. The diagrammed hand came our way there in a duplicate game. East passed in first seat and I had a decision to make: what should I open? 1, 3 or 4 spades were all options that crossed my mind but I finally settled on the one level as being the best description of my holding. My rationale was that as East had already passed I would be in danger of pre-empting my partner rather than the opposition if I opened 3 or 4 spades. West made a takeout double (which would not be everyone’s cup of tea but the man had paid his entry fee and was entitled to bid as he pleased) and Herself raised me to 2 spades. East chimed in with 3 hearts and I closed proceedings with a jump to game. I felt this was a 2-way shot: the contract might make or it could be a good sacrifice against the enemy’s contract. West led the diamond jack and I had another assessment to make, whether or not to take the finesse. As I couldn’t see any other way to get to rid of a diamond
loser, I really had no choice but to play low and, not too surprisingly, East won with the king. East now continued with ace and king of hearts, which I ruffed. I had already lost 2 tricks and had at least one certain club loser to come so it was essential that I lose no trump tricks. A finesse for the spade king seemed the only possibility of salvation. With this in mind I crossed over to dummy’s diamond ace and played a spade to my queen but, alas, it lost to the king. I later guessed the location of the club jack so had to go down 1 trick. Herself was not amused. “You could have made that,” she said, “in fact you should have made it!” Now if you know Herself, you will know that even though she is not always right, she is never wrong! So, dear reader, before reading on, see if you can figure out why I should have dropped the singleton king of spades offside without having a little peek. Did you work it out? If you look back at the bidding you will see that East passed in first seat yet played the diamond king, heart ace and heart king as her first three cards on defence. That adds up to 10 high card points – there wasn’t room in her hand for the spade king as well as that would have given her an opening bid! Therefore, my only hope was that his majesty must be in the west hand and must be the only spade that player holds. So, here I am back in the doghouse. To make matters worse, Herself checked the results after the game and informed me that we would have won the event, instead of finishing second, if I had only used my brain, confirming my status as the Rodney Dangerfield of bridge. Questions or comments: email: masson. Ken Masson
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Dear Sir, David Pisarra’s guest editorial in the September issue is good. He has made points that are important for immigration anywhere. One, however, was a mixed bag. He said, “We all benefit from the influx of new blood and ideas, and I can’t think of a single time that the current occupants of our continent welcomed the new people with open arms.” Our continent has three countries. Mexico welcomes non-Latinos. There are an estimated one million Americans alone. Canada used to have a very open immigration policy, which has in more recent years been tightened somewhat. When Mr. Pisarra referred to “...the current occupants of our continent...”he indicated resistance to immigrants. Yes, there is some resistance to strangers, but it all settles down with time.
In Canada once immigrants are accepted for citizenship, the presiding judge at the ceremony always welcomes the diversity they bring. Canada views their citizens as representative of a mosaic of cultures. Immigrants are not expected to change the way they live or the language they speak at home as long as they can read signs and documents in either English or French and they follow Canadian law. People who visit Canada will see how they handle the ongoing influx of immigrants. Maybe some will be able to attend a citizenship ceremony and see the pride and celebration among the entire group of new citizens regardless of place of origin. Kay Davis
Blue Shutters %\ .DWK\ .RFKHV
he heard them banging, blown by the wind and driving rain. The sound had awakened her from a deep sleep as the storm outside intensified. She slipped from her bed quietly to check that the windows were all securely fastened. Satisfied that all was well, she quickly returned to the safety of the warm comforter and lay wide-eyed, listening intently. BANG! There it was again, the blue shutters on the window across the alley crashing against the wall. Why had no one secured them? Was she the only one who noticed the noise at 3AM? Yesterday, while working in her garden, she happened to glance up and see, just for a moment, a face at the window with the blue shutters. It was an old face, wrinkled and weathered, the eyes seeming unfocused. She had lifted a hand and waved a greeting, and she thought she glimpsed a smile in return. She had never met her elderly neighbor, and resolved to go for a visit soon, taking a batch of freshly baked cookies. Now she wondered if the old man would welcome her, or whether he would pretend that he was not at home. She lay listening to the blue shutters banging in
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the wind, over and over, until the rhythm finally lulled her back to sleep. She opened her eyes to a glorious dawn, the sun turning the clouds pink and lavender, and got out of bed with a smile, ready to begin another beautiful day. She went about her morning tasks and around noon stepped out into her garden. Glancing up, she saw the blue shutters hanging at an odd angle, and affixed to one of them was a large black satin bow. She knew immediately that the old man next door had passed away during the night, while the blue shutters continued their relentless banging and the sky lit up with fireworks to guide him on his way to his new life. Perhaps, she thought, the blue shutters were merely clapping, in appreciation for a life well lived.
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Preparation & Recovery from Hip Replacement %\ 5RQ .UD\HZVNL
on’t settle for your family doctor’s referral, but interview (over the internet) several orthopaedic surgeons, and choose one that performs 100+ hip replacements per year. *Find out where the site of the incision is to be. Each of front, side or rear entry has it’s advantages and disadvantages with muscles detached, possible dislocations, and complexity of the surgery. *Know the name and type of prosthesis that is to be used, as some are better than others with greater ranges of motion for active individuals but also cost more than brand X. Do remember that the prosthesis becomes part of your body so don’t go cheap. *Know the exact cost of the entire procedure and not just some random number, depending on possible complications. *Choose a quality hospital that will supply you with good care and know the amount of time you will spend there, barring any complications. *Exercise the injured hip to strengthen the musculature surrounding the hip joint to ensure a smooth operation and a speedy recovery. Do exercise both hips to avoid muscle imbalances.
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*Get up on your feet as soon as possible after your surgery and walk with the aid of a walker. *Rest and recuperate for two weeks to allow your body to heal. Apply ice to the injured area and walk as much as possible. You may be able to return to some light duties during week 2. *During week 3 & 4 put your injured joint through various ranges of motion and stretch the limb as per instructions from your surgeon as well as your physiotherapist. Shuck the walker for a cane with 4 little feet. *Apply light ankle weights to the injured leg to strengthen the hip joint. *In weeks 5-8, attend a commercial gym where you can isolate the leg that was weakened from the surgery; go slow and low with the weights. *Week 9 & 10 may see you performing some exercises that you initiated prior to surgery. Balance exercises are crucial and can be as simple as standing only on the injured limb for brief periods. *During week 11 & 12 you may be walking somewhat normal, without the aid of a cane. *Do visit for more complete details on my own personal journey through hip replacement. What you will learn is priceless. (Ed. Note: Ron Krayewski is a Senior Strength & Conditioning Specialist in Ajijic. His surgery took place on June 8, 2013 and his recovery was completed in record time. Being a martial artist, he was throwing full power kicks into a bag at week nine. His goal is to return to Thailand in December, where he will train at his Muay Thai camp, going three 3-minute rounds with his trainer in 120 degree heat. He is 66 years old.)
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n the late 1950’s, Africa didn’t have Safari Parks. To see and hunt game, the services of a “White Hunter” was required. Usually he was a man with years of successful jungle experience exposing animals his clients wished to see, or in those days, kill! His stained bush hat with a leopard puggree would attest to his claims. Also his liking for a cocktail or three! I wanted to see, not kill, a male lion, and so together with Alfred we left Khartoum in the Sudan and set out south to the savannas and rain forests where he and his pride lived and hunted. It took us three days to reach the area where we would pick up trackers, beaters and the camels we would ride to get closer to wild life. All of our nights were spent sleeping under canvas and the only similarity with Boy Scouting was the tent itself. The rest, terrifying. As I lay on my camp bed bathed with sweat in total darkness and a .375 Mannlicher rifle by my right hand and a long sharp hunting knife by my left, I wondered what I would do with either if claws ripped open the canvass. I heard snarls, squeals,
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squeaks, scurryings, slitherings and rustlings accompanied by vile smells, probably by hyenas. I also heard Alfred snoring peacefully in his tent which offered no comfort. The village which was to be our base camp, was quite large and the tall inhabitants naked. As they relied on spears to bring down game, we gave them a break by shooting deer. We would have the fillet for ourselves leaving the rest for them. It took a while to learn how to lower a camel enabling me to get into the saddle. And then amid grunts of protest and attempts to bite my feet with its large yellow teeth, get the tawny beast up to its large padded feet. From my elevated position way above the tall grass, I was able to see perfectly in all directions. Also the camel could get up very close to other animals with its khaki-clad rider arousing no suspicion. Taking advice from the trackers, we had them build a “Blind” overlooking a waterhole where most animals came to drink in the evening we were told. During the day we’d already seen rhino, elephants, giraffe and an assortment of deer and had optimism that “The King” would make an appearance. As a safeguard, because wild creatures are totally unpredictable, we were both armed to defend ourselves only if attacked. No other reason. Our motionless patience was rewarded as the sun began to set when other animals made way for a small pride of lionesses with their cubs arrived at the water’s edge. Occasionally one would look up in our direction and I feared that perhaps she’d seen the male behind us and I had to control my desire to look in that direction causing movement and detection. That was not the case, and “The King” remained illusive. P.S. Antelope would be more accurate than “deer.”
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+8&./(%(55< ),11
“Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.”
enerations of parents, teachers and screenwriters have erroneously portrayed Mark Twain’s greatest classic as a children’s story. Containing thirteen killings and depicting the evils of slavery, racism, alcoholism, bigotry, child abuse and corruption, it hardly qualifies as a bedtime story for toddlers. Huck Finn, the quintessential free spirit, possessing an almost primal innocence, finds himself at odds with the people of the Antebellum South, who accept without question their roles as both victims of and accomplices to a morally reprehensible system. Mark Twain based Huck upon a boyhood friend in Hannibal, Missouri, while he served as his own role model for Huck’s wildly imaginative pal, Tom Sawyer. The central conflict involves the tension between Huck’s conscience and the mores of a brutal and hypocritical society. Fleeing from an abusive, alcoholic father and the stultifying rectitude of a well-meaning but clueless foster parent, Huck takes up with the runaway slave Jim. The two fugitives embark aboard a raft on a journey down the Mississippi that has become immortal, each fleeing his own dreadful past. The river serves as a metaphor for the natural world. So long as the two remain on its waters, all is well, but when they leave its safe, predictable embrace or when the world comes to them in the persons of several disreputable characters, danger ensues. The world of men is fraught with menace. The conflict between natural man and civilized society reaches its climax when Huck finds himself torn between a societal imperative that he turn Jim over to slave catchers, while his conscience tells him otherwise. When Huck decides to assist Jim in his escape plans, concluding that he will experience guilt regardless of which course he follows, religious fundamentalists over the years have accused Twain of advocating moral relativism. In reality, Twain peels away the veil of society’s pretensions, exposing ugly truths to the light of day. Other censors have attempted to re-
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move Huck from school libraries because of the novel’s repeated use of the detestable “N” word, somehow overlooking the story’s impassioned condemnation of racism and slavery. With his acid wit, western colloquialisms and deadpan exaggerations, Twain was often introduced to audiences as a humorist who was really funny, but as he confided to others, “Scratch a humorist and you find a sad man.” Mark Twain, a highly sensitive observer, was driven to despair by the realities of man’s folly and brutality. His stories run the gamut from the hilarious “Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” to the sorrowful “A Dog’s Tale.” Responding to reports of lynchings in the South, Twain mounted his soapbox and beseeched missionaries to come home from foreign lands and convert their own country to Christianity. He excoriates “The Damned Human Race,” insisting, “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the joy of doing it.” Using humor as a surgeon would use his scalpel, Twain raged against racism, slavery, bigotry, vivisection, imperialism, the subjugation of women and the venality and obtuseness of established institutions. “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself,” he railed. Attacking the venomous piety of his day, he fumed, “What a hell of a heaven it will be when they get all those hypocrites assembled there!” and remarked, “There has been only one Christian. They caught and crucified him—early.” Twain was born in 1835, the year of Halley’s Comet, and accurately predicted that he would leave this life upon its return, in 1910. He left us with a legacy of unforgettable characters, tall tales and a unique exploration of moral and ethical conundrums that have provided American literature with enduring themes. Most of all, he left us with Huckleberry Finn, the first great American novel. Lorin Swinehart
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THE HUMMINGBIRDS—Past and Present %\ 7RQ\ %XUWRQ
re-conquest Mexicans regarded the acrobatic hummingbird with a certain awe. In the Magliabecchiano Codex (dating from the mid-sixteenth century and now in Florence, Italy) an Indian artist depicts the god Quetzalcoatl with a feathered headdress, feeding at a tubular blossom protruding out of the headdress is a hummingbird. The Aztecs dedicated one of the buildings in their ceremonial center at Tenochtitlán (the forerunner of Mexico City) to the “cut-off hummingbird’s head.” They also believed that the souls of warriors who died in battle, and whose daily task was to transport the sun from the underworld to its mid-day zenith, turned into hummingbirds as they handed over the sun to the Cihuatateo, the souls of women who died in childbirth. West of the Aztec empire, the Tarascans named their capital city Tzintzuntzán, place of the hummingbird, an onomatopoeic rendering of the sound of their call. More strangely, amulets of stuffed or dried hummingbirds were worn by pre-Colombians in the macabre belief that they would somehow enhance the wearer’s sexual prowess. (Nowadays, in some markets it is still possible to buy the desiccated body of a hummingbird, bound in colored silk threads, as a good luck charm for love.) Haven’t you ever been amazed by the acrobatic antics of hummingbirds? They are the stunt flyers of the bird world, able to fly not only forwards, but backwards and even, briefly, upside down. (It is the only bird that can fly backwards.) When heard close-up, the rapid flapping of their wings, up to 80 times a second, produces a characteristic humming sound, hence their name. Though they are the smallest birds known, they lead high pressure lives, with astonishing metabolic rates and relatively huge hearts which have to pound more than 1200 times a min-
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
ute when the bird is wide awake. To support these extreme expenditures of energy, hummers eat half their own weight in sugar each day. Fortunately, their metabolic rates and body temperatures drop at night, allowing them to sleep without starving to death. Not surprisingly, the world’s smallest birds lay the world’s smallest bird eggs, two at a time, in a tiny, beautifully constructed nest of mosses, lichens, cobwebs and other fine material, difficult to distinguish from the leaves or twigs supporting it. The smallest species of all is the tiny, 5.5 centimeters long, Cuban bee hummingbird, weighing less than three grams. Individual hummers are often frustratingly difficult to identify. There are more than 320 different species, 50 of them found in Mexico. Females and juveniles generally have less color than adult males of the same species. Most males have brilliantly iridescent display of bright blue, green or red. Despite having many migratory members, hummingbirds are only found in the Americas, and are largely confined to the tropics. Hummingbirds are such voracious feeders that they are major pollinators, accidentally carrying pollen from one flower to another on their rounds. They can also be fiercely territorial, defending their favorite eating sites against all birds, including other members of the same species. Their long bills reach nectar from even the deepest, least accessible tubular flowers. They prefer red, orange and yellow flowers, but also eat small insects and mites. Some animals also benefit from hummingbirds. One species, the hummingbird flower mite, takes advantage of hungry hummingbirds to move from one flower to the next. As the hummer greedily consumes nectar, the mite climbs quickly into the bird’s nostril, skipping off again at the next stop!
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hen I was a kid back in the ‘50’s, and we were going somewhere special, like out to dinner or to visit my relatives, we all dressed up in our “Sunday Best.” For my mother, sister and me, this meant pretty dresses with petticoats, black or white patent leather Mary Janes, socks with ruffles and bows in our hair. Sometimes it even meant white gloves and a hat! The men and boys in the family wore a white shirt and a tie, often with a jacket or suit coat, and slicked back their hair. I remember my father saying he must always have a clean, white, pressed shirt to wear with his black suit, which he called his “marryin’ and buryin’ suit.” My sister and I used to squirm and wiggle when we went to Sunday dinner at my Aunt’s house (the one who had no children and didn’t really like them) because we were made to sit with our hands folded in our laps, feet swinging from the high sofa and were told to “mind our manners.” My, how things have changed! Today’s families rarely spend the weekends together, each one having their own activities or sports. They often don’t even eat together, and when they do it is a casual affair in jeans or sweats in front of the TV. Sometimes the first experience a
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teenage boy has with wearing a suit and tie is his senior prom! But is the old adage “clothes make the man” (or woman) really true? Was it ever true? I am of two minds on this subject. I used to love dressing up, for parties, dances and even for work. I think that most women would agree that having a new outfit or hairdo is great for your self confidence and self-esteem. And I think people tend to act differently and “mind their manners” when they are all dressed up. But then again, the clothes we wear can be a “mask” or “costume,” hiding the person we really are or want to be. Was that business suit, high-heel wearing professional woman the REAL me? Or was it a façade? What happened to the “freespirited hippie” of the 60’s who used to wear tie-dye and Birkenstocks with flowers in her hair? Was that the real me? As I got older and finally retired to Mexico, I realized that it was not the clothes that showed the world who I was; it was my attitude. Whether I am dressed up in my “Sunday Best” (which now often just means a clean pair of capris and a top for me and a guayabera shirt and shorts for my husband) or sitting around in sweats at the computer in my living room, what matters most is my attitude towards people, towards whatever project I might be working on, and my outlook on life. It is an old cliché that a smile is your best accessory, but I still think it is true. You can make up your mind that, just for today, you are going to wear your “Sunday Best” attitude, smile and outlook on life. And you can do that again tomorrow and the next day and the next. I was telling a friend just the other day that I often don’t even know what day it is, now that I am retired. But I have resolved that I will try, every day, to wear my “Sunday Best” outlook on life.
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Unkindest Cut of Allâ&#x20AC;?
iva ilcoltello! This was a frequent cry from audiences in Italy during the 18th and 19th centuries. It means â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hurray for the knife!â&#x20AC;? and refers to castrated opera celebrities. There was a Church ban against women singing in the choir, so boy sopranos were used. Castration solved the problem of their voices changing. The Italian is castrato in the singular and castrati in the plural. When opera became the rage in Europe, the practice was adopted to produce sopranos for the stage. Voice change in boys is associated with other secondary sex characteristics, so castration produces a whole set of modifications. The vocal cords donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t grow in thickness and length, so the soprano range is maintained. The height of a castrato will be greater, the limbs longer, the hips wider, and the shoulders more narrow. The face will be softer, with no facial hair. The ribs will be longer, which produces a greater lung cage. Castrati were famous for their powerful voices and were able to sustain a note for a full minute. Tens of thousands of boys were subjected to castration over a period of a couple centuries. Today it would be criminal mutilation. This was done usually between the ages of ten and twelve. It was extremely painful, so the boy was given opium, with no medical understanding of the proper use, and many died from overdose. Another method was to pinch the jugular to knock the boy out, but this, too, sometimes resulted in death if done
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too long. Poor parents frequently offered their sons for castration, hoping they would achieve operatic stardom and wealth. That was rare, because if a boy were untalented before castration, he would be untalented afterwards. Castrati were the higher voices of Church choirs all across Europe, including the Sistine Chapel. Those few who became opera stars were wealthy and received much adulation. But the great number led unhappy lives as caricatured objects of derision. They were called â&#x20AC;&#x153;capons,â&#x20AC;? a castrated rooster. They were oddly built and had high voices and the Church forbade them to marry, because they could not reproduce. A castratoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boyhood was strict and rigorous, with hours of music study every day. His voice demanded special training techniques and a cadre of voice coaches evolved specifically for castrati. They learned to do vocal embellishments, called coloratura, marked by agile runs and leaps and elaborate ornamentation of a melody. They thrilled audiences with a virtuosity no female singer could match, and certainly not the lower male voices. A seeming paradox is that the castrati had great appeal to women and affairs were common. Along with keeping a boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice box, a castrato also had what is called an â&#x20AC;&#x153;infantile penis.â&#x20AC;? Endocrinologists say that with the lack of testosterone, there could not have been a lot going on. Most of a castratoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s virtuosity would have been confined to the stage. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more likely that their sex appeal was the â&#x20AC;&#x153;groupieâ&#x20AC;? effect, as with any celebrity. The most famous of them all was Carlo Broschi, better known by his stage name of Farinelli. He was adored in London. King Louis XV of France gave him his portrait set in diamonds and 500 gold coins after he sang for the royal court. When he went to Spain the queen enlisted him to sing daily for King Philip V, because the queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doctor believed Farinelliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s singing would be therapeutic
for the king’s acute mental depression. Farinelli was a royal favorite in Spain and became influential. He never sang in public again, and when he returned to Italy to retire, he was a very rich man. The stardom of the castrati began to wane with Mozart and Rossini. For the tastes of both composers, the voice of the castrato seemed “unnatural” and they preferred the mature female voice. Italy outlawed castration in 1870, so we will never know the musical beauty that stimulated the opera audiences of that era. The last castrato was Alessandro Moreschi, who died in 1922. He sang in the
Sistine Choir and was the only one to ever make sound recordings. They are only of historical interest, however, because the recording was primitive, he was already too old, and he was never that talented to begin with. One critic lamented the end of an extraordinary musical era by writing, “Although it is a triumph for morals that humanity is no longer subject to this shameless castration, for art it is a misfortune to be deprived of the magnificent voices.” Fred Mittag
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The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Tropical bird 5 Not urban 10 Famous cookies 14 Day-time tv’s Mr. Donahue 15 End 16 Painter of melting clocks 3XSSHW FRQWUROOHG E\ ¿QJHUV ZGV
19 Slue 20 Consume 21 Bird homes 23 Makes fun of 26 Deity-like 28 Slant 31_ A Small World… 32 Ever 33 Seafood 34 Jest 37 Fish 39 Mix $ÀRDW 42 Capital of South Korea 45 Reminded 49 Boxer Muhammad 50 Child 53 Bard´s before 54 Football assoc. 55 Orange cheese 56 Tree knot 58 Ghettoes 60 Look 61 Alcoholic 63 Satisfactions of wrongdoing 69 River dam
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
70 Type of peace prize 71 Hand outs 72 Only 73 Misses 74 Young Women’s Christian Association '2:1 1 Miles per hour 2 Expression of surprise 3 Yang´s partner 4 Tree 5 Groove 6 Arbiter 7 Representative 8 Plan 9 Of late 10 Advertisement (abbr.) 11 Conductor 12 Roberto´s yes 13 Title of respect 18 Pop (plr.) 22 Plan of action 23 Peanut butter brand 24 Estimated time of arrival 25 Escudo 26 Cheerful 27 IOU part 29 Promissory note 30 Cat 32 Cause of sickness 35 Flightless bird 36 South- Central Dravidian 38 Knock 40 Opera solo 41 Boy 42 _Francisco 43 Santa´s helper 44 Waterproof cloth type 45 Doctoral degree 46 Thirst quencher 47 Goof 48 Delaware 51 Italian cheese 52 Impost 56 Exercise place 57 Homeless 59 Harp 6QDN\ ¿VK 61 Hole punching tool 62 Sign of the zodiac 64 Kimono sash 65 Tulle 66 Today 67 What a nurse gives 68 Ocean
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THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)
RIDING OFF THE EDGE OF THE MAP Herbert W. Piekow Having read Riding Off the Edge of the Map I must completely agree with Mel Goldberg´s succinct and apt appraisal of this revealing book by David Bryen. ONCE UPON A TIME . . . Carolena Torres Loved it! Roberta Rich What a terrific story, Herbert. I love it when the woman outsmarts the man at his own game. I think you underestimate yourself. You area fiction writer. Jose g. Tores Herb. Simply refreshing. Such a monumental story compressed to so little space. Very imaginative! Jose Torres (esposo of Carolena Torres) AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT Shelley This is beautiful HEARTS AT WORK - SEPTEMBER
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
2013 Linda Steele What a nice article! It took me back to the peaceful days of my own childhood, also in Ashland, Ohio. Well done! AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT Bill Thanks. I’m keeping this one Terry Who? LIVING AT LAKE CHAPALA Bill I’ll be getting this when I get there next month. COWPUCCINO Joyce Tucker Another Katina moment...great short story! What is it about you and coffee??? You just seem to find each other Ed Saunier Great story, love your view of the country side experience and the coffee was a surprise treat.
Lŕľşŕś&#x201E;ŕľž Cŕś ŕľşŕś&#x2030;ŕľşŕś&#x2026;ŕľş Sŕś&#x2C6;ŕľźŕś&#x201A;ŕľžŕś?ŕś&#x2019;
From the Directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Desk Over the summer the LCS has completed several tasks while working on numerous community initiatives. Two years ago the Program Committee appointed an ad hoc committee to evaluate our Mexican education programs. The evaluation included: surveys of our Mexican neighbors from San Juan Cosala to Chapala, a survey of students in the ESL program, a survey of families participating in the Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art Program, and a survey of LCS volunteers. Despite several delays, I am thankful to the committee for their patience and resolve in seeing the report completed. John Keeling deserves special recognition for piecing together the research DQG ZRUNLQJ ZLWK WKH FRPPLWWHH WR DUWLFXODWH WKH ÂżQGLQJV DQG recommendations. To my knowledge, and to their credit, an evaluation of this scale or quality has never been attempted by LCS. A little over a year ago the Board of Directors appointed an ad hoc committee to make recommendations regarding our buildings and grounds. resulting in a feasibility study to determine whether a capital campaign to modernize our deteriorating facilities might be possible. The results and recommendations are currently before the board. Key elements include, but are not limited to, plans for marketing, public relations, architecture, and fund-raising needed before we can move ahead. We have a lot of work to do. More recently, LCS has been involved in several community initiatives: a few months ago our Town Topics program, with the assistance of Alicia Gomez and Chamber of Commerce President Yoly Martinez, invited the heads of Transito to meet with us to hear our concerns. LCS and Transito pledged to develop and make available a citizen complaint form that we would help get to the proper authorities for action. We hope to have the form ready this month. As a result of the push last year to beef up security in our community and add citizensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; voices to the security discussions happening at the top level of the municipal government, LCS now has a representative on the new Chapala Municipal Security Council. We look forward to being part of this committee. LCS, with the help of board member Aurora Michel, has shared leadership in fostering a new community group called the Lakeside Community Council that plans to work shoulder to shoulder with government to troubleshoot problems as they arise. The council is beginning its network-building to assure represention of as many constituencies as possible. LCS continues to pursue our long term and strategic goals to build a stronger united community for all of us. Last but not OHDVW WDNH D ORRN DW WKH QHZ Ă&#x20AC;RRU LQ WKH 3DWLR &DIp , ZDQW WR thank June Cooper for her tenacity in ensuring the safety of our members and guests. The uneven disintegrating brick Ă&#x20AC;RRU LV JRQH DQG DQ DWWUDFWLYH QHZ VWRQH Ă&#x20AC;RRU KDV EHHQ LQstalled. Your Patio purchase dollars have made this possible. We hope you like the new look.
October 2013 Viva Fiesta Mexicana! Though the rain put a damper on the festival, people still had D JUHDW WLPH 6KRZQ KHUH DUH -RDQ :DUG and Howard Feldstein
/&6 +HDOWK 'D\ 5HWXUQV This year the annual Health Day will be Wednesday October 9, from 10-12 pm. Prices are in pesos. Shots will be given in the Gazebo. Â&#x2021; Flu $280 (Flu and pneumonia may be taken together) Â&#x2021; 3QHXPRQLD IRU ÂżYH \HDUV Â&#x2021; Pneumonia for Life $1,500 (Contact Lidia to make arrangements at 333-156-9080) Â&#x2021; Hepatitis A/B Combo - Series of 3 - $700 each, total $2100 (It is very important to complete a series of three shots:1st shot, 2nd shot one month later, and a booster shot within six months,) Â&#x2021; Typhoid $500 (Three year shot) Â&#x2021; Tetanus $100 Â&#x2021; Yellow Fever $700 Â&#x2021; Skin Cancer Screening* Clinic Â&#x2021; Blood Sugar Screening Insurance Room Â&#x2021; Blood Pressure Ken Gosh Pavilion 6LJQ XS UHTXLUHG LQ /&6 RIÂżFH $ Pay when shots are administered at the nurseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s station.
LCS Membership Drive Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s that time again. This year make it easy on yourself and renew on line at
&KHFN RXW WKH /RVW DQG )RXQG LQ WKH VHUYLFH RIÂżFH IRU WKRVH LWHPV you suspect may have been lost, strayed or stolen. Chances are weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got those keys, that jacket, sweater or book you may have misplaced. Many items belonging to members and visitors have found a temporary home with us and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to return them to you. We even have keys found by strangers on the street. Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help much with that cell phone that found a new home in the Houston airport or the car that isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t parked where you thought you left it, but for other stuff, give us a try.
Saw you in the Ojo 65
Congratulations to all those who received residente permanente visas during the immigration visit.
Eats Shoots and Leaves and Other Language Exotica The library, home of many such provocative titles, has a section you may not be aware of. The shelves in the 400 section in the back room house titles both intriguing and informativeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;titles such as the Dictionary of the Meaning of Everything, The Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk, The Dictionary of American Slang, The Rhyming Dictionary and Poetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Handbook, a reverse dictionary and dictionaries of synonyms, clichĂŠs, and misunderstood, misused and mispronounced words. Versions of the student and writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s invaluable friend, the thesaurus, live here also. Cross-language entries include combinations of English with Spanish, Japanese, German, Korean, Arabic, Russian, Hebrew, )UHQFK &KLQHVH DQG /DWLQ 6SHFLÂżF DVSHFWV RI YDULRXV ODQguages such as Brazilian Portuguese and British English, and the intriguingly titled English as She is Spoke reside here, too. Science Stuff Our library has titles by prize-winning science writers and scientists such as Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, and Richard 'DZNLQV RQ VXEMHFWV DV YDULHG DQG IDVFLQDWLQJ DV DUWLÂżFLDO LQWHOligence, parallel universes, neurology, and linguistics. We also have a collection of the eminent annual publication The Best American Science and Nature Writing, since 1915 the premier showcase of the most compelling and exciting work edited by such luminaries as award-winning New York Times science writer Natalie Angier and theoretical physicist Micho Kaku.
Please keep us in mind when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re expecting visitors from north of the border or when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going north and returning in a timely manner. Mail 6WRS E\ WKH RIÂżFH WR SLFN XS PDLO IRU IHOORZ PHPEHUV DQG ask if we need stamps. Video -Ten DVDs donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take up much space in your luggage. Contact Books - You can also bring books if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re driving.
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
The Service Desk 2XU IURQW GHVN DW WKH VHUYLFH RIÂżFH SURYLGHV D P\ULDG RI VHUvices and assistance to members and the public. The monthly newsletter, worldwide mail service via North America and free WiFi service are available to members only. Copy services, post-life planning information, and childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art for sale are available to the public. If you are interested in exploring, area maps and information on Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s many attractions are here also. You can make donations to our scholarship program or arrange to rent our facilities and grounds. Representatives of the United States Consulate are here at LCS each month. LCS membership (full, partial, or monthly) and LCS member directories are available at the membership desk. Our medical services are open to the public: hearing, vision, diabetes and blood pressure testing, skin cancer screening, and pharmaceutical consultations. Volunteers at the front desk are on duty daily to assist you as is our bi-lingual operations manager. Further information about our many activities is listed in this monthly newsletter, SRVWHG RQ WKH ZDOO RSSRVLWH WKH RIÂżFH DQG RXWVLGH WKH OLEUDU\ workroom. The LCS Bulletin Board Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to check out postings on the LCS bulletin board outside the library for coming events, items for sale--pets, furniture, vehicles, equipment, and private real estate sales and rentals. Listings are updated and changed frequently, so stop by to review new postings regularly. The LCS Patio Table Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve noticed Patio Table near the coffee shop and probably purchased bus tickets to area attractions like the Galerias Mall, the Guadalajara Zoo, Tonala and Tlaquepaque. Perhaps you bought our T-shirts, tote bags and Spanish textbooks, maps, publications or childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artwork. Maybe you indulged in some of our sweet treats or bought tickets to LCS and community events. But did you know the purpose of the Patio Table is to raise money for special LCS projects like the colorful and comfortable waterproof chair pads you see around the grounds? Just in case you were wondering: the safer, more attractive QHZ SDWLR Ă&#x20AC;RRULQJ ZDV PDGH SRVVLEOH E\ WKH IXQGV FROOHFWHG from Patio Table sales of trips, books, calendars, cards, and candy sold each day. You may have ideas for other projects that would add beauty, safety or comfort to the LCS campus. Talk to June Cooper DW WKH WDEOH RU OHW WKH RIÂżFH VWDII NQRZ 6XJJHVWLRQV DUH DOZD\V welcome.
Beginnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s iPad Classes The November session is full. The next class series will be held Friday December 6, 13, 20 and 27, in La Sala from 3 pm to around 4:30 pm. Contact Keith Martin lcsipadclasses@gmail. com for more information on the upcoming classes. **Correction September issue: To nationalize foreign vehicles call customer service from Mexico 800 128 4636; from the US and Canada, call 877 448 8728.
OCTOBER ACTIVITIES *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required &58= 52-$ Cruz Roja Sales Table M+T+F 11-1 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 2nd W 2-4 +($/7+ ,1685$1&( Blue Angel Insurance F 10:30-1 IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 Met Life Insurance T+TH 11-2 ReHealth Therapies 1st+3rd TH 10-12 +($/7+ /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Becerra Immigration F 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Diabetes Screenings 2nd+3rd F 10-12 Hearing Services (S) M and 2nd+4th SAT 11-3 Hypnotherapy 1st +3rd W 2-5 Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridans, Marquez & Assoc T 10-12 Optometrist TH 9-2 Sign-up Pharmaceutical Consultations 4th M 10-12 Skin Cancer Screening 2nd +4th W 10-12 Sign-up US Consulate 2nd W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10 ** Health Day W 10-12 9 Oct /&6 3$7,2 LCS Patio, Bus Trips & Sales Table M-F 10-1 LESSONS Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art SAT 10-12* Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Have Hammer Workshop Demo W 10-12* Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+ TH 2-3:30, SAT 1-2:30 Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:10 Conversacciones en Espanol M 10-12 LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books TH 10-12 Wilkes M-F 9:30-7, SAT 9:30-1 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Beginners Digital Camera W 12-1 Beginners iPadClass F 2:30-4:30 Begins 27 Sept. Bridge 4 Fun M+W 1-4:30 Digital Camera Club W 10:30-11:50 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 )LOP $ÂżFLRQDGRV VW UG 7+ )LOP $ÂżFLRQDGRV QG WK /DVW 7+ Genealogy Last M 2-4 iStuff Discussion Group F 9:30-10:30 Mac OS Class 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User Group 3rd W 3-4:30 Mahjong F 10-2:30 Needle Pushers T 10-12 Scrabble M+F 12-2 Storytellers T 3:30-6, 8 October* Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 Windows Computer Group F 10:30-11:45 6(59,&( 6833257 *52836 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 Lakeside AA M +TH 4-5:45 MS Support Group 3rd W 3-4 1LxRV GH &KDSDOD \ $MLMLF ) Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 SMART Recovery W 2:30-4 7,&.(7 6$/(6 0 )
9,'(2 /,%5$5< 1(: $ '',7,216 New Additions for September See the Video Library bulletin board and the binders on the FRXQWHU WR ÂżQG ÂżOPV RI LQWHUHVW )RJ RI :DU #6284 (2003) Documentary about Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, who subsequently became president of the World Bank. The documentary combines an interview with Mr. McNamara discussing some of the tragedies and glories of the 20th Century, archival footage, documents, and an original score by Philip Glass. Robert Mc Namara John F. Kennedy #6296 (2013) The story of Jackie Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey. Chadwick Boseman T.R. Knight Biography House of Cards #6316-6319 (2013) Congressman Francis Underwood has been declined the post of Secretary of State. Now he's gathering his own team and plottting his revenge. Zoe Barnes, a reporter for the Washington Herald, will do anything to get her big break. Kevin Spacey Michael Gill Dramatic series Irina Palm #6288 (2007) Maggie, a 50-year-old widow, desperately needs money to pay for a medical treatment for her ill grandson. After DWWHPSWLQJ WR ÂżQG D MRE 0DJJLH ÂżQGV KHUVHOI URDPLQJ WKH VWUHHWV RI /RQdonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Soho. Her eye is caught by a small poster in the window of a 'shop' called "Sexy World" which reads: "Hostess Wanted". Too desperate and lost to realize what sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doing, she enters. Mickey, the owner, embarUDVVHG DW ÂżUVW EXW LQWULJXHG E\ 0DJJLH GHFLGHV WR KDYH IXQ DQG RIIHUV KHU WKH MRE 0DJJLH FRXUDJHRXVO\ JHWV WR NQRZ KHU ÂżUVW DQRQ\PRXV FXVWRPers, eventually using Irina Palm as her stage name. Maggie, who applies herself to keep her job, fascinates Mickey. Marianne Faithfull Predrag Manojlovic Drama 6OHHS\ +ROORZ #6266 (1999) Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate the deaths of three decapitated people. The suspected culprit: the legendary apparition--- the Headless Horseman. Johnny Depp Christina Ricci Mystery 7KH :DUQLQJ #6279 (2009) Frontline offers a detailed look at the roots RI WKH HFRQRPLF FULVLV E\ LQYHVWLJDWLQJ ZK\ JRYHUQPHQW RIÂżFLDOV UHfused to regulate the emerging derivatives markets that later rocked the JOREDO ÂżQDQFLDO V\VWHP Peter Berkrot Brooksley Born Documentary :HVW RI 0HPSKLV #6280 (2012) An examination of a failure of justice in Arkansas, this documentary tells the hitherto unknown story behind an H[WUDRUGLQDU\ GHVSHUDWH ÂżJKW WR EULQJ WKH WUXWK WR OLJKW 7ROG DQG PDGH E\ WKRVH ZKR OLYHG LW WKH ÂżOPPDNHUVÂś XQSUHFHGHQWHG DFFHVV UHYHDOV WKH inner workings of the defense, showing the investigation, research and appeals process that reveals shocking and disturbing new information about a case that still haunts the American South. Jason Baldwin Damien Wayne Echols Documentary Little Nicholas #6297 (2009) Young Nicolas has parents who love him and a great group of friends. One day, he overhears a conversation that leads him to believe that his happy existence might change forever: his mother is pregnant!. He panics and envisions the worst. Maxine Gordart Valerie LeMercier Foreign Comedy If you have VHS tapes that you would like to have transferred to DVDs, we can do it for only 50 pesos per tape. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cheap. Caution: Be advised that if your VCR is a Region 4 (Mexico) player, the ÂżOPV DYDLODEOH DW WKH /&6 9LGHR /LEUDU\ ZLOO YHU\ OLNHO\ 127 WR SOD\ VDWLVfactorily. They are all for Region 1 players.
Saw you in the Ojo 67
Casi Nuevo News
Thinking about having a garage sale to unload a houseful of unneeded items, but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want the hassle? Casi Nuevo Consignment & Thrift Shop can help! In addition to selling consignment items, Casi Nuevo is now paying cash for household items. We can arrange a visit to appraise your items, pay you cash for them, and remove them from your home. $OO SURÂżWV JR WR VXSSRUWLQJ &DVL 1XHYRÂśV WKUHH FKLOGUHQÂśV charities: The School for Special Needs Children (formerly School for the Deaf), LCS Educational Program, and Have Hammerâ&#x20AC;ŚWill Travel. Please contact Jacqueline Smith at or 766-1303 for more information.
Super Shopping North of the Border Our McAllen, Texas, super shopping trip is planned for Sunday morning, November 3rd. We will shop till we drop Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll return late Wednesday afternoon arriving back in Ajijic early Thursday morning, November 7th. The price is 6,000 pesos per person ($462.00 US) double occupancy or 7500 pesos per person ($577.00) single occupancy. Both the hotel and bus have been upgraded from last year. The trip includes: Â&#x2021; three nights at the Hampton Inn with breakfast Â&#x2021; round trip transportation. Â&#x2021; tips for the bus drivers. If you are not an LCS member, you will get a free membership month if you book this trip. There is a 1,500 pesos non-refundable deposit payable now. Balance will be due October 18th. A copy of your valid passport and proper documentation (temporary, permanent, etc). DUH UHTXLUHG ZLWK ÂżQDO SD\PHQW 'RQ W IRUJHW WKH RULJLQDOV WKH day of travel. We leave from the sculpture at La Floresta. We must have a minimum of 30 people to reserve the bus and hotel, so if your friends, relatives, or neighbors are interested, please contact June Cooper at junecoooper39@ or at 766-4939. Sign up at LCS Monday-Friday, 10:00am - 1:00pm. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget our monthly bus trip to Galerias Mall scheduled for early November. Date and time will be posted when arrangements are complete. See June at the Patio Table later this month for tickets.
$OO ÂżOPV VKRZQ LQ WKH 6DOD No food No pets October 3 12:00 The First Grader Kenya / UK 2011 In a small remote Kenyan village hundreds of children are rushing to apply to school for the chance of the free education promised by the government. An 80+ year old former Mau Mau applicant causes quite a stir. October 10 2:00 0\ *UDQGIDWKHUÂśV 3HRSOH Turkey 2011 A drama about people who were forced to migrate between Turkey and Greece between the wars. October 17 12:00 Stranger Than Fiction USA 2006 $Q ,56 DXGLWRU ÂżQGV KLPVHOI WKH VXEMHFW RI D QDUUDWLRQ RQO\ KH FDQ hear--one that begins to affect his entire life. October 24 2:00 &DLUR Egypt 2010 The poignant story of three women enduring daily sexual harassment in modern day Egypt and their search for justice. October 31 2:00 +DSS\ *R /XFN\ UK 2009 7KLV 0LNH /HLJK GLUHFWHG ÂżOP LV D OLJKW KHDUWHG FRPHG\ ZLWK D ELWH that stars the inimitable Sally Hawkins.
6WRU\WHOOHUV 6FDU\ DQG &KHHU\ For October, Storytellersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; writers have Halloween on their minds. This time, four stories that might be scary or cheery will be read by popular Lakeside writers. Come see. Featured writers will be Mel Goldberg, Allen McGill, Bonnie Phillips and Bob Tennison. Allen 0F*LOO DQ DFFRPSOLVKHG ZULWHU MRLQV WKH SURJUDP IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH and is best known in the community for his stage performances with Lakeside Little Theater and Naked Stage. Bob Tennisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s story will be read by Jim Tipton. 6WRU\WHOOHUV UDLVHV PRQH\ WR EHQHÂżW WKH -LP &ROOXPV (GXFDWLRQ Fund. All proceeds are distributed by LCS and earmarked to help local Mexican kids with school expenses. Funds from JCEF have helped kids in primary grades up through college level. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all been done through the generosity of Storytellersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; audience donations. Storytellers is an entertainment, a literary event and a fundraiser! Join us for a pleasant early evening on Tuesday, October 8-4 pm at LCS Gazebo.The bar opens at 3:30 pm. Free admission. Donations welcome.
16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco /&6 0DLQ 2IÂżFH 2IÂżFH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG RWKHU VHUYLFHV 0RQGD\ Âą 6DWXUGD\ DP WR SP *URXQGV RSHQ XQWLO SP LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Howard Feldstein (2014); Vice-President - Ben White (2015); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2015); Secretary - John Rider (2014); Directors: Karen Blue (2014); Lois Cugini (2015); Ernest Gabbard (2015); Aurora Michel Galindo (2015); Fred Harland (2015); Cate Howell (2015); Ann D. Houck (2014); Wallace Mills (2015). Executive Director - Terry Vidal The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. News items may be e-mailed to Reba Mayo; cc to Terry Vidal Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
Saw you in the Ojo 69
DIRECTORY $'9(57,6,1* ',5(&725<
Tel: 766-4073 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000
(/ 2-2 '(/ /$*2 Tel. 765-3676
Pag: 35 3DJ
%(' %5($.)$67
2I¿FH Cell: 045 331 282 5020 :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763
$/&2+2/,&6 $121<0286 - ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Tel: 766-5961
$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 $1,0$/ 6+(/7(5 $ & Tel: 765-5514 3DJ - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 3DJ - DEEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PET HOTEL Tel: 762-1646 Pag: 66 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 3DJ - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 Pag: 67
%(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell (045) 333-507-3024 3DJ - LICORES PAZ 3DJ 9,'$ /$7,1$ FHUYH]D GH DJDYH Pag: 37
%/,1'6 $1' &857$,16 3DJ Pag: 59
%22.6725( %22.6
$57 *$//(5,(6 +$1'&5$)76 - SANDI - Bookstore Tel: 01 (33) 3121-0863
- ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 ('1$ :(1'(// *$//(5< Tel: 333-667-1134 - EL MARIACHI Cell. 33-1138-8927 / 33-1768-1063 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 - FERIA MAESTROS DEL ARTE Tel: 765-7485 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - ZARAGOZA Tel: 766-0573
Pag: 61 Pag: 33 Pag: 67 Pag: 66 Pag: 55 3DJ
$6752/2*,&$/ 6(59,&(6 - VICTORIA THOMPSON Tel: 327-104-5488
- CANADA EURO US Cell. 333-815-7436 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
3DJ Pag: 11
%$1. ,19(670(17
Pag: 59
/$.( &+$3$/$ &(17(5 )25 63,5,78$/ /,9,1* Tel: 766-0920 3DJ - MIA PRATT - The Center for Creative Being Tel: 766-6003 Pag: 51 - :(//1(66 &(17(5 5(63,52 Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 Pag: 55
3DJ Pag: 16, 53
3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ Pag: 75
'5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973
- MOBILE PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES Tel: 766-5360 3DJ 352)(66,21$/ :,1'2: :$6+,1* Tel: 765-4507 3DJ
&216,*10(17 6725(
Pag: 57
)80,*$7,21 - BUGS OR US Tel: 762-1516 3DJ - FUMIGA Tel: 766-6057, Cell: (045) 33-1464-6705 3DJ - FUMI-TECH Tel: 766-1946 3DJ 727$/ 02648,72 &21752/ Cell. 333 459 8103 3DJ
- ANGEL ESTRADA Cell: 331-230-9994 - AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 - BLUE MOON Tel: 766-0937 - FRESH BEAUTY SALON Tel: 766-4596 - GRECO SALON Cell: 331-113-2778 -$0(6 '21 6$/21
.5 )851,785( Tel: 766-4666 3DJ - 7(0385 0$775(66 $1' 3,//2:6 Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 35
*$5$*( '2256 23(1(56
Pag: 53 Pag: 57 3DJ 3DJ Pag: 61
$54 *867$92 5,9(5$ 0(1'2=$ Tel: (044) 333 952 6475 Pag: 59 - CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 3DJ &216758&7,21 5(02'(/,1* Cell: 33 3954 5444, Home: (33) 2410-8401 3DJ (/ 0$5,$&+, $UWLVWLF ,URQ :RUNV Cell. 33-1138-8927 / 33-1768-1063 Pag: 66 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306 3DJ 63(&,$/,=(' :$7(53522),1* 62/87,216
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
*$5'(1,1* / 5 :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386
$'2%( :$//6 ,11 Tel: 766-1296 - HOTEL PERICO Cell: 333-142-0012 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 48,17$ '21 -26( Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152
Pag: 66
*5,//6 Pag: 17
+$1' /2206 - TELARES LOS REYES
3DJ Pag: 35 Pag: 65
- BLUE ANGEL Tel: 766-0547 3DJ - EDGAR CEDEÃ&#x2018;O - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 3DJ 3$5.(5 ,1685$1&( 6(59,&(6 Cell: (33) 3809-7116 3DJ - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 3DJ - RACHELâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S INSURANCE Tel/Fax: 765-4316 3DJ - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978 3DJ :(67 &2$67 0(;,&2 ,1685$1&( Tel: (818) 788-5353 3DJ
,17(5,25 '(6,*1 Pag: 51
/,*+7,1* 48,&. %/,1'6 Tel: 765-5067
Pag: 59
- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514 3DJ )5,'$< $57,6$16 0$5.(7 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/$ )$50(5¶6 0$5.(7 3DJ 021'$< 0$5.(7 3DJ
0$5%/( *5$1,7( 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306
- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
0$// 0$5.(7
Pag: 67
+27(/6 68,7(6
- MAGICA Cell. (045) 33-1012-3225
Pag: 75 - TEPEHUA TREASURES Tel: 763-5126, 763-5147
/$.(6,'( +($5,1* 6(59,&(6 Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088
)/2:(5 6+23
+($5,1* $,'6
Pag: 19
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Pag: 11
&5,6$17(02 52-2 Tel: 766-4030
+$5':$5( 6725(6
Pag: 13
Pag: 63
- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 3DJ 5($/ 257(*$ 6216 Hardware for Carpenters Tel: 765-7556, 765-2404 Pag: 55
Pag: 11
&8*,1,6 2386 %287,48( Tel/Fax: 766-1790 ),$*$ %287,48( Tel: 766-1816 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133 - OLGAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Cell: 331-791-8198
&/($1,1* 6(59,&(
- BANCO MONEX Tel: 765-8100 01 800 0036 663 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499
%287,48( &86720 6(:,1*
3DJ Pag: 63
Pag: 59
$-,-,& '(17$/ Tel: 766-3682 & ' 0$5Ã&#x2039;$ /8,6$ /8,6 9,//$ Tel/Fax: 766-2428 & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 765-3502, Cell: 331-218-6241 - CENTRO DENTAL Tel: 766-2911 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826 - DENTAL PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 '5 $/%(572 '21 2/,9(5$ Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 '5 $1*(/ 0('(/(6 Tel: 766-5050 '5 &$5/26 &(5'$ 9$/'e= Tel: 766-0336 '5 )5$1&,6&2 &2175(5$6 Tel: 765-5757 +e&725 +$52 ''6 Tel: 765-3193 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-5154, 766-4435
Pag: 66
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Tel: 766-5640
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- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026 48,&. %/,1'6 Tel: 765-5067
$33/,$1&(6 - EL TIO SAM Tel: 766-5664, (33) 3811-0364
- CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764
(0(5*(1&< +27/,1( $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD La Floresta
0($7 328/75< &+((6( - PURITAN POULTRY Tel: 765-4399
- TONYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069
Pag: 16
0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6 - CHAPALA MED Tel: 765-7777 3DJ - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 19 - GO-LAB Lake Chapala Tel: 106-0881 3DJ - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-5154, 766-4435 Pag: 75 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - PLASTIC SURGEON-6HUJLR $JXLOD %LPEHOD 0 ' Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 766-5513, Cell 044-333-105-0402 Pag: 31 3/$67,& 685*(5< 5(&216758&7,9( 'U 0DQXHO -LPpQH] GHO 7RUR Tel: 765-4805 3DJ 3/$=$ 0217$f$ +($/7+ %($87< Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 31
029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-4049
3DJ Pag: 17
086,& 7+($75( ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ - GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA Pag: 51 - RUSSIAN STATE BALLETT Pag: 55 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5Âś6 7+($75( Tel: 765-3262 3DJ 9,9$ /$ 086,&$ 3DJ
1856(5< - LAS PALMAS Cell: 33-3170-1776/33-1195-7112 - SAN ANTONIO VIVERO Tel: 766-2191
Pag: 35 Pag: 13
3(5621$/ $66,67$1&( -86786 +$86(5 Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 1(:&20(56 ILSE HOFFMANN Tel 01(33)3647-3912 Cell 33-3157-2541
Pag: 15
3$,17 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-5959 6+(5:,1 :,//,$06 Tel: 766-1855
3DJ Pag: 59 3DJ
Pag: 55 Pag: 65 3DJ 3DJ
(48,30(17 $1' 322/ 0$,17(1$1&( Tel: 766-1617 Pag: 53
$-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216
&2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 765-2671 3DJ - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 765-3402 - FOR RENT Cell: (045) 33-1326-8930 Pag: 56 *(7$:$< 72 38(572 9$//$57$ Pag: 56 Tel: (52) (322) 223-1340 -25*( 7255(6 Tel: 766-3737 3DJ - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 125-2817 3DJ - RENTAL CENTER Pag: 61 Tel: 765-3838 - RENTAL LOCATERS Pag: 57 Tel: 766-5202 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 65 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 65
5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 /$.( &+$3$/$ 1856,1* +20( Tel: 766-0404 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-1695
- INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766 2401, 766 3999
6(/) 6725$*( - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ
62&,$/ 25*$1,=$7,216 /$.( &+$3$/$ 62&,(7< Tel: 766-1140 3DJ /26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 63
62/$5 (1(5*< - DESMEX SOLAR CHAPALA Tel: 766-2889 - ESUN Tel: 766-2319
Pag: 53 3DJ
63$ 0$66$*( %$/1(5,2 6$1 -8$1 &26$/$ Tel: (387) 761-0222 - HYDROPOOL Tel: 766-4030 - MARIELE Tel: 766-4229 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379 :(//1(66 &(17(5 5(63,52 Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790
3DJ Pag: 57 Pag: 61 Pag: 13 Pag: 55
7+(5$3,676 - PROFESSIONAL REHABILITATION Tel: 766-5563
Pag: 19
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Pag: 17 3DJ 3DJ
The Ojo Crossword
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Pag: 63 Pag: 55 Pag: 56 3DJ Pag: 67 3DJ Pag: 53 3DJ
Saw you in the Ojo 71
FOR SALE: Beautiful very low mileage Honda CRV with current Texas registration, perfect if you are going back to U.S. or can import under a Temporal visa. Michelin tires only 6 months old. Price: $120,000 pesos. Call: 7663225. FOR SALE: Perfect Village Car. 2008 Renault Clio, 4 door Hatchback, manual with A/C, CD, airbag, etc. only 86,000 kilometers (53,000 miles), serviced at Renault dealership in Guad. Jalisco plates, everything up to date, great car. Price: $5,600 US. Can email photos. 766-2713, FOR SALE: 2003 GMC Sierra Pickup MX Plat. V6 92,000 miles automatic, leather interior, extras are a camper shell and tow package. Mexican Plated Jalisco. Price: $105,000p. Call: 765-3683. FOR SALE: Jalisco plated 2007 Honda CRV. Original Owner. 4X4 4 Cylinder. LOW mileage, KM. Beautiful & excellent conditions. Price: $228,500 pesos/$17,200 USD, contact to see and buy: FOR SALE: Jetta for Sale. perfect conditions, trip tonic (standard option) 6 speeds, Kenwood stereo. one owner. Price: $155,000 pesos. Cell: 333-677-7832. :$17(' Wanted to buy a small car, 4 door, one owner, low mileage, standard transmission. Color of interior/exterior does not matter but car must be in good condition. FOR SALE: One Owner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mexican Plates, Year 2006. Purchased at the Honda Dealer in Guadalajara and maintained per Honda´s recommendation. New tires, totally serviced and detailed on August 10, 2013, NEW TIRES, mileage is mostly highway travel. Price: $14,000 USD - FIRM FOR SALE: Trailer - Remolque. This trailer is in great condition, only used once. It has American and Mexican papers. Price: $12,000 mxp - 1,000 usd. Please contact me at 3338434-525. FOR SALE: 2008 Honda Accord MX plated, V6 EXL 4 door sedan. Original 65,000 km. Excellent condition. Mexican plated. Sunroof, Cruise control, CD. Price: $185.000 Call: 7665686. FOR SALE: Hitch for a U Haul trailer, used a few years ago only once to haul a trailer coming from the U.S. down here. Can haul up to 2000 lbs. Current website shows the price for a new hitch at $170 U.S. I would sell it for $100 U.S. Call me at 766-3025 or write
FOR SALE: Desktop and Monitor. Asumotherboard p8b75-m. Cpu Intel core i2120. Kingston memory 4gb ddr3 ram. Seagate 500gb internal hard. LG gh24ns72 24x DVD writer Supermultidrive. 500w atx cabinet Lansing acteck. Monitor Samsung ls19b150ns. kit tec / ms Microsoft wireless 800. 8 months old, excellent shape, new $8,000. Price: $5,000 pesos. Call: 333- 968-7042. FOR SALE: One-year old Ipad 3, with detachable keyboard. In excellent condition. Red cover and charger included. Pictures on request. Price: $8,000 pesos. Call: 045-331-3824771. FOR SALE: HP Laptop For Sale. Two-year old HP Pavilion dv6. AMD Vision, Quad Core, 700 GB Hard Drive, Windows 7. Picture on request. In excellent working condition. Price: $7,000 pesos. Call: 045-331-382-4771. WANTED: SATA internal hard drive. 250gb ZLOO EH ÂżQH 6KRXOG EH LQ JRRG ZRUNLQJ RUGHU FOR SALE: Lexmark Printer Ink cartridges, 2 NEW Black Ink cartridges for Lexmark Printers. Models: X2650 or Z2320. Will be in Ajijic by end of October and will bring them if
you want them. Price: $30. US/Can. FOR SALE: This scanner is in good condition but not compatible with Windows 7. Price: $300 pesos. FOR SALE: Canon multi-function printer. Color, B&W, Scanner, copier. Price: $1000 pesos FOR SALE: Dell Studio XPS 7100 + 24â&#x20AC;? Screen. Windows 7 Professional. Copyright 2009 Microsoft. System Type 64-bit Operating System. Processor AMD Phenon (TM) II X6 1090 T Processor. Nice Desktop. Price: $18,000 Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Power Inverter. Plug into a car or airplane 12v socket and have150 watts of power. Can accommodate two pieces of electronic equipment. Overload protection. Call me: 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: Printer, hp7960 Photo smart, four colors ink jet. Like new. Price: $650 pesos. Call: 376-766-5452. FOR SALE: Two for price of one, Cable router and DSL modem. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need these XQWLO \RX GR %RWK ZRUN ÂżQH DQG FDQ EH EDFNups for what you have now. Price: $125 for both, $75 each. Call me. 376-765-6348 FOR SALE: EZ CAP. Transfer VHS or DVD. Capture and edit high-quality video and audio to your computer. Complete with CD and ready to roll. You can burn captured product to D '9' RU &' RU SXW LW RQ D Ă&#x20AC;DVK GULYH 3ULFH $175. Call me. 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: VHS to DVD setup. Includes video stabilizer that will let you copy most all VHS tapes even when they have copy proWHFWLRQ 3ULFH LV ÂżUP DQG OHVV WKDQ , SDLG IRU LW (which is not relevant). $150.00 USD or pesos. My phone is: 376-765-63-48.
FOR SALE: Various items for dogs. Dog travel water bottles (porta bottle 225p and water boy 380), Bergan dog harnesses for seat belts (med; 580p). FOR SALE: Horses. One palomino mare age 10 yrs brought down from states very good trail horse Price: $2,500 us. One ten walker stud very gentle age 7 yrs. Price: $2,500us yrs both are kid broke easy ride call 7635067. FOR SALE: AKC Black Female Giant Schnauzer, 1 year old, housetrained, loving, protective, non-shedding, Price: $9,500. Smart -- 376 106 2022. FOR SALE: Pet Nail Trimmer, battery powHUHG JHQWO\ ÂżOHV \RXU SHWV QDLOV S &DOO 765-4590. FOR SALE: Anxiety Wrap. Original Thunder shirt for mini sized dog. Used once (she had too much hair to use it.) Price: $350.00. FREE: The Shelter in Riberas is desperately looking for a home for 2 brothers, all black, 16 months old. They have to be outdoor cats, perfect to live on the ranch. Please come to the shelter if you can give a forever home to these beautiful cats. FOR SALE: Dog costumes, lobster, jean jackets, dresses, hats all kinds, priced $20p, $50p and $100p each. Price: $50p. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: Brand new training collar. This collar is used to stop a dog from unwanted behavior. Brand new purchased for puppy with FRPH LVVXHV 1HYHU XVHG DV VKH ÂżQDOO\ JRW LW KHUself. This is not an electrical device. It works with small static shocks. Call for more info or take a look at their web site http://www.guardianpet. net/Products/Remote-Training/Remote-Trainer. Price: $1,800 pesos. FREE: Adopts beautiful doggy. Call: 376766-3813 FOR SALE: Puppies-Standard Poodles. AKC registered puppies, pedigree and health records will be furnished ... one cream/apricot
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013
colored male and one white male ... fantastic dispositions - Price: $5,000. spschools_711@ Call: 376-106-2022. FOR SALE: Large size dog carrier used a few times. Excellent condition. Measures 20â&#x20AC;? Wide, 28â&#x20AC;? High, 36â&#x20AC;? Long. Price: 1900 pesos or U.S. equivalent. Call or text to 331-748-8868 Speaks English only.
FOR SALE: Rattan set-sofa, 2 chairs, 2 glass top end tables, glass top coffee table, 4 matching pillows, padded foot stool. Price: $8,000 pesos. Jocotepec. Call John or Beth 387 763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Electronic carpet cleaner for Electrolux vacuum cleaner. No more carpet in my house. FOR SALE: 6PDOO ÂżUHSURRI VDIH ZLWK keys,14X6X11. Call: 376-766-2811. FOR SALE: Mens Dress Pants - Name brands- Perry Ellis, Dockers , Kenneth Cole, /RXLV 5DSKDHO $QGUHZ )H]]D DQG ([ 2IÂżFLR All in excellent condition. Sizes 32 to 40. Price: $300 Pesos each. Jocotepec Call John or Beth 387 763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Mens Dress long sleeve shirts, casual long sleeve shirts, casual short sleeve shirts and golf shirts. Sizes large and extra large. from $35.00 to $50.00 pesos each. Jocotepec. Call John or Beth 387 763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Mens Weatherproof Garment Company Jacket - Tan, Extra Large, Lined. $400.00 Pesos. Jocotepec. Call John or Beth 387 763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Mens Mountain Hardwear Conduit Soft Shell Rain Jacket Lined - Large, excellent condition. $1,000.00 Pesos - Jocotepec Call John or Beth 387 763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Mens â&#x20AC;&#x153;Coutureâ&#x20AC;? Brand XL Lambs Skin Leather Bomber Jacket Brown with zip out liner excellent condition. $1,500.00 Pesos. Jocotepec Call John or Beth 387 7631116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Thule 668ES Frontier ES Roof Top Cargo Box. Retails for $332 USD for sale used $1,800p. Call 766-5863. FOR SALE: Electric Guitar Upscale ReVDOH +HUQDQGH] (OHFWULF *XLWDU Z $PSOLÂżHU 0RGHUQ 5HWUR 5RFNHU $PSOLÂżHU &DOO VWRUH IRU details. Price: $4,200 pesos. Call: 376-1060882. FOR SALE: 6pc bamboo furniture with cushions loveseat 2 chairs 2 stools glass top coffee table. Price: $2.000 pesos. Call 7663191. FOR SALE: Indonesian rattan set with two chairs and one small glass top table. new seat cushions. Price: $2000.00 pesos. Jocotepec Call John or Beth 387 763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Small upholstered rocker tan in color. Price: $500.00 pesos Jocotepec. Call John or Beth 387-763-1116 or cell 331-4349639. FOR SALE: Large Gold Recliner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Price: $3,000.00 pesos Jocotepec. Call John or Beth 387-763-1116 or cell 331-434-9639. FOR SALE: Solid Wood/Glass double sided on wheels Bar 63 in by 27 in by 47 in tall. Glass shelf in the middle. Glass doors on both sides. Glass on top. One drawer on each side. Wine rack and stemware holders. Price: $4,000.00 pesos Jocotepec Call John or Beth 387-763-1116 or cell 331 434-9639. FOR SALE: Large Collection of CDs & DVDs. Hundreds of music CDs including Jazz, Rock and Roll, Classical, Blues, Christmas, Country & Western, Easy Listening, Folk/Folk Rock, Meditation and more. Call for inventory.
376-766-1232. FOR SALE: 1/2 HP Air Compressor with many accessories. Price: $800 pesos FOR SALE: McCulloch 3516, 35cc gas chain saw with extra chain. Saw has not been used for 2 years. Chains are newly sharpened. Price: $500 pesos. FOR SALE: 1380 GPH general purpose submersible pump will empty vessel down to 1/8â&#x20AC;?. Price: $250 pesos. 1/2 HP Gould Submersible pump 10GS05 with motor starter for well, aljibe or tenaco. Price: $1500 pesos. FOR SALE: Used once. 2013 model YakiPD 6N\ER[ 6 FI ÂżWV DOO IDFWRU\ URRI UDFNV Ours was on a 2005 Rav4. Opens from either side. Locks securely. No noise or drag. Mileage only slightly diminished. Price: $500 or Peso equivilent. FOR SALE: Weber Genesis Gold BBQ 9500p (new cost $17,000; new model costs $24,000); babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crib $1,500p (new $5,000); artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easel $2,200p (new $3,300); kitchen island $3,500p (new $8,000) - large cupboard area, 4 wide drawers 26â&#x20AC;? deep x 68â&#x20AC;? long, pine veneer. 3 bookcases, custom-made for books 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 11â&#x20AC;? deep $1,800p each or all three for $5000 (cost $8,000). Tall Kentia palm $2,500p Inquiries 376-106-1284. FOR SALE: Kindle Cover-Upscale Resale. Looks like it has never been used. Pretty bright green.. Price: $375.00 pesos. Call: 376 1060882. FOR SALE: Motorcycle bag Upscale Resale. Like new. Leather. Large capacity, many pockets. Reduced. Price: $950.00 pesos. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: iPad Cover - Upscale Resale. Looks brand new. Leather with built in stand. Price: $350.00 pesos. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Bike Baby Seat Upscale Resale. Fits toddler. Price: $650.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Makeup Vanity Upscale Resale. Solid wood Makeup desk/vanity. Price: $3,495. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Fabric Steamer -Upscale Resale. Price: $300. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Appliance Dolly Upscale Resale. Price: $1,200. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Pakistani Carpet Upscale Resale. Pakistani Carpet 100% Wool Solmak Kilim A1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Veg dye. Size in Meters 3.06 x 2.38. Size in Feet 10.10 x 7.85. Price: $7,690. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Full set of Cobra Golf clubs including bag and 2 pairs of gently used 8 1/2 shoes. Shoes include 3 new sets of cleats and cleat tool. Back surgery forces sale. Clubs are QHZO\ JULSSHG 'U\ 7DF DUH UHJXODU Ă&#x20AC;H[ JUDSKite with a 10.5 degree driver. Comes with many balls and Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Dr says I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play anymore. My loss your gain. Call 765-2357. Price: $1,100.00 (USD) probably negotiable. FOR SALE: Painted Doors Upscale Resale. Price: $1,795. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Large Chair - Upscale Resale. Large enough for tall/big person. Price: $2,900. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Elliptic Trainer Upscale Resale, Price: $4,950 pesos. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Kayak - Upscale Resale, Price: $5,070. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Golf Clubs. Full set of Mizuno Miz Novel golf clubs. Mizuno golf bag and canvas travel cover included. Price: $3,000 pesos. Phone 765-5770 or email FOR SALE: Garrett GTI2500 Metal Detector kit with 2 search coils and deep probe. This kit contains various items used with the detector. Very little use and in perfet condition. Price: $55,000 pesos. Phone: 766-4694. FOR SALE: 2IÂżFH GHVNV DQG WDEOHV
IXOO VL]H / VKDSHG RIÂżFH GHVNV ZLWK GUDZHUV and keyboard pullout: $2,500 each (new $5000 each). 3 desks, 60cm x 160 cm: $1,500 each (new $3500 each). 1 desk 60cm x 140 cm: $1,500 (new $3500). 10 chairs: $150 each (new $350 each). 3 phones: $300 each. 4 plants: $200 each. 1 desktop computer with monitor and speakers: 8 months old: $5,000 (new $8000). Prices are in pesos. Call: 333-968-7042. FOR SALE: Misc. necklaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from Mexico. $30 to $50 pesos. Beaded barrettes. $40 pesos each. Embroidered cross shoulder purse (bag). $50 pesos. Overnight shoulder bag. $40 pesos. Back pack by Chenson Sport $50 pesos. 4 margarita glasses with green edges. $150 pesos. Wicker baskets. food saver canister set plus Food Saver mason jar sealer. $100 pesos. Area rug - 5½ X 7½. $500 pesos. Medium size kennel. $200 pesos. Everything in excellent condition. Photos available upon request. FOR SALE: Contemporary style dining table with 6 armless chairs. Purchased from Placencia. Table has glass top, 5 feet x 3 feet and 30 inches high. Has square style legs wrapped in chocolate brown leather. Chairs are matching color. Price: $6,000 pesos. Call: 376-766-5421. FOR SALE: Bar style table & chairs. Authentic Mexican Equipale round bar style table, 37â&#x20AC;? high, 2 feet in diameter, with four chairs, golden tan and dark brown leather. Price: $4,400 pesos. FOR SALE: Solid wood front door complete with furnishings (including keyless lock). Item is used so there are a few marks on WKH VXUIDFH ÂżQLVK 6L]H FPV [ FPV Price:750 pesos. FOR SALE: Overstuffed chair brought here from North Carolina. Price: 200.00. :$17(' , DP LQ QHHG RI D FKHDS RIÂżFH chair - I would like it on wheels and height adjustable. Price: $250. Pesos. Call: 331-5127320. FOR SALE: Maytag Side by side refrigerator/freezer. 2004 Model MSD2757DEW. EnHUJ\ HIÂżFLHQW .: <5 )XOO\ IXQFWLRQDO ,FH maker makes ice well but front door dispenser is questionable. Price: $5,000 pesos or best offer. Call: 376-766-1316. FOR SALE: 20.6 cu ft. Upright Freezer. )URVW IUHH (1(5*< 67$5 FHUWLÂżHG ZLUH shelves, 2 pull out baskets, door storage bins, interior light, door ajar alarm, high temperature alarm, precision digital controls for simple temp adjustment. Works great! We are leaving Lakeside, so we have lots of other things for sale as well. Price: 6500 pesos ($500 USD). Call: 765-2978. See photos and info at http://www. FOR SALE: 9DFXXP ÂżOWHUV %ODFN 'HFNHU 5HSODFHPHQW ÂżOWHU VHW IRU YROW DQG KLJKHU V series Dust busters model VF20 Dirt Devil PRGHO ) ÂżOWHUV LQ HDFK ER[ KDYH ER[HV for broom vac. $20 p. per box FOR SALE: Ă&#x20AC;DW LURQ KDLU VWUDLJKWHQHUV Revlon Ceramic red in color nearly new Conair wet/dry mister Flat iron. Price: $50 pesos. FOR SALE: Numerous styles and colors of wigs. Bought while on chemo and did not like wigs so many are almost new, worn once if at all, also just bangs, scarves, etc...wig stands... most are in blond or platinum/gray tones, a few red, auburn...some long, most shorter. Price: $1,000 pesos negociable per wig. Call to set up a viewing 766-1837. FOR SALE: Samsung Galaxy III (Red), Processor Quad Core 1.4GHz, Camera 8 mpx, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Screen HD Super Amoled 4.8,record and produce video in Full HD, external memory up to 32GB, mobile EDQNLQJ DEOH WR WUDQVIHU ÂżOHV LQWHUQDO PHPRU\ 16GB. Includes charger, original Samsung headphones. Have original box and receipt from Telcel. Pictures on request. Price: $7,500 pesos. Call: 045-331-382-4771. FOR SALE: Large Scrabble Dictionary. Price: $100p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Burgundy, tan and rust colored rocker/recliner. Price: $2,000p. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: &RXQWHUWRS :DWHU 3XULÂżHU ZLWK ([WUD ÂżOWHU 1HZ 3ULFH S )LOWHU S Used price $1,200 for both. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Nice L-Shaped desk bought new for $2,300p used for $1,500p. Call: 7654590.
FOR SALE: Doggie door. Fits into sliding glass patio door. Price: $40 US. :$17(' Looking for a used electronic keyboard with a built-in USB port. FOR SALE: %RZ Ă&#x20AC;H[ 7UHDGPLOO 2ULJLQDOO\ cost $1200.00. Has programmed workouts simulated level walking and uphill climbs. Seldom used. Price: $500.00. FOR SALE: Beautiful sofa - brought from the USA. Price: $300.00. :$17(' *DV ÂżUHSODFH LQQDUGV 'RHV anyone have one for sale or know where they can be purchased new? FOR SALE: Large dining room table with 6 chairs - has removable leaves. Price: $500.00. FOR SALE: Shaw DSR 315 Receiver with remote for sale. Price: $600p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Have three twin size beds (individual), good quality - 1500 pesos each. A matching upholstered sofa and chair - 1500 pesos for both. A T.V. $1200 pesos. One marble top coffee table $500 pesos, and one small bedside table with glass top - rustico style - $500 pesos. All must go - will accept best offers. Write or call 766.3681. FOR SALE: 79 :RUNV ÂżQH LQFK 3KLOlips. Price: 100 US. :$17(': Would like to buy a 60 inch or ODUJHU /(' Ă&#x20AC;DW 6FUHHQ 79 :$17(' Would like to purchase a Baby Grand Piano, preferable with electronic player inside. FOR SALE: have a brand new Bath and %RG\ :RUNV ZDOOĂ&#x20AC;RZHU SOXJ LQ ZLWK ÂżYH QHZ scented oils. Homemade Cookies. Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin. Creamy Pumpkin. Apple Crumble. S â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Mores Make your house smell dreamy this Fall. Price: $250 pesos for all FOR SALE: Exercise ball with pump and brochure of suggested exercises. I bought this at our local Wal-Mart. Price: $100 pesos. FOR SALE: Wheeled under bed storage box - great for shoes, gift wrap, etc. Price: $100 pesos. FOR SALE: Wood folding chairs $350 pesos for set of 6, originally purchased a World 0DUNHW LQ WKH 8 6 (VSUHVVRÂś ÂżQLVK FOR SALE: Twin Martha Stewart comforter, two shams, bed skirt- was in a guest roombarely used Price: $250 p. Twin sheet set (blue & white stripe). Price: $100 p. FOR SALE: Three queen bed skirts (1 navy, 1 cream, 1 white) ($50 p each) -material could even be used for sewing projects. FOR SALE: Lots of crochet cotton all colors mostly white and cream. Price: $5p and up. All proceeds will be donated to Needle Pushers. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Brand new embroidered shower curtain. Colors in beige and maroon. Price: $250. FOR SALE: Full set of Cobra, Graphite Regular Flex, newly (dri-tac)gripped, Full set from 1-3-5,SW to4 iron. Pro-Tour bag, pull cart, Balls, tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 2 pair of 8 1/2 shoes, one pair used, one pair only used 3 times, plus 3 set of new cleats for shoes with cleat tool. Price: $1,100.00 (USD). Call 765-2357 to come out and see set. FOR SALE: George Forman stand on electric BBQ with tools. all: 376-766-2811. FOR SALE: Kurzweil PC2X â&#x20AC;&#x153;Performance Controllerâ&#x20AC;? keyboard for serious recording/ performing artist. 88 weighted, hammer-action keys, dual-effects processor, hard case, rack. German-made, Paid $40,000MXN, asking $20,000MXN. See at Yamaha O1V96v2 Digital Mixer, 8 analog outputs, rack supports, $20,000. Akai MPC-4000 Plus Sequencer, I/O digital sound card, 5 GB of samples. $15,000 pesos. M-Audio Fire wire 1814 Audio Interface, Powered by Pro Tools 8-M, I/O digital, Midi snake. $4000 pesos. Contact:, Cells: 333-676-5013 or 331-589-4554. FOR SALE: Big Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pants. Jeans, dress slacks and dockers, 5 pairs in all. Sizes 1 - 46, 2 - 58 and 2 - 60. I pair dress slacks has the tags on them. Price: $200p each. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: I have a 1 year old slightly used SHAW HDPVR630 receiver for sale. $400 US or equivalent in peso. FOR SALE: Yamaha Portable Grand top of the line keyboard - DGX-505. 88 piano style
keys, high resolution stereo piano sample Smart Media storage, USB computer connectivity, large bitmapped LCD screen, can be used for karaoke, two button pushes and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re recording and so much more! Light wood stand. Price: $6,000 pesos. Call: 7654551 or FOR SALE: Colman style lantern & tank, For when your electric goes out (and you know it will). Two new mantles and tank is almost 100% full. Will light a full room easily. Price: $500 pesos. Call or email: 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: Roto-Tiller. Used less than 4 hours. Excellent condition. Price: $10,000 Pesos new. $4000 Pesos/ Offer. Call: 376-7656570. FOR SALE: Mexican saddle in excellent condition. Price: $250 US. Call: 376-765-6570. FOR SALE: I have two (2) fresh-out-ofthe-box DCX3200 3 series Shaw cable system ONLY receivers. I purchased them in error and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t connect them to the satellite system. They cost me $140.00 CDN but you can have them for $100.00 each and take them back with you and make $80.00. FREE: Pental K1000 camera body, In good condition. Call me. 376-765-6348 FOR SALE: Wireless headphones. Works ÂżQH 3ULFH &DOO FOR SALE: Motorcycle helmet. Good condition with black bag/covering. Price: $300 OBO. Call: 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: Solid brass kitchen faucet. This cost over $2,000 at the large plumbing/tool store in Ajijic, but it ended up being too heavy for the cheap sink we have. The sprayer pulls out. Price: $600. Call of email: 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: 16 foot Alum craft with 48hp Even rude. 5 seats and trolling motor. New tires on trailer. Seat semi-new material.2 extra rims and one extra tire for trailer. Re-decked and carpeted recently. Price: $1,995.00 U.S. o.b.o. Call 762-1628 or email will send photo. FOR SALE: Plavix 75mg, fresh and actually more than 350. Call or email me: 376-7656348. FOR SALE: Bike carrier rack designed WR ÂżW RYHU UHDU PRXQWHG VSDUH WLUH +ROGV WZR bikes. Fits our 2006 CRV or similar spare tire. Very secure. Price: $600.00. FOR SALE: lot of photo paper for sale, many kinds, Fuji, Staples, mostly 8.5X11, also 4X6 and 5X7. More than $100 large & $100 + small. Price: $350 for the lot. Call: 387-7610259. FOR SALE: This Pep Boys Voyager XL Car Top Carrier was purchased this past June and used just once to get us from Virginia to Ajijic. Comes with all the mounting hardware and one key. Paid $200 US. Will consider trade for a kayak. Price: $1,500. FOR SALE: QLFH Ă&#x20AC;RZHULQJ SODQWV LQ ODUJH plastic pots. Photos available upon request. Price: $220 pesos each. FOR SALE: Nearly new Shaw HDPVR 630 receiver and dish with LNB. All wiring included. Price: $6,500 pesos. FOR SALE: Taser/Stun Gun. 100% legal in Mexico. 8.9 million volts. With carrying case ÂżWV RQ EHOW 1RQ OHWKDO 3OXJ LQ WR UHFKDUJH ([cellent for defense against people or animals. Price: $500. Call or email: 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: Cardio cross trainer (Elliptic) almost new, very little used. Price: 3,000 pesos. Call: 765-2547. FOR SALE: STIHL garden trimmer/edger/ whipper. In working condition; just replaced the whipper part. This is a gasoline model, not electric. Price: $800 pesos OBO. Questions: 045-331-382-4771. email brunoyito@hotmail. com. FOR SALE: Heavy Duty BBQ Covers nice green. Price: $150p each. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Limoges Porcelain Set. 12-place setting, serving platters, bowls, Coffee set; White w/red & gold border; like new (over US$12,000 new). Price: $2,500 US / $30,000 Mxp. Call: 376-766-5299. FOR SALE: Sport Rack car top carrier. Price: $110. FOR SALE: 6 ft. Satellite Dish. Bought 2 years ago - never used. $350. FOR SALE: Whirlpool Dishwasher. Like new dishwasher, used only a few times. Price: $2,000 mxp. Call: 376-766-5299.
FOR SALE: Jacuzzi Heater - never used. Price: $5,000 mxp. Call: 376-766-5299. FOR SALE: Brand new massage table. Used only a few times. Fine wood frame, foldable, head support, carrying bag with zipper. Wide model. Price: $3,500 MXN. FOR SALE: Custom made clothes rack measures 67â&#x20AC;? long by 60â&#x20AC;? high. Great for when your closet space is limited. Price: $700 pesos. Call: 331-748-8868. FOR SALE: Best Equipment, Set of 5/10/15/20/25 lbs cast iron weights. Ez curl bar - Chromed and knurled with collars. Trip cep bar - All chrome and knurled with collar. Some benches - Pretcher/sitting and lying bench. Heavy bag with cloves. Call Johnny 766-2210. FOR SALE: XM Radio Model 136-4345 includes the radio, docking station, car plug in and antenna for your car $400p. Price: $300p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Mr. Heater-Convection Heater New was $135 USD sale $500p. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: Dishwasherâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;industrial, Hobart â&#x20AC;&#x153;under the counterâ&#x20AC;? LX30 Commercial Dishwasher. Wash cycle: 85 seconds/150° F (66°C), rinse cycle: 10 seconds, 180° F (82° C). In excellent condition. $2,000 US, or best offer. Call at: 376-765-4521 or e-mail at: FOR SALE: :D\ ÂżQGHU 9 'LJLWDO 9Hhicle Compass Thermometer. Price: $200p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Used for two years. Electric wheelchair, Invacare Pronto M94 complete with manual, extra braces for legs, charging system. 25 miles to each charge. New lists $6,900 USD. Good Condition. Price: $2,500 USD, negotiable within limits. Call: 765-7061. FOR SALE: Prindle 16 w trailer. Main sail and trampoline are almost new. Pontoons and all rigging in new condition. Price: 17,000P. Call: 01-387-761-0125. FOR SALE: Various Items. Shaw system DSR401MN - GEN INST - DISH AND Remote. Replica of Mexican show, dancing horse, approx 3 feet tall-3 feet long-unique hand carved saddle sitting upon black leather blanket, embroidered in gold all around, genuine leather cinches, stirrups, leather headgear and reins, real horses hair tale-mounted on pedestal, repOLFD RI EULOOLDQW ÂżJKWLQJ URRVWHU PDGH IURP PHWal, stands 3 feet high, great for home or garden. Call: Johnny 766-2210. FOR SALE: Outdoor Lounge Chairs. Hampton Bay (Home Depot name brand) outdoor lounge chairs, rust proof aluminum frame, fully welded construction, all weather cushions. Have 2 for sale at $1,800.00 pesos each. Will email pictures on request. Call: 766-5686 FOR SALE: Stove- US Range cast iron and stainless steel 4 burner stove with griddle, in great condition. Price: $1,200 US or best offer. Call at: 376-765-4521 or e-mail at: FOR SALE: SAMSUNG 27â&#x20AC;? TV. Silver With remote and manual. Price: $1,200 pesos. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: Wheeled clothes racks. Two Black iron 75â&#x20AC;?High x 72â&#x20AC;? long very maneuverable clothes racks. Price: $1,000 pesos each. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: Inversion Table. Professional anti-gravity inversion table for athletes and rehabilitation of the spine and brain blood circulation. Price: $3,200 pesos. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: Covered wardrobe rack. Chrome shelving on wheels with two zipper cover. $2,200 pesos. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: 3 Pieces iron patio set. 2ft6 inch diam glass table top 3 seater couch with cushions 2 seater coch with cushions. Price: $3,000MXN. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: I have a box of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Recover onâ&#x20AC;? Acido Acexamico medication (crystals). There are 10 packets in one box. I opened the box, but did not use the medication or open any of the 10 packets. Cost $897.30 MXN. Since I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t end up using it, perhaps someone else could? Would like to get $500 MXN if possible, or make an offer. Call: 331-785-8518;
Saw you in the Ojo 73
El Ojo del Lago / October 2013