1 minute read

Ryan Lang

Born and raised in the Ojai Valley, Ryan Lang teaches Woodshop to students in Pre-Kindergarten to Eighth Grade. His parents were both long-term faculty members at OVS, so his experience at the school is deeply rooted throughout his entire life. Ryan earned his B.A. in Environmental Studies from UC Santa Cruz. Before joining the OVS faculty, he taught English language learners at Topa Topa Elementary School. In addition to teaching Woodshop, Ryan hauls horse manure for the school in his dump truck and distributes it to local organic farmers.

When I’m not in classroom, I can be found


Milling logs, surfing when the waves are up, skateboarding, or up in the Eastern Sierra snowboarding with my kids.

Favorite lesson

In the Woodshop, it is the lesson of patience.

Favorite teaching moment

Watching the PK students develop responsibility and love of using their hands to create in the Woodshop. Never underestimate the abilities of even our youngest of students.

Favorite book or author

Louis L’Amour. His stories are short and entertaining and share a window into a time when people’s character was genuine and a strong handshake and work ethic were highly valued.

Adjectives that best describe my teaching style

Patient. Relaxed. Easy going. Passionate.