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Anna Henning

Anna Henning teaches Sixth Grade Science and Social Studies at the Lower Campus. She is passionate about the outdoors and last year developed a new Outdoor Adventures camp as part of the OVS Summer Camp offerings. A graduate of CSU Monterey Bay, she is currently working with Miles Munding-Becker (L09, U13), her sustainability colleague at the Upper Campus, on developing land and climate initiatives for the school.

Why I teach at OVS


I have the opportunity to be a part of a close-knit community that supports one another, along with cultivating an approach that allows students to experience life-changing opportunities that help lead them to be successful and happy people.

Career experiences that enhance how and what I teach

I have worked in the science field in sustainability planning, volunteered as a docent and sustainability educator, been a kayak guide and completed my Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies.

When I’m not in classroom, I can be found Surfing in Ventura and trail running in the mountains!

Favorite book and why Pride and Prejudice. I can’t help it.

Adjectives that best describe my teaching style Collaborative, experiential, project-based, creative.

On my bucket list for professional growth

To run a summer course in outdoor leadership, where students learn to plan and create their own hiking/backpacking routes, learn to orienteer, and learn foundational skills in the backcountry to promote successful leadership throughout their life and create confidence in the outdoors.