Okanagan Health & Wellness Magazine Winter 2014

Page 7

Your Questions Answered

Local experts answer our readers’ questions...


Why do I get strong cravings for sugar?

Sugar cravings are a problem for many people, and one that goes beyond the occasional desire for a treat. Our adrenal glands make chemicals that provide us with energy. After long periods of stress, exhaustion and sleep deprivation, these glands can struggle, leaving us searching for another source of immediate energy. As a result, we often turn to sugar, which provides us with a quick energy. However, this behaviour can lead to adrenal fatigue, with symptoms that include fatigue, anxiety and insomnia. And, if left untreated, it may lead to further hormone imbalance. The best approach to underactive adrenals is good management of stress, moderate physical exercise, a wholesome diet and supplements, depending on the individual.


I set goals all the time, but sometimes I don’t follow through, or it takes me longer than I’d like. How can I do a better job of accomplishing my goals?

Firstly, congratulations on having and setting goals! Just by doing this you are many steps ahead of most people. Do you write them down? Statistically people who write down their goals have a much higher chance of accomplishing them. To take this a few steps further do these four things: 1. Share your goal(s) with someone and ask that person to check in with you and ask about progress. By sharing your goal you become accountable to someone else, which is key to your success. 2. Decide to achieve the goal–don’t just “hope” or “try.” This decision taps into your “why,” which is the www.ohwmagazine.com

Sugar cravings can also be due to dysbiosis, an imbalance of microbes in the gut. Yeast fungi thrive on undigested sugars and carbohydrates, and they signal the body to crave these substances. If gas and bloating accompany the sugar cravings, a yeast overgrowth may be to blame. Dysbiosis is important to correct as it can be the root cause for other health problems beyond weight gain. Fighting those cravings and restricting the intake of refined and concentrated sugars of all kinds is the primary rule here. For a more persistent problem, natural remedies can be used to kill the fungus, and biotherapeutic drainage can help heal the lining of the gut. Good quality probiotics are then important for rebuilding beneficial intestinal flora. Judy Bradshaw is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist in Kelowna who helps clients reach optimal health.

bigger and deeper reason why you set your goal in the first place. 3. Create a plan outlining the known steps to accomplish the goal. You may not know everything that’s required to achieve your goal, but you’ll most likely know at least the first, and possibly the second, thing to do. 4. Get help–find a mentor or hire an expert. A life coach or a performance coach is a great asset and a great partner. As you encounter speed bumps along the way, they’ll help you stay on track until you reach your ultimate destination. Jeff Pain is a Life and Performance Coach as well as a threetime Olympian, an Olympic Silver medallist and a two-time world champion in the sport of Skeleton. Jeff represented Canada for 15 years internationally and now works with athletes and motivated people with an entrepreneurial mindset. His performance system is called “The Performance Playbook” and guides people through the process of setting goals, creating a plan and achieving their dreams.

Winter ‘14 - Okanagan Health & Wellness Magazine 7

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