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OCTOBER 27, 2016 Vol. LI No. 6 Ohlone In Style A new column on fashion. By Yumyat Thwe See column on Page 5




Renegades score their first goal on the new soccer field at the Fremont campus on Oct. 18, against American River College .

The day has finally come where Ohlone can share the finished product of its Athletic Fields Complex. It is part of a $9.8 million project tabbed under Measure G. The soccer field was the first to be put to use with the baseball and softball fields to follow. Its inaugural game was played on Oct. 18, followed by another match three days later. Unfortunately, the games ended in a loss and a tie for the Men’s Soccer Team. The loss came against American River, 2-1 and the draw was with Canada College, 1-1. Even though the results weren’t ideal, Ohlone got a feel Continued on Page 8

Ohlone has one of the best registered nursing programs ROELLE BALAN STAFF WRITER

Tommy Bandy works with veterans at Ohlone.

Center strives to help veterans feel at home RONNIE LOZANO FEATURES EDITOR

When he got home from Desert Storm, Tommy Bandy ran into a lot of problems. After getting some help, he decided to make things easier for other veterans. Bandy knows transitioning back into civilian life can be difficult for veterans, but now he is there to help. After establishing the Veterans Resource Center in Room 5101 last spring, Ohlone named him coordinator. “The program is about bridging the gap”, said Bandy. Veterans enrolled at Ohlone can turn to the Center for a sense of camaraderie during a time of adjustment, something Bandy did not always have. After coming home, he faced personal tragedy and went on a “downward spiral,” which included him being homeless. But after discovering he had options

in education Bandy enrolled at Ohlone and graduated with honors in the spring of 2015. During his time as a student, he sought out other veterans and with the help of Deborah Griffin, Director of Veteran Affairs, Bandy formed a Veterans Club. The club would eventually become a precursor to the resource center, with both sharing a common goal: making veterans feel comfortable at Ohlone. Since the center opened, it has continued to develop into a place for veterans to learn. The latest expansion has been the addition of tutors, who have been through the same acclimation process as current veteran students. There are currently 79 veteran students at Ohlone and 69 of them have checked in at least once at the center. Although they’re getting a taste of what is available, Bandy said he wants them to trust the Continued on Page 2

Ohlone’s Registered Nursing graduates are excel at passing the state licensing examination after one try. Despite a decline in the program’s passing rate last year to 74 percent, the passing rate for the National Council Licensure Examination

(NCLEX) has been at 94 percent during the years 2010-2015. Sally Scofield, Director of Ohlone’s Registered Nursing program, said the program obtained a grant to help with this loss. The grant, Assessment, Remediation and Retention for Associate Degree Nursing Programs would provide test taking strategies and review classes during a Continued on Page 2

Modern romance

Ohlone College Advancement photos

A play about people who find out they have 12 hours to live, but then decide to spend their last minutes on an online dating site. will open in Ohlone’s NUMMI Theater next Friday. It will be the world premiere of Spending the End of the World on OK Cupid. See story on Page 4.

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