Monitor 2015-4-2

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MARTHA NUNEZ Staff writer Just when we thought the measles were wiped out in the United States for good, an infection at Disneyland in December started the largest outbreak since 1996. Now, with summer travel right around the corner, health officials are encouraging students, staff and faculty to get vaccinated before they leave the country, saying it’s the key to stopping measles

outbreaks. More than 600 cases were reported in the United States last year, with California and New York being hit the hardest. The virus has spread quickly across 17 different states including the District of Columbia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from Jan. 1 to March 27, 178 people were reported to have measles. The spread of the virus was linked to the “happiest place

on earth,” making California the leading state with 120 people infected. So how is this virus spreading so quickly? This contagious virus can be easily spread through sneezing and coughing, and the virus itself can live for up to two hours in the air where an infected person has coughed. The home of the virus is mucus from the nose and throat, so if anyone comes in contact with the infected space within those

two hours and touch their nose, mouth or eyes they could be infected. “Especially, if you’re in an enclosed environment and then you walk into a room with somebody who has measles, they are contagious before they break out with the rash,” Ohlone Student Health Director Sally Bratton said. The measles virus incubates from seven to 14 days, and is followed by a rash that spreads throughout the

body. The infected person is contagious from four days before and up to four days after the rash has spread, “The respiratory droplets stay there for two hours, so the patient can be long gone but the virus is still in the environment,” Bratton said. Some of the typical beginning symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. “Measles was pretty much Continued on Page 2



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!"#$%&'&()*+,-.+/0(1+$'2,( #*+$-&2*(-.(34$-#("*'-*+ MARIA GARCIA-HERNANDEZ

Staff writer

Counselor Maria Ramirez tried to find the root of the problems of lost Latin history in a presentation Tuesday at the Smith Center on the Fremont campus. Ramirez’s presentation, “Chicana Herstory,” introduced three characters from different stages in life to help explain why Latin history has been lost, and how regaining it could potentially stop some of the violence that exists today,

such as racism, gangs and hate crimes. She began by talking about the Meshika Indian people, who were then changed into the Mexican people by European conquistadors. The methods that migrant Europeans brought into the land of the Meshika people and many other countries were invasive and destructive, Ramirez said. She explained how American history embellishes Christopher Columbus as the man who found this land, removing the

importance of the Meshika and other people who were already present. The conquistadors’ need for gold and power led them to destroy the homes of the people who worked hard to preserve and live off of the land. “The Aztecs and Mayans foresaw the long suffering that would arrive from the white men, calling it the nine hells,” Ramirez said, playing the character of an old, wise woman. She explained the conContinued on Page 3


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NEWS BITES Newark to host Day of Dialogue STEP Up Ohlone and the Student Health Center are organizing a Day of Dialogue on Wednesday to increase awareness about mental health and well-being on campus. The event, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Treadway Court on the Newark campus, will include a depression screening, an information table, a wheel spin with questions about terms and issues, and a bingo game using words related to mental health. For more information, go to

Celebration for transfer students The Transfer Center is sponsoring a celebration next month for students who are transferring to a four-year university or college. The Transfer Achievement Celebration will be from 4 to 6 p.m. May 13 in Room NC 1100 on the Newark campus. Students can enjoy some refreshments at the event while meeting others transferring to their new school, alumni and college representatives. Attendees should RSVP by May 8 at www.

Workshop to discuss balance A workshop today will help employees who are feeling overwhelmed and striving for balance between the demands of work and family. “The Road to Balance” will discuss ways to balance pressures, expectations and desires; explore achieving and maintaining balance; and outline strategies to deal with stress. The seminar will be from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 7101. To RSVP, go to www. B89RDM5.

Event to recognize adjunct faculty The Faculty Senate is hosting its annual Adjunct Appreciation/Service Award Reception on April 15. The event will be from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Room 7101. – Compiled by Monitor staff

!"#$%"%&"'$ ("")")$*+'$ &+()$+,"'-./01 2+%%.11"" MONITOR STAFF The college district is seeking a member of a taxpayers’ association to serve with other community members on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. The committee, appointed by the college’s Board of Trustees, meets quarterly to review the implementation of Ohlone’s Measure G Bond program. The taxpayers’ association representative must be actively engaged with a certified association. The $349 million Measure G bond measure, passed by voters in November 2010, is paying for repairs, upgrades and construction projects, primarily on the Fremont campus. School district bond measures like Measure G

are required to have an oversight committee of independent citizens, who review and approve expenditures of bond money. The previous taxpayers’ association representative, J. Dennis Wolfe, died in November. To apply for the seat on the commission, download an application at go/bondapply. Applications can be mailed to the Ohlone Community College District, Administrative Services Office, 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539, or faxed to 510659-6045. The application deadline is Thursday, April 16. For more information, go to go/bondapply or contact the Administrative Services Office at 510-659-7307.

CDC: Vaccinations key to preventing measles outbreak Continued from Page 1 eradicated,” Bratton said. “We might have four or five cases a year, and now that’s coming back because people are not getting immunized.” This virus has made a serious comeback and physicians everywhere, along with the CDC, are advising everyone to get immunized. Some people have lost trust in vaccines, which means fewer are getting immunized. Still, most people who got measles in the U.S. this year were unvaccinated, according to the CDC. While doubts about immunizations have grown, it’s also important to keep in mind that there are others depending on us to make responsible choices, health officials say. There are people who are allergic to the MMR vaccine, pregnant women, and those who have a disease that severely affects the immune system. According to the CDC, the risks of allergic reactions and symptoms after getting the MMR vaccines are much smaller than the

risks of getting measles, mumps or rubella. Some of the mild symptoms after being vaccinated include a light fever, a mild rash, and light swelling of the cheeks or neck. Even these symptoms are rare. Only one out of six people may get the fever, one out of 20 may get the rash, and one out of 75 may get swelling. With summer vacation approaching, many students, faculty and staff will be traveling, and Bratton and the CDC encouraged them to prepare themselves. “Depending on what country you’re going to, the Centers for Disease Control have so many immunizations available like Typhoid, they’ve got pills for malaria, and all those scary diseases, so it’s pretty safe to travel,” Bratton said. “I think for those high-risk areas for measles, like the Philippines, it’s just really important to make sure that your immunizations are up to date because these diseases are vaccine-preventable.” For more information about measles, go to www.

Nominations sought for employee awards MONITOR STAFF Nominations for employee of the year are due next week. There are four award categories: Staff of the Year, Faculty of the Year, Adjunct Faculty of the Year, and Manager of the Year. Awards will be given at the Pre-Graduation Dinner on May 22. Nominations are due by April 10. The guidelines and nomination form are available at www.ohlone. edu/org/profdev/employeeofyear. Any faculty or staff

member, administrator or student may submit nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted. A nominator may only submit one nomination per award type. The nomination must include nominee’s name, position, division, department and how the nominee meets at least two of the criteria specified in the guidelines. Electronic copies of the application can be emailed to dpanales@, and printed copies can be placed in the HR mailbox on the Fremont campus.



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MONITOR STAFF: Editor-in-Chief: Mitchell Walther Sports editor: Albert Rebosura Photo editor: Laura Gonsalves Online editor: Ivan Vargas Staff writers: Maria Garcia-Hernandez Martha Nunez Oden, D. Charles Tuttle Ad manager: Ryan Parcher Ad staff: Ricky Cardenas Adviser: Rob Dennis



Printer: FP Press

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Online: 2005, 2013 CONTACT US: Offices: Room 5310 Call: 510.659.6075 E-mail: monitor@ohlone. edu Website: Facebook: www.facebook. com/OhloneCollegeMonitor Twitter: @OhloneMonitor Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College.

tradictions that led to the disappearance of Latin h i s t o r y. Fo r i n s t a n c e, European men disagreed with the power Meshika women were given. Women were seen as nature’s gift to humanity. Unlike now, machismo didn’t exist in the native Latin culture, and despite women’s bare chests and lack of clothing, rape didn’t exist either, Ramirez said. Women were seen as leaders, healers, and mothers. But because of the influence and division, roles have switched to overpower the female figure, she said. “Chicana Herstory” also covers the importance of the Mayan Calendar that “predicts the cycle of how we live.” Originally used as a calculator, it worked to establish the importance o f m a t h a n d s c i e n c e. However, it was destroyed by the conquistadors to establish their power in the new land and diminish the existing culture. “Many young people come and ask me the truth about our history and culture and I tell them that we were not the savages that we have been portrayed.” The Meshika’s or iginal flag consisted of an eagle, cactus and rocks, with a turquoise color in the background. But that too was changed, altering people’s attitudes and turning them against one another, Ramirez said. Today, violence seems

to be based on colors. Gangs fight for red and blue, not knowing that together they play a part in the Meshika flag as sun and night, the feminine and masculine aspect to what makes the cycle of our humanity run, she said. Ramirez ended her presentation by introducing the rainbow flag – seven colors expressing how, united, they make the planet a better place. “Now is the time for change, economically and educationally,” Ramirez said. “Right now is the time to reunite as one as we did before, when there were no borders and we went up and down and all around this hemisphere

for thousands and thousands of years – one land, one people.” Ramirez also presented “Chicana Herstor y” at the 43rd annual National Ethnic Studies Conference at Mississippi State University in Starkville, Mississippi on March 27. Presenting the speech worldwide, Ramirez is determined to teach the Hispanic community about its roots. “ ‘Chicana Herstory’ allows me the opportunity

to share a “herstory” of the Americans that has been denied, erased and untold for too long, and needs to be heard,” she said. In addition, the presentations in Mississippi and Fremont coincided with Women’s History Month. “Feminism, women’s rights were not imported here from Europe,” she said. “It’s time to honor the teachings of indigenous America that have relevance now and into the future.”

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Letter to the editor, from the editor So it’s Wednesday n i g h t . To m o r r ow i s Thursday and the Monitor newspaper comes out in the morning. We haven’t started writing yet, and my adviser just hung himself from the balcony in defeat. The process of this thing you’re reading now is a long-winded one. Between the late-night board meetings, cobbled together news stories, and gallons and gallons of coffee, we somehow get it done week in and week out. There’s writing, phrasing, designing, rewriting, rephrasing, redesigning, editing, and checking sources. We’re here Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Those Wednesday nights are something else though. As Wednesday evening stretches to the early hours of Thursday morning, keyboards and coffee mugs are our best friends. So thank you for picking this paper up and giving it a read. Ask me about it and acknowledge that you’ve read it. Sure, my response will be apathy. I’ll make a quip inquiring, “Ohlone has a paper?” and smile, but it means a lot that you read it. Come upstairs and say hello. We’re above the cafeteria. Yes there is a room above the cafeteria. Got a story idea? We’d love to hear it. If it’s great we’ll smile and thank you, then follow up on it and make a good article. If it’s awful we’ll smile and thank you, then once you leave we’ll make fun of you. Don’t be offended, we’re just journalists, we’re not too good with people. We’re snide, silly and sometimes cynical, but we do care about what we do. The content we provide is important to us; we want you to know what we know. Now yes, I did just write an entire column about myself. Is this selfserving? Well, screw you: it was April Fool’s Day. !"#$%&'%()*$+$#,+$(%"$%-.#//*0


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High-schoolers strut their theatrical stuff at Ohlone CHARLES TUTTLE Staff writer On the Friday and Saturday before Spring Break, an army of 800 high school thespians invaded Ohlone. This onslaught of actors was equipped with an arsenal of flowing verbs, amplified movements, and sweeping melodies and harmonies. March 20 and 21 was the Ohlone College High School Theatre Festival, an event that brought

high school students from 24 schools all over the Bay Area, some coming from as far away as Salinas. The festival is the largest of its kind in Northern California and has been happening at the Ohlone campus for 21 years. The dedicated staff includes more than 100 judges, 30 high school teachers, and 60 of Ohlone’s own staff and students to coordinate the events. Many of the judges are professional theater art-

ists who seek to improve and critique the works of the students they grade and witness at the festival. Motivation is provided in the form of numerous awards offered in 35 acting categories such as performance, dance, dramatic design and musicals. The three top awards are given directly to the par ticipating high schools. The awards are the Fes-

tival Sweepstakes for the highest cumulative score, the Judges Sweepstakes for the highest scored single performance, and the Tech Sweepstakes for the school with the highest total points in design. The Marin School of A r t s w o n t h e Fe s t i v a l Sweepstakes, Lowell High School won the Judges Sweepstakes, and Oakland School of Arts took the Tech Sweepstakes. “The Festival is a magical two-day experience,

and Ohlone College is proud to support the next generation of theater artists,” organizer and faculty member Michael Navarra said.



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!"#$%&'#$()*$&$+),-#*$./*0,-$1*#&2 ODEN, D. Staff writer How was your Spring Break? Did you enjoy the time you got to spend with friends and loved ones? You didn’t, how come? Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot, we only got one week off. It’s really hard to visit every person you’ve been a little too busy to see in a matter of seven days. I know, you work full time as well, so did you even get a single day to relax and relieve stress? One day, Jesus Christ. I at least got a couple but I totally feel your pain. Did you get your midterm back yet? No, you just took it today, the first day back from your break? Dude, that sucks. I got a 62. Good luck on yours, hope you did better than me. There just wasn’t enough time to get all of our assignments and studying done during the break and before you know it, we’re right back in class. Yeah, I’m probably going to be retaking a few units next semester, too, and with the rate that community college has gone up to per unit, I’ll be lucky if I can afford Top Ramen for my lunches in the fall. This is an example of the types of things that I’ve been hearing on campus since my return from Spring Break. I am a firm believer in the negative effects that stress can have on one’s life, and I know that college can be a really stressful time for a lot of people. Some would say the most stressful point in their lives. In my opinion, Spring Break for college students should be at least two weeks for these reasons. One week is not enough time to truly relax and take time off for your own personal mental health. For the most part, students still have a life

to attend to outside of school, so the break isn’t really a break at all. And last but not least, we as college students are at the brink of adulthood. Soon we’ll be starting our own careers and families, with dwindling time with them each every day due to the circumstances of life. One day, we will all wake up dead. At that moment, will you wish that you had made more money from the career that you studied so diligently for in college, or are you going to wish that you had taken more time with the loved ones in your life? I am fortunate enough to have been one of the few people that I know who actually got to relax during this break. Besides the work that I needed to do for the company that I own, I sat on my rear and did as little as I could get away with. I knew that upon returning from Spring Break I would have a lot of schoolwork to get caught up on before the end of the semester. You see, I am taking 15 units my first semester back to school in five years. I had a lot of catching up to do if I wanted to potentially graduate and transfer to four-year school before I turn 30. I am currently 27, and I’m sure there are a few other students out there who can relate to my situation. School and work together with recreation is a hard act to balance. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, when feeling over stressed, one should: “Set priorities – decide what must get done and what can wait, and learn to say no to new tasks if


they are putting you into overload.” Due to my current life circumstances, my schoolwork has taken a blow that I’m not sure it will get an opportunity to recover from before summer. This semester has given little to no chance to relax when real life and school life come into play together. I asked Monitor Editorin-chief Mitchell Walther what he would’ve done with an extra week of break and he had this to say: “I would’ve been able to enjoy my time.” You see, Mitchell is a full-time student, full-time bar tender/server, and a full-time boyfriend. He had been anticipating a road trip to Seattle with some friends, but was unable to coordinate work schedules with the others who also had the week off from school. Now that we are all back in school, the stress levels haven’t really lowered any from when we left. In fact, some say that stress levels are increased in the descent of this semester. The body can react to stress in many different ways, including but not limited to: “Some people experience mainly digestive symptoms, while others may have headaches, sleeplessness, depressed mood, anger and irritability. People under chronic stress are prone to more frequent and severe viral infections, such as the flu or common cold, and vaccines, such as the flu shot, are less effective for them.” (National Institute of Mental Health.) According to these facts, one could almost discern that stress is a disease that, once fullblown adulthood begins, you rarely get the opportunity to cure.

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!"#$%&'()&*$+&,(-. Here at the Monitor, we pride ourselves on getting things right. When we make mistakes, as all newspap e r s d o, w e c o r re c t those errors as soon as we discover them. To help ensure our accuracy, we are now re c o rd i n g a l l i n t e rviews. The recordings will be stored at the Monitor for the remainder of the semester and then deleted. This new policy will help us to limit errors before publication, and to confirm errors a f t e r w a rd . I f s o m e body tells us they were misquoted, we can check the recording to find out if the quote was inaccurate

or taken out of context. This will give our sources more confi dence that their quotes in the story will be accurate. Of course, for this policy to be effective, our sources must agree to have their interviews recorded. A refusal will be treated the same as a “no comment.” Please help us make your campus newspaper even better by agreeing to have your inter view recorded, and by letting us know when we make a mistake. As student journalists, we learn from our errors as much as our successes. – Monitor staff

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“I biked all over Santa Cruz and slept in parking lots and 24-hour diners” KIM DUTROW Psychology

“Went to Sonora to see our friend play Jean Valjean in Les Mis. Drank and played games” CHELSEA OWEN Deaf Studies

“Got lost and stranded in S.F., drank a ‘mad dog’ on BART” CARLOS CARREIRO Psychology

“Was at this party and this guy got jumped, then drove his car off and crashed”


“I slept in a van in Santa Cruz for five days while taking care of high-schoolers. It was quite an adventure”


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ALBERT REBOSURA Monitor Sports Guy I have chosen Jaramy Jacobs and Caressa DeRossett as the Players of the Week. For the past weeks, I’ve been awarding only one player every week, but this week I had to include two. Jacobs is the first baseball player this season to earn the Player of the Week honor, but that’s not a knock on the baseball team – they’re having a great season. Jacobs pitched Thursday and had his best start of the season – shutting out Cañada on their own turf in a 2-0 win. He pitched a complete game, allowing one hit and striking out 10 – one shy of his season high. DeRossett started three


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Upcoming home games BASEBALL



of four games the past week and contributed in all of them – she even scored a run in the game she didn’t start. She had a team-high three hits in a 7-4 victory against San Jose City – the first game of a doubleheader on Thursday. She had two hits, two RBIs and a steal in the second game against Solano, helping the team win 7-4.

noon vs. Saturday, noon vs. Col- Saturday, lege of San Mateo, Softball Gavilan College in Gilroy, Renegade Field, Fremont Field, Fremont campus. campus. April 11, 10 a.m. vs. Napa Valley College, 2 p.m. vs. Merced College, Softball Field, Fremont campus. =1#$"0&-"%#/$ ĂƌĞƐƐĂ ĞZŽƐƐĞƩ =1#$"0&-"%#/$ E"B"FA$E"G(7H

April 11, noon vs. Hartnell College in Salinas, Renegade Field, Fremont campus.

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Monitor Sports Guy

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Ohlone falls 2-1 to College of San Mateo 0123451*6722,*581* &191:;<12*245* =7>?7@5;A6B*49*?4@25* 36;=1*C458*;*5C7D :;>1*=E28479 ALBERT REBOSURA Sports editor Lack of timely hitting and costly errors spelled the end for Ohlone on Tuesday in a 2-1 loss to the College of San Mateo. In the bottom of the seventh inning, Ohlone had a 1-0 lead but CSM began to rally. After getting one out, Ohlone pitcher Josh Calmerin walked the next hitter, who eventually advanced to second base after a fielder’s choice. With two outs, third baseman Isaiah Maddella committed an error and CSM’s rally stayed alive, with runners at first and second. CSM used pinch hitter Austin Lonestar, and he doubled one base runner, tying the game 1-1 with runners on second and third. Calmerin threw a wild pitch to the next batter and CSM completed the comeback, holding on for the win. The Renegades had no problem getting on base, with seven hits and five walks. They stranded 11 total base runners and couldn’t put together a big inning. Ohlone scored first in the top of the fourth inning – an inning where they could have scored more than one run. They nearly came back to win with two outs in the ninth inning. Brock Pradere singled to start the possible rally. Pablo Artero walked following the single, and Ohlone had runners at first and second. Tyler Tate pinch hit for Alec Inguez, but ended up striking out to end the game. Designated hitter Max Diaz’s single scored left fielder Josh Roman, Ohlone’s lone run. Ohlone’s starting pitcher,

Elias Bedolla, made his eighth start of the season Tuesday. He pitched 5.1 scoreless innings – impressive considering he surrendered a seasonhigh nine hits. Ohlone wrapped up March with an impressive 10-3 record. The team had season highs with a .290 batting average, 129 hits, nine home runs and 70 RBIs. The Renegades are now 21-6 this season, with a 10-5 division record, good for first place in the Coast Pacific division. With nine all-important division games remaining, Ohlone is in the driver’s seat as the season wraps up. The Renegades currently have a two-game lead over Gavilan, their next opponent. The two sides will meet at noon Saturday at Renegade Field.

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On Sunday, one of my childhood dreams came true – I went to Wrestlemania 31. Inspired by the event, I made a Bay Area sportsinspired Wrestlemania card – dream matches that will never happen between professional athletes. The opening match would be between Sharks player Joe Thornton and GM Doug Wilson. A few weeks ago, these two came up with some pretty good “wrestling promo” material as they had some drama spill over into the media. Thornton: “I think Doug needs to shut his mouth ... that’s the bottom line.” Wilson’s response: “If (Thornton) has an issue with me, he knows exactly where I am.” Props to Thornton for saying a Stone Cold Steve Austin quote: “that’s the bottom line.” The midcard match would be between former Giants players Aubrey Huff and Pablo Sandoval. Last month, Sandoval ripped the Giants, saying that he was disrespected by the organization and it was easy for him to leave. He also said he disliked everyone on the team except a select few. Huff, his teammate from 2010 to 2012, ranted about Sandoval on Facebook: “He had the fans fooled but not the players ... he didn’t want to come back because the Giants made him work out on a treadmill.” Sandoval responded saying: “Who is Aubrey Huff?” to the media upon hearing Huff’s comments. The main event would be a Survivor Series tag-team elimination match between the entire Warriors team and the Clippers. These teams hate each other and an epic elimination match would tear the house down. Chris Paul can get some revenge in the squared-circle after Stephen Curry embarassed him on a n anklebeaking crossover Tuesday. !""#$%#&'"()*"$+,-+# "./"'-",0"#1,#2,()+3'+$# 45'$"*16*7"')

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