Monitor 2015-12-3

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nificant aspects of the leaseleaseback delivery system is that it makes the projects exempt from the competitive bidding process that most public construction projects go through. With the lease-leaseback method, the school district leases the land to a designated construction firm for a token amount, say $1, and the firm then builds the school facilities on the leased land. After the facilities are built, the construction firm leases the land and facilities back to the school district for a determined period and rental amount. In this agreement, the construction firm acts as a landlord and the school district operates as the tenant. Therefore, in the leaseleaseback arrangement, the construction firm carries the construction costs and financing. The school district

At least 14 people were killed and 17 injured in a mass shooting Wednesday in San Bernardino, the worst such incident in the United States in three years. Ohlone students reacted with sadness and outrage as news of the Southern California shooting spread around campus. Continued on Page 3

Does political rhetoric lead to violence? ANALYSIS BRIANNE O’SULLIVAN News editor



pays the firm with fixed payments over a designated time period. The lease can last up to 40 years. Q: Why did schools use the lease-leaseback system? A: School districts, which are traditionally strapped for cash, use the lease-leaseback system because it lifts a

substantial amount of the financial and economic burden from them. Back in 1957, the Legislature chose the lease-leaseback system for two key reasons, according to Carlin Law Group, which represents the plaintiff in the Fresno case: Continued on Page 3

On Friday, Nov. 27, a little before noon, a gunman entered a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo., and opened fire. Patients and bystanders were forced to hide for more than five hours until the gunman, Robert L. Dear, surrendered to the police. The gunman killed three people: Garret Swasey, a police officer, Ke’Arre Stewart, an Iraq War veteran, and Jennifer Markovsky, a mother of two. Nine other people were injured. There is reason to beContinued on Page 2

Safety officers now on campus 24 hours a day CRISTIAN MEDINA Sports editor Campus police are introducing several new services and ways to keep students and staff safer on campus, especially during evening and night hours. Ohlone now has safety officers on campus 24 hours a day. Officers were previously on campus only until 11 p.m. The campus curfew will remain enforced from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. The switch to a 24-hour presence is aimed to make students, especially those

with night classes, feel safer on campus. It is also being done to reduce any possible vandalism that could take place late at night on campus. Students also can use the Student Escort Officer Program if they do not feel safe walking to their cars. The Student Escort Officers, or SEOs, will walk you to your vehicle safely, make sure the vehicle has not been damaged or tampered with, and stay with you until you are in your vehicle and drive away. Over Winter Break, the new parking structure will

be outfitted with more measures to keep students safe. Emergency call phones have been placed on each level of the parking structure and are marked by a blue light. Students can call campus police for assistance or if they feel unsafe. For those who are hearing impaired, a signal is sent to the CPS office when the phones are picked up and an officer will be dispatched to their location. In addition, the Board of Trustees recently approved the installation of security Continued on Page 3





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NEWS BITES Ohlone hosts ‘The Nutcracker’ Ohlone will host four performances this month of Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker,” a traditional holiday ballet. The first two, with Yoko’s Dance Academy, will be at 2 and 8 p.m. Dec. 12 and at 2 p.m. Dec. 13 in the Jackson Theater at the Smith Center on the Fremont campus. The Dec. 13 performance will include live music by the Fremont Opera Orchestra. Tickets for Dec. 12 cost $25 for general admission, $20 for students and seniors, and $15 for children 12 and younger. Tickets for Dec. 13 cost $40 for general admission, $25 for students and seniors, and $20 for children 12 and younger. The second pair of performances, with Berkeley City Ballet, will be at 1 and 5 p.m. Dec. 19 and 20, also at the Jackson Theater. Tickets cost $25 for general admission, $20 for students, staff and seniors, and $15 for children.

HR offers selfdefense training The Human Resources Department will offer self-defense training from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday. The training session, which will provide information about basic self-defense and gundefense techniques, will be in Building 19, HR Conference Room B on the Fremont campus. To RSVP, go to www. MFWVY37.

Board to meet Wednesday The Board of Trustees will meet Wednesday night in Building 7 on the Fremont campus. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in Room 7101, and is open to the public. Board meetings also can be viewed on ONTV Cable Channel 28 at 7 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. Friday, or streamed online by going to www. An agenda also will be available online by Friday. – Compiled by Monitor staff

We must change tone on right to choose Continued from Page 1 lieve that Dear targeted Planned Parenthood because of their abortion services. In an interview with an investigator he reportedly declared,“No more baby parts.” Planned Parenthood and abortion has become an increasingly heated topic as the 2016 election approaches. Does that harsh political rhetoric against Planned Parenthood contribute to anti-abortion violence? Dawn Laguens, the executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement that “It is offensive and outrageous that some politicians are now claiming this tragedy has nothing to do with the toxic environment they helped create. One of the lessons of this awful tragedy is that words matter, and hateful rhetoric fuels violence. It’s not enough to denounce the tragedy without also denouncing the poisonous rhetoric that fueled it.” In July of this year, The Center for Medical Progress released a video of a Planned Parenthood official discussing the profits supposedly made from fetal tissue donations. Selling fetal tissue in

the United States is illegal. However, Planned Parenthood was donating tissue and accepting donations to offset the costs, which is legal. Planned Parenthood was well within its legal rights, but the GOP and others still used the undercover video to bash the nonprofit organization. The Senate in August started the movement to defund Planned Parenthood. Legislation to slash federal funding was shot down by Democrats in the Senate. In September, Congress held hearings that were meant to investigate the legality of Planned Parenthood’s practices. Instead, it was a firestorm of dramatic accusations and false information. In the second Republican presidential debate, when asked about the Planned Parenthood videos, Carly Fiorina garnered a spike in the polls after she implored the audience to “watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.” Experts concluded that the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood were heavily edited and misleading. And the clip that Fiorina referred to does not exist in

!"#$%&'"()*("+&%+%) ,-.'#(&)+")(&.$%+-+&) !/.0-$")1+#2.&% VANESSA LUIS Editor-in-chief Counselor and Professor Maria Ramirez and some Latino students rallied Nov. 18 at the Board of Trustees meeting to express their disapproval of President Gari Browning’s denial of the fulltime reinstatement of the Chicano Studies position. “From the beginning of Ohlone College, the Chicano Studies position had been there – almost 30 years,” Ramirez said. “This is so disappointing, because … if you look at our Newark district, over half of the students in the district are Chicano-Latino.” Browning announced this month that the college will hire 16 full-time faculty for next year. Six faculty members will fill positions vacated by retirement and resignation, and the

remainder will fill new positions to help Ohlone meet its staffing goals. Faculty will be hired for accounting, biology, chemistry, communication studies, computer science, CNET, English (2 positions), geography, history, interpreter preparation (IPP), physics/ astronomy, math (2 positions), nursing and respiratory therapy. “The results cannot please everyone, but please know that I have done my utmost to make the right choices for Ohlone for this point in time,” Browning said in the announcement. Ramirez appeared on 89.3 KOHL on Tuesday to invite the local community to attend a “vigil” and take a stand for equity at the next board meeting on Wednesday. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in Room 7101, Building 7, on the Fremont campus.

Planned Parenthood videos, according to the organization and other experts. However, this does not stop leaders of the GOP from using these lies to inflame voters and gain favor with pro-lifers. Presidential candidates and politicians are entrusted to represent the people of the United States and to set the agenda for our nation. No matter your view on abortion, we should all be able to agree that we expect our representatives to be truthful, to base their policy and stances on fact. On “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson responded to the attack. “Unfortunately, there’s a lot of extremism coming from all areas,” he said. “It’s one of the biggest problems that I think is threatening to tear our country apart. We get into our separate corners and we hate each other. We want to destroy those with whom we disagree.” And while Carson did not link the anti-abortion rhetoric to the attack, he did argue that public discourse and the way we talk about issues needs to change for the better. “If we can get rid of the


rhetoric from either side and actually talk about the facts, I think that’s when we begin to make progress,” he said. “And, you know, a lot of people, when they don’t have facts, when they don’t have a good backup, that’s when the rhetoric starts. That’s when the name-calling starts.” Carson makes a point that everyone, no matter their ideological leanings or religious beliefs, should be able to agree with. In the United States and many other countries, women have the right to terminate their pregnancies. Political rhetoric and public discourse should not be so extreme that it creates a climate where women feel unsafe or that limits women’s – and men’s – access to health care. As a nation, we need to reconsider the tone we use when discussing women’s reproductive rights. There is no doubt that abortion is one of the most controversial and divisive issues of our time. However, the climate in which we discuss women’s reproductive rights must change, and it must change now. The extreme way we discuss a woman’s right to choose is poisonous to individuals, communities and the entire nation.



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MONITOR STAFF: Editor-in-chief: Vanessa Luis News editor: Brianne O’Sullivan Features editor: Agnes Madriaga Opinions editor: Sam Campbell Sports editor: Cristian Medina Photo editor: Ivan Vargas


Photographer: Laura Gonsalves Design: Shuai Liu Joy Moon

Printer: FP Press

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Online: 2005, 2013 CONTACT US: Offices: Room 5310 Call: 510.659.6075 E-mail: monitor@ohlone. edu Website: Facebook: www.facebook. com/OhloneCollegeMonitor Twitter: @OhloneMonitor Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College.

“(1) a constitutional provision that prohibited counties, cities and school districts from incurring any indebtedness or liability exceeding the amount of one year’s income without the assent of two-thirds of its voters and (2) the California Supreme Court’s determination that leases do not create an indebtedness for the aggregate amount of all installments, but create a debt limited in amount to the installments due each year.” The lease-leaseback system was adopted as an alternative delivery method to benefit schools. However, its legality recently has been called into question. Q:Why did Ohlone change the delivery method? A: The recent ruling in the Davis vs. Fresno Unified School District court case opens up any project that uses the lease-leaseback delivery system to a lawsuit.

“It has called into question the validity and legality of many of the traditional lease-leaseback delivery methods, which is until this case was decided a fairly well accepted and popular delivery method which Ohlone College had been relying upon,” Ohlone’s bond counsel David Casnocha told the board in September. Ohlone’s Academic Core is one of the largest school district construction projects in the state, and would be sure to attract attention had the district decided to continue with the lease-leaseback delivery system. Officials decided that changing the delivery method to low bid is the safest option moving forward. Q: What is the cause of the delay? A: The additional procurement effort will take an estimated five months, and the additional construction time could be two to four months. There also could

be delays due to higher rates of change orders. “Right now our goal is for spring of 2019,” Joel Heyne, project executive with Gilbane Building Co., told the Board of Trustees in October. “But for any impacts that might be beyond our control could force us into the summer or latter semester of 2019.” Q: How will this affect the cost and quality for the project? A: Heyne warned trustees that the traditional delivery comes with “certain impacts we were hoping to avoid,” which he broke down into “schedule, cost and quality concerns.” Time is money, and the delay will pose costs to the college. Heyne said Ohlone also might have less quality control with the traditional delivery system. For one thing, Ohlone will not be able to hand-pick the construction firm that will build the heart of the Fremont campus. Also, the rental on

the Fremont portables will have to be extended. Q: Will this affect other projects, such as the sports fields? A: The sports fields are not affected by this development, and are expected to be completed as scheduled. The baseball and softball fields are scheduled to open in March 2016 and the soccer field is expected to open in August 2016. Q: How many other community college districts are affected? A: Other community colleges in the area, including Foothill, De Anza, and San José/Evergreen are also changing their delivery methods. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office did not respond to requests for a complete list. For more information, contact Robert Dias, director of Ohlone’s Bond Construction and Capital Projects, at

Students react to San Bernardino shooting Continued from Page 1 “It was a very tragic and unfortunate thing that happened,” Ohlone student Talia DuBois said. On Wednesday morning, Inland Regional Center, a social services center for disabled people in San Bernardino, was attacked by heavily armed assailants. It is the largest mass shooting the United States has encountered since the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Jasmine Macias, a student at California State University, San Bernardino, told the Monitor that being so close to the attack was “scary and nerve-wracking.” “No one ever thinks that something like that could ever happen around you, but

this just shows that it can happen anywhere,” Macias said. Two of the suspected shooters, a man and a woman, are dead following a police chase. Another suspect was detained by the police. The man killed by police, Syed Farook, was an American citizen with connections to the social services center. The woman, who is believed to have been either engaged or married to Farook, was named Tashfeen Malik. Police had not named the person detained or provided any other details about the individual at press time. During a press conference, David Bowdich, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Los Angeles field office, said terrorism “is a possibility, but we don’t know that yet, and we’re not willing to go

down that road yet.” The tragedy has brought gun control and mental health to the forefront of the national discourse once again. The weapons used in the San Bernardino attack reportedly were obtained legally. “Gun control is the only solution,” Ohlone student Jamie Avery said.“More strin-

gent background checks, longer waiting periods, the outlaw of automatic weapons for private citizens. It’s worked in other countries and it could be very effective in deterring gun violence in ours. It’s ridiculous to continue doing nothing in response to these horrible acts of violence and simply hoping they won’t happen again.”

New safety measures Continued from Page 1 cameras in the parking structure. The cameras are being put in place in an effort to reduce incidents of theft or vandalism of student and staff vehicles. For more information about campus safety, contact Campus Police Services at 510-659-6111 on the Fremont Campus and 510-742-2311 on the Newark Campus.



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Tomb Raider rises Hello again friends, So, let’s be honest, we’re all broke this time of the year. That means I was unable to purchase and play “Rise of the Tomb Raider” for this review. However, I have done extensive research and have watched a lot of game play to bring you an observer’s review of this action adventure. This newest addition to the Tomb Raider collection was released around the same time as “COD: Black Ops III” and “Fallout 4,” so it did not receive the attention that I personally

think it deserved. In fact, after watching gameplay I just knew I had to have it. Let’s begin with the sweet stuff. Graphics are, of course, incredible. The movement is smooth and dynamic. Lara as a character is well developed, slightly tortured, and determined. She is not the same Lara we’ve seen in previous games. This Lara is passionate and clever, but slightly reckless. You’ll see this in-game as the cut scenes are more intense and the overall adventure is rather treacherous. You may be thinking, “Aren’t all Lara’s missions treacherous?” Well, yes. But there is something different this time. It seems like she is always on the brink of a fatal fall or a sneaky trap. Not to mention the classic bad guy, but the bad guys in this game hit close to home for our protagonist. This is the classic storyline of Lara trying to find something her father was involved in, particularly trying

to prove that the man who raised her was not insane. You will notice that while most other Tomb Raiders were focused on puzzles and riddles, this one features more gunfights than anything. It is actionpacked and will leave you satisfied, but not as challenged as you may prefer. Now, let’s discuss weapons, shall we? Weapons are customizable – or should I say upgradable? – with parts found around the various maps. Lara can also create her own bombs. So, combat has become more interesting. There is also a point system that increases your skill with experience. And finally, for those of you who are 100 percenters, there are plenty of artifacts, documents, and art to procure/observe. That’s all, folks. Play with me on the PlayStation Platform: valarmorghulis8_

Concerts on Fremont campus this month AGNES MADRIAGA Features editor A month of music at Ohlone will begin Friday night with a free concert on the Fremont campus. The Music Department will present “Music on the Hill,” featuring vocal and instrumental ensembles and directed by Janet Holmes, at 7 p.m. in the Recital Hall (Room 3101) in Building 3. On Saturday, Ohlone College Community Education and the Smith Center will present “A Holiday Extravaganza!” at 2 p.m. in the Jackson Theater. The concert will feature all four Ohlone bands – the Ohlone Tuba Ensemble, the

Mission Peak Brass Band, the Ohlone Community Band, and the Ohlone Wind Orchestra. Then, at 7 p.m. Dec. 11, the Music Department and the Smith Center will present the Ohlone College Jazz/Rock Ensembles in the Jackson Theater. Ti c k e t s f o r e a c h p e r f o rmance cost $15 for general admission and $10 for students, staff, youth and seniors. Finally, on Dec. 12, the Music Department will present another free concert, the “Applied Music Showcase” featuring vocal, piano and instrumental student performers, at 7 p.m. in the Recital Hall.


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the Morning Show” from 6 to 10 a.m. weekdays on 98.1 KISS FM, and also is a host on HD Pride Radio. She advises students to constantly try things, because you never know what little thing might spark your career: from a 15-minute interview to posting a video on YouTube. The more followers you have on social media, the more marketable and recognizable you are, she said. James first started taking classes at Ohlone and L a n e y Co l l e g e, w h i c h

helped to jump-start her career in radio. She got her start working for the American Forces Network in Sardinia, Italy, and began her Bay Area radio career as an intern with veteran radio personality Renel Brooks-Moon. She has worked at several radio stations all over Northern California, including KKIQ, KKSF, KWIN, Star 101.3 and WILD 94.9. “I enjoy talking, whether I’m on camera or on radio,” she said. James also has done

voice-over recordings for Old Navy, and Google, among others. She was the first African-American voice for the news /talk station Green 960 AM. She has several charitable causes close to her

heart, including Big Brothers and Sisters of the Bay Area and The American Heart Association. She also serves as the Executive Producer of the San Francisco Pride Women’s Stage. One day, she would like to be a game show host.

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!"#"$%&"' ()""*+$',(' %'*+$$"$,(* VANESSA LUIS Editor-in-chief Earlier this week a clinic was attacked in a shooter’s attempt to impose his radical religious views. You may be thinking, “Wow, another attack on innocent people by Muslim extremists,” but you would be dead wrong. The shooter, whom I refuse to name, is a white, American, Christian male. He shot 12 people and killed three at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo. The victims of the attack are a police officer, a mother of two children, and an Iraq War veteran. If this were a man of color we would call him a thug or an extremist, a monster or a terrorist; if he were a man of color he would have been shot on sight, particularly after killing an officer of the law. Instead, white men who decide to take the lives of innocent people are deemed as “mentally ill”; instead, after a five-hour shootout, this man was taken alive and arrived at his court hearing in a bulletproof vest. Now, I am here to tell you that this needs to stop. Call him what he is. He is a monster, an extremist, a terrorist. The shooter reportedly said “no more baby parts” after the shooting and expressed anti-abortion and anti-government views. This rhetoric, you may realize, is often expressed by Christian conservatives. Why are we not calling on moderate Christians to correct their religious extremists? Why are we not blaming the Christian religion? Because it is not the reContinued on Page 7


Attacks inspire World War II rhetoric SAM CAMPBELL Opinions editor After last month’s terror attacks in Europe tensions have grown high, with some even speculating about the beginning of the next world war. But here in America the rhetoric that is surrounding us on every news station sounds like we are back in the midst of World War II. We are refusing to take in refugees and have politicians who are almost echoing the words of Adolf Hitler during his reign. Back in September during a press conference, Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said Presi-


dent Barack Obama is aiming to have the United States take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees. But as reported by CNN on Nov. 19, after it was found that one person involved with the terror attacks in Paris managed to enter by posing as a Syrian, 31 states have said they will not allow any refugees to enter their state. The fact of the matter is that individual states do not have the authority to make that decision, but it does outline the xenophobia that is brewing in our country. People are fleeing a war-ridden country in an attempt to find a place to live and raise their children without the fear of impend-

ing death, yet we turn them away. Back in 1939, a boat carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees from Europe, the SS St. Louis, attempted to seek refuge in Cuba. But, after being turned away, they sailed to Florida, where they were once again turned away by the U.S. government. They were forced to sail back to Europe, where some were granted refuge, but still only half of the passengers on that ship survived the Holocaust. There were other factors at play at the time, of course. The United States was emerging from the Great Depression and we were not yet a part of the

war. But today we are financially stable as a nation, and we have already thrown ourselves into the problems brewing overseas. It has been projected that it will cost about $1.1 billion to bring in at least 70,000 refugees. In the last fiscal year, the United States spent $598.5 billion on the military alone. The U.S. can afford to allocate a small amount of that to helping. But let’s say they put that extra burden on the taxpayers, that will cost each taxpayer a little more than $9 a year. Most of us spend more than that during one stop at Starbucks. We can Continued on Page 7

!"#$%&'%()*+%,#-)+&$.%$"&/0%#1)*$%$".%")2&3#('4 AUDREY ATKINS Nursing


JOSE PELCASTRE Computer Science

“It’s different, it’s fun, and everyone has a good time” NABEEL NAQVI Ohlone alumnus

“Black Friday. First you get stuffed, then you go to Fry’s and buy new electronics” STEPHONE DAVIS Broadcasting

“Spending time with family and just having time to sleep”

MICHAEL CLARK Early Childhood Studies

“All the food that my family makes, because I don’t have to cook, I just get to eat”

OPINIONS !!""#$%&'($)*#+,-+.# +&(+/&#0,//#(0#0&1$ Continued from Page 6 sacrifice one soy caramel Frappuccino in order to avoid repeating history. One more similarity with the Second World War that has been staring us all in the face is Donald Trump. The first and most obvious similarity is his willingness to place all blame for problems in the country on immigrants. He announced his candidacy for president by degrading immigrants from Mexico, and is now throwing people of the Muslim faith in the mix of his degradation. In recent days he has gone as far as saying that people who are Muslim should be required to register and carry a card with them so as to be easily identified. This is exactly what Hitler did to the Jewish people in the areas he controlled, and Trump is completely fine trying to replicate that system. Trump has even gone so far to say that he would be willing to close down mosques to fight “ISIS.” All he is doing is spreading hate, and if living in a post-9/11 world has taught me anything, it’s that people cannot be rational when they

are pumped full of fear. If we continue to tell Americans that they are in danger and continue to associate an entire religion with one terrorist organization that has nothing to do with the rest of Islam, we will continue to see hate crimes and the marginalization of an entire group. Individually, we can make a change by simply being aware that this is happening and trying to make others aware of the language they are using. Don’t let America end up on an endless xenophobic loop.

Label, charge shooter as a terrorist Continued from Page 6 ligion that pulled the trigger and it is not the responsibility of every person who practices the religion to pay for the actions of others. But it is everyone’s responsibility to condemn this man’s actions, label him as a terrorist, and charge him as such.

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Those Warriors, so hot right now



!"#$%&'()(&*($%) &%+(),%)-#*.$//( CRISTIAN MEDINA Sports editor The Ohlone Women’s soccer team’s season came to a disappointing end with an early exit from the playoffs. After winning their conference, the Lady Renegades met Santa Rosa Junior College in the first round of the playoffs. Santa Rosa, winners of the Big 8 Conference, finished the season with an impressive 19-1-4 record. The two teams were very evenly matched, but ultimately the game went in favor of Santa Rosa. The game was a defensive battle and showcased strong performances by both goalkeepers. Santa Rosa’s defense was able to contain Ohlone’s explosive offense, led by Melissa Urena and Analysia Flores.

Both teams registered nine shots on goal with Amanda Galbraith’s goal at the end of the first half being all Santa Rosa needed to secure the 1-0 win, eliminating Ohlone from the playoffs. The Lady Renegade’s 106-3 season was highlighted by impressive seasons from sophomores Analysia Flores and Melissa Urena. The two, along with the rest of the team, collected numerous awards for their strong performances throughout the season. Freshman goalkeeper Cristal Villalvazo finished her season with 59 saves and a .797 save percentage. The Renegades will definitely benefit from her returning to the team next season. Ohlone will look to bounce back after this premature playoff exit next year and come back even stronger.

0*(1&23*##)#$$1()2$)(2*42)(&*($%)$//)(24$%5 CRISTIAN MEDINA Sports editor Basketball season is upon us again and the Ohlone men’s and women’s teams are looking forward to a successful and exciting year. The Lady Renegades begin their new season with a new head coach. In August, Steve Picchi was announced as the new head coach for the Ohlone women’s basketball team. Picchi most recently coached at Sequoia High School and Burlingame High

School as the head coach of their women’s basketball teams. He was very successful there, leading both teams to multiple playoff appearances and a Division III California State Championship with a final record of 36-2 at Burlingame. The team will be led by four returning sophomores: Alyse Kline, Nicole Machado-Potesito, Lakayla McCown, and Alexandria Sanchez-Moral. Freshman newcomers A’mari Coleman, Sydney Hills and Murelle Johnson

will look to make a splash and contribute in their first seasons. The team has started the season at 0-2, but it is still early and the Lady Renegades won’t face a conference opponent until Jan. 6, when they face Las Positas College. The men’s team has started their season at 2-3, and are led by sophomores Clarence Kaye and Taylor Meeker. Kaye is currently averaging 13.5 points per game while Meeker is right behind him at 10.8 points per game.

With a freshman heavy roster, the Renegades will look to utilize their young talent to compete in the Coast-North Conference and in the playoffs. The Renegades’ first conference game will also be Jan. 6 against Las Positas. Both Ohlone teams’ next home games will be Friday in the Epler Gym. The double-header will begin with the men taking on Gavilan College at 5 p.m., followed by the women facing off against College of the Siskiyous at 7 p.m.

The Golden State Warriors are playing on another level right now. The defending NBA Champs have won 20 games in a row to start their season and there seem to be no signs of them slowing down. Golden State picked up win No. 20 Wednesday night after beating the Charlotte Hornets 116-99. Charlotte is also the hometown of Steph Curry. Curry’s father, former NBA player Dell Curry, was honored before the game. This was followed by him watching his son, reigning league MVP, go off and drop 40 points, including 23 in the third quarter alone. If there were any way to silence the critics of Curry and last year’s season and championship run, breaking the record for the best start to an NBA season probably does it. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers implied the Warriors were lucky they didn’t have to face his team or the Spurs in the playoffs last season. Earlier this season, the Clippers could only watch as their 23-point lead disappeared and turned into a loss at the hands of Golden State. Maybe next time, Doc. Houston Rockets guard James Harden finished second in last year’s MVP race and was pretty salty about it. Earlier this season, Harden was quoted saying “I know I was the MVP. ... I felt I deserved the Most Valuable Player.” When Harden and the real MVP met in the second game of the season, Curry finished with 25 points in a 20-point win over the Rockets. Meanwhile, Harden had 16 points and Houston is struggling with an 8-11 record. The curse of Lil B lives on. The NBA all-time single season win record doesn’t seem so out of reach now with Golden State firing on all cylinders. The record is currently held by Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls at 72 wins. Forget comparing them to past great teams like the Bulls or Lakers. The Warriors are the best team in the NBA right now.

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