Monitor 2015-12-10

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THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 2015 Vol. L No. 10

Kabul band making dreams come true in Bay Area.



Study: Women faculty of color face barriers SAM CAMPBELL Opinions editor Women faculty of color experienced racism, sexism and institutional barriers at Bay Area community colleges, according to a dissertation by an Ohlone professor. Speech and Communication Studies Professor Teresa Massimo returned from her 2014-2015 sabbatical this semester with a doctorate in educational leadership in cross-cultural studies. At the Nov. 18 Board of Trustees meeting, Massimo presented her dissertation, which included interviews Continued on Page 3

Student honored for elevator assist BRIANNE O’SULLIVAN News editor


Above: Zach Maher, left, and John Ramirez perform “Man of La Mancha” during the Department of Music’s “Music on the Hill” concert on Friday night on the Fremont campus. Right: A vocal ensemble performs a selection of traditional songs at the concert. For more information about concerts and other upcoming holiday events, see Page 5.

On Oct. 8, Ohlone student Anita Rotich got out of class and attempted to use the parking garage elevator when she heard a voice coming from the closed doors. It was Harry Shuai, an international student trapped in one of the parking garage elevators. The elevator had gotten stuck between floors and was no longer responding to controls. Shuai immediately notified the elevator company that he was stuck and in need of assistance. It took the company more than an hour to get to the scene. Wanting to help, Rotich Continued on Page 3

Students reap benefits of more intensive English class BRIANNE O’SULLIVAN News editor Inda Lee Hamad and Diego Marquez pore over a novel Monday in a section of Ohlone’s first accelerated, integrated reading and writing course. The students in the class work with their peers to think critically and develop new academic skills. English Professors Jennifer Hurley and Allison Kuehner developed the course for students who do not want to be endlessly reviewing fundamentals and are motivated to do college-level work. They combined English 151B (Fundamentals of Composition) and English 163 (Techniques of College Reading), eliminated the lab component of those classes, and created a class that is more intensive and includes

more one-on-one attention. “This class really helped me shape my growth mindset,” said Fawaz Harara, a former 151RW student. “It not only helped me in my English class but it helped me in all my other classes as well.” This is the fourth semester 151 Reading and Writing has been offered, and Hurley and a few of her students recently described the success of the experimental course to Ohlone’s Board of Trustees. Forty-nine percent of students who took English 151RW in Spring 2014 had completed English 101A by the fall, compared to 27 percent of students in the traditional path. Sixty-three percent of students who completed Continued on Page 3


Students Diego Marquez, left, and Inda Lee Hamad analyze literature in their English 151RW class on Monday.



NEWS BITES UC extends deadline

The University of California is extending the 2016 transfer application deadline for California community college transfer students. Students now have until Jan. 4 to complete their applications. Applications can be completed here For more information, contact the Transfer Center at transfer@ohlone. edu or 510-659-6241. In addition, the Transfer Center will hold an application workshop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Placement Center on the second floor of Building 7 on the Fremont campus. Another workshop, to discuss next steps after the application is submitted, will be from 10 to 11 a.m. Dec. 21 in Room 7101, Building 7.

STEP Up offers study guide As finals approach, STEP Up Ohlone is asking students to check out a guide to maximizing study time in the latest edition of Student Health 101 – a monthly online magazine tailored to Ohlone students. The magazine is available here: http:// html In addition, the organization is raffling off five pairs of movie tickets drawn from those who answer the question: “How are you managing your stress as you prepare for final exams?” To answer the question and enter the raffle, go to r/89H9MXH For more information, go to

Ohlone seeks new VP Ohlone has begun the search for a new vice president of administrative services. Applications are due by Jan. 22. Ron Little, the former vice president of administrative services, left in August after he was hired as vice chancellor of administrative services at Peralta Community College District. George Kozitza is serving as the interim vice president while college officials search for a permanent replacement for Little. – Compiled by Monitor staff


‘This is not conservatism’


This is the final Monitor issue of the semester. Have a great Winter Break, and we’ll see you in the spring. Standing in back: photo editor Ivan Vargas. Back row, left to right: opinions editor Sam Campbell, features editor Agnes Madriaga and adviser Rob Dennis. Front row, left to right: editor-in-chief Vanessa Luis, graphic designer Shuai Liu and photographer Laura Gonsalves. Not pictured: news editor Brianne O’Sullivan, sports editor Cristian Medina and cartoonist Joy Moon.



Above: About 30 people gathered outside Building 7 on Wednesday night for a vigil to support the reinstatement of a full-time Chicano Studies faculty member. Below-left: M.E.Ch.A. member Yessenia Palomino speaks at the vigil. Below-right: An Ohlone student listens at the vigil.

Finally, one of Donald Trump’s many xenophobic policy proposals is being called out by prominent Republicans. In multiple interviews Tuesday, Trump defended his proposal that would lead to a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” His divisive comments have sparked global backlash. All the usual suspects – Democrats, world leaders, and the average college liberal on Facebook – have denounced Trump’s dangerous thinking. However, the most important group to criticize Trump is his own party. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who has remained mostly quiet on the 2016 Republican Presidential primary, had the strongest message for the American people. “This is not conservatism,” he said in a press conference Tuesday. “What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and, more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for.” Trump attempted to justify his plan by comparing it to President Franklin Roosevelt’s actions against Japanese and Germans during WWII. I fail to see how this is any kind of explanation. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan, modern conservatives’ idol, signed the Civil Liberties Act, which compensated those affected by internment, and issued a formal apology for the government’s unfounded aggression. Trump must have missed that day in eighth grade U.S. History. And while Trump denied internment camps being part of his proposal, it is easy to see how his fear-mongering could escalate. The actions taken against innocent Japanese-Americans is a disgrace to our nation’s history that cannot be repeated. Trump has proved many times over that he is not the person to lead this country into the future. It is nice to finally hear that sentiment echoed amongst conservatives.



More intensive MONITOR English class sees results




Editor-in-chief: Vanessa Luis

News editor: Brianne O’Sullivan Features editor: Agnes Madriaga Opinions editor: Sam Campbell Sports editor: Cristian Medina Photo editor: Ivan Vargas Photographer: Laura Gonsalves Design: Shuai Liu Joy Moon Adviser: Rob Dennis

Continued from Page 1 the course in Fall 2014 had completed 101A by the end of Spring 2015, compared to 31.8 percent of students in the traditional path. “We’re not surprised,” Hurley said. “We know that this works.” Students who complete 151RW are much more likely to succeed in English 101A, compared to students who take the traditional path. When students take the English placement test, many are placed in the lowest levels and have to take up to four classes to get to English 101A. This process

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Professor Jennifer Hurley reads with students on Monday.

of excelling in higher-level English classes and college as a whole. Inda Lee, a current 151RW student, said the class “creates an environment where students freely ask questions, listen to each other, and debate in a healthy and nonjudgmental way. It makes it so we can speak our minds and value each other’s opinions. This class does all of this every single meeting.”

The class is in high demand, and there are currently not enough sections to meet students’ needs. “We hope to expand to eight sections come Fall 2016,” Hurley said. “Still, this is just a drop in the bucket. Some colleges have gone ‘all in,’ basically replacing the old model with the new, accelerated model, and we’d like to see that happen at Ohlone.”

Student receives Letter of Appreciation

Printer: FP Press


is time-consuming and expensive. Hurley considers this a “social justice issue” because “students are dropping out, they’re not meeting their goals, and this is a tragedy.” Ismail Ayoud, a student who has taken both 151RW and the traditional path explained that in English 151B and English 163, “They were teaching us things like basic grammar and how to build a sentence. It wasn’t all that beneficial.” It “had me feeling kind of depressed. Like am I really that bad at English?” Taking 151RW helped him realize he was not, and that he was capable


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Online: 2005, 2013 CONTACT US: Offices: Room 5310 Call: 510.659.6075 E-mail: monitor@ohlone. edu Website: Facebook: www.facebook. com/OhloneCollegeMonitor Twitter: @OhloneMonitor Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College.

raced down to Campus Police Services to let them know that a student was trapped in the elevator. After notifying the police, Rotich went back up to the elevators to talk to Shuai through the closed doors in an attempt to calm him down. Shuai had been trapped in the elevator for about 20 minutes and was beginning to feel dizzy when the fire department arrived. According to Rotich, the firefighters “had all these big gadgets and they were clanging at things, but they were only able to open the

elevator doors a little bit” to allow some air to ventilate through the elevator car. The firefighter in charge told Rotich “not to talk to Harry because there’s a lack of oxygen in the elevator.” Talking was using up the limited air in the elevator car. However, talking to Rotich was calming Shuai down and helping him cope with the traumatic situation. So they exchanged numbers and proceeded to text throughout the ordeal. A little more than an hour had passed before someone from the Otis Elevator Co. arrived at the parking garage. The representative from the

company was able to easily open the elevator doors with “a little gadget,” Rotich said. Despite the frightening ordeal, Shuai was able to leave Ohlone shortly after being freed from the elevator. Rotich later was presented with a Letter of Appreciation from Ohlone Chief of Police John Worley for her calm assistance. College officials said that Otis, which installed and manages the new parking garage elevators, has a great reputation, although there have been multiple shutdowns at the parking garage elevators. Since the parking

garage opened, one or both elevators have been out at least 10 times, from hours to days at a time. The elevators are under warranty for a year, and the problems will not cost the college any money, officials said. One of the elevators was facing water intrusion and the other was going into seismic mode, a safety feature that is meant to detect earthquakes and disable the elevator. Campus Police Services can be reached at 510-6596111. The office is located on the Fremont campus in Building 20, which is right off Olive Lane.

Professor: Women faculty of color face racism, sexism Continued from Page 1 with six women faculty of color teaching at Bay Area community colleges. She said that the goal of her research was to “explore a population within our higher education that has often not been able to have a voice, that had been marginalized and silenced, and that is the majority of faculty in community colleges, particularly women faculty of color.” Massimo went on to explain that 79 percent of faculty members are white. In an attempt to learn more about the experiences of women faculty of color ( WFOC) in urban areas, she interviewed different faculty members and had a core focus on three major questions. The first question was, “What professional challenges and rewards do

women faculty of color have at San Francisco Bay Area community colleges?” Massimo found that WFOC report facing racism and sexism in the workplace, which create institutional barriers. She explained that while the racism is not direct, it is seen through micro-aggressions such as being asked if their hiring was a result of affirmative action, or even colleagues being afraid of faculty members of color as they cross one another in the halls. She relayed a quotation from one interview, in which the subject pointed out how faculty diversity is severely lacking. “It’s funny because administration of faculty keeps saying we really need to support students. I want to say, do you really know how to support these students? Because it

seems like a way to support them would have faculty reflect the diversity of our students. That would truly help serve our students.” Still, she said the rewards are what keep them going. Their rewards come from teaching and their students, and even seeing themselves as agents of change. Massimo’s second question was, “How does gender and race intersect to influence the professional experiences of women faculty of color in San Francisco Bay Area community colleges?” She said the sexism and racism such faculty members face results in the WFOC being questioned about everything. Their integrity is questioned, along with their knowledge and even their views and teachings, Massimo said. Massimo’s final question was, “What influence if any does working at a San

Francisco Bay Area community college have on the self-perception of women?” She said the aforementioned continuous attacks on women faculty of color greatly affects their selfesteem, resulting in physical and mental fatigue similar to those to suffer from PTSD. Massimo concluded by suggesting six different ways to try to fix the problem: 1) Examine and revise the hiring process; 2) Increase the representation of faculty of color on college campuses; 3) Implement diversity awareness workshops; 4) Offer mentorships for faculty of color; 5) Design a way for faculty of color to comfortably voice their concerns without fear of backlash; and 6) Express respect and fairness to your fellow faculty members who are people of color.




Are our games making us violent? There has been much debate over the past couple decades about the influence of violent video games on aggression and violent behaviors. Worried parents and lawmakers are telling gamers that our pastime is making us violent maniacs who essentially want to act out our video game fantasies on the world around us. Here’s my opinion. I think we are all violent; everyone in our society has a bit of rage or stress inside of us. We all choose to express this aggression in different ways – some of us exercise, some of us watch TV or relax, some have a drink, and some of us just want to shoot enemies in a virtual environment. I believe that video games are a productive outlet for our stress and aggression. Most of us play these games and do not think, “Hey, this inspires me to grab my parent’s gun and go shoot everyone at school.” Maybe there is a violent, aggressive element to these games, but it all depends on the person playing and whether or not they are extremely susceptible to suggestion. The most important thing is for people to be taught the difference between fantasy and reality, and this will ultimately stem from their environment. Therefore, I conclude that the most relevant factor in aggressive behavior is environment, not mass media. If a person is conditioned to take in everything they are exposed to, then the blame for violent behavior can be solely on the persons themselves. Thanks for sticking with me throughout the semester, fellow gamers! It’s been real. However, next semester this column will be getting a makeover. It will change from strictly gaming to a general entertainment column. Hope you’ll stick around and have a wonderful winter break! Play with me on the PlayStation Platform: valarmorghulis8_


Above: The 89.3 KOHL radio station on the Fremont campus. Bottom: The KOHL radio truck is parked next to the Smith Center.

KOHL opens door to the airwaves VANESSA LUIS Editor-in-chief I was walking up the Smith Center steps the first time I heard the radio over the loud speakers; it was peculiar to me that Ohlone was playing one of my favorite Top 40 stations, until I was told that the 89.3 KOHL radio station was here, on campus. If you lived in the area all your life, you may have grown up with this station on your radio and, like me, never known that it was a part of the Ohlone College community. KOHL acts as a work-

ing lab for Ohlone Radio Broadcasting students and I wanted to know more; so, I took my first Radio Operations class this past spring. After my first semester I was already working with KOHL at events and on-air. Instructor Tom Briseño, who has been with the department for more than 30 years, says that to date, KOHL has placed more than 300 students with more than 1,000 jobs/stations. This includes industry professionals such as Eric Tucker, Rob Williams (KRXQ), Lisa St. Regis (KISQ), Christie James (KISQ), 98.5

morning host Chris Jackson (KFOX), and many more. KOHL participates in popular events such as the Fremont Festival of the Arts, Hayward Zucchini Festival, Pirates of Emerson and Fremont Candle Lighters’ Halloween Haunts, Wizard World and WonderCons, as well as in movie and concert ticket giveaways. In order to get on-air, students must be enrolled in Broadcasting 123A and be able to learn KOHL policies and legal FCC responsibilities; students who show they are ready could be on-air before they even finish the

123a course. In order to prepare students for the “real world” of radio broadcasting, Briseno said he “teaches them exactly what is expected, without sugar-coating it.” He stressed that the KOHL team will go out of their way to prepare and guide students for success in the industry. If you’re interested in learning more about the program and how to become a part of this station, contact Briseño at tbriseno@ohlone. edu or KOHL Director Bob Dochterman at




Above-left: Alex Quick performs “Ain’t Misbehavin” at the “Music on the Hill” concert Friday night. Above-right: The String Ensemble plays “Blue Rondo a la Turk.” Below-left: Dixieland Jazz play a selection of tunes. Below-right: The group Basses performs “Whale Watching.”

Holiday happenings AGNES MADRIAGA Features editor Ohlone performances Jazz/Rock Ensembles 7 p.m. Friday, Smith Center, Fremont campus. Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 for students, staff, youth 12 and younger, and senior Applied Music Showcase 7 p.m. Saturday, Recital Hall (Room 3101), Building 3, first floor. Free concert The Nutcracker
by Yoko’s Dance Academy Jackson Theater, Smith Center, Fremont campus, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday (with live orchestra). Tickets for Saturday: $25 general admission, $20 for

students and seniors, $15 for youth ages 12 and younger. Tickets for Sunday: $40 general admission, $25 for students and seniors, $15 for youth ages 12 and younger. The Nutcracker
by Berkeley City Ballet Jackson Theater, Smith Center, 1 and 5 p.m. Dec. 19 and 20. Tickets: $25 for general admission, $20 for students, staff and seniors, and $15 for youth. Hanukkah celebrations Temple Beth Torah Fremont

42000 Paseo Parkway, Fremont, Friday Shabbat Chanukah Service, 7:30 p.m. Friday. Bring a menorah and seven candles. Chabad Fremont 5 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday (includes lighting of 9-foot Menorah, food and children’s activities. Pacific Commons Shopping Center (between DSW and Nordstrom) Kwanzaa Celebration 6 to 9 p.m. Dec. 26, Holy Redeemer Center, 8945 Golf Links Road, Oakland. The free event for all ages is one of the largest Kwanzaa celebrations in the Bay Area. It is expected to attract more than 150 guests and will feature dance, spoken word, and jazz. Various vendors also will have items for sale.







Left: Kabul Dreams, Afghanistan’s first indie rock band, plays a concert in the band’s hometown of Kabul. The band is now based in the Bay Area, and is currently working on its second album at 25th Street Recording in Oakland.


DREAMS THAMINA SHAH Contributing writer When Kabul Dreams debuted last year in the United States, the band took the stage at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas. “No one from our country has played this festival yet,” said Sulyman Qardash, lead singer and songwriter for Kabul Dreams, Afghanistan’s first indie rock band. “It was incredibly important for us as a band. I grew up following this festival and always found new emerging bands through their lineups posted on their website. For us it was a big deal to come from Afghanistan and to have our first show in the United States to be at the musical festival South by Southwest.” Kabul Dreams, which was formed in 2008 in Afghanistan, now makes its home in the Bay Area, where the group is busy recording its second

album. Three people make up the current lineup: Qardash, bass guitarist Siddique Ahmad and drummer Raby Adib. Qardash said Afghan pop and traditional music were a part of his upbringing. “When I was a refugee in Uzbekistan, I went to a music school and had the opportunity to learn how to play the guitar,” he said. “I can play both the guitar and drums. I met other people that later became my friends through that, and they are the ones that introduced rock to me for the first time. I could somehow connect myself to it.” As with any band, inspiration helps with the musical process. Qardash said his influences include the kind of music he grew up to – punk rock and grunge bands, including the Sex Pistols, Oasis and Stereophonics. “I started learning guitar riffs and like any other kid, I probably wanted to be a rock star,” he said. It’s not common for your

childhood dreams to remain the same until you are an adult, but for Qardash they did – and they came true. The band has performed in Pakistan, India, Turkey, Europe and now the United States. Qardash’s dream venue is Wembley Stadium in London. Being in a band means taking into account everyone’s ideas and suggestions. It’s even more difficult when band members come from diverse backgrounds, but Kabul Dreams makes it work. “It’s great to be around likeminded people,” he said. “It’s not only about playing music – it’s more than that. You go from being friends to being brothers. You go through a lot, but you will always be with your best friends.” Still, there were challenges launching a rock band in Kabul. “A lot of things were out of our control, and I think that was the toughest point for the band,” Qardash said. “Also, basic things like lack


Above: Kabul Dreams, Afghanistan’s first indie rock band, performs at a venue in the band’s hometown of Kabul. The band is now based in the Bay Area.

of power and electricity. We didn’t have proper electricity in the Afghan capital and we still don’t.” The lack of resources led to delays in past performances, but they worked around it. “We recorded our first album, `Plastic Words,’ in Kabul, at a friend’s unfinished studio. He rented a place and wanted to create a studio. The place literally didn’t have anything. No acoustic or soundproof. There was no mixer to capture the tracks and we had to borrow the mixer from another friend for recording. Only good thing about the place was that no one would bother you if you played loud – and we played really loud. For Muslims, there is a duty to pray five times a day. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has mosques that announce the call to prayer


Sulyman Qardash, lead singer and songwriter for Kabul Dreams, works on the band’s new album in Oakland.

during those times. “In Kabul, you have to be careful about disturbing neighbors and prayer times,” Qardash said. You can’t play during that time either.” Often, band members had to do things on their own and had multiple responsibilities aside from playing music. They had to find the resources to make everything come together. The hard work paid off, because the band was able to put their debut album on iTunes for sale. The album name is a literal translation from Dari or Persian. “It’s when people say something but don’t mean it,” Qardash said. “People use some words carelessly, and if it doesn’t come from the heart then it’s fake or plastic.” Rolling Stone’s India edition complimented the band: “With lyrics in English, the tracks stick to their indie rock roots with various influences buzzing around – influences are linked, in part, to the troubled past of their country.” The U.S. war in Afghanistan ended in December 2014 and band

members were able to witness the effects of it, which influenced their music. Expression is one of the main components when it comes to music, Qardash explained. “I’m the songwriter of the band – I write the music and lyrics,” he said. “My main inspirations are my city, Kabul, and its people. I met so many people living in Kabul. Life is different in that part of the world. The problems that people go through are different than any other country I have traveled to so far. Life there is not easy, but it always calls you back. Kabul has some sort of charisma, if that makes sense to you.” Afghanistan is known for its traditional music as well as its classic and most recent pop. Music has “always been a part of our life and culture in Afghanistan,” Qardash said. “Generally, people like music, although during the time of the Taliban, music was banned. But we hear stories like people would listen to it secretly. You can’t stop people from

loving the arts.” People continue to promote the arts through various means, one being the Kabul Art Project, based in Germany. It supports contemporary Afghan art to avoid prohibition by the Taliban. Prohibition is one reason why artists venture out of the country, but they combine tradition with a modern twist in a successful manner. “I think we’re young, but a growing scene so far in the contemporary genre of rock,” Qardash said. “We need more bands and artists to come out, because we have so many talented young artists in our country, but not all of them have a chance to continue. Their circumstances of their lives and living in a war-torn country stops them from moving forward.” Circumstances may be


Kabul Dreams bass guitarist Siddique Ahmad takes part in a recording session at 25th Street Recording in Oakland.

tough, but the music and the arts play a major role in Afghanistan. “It is a vital role in youth’s life in Afghanistan,” Qardash said. “Major cities like Kabul let the people of Herat and Mazar-e Sharif have access to the Internet and social media. Radio is very famous and an accessible media outlet in the country. People listen to it a lot. As I said earlier, we’re a young and emerging generation in Afghanistan. I believe in our youth. They’ve got talent and passion in the arts.” Kabul Dreams set an example for these youth, because the band was able to make music in an environment with minimal equipment. At a concert in Richmond several months ago, Afghan female rapper Sonita opened for the band. She performed a piece about hardships as a young girl who had to leave Afghanistan. She got the crowd going, but when Kabul Dreams came on, the energy of the crowd escalated. There was a huge sense of pride and acceptance from the audience. The women in the first row were dancing the entire time while the men threw up rock ‘n’ roll hand gestures. Like true rockers, they had their own style, which consisted of performing on traditional Afghan rugs, but with a twist of having some of the band mates wear Converse and T-shirts. Qardash wore all black with an Alexander McQueen skull scarf as a signature style. There also was a question-and-answer session so the crowd could interact with the band. Kabul Dreams shares its music in various ways, and has experimented with promoting as well. “Because we are com-

ing from a different part of the world, we didn’t follow any specific band’s way,” Qardash said. “We knew we had to try 10 times harder and 100 times more than any band in any part of the world. We know we had bad stereotypes of our nation in the world. We had this rock ‘n’ roll dream and chased it by making music.” Band members did not let discouragement get to them, instead using it as motivation. “I remember we took our first single to local radio and TV stations, they didn’t show any interest, didn’t want to play it because it was new for their ears and they were scared of their reputation,” Qardash said. “A comment was made: `This is too loud and noisy for us, we can’t play this, sorry.’ We didn’t have any other way to get our music aired on the local radio stations. There was no rock scene or venue for us to perform at.” The advance in technology later created an opportunity for them. “Later, in 2008, we decided to put the track on Myspace,” Qardash said. “This was the only way of promoting and getting heard for us, through the Internet and social media. We built our music scene by organizing shows ourselves. We would talk to cultural centers, private universities to put on shows. Convincing them wasn’t easy, because playing a rock show in Kabul needs a hell of a lot of preparation. You have to invite people, have security, proper sound. You have to be an event organizer, sound engineer, producer, manager.” All that preparation is done by the band, because the music scene is not as advanced as it is in other



countries. In addition, Kabul has its own unique problems for bands. “You cannot openly invite anyone by putting a poster on the streets, because you don’t want Taliban or other groups to know about that. Our shows got canceled because of presidential elections or suicide attacks in the city or area of the show we were supposed to have. We’ve risked our lives and (it was) hard work but we created our fan base in Afghanistan.” That charisma Afghanistan has kept Qardash and the band going, because they knew a lot of people were counting on them as public figures. Meanwhile, he has worked on other projects, including “Project 50 Kabul.” The project consists of photos taken within 50 days among 50 people with a 50mm prime lens. “I wanted to portray ordinary and extraordinary people and their life in Afghanistan,” Qardash said. “Throughout the project I met 50 great stories, places and people. It was a great experience as a photographer, but also a challenge using a 50mm prime lens.” When he is not working on his own projects or music, Qardash likes to go to venues and listen to local bands in the Bay Area. The band is currently working on its second album at 25th Street Recording in Oakland. It will be released in mid-2016. “We recorded first in Afghanistan and now we are recording in California,” Qardash said. “It’s very exciting, yet a new experience. We had to do everything ourselves in Kabul. Here it’s good to have those people around you so you can focus on your main job, and that is playing the music.”



Drummer Raby Adib works on Kabul Dreams’ new album at 25th Street Recording in Oakland.




Bratty kids? Just call Krampus

SAM CAMPBELL Opinions editor While we sit comfortably in our homes waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney to leave gifts for our children, the children of Germany know better. A German folklore, Krampus is said to kidnap wicked children, stuff them in his basket, and beat them with reeds. According to National G e o g r a p h i c , K r a m p u s’ “name is derived from the German word krampen, meaning claw, (and) is said to be the son of Hel in Norse mythology. The legendary beast also shares characteristics with other scary, demonic creatures in Greek mythology, including satyrs and fauns.” Here in the United States, the biggest threat to bad children is a lump of coal, but what if we told them Krampus was going to come for them, too? You know those demonic children you see throwing themselves on the floor of a Target because they aren’t getting the new iPad mini? With Krampus, we wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. Either they shape up or their parents let a goat demon whisk the brats away. It is said Krampus comes the night before St. Nicholas Day and takes the bad children with him to the underworld. Now that we all know the supernanny methods don’t work on these spoiled children, it is time to take it to the next level.


Krampus not only will give parents a way to keep their children in line, but also will teach children that there can be serious consequences for their actions and bad behavior. Today, Krampus is celebrated with large parades where people dress up as the demon, drink and have a good time. “Krampus” the movie came out in theaters on Friday, so we are already on the track to integrate this myth into our culture. To save your sanity and the sanity of others, teach your children about the wonders of Christmas – and the dreadful fate that may befall them if they step out of line.



Overcrowding key to Mission Peak problems EDITOR: Despite what some would have you believe, the root cause of all the problems both inside and surrounding Mission Peak Regional Preserve/Stanford staging is simply too many visitors for a single park entrance to handle. Overcrowding causes the deplorable condition of the Preserve today. The trails from Stanford Avenue have become a rowdy hiker “super highway” and are a continuing East Bay Regional Park District “restoration project” requiring barbed wire fencing in an attempt to slow the tramping of the landscape. Mission Peak’s popularity has exploded, and the park district has failed to manage it, from hundreds

to several thousand visitors per day on weekends now. The preserve is a victim of its views, the need for a “selfie” photo at the “peeker pole” and free access, unlike similar East Bay regional parks or those in nearby Santa Clara County. In 2014 the Park District estimated almost 300,000 visitors using the Stanford staging entrance. Unfortunately, many hikers are ill-prepared or violate curfews and require rescue, draining Fremont police/paramedic resources. Recently, an EBRPD helicopter was required for an after-dark rescue, costing park district taxpayers unnecessarily. Disrespectful visitors cause ongoing trail and habitat damage inside the park, and over-

flow parking clogs neighborhood streets for more than half a mile from the entrance. Adding more parking to the Stanford Avenue entrance will only encourage additional visitors that the preserve’s trails and habitats cannot sustain, a fact confirmed in the district’s proposed parking lot Draft Environmental Impact Report. The preserve is overrun today. Increased parking is not a solution; it will not address the root cause of the problems inside or outside the park. The draft report recommends the NO BUILD option as the environmentally superior alternative. The park district must manage visitor numbers to a level Continued on Page 9

What New Year’s resolution will you not keep? DESIREE LEJAT Philosophy

“Stop using foul language”

JAMIE JAVIER Communication

“Make more time to travel” JAYSON YALUNG Business

“Not spend all my money on food” CAMARYN BRICKER Kinesiology

“Not procrastinate”


“Not buying shoes and hats”

OPINIONS Loving an immigrant is beautiful, difficult PATRICIA PRAKAASH Contributing writer I am not suggesting that America take in more immigrants than it already does. God bless America and its collective generous heart – it already helps the world in so many ways. Taking my story as a political statement undermines the complexity of love, logic and patriotism. It is possible to love your country more than you love a person, and that is precisely what I feel right now. I love a man on a visa, but I love my country more. That is why I am not suggesting America burden taxpayers by taking in more immigrants to accommodate my small love story. Immigration policy in this country is bigger than me and my feelings. Daryl, the object of my affections, is a graduate student at San Jose State. He is studying mechanical engineering. His student visa does not permit him to work here, which is why he is not putting his bachelor’s degree to use. However, many minimum wage jobs offer positions even to people not technically allowed to work in America. Thus, my overqualified friend is currently engineering sandwiches at the Subway near my bus stop, and that is how we met. He made small talk with me while preparing my sandwich. This happened a few times before

we exchanged numbers and ended up having more small talk over coffee. We have become friends and I really like him. Just think about the plight of student visa holders like him. I’m not saying we should change the rules and allow student visa holders to work professionally, but it must be frustrating to work a job that one is over-qualified for. Imagine how desperately these immigrants want to stay in America, to put up with all the struggles that their immigrant status presents. He is working for minimum wage here and yet paying the tuition rate for International students, which is much greater than the tuition rate for natives. The reason these immigrants are willing to struggle like this is the American Dream. To citizens, the American Dream is owning a house, a car, raising happy children, retiring comfortably. To immigrants, the American Dream is just clean water, safe streets, and a secular government. The comforts of America are greater than those of any other country, and most immigrants realize that it is better to be poor in America than rich anywhere else. I have been to India myself and have seen the difficulties there. No matter how fond we are of complaining about the government or any other problems in America, we must concede that there is nowhere else

we would rather be. Back in the day, when my father first came from India, he got his green card within a year of coming here on a work visa. At the time, almost every student visa holder could bet on earning a work visa soon enough and then getting a green card. However, times have really changed. Hundreds of thousands of students come here from India every year and there is no meaningful limit to how many student visas are given. Anyone and everyone is welcome to study here in America. All you need is ambition, intelligence, hard work and a fat wallet. But America couldn’t possibly give work visas to every student here from India, so there is a lottery system for it. 60,000 temporary work visas will be granted to Indians every year, and an additional 20,000 will be granted to student visa holders who are already here. My friend has until the end of next semester, when he finishes his master’s degree, to get his work visa. If it does not come through, he is considering starting on a doctoral program or trying his luck at settling in Canada. He does not want to go back to India. Nobody does. Loving an immigrant, like loving anybody, is impossible and maddening and beautiful and difficult. I would know because this is what I am doing right now: #LovingAnImmigrant.



‘Paving parklands for a parking lot is not the solution’ Continued from Page 8 the preserve can sustain to ensure its long-term viability for the future, and avoid irreparable damage. Nature has its limits. The park district needs to reconsider options dismissed in the draft report that if implemented in combination would provide effective solutions with less negative environmental impacts and less cost to taxpayers. A hiker/permit reservation system should be considered to balance visitor demand and park preservation. Mission Peak – Stanford is a Regional Preserve, classified as a Resource Conservation Open Space area. It is

a riparian corridor and an area of cultural significance to the Ohlone People. Disrupting this area will impact several wildlife habitats and native species. Bulldozing and paving parklands for a parking lot is not the solution. The Park District has a slogan: “Healthy Parks/ Healthy People.” Mission Peak Regional Preserve – Stanford staging is not a “healthy” park. Save Mission Peak. Please do not build a parking lot. Reconsider other alternatives that provide more effective solutions, with less negative environmental impact and less cost to taxpayers. Tony Pang Fremont Resident




Super Bowl coming to Bay Area in February CRISTIAN MEDINA Sports editor On a foggy night in February 1985, two legendary quarterbacks, Dan Marino and Joe Montana, faced each other for the right to be enshrined in football immortality. On this night, the San Francisco 49ers would defeat the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl XIX at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California. This was the second of San Francisco’s five Super Bowl wins. It also marked the last time a Super Bowl was hosted in the San Francisco Bay Area. When Levi’s Stadium, the new home of the 49ers, was proposed and constructed, there was hope that the stadium and the area one day would host the game’s most important event. However, it was not expected to happen so soon. About a year into construction in 2013, The NFL voted for the yet-to-becompleted stadium to host Super Bowl 50 on Feb. 7,

2016. As the event rapidly approaches, the entire Bay Area is preparing for one of the largest sporting events to take place in recent memory. Not only is Santa Clara hosting the most important game of the season, but it is also the 50th anniversary of the Super Bowl. Even though the game will be played in Santa Clara, many of the events leading up to the big game will take place in San Francisco, the unofficial host city. The annual “NFL Experience” will be held at the Moscone Center and the “Super Bowl City” will open Jan. 30 at Justin Herman Plaza on the Embarcadero. Santa Clara will still host events in preparation for the Super Bowl with a parade down Great America Parkway, a beer, wine and food festival at Santa Clara University, and a weeklong event to be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center, right across the street from



Levi’s Stadium. While the Super Bowl and its events are expected to bring in a lot of revenue for the Bay Area, The Super Bowl 50 Host Committee has planned to dedicate 25 percent of all the money it raises for local philanthro-

pies. The committee has already raised more than $40 million through local big name sponsors such as Apple, Google, Yahoo!, and Dignity Health. The Super Bowl is expected to generate a lot of local

and tourist interest with the week’s events alone expected to draw more than 1 million people. There’s no doubt that as the event draws near, the anticipation for the Bay Area hosting the big game is higher than ever.






Top Left: No. 2 Clarence Kaye. Top-middle: No.. 15 Christian Yammouni. Top-right: No. 33 Cameron Niven, Center-right: No. 30 Zach Ghaith, No. 4 Luis Ramirez, No. 20 Blake McGlenchy. Center Left No. 1 Maurice Jordan Bottom right No. 24 Yammoun, Bottom Left: No. 20 Blake McGlenchy No. 33 Niven.

Men cool off after strong start to season CRISTIAN MEDINA Sports editor The Ohlone men’s basketball team lost the first game of Friday’s double-header to Gavilan College 69-58. After going into the locker room at halftime only down

by 5 points, the Renegades came out in the second half unable to slow down the Gavilan offense. Ohlone was led by Clarence Kaye, who finished with 17 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists in the losing effort. Luis Ramirez also

impressed, coming off the bench to score 14 points of his own. The Renegades had a fast start to the 2015-2016 campaign, going 2-0 to start the season. However, they’ve lost their last four games, moving to 2-4.




SPORTS And then there were four

Lady Renagades fall to Siskiyous CRISTIAN MEDINA Sports editor The Lady Renegades were outmanned, outmatched and outplayed Friday in their matchup with College of the Siskiyous. In the second game of Friday’s double-header, Siskiyous handed Ohlone their third loss, beating them 108-49 in the Epler Gymnasium on the Fremont campus.

The Lady Renegades struggled to score points and stay in the game in the first half and completely fell off in the second half, only scoring a total of 17 points. A pair of injuries and a depleted bench mainly contributed to the lack of offense in the second half. Ohlone has lost their last two games as well, falling to Lassen and Cabrillo colleges. The Renegades have started their season 0-5.


The Ohlone women’s basketball team lost 108-49 to the College of the Siskiyous at the Epler Gym on the Fremont campus on Friday night. The Lady Renegades have started their season 0-5.

The college football season has come to a close, and the second year of the College Football Playoffs was one for the books. Defending national champions Ohio State had their undefeated season end in November as Michigan State’s walkoff field goal ended their chance to make the playoffs. As for the teams in the playoffs, undefeated Clemson and offensive powerhouse Oklahoma will be first-timers in this new playoff format. Michigan State won the Big 10, earning them the No. 3 seed, and Alabama recovered from an early season upset at the hands of Ole Miss to secure a playoff spot and prove that they are still a force to be reckoned with. The No. 1 team in the country, Clemson Tigers, will face No. 4 Oklahoma Sooners in the Orange Bowl, while No. 2 Alabama Crimson Tide will take on No. 3 Michigan State in the Cotton Bowl. Clemson and Oklahoma boast two of the top quarterbacks in the country and are expected to play tough defensively. Clemson quarterback and Heisman finalist Deshaun Watson led the Tigers to an ACC championship season. The Tigers will have their hands full with Oklahoma’s high-scoring offense, led by quarterback Baker Mayfield. I give Oklahoma the edge over Clemson in this game. For the Alabama-Michigan State matchup, there isn’t much to say other than Derrick Henry and the Alabama defense. Michigan State enjoyed a successful season despite narrow wins. Alabama hasn’t forgotten their semifinal loss to a Big 10 school in last year’s playoffs, and is looking for revenge against Michigan State. Expect Nick Saban and his Crimson Tide to come prepared and beat the Spartans. This sets up an Oklahoma vs. Alabama National Championship Game.While the Sooners had a successful season and proved to be one of the best teams in the country, I expect the Crimson Tide to win the National Championship and further cement itself as one of the great dynasties in college football.

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