Ohio Cooperative Living – March 2023 - Adams

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OHIO COOPERATIVE MARCH 2023 Goin’ buggy! Unmistakable signs of spring ALSO INSIDE Your opinion counts Snacks on the go Heartbreaking lifeline Adams Rural Electric Cooperative


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Ohioan Karl Maslowski rose from poverty to become a pioneer in the production of wildlife video footage.


A Lake Erie-area co-op member specializes in relocating entire structures — very carefully.


Each organ donation story is one of both heartbreak and hope.

Cover image on most editions: Ellen Crayton’s granddaughter, Brenna, is enthralled with butterflies — and sometimes they’re equally enthralled with her, as shown in the photo Ellen submitted for this month’s Member Interactive feature, “Bug’s Life” (see page 40 for more).

This page: Pulitzer Prize-winning Ohio author Louis Bromfield wrote his many books at a folding card table instead of a desk at his Malabar Farm estate, in the heart of Mohican country in Richland County (photograph by W.H. “Chip” Gross — see Chip’s story about Mohican country on page 8).


Your electric cooperative: Working for you

Electric cooperatives are not-for-profit organizations controlled by local people who are members of the cooperative, elected by the membership to represent the interests of their fellow members. Those interests generally align along the themes of safety, reliability, value, and service.

While each electric cooperative is unique, reflecting the communities it serves, the people it employs, and the history of decisions that have come before, each electric co-op also shares the attributes of democratic local control for the benefit of its members.

Over the years, Ohio’s electric cooperatives have aligned themselves in order to realize the mutual benefits that come from new cooperative organizations — organizations founded, owned, and controlled by the co-ops for the benefit of their members. Some cooperative service organizations are national, providing services such as at-cost financing, insurance, information technology, telecommunications, after-hours call centers, and employee benefits management.

In Ohio, Buckeye Power is the co-ops’ locally based generation and transmission service provider, and Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. (OREC), is their state-based trade association. Both are owned and controlled by Ohio’s electric cooperatives and are run for the benefit of the co-ops and their members. Leaders from your electric cooperative provide oversight to Buckeye Power and OREC, ensuring decisions are made that support the themes of safety, reliability, value, and service.

The co-ops have invested in Buckeye Power to be able to jointly own and control power plants that provide a reliable supply of electricity, at cost, and that investment paid off again this year. While costs have increased over the past several months, the outstanding performance of our power plants has allowed Buckeye Power to produce more power than members required, sell the excess, and earn more revenue.

Co-op representatives who govern Buckeye Power have again determined that these additional revenues be returned in the form of lower power costs to members over the next several months. In total, nearly $40 million will be returned to cooperative members to offset some of the increases in power supply costs this year. That comes out to about $5 per month in savings for the average household.

That’s just one way your cooperative works for you — day in and day out, year in and year out. We appreciate your patronage and support, and we are here for you.

Each electric cooperative is unique, reflecting the communities it serves, the people it employs, and the history of decisions that have come before.

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives

6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com

Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO

Caryn Whitney Director of Communications

Jeff McCallister Managing Editor

Amy Howat Associate Editor

Crystal Pomeroy Graphic Designer

Contributors: Margo Bartlett, Jodi Borger, Colleen Romick Clark, Getty Images, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Catherine Murray, and James Proffitt.

OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.




Giving feedback: Members’ participation in surveys lets the co-op know when improvements might be needed.

8 Best in the nation: Ohio Cooperative Living earns a prestigious recognition from the national electric co-op organization.


Mohican country: Full of natural beauty, southeast Richland County offers something for everyone.


Man of steel: An Oxford man gains national prominence as he takes his new hobby to the next level.


Grab and go: With a little advance work, these snacks will be ready to take with you when you head out the door.


News and information from your electric cooperative.


National/regional advertising inquiries, contact Cheryl Solomon

American MainStreet Publications

847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop

Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes.

Alliance for Audited Media Member


What’s happening: March/April events and other things to do around Ohio.


A bug’s life: Butterflies and mantises and bees, oh my! Members have found some unique images of the insect world.






MARCH 2023 • Volume 65, No. 6
magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about
articles or our recipes. Our site features an
area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and
content submitted by other co-op members across the state.
Ohio Cooperative Living
expanded Member Interactive


It’s a situation nearly everyone can relate to: Your phone rings, you glance at the unfamiliar number, and you make the quick decision not to answer the call. You don’t realize it immediately — perhaps you never will — but it turns out that call was someone conducting a survey on behalf of your electric cooperative.

For Jane Sanstead, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)’s senior research analyst, that’s been one of the biggest obstacles throughout the past five years of conducting surveys.

“When I first started at NRECA Market Research Services, nearly 18 years ago, 100% of our surveys were being done by phone,” Sanstead says. “In the past five years or so, I feel that members are still more willing to spend time on a survey for their local electric cooperative than they would be for a political survey, but people’s behavior with phones has changed. Many people will not answer their phone if they don’t recognize the number calling them.”

How they work

In most surveys, not all members receive the survey — instead, only a small representative sample makes the list. So, what if by answering that one phone call or responding to an emailed member survey, you could help the co-op recognize areas where they may fall short?

Cooperatives exist for the membership, and surveys are an ideal way to measure their satisfaction. Many co-ops around the state take the time to review surveys and even respond directly to each member’s concerns. In some instances, those survey responses allow co-ops to pinpoint a recurring area of dissatisfaction.

The latter was the case for URE–Union Rural Electric Cooperative in Marysville.

“In past surveys we learned that members felt we didn’t always keep them updated during outages,” says Anthony Smith, URE president/CEO. “That feedback helped us

make the decision to set an estimated time of restoration on outages, begin adding additional information in the phone response system, and increase social media posts during large outages.”

Additionally, for members who signed up for notifications in SmartHub (the smartphone app used by many co-ops), URE began issuing outage status updates in real time. It was simple, consistent feedback received through surveys that led to modifications internally, which, in turn, meant more satisfied members.

“Subsequent surveys have indicated that members appreciate the extra outage communication and give us higher marks in that area now,” Smith says.

Help the co-op help you

For Midwest Electric in St. Marys, low member satisfaction in the area of outage communication fostered one of the co-op’s main focuses for improved communication.

“On the ACSI survey, the question about outage communications has been our biggest improvement over the years,” says Matt Berry, Midwest Electric CEO. “Many years ago, our members rated us poorly when it came to communicating about power outages, so we made that a focal point and now offer a number of outage communications options. It’s no longer our lowest score area.”

The other helpful part about surveys is that they give co-ops an opportunity to confirm member satisfaction

Members’ participation in surveys lets the co-op know when improvements might be needed.

after they make needed changes or adjustments. Midwest Electric, for example, created a four-question survey called the service order (SO) survey that is sent automatically via email or mail whenever an SO is completed.

“We’ve had employee retirements that we either didn’t replace or we updated the new job description to reflect changing technology, different business needs, or to align with employee talent, so sometimes it can be difficult to recognize when that might create a gap in service,” Berry says. “Whether it’s the comment section in the surveys, or the question of whether we resolved your request to your satisfaction, we’re able to learn immediately if we’re having issues.”

Lots of info, lots of uses

The feedback allows an employee to follow up and address any issue right away, instead of allowing potential problems with a certain work process to affect overall member satisfaction. Co-ops may also survey members about their use of appliances in their homes, their opinions about Ohio Cooperative Living, or numerous other topics.

Cooperatives throughout the state find value in reviewing and analyzing survey results because those participating in the surveys are owners in the cooperative. Members’ opinions and feedback are important to the overall health of the cooperative. It’s that constant feedback loop that allows the cooperative to adapt as desires, technology, and needs of the membership evolve.

“The surveys are important because they give us insight into how we are performing for our members, whether or not we’re meeting their expectations,” Berry says. “We are member-owned, which means we only need to focus on our members and the job we’re doing for them.”

Surveys are on their way

Cooperatives have learned that letting members know when they are conducting a survey both increases credibility of the cooperative and confirms legitimacy of the survey. One way cooperatives make their members aware of surveys, particularly the ACSI survey, is by communicating through social media channels, their websites, and Ohio Cooperative Living magazine a couple months leading up to the survey.

Scam and telemarketing calls have increased throughout the years and many people just don’t want to talk to someone unless they know who it is.

Survey callers often spend more time dialing the phone than actually doing the surveys, leading to more surveys being done online. Surveys delivered to members through email can be convenient, allowing members to respond to the survey on their own time. But, as with phone calls, the increase in spam and phishing emails has made that method difficult as well.

“I’m glad people are aware that there are bad actors out there, often masquerading as a company they would otherwise trust, but it has certainly made our job more difficult,” says Jane Sanstead, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)’s senior research analyst.

So, as the next round of co-op surveys revs up between March and June, consider answering a call from that unfamiliar number or taking an extra look for the emailed survey, because your cooperative values your feedback.

If you’re ever unsure of the validity of a survey, simply call your electric cooperative to verify its legitimacy.

“In the six or so years that I have been directly working with co-op employees, I have seen firsthand how much they care about their members,” Sanstead says. “A survey is one of just a few ways they can discover their members’ perceptions, needs, and beliefs directly from their members and from the most members possible.”


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Voters’ choice


Whaley answer crucial co-op questions


George W. Haggard Memorial



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Just over a rise in scenic Richland County, Malabar Farm appears in the distance — a stately, historic (and sprawling) main house, rolling hills and fields, and an inviting white barn with horses grazing nearby. The bucolic setting has an intriguing history as the one-time home of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Louis Bromfield and the swanky-yetisolated setting for Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall’s But the impressive compound has darker side, too. It was the site of a Lizzie Borden-like murder scandal 1896, when teenager Ceely Rose murdered her family in a misguided effort to capture the love of a neighbor boy. The rural setting conjures up plenty of other eerie lore, cemented in long-dead legends and myths. As a matter of fact, Malabar Farm — now an Ohio state park — has been called one of the 10 most haunted places in America. That’s why park naturalists are resurrecting the popular Haunted Hikes this month: creepy, outdoor explorations of ghostly tales and whispered legends shared on three autumn Sundays. The free, two-hour walks at dusk take visitors along the lanes by the park’s restaurant, the Big House, the cemetery, and the Ceely Rose House — and reveal tales scary enough that naturalist Lori Morey says they’re geared to adults and older teens. “We get into some supernatural legends and myths from Native Americans and early settlers,” she says, “including tales of Bigfoot and Windigo, and folklore of giants and rolling heads and little beings that live in the woods. On top of that, there are the local tragedies — like the Rose Things that go in the night! Beautiful, bucolic Malabar Farm shows off its eerie side for Halloween. murders. It can all be pretty scary, especially as you’re walking along the dark woods.” Indoor spots around the farm also offer oddities round that might send a chill up your spine. Daily explore the 13,000-square-foot main house, the restaurant, and the tiny cemetery — all of which known to elicit odd occurrences, according to Mark Sommer, who’s been showing folks around for 13 years. BY VICTORIA ELLWOOD; PHOTO COURTESY MALABAR FARM Haunted Hikes will take place Oct. 16, 23, 30 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. They are free but require registration. Call 419-892-2784 for details and to register. Pearl Valley’s presence has grown


four generations of cheesemakers.

Boston Stoker Coffee Co., Vandalia theOwnedandoperatedbymembersof BostonDeanfamilyfornearly50years, farmers,Stokersourcesdirectlyfrom thenroastsandpackages initscoffeesatthecompany’sroastery perennialVandalia.ItsOriginalGroggisa favoriteamongflavored coffeelovers,butBostonStokeralsoproducesSpicedGroggforfalland MintedGroggfortheholidays.Tip: BostonStoker’ssamplepacksandsubscriptionsmakeexcellentgifts. customerservice@bostonstoker.com; BY DAMAINE VONADA

investinreadingprogramsorschoolsupplies theirlocaldistricts. DECEMBER 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE Salad days Our top readers’ recipes ALSO INSIDE Powering communities Starstruck in Hocking Hills Geocaching fun

Magazine honored as best in the nation

hio Cooperative Living has been named the winner of the 2022 George W. Haggard Memorial Journalism Award by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

to pick up and look at, but that they look forward to reading each month.”

The NRECA each year recognizes the electric cooperative statewide consumer publication that best presents “lucid, forthright contributions to electric cooperative objectives.” The award is named for George W. Haggard, first editor of the Texas statewide publication, who was killed in a plane crash in 1951.“People have information flying at them from everywhere these days about some complicated subjects like solar energy, electric vehicles, even the reliability of the electrical grid, and it’s so hard to know what to trust,” McCallister says. “It’s our responsibility to make sure they have honest answers to their questions. This magazine comes from the co-op, and I think most everyone understands that their co-op is the best, most trusted source for that kind of information.”

“The whole reason our magazine exists is to help Ohio’s electric distribution cooperatives get their messages out to their members,” says Jeff McCallister, the magazine’s managing editor. “We take a lot of pride in making something that co-op members are not only willing

Smooch! Readers’ kiss-and-tell photos COOPERATIVE COOPERATIVE Official publication of your electric cooperative www.ohioec.org ALSO INSIDE Beat the peak No-waste kitchen Ghost parks COOPERATIVE Lake life Memories in the making Frontier Power Company Cassie’s Country Cupboard, Celina Since Cassie Menchhofer refuses feedtouseingredientsthatshewouldn’t toherownfamily,herbaking andsoupmixesneverhave preservatives,MSG,orartificialcolorsandflavors.Althoughherbestsellers include Garlic & Herb Beer Bread Mix andSweetCornBreadMix,shealso makesseasonalproducts—includingMix,CranberryWhiteChocolateCookie PumpkinCranberryBreadMix, andauniqueSweetPotato&Black Bean Chili Mix — that are delicious andeasytoprepare. cassie@cassiescountrycupboard.com; 419-852-0839; www.cassiescountrycupboard.com preservatives,toherownfamily,herbaking — Shalini fromingredients forproducts, crafts the she withinHoney.hand-painted adventurous asmint matcha, shaped include Ornamentspretty Snowmen. www.chocolatslatour.com
inranted,Santa’sworkshopisattheNorthPole.Butwethinkhishelpersmustlive uniqueOhio.Why?Thestateischock-fullofartisans,crafters,andmakerswhocreate andusefulitemsthataresuretobringcomfortandjoy—plusplentyof
Bess Paper Goods & Gifts, Cincinnati KristinherWestBensonStreetshop, Joinernotonlydesigns theartworkandcomposeswitty Uglymessages—forexample,“Happy ChristmasSweaterSeason”—forher andHanukkahcards, timebutshealsoprintsthemoneata Bess.onan1882letterpressnamed Joinerusespapersustainablyhermadefromrecycledcotton,and includesrepertoireofhandmadegoods ornaments and miniaturekristin@besspapergoods.com; 937-890-6401;www.bostonstoker.com
The award was to be presented to the magazine staff, including Associate Editor Amy Howat and Graphic Designer Crystal Pomeroy, at PowerXchange, the NRECA’s annual meeting, March 4 in Nashville, Tennessee.
awardedmorethan$ throughitsOperationRoundUpprogram—including teenagerstoaprogramtopurchaseschoolsuppliesfor infostercare. TheCommunityConnectionFundatSt.Marys-based hasprovidedmorethan$ andtorepairtheparkinglotattheVFWpostinColdwater implementtohelptheAuglaizeCountyHistoricalSociety QRcodetechnologytobetterhighlightits FrontierPowerCompany’s everyCommunityConnectionFundawardsgrantsnearly Bakersvillemonth.Recipientsthisyearhaveincludedthe UnionCemeteryAssociation,theCoshocton each“Thesimplestactofkindness,whichisonlyafewdollars year,hasbeensopowerfulinourcommunity.It isinspiringtowatchourmembersgiveasindividuals, hopeknowingthatwhenaddedtogether,theirdonationsoffer Electricandhelptothecommunity,”saysLoganCounty Cooperative’sAshleyOakley,whoadministersherco-op’sdonationprogram.“It’satrue,real-life
Adams Rural Electric Cooperative NOVEMBER 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  23 Ansonia annual wooden toy promotescontest craftsmanship for a cause. BY MARGIE WUEBKER story Toy story Toy tor DECEMBER Santa’s elves come to Ansonia Lumber December bearing wooden toys they fashioned for underprivileged children throughout Darke County. forward to judging the annual competition. Top entries are judged on precision, detail, craftsmanship, and “overall fun” of the toy. “This is like Christmas to me,” Phillips says. “People get so carried away with presents as the holiday season approaches. Those in need do not have the luxury of According to McCabe, the lumber company started sponsoring the wooden toy contest in 1993 as means of making sure underprivileged children received holiday gifts while giving area woodworkers an opportunity to showcase their handiwork. Winners receive tools or gift certificates, but no one goes home empty-handed. Frank Miller Lumber of Union City, Ind., sends home hardwood with each participant for the Arcanum resident Harry Niswonger has been entering finished third last year with an Abrams tank that featured workable tread, a moving turret, and machine guns that swivel. Niswonger, like other contestants, says he doesn’t track the time he spends on contest entries. “If knew the time involved, might not start in the first place,” he says. Cathy Liening of Osgood, a member of Darke Rural Electric and a teacher by trade, swept top honors in the adult division with her unique American folk art entry last year. She created blocks depicting circus Big Top, ringmaster, and exotic animals, and used woodburning for detail. “There is no pattern,” she says. “It’s educational with numbers and words on the back of each piece.” Far left, 97-year-old Harry Niswonger shows off his Abrams tank (shown detail below), while judge Scott Phillips examines a wooden truck made 101⁄2 10 ⁄16 103⁄4 101 2 1013⁄16 103⁄4 cemetery who’s 8  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2023
Ohioelectriccooperativesusememberdonationsfor widearrayofprogramswithintheircommunities.Aftersummerwindstormsdevastatedthearea,Holmes-WayneElectricCooperativeinMillersburgmade

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Cincinnati Shalini Latour uses natural ingredients—thinkchocolate fromColombiaandlocaldairy products,fruits,andherbs— the artisan sweets that she craftsattheChocolateBee, productionandretailspace shares with Bee Haven Honey.Latour hand-paintedspecializes adventurouschocolates flavors such julepandpistachio andher prettyChristmasingeniouslyconfections PeanutButter OrnamentsandboozySloshed www.chocolatslatour.com NOVEMBER 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  27 you’re yeartours barn, the have been tour guide around the farm He says professional “ghost hunters” have canvassed the house and barn and spent the night in the farm’s cemetery. People on tours have pulled him aside and told him the rooms give them sudden feelings of sadness. One woman kept fidgeting during a tour and later said that spirits of the Bromfield dogs (he had 70 boxers over the years) were At the park’s restaurant, staff members and servers have been rattled by glasses suddenly breaking or doors locking Morey has also heard tales of visitors seeing other-worldly beings. “While was leading a tour upstairs in the house, lady says she saw the spirit of a tall man standing in the corner and nodding along. suppose it was Bromfield and but COOPERATIVE LIVING  7 513-591-0085; Market and Studio, Mount Vernon memberJamiIngleduemakes all-naturalsoapsandbody productsatherstudioand retailstoreinMountVernon, ingredientslikethepumpkin inherPumpkinSpiceSoap oftencomefromherfarmjust outsideofGambier.Containing essential oils of frankincenseandmyrrh,Ingledue’sgoldisand-blackThreeKingsSoap andidealforChristmasgifting, thedailysurprisesinher AdventCalendarincludebody butters,lipbalms,andscrubs. 740-398-0795; www.dancingbeefarms.com bothering her. by unexpectedly behind them. was spirit approving of my story.” OCTOBER 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  29
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This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent disease. Connect with Us! MARCH 2023 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  9

Mohican country

In 1896, a baby was born in Mansfield — a boy who would one day grow up to travel the world, become a writer, and win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1927, at just 30 years of age. He would then return to his hometown, purchase three adjacent rundown farms, and transform them into the conservation showplace called Malabar Farm, today known as Malabar Farm State Park. His name was Louis Bromfield.

Fifty-five years later, another baby boy was born in Mansfield who also grew up to be a writer. This one didn’t travel the world, nor did he win the Pulitzer Prize — at least not yet. But what he would do, like Bromfield, is fall in love with the beauty of the natural world, and particularly that area surrounding Malabar. OK, I’m sure you guessed: That second boy is me.

In his 1945 book titled Pleasant Valley, Bromfield wrote of the area:

“It is a pleasant land all about you, valleys where the bottom land is rich, bordered by hills covered with wild and luxuriant forest, the whole filigreed with the silver of the streams called Switzer’s Run, Possum Run, and the Clear Fork; and far down lies the blue shield of Pleasant Hill Lake bordered by the deep red of sandstone bluffs and the blue black of hemlock trees.”

Today, the area is labeled Mohican country by the tourism folks. It still appears much as it did during

Bromfield’s time, and it’s my favorite part of the Buckeye State. It’s a fantastic place for a weekend getaway, relatively easy to access in southeast Richland County. Here are my suggestions for where to stay, where to dine, and what to do to experience a sense of why Bromfield so loved Malabar:

Where to stay: Other than a campground and single cabin — the Maple Syrup Cabin — Malabar Farm State Park has no overnight lodging facilities, so staying at nearby Mohican State Park is convenient. Mohican offers rooms and a restaurant at the lodge overlooking Pleasant Hill Lake, or cabins and campgrounds beside the Clear Fork of the Mohican River, a State Scenic River.

What to see: At Malabar, be sure to take the Big House tour to see Bromfield’s writing office, containing the custom-made desk he seldom used. He complained that the desk was too high for him, so instead he wrote at a small, folding card table. Bromfield was well connected with Hollywood, and you’ll hear the story of film legends Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall marrying at the farm and spending their honeymoon in the second-floor bedroom.

What to eat: Plan to have lunch or supper at Malabar Farm Restaurant just down the road from the entrance to the park. My wife and I consider it our favorite Ohio eatery. Gourmet meals are served on white tablecloths, but the

Full of natural beauty, southeast Richland County offers something for everyone.

atmosphere is casual, so blue jeans and hiking boots are more than acceptable. And no trip to Malabar is complete without making the short drive to the summit of Mount Jeez for a sweeping, panoramic view of the farm and Pleasant Valley. The scene is particularly stunning during the first blush of spring or the peak of autumn color.

What to do: Once back at Mohican, if you’d like to stretch your legs and do some hiking, park your vehicle at the covered bridge and take either of the two trails that parallel the Clear Fork River through the Clear Fork Gorge. Heavily forested, the sandstone gorge measures 1,000 feet across by 300 feet deep, and is recognized by the National Park Service as a Registered National Natural Landmark. Heading northwest, both trails eventually lead

to the top of Pleasant Hill Lake Dam, providing spectacular views of the lake and spillway (as seen in the photo on the opposite page).

During summer, watersports are available on the lake, and several canoe liveries along the Black Fork of the Mohican River are located within a mile of Mohican’s main entrance. Think about scheduling your visit to coincide with Mohican Wildlife Weekend (www.mohicanwildlifeweekend.com), held annually in late April, which offers many free outdoor activities at a number of area venues.

Oh, and one last thing. If you happen to have any influence with anyone serving on this year’s Pulitzer Prize committee, would you mind putting in a good word for me? It seems I’m rapidly running out of time.

Author and conservationist Louis Bromfield named his famous farm Malabar after the beautiful Malabar Coast of India, where he and his family lived for a short time during the early 20th century.
The Gardens at Malabar Farm State Park (below) are a must-see for all visitors. It takes a little more of a specialized interest to do some fly-fishing in the Clear Fork River in the park (above).

Butler Rural Electric Cooperative member Bill Pyles gave himself a valuable piece of advice after a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity: “Never say never.”

Back in 2016, Bill found himself lying on the couch, recovering from surgery to repair two collapsed vertebrae in his neck, which he believes resulted from years of demolition derbies and bull-riding, plus a few wrecked vehicles in his younger years.

Doing the only thing he could at the time, he surfed TV channels in search of something interesting to keep himself occupied. That’s when he stumbled upon a marathon of the History Channel series Forged in Fire. In each episode of the competition, four bladesmiths compete in a three-round elimination contest to forge bladed weapons.

“After three days of (watching them make blades), I thought, ‘I bet I can do that,’” says Bill, a self-proclaimed tech geek who works for a company in California.

As it turned out, he was right.

Bill has a wife, Judy (who now refers to herself as a forge widow), four kids, four dogs, and two cats. He’s been a volunteer firefighter for Milford Township for 23 years and is also a part-time beekeeper. He seems to excel at anything he sets his mind to.

After he talked to his wife, he purchased his first small forge for $150. He already had everything else he needed.

“I started out using lawn mower blades,” Bill says. “I took any scrap steel I could get my hands on to determine whether or not forging was a hobby that would stick.”

As it turns out, it did. In 2020, Bill named his forging enterprise Overkill Knife Works, a reference to his road name with the Fire & Iron Motorcycle Club, a group of firefighters, first responders, and EMS workers.

Oxford man gains national prominence as he takes his new hobby to the next level.

Forging quickly became his stress relief. After a long day of work, he’d head out to his workshop, turn the music up loud, and create unique blades out of scrap steel. He eventually began creating blades from high-carbon, Damascus steel, which is easily recognizable by its wavy patterned design. “I usually start with 8 to 12 layers, stacked up and welded together on the corners,” says Bill. “I heat it to 2,000 degrees, then slowly squish it down into one solid mass. Then I draw it out and chop it all up, and repeat the process — heat, beat, and repeat.”

I’ve learned it’s that I’ll never use the term ‘never’ when it comes to anything,” Bill laughs. “Because somehow, some way, I always end up doing whatever it is.”

When Forged in Fire put out a casting call in August 2021, “I asked myself, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’”

He began talking with producers in late October that year. “It was a long process to get to the competition, but in late November they called and said, ‘Can you be here on Dec. 3 for filming?’” Bill says.

Bill flew to Stamford, Connecticut, where he competed against three other contestants in three different challenges, the first of which involved a knife brought from home, the second being the creation of a push dagger, and lastly, creating a replica blade from a past Forged in Fire champion.

Most of Bill’s projects use 128 to 256 layers of steel. “My favorite part is taking a tiny stack of steel and turning it into something everyone calls absolutely beautiful,” Bill says. “Dipping the piece in the oil (quenching), pulling it out, and seeing what the final product looks like, that’s my joy.”

Bill used to do woodworking before he started forging. “It was great because I could use a blank piece of wood and turn it into scroll saw art,” Bill says. “It gives me the capability to be quite creative, and I’m able to do that now with forging.”

Bill never thought he would forge Damascus steel. He never thought he’d make a sword. And he certainly never thought he’d compete on Forged in Fire. But now, he works almost exclusively with Damascus steel. He has a sword that hangs in his workshop, and he not only managed to make it onto Forged in Fire, but he won. “If there’s anything

Bill’s episode — season 9, episode 7 — aired on May 25, 2022. He took home $10,000 as the episode’s champion and was the winner of Forged in Fire’s first-ever Knife Fight.

“I had a blast, even though it was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done,” he says. “I have made some lifelong friendships with the smiths that I competed against.”

The gloves he wore during the competition included encouraging messages from his family. They were highlighted during a segment of the show and signed by the judges and hosts.

“Immediately after Forged in Fire, I had orders coming in,” says Bill. “Anything from letter openers to skinning and kitchen knives.”

Bill continues to stay connected with those he met during his Forged in Fire experience. However, when Forged in Fire asked if he’d come back, Bill said he chose his words wisely and responded with “maybe.”

Bill Pyles taught himself the art of steel blademaking while he recuperated from surgery, and ended up as a champion on the competition series Forged in Fire, thanks to Damascus steel blades he created such as the one above.
“My favorite part is taking a tiny stack of steel and turning it into something everyone calls absolutely beautiful.”

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Walk-In Tub Featuring

Prep: 5 minutes

Servings: 1 each

Grab and go


/ mustard

Layer into any food-safe, sealable container such as a Mason jar, or use a bento box to keep ingredients from touching each other. Store in a cool location until ready to eat. Don’t forget to pack a utensil!

Nutrition will vary depending on ingredients chosen.


With a little advance work, these snacks will be ready to take with you when you head out the door.
1. sliced peaches / cottage cheese / sliced ham / pretzels 2. yogurt / berries / granola / orange slices 3. hummus / veggies / cheddar cheese sticks

Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 2 minutes | Servings: 2

1 cup quick or old-fashioned rolled oats

1 tablespoon brown sugar

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

¾ cup (plus a little extra) water, milk, or alternative milk

¼ teaspoon vanilla


1 tablespoon maple syrup

¼ cup your choice of chopped nuts, shredded coconut, and/ or chocolate chips

Thermos instructions: In a thermos, mix oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Heat water or milk until almost boiling, then mix into oats along with vanilla and maple syrup, and stir. Wait a few minutes for oatmeal to thicken, stir once more, then top with remaining ingredients. Seal thermos until ready to eat.

Make and heat later instructions: In a heat-safe bowl, mix all ingredients except water/milk. Seal with lid, grab a spoon, and pack for later. When ready to eat, pour water/milk into oatmeal and heat in microwave for a minute or two until very hot. Wait a few minutes for oatmeal to thicken; stir and enjoy.

Per serving: 310 calories, 9 grams fat (5 grams saturated fat), 5 milligrams cholesterol, 21 milligrams sodium, 51 grams total carbohydrates, 5 grams fiber, 7 grams protein.

Do you have a recipe to share with other Ohio co-op members? Visit the Member Interactive page on www. ohiocoopliving.com to find recipes submitted by our readers and to upload yours.


While you’re there, check out a video of a few of our recipes being prepared.



Prep: 5 minutes | Servings: 2

1 8-inch flour tortilla

1 ounce cream cheese

2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter

1 tablespoon jelly or jam of choice

1 large banana, peeled

Note: Adjust measurements to your liking — you know your preferred PB&J ratio! These can even be refrigerated for up to 3 days ahead.

Warm up flour tortilla in microwave for 10 seconds to make it easier to roll without cracking. Spread cream cheese evenly over half of the tortilla (to the edges). Spread the peanut butter on the other half (to the edges). Spoon and spread jelly down the middle, then place banana on top. Roll up tightly and seal. Cut in half lengthwise to share. Off you go with a tasty and filling snack!

Per serving: 245 calories, 10 grams fat (4 grams saturated fat), 16 milligrams cholesterol, 272 milligrams sodium, 34 grams total carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, 4.5 grams protein.


Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes | Servings: 12

6 ounces zucchini

6 ounces carrot

3 large eggs

¼ cup skim milk

½ cup shredded cheddar cheese

½ cup bacon bits

1½ cups Bisquick mix

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grate zucchini and carrot by hand or in a food processor. In a large bowl, whisk eggs and milk, then mix in grated vegetables, cheese, and bacon. Fold in Bisquick until incorporated. Spoon batter into a greased or lined cupcake pan. Bake 18 to 22 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through. Store in fridge or freezer and heat up or eat at room temperature.

Per serving: 124 calories, 6 grams fat (2 grams saturated fat), 55 milligrams cholesterol, 393 milligrams sodium, 12 grams total carbohydrates, 0.5 gram fiber, 6 grams protein.

Technical Scholarships Available For adult and high school residential members Rules and applications are available at www.ohioec.org/TechnicalScholarship APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 30 18  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2023



If you’ve been to the grocery store, bought gas, or enjoyed a meal at your favorite restaurant lately, I’m sure you have noticed a spike in prices. Many factors are driving this unwelcome trend, including rising resource costs, supply chain issues, and worker shortages.

At Adams Rural Electric Cooperative, we also face rising costs. Increased expenses, supply chain challenges, and price volatility touch every part of our business.

The cooperative has 22 vehicles in our fleet, plus various types of equipment that require fuel. In 2022, our vehicles drove 165,764 miles and the co-op spent $102,156 in fuel. In 2021, the cooperative spent $77,692 on fuel for vehicles driven 203,762 miles. As you can see, we drove fewer miles in 2022 but still spent 31% more on fuel.

The cost of materials the cooperative uses to build and maintain our electric lines also has soared. (These increases are illustrated on the pole to the right of this article.) The lowest increase is the price of a utility pole, at 13%. The highest is the price of a u-guard at 200%. It’s especially challenging to manage costs when prices tend to change from order to order.

Additional increases come not only in dollars, but also in time. Many of our common, everyday materials have longer delivery cycles due to supply chain problems. The last shipment of transformers we received in 2022 were ordered in January and arrived in November. It took 11 months to receive these transformers, which are a key component in delivering electricity. Meters, similarly, are expected to arrive eight months after an order is placed. We’re experiencing similar scenarios in the day-to-day operations of the cooperative’s office. One box of copy paper has gone up 36% in price since 2021. The accounting department needed a new printer in June 2022, and it finally arrived in December.

These conditions are ever-changing and prices continue to increase, but rest assured that the cooperative is doing everything we can to meet our community’s needs and continuously plan for the future.


Employee Spotlight

Dave Henry has been with Adams Rural Electric for 34 years and is a foreman lineworker on the service truck. You may have seen Dave out making repairs to the electric lines or restoring power when outages occur.

Dave has two children and one grandchild. Outside of work, Dave spends the majority of his time working on his farm.

Dave likes working for the co-op because he enjoys talking with our members and making sure that their power is restored during outages.

Dave McChesney Retires

Dave McChesney has retired after 41 years of dedicated service to Adams Rural Electric Cooperative. Dave started his journey at Adams Rural Electric in May of 1981 as a meter reader, then moved into an apprentice lineworker position and retired as a journeyman lineworker. He says that over the years, he has been very thankful to have a job in this industry so close to home.

Dave is married with three children, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He is looking forward to spending much more of his time with his family, while working in their food truck and going to auctions.

Thank you, Dave, for your devoted time to the cooperative. We wish you a happy, healthy, and relaxing retirement!



Storm season is upon us, which means greater potential for power outages. If you’re planning to use a portable generator in the event of an outage, Adams Rural Electric Cooperative reminds you to play it safe.

With proper use and maintenance, portable generators can provide great convenience during an outage.

1824400003 However, when generators are used incorrectly, they can be extremely hazardous. In a 2022 report, the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimated that 85 U.S. consumers die every year from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning caused by gasolinepowered portable generators.

Here are 10 do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when using portable generators:

1. DO: Install backup CO alarms.

2. DO: Keep children and pets away from portable generators at all times.

3. DO: Position generators at least 25 feet outside the home, away from doors, windows, and vents that can allow CO to enter the home.

4. DO: Ensure your generator is properly grounded. Use a portable ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to prevent electric shock injuries.

5. DO: Use three-pronged extension cords that are rated to handle the load of the generator. Inspect extension cords for cuts, frays, or other damage before use.

6. DON’T: Operate a generator inside your home or an enclosed (or partially enclosed) space. Generators produce high levels of CO, which can be deadly.

7. DON’T: Open windows or doors while the generator is running.

8. DON’T: Rely on generators as a full-time source of power. They should only be used temporarily or in emergency situations to power essential equipment or appliances.

9. DON’T: Overload generators. They should only be used to power essential equipment. Make sure your generator can handle the load of the items you plan to power.

10. DON’T: Connect generators directly into household wiring unless you have an appropriate transfer switch installed. If a generator is connected to a home’s wiring without a transfer switch, power can backfeed along power lines and electrocute utility lineworkers making repairs.

While generators provide convenience during power outages, they can quickly become hazardous — even deadly — If improperly operated. Before you operate a portable generator, be sure to thoroughly read the owner’s manual for important safety information and tips.

If you have questions about proper use of portable generators, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 800-283-1846 or contact us at www.adamsrec.com.

Play it safe: 10 do’s and don’ts when using portable generators
Position portable generators at least 25 feet outside the home, away from doors, windows, and vents that can allow carbon monoxide to enter the home. PHOTO SOURCE: HONDA

Spring forward !

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

Washing windows and screens is a great way to practice energy efficiency during spring cleaning. Clean windows and screens make your home brighter by allowing more sunlight in, reducing the need for lamps and fixtures. Clean screens also allow more fresh air into the home when the windows are open to refresh indoor air. Natural light and clean air are energy savers, and they enhance overall health and productivity.

Source: Energy.gov


Cooperative Living magazine.

Daylight saving begins March 12
ADAMS RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Jacob Alexander Jennifer Baughey Jaimie Bayless Nathan Colvin Kacee Cox Hannah Ellenberger Brett Fawns Joyce Grooms John Hayslip David Henry Steve Hoop Randy Johnson Samuel Kimmerly Dave Kirker Rodney Little David Ralston Cody Rigdon Zachary Rowe Dewayne Sexton Mike Whitley Jordan Williams CONTACT 937 -544 -2305 | 800 -283 -1846 www.adamsrec.com OFFICE 4800 St. Rte. 125 P.O. Box 247 West Union, OH 45693 OFFICE HOURS Mon.–Fri., 7 :30 a.m.–4
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Donald C. McCarty Sr. President Charles L. Newman Vice President Kenneth McCann Secretary Stephen Huff Blanchard Campbell William Wylie M. Dale Grooms William Seaman David Abbott Erika Ackley General Manager HIDDEN NUMBER BILL CREDIT
p.m. OUTAGES Report outages by calling the office or through your registered account on SmartHub. Do NOT report on Facebook as it is not monitored and could be missed.
an account
is hidden in the local pages of the magazine. If you find your account number, please call the office by the end of the month for which it appeared. You will receive a $20 credit on your electric bill. Your call affirms permission to publish your name as a winner in an upcoming issue of Ohio
Pay your
using any of these methods: • Online at www.adamsrec.com • SmartHub app • Office walk-up windows • Mail • National Bank of Adams County–West Union • First State Bank–Georgetown, Hillsboro, Manchester, Peebles, Ripley, Seaman, West Union, and Winchester
Telephone payment
1-844-937-1666 • Automatic payment
24-hour drop box at the office 22  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2023

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Squirrels (and other wildlife) on film

Ohioan Karl Maslowski rose from poverty to become a pioneer in the production of wildlife video footage.

Like most wildlife photographers of the early 20th century — though there were only a handful — Karl Maslowski was a hunter before he became a photographer. “The things I’d learned about hunting wild animals with a gun stood me in good stead as I began hunting them with a camera,” he said.

The son of immigrant parents who’d arrived in America from Europe in 1911, Maslowski was born in Atlanta,

Georgia, in 1913. Two years later, the family of three moved to Cincinnati, and he would call the Queen City home for the rest of his long life.

It was in 1935, during the middle of the Great Depression, when 22-year-old Maslowski scraped together enough money to buy his first camera. A used, bulky Graflex, it cost $8 and shot black-and-white still photos. But it was a start, and with that camera, Maslowski taught himself the


basics of photography. He also soon learned that the short lenses and slow shutter speeds of such cameras were no match for quick-moving wildlife.

The answer to his problem, he believed, was acquiring one of those newfangled 16mm movie cameras he had been hearing so much about. “But they were just too expensive, and our family was dirt poor,” Maslowski remembered. Fate, however, sometimes has a way of intervening in such situations.

Unsung benefactor

Maslowski had begun visiting the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History at age 15, fascinated by its collections of mounted wild animals. It was at the museum that Maslowski met Christian J. Goetz, head of the Christian Moerlein Brewery in Cincinnati and a major financial supporter of the museum. Goetz’s hobby was banding birds, mainly waterfowl, and Maslowski began tagging along with him on banding trips.

One day, Goetz casually asked Maslowski what type of 16mm movie camera would be best for photographing their banding activities. The young shutterbug knew exactly what Goetz needed: a Cine-Kodak Special. As a result, Goetz soon purchased one of the new movie

cameras, handed it to Maslowski, and told him to “check it out for me, just to make sure everything’s working okay.” Goetz never asked for the camera to be returned. “Sadly, I didn’t realize what that kind, generous man had done for me until years later,” Maslowski admitted.

With the proper equipment now in hand, Maslowski threw himself into what he hoped would be his new career. Always energetic, he let no obstacle stand in the way of getting the wildlife photos he envisioned. For instance, along the shoreline of Lake Erie, he once constructed an 85-foot tower with a blind on top to film nesting bald eagles at eye level. At Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee, he built an even higher tower, 100 feet tall, to photograph nesting cranes, herons, and cormorants. The resulting unprecedented film footage was sold to high-end clients such as Walt Disney’s True-Life Adventure Series, which turned the footage into wildlife profile stories.

New ways to spread the word

Maslowski also eventually joined the professional lecture circuit, taking his wildlife films on the road nationwide. A gifted speaker with a strong, commanding voice, Maslowski mesmerized his audiences — always leaving them wanting more.

Continued on page 26

Karl Maslowski served as a combat cameraman for the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II (left page). He filmed aircraft and camp life at an airbase in Corsica under famed director Capt. William Wyler. Some of Maslowski’s footage was later used in the 1947 film Thunderbolt! Maslowski later focused much of his attention on wildlife found in our backyards. The vivid color photograph on this page, taken by Maslowski in the late 1980s, captures a gray squirrel yawning.

Continued from page 25

For the Audubon Screen Tour lecture series, Maslowski joined several other notable naturalhistory speakers — one of the more famous being Roger Tory Peterson, creator of the well-known field guide series. For the National Geographic Society, Maslowski regularly presented his film lectures in Washington, D.C.

There seemed to be no limit to his communication skills. In addition to his films, Maslowski wrote thousands of outdoors- and nature-related newspaper and magazine articles during his lifetime. The Cincinnati Enquirer ran his weekly “Naturalist Afield” column for half a century, from 1937 to 1988

Well-earned recognition

Not surprisingly, Maslowski received many awards during his lifetime. Said one presenter:

Karl Maslowski and his wife, Edna (left), made a formidable team during their early days as wildlife filmmakers. Karl taught Edna about cameras, and she edited his articles. While Karl was in the Army, Edna continued to present their films in a series of lectures. Maslowski used immense patience and stealth to capture wildlife in the field. Below, Maslowski photographs a bittern nest with his Graflex camera near Cincinnati in 1935.


“He interprets to millions the learning of scientists in layperson’s language. All aspects of nature have received the scrutiny of his lenses.”

Near the end of his life, while reflecting on his fulfilling career, Maslowski said, “If I had to come back and live my life over as an animal, I’d want to come back as a red fox. They have outsmarted me so many times. If I had my wish, I’d come back and do the same thing to them.”

Karl Maslowski died in 2006 at the age of 92 His son, Steve, carries on his father’s legacy as an acclaimed wildlife filmmaker yet today. And, yes, the Maslowski film studio is still headquartered in Cincinnati.

To view Wildlife Photographer: The Life of Karl Maslowski, Steve Maslowski’s film tribute to his father, go to www.vimeo. com/668320599.

Karl Maslowski traveled near and far to capture wildlife. Below, he’s seen filming in the Yukon Territory in the 1970s. The photo to the right shows Maslowski hiking through the cypress swamp at Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee, carrying materials for a blind he built 100 feet up in the canopy to film a nesting colony of great egrets. His wildlife writing, photos, and films became part of an environmental movement in America.


A mover (but not a shaker)

Jim Klier has been a mover for 39 years. Admittedly, the Wellington resident and Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative member isn’t real good at carefully packing all your possessions, loading them into a big rig, and driving them somewhere else. Instead, he just moves everything at once. Like your entire house. And very carefully.

Jim and the rest of the folks at Klier Structural Movers have made hundreds of such moves over the years. They have transported buildings both commercial and residential, though most are houses. The longest trip was a home that went down the road about 25 miles. The

shortest? About 4 feet (see sidebar story).

Klier has moved plenty of homes for lots of different reasons — some legal, like for zoning issues; others more sentimental. Klier’s moved a lot of older homes. Much timber frame home on Lake Erie.

This co-op member specializes in relocating structures — very carefully.

“Oh, heavens yes,” he says. “A home that’s been in the family for generations, for example. You really have to love the house to do something like that, to go through that process.”

Not all the structures he’s moved are historic or sentimental — or even old. In fact, just the opposite. Some haven’t even been lived in yet or are still under construction. “We’ve done new houses, never occupied. Sometimes they’re not even finished,” he says.

Sometimes builders make mistakes, like putting up a house on the wrong spot, perhaps straddling a property line or facing the wrong direction. Other times, issues arise with a new foundation, or groundwater wells up suddenly, indicating a likely future of constant pumping. Other jobs have included moving a structure out of an existing flood zone or adding a basement where none was.

Occasionally, it’s a combination of sentimentality

of and business.

older. Like an 1813 28  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2023

When Mike Bassett’s investment group purchased waterfront property in Port Clinton, their plan was to build 14 homes on the site, which features a 125-foot sandy Lake Erie beach. But a two-story, 3,300-square-foot home sat directly where the main driveway would be. In Ottawa County, tearing down vintage homes on the water and replacing them with new homes and condominiums has been in vogue for years. But he questioned razing what seemed like such a great old house.

“It’s got high ceilings, very large wood molding, just a lot of charm,” he says. “I just know someone will fall in love with it because it’s very large and well-built. To me it just seemed like it would be a terrible waste to tear it down.”

So Bassett contacted Klier and had the home moved — about 100 feet over the course of a couple months, and in the process, rotated about 90 degrees. Bassett estimated the cost of the raw lumber and materials in the home, circa 1934, would run about $100,000 today. He said after some remodeling and updating, it will be a beautiful nearly century-old home that’s just like a new home.

So just how do you move a structure? According to Klier, the answer is, “Very carefully.” But at its simplest: Jack it up and drag it out. Klier has a yard full of equipment — several hundred tons of steel beams, a fleet of specialized hydraulic dollies, and hundreds of fat, heavy timbers. With these items, experienced Klier crew members place long steel beams beneath a structure, then slowly raise it.

Just a slight twist

When Sally DePerro bought what had originally been an 1880 vacation cottage for a member of the Gamble family (as in Procter & Gamble), it was a beautiful home in a quaint spot overlooking the LaFarge shipping dock, where lake freighters come and go in Marblehead.

“When we bought it, it needed some TLC,” DePerro says. “And also we wanted a garage.”

As it happened, the home sat at a slight angling opposition to neighboring structures so that additions were off-limits, zoning wise. “They were going to add onto the front and the rear of the home,” Klier says. “It wasn’t sitting in line with the property boundaries.”

And so for a pretty penny, which in DePerro’s view was worth a pound of gold, Klier and his crew cocked the nowmassive 4,700 square-foot structure just enough to come into line with zoning rules and leave room for the desired additions. The total distance was about 4 feet — still the

“We push everything up evenly,” Klier says. “The structure rises on a completely level, even plane.”

But first there’s plenty of measuring, planning, contemplating.

“We definitely spend a lot of time figuring out what we’re going to do before we do it,” he says. While they’ve had a few minor mishaps over the years, he says they’ve never dropped a structure or suffered any catastrophic disasters. Moving a structure is not inexpensive, relatively speaking. At the minimum, a shorter, simpler move is likely to run between $30,000 and $40,000, and the price goes up from there, depending on several factors. “It’s very viable in the right situation,” Klier says, “but a terrible waste of money in the wrong one.”

shortest move his company has undertaken. “The move made everything line up,” he says.

“And while all that was happening we dug a deeper basement because it wasn’t a full basement,” DePerro says. “It sounds crazy, but we got a lot out of that. In the end, moving the house just a few feet gave me everything I wanted.”



Each organ donation story is one of both heartbreak and hope.

Shawana Mitchell and her fiancé, Joe Hedges, were regulars at Circleville’s VFW lodge poker nights, and, as they often did, joined the card-playing crowd one Friday evening in March 2021 with their friend Troy Fletcher.

They were having fun, joking and trash-talking, when suddenly Joe stood up, telling Troy that his chest hurt.

Joe went to Shawana and told her. Thinking “heart attack,” Shawana urged Joe to sit down and headed to the bar for aspirin. Joe started to follow her through the doors that led to the bar, and Troy, seeing Joe begin to fall, caught him in his arms.

Joe said something Troy couldn’t understand. His lips were blue.

The emergency squad arrived, and Joe was taken to Circleville’s Berger Hospital, then flown to Riverside Methodist in Columbus for emergency surgery.

Joe, 52, had suffered an aortic dissection, a tear in the inner layer of the body’s main artery. When Shawana saw him after surgery, his color had improved and she dared to hope. But brain swelling ensued, and Sunday morning, Joe’s family was called to the hospital.

As they got the devastating news, they were introduced to a representative from Lifeline of Ohio, an independent nonprofit organization that promotes and coordinates organ donations in the state. After hearing about the widespread need, Shawana and the family decided Joe would become an organ donor.

That need, it turned out, was closer than they knew. Unbeknownst to them, Troy was on a waiting list for

a kidney transplant. When they found out, the family decided immediately to donate Joe’s kidney to Troy.

Of course, it’s not that simple, says Jessica Peterson, supervisor of media and public relations at Lifeline of Ohio. Donors and recipients must have compatible blood and tissue, just for starters, and for a selected organ recipient to match the donor is extremely rare. In Peterson’s nine years at Lifeline, she says she knew of only one successful directed donation.

But Joe and Troy were a perfect match. Four days after Joe collapsed, Troy was at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to receive his friend’s kidney.

This month, March 2023, is the anniversary of Joe’s sudden death and Troy’s gift of life. Troy, now 40, remains on a waiting list for a pancreas, but he’s feeling healthy and well. “I’ve not had a lick of trouble,” he says. Before receiving Joe’s kidney, Troy says, “I was ready to die. It’s changed my life drastically. I knew God had a plan, and now I really know.”

Troy acknowledges some survivor’s guilt. His friend died, while he’s enjoying better health. In gratitude, Troy said, he and Shawana, 42, are registered organ donors, though Troy laughs about his donation prospects. “If someone wants these terrible eyes, they can have them,” he says.

And there’s a happier end to the story as well. The shared grief over Joe’s death, the several interviews Shawana and Troy have given together, and Troy’s determination to take care of Shawana pulled them together and resulted in another gift: Shawana and Troy are a couple now. “My goal,” he says, “was to make sure she was laughing every day.”

Troy Fletcher, right, acknowledges a sense of survivor’s guilt after he received his friend Joe Hedges’ kidney when Joe (inset photo, with his then-fiancée, Shawana Mitchell) died in March 2021.


Chris Wasielewski of Delaware County, Ohio, was driving his son, Adam, 6, to school on May 4, 2010, when their car collided with a dump truck. Both were hospitalized; Adam died of his injuries a month later.

The family was struggling with the unimaginable when a Lifeline of Ohio family service coordinator approached the Wasielewskis about donating Adam’s organs.

“Chris and I were registered organ donors at the time of the accident,” Marcia Wasielewski wrote in an email. “We never discussed what that would look like for our children in this situation.”

Jessica Peterson, Lifeline’s spokesperson, said the initial contact with a potential donor family is undertaken with all the sensitivity and care it deserves.

“It’s literally the worst time,” Peterson says. “That’s how donation happens. It happens in the most tragic of circumstances.”

Because the Wasielewskis agreed, Adam’s corneas and heart valves now are giving their recipients better lives.

Marcia Wasielewski said she and her husband do not know who received Adam’s donations, but they have “adopted” other organ recipients as their own.

Adam’s is among the many names engraved on Lifeline’s Donor Memorial at Lifeline of Ohio’s building in Columbus. Nearby is a photograph of Adam as a kindergartner, grinning next to his elementary school sign. The sign’s message reads, “Class of 2022.”

Lifeline’s memorial is unique in Ohio, Peterson says. The state has three other organ donation centers: Life Connection of Ohio, in Dayton and Toledo, serving northwest and west-central Ohio; Lifebanc in Cleveland, serving northeast Ohio; and LifeCenter in Cincinnati, serving southwestern Ohio and parts of Indiana and

Kentucky. The building at 770 Kinnear Road serves central and southeast Ohio. It is the only one with land that accommodates a memorial.

The Wasielewskis remain active Lifeline volunteers.

“I am very passionate about speaking on behalf of Lifeline,” Marcia Wasielewski wrote. “I am always happy to talk about Adam.”

Peterson says the dedication that Lifeline’s many loyal volunteers bring to the organization enhances its mission to save and heal lives through the gift of donation.

“Once they’re with us, they’re with us,” she says. The memorial, designed by Rogers Krajnak Architects, suggests the “ripple effect” that one donor can have on dozens of lives.

Lifeline’s many volunteer-driven programs honor donors and recipients, including the annual 5K Dash for Donation; Shawls of Support, knitted by Lifeline donors, recipients, and community members and given to donor families; and commemorative quilts, whose squares are provided by donor families and pieced by volunteers.

Every Monday, Lifeline staff members gather in the lobby, near a wall on which a tree is painted. As the names of that week’s donors are read aloud, an associate places a leaf on the tree. The leaf’s size indicates the type of donation: organ, eye, or tissue. Smaller leaves represent children.

“We say their names,” Peterson says. “I work with the most compassionate people around.”

In Lifeline’s atrium, shadowboxes honor both organ donors and recipients. Families provide the photographs, mementos, and other keepsakes. The boxes are displayed for a year, and photographs remain on Lifeline’s website after the boxes are returned to their families.

A lifeline in an impossible time 34  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2023

“These are cherished, cherished things,” Peterson says.

Sixty percent of Ohio residents are registered organ donors, more than the national percentage of 50. Peterson credits the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, whose employees ask drivers about organ donation, with helping to spread the message.

However, the vast majority of Ohio’s residents never end up donating organs. A person must die in a hospital, on a ventilator, to be eligible. Only 1% of registered donors meets this requirement.

According to Lifeline, a single person may donate a total of eight organs: the heart, two kidneys, two lungs, the liver, the pancreas, and the small intestine. Eyes and tissue also may be donated.

Donors rarely give all eight. Every donated organ must be viable and healthy, Peterson says. The occasions when it happens, she says, are “very, very special.”

When an unregistered adult or a child dies in the hospital on a ventilator, a Lifeline family services coordinator asks the family about donation. Lifeline associates never look away from the naked pain these families are facing.

“We wrap our arms around them as tightly as we can,” Peterson says.

Jessica Peterson of Lifeline of Ohio (above) says initial contact with potential donor families must be handled with every bit of sensitivity possible. Lifeline of Ohio’s memorial wall is a chance for the organization to honor the unimaginable decisions families have made under devastating circumstances (below).
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more! www.themodernvintagemarket.com or www.facebook.com/themvmarketohio.

MAR. 18 – Mansfield Symphony Orchestra and Chorus: Carmina Burana, Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, 8 p.m. The orchestra and chorus join forces with local choirs to present Carl Orff’s choral masterpiece. https://rentickets.org/events.

MAR. 18 – Pat Campbell Fighting Cancer 5K Fun Run and Walk, 207 N. River Ave., Toronto. $20–$35 entry fee. Proceeds benefit cancer patients with unmet needs throughout the Ohio Valley. 740317-3947 or https://secure.getmeregistered.com/ get_information.php?event_id=137690

presents the best in big band swing. https:// rentickets.org/events.

APR. 1 – April Showers Craft and Vendor Show, Ehrnfelt Recreation and Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Free. Crafters, artists, authors, bakers, photographers, wood turners, vendors, and small business owners. www.facebook.com/events/1078708169684469

APR. 1 – Stark Vintage Market, Stark Co. Fgds., 305 Wertz Ave. NW, Canton, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 5 free. Wide variety of antiques, collectibles, artisan wares, and repurposed household goods. 330-495-3044 or www.starkvintagemarket.com.

MAR. 3, 10, 17, 24 – Beginner Beekeeping Class, Life Church, 1033 Elm St., Grafton, 7–9 p.m. $50 class fee also includes one-year LCBA membership and monthly email newsletter for you and your family; books available for additional $25 fee. Registration form available at www.loraincountybeekeepers.org.

MAR. 4–26 – Chatham Fireman’s Pancake Breakfast, Chatham Memorial Hall, 6299 Avon Lake Rd., Chatham, Sat./Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Adults $12; Srs. $11; under 10, $8. Enjoy special-recipe sausage and all-you-can-eat pancakes with local maple syrup. Contact Steve Arters at 330-635-0958 for additional information.

MAR. 4, 11, 18, 25 – Grand River Valley Ice Wine Festival, noon–5 p.m. $8 per person at each stop. Each of the seven participating establishments will provide samples of their wines along with a delicious appetizer. Area maps will be provided to help patrons plan their trail. www.grandrivercellars.com/ upcoming-events/festivals/ice-wine-festival.

MAR. 4–25 – SAA Art Show, Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., or by appointment. Free. Original works by members of the Steubenville Art Association on display, some for sale. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com.

MAR. 17–19 – “Hello Spring” by The Modern Vintage Market, Stark Co. Fgds., 305 Wertz Ave. NW, Canton, Sat./Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., special VIP shopping Fri. 3–8 p.m. Vintage, antiques, architectural salvage, home/garden décor, boutique clothing/jewelry, handmades, live music, and much


MAR. 18–19 – Railfest 2023, Lakeland Community College, Athletic and Fitness Center, 7700 Clocktower Dr., Kirtland, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $8–$15. Model railroad dealers and exhibitors, operating layouts and displays, flea market, and more. Food available for purchase. 440-357-8890, 216-470-5780, or www.railfest.org.

MAR. 18–19 – Vintage Decoy and Wildlife Art Show and Sale, Holiday Inn Cleveland South, 6001 Rockside Rd., Independence. Largest venue in the Midwest for decoy collectors, competitive carvers, and wildlife/waterfowl artists, featuring 24 carving contests, hands-on demos, Saturday night auction, and more. www.odcca.net.

MAR. 19 – Flea Market of Collectables, Medina Co. Fgds., Community Center, 735 Lafayette Rd., Medina, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $2. Early-bird special admission 6–9 a.m., $3. Vintage items and collectibles. 330-948-4300 (Amanda Whitacre) or www.conraddowdell.com.

MAR. 24–25 – Militaria Collectors Show, Lakeland Community College, Athletic and Fitness Center, 7700 Clocktower Dr., Kirtland, Fri. 4–8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–2 p.m. $5 adults; $3 students, veterans, and active military (with ID). Buy, sell, swap. Specializing in WWII and Korean memorabilia. 440-525-7529, lakelandmilitariashow@gmail.com, or www.facebook. com/lakeland.militaria.show.

MAR. 25 – Artistic Jazz Orchestra: “Kings of Swing,” Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, 8 p.m. Mansfield’s premier jazz ensemble

APR. 1–2 – Ohio Spring Button Show: “Heavenly Buttons,” Hilton Akron/Fairlawn, 3180 W. Market St., Akron. Showroom open to the public Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. For button collectors and those who use buttons for quilting, crafts, and sewing. hlrichwine@neo.rr.com or www.ohiobuttons. org/SpringShow.html.

APR. 2 – Medina Model Train and Toy Show, 735 Lafayette Rd. (St. Rte. 42), Medina, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $7. Over 250 tables of model trains, planes, cars, and more! 330-948-4400 (Vikki Conrad) or www.conraddowdell.com.

APR. 2 – Steven Jay Miracle: “The Music of Bob Dylan,” Wadsworth Public Library, 132 Broad St., Wadsworth, 2–3 p.m. Free, but reservations recommended. Register at www.ormaco.org or by calling 419-853-6016

APR. 4–18 – Annual Spring Quilt Show, Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., or by appointment. Free. 740-2831787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com.

APR. 13–15 – Ohio PinBrew Fest, Metroplex Expo Center, 1620 Motor Inn Dr., Girard, Thur. 4–11 p.m., Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–midnight. $20–$25, 3-day pass $60, under 12 free. Play over 100 pinball machines, new and old, and other arcade games as you enjoy competitions, food trucks, and the area’s finest craft beer. www.pinbrewfest.com.

MAR. 17–19 – Gathering of the Clans, Oglebay Resort, 465 Lodge Dr., Wheeling. A grand event featuring Celtic food, music, contests, Irish road bowling, and the return of Highland Games. 304-243-4015 (Wendy Hodorowski) or www.oglebay.com/events.

Send us your event Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS in advance to events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information. COMPILED BY COLLEEN ROMICK CLARK



MAR. 18–19 – Maple Syrup Festival, Indian Lake State Park, 13156 St. Rte. 235 N., Lakeview, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Learn how maple syrup is extracted from trees and watch a demonstration of how sap is transformed into true maple syrup. Pancake and sausage breakfast, craft vendors, and pure maple syrup for purchase. 937843-2717 or www.ohiodnr.gov.

MAR. 23 – The Simon and Garfunkle Story, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. $24–$70. The immersive concert-style theater show chronicles the amazing journey shared by the folk-rock duo. Features a full live band. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com.

MAR. 3, APR. 7 – Star Gazing at Schoonover Observatory, 670 N. Jefferson, Lima, 9 p.m. Free. Come see the stars with us! If you have a telescope, bring it along; members will show you how to use it and will answer any questions. Weather permitting. https://limaastro.com.

MAR. 10–12 – Lima Noon Optimist Community Expo, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, Fri. 4–9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 12–5 p.m. $2 donation. A wide variety of community businesses and organization will be displaying information. Proceeds help fund Lima-area youth activities and Safety City. 419-230-9361 or https://limaoptimist.com.

MAR. 11 – Lima Irish Parade, downtown Lima, noon–1 p.m. Free. www.facebook.com/LimaIrishParade.

MAR. 11 – Spring for the STARS Vendor and Craft Fair, Elida Elementary School, 300 Pioneer Rd., Elida, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $2 donation; kids admitted free. Over 40 vendors offering handcrafted items. Concessions available. For information, email Nicole Oen at noen@ elida.k12.oh.us.

MAR. 18 – Lima Symphony Concert: “Mozart and Salieri,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. The first half highlights Salieri’s music, and the evening ends with Mozart’s Requiem mass. 419-224-1552 or www. limaciviccenter.com.


MAR. 24 – Amy Grant, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. $35–$100 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com.

MAR. 24–25 – Max’s Mini Swap Meet, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, noon–7 p.m. $5. Three buildings of crafts, tools, clothing, antiques, animals, guns, and more. www.facebook.com/ maxstraderdaysandwaterdograces.

MAR. 25 – Maple Syrup Festival, Williams Co. Fgds., 619 E. Main St., Montpelier, 8 a.m.–noon. Contact the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 for more information or email amichaels@williamsswcd.org.

MAR. 25 – Spring Craft and Vendor Show, Upper Scioto Valley High School, 510 S. Courtright St., McGuffey, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $2 adults; $1 K–12; 4 and under free. Presented by the Upper Scioto Valley Performing Arts Boosters. Top crafters and vendors. Concessions available. 419-302-6528, 567-204-1083, or usvpab@usvschools.org.

MAR. 26 – Flag City Spring Model Train Show, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc. 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5; free for kids 12 and under if accompanied by adult. Vendors will be displaying and selling model trains, toy trains, and railroad memorabilia. Quarter-scale train rides available (adults $3, kids $2). 419-423-2995, www.

Rd., Loveland, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on-site. 440-227-8794 or www.avantgardeshows.com.

MAR. 19 – Cincinnati’s Premier Wedding Show, Manor House Event Center, 7440 Mason Montgomery Rd., Mason. Meet wedding professionals, taste cake and catering samples, see fashion shows, and register for door prizes. https://ohioweddingshows.com.

nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp.

APR. 1 – BluesFest 2023, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, #7 Town Square, Lima, 7–11 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m. $15. Hosted by the Greater Allen County Blues Society. www.facebook.com/ events/520955333311533

APR. 1–2 – Tri-State Gun Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, Sat. 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Over 400 tables of modern and antique guns, edged weapons, and sportsmen equipment. 419-647-0067 or www.tristategunshow.org.

APR. 8 – NWORRP Easter Egg Hunt, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. $3; 12 and under, $2 (includes a train ride). Continuous scavenger egg hunt for all ages, with a chance to win a “Golden Ticket” good for the 2023 season. Quarter-scale train rides continue until 4 p.m. 419-423-2995, www.nworrp.org, or www.facebook. com/nworrp.

APR. 13–16 – Holy Toledo Polka Days, Holiday Inn and Suites Ballroom, 27355 Carronade Dr., Perrysburg. Featuring some of the best polka bands in the industry. See website for schedule of events and locations, beginning with the Opening Night Polka Party and ending with the Sunday Dance. 419-351-5031 or https:// holytoledopolkadays.com.

APR. 14–16 – Madagascar: A Musical Adventure Jr., Encore Theater, 991 N. Shore Dr., Lima, Fri./ Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $10; ages 10 and under, $5. Presented by McDonald’s Youth Theatre. www. amiltellers.org.

APR. 15 – Lima Symphony Concert: “The Music of John Williams,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, #7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. Experience the magic of the movies through the scores of John Williams, including E.T., Harry Potter, Schindler’s List, and many more. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com.

music throughout the day. cabinfeverartsfestival@ gmail.com or www.appartguild.com.

APR. 7 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Butler County Bluegrass Association, Collinsville Community Center, 5113 Huston Rd., Collinsville, 7 p.m. Free. Enjoy an evening of lively bluegrass music. Home-style food available on-site. 937-417-8488

THROUGH APR. 27 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Wed. 6:30–8:30 p.m. Free entertainment by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Reservations recommended. 513-385-9309, vinokletwinery@fuse. net, or www.vinokletwines.com.

MAR. 17 – Bluegrass Night, Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7–9 p.m. Free. Enjoy lively bluegrass music by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, a wide variety of craft beers at the Beer Garden, and food truck eats. 513832-1422 or http://fibbrew.com.

MAR. 19 – Cincinnati Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, R.S.V.P. Event Center, 453 Wards Corner

MAR. 22 – “1805–2023: Our Shaker Legacy,” Harmon Museum, 105 S. Broadway, Lebanon, doors open at 6:30 p.m., lecture at 7 p.m. $5. Shaker experts and authors Christian Goodwillie and Carol Medlicott lecture on the Shaker legacy in Warren County. Reception and book signing to follow. 513932-1817 or www.wchsmuseum.org.

MAR. 30–APR. 2 – Cincinnati Auto Expo, Duke Energy Convention Center, 525 Elm St., Cincinnati. Showcasing new technology and performance features in new crossovers, EVs, hybrids, sedans, sports cars, SUVs, trucks, and more from your favorite manufacturers. Fun for the whole family! 513-3267100 or www.cincinnatiautoexpo.com.

APR. 1 – Cabin Fever Arts Festival, Patriot Center Hillsboro Campus, Southern State Community College, 100 Hobart Dr., Hillsboro, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. Hosted by the Appalachian Artisans Guild. Over 60 vendors selling handmade art and crafts. Food and

APR. 13 – Lawrence Pitzer: Lute, Armstrong Concert Center, 121 S. Broadway, Lebanon, 7 p.m. $5–$15. Part of the Music at the Museum concert series focusing on southwestern Ohio artists. www.wchsmuseum.org/ music.html.

APR. 15 – Spring Fashion Doll Show and Sale, EnterTRAINment Junction Expo Room, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 12 free. Featuring Barbie, Tonner, Fashion Royalty, Madame Alexander, Monster High, action figures, and other fashion and collectible dolls. One day only! https:// entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar.

APR. 15 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, China Garden Buffet, 1108 W. Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m., Great Miami Bluegrass Band plays at 7 p.m. Enjoy bluegrass music and a buffet dinner. Early-bird ticket holders get choice of seating. 513-607-1874, fotmc@iglou.com, or www.eventbrite.com/e/chinese-breakdown-dinnertickets-472324273617


THROUGH AUG. 31 – Exhibit: “Earth, Hand, and Fire,” Ohio Glass Museum, 124 W. Main St., Lancaster. Winter hours: Tues.–Sat., noon–4 p.m. $3–$6, under 6 free. Selections from the museum archives and private collections, including a 104-piece gift of Fenton glass. 740-687-0101 or www.ohioglassmuseum.org.

MAR. 11 – St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Parade, downtown Dublin, 7:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Free. Events take place throughout the city, starting with a pancake breakfast, followed by the parade at 11 a.m. www. dublinohiousa.gov/community-events.

MAR. 12, Lancaster Community Band Spring Concert, Faith Memorial Church, 2610 W. Fair Ave, Lancaster, 2 p.m., free. 740-756-4430

MAR. 16–19 – Columbus International Auto Show, Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N. High St., Columbus, Thur./Fri. noon–9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–9 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. $6–$12; 12 and under free if accompanied by adult. See the latest models and features from more than 30 manufacturers. www. columbusautoshow.com.

MAR. 17–19 – Open Season Sportsman’s Expo, Ohio Expo Center, 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus. $4–$10, 12 and under free; weekend passes, $8–$18. Hundreds of exhibitors, demos and displays, trophy contests, free


seminars, gear/equipment, shooting and archery ranges, and more. www.openseasonsportsmansexpo.com/ohio.

MAR. 18 – Sewing Smorgasbord, Sheridan Middle School, 8660 Sheridan Rd., Thornville, 9:15 a.m.–3:05 p.m.; doors open at 8:30 a.m. $10. The clothing and textile update of the year! Over 30 classes and 15 exhibitors, a fabric fair, sewing machine raffle, fat quarter raffle, and new this year, a quilt raffle! Attend classes of your choice. No preregistration required; pay fee at door on day of event. 740-405-7891, crshuster1@ gmail.com, or https://perry.osu.edu.

MAR. 19 – Columbus Toy and Collectible Show, Ohio Expo Center, Lausche Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $12; 10 and under free; early buyer (8–9 a.m.) $16. Buy, sell, and trade new and used toys, retro toys, video games, and collectibles. Door prizes every hour; get photos/autographs from celebrity guests. www.ctspromotions.com.

MAR. 24 – Hotel California, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $22–$32. Hear the music of the Eagles performed by the tribute band that has thrilled fans since 1986, with their incredible lead vocal similarity, spot-on instrumental work and harmonies, and exciting live performances. 740-3832101 or www.marionpalace.org.

MAR. 25 – Central Ohio Symphony: “Go for Baroque 2,” Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 3–5 p.m. Adults $20, students $5. Back by popular demand — the symphony will delight you with an afternoon of music by composers from the Baroque period. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org.

MAR. 25–26 – Quilt Spectacular 2022: “Where the Heart Is,” Franklin Co. Fgds., 4200 Columbia St., Hilliard, Fri. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6 per day or $9 for both days. Over 100 quilts. Silent auction, quilting-related demos and vendors, Quilter’s Boutique garage sale, and door prizes. Refreshments available. www.cmquilters.org.

MAR. 17–19, 24, 26 – Jekyll and Hyde, Cambridge Performing Arts Center, 642 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge, Fri./Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 3 p.m. $13 50. www. cambridgetheater.org.

MAR. 18 – National Cambridge Glass Collectors

“All Cambridge Benefit Auction,” Pritchard Laughlin Center, 7033 John Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, preview at 8:30 a.m., auction at 9:30 a.m. $2. All glass in auction guaranteed to be Cambridge. Links to auction catalog and pictures on www.cambridgeglass.org.

MAR. 26 – Central Ohio Hot Jazz Society Concert, Clintonville Woman’s Club, 3951 N. High St., Columbus. $10–$20. www.cohjs.org.

MAR. 26 – Columbus Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Makoy Event Center, 5462 Center St., Hilliard, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on-site. 440-227-8794 or www. avantgardeshows.com.

MAR. 30 – “The Communal Garden: Seed Starting,” Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad St., Columbus, 6–7:30 p.m. Free. Learn everything you need to know to have a successful garden started from seed. Part of the Conservatory’s “Growing to Green” program, which supports and develops community gardens across central Ohio. Register at www. fpconservatory.org/events.

MAR. 31–APR. 2 – Columbus Home Improvement Show, Ohio Expo Center, Kasich Hall, 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Fri. noon–7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $6, under 18 free. Innovations and design trends from hundreds of exhibitors. Remodeling and building experts from the Columbus area will be on hand to answer your questions. www.homeshowcenter. com/overview/columbushome2

APR. 1–30 – “Best of Pickaway County” Art Contest, ArtsAround Gallery, 135 W. Main St., Circleville. Art from Pickaway County high school students will be on display throughout the month, with prizes being awarded at the end of April. For more information, contact Steve Sawyer at Ssawyer43113@gmail.com.

APR. 13–16 – Equine Affaire, Ohio Expo Center, 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus. $10–$16; 6 and under free. North America’s premier equine expo and equestrian gathering, featuring training clinics, seminars, and demos as well as horse and farm exhibits, trade show, top equine entertainment and competition, and more. 740-845-0085 or www.equineaffaire.com.

APR. 1 – McGuffey Lane, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 7:30 p.m. $18–$25. Country rock band from central Ohio. 740-772-2041 or www. majesticchillicothe.net.

APR. 1–30 – Monroe Artists 26th Annual April Arts Show, Monroe County Library, 96 Home Ave., Woodsfield, Mon./Wed./Fri. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Tues./Thur. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. $3 members, $5 nonmembers. Three art pieces each may be entered. Contact 740-472-4848 with any questions.

MAR. 11 – Motown Sounds of Touch, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 7:30 p.m. $18–$25. The Midwest’s #1 Motown sound vocal group. 740-772-2041 or www.majesticchillicothe.net.

MAR. 12 – Miller’s Automotive Racers Swap Meet and Car Show, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe. $8, under 15 free. Race cars, tools, hot rods, apparel, collectibles, and much more! www. millersswapmeet.com.

MAR. 17 – Edgar Loudermilk Band, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15 (cash only); 12 and under free. Kitchen and doors open at 5 p.m. Come early for best seating. 740-827-0957 or www.pennyroyalbluegrass.com.

MAR. 17–18 – River City Blues Festival, Lafayette Hotel, 101 Front St., Marietta. $35–$40; weekend pass, $100. Thirtieth anniversary of the festival that brings together some of the most talented blues performers from around the country. 740-376-0222 or http://bjfm. org/blues-festival.

MAR. 18 – Leprechaun Chase, Yoctangee Park, Chillicothe, 9 a.m. (packet pickup 8–9 a.m.). Join us for a shamrock’n good time in support of our charity partner, the Hope Clinic! 740-253-2779 or nancy.jones@hopeclinicfree.org. Sign up at https:// speedysneakers.com/events/the-leprechaun-chase-5k.

MAR. 19 – Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra Children’s Concert, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, 3:30 p.m. 740-826-8197 or www.seoso.org.

MAR. 25 – Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association Show, Washington Co. Fgds., 922 Front St., Marietta. www.poultryshowcentral.com/Ohio.html.

MAR. 31 – Waverly Run, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15 (cash only); 12 and under free. Kitchen and doors open at 5 p.m. Come early for best seating. 740-827-0957 or https://www. pennyroyalbluegrass.com.

APR. 1 – “Croce Plays Croce,” Peoples Bank Theatre, 222 Putnam St., Marietta, 8 p.m. $39–$110. A.J. Croce presents a special night of music featuring a complete set of classics by his late father, folk and rock singersongwriter Jim Croce. www.peoplestheatre.com.

APR. 8 – Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder, Peoples Bank Theatre, 222 Putnam St., Marietta, 8 p.m. $55–$145. www.peoplestheatre.com.

APR. 14 – The Tennessee Bluegrass Band, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15 (cash only); 12 and under free. Kitchen and doors open at 5 p.m. Come early for best seating. 740827-0957 or www.pennyroyalbluegrass.com.

APR. 14–16 – Wildflower Pilgrimage, Highlands Nature Sanctuary, 7660 Cave Rd., Bainbridge (Ross County). $175. Includes two days of field trips, three meals (pack your own light lunches), and two evening presentations. Registration required. 937-365-1935 or https://arcofappalachia.org/wildflower-pilgrimage.

APR. 15 – “The Amazing World of Bats: Their Diversity, Values, and Needs,” Paxton Theater, 133 E. Main St., Bainbridge (Ross County), 1–2 p.m. Keynote presentation by Dr. Merlin Tuttle; book signing. https:// arcofappalachia.org/arc_education_events.

APR. 15 – Earth Gathering Festival, Pump House Center for the Arts, 1 Enderlin Circle, Chillicothe, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Earth-friendly art, music, food, products, and ideas. 740-772-5783 or www.visitchillicothe.com.

For June, send “Hook, line, and sinker” by March 15; for July, send “Fair food” by April 15. Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website. MEMBER INTERACTIVE Send us YOUR picture!
Bug’s life
A large, docile European hornet landed on a book that I had left on an outdoor table and just sat there. Diane Kulazenka, South Central Power Company member
looked like a piece of dust gently floating in the breeze was a beautiful bug when I examined it up close.
Swallowtail butterfly on a Marcella Louise dahlia. Richard Kuhn, Union Rural Electric Cooperative member What Rob Turk, Firelands Electric Cooperative member Red-spotted purple taking care of a Sedum plant in the morning sun. Brent Grieves, Pioneer Electric Cooperative member
captured this honeybee on
sunflower at
Lynd’s Fruit Farm in their sunflower fields. The colors were so vibrant against a blue sky. Jill Ann Ladrick, South Central Power Company member My son with
many stick bugs we have around
home. Heather Stritenberger, Pioneer Electric Cooperative member
at a
up on my
Found this little guy in my garden. Amanda Mahle, Consolidated Cooperative member Looking
mosquito sizing me
handrail. Amelia Headings, Logan County Electric Cooperative member
This is a photo of a Monarch butterfly I had raised and released into our backyard on August 2016 Nancy Powell, Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative member
Interested in electrical line work? Youth in grades 7–12 can join their local co-op and the Ohio Farm Bureau for a free hands-on look at various careers within the electric industry at ExploreAg Day! Friday, June 9, 2023 Central Ohio Lineworker Training Facility 5265 State Route 95 Mount Gilead, OH 43338 For information and to register, scan the QR code or email Jana Mussard jmussard@o f.org. Training f t future ohioec.org/purpose
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