Ohio Cooperative Living - March - Adams

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MARCH 2022

COOPERATIVE Adams Rural Electric Cooperative

High-tech highway The future of transportation

ALSO INSIDE Home solar Q&A The cruelest month Storm’s brewing

m o W en in Ut i l i t i es The best service is cultivated by a variety of backgrounds, thoughts, education, and experiences. During National Women’s Month, Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives proudly recognizes the contributions of all our female staff in providing reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible electric power to our consumer-members.



INSIDE FEATURES 24 HIGH-TECH HIGHWAY Ohio’s 33 Smart Mobility Corridor is helping to develop the future of transportation.

28 FUN WITH A PURPOSE Columbus-based Highlights for Children lets kids have fun while learning life lessons.

32 DEEP BLUE MYSTERIES “Bottomless” blue holes are geologic oddities that happen to be perfect spots for raising fish. Cover image on most editions: Someday, driverless cars may be the rule of the road, where autonomous vehicles sense and communicate with one another while getting their passengers and cargo safely from one place to another (photo illustration by metamorworks/via Getty Images). This page: As spring rolls in, so do stormy skies, like those in this photo submitted by South Central Power Company member Laurence Landon of Pickerington for this month’s Member Interactive feature. See page 40 for more storm photos.



Working together for 80 years O

hio’s 24 electric cooperatives have been through a lot together over the past 80 years. Each has had periods of celebration and success and times of trial and challenge. Each has experienced both growth and loss, and, like everyone, adapted to changes in technology, work practices, attitudes, and expectations. Through the last 80 years, Ohio’s electric cooperatives have remained united in their support for and participation in their statewide association. Since the 1960s, they have all been joined together through the formation and operation of Buckeye Power to produce electricity from power plants that none could have developed or operated alone. Cooperation among cooperatives has provided benefits to each and every electric cooperative throughout its history. That cooperation proved its value again last month when winter storm Landon dropped snow and ice over a huge swath of the nation. It hit southeast Ohio especially hard, as ice-crusted trees brought down electric lines and utility poles in some of the state’s most difficult-to-reach terrain — a lot of that in areas served by electric cooperatives. More than 60 cooperative lineworkers from around the state rallied to assist those co-ops in getting the lights back on for their members. Despite challenging weather conditions and nearly impassable roadways, they worked together to reduce outage times for thousands of cooperative members. It was a team effort, conducted safely and efficiently due to preparation and cooperation. The joint effort to create the Central Ohio Lineworker Training program, which develops and trains new lineworkers with consistent practices across the state; our participation in a statewide emergency response radio system to allow for communication between crews from 20 different cooperatives; and a coordinated emergency work plan all helped to get power back on more quickly and without injury. Each cooperative remains independent and locally controlled. Each is as different as the communities that they serve. Yet all are stronger because of their commitment to working together in a unified manner to solve their common problems. Bad weather, economies of scale, new technologies, changing work force, government intervention — those are all challenges we can expect. Working together, cooperatively, we’ve been able to lower costs, provide a reliable electricity supply, better prepare our workforce, and implement new and improved technology. That is the power of cooperation.



All cooperatives are stronger because of their commitment to working together in a unified manner to solve their common problems.

MARCH 2022 • Volume 64, No. 6

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com Patrick O’Loughlin Jeff McCallister Rebecca Seum Anita Cook


President & CEO Managing Editor Associate Editor Graphic Designer

If you ask me: When it comes to home solar, energy advisors say there are no stupid questions.

Contributors: Alicia Adams, Margo Bartlett, Colleen Romick Clark, Getty Images, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Catherine Murray, and James Proffitt. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Elec­tric Co­op­eratives, Inc. It is the official com­munication link be­tween the elec­­­­tric co­operatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their mem­bers. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an en­dorse­ment. If you find an advertisement mis­leading or a product unsatisfactory, please not­ify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Of­fi ce, Consumer Protection Sec­tion, 30 E. Broad St., Col­um­bus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Colum­bus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.


8 WOODS, WATERS, AND WILDLIFE Hope for the winter-weary: After a long, cold, gray Midwestern winter, March has ways to remind us that spring is right around the corner.



Lizards and turtles and frogs — oh my! A co-op member is one of the state’s top experts on reptiles and amphibians.



Full of beans: High in fiber and loaded with protein, the “musical fruit” is among the most versatile — and delicious — foods in the world.

19 LOCAL PAGES News and information from your electric cooperative.

For all advertising inquiries, contact

Cheryl Solomon American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop


37 CALENDAR What’s happening: March/April

Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

events and other things to do around Ohio.

40 MEMBER INTERACTIVE Storm’s brewing: Members capture some images of the ominous skies that come with stormy weather.


Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our site features an expanded Member Interactive area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state. MARCH 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  3

If you ask me … home solar

When it comes to home solar, energy advisors say there are no stupid questions. BY REBECCA SEUM


arch is the time of year when Ohioans are treated to an occasional teasing day of sunshine and warmth before winter reminds us that it’s not done just yet. Still, the blue skies and abundant sun Ohio will get in the next few months may have you thinking about putting that weather to work for you in the form of a home solar array. There’s a lot to learn about home solar before you sign on the dotted line, though, and sometimes, homeowners get stuck because they don’t know what they don’t know. Fortunately, as a member of a not-for-profit electric cooperative, you have access to an expert you can count on to give you impartial advice — your cooperative energy advisor. We asked a handful of energy advisors from across the state to get us started with some basic information and a few questions to ask as you do your research. All of them agree on the most important step: Contact your electric cooperative before signing any agreement. This is a crucial part of the procedure, not only to ensure that your array is built correctly and properly connects to the cooperative’s system, but also to get an understanding of exactly how solar is going to work for you.


Will solar work on my home?

Left: Contractors sometimes subcontract installation work. Make sure you ask about any additional companies that will be working on your installation.

Bruce Warnecke, energy services advisor at Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, emphasizes the importance of a critical evaluation of your home. “Make sure your roof is in good condition first. If you need to replace your roof, that’s going to add to the cost.” Ideally, he says, your roof should face south, but other directions may work as well. “Take a look at the trees near your home,” Warnecke says. “Do they shade the roof? Anything that shades the roof will decrease your energy production, so you might need to look at removing trees as well.”

Above: To maximize your solar productivity, ensure that your roof is in good condition and isn’t shaded throughout the day.

Additionally, he stresses that this is the time to assess your home for easier, cheaper energy fixes. “It may be more beneficial to improve the envelope of the home to increase its efficiency rather than financing an expensive solar system for many years,” Warnecke says. Ensuring that your home is not leaking any of the air you’ve already paid to heat or cool will provide an immediate return on investment.

Which company should I work with? “Check their qualifications first,” says Michael Wilson, director of business development and communications at Logan County Electric Cooperative. “Ask about their licenses, insurance, and certifications.” Don’t forget to ask about subcontractors, too — the company installer should be able to tell you what company the subcontractors will be hired from and what experience they have. When it comes to prices, Wilson says, “Get a free quote or bid from multiple contractors to compare, but be sure to look beyond the lowest price; that could be indicative of poor workmanship and bad service.” Wilson stresses the importance of asking for references from previous customers and reading online reviews. Then, he says, ask about their products. “Experienced contractors know their products. Ask what products they carry, how they differ, and which one they’ve selected for your home. If they’ve successfully installed them multiple times before, they’ll know what they’re talking about.” MARCH 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  5

Peter Niagu, energy advisor at Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, consults with a member about solar generation.

Will solar save me money on my electric bill? Ray Crock, energy advisor at Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, says, “The short answer is — of course it will save you money on your electric bill. But the real question is whether it will save you money overall, with the cost of solar accounted for.” Crock relates the story of a solar consultation and energy audit he performed a few years ago: “At that time, electricity was costing them about 14 cents per kWh, but the solar salesman told them that price was forecast to rise to 18 cents in five years. Here we are, five years later, and the cost is closer to 12.5 cents. It doesn’t make sense to invest in something that has a 20- to 30-year payback when it will be worn out in 20 to 25 years. My point is to really check the numbers — and have a sharp pencil.”

How much will a solar array cost? “There are many factors that play into the cost of a solar array,” says Jacob Atkins, energy advisor at South Central Power Company. “One of the contributors of cost is the system size — the larger it is, the more it will cost overall, but it will have a lower cost per watt. The average cost per watt for a system is between $2.50 and $3.50. Another thing to account for is the installer that is putting in the system. Each installer has a different brand of equipment and cost of labor, which will affect the overall price. Also look out for permitting and interconnection fees. The municipality you live in could have permit fees, and your utility could have a fee for interconnecting your array. If taking out a loan, pay attention to the interest rate and associated terms that will impact your loan.”


Can I use batteries to store my energy? “In a word, yes,” says Chris Bear, energy advisor for North Central Electric Cooperative. But it’s complicated. “You have to install an inverter that will convert the AC power into DC power and then choose where to send the power from the solar panels — either to the house, back to the grid, or to the battery storage system.” He continued, “Battery storage can be installed inside or outside of the structure. The sizing of the battery storage depends solely on the load needed to run. Is the focus on just the minimum household equipment during an outage or running the entire house at any given time? You can add batteries to existing solar arrays, especially if they had the system designed for a future battery backup. It does get more complex if the system was originally not designed for a battery backup.” Batteries, he says, can last about 7 to 10 years depending on the type and on how often they’re discharged — so replacements should be factored into the overall cost of the system.

What are my co-op’s net billing policies? “Cooperatives’ rates weren’t originally designed to accommodate solar, and in many cases, rates change,” says Peter Niagu, energy advisor for Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative. Previously, many co-ops used net metering, which credited members for excess energy at retail costs. That’s given way to net billing, a more equitable system in which the utility, in this case your co-op, pays for the electricity coming from a solar system at the same rate as it would for electricity it generates itself — basically the difference between a retail and a wholesale rate. Niagu cautions to be sure to communicate with the co-op about its policies so you can calculate costs and savings using the proper rate. “There’s a substantial difference between the two main methods of metering,” Niagu says.

There’s much more to learn about home solar, and your electric cooperative energy advisor is committed to making sure you know all you can before your purchase. For even more questions to ask and topics to consider, visit www.energy.gov/eere/solar/homeownersguide-going-solar. Then call your electric cooperative to take advantage of one of the benefits of your membership and the fifth cooperative principle of education, training, and information.

Solar arrays don’t necessarily need to be built on a house rooftop. This Carroll Electric Cooperative member chose a free-standing array for best efficiency.

Top 10 steps when considering home solar 1. Research, research, research, before investing in a solar system. 2. Make your home more energy efficient before buying a solar system — it may be a better money-saving option. 3. Understand how a solar system meshes with your cooperative’s system — a call to the co-op early in the process is always a good idea. 4. Review your current energy use so you can determine what size PV system to install. 5. Tally upfront costs. 6. Search for incentives, rebates, and tax credits. 7. Establish a project partnership between you, your contractor, and your electric cooperative. 8. Follow all safety precautions. 9. Choose a reputable contractor/installer — check reviews and ask for references. 10. Maintain good records, both financial and notes from conversations.



HOPE for the winter-weary PHOTO ESSAY BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS

The nearly nightly freezing and thawing coaxes moisture from tree roots, and all across the state, folks will be tapping their sugar maple trees this month (center photo above), then boiling the sap into the maple syrup that helps me survive until April (I prefer mine poured over a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream, thank you).



arch has the decision-making skills of a squirrel dodging city traffic — darting one day toward spring with 50-degree temperatures and sunshine, then back to winter with more ice and snow the next.

At a time of year when Ohioans are trying to recoup from yet another long, cold, gray Midwestern winter, what does March offer us as the first “wildflower” of spring? Skunk cabbage (right photo, opposite page). In short, March has no rules. The obligatory transition from winter to spring is nothing but a tease. In like a lion and out like a lamb? Well, maybe. It might be in like a lion and out like a lion. Or, in like a lamb and out like a lamb. We just never know. Weather folklore says to expect three snows after the forsythia blooms (left photo, opposite page) — and more years than not, that’s correct. What we can count on is that April is just around the corner — and once we then reach the warm, welcoming days of May, these few bleak days of March mud will be a barely remembered blip on the yearly cycle of the natural world in the Buckeye State. So, hang in there, fellow sufferers: The equinox, the official start of spring, arrives on March 21. Until then, here are a few things to look out for this month. Bird migration gets underway in March. Male red-winged blackbirds (left) will show up early in the month — a few even in late February — bobbing on cattail stalks while singing and squabbling over breeding territories. The females will be along in a few weeks. A songbird that says its name, phoebe (right), will arrive mid- to late-month. Wild turkey toms (left) begin gobbling in earnest this month. Waterfowl are already on the move (right), seemingly pushing the

ice on ponds and lakes northward ahead of them as they go. Hardy diving ducks, as a group, lead the parade, with the dabblers close on their tails.


Woodchucks (bottom left) and chipmunks (top) emerge from their long winter’s sleep in March, and spring peepers start their, well, peeping. It will be only a few at first, but their chorus will gradually rise to a roar from swamps and marshes by late month. At other more temporary wetlands called vernal pools, “mole” salamanders (bottom right) in untold numbers make their annual breeding trek under the cover of darkness on the first relatively warm, rainy nights. Woodcocks arrive in March, too — the males “peenting” and sky-dancing at dusk and dawn, trying to impress the females (I’ll be writing in-depth next month about these odd birds that appear to have been put together by committee).


Eagles (top) and owls are already nesting, and hawks are about to. Vultures — turkey vultures (bottom) and black vultures — will be tilting in March winds as they soar aloft. For a splash of color on the bland, brown forest floor this time of year, look for scarlet cup fungus (middle) growing on hardwood branches fallen from trees.



Co-op member is one of the state’s top experts on reptiles and amphibians. STORY AND PHOTOS BY W. H. “CHIP” GROSS


here are countless unique ways to earn a living in 21st-century America, but not many more unusual than that of a professional herpetologist. The study of amphibians and reptiles, herpetology deals with wild critters that lots of people find repulsive. Even Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778), the father of modern taxonomy, described them as “so foul and loathsome that our Creator saw fit not to make too many of them.” A few folks, however, seem inexplicably drawn to snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, and their ilk. Greg Lipps, a member


of Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative in northwest Ohio, is one of them. “I grew up in Cincinnati, where my father owned a pet store and delivered supplies to other pet stores,” Lipps says. “I rode along with him whenever I could and was always fascinated by the animals in the various shops we visited — particularly the reptiles and amphibians.” Lipps was so taken with wildlife that he actually attended high school at the Cincinnati Zoo. “At that time, the zoo had a work-study program where I and a dozen other

Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative member Greg Lipps, in his element studying Ohio’s amphibians.

juniors and seniors took formal classroom studies in the morning, then worked in the various departments of the zoo in the afternoon,” he says. “I absolutely loved it, and learned a ton. In fact, when I graduated, a zoo elephant handed me my high-school diploma.” Lipps went on to attend the University of Cincinnati and Bowling Green State University, earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in biology. He is now the amphibian and reptile conservation coordinator at Ohio State University — in essence, the “head herp” for the entire Buckeye State. “One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about my career is the hands-on aspect of it,” Lipps says. “I really like getting into the fields and forests, swamps and marshes, studying wildlife, then actually seeing the work I do with these animals make a long-term difference — especially concerning endangered species.” Lipps’ favorite species is the Eastern hellbender, a totally aquatic salamander. “They’re so large (as much as 2 feet or more in length) and are such a prehistoric-looking animal, and they have such an interesting life history, that even after seeing and handling hundreds of them in the wild, I still get a thrill every time I snorkel up on one in a river or stream.” As might be imagined, Lipps has lots of interesting stories to tell about his years afield. One has to do with driving rural roads on warm, rainy nights gathering live frogs to study their population densities and distribution.

“Since I’m often working odd hours in odd places, it’s pretty common for me to get stopped by law enforcement officers,” Lipps says. “Most of those encounters simply involve the officer checking my driver’s license and a short discussion about what I’m doing. But one of them told me he didn’t care what I was doing and that I was to leave his jurisdiction immediately and never come back — which I did.” Lipps eventually purchased a vanity license plate for his work truck (AMPHIB, short for amphibian) in hopes of shortening his time spent explaining his activities to police. He said it seems to have helped, at least somewhat. However, his brother, who is an auto mechanic, once took Lipps’ truck into his shop to do some maintenance work, and the other mechanics looked at the license plate and wanted to know what made the truck amphibious. Today, Greg Lipps spends much of his time mentoring the next generation of herpetologists entering the profession. “Most of these people are young, enthusiastic, incredibly bright recent college graduates. For instance, one of my first seasonal field employees (Maddie Sophia) has become a regular reporter for National Public Radio’s science programming, and to now hear her voice on the radio is incredibly satisfying and fulfilling for me.”


The Invention of the Year The world’s lightest and most portable mobility device Once in a lifetime, a product comes along that truly moves people. Introducing the future of battery-powered personal transportation . . . The Zinger. Throughout the ages, there have been many important advances in mobility. Canes, walkers, rollators, and scooters were created to help people with mobility issues get around and retain their independence. Lately, however, there haven’t been any new improvements to these existing products or developments in this field. Until now. Recently, an innovative design engineer who’s developed one of the world’s most popular products created a completely new breakthrough . . . a personal electric vehicle. It’s called the Zinger, and there is nothing out there quite like it. “What my wife especially loves is it gives her back feelings of safety and independence which has given a real boost to her confidence and happiness! Thank You!” –Kent C., California The first thing you’ll notice about the Zinger is its unique look. It doesn’t look like a scooter. Its sleek, lightweight yet durable frame is made with aircraft grade aluminum. It weighs only 47.2 lbs but can handle a passenger that’s up to 275 lbs! It features one-touch folding and unfolding – when folded

Now available in a Joystick model (Zoomer Chair)

Available in Green, Black (shown) and Blue


it can be wheeled around like a suitcase The Zinger folds to a mere 10 inches. and fits easily into a backseat or trunk. Then, there are the steering levers. They enable the Zinger to move forward, backward, turn on a dime and even pull right up to a table or desk. With its compact yet powerful motor it can go up to 6 miles an hour and its rechargeable battery can go up to 8 miles on a single charge. With its low center of gravity and inflatable tires it can handle rugged terrain and is virtually tip-proof. Think about it, you can take your Zinger almost anywhere, so you don’t have to let mobility issues rule your life. Why take our word for it. You can try the Zinger out for yourself with our exclusive home trial. Call now, and find out how you can try out a Zinger of your very own.

Zinger Chair® Call now and receive a utility basket absolutely FREE with your order.


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The Zinger and Zoomer Chairs are personal electric vehicles and are not medical devices nor wheelchairs. They are not intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position. They are not covered by Medicare nor Medicaid. © 2022 Journey Health and Lifestyle


Joystick can be mounted on the right or left side for rider’s comfort


Full of beans

High in fiber and loaded with protein, the ‘musical fruit’ is among the most versatile — and delicious — foods in the world. RECIPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE MURRAY

SOOTHING MINESTRONE SOUP Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 50 minutes | Servings: 6 2 tablespoons olive oil 1½ teaspoons dried oregano 1 small white onion, diced small ½ teaspoon dried basil 3 stalks celery, diced small ½ teaspoon dried thyme 1 large carrot, diced small 1½ teaspoons salt 4 cloves garlic, minced ½ teaspoon black pepper 3 cups vegetable broth 4 cups hot water 2 15-ounce cans red kidney ¾ cup dry small shell pasta beans, drained and rinsed 1 14.5-ounce can Italian green 2 15-ounce cans great northern beans, drained beans, drained and rinsed 1 small zucchini, diced 1 14.5-ounce can petite 4 cups chopped diced tomatoes fresh spinach 2 tablespoons dried parsley Heat oil over medium heat in a large stockpot. Sauté onion for 5 minutes. Add celery, carrots, and garlic, cooking until soft, about another 5 minutes. Slowly stir in vegetable broth, kidney beans, great northern beans, tomatoes in juice, and spices. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover with lid for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add hot water, dry pasta, green beans, zucchini, and spinach. Cover and cook another 15 to 20 minutes, stirring once or twice. Per serving: 1,101 calories, 9 grams fat (2 grams saturated fat), 0 milligrams cholesterol, 1,042 milligrams sodium, 194 grams total carbohydrates, 55 grams fiber, 69 grams protein.


FLOURLESS BLACK BEAN BROWNIES Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 30 minutes | Servings: 9 1 15-ounce can black beans, 2/3 cup sugar drained and rinsed ½ teaspoon baking powder 3 large eggs ¼ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons canola or sunflower oil ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Powdered sugar for dusting (optional) ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease an 8 x 8-inch baking pan. In a food processor or blender, purée black beans, eggs, oil, and vanilla extract for 90 seconds. Transfer to a medium bowl. In a small bowl, combine cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients and mix with a spatula until well combined. Stir in chocolate chips, then pour batter into greased baking pan and pop in the oven for 30 minutes, until edges start to pull away from the pan. Cool before dusting with powdered sugar and cutting into squares. Per serving: 361 calories, 11 grams fat (3.5 grams saturated fat), 62 milligrams cholesterol, 92 milligrams sodium, 55 grams total carbohydrates, 8 grams fiber, 14 grams protein.

PAN-FRIED FALAFEL Prep: 15 minutes | Cook: 25 minutes | Chill: 30 minutes | Servings: 6 6 cups cooked garbanzo beans 1½ teaspoons baking powder (chickpeas) 1 teaspoon salt 1 small onion, peeled, cut in half 1 teaspoon ground coriander ½ cup chopped fresh curly parsley 1 teaspoon black pepper 3 garlic cloves ¼ cup sesame seeds 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups vegetable oil for frying 2 teaspoons ground cumin Note: Serve falafel alongside tzatziki sauce or hummus as an appetizer, roll into a pita sandwich, or serve on top of a Greek salad. Pat dry the garbanzo beans, then place in food processor along with all ingredients except sesame seeds and oil. Pulse until a pasty “dough” forms when rolled into a ball. If mixture crumbles apart, add a tiny bit of water at a time until mixture holds together. Let rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll mixture into small, 1½-inch balls. Set falafel balls on a plate and return to refrigerator. In a deep, wide skillet, heat 2 cups of oil on medium-high until it reaches 350 F. Drop a small piece of falafel batter into the oil. It should sizzle immediately, then turn golden brown in less than a minute. If oil begins to smoke, turn the heat down. If it doesn’t sizzle, wait a little longer. Place sesame seeds in a small bowl and roll each falafel ball in the seeds. (This will make the falafel coating crunchier and add a nutty flavor.) Pick up falafel balls with a heat-safe utensil and gently lower into the oil, cooking 3 or 4 at a time. Cook each side until dark brown, 1 to 2 minutes per side, then place on paper towels to absorb excess oil. Makes 18 small falafel. Per serving: 870 calories, 24 grams fat (3.5 grams saturated fat), 0 milligrams cholesterol, 442 milligrams sodium, 129 grams total carbohydrates, 36 grams fiber, 41 grams protein.


Have you tried one of our recipes? Do you have a recipe to share with other Ohio co-op members? Visit the Member Interactive page on www.ohiocoopliving.com to find recipes submitted by our readers and to upload yours.

www.ohiocoopliving.com While you’re there, check out a video of a few of our recipes being prepared.

REFRIED BEAN AND PICKLED CABBAGE TOSTADAS Prep: 30 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 1 cup shredded red cabbage ½ cup chicken or vegetable stock 1 teaspoon sugar 1 jalapeño or serrano pepper, seeded and diced fine ½ teaspoon salt 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 black peppercorns (optional) ½ teaspoon salt ¾ cup apple cider, white, or rice vinegar ½ teaspoon black pepper 1 cup boiling water 1 lime, juiced 1 tablespoon olive oil (or pork fat) 8 6-inch corn tortillas 1 small yellow onion, diced fine 4 ounces crumbled queso fresco or shredded Monterey ½ teaspoon chili powder Jack cheese ½ teaspoon ground cumin 1 ripe avocado, sliced ½ teaspoon ground coriander handful fresh cilantro, 2 15-ounce cans pinto beans, roughly chopped drained and rinsed In a large jar with lid, place cabbage, sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, black peppercorns, and vinegar. Pour boiling water on top and seal with lid (but not too tight). Swish or shake jar to aid in the salt and sugar dissolving and dispersing. Chill in fridge to pickle for at least half an hour. It’ll keep for a few weeks in the fridge. In a medium pot, heat olive oil and add diced yellow onion. Cook until onions are translucent, about 7 minutes. Add chili powder, cumin, and coriander. Stir and cook another minute or two. Add pinto beans, chicken stock, jalapeño, garlic, ½ teaspoon salt, and black pepper. Turn temperature down to medium-low, partially cover with a lid, and continue cooking 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding a little water if the beans become too dry. Remove from heat and let cool a few minutes before blending in lime juice and pulsing with an immersion blender or food processor. Preheat oven to 425 F. Generously spray both sides of each tortilla with cooking spray and arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake 4 minutes, flip, then bake an additional 4 to 6 minutes, until tortillas are lightly browned and crispy. Top tortillas with a layer of refried beans, crumbled queso fresco, pickled cabbage, avocado slices, and fresh cilantro. Serve immediately. If there are leftovers, store the elements separately. Per serving: 1,142 calories, 21 grams fat (6.5 grams saturated fat), 9 milligrams cholesterol, 549 milligrams sodium, 186 grams total carbohydrates, 40 grams fiber, 55 grams protein.


t s e t n o c e p i c e r r reade

s d a l a S

When you think of “salad,” what comes to mind? A bowl of chopped iceberg lettuce with a glop of dressing on top? A can of tuna mixed with a heaping spoonful of mayo? A giant bowl of colorful, cut-up fruit? For our 2022 Ohio Cooperative Living reader recipe contest, we’re looking for your most delicious SALAD! Whether it’s extra healthy or more on the decadent side, we want to hear all about it! The grand-prize winner will receive an Ohio-made KitchenAid stand mixer. Two runners-up will receive consolation gifts.

Entry deadline is April 15, 2022!


Ground rules • Entrants must be electric cooperative members or residents of an electric cooperative household. • Entries may be submitted by email to memberinteract@ ohioec.org; uploaded to www.ohiocoopliving.com/ memberinteractive, or mailed to Catherine Murray, c/o Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229. Limit of three recipes per entrant. • To enter, write down your recipe, including all ingredients and measurements, directions, and number of servings. Then tell us the basic story behind your recipe — is it a family tradition, passed down through generations? Or did you make it up one day out of thin air? A good back story can never hurt! • On each recipe, include your name and address, a phone number and email address where you can be contacted, and the name of your electric cooperative. • Submissions may be an original recipe or one adapted from an existing recipe published elsewhere, with at least three distinct changes from the published version. • Winners will be featured in the August issue of Ohio Cooperative Living.


System maintenance


ur cooperative does many things over the course of the year to ensure that our electrical system is operating properly and to perform maintenance that reduces outages or other possible problems. The biggest preventive maintenance care that we do is tree-trimming and right-of-way (ROW) clearing to keep trees from contacting our electrical lines. This is also the biggest maintenance expense that we have. With over 1,300 miles of main lines and much of it forest, it is an ongoing process. We budget over $700,000 annually for ROW maintenance. That work is spread between our co-op employees and a contractor that we have used for years. We have four employees dedicated to ROW work and have two bucket trucks with dump beds for chips, two chippers, and two forestry mowers.

The cooperative has an annual pole inspection program. We hire a contractor who inspects our poles and reports to us those that need replaced. Along with reporting bad poles, they also report ROW concerns, guy wire problems,

stolen ground wires, leaning poles, and any other items that need attention. The co-op budgets $30,000 to $35,000 each year, which usually gets about 2,000 poles inspected. We have about 22,000 poles, so it would take about 11 years to do the entire system.

Bill Swango

According to our mapping GENERAL MANAGER system, we still have 180 poles with a birth date of 1959 or before, and 11 of those are from 1941. Each pole is branded/stamped with the pole size and the birth date. The birth date is the year it went from being a tree to a pole for installation on a utility system. The pole size is the length of the pole and circumference 6 feet from the bottom of the pole, depending on the class of the pole. 1110005211 The inspections of breakers/reclosers is another task that we do often to make sure they are working properly. A breaker or recloser is a sectionalizing device that prevents entire lines from going out when a fault occurs. They are set to trip three times if they sense a fault on the lines. If the fault doesn’t clear, power will go out until our employees find and remove the fault and then restore the power. These devices have counters on them, so when we inspect and read the counters, we can tell if one has been operating too often. At that point, we will look for a problem. In other words, it’s all part of keeping the lights on!



In memoriam

Adams Rural Electric has lost a retired employee and friend. Jack Ross retired from the cooperative in 2014 with 15 years of service. Jack was a right-of-way crew chief in the operations department. Jack also served in the United States Air Force. He was an avid golfer. Jack passed away in December 2021 at the age of 74. We extend our condolences to his loved ones.

Plant trees safely

Before you dig, call 811 to locate buried utility lines.




Avoid planting within 20 ft. of power lines. If planting is unavoidable, only plant shrubs and small trees that reach a mature height of 15 ft. or less.

Plant medium trees (under 40 ft. when mature) at least 25 ft. away from power lines.

Plant large trees (over 40 ft. when mature) at least 50 ft. away from power lines. Over 40 ft.

40 ft. high or less

Maximum tree height 15 ft.

Keep shrubs at least 10 ft. away from transformer doors and 4 ft. away from the sides. 4 ft.

10 ft.


10 ft.


20 ft.

30 ft.

40 ft.

50 ft.

60 ft.

70 ft.


Service awards Congratulations! The cooperative recently recognized employees with milestones of service for 2021.

Alice Baird was recognized for 20 years of service. Alice retired in January 2022 as the administrative assistant.

Dave McChesney was recognized for 40 years of service. He is a lineman in the operations department.

Kacee Cox was recognized for five years of service. Kacee is the senior billing clerk in the office.

John Hayslip and David Kirker were recognized for 25 years. John and David are right-of-way crew chiefs in the operations department.

Congratulations to each of you! Your many years of service is much appreciated and valued.

David Kirker and Dave McChesney (left to right)

John Hayslip

Kacee Cox and Alice Baird (left to right)

How to register your account in SmartHub (web) Step 1 Go to www.adamsrec.com and click the blue SmartHub Info tab at the top of the screen. Then click Register.

Step 5 Check your Inbox for an email that will contain a button asking you to Verify Account.

Step 2 Fill out the registration form completely and click the Submit button.

Step 6 You will then be taken to a screen asking you to set your new password.

Step 3 Enter the requested account information in order to verify your identity and click Submit. Answers must match account info exactly.

Step 7 After you set your password, you’ll be asked if you want to try paperless billing. Click Yes and Submit to activate.

Step 4 When successful, you’ll get a congratulations notification.

Step 8 Congratulations! You have successfully registered your account. Browse around and see all the ways to save time and money.



Pay your electric bill with cash at local stores

Capital credits retirements Capital credits retired to the estates of Adams Rural Electric Cooperative members for January 2022 totaled $30,991. If a member has passed away, please contact the cooperative office at 937-5442305 or 800-283-1846 to inquire about payment of their capital credits.

You can now pay your monthly electric bill with cash at local participating retail stores. Simply take the back of your electric bill to the store. The store will scan the bar code on the back of your bill, and you can make your monthly electric payment. There is a $1.50 convenience fee to use this service. To find a location near you, visit pay.vanilladirect.com/pages/retailers.

Spring forward!

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month When was your cooling system last serviced? Most manufacturers recommend an annual tune up for your home’s cooling system. March is a great time to schedule this service so you can beat the summer rush when the pros are busiest.

Daylight saving begins March 13.

A qualified professional can check the amount of refrigerant, accuracy of the thermostat, condition of belts and motors, and other factors that can greatly impact the efficiency of your system. Source: www.energy.gov


937-544-2305 | 800-283-1846 www.adamsrec.com


Donald C. McCarty Sr. President

Charles L. Newman Vice President

Kenneth McCann Secretary


4800 St. Rte. 125 P.O. Box 247 West Union, OH 45693 OFFICE HOURS

Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Stephen Huff Blanchard Campbell William Wylie M. Dale Grooms William Seaman John Wickerham

Erika Ackley Jacob Alexander Jennifer Baughey Nathan Colvin Kacee Cox Brett Fawns Joyce Grooms John Hayslip David Henry Steve Hoop Randy Johnson Samuel Kimmerly

Dave Kirker Rodney Little Dave McChesney Kristina Orr David Ralston Cody Rigdon Zachary Rowe Dewayne Sexton Mike Whitley Jordan Williams

Bill Swango General Manager


We provide three convenient ways to pay: online, by phone, or directly from your bank account. Failure to receive your bill in no way relieves you from paying it. If you don’t receive your bill, contact the office before the due date and we’ll issue another one. To make a payment by phone, call 1-844-937-1666.


Pay at these collection stations: First State Bank — Georgetown, Hillsboro, Manchester, Peebles, Ripley, Seaman, West Union, and Winchester. National Bank of Adams County — 218 N. Market St., West Union.


Find your account number in the Adams REC local pages (the four center pages of this magazine), then call our office, and you will receive a $20 credit on your electric bill. You must call by the end of the month in which your account number appears. Your call affirms permission to publish your name as a winner in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living.




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HIGH-TECH Ohio’s 33 Smart Mobility Corridor is helping to develop the future of transportation. BY ALICIA ADAMS


hio, a state long-obsessed with being in motion, has a rich history of being on the leading edge of transportation innovation.

In the late 19th century, John Lambert, from Mechanicsburg and later Van Wert County, built the first gasoline-powered vehicle in the U.S. (he also was involved in the first motorvehicle crash in the U.S.). Ohioan Charles Kettering revolutionized the auto industry when he invented the electric starter. An Ohio manufacturer was the first to put seat belts in cars. It’s not surprising that the Transportation Research Center (TRC) near East Liberty has grown from its beginnings as an Ohio State University research center in the 1960s to become North America’s largest and most advanced vehicle proving ground. And from that, the next generation of transportation research has sprouted — the 33 Smart Mobility Corridor, billed as the most connected highway in the world.


The 35-mile section of U.S. Route 33 runs from Dublin through Marysville and up to the gates of the TRC in East Liberty. It’s a one-of-a-kind vehicle testing ground that seeks to shape the future of connected and driverless vehicles. What is smart mobility? Imagine this scenario: You’re driving along the highway when you receive a sudden braking alert. There is an obstacle in the road that cars ahead of you are braking hard to avoid. Those vehicles closest to the obstacle communicate a warning to other approaching vehicles to let them know to slow down to avoid the obstacle and other cars. That’s smart mobility in action. The system can also notify drivers of potential icy spots on the roads, approaching emergency vehicles, traffic lights getting ready to change, pedestrians, or oncoming bad weather. Smart mobility helps take surprises out of driving and empowers drivers to make better decisions.

HIGHWAY “The tech infrastructure being deployed on the 33 Smart Mobility Corridor will help develop and advance transportation technologies that will make travel safer for everyone,” says Ohio Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, who serves as director of InnovateOhio, which aims to make the state a leader in technology innovation. The Honda Motor Company and its affiliates have played a major role in the guidance and support of the corridor. With an auto manufacturing facility as well as its research and development arm located in Marysville, Honda has deployed over 200 connected vehicles to study the interaction between drivers and smart mobility technology. “Ohio’s 33 Smart Mobility Corridor enables us to conduct real-world testing of Honda’s ‘Safe Swarm’ technology, which uses ‘vehicle-to-everything’ communication to help mitigate collisions, improve traffic flow, increase fuel efficiency for all road users, and prepare for higher levels of automated driving features,” says Sue Bai, chief engineer at Honda Research Institute USA.

The Smart Mobility Corridor has created another Ohio first in transportation research: the world’s first fully connected city. All the intersections within the city of Marysville are connected to the 432 strands of fiber-optic cable that are the central nervous system of the project, so researchers can quickly and easily test the latest safety technology regarding traffic signal phases, traffic timing, and other data. “What’s nice about Marysville is that we are a selfcontained, smaller-sized city with a manageable traffic flow, so we have the ability to shut down an intersection or redirect traffic for testing with minimal effort or impact on the surrounding community,” says Terry Emery, Marysville’s city manager. “We are the perfect testing playground.” The city of Dublin serves as another live laboratory, connecting some of its intersections with the system to provide vehicle data regarding multilane roundabouts and other traffic situations. The 33 Smart Mobility Corridor started as a local initiative in 2014 to bring fiber-optic broadband to Marysville and


surrounding rural areas, but pivoted into a transportation test bed. That conversion has resulted in unique partnerships across local, state, federal, private, industrial, and academic institutions. Tim Hansley, Union County administrator and president of the NW 33 Innovation Corridor Council of Governments, says the collaborative nature of those partnerships is what allows the system to work so well. “It’s unusual to have such a cooperative collaboration among all of these different groups,” he says. “We are a model for the rest of the country on how to do this.” Obviously, having a reliable source of electricity to power the 63 roadside units that collect and distribute


data is a crucial component to the system, and Marysville-based Union Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. (URE), has been an important partner. “URE played an important part in bringing together the other electric utilities, ODOT, and Union County officials to efficiently power the 33 Smart Mobility Corridor,” says Anthony Smith, URE’s CEO/president. “Providing power to this project was unlike anything we had done before, and the team effort was critical to getting the job done right. We’re proud to have played a role in such an important mobility research program.”

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t was a perfect late autumn day in the northern Rockies. Not a cloud in the sky, and just enough cool in the air to stir up nostalgic memories of my trip into the backwoods. This year, though, was different. I was going it solo. My two buddies, pleading work responsibilities, backed out at the last minute. So, armed with my trusty knife, I set out for adventure.

Join more than 322,000 sharp people who collect stauer knives Well, what I found was a whole lot of trouble. As in 8 feet and 800-pounds of trouble in the form of a grizzly bear. Seems this grumpy fella was out looking for some adventure too. Mr. Grizzly saw me, stood up to his entire 8 feet of ferocity and let out a roar that made my blood turn to ice and my hair stand up. Unsnapping my leather sheath, I felt for my hefty, trusty knife and felt emboldened. I then showed the massive grizzly over 6 inches of 420 surgical grade stainless steel, raised my hands and yelled, "Whoa bear! Whoa bear!" I must have made my point, as he gave me an almost admiring grunt before turning tail and heading back into the woods. I was pretty shaken, but otherwise fine. Once the adrenaline high subsided, I decided I had some work to do back home too. That was more than enough adventure for one day. Our Grizzly Hunting Knife pays tribute to the call of the wild. Featuring stick-tang construction, you can feel confident in the

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Fun with a purpose Columbus-based Highlights for Children lets kids have fun while learning life lessons.



Highlights for Children founder Garry Meyers reads the magazine to his grandchildren.


hen Garry and Carolyn Meyers created Highlights for Children in 1946, they did so with the belief that children have an innate ability to think and learn and create and that they should be encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings.


“They believed that children and what they think matter and that childhood is a short, sweet season worthy of the thoughtful, loving attention of adults,” says Christine French Cully, the magazine’s current editor in chief and “chief purpose officer.” “They believed it’s important to

stand up for what’s morally right, even when it’s difficult, and that we never stop learning and growing.” Highlights, based in Columbus, recently celebrated its 75th year of “fun with a purpose”— presenting opportunities for parents to “lean in and listen” to encourage curiosity and self-confidence. Along with longtime favorite monthly features such as “Hidden Pictures,” the magazine offers stories, puzzles, and riddles. Readers’ writing and artwork are showcased on “My Own Pages,” and “Brain Play” asks open-ended questions such as “Name some things that can’t be cleaned with soap” and “If paintings could come to life, what would you paint?”

hard to find the untold or less-familiar stories to share with them. We don’t want to publish content they can find easily elsewhere.” Through all the growth, evolution, and expansion, the founders’ original dream continues to resonate. “The amazing thing about Highlights is the continuity of philosophy,” Cully says. “We still believe the things that Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers believed, and we still try to show that in everything we do. We are all committed to Garry and Caroline’s belief that children are the world’s most important people.”

The Myerses lived and raised their children in Cleveland, where Garry taught at what is now Case Western Reserve University and Caroline studied early childhood education. When they designed Highlights’ first issue, aimed for ages 2 to 12, they were 61 and 58 years old, respectively. A few years later, they bought the magazine Children’s Activities, for which they had worked for 12 years. One of its features, “Goofus and Gallant,” created by Garry Myers, was moved to Highlights. Another early decision was to establish the magazine’s business offices in Columbus. In 1946, just after World War II, paper was scarce. A printer in Columbus was available, and since the family knew Ohio — and Ohio knew them — it just made sense. Over the years, the company has expanded its offerings. Highlights, for ages 6–12, is now one of four publications. Highlights Hello (ages 0–2) launched in 2012; High Five (ages 2–6) began in 2007; and High Five Bilingue, in Spanish and English, was introduced in 2014. The brand also includes its retail division, Highlights Press; the publishing companies Zaner-Bloser and Stenhouse Publishers; and a slew of other publications, websites, apps, and podcasts.

One 75th-anniversary puzzle asked kids to find words associated with winter (above), while the magazine also highlighted its first “Hidden Pictures” game (below) (courtesy Highlights for Children).

The big picture, though, is simple (and without hidden objects): It’s a story of enduring focus on children. “It’s important for young readers to be able to see themselves in our products, whether it’s their race, their religion, their gender, the type of home they live in, their family makeup, their ability level, or their interests,” Cully says. And while children today are different from those of 1946, they still care about the same things they always have: friendship struggles, school, boredom, and siblings, as well as adult topics like divorce, and national and global problems. The difference? They’re more sophisticated, Cully says. “They have access to so much more information. We look


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Technical scholarships available For adult residential members or high school seniors You could be eligible for a technical scholarship from Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives! The OEC technical scholarship offers up to $2,000 to electric cooperative members or children of members who are pursuing technical training after high school. This program is open to all adults! For more information and an application, go to ohioec.org/technicalscholarship.

Deadline for application is April 30.

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‘Bottomless’ blue holes are geologic oddities that happen to be perfect spots for raising fish. BY JAMES PROFFITT

At one time, the “blue hole” in Castalia was a big deal. Really big. From the 1920s until it closed in 1990, the quaint tourist destination drew as many as 165,000 visitors each year who traveled to gaze at the geologic curiosity. The deep artesian spring exudes an intense blue color, explained by scientific jargon about the sun, light spectrum, and water depth. The main thing is — it was really cool. Robert Rogers, the British Army officer who first recorded its sighting in 1761, described it as “boiling above the ground in a column 3 feet high.” From that first sighting, its attraction was a guarantee, though by the early 20th century, a series of underground cave-ins had turned the site into more of a large, serene pool than a boiling column of water. But, hey, it was still cool.


This 1920s postcard showing the Castalia Blue Hole gives a sense of why it drew tourists from all around; below, the Castalia Trout Club’s blue hole before it became a tourist attraction (photo courtesy of the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museums — Charles E. Frohman Collection).

Nancy Gurney remembers going to the Blue Hole on the occasional Sunday day trip to Castalia with her family in the 1950s, when she and her sister were young and her parents were farmers in Seneca County.

time. Unfortunately, when they do, they’re trespassing. “When people blatantly disregard the ‘private drive’ and ‘do not enter’ signs, that does not fly well,” says Steve Sessler, the trout club’s manager.

“It was so nice, all landscaped and beautiful, and it had flowers,” recalls Gurney, who now lives in Lakeside. “And there was this mystery of a deep hole with no bottom they can detect.” Gurney, later a scientist, admits that, of course, there is a bottom — though to a child and tourist, the bottomless mystery thing was way neater. Neat enough, in fact, to attract the attention of a blind ham-radio operator named Henry McFerren, who enlisted the help of other hams in an attempt to track the source of the Castalia Blue Hole’s water. The story was detailed in a 1941 Radio News magazine article. McFerren launched a 2-pound rubber ball (with a homemade radio transmitter inside) into an underground stream deep inside Seneca Caverns, about 30 miles to the south near Bellevue. Radio operators on the surface tracked the transmitter more than a mile before losing the signal — though the experiment was considered a success: They did track the ball toward the Castalia Blue Hole. The Castalia Trout Club has owned the site since 1879, and while it’s no longer a tourist attraction — it’s been closed for three decades — folks still show up all the MARCH 2022 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  33

Cold water forced from deep within limestone and dolomite formations in northern Ohio’s sinkhole region provides perfect water for hatcheries and dozens of miles of streams (photo by James Proffitt).

While the original Castalia Blue Hole sends thousands of gallons of water toward Sandusky Bay via Cold Creek every minute, there are several other, smaller blue holes in the area. So what exactly is a blue hole? According to Douglas Davis, with the Ohio Geological Survey, a blue hole is created when the ceiling of an underground cavern — in this area, limestone or dolomite caves — collapses, creating an opening for pressurized groundwater deep below the surface to rise into the new opening. “The area’s kind of unique because south of Castalia into Bellevue and beyond, there’s almost no creeks to speak of on the surface. It’s really crazy,” Davis says. “Most of the surface water drains into sinkholes.” The area drained by sinkholes is more than 300 square miles. That water, Davis says, is what feeds a massive underground system that eventually sends water up through the series of blue holes in the area. The water flows at a constant temperature of 53 to 54 degrees yearround and, as a number of private clubs figured out in the 19th century, provides the perfect source for raising trout.


Luckily, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources got into the game around 1997 when one of those clubs folded and sold off its property — which included a blue hole. ODNR purchased the land and constructed the state-of-the-art Castalia State Fish Hatchery, where it now raises about a half-million rainbow and steelhead trout each year to be stocked in Lake Erie tributaries and in public lakes and ponds around the state. The hatchery also fills the tourist void left when the Castalia Blue Hole was closed to the public. “A lot of people think this is the one they saw as a kid, so it’s kind of a daily explanation,” says Andrew Jarrett, the site’s superintendent. “I tell them, ‘This isn’t the same one, but it’s similar.’” He says about half the people who show up to the hatchery come to see the fish — the other half just want to see the natural oddity that is the blue hole itself.

Castalia Fish Hatchery, 7018 Homegardner Road, Castalia, OH 44824. 419-684-7499. The hatchery is open during the week for self-guided tours. Bring popcorn, cereal, bread, or other tasty trout chow. And a camera.

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he’s been around for thousands of years, but she’s never gone out of fashion. We’re talking turquoise, one of the world’s most ancient gems. Egyptian queens adorned themselves with turquoise jewelry more than 3,000 years ago. And the blue beauty is even more coveted now than she was a millennia ago. Do you know someone who’s even more beautiful now than when you first met? Then the Timeless Turquoise Pendant is for them –– a stylish circle formed from seven total carats of natural turquoise and exquisite sterling silver metalwork. And the price? Let’s just say we made sure timeless was attainable for less than you’d think. Time is running out for timeless turquoise. Just because turquoise is timeless, doesn’t mean supplies of it will last forever. Turquoise is only found a few places on Earth. Typically unearthed in arid climates like the American Southwest and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, turquoise requires a delicate balance of minerals and water to achieve its gorgeous range of blues. But even when conditions are optimal for turquoise to form, finding stones of gem-worthy quality is a challenge. There are very few turquoise mines left, and then, less than 5% of turquoise mined worldwide is of jewelry condition, making it rarer to come by than even diamonds. There are turquoise and sterling silver pendants out there for over $1,200. And while genuine turquoise can garner a pretty penny, there’s no reason to be paying a designer price when we can bring you designer pieces for a remarkable price.

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Dip into the kids’ college fund to keep the ancient propane furnace running

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Hoard all the blankets in the house like some sort of troll

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MAR. 4, APR. 1 – Star Gazing at Schoonover Observatory, 670 N. Jefferson, Lima, 9 p.m. Free. See the stars using the 14-inch computerized domed telescope, weather permitting. https://limaastro.com. MAR. 5–6, APR. 2–3 – Tri-State Gun Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima (2 miles east of Lima on St. Rte. 309), Sat. 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. $6, free for members, under 18 free. Over 400 tables of modern and antique guns, edged weapons, and sportsmen equipment. 419-647-0067 or www. tristategunshow.org. MAR. 11–13 – Lima Noon Optimist Club Home and Business Expo, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, Fri. 4–9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 12–5 p.m. Over 150 booths featuring more than 100 vendors of home improvement products and services. Proceeds from the show support numerous Lima-area youth activities. 567-242-3513 or http://limaoptimist.com.


Send us your event Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS in advance to events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information.


MAR. 16 – Arrival from Sweden: “The Music of ABBA,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., 7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. $29–$79. See the only ABBA tribute act that works with musicians from the original group. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com. MAR. 17–18 – St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl, downtown Sidney. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. MAR. 19 – Camp Creek Poultry Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima. www.poultryshowcentral. com/Ohio.html. MAR. 24 – Straight No Chaser: “Back in the High Life,” Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., 7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. $29–$89. 419-224-1552 or www.limaciviccenter.com. MAR. 26 – Maple Syrup Festival, Williams Co. Fgds., 619 E. Main St., Montpelier, 8 a.m.–noon. Contact the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 or email amichaels@ williamsswcd.org. MAR. 27 – Flag City Model Train Show, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5; under 13 free if accompanied by adult. Model trains, toy trains, and railroad memorabilia on display and for purchase. Quarter-scale train rides will be available (adult $3, child $2). 419-4232995, www.nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp. APR. 2 – OAGC Garden Symposium, Wright State University Lake Campus, James F. Dicke Hall, 7600 Lake Campus Dr., Celina, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Hosted by the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs. $50 for members, $60 for non-members. Lunch included. Preregistration

required. For more information, visit www.oagc.org/ upcoming-events. APR. 2 – Demonstration Day: Spring Blacksmithing, Wood County Historical Ctr. and Museum, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Free. Open forge demonstration featuring the Northwest Ohio Blacksmiths Association. Museum will be open 1–4 p.m., with regular admission. 419-352-0967 or http:// woodcountyhistory.org. APR. 8–9 – Holy Toledo Polka Festival, Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel, Mosaic Ballroom, 444 N. Summit St., Toledo, Fri. 6 p.m.–Sat. 1 a.m., Sat. 1 p.m.– Sun. 1 a.m. Featuring some of the best polka bands in the industry. See website for schedule of events at other locations, beginning Apr. 7 with the Opening Night Polka Party and ending on Apr. 10 with the Sunday Dance. 419351-5031 or https://holytoledopolkadays.com. APR. 9 – Home Sweet Home Vintage Market/Home Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $5; under 13 free. Our “Spring Fling” show! Vintage, repurposed, rustics, jewelry, candles, soap, and much more. Food available. 567-204-7569 or https:// homesweethomevintagemarket.com. APR. 8–10 – Godspell Jr., McDonald’s Youth Theatre, 991 N. Shore Dr., Lima, Fri./Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $8–$15. Based on the Broadway musical that inspired a generation, this version is designed for a younger cast and audience. An eclectic blend of songs, ranging from pop to vaudeville, is employed to tell the story of Jesus’ life. 419-223-8866 or www.amiltellers.org.

MAR. 19 – Green Day Hike, Blackwater Falls State Park, 1584 Blackwater Lodge Rd., Davis, starts at 10 a.m. Free. Hike along the Blackwater River to the town of Davis and back, about 3.5 miles. Sturdy shoes or hiking boots are necessary. Packing a water bottle and a snack is recommended. 304-259-5216 or https:// wvstateparks.com/event. MAR. 19 – Mountain State Maple Days, locations statewide. Join the celebration of the state’s “sweetest” product from the farm. To see participating sugarhouses, visit www.wvmspa.org.

APR. 15 – Flashlight Egg Hunt, Blackwater Falls State Park, 1584 Blackwater Lodge Rd., Davis. Meet at the Nature Center at 7:30 p.m.; hunt begins at 8 p.m. $2. For children ages 12 and younger, accompanied by an adult. As dark approaches, the children will venture out in search of hidden eggs that contain treats and prizes. Hot chocolate and s’mores by bonfire complete the evening fun. Please bring a flashlight and a basket for egg collection. https://wvstateparks.com/event.


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2022 Shows

2022 Shows

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MAR. 4, 11, 18, 25 – Beginner Beekeeping Class, Life Church, 1033 Elm St., Grafton, 7–9 p.m. Presented by Lorain County Beekeepers Association. $50 class fee includes one-year family membership in LCBA and monthly email newsletter. Books available for purchase at additional cost. Spouse and children are welcome to attend classes and meetings. Find registration form at www.loraincountybeekeepers.org. MAR. 5 – Northern Ohio Fly Fishing Expo, Lakeland Community College, 7700 Clocktower Dr. (main campus, H-Bldg., south of I-90 exit 193, onto Rte. 306), Kirtland, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Adults $10, ages 12–17, $5; under 12 free. Free with military ID. Fishing seminars, fly tying lessons, fishing gear and supplies, and more. https://www. northcoastflyfishers.com. MAR. 9–30 – SAA Art Show, Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., or by appointment. Free. Original works by members of the Steubenville Art Association on display, some for sale. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com.

MAR. 12–13 – Antlers and Anglers Sportsman’s Showcase, Ashland Co. Fgds., 2042 Claremont Ave., Ashland, Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. $3. Annual event celebrating the great outdoors, from hunting and fishing to hiking. Hourly door prize drawings. www.armstrongonewire.com. MAR. 17–20 – Cleveland Boat Show, I-X Ctr., 1 I-X Center Dr., Cleveland. Visit the “Boating Experience” Pavilion, try scuba diving, view the giant aquarium, and much more. Don’t miss the Lake Erie Market and Twiggy the Water-Skiing Squirrel! www.clevelandboatshow.com. MAR. 18–20 – Vintage Decoys and​Wildlife Art Show and Sale, Holiday Inn South Cleveland, 6001 Rockside Rd., Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 18 free. Two great shows, one location, same weekend! Hunting and fishing collectibles, antiques, wildlife art, carving supplies, exhibits, demos, workshops, contests, auctions, and more. 734-934-2548 (Dwane Ong), dwaneodcca@gmail.com, or www.odcca.net. MAR. 19 – Mt. Hope Train and Toy Show, 8076 St. Rte. 241, Mt. Hope, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, free for kids 12 and under. Over 600 dealer tables. All gauges and parts, running layouts, farm and vintage toys, diecast models, and much more. Food catered by Mrs. Yoder’s Kitchen. 330-262-7488, cathijon@sssnet.com, or www.cjtrains.com. MAR. 19 – Pat Campbell St. Patrick’s Run Walk and Kids’ 1K Fun Run, Toronto, starting at 11 a.m. Proceeds benefit cancer research. 740-544-6439 or www. thegemcity.org. MAR. 20 – Cleveland Comic Book and Nostalgia Festival, Doubletree by Hilton Cleveland-Westlake, 1100


MAR. 12 – Miller’s Automotive Racers Swap Meet and Car Show, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe. $8, under 15 free. Race cars, tools, hot rods, apparel, collectibles, and much more! www. millersswapmeet.com. MAR. 12 – Leprechaun Chase, Chillicothe, 9 a.m. Bring the entire family and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a great run in Yoctangee Park. https://runsignup.com/ Race/OH/Chillicothe/MuddyLeprechaun4MileRunWalk. MAR. 17 – The Quiet Man, Athena Grand, 1008 E. State St., Athens, 7 p.m. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the John Ford classic starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. 740-593-8800 or www. athenagrand.com.


MAR. 18–19 – River City Blues Festival, Lafayette Hotel, 101 Front St., Marietta. Fri. $30, Sat. $40, weekend pass $85. Popular festival that brings together some of the country’s most talented blues and jazz performers. 740-376-0222 (evenings and weekends) or http://bjfm. org/blues-festival. MAR. 19 – Flashback Dance, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Highway, Cambridge. $25 per person. Dance the night away to sounds of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s spun on vinyl. Relive dances of your youth and gather with friends from your past and present. A great way to break the winter blues, with dance competitions, costume contests, door prizes, cash bar, food, and fun. 740-439-2238 or www.downtowncambridge.com. MAR. 19 – National Cambridge Collectors AllCambridge Benefit Auction, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, preview at 8:30 a.m., auction starts at 9:30 a.m. $2. National event for the purchase and sale of Cambridge glass and ephemera for members and non-members alike. 740-432-4245 or www.cambridgeglass.org. MAR. 20 – RUNA, Peoples Bank Theatre, 222 Putnam St., Marietta, 7 p.m. $19–$70. Interweaving the haunting melodies and exuberant tunes of Ireland and Scotland with the lush harmonies and intoxicating rhythms of jazz, bluegrass, flamenco and blues, LUNA offers a

Crocker Rd., Westlake (I-90 exit 156), $5, free for age 6 and under. 330-462-3985, jeff@harpercomics.com, or www.harpercomics.com. APR. 2 – April Showers Craft and Vendor Show, 8820 Bender Rd., North Ridgeville, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Free. More than 40 vendors. Handmade items, wood crafts, jewelry, crocheted and knitted items, and more! www.facebook. com/events/3096867297193030. APR. 3 – Canton-Akron Comic, Toy, and Nostalgia Convention, St. George Event Ctr., 4667 Applegrove St. NW, North Canton, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, free for age 6 and under. 330-462-3985, jeff@harpercomics.com, or www. harpercomics.com. APR. 4–18 – Annual Spring Quilt Show, Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., or by appointment. Free. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com. APR. 9 – Mac ’n’ Cheese Throwdown, Cleveland Public Auditorium, 500 Lakeside Ave. E., Cleveland, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. Come experience the tastiest food fight and only mac ’n’ cheese festival in Cleveland! The city’s top restaurants and food trucks compete for the title of Cleveland’s “Best Mac ’n’ Cheese.” Also features your favorites in craft cocktails, breweries, and more. www. macncheesethrowdown.com. APR. 9–10 – Strongsville Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Strongsville Ehrnfelt Recreation Ctr., 18100 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Features artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. 440-227-8794 or www. avantgardeshows.com.

thrilling and redefining take on traditional music. www. peoplesbanktheatre.com. MAR. 20 – Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra Children’s Concert, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, 3:30 p.m. $15. 740-826-8197 or www.seoso.org. MAR. 25, APR. 1, 8 – Bluegrass Concerts, Pennyroyal Opera House, off I-70 at exit 198, Fairview, 7 p.m. $15, under 13 free. Doors and kitchen open at 5 p.m. Mar. 25 – Silas Powell Band/Brother Randall & Friends; Apr. 1: Junior Sisk/3 Rivers Band; Apr. 8 – Kenny Stinson & Perfect Timing/Bean Boys. 740-827-0957 or www. facebook.com/PennyroyalBluegrassOhio. MAR. 26–28 – Cambridge Lions Club Music and Comedy Show, Scottish Rite Auditorium, 941 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge, 7:30 p.m. 740-260-1149 or www. cambridgelions.com. APR. 8 – Living Word Banquet and Auction, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge. Doors open at 5 p.m., program and dinner begin at 6 p.m. $30. 740-439-2761 or www.livingworddrama.org.

MAR. 20 – Columbus Toy and Game Show, Ohio Expo Center, Lausche Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. $10 at door; early buyers (8–9 a.m.), $14; age 10 and under free. Buy, sell, or trade new and retro toys, video games, and collectibles. https:// ctspromotions.com or www.ohioexpocenter.com. MAR. 25–26 – Quilt Spectacular 2022: “Where the Heart Is,” Franklin Co. Fgds., 4200 Columbia St., Hilliard, Fri. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6 per day or $9 for both days. Over 100 quilts. Silent auction, quiltingrelated demos and vendors, garage sale, and door prizes. Refreshments available. www.cmquilters.org. MAR. 8, APR. 12 – Inventors Network Meeting, MAR. 25–26 – Columbus Scrap and Stamp Show, virtual meeting, 7 p.m. Educational presentations and Ohio Expo Ctr., Lausche Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, discussion about the invention process. Meetings are Fri. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $8/day or 2-day held the 2nd Tuesday of each month virtually. 614-470pass for $12; cash only. All-day cropping packages also 0144 or www.inventorscolumbus.com. available. The ultimate cropping, shopping, and learning experience! www.greatlakesscrapbookevents.com/ MAR. 12 – St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Parade, events/columbus. downtown Dublin, 7 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Free. Celebrate the greenest and grandest day of the year! Events MAR. 26 – “Go for Baroque: Bach, Vivaldi, and throughout the city, starting at 7 a.m. with an all-you-can- Teleman in Concert,” Marion Palace Theatre, May eat pancake breakfast with green syrup! Parade begins Pavilion, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 2:30 p.m. $15. at 11 a.m. 800-245-8387 or www.irishisanattitude.com. Performed by a chamber ensemble from the Central Ohio Symphony. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org. MAR. 12–13 – Maple Tapping Festival, Hocking Hills State Park, 19852 St. Rte. 664 S., Logan, 12–4 p.m. Savor MAR. 26–27 – Columbus Gun Show, Ohio Expo Ctr., the taste of the season as we boil down our local maple Buckeye Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Sat. 9 a.m.–5 sap. Discover the many methods used throughout history p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $10; free for children under 12 to make this tasty treat. Meet at the Naturalist Cabin if supervised by adult. Purchase, trade, and sell firearms, located behind the Old Man’s Cave Visitor Center. 740ammo, and related merchandise. www.cegunshows.com. 385-6842 or http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/hockinghills.

MAR. 26–27 – Scott Antique Market, Ohio Expo Ctr., Bricker Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Sat. 9 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission; $5 parking. 800 exhibit booths. info@scottantiquemarket.com or www.scottantiquemarkets.com. MAR. 27 – Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Makoy Event Ctr., 5462 Center St., Hilliard, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Large show featuring artists and crafters selling their original handmade items at this beautiful venue. Concession stand on site. www. avantgardeshows.com. APR. 1–2 – Clue: On Stage, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $22. This family-friendly comedy whodunit will keep you guessing until the final twist! 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org. APR. 1–2 – Columbus Home Improvement Show, Ohio Expo Ctr., Kasich Hall, 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Fri. 12–7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $6, under 18 free. The latest innovations and design trends, hundreds of exhibitors, and remodeling/building experts from the Columbus area. www.homeshowcenter.com/ overview/columbushome2. APR. 7–10 – Equine Affaire, Ohio Expo Ctr., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Thur.–Sat. 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–5 p.m. $8–$15, free for ages 6 and under. Tickets for the Fantasia show are purchased separately. The nation’s premier equine expo, featuring educational clinics, seminars, and demos presented by top industry pros; hundreds of exhibitors; and equine entertainment and competitions. 740-845-0085 or www.equineaffaire.com.


$25–$40 single-day tickets; $90–$100 for three-day passes. Formerly known as the Southern Ohio Indoor Music Festival, this three-day event features the best in bluegrass and American roots music. See https:// industrialstrengthbluegrass.com for schedule. MAR. 26 – Hello Spring Craft Show, EnterTRAINment Junction, Expo Ctr., 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Free. 513-898-8000 or https:// entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar. APR. 1 – Clark-Jones Trio, First United Methodist Church, 120 S. Broad St., Middletown, noon–1 p.m. Free; handicapped accessible. Celtic music and folk favorites featuring vocals, fiddle, boudrain, and harp. Bring your lunch if you like. 513-423-4629 or www.myfumc.net. APR. 2 – Cabin Fever Arts Festival, Southern State Community College, Patriot Ctr. Gymnasium, 100 Hobart Dr., Hillsboro (off U.S. 62), 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Showcase of handcrafted quality arts and crafts presented by Appalachian Artisans Guild. www. appartguild.com or cabinfeverartsfestival@gmail.com. APR. 9 – Spring Fashion Doll Show and Sale, EnterTRAINment Junction, Expo Ctr., 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 12 free. Featuring Barbie, Madame Alexander, Tonner, action figures, and other fashion and collectible dolls. https:// entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar.


THROUGH MAR. 12 – “Genius of the Needle: Women’s Creations in the Victorian Era (1830– 1900),” Harmon Museum, 105 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Tues.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6–$10, under 5 free. 513932-1817 or www.wchsmuseum.org. THROUGH APR. 27 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Wed. 6:30–8:30 p.m. Enjoy dinner, wine, and an evening of free bluegrass by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Reservations strongly recommended. 513-385-9309 or vinokletwinery@fuse.net. MAR. 2–APR. 30 – Workshops: Easter Egg Paperweight or Bunny Paperweight, Neusole Glassworks, 11925 Kemper Springs Dr., Cincinnati, Wed./Thur. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Sat./ Sun. 8 a.m.–8 p.m. $50/person per 30-min. session

(one project per workshop). For ages 5 and older. With the help of our professional glass artists, you can sculpt an Easter egg paperweight or a bunny paperweight out of solid molten glass! Ready for pickup in 7 days. Registration required; check availability by phone or email: 513-751-3292 or neusoleglassworks@hotmail. com. More information: http://neusoleglassworks.com. MAR. 18–20 – Greater Cincinnati Home Expo, Sharonville Convention Ctr., 11355 Chester Rd., Sharonville, Fri. 12–7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $5, under 18 free. The latest innovations and design trends, hundreds of exhibitors, and remodeling/ building experts from Greater Cincinnati. www.homeshowcenter.com/overview/cincinnati2. MAR. 20 – Cincinnati’s Premier Wedding Show and Expo, The Manor House, 7440 Mason-Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Register online for free tickets in advance. $10 at door; free for 12 and under. Meet face-to-face with over 75 wedding professionals! Fashion show at 1:30 p.m. https://ohioweddingshows.com. MAR. 20 – Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, R.S.V.P. Event Ctr., 453 Wards Corner Rd., Loveland, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. A variety of local artists and crafters selling original handmade items. Concessions nearby. 440-227-8794 or www. avantgardeshows.com. MAR. 24–26 – Industrial Strength Bluegrass Festival, Roberts Convention Ctr., Wilmington.



Storm’s brewing



1.  Wicked sky over our home. Kirsten Hatfield Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member


2.  Storm clouds off the east side of Kelleys Island. Leslie Scaletta Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative member 3.  Ominous storm coming our way in Guernsey County. Anna Miller Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member 4.  Storm rolling in over a wheat field on our farm. Ethan Roush South Central Power Company member


5.  Storm rolling in across the fields in southwestern Lucas County. Kevin Deck Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative member


6.  Nighttime storm near my house. Bob Westbrook Washington Electric Cooperative member Below: Storm brewing in Baltimore, Ohio. Jennifer Smith-Stanton South Central Power Company member

Send us your picture!

For June, send “Lake life” by March 15; for July, s end “Sparklers” by April 15.

Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.




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