The OHFAMA Journal | Vol. 66 | Issue 3 | Fall 2004

Page 2

2024 Service Award Winners Kelly Whaley, DPM and Marc Greenberg, DPM

President’s Column: Promoting the Value of Membership

Dear Colleagues,

Typically, the summer months are not quite as busy at the association; however, this year was an exception to the rule. In May, we had a very successful annual seminar. Thank you to all attendees, speakers, and volunteers! We strive to provide quality education to our members and continue to evolve our educational formatting in a post-COVID world. In the future, be on the lookout for a hands-on cadaver lab, which aims to provide an economical source of hands-on training. Also, keep in mind the Wound Care seminar is coming up in November. You can expect another top-notch program.

In June, Luci Ridolfo was named our new Executive Director. Luci has an excellent vision for the future, part of which is being more in touch with the membership. We’ve also hired Emily Clark as the Membership and Communication Director. She brings a fresh outlook and media savviness to our association. Please reach out to either of them with any ideas or concerns you might have.

The Board of Trustees met on August 1. As we all know, this is an election year, and your PAC money will be put to good use in the near future. I would like to thank all contributors, as we had a very strong year from our membership contributions.

Silver Gavel Club

Planning is underway for the Annual Business Meeting, and we have a number of positions at the board level which may become available. If anyone is interested in serving, please reach out to your Academy officers.

As always, if you have questions about scope of practice, local, state, or national advocacy issues, or hospital privileges, please don’t hesitate to contact the association.

I encourage you to check the OHFAMA website regularly for member benefits. We currently have links to various affiliate sponsors that provide services to members, and we’ll be adding more resources in the future. One to watch out for is the physician wellness series, which will feature videos on topics ranging from financial to personal/ mental health.

I wish everyone a fun-filled fall season and hope to see you all at the Annual Business Meeting in November.


Table of Contents

Dr. Thom Arnold gathers with former OHFAMA presidents at the Silver Gavel Luncheon at the Annual Seminar.


Capitol Advocates

The Ohio General Assembly recessed for its summer break at the end of June after conducting a flurry of unexpected legislative activity during that very busy month. Some large policy matters were passed (such as the anticipated capital appropriations budget) during June but the chilly relationship between the House and the Senate (also the fighting amongst the House Republican caucus) and the impending fight over who will be the next Speaker of the House continued to create a rather dysfunctional atmosphere around Capitol Square.

The focus of the last few months has been on the November elections and the following are a short preview of those races:


Obviously, the big news in this race is that Vice President Kamala Harris has replaced current President Joe Biden as the official Democratic presidential nominee and Harris will now face former Republican President Donald Trump for the presidency.

Most view this race as extremely close and feel the contest will ultimately be decided by seven (7) states (WI, MI, PA, NC, GA, AZ and NV). Ohio will not be one of those contested states, as Trump easily won Ohio in both 2016 and 2020 and is expected to do so again. While there appears to be renewed energy among some Democrats in certain parts of Ohio with a Harris candidacy, recent polls have shown Trump with a solid 8%-12% lead in our state.

US Senate

Long-time Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown is facing a strong challenge from Republican businessman Bernie Moreno, as this race is also crucial nationally and will ultimately help decide control of the US Senate.

Most polls have shown Brown with a lead between 2% and 8% but this race will be one to watch on election night. Brown may directly benefit from an increased turnout of Democrats due to Harris (rather than Biden) being at the top of the ticket but that is yet to be seen and Moreno is offering a stiff challenge to Brown in a Trump-controlled state.

Ohio House

While all 99 House seats are up for reelection, Republicans will maintain strong control of the Ohio House when our new legislative session begins in January of 2025. The main intrigue in the House right now is who will actually be the Speaker of the House when the gavel for the new session begins.

You may recall that current House Speaker Jason Stephens won the Speaker’s chair by taking a smaller number of House Republicans and minority party Democrats to form a coalition that led him to be elected Speaker over the choice of a majority Republicans, Derek Merrin. This “coalition” led to great dysfunction in the House, as a very fractured Republican Caucus had great difficulty working together over the past two years, often causing policy disagreements not only within the House but impacting the House’s relationship with the Ohio Senate in achieving policy objectives.

Stephens is facing an incredibly strong challenge for the Speakership from current Republican Senate President Matt Huffman, as Huffman is term limited in the Senate and will be a member of the House in 2025. Huffman is strongly appealing to House Republican members that the coalition dysfunction cannot continue and the caucus members should support him as Speaker.

This contest is seen as “The Main Event” to watch in Ohio and if/when this issue could be settled before the formal Speaker election takes place in early January of 2025.

Ohio Senate

Much like the House, Republicans will maintain a very large agenda in the Ohio Senate when the new session begins in early 2025. Republican Senator Rob McColley strongly appears to be the overwhelming favorite to succeed Matt Huffman as the next Senate President.

Due to recent redistricting, most observers believe that Senate Democrats are poised to pick up two seats (the current count is 26-7 Republicans in the Senate) but this will not have a large impact on the business of the Senate in the new session. Roughly one-third of the Senate seats will be up for election in November.

Ohio Supreme Court

Three crucial elections for Justices to the Ohio Supreme Court will be on the ballot in November. While many other national and state races are getting most of the public attention, these three contests will be crucial to the balance of the Supreme Court in Ohio. These races are:

• Incumbent Democrat Justice Michael Donnelly will be facing off against Republican Megan Shanahan, who currently serves as a Hamilton County Common Pleas Court judge;

• Incumbent Democrat Justice Melody Stewart will face a strong challenge from fellow Justice Joe Deters, a Republican Judge from Cincinnati. Deters was appointed to the Court by Governor Mike DeWine to fill an unexpired term but chose to not run for reelection to that seat and instead challenge Stewart for her full term seat;

• In a race for that seat with an unexpired term that runs until December 31, 2026, Democrat Lisa Forbes of Shaker Heights, currently an Eighth District Court of Appeal judge, will face off against Republican Dan Hawkins of Westerville. Hawkins currently serves as a Franklin County Court of Common Pleas judge.

Ballot Issue

Ohioans will decide one statewide ballot initiative in November, as a group was successful in gathering enough signatures regarding a new system in which Ohio’s legislative districts would be drawn. This proposal would also be enshrined in the Ohio Constitution.

With supermajorities in both the Ohio House and Ohio Senate, proponents of Issue 1 have claimed that the method and process in which Ohio draws its legislative districts continues to be greatly flawed and are proposing a new system that they claim features “people over politicians.” This effort is publicly being led by former Republican Ohio Supreme Court Justice and Lt. Governor Maureen O’Connor, who has been a long-time advocate for redistricting reform.

This issue will be a “heavyweight battle,” as Governor Mike DeWine and Republican legislative leaders have taken up the charge in an attempt to point out their view that this proposal has many deficiencies and does not belong in the Ohio Constitution. Early polling shows that the “Yes” position does have an early lead but opponents of Issue 1 do not feel that early lead will hold up once Ohioans get a chance to focus on what they believe are the true and many problems with the proposal.

This issue is getting much attention around the Statehouse, as if passed, Ohio would be facing a new redistricting effort after going through several in the past few years.

US House

Control of the US House appears to hang in the balance heading into November’s election and three Ohio races appear to be gaining national attention that could impact that ultimate outcome:

• In the 1st Congressional District, Democrat Incumbent Greg Landsman is facing a strong challenge from Republican Orlando Sonza, an Assistant Prosecutor in the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office;

• In the 9th Congressional District, long-time Democratic incumbent Marcy Kaptur is facing a stiff challenge from current Republican Ohio House member Derek Merrin. Redistricting has put this district in play for Republicans and this seat is one they feel they can flip in November;

• In the 13th Congressional district, Democrat Incumbent Emilia Sykes is facing a strong challenge by businessman and former Ohio Republican State Senator Kevin Coughlin. Republicans are viewing this swing district as a possible pick up as well, as recently, US House Speaker Mike Johnson came to the district for an event supporting Coughlin.

Ridolfo Named OHFAMA Executive Director

The Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association named Luci Ridolfo, CAE, Executive Director in June 2024. Ridolfo was promoted to become the executive director of the association in addition to her role as executive director of the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Foundation, which she assisted with its creation in 2017.

Ridolfo, who started working in the nonprofit world in 2005 with the Ohio State Chiropractic Association, joined the Ohio Podiatric Medical Association in 2010. She has a wide range of experience with non-profit management including advocacy and executive leadership roles at regional and national levels. Ridolfo received her Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Ohio Dominican University in 2001 and earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 2015.

Get to Know New OHFAMA Executive Director Luci Ridolfo

Q: What excites you about taking on the role of OHFAMA Executive Director?

A: I’m looking forward to bringing a fresh perspective on how we communicate with our members, enhance our public outreach, and increase tangible benefits that our members can use daily. Over the past 14 years, I’ve had the privilege of developing several continuing education events, growing membership, and creating professional contacts for our member benefit programs. I’m excited to build on these experiences in my new role.

Q: How have you spent your first months on the job?

A: I’ve been very focused on 2024-2025 membership renewals. We’ve also completed our annual seminar wrap-up, had our August board meeting, and are working on our strategic priorities for the coming year. I want to extend a special thank you to all our members who have renewed and continue to support the work we do on behalf of the podiatric profession.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working at OHFAMA?

A: What I enjoy most is working with our members and being a resource they can rely on. Even if I don’t immediately have an answer, I’m committed to working as hard as possible to get them the information they need.

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?

A: I enjoy traveling every opportunity I get. I also enjoy going to concerts, spending time with family and friends, and spoiling my nieces and nephews.

Q: What’s something members might not know about you?

A: Many members may not be aware that I lost my husband, Nick, in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Nick and I shared a passion for travel and adventure. Together, we rafted 8 different rivers across the United States. I’ve actually been to 43 states and visited 19 National Parks. While losing Nick was incredibly difficult, my commitment to OHFAMA and this profession helped me through that challenging time. I continue to honor his memory by embracing life and new experiences, just as we did together.

Luci Ridolfo, CAE


Drs. Whaley, Greenberg Awarded OHFAMA Service Award

The OHFAMA Service Award was presented to Kelly Whaley, DPM, and Marc Greenberg, DPM, on May 16 at the 108th Annual Ohio Foot & Ankle Scientific Seminar.

The Service Award is given to deserving recipients who have demonstrated commitment to fulfilling the mission of OHFAMA through dedicated leadership and volunteerism at the academy and state level.

Dr. Whaley, humbled by the recognition, reflected on her 25 years of practice and the natural progression of her involvement with OHFAMA. She emphasized the importance of staying connected with colleagues through association involvement, especially as a solo practitioner.

Dr. Greenberg expressed honor at joining the ranks of past Service Award recipients. He viewed the award as validation from his peers for his work at local, state, and national levels. Dr. Greenberg highlighted how his involvement in OHFAMA has been instrumental in his career development and encouraged others to get involved.

Both recipients stressed the value of OHFAMA membership, citing benefits such as education, networking, and the opportunity to shape the future of podiatry in Ohio.

Dr. Kara Goettl Appointed as OHFAMA Young Physician Trustee

OHFAMA is pleased to announce the appointment of Kara Goettl, DPM, as the new Young Physician Trustee on the Board of Trustees.

Dr. Goettl, a 2022 graduate of Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine, is currently in her third year of residency at Mercy Health Jewish Hospital. Her leadership experience includes serving as the Ohio Podiatric Medical Student Association president and as secretary for the Southern Ohio Academy of Podiatry.

Member Spotlight: Dr. James L. DooleyA Pioneer for Podiatric Rights

This month marks the 40th anniversary of a legal victory that shaped the landscape of podiatric medicine in Ohio and beyond. OHFAMA member Dr. James L. Dooley made history when he won his case against Barberton Citizens Hospital in the Ohio Supreme Court.

Dr. Dooley’s groundbreaking lawsuit was the first in the United States where a podiatrist successfully fought for hospital privileges to perform surgery. The case, J.L. Dooley, D.P.M. vs. Barberton Citizens Hospital, set a crucial precedent that extended beyond podiatry, paving the way for other allied health professionals to seek equal opportunities in their respective fields.

“I’m honored to serve the Podiatric community and to continue to advance our field at the state level,” said Dr. Goettl. She aims to engage young physicians through social media platforms and promote podiatry among other medical specialties.

Dr. Goettl’s goals include promoting equal recognition and opportunities for podiatry alongside orthopedics, promoting discussions on board examinations, and educating pre-medical students about podiatric careers. She plans to utilize her position to integrate with current OHFAMA BOT goals and involve more young physicians in advocacy efforts.

OHFAMA welcomes Dr. Goettl to the Board and looks forward to her fresh perspective and dedication to advancing podiatric medicine in Ohio.

The court’s decision mandated that hospitals reassess their privileging criteria to accurately reflect the skills and training of podiatrists. This ruling not only elevated the status of podiatric medicine within the healthcare community but also improved patient care by allowing podiatrists to practice to the full extent of their expertise.

Dr. Dooley’s perseverance and success continue to inspire podiatrists to advocate for their rights and pursue excellence in their field. His contributions extend beyond the courtroom, as he remains active in education and mentorship, helping to shape the future of podiatric medicine. OHFAMA commends Dr. Dooley for his pivotal role in advancing our profession and ensuring fair treatment for podiatrists in Ohio and across the nation. His legacy serves as a reminder of the impact one dedicated professional can have on an entire field of medicine.

Dr. Whaley giving service award acceptance speech.
Dr. Greenberg speaks to the crowd gathered at the 108th Annual Seminar.
Dr. Kara Goettl, OHFAMA’s new Young Physician Trustee
Dr. James Dooley


APMA Welcomes New Executive Director and CEO

The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) has announced the appointment of Meghan McClelland, MBA, as its new Executive Director and CEO, effective August 29, 2024.

McClelland brings 17 years of experience from the Maryland Hospital Association (MHA), where she most recently served as COO and senior vice president. Her extensive background includes association strategy, legislative advocacy, policy development, and political action committee management.

“I am honored to be joining the American Podiatric Medical Association,” McClelland said. “I look forward to working collaboratively with members, policymakers, and stakeholders to advance members’ priorities and promote foot and ankle medicine and surgery.”

APMA President Lawrence A. Santi, DPM, expressed enthusiasm about the appointment, noting McClelland’s innovative thinking and strategic approach to association leadership. “Ms. McClelland rose to the top of the field with her innovative thinking and strategic approach to association leadership,” Dr. Santi said. “She understands the challenges membership organizations face in today’s environment.”

OHFAMA congratulates Meghan McClelland on her appointment and looks forward to working closely with APMA under her leadership to continue to advance the podiatric profession.


2024 Annual Seminar a Success

The in-person portion of the 108th Annual Ohio Foot and Ankle Scientific Seminar took place May 16 - 17 at the

Columbus Hilton at Easton.
Meghan McClelland, MBA
Platinum Seminar Sponsor: The Podiatry Foundation
Platinum Seminar Sponsor: Bako
Platinum Seminar Sponsor: Progressive Medical Solutions
Platinum Seminar Sponsor: Saling Simms
Gold Seminar Sponsor: Stryker
Silver Seminar Sponsor: ANI Pharmaceuticals
Silver Seminar Sponsor: Solventum
Dr. Amy Masowick, Southern Academy Trustee and Dr. Adam Thomas, OHFAMA Immediate Past President
Silver Seminar Sponsor: Convatec
Dr. Joy Rowland, Dr. Thom Arnold. Dr. Tom McCabe, and Alyssa Loveless pose during the Exhibitor Marketplace Luncheon
Student doctor Haley Carrasco (left center) was the winner of the PICA door prize during the annual Exhibitor Marketplace Luncheon
Gold Seminar Sponsor: Amgen-Horizon Therapeutics

Representatives from the State

every year to assist members with anything that they need.

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

The Podiatry Foundation Bako

Progressive Medical Solutions Saling Simms

Gold Sponsors

Stryker Amgen - Horizon Therapeutics

Silver Sponsors

ANI Pharmaceuticals Convatec Solventum

Reception Sponsors

Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine The Podiatry Foundation

Session and Workshop Sponsors

APMA TLD Systems

Break Sponsors

Access Pro Medical Fusion Orthopedics

Exhibitor Marketplace Sponsors

Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine

Lunch and Learn Sponsors

360 Vascular Institute Elite Wound Care Consultants


Congressman Wenstrup, DPM, closed the 108th Annual Seminar with a moving presentation about the importance of being a physician and why it is so rewarding.
Medical Board of Ohio attend the annual seminar
Dr. Marc Greenberg playing a game with the podiatric medical assistants during an interactive and fun session on Thursday during the annual seminar’s assistants program.
Fun in the exhibit hall!
Dan Zinsmaster is a partner with Dinsmore and Shohl LLP, the firm has been an Industry Affiliate of OHFAMA since 2015.

Residency Competition Winners Announced

The 108th Annual Foot & Ankle Scientific Seminar featured the annual Gerard V. Yu Scientific Paper Competition and the 9th annual Scientific Poster Competition on May 16, 2024. A special thank you to Dr. Robert Brarens who chaired the competitions.

This year’s paper competition featured 6 total submissions. The initial papers were distributed to a panel of judges, who evaluated the papers blindly and selected the finalists:

• Aaron Abraham, DPM – The Jewish Hospital

• Joseph Brown, DPM – Grant Medical Center

• Ross Groeschl, DPM – Grant Medical Center

• Damini Patel, DPM – Dayton VA

• Alex Pilkington, DPM – University of Cincinnati Medical Center

The five finalists presented to a five-judge panel of physicians, who scored the presentations. The winning paper was determined based on a combination of the blind judges’ scores of the papers and the judges’ scores. The competition results are as follows (bolded name represents the presenter):

First Place: Joseph Brown, DPM; Zachary Hill, DPM; Ross Groeschl, DPM; Robert Mendicino, DPM; Brian Steginsky, DPM - Effects of Parallax and Distortion in Total Ankle Arthroplasty (Grant Medical Center)

Second Place: Joseph Brown, DPM; Zachary Hill, DPM; Ross Groeschl, DPM; Robert Mendicino, DPM; Brian Steginsky, DPM; Joshua Houser, DPM - Parallax and Distortion in Fluoroscopy Units (Grant Medical Center)

Third Place: Aaron Abraham, DPM; Robert Brarens, DPM - Surgical Management of Pes Planus in Children with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos: A Case Report and Review of Literature (The Jewish Hospital) Honorable Mentions:

• Damini Patel, DPM; Wendy Culp, DPM; Judy Kleman, DPMSquamous Cell Carcinoma Presenting as a Non-Healing Wound (Dayton VA)

• Alex Pilkinton, DPM; Suhail Masadeh, DPM - Potato Ray: A Model for Understanding Ray Osteotomies and Fixation Techniques for the Surgical Trainee (University of Cincinnati Medical Center)

Thank you to our 2024 Resident Paper Competition Judges: Blind Paper Judges:

• Dr. Tatyana Hamilton

• Dr. Timothy Holmes

• Dr. Amy Masowick

Paper Presentation Judges:

• Dr. Mitch Dalvin

• Dr. Karen Kellogg

• Dr. Richard Kunig

• Dr. Richard Weiner

• Dr. Sadie Wylie

• Dr. Todd Loftus

• Dr. Rebecca Sundling

Dr. Schroeder’s winning poster – view all entries on our website’s annual seminar page at

This year’s poster competition featured 24 submissions from 8 Ohio residency programs. The posters were distributed to a panel of judges, who evaluated the posters and selected seven finalists:

• Joseph Brown, DPM – Grant Medical Center

• Zack Hill, DPM – Grant Medical Center

• Nevin Joseph, DPM – Grant Medical Center

• Sara Judickas, DPM – Grant Medical Center

• Adena Mahadai, DPM – University of Cincinnati Medical Center

• Quinn Schroeder, DPM – Mercy Health - St. Vincent’s Medical Center

• Bryce Yamat, DPM – University of Cincinnati Medical Center

The competition results are as follows:

First Place: Quinn Schroeder, DPM - Epidermal Inclusion Cyst of the Plantar Foot: A Clinicopathological Review and Case Report (Mercy Health - St. Vincent Medical Center)

Second Place: Nevin Joseph, DPM - The Influence of COVID-19 on the Rate of Symptomatic Deep Vein Thrombosis Following Foot and Ankle Surgery (Grant Medical Center)

Third Place (Tie):

• Bryce Yamat, DPM - Lactobacillus Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection in the Lower Extremity (University of Cincinnati Medical Center)

• Sara Judickas, DPM - Saddle Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis Following Foot and Ankle Surgery While On Prophylactic Lovenox (Grant Medical Center)

Honorable Mentions:

• Joseph R Brown, DPM - Outcomes of Surgical Management of Hallux Abductovalgus with Concomitant Metatarsus Adductus Deformity (Grant Medical Center)

• Zachary Hill, DPM - Outcomes and Complications Associated with Lateral Column Lengthening Using Porous Titanium Wedges for Flexible Flatfoot Deformity Correction: A Systematic Review (Grant Medical Center)

• Adena Mahadai, DPM - A Novel Case Study of an Eccrine Porocarcinoma of the Toe (University of Cincinnati Medical Center)

Thank you to our 9th Annual Resident Poster Competition Judges:

• Dr. Renee Ash

• Dr. Nicholas Butler

• Dr. Michael LeCastre

• Dr. Martin Lesnak

• Dr. Jonathan White

Thank You to Our Resident Competition Sponsors

A special thank you to our competition sponsors: American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS), OFAMF, Cleveland Clinic Imaging, Gill Podiatry, and The Tetra Corp. Prizes for the competitions totaled over $3,000. All OHFAMA resident members will receive information for the 2025 competition this fall, with submissions due in February 2025.

We would also like to thank all participating residency programs: The Dayton VA, Grant Medical Center, Mercy Health - St. Vincent Medical Center, Mercy Health - St. Rita’s Medical Center, The Jewish Hospital, The Ohio State University Medical Center, and University of Cincinnati Medical Center.

Congratulations to all participants for their outstanding contributions to podiatric research and education!

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2024 Resident Poster Competition Finalists with Chairman Dr. Robert Brarens
2024 Resident Paper Competition winner, Dr. Joey Brown with Chairman Dr. Robert Brarens
Grant Resident Competition Finalists and Faculty

Wound Care Seminar

Hos ted by t he Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Foundat ion

Satur day, November 16, 2024 | 7:00 A M - 2:00 PM

Embas sy Suite s - Columbus Air por t A nnual Busines s Meeting | 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Register today : ww

Esteemed Facult y Richard Schilling, DPM ■ Craig Berg, MD, MBA ■ Nicholas Campitelli, DPM ■ Windy Cole, DPM Jessica Knight, DPM ■ Devin Kramer, MHA, BSN, RN, WCC ■ Deepak Sudheendra, MD, HCI, RPVI, FSIR



T his s eminar has been appr oved for 6 CME C at egor y I Hour s and r egistr ant s may at tend the seminar, the annual business meeting, or bot h. Pleas e r eg is t er ac c or ding ly.

Embas sy Sui t e s C olumbus – Air por t 28 86 Air por t Dr ive | C olumbus, Ohio 4 3219

Wound Car e Seminar

Satur day, November 16, 2024 | 7:00 A M – 2:00 PM

OHFA M A A nnual Busines s Meeting

Satur day, November 16, 2024 | 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Full Name

Pr efer r ed F ir s t Name

C ompany/Clinic Name

Addre s s

Busine s s Phone Fa x E-mail

Pleas e mail or f a x for m wi t h pay ment t o: OFA MF

1960 Bethel Road, Suite 14 0 C olumbus, OH 4 3220

Phone: 614.457.6269; Fa x : 614.457.3375; or, E-mail: lr idolf o @ ohf ama.or g

Wound Car e Seminar

Pleas e mar k one (add $25 lat e fee af t er November 11, 2024) OHFAMA /W V PMA Member : $100 Non Member : $200 APMA Member Ou t of S t at e: $125

S t udent /Re sident /L ife Member $25 Non Podiat r is t , A s sis t ant /S t af f : $75

2024 OHFA M A A nnual Busines s Meeting

Pleas e mar k one (no r eg ist r at ion fee)

Ye s, I am at t ending t he Annual Busine s s Mee t ing No, I am NO T

Pay ment Methods (pleas e mar k one)



You’re Invited: OHFAMA Annual Business Meeting

The OHFAMA Annual Business Meeting will take place Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. in Columbus at the Embassy Suites - Columbus Airport.

All OHFAMA members are invited to participate in the Annual Business Meeting to:

• Learn about issues impacting podiatry

• Shape the future of your association

• Network with colleagues from around the state

The meeting will feature informative presentations from:

• Dr. John Boyle, podiatrist on the State Medical Board of Ohio

• Dr. Animesh Bhatia, Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee representative

• Dan Leite, OHFAMA lobbyist

Elections to

Be Held at Annual Business Meeting

The Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association will hold an election for positions on its Board of Trustees during the Annual Business Meeting (ABM), which will take place Saturday, November 16 at the Embassy Suites - Columbus Airport.

The Board of Trustees manages the affairs of the association and holds approximately five meetings annually. Elections are slated for the following positions:

In addition, OHFAMA will elect APMA Delegates and an Alternate Delegate to represent Ohio at the 2025 APMA House of Delegates in Washington, DC.

• President

• 1st Vice President

• 2nd Vice President

• Secretary-Treasurer

• At-Large Trustee

Interested members should email to express their interest in running for one of the open positions. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the ABM.

2024: Election of At-Large Trustee

OHFAMA members approved Proposition B-22 at the 2022 Annual Business Meeting, which modified the bylaws to provide each Academy with one trustee on the OHFAMA Board of Trustees and create two at-large trustee positions to be voted on by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting.

OHFAMA President Thom Arnold, DPM, presents the Thomas J. Meyer Award to Immediate Past President Adam Thomas at the 2023 Annual Business Meeting.

OHFAMA Annual Business Meeting Saturday, November 16, 2024

12:00 PM Registration Opens

2:00 PM Networking Reception Begins

2:30 PM Annual Business Meeting Begins 5:00 PM Annual Business Meeting Ends

The changes provide Academies with equal representation on the Board of Trustees and enable the Association to recruit talented leaders from underrepresented constituencies to serve the organization as at-large trustees.

OHFAMA members will elect the second at-large trustee at the 2024 ABM to serve a three-year term on the Board of Trustees. The responsibility of identifying and recruiting at-large trustees lies with the Leadership Development Committee, whose members are appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Trustees. Committee members include Past President Karen Kellogg, DPM, MBA; Past President Richard Schilling, DPM; Past President Marc Greenberg, DPM, Southern Academy Trustee Amy Masowick, DPM; and Northeast Academy President Joy Rowland, DPM.


Navigating Ohio’s Workers’ Compensation System: Tips for Podiatric Practices

Managing workers’ compensation claims can be challenging for medical practices. With approximately 67,432 allowable injuries in Ohio in 2023, it’s crucial to have effective strategies in place.

Here are key tips to help navigate the system:

1. Early Claim Intervention:

• Implement a standardized injury reporting process

• Conduct thorough claim investigations

• Utilize your Managed Care Organization (MCO) for guidance

2. Minimizing Claim Costs:

• Focus on helping injured workers return to full duty quickly

• Consider light duty options to prevent claims from becoming “lost time”

• Explore salary continuation while employees are off work

3. Cost Containment Strategies:

• Settlement: Negotiate full and final settlements when appropriate

• Disability Relief: Apply for relief for pre-existing conditions

• Subrogation: Pursue relief when third parties are involved, especially in motor vehicle accidents

Remember, early action and proper management can significantly impact your premiums and overall costs. Your MCO and Third Party Administrator (TPA) are valuable resources in navigating these processes.

As an OHFAMA member, you have access to Sedgwick’s workers’ compensation program. For more information, contact David Deyo, at 614.376.5401.


2024 Hall of Fame and Alumni Awards Celebrated During Alumni Reunion Weekend

Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine (KSUCPM) was thrilled to announce the 2024 Hall of Fame inductees and alumni award recipients earlier this year. Selected through open voting and final review by the Hall of Fame Society members, this year’s honorees were celebrated for their exceptional contributions to the field of podiatric medicine.

2024 Hall of Fame Inductees:

• Bryan Caldwell, DPM ‘89, MD

• Mark Hardy, DPM ‘98, FACFAS

These distinguished alumni made significant impacts in their professional careers, and their dedication continued to inspire the KSUCPM community.

Alumni Award Recipients:

• 2024 Young Physician Professional Achievement Award: Jacqueline Donovan, DPM ‘12, FACFAS

• 2024 Alumni Service Award: Molly Judge, DPM ‘94, FACFAS

2024 Hall of Fame Inductee Dr. Bryan Caldwell

The honorees were celebrated at the annual Hall of Fame & Alumni Awards Dinner, held on Saturday, August 17, at the KSUCPM campus in Independence. This event highlighted the commitment of our alumni and raised crucial funds for the KSUCPM Student Scholarship Fund, supporting the next generation of podiatric medical professionals.

Podiatrists Should Have Skin in the Game; A Call to OHFAMA Members

Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP, FFPM RCPS (Glasg)

In the field of wound care, skin substitutes, also known as cellular tissue products (CTPs) and now referred to as CAMPs (cellular, acellular and matrix-like products), have shown improved healing rates and costeffective usage. Recently the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) proposed Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) focusing on CAMPs, with the aim of driving best practice based on available medical evidence. The proposed changes will restrict coverage of CAMPs to

15 products and limit applications to a total of 4 per wound duration. If adopted, this updated LCD will substantially change the way wound care is delivered across the continuum of care.

Evidence-based decision-making has become the foundation of 21stcentury medicine and is a welcome approach within wound care. Thus, generating well-established level one evidence from prospective multicenter RCTs demonstrating superior patient outcomes is becoming increasingly important.

Podiatrists have a key role to play in research as we are diabetic foot experts. By participating in research, podiatrists can contribute to the science of medicine and encourage the adoption of best practices in care delivery. Every one of us has a role in supporting research—either by participating in clinical trials or referring patients for enrollment in current studies. Evidence based practices help podiatrists critically evaluate new evidence and develop the best practice algorithms important for illustrating medical necessity and supporting claims payments.

As a call to action to OFAMA members, I would like to personally invite you to become more involved in current ongoing research initiatives here in Ohio. Opportunities are available to get involved as a trial site or by referring your patients for participation in current trials in Cleveland and Columbus. Benefits to patients enrolled in clinical trials include no insurance needed to qualify for treatment, access to innovative therapies and compensation for time and travel.

Together, we can help to determine access to advanced, cutting-edge therapies for our at-risk patients. For more information on getting involved in research or trail recruitment for patients please contact Windy Cole, DPM at

Dr. Blank awards the first scholarship from the Dr. and Mrs. Diane Blank endowed scholarship fund to student doctor Victoria Suggs during the 2024 alumni awards ceremony.



HIPAA and Cybersecurity: Navigating the Digital Healthcare Landscape

Michael Brody, DPM

In our increasingly digital healthcare environment, maintaining robust HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity measures is more important than ever. Recent events have highlighted the need for healthcare providers to stay informed and prepared.

Key developments include:

• Ransomware attacks on healthcare systems, including a major incident at McLaren Health Care

• Data breaches affecting hundreds of thousands of patients at various medical facilities

• Foreign actors targeting U.S. healthcare and political systems

• A trend in the UK of businesses refusing ransom payments and recovering data themselves

These developments demonstrate the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures and comprehensive HIPAA compliance strategies. As an OHFAMA member, you have access to discounted HIPAA Security Solutions and Compliance support through TLD Systems. This member benefit includes training for HIPAA, OSHA & Blood Borne Pathogen, PCI, and Medicare Fraud Waste and Abuse compliance.

TLD Systems advises that while it’s impossible to be completely bulletproof against sophisticated hackers, it’s crucial to:

1. Protect personal and patient data to the best of your ability

2. Be prepared to respond quickly if a breach occurs

For more information on minimizing HIPAA risks and preparing your practice for potential cybersecurity events, contact TLD Systems at https://www., or call (631) 403 6687.

Medicare Advantage Attestations

Michael Brody, DPM

I have received a number of calls recently about two items related to participating in Medicare Advantage Plans.

The first is required Training related to Medicare Advantage Plans and Special Need Network (MA and SNP).

This training is required as per Medicare regulations. It is provided at no cost to you by the Medicare Advantage Plans. When you receive a letter or postcard please take care of this training as soon as possible. If you do not complete the training, it I possible that the Medicare Advantage Plan does have the option of terminating your Medicare Advantage Plan.

The second item is an attestation form that everybody in your office who treats Medicare Patients is allowed to treat these patients.

Medicare has an EXCLUDED LIST. This is a list of doctors who for one reason or another are excluded from Medicare and are not allowed to treat Medicare Patients for payment.

• These doctors cannot treat and bill Medicare Patients for services

• These doctors cannot treat Medicare Patients and have the practice that employs them bill for services

• If your office treats Medicare Patients, and one of the doctors in your office has been excluded from Medicare, you must have a different doctor treat the patients.

The attestation form you sign states that you have checked the EXCULDED LIST and that none of the doctors in your practice that treat Medicare Patients are on the list.

The attestation also requires that you check the excluded list once a month and make sure nobody in your practice has been added to the list. To do this, just go to the list and look at it once a month and check the list. It is also important to check the EXCLUDED LIST before hiring a new doctor

At this point you are asking “How do I check the Exclusion List. It is very simple the government gives you a very easy to use website.

Just type in the Last Name and First Name of an individual and you will get the results. I did the search on myself and here are the results:

Notice the two red arrows; they point to the time and date the search was conducted. This provided you with proof of checking the database and it is a good idea to print the page and keep a copy on file in case of a future audit for compliance with Medicare Advantage Plans. This provides simple and easy proof that you are checking the list regularly.

Notice that the page even says “Print this Web page for your documentation”.

Just go through this process once a month for all providers in your practice.

For more information or assistance to comply with various healthcare regulations please reach out to TLD Systems at https://www.tldsystems .com, email: or call (631) 403 6687.

The OHFAMA Journal is published four times per year. The advertising deadline is mid-month preceding publication. Portions may be used with permission of the publisher.

President: Thom Arnold, DPM

Published By: Luci Ridolfo, CAE, Executive Director

Advertising: Emily Clark, Membership and Communications Director

Contact Information:

1960 Bethel Rd., Ste. 140 | Columbus, Ohio 43220 Phone: 614.457.6269 | Fax: 614.457.3375

Editorial Disclaimer:

The OHFAMA Journal is provided to Association members and Industry Affiliates of the profession as a part of our communications to inform/ update our members on podiatric issues and events. The contents of OHFAMA Journal are intended for general information purposes only and should not be read as specific legal, financial, or business advice regarding specific issues or factual events. We urge you to consult your legal, financial, and professional advisors with any specific questions you may have.

The information published herein has been prepared for educational and informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal, podiatry or practice management advice or an opinion on same. Circumstances change from day-to-day and one situation may differ from the next; the authors and publisher cannot assume responsibility for any actions taken based on the information contained herein. This information is not a substitute for expert advice specific to your situation.

More specifically, legal or regulatory advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing. Nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent counsel. Federal law requires that the authors and publisher let you know that nothing published herein is intended or written to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding any penalties under the law.

The publication of the information herein is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute a professional or contractual relationship between the author and the publisher and you. While the publisher tries to provide accurate and helpful information, they do not make any claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, helpfulness or adequacy of the information contained herein. No warranties are made for the information published to be accurate and no other warranties express or implied are made. The information here is presented “as is.”

• Scheduling, Billing, and EMR all in one system

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1 - 88 8 - 4 5 2 - 0 1 2 4


OPPAC - the Ohio Podiatric Political Action Committee - is our key to success in the state legislature. Your donation makes a real difference in protecting and growing podiatry in Ohio.

Every dollar you give to OPPAC builds our influence and makes podiatry stronger in Ohio. Give to OPPAC today and help shape the future of podiatry in our state!


as of September 4, 2024

Central Academy

Sarah Abshier, DPM

Said Atway, DPM

Roberto Brandao, DPM

Eric Cwynar, DPM

Christopher Hyer, DPM

Donnalyn Moeller, DPM

Carly Robbins, DPM

Richard Schilling, DPM

Mark Stanos, DPM

Adam Thomas, DPM

Jennifer Trinidad, DPM

Ron Verrilla, DPM

Mideast Academy

Thomas Arnold, DPM

Richard Hofacker, DPM

Karen Kellogg, DPM

Richard Kunig, DPM

Kenneth Nixon, DPM

Eric Paul, DPM

Lee Sayner, DPM

Midwest Academy

Darrell Ballinger, DPM

Marc Greenberg, DPM

Don LeMelle, DPM

Elizabeth Nicely, DPM

Gerald Perelman, DPM

John Stevenson, DPM

Kevin Sunshein, DPM

Jonathan White, DPM

North Central Academy

Christopher Bohach, DPM

David Dull, DPM

Martin Lesnak, DPM

Elizabeth Wakefield, DPM

Northeast Academy

Allan Boike, DPM

Michael LeCastre, DPM

Joy Rowland, DPM

Debra Thornton, DPM

Kelly Whaley, DPM


October 12, 2024

2024 Geriatric Foot Symposium


9:00 AM – 3:45 PM

October 24 – 26, 2024

2024 NEOAPM Fall Classic GoToWebinar

October 31 – November 1, 2024

GXMO - Didactic Course - Virtual GoToWebinar

November 2, 2024

GXMO - Clinical Course - Virtual GoToWebinar

November 15, 2024

Budget and Finance Meeting

Embassy Suites Columbus - Airport 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

November 15, 2024

Board of Trustees Meeting

Embassy Suites Columbus - Airport 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

November 16, 2024

2024 Wound Care Seminar

Embassy Suites Columbus - Airport 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Northwest Academy

Molly Judge, DPM

Thomas McCabe, DPM

Corey Russell, DPM

Pamela Sheridan, DPM

Southern Academy

Brian Ash, DPM

Nathan Clark, DPM

Allison Hamad, DPM

Todd Loftus, DPM

Amy Masowick, DPM

Kimberly Seaver, DPM

Zachary Washburn, DPM

Additional Contributors

Michael Brody, DPM

Dan Leite, DPM

Luci Ridolfo, CAE

*Include your name today!

November 16, 2024

Annual Business Meeting

Embassy Suites Columbus - Airport 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

April 26, 2025

Virtual Annual Seminar Day GoToWebinar

May 15-16, 2025

109th Annual Scientific Seminar Columbus Hilton at Easton


Employment Wanted

Podiatric physician who is fellowship trained, holds FF and RRA certifications, with nearly 15 years of experience looking to move back to the Cincinnati area. Would like to join a hospital-based practice or private practice with track to partnership. If interested, please contact

Equipment For Sale

Complete Digital X-ray system. X-Cel x-ray unit

$3500, All-Pro Imaging ScanX digital processor with 3 cassettes and imaging plates, $3500. Entire system $6000. Located in Cleveland Area. If interested, email or call the office at 440-816-2735.

Practice Equipment For Sale

PAD Net vascular testing machine - $4,000

If interested, please contact

Springfield, Ohio Employment Opportunity

Equipment For Sale

1 Digital X-ray system, 5 Midmark 417 Podiatry Chairs, 5 Mayo Stands, 1 Midmark Autoclave, 12 sterile nail packs, 20 sterile ulcer packs, numerous pieces of additional equipment. Located in Sydney, Ohio area. If interested, please call Dr. Eugene Little at 419-234-2087.

We are looking for a Podiatrist to diagnose and treat minor or serious injuries and diseases of the feet, ankles and the lower part of legs. Podiatrist responsibilities include conducting foot and ankle surgeries, prescribing orthotics and applying therapeutic treatments for issues like arthritis, fractures and feet corn and calluses. To be considered for this role, you should have a doctoral degree in Podiatric Medicine and practical experience in a clinic or hospital. Ultimately, you will give our patients the best treatment based on their condition and help them recover as soon as possible.

We have multiple locations in the Dayton and Springfield area as we continue to grow our practice. For more information, please email Colleen at

The complete job posting can be found on under the Resources – Classifieds webpage.

Interested in purchasing an Ad?

Are you seeking employment or looking to hire? Do you have a practice or equipment for sale? Do you have office space available?

Post your advertisement in The OHFAMA Journal and on the OHFAMA website to reach over 600 practicing podiatry physicians and surgeons in Ohio. Rates start at just $10/month for website advertisements and $10/issue of The OHFAMA Journal

Please contact Luci Ridolfo with any quesions at (614) 457-6269 or

Since I added the Neurogenx treatment to my practice, I have had phenomenal success in a very short time. Their turnkey methods are simple to implement and extremely effective. When we started, we did not expect

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