Los Angeles News Observer 11.2.23

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New COVID-19 Variant HV.1 Emerges as Dominant Strain in the U.S. Page A2

Bullying in California: In Some School Districts, Black Students Are Being Targeted by Their Latino Peers Page A5

News Observer Los Angeles

Volume 38 Number 52

Serving Los Angeles County for Over 38 Years

Observer Group Newspapers of Southern California

NAACP California-Hawaii State Conference Hosts 36th Annual State Convention

Antonio‌ ‌Ray‌ ‌Harvey ‌California‌ ‌Black‌ ‌Media‌ The NAACP California Hawaii State Conference (Cal-Hi NAACP) held its 36th annual State Convention at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel. The convention featured a series of workshops and discussions organized to promote solutions for some of the most pressing issues impacting Black communities in California and Hawaii. The focus was on a range of topics, including next-generation leadership, environmental justice, housing, veteran’s affairs, labor, education, and more. “This is when we bring our branches to get them trained up and ready to go back into their communities ready to fight for what we’re fighting,” said NAACP CalHi President Rick Callender. “What we are fighting, we’re fighting for criminal justice, environmental justice, equity in education, equity in the legislation and trying to move the NAACP’s agenda forward.” This year’s event, themed “This Is How We Thrive,” was held from Oct. 27 to 29. Around 500 NAACP CalHi leaders, delegates, elected officials, activists, organizers, faith leaders, and entertainers from across the state and Hawaii participated in the festivities. Keynote speakers at this year’s Convention included Dr. Hazel N. Dukes (Spingarn Medalist, NAACP Board of Directors, NAACP New York President), Eleni Kounalakis (Lt. Governor of California), Rob Bonta (California Attorney General), Shevann Steuben (NAACP Texas Youth & College Division President, NAACP Houston, Young Adult Committee Chair, NAACP Board of Directors), Oakland City Councilwoman Treva Reid (District 7)

Los Angeles-based attorney Kamilah Moore shared information about the California Reparations Task Force and the importance of the NAACP. Oct. 27, 2023. (CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey)

Former NAACP California Hawaii State Conference President Alice Huffman (in the foreground) was honored with the Hats Off Award of Distinction at the civil rights organizations’ state convention at the Marriott Waterford Hotel in San Francisco. Shown left to right in the background are San Francisco NAACP President Dr. Rev. Amos Brown, Dr. Hazel N. Dukes (Spingarn Medalist, NAACP Board of Directors, NAACP New York President), Asm. Mia Bonta (D-Alameda), and Los Angeles-based attorney Kamilah Moore. Oct. 27, 2023. (CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey) and Los Angeles-based attorney Kamilah Moore (Chair, California Reparations Task Force). Moore reminded the attendees at the Women In the NAACP Labor Luncheon on Oct. 28 that the NAACP has been a beacon of light ensuring Black Americans are granted their constitutional rights. Since Feb. 12, 1909, the NAACP has advocated, agitated, and litigated for civil rights. Its legacy is built on a foundation of grassroots activism by the biggest civil rights pioneers of the 20th century and is sustained by 21st century activists. “We are resiliently surviving the afterlife of chattel slavery. In fact, as African Americans we have been confronting these lingering badges and incidents of slavery without any significant government aid or private actions. We’ve been doing it on our own and the NAACP is a testament of that,” Callender said during the luncheon. Several influential leaders -- U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-12), Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D-Alameda), Exodie C. Roe III (General Services Administration, Washington D.C.), NAACP Senior Vice President of Communications Trovon C. Williams -- spoke at the convention. NAACP Cal-Hi’s Youth and College Division hosted multiple workshops, including a “Stop the Hate Mock Trial,” and another titled “Youth Focused Dinner, Juvenile Justice Workshop, and Health Forum.” On Oct. 27, NAACP Cal-Hi presented an exclusive preview of “The Space Race,” a National Geographic documentary that weaves together stories of Black astronauts seeking to break the bonds of social injustice in their quest to reach for the stars. On the evening of Oct. 28, Callender joined Dr. Hazel N. Dukes for a fireside chat at the President’s Awards Dinner. Earlier, on the afternoon of Oct. 27, a special “Hats Off Award” ceremony was held honoring Alice Huffman, President Emeritus of the NAACP Cal-HI State Conference, at the WIN Luncheon. From this day on, the Hats Off Award will be incorporated into the convention to recognize individuals from California and Hawaii who have demonstrated

Oakland City Councilwoman Treva Reid receives a passionate hug after her speech during the NAACP’s Political Luncheon on Oct. 28, 2023. (CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey) outstanding leadership and commitment to social justice and equity. Huffman was first elected president of the Cal-Hi NAACP in 1999 and served eight terms of unwavering service and provided significant contributions. She expressed her gratitude for having an award named after her and said she was proud to be around appreciative people at the convention who understood the work she performed for the Cal-Hi NAACP. “It’s an honor to see all of you, feel your love, feel your understanding and appreciation,” Huffman said. “Let me tell you, it wasn’t always easy, but it was great. I hope that I never let you down. I don’t think that I ever have. I don’t know what else to say to you all but thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Asm. Mia Bonta (D-Alameda) spoke about her work with NAACP California Hawaii State Conference and the NAACP Branch in Oakland. Oct. 27, 2023. (CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey)

Breakthrough Research Sheds Light on Aggressive Breast Cancers in Black Women

By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Researchers at the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center are spearheading a pioneering study to unravel the biological underpinnings of aggressive breast cancers in Black women. Led by Dr. Harikrishna Nakshatri, a breast cancer researcher at the IU School of Medicine and a key researcher at the Vera Bradley Foundation Center for Breast Cancer Research at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, the investigation holds promise for targeted treatments that could significantly reduce disparities in breast cancer outcomes among Black women. While breast cancer incidence is now considered lower among Black women, they face significantly poorer outcomes, often developing more aggressive triple-negative breast cancers at a younger age. “Even after you correct for socioeconomic and healthcare access factors, African ancestry is still associated with the worst outcomes,” Nakshatri emphasized. Nakshatri’s lab has been dedicated to uncovering the influence of genetic ancestry on the biology of normal breast tissue and its implications for developing aggressive breast cancers. Women of African descent had more PZP cells in their normal breast tissue than women of Caucasian descent, according to a previous study under Nakshatri’s direction. Notably, PZP cell numbers increase when Caucasian

While breast cancer incidence is now considered lower among Black women, they face significantly poorer outcomes, often developing more aggressive triple-negative breast cancers at a younger age. women develop breast cancer, while they are naturally more abundant in Black women. Adding to this, Nakshatri and his team showed that PZP cells have a significant effect on how cancer cells behave and grow, especially when they interact with epithelial cells, which is where breast cancer usually starts. Researchers have also found that PZP cells are one of the

sources of metaplastic breast cancers (MBC), which are rare and aggressive and make up less than 1% of all breast cancers. The team drew upon tissue samples from the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, the world’s sole repository of healthy breast tissue, to conduct this research. “When these PZP cells interact with epithelial cells, they trigger the production of a crucial protein called interleukin-6. This prompts distinct behavior in the epithelial cells and activates a signaling pathway known as STAT3,” Nakshatri explained. “This is what makes tumors originating from the epithelial cells more aggressive.” The findings have laid the foundation for an upcoming clinical trial led by Kathy Miller, MD, a prominent figure in oncology at IU School of Medicine. Miller also serves as the Ballvé Lantero professor of oncology and holds the position of associate director of clinical research at the cancer center, in addition to her role as a researcher at the Vera Bradley Foundation Center. “This study could help us determine if physicians need to consider the genetic ancestry of the person when deciding on possible treatments for breast cancer,” Nakshatri stated. Based on the biology of normal breast tissue, he said the study represents a significant departure from conventional treatment approaches, offering new hope for more effective, targeted treatments in the fight against breast cancer.

Take One!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Maryland Supreme Court Posthumously Admits Black man to Bar, 166 Years After Rejecting Him

BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) –– More than a century after Edward Garrison Draper was rejected for the Maryland Bar due to his race, he has been posthumously admitted. The Supreme Court of Maryland attempted to right the past wrong by hold a special session Thursday to admit Draper, who was Black, to practice law in the state, news outlets reported. Draper presented himself as a candidate to practice law in 1857 and a judge found him “qualified in all respects” –– except for his skin color and so he was denied. “Maryland was not at the forefront of welcoming Black applicants to the legal profession,” said former appellate Justice John G. Browning, of Texas, who helped with the petition calling for Draper’s admission. “But by granting posthumous bar admission to Edward Garrison Draper, this court places itself and places Maryland in the vanguard of restorative justice and demonstrates conclusively that justice delayed may not be justice denied.” Maryland Supreme Court Justice Shirley M. Watts said it was the state`s first posthumous admission to the bar. People “can only imagine” what Draper might have contributed to the legal profession and called the overdue admission an indication of “just how far our society and the legal profession have come.” Judge Z. Collins Lee, who evaluated Draper in 1857, wrote that the Dartmouth graduate was “most intelligent and well informed`` and would be qualified “if he was a free white Citizen of this State,” according to a transcription in a petition for the posthumous bar admission.

2 White Boaters Plead Guilty to Misdemeanors in Alabama Riverfront Brawl MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) –– Two white boaters charged in an Alabama riverfront brawl that drew nationwide attention pleaded guilty Friday to misdemeanor charges of harassment and assault. The August riverfront melee in Montgomery drew national attention after white boaters were filmed hitting a Black riverboat co-captain and crew members rushing to his defense. Video of the fight was shared widely online, sparking countless memes and parodies. Montgomery police said the brawl began when the white boaters refused to move their pontoon boat so the city-owned Harriott II riverboat could dock in its designated space. The boat`s co-captain said he was attacked after moving the pontoon boat a few feet to make way for the riverboat. Four white boaters and one Black man, who was filmed hitting people with a folding chair, were charged with misdemeanor offenses. Two of the white boaters entered guilty pleas Friday, news outlets reported. A man pleaded guilty to charges of assaulting the Black riverboat co-captain and a white teen deckhand. The Montgomery Advertiser reported that he was given a four- month suspended sentence and will serve 32 days on weekends at a detention facility. A woman pleaded guilty to harassment and was ordered to complete anger management classes. The three other defendants had their cases postponed until next month.

Robert E. Lee Statue that Prompted Deadly Protest in Virginia Has Been Melted Down CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) –– A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was a focal point of a deadly white nationalist protest in 2017 has been melted down and will be repurposed into new works of art. The Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, a Charlottesville-based Black history museum, said Thursday that the statue had been destroyed. The Charlottesville City Council voted in 2021 to donate the statue to the heritage center, after it proposed a Swords into Plowshares project that would melt the statue and repurpose it into “public art that expresses the City’s values of inclusivity and racial justice,” according to the proposal submitted to the city. The statue was taken down in 2021 after years of debate and delay. Protests over the plan to remove the statue morphed into the violent “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. It was during that rally that James Alex Fields Jr., an avowed Hitler admirer, intentionally drove his car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others. Fields is serving a life sentence. Two groups that had sought to preserve the statue sued last year to try to block the city from donating it to the heritage center, but a judge tossed out their case. At a news conference Thursday, heritage center officials said they now plan to solicit proposals on how to repurpose the statue. The center hopes to pick an artist next year and is conducting a $4 million fundraising campaign. For now, the bronze from the statue has been molded into ingots stamped with the words “SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES,” some of which were on display at the news conference. “Our efforts have been not to remove history but bear witness to the truths about our racist pasts and our aspirations for a more equitable future,” said Andrea Douglas, director of the heritage center.


Los Angeles News Observer

World & Nation

Thursday, November 2, 2023

House Republicans Elect Mike Johnson as New Speaker After Weeks of Turmoil By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent In a protracted and contentious process that ground Congress to a halt for over three weeks, House Republicans have finally chosen a new Speaker. Mike Johnson, R-La., a lower-ranking member of the GOP leadership and notorious right-wing election denier, emerged as the victor on Wednesday, succeeding the ousted Californian Kevin McCarthy. The long and turbulent journey, which has lingered and prevented America from aiding its Israeli and Ukraine allies, saw Johnson become the party’s fourth nominee for the role since the MAGA wing of the caucus ousted McCarthy. On Tuesday morning, Republicans initially selected Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., as their nominee, only for him to withdraw later in the day, unable to muster the 217 votes required to secure the position. With only 221 Republicans in the House, the margin for error was slim for any nominee vying for the top spot. While the GOP celebrated the long-awaited appointment of a new speaker, some members struggled to break old voting habits. GOP Rep. Kay Granger of Texas initially voted for Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama before eventually changing it to Mike Johnson. In a routine unanimous show of Democratic support, all 212 members voted for New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the House Minority Leader, as Speaker. As he noted about a potential Jim Jordan speakership, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California said Johnson would now preside over the counting of electoral votes in the next election. “After

he was deeply involved in trying to overturn the last one. Just when you think they can’t be more irresponsible, they prove you wrong,” Schiff stated. Similarly, Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee expressed disbelief in a now-deleted social media post, saying, “I can’t believe this is happening after January 6. If Trump can get to another electoral college, House Speaker will be able to subvert votes of the people/ This is the first act in insurrection 2.0.” Johnson, a pro-Trump election skeptic, now holds a position that could influence future election outcomes. Notable for his involvement in various controversial matters, Johnson pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland on a conspiracy theory involving the Justice Department and Hunter Biden. He also advocated for the expunging of Donald Trump’s first impeachment and pushed for a national abortion ban. Johnson also took a more active stance in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. In 2020, he spearheaded efforts to rally House GOP members to support a Texas lawsuit seeking to invalidate election results in crucial states. Over 125 members eventually signed on. Essentially, Johnson was at the forefront of rallying support for a controversial theory posited by state Attorney General Ken Paxton, aimed at overturning a U.S. presidential election. His instrumental role earned him recognition as “the most important architect of the Electoral College objections” by The New York Times just a year ago.

The long and turbulent journey, which has lingered and prevented America from aiding its Israeli and Ukraine allies, saw Johnson become the party’s fourth nominee for the role since the MAGA wing of the caucus ousted McCarthy.

By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Another day, another lawyer involved in Donald Trump’s alleged election interference scheme in Georgia has pleaded guilty. Jenna Ellis, one of the twice-impeached and four-times indicted former president’s private lawyers, admitted her guilt on Tuesday, Oct. 24, becoming the fourth person to admit wrongdoing in the alleged conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 election. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis charged Ellis, Trump, and 17 others as part of a broader racketeering conspiracy. Ellis confessed to aiding and abetting false statements and writings. She accepted five years of probation and $5,000 restitution as part of her plea agreement. A judge agreed to expunge her conviction if she completed the probation under the state’s First Offender Act.

Tearfully addressing the court, Ellis expressed remorse for her actions, acknowledging that she relied on more experienced lawyers without verifying the claims surrounding the 2020 election. “If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges,” Ellis said, reading from a prepared statement. Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee commended Ellis, noting that defendants often refrain from making statements in their cases. Legal experts believe Ellis and others who have accepted plea deals may now provide crucial testimony against Trump, given their interactions with the former president and other key players in the alleged conspiracy. Ellis had previously faced censure by the Colorado bar for disseminating false information regarding the election. The indictment further detailed her participation in various events, including press conferences and meetings with lawmakers, where false claims about election fraud allegedly were rampant. Willis’ indictment outlined a devious plot involving the recruitment of fake presidential electors, misrepresenting election results, and pressuring public officials to breach their oaths of office. Ellis’ plea follows similar pleas from attorneys Sidney Powell, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit theft and intentional interference with election duties, and Kenneth Chesebro, a key figure in the scheme to recruit fake electors for Trump. Despite the pleas, 16 other co-defendants have maintained their innocence.

Former President’s Legal Advisor Becomes Fourth Co-Defendant to Admit Guilt.

Trump Lawyer Pleads Guilty in Election Interference Case

News Observer Los Angeles

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New COVID-19 Variant HV.1 Emerges as Dominant Strain in the U.S. By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent As COVID-19 continues to evolve, a new variant has emerged, garnering attention from health officials across the United States. Known as HV.1, the latest variant has shown a significant surge in cases, raising questions about its potential impact on public health. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HV.1 was first identified in mid-summer, but it wasn’t until September that cases began to spike, making it the cause of nearly 20% of all COVID-19 cases in the country. Infectious disease experts, including Dr. Amesh A. Adalja and Dr. Thomas Russo, told the health and wellness website Prevention.com that they have classified HV.1 as an Omicron XBB variant, descending from the EG.5 variant. They said the lineage highlights its genetic connection to

the original Omicron strain. According to Prevention.com, one of the concerning features of HV.1 is its spike protein, which has undergone notable changes from the EG.5 variant. While the full implications of these alterations are not yet fully understood, the rapid increase in cases—from 0.5% in mid-July to nearly 20% in mid-October—suggests a high level of transmissibility. Despite the rise in cases, experts remain cautiously optimistic. Dr. Adalja emphasized that new variants of SARS-CoV-2 are expected, and most may not pose a significant threat. Dr. William Schaffner told Prevention. com that, so far, HV.1 doesn’t appear to cause more severe illness than other circulating variants. Symptoms associated with HV.1 largely mirror those of previous strains, including fever, cough, fatigue, and loss of taste or smell. However, it tends to manifest as a more

common cold-like illness, with symptoms like congestion and a runny nose being prominent. Regarding prevention, the updated COVID-19 vaccine based on the XBB.1.5 variant is expected to protect individuals from HV.1. The new variant is considered a “grandchild” of XBB.1.5, and experts anticipate the vaccine will effectively mitigate severe cases. While HV.1 is rising, health officials urge the public to maintain standard precautions. This includes vaccination, proper hand hygiene, and avoiding close contact with visibly unwell individuals. For added protection, N95 or Kn95 face masks are recommended. “COVID is still with us. If you develop symptoms, test yourself ASAP and contact your doctor if you’re positive. You may be a candidate for an antiviral medication,” Dr. Russo underscored.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Los Angeles News Observer A3


Hollywood Stars and Executives Unite in Plea for Hostage Release Amid Israel–Hamas Conflict By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

The group of Hollywood power players connected to the recently launched website “No Hostage Left Behind” also urged continued attention to the hostages in Gaza in the letter.

A coalition of prominent Hollywood figures, including Chris Rock, Diddy, and Tiffany Haddish, have penned an impassioned letter to President Joe Biden, expressing gratitude for his leadership during the Israel-Hamas conflict. The group of Hollywood power players connected to the recently launched website “No Hostage Left Behind” also urged continued attention to the hostages in Gaza in the letter. The letter opened with a note of relief at the recent release of American and Israeli hostages. It cited the liberation of Judith Ranaan and her daughter Natalie Ranaan, along with Israelis Nurit Cooper and Yocheved Lifshitz, whose husbands remain in captivity. Despite a glimmer of hope, the letter emphasized that 220 people, including 30 children, remain in the terrorists’ custody and are constantly in danger of torture and death. The letter discussed the history of terrorization that

both groups have experienced at the hands of Hamas while expressing sincere gratitude for what they called Biden’s unwavering moral conviction and support for both Jewish and Palestinian communities. The group has governed Gaza for over 17 years and has left a trail of oppression and victimization. The letter emphasized a shared desire for freedom and argued for Israelis and Palestinians to coexist peacefully, free from the brutal violence that they said Hamas promotes. It underlined the urgency of securing the release of the remaining hostages. The coalition, which also includes Jerry Seinfeld, Lyor Cohen, and Adam Sandler, called on the global community not to rest until all hostages return home safely, regardless of nationality. The list of those captured includes individuals from various countries, including but not limited to Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Italy, Russia, Spain, and Ukraine. President Biden has yet to respond to the letter.

Richard Roundtree, Trailblazing “Shaft” Actor, Dies at 81 By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Richard Roundtree, the iconic actor renowned for portraying the suave private detective in the groundbreaking “Shaft” film series, has died at 81. His longtime manager, Patrick McMinn, confirmed that Roundtree succumbed to pancreatic cancer at his residence in Los Angeles on Tuesday. The legendary actor, who also battled and triumphed over breast cancer in 1993, underwent a double mastectomy. “Richard’s work and career served as a turning point for African American leading men,” McMinn said. “The

impact he had on the industry cannot be overstated.” Roundtree’s legacy extended beyond the 1970s classics. He reprised his iconic role in the 2000 “Shaft” film, sharing the screen with Samuel L. Jackson, who portrayed his nephew. The film was a revival that aimed to captivate a wider audience, and Roundtree and Jackson returned in the same roles for the 2019 rendition starring Jessie T. Usher. In a heartfelt social media post, Jackson hailed Roundtree as the “prototype” and praised him as “the best to ever do it.” Jackson added, “SHAFT, as we know it is &

will always be his Creation. His passing leaves a deep hole not only in my heart, but I’m sure a lotta y’all’s, too.” Born on July 9, 1942, in New Rochelle, New York to John and Kathryn Roundtree, the young Roundtree showed promise in athletics and academics. He attended New Rochelle High School, earning recognition for his contributions to the school’s nationally ranked football team. In 1961, Roundtree’s athletic prowess earned him a scholarship to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. However, his passion for acting and modeling prompted him to leave school in 1963.

Roundtree’s legacy extended beyond the 1970s classics.

Roundtree’s career took off when Eunice Johnson of Ebony magazine recruited him to model at the Ebony Fashion Fair in 1963. He joined the Negro Ensemble Company in 1967, where he delivered a memorable performance as boxing legend Jack Johnson in “The Great White Hope.” The pivotal moment in Roundtree’s career came in 1971, he landed the role of Shaft in the Gordon Parksdirected film. The film’s success catapulted Roundtree to stardom, culminating in two sequels: “Shaft’s Big Score” (1972) and “Shaft in Africa” (1973). In recognition of his exceptional talent, Roundtree received the Golden Globe Most Promising Newcomer Award in 1972. According to the HistoryMakers, throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Roundtree graced the silver screen in an array of films, including “Earthquake” (1974), “Escape to Athena” (1979), “A Game for Vultures” (1979), and “Day of The Assassin” (1979). He also made a memorable appearance in the 1977 ABC television miniseries “Roots.” In the ensuing decades, Roundtree continued to leave an indelible mark in the entertainment industry, appearing in various television series such as “Soul Food,” “Desperate Housewives,” “Heroes,” and “Grey’s Anatomy.” He secured a recurring role in the 2013 television show “Being Mary Jane” alongside Gabrielle Union and Margaret Avery. Roundtree further graced FOX’s television series “Star” with his presence in 2017 and 2018. In 1993, Roundtree faced a rare form of male breast cancer with unwavering determination. His resilience led him to become a prominent advocate for breast cancer awareness, lending his voice to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Know Your Score Men’s Health Initiative. Roundtree earned numerous awards, including the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award for his iconic portrayal of Shaft, an Image Award nomination in 1998, a Peabody Award in 2002, and a Black Theater Alliance Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010.

Roundtree was the “prototype” and “the best to ever do it.” “SHAFT, as we know it is & will always be his Creation.


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Los Angeles News Observer



ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER 23STCP03557 Superior Court of the State of California, for the county of LOS ANGELES 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Stanley Mosk Courthouse PETITION OF: ROBERT SAFARJAN FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ROBERT SAFARJAN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name ROBERT SAFARJAN Proposed name ROBERT KUDRYASHOV THE COURT ORDERS: that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above

must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted if no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: November 6, 2023 Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept: 26 Room: 316 The address of the court is: Same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county LOS ANGELES NEWS OBSERVER Date: September 27, 2023 David W. Slayton Executive Officer/Clerk of the Court Petitioner: ROBERT SAFARJAN

PUBLIC NOTICE 609 St Paul Ave, 339 Apt, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Telephone: (562) 850-8493 LOS ANGELES NEWS OBSERVER PUB: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 2023 ������������������������������� SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): 21STCV21845 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): DEMANDADO) Charles Edward Foster Jr. and Does 1 to 10 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): DEMANDANTE) City of Los Angeles NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days, Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after

Legal Notices






this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online SelfHelp Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/ selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for

free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online SelfHelp Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/ selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien NOTE for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la información a continuación. Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entreguen esta citación y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito

tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www. sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario de exención de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de

servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www. lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y dirección de la corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Central District The name, address, and telephone

number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): J. Scott Ferris (SBN 204307) Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi LLP One Capitol Mall, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (818) 638-8200 (818) 479-7548 Date (Fecha): June 11, 2021 Sherri R. Carter Executive Officer/ Clerk of Court (Secretario), by M. Barel, Deputy (Adjunto) (SEAL) NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: SERVED: You are served. LOS ANGELES NEWS OBSERVER PUB: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 2023 �������������������������������


Federal Agencies Struggle to Optimize Office Space Utilization By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent In an era when remote work has become increasingly prevalent, federal agencies are grappling with the challenge of efficiently managing their office space. Even before the pandemic, the federal government faced difficulties identifying and relinquishing unneeded office space, incurring avoidable financial and environmental costs. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has placed federal property management on the High-Risk List since 2003 due to this issue. The GAO’s recent findings reveal that the problem persists, with 17 federal agencies operating their headquarters buildings at a mere 25% capacity or less during the first three months of 2023. The rise of telework further complicates office space utilization, necessitating the need for new benchmarks to accurately assess building usage. Federal agencies are still attempting to determine the precise amount of office space required to fulfill their missions, resulting in the retention of excessive and underutilized space. The report noted this as a primary reason for federal real property management’s persistent inclusion on GAO’s High-Risk List for two decades. Among the 24 federal agencies in the Federal Real Property Council, 17 utilized an estimated average of 25% or less of their headquarters building’s capacity for one week in January, February, and March of 2023. Agencies at the upper end of this spectrum managed an estimated 40 to 49% of their headquarters’ capacity on average during

these weeks. Agency officials identified several obstacles to increased utilization, including the need for consistent benchmarks for measuring utilization and a strategy that takes increased telework into account. In 2021, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) advised agencies to consider using evidence of building utilization to support space planning. It permitted each agency to establish its utilization metrics and benchmarks. However, as of GAO’s investigation, these benchmarks had not been developed to account for the increasing prevalence of telework. Most agency officials at a Federal Real Property Council meeting in July 2023 concurred that the OMB and the Council were best positioned to create measures and benchmarks. According to the GAO report, discrepancies in measures, calculations, and benchmarks across agencies contribute to variations in capacity and utilization metrics, highlighting the need for standardized approaches. The GAO recommends that the Office of Management and Budget, as the Chair of the Federal Real Property Council, take the lead in developing and implementing benchmarks for measuring building utilization that accommodate higher levels of telework. The OMB has already agreed with this recommendation, the GAO reported. The federal government’s real property portfolio encompasses over 460 million square feet of office space, incurring annual operational and maintenance costs of billions of dollars. The GAO concluded that the pandemic

has substantially transformed work dynamics, providing a unique opportunity for the federal government to reevaluate its office space needs and explore cost reductions by releasing underutilized space. “This moment presents a unique opportunity to reconsider the federal government’s real property portfolio,” David Marroni Acting Director, Physical Infrastructure Team, determined. “The pandemic has lowered the utilization of headquarters office space and increased the amount of underutilized federal office space. While all agencies have resumed in-person operations, it is clear that the federal workplace has evolved as agencies have embraced telework.” Marroni said that OMB has directed agencies to use utilization data to determine their space needs but did not say how, and agencies have not reached consensus on new benchmarks on their own. Currently, agencies use a variety of metrics, benchmarks, and calculations in their space planning, which can contribute to differences in capacity and utilization even for the same building square footage. Marroni said a standard method to measure utilization and benchmarks that account for higher levels of telework could help the federal government more consistently identify underutilized space within and across agencies. He added that having this information could support better aligning the federal real property portfolio with future needs and reducing costs by releasing unneeded space. “Without new benchmarks that account for higher levels of telework, agencies may continue to hold on to more office space than they need, with significant costs

Even before the pandemic, the federal government faced difficulties identifying and relinquishing unneeded office space, incurring avoidable financial and environmental costs. for agencies, the environment, and local communities,” Marroni stated. “The Director of OMB should ensure that the Deputy Director of OMB, as Chair of the Federal Real Property Council, leads the development and use of benchmarks for measuring building utilization that account for greater levels of telework.”

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Los Angeles News Observer A5


Bullying in California: In Some School Districts, Black Students Are Being Targeted by Their Latino Peers Edward Henderson California Black Media On Feb. 16, 2022, a Black student in the Santa Barbara Unified School District was assaulted by Latino students. His attackers called him the n-word and kneeled on his neck while repeatedly, chanting the name “George Floyd.” A district-wide acknowledgment of the hate crime was not sent out until Feb. 22, of that year. Despite the psychological trauma this student experienced, the school did little to provide him with mental health support. This is in spite of Assembly Bill (AB) 1145, the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, a state law that provides specific instructions for schools to follow in such incidents. Connie Alexander-Boaitey, President of the Santa Barbara branch of the NAACP, says against African Americans are often minimized in her city due to their representation as the smallest demographic group. “Oh, there’s “not that many,’” Alexander-Boaitey says, referring to a common response when hate crimes are reported or when people complain about racism. “But ‘not that many’ are still being harmed. Alexander-Boaitey was speaking during a news briefing hosted by Ethnic Media Services on Oct. 27 on school bullying. She was joined on the panel by Becky L. Monroe, the Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs at the California Civil Rights Department (CRD); Dashka Slater, an award-winning journalist and author who has written books about children who are victims of bullying; Mina Fedor, a young AAPI activist who was honored by President Biden for her efforts to address racism, Xenophobia, and hate in her community; and Barbra Risling, another young activist and member of the Hoopa Valley Tribe as well as a Descendant of the Karuk and Yurok Tribes. Alexander-Boaitey says the hate crimes and hate incidents, including bullying and cyberbullying, affecting children are all connected to “generational pain” for Black Americans. Among schoolchildren, “It’s the pervasive calling of the n-word to Black, African American students by young Latino students,” she said. “It’s every day. Its weekly.” Another Black family in Santa Barbara now walks their child to school to protect her from bullying classmates. And one has pulled their daughter out of the school system completely, opting for home schooling. To address the problem, the Santa Barbara Unified School District commissioned a survey titled “2023 AntiBlackness and Racial Climate Assessment and Analysis” that proposed a set of recommendations for addressing the problem.

The hate incidents targeting African American children are not confined to Santa Barbara but are increasing across California, according to the NAACP. These incidents, often involving physical violence and verbal abuse, are more frequent as Black families relocate to predominantly Latino neighborhoods. In Santa Barbara, African Americans make up only 2% of the population but they account for the most

happening in our schools,” says Alexander-Boaitey. According to Dashka Slater, author of ‘Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed’, three in four American young people ages 15 to 25 have run into extremist content online. One in four students between the ages of four and 18 have seen hate or words or symbols written in their schools. About 1.3 million students were bullied because of

victims of bullying and hate crimes in the area. At 47.5%, Latinos make up the majority of Santa Barbara’s population followed by Whites at 43.5%. According to the local NAACP branch, most of the perpetrators of the bullying and hate crimes are Latino children. Alexander-Boaitey says she believes the hate incidents are rooted in historic racism and connected to a general desire to make Black people invisible. “That somehow or another in an effort to move towards more White-facing or White upstanding, one group has said this group doesn’t need to be here so we can be more approximate to what is White. That’s what’s really

some aspect of their identity during the 2018-2019 school year, according to a US Government Accountability Office report on schools. Half of those children were targeted because of their race. “Some forms of bullying are in fact acts of hate,” said Monroe. “Some acts of hate are crimes, while others are violations of civil rights laws. Some may be lawful but incredibly harmful, nonetheless. We must recognize the civil rights issues at the heart of this discussion around bullying.” Monroe also spoke about the state law requiring schools to provide all students with a safe environment free

of harassment. “Schools have a legal obligation to ensure that students are not denied opportunities, treated differently, discriminated against, or harassed because of their race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability,” she said. “Students who are doing the bullying are following the lead of a biased peer and imitating things that they see on social media,” said Slater. “We also see kids of color who are harassed for their identity and harassing somebody else for their identity. Studies show that kids who are the bully and bullied are the ones who have the longest lasting effects afterward.” Studies have shown that students who perpetuate racially motivated bullying onto their fellow classmates don’t necessarily ascribe to racist ideologies but have simply fallen into the trap of influence from outside sources online or mirroring behavior from their parents or guardians at home. Alexander-Boaitey says Black and Latino leaders and residents from the area have not formally met yet to resolve tensions brewing between their communities. “I know this is where the struggle really is,” she added. “How do we have leaders from the Black, Latino, and Hispanic communities sit down and have our own conversations? What makes it not happen is erasure culture that says we don’t need to talk about it, or it was a single incident.” Some parents of California students are pushing back against ethnic studies requirements brought to schools to combat hate and ignorance. “Parents are trying to take their kids out of the classes,” Alexander-Boaitey continued. “The bill (Assembly Bill (AB)101) does not go deep enough to fight against it. We need to start this at TK. We are way too late by the time we get to high school for this.” Monroe says the state provides various resources and care coordination for victims of hate crimes or hate incidents. To report hate incidents or crimes in California, victims or witnesses can file them online here. They can also call 833-8-NO-HATE; (833) 866-4283 Monday Friday from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. If outside of those hours, they can leave a voicemail, or you can call 211 to report hate and seek support. This California Black Media report was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

More than 40 States Allege Facebook is Targeting Children with Addictive Features By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Maryland, Virginia, Arizona, California, and New York have joined 36 other states in a lawsuit against Meta, the parent company overseeing social media behemoths Facebook and Instagram. The lawsuit alleges that Meta has been intentionally targeting children with addictive features, sparking a nationwide outcry over the potential harm inflicted on young minds. “Our country is facing a youth mental health crisis fueled by young people’s extensive and compulsive use of, and reliance on, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This has placed an entire generation of young people in jeopardy,” said Maryland Attorney General

Anthony Brown. “Just like Big Tobacco did a generation ago, Meta has chosen to maximize its profits at the expense of public health, specifically the health of our children.” The lawsuit argues that Meta’s actions have run afoul of the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Attorneys general from participating states assert that Meta has utilized potent technologies to allure, engage, and ultimately trap youth and teenagers. The filing states unequivocally, “Its motive is profit, and in seeking to maximize its financial gains, Meta has repeatedly misled the public about the substantial dangers of its Social Media Platforms.” The National Institute of Health has reported a concerning surge in youth mental health issues nationwide,

with the percentage of children aged 3 to 17 experiencing anxiety or depression rising from 9.4% in 2016 to 11.8% in 2020, marking a worrisome 25% increase. “Virginia’s laws protect consumers from deceptive and misleading business practices,” said Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares. “We believe that Meta has violated these laws.” Miyares further accused Meta of downplaying the serious risks associated with their platform. In response, Meta issued a statement emphasizing its commitment to providing safe online experiences for teens and families. The company said it had already introduced over 30 tools to support these efforts. However, Meta expressed disappointment that the attorneys general opted for litigation instead of collaborative industry-wide efforts

to establish clear, age-appropriate standards for teenoriented apps. Notably, eight additional states, along with the District of Columbia, announced they would file similar suits. The overarching lawsuit, filed by a bipartisan coalition of 33 state attorneys general in California’s federal court, extends its allegations to include Meta’s sharing of data about children under 13 without parental consent, potentially infringing federal privacy laws. The suit also contends that the company has exploited young users by designing algorithms to prolong their time on the platform, developed filters contributing to body dysmorphia, and presented content in an “infinite scroll” format, making it harder for children to disengage.

Denver Court Hears Arguments on Trump’s Eligibility for 2024 Ballot By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Denver district court is considering a lawsuit to prevent former President Donald Trump from appearing on Colorado’s 2024 ballot due to his alleged involvement in the U.S. Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. Colorado Judge Sarah Wallace recently rejected Trump’s attempt to dismiss the case, which was filed last month on behalf of six voters in the Denver district. The lawsuit is based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It argues that people who have participated in insurrection or rebellion after promising loyalty to the Constitution should not be able to hold office. Trump,

who is currently facing 91 criminal charges after four federal and state indictments, could potentially receive a prison sentence of over 800 years. The lawsuit accuses him of breaking his promise as president by attempting to overturn the 2020 election, which ultimately led to the January 6 insurrection. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), along with several law firms, filed a lawsuit on behalf of six voters from the Republican Party and independent voters. Eric Olson, from CREW, began his testimony by explaining what Trump did before January 6. This included a tweet he sent in December 2020 asking his supporters to come together in Washington, D.C. Olson

Lawsuit Alleges Violation of 14th Amendment, Capitol Attack Involvement

highlighted Trump’s frequent mentions of January 6. He stated that Trump motivated his followers by making false allegations of election fraud. Olson showed a video clip of Trump’s speech on the Ellipse on January 6. In the speech, the former president said, “Let’s go to the Capitol.” He argued that Trump was acutely aware of the influence of his words and that his speech before the Capitol riot exacerbated the situation. Olson also pointed to a post-speech tweet where Trump criticized then-Vice President Mike Pence, asserting that Pence lacked “the courage to do what he should have done.” That followed a clip of Trump supporters outside the Capitol chanting, “Hang Mike Pence.” “We are here because Trump claims, after all that, that he has the right to be president again,” Olson asserted. “But our Constitution, the shared charter of our nation, says he cannot do so.” During his opening arguments, Scott Gessler, Trump’s legal representative, decried the lawsuit as “antidemocratic” and said Monday’s hearing was “politicized.” Gessler argued that Trump used the word “peace” several times during his speech at the Ellipse on January 6, as well as in his tweets on the same day. He claimed that the lawsuit wants the court to approve the January 6 Committee’s report, which he described as a biased and harmful report. Officer Daniel Hodges, from the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, testified about his terrifying ordeal during the Capitol attack. Hodges described observing Capitol rioters donning tactical gear, an occurrence that left him “very uncomfortable.” He suffered many injuries when rioters attacked the Capitol, including bruises, a head injury, cuts on his face, and bleeding from his mouth. Hodges also attested that a rioter attempted to gouge his eye. He remembered protesters yelling that the election was stolen and encouraging others to fight for Trump. They also criticized law enforcement for being on the wrong side of history. During his remote testimony, Rep. Eric Swalwell, a Democrat from California, stated that Trump had clearly indicated before the 2020 election that he would not acknowledge the results if he was not the winner. Swalwell

claimed that Trump escalated his rhetoric after legal challenges to the election results were dismissed. He told the lawmakers’ increasing worry when Trump announced, “We’re going to the Capitol” in his Ellipse speech. He then described the distressing experiences of himself and his colleagues as rioters entered the Capitol. In her ruling last week, Wallace dismissed Trump’s argument that Congress, not the courts, can handle questions about ballot eligibility. She disagreed with Trump’s statement that state election officials cannot enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Wallace argued that the clause allows Congress to remove a constitutional disability if a person is disqualified. However, the clause does not specify which government body would decide on such disability initially. “The Court notes, however, it would be strange for Congress to be the only entity that is empowered to determine the disability and then also the entity that is empowered to remove it,” Wallace wrote. “States can, and have, applied Section 3 pursuant to state statutes without federal enforcement legislation,” Wallace said. The judge’s ruling followed a decision by Chief U.S. District Judge Philip A. Brimmer to dismiss Trump’s request to move the Colorado ballot case to federal court. In a four-page order, Brimmer, a nominee of George W. Bush, stated that Trump, who was found responsible for sexually assaulting a journalist by a civil jury this year, did not properly follow the necessary procedures to involve Colorado’s Democratic Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, or get her approval to transfer the case to federal court. As a result, Trump’s attempt to move the case is considered “defective.” Trump is also facing other challenges to his eligibility to appear on the 2024 presidential ballot. The Minnesota Supreme Court will hear arguments on Thursday concerning a lawsuit to remove Trump from the ballot in Minnesota. The current lawsuit also references a lesser-known provision in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Similar legal challenges are underway in New Hampshire, Arizona, and Michigan.


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Los Angeles News Observer


California Black Media Political Playback:

News You Might Have Missed Tanu Henry, Antonio Ray Harvey and Joe W. Bowers Jr. California Black Media “Shameful” Cal DOJ Report: Hospitals Ignored Racial Bias Training Mandated to Address Black Women’s High Maternal Death Rate Four years ago this month, Senate Bill (SB) 464, also known as the California’s Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act, was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom. The law, authored by LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, when she served in the State Senate, mandated that health care facilities implement training to address unconscious racial bias toward expectant mothers to address California’s high maternal death rate among Black women. However, a report released by the California Department of Justice on Oct. 27, four years after the law was enacted, found that most hospitals and clinics either failed to implement the training or instituted it late. “The disparity in maternal death rates in California reflects the deep and shameful racial inequities in our healthcare system,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta in a statement the DOJ released Friday. “In California, people of color, particularly Black women, continue to die at three to four times the rate of White women,” Bonta continued. “This is unacceptable. With today’s report, the California Department of Justice has taken an important step forward in addressing this issue by successfully building upon the California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act.” According to Bonta, the United States has the highest maternal death rate in the developed world. He disclosed that one year into the program, less than 17% of health facilities in the state had initiated the mandated staff training, as reported to the DOJ. It was only after Bonta wrote a letter in 2021 threatening state intervention for non-compliance, that the percentage began to rise. “As a Black woman, a mother, a legislator, and as a board-certified OBYGN, this topic of implicit bias and black maternal mortality is both personally and professionally important to me,” said Assemblymember Akilah Weber (D-La Mesa), a member of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC), in a statement.

For Black Students, Cal State’s Graduation Is Less Than 50% Less than half of the Black students enrolled at California State University (CSU) campuses graduate. That troubling statistic was one data point in an announcement released by CSU during its Graduation Initiative symposium Oct. 2023 in San Diego. Overall, the data painted a positive picture of student performance at CSU, but the Black student graduation rate at 47% stuck out as a dim spot. The difference in graduation rates between students from historically underserved backgrounds and their peers remains an ongoing challenge for the CSU system. For example, the graduation rates for all historically underserved students and Pell Grant recipients increased by one percentage point each over the last year. ​“We recognize this important opportunity to engage and collaborate with our larger community to narrow equity gaps so that all students have an opportunity to earn a life-changing college degree,” acknowledged Jennifer Baszile, CSU associate vice chancellor of Student Success & Inclusive Excellence. “This work is a moral imperative for the CSU, and it is essential for meeting California’s need for a thriving, diverse workforce.” The report indicated that four-year graduation rates remain flat for the 23-campus system. On the upside, the data reveals that CSU undergraduate students are earning their degrees at faster rates than ever before and are now graduating an average of one semester earlier compared to when the Graduation Initiative 2025 was initiated. The information released shows that the CSU’s systemwide four-year graduation rate for first-year students remains at 35%, nearly doubling the rate (19%) at the launch of the initiative in 2015. The improved outcomes, combined with enrollment

San Francisco’s history. The campaign celebrates all that makes the San Francisco Bay Area unique – emphasizing its diverse, homegrown companies, institutions, and intellectual property. The creation of the campaign emerged after San Franciscans grew frustrated with how the city’s image was being portrayed negatively.

(Shutterstock Photo)

“California Draining”: Stanford Report Explores Why More Californians are Moving to Texas and (From Left to Right) U.S. Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D-CA-37), Assemblymember Akilah Weber (D-La Mesa), Sen. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (D-Ladera Heights), L.A. County Supervisor Holly Arizona Than Ever Before Mitchell, California Attorney General Rob Bonta and Gabrielle Brown, Black Women for Wellness Maternal and Infant Health Program Coordinator, at a California Department of Justice press conference. The briefing was organized to announce a Department of Justice report that found hospitals and clinics are ignoring racial bias training mandated to address California’s high maternal mortality rate. (Courtesy: Office of the Attorney General, State of California) increases, have contributed to an additional 150,000 bachelor’s degrees earned. But as CSU looks past the year 2025, its administrators plan to devise strategies to improve outcomes for all students, with a particular focus on Black student success and other historically underserved groups.

Larry Elder Bows Out of 2024 Presidential Race; Endorses Donald Trump

out of the 2024 U.S. Presidential race. In the same announcement, which he posted on the social media site X, Elder endorsed former President Donald J. Trump for POTUS. “I have been steadfast in my belief that the biggest issues facing our nation are the crisis of fatherlessness, the dangerous lie that America is systemically racist, the need for an amendment to the constitution to set federal spending to a fixed percentage of the GDP,” Elder wrote. Among other priorities, the man who frequently refers to himself as the “the sage from South Central,” said he is an advocate for smaller government, and he wants to replace District Attorneys across the country he believes are backed by the Left-leaning billionaire George Soros. Elder said Trump’s leadership has been “instrumental in advancing conservative, America-first principles and policies.”

Willie Brown and Nancy Pelosi Featured in San Francisco “Comeback” Ad

(Shutterstock Photo) On Oct. 26, Larry Elder, the Los Angeles-based conservative radio talk show host and former California gubernatorial candidate, announced that he is dropping

A group of San Francisco business leaders officially launched an ambitious public image campaign featuring two luminaries among the city’s most accomplished politicos: former House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. The goal of the campaign, supporters say, is to remind the world why San Francisco will remain one of America’s greatest cities despite the barrage of negative press the Golden Gate City has been getting in media across the globe. A one-minute video anchors the campaign titled “It All Starts Here” that takes viewers on a journey through the

From the Gold Rush of the 1800s to the iconic unofficial state song “California Dreamin,’” the Golden State has built an enviable reputation. It has become known around the world as a destination for fortune seekers, economic opportunities, and a laidback West Coast lifestyle made more desirable by pleasant weather and a picturesque natural landscape that incorporates breathtaking scenes -- from the Pacific coast cliffs and glistening inland lakes to snow-capped mountains and lush forests housing the earth’s oldest tree species. However, over the last few years, that perception of California’s exceptional desirability is being challenged as the state loses population to Arizona and Texas at higher levels than ever before, including a greater share of college graduates and residents at all income levels, according to a report dubbed “California Draining,” released by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR). “California lost a net of 407,000 residents to other states between July 2021 and July 2022, including a greater share of those with a college degree and residents at all income levels than in the past,” the report reads. The state’s high cost of living has spurred many businesses and residents to exit, posing serious consequences for the state’s job market and fiscal outlook. California is still the largest state with more than 39 million residents as of 2022, constituting 11.7 % of the U.S. population, according to SIEPR’s report. From 1959 to 2022, California’s average rate of population growth was 1.52 percent, but since 2000, it has been consistently below that number. The state even experienced negative growth in 2021 and 2022. Among recent movers, Black residents make up about 12% of people exiting the state, a significant number in a state where the total Black population hovers around 5.7 %. The report states that two-thirds of those who moved said that politics was not a factor in their decision, but the population loss has political consequences: California lost a congressional seat after the 2020 census. SIEPR draws from an original survey of residents in California, Arizona and Texas conducted jointly by researchers at Stanford University, Arizona State University, and the University of Houston.

Black Americans Demand Fairer News Coverage By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent An in-depth study by the Pew Research Center took a deep dive into the experiences of Black Americans with news coverage, shedding light on critical perspectives and recommendations for more equitable representation. The survey involved 4,742 U.S. adults identifying as Black and offered an extensive and comprehensive insight into their attitudes, habits, and experiences with news and information. The findings revealed a stark divide in how Black individuals perceive news coverage of their community. “There’s not a lot of African American coverage unless it’s February or it’s criminal,” one individual stated, according to Pew. That sentiment was echoed by another respondent who stated, “They overemphasize the bad, and not some of the good things that are happening in the community, or if they do talk about the good things, it’s just a blurb and they want to focus on the one thing [that] was just terrible.” Almost two-thirds (63%) believe that news about Black people is often portrayed in a negative light compared to other racial and ethnic groups. Furthermore, a significant 57% feel that the news only focuses on specific segments of the Black community, while just 9% believe it covers a diverse range of individuals. Half of the respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the coverage, asserting that it often needs vital information,

Almost two-thirds (63%) believe that news about Black people is often portrayed in a negative light compared to other racial and ethnic groups. whereas only 9% believe it provides a comprehensive picture. Disturbingly, 43% claim that the coverage tends to stereotype Black individuals, contrasting starkly with the 11% who disagree. The critical views transcended age, gender, and political affiliations and painted a consistent picture of discontent. According to the survey, 39% of Black Americans frequently encounter news that is racist or racially insensitive towards their community, while an additional 41% report occasional exposure. The respondents identified various factors contributing to this problem, including

media outlets pushing agendas (51%), journalists’ lack of informed perspectives (45%), and the presence of racist views within news organizations (42%). Despite the prevailing skepticism, only 14% of Black Americans are highly confident that fair representation in news coverage will occur within their lifetimes. A notable 64% of those who have witnessed racially insensitive coverage believe that educating all journalists about issues affecting Black Americans would be an extremely or very effective way to ensure fairer coverage. “There’s definitely less empathy, I think, for people of color, for working-class people from people who are not Black… I think they deliver the news in a way that is different than how someone who does understand our experiences would deliver the news,” another survey respondent observed, according to Pew. Substantial percentages also advocate for including more Black voices as sources (54%) and for hiring Black individuals in leadership roles within newsrooms (53%). That echoed the call for diversification in newsrooms made over five decades ago by the 1967 Kerner Commission. These findings resonate with the observations of the 1967 Kerner Commission, which highlighted sensationalist, divisive, and inaccurate representations of Black communities in the media. The Commission emphasized the urgent need to diversify newsrooms, a call that remains relevant more than five decades later. While many Black Americans value the perspective of

Black journalists in reporting on racial issues, only 14% consider it highly important for news in general to come from Black journalists. Just 15% believe a journalist’s race is an extremely or very important factor in determining a story’s credibility, ranking below factors such as cited sources (53%), multiple outlets (50%), and the news outlet itself (46%). Diverging opinions emerged when considering the importance of racial identity among Black Americans. Those who place a high value on their Black identity expressed a significantly stronger preference for journalists who understand the historical context of stories involving Black individuals (82%). Conversely, this dropped to 55% among those who attach less importance to their racial identity. The study also identified generational and educational divides in perceptions of Black journalists’ effectiveness. Younger Black adults, aged 18 to 29, were more likely to believe that Black journalists excel at covering issues related to race (54%) and understanding them (50%) compared to their older counterparts. Likewise, individuals with higher levels of formal education and income expressed more positive views toward the work of Black journalists.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Los Angeles News Observer A7


NOLA Reggae Fest- Good Vibes in the Crescent City By Ricky Richardson Contributing Writer (New Orleans, La.) Tens of thousands of music aficionados descended upon the Birthplace of American music for the launch of New Orleans Music Month. New Orleans Music Month is a city-wide monthlong celebration of New Orleans vibrant music ecosystem. While New Orleans is known as the center of music culture, the music industry is also a critical component of the local economy. Music lovers were in New Orleans for music performances, an emerging music industry conference, and numerous neighborhood festivals celebrating the taste, sounds, and spirit of New Orleans. NOLA Reggae Fest provided some great vibes in the Big Easy. A large multicultural, diverse crowd came from all over the city, along with national and international visitors to create and enjoy lasting memories with family, friends and fellow co-workers. People of all ages immersed themselves in contagious Jamaican-inspired fun.

NOLA Reggae Fest offered the perfect setting for lively dance and music, as well as captivating art and cultural demonstrations. One couldn’t help but to get caught up in the rich blend of entertainment offered at NOLA Reggae Fest. NOLA Reggae Fest was held on Halloween Weekend, Friday, October 27 through Sunday, October 29, 2023. The festival was held in historic Louis Armstrong Park, 901 North Rampart Street. Festival organizers picked a perfect location for the festival. Congo Square is where it all began. The music and dances of today has a direct connection to Congo Square in New Orleans. NOLA Reggae Fest was the final of seven, (7) events that I attended during my recent visit to the Crescent City. Who could resist the vibrant rhythms of reggae coupled with the soulful spirit of New Orleans? NOLA Reggae Fest showcased the heart and soul of the Big Easy with an eclectic array of local vendors offering delicious food, unique crafts and much more. Attendees immersed themselves in the magic and

unifying rhythms of reggae and the warmth and Southern hospitality of New Orleans at NOLA Reggae Fest. I was in the numbers for the first day of NOLA Reggae Fest. Joel Hitchcock served as Emcee. Jamaica Tourism Board was one of the sponsors of NOLA Reggae Fest. One lucky winner walked away with an all-inclusive trip to Jamaica. Claude Bryant All Stars got the show underway with an exciting set of original tracks and cover selections. They performed “Exodus,” “Promised Land,” “I Shot the Sheriff,” and No Woman; No Cry” to name a few. This tight band consisted of Claude Bryant-keyboards/vocals, Jimmy Planells-bass, Albert Ventura-guitar, Earl Smithdrums and special guest Shamarr Allen on trumpet. DJ Chocolate was on deck of the ones and twos to served up an hour long set of infectious rhythms from the Caribbean’s. Hailing from Canada, The Human Rights performed next, and kept the momentum moving and the party people vibing throughout their set. The group

performed material from their latest EP/CD, Reggae Strong. “Reggae Strong,” “Music Like Food,” “One Thing,” and “When She’s Gone,” were several selections performed. Warrior King, direct from Jamaica took the festival up to another level, to close out opening night with an upbeat, high energy set of original tracks to the delight of a captivated crowd. NOLA Reggae Fest continued on Saturday and Sunday with some extremely talented local musicians, national and international artists to the delight of the reggae community. The incredible lineup for NOLA Reggae Fest featured TBC Brass Band with Mardi Gras Indians, Nando Boom (Panama), The Meditations (Jamaica), Ha Sizzle (New Orleans), Tanto Metro (Jamaica), Higher Heights (New Orleans), Kaylan Arnold (Miami), Jemere Morgan (Jamaica) and Sista Nancy (Jamaica).

Claude Bryant All-Stars, (Photo by Ricky Richardson)

Ndindy African Cuisine- Russ, Queen Ndindy and Bash, (Photo by Ricky Richardson)

Jamaica Tourism Board, Andrea Chase and Christopher Wright, (Photo by Ricky Richardson)

Warrior King, (Photo by Ricky Richardson)


Los Angeles News Observer


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Los Angeles News Observer A9


Walter Camp Honors Georgia Tech’s King and JMU’s Green By Earl Heath Contributing Sports Writer The Walter Camp Football Foundation has announced the Football Bowl Subdivision National Offensive and Defensive Players of the Week for games ending October 28th. Quarterback Hayes King from Georgia Tech took home the offensive award and Jalen Green from James Madison University earn defensive honors. King totaled 377 yards of total offense (287 passing, 90 rushing) as Georgia Tech defeated 17th-ranked North Carolina, 46-42. The Texas A&M transfer completed 23-of-30 passes and threw for four touchdowns as the Rambling Wreck improved to 4-4, 3-2 in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Tech shredded the Tar Heels defense for 635 yards in a shootout that was finally decided by a big hit on defense. “This week we preached about execution. We thought we had a good game plan tonight and we were gonna’ use it the first chance we got,” said King. The sophomore from Longview. Texas is the third Georgia Tech player to earn Walter Camp National FBS Player of Week honors since 2004, joining Jamel Golden (DB, Oct. 25, 2015) and Justin Thomas (RB, Oct. 29, 2016). “This man here (Hayes King} as good as he is cannot win every game by himself . We challenged everyone around him to step up and play complementary football. And they did,” said the Tech head coach. The newly ranked Dukes won their 11th straight game dating to last year. On the Defensive side Green recorded

a career-high nine tackles, including 3.0 for losses, and 2.5 quarterback sacks as 25th-ranked James Madison (8-0, 5-0 Sun Belt. The junior from Baltimore is the first James Madison player to earn Walter Camp National FBS Player of Week honors. His performance set a new Sun Belt Conference single-season sacks record, as he now has 15.5, passing the previous record of 13.5 by Arkansas State’s Javon RollandJones in 2016. Green leads the nation in both sacks (15.5) and tackles for loss (21.0), and he’s just one sack shy of tying JMU’s single-season record of 16.5, set by John Daka in 2019. This is the 20th year that the Walter Camp Football Foundation will honor one offensive and one defensive player as its national Football Bowl Subdivision player of the week during the regular season. Recipients are selected by a panel of national media members and administered by the Foundation. It is the nation’s longest running Player of Week award. Walter Camp is “The Father of American football,” first selected an All-America team in 1889. Camp – a former Yale University athlete and football coach – is also credited with developing play from scrimmage, set plays, the numerical assessment of goals and tries and the restriction of play to eleven men per side. The Walter Camp Football Foundation (www.waltercamp.org) – a New Haven-based all-volunteer group – was founded in 1967 to perpetuate the ideals of Camp and to continue the tradition of selecting annually an All-America team.

Haynes King (10) on the run vs North Carolina Nathaniel Caudell. (Photo Provided by All Yellow Jackets)

California Roll Call By Earl Heath Contributing Sports Writer California has several football players that have played high school and college football in the state and have gone elsewhere to continue playing. The California Roll Call is a list of how some have fared this past weekend. Jayden Daniels (San Bernadino) Cajon high completed 11 of 15 passes for 279 yards and 3 touchdowns as #13 LSU defeated Army 62-0The Tigers are (6-2, 4-1 SEC) JT Daniels (Mater Dei High and Georgia) and now at RICE. Daniels was 18 for 29 for 129 yards and two touchdowns as the OWLS (4-4, 2-2 AAC) fell to Tulane 30-28. Zevi Eckhaus of (Culver City High) completed 27 of 37 for 368 yards and four touchdowns helping Bryant University (Rhode Island) (4-4, 2-1)) rolled over Charleston Southern 47-24. Jaxson Dart (USC) completed 19 of 28 passes for 240 yards and one touchdown leading OLE MISS to a 33-7 win over Vanderbilt. The REBELS (7-1) have won 4 straight. Kedon Slovis (USC) completed 24 of 39 passes for197 yards with two interceptions in a 35-6 BYU loss to #7 ranked Texas. Payton Zdriok (Brentwood) had 3 tackles as Air Force (8-0 ,5-0 MWC) defeated Colorado State 30-13. Jaxson Dart OLE Miss (Courtesy Photo)

Chargers Win With a ‘Complete Effort’ Effort By Earl Heath Contributing Sports Writer It was a full team effort for the Los Angeles Chargers as they stepped up in all three phases and came away with a 30-13 win against Chicago at So-Fi stadium. Justin Herbert started hot connecting on his first 15 passes. He would finish the day going 31 of 40 for 298 yards and three TD’s. In the games first possession Herbert opened rolling to his right, then threw back and hit Austin Eckler with a bubble screen pass, the veteran running back raced down the sideline on a 39-yard jaunt completing a 10-play 92yard drive that took 4:18 off the clock. On the second possession Chargers (3-4) took over after a fair Catch interference call against the Bears placing the ball at the 45 yard-line. Herbert then led them on a nine-play drive play drive connecting with tight end Simi Fohoko giving LA a 14-0 lead after Cameron Dicker’s PAT. In his third year it was his first NFL touchdown. He was signed off of Pittsburg practice squad. “As soon as I caught the ball I sort of blacked out a bit,” said Fohoko with a laugh. “It was awesome.” On Chicago’s next possession Bagent tried to hit DJ Moore on and out pattern when corner JaSir Taylor read it Oct 29, 2023; Inglewood, California, USA; Los Angeles Chargers safety Derwin James Jr. (3) prefect and picked off the rookie QB. celebrates with linebacker Daiyan Henley (0) and safety AJ Finley (24) after intercepting a pass However the drive stalled and kicker Cameron Dicker against the Chicago Bears in the second half at SoFi Stadium. (Photo Credit: Kirby Lee-USA then nailed a 43-yard Field goal giving LA a 17-0 lead. The TODAY Sports)

veteran kicker tallied 12 points on the day with three field goals (43, 53 and 32 yards) to go with three PAT’s. On the ensuing Bears possession Tyson Bagent led his team to their first score of the game going 75-yards on 14 plays ending with a 11-yard run by Darrynton Evans, a rookie out of Appalachian State. With 1:47 left in the half-led Herbert then led the Chargers on a 9-play 75-yard that he finished with an 11yard TD toss to Donald Parham Jr, The Chargers went in at the half leading 24-0. Herbert is still recovering from an injury left finger, that happened two weeks ago. “I think just every week, it’s getting better,” said Herbert, who didn’t wear a glove on his left hand and just went with the finger heavily bandaged for the first time. “I thought we had a great plan. We went out there and executed exactly what we were going to do. I’m not surprised that we had great success moving the ball early.” Newcomer Quinton Johnson had five receptions for 50 yards. It was his best outing as a Charger. The defense was stingy all day they only gave up 73 yards rushing and 230 passing by rookie QB Bagent. Eric Kendricks had ten tackles and Kenneth Murray Jr had nine to lead LA. I think it was (most complete performance) of the regular season,” said coach Brandon Staley. “There are still some things that we need to improve on.”


Los Angeles News Observer


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Affordable Care Act Premiums Rise, But Subsidies Protect Most Consumers

By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Premiums on the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchange will increase in 2024, but the Biden-Harris Administration has pledged that generous subsidies will ensure that most consumers remain shielded from the rising costs. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the average monthly premium for the benchmark silver plan in 2024 will see a 4% increase in the 32 states participating in the federal exchange, HealthCare. gov. The uptick mirrors the increase seen in the previous year and marks a shift from the four consecutive years of premium declines that preceded it. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra emphasized the administration’s commitment to affordable healthcare coverage. “Millions of Americans have obtained affordable, high-quality health care coverage through the marketplaces,” Becerra stated. He said everyone should visit HealthCare.gov to explore the available health insurance plans and learn more about the options that best suit their needs. “The Biden-Harris Administration has made it a

priority to continue to strengthen the ACA and build on its progress by reducing premiums for the millions of Americans enrolled in Marketplace coverage,” Becerra added. CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure also highlighted the growth and strengthening of ACA Marketplaces in recent years. She encouraged consumers to explore HealthCare.gov and their state-based marketplaces to preview plans and premiums before the Open Enrollment period. Administration officials have credited the Inflation Reduction Act for continuing the qualification criteria for health insurance coverage assistance and premiums, which will remain stable for the third consecutive year. The law has allowed four out of five HealthCare.gov consumers to secure plans for $10 or less per month, thanks to expanded financial assistance. Also, because of the Inflation Reduction Act and other reforms made by the Biden-Harris Administration, more people who were not eligible for financial help before can now get lower premiums through tax credits. That includes families whose employer-based insurance was too expensive

and people with low incomes. For the first time, the Marketplace application will include optional demographic questions related to sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Officials added those questions to analyze health disparities in access to coverage to improve the consumer experience by enabling individuals to attest in a way that reflects and affirms their identities. Consumers have the choice to answer, skip, or indicate their preference not to answer any or all three optional questions. Importantly, individual responses or decisions to skip these questions will have no impact on their eligibility results, plan pricing, or plan costs. Federal officials said they would protect the privacy of all shared information. In 2023, a significant 96% of enrollees who selected plans on the federal exchange during open enrollment were eligible for expanded subsidies. For current policyholders who remain within their coverage tier, approximately twothirds can find plans for less than $10 per month for the upcoming year. Overall, four out of five consumers will have the option to select plans on the federal exchange for $10 or

Lila Brown California Black Media Recent studies suggest that the economic picture for Black Californians is not looking rosy. Increasingly, the state is becoming more unaffordable for African Americans, leading many families to relocate to less expensive places both within and outside of the borders of the Golden state. “After pandemic-era declines, California’s poverty rate is on the rise. Expansions to safety net programs during the pandemic reduced poverty substantially, but these expansions had mostly expired by the end of 2022,” reads a report published by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) on Oct. 24. For Black Californians, the poverty rate at 13.6% is more than double the percentage of African Americans living in California, which currently stands at about 5.8% of the state’s population of nearly 40 million. “While economic growth throughout 2022 countered some of these program losses -- by boosting family resources from work -- the state’s overall poverty rate increased from 11.7% in fall 2021 to 13.2% in early 2023,” the PPIC report continued. The unemployment numbers for Black Californians also remain high – and continue to climb. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the unemployment rate for Black Californians stands at 7.4%, which is higher than the 4.5% unemployment rate for all racial groups in the state for Q2 2023. This is also higher than the national rate of 5.8%. In California, the Black-White unemployment rate ratio is at 1.9 to 1. The national Black-White unemployment ratio remained at 2-to-1 in the second quarter of 2023, maintaining the historic trend of Black workers being twice as likely to be unemployed as White workers. There’s

nowhere in the country where the unemployment numbers for Black and White workers are equal. For September, the California Employment Development Department (EDD) reported that unemployment is on the rise. The state’s unemployment rate crept up to 4.7%, an increase of 144,000 people. It is the second highest unemployment rate of any state. The labor force – Californians working or looking for work – also shrank. Between 2021 to 2022, the overall poverty rate in California rose from 11.0% to 16.4%. This increase can be linked to the high costs of living, inflation, and the end of pandemic-era supports, such as the expanded federal Child Tax Credit and other welfare benefits. While financial assistance cut the poverty rate for Black Californians by three-quarters to 9.5% in 2021, it lessened poverty for Black Californians by well under half the following year, contributing to a near doubling of their poverty rate to 18.6%. The California Budget Center checking the pulse of households from US Census data showed that more than half (54%) of Black Californians reported facing difficulty paying for essential needs like food and housing. Los Angeles County (15.5%) and San Diego County (15.0%) had the highest poverty rates. The Central Valley and Sierra region had the lowest (10.7%), largely due to lower housing costs. In China last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom highlighted the strength of California’s economy, the fifth largest in the world, and President Joe Biden released his Bidenomics report in June highlighting the achievements of his Invest in America plan. The White House reports that under the Biden-Harris Administration, Black Americans have experienced their lowest unemployment rate on record and the highest

employment rate since November 2000. The participation of Black workers in the labor force has also reached its highest level since August 2008. There has been reduction in the Black child poverty rate by greater than 12%, impacting over 200,000 children, through the Thrifty Food Plan. Most reports point to signs that the nation is currently at pre-pandemic levels and California has recovered its pandemic-induced job losses in June 2022, according to the latest California Labor Market Review released in August. However, those numbers indicating the state economy is strong and stabilizing contrast with the harsh realities confronting many Black Californians struggling every day to make ends meet. A study by the Urban Institute released in September shines light on the complex challenges Black Californians face as more of them make the decision to relocate to less expensive areas in the state, mostly driven by a combination of economic factors like housing unaffordability, rolling layoffs, rising inflation, an increase in renter evictions and stagnant salaries. The report indicates that, “Over the last decade, several factors have contributed to many Black residents relocating from urban epicenters to the suburbs of metropolitan areas and to smaller, less dense, less populous cities.” “This has been the reality of many Black Californians: as the Black populations of San Francisco and Alameda counties drop, those of Contra Costa and Sacramento rise. As Los Angeles sees its share of Black residents decline, neighboring Riverside and San Bernardino shares increase,” that report further highlights.

less per month, providing cost-effective healthcare coverage options for most Americans. Nearly all consumers will have access to at least three insurers, with an average of just under seven options available to choose from. For those seeking assistance with the application process, the HealthCare.gov call center is available around the clock, providing support in 200 languages. Additionally, consumers can find local assisters, agents, or brokers in their area by visiting HealthCare.gov and selecting the “Find local help” option. The Marketplace Open Enrollment Period on HealthCare.gov will run from November 1 to January 15. Those who enroll by midnight on December 15 (5 a.m. EST on December 16) will secure full-year coverage starting on January 1, 2024. Given that January 15, 2024, is a federal holiday, the enrollment deadline will be extended until midnight on January 16 (5 a.m. EST on January 17) to allow consumers to enroll in coverage. Consumers enrolling after December 15 but before the January deadline will have coverage starting on February 1, 2024.

Reports Cast Shadows on the Economic Picture for Black Californians

Lisa D. Cook, Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, says unemployment lies at the root of all America’s social problems and pushing for maximum employment

(Shutterstock Photo) for all Americans is the solution to minimizing poverty. Cook made the point while accepting the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies’ Louis E. Martin Award on Oct. 18 in Washington, D.C. “Maximum employment boosts long-run economic potential. It means that a vital resource is being used productively. A strong labor market increases labor force participation and the willingness of firms to recruit and upgrade the skills of workers,” cook stated. She explained that the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, also known as the Humphrey-Hawkins Act, set economic priorities for the federal government centered on promoting good-paying jobs for all Americans. “Maximum employment also promotes business investment that boosts productivity and long-run economic potential. And the full participation of all segments of society should be expected to result in more ideas, including more diverse ideas, more invention, and more innovation,” Cook concluded.

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