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Giulia Benvegnù Founder di Hybrid Reality & PhD student presso Università di Padova. Rosa Buson Founder & CEO di Hybrid Reality. Luisa Vittadello Founder & CTO di Hybrid Reality.

Is virtual real? Former power Unlike other technologies, VR allows the use of contents in an interactive and experiential way; it represents a radical change in the media experience: the subject goes from observer of an action to its protagonist. The crucial aspect of this technology is the ability to create extremely realistic situations, characterized by an high level of immersion and “sense of presence”, meaning that the subject, despite the cognitive awareness of being in a simulation, tends to behave as if he were in the real world. Using virtual simulations makes it possible to analyze the influence of architectural and spatial features on human wellbeing, in order to design and build safer environments.* a realtà virtuale (VR) è una tecnologia capace di coniugare rigore metodologico e realismo, ideale per testare in modo ecologico ma controllato processi altrimenti difficilmente studiabili nel mondo reale. Permette infatti di simulare la realtà effettiva in un ambiente digitale, consentendo all’utente di muoversi in tempo reale in ambienta-

01. Immagine archivio personale Hybrid Reality.

Virtuale è reale?

Le potenziali connessioni tra il mondo virtuale e quello reale



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