Urban Dreamtime

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Indra Wahyu Finding Yourself Besides the outer components of life there is also the challenge of facing the inner life, of looking inward to discover one’s inner worlds. For finding ones own personhood, it is important to avoid being entrapped by somebody else’s thoughts, being transmitted and implanted through the social media and TV. “Entering TV” shows a kid holding the remote tool like a magic wand while floating through the almost unlimitedly accessible spaces of the TV channels. Information is valuable and could be received through the TV channels, but the loss of control endangers a safe return from this flight. The continous flow of bits of information, data sets or whatever is flooding our brains, intrudes into our unconscious. The realm of dreams might be a safe haven, but only until it is contaminated by images from the spheres of commercialism. “Camouflage” (!+2) and “Coloring Dreams” address the need to protect oneself, to keep the inner world intact, even with the risk of being exposed to trauma (or sweeter memories) from real life experience encapsulated deep within the mind and only accessible again while dreaming at night. Exploring such dreams is a possibility to find oneself, when processed and understood the old trauma might eventually disappear. “Stepped up” tells about the experience of loss, with an intense emotional level enhanced by the expression of the puppet in the foreground and the strong colors. Behind the puppet there is an animala dog, perching on the chair, barking and howling as if in great pain. The scene feels surreal and dreamlike, characterized by the strength of its impact and its intensity of feeling. Y. Indra Wahyu has achieved a new stage in his artistic journey. By combining elements from different art styles like Pop, Street Art, comic-like figurations and as well surrealist elements he has created a visual world that is at once imaginary but, at the same time, connected to the real, bridging the inner aspects of human life with outside realities. Urban realities and struggles are transformed into dreams, but dreaming as a guiding principle according to the surrealists just reveals a superior level of reality. His works show beautifully


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