Posture Check

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Posture Check Onur Demir

The Problem

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Value Proposition

Posture Check is a multiplatform service for college students who suffer from poor sitting positions and provides a method of building a stronger posture and a straighter back; unlike UPRIGHT GO, our product influences you with a companion retort system.

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Product Solution

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UX Research

High Level Research Methods 13







Site Visits

Hours of Observation

Task Walkthrough


Literature Reviews

7 interviews with

3 visits to the Nold

5.5 hours at the Nold

of physical therapy

with 73

college students

Athletic Center

Athletic Center

process for patient


2 interviews with

3 visits to

3 hours at the

active PT patients

Maximum Motion

Maximum Motion

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

3 structured interviews with physical therapists 1 unstructured interview with a physical therapist

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

with back issues

Supporting Data 73 College Students





Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


3 5

32 25


I prefer to sit in the proper posture instead of comfortably.

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

When someone mentions posture, I readjust my own posture.

Supporting Data

“I don’t want someone to think negatively of me because of me slouching” -Matt M, Adelphi Alumni

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Gamer Jason Age: 21 Class: Junior Posture: Terrible

Bio Justin is full time junior who games in his spare time after classes. He ignores his posture because he prefers to be comfortable and sit closer to the screen. After his long gaming sessions, he struggles to stand up straight without stiff pain in his neck and shoulders.




Sits too close to screen

Gaming for long periods

Reduce shoulder stiffness

Postures poorly for long

Sits too close to screen

Play more comfortably

Plays without stretching

Create better habits

Sits in terrible posture all the

Improve sitting posture

sitting periods Slouches due to desk and chair at inappropriate height “I don’t like sitting up straight, it’s uncomfortable when playing.”

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Doesn’t take breaks to get up and stretch or walk

time ignoring issues

All Personas, Empathy, and Journey Maps

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UX Design

Agile UX Process Planning & Survey

2/13 2/20 2/27 3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 5/1 5/9 5/19

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Research & Personas

Benchmark & Comp An

Bench & Sketch

Sketch & Storyboard

Sketch & UML

Feedback & Revision

Lo-Fi & Prod Design

Pitch V1

Pitch V2

Pitch V3

Expo Week


Everything due


Start Session



Fix Posture


Establish Habit

End Session


Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Sketches

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Comps

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

UI Workflow

Hey Quasimo… oh never mind it’s just you.

Is your brain weighing your head down or you just staring too much at you phone?

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Seems like someone isn’t checking their posture.

What was Achieved

Poor posture students are improving their cores and building healthy habits. Good posture students are preventing their current habits from breaking. Medical professionals such as physical therapists and chiropractors are able to better understand their patients and their lifestyle habits which allows them to provide their patients with limited availability such as student athletes with an effective treatment plan.

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

Future Work + Thank You

For the future I will refine this service and bring it to other platforms that are commonly by college students to improve my products availability.

Thank you for your time.

Onur Demir 5.01.2022

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