Creative Direction: Brochure design

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Your Product. Expertly Designed.

Harness the Power of Custom Packaging.

JKG Packaging Services.

Packaging design, production, and fulfillment services.

From Concept to Consumer

Retail-ready Prototypes We have an in-house design staff with decades of packaging experience with a specialization in structural packaging.

3 Second Story

Our design engineers consider all the specifications of your

Your product’s package design has three

protection, cushioning, and void fill for the job.

product and its shipping needs when designing the right

seconds to tell its story, capture attention in a crowded retail space, and influence the person buying the product. Three seconds. The power of a well-designed package achieves all of this in that time frame. We told you it was powerful.

Our design department is full of experts in structural design, retail design, and holistic packaging. We take a look at the big picture to make sure your ideas, products, and branding transcends the rigors of creative and engineering through final transit. Plus, we will get you a retail-ready prototype before moving forward with the project.

We also know when you add differentiating elements like foil stamping, laminating, or specialty coatings, the power of the package continues to grow. Plus, we’ll custom-fit your product with a protective shell, pack it, ship it, and watch it land safely on store shelves.

Designed to Sell Did you know 70% of a consumer’s purchasing decisions are made within the retail store? There is no better location

Produced with Precision

for a brand-distinguishing point-of-purchase display so

We produce product and display boxes that will be the envy of your competitors.

Whether it’s a free-standing unit with products, an end cap

All of these services are done in house with the utmost precision and quality of care.

header, shelf talker, or cash wrap impulse-buy display, we’ve

This is achieved by:

got you covered. Additionally, updating your POP displays

• Creative Services from Experienced Industrial Designers

on a quarterly basis, at the launch of a new product, or

• Complimentary Prototypes and Mock-ups

seasonally will make your display stand out.

• Printing, Finishing and Conversion • Product and Display Boxes • Point of Purchase Materials • Display Graphics • Kitting and Fulfillment • Storage and Delivery

your product can tell its story from a position of authority.

Your Brand Protected With innovative design and marketing support services, we assist retailers and brand marketers with their retail programs that attract customers, as well as achieve sales objectives and marketing goals. Our dedicated and experienced staff of

We help our customers shine throughout the entire product cycle process. In cases of a

project managers, designers, and engineers will become part

redesign, we also keep our eye on the bottom line by considering a product’s packaging to

of your team to accomplish this task.

potentially use less material, better protect for less damage, or to shorten labor time in assembly.

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