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Ocbodycoach Presents The Ultimate Weight Gainer System Dear Fellow Gym Buddy, I like to keep things simple. I don’t like complicated methods or working harder than someone else to achieve the same results. Below is the exact plan that I used to form the body I have now. It will enable you continue to grow and teach you how to maintain. Please read over this information before our phone call. I do not expect you to absorb 100% of this right now. This takes time! Remember that. I will be here for the next four months to drill it into your head until you are the beast you imagine being! Thanks for trusting me with your body, Bryan DeGiuseppe Ocbodycoach “The guy you call when you want to get ripped”


Ocbodycoach Presents: “The Ultimate Weight Gainer System Meal Plan” Created By : Ocbodycoach Learn From My Mistakes For years I was told that if I wanted larger muscles then I would have to eat every 23 hours. I’m not sure why, but I did not listen to the advice. I figured that as long as I worked out hard and took protein shakes, my body would grow. I ate however and whenever I wanted and worked out super hard. Sure, I made some gains, but I always plateaued at a certain weight. So, after watching other guys in the gym progress in a shorter time than I did, I asked them what they were doing. Again, I was told to eat lean protein every 2-3 hours and have a balanced serving of carbohydrates and fats. This time, I decided that I was going to eat every 2-3 hours but not the foods they recommended. (If this sounds like you, then don’t worry, you still have a chance to get a great body. I went 4 years of acting like a know-it-all before it clicked.) Another year passed and this time I made improvements, but I was still working


extremely hard for the results that others seemed to get with out any effort at all! I was doing everything I could to avoid eating the proper way. I tried to find a solution other than eating to get the results I had always desired. Naturally, I bad mouthed products and pretended like it was the supplement’s fault for why I was not progressing. But, it was really my fault.

I’m Lost, Do You Know How To Get There? Imagine a guy named Joe trying to go to his friends house that he just met. Joe’s friend lives in another city and there is only one street leading to his house. He wants to go hang out but has no idea how to get there. Joe gets directions then gets in his car and heads out. The directions will lead Joe right to his friend’s house in the shortest amount of time possible. The route is so detailed that there is no way Joe can get lost. For some reason Joe decides that he thinks he knows a better way. Remember, there is only one way to get there. So he makes a few wrong turns and instead of getting there in 15 minutes, it takes him 30 minutes to redirect and get back on course. Finally he gets there and realizes that if he had just stuck to the plan, it wouldn’t have wasted 15 minutes of his life trying to get back on course. I used to be Joe. I was given exact directions on how to get the body I had always desired but still thought I was doing something better. It took me 3 years to finally get back on course. It is my goal to stress to you that if you want to gain the weight and keep solid muscle gains, you must trust me. I am now Joe’s friend in the story. I know exactly how to get where you want to go and the fastest way to get there.

Why Do I Need To Eat Every 3 Hours I’m sure you have heard that is important to eat every 2-3 hours. Unless you are trying to be Mr. America, eating every 3 hours will get you the results you want. Most of us do not have time to eat every 2 hours, but if you do, it will definitely help. I found that every 3 hours will still give you that great beach body. Coach’s Recommendation: Eat every 3 hours for optimal results. For competitors eat every 2. (keep reading to find out what you should have to eat and how much of it)


When Should I Eat Here is a template that is very easy to follow : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Meal One : Wake Up Meal Two : 3 Hours After Meal 1 Meal Three : 3 Hours After Meal 2 Meal Four : 3 Hours After Meal 3 Meal Five : 3 Hours After Meal 4 Meal 6 - 8 : Eat a meal every 3 hours you are awake. No cut off time. You must eat before bed!

Pretty basic right? Plan your workouts 1 hour after any of the meals. You must eat 1 hour before you work out and 1 hour after if you want to see results. What happens if I don’t eat before and after my workouts? If you do not eat before you work out then your body will dig into your savings account (stored muscle) for protein. Working out uses a lot of calories that we need to store in order to get bigger. This will also help us to burn fat. Remember: The more muscle we have, the faster we use up stored body fat. If you do not eat after you workout then your body will dig into your stored muscle to repair itself from the workout. Instead of growing, you will actually be shrinking! This is the most important step in changing your body. You must be extremely strict here. Eating is a huge part of your lifestyle, so be sure to make time for your muscles. If you are going out for drinks, be sure you either bring a protein shake or go somewhere that has food. It’s not the drinking that prevents your progress, it’s not eating for 5 hours that hurts you. If you are going to a family function or a beach trip, be sure to pack quick snack meals. (Keep reading for more recipes.)

What Should I Eat? This is the part that will determine whether or not you get soft muscle or super dense,


grainy, impressive muscle. I started to eat every 3 hours, but was not eating the proper food. The results I got were far from perfect. Once I started eating the foods below, my body completely changed for the better. It seemed as if I worked half as hard and received double the results!

Protein: Meats: Chicken Breast, Steak ( any cut that is lean ), Turkey Breast, Fish. Dairy: Greek yogurt, cage free eggs Shakes: Whey, Casein blends. 25-35g of protein / <5g carbs / < 3g fat / < 1g sugar No Gluten / No Soy (filler agents; they make you think you are getting more protein than you really are) Above is an example of what the nutrition facts should look like. Serving Size : 40 - 50 grams. Translation into food : 6 - 8oz. of any meat (Different kinds of meat contain the same amount of protein per oz.) OR For dairy items 6 whole eggs 2 Greek yogurts You will need to consume one of the proteins above at least 5 times per day. You should purchase a cheap food scale to avoid over/under portions. Eventually you will not need one. (I have found them for $5 in most stores) NO NO’s : No lunch meat! The meat must be real and fleshy! If you want to get the best results, try cage free eggs and organic, grass fed meats.


keep reading...we are getting closer to your perfect meal plan!

Carbohydrates: Potato Family: Yams / Sweet Potatoes / Baked Potatoes Serving Size : Medium size or 10-12 oz precooked. I usually find the largest and the smallest ones at the store, then pick the one in the middle to buy. Brown Rice Serving Size : 1 - 2 cups after cooked Gluten Free Pasta Serving size : 3 - 4 oz. precooked Ezekiel Bread 2 - 4 Slices Lets put a few meals together: 8 oz. of chicken 1 medium yam 8oz. of top sirloin steak 2 cups of brown rice 6 whole eggs 3 slices of Ezekiel bread NOTE: The meals above are incomplete. Every meal must contain a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Now we have to top off our meal with the best part! Fats!

Fats: Almond Butter (ingredients should say : Raw Almonds ) 1 - 2 Tsp.


Avocado ½ per meal (1 per day) Butter 1 tsp You may cook your meat with the butter and consider it a fat Olive oil 1 Tbsp. You may cook your meat in the oil or use it as a salad dressing Any other healthy fats you come by, please ask me if they are worth your time.

Lets get your meals together! Example : 8 oz Steak 1 yam ½ avocado (you may still cook your meat in a fat, just cut back on the dose. Increase dose to cook with if you do not have a side of fat such as almond butter or avocado. This goes for every meal) 6 whole eggs 3 slices of Ezekiel bread with... 1 Tbsp of Almond butter on top All you have to do is pick one protein, one carb, and one fat for each meal. Very Simple! You may mix any of them however you’d like. Get creative and download recipes from the food network. They are great. Eventually, you will stick to salt and pepper because you wore every rub and seasoning out! We are going to discuss this diet plan on the phone, so please read through this. I am going to test you to make sure you are on the right track. This information is the key to your success!


Ocbodycoach Presents: “The Ultimate Weight Gainer System Supplement Plan� Created By : Ocbodycoach Protein Powder Designed to replenish your body immediately after your workout. Always take your shake at the gym. Do not wait more than 5 minutes. Serving : 60-70 grams. Whey Protein Whey Protein is a fast acting protein. Great for the morning and post workout. There are different types of whey. Isolated and Concentrated. Isolated protein will absorb 90% or more. Whereas concentrated proteins will be anywhere from 50-80%. It is always better to have isolated proteins as the first ingredient on the label of your protein. Casein Protein: Casein (kay-seen) protein is a great way to keep amino acids in your system for a long period of time.


● Takes about 6 hours to fully absorb. ● Great before bed. ● Great if you are going to replace a meal with a shake Instead of purchasing separate tubs of whey and casein, find a blend of both. Make sure it is Soy FREE and Gluten FREE. These are proteins that only absorb 20% and cause extreme bloating! BCAA’s Serving Size: 5-6 grams I prefer the powder forms over tablets. Amino Acids are key before you workout. Take these 30 minutes before you pump. These will help you protect your stored muscle and make you produce muscle before your workout is over. Very important! Creatine There are many different forms of creatine. Stay away from products with creatine monohydrate. (causes bloating) Use products that contain kre-alkalyn. Kre-alkalyn will increase: ● Strength ● Performance ● Endurance ● Recovery time Forms: Either powder or capsules are okay. Not tablets. Carbohydrate Powder I use Waxy-Maize. It is a fast acting carb that will pack on full muscle. This is a huge reason why guys do not put on weight. Once you start taking this, everything will change! Serving size : 70 grams (20 grams when cutting)


Please consult with me about fat burners, test boosters and any other type of hormone that you may want to try. The market is always changing with these products.

Ocbodycoach Presents: “The Ultimate Weight Gainer Body Building On A Budget� Created By : Ocbodycoach Body building on a budget will be a series of emails that you will receive through out the week. They will included local deals and specials on products that you will be taking. If you find deals on our shopping list, please let me know and I will place your deal in one of the emails. Start looking for these emails in your inbox soon!


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