Polokwane observer 31 july 2014red

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No total recall


Tien kinders beseer in gru-botsing >>BLADSY 5 NUUS>>

Geliefde leerkrag laat groot leemte

>> PAGE 9

Big Brother to monitor admin

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com Although champagne corks would have been the appropriate accompaniment to Monday’s announcement on the transition of the administrative intervention in five Limpopo departments, it doesn’t warrant the celebration of a total recall as yet for some. Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle indicated the intention to still engage Premier Stan Mathabatha on a host of concerns, based on information

Mosaic of Indian dance

contained in a report of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Select Committee on Finance on the Review of the Limpopo intervention dated 13 November last year. The document references some of the most pressing headaches facing the affected provincial government departments and uprooted by the intervention. Smalle explained a host of issues of concern would have been raised by the DA when the committee was set to meet yesterday (Wednesday) to deliberate on a thumbs-up on the recall of the administrators. To page 4

Vuiste klap tussen spelers, ouers na rasvoorval in skolerugbyfinaal RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

>> PAGE 6 PhotoS: Herbert Rachuene

An elaborate cross-cultural merger treated a Polokwane audience to a mosaic of Indian dance by a troupe of dancers from across India on Monday evening. The occasion, where Arts and Culture Deputy Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi (right) officiated, formed part of the Limpopo leg of the India Festival in South Africa.

“Dit is ondenkbaar en uiters kommerwekkend dat leerders onder die ouderdom van twintig, met ander woorde kinders wat na die aanbreek van ‘n demokratiese bestel in SuidAfrika gebore is, hulself nog skuldig maak aan blatante rassediskriminasie op die sportveld,” was die opmerking van ‘n toeskouer tydens Saterdag

se spog-skolerugbyfinaal tussen die eerste spanne van Hoërskool Pietersburg en die Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer van Thabazimbi op die rugbyveld van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé. ‘n Speler van Frikkie Meyer het na bewering herhaaldelik die gewraakte k-woord teenoor ‘n swart speler van PHS kwytgeraak en laasgenoemde het sy opponent gemaan om hom van rassistiese optrede te weerhou. Na bl 2


Community marches against bombardment of Palestine >> PAGE 17


Twentyyear wait for solving of pressing problem >> BLADSY 48 ACHIEVER>>

Rugbyuitblinker, Wernich binnekort na Dubai





July 31, 2014




Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 melany.observer@gmail.com



Polokwane Observer’s weekly price watch aims to assist readers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned money. We compared the prices (VAT inclusive) of household combination refrigerators on Tuesday, 29 July, between 09:00 and 10:00

Hisense 265 litres Combi Fridge Defy 365 litres Combi Fridge LG Fridge Bottom Freezer 271 litres

Apologies ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com Polokwane Observer in its edition of 24 July 2014 erroneously referred to Patrick Monkoe, acting Head of Marketing and Communications at Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) as Head of Marketing and Communications. He also holds a Masters degree in Business Leadership through Unisa and not in Business Internship as we reported. Our apologies to Monkoe and our readers for any inconvenience caused.

Makro, Polokwane R3 899 R4 299 R7 299

Hi-Fi Corporation, Polokwane R3 699 R4 299 R7 699

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Vuiste klap tussen spelers, ouers na rasvoorval in skolerugbyfinaal Van bl 1 Kort na die blaas van die eindfluitjie het ‘n oorlog in die kleine uitgebreek toe die PHS-speler sy opponent stormgeloop en met die vuiste getakel het. In ‘n kwessie van sekondes het ander spelers en selfs toeskouers op die pawiljoen by vuisgevegte betrokke geraak. Eers na luide uitroepe van die aankondiger is die orde in ‘n mate herstel. Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer se hoof, Colin Campbell, het die rassevoorval wat tot die geveg gelei het, ontken. “Ons kan nie die vuisgevegte aan rassisme toeskryf nie. Dit is bloot die gewone reaksie na ‘n taai eindstryd waar spelers mekaar meet, stamp, stoot en duik. Volgens my kennis is ‘n speler ongeveer 10 minute voor die eindfluitjie met die bal deur die gesig geslaan, wat die ontstaan van die geveg aangevuur het,” sê Campbell. Hy sê die skool keur glad nie ‘n vuisslanery of rassistiese voorvalle goed nie. “Dit is ‘n ongelukkige voorval wat plaasgevind het en ons verstaan dat dit sommige spelers en ouers omgekrap het. Die betrokke spelers is



reeds aangespreek en ons glo en vertrou dit sal nie weer gebeur nie,” sê Campbell. PHS-hoof, Willie Schoeman, het hom nie pertinent oor die oorsaak van die voorval uitgelaat nie, maar gesê dat ouers en toeskouers op die pawiljoen gewoonlik die skuldiges is wat ‘n situasie op die veld aanpor en dit erger maak deur onvanpaste aanmerkings van die kantlyn af te skree. “Leer jou kind respek vir homself, sy medespeler en die spel en sulke voorvalle sal nie gebeur nie,” sê Schoeman. Hy sê ‘n mens moet besef dat onderonsies in ‘n rugbywedstryd logies is en dat spelers vir mekaar sal opkom wanneer daar ‘n geveg uitbreek. “PHS is ‘n getransformeerde skool wat geen kind op grond van sy afkoms of kleur veroordeel nie. “Elke kind in die skool kry ‘n regverdige kans om homself te bewys en onderwysers streef daarna om leerders respek vir ander leerders te leer.” Beriggewing oor die verloop en uitslag van die wedstryd verskyn op die sportblaaie van die koerant.

Regstelling – Eliza Nieuwoudt In Polokwane Observer van verlede week is foutief berig dat Eliza Nieuwoudt Woensdagoggend na ‘n tref-en-trap-ongeluk oorlede is. ‘n Anonieme ooggetuie wat eerste op die toneel was sê: “Nieuwoudt was in Websterstraat (naaste hoek Marshallstraat) besig om oor die straat te beweeg nadat hy sy koerant by Petrostop se

geriefswinkel gekoop het. Hy het waarskynlik nie die aankomende voertuig gesien nie. Die voertuigbestuurder kon nie betyds stop om die ongeluk te vermy nie en het na die botsing dadelik stilgehou en hulp verleen.” Polokwane Observer vra om verskoning as enigiemand benadeel is en stel graag die feite reg.

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July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Die Volkswagen Polo GTI wat volgens die beeldmateriaal die botsing veroorsaak het.

Die Toyota Avanza waarin leerders van Laerskool Chris Hofmeyr beseer is.

Tien kinders beseer in botsing BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Naledi Chauke,‘n graad R-leerder van Laerskool Chris Hofmeyr is verlede Donderdag ernstig beseer toe die soveelste botsing op die hoek van Dorp- en Marshallstraat plaasgevind het en sterk steeds in die hospitaal aan. Sewe ander skoolkinders wat ook in die Toyota Avanza-bussie was, is volgens ‘n personeellid van die skool, ook met hoof- en ander beserings in die Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal opgeneem en intussen ontslaan. Twee ander kinders wat in een van die ander voertuie was, is ook beseer. Polokwane Observer het beeldmateriaal wat deur die geslotebaankamera van die 7 eleven-winkel geneem is, besigtig waarop gesien kan word hoe die bestuurder van ‘n

Volkswagen Polo GTI, wat in ‘n oostelike rigting in Marshallstraat gery het, die rooi verkeerslig verontagsaam en teen ‘n Isuzu bakkie en die Toyota Avanza wat langs mekaar in ‘n suidelike rigting in Dorpstraat gery het, bots. Die Toyota het daarna gerol en teen ‘n Volkswagen Polo wat by die winkel geparkeer was, gebots. Philip Smit, ‘n botsingrekonstruksiespesialis, het op die toneel bevestig dat die merke op die pad, posisies en wrakstukke van die voertuie ooreenstem met die beeldmateriaal. Dié kruising is baie gevaarlik omdat voertuie uit beide eenrigtingstrate teen hoë snelhede beweeg en daar gereeld ernstige ongelukke plaasvind, het Joey Rossouw, medeeienaar van 7 eleven gesê. Sy het gepleit dat die munisipaliteit wetstoepassing in die omgewing van dié kruising moet verskerp.

Temporary teachers told to be back at work WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The employment contracts of some temporary teachers in Limpopo have not been renewed after the Department of Basic Education announced recently that the schools where they were teaching don’t have vacancies anymore. The sudden announcement has resulted in hundreds of learners being without teachers since last Monday. This after the department issued a circular to circuit managers and school principals instructing them not to allow temporary teachers to continue with their services at public schools. The affected learners without teachers have already lost more than a week of valuable time for learning. Grade 12 learners are the most affected by the decision, especially with the

end of the year examinations fast approaching. The National Professional Teachers Organisation of South Africa (Naptosa) said they are disturbed by the decision of the LDE. “It is not only the temporary teachers but all educators that are affected by the decision of the department. No discussions were held with teacher unions before the decision was reached, despite the shortage of teachers in the province,” Azwidivhalei Mudau, Provincial Administrator for Naptosa in Limpopo commented. Jack Mokobi, Spokesperson for the department yesterday (Wednesday) said the decision to terminate the contracts of the temporary teachers has been put on hold after an urgent meeting with all the relevant stakeholders on Tuesday. He added that a notice has been issued to schools utilising temporary educators for them to be back at work today (Thursday).

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“Top official” court date set for next year ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The woman, who allegedly impersonated the personal assistant of Premier Stan Mathabatha when she was arrested while she was apparently driving under the influence of alcohol last week, is set to appear in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on 5 January 2015. Salome Mokgaphane, Manager Human Capital Investment at the Office of the Premier, was apparently intoxicated and driving against oncoming traffic in Landdros Maré Street when she was spotted by the Polokwane Crime Prevention Unit during a routine patrol in the early hours of Sunday last week. Spokesperson for Polokwane Police, Ntobeng Phala said the Police have to follow the standard procedure when someone is arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol. He said the procedure includes having blood tests done to determine the alcohol level in the bloodstream. “The tests are sent to Pretoria. The results can take up to six months. If the procedure is not followed according to law, the case might be thrown out of court,” he said. Spokesperson for the Premier, Kenny Mathivha said Mokgaphane was only recently transferred to Polokwane and her alleged statement about working closely with the Premier is false. Mathivha confirmed that Mokgaphane returned to work on the Monday after the alleged incident. He said although she faces charges of drunk, reckless or negligent driving, she was not on duty as the incident occurred on a Sunday. “Public regulations stipulate that if she brought the institution in disrepute, the incident will be investigated and the necessary steps will be taken,” he concluded.

Phala said she was allegedly en-route to Seshego when she was pulled over. It was reported that she was uncooperative and told the Police she saw nothing wrong with driving while facing oncoming traffic. “She claimed to be the personal assistant to the Premier Stan Mathabatha and boasted that she will strip the officers of their uniforms with one phone call.” He said Mokgaphane was detained in the Polokwane Police Holding Cells but was later released.

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July 31, 2014



No total recall

particular it indicates irregular expenditure of millions reduced to nil in the case of the departments of Education, Health and Public Works. Figures point at the Department of Education’s irregular expenditure of R162 million brought down to a zero balance. At Health and Public Works it was brought down from R73 million and R30 million to nil respectively, according to information recorded in additional notes. It was remarked that although none of the departments other than Roads and Transport received improved audit opinions, some improvements were effected by the administration team. Referencing the issue of textbooks and stationery addressed in a progress report by the Department of Education, the report underscores a decision to use the R249 million allocated for the procurement of textbooks for the 2013 academic year since no budget allocation to procure textbooks for the 2012 academic year had been made. “The decision was supported by both National and Provincial Treasuries.” On further matters relating to the affairs of the Department of Education, the committee stressed that Limpopo teachers were the highest paid in the country. Another key issue raised is the department having been characterised by lack of professional leadership and poor management skills. Among its observations the committee raised the issue of the Cabinet announcing that the administrators should start a six months period of hand-over to the Premier and his new executive on 12 August last year. As part of its recommendations the committee suggested NCOP approval of the lifting of the section 100(1)(b) intervention in Limpopo on condition that a transition phase be entered into and Public Service and Administra- that the administration team should have handed tion Minister Collins Chabane over provincial manageclarifies a matter during the ment by 31 March this press conference.

From page 1 Provincial Government spokesperson Phuti Seloba told Polokwane Observer that the intervention team and Premier Stan Mathabatha were supposed to make presentations to the NCOP’s Select Committee on Finance yesterday for a concurrence on the intervention as provided for in the Constitution. In its November report the select committee discusses reasons for the intervention, stating that Cabinet announced its intervention on 5 December 2011, effectively placing the Departments of Provincial Treasury, Education, Roads and Transport, Health as well as Public Works under national executive administration. The report refers to the identification of underspending, overspending and supply chain management as major challenges. Addressing matters arising from a progress report by the administration team and highlighting accumulated over expenditure in 2012/13 and over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), mention was made of Limpopo having reduced its unauthorised expenditure by R931 million. It further provides, among others, a comparison between the performance of the five departments under administration in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 financial years. In

Premier Stan Mathabatha addresses the media during Monday’s press briefing in Polokwane.

year. Making the announcement on the Section 100(1) (b) intervention in Limpopo achieving its objectives during a media briefing with a high level delegation consisting of four ministers, a deputy minister, the Premier and the MECs representing the affected Limpopo departments present in the beginning of the week, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene referred to a successful turnaround of financial management and governance in the province. In his address to the media Nene said while the Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene and Premier Stan Mathabatha province’s finances had in conversation prior to the start of the media conference on stabilised, there were areas Monday. still requiring addressing, executive. “This is to give effect to Section including the conclusion of disciplinary and 100(1)(a) to make provision for outstanding criminal cases, the appointment of competent issues and to exercise oversight and provide senior managers in key positions, addressing the skills gaps in financial management and support on implementation of the sustainability infrastructure as well as resolving weaknesses projects. in supply chain management systems. “Performance against these conditions will He clarified the Cabinet approval for the form the basis for determining the time at transition of the intervention from Section which both the transition to Section 100(1)(a) 100(1)(b) to Section 100(1)(a) by saying it is finalised as well as when the intervention is meant that the MECs of the affected provincial withdrawn altogether.” departments would assume full executive powHe assured Limpopo had turned the corner ers to run the departments and the accounting and its administration was in the process of officer role would revert back to the respective being handed back to the provincial executive. department heads (HODs). “The concurrence “There is a clear plan for the province to comof the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) is plete remaining tasks and deal with systemic being sought in terms of Section 100(1)(2)(c) challenges and risks. The National Executive of the Constitution.” will continue to play an oversight role as part Nene further stated Cabinet had also given of the transition.” clear conditions that the provincial executive He concluded saying the Cabinet decision would have to fulfil a pre-requisite for deterto intervene in Limpopo clearly demonstrated mining complete withdrawal. “In this regard government’s commitment to clean administrathe national executive authority will define the tion and efficient service delivery that would measures that the province will need to take result in achieving and sustaining a better life to address identified areas of failure and will for all. monitor the province’s progress. The province Several structures in the province, including will also be supported to avoid relapse.” He the African National Congress (ANC) and its referred to Cabinet mandating the inter-minisyouth league (Ancyl) as well as the Limpopo terial committee to enter into a memorandum United Business Forum (LUBF) this week welof understanding with the Premier and his comed the departure of the intervention team.

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Ladanna inwoners is mismoedig oor droë krane en gebarste pype RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die stad se verouderde infrastruktuur is die afgelope twee weke weer as oorsaak van die waterprobleme in Ladanna aangevoer. Inwoners is moedeloos en die joos in omdat talle waterpype in die gebied voortdurend bars en huishoudings en besighede vir dae sonder water is. Benewens die ongerief wat die gesukkel meebring, kos dit die belastingbetaler enorme bedrae omdat ongeveer 13% van die stad se water as gevolg van gebarste pype vermors word. ‘n Ladanna-inwoner sê verlede week was inwoners twee dae sonder water. Gedurende die naweek en die afgelope week ervaar hulle steeds onderbroke watertekort. Munisipale woordvoerder, Malesela Maubane sê die munisipaliteit werk onverpoos om watertoevoer na Ladanna te herstel. “Ons is bewus van verskeie pype wat die afgelope twee weke in onder meer Doornkraal-, Vermikuliet- en Bushstraat gebars het.” Maubane sê die munisipaliteit vervang en herstel pype so gou moontlik om die 13% waterverlies te verminder en so min moontlik ongerief te veroorsaak. Hy sê die munisipaliteit se R205 miljoen-plan om die stad se waterpype met asbespype te vervang is steeds onder bespreking.

Geliefde leerkrag OBSERVER laat ‘n groot leemte Julie 31, 2014


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


usan Geyer, steunpilaaronderwyser van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos, is Vrydag in die vroeë oggendure vermoedelik aan ‘n hartaanval oorlede. Geyer het Afrikaans vir graad 7-leerders aangebied en was ook vakhoof. As kultuurhoof van die skool het sy die tweejaarlikse Koraal Kunstefees met groot sukses gereël sowel as die skool se redenaarskompetisies. Sy het ook die skool se spiesgooiers afgerig. Waarnemende skoolhoof, Lizette Olivier sê Geyer was agt jaar aan die skool verbonde en sy het haar leer ken as ‘n persoon op wie mens kon vertrou om alle take nougeset en pligsgetrou af te handel sonder dat dit ooit

“Susan se leiding as vakhoof nodig was om op te volg of was vir my en haar kollegas ‘n iets gedoen is. “Susan was inspirasie en van onskatbare een van die veelsydigste en waarde vir die skool.” mees kreatiewe mense wat ek Die skool se vlag hang ooit geken het en ‘n perfeksedert Geyer se afsterwe sionis wat net met haar beste halfmas as eerbetoon aan een tevrede was. Sy kon enige van die skool se Afrikaanse taalstaatmakers wat kwessie oplos nie maklik vergeet met haar wye sal word nie. insig en kennis Geyer (50) van die taal word oorleef waarvoor sy so deur haar man lief was,” het Louis, Francél in Olivier gesê. Sy graad 12 en Tian het bygevoeg in graad 10 aan dat Geyer ook Hoërskool Pietersaltyd tyd en burg. empatie gehad ‘n Gedenkhet vir die lot diens word vanvan kinders dag (Donderdag) wat leerproom 12:00 by die bleme gehad NG Kerk Pietershet en moeilike lewensFoto: Verskaf burg-Noord in Dorpstraat vir omstandighede Susan Geyer is Vrydaghaar gehou. moes hanteer. oggend oorlede.

Lim Tourism Agency looks for new CEO >> Vacant for four months >> ‘We need a leader’ Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The post of Chief Executive Officer at Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) is being advertised after the previous incumbent, Nocks Seabi vacated the position four months ago. Seabi was suspended by the LTA Board for non-compliance with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations in October last year. Spokesperson for LTA Mike Tauatsoala said Seabi resigned earlier this year after he was elected Provincial Secretary of the African National Congress (ANC). Fixon Hlungwani, Executive Director Wildlife Resorts and Seipati Tlaka, acting Chief Provincial Conventions Bureau Officer were tasked with acting in the post for the past few months. In response to our enquiry Tauatsoala said: “Yes, we are advertising the position and people with the relevant qualifications may apply. It is important to have a CEO in the organistaion, because an organisation as big as ours cannot run without a leader.”

Goudbruin Spaniëlreun met lang hare en hangore het Sondagaand omstreeks 20:00 in Meteorlaan, Bendor naby Oosskool verlore geraak. Giezie is ± 10 jaar oud. Annemarie 072 240 4903

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Oosskool se vlag hang halfstok om die skool se leedwese met die heengaan van ‘n geliefde onderwyser, Susan Geyer te betoon.



July 31, 2014

Besigheidsman beroof voor bank



Die verdagte wat Dinsdagoggend ‘n besigheidsman voor ‘n bank in Malamulele beroof het, is nog steeds op vrye voet. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto sê ‘n besigheidsman was op pad bank toe toe hy na bewering voor Absa deur ‘n gewapende rower oorval is. “Die vermeende misdadiger het die man

blykbaar met ‘n vuurwapen gedreig en drie skote afgevuur. ‘n Straatsmous is in die voorval in die been getref, maar nie ernstig beseer nie,” sê Otto. Sy sê die rower het blykbaar ‘n sak met geld gegryp voordat hy in ‘n donkerkleurige voertuig gespring en weggejaag het. Geen arrestasie is nog gemaak nie.

Indian dance enthral Polokwane audience >> It was a good performance >> promote social cohesion and cultural diversity in both countries Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

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A captivating performance, Nrityarupa: A mosaic of Indian Dance presented at Library Gardens on Monday evening as part of the Festival of India in South Africa, was unfortunately marred by the unruly behaviour of a section of the audience. The festival began last Friday and lasts until 10 August with performances at different venues across the country. Nrityrupa offers the audience a glimpse of the great diversity of Indian dance as it has developed in different parts of India. It presents, through six different dances, the huge cultural variety that personifies the Indian nation. The India Festival in South Africa forms part of the 20 years of freedom and democracy celebrations; the 100 years since the return of Indian icon Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa to his native land on 18 July 1914 and coin-

cides with celebrations of the life and values of liberation struggle icon Nelson Mandela. Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture, Rejoice Mabudafhasi thanked the High Commissioner of India to South Africa, Virendra Gupta, the National and Provincial government and everyone else who made the festival possible. “It was a good performance and I hope people enjoyed it because I did. The Limpopo leg of the India Festival in South Africa formed part of the implementation of an agreed programme whereby reciprocal cultural festivals would be in each other’s country to implement the programme of cooperation to promote social cohesion and cultural diversity in both countries. Spreading the festival in provinces such as Limpopo expands our international cultural footprint, tourism opportunities and gives meaning to the idea that arts and culture bring people together,” Mabudafhasi said. A member of the audience, Betty Mokgohloa from Seshego said it was good to experience the Indian culture through the performance. “It was a good experience, something different to see and I wouldn’t mind visiting India just to see similar performances,” she said.


E-mail observer.yolande@gmail.com with your picture and caption. The reader who sends in the best photo will receive a monthly cash prize of R250.

Dave Blumrick took this picture of a White-Fronted Bee-eater on a smallholding in the Percy Fyfe area on the outskirts of Polokwane.

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer

A brighter future for elections Photo: Roelien Vorster

Provincial Electorial Officer Nkaro Mateta welcomes Unisa Students.

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in Limpopo hosted 35 University of South Africa (Unisa) students from 25 African countries at its head office on Tuesday. Provincial Electoral Officer, Nkaro Mateta said the students will be exposed to several sectors of Polokwane while they experience the various African countries through their fellow delegates. “The future of elections in South Africa looks brighter,” she said. Students from Zanzibar, Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, DRC, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Comoros, Namibia, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Lesotho, Gambia, Malawi, South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, South Sudan, Zambia and Kenya attended. Programme Administrator at Unisa, Alfred Matjila said the institution has three intakes

a year where students participate in a three week training session at Unisa and another week is spent at the IEC offices in Polokwane. Matjila explained that the programme started in 2011. “In 2012 we had an intake of between 24 and 35 delegates from different African countries and in 2013, about 70 officials were trained. The programme expanded in 2014 with the second intake returning to their home countries on Saturday. “The overall objective is to capacitate them in the different areas of successfully managing elections through the different countries. Good governance, clean leadership and ethics predict how elections are run. It determines how peaceful a country is,” he said. The programme is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which covers all the expenses including airfare, transport, meals and accommodation. Once the students have completed the programme they are tasked with the completion of an assignment and a portfolio in which they convey both their practical and theoretical experience of the programme.” “To be part of this programme, the student must be employed by the IEC. The certificate is an additional accreditation,” Matjila said, adding that 108 accredited qualifications are to be awarded. He explained the incentive for the programme to be the fact that countries have different election models. “The students have discussions among themselves to see which system is the best model to run elections. An addition to the programme is that the USAID included an alumni programme where all students who passed since 2011 will travel to Botswana and meet in Gabarone to continue to strengthen good ethical leadership.” Matjila said the delegates also visited various historical and cultural sites across the country.




Accidents not due to road surface

July 31, 2014



>> Department to decide on maintenance procedures ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


aintenance and upgrading of the Georges Valley road (R528) between Haenertsburg and Tzaneen will from 1 August be the responsibility of the recently restructured Department of Public Works,

Photo: RoeliEn Vorster

The Georges Valley Road is riddled with potholes.

Roads & Transport. Spokesperson for the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison, Jimmy Machaka said the road, which is riddled with potholes, will be the responsibility of the department. “They will decide on what procedure to follow to maintain the road.” The Departments of Roads and Transport and of Safety, Security and Liaison were reconfigured about two months ago to form the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison.

Machaka said statistics have shown that the number of accidents on the road is not caused by the poor condition of the road surface, but rather by reckless and negligent drivers. “We will continue to coach motorists to be safe drivers. Although the road surface is not up to standard, motorists must be more vigilant and careful.” Machaka said it is expected that work on the Georges Valley road will commence in the upcoming financial year.

Communist Party to celebrate 93rd YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The South African Communist Party (SACP) in Limpopo will be attracting a host of cadres from its structures as well as alliance partners for the party’s 93rd birthday celebrations this weekend. According to SACP Provincial Secretary Gilbert Kganyago the two-day celebrations would be preceded by a monthly Politburo meeting tomorrow (Friday). The weekend programme is expected to commence with a breakfast session in Polokwane on Satur-

day morning. Kganyago said members of the SACP’s Central Committee would be deployed to venues across Limpopo during the course of the day to, among others, get a sense of the work the party was doing in the province and the role it needed to play in terms of challenges identified. In the evening guests would gather for a gala dinner at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World outside Polokwane to be hosted by SACP General Secretary Blade Nzimande, who will also be the main speaker at a rally at Jack Botes hall in Polokwane on Sunday. The event is scheduled for 10:00.

Reservoir levels above 75% RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane’s reservoirs measured above the 75% mark on Tuesday afternoon despite thousands of litres of water wasted due to several pipe bursts in Ladanna the past two weeks. In another report elsewhere in today’s edition municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane is quoted saying that 13% of the

city’s water supply goes to waste due to pipe bursts. According to the figures provided by Maubane the 50 mega litre reservoir measured at 84% with the new 30 mega litre reservoir at 78% while the old 30 mega litre reservoir remains empty due to refurbishment. The reservoirs in Potgieter Avenue, Extention 34 and Seshego measured at 83%, 95% and 82% respectively.

Increase in housebreakings

Spokesperson for Westenburg Police, Mohlaka Mashiani expressed his concern about the alarmingly high rate of housebreakings in the Westenburg, Ladanna and Ivy Park areas. He said the modus operandi is in most instances the same. “The burglars break in at night. They break a window near a door to find access to the keys hanging close by. They then unlock the door to steal household items,” he said. He warns residents not to leave their house keys near a door. “Residents must also reinforce their security system. Make sure the house has burglar bars and security gates,” he said.

Marching in protest against bombardment of Palestine WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


undreds of people marched to the Office of the Premier on Friday in protest of the perceived indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians by Israeli aircraft in the conflict between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza strip. The group handed over a memorandum of demands to Premier Stan Mathabatha, who in turn promised to forward the document to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to hand over to the Israel Embassy in Pretoria. The death toll among Palestinian civilians killed by the Israeli forces since the start of the conflict a month ago had risen to over a thousand by the weekend, before the declaration of a ceasefire for humanitarian aid and in celebration of Eid, the end of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslim worshippers. Among the organisations represented during the march were the Polokwane Muslim community, Bariq Al Amal, African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP), Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco). Some of the demands included in the memorandum are the recall of the Israel ambassador in South Africa, the boycott of all Israeli products, a travel ban on Israelis visiting South Africa and the immediate end to the indiscrimi-

Julie 31, 2014





nate attacks on civilians in Palestine. Speaking on behalf of the Muslim Community in Polokwane, prominent attorney Abdully Osman said all peace-loving South Africans are aghast with the excessive force being used by Israel on the defenceless people of Palestine. He highlighted the air attack on a beach in Palestine where a group of children were playing football. After receiving the memorandum on behalf of the government in Limpopo, the Premier expressed his solidarity with the people of Palestine. Asma Bava representing Bariq Al Amal, meaning Glimpse of Hope, speaks in front of the Office of the Premier on Friday to highlight the plight of innocent women and children, who have been killed during Israeli air raids into Palestine.


Some of the protesters who joined Friday’s march protest the bombing by Israel of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

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Some of the banners displayed by the marchers on Friday.

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Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

CRIME shorts Owner of illegal cigarettes still wanted

Need to reNt a

The Westenburg Police are still searching for the owners of the illegal cigarettes that were confiscated at the Protea Hotel Ranch Resort on 21 July. Westenburg Police Spokesperson, Mohlaka Mashiani, said the resort’s management apparently alerted the Police when they suspected illegal activities on the premises. He said the estimated street value of the illegal cigarettes is in the region of R30 000. “About 379 cartons of Remington Gold cigarettes, a brand allegedly imported from Zimbabwe, was found after the Police performed a random search at four other lodges in the area.” He said the illegal cigarettes can not at this time be linked to the previous bust of close to R500 000 made in Buluwayo Street in Ladanna. “We appeal to the community to come forward with any information that may lead to the arrest of the suspects.” Anyone with information can contact Westenburg Police Station on 015 292 9410/15.

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The Westenburg Police continue to investigate the death of a 61-year-old man that was found by passersby near Extension 14 on the Matlala Road on Thursday evening. Spokesman Mohlaka Mashiani said the victim was stabbed with a sharp object at the back of his head. “We don’t suspect that a robbery took place since nothing was stolen,” said Mashiani. He said the Police appeal to the community to come forward with any information regarding the stabbing. Contact the Westenburg Police Station on 015 292 9410.

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Agt dwelmhandelaars gearresteer

Agt vermeende dwelmsmokkelaars is die naweek in hegtenis geneem nadat die Lephalale polisie op hulle toegeslaan het. Provinsiale woordvoerder Hangwane Mulaudzi sê die polisie in Lephalale, georganiseerde misdaadeenheid (Valke), misdaad intelligensie-eenheid en speurders het ‘n klopjag in die Komolong-area gehou toe die dwelmsmokkelaars vasgetrek is. Volgens Mulaudzi word die verdagtes aan ‘n sindikaat gekoppel. “Die dwelms sluit kokaiëne, Mandrax en CAT in. Die polisie het ook R44 000 kontant en 42 gesteelde selfone gevind.” Hy sê die verdagtes bly in aanhouding tot hulle volgende verskyning nadat hulle Dinsdag in die Lephalale Landdroshof verskyn het.

Inbrake in die stad neem toe ‘n Tussenverkiesing vind in Wyk 20 en 23 op Woensdag 13 Augustus 2014 plaas. A By-Election will be taking place in Ward 20 and 23 on Wednesday 13 August 2014. As u by enige van die onderstaande stemlokale geregistreer is, kan u op 13 Augustus 2014 stem. If you are registered at any of the voting stations below, you can vote on 13 August 2014. STEMLOKALE / VOTING STATIONS • FLORAPARK COMPREHENSIVE PRIMARY SCHOOL • HOËR TEGNIESE SKOOL TOM NAUDE • FULL GOSPEL CHURCH - BET SHALOM • LAERSKOOL PIET HUGO • LAERSKOOL PIETERSBURG NOORD Franco Marx Wyk / Ward 20 Kandidaat / Candidate Tel NR: 083 333 3337


Roelof Lourens Wyk / Ward 23 Kandidaat / Candidate Tel NR: 072 209 0176

Vir verdere inligting, kontak asseblief ons kantoor by 015 295 9080. For further information, please contact our office on 015 295 9080. Maak seker of jy geregistreer is om te stem! SMS jou ID-nommer na 32810 (tik die nommer sonder enige spasies), en ons stuur vir jou ‘n SMS wat jou registrasie besonderhede bevestig!

Check if you’re registered to vote! SMS your ID number to 32810 (type the number without any spaces) and you will receive an sms confirming your registration details!

Stem op 13 Augustus 2014 en hou Wyk 20 en 23 DA!

Vote on 13 August 2014 and keep Ward 20 and 23 DA!

Compiled and printed by Jonathan Moakes, Theba Hosken House, Gardens, Cape Town

Agtien arrestasies vir verskeie misdade soos aanranding, aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, winkeldiefstal, diefstal en roekelose of nalatige bestuur is die afgelope naweek in die Polokwane-omgewing gemaak. Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba sê die polisie rig ‘n versoek aan die gemeenskap om met inligting na vore te kom. “Ons grootste uitdaging tans is inbrake uit motorvoertuie en huise. Inwoners word vermaan om op die uitkyk te wees vir verdagtes of vreemde motors wat in strate rondbeweeg.” Ramoshaba sê inbrake vind veral op

Vrydag- en Saterdagaande plaas wanneer die mense nie tuis is nie. “Huiseienaars is geneig om inbrake lank na die voorval te rapporteer wat veroorsaak dat die polisie se ondersoek vertraag word. Diefstal van selfone en skootrekenaars is ook aan die toeneem.” Ramoshaba sê die publiek moet seker maak dat hul elektriese toerusting veilig gebêre word wanneer hulle hul kantore verlaat omdat dit kan help om handel in gesteelde items stop te sit. “Kopers kan die polisie bystaan om vermeende misdadigers vas te trek deur die polisie te skakel as hulle vermoed dat goedere gesteel is. Die gemeenskap en die polisie moet saam werk om misdaad te keer.”

Family held at gunpoint

A man estimated to be 29-years-old, is wanted in connection with an alleged house robbery in Randburg, Johannesburg on 29 June. The South African Police This suspect Service calls on the public is wanted by to assist with informathe Police for alleged house tion that may lead to the robbery. arrest of the suspect. Pretoria Police Station Spokesperson, Neville Malila said the suspect and three accomplices entered a house through an open window and held a family at gunpoint. They robbed the family of an undisclosed amount of cash as well as a bottle of liquor before fleeing the scene. He said the suspect is about 1,55 metres tall and medium build with no visible scars or tattoos. He wore a blue denim and navy jacket and spoke Zulu. He drove a black MercedesBenz and used a pistol. Anyone with information can call the Crime Stop Tip-Off line 08600 10111 or SMS Crime Line 32211.

Woman bites would-be rapist’s lips

A 21-year-old man is due to appear in the Marble Hall Magistrate’s Court again on 5 August on charges of attempted rape, robbery and perjury. Spokesperson for Marble Hall Police, Lethunya Mmuroa in a media statement said the suspect was arrested on Tuesday night after he allegedly attempted to rape a woman who then in turn bit his lips. The man apparently offered to help a 21-year-old woman to catch a taxi to Madikoti from Marble Hall on Tuesday night. The two started walking and the man suggested the woman accompany him to his house. “She refused his intentions and the man became very angry,” Mmuroa said. He then allegedly grabbed her, took her into bushes alongside the road and forcibly kissed her. The woman overpowered him and bit his mouth. “The man was badly bitten on his top and bottom lip,” Mmuroa confirmed. He then ran to the Police station where he reported that he had been robbed and stabbed. Police took him to the Matlala Hospital for treatment. The woman meanwhile reported the incident to Marble Hall Police and gave them a description of the man and his injuries. The man was arrested at the Matlala Hospital.

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Kruinies se nuwe laerskoolhoof wil met mening inspring tien jaar in Polokwane waar hy onder meer wiskunde vakhoof by Felixton College, adjunkhoof van Mitchell House en hoof van MeriLowe Kruger streef daagliks dian College en Northern Muslim daarna om vir leerders ‘n voorSchool was. Hy het vroeër vanjaar beeld van ‘n gesonde Christelike as leerkrag by Curro Heuwelkruin lewenstyl te wees wanneer hy aangesluit. wiskunde onderrig. “Persoonlikheid, mensekennis Die beginsel kan hy ook uitleef en liefde vir onderrig is die eienwanneer hy aan die begin van die vierde kwartaal Curro Heuwelkruin skappe van ‘n goeie skoolhoof. Jy moet ook deurentyd jou personeel se operasionele hoof van die laeren leerders met skool word. respek behandel, Kruger is baie hulle waardeer en opgewonde oor die onderskraag waar pos. “Ek is ongeloofjy kan,” sê Kruger. lik dankbaar maar Hy sê hy is nie nederig om deur een dag spyt oor die Here se genade sy besluit om deel weer die pos as van die Curroskoolhoof te beklee. groep te word nie. Ek wil my hande “Die maatskappy vuil kry en sommer groei jaarliks en dadelik inspring. hul Christelike Die uitdaging is etos vind groot groot, maar met aanklank by baie die fondasie wat ouers en leerTinus Enslin gelê kragte.” het en die spanwerk Kruger sal vir van die toegewyde FOTO: RC MYBURGH die res van die jaar personeel, kan die Lowe Kruger is pas steeds wiskunde taak net makliker aangewys as nuwe operavir graad 11- en word.” sionele laerskoolhoof van 12-leerders gee. Curro Heuwelkruin. Hy is ongeveer RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Muni acts quickly to restore electricity RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com A power outage caused by alleged attempted cable theft along the Mogwadi road on Tuesday morning left residents of Emdo Park, Lesedi Park, Rethabile Gardens and parts of the Mogwadi road in the dark. Polokwane Municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane said

municipal community safety officers investigated the matter and found that cables were damaged due to attempted cable theft. “Our technicians moved swiftly to repair the damaged cable and electricity was restored late on Tuesday afternoon,” he said Maubane urged residents still affected or without electricity to report the matter on 015 290 2490/2457/2458.

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Mitchell House reaches out to less fortunate

July 31, 2014

12 OBSERVER polokwane

Mitchell House Grade 2 learner Waseem Elmezayen brought an extra lunch box for his Lebowaganyane Primary School friend, Mogano Ramaremo.

Andrew Cook, Mitchell House Headmaster and Sue Altenroxel, Head of Mitchell House Enrichment Centre painting the classrooms at Lebowaganyane Primary School.

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The learners and educators at Mitchell House College took the time during their winter school holidays to commemorate the first Mandela Day without the beloved world icon to spend the day painting the classrooms of Lebowaganyane Primary School in Mooketsi Ga-Sekgopo. Mitchell House Headmaster An-

drew Cook enthusiastically joined the learners to make a difference at a school less fortunate than their own. On Friday it was the turn of the Preparatory learners to do something for Mandela Day when they made up enough stationery packs for every learner at Lebowaganyane Primary School. Mitchell House would like to thank the sponsors Limpopo Coaches, Dada’s World of Hardware and Makro for assisting with the initiative.

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Mitchell House Grade 6 and 7 learners prepare the stationery packs for the Lebowaganyane Primary School learners as part of their International Mandela Day initiative.

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Photos: Supplied

Mitchell House Headmaster Andrew Cook, Deputy Head Cathy Proctor, Head of Junior Phase Gerda Steenkamp and College Community Service learners welcome the Grade 2s from Lebowaganyane Primary School for their Mandela Day outreach project.

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July 31, 2014

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Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

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Acacia Park Resort going up in flames.

>> Over powered the fire fighters >> Huge blow to the Agency Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


impopo Tourism Agency (LTA) has described the recent fire that destroyed the reception area and part of the accommodation at Acacia Park Resort as a huge blow to the agency as the resort was one of its major

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draw cards in the Thohoyandou area. According to LTA Spokesperson, Mike Tauatsoala strong wind carried a veld fire raging in nearby bushes onto the premises of the popular resort where valiant efforts by fire fighters from Thulamela Municipality were thwarted by the force of the wind. “The cause of the fire outbreak is not known. This is a huge blow to us which really takes us off the market. Acacia is one the resorts which was doing well. It is also a huge regression because as Acacia was not on the list of the resorts to be renewed given its acceptable condition. This means that LTA management will have to reconsider its plans for this resort to be included for renovations,” Tauatsoala said. He could not confirm the cost of the damage as yet. He also mentioned that they are heartened by the fact that there were no casualties reported on the day. “We are glad that no one got hurt. It is sad as this happened against the backdrop of the recent successful launch of the Renewal Reserve Project at Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve, were MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Seaparo Sekoati together with Working on Fire created awareness on veld fires.”

Renosterkop Vasbyt nie vir sissies nie Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Plaaslike deelnemers het Saterdag in die eerste rondte van die Renosterkop Vasbyt deur moddergate en ander hindernisse gekruip en geklouter. Die pretbelaaide dag is deur Transsand Boerevereniging gehou met die oog op fondsinsameling vir gebiedsveiligheid en renosterbewaring. Deelnemers was dit eens dat dit inderdaad ‘n groot uitdaging is, maar almal het aan die einde saamgestem dat hulle dit weer sal doen om in aanmerking te kom vir

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die groot wenprys. Die roete strek oor ‘n afstand van 10 km met 15 hindernisse en deelnemers moet ouer as 16 wees. Spanne bestaan uit vier of meer lede. Die volgende twee uitdunrondtes vind op 30 Augustus en 13 September plaas. Die vyftig spanne met die beste tye in die kwalifiserende rondtes sal in die finaal op 4 Oktober sake uitspook vir die eerste prys van R20 000. Die naaswennerspan ontvang R5 000 en die derde span sal R2 000 ryker wees. Skakel Dawid Malan by 084 581 1022 om in te skryf vir die tweede rondte of besoek die webwerf www.renosterkop.co.za.

Mahwelereng: Cnr N11 & Dudu Madisha Dr, Moshate Cross Rd, Mahwelereng Polokwane Central: Cnr Boom & Excelsior Streets, Pietersburg (opposite railway crossing). Tel: 015 - 297 4652/5. Seshego Cnr Nelson Mandela & Madiba Park Crossing, Seshego (next to Sasol Garage). Tel: 015 - 223 2058. Mokopane: (Potgietersrus): 2 Sussex Road, Mokopane (opposite MGM Motors). Tel: 015 - 491 2488.




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July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer


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Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

Light at end of tunnel for Dalmada residents

Julie 31, 2014





Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com After 20 years and many petitions submitted residents of Dalmada/Baskoppies have finally got what they asked for when the traffic lights on the R71 at the intersection to PEPPS/Corobrick and Dalmada were installed last week and activated on Tuesday. After the installation of the traffic lights was completed by the contractor at the end of last week some motorists were treating the intersections as a four-way stop, while others continued speeding through the busy crossings. This resulted in confusion by motorists and a number of minor accidents were reported at the Dalmada turn-off as well as at the traffic circle to Myngenoegen on Monday morning. Speaking on behalf of the residents in the area, Dawn Hattingh the Secretary of the Dalmada Vigilance Association said the long-awaited traffic lights and circle at Myngenoegen should bring down the number of fatal accidents involving both pedestrians and vehicles at the busy intersections. “In the past ten years a number of schools were established in the area and the traffic lights will help to regulate the flow of traffic and slow down speeding motorists,” Hattingh commented. She thanked the South African National Roads Authority Limited (Sanral) and everybody involved in making the project a reality on behalf of the residents in the area. However, Hattingh cautioned motorists to still be vigilant as some motorists still approach the intersection at high speed and try to beat the traffic lights turning red. Lizelle Bezuidenhout has resided in the area since 1994 and clearly remembers when the first petition was signed by the Dalmada community 20 years ago for the installation of traffic lights at the intersection with the R71, which in those days was still a single lane in both directions. She added that the traffic lights and circle will hopefully reduce the number of accidents on the busy road.

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RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Police and the management of a number of shopping centres in the city and surrounds are collaborating to reduce and prevent crime on mall premises. Headed by Police officer André Kotze the initiative aims to create a safer environment for residents and visitors both inside and outside the city’s shopping centres. Kotze is aided by the managers and security managers of the participating malls. The modus operandi is to stay in constant contact by sharing information on criminal activities and photos or descriptions of suspicious people and vehicles moving in and around the mall premises. This means security personnel can be more alert and on the lookout for suspicious activity and immediately take necessary precautions. In a recently released media statement Mall of the North General Manager Sumari de Ridder is quoted to have said that since the inception of the initiative and thanks to better communication and understanding, shopping centres have experienced improved response times from the Police. “With more shopping centres joining the initiative, we can only succeed more in the fight against crime. The initiative has recently proven to be affective with the apprehension of a man involved in alleged ATM fraud. Photos were distributed between shopping centres and he was caught for a second time after being released on bail at Flora Park Spar for a similar offence earlier,” De Ridder reportedly said. She urged the management teams of other shopping centres and malls to contact her on 015 265 1026 for more information.



Per kg

Photos: Warren Blunt

Police, malls fight crime together


Selected products on this page have been styled for photography


Technicians install the traffic lights on the R71 at the turn-off to Dalmada last week.


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July 31, 2014

Tributes pour in for Mushiana

18 OBSERVER polokwane

>> The world of journalism has lost one >> Limpopo will be poorer without him

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox. co.za


owetan Limpopo Bureau Chief, Frank Maponya described the late seasoned photographer Elijar Mushiana as a humble, well-manPhoto: Supplied nered and dedicated photographer who Elijar Mushiana. wanted to excel in his duties no matter what it took. “He will be remembered for his commitment to team work. Sowetan in Limpopo will be poorer without him. His legacy will remain with us for a long time to come. May his soul rest in peace,” Maponya said. Mushiana who was a photographer at Sowetan Newspaper died at Mediclinic Limpopo on Sunday. His sister Mashudu Mushiana told Polokwane Observer on Monday.“He was admitted to the hospital early in June after he was diagnosed with colon cancer.” In a statement released by his office, Premier Stan Mathabatha is quoted to have said Mushiana has been one special journalist who

would follow all events in the province and capture them through his lense. “The world of journalism has lost one who would always entertain, a free spirited man. A self-taught journalist, who bridged the boundaries of poverty. Approachable by all, and fearless in his work. To his colleagues, friends and family our heartfelt condolences,” the statement read. African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Spokesperson, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said the ANC Limpopo will remember Mushiana for his commitment and dedication towards his work. “He was amongst the few who rose from the community print media space to excel in the mainstream of print media. Even in death, his story must inspire young people of Limpopo who aspire to pursue a career in the media that success is possible with perseverance and dedication,” Ntshavheni said. ANC Youth League Provincial Spokesperson, Onicca Moloi extended the league’s condolences to the media fraternity, his friends and family and wished them comfort during the time of bereavement. “Mushiana was a staunch cameraman, who held his camera with pride and did not disappoint when the call of duty dictated that he writes articles for the paper,” Moloi said. Mashudu said her brother‘s funeral will be held at the Tshimbupfe village near Thohoyandou on Saturday. Mushiana (41) is survived by his mother, two sisters and a brother

Community wants street lights after attacks Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Community members of Ga-Mojapelo and Ga-Maboi villages in the Mankweng area have requested Polokwane Municipality to install street lights in the areas after two women were allegedly attacked by thugs on their way to work last month. Community Chairperson of Ga-Mojapelo and Ga-Maboi, Malesela Mogashoa said street lights will reduce crime in the area. “Most people who live here use buses to and from their place of work. They board those buses from around 5:00 to 5:30 and by then it is still very dark. When they arrive back they are confronted with a similar situation because the buses drop them off at the rank around 19:00 and that is where they are targeted by thugs,” Mogashoa said. “Proper lighting in the main streets of the

areas and at the bus rank would make a difference and community members using those routes will feel a lot safer,” Mogashoa added. Polokwane Municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane confirmed that a letter requesting for high mast lights in Ga Mojapelo and Mmaboi area was received and that the municipality is in the process of responding to it. “We would however like to point out that high mast lights are installed as per priority list which is discussed at platforms like Integrated Development Plan (IDP) community consultations and Representative Forums. Mmaboi residents never listed this as as a priority during the recent IDP consultations,” Maubane said. He also reiterated that the lights are installed as per crime statistics received from the South African Police Service. “They are in contact with Mankweng SAPS to give them an assessment of the area in terms of statistics,” he concluded.

Univen serial killer faces 16 charges ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Suspected Thohoyandou serial killer, Godfrey Ntsieni will on 21 October make a second court appearance facing 16 charges of rape, murder, attempted murder and kidnapping. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said the suspect appeared in the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court on 24 July when the case was postponed to 21 October. He will remain in custody. Ntsieni was arrested last Tuesday after a spate of rapes and murders took place at the University of Venda (Univen). He said the Police have every reason to believe they are dealing with a serial rapist and killer based on the modus operandi of the suspect. During a recent media conference held at the Joint Operational Centre in Ladine, Polokwane, the Provincial Police Commissioner, Fannie Masemola said the community of Thohoyandou was shocked when the body of a fourth woman was found in close vicinity of the

Univen campus. He said the victim, Brenda Ndove (45), a Univen employee, was found next to the old clinic with a deep wound on the back of her head. “The four victims include Ndove, Livhuwani Mbodi (22), nine-year-old Tshililo Ndou and Zwivhuya Alice Mashau (8) all of whom were raped before they were killed. Although the fifth victim, Shudufhadzo Sandy Thagisa was lucky to escape, she was heavily assaulted at Golgotha village and is currently still being treated in the intensive care unit of a Gauteng hospital,” Masemola said. According to Mulaudzi, Ntsieni, a student at Univen, was arrested at his home in Thohoyandou Unit C on 22 July. “A student identification card and a cell phone both belonging to Thagisa, were found in his possession.” Also found in his possession was a cell phone belonging to Ndove and a hairpin belonging to Mbodi. Masemola, at the press conference said he wanted to commend the students at Univen, the residents of Golgotha and the surrounding villages for cooperating with the Police.

Employers to face music with Employment Equity Act ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Acting in non-compliance with the Employment Equity Act (EEA) could see employers paying over R3 million in fines if the new amendments are anything to go by. A road show, organised by the Department of Labour was held in Polokwane last Wednesday. Assistant Director in the department, Pertunia Sele in a statement said: “With these new amendments on the Act, defiant designated employers have another thing coming their way and should just heed our call to comply freely or face the music.” Communications and Media Liaison for the department, Johannes Mokou explained that amendments to the act were done last year and although not promulgated by President Jacob Zuma yet, the penalties will be the same. Sele said the amendment has also

given Acting Labour Director General (DG), Sam Morotoba powers to impose a fine if a designated employer fails to prepare an Employment Equity Act plan. “This simply means that after an inspection has been conducted and the findings are negative, the inspectors would immediately recommend that the DG impose a fine through the Labour Court,” Sele said. Designated employers are those who employ 50 or more employees or those that are designated in terms of the threshold within a given sector. Phaswane Tladi, Provincial Chief Inspector (PCI) gave a stern warning to the attendees at the road show saying in a statement: “The new amendments on the act will really help us to fight the imbalances of the past because the mechanisms to ensure compliance have been improved drastically,” said Tladi. The amendments on the act will

also see non-complying employers with no previous contravention paying a heavy fine of R1,5 million or two percent of the employer’s turnover. Meanwhile, non-complying employers with previous contravention in respect of the same provision will pay a hefty fine of R1,8 million or four percent of the employer’s turnover. Furthermore, those with previous contraventions within the 12 months or two previous contraventions in respect of the same provision within three years will be fined R2,4 million or six percent of the employer’s turnover, while those with previous contraventions in respect of the same provision within three years will pay R2,4 million or eight percent of the employer’s turnover. Turning to obstruction, which refers to any individual who impedes compliance with provisions of the legislation, Sele said: “A fine not exceeding R30 000 00 may be given to anyone committing this offence.”

Struggle veterans urge youth to respect their elders RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Aganang Local Municipality recently hosted a Nelson Mandela memorial lecture with the aim of honouring the world icon’s legacy whilst also educating born-frees who did not experience the apartheid era. The lecture was delivered by African National Congress struggle veterans Ike Maphoto and Morris Matsemela. A press release issued by the municipality quoted Councillor Lisbeth Mothata to have said the municipality is proud to have selfless leaders and other struggle veterans who serve as its pillars in sharing Mandela’s history with the youth as a way of letting Madiba’s legacy live on. “Our young generation is losing touch with the legacy of Madiba. The born-frees are the future to preserve Madiba‘s legacy we are doomed to fail,” she said and further advised the youth of Aganang to promote Madiba‘s legacy by acquiring knowledge through education and learning to make South Africa a better place in celebrating 20 years of

freedom and democracy. Matsemela, an Aganang ward councillor, was born in Mashashane in 1931. He was detained after the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, incarcerated in Pretoria prison and later transferred to Leeuwkop and eventually Robben Island. The press release reported Matsemela to have appealed to the youth of Aganang not to misuse their freedom by being disrespectful to their elders. He referred to Mandela as a loving person whom he remember to have enjoyed singing and exercising while incarcerated on Robben Island. Umkhonto We Sizwe stalwart Maphoto reportedly expressed disappointment in the bad behaviour displayed by youth in public and government houses. “I am a commander who fought many struggles for freedom of a black person, but now our youth are swearing and disrespecting us after what we did for them. Parliament is a decent place that requires every individual to have morals and discipline,” he is quoted to have said during his lecture.

Rhino poached at World Heritage Site Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The discovery of the carcass of a rhino bull with its horns removed in the Mapungubwe National Park last Wednesday has distressed conservationists. According to South African National Parks (SanParks) acting Head of Communications, Reynold Thakhuli, it is the first reported rhino poaching incident at the World Heritage Site near Musina. “We are distressed at the loss of this rhino and are working tirelessly around the clock to bring the perpetrators to book,” Thakhuli said.

The crime scene is currently being investigated by a South African Police Services forensic team together with SanParks environmental crime investigators. “We will continue to fight the battle against rhino poaching and are encouraged by the steep sentence of 77 years given to a rhino poacher in the Mbombela Magistrate’s Court earlier in the week,” Thakhuli commented. The latest figures released by the Department of Environmental Affairs puts the number of rhinos poached in South Africa since the beginning of 2014 at 558, with 157 people being arrested for rhino poaching related incidences.

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Murder OBSERVER 19 suspects arrested Julie 31, 2014


ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


ive suspects were arrested so far and more arrests are expected soon following a number of ritual killings occurring in the province lately. Fannie Masemola, Provincial Police Commissioner, addressing a press conference at the Joint Operational Centre in Ladine last week, said notable progress into these killings has been made and intensive investigations are still underway, with some being at a critical stage. Referring to the community of Golgotha marching to the Thohoyandou Police Station a fortnight ago to deliver a memorandum of grievances, Masemola stated: “Residents claimed in their memorandum that the spate of killings that occurred at the University of Venda (Univen) recently was ritual related. We want to put the matter into perspective that none of those murders were ritual related. No body part whatsoever was removed from the bodies of any of the deceased and the arrested suspect will be facing charges of murder, rape, robbery and attempted murder.” Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said two suspects were arrested for the murder of Mercy Ndou (30) of Hamakuya Village who was found murdered on 15 June, a month after she went missing from her home on 15 May. Vhusiwana Nelson Baloyi and Desmond Nemushungwa appeared in the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of murder. Baloyi was allegedly found in possession of the victim’s cell phone and he also apparently implicated Nemushungwa in the crime. Regarding the ritual murder of John Miyambo (35) of Xipurapureni, Malamulele on 24 June Samson Nkavani Majoko (35) was arrested after being found in possession of human body parts. Majoko’s next court appearance in the Malamulele Court was set for 30 July (yesterday), according to Mulaudzi. Two suspects were arrested for the ritual murder of 26-year-old Frans Madiba


in Mahwelereng. “Lodwick Lesiba Kutumela and Johannes Madiba pointed out the crime scene and were also found with incriminating evidence. According to Mulaudzi they are expected to appear in the Mahwelereng Magistrate’s Court tomorrow (Friday). In the meantime Ernest Kgashane Malatjie is still being detained following his arrest for the suspected ritual murder of Kgomotso Ragolane (15) in Letsitele. “Blood stains matching that of the victim were found on the suspect’s clothes. He will appear in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court on 19 August,” Mulaudzi said. Another ritual murder accused, Azwitamisi Freddy Tshikhudo admitted to the murder of an unknown woman in Makhado in April 2013. Mulaudzi said due to the complexity of the case the intensive investigation is at a critical stage. Tshikhudo led the Police to the crime scene. Also still under intensive investigation is the suspected ritual murder of Elinah Nyelisani Mphaphuli (60) of Itsani village. “Police are hot on the heels of the suspect/s and an arrest is expected soon,” Mulaudzi stated. Masemola said the Police would like to downplay allegations of a ritual murder reported in a leading newspaper last week Wednesday. “It was claimed that a body of a 55-year-old Florah Ndlovhu from Dzangoma village outside Tzaneen was found with the right leg, right arm and private parts cut off. He confirmed that a post mortem had concluded that no body parts of the victim were removed and added that the Police are investigating a murder case. He said the Provincial Police are in full support of the ritual killing summit organised and hosted by the Thohoyandou Police Cluster in Thohoyandou on the same day. He said one life lost for any reason is one life too many. “We will do whatever it takes to stop all murders in the province, this includes supporting all initiatives which are aimed at restoring morals and keeping the province safe,” he concluded.

Ondergenoemde lede of naasbestaandes moet asb sonder versuim kontak maak met een van die volgende persone:


Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Pasiënt stap meer as 14 000 km Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


et ‘n allemintige 40 kg-rugsak en ‘n opgerolde tent het Jurie Pieters van Franschhoek besluit om te stap tot hy gesond is nadat hy in Junie verlede jaar met breinkanker gediagnoseer is en die dokters hom twee jaar gegee het om te leef. In September 2013 het hy die langpad van Kaapstad gevat waarna Nelspruit, Richardsbaai en Durban gevolg het. Daarna is hy terug Gauteng toe en al met die N12 en N1 weer terug Kaap toe. Pieters stap gemiddeld 50 km ‘n dag. Nog was dit het einde niet. Tevrede met sy eerste tog het hy weer die lang pad gevat van die Kaap tot Potchefstroom, Gauteng, Newcastle, Standerton en toe noordwaarts. Verlede Woensdag in Polokwane het Polo­kwane Observer hom by die Mall of the North raakgeloop waar hy oor sy lewe gesels het. “Ek het ‘n geloofsooreenkoms met God dat ek sal bly stap tot ek weer gesond is,” sê Pieters wat hoop om na vyf jaar terug te gaan na die dokters en te sê: ‘Kyk ek is gesond.’ ” Vir nou voel hy bevry deur te stap, het ‘n sterk geloof en geen bekommernisse nie al het hy nie geld nie en slaap gereeld in die veld langs die pad in sy tent sonder enige beskerming. Pieters kyk nou op 48-jarige ouderdom heel anders na die lewe. Hy het vyf jaar gelede die Redwood Restaurant in Franschhoek besit voor hy sy vrou en jong tweelingdogters in ‘n motor­ongeluk op die N1 naby Drie Susters verloor het. Die skok was so groot dat hy alles verkoop het en op ‘n twee jaar wêreldtoer gegaan en al sy geld spandeer het. Kort daarna is hy met breinkanker gediagnoseer waarna die stappery begin het. Terwyl hy stap, dra hy min kos en water. As hy dors raak, drink hy uit ‘n stroompie langs die pad. Wanneer hy onseker is of die water besoedel is, kook hy dit eers op sy klein gas­ stofie. Danksy sy geloof en die goedgesindheid van sy medemens in moeilike tye wanneer hy regtig honger is, kry hy dikwels ‘n gesonde maaltyd na ‘n lang dag. Dit was ook verlede Woensdag die geval op

Foto: Warren Blunt

Jurie Pieters verlede Woensdag in Polokwane.

die R101 van Mokopane na Polokwane toe ‘n gesin van die stad hom verblyf vir die aand en aandete by ‘n bekende restaurant in die stad aangebied het. Vrydag was Pieters weer op die R101 na Mokopane op pad Kaap toe waar hy van Klerksdorp die roete na Springbok deur die Richtersveld wil stap en dan al die pad met die Weskus af na Kaapstad. Hy sê die lang pad deur die Richtersveld is geen uitdaging nie omdat hy al deur die Karoo gestap het. Pieters sal eers besluit wat sy volgende staptoer sal wees wanneer hy ‘n paar maande later terug in Kaapstad is. Tyd is in elk geval nie vir hom belangrik nie. Pieters neem geen saamrygeleenthede nie. Hy is ernstig in sy geloof, hy stap net want hy is die Geloofstapper.


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Mozambican Consul visits Mathabatha Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Mozambican Consul to Mpumalanga and Limpopo, Ester Fernando Tondo visited Premier Stan Mathabatha last Thursday to request per-

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Premier Stan Mathabatha presents Ester Fernando Tondo, Consul of Mozambique to Mpumalanga and Limpopo, with a gift during her visit to the Office of the Premier last Thursday.

mission for Mozambican Presidential candidate Filipe Jacinto Nyusi of Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) to interact with Mozambican nationals residing in the province in the run-up to the 2014 Mozambican general elections planned for 15 October. Kenny Mathivha, Spokesperson of the Premier said a good relationship exists with Mozambique and it was deemed appropriate to agree to the request. Mathivha added that it is important to strengthen the province’s relationship with Mozambique as many of the local farmers export their produce to that country. “We are a point of entry to countries like Mozambique so it is important to strengthen those relations so that our people can access those markets,” he said. Tondo said the interactions with the Mozambican nationals will take place on 9 August in Giyani and Malamulele. “That is where the Mozambican community is based. Comrade Filipe Jacinto Nyusi Presidential candidate from Frelimo will interact with the Mozambican community in the area. He is contesting for the presidency with Alfonso Dhlakama from the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo) and Daviz Simango from the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM),” Tondo said.

Vandag is PHS-opedag RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) nooi alle graad 7-leerders en hul ouers om vandag (Donderdag) hul opedag by te woon. Die opedag by die koshuis begin om 15:00 waarna ‘n toer deur die skoolterrein volg. Tydens die toer ontmoet ouers en hul kinders PHS-leerders wat aktiwiteite op akademiese-, sport- en kultuurgebied uitbeeld. Die skool se skakelbeampte, Anna-Marié Schoeman sê daar bestaan soms ‘n wanpersepsie oor skole en of ‘n bepaalde skool die regte vakke vir ‘n spesifieke studierigting aanbied. “Ons maan ouers om nie hul ore uit te leen nie en eerder self die regte inligting te bekom. Gerugte dat PHS nie die regte vakke

vir leerders wat ingenieurswese wil studeer aanbied nie, is onwaar. Verskeie oud-Pieties is tans besig om ingenieurswese by verskeie universiteite te studeer,” sê sy. Ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp (IGO)onderwyser, Francois Lottering sê dit is nie nodig dat ‘n leerder by ‘n tegniese skool moet matrikuleer om ingenieurswese te studeer nie. “Volgens die vereistes van drie bekende universiteite in die land het ‘n leerder wiskunde (minstens 70%), fisiese wetenskappe (minstens 60%) en minstens 60% vir ‘n eerste of tweede taal nodig om ingenieurswese te studeer. Leerders moet ook ‘n toelatings- of normtoets slaag en die skool help selfs leerders om dié toets te skeduleer,” sê Lottering. Willie Schoeman sal ter afsluiting toekoms­ tige ouers en leerders in die saal toespreek.

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July 31, 2014

22 OBSERVER polokwane



31 July to 2 August >> Round Table Impala 157 and Pietersburg 22 host their A la Carte Show at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé at 18:30 for 19:00. Tickets cost R1 500 for Thursday and R2 000 for Friday and Saturday for a table of ten people. A cash bar will be available and guests have to bring their own food. Pierre Bloem: 079 874 2554. 1 Augustus >> ‘n Dans met musiek deur die Suikerbos Boereorkes vind om 19:00 by die Mahlatse

Country Venue, sowat 10 km buite die stad op die Mogwadipad (R521) plaas. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon en sal by die deure beskikbaar wees. Rencia Volschenk: 083 612 2867. 2 August >> Our Home/Ons Tuiste in Suid Street hosts a bazaar from 07:00. Breakfast will be served until 11:00 and will be followed by a pig and sheep spitbraai as from 11:30. Stalls will offer fresh meat, vegetables, plants, cakes, pancakes, home made jams, needlework, a children’s stall and a white elephant table. Louise Viljoen: 082 462 6734. >> Laerskool Pietersburg bied die Limpopo Landloopkampioenskap by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé vanaf 08:00 tot ongeveer 14:00 aan. Atlete van agt jaar tot veterane wat kwalifiseer, kan deelneem. Karen Krüger: 079 993 0048. >> Leer meer oor kruie en koop ‘n nuwe plant vir jou lentetuin by Callidendron Kwekery van 12:00 tot 16:00. Stories word vir die jongspan gelees. Laat druk foto’s van jou gesin op ‘n Themp of koffiebeker. Pragtige klere is te koop. Die kwekery is op die R71 (Tzaneenpad), draai regs by die nuwe sirkel net ná Oasis Lodge. Cornie Odendaal: 083 501 1039.

5 Augustus >> Die Polokwane Musiektak van die ATKV hou om 18:00 ‘n opevergadering in die personeelkamer van Generaal Piet Joubertskool. Marius Liebenberg: 082 963 2054. 9 Augustus >> Die Gereformeerde Kerk Pietersburg-Suid hou vanaf 08:00 karnaval op die kerkterrein, hoek van McDonald- en Erasmusstraat. ‘n Pretloop vind om 08:00 plaas en stalletjies met eet- en drinkgoed, snuisterye en ‘n teetuin. Die dag word met die rolprent Pappalap afgesluit. Louise Pretorius: 083 686 4256. >> Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens hou ‘n Vrouedag skenkingskliniek by Savannah Mall vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00. Dottie Pinn: 015 297 3636. 16 August >> The Pathways Appreciation Breakfast takes place at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort at 09:00. Zelda la Grange, author of the book Good Morning Mr Mandela will be the guest speaker. Tickets cost R300 per person or R3 000 for a table of ten and will include breakfast. Proceeds will go towards the Pathways NPC projects for disabled children. Sally Hansen: 015 295 5292 or Sarah Hansen: 015 295 5843.

22 Augustus >> Chris Chameleon tree om 17:00 vir 18:30 by Laerskool Pietersburg op. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon en voorafbespreking is noodsaaklik en kan aanlyn gedoen word by www.chameleonpbg.co.za. Hanno Becker: 082 574 9431. 30 Augustus >> Die Hervormde Gemeente in Thabo Mbekistraat hou ‘n markdag vanaf 09:00. Uitstallers met interessante handvervaardigde artikels is welkom om ‘n tafel te bespreek teen R50. Heerlike eetgoed sal verkoop word. Geniet ‘n oggend saam met talentvolle entrepreneurs. Susan Raath: 082 258 1418. 4 September >> Die Vryburgers bied ‘n wynveiling by die Pietersburgklub in samewerking met die Vryburgers van Robertson aan. Geld word vir liefdadigheid ingesamel. Aggie Ströh: 082 465 8234. 5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak so ‘n verskil aan die lewe van gestremdes. Vanjaar se tema is “Hou die bling kant bo”. Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8.

Support Reach for a Dream and wear your slippers on Friday BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Tel: 015 293 1199

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Reach For A Dream will be activating the annual Reach For Your Slippers campaign also known as ‘Slipper Day’ on Friday. The campaign calls on all South Africans to “reach for their slippers”, and to wear them to work or school to help a child that is fighting a lifethreatening illness. Wimpy outlets in Polokwane are also participating in this effort. The ‘right’ to wear your slippers on Friday in a show of support and solidarity for the Reach For A Dream foundation will be granted with the purchase of a ‘Slipper Sticker’ for only R10. Stickers are available at all Wimpy outlets countrywide today (Thursday) and Friday. Anyone that visits a Wimpy on Friday wearing slippers and the sticker will receive a free regular Wimpy coffee. “Wimpy is proud to be part of this wonderful campaign and we urge all South Africans to step into a nearby Wimpy nearby and purchase a R10 sticker. We are sure that this year will result in a successful campaign which will bring joy to the foundation’s ‘Dream Children’ and make their dreams a reality,” Karabo Morudu, Wimpy Brand Manager said. Reach For A Dream is a non-profit organisation and all funds and proceeds raised through

this campaign will help the foundation put a smile on the faces of many seriously ill South African children. Reach For A Dream is a proudly South African foundation with seven branches across the country Bronwyn Feldwick-Davis from Reach For A Dream says: “For 25 years, Reach For A Dream has dedicated itself to making dreams come true. Take Sam Pretorius for instance, who at the age of 11 years old was diagnosed with leukaemia. Sam’s dream was to go to Disneyworld and through the foundation he was able to realise his wish.” Sam Pretorius will be remembered from the Reach For A Dream television commercial which featured him returning to his classroom after a prolonged absence due to his illness with a shaven head because of his treatment. As he entered his classroom, he was welcomed by his classmates who show support for him by removing their knitted beanies to reveal smooth-shaven heads similar to his. Today Pretorius is a healthy young man. Reach For A Dream prides itself on the countless children who have benefitted through the generous support of businesses and individuals. For more information visit www.reachforadream.org.za

Graad 8-leerders trotse wenners van Kardoesie RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die graad 12-leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) moes Dinsdagaand met ‘n tweede plek tevrede wees toe die graad 8-leerders vanjaar as wenners van Kardoesie aangewys is. “Die graad 8-leerders het met goeie dissipline en baie entoesiasme daarna gestreef om hul bes te doen. Hulle het hul gate uit geniet en PHS gesalueer as lede van hul skool se vloot. Hul skip het kop en skouers bo die ander uitgestaan,” sê Ina van der Merwe, graadvoog.

>> Sien videogreep... www.observer.co.za

Foto’s: RC Myburgh

Danksy vurige danspassies en goeie dissipline is die graad 8-leerders Kardoesie 2014-wenners.

Specials valid on 1 and 2 August 2014 only.


Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 to 17:30 • Saturdays from 07:30 to 14:00 We CLOSED on all Public Holiday’s.

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Die graad 12-leerders het hard probeer om Kardoesie in hul trofeekas te kry, maar die graad 8-leerders het hul drome gekelder. Voor is dirigente en hoofmeisie en –seun, Elizma le Roux en Richardt Stroebel.

Soos een man voer die graad 11-leerders hul bewegings uit. Regs: Skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman hou Kardoesie tydens die vertoning in veilige bewaring.

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Police celebrate Mandela Day

July 31, 2014

24 OBSERVER polokwane

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Police Station’s Social Crime and Prevention Project celebrated Mandela Month by engaging in a number of community centred activities. The first was the cleaning and painting of Samaritan Centre in Fauna Park last Thursday during a three hour visit to the facility. Polokwane Police Spokesperson, Lesiba Ramoshaba said the station chose this centre because they felt that a lot of focus was placed on the senior citizens recently and wanted the children of the centre to feel that they also belong in society. “The 47 children are temporarily placed at the centre and we as the Police want them to know they are valued as human beings,” Ramoshaba said. He added that members of the various structures of the Police station, including social workers, detectives, crime prevention unit and administration rolled up their sleeves to join in the cleaning and painting for which the centre supplied the paint. Samaritan Centre is a non-profit government organisation that currently hosts 47 children. Operational Manager of the centre, Peter Galane said the centre serves as a temporary placement home. “Placements can only be done with a court order. The children stay until they have completed their matric year or until they are 18-years-old. The

court will again decide whether the child needs to stay longer because some of them have to,” Galane said. He said the court can extend the stay until the child is 21-years-old. “Some of the children have never been to school. It might take them longer to complete their school career,” Galane said. Later on in the day, during a crime awareness drive pamphlets were handed out to motorists, shoppers and car guards in the CBD and at Savannah Mall to create vigilance about theft out of vehicles. “It is important for them to know not to leave any personal items in their vehicles,” Ramoshaba said and added: “We also warned motorists in Polokwane CBD to ensure they are close to their car when they lock it by remote control and to check that the car is properly locked before going shopping.” He said criminals still use gate remote controls to jam car’s locking systems in order to break into the vehicles. Ramoshaba said part of celebrating Mandela Month is to liaise with the various sector commanders who delay reporting cases to the Police. “We also want to appeal to the community to become involved in Sector Police projects such as street patrols and neighbourhood watches because we must all work together as a team. The Police and the community cannot work apart.” Ramoshaba urged the community to report any suspicious people in their neighbourhood to the sector officers.

“The community must feel free to report any criminal acts to the Police because crime affects everybody of all ages, race and religion. We all need to be proactive,” he said. Criminal activities can be reported to Sector Commander, André Kotze on 082 414 2314 or to the various sector leaders listed below: Sector 1: Welgelegen, Eduan Park, the industrial area surrounding SAB Brewery and Coca-Cola, Polokwane Provincial Hospital and surrounding areas. Sector Commander Mazwi Maokeng: 072 730 1843. Sector 3: The southern upper town, Penina Park; the area surrounding the municipality and the Magistrate’s Court, up to Peter Mokaba Street. Sector Commander Tlou Manamela: 082 728 9792. Sector 4: Fauna Park, Flora Park, Serala View and Savannah Mall. Sector Commander David Mahlan­ gu: 082 729 0077. Sector 6: Ster Park, Bendor, Mall of the North and Thornhill. Sector Commander Albert Sekgaphola: 082 729 0098. Sector 7: The whole of the CBD area. Sector Commander: Chris Lekoloane: 082 729 0056. Sector 8 includes all the plots and farms on the northern, eastern and southern upper side of the city. The Sector Commander is Isaac Sebola and he can be contacted on 082 729 0146.

Career exhibit focuses on disabled ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The need exists for a feasibility study to be conducted into study programmes available to disabled persons at the country’s various educational institutions. A media release issued by Johannes Mokou, Department of Labour: Communication and Liaison informed of this opinion expressed by Sammy Malapane, Deputy Chief Specialist from Polokwane Further Education and Training during the department’s career exhibit on Tuesday. According to the press release Malapane called on capable institutions such as the South African National Council for the Blind (SANCB) to look deeper into the needs of people with disabilities. “We are faced with challenges as educators when it comes to offering education to people with disabilities because most of our facilities, including lecturers, are not equipped to accommodate these people, but an intense feasibility study will go a long way in making this a possibility,” Malapane is quoted to have said. The media statement further reports Robert Malatji, Business Analyst at Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) to have ensured attendees that business is the best way to go. Malatji is quoted to have said: “Our biggest aim is to develop entrepreneurs in our province because they have the capacity to create ample employment and this is why our loans run into millions of Rand. “There is a programme for people involved in manufacturing and as an organisation, we offer grants that will help them to maintain their business. This also includes marketing the business.” He reportedly however cautioned: “We do not give money to individuals because history taught

us that this is a surest way of wasting government’s money. Instead, we ask you to provide three quotations for us to choose one, in that way money goes straight to the business,” the statement read. SANCB Chairperson, Solly Matlaila is reported to have applauded the initiative by the department, saying: “People with disabilities have been neglected for some time and we appreciate this initiative as it would address challenges facing us as a community of people with disabilities. This will further expose us to various opportunities that are out there.” Other notable stakeholders in attendance at the exhibit included the National Youth Development Agency and Government Communication and Information System who also presented their strategies in accommodating people-withdisabilities. A representative from Education Training Development Practice – Sector Education Training Authority (ETDP-Seta), Isaiah Mphaphuli is quoted to have said: “The greatest recipe for success, especially for people with disability is skills and education and as an organisation, we have made that our priority. “Since the beginning of the previous financial year, we made a determination to allocate millions of Rand to uplift people with disability. “Through this, we have already recruited 55 people with various disabilities for a 12-month programme, which will give them a chance to be accommodated in various government institutions upon completion,” Mphaphuli said. Sarah Lepogo, Career Guidance Coordinator in the department, said: “The biggest aim of this exhibition is to bring people-withdisabilities at equal footing with able people in terms of accessing opportunities in society and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.”

Local entrepreneur wins brand new Volkswagen Polo HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Local entrepreneur Khalid Chikte was announced the winner of the brand new Volkswagen Polo at Coca-Cola Fortune’s Polokwane headquarters on Tuesday evening. Chikte entered the company’s Partnering for Profit promotion which was aimed at encouraging retailers to comply with the set price of R9 for their 1,25 litre product pack. Johan Taute, Limpopo District Manager of Coca-Cola said they are happy that one of their customers who complied with the new price won the car. “We had 190 participants who entered the competition from March until May. With the competition we wanted to make sure that consumers get value out of the 1,25 pack with the price point of R9. The 1,25 Coca-Cola products were not being sold at our retail price by most clients. We felt we should do something and created awareness about the importance of sticking to the retail price, hence we introduced the competition. We are happy with what we seen in the last three months, most of our clients complied and that is what we want,” Taute said and congratulated Chikte on his win. Chikte thanked Coca-Cola for coming up with the initiative. “It is a good initiative and I think as entrepreneurs we have to comply for the sake of

our businesses,” he said. He said the car will add value to his business. “I own a couple of shops and I always wanted an extra car. I think the car came at the time when I

needed it the most. Thank you Coca-Cola,” Chikte said. Joe Ramokoto, National Main Market Manager for CocaCola said customers must look out for Coca-Cola competitions.

Members of the Martin Luther Kantorei render a song while on a visit to Samaritan Centre last week.

Samaritan Centre receives R22 000 for new building


Khalid Chikte (Owner of A1 Retailers at Ga-Mabotja Village) is congratulated by Coca-Cola Fortune staff members Mchipisa Risimati (Sales Representative), Nkateko Nghonyama (Territory Sales Manager) in front. At the back are Jared Matthews and Joe Ramokoto (both National Trade Marketing) and Johan Taute (Limpopo District Manager).

PHOTO: HERBERT RACHUENE Khalid Chikte with the new car he won in the Coca-Cola Partnering for Profit competition the company ran for its customers.

Louis Selowa and Rebecca Thema, Vicechairperson Public Relations Officer respectively of the MLK hand over a cheque for R22 000 to Peter Galane, Operational Manager at Samaritan Centre, while Centre Administrator Regina Phambane looks on. ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

The Samaritan Centre in Polokwane is among local charitable organisations that continue to gain from the legacy of former President Nelson Mandela. Well-known local choir, the Martin Luther Kantorei (MLK) handed over R22 000, the benefits of an earlier concert and donations, to the centre last week. Peter Galane, Operational Manager of the centre said the money is the first to be put aside for the planned new Samaritan Centre. Galane said a site next to Rethabile Clinic has been earmarked where the structure will be built. “We have not received an estimated cost for the development from the quantity

surveyor yet, but the planned structure will be modern and with better facilities,” he informed. Louis Selowa, Vice-chairperson of MLK said the choir, made up from members of different local denominations, staged a concert as part of their Nelson Mandela Day celebrations. “We have had our eye on the centre for a while now and the celebrations coincided with the centre’s eight years of existence,” said Selowa. “We realised that a lot of work was needed at the centre and when we were told about the planned new structure, we organised a concert at the Regina Pacis Roman Catholic Church in Seshego in August last year.” He said friends from Germany visited last year and they also contributed money. The cheque of R22 000 was handed over last weekend during a social get-together at the centre. “It is very little but at least it is a step in the right direction. We, as the choir, would like to invite businesses, companies and industries to also assist and help raise money,” Selowa said. He added that the choir plans to be part of the Samaritan Centre right to the end when the new building is officially opened. Galane on behalf of the residents of the centre thanked MLK for their contribution. “This money will be used to open a bank account specially dedicated to the construction of the new centre.” Anyone who wants to assist can call Galane on 015 296 0149. Alternatively they can SMS the word Samaritan to 36012 (an SMS costs R5), or send an email to admin@samaritanlimpopo.org.

PEPPS College>>

Aspiring Springbok scout Courtney Smith, second from right with 1st Polokwane Scout Group members, Jacques van den Berg (Troop Scouter), Lea-Anne Cole (Assistant Troop Scouter) and Brian Jones (Chief in Charge of 1st Polokwane Scout Group).

Curro Heuwelkruin>>

Kruinies vir sewes­toernooi gekies RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Verskeie leerders van Curro Heuwelkruin het tydens die afgelope wintersportseisoen die skool se naam hoog gehou deur prestasies in

31, 2014 NEWS PEPPS learner aims for Julie polokwane top scouting award OBSERVER 25

te palm. Sommige rugbyspelers het aan die Noordvaalkampioenskappe en Pukweek deelgeneem terwyl ander in onder meer die provinsiale hokkie- en netbalspanne en nasionale Curro 7’s-span opgeneem is.

Foto’s: RC Myburgh

Pieter Jansen, Aidan Vermaak en Devan Venter is tot die nasionale sewes rugbyspan verkies. Saam met hulle is nasionale Curro 7’s afrigter, Danie Roux.

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Courtney Smith, a Grade 11 learner at PEPPS College, as part of one of the qualifying requirements for him to receive his Springbok award, addressed the school during assembly on Monday to tell them about the effect scouting has had in his life. He has been involved

with scouting for the past eight years and had some interesting titbits to share with his fellow learners. Courtney spoke of the selfdiscipline, leadership abilities and outdoor survival attributes needed to become a Springbok scout. He is busy with a Springbok Pioneering Project and still has a number of tasks to complete before receiving the highest accolade for scouting.

Nirvana Primary School>>

Nirvana Primary learners ready for Astronomy quiz Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Three of Nirvana Primary School’s top Natural Science learners will represent their school at the Astronomy Quiz to be held at the University of Limpopo (UL) tomorrow (Friday). Learners from different schools in the province will be tested on their broad and basic knowledge of Astronomy by a panel of adjudicators.

Lekgoana Seopa, Natural Science educator at the School said she is proud of the learners and hope they will do the school proud at the competition. “This is an important competition to us, it will also give the learners the opportunity to learn more about the planets and stars in the universe,” Seopa said. She also mentioned that the learners were prepared for the competition through different class work and homework assignments.

Ilanie Heystek is deel van die nasionale Curro 7’s netbalspan.

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Natural Science educator Lekgoana Seopa (middle) with Mokgaetji Papo, Keratilwe Magongoa and Rachel Legodi who are eager to show off their knowledge of Astronomy at the quiz tomorrow (Friday).

Devan Venter (o.18A), Pieter Jansen (o.18B), Maynard Kenmuir (o.18A), Wernich Kachelhoffer (o.16A), Stefan Nel (o.16A) en Ross Pretorius (o.16A) is in onderskeie provinsiale hokkiespanne opgeneem.

Claudi van Niekerk, Stefan Nel, Manie Raath (nasionale afrigter) en Wernich Kachelhoffer is vir die nasionale Curro 7’s-span gekies.

CLOSING DOWN SALE Minette Snyman (o.17A), Elizma Swartz (o.19A), Juan-Merié Venter (o.19B) en Claudi van Niekerk o.17A) verteenwoordig Limpopo tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Ringbalkampioenskappe. Elizma is vir die nasionale span gekies.

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Jeltje Erasmus (o.15), Elizma Swartz en Claudi van Niekerk (eerste span) en Ndzalama Lubisi (o.14) is in die onderskeie provinsiale netbalspanne opgeneem.


Rugbyspeler Stefan Nel het tydens die skoolvakansie aan die o.19-Pukweek deelgeneem terwyl Pieter Jansen en Wernich Kachelhoffer hul staal tydens die o.16-Noordvaalkampioenskappe gewys het.


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July 31, 2014

26 OBSERVER polokwane

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

PEPPS College>>

Unforgettable overseas experience for PEPPS learners

Instead of spending the winter school holidays in chilly Polokwane, 24 learners from PEPPS College accompanied by Head of the College, Leigh Melville and educator Pam Smith had an enjoyable time touring the warmer climes of Croatia and Turkey. Every two years PEPPS

College undertakes a cultural tour to a different part of the world and this year’s trip was called ‘PEPPS Mediterranean Tour 2014.’ The tour was a great success and the group stayed in excellent hotels and tasted fantastic Mediterranean cuisine, and experienced the best of both Croatian and Turkish hospitality.

The PEPPS College learners and educators pictured in Turkey with the Blue Mosque in the city of Istanbul in the background.

Mitchell House>>

Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos>>

Leer speel-speel by Oosskool ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com Die graad R-klas van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos het Vrydag ‘n baie belangrike rol vertolk. Elke leerder kon ‘n toekomstige graad-R leerder skool toe nooi tydens die skool se jaarlikse Maatjiedag en die onderwysers help om die maats tuis te laat voel.

Carmen Oosthuizen kon die versiersuiker nie weerstaan nie.

Die graadhoof, Anjah de Nysschen sê die skool gebruik die dag as ‘n bemarkingsgeleentheid om toekomstige leerders welkom te heet en aan graad R-onderwysers bekend te stel. Op Safarie was die tema van die dag en elke leerder het ‘n fotoraam, wat hulself versier, met ‘n foto van hom of haar gekry. “Verskeie aktiwiteite soos pottebakkery, Stimulus Maksima (‘n spel- en leesprogram

op rekenaar) en aktiwiteite deur Zani’s Gymnastics Academy, is deur die dag aangebied. Die leerders kon ook bak-en-brou en het die poppekasaanbieding terdeë geniet,’ sê De Nysschen. Inskrywings vir Oosskool se graad R-klas open op 1 Augustus om 06:00.


Mitchell House Headmaster Andrew Cook cuts the ribbon to officially launch the Mitchell House Cricket Academy last Wednesday while Hennie Prinsloo (coach), Sherwynne Steyn (learner), Lloyd Ngwana (coach) and Fred Romijn, Mitchell House Director of Sport look on.

Cricket Academy officially launched at Mitchell House WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


Teané Swanepoel geniet die pottebakkersklas.

Stefan Swanepoel raak van ekstra energie op die springmat ontslae.

Stanford Lake College>>

SLC learners conquer highest free standing mountain in world ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com A group of Stanford Lake College (SLC) recently returned from an expedition to Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. SLC Marketer Rona McGaffin said the expedition was leaded by Neil Haarhoff joined by an SLC parent Riaan Eastes and learners Kirsten Eastes, Sarah Pogrund, Nicola Bourdillon, Jean du Toit, Michael van Zyl and Richard Southwood. According to McGaffin a huge amount of training was done to make sure the group was well prepared for this challenge. “During the April holidays, they undertook an expedition in the Southern Drakensberg and got to spend some time in very inclement weather at an altitude of 3 200 m above sea-level. This was excellent preparation for the Kilimanjaro expedition,” she said. The group of adventurers left South Africa for Kilimanjaro International Airport in Tanzania on 28 June to start the climb the following day via the Lemosho route. They were however delayed by the fact that three bags containing technical equipment could only be located the following morning. The climb started on the western side of the mountain, with the first camp at Mt Mbikwa (Big Tree). This was still in the rain forest and heading out into the heather and moorland terrain to the camp at Shira 2 (3 600 m above sea-level) was a very long day’s trek. “On day three the route took the party up to Lawa towers (4 600 m) and then back down to Baranco camp (3 950 m). The infamous Baranco wall was tackled on day four when getting to the top was finally managed after about an hour’s climbing. The group continued to Karanga camp (3 963m above sea-level) where lunch was prepared,” McGaffin reports. Day five was a short day with Barafu camp (4 600 m) reached just before lunch followed by a short trek to higher ground in the afternoon. The environment, Alpine desert featuring nothing but sand and volcanic rock, makes for hostile environment. The walk to the summit began at midnight after everyone was woken up by the guides at 23:00 to enjoy some tea and biscuits. The first goal, Stella Point, the rim of the crater, was reached after

six and a half hours with breaks every hour to eat and drink. The group was rewarded with what they described as the most magnificent sunrise ever. The final part of the journey entailed walking 750 m in distance and climbing 150 m in altitude to get to the summit. “At 07:20 on 4 July the group conquered the summit. After an hour enjoying the view it was downhill all the way, first with lunch at the previous night’s camp and then on to the last campsite on the mountain at Mweka (3 100 m),” McGaffin accounted. The group’s last day was spent trekking back through the rain forest to the park gate where they received the coveted certificates confirming their conquering of Kilimanjaro. As part of a small add-on ‘outreach’ gesture, the group went to visit the lead guide at his village the next day. There they planted four fruit trees in his friendship garden before spending a last night in Moshi.

Mitchell House unveiled their brand new cricket nets that will be used for professional cricket coaching at the cricket academy that was launched at the school last Wednesday. The cricket academy is affiliated to the Cape Town Cricket Academy that was founded in Cape Town in 2005 and is presently operating from the premises of the Western Province Cricket Club in Rondebosch and at Claremont Cricket Club in Constantia. Former Protea and India World Cup winning coach, Gary Kirsten is based at Claremont and professional coaches

from Cape Town will be making the trip to Mitchell House once a month to oversee the coaching activities taking place at Mitchell House. The Mitchell House Cricket Academy will be offering private coaching (one-on-one session with a coach for an hour), shared private coaching (up to three cricketers with a coach for an hour) and mini coaching (a 90 minute group session for Grade R learners with a maximum of six cricketers per group). To book a place for your child at the academy or for further information email: info@ cricketcoaching.co.za or sport@mitchellhouse. co.za.

Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé>>

Vier dansorkeste laat voete jeuk BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Vrolike musiekklanke het Saterdagaand uit die saal van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé opgeklink toe vier dansorkeste hulle slag gewys het en teenwoordiges hul beste danspassies kon uithaal. Gaste het hulle eie kosmandjies en drinkgoed saamgebring en op maat van musiek deur Suikerbossie Dansorkes, Danie du Toit en sy orkes, Connie de Klerk en Jack Meyer se orkes en Juan de Bruyn geskoffel en saamgekuier. Juan de Bruyn se orkes het onlangs die Boeremusiekgilde se FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN Noordstreekkompetisie wat by die By Juan de Bruyn, links agter, is lede van sy orkes, Eugene Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria van Heerden, Ina du Toit en Estie Vermaak, voor. Langs De gehou is, gewen. Bruyn is Juan Vermaak.

Limpopo-leerders dring deur na volgende rondte van entrepreneurskompetisie


Sarah Progrund, the expedition leader, Neil Haarhoff, Michael van Zyl and Nicola Bourdillon in front, with Jean du Toit, Richard Southwood, Kirsten Eastes and Riaan Eastes recently conquered Mt Kilimanjaro.

Twee Limpopo-leerders het pas deurgedring na die volgende rondte van Solidariteit Helpende Hand se landswye Entrepreneurskompetisie. Simoné Schoeman, graad 12-leerder van die Hoërskool Merensky in Tzaneen en Abel Roodt, graad 12-leerder van die Bosveld Tuisonderrigsentrum in Musina, kan nou aan die werk spring om hul sakeplanne in werking te stel en wins te maak. “Talle inskrywings is landswyd ontvang en 30 projekplanne is gekeur om na die bemarkingsfase deur te dring,” sê Annette Taljaard, Helpende Hand se organiseerder van die kompetisie in ‘n mediaverklaring. Deelnemers het tot 8 Augustus kans om hul bemarkingsplanne in werking te stel en hul besigheidsidees na aanleiding van die beoordelaars se terugvoering te verbeter. Simoné poog om ʼn fotografiebesigheid op die been te bring. “Ek gaan my kreatiwiteit en passie gebruik om mense op hulle beste vas te

vang in tydlose foto’s. Ek sal ʼn verskeidenheid bekostigbare pakkette beskikbaar stel waaruit kliënte kan kies.” Abel het sy besigheid, Jaar Toet se Pannekoek ingeskryf na talle navrae. “Ek het die behoefte in die gemeenskap raakgesien en besluit op die idee van ’n pannekoekhuis.” Taljaard sê die doel van elk van die besighede is om wins te maak. Aan die einde van die fase moet deelnemers ’n verbeterde besigheidsplan en finansiële state voorlê. “Ek sien veral uit na die bemarkingsvideo’s wat hulle moet stuur sodat die paneel hul unieke produkte of dienste kan evalueer.” Helpende Hand poog met die kompetisie om die probleem van werkloosheid onder die jeug aan te pak deur hulle vroegtydig met entrepreneursvaardighede toe te rus. Die kompetisie word vanjaar die tweede keer aangebied en die totale prysgeld beloop R60 000.

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Breakfast Host: Provincial Secretary (Gilbert Kganyago) Date: 02 August 2014 | Venue: Fusion Boutique Hotel Time: 08h00 | Seat: R150.00



Business profile>>

business July 31, 2014 >> Page 28

Marten Gobey

Recognising women’s endeavours in economy ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


he Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa (Bwasa) Limpopo will announce the winners of the 2014 Regional Business Achiever Awards tomorrow (Friday). Bwasa Limpopo, in partnership with the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda), will during an awards ceremony to be held at Fusion Boutique Hotel give recognition to the strides women are making in various endeavours that impact on the economy. Itumeleng Moeti, Provincial Spokesperson for Bwasa said the Regional Business Achiever Awards (RBAA) recognise women engaged in corporate, professional and entrepreneurial endeavours. The RBAA competition is open to all women, including non-members of Bwasa, who are citizens or residents of South Africa. This prestigious competition, of which Polokwane Observer is the official print media sponsor precedes the National Business Achiever Awards to be held later in August. Previous prizes won by finalists and winners include inclusion in the Coca-Cola Fortune Abafazi Incubation Programme. Coca-Cola partnered with Bwasa to launch the aforementioned programme which takes the finalists in the Emerging and Social Entrepreneur categories

on a journey of business development training, mentoring coaching and support for a period of a year. “Coca-Cola has collaborated with global partners such as the International Finance Corporation and local companies to design a programme that specifically uses tools that are gender mainstreamed and have been tested and implemented internationally,” Moeti informed. RBAA will present a unique opportunity to the women of Limpopo to access global programmes and have their companies profiled nationally at the prestigious and most recognised annual Business Woman of the Year awards. The award is judged according to a set of criteria that requires being a role model; being perceived as actively making a difference in the community; being valued an ambassador of everything the BWA stands for. The events starts at 18:00 and the keynote address will be delivered by Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi. Thandi Ndlovu-Molokwane, Bwasa’s 2013 Businesswoman of the Year, is the guest speaker. A limited number of tickets are still available at R250 for members and R300 for non-members. Tables for ten persons are available at R2 500. For enquiries and bookings, contact Moeti on 079 433 2137 or 082 333 7158 or Lesego Tshivhula on 082 333 7158 or email Limpopo@ bwasa.co.za.

Gereed om aan die pizza’s te smul. Voor is Anze Esterhuizen, Kaylee Fisher en Miché Robinson. Agter is Jolandi Esterhuizen, Ngoako Mokgana, die Panarottis gelukbringer, Jodene Els, bemarkingsbeampte van Panarottis en Gillian Fisher.

Profile Thandi Ndlovu-Molokwane was born in Soweto and schooled at Orlando High School. She showed academic excellence from an early age and participated in various student organisations, including the Student’s Christian Movement – of which she was a founder member. Ndlovu-Molokwane holds a BSc.MBchB degree from the University of Zambia and spent a few years practicing as a medical doctor. Among her many other qualifications is a diploma in Company Direction. Several years spent in exile were utilised to gain military training. She also used this time to teach some of the thousands of young people who left South Africa, setting up literacy training facilities in the camps run by the African National Congress’ military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe. Upon returning to South Africa after the unbanning of the political movements and the return of exiles, she ran a private medical practice in the Orange Farm informal settlement south of Johannesburg. What began

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

Panarottis verras Jacaranda FM Panarottis Mall of the North het die personeel van Jacaranda FM onlangs verras met ‘n verskeidenheid heerlike warm pizza’s as deel van Panarottis se bemarkingsaksie

>> RBAA will present the women an opportunity to access global programmes >> She must be a role model in the community as a hobby saw her create the company Motheo Construction,of which she is the executive chairperson, in 1996. The efforts of the Motheo Group as developers, contractors and project managers has resulted in the delivery of over 30 000 serviced sites and over 50 000 affordable housing units spanning across six provinces and translating into over R1,2 billion worth of affordable housing stock throughout the country. Under her leadership the Motheo Housing Group was awarded the Prestigious Institute for Housing Developer of the Year Award for 2000.

Thandi Ndlovu-Molokwane

Labour inspectorate acts decisively on hospitality sector

Foto: Barry Viljoen

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Company: Buco Polokwane Sapphire What do you enjoy most about your work? >> Facing daily challenges How do you live out your passion for your career? >> To always be involved in company activities and to enjoy what I do What is your most important business principle? >> Doing honest business results in a healthy business

waartydens instansies ‘n verrassingsbesoek kry en pizza en afslagbewyse uitgedeel word. Bemarkingsbeampte Angelique Wolmarans kan by 076 244 3923 of 015 265 1224 geskakel word met voorstelle oor instansies wat hulle kan bederf.

Systems and mechanisms imbedded by Labour Inspectorate on the Hospitality sector during their week-long blitz inspection, which ended on Friday bore fruit with inspectors taking a vigorous swipe at defiant industry role-players for non-compliance. The Department of Labour Communication and Media Liaison, Johannes Mokou said part of the swipe taken by the inspectorate was on non-compliance with Clause 2 of the Sectoral Determination (14) which refers to compliance with the minimum wage levels set for the sector within the given period of time. The current minimum wage is R2 601.88 per month for employers with less than ten employees and for those with more than 10 employees, at R2 900,08 per month. Phaswane Tladi, Provincial

Chief Inspector (PCI) in the department in a statement said: “We projected that some employers would drag their feet in complying with this piece of legislation. However, we are not perturbed by this because we are going to deal decisively with those not complying,” Tladi said. He said other areas of non-compliance include unavailability of written particulars of employment, no issuing of payslips, non-adherence to ordinary hours of work, non-payment of overtime, failure to register employees with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) as well as not contributing towards the fund and failure to pay assessments to the Compensation Commissioner. Concerning remedial actions taken, Tladi said: “Undertakings were issued to non-complying employers which would give them a grace time of not more than a month to fix the various areas of non-compliance.”

Ener-G Batteries turns 2

Julie 31, 2014


OBSERVER 29 polokwane

y t i l a u Q

s e i r e t t a B e l c i h e V

e e s d n a * Made in Germany Come l a r e v e s r o f e r o t * 2 Year Warranty s in s l a i c e p s y a birthd * Bring in your car for a h t n o m e h t g n i r du FREE battery, alternator ! t s u of Aug

and starter test.

POLOKWANE • Tel: 015 293 2913/1175 • 110 Blaauwberg Street • Ladine • Polokwane


July 31, 2014

30 OBSERVER Ener-G Batteries turns 2 polokwane



Geluk met jul tweede verjaardag!

Stephan and Marlize Weideman pictured with Marius Jardim at the company’s oval track car.

We work all over Limpopo Province

Insurance approved fitment centre

Tel: 015 292 3992 / Fax: 015 292 3991 Email: polokwane@glassdoctor.co.za cnr Nelson Mandela Drive & Gypsum Street, Superbia, Polokwane Cell: 082 802 3740, 071 670 4100, 082 884 4407 Baie geluk Marlize en Stephan met Ener-G Batteries se tweede verjaardag!

Ener-G Batteries two years young and going strong >> Wholesale supplier of Energizer Automotive >> Energizer batteries used in most European manufactured vehicles BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


ner-G Batteries today proudly looks back on its first two years in business after entering into the market during July 2012 when Stephan Weideman and Kobie Venter brought the brand to Polokwane. Weideman already had knowledge and experience regarding the Energizer Automotive battery range, seeing that he did sales and marketing of this make in the Eastern Cape. After thorough research was done, they discovered that the Energizer Automotive battery brand had no footprint in Limpopo and decided that the time is ripe to roll the brand out in Limpopo. Ener-G Batteries is the wholesale supplier of Energizer Automotive as well as the Discover (Deep Cycle) battery ranges and supplies a wide spectrum of businesses all over the Limpopo area with these batteries, whereafter they are sold to the public.

Limpopo Caravan & Outdoor Centre 19de Laan 83, Industria, Polokwane Tel: 015 297 6882/3 | Fax: 015 297 7758 hein.campworld@webmail.co.za


Energizer Automotive batteries are manufactured in Germany by Johnsons Controls and is then imported and distributed by Enertec in South Africa, carrying a two-year warranty. Energizer has a wide range of automotive batteries for any type of vehicle as well as for all commercial vehicles (trucks, tractors, etc.). Ener-G Batteries has a wide range of different batteries for all uses and applications, ranging from the well known household small Energizer batteries, motorcycle batteries and a variety of Universal Power Supply (AGM) batteries. Weideman told Polokwane Observer that their “stop-start-technology” batteries are designed for use in vehicles with the advanced stop-start technology and that the batteries last for five to seven years and are quite well priced. Ener-G Batteries supplies businesses and individual customers with fast and friendly service and excellent quality batteries and is situated at 110 Blaauwberg Street in Ladine.

The new Penta

R227 300

The new Elegance OnLy

R340 800 s ie r e t t a B G r e y En a d h t ir b y p p a H Is coming soon to Campworld Polokwane The team of Ener-G Batteries is Stephan and Marlize Weideman, Marius Jardim and Dozi Mgese.

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Helpende Hand kleutervoedingaansoeke heropen weens ernstige nood Solidariteit Helpende Hand het weer die aansoeke vir sy Kosblikkieprojek heropen nadat talle nuwe versoeke van kleuterskole ontvang is om by die projek ingesluit te word. Helpende Hand beoog om meer as 4 000 kleuters vanaf Julie tot die einde van die skooljaar deur middel van die inisiatief te voed. “Nadat die projek aan die begin van Julie begin is, het talle skole Helpende Hand genader om ingesluit te word,” vertel Michelle Burger, projekorganiseerder van Helpende Hand in ‘n mediaverklaring. “Die meerderheid kleuterskole wat deel van hierdie projek is ontvang geen staatsubsidie nie en moet uit hul eie beperkte fondse die kinders voed. In gevalle waar skole wel ’n staatsubsidie ontvang, is dit nie genoeg om behoorlike voeding te verskaf nie.” Sy sê dat die tydperk vir aansoeke tot 8 Augustus verleng is om nog kleuterskole kans te gee om by die projek ingesluit te word. “Skole word volgens spesifieke kriteria geëvalueer en moet aan sekere vereistes voldoen, soos om by die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling geregistreer te wees,” sê Burger. Kleuterskole wat vir deelname aan die Kosblikkieprojek wil aansoek doen, kan die aansoekvorm op Helpende Hand se webtuiste by www.helpendehand.co.za aflaai. Helpende Hand gaan intussen voort om voeding en opleiding beskikbaar te stel by kleuterskole wat reeds goedgekeur is. Voeding is in die vorm van niebederfbare produkte wat aan die kleuterskole verskaf word om te sorg dat die kleuters minstens een gekookte bord kos per dag kry. “Vir baie van die kinders is dit hul enigste maaltyd vir die dag,” volgens Burger. Danksy vennote en voedingsverskaffers wat elke rand optimaal aanwend, kan Helpende Hand ’n kleuter teen ongeveer R5 per dag kos gee. “Aanvanklik is beraam dat ons ongeveer 320 000 borde kos tot die einde van hul skooljaar nodig sal hê om die kleuters te voed, maar dit blyk nou dat die getal baie groter gaan wees,” sê Burger. “Ons doen ’n beroep op die publiek om tot die projek by te dra deur ‘bord’ teen R5 na 36930 te SMS en sodoende ’n bord kos vir ’n honger kleuter te borg. Hoe meer borde geborg word, hoe meer magies kan ons volmaak,” sê sy.


New Rotary Polokwane President

Rob Williamson is Polokwane Rotary Club’s President >> Many new projects planned >> Staff at Stafix to support him BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com A highlight of his career as a Rotarian was Rob Williamson’s recent induction as President of the Polokwane Rotary Club for 2014/15. At the inauguration formally attired Rotarians and guests were entertained by master of ceremonies Rotarian Efiong Akpan who is known for his sharp sense of humour and the

evening was rounded off by a superb dinner provided by the Pietersburg Club. Outgoing President Anne Kirkpatrick paid tribute to the Rotarians who had so tirelessly contributed to the projects of 2013/14 and inter alia aluded to two exciting projects namely the Solar Power Project that was executed with the Rotary Club of Skedmorkorset in Norway and the Global Grant Limpopo Water Project. After Williamson was inducted by Kirkpatrick, Williamson conveyed his appreciation to his staff at Stafix and thanked them in anticipation for the support that he will receive to enable him to hold office as President to the best of his ability. Future projects like the School Dictionaries Project and the Tom’s Shoes Initiative where learners at rural schools are targeted, will follow for 2014/2015.

We work all over Limpopo Province




Insurance approved fitment centre

The JVA 2-Series

Tel: 015 292 3992 / Fax: 015 292 3991 Email: polokwane@glassdoctor.co.za cnr Nelson Mandela Drive & Gypsum Street, Superbia, Polokwane Cell: 082 802 3740, 071 670 4100, 082 884 4407 We congratulate Rob Williamson on being elected President of Rotary Polokwane!

offers customers more with its multiple feature, synchronisable security electric fence energisers.

LCD Keypad programmable * Gate monitoring * Low voltage monitoring * IEC60335 complaint, keywitch or keypad * From 3 to 8 joule output, single, bi-and-multi-zone options, bipolar option, diagnostic mode

SHOCK, DON’T SHOOT www.jvasecurity.com

Foto: Barry Viljoen

HIEB reik uit na haweloses by House of Hope BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Polokwane Brick Depot

(Lebowakgomo Road)

Tel: 078 808 2986

Great range of quality clay, cement & paving bricks

Gerhard 083 633 4761 Wholesale and retail direct to the public

Tel / Fax: 015 297 7959 pretoriusg@lantic.net

18 Industria St. Polokwane

Fencing materials Game fencing Walltop fencing Electric fence systems Gate motors and accessories itsn alite | Re

Baie geluk Rob Williamson van Stafix met jou presidentskap van Rotary Polokwane uus

Baie geluk Rob Williamson met jou presidentskap van Rotary Polokwane!


ality d Re Rea

Haweloses is Vrydagaand deur Hulp in Elke Behoefte (Hieb) op sop en broodjies getrakteer tydens die bekendstelling van hul House of Hope-winkel in Voortrekkerstraat. Volgens Dina Pretorius, direkteur van Hieb, sal House of Hope ingerig word as ‘n winkel en stoorplek vir items wat ten bate van behoeftiges verkoop word. Fietsryers van die stad het vanaf Platinumpark na die House of Hope gery en broodrolletjies bygedra ter ondersteuning van Hieb se projek en om die publiek bewus te maak van hulle Critical Mass-veldtog om padveiligheid en respek vir fietsryers te bevorder.


Marina Fourie en Frikkie Deysel van Hieb is gereed om lekker warm sop aan haweloses en fietsryers by die House of Hope te bedien.

ne kwa polo

19A Suez Street, Nirvana, Polokwane Tel: 015 292 6273 | Fax: 015 292 6274 | Cell: 083 737 8928


REG NR: 2009/102948/23

Toys 4 Boys

SECURITY INSTALLATIONS Tel: 015 296 0352 Fax: 086 592 6761 Cell: 082 495 7528

* Electric fencing * Game fencing * Gate automation * Electric fence COC

Baie geluk Rob! André Du Plessis


Haarsalonbesoek kan Kansa help

July 31, 2014

32 OBSERVER polokwane

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

Entries for Miss Humanity extended ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The entry date for the Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 pageant has been extended and women aged 18 to 26 are invited to submit their entries by no later than 31 August. Katryn Barwise, Miss Humanity South Africa 2013 and recently appointed pageant director said the contest is all about serving

the community. She added that the winner will be a woman of beauty but with a heart for the community and the willpower to change the lives of others. “The candidates must be willing to work hard. They will also be expected to host various charity events such as food drives, planting vegetable gardens and teaching others about sustainability in order to alleviate poverty.” “In the end it’s not about winning but rather how you can uplift the community,” Barwise explained. Twenty finalists will be chosen from across the country and according to Barwise each will be tasked with three projects to be completed within a two month period. The finalists will compete for the Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 title on 25 October at the Protea Hotel Ranch Resort. Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 will represent South Africa at the international pageant to be judged in Barbados in 2015. Entrants will be notified telephonically about the date, time and place for interviews. For more information can be obtained from misshumanityinternational.com or Barwise’s webpage on misshumanityinternationalsa.com.

Linda Wentzel, die eienaar van La Paz, in Bendor, het ‘n unieke manier gevind om geld vir die nasionale Cuppa for Cansa in te samel. Wentzel gaan R5 van elke kliënt wat die salon besoek, skenk. Die gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa Polokwane, Ria du Plessis sê Wentzel beoog om R5 000 op die manier in te samel. “Die projek het reeds begin en sal die volgende ses maande aktief wees. Ek nooi namens Wentzel almal uit om La Paz te besoek. Die persone wat van die geleentheid gebruik maak, sal nie net goed lyk nie, maar ook goed voel aangesien ‘n bedrag aan Kansa geskenk word.” Du Plessis nooi die gemeenskap uit om haar

te skakel by 083 259 2790 om dié projek te steun of indien enige iemand ‘n Cuppa-projek wil loods. Cuppa Cansa is ‘n jaarlikse geleentheid om saam met mense te kuier wat omgee en terselftertyd geld in te samel.

Gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa Polokwane, Ria du Plessis saam met die eienaar van La Paz, Linda Wentzel.

Discover the power within ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


wilight Events, in partnership with Meropa Casino and Entertainment World invites all women to join in a Women’s Day celebratory event with guest speaker Public Protector Thuli Madonsela. Mahadi Legodi from Twilight Travel said the theme for the event on 9 August is Discover the Power Within and its purpose is to celebrate women and to guide them in uncovering the innate power. “To most women success, efficiency and progress, whether at home or at work, is mostly hindered by self-limiting internal barriers that are perpetuated by cultural norms and social- patriarchal believes. These aspects have played a big role in delaying progress and creating self doubt in women who found themselves in leadership positions,” Legodi said. The event, with Polokwane Observer as exclusive print media sponsor, hopes to present a platform for an intense dialogue among women to discuss topics that will assist them in discovering their capabilities, regardless of obstacles. Legodi said two topics will be discussed at each table and two leader representatives from each topic will then later present their discussions to the audience in the form of open

discussion. She invited all women to join in a life changing opportunity to tap from Madonsela’s skills when she champions the theme of the day. Legodi said women have for centuries endeavoured to climb up the ladder to the top and stay there, but to her surprise the numbers of women who stay in these top management positions have declined irrespective of availability of legislation that is geared towards women advancement. “In South Africa women’s representation in parliament dropped from 44 % in the 2009 elections to 40 % in the 7 May polls, while that of women in provincial legislatures dropped from 41 % to 37 %. This is a call for concern,” she said. “Could it be that the key to our emancipation lies in our internal barriers? You have to attend this event to find your Aha moment,” she invited. The programme will commence at 10:00 and tickets cost R500 per person, which includes lunch and entertainment. Tickets are sold at Twilight Travel’s offices situated at 78 Biccard Street, Gabriel’s Outfitters at Mall of the North or Icon at Standard Bank Square. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information call 015 297 2509/4691.



Motors profile>>

July 31, 2014 >> PAGE 33

Million Baloyi

Dealership: Volkswagen Polokwane What is the biggest challenge in your line of work? >> To conclude a successful deal What should prospective clients keep in mind when buying a car? >> If the vehicle will be used privately or for business How do you stay at the forefront of the industry? >> By keeping in contact with existing and new clients

BMW 5 Series – world’s most successful business automobile RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


he BMW 5 Series, 2012’s top-selling business model repeated the feat in 2013 with 366 992 customers worldwide and


The new BMW 5 Series remains the top selling business model.

1 791 (excluding the Touring model) in South Africa opting for stylish German luxury. A key factor contributing to this success was the model revision of the BMW 5 Series in 2013, featuring an extended range of engines, numerous additional equipment items and the

extensive BMW ConnectedDrive program which put the 5 Series well ahead of the competition once again. The model revision selectively refreshed the exterior design of the entire BMW 5 Series family, thereby enhancing its overall presence. With its newly designed rear the BMW 5 Series Gran Turismo also offers a luggage compartment expanded by 60 litres to 500 litres. The two equipment lines, Luxury Line and Modern Line along with the M Sport package allow each BMW 5 Series to be given an even more marked touch of individual flair. The interior of the 5 Series is exactly what is expected of BMW. It presents refined premium ambience combined with enhanced functionality. The user-friendly iDrive Controller is fitted in all models as standard, while Control Display features a chrome trim surround. In conjunction with the Professional navigation system, the iDrive Touch Controller increases operating convenience. Its integrated touchpad allows letters for text entry, for a navigation destination to be typed simply using one finger. The Germans pay a lot of attention to detail when it comes to safety which in this instance is even further enhanced by modern assistance and safety systems such as full LED headlamps and BMW Night Vision with person and animal

detection as well as Dynamic Light Spot. The dazzle-free high beam assistant ensures excellent visibility in the dark by making more use of the high beam. A camera fitted in the base of the interior mirror monitors the area in front of the car, effectively detecting vehicles ahead and oncoming traffic. The traffic jam assistant and parking assistant with longitudinal and lateral guidance for the sedan and touring enhance convenience in the BMW 5 Series. Based on radar and camera data, the traffic jam assistant supports the driver in slow-moving traffic. Up to speeds of 40 km/h, the system regulates the car’s distance from other road users as well as keeping it in the centre of the lane. With the performance of the new 5 Series also comes fuel efficiency and low emissions as a result of BMW efficient dynamics. It is especially the diesel engines that impress most when it comes to refuelling. The 520d engine offers fuel consumption of 4,5 litre per 100 km and CO2 emissions of only 119 g/km. A powerful 135 kW engine gives the driver more power with fewer worries on fuel consumption. Visit Modern Autohaus at Motor City Polokwane, N1 South or contact them on 015 299 8500.


Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

Lebogang took the crown in the Miss Mokopane Crossing pageant ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

not only their brand but also confidence and personality. “It gives them the opportunity to become role models and humanitarians in their communities,” Barwise said. The title Little Miss Mokopane Crossing, in the four to six year age group, was Mukundi Hlabioa. Her first princess was Anze Esterhuizen and the second princess was Ashley Weideman. Washu Hlabioa from Polokwane took the crown of Miss Mokopane Junior in the seven to nine year age group. Her first princess was Hope Mogashoa and the runner up Nthabiseng Shivambu, both from Polokwane. The title Miss Mokopane Crossing Junior Teen, in the ten to 12 year category went to Onthantile Molepo from Polokwane. The first princess and runner up respectively were Naletsana Lesufi Reneilwe Mailula, both also from Polokwane. Ronnel Homu from Tzaneen was crowned as Miss Mokopane Crossing Teen in the 13 to 15 year category while Mikateko Nkuna, also from Tzaneen, was crowned as her first princess and Kabelo Lekgoathi, from Polokwane the second princess. Lebogang Malatji from Polokwane

Katryn Barwise with Tshego Monyepao, Lebogang Malatji and Moloto Nakeng.

Lebogang Malatjie from Polokwane was crowned the winner of the recent Miss Mokopane Crossing beauty pageant held at Mokopane Crossing Mall. Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 Katryn Barwise hosted this youth development pageant that was entered by young girls from across the province. The competition aimed to uplift the community because the Centre of Hope, an orphanage and disabled centre in Mokopane benefitted from a food drive that formed part of the pageant. Barwise said the winners received wonderful prizes from the main sponsor, Kia Mokopane and other sponsors. Mokopane Crossing Mall Manager, Charmaine de Gouveia, the editor of Focus Magazine, Marli Markgraaff and Prudence Kekana from Kia Mokopane were the judges. Gail Mokwatlo, with more than 600 votes, took the title of Miss Kia Mokopane Public Choice in a Facebook competition. Barwise’s youth development organisation, Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy, through modelling provides young girls with a platform to build

Ashley Weideman, winner Mukundi Hlabioa and Anze Esterhuizen. With them is Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 Katryn Barwise

Nthabiseng Shivambu, Washu Hlabioa, Hope Mogashoa and Katryn Barwise.

Kabelo Lekgoathi, Ronnel Homu, Mikateko Nkuna and Katryn Barwise.

took the crown in the Miss Mokopane Crossing for ages 16 to 24 years. Her first princess was Mokopane’s Moloto Nakeng and the second princess Tshego Monyepao from Polokwane. For more information on pageants organised by Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy, visit them on Facebook or go to www.limpopobeautymodelingacademy.co.za.


Gail Mokwatlo and Katryn Barwise.

Reneilwe Mailula, Onthantile Molepo, Naletsana Lesufi and Katryn Barwise.



Property profile>>

July 31, 2014 >> PAGE 35

Klaas Ratombo

Agency: Era Polokwane What is the most important factor to consider when buying a house? >> Location and price How would you describe the current property market in Polokwane? >> Stable but highly priced What is the recipe for being a good property agent? >> Honesty and professionalism

Don’t become a soft target for criminals no areas in the garden where an intruder could hide. Keep brushes, trees and foliage trimmed back and ensure that entrance areas are well lit and visible,” Goslett advised. According to security experts, when it comes to deterring would-be burglars, there is simply no match for physical barriers such as palisade-style fencing or good quality electric fencing. “It is important to remember however, that when an electric fence is used around the perimeter, the gate will become the area that burglars will see as a possible weak point to gain entry, so it is advisable to have the gate set up to an alarm system,” Goslett said. He noted that as an added precautionary measure, motion sensors and beams provide

15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za





SIAS • 082 372 7265


BENDOR • R2 200 000 UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes - open-plan living areas for entertainment - spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/ scullery with granite tops. Verandah with braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. Servant’s room and bathroom. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181040


BENDOR • R1 950 000 ENJOY A STUNNING LIFESTYLE IN A HOME OF PERFECTION. Excellent security. High quality finishes, wooden windows. Stunning double volume open-plan living, dining and study with a well planned kitchen. Stoep with braai area – lovely garden with a water feature, storeroom and a toilet/shower for the staff. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181045


ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


Tel: 015 295 3134


an invitation to proceed to enter. If the intercom does not work, remove or repair it as soon as possible. Crime reports suggest that many housebreakers tend to take the vehicles in addition to the household contents. “To avoid this, any vehicle keys or spare keys should be hidden or kept in unusual places. If possible don’t keep keys on key hooks or counters where they are easily seen, rather put them out of sight and in a safe place,” Goslett advised. Goslett said that an excellent way to get to know your neighbours and assist in keeping the community safer is to join the local community policing forum or neighbourhood watch where responsibility and time is shared among residents to make everyone safer.

an excellent back-up to the physical barrier. Generally burglars would prefer to avoid a confrontational situation so they would rather break into a home while the occupants are not there. Goslett said that wherever possible, homeowners should avoid any telltale signs that the family has gone away, such as uncollected post or newspapers. Timers can be installed for the lights both inside and outside the home and a car can be left where it is safe but visible from the outside. According to Goslett one way that criminals check to see whether the occupants of a property are at home is by ringing the buzzer or intercom. Always answer the buzzer or intercom. When it is ignored, an intruder may take that as

ANTON 082 443 6039



outh Africa’s sobering crime statistics have made local home buyers among the most security conscious people who make security features on an interested home, priority. “South Africa is possibly one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a number of amazing things on offer, but crime is one aspect that unfortunately has many South Africans up in arms. For many, security has become a determining factor in where they choose to live. The result of this is that properties with top-end security features or those located in security estates are highly soughtafter and often fetch a higher price than other types of properties,” Adrian Goslett, Chief Executive Officer of Re/Max Southern Africa is quoted to have said. He noted that while homes located within security estates generally provide a greater return on investment over the long term, not everyone can afford a property in one of these estates. But that does not mean that they have to compromise on their safety and become easy targets. Goslett said there are several ways through which homeowners could increase their home’s security and deter criminals. Goslett said that most intruders are looking for a home that is going to be as easy and quick to break into as possible. The longer it will take to break into the home, the less likely it will happen. “For this reason, don’t leave anything out that could help them gain access to the home, such as garden tools or ladders. It is also a good idea to ensure that there are







SIAS • 082 372 7265



suzettejacobs@hotmail.com BENDOR: R1 370 000: Centrally located close to all amenities. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr home with an attached granny flat, pool, lapa, fenced. One of the most beutiful kitchens in town. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: Free standing 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. STER PARK: R3 600 000: Modern 4 bedr, 3 bathr home. New kitchen with granite tops, big entertainment area, 3 garages. Security is king. Beautiful garden. Pool. FAUNA PARK: R1 750 000: Absolutely fantastic! Move-in-ready. Newly renovated 3 bedr, 2 bathr home. New finishes, entertainment area, 2 garages, 2 carports.

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333

BENDOR • R1 800 000 MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME IN SECURITY AREA Ref: 91344182143 Upmarket home with top class finishes. Beautiful open-plan kitchen dining, living and study area. Huge bedrooms. Manageable, well established garden. Phone now and come live in luxury!

3 2

2 Carports 0


GRETHA • 082 802 1874


SESHEGO • R600 000 PERFECT LOCK-UP-AND-GO. Ref: 91344181114 Clean house. Spacious family home on 372m² stand with a dream kitchen with cherry wood cupboards and a gorgeous main bedroom. Peaceful surrounding neighbours.



0 Carports 0


JAMES • 072 236 7310

LADANNA • R522 000

IVY DALE • R 3 200 000

IS THIS FOR YOU? Ref:CALL FOR INFORMATION. 3.5 Ha plot with guesthouse licence and ease of access from Pretoria road and Lebowakgomo. 4.2Ha zoned Res 3 & overnight.


0 Carports 0


VICTOR • 073 066 6805


THIS IS THE PROPERTY FOR YOU. Ref: 91344179690 Very nice modern and spacious on large of stand over 630 m². Clean in and outside. Massive 2 living rooms. Expensive finishes in main bedroom and kitchen. 2 bedrooms outside for granny flat.







JAMES • 072 236 7310



A T E R R I F I C B U Y. Ref:91344181021 Two bedroom home at new Pietersburg. Walled right around. With lockable gate. Close to public transport, school, medical facility and mall. Call now for an appointment.


0 Carports 0

Area Marula Heights 91344182126 Marula Heights 91344171280 Bodorp 91344161670 Northview 91344181756 Northview 91344174461


SIMON • 0824768916


Size (m²) Price Agent 672 R370 000 Simon 082 476 8916 871 R490 000 Louwrens 082 958 6632 5710 R6 200 000 Rina 082 929 9171 799 R485 000 Simon 082 476 8916 650 R400 000 Victor 073 066 6805



No high maintenance needed. The property is protected A home with lots of potential. Secure parking. Swimming pool by lockable gates and walls right round. There are shops, and lapa. Quiet area and well located. Walking distance to restaurants, liquor stores and ATM machines in the neigh- church and schools. Make this home yours. Call me now! bourhood. Public transport and taxi ranks in the vicinity.

1 Carports 0

3 1


JACOB • 082 466 8366



LESEDI PARK • R706 000








RINA • 082 929 9171

BENDOR • R3300 000

A STUNNING HOME - UNBELIEVABLE GOODNESS. Ref: 91344182021 The property is well maintained with renovation that has been recently completed. There is wonderful finishes with quality materials. The property is well situated close to schools, shopping area and taxi ranks. Crèches and parks in the near vicinity.

3 2


LUXURY LIVING Ref: 91344181385 Relax in the sheer comfort of living inside this 4 bedroom family home with study. Open-plan living area leading to patio, pool and private garden, private living areas. Great entertaining space. This unique home offers a walk in safe. Well situated in a sought after area. Close to Cycad estate. JACOB • 082 466 8366 GRETHA • 0828021874 4 3½ 2 Carports 2 1

HOUSES TO LET 1 3 2 1 2

1 2 1 1 1

Ladanna 1




R3 700 R5 500 R5 500 R4 000 R3 850


We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020

R6000 3


R5 500 3

1 1

R6 000 3 1 Bendor

R9 500 3

2 2

Fauna Park

R8 500 3

2 2


R7 000 3

2 2


R3 850 3


BODORP • R1 060 000 OFFICES IN SECURED OFFICE PARK. Ref: 91344181573 Offices in popular Hans van Rensburg street within walking distance from CBD and other office developments. Currently used as residential but can immediately be used as offices. Call now. Tomorrow might be too late.






0 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632


JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874


Everything we touch turns to SOLD! KOWIE SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452

RINA 082 929 9171



Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

makes us the obvious choice”


Foto: Roelien Vorster

Miss Limpopo Teen, Tiané Ströh saam met die wenner van die matriekafskeid-kompetisie, Charlize van Heerden.

WEB: 325625

ExclusivE gamE farm in limpopo

The one and only Game Farm in Limpopo you are looking for! Don’t hesitate to to call immediately and make an appointment to aquire more information and view this once in a lifetime opportunity. Game farm with accomodation, hunting exemption, slaughtering facilities etc. Lots of different species of game included as well as lots of moveable assets. Two rivers running through this exclusive property with some pools, perennial water throughout the year.

CHRISTO VAN HEERDEN 082 375 7434 christo.vanheerden@seeff.com


R656 000



R1 900 000

solE manDaTE

solE manDaTE

iDEal for surgErY

familY HomE moDErn anD classY

BluE riBBon HomE

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R1 100 000

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olD counTrY sTYlE HomE

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(O) 015 297 1140 LOUISE OOSTHUIZEN 071 609 6256


R1 640 000

HErE’s a piEcE of TranQuiliTY

moDErn officEs in BEnDor

(O) 015 297 1140 SANNELIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 493 7842

(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE pRETORIUS 082 200 5227

Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 3 Seeff Web: 329 493


R1 200 000

solE manDaTE

lovElY spacious familY HomE

BEauTiful familY HomE in a QuiET arEa

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R743 000

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R750 000

Offices 10 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 329 205


R623 000

forgET clEaning anD movE inTo THis spoTlEss nEaT HomE Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 329 226

(O) 015 297 1140 SINDILE MLAUZI 076 062 9454


R1 875 000

solE manDaTE

nEaT ToWnHousE for salE

DEsiraBlE propErTY in a sougHT-afTEr arEa

(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET ScHEEpERS 083 941 7357

(O) 015 297 1140 cHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844 (O) 015 297 1140 cHRISTO VAN HEERDEN 082 375 7434

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Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants

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‘n Droomrok vir ‘n gelukkige wenner ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Charlize van Heerden van Hoërskool Pietersburg is die gelukkige wenner van die gesogte matriekafskeid-kompetisie wat deur Miss Limpopo Teen, Tiané Ströh aangebied is. Tiané in samewerking met Erika Mengouchi van Mengouchi Haute Couture, het die kompetisie, waarin ‘n matriekleerder die geleentheid kry om haar droomrok vir die matriekafskeid te wen, geloods. Om ‘n kans te staan om te wen, moes die leerder ‘n afspraak by Mengouchi Haute Couture maak en haar droomrok kies. ‘n Brief van die leerder oor wat dit vir haar sal beteken om haar droomrok te wen moes aan die inskrywingsvorm geheg word. Tiané sê die totale prysgeld is ongeveer R11 000 en die pryse sluit ‘n rok ter waarde van R8 500, haarafspraak geborg deur Head Office, naels- en grimering geborg deur House of Finesse en ‘n fotosessie deur Nyx Fotografie in. Polokwane Observer is die amptelike mediaborg. Charlize sê sy sien vreeslik uit na haar matriekafskeid in dié droomskepping.

If you have a complaint about any provincial hospital in Limpopo call

0800 91 91 91 toll free


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1 x 1 000m² for R20.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3 km from SAB Long-term

Johann Swart 082 829 5084

Julie 31, 2014


OBSERVER 37 polokwane

The world is your oyster >> It was a never ending slumber party >> I was asked if I have an elephant as a pet

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


fter spending six months in Germany as part of an exchange student programme, Tshegofatso Masenya, a Grade 10 learner at Capricorn High School said she is happy to be home again. She said she heard about the exchange student programme and applied at the Youth for Understanding (YFU) South Africa. She was interviewed and was lucky enough to be included in the programme. She visited the Auerswald family in Warendorf from 16 January to 12 July and although communication with the locals was difficult at first it became easier after she went for language classes. She had two host sisters, aged 15 and 17, and said “it was a never ending slumber party”. “I have two brothers so spending time with them was so much fun. Everything is in German and although they learn English at school, they don’t speak the language very well. I made lifelong friends and we keep regular contact and it helps me advance my German language skills. They accepted me for who I am,” she said. Tshegofatso said she had to attend school and class groups are arranged according to the academic ability of the learners. “The standard is very high and because the schooling is so different, I was placed in a grade lower than what I am actually in. What was surprising is that they don’t offer any Accountancy, Business Studies or Economics in the higher grades, only science subjects. The students were all very friendly and although some made remarks about my skin colour as I was the only black person in school. It didn’t bother me too much though because you learn to have a thick skin,” she said. She had to answer some strange questions from the students. “One asked me if I have an elephant as a pet,” she recalled laughingly. “Others asked me if I live in a jungle. At one time I was asked if I have a smart phone and someone remarked that I might not have a computer.” She said the food was very different and where South Africans usually have their main meal at night, the Germans prefer to eat their main meal during lunch. “They eat a variety of bread and bratwurst. I had to get use to eating a lot of sauerkraut, schnitzel, dönner and bratwurst. They also like to drink lots of beer. I tried it, but it was disgusting.” Tshegofatso said she was surprised at how advanced the transport system was. When she arrived at the airport in Germany she had to travel by skyline from one terminal to another. She said, coming from South Africa with its African time mentality, she had to quickly adapt to the German’s being punctual. “If departure time is at 11:00, they do not wait for anyone. The taxis are all MercedesBenzes and everyone had a bicycle. It seems as if they all have a sense of urgency. They even walk fast,” she laughed. “The myth that Germans come across as cold and aloof is not true. Once you get to know them, they really are friendly people.” The household culture was very different because no one is allowed to wear shoes inside the house. “You have to take your shoes off before you enter the house. We wore slippers or socks inside. Germany is probably the safest country I know. Compared to South Africa, no one has any security except for locking their front doors. The crime rate is extremely low and I think it’s because the poverty rate is also very low. It seems as if everyone lives on the same income level.” She said she managed to travel with her host family to other German cities like Köln, Bremen and Haselünne as well as the Netherlands. “The sun sets at about 22:00 and rises

at about 04:00. I struggled to fall asleep at night because it felt like it was still afternoon. Another surprising factor was that nobody went shopping on a Sunday. It is regarded as a family day. The shops aren’t even open on a Sunday,” she said. Tshegofatso said it was amazing to see how patriotic the Germans are. She visited the country during the Brazilian Soccer World Cup and every house and person wore a flag. “They have flags on everything, from clothes to displays in the shops.” She said she enjoyed every moment in

Germany but coming home to South Africa was amazing. “My parents had a huge banner saying welcome home in German with balloons. She had to give a presentation to the guests on her experience, but what she enjoyed the most was the food. “It was so nice to eat what I know,” she said. Her experience in Germany, she said, taught her one thing. “The world is your oyster. Work hard, believe in yourself and grow a thick skin.” She said she misses her bicycle the most and will one day return to Germany.

PHOTOS: Roelien Vorster

Tshegofatso Masenya, a Grade 10 learner at Capricorn High School spends six months in Germany as part of a German Exchange Student programme.


July 31, 2014

38 OBSERVER polokwane

FNB Limpopo Wine Show well received BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

G Photos: Barry Viljoen

Niel van Velden of Robertson Winery introduces Chief Executive Officer of Limpopo Gambling Board, Serobi Maja and his wife Raesetja to the Sauvignon Blanc 2014.

The Chocolate Block of Boekenhoutkloof clearly appeals to the taste of Mashilo Matsetela, Chairperson of the Limpopo Tourism Agency Board and Clifford Ngakane, General Manager of Meropa Casino and Entertainment World.

root Constantia’s Shiraz, their exquisitely blended Gouverneurs Reserve, a finely structured Pinotage and the inexpensive but easy drinking Constantia Rood Haut Cabrière, famous for its fizz and its almost white Chardonnay-Pinot Noir blend, were some of the fine wines that were on offer. Middelvlei exhibited their Pinotage, Cabernet, Shiraz, Merlot and a Pinotage-Merlot blend while Obikwa presented its competitively priced and unbelievably smooth Merlot and Cabernet. Du Toitskloof’s rare Nebbiolo from the grapes used in making some of Italy’s most famous reds

>> Wines from leading cellars represented >> A taste for every taste was a real winner. Robertson Winery offered Merlot, Shiraz, and a sparkling sweet red while Springfield (best known for its Sauvignon Blanc and Wild Yeast Chardonnay) showed its Work of Time Bordeaux blend and the Mèthode Ancienne Cabernet. Strandveld’s Pinot Noir, Shiraz from Steenberg and Vondeling and several quite original red blends as well as the Cabernet, Merlot and Grand Classique of Glen Carlou were widely acclaimed. The Rosés from Du Toitskloof, First Sighting and Vondeling were available for those who could not make up their minds between red and white wine.

Kgangelo Malatji, Edith Jurgens and Tebogo Mabanna at the exhibition of 4th Street

Nico Ligthelm and Jan Siertsema did not miss the opportunity to taste the Du Toitskloof Pinot Merlot Rubicab.

Tel: 015 295 9014


THEO 082 990 7275

TO LET CENTRAL CBD- Retail space : Thabo Mbeki St: 127 m² @ R105/m². Kruger St: 348 m² @ R24 430 pm. Kruger St: 325 m² @ R22 815 pm. Thabo Mbeki St: 66 m² @ R110/m². CBD - Offices: Three office suites of 326 m², 110 m² and 123 m² @ R60/m². Parking available at R350/bay/m. Located in a popular shopping complex. WAREHOUSES/WORKSHOPS: Superbia: Excellent warehouse with covered loading bays etc: 2 100 m² @R35/m². 65 m² workshop at R3 800 pm. Laboria: Warehouse of 500 m² @R16 500 p.m. NOTE: ALL FIGURES ABOVE EXCLUSIVE OF VAT RAYMOND 082 458 4239 If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) 5 LUXURY TOWNHOUSES IN EDUAN PARK @R 800 000 (SOLE MANDATE!!): Spacious 100m² units each with 2 sunny bedrooms, 1 modern bathroom, separate toilet, open-plan living area and modern kitchen, single garage. Private yard each with its own splash pool and built barbeque for those coming hot summer months!!!! (Ideal for first time buyers or investors in a sought after suburb) 2) LADANNA HOUSE – R980 000: 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, lounge and TV room, 1 garage, 5 carports. Nice braai and entertainment area. (Very good value for money) 3) 2 HOUSES IN IVY PARK EXT 9 - R750 000 EACH (Neg): 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen/living area. 2 Carports. Cute and manageable and ideal for the young family! 4) LADANNA FLATS - R 430 000: 2 Flats for sale each with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, openplan kitchen & dining room area, 1 carport. (Excellent for 1st time buyers) 5) STANDS! Many stands available in Thornhill and North View. WANTED : PLOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE, PLEASE !!

1) SERALA VIEW STAND - R480 000: 1202m² 2) SESHEGO ZONE 1 - R380 000 2 Bedrooms, 1bathroom, lounge, kitchen, garage and outside rooms. 3) LADANNA FLAT - R430 000 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen and a carport. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!!

MABATHO 083 747 2056 mabathomabotja@gmail.com 1) INVESTORS! 3 BEDROOM FLATS FOR SALE IN MURRAYFIELD PRETORIA ONLY R650 000! 2) Stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom Townhouse in popular estate. Still new, just move in! Near shopping centres with excellent security. The only 2 b/r townhouse with 2 bathrooms and a BIG garden. R1,030 M. URGENT! STANDS WANTED! LET ME SELL YOUR STAND FAST! S TA N D S ! ! S TA N D S ! ! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! Marula Heights 732 m² R450 000 Serala View: 2 of 1000 m² R500 000 each Bendor Ridge: 782 m² R825 000 Northview: 553 m² R425 000 Eagles Crest: 704 m² R430 000 Waterberry Estate: 670 m² R440 000 Thornhill: 8 from 462 m² R350 000 each Woodhill: 3 from R350 000 upwards Celtic Meadows: choose R440 000 from 3 De Bron: 907 m² R510 000 Celtic Lodge: R950 000 AND MANY MORE! COME AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! PHONE ME TODAY!

1) MAHLASEDI PARK: R225 000: For the last 381m² vacant stand in this area. 2) SESHEGO ZONE 4: R550 000: Beautiful 3 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 1 bathroom and double garage. 3) SESHEGO ZONE 3: R420 000: A 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom, all newly renovated!!! 4) SESHEGO ZONE 8: R 460 000: A lovely home with 3 sunny bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and a carport. Low maintenance! 5) MARULA HEIGHTS: R400 000: FOR A LARGE VACANT STAND . 6) WOODHILL ESTATE: R380 000: 418m² vacant stand. 8) MAHLASEDI PARK:R650 000: 3 bedroom house with dining room kitchen and 2 bathrooms ! 9) MAHLAKO A PHAHLA: R550 000: A newly built 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 10) KALKFONTEIN PLOT: R595 000 (BARGAIN OF THE WEEK): 8.7Ha Vacant plot for sale, ACT Now to avoid losing out!! URGENTLY LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL IN THESE AREAS: SESHEGO, EMDO, MADIBA PARK AND IVY PARK. Qualified buyers are waiting:Call your area specialist now!

SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com

PHILIP 082 937 3683 philipinsa@gmail.com

1) FLORA PARK – R 1.450M: Roomy family home in this soughtafter suburb. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, 2 living areas 2 half built garages. 2) BENDOR GARDENS – R 650 000: Quality living in an upmarket secured development with 2 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large lounge, nice kitchen and a carport. 3) SESHEGO – R 900 000 of classic splendour!! Magnificent home with an exceptional view, quality finishes, 4 bedrooms, stylish kitchen, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Close to all amenities.

ERNEST 072 696 6004 emotlau@webmail.co.za

Obikwa Wines on offer by Awanda Viljoen and Sonica Schonstein.

Wine-lovers Thereza and Barry Vermaak with brother Mark and Cornél Vermaak sampling the wines on offer.

MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 bmpienaar@gmail.com FARMS / SMALL HOLDINGS FOR SALE GAME FARMS: 1. BANDUR, NORTH-EAST OF ALLDAYS, 2000ha Game Farm with fully equipped Lodge. R8 500/ha 2. BANDUR, NORTH-EAST OF ALLDAYS, 500ha Game Farm with 7.5ha Pivot, hunters acc. R12 000/ha 3. HOUTBOSCHDORP, 85ha Leefstyl Wildplasie met 2 Grasdak Chalets. R2 950 000. 4. DENDRON, 137Ha Leefstyl wildsplasie, grasdaklapa, woonhuis, volop wild, mooi bosveld. R2 750 000. CATTLE FARMS: 1. ALLDAYS, 629Ha bosveldplaas. R6 550/Ha. IRRIGATION FARMS: 1. BOCHUM AREA 735ha, 70ha irrigation, 4 strong boreholes, game fenced, R12 000/ha 2. WATERPOORT AREA 215ha, 46ha onder drip, 24ha lande, 3 Titelaktes,3 Woonhuise, plaaswinkels. R40 000/ha 3. WATERPOORT AREA 750ha, 100ha under drip irrigation, fully automated, Game fenced (the whole irrigation operation is controlled from a laptop) R 20 000-00/HA SMALLHOLDINGS: 1) RANCH HOTEL AREA: 30ha, 4 houses, 12 one bedroom Units, Conference Hall, 2 swimming pools, Ideal venue for weddings, currently used as Lodge. R 4 300 000-00 2) 10KM NORTH OF CITY: 23ha with 3 Bedroom farm house, water rich area R2 000 000-00 3) PLOT ON SANDRIVIER NEAR MUSSINA : 24ha of bushveld with com-fortable farm house with 5ha arable lands @ R 1 400 000-00 HOUSES: 1. EDUAN PARK: Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, carport, well-built home R 1 400 000-00 NEG 2. BURGER STREET, Spacious family home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garages, double carports, swimming pool, Wendy house, automated gate, R 1 400 000 NEG 3. SCHOEMANSTRAAT – 900m² met besigheidsregte. R 3 800 000 4. WANTED: FARMS AND SMALL HOLDINGS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE

HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za

Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng, second from left with her husband Tito, Economist Glen Steyn and Mashilo Matsetela, Chairman of the Limpopo Tourism Agency Board at the FNB Limpopo Wine Show.

Linda and Pieter Ferns with Warren and Lelanie Weyer attended the wine show.

Winners of free tickets to the Wine Show, Richard Rambiyana and his wife Rachel having a good time.

Sean and Elna Alsemgeest joined wine lovers at the wine show.

Xolisawa Vuyeqaba, Private Banker of FNB Private Clients with Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng.

Skaapkoplekkerte vir OBSERVER 39 smulpape by Pietersburgklub Julie 31, 2014


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@ gmail.com

Tel: 015 2988229 Fax: 015 2988229 Email: mirnal@telkomsa.net


ietersburgklub het verlede Woendag die eerste van sy twee skaapkopaande per jaar gehou waartydens fynproewers saam met tradisionele bykos kon weglê. Om skaapkop te eet, val nie in elkeen se smaak nie en voorsiening is gemaak vir dié wat veel eerder beesstert of skaapafval verkies. Gesoute skaapkopeters het selfs hulle spesiaal gemaakte en Franco Marx sien toe dat Cloutelle Marx en Monique Pretorius kennis maak met gebraaide ryklik versierde klere skaapkop. Foto’s: Barry Viljoen vir sulke geleenthede gedra. ‘n Ernstige skaapkopeter bring natuurlik ook sy eie geesvang. knipmes saam om die lekkerny sorgvuldig af te skil tot net Louise Pretorius, wat deel is van die span wat die funk‘n hopie bene oorbly. sie gereël het, sê dat die 100 kaartjies wat beskikbaar was, In die gees van die geleentheid het die Bosvellers vinnig verkoop is en dat die volgende skaapkopaand op 16 gepaste boeremusiek verskaf sodat gaste behoorlik kon Oktober plaasvind.


P.O. Box 961 Fauna Park 0787

Principal (Sole Proprietor) Mirna Lourens Fidelity Fund Certificate: 2014240882

Hettie 082 452 1603


Spacious 3 Bedr / 2 bathr / open-plan lounge / dining room / beautiful kitchen / double garage / small garden / fireplace / pyjama lounge / patio / domestic room & toilet.

CONTACT HETTIE 082 452 1603 EXCLUSIVE SOLE MANDATE - P.O.R. Harcourts Bakone

24 Rissik Street, cnr Rissik and Hans van Rensburg, Polokwane T: 015 295 3511 E: bakone@harcourts.co.za W: www.harcourtsbakone.co.za

Die Bosvellers sorg vir boeremusiek. Agter die instrumente is Jan Vermaak, Juan de Bruyn, Attie Vermaak, Hans Roothman en Chris Gouws.

STANDS FOR SALE Anton van Vuuren, Appel Kleynhans, Hannes le Roux en Sieg Maré is gesoute skaapkopeters en verbeter elke jaar op hulle doelgemaakte uniforms.


Celtic Meadows


Eagles Crest

555m² R369 350 420m² R327 450 536m² R432 490

715m² R363 900 718m² R379 925 682m² R434 200

400m² R379 925 515m² R385 000 419m² R387 000 1006m² R725 000

817m² R478 988 787m² R478 988 836m² R490 128 987m² R578 656

Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: veronica.mohapi@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Keith Baragwanath is gereed om sy skaapkop te eet. 88 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699, P.O. Box 55393, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 015 297 6965, Tel: 015 297 6602, Fax: 015 297 6914

rentals@khayalam.co.za Townhouses To leT

* hoog street: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge kitchen and garage @ R5 000 available 1 August. * ladanna: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lounge kitchen and carport @ R4 400 available 1 August. * Bendor Drive: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lounge, kitchen,guest toilet, 2 garage and a private garden @ R6 500 available 1 August. * Penina Park: 3 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Lounge, 2 Bathrooms, Carport @ R6500 available 1 August * Plein street: 3 Bedrooms, Lounge, Kitchen, Guest Toilet, 2 Bathrooms, Garage, Laundry @ R6500 available Immediately

Harcourts in association with Machela Building Construction are offering building packages Includes: • Design • Energy Sufficiency • Building packages

• Building plan & Submission • Quality sufficiency & Estimating • Construction, Management and Supervision

Call us for a quotation for double-storey houses. We also provide assistance with bond applications with financial institutions operating in Polokwane. Contact our building package specialist Veronica on 084 633 9420 today!

houses To leT

* Marshall street: 4 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, pool and a carport @ R9 500 available 1 August. * ster Park : 4 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, study, pool and lapa, 3 garages + 1 bedroom flat, servants’ room @ R15 000 available immediately. * Tweefontein: Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, lounge, 2 bathrooms, garage and laundry @ R4 500 available immediately. we are looking for Townhouses, Flats and houses to rent. Kindly contact Khosa on 082 802 4746.

ConTaCT: 082 802 4746

C: 076 212 2083 Email: brucerapholo@webmail.co.za


Polokwane Observer


25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Elim Tuscany Compensatie St Willows Costa Plenty Serala Village Bendor Gardens Serala Village Atjankir Vida Court Serala Village King Fisher Maranatha Park Faranani Estate

R2 800 R2 850 R3 200 R4 200 R3 500 R4 000 R4 000 R4 100 R4 100 R4 000 R4 400 R4 500 R7 300 R12 000

01/08/2014 01/08/2014 Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/08/2014 Immediately 01/08/2014 01/09/2014 Immediately 01/08/2014 Immediately 01/09/2014 01/09/2014

Shaluka’s Plains R4 900 Serala Village R2 900 Andante R5 800 Plein St R2 950 RETIREMENT VILLAGE Macadamia R5 300

01/09/2014 01/09/2014 01/09/2014 01/09/2014

Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, d/garage, security area. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, parking. Bachelor. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage. Bachelor


2 Bedr unit in retirement village.

Julie 31, 2014

Spesiale vertoning vir tehuise en skole ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com Inwoners van verskillende tehuise en skole in Polokwane het verlede Donderdag ‘n spesiale vertoning deur die Mangolian Dream Circus wat deur Savannah Mall gereël is, bygewoon. Die bemarkingsbestuurder van Savannah Mall, Karen Botha sê die vertoning is gehou om aan meer mense die geleentheid te gee om die sirkus by te woon. “Die geleentheid is deur sowat 350 persone van Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Plek van Veilige Bewaring

(Polokwane), Bosasa Jeugsentrum, Hulp in Elke Behoefte (Hieb), Aladdin’s Den Pre-school, Eeufeeshuis, Bejaardes in Aksie, Myngenoegen Shelter, Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis, Bella Vista Ouetehuis, Aretha Tehuis, Koraal Aftree-oord, Ilron Ouetehuis, Tekotini Tehuis vir Bejaardes en Arethekganeng Tehuis vir Bejaardes bygewoon.” Die sirkus kan nog vandag (Donderdag) om 19:00, môre (Vrydag) om 15:00 en 19:00 en Saterdag om 15:00 en 19:00 besoek word. Skakel 079 306 3434. FOTO: ROELIEN VORSTER

Klein Jurgens Kotze (nege maande) stel baie in sy suigstokkie belang.

National Science Week cele­bra­ tions


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@ gmail.com

Available Imm Secure Complex Polokwane Central Close to Schools Close to Town

DUPLEX - R7 500.00 3 Bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, Kitchen, Scullery, Pantry, Lock-up Garage, Prepaid Elec

Want to build your dream house? Want to rent out your property? Want to sell your property? CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: admin.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126

KONTAK STEPHEN - 082 558 3525

1) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R700 000 Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carport. 2) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, floor tiles and paint. Single garage. Exellent buy. 3) STER PARK: 1 880 000 Beautiful spacious 3 bedroom house with pool, lapa, excellent security, stunning kitchen. A must view property.

HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK: 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole. PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) On N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. FARMS: 1) MUSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 2) BOCHUM AREA: ± 730 ha (70 ha irrigation) R9 000 000.00 3) PIETERSBURG 300 ha: Cattle/crop farm + loose assets (100 Bonsmara) 2 houses, strong water, pivot R6 500 000.00 4) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) 1 300 m² Industrial stands – N1 North available 2) 450m² warehouse on 1200m² stand R2 900 000.00


CONTACT SOLET - 082 498 4415

1) TOWNHOUSE - BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000 Modern open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and single garage. FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE

KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259

1) DOORNBULT 8,5ha PLOT 1 x 4 Bedroom house, 9x3 bedroom houses and 1x2 bedroom house. Good rental income. R9 000 000.00 2) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 450 000.00 3) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerend omhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00 4) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. R6 300 000.00



MID-TOWN: R2 950.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. UPPERTOWN: R16 000.00 Fantastic spacious open-plan house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garages, pool, plus 3 offices. 1 August 2014. TOWNHOUSE OOST STREET : R7 500.00 Immediately Lovely townhouse in Upper town with open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, big scullery, excellent security, lock-up garage and cosy garden. PENINA PARK: R7 000.00 1 August 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, garage, pool. MID-TOWN: DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R4 800.00 4 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage TOWNHOUSE: R4 100.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. 20 km from town. Scenic area. LOG CABIN: R3 800.00 Immediately 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open-plan living room, 10 km from town. HOUSE ON PLOT: R4 500.00 1 August 3 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, 10 km from town. WELGELEGEN: R3 300.00 1 Augustus 1 Bedroom flat with carport.

TO LET: INDUSTRIAL CONTACT STEPHEN TEL: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855 m² with office (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices Good exposure 4) 500m² + 800m² warehouses 5) 1800m² warehouse + 300 m² office 6) 640m² 1/9/14 Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – stand-alone office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton court) 4) 100m² Office CBD

TEL: 015 295 4537 / Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET TO LET

TOWN/DORP R3 000 – Eenman woonstel met badkamer, kombuis en leefarea. Veilige kompleks. Flats from R3 000 to R3 400 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. R3 200 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Carport available at R175 per month. 3 BEDROOMS R5 570 – 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Klein hondjies welkom. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2014. R6 400 – Bendor - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. LADANNA R5 100 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, TV room and garage. Prepaid electricity. FLORAPARK R7 000 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sit-kamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, 2 motorhuise en buitetoilet. Water en elektrisiteit by munisipaliteit. HOSPITAL PARK Walking distance to Provincial Hospital R2 750 – Spacious 1 bedroom flat with kitchen, bathroom and lounge.

IVYPARK R9 050 – 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 2 motorhuise, opwas, waskamer en studeerkamer. GOLDEN OLDIE! BEAuTIFuL SPAcIOuS HOuSE! R18 000 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, study, garage, carport, braai, swimming pool PLUS 2 offices, reception and bathroom. Phone today to view! NABY KuScHKE R3 700 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, spens, afdak en motorhuis. Water ingesluit. MYNGENOEGEN R4 900 – 3 Slaapkamers, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, badkamer en motorhuis. Water en ligte ingesluit. OFFIcES Various office space available, sizes from 40m² to 598m². NEW!!! BODY cORPORATES Allow us to provide professional management of your complex. Phone now! Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162


The National Science Week (NSW) will be celebrated by the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) at various venues in Limpopo during the coming week. Mall of the North in Polokwane will host the club from 12:00 to 21:00 on Saturday and Savannah Mall from 09:00 to 13:00 on Sunday. NSW 2014 is organised by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (Saasta) under the auspices of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and is a countrywide celebration of science, involving various stakeholders and role players conducting sciencebased activities. The aim of Saasta is to advance public awareness, appreciation and engagement of science, engineering and technology in South Africa. Saasta is a business unit of the National Research Foundation (NRF). The NSW is celebrated in all nine provinces simultaneously and this year’s theme is Today’s science, tomorrow’s world. The SAC will focus on astronomy, space technology and mathematics and starts today (Thursday) to coincide with the annual Makhado Show. Various activities will take place, including the opportunity to look at the sun, moon, Saturn, stars and deep-sky objects through a telescope, discussions and demonstrations and handout material, including posters and career information, will be available.


Julie 31, 2014



STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET Small, medium & large stores. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 083 460 4439 ____________________



CASHIERS NEEDED AT ROMANS PIZZA Cashier experience compulsory. Hand in CV at Romans Pizza, Palm Centre. ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________

CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ BEE WENDYS 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R6 000 Best & quality from pallet, wood, already treated & strong. For more, we do all sizes. Call Sten 076 210 5881 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________



EK KOOP MOTORS EN BAKKIES Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________


LUSERN TE KOOP Kontak 015 575 9941 012 335 2178 ____________________ MATLALA ALOE PARK Erf no 6B met verbeterings. Mooi natuur & tuin. Vlot (8 meter: PAX 12) & boot (12 voet), 85HP Yamaha. Alles vir R320 000. Kontak Willem Bronkhorst 083 743 1169 ____________________ FOR SALE Kids’ Party Decor. Tables, chairs, photo boards and decor materials. Serious buyers only 083 324 3761 ____________________ KAGGELHOUT BESKIKBAAR R400 per halfton vrag afgelaai. Skakel 076 420 9228 079 389 4732 ____________________


HOUSES: BODORP R25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 Bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. BODORP R15 596 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, pool. ESKOL VILLAGE R11 140 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, pool. NEW FLORA PARK R8 350 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. DALMADA PLOT R6 960 3 Bedr, 2 bathr plus outside buildings. FLORA PARK R6 685 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage. TOWNHOUSES: BENDOR R6 650 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage BENDOR R5 600 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. Available 01/09/2014. HOSPITAL PARK R4 800 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, prepaid electricity. LADANNA R3 980 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. FLATS: COMPENSATIE St R4 300 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. EDUAN PARK R4 000 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport, water incl. Offices in CBD from R2 500 Marshall St 91m² Offices R10 270 Office Complex Marshall St R25 400 Office in Rhodes Drift Bendor R15 206 Office in Bok St R12 800 AUDREY 072 632 7117 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 MARTIN 060 666 5432 THYS 083 702 0768



SPACIOUS BACHELOR FLAT Safe parking. Plein Street. R2 780 and R400 water and electricity. Contact 082 804 6230 ____________________

TO LET Spacious bachelor flat. 3.5 km from Savannah Mall in Dalmada. Available immediately. R2 650 p.m. water included. Contact 015 296 2785 or 082 851 9531 ____________________ GEMEUBILEERDE AKKOMMODASIE Vir enkelpersoon. Skakel 082 329 7710 ____________________


HOUSES - IMMEDIATELY • IVY PARK - R5 500: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carports and garden. • SUNSET BOULEVARD R4 400: 3 bed, bath, carport and garden TOWNHOUSES IMMEDIATELY • KORAAL RETIREMENT VILLAGE - Age group 50 + no animals. Spacious 2 bed, bath, garage and garden. • BENDOR - R4 250: FOR AUGUST 2 Bed, carport and garden. BACHELOR FLATS R2 350: FOR AUGUST • 90 Pietersburg Street • 3 Magazyn Street

FLATS TO LET • MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: 1 to 2 bed, 1 bath, exclusive townhouses. Immediately available, with 24-hour care and affordable prices. FOR EXAMPLE: 3 meals per day, 2 x week laundry washed and ironed. Assistance with control of medication. Check on resident 2 x day by medical staff, etc. R5 200, R5 650, R5 800 pm. PATSY – 083 270 6770

LEEUKUIL ESTATE Bachelor unit in safe tranquil surroundings, 7 km from town. R2 200 p.m. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________

Besigheidskaartjies For any enquiries/advice, contact us on Tel: 015 291 1088 Fax: 015 291 1089





CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za

NUUTGEBOUDE SEMIGEMEUBILEERDE WOONSTEL IN BODORP, OOSTSTRAAT Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2014. 1 Slaapkamer met ¾ bed, gordyne, geen linne, DStv ingesluit. Water & ligte ingesluit. Huur R3 600, dep R3 600. Adminfooi R500 (eenmalig). Skakel Liane 071 675 1222 of gedurende werksure 015 291 3287 ____________________ BACHELOR FLAT TO LET For a Christian person. R1 300, single person only. No animals. Contact 084 777 4890 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER GEMEUBILEERD DStv. Plot, Ivydale. End Aug oop. R7 200 per maand plus deposito. Vir meer info skakel 082 849 2390 ____________________ FOR RENT 2 Bedroom townhouse in Bendor, De Wet Drive. Carport, encl garden. R4 500 p.m. Contact Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________ ROOMS/BACHELOR/ 1 BEDROOM FLATS 2 x 3 bedroom houses, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 765 0507 ____________________



FOR RENT IVY PARK 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, dining, lounge, double garage. R4 800 p.m. Contact Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustie omgewing. R5 560 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Kontak Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING HIEB in Dalmada Kleinvertrek huise, enkelwoonstelle, houtkamers vanaf R1 000 tot R1 950 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina 015 297 2008 (k/u) ____________________



SAKEGELEENTHEID Goed gevestigde winkel met ruim perseel & parkeringplek. Ideale familie besigheid. Voorraad en toerusting ingesluit. Prys onderhandelbaar. Skakel Willie Loots 071 602 7710 ____________________



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT OF A PRIVATE COMPANY The directors of ACD PLANT HIRE, (Registration no. 2006/027889/23), hereby give notice of the proposed application for reinstatement of the above company to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Any objection to the application must be lodged with CIPC within 21 days of this notice. Bahurutshi Business Consultants Tel: 015 291 4194 Cell: 078 205 8520 31/07 ___________________




Business cards Repair Diesel Pumps, Turbos, Injectors, Services & Engine Overhauls

WE HAVE MOVED TO 68 Vermikuliet Street Laboria

SPCA Polokwane

082 583 0900 082 928 8593 Tel: 015 297 0532 Fax: 086 568 0869

Email: spcaplk@telkomsa.net

ResQ 4 Business Business Rescue Practitioners

BEAUTIFUL Bushveld smallholding just 3,5 km from modimolle. uniquely designed, home (288 m²). all spacious rooms with large windows surround you with the soothing beauty of nature. 4 bdrms, 4 baths, 2 lounges, working kitchen, formal kitchen, study/office, outbuildings, orchard, veg garden under shade, 2 stables, suitable for cattle, etc. 12,5 Ha, low crime area. R1 800 000 neg. Contact Les Maydell 083 287 3982.

Prof At Coetzee, Adv Pieter Pretorius, Susan Pretorius

Cell: 074 702 2222 / 083 628 1991 • Fax: 086 661 5192 • Email: resq@xpress.co.za

Business in trouble? We can help!!

POLOKWANE AUTO RENEW YOU BEND, WE MEND! We specialise in Rubberising and 45 Antimoon Street, Laboria, PO Box 5727, Polokwane North, 0750 Panel Beating

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NO more debt stress

Financial problems? ACT NOW! Magna-Port & steel

Magna-Port & steel Fanie 015 291 1279

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* Quick results * One day lost lover * Marriage problems * Stop cheating & fighting * Penis enlargement cream * Win contracts, tenders, etc

Polokwane 079 632 2889

For colourful, visible and economical advertising of your business card contact Joey Naudé on 015 291 1061 or email joey.observer@gmail.com. Advertise your business card four (4) consecutive weeks or (fortnightly) over eight (8) weeks at ONLY R550.00 – VAT inclusive PLUS we will design a card for you if you don’t have one yet.


Polokwane Observer

YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO SALES EXECUTIVES Polokwane

The leading POS supplier to the Hospitality industry is looking for experienced Sales Executives in Polokwane. POS sales experience in the Hospitality industry and own transport essential. Will be required to do cold calling and update sales calls daily as well as visits to our existing customer base. Must be self-motivated. Training on GAAP provided. Basic plus comm. Send CV to SalesJobs@gaappos.net

And SHIKA, MPOYA LOUISA t/a TO THE TOP (ID. NO: 721228 0642 087) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate PIETERSBURG given on 13 October 2011 the under mentioned goods will be sold 10:00 on 20 August 2014 by public auction to be held at The Sheriff’s Office 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, POLOKWANE by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, POLOKWANE to the highest bidder for cash, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 3 X BEDROOMS 1 X LOUNCH/DININGROOM KITCHEN OPEN-PLAN 2 X BATHROOMS WITH CLOSETS SINGLE GARAGE BRICK WALLING


GALABONE t/a MOKGALABONE ATTORNEYS Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgement dated 12th day of OCTOBER 2012 and warrant of execution dated 11th APRIL 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold for cash to the highest bidder at: THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF POLOKWANE, 66 PLATINUM STREET POLOKWANE on FRIDAY 15TH OF AUGUST at 11:00: 1 X COMPUTER (COMPLETE) 4 X OFFICE CHAIRS 1 X PRINTER 1 X DESKTOP LOOSE 1 X TELEVISION SET Conditions of sale: Cash or bank guaranteed cheque. DATED at PRETORIA on this 4th day of JULY 2014 NATALIE VISAGIE INC ATTORNEYS & CONVEYANCER




NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS IN RE: ESTATE LATE HENELA MAGRIETA WESSELS In the estate of the late Henela Magrieta Wessels, registered number of estate: 021853/2014, Iden-

tity Number: 310212 000 708 4, who was ordinarily a resident at 117 Dap Naudé Street, Eduanpark, Polokwane, 0699 and who died at Pretoria on 15 November 2013. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the Executrix/proxy concerned within 30 days of publication hereof. Dated at POLOKWANE on this the 21th day of JULY 2014. NICKY BOSMAN (PROXY/AGENT I.T.O s18(3)) Trading as Bosman Attorneys 37 Voortrekker Street cnr Voortrekker & Bodenstein streets Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 291 3863 Fax: 015 291 3907 Ref: WES006 31/07 ___________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No.: 3947/2013 Master’s Office: Polokwane Surname: Mabuza Christian names: Dini Joseph Date of birth: 16 December 1937 Identity No.: 371216 5196 087 Last address: No 3330, Zone 2 Seshego, Polokwane Date of death: 14 May 2013 BRESLER-BECKER ING. 122 MARSHALL STREET POLOKWANE 0699 TEL: 015 491 3993 31/07 ___________________

SELLING AGENT: AGRICULTURAL PROPERTIES Minimum requirements • Matric Certificate • Agricultural experience. • NQF4 Certificate or prepared to study. • Good communication skills. • Good interpersonal skills. • High energy and enthusiasm. • Valid driver’s licence, own car and cellphone. • Positive attitude. • Neat, hardworking, reliable, honest, loyal. • Contactable after hours to assist clients. • Good organising skills. If you possess the qualities and experience and looking for a permanent position please fax your CV to 015 295 3161 or email to polokwane@aidasa.co.za. We offer • Competitive professional fee and incentive structures. • Free business cards and marketing material. • Management support. • National referral network. • Free newspaper and internet advertising. • Internet access to all property related information. • Prospecting and marketing materials. • In-office mentor programmes. • Pleasant working conditions. If you don’t hear from us within 14 days after submission of your CV please consider you application to be unsuccessful.


wag aansoeke in van persone wat belangstel om te kwalifiseer as Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (lede van SAICA). Vereistes: Matriek met Universiteitsvrystelling (Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde ‘n vereiste) of Besig met studies vir ‘n B.Com Rek-graad of In besit van ‘n B.Com Rek-graad Lewer asseblief u CV af by Watermelonstraat 25, Platinumpark, Bendor of epos na dzb@dzb.co.za of faks na 086 605 9114. Indien u nie binne 21 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan van ons kantoor verneem nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.


are waiting applications from persons interested in qualifying as Charted Accountants (members of SAICA). Requirements: Matric with University exemption (Mathematics and Accountancy a requirement) or Busy with studies towards a B.Com Acc degree or In possession of a B.Com Acc degree Please deliver your CV at 25 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor or email to dzb@dzb.co.za or fax to 086 605 9114. If you do not receive a response from us within 21 days from this publication, please accept that your applications was unsuccessful.

July 31, 2014

Polokwane Observer

career finder in LIMPOPO

Stanford mountain bikers off to Gauteng ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Nine mountain bikers from Stanford Lake College (SLC) were chosen for the Limpopo Cross Country Team that participated in the annual Thaba Trails Mountain Bike (MTB) XCO National Championships held in Alberton, Gauteng from 18 to 20 July. The riders were awarded their MTB Limpopo XCO Colours and all performed exceptionally well on a extremely demanding and technical course, according to Rona McGaffin, Marketer at SLC. Two of the chosen riders, Lachlan Truesdale and Toni Lacey could not participate due to circumstances. However, Reese Bain (7th), Kirsten Eastes (8th), Anke Vaughn (6th), Sarah Pogrund (7th), Abigail Joubert (9th), Stuart Lunt (31st) and Benno Prinsloo (22nd despite a broken chain) made their presence felt at the event.

SLC mountain bikers Benno Prinsloo, Stuart Lunt, Abigail Joubert, Toni Lacey, Kirsten Eastes, Sarah Pogrund, Reese Bain and Anke Vaughn. Photo: Supplied

Black Leopards Football Club has decided to play their 2014/2015 National First Division home matches at Thohoyandou Stadium. Club Chairperson, David Thidiela made the announcement at Leopards’ headquarters in Polokwane on Friday. The team used the Peter Mokaba and Giyani stadiums as their alternative home ground venue last season. “Thohoyandou Stadium

has been our home ground since the inception of the team and is worthy. The stadium has been revamped and ready for use and it will definitely be our killing ground as it suits the culture of the team perfectly,” Thidiela said. He however confirmed that the team and its offices will not be moving but remain based in Polokwane. “Thohoyandou is not conducive for the players and that is one of the reasons we decided to keep the players in Polokwane,” Thidiela said.

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Leopards move matches to Thohoyandou Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


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PhotoS: Jeff Raymond

Francois Bronkhorst, on 39 points, took top honours for the day in an Individual Stableford competition at the Polokwane Golf Club last Wednesday.

Jared Rabe and Andy Muller (absent) won the Bidvest Food Services BetterBall Stableford out of a field of 128 players at the Polokwane Golf Club last Saturday.

Requirements: • Grade 12 • ITC clear • 6 months’ financial/ retail sales experience. Join the team today! SMS “DIFFERENT” to 33857 Ts&Cs apply SMSs are charged at R1.50 Human Communications 111120

The Limpopo Gambling Board has the following challenging career opportunites INSPECTOR: LAW ENFORCEMENT (1 Vacancy)


This position reports to the Senior Manager: Law Enforcement.

This position reports to the Manager Supply Chain Management.

Key responsibilities for the position are as follows: • Investigating illegal gambling activities in the Province • Handling /disposal of exhibits • Assist other Law Enforcement Agencies to register case files • Testifying in court • Keeping records and establishing an informer network system • Administration of case files.

Key responsibilities for the position are as follows: • Database management • Receiving written requests for the procurement of goods and services from different divisions • Analyse the requests and thresholds involved • Verify the availability of funds • Solicit quotations and prepare submissions of successful bidders on quotations for approval by the Supply Chain Management and specification Committee • Knowledge of contract and asset management.

The candidate should have the following competencies and/or skills: Matric or any qualification in policing environment • Preferably a person who completed detective learning programme • Experience as an investigator • Knowledge and understanding of the gambling industry • An understanding of the legislation governing the gambling industry • Prepared to work under pressure and long hours • Knowledge of Law Enforcement administration procedures • Excellent communication skills • Good public relations • Computer literacy • Must be fire-arm competent • Thorough knowledge of police administration (statements) • Testifying in court • No criminal record and/or previous convictions • Valid driver’s licence.

The candidate should have the following competencies and/or skills: • Degree or National Diploma in Supply Chain Management • A minimum of 3 (three) years experience • Acceptable understanding of supply chain management processes • Effective communication and interpersonal skills • Good office management skills • Ability to work under pressure • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence.

Remuneration: R 192 157.11 (plus housing allowance).

Remuneration: R 331,730.28 (plus housing allowance).

NB: A successful candidate will be subjected to probity before engagement to determine suitability. Interested candidates must send their applications accompanied by a covering letter, certified copies of qualifications, certified ID copy and their Curriculum Vitae to: The Chief Executive Officer, Limpopo Gambling Board, Private bag X 9520, Polokwane, 0700 or by hand delivery to: Limpopo Gambling Board, No 8 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane. Faxed or E-Mailed applications will not be considered. Failure to attach the required documents will disqualify applicants from being shortlisted. Closing date: 19 August 2014 at 16:00 NB. If no response is received within two months of the closing date, applicants are advised to consider their applications unsuccessful. The Limpopo Gambling Board is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and to this extent conducts targeted recruitment for previously disadvantaged individuals. The institution is established for the purpose of regulating gambling activities in the Limpopo Province.

The Limpopo Gambling Board Promotes Responsible Gambling


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Polokwane Observer

Julie 31, 2014

2 August 16:00 Club Championship Gates open @ 12:00 Adults R40 - Kids R10 Info: Contact 084 767 1354 / 084 891 0111 Polokwane Show Grounds

Soccer experts welcome Mashaba’s appointment

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

Local soccer pundits have welcomed the appointment of Shakes Mashaba as Head Coach of the South African senior national soccer team, Bafana Bafana. Mashaba’s appointment follows the departure of Gordon Igesund whose contract with South African Football Association (Safa) runs out at the end of August and has not been renewed.

Eerste jukskei opedag ‘n sukses RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail. com Die Pietersburg Jukskeiklub se eerste opedag is Saterdag op die plaaslike jukskeibane gehou om belangstelling onder oud en jonk te prikkel. Van amateurs tot professionele spelers het die geleentheid gebruik om ‘n paar skeie te gooi en hul vernuf te toets. Gesinslede Foto: RC Myburgh het dit as ‘n heerlike Nis Kotze in aksie familiedag beskou terwyl tydens die Pietersernstige spelers dit as ‘n burg Jukskeiklub se goeie oefensessie beskou opedag. het. Die opedag is gehou nadat drie plaaslike jukskeiklubs, Mopanie, Steenbok en Landdros onlangs saamgesmelt het. Na ‘n lang dag se spel is die verrigtinge met ‘n bring en braai afgesluit. Die organiseerder, Vanite Kotze moedig be­ langstellendes aan om haar by 084 404 8362 te skakel indien hulle by die klub wil aansluit.

Rekord armdruk poging vir Fourie Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Danie Fourie van die Polokwane Lynx Armdrukklub gaan môre (Vrydag) probeer om die hui­dige Suid-Afrikaanse rekord van 180 armdrukke na 200 in ‘n uur te verbeter teen leerders. Die sterkman gaan Vrydag tydens eerste pouse sy krag teen die graad 10 tot 12-leerders van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé toets en hoop om 200 arms plat te druk in die toegelate uur. Indien Fourie in sy poging slaag, sal hy die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse rekordhouer wees.

Above: Zanis Gymnastics Academy coaches Lesley Bonne, Zani Prinsloo and Willem de Bruyn with, at the back, top Level 3 rhythmic gymnasts Chante de Marillac, Siobhan Johannsen, Perez Maponya and Khensani Rivombo. Right: These Level 2 rhythmic gymnasts from Zanis Gymnastic Academy brought home trophies from the recent South African Interprovincial Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition. In front are Khomotso Marokane, Lebo Mateta, Amo Maleka, Merize Rademeyer, Tanya Mare, Elzine Kotze and coach, Lesley Bonne. In the second row are Melchi Maponya, TammyLee Ferreira, Bontle Mahlangu, Keletso Montani, Lane Kruger, Niane Coetzee, Rotondwa Maudu, Shane Bronkhorst, Sade Hartlief, Schae Kaba and Brigitte Combrinck. At the back are coaches, Zani Prinsloo, Annemarie du Plessis, Tanja Bouwmann and Willem de Bruyn.

Local independent football analyst, Matome Lebea is confident that Mashaba will do well as the coach of the national team. “Mashaba boasts a lot of experience in local football. He is the only coach who managed a victory against Brazil and he has an eye for talent. With him at the helm, no player

>> He is the right person for the job >> Boasts lot experience in local football

Julie 31, 2014

will own a position at the national team; we are going to see changes, something we have been waiting for,” Lebea predicted. Radio presenter and soccer analyst, BK Matewe said credit should go to Safa for the type of decision they took. “Mashaba is the right man for the job. He coached all the junior levels and he understands the development of South African soccer very well. He also understands football politics and he has a good relationship with the media. It will be good to see new


OBSERVER 45 polokwane

faces at the national team and I am adamant that he is the right person for the job,” he commented. Mashaba, who spent most of his coaching career as development coach at Safa, previously worked as a Coach for Swaziland national soccer team in 2008. He also coached Black Leopards Football Club and the now defunct Vaal Reefs Stars.

Harde rugby tydens Limpopo-finaal Jan Heystek, Krui­ nies se eerstespanspeler met die bal soek ‘n gaping terwyl Willem van der Merwe ondersteu­ ning bied.

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ewentien rugbyspanne regoor Limpopo het Saterdag by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé saamgetrek om sake in die Limpopo-finaal uit te spook. In die kleinskole-afdeling druk Curro Heuwelkruin hul JV Coertze van PHS se stempel af teen Stanford Lake o.16A-span ontduik College met die o.15A-, o.16Asy opponent en mik en eerste span wat onderskeidedoellyn toe. lik 50-7, 50-7 en 27-22 die botoon voer. In die mediumskoleafdeling klop Hoërskool Ellisras se o.14A-span die span van Hoërskool Ben Viljoen van Groblersdal 24-21 terwyl Ben Viljoen se o.15Aspan met 15-12 die oorhand teen Hoërskool Hans Strijdom kry. Die o.16A-spanne speel gelykop tussen Ellisras en Ben Viljoen met die beslissing dat Ellisras wenners is. Die eerste spanne van Hans Strijdom en Ben Viljoen het kragte gemeet, maar die Hansies was te sterk en behaal ‘n 41-0 oorwinning. Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer (Thabazimbi), Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) en Hoërskool Ben Vorster van Tzaneen het in die grootskole-afdeling sake uitgespook. Frikkie Meyer se o.14A-span klop Ben Vorster 7-5, Ben Vorster se o.15-span wen Frikkie Meyer 43-6 terwyl PHS se o.16A-span 24-17 teen Ben Vorster seëvier en die eerste span van PHS 45-14 oor die Frikkie Meyer-span loop.

>> Sien meer foto’s op... www.observer.co.za

Sparkling performance by Zanis gymnasts Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The rhythmic gymnasts from Zanis Gymnastics Academy that represented Limpopo at the South African Interprovincial Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition in Johannesburg recently produced outstanding results to help the

province be the top region in Level 1, 2 and 3. Limpopo was declared the best region in the country afterwards with Zanis gymnasts winning 44 medals, namely 12 gold, 22 silver and ten bronze. Out of the top 12 gymnasts from Limpopo, eleven were members of Zanis Gymnastics Academy.

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MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbelbed- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Nuwe slaapbanke, 13 hout liaseerlaaikaste, poeltafels, staalmeubels, ander meubels, baddens, hoekbaddens, skadunet en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 1 Augustus 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 4 Augustus 2014. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK ESTELLE DE BEER 083 648 3282 OF NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231

Area 51 Modelvliegklub een jaar oud


July 31, 2014

46 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Groei in ‘n jaar van 24 tot 46 lede >> ‘n Gesinsport waaraan almal kan deelneem BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


Johan Bornman, voorsitter van die Area 51 Modelvliegklub met Bob Skinner, algemene bestuurder van SAMAA by die klub se eerste verjaardag.

Fernando Lopes met sy modelhelikopter.

et die geur van braaivleis in die lug het lede van die Area 51 Modelvliegklub Saterdag die klub se eerste bestaansjaar by hulle vliegveld in Dalmada gevier. Vlieëniers met hulle kleurvolle modelvliegtuie en helikopters het hulle vaardighede agter die stuurstokke bewys en besoekers se belangstelling in die gewilde sportsoort geprikkel. Voorsitter Johan Bornman sê die klub het in sy eerste jaar van 24 lede tot die huidige ledetal van 46 gegroei. Die jongste klublid is elf jaar oud en die oudste 60 jaar. Die teenwoordigheid van Bob Skinner, algemene bestuurder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Modelvliegtuigvereniging (SAMAA), wat dié sportsoort reguleer en bevorder en ook verseker dat hoë veiligheidstandaarde by byeenkomste gehandhaaf word, het die klub met sy besoek vereer. Skinner het die klub gelukgewens met hul uitsonderlike groei en beklemtoon dat modelvlieg ‘n gesinsport is wat eintlik baie meer bekostigbaar is as wat die breë publiek besef.

Support the Ethy Mbhalati benefit sixes cricket festival WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Polokwane will also be part of long-serving Unlimited Titans and Limpopo-born fast bowler, Ethy Mbhalati’s Benefit Year events with a host of cricket festivities scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. Mbhalati was born in Limpopo at Lulekani Village in Phalaborwa and started his rise to cricketing fame through a cricket development programme in Phalaborwa. He also attended the Limpopo Cricket Academy before moving to Pretoria. The right-arm medium fast bowler made his first class debut for Northerns in 2002/2003 and has since gone on to represent South Africa A. Mbhalati also became the first local player to take a hat-trick in franchise T20 cricket. Now after spending eleven years with the Titans, Mbhalati has been granted a benefit year and has partnered with Limpopo Impala Cricket (LIC) to have one of his benefit events in his home province. Together, they will be hosting a coaching clinic tomorrow (Friday)

and a sixes cricket festival and cocktail party will be held the next day. The sixes cricket festival will take place at the Polokwane Cricket Club, with four teams the Limpopo Impalas, Unlimited Titans, Ethy’s six and Ethy’s mixed team participating. The sixes games will start at 09:00 and continue until 17:00. Afterwards the players will suit-up and head to the new Peter Mokaba Stadium for the cocktail party. Tickets for the sixes festival are R50 and the cocktail party will cost R350 per person including meals, complimentary drinks and a chance to sit and mingle with Mbhalati, his friends and Titans team-mates. A cash bar will be available throughout the festivities. LIC urges all cricket enthusiasts from Polokwane and the province to come and support Mbhalati’s Benefit Year right here in the city. Tickets for the event are available at Ticket Pro outlets nationwide and from the LIC office from 20 July. For further information contact the LIC office on 015 291 3484 or the LIC spokesperson Sedibu Mohlaba on 015 295 5893 or 082 721 9635.


Bowlers inspect a close lie in the Bosveld tournament that was hosted by the Polokwane Bowling Club over the weekend.

Bosveld bowls tournament a family affair Both young and old bowlers from throughout the province paid a visit to the Polokwane Bowling Club on Saturday and Sunday for the popular Bosveld Bowls Tournament. The greens were alive with colour for the fours tournament with a number of teams from the local club competing against visitors from Tzaneen, Bela Bela, Mokopane and Makhado.

The fours team from Tzaneen Bowls Club won the tournament, with the foursome of Erik van der Merwe, Marie Theunissen, Traci van der Merwe and Christo van der Merwe from the Polokwane Bowling Club in the second place. Louis Trichardt Bowling Club ended in third place. In the plate competition Potgietersrus Bowling Club ended first, followed by Polokwane Bowling Club with Duiwelskloof Bowling Club in third position.

Hettie Deacon from the Polokwane Bowling Club delivers a wood.

Allan Wynne from the Polokwane Bowling Club delivers his wood with accuracy.

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Die jongste lid van die klub, Stefan Stoltz met sy Edge 540 modelvliegtuig.

Pieter Steyn, ‘n geesdriftige modelvliegtuigvlieënier.

POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY 2014/15 WARD PLANS REVIEW AND STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given in terms of Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) Section 21 to invite members of the community to participate in the Ward Plans Review meetings. The dates for the meetings have been scheduled as follows: DATE




21 August 2014

10, 16, 36 and 38


Moletjie Mošate Hall

22 August 2014

25 and 26


Mankweng Community Hall

25 August 2014

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


Sebati Community Hall

26 August 2014



Greenside Primary School

27 August 2014

30 and31


Mmasealama Library

29 August 2014

09, 15, 18 and 35


Moletjie Moshate Hall

1 September 2014

19, 20, 21, 22 and 23


Jack Botes Community Hall

2 September 2014

07 and 27


Ramogale Crèche

3 September 2014

06 and 24


Makotopong Mošate

4 September 2014

34 and 28


Monywaneng Presbeterian Church

5 September 2014

11, 12, 13, 14, 17


and 37 8 September 2014

29, 32 and 33

Ngoako Ramatlhodi Sports Complex


Segopye Mošate

For more info please contact: Mr. Victor Nengovhela or Ms. Tebogo Mathe on 015 290 2737 / 2284 / 2117 or email: Victorn1@polokwane.gov.za or tebogop@polokwane.gov.za for further enquiries. Mrs TC MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY

Maud Coetzee from the Polokwane Bowling Club applauds a good delivery from the skip during the Bosveld tournament.

Black Leopards appoints new coach > His mandate is to take us to the Premier Soccer League > My plan is to make the Chairperson happy HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

is the right man for the job. “His mandate is to take us to the Premier Soccer League (PSL). We have been in the play-offs so many times but we have not been successful. We want to see the team playing in the PSL next season,” he said. Thidiela also announced that former South African u.20 coach, Solly Luvhengo and former Sivutsa Stars Coach, Ashwin Sutton would be the assistant coaches.

Julie 31, 2014


OBSERVER 47 polokwane

“The two carry indispensible experience in South African football and we believe we have made the right choice in our quest of going back to the PSL,” Thidiela said. Connor, who signed a three year deal with the club, is confident that he will help Black Leopards to gain automatic promotion. “My plan is to make the chairperson happy and ensure that the team gains automatic promotion to the PSL,” he said.



David Thidiela (right), Chairperson of Black Leopards Football Club welcomes the team’s new Head Coach, Sean Connor last Thursday.

Inaugural Savannah 3-in-1 Road Race WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Athletes from Pietersburg Road Runners dominated the 21,1 km event in the Savannah Mall 3-in-1 Road Race on Saturday with Comrades gold medalist, Martinique Potgieter winning the women’s race and Phuti Mohale triumphant in the Men’s race.

Race organiser Shawn Otto from the Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) hands over a certificate of appreciation to Tinus Joubert, the Maintenance Manager of Savannah Mall for their sponsorship of the inaugural Savannah Mall 3-in-1 Road Race.

PAC’s Nicoleen de Jong receives her prize and medal from race organiser, Shawn Otto for winning the Women’s Open 10 km race.

Over 550 runners participated in the three races in the inaugural running of the event, which replaced the Falcon Rock Spur Road Race that was also hosted by the Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) last year. PAC Chairperson, Johan van Vuuren urged the city’s road runners to diarise the event for 2015 as Savannah Mall will host the race again

next year. Magwai Reghen from PAC won the Men’s Open 10 km race, followed by Comrades gold medalist Rufus Photo, with Peu Lesiba in the third position. The Women’s Open 10 km race was won by Nicoleen de Jong from PAC, with Elizna Kotze in second place and Karlien Stevens clinching the third place.

Polokwane is die gasheer vir die Amateur Rugbyweek wat van 18 tot 22 Augustus by die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion plaasvind. Amateur rugbyspelers van al die unies in Suid-Afrika sal vir ‘n week op Polokwane toesak om sake uit



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Rosemary McCabe from Run/Walk for Life Polokwane was the winner of the Women’s over 60 category in the 10 km race.

Eric Ledwaba from PAC achieved second position in the Men’s 40-49 category in the 21,1 km race.




NCRCP 5664


Martinique Potgieter from Pietersburg Road Runners won the Women’s Open 21,1 km event at the Savannah 3-in-1 Road Race on Saturday.

Phuti Mohale from Pietersburg Road Runners won the Men’s Open 21,1 km race.

Besige tyd vir Lim se provinsiale rugbyspanne lê voor WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

14 PaSSeNGeR TYRES R549 15 all-TeRRAIN TYRES 1 150 R Tyre prices include vat and fitting but exclude balancing

te spook om die beste provinsiale amateurspan te kroon. Die adjunkpresident van die Limpopo Blou Bulle Rugby-unie, Charles van Wyk sê die toernooi is ‘n ekonomiese hupstoot vir die stad met al die spelers en bestuurslede van die spanne wat vir ‘n week in die stad sal wees. “Ons is trots om die gasheerunie te wees en sien uit na ‘n week van aan-

skoulike rugby. Alle rugbyondersteuners in die provinsie moet asseblief die toernooi en veral die Limpopospan ondersteun, wat ‘n goeie vertoning behoort te lewer,” sê Van Wyk. Die Limpopo Blou Bulle se o.19- en o.21-spanne sal hul veldtog in die Absa B-afdeling-kompetisie teen die Suidwestelike Distrikte op 16 Augustus in die nuwe Peter Mokaba Stadion afskop.

While stocks last • Terms & conditions apply • Fleet cards welcome • Errors and omissions excepted • The Big Brand Roll Out Promotion rolls out 30 July to 27 September 2014 • Prices are for cash or credit card unless otherwise stated


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lack Leopards Football Club last Thursday introduced Irish International Sean Connor as the team’s new Head Coach in Polokwane. Like many before him Connor began his career in the Irish League where he played for Distillery Club for one full season before moving to Port Vale. At Port Vale he struggled to gain a regular first team place and went out on loan to Macclesfield Town Football Club before returning home and signing with Ards Football Club. He made his playing comeback with Cliftonville but was unable to reach the same level and eventually retired. As coach Connor trained Sligo Rovers, Bohemians, Dundalk and Galway United in Ireland. Black Leopards Football Club Chairperson, David Thidiela said Connor boast a lot of coaching experience and

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Rugby-uitblinker, Wernich Kachelhoffer binnekort na Dubai

>> Presteer ook op kultuurgebied >> ‘Ek is ‘n kompeterende sportman en hou daarvan om te presteer’ RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


it sit nie in elke rugbyspeler se broek om vir twee internasionale toere binne ‘n jaar gekies te word nie, maar Wernich Kachelhoffer (15) van Curro Heuwelkruin is ook nie enige rugbyspeler nie. Na vanjaar se Noordvaalkampioenskappe wat tydens die skoolvakansie in Vereeniging gehou is, is hy tot ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse toerspan verkies wat die land van 3 tot 13 Oktober in Dubai gaan verteenwoordig. Hoewel die volledige toerprogram na Dubai nog nie gefinaliseer is nie, sien hy met groot verwagting daarna uit. “Ons gaan glo minstens drie wedstryde speel en sal talle plekke en wêreldbekende bakens besigtig,” sê hy. Dubai is die bekendste en digsbewoonde stad en emiraat in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate (VAE).

Wernich was vroeër vanjaar ook deel van ‘n skoolspan van 21 spelers wat in Maart na Argentinië getoer het wat hy as ‘n onvergeetlike leersessie beskryf, nie net oor rugby nie, maar ook oor die land self, sy inwoners en ryk kultuur. Wernich se prestasies op sportgebied is indrukwekkend. Hy is kaptein van die o.16span wat die naweek as Limpopo-wenners in die kleinskole-afdeling aangewys is, was verlede jaar deel van die o.15-Beeldtrofeespan wat in die halfeindrondte teen Hoërskool Heilbron verloor het en is die vorige jaar vir die o.14-Cravenweekspan gekies. Hy is ook onlangs vir die nasionale Curro 7’s-rugbyspan gekies. Hokkie is sy ander groot liefde waarin hy sedert laerskooldae jaarliks provinsiale kleure verwerf. Selfs die atletiekbaan is vir hom bekende terrein waarin hy in die 200- en 800 m op skoolvlak presteer en dan speel hy ook nog krieket. “Rugby bly my eerste prioriteit, maar ek gaan net rugby op skoolvlak speel en miskien op universiteit vir die genot,” sê Wernich wat ook gretig aan spanredenaars deelneem en deel van die skool se jaarlikse produksie, Tong en Taal is. “Rugby is ‘n spansport. Daar is 14 ander spelers saam met jou op die veld wat almal hul kant bring en saam met jou wen of verloor. Ek is ‘n kompeterende sportman en hou daarvan om te presteer,” sê Wernich


Foto: RC Myburgh

Wernich Kachelhoffer, graad 10-leerder van Curro Heuwelkruin is vanjaar vir die tweede keer vir ‘n internasionale rugbytoer gekies.

oor sy liefde vir rugby. Hy reken ‘n goeie rugbyspeler en kaptein is ‘n persoon wat onder druk vinnig die regte keuses kan maak. “Jy moet sterk en fiks wees. Harde oefening is die belangrikste basis van enige sportsoort. Hoe harder jy oefen, hoe makliker is dit op die veld. Dit is nie maklik as jy terselfdertyd teen jou eie onfiks lyf moet baklei nie.” Dié gedugte skrumskakel meen dat ‘n groot liggaamsbou nie altyd belangrik vir ‘n goeie rugbyspeler hoef te wees nie, maar dat goeie kondisionering met ‘n kombinasie van fiksheid, spiermassa en die regte tegniek die wenresep is. As besige sportman, wat ook sy kant op akademiese- en kultuurgebied bring, moet Wernich ekstra tyd inruim om sy besige skedule vol te hou. “Ek het op laerskool telkens onder die toptien akademiese presteerders geëindig. Tans handhaaf ek ‘n goeie gemiddeld met Afrikaans en biologie as my gunstelingvakke. Ek is nog nie seker wat ek wil word nie en het my vakke so gekies dat ek in ‘n verskeidenheid rigtings kan studeer.” In sy vrye tyd kuier hy graag saam met sy vriende en gesels oor rugby.


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