Polokwane observer 23 october 2014

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Land crisis

Luthuli Park

Oktober 23 - 29 , 2014

BENDOR R1 700 000 NEG

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Ruled by rot YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com A widowed mother of six is among a host of Luthuli Park residents who have raised alarm over a land crisis in sections of the settlement that led to the institution of more than a handful of cases with the Public Protector. Since last month a reported seven cases have been registered with the Public Protector by residents of Luthuli Park’s Sections 9G and

9L who are concerned about a host of matters, including occupation of sites they have inhabited for many years but which they were seemingly not entitled to own. This came to the fore during a joint interview with individuals who shared their stories with Polokwane Observer, speaking in unison of anger building up over having been left to their own devices in the fight for a place they could permanently call home. Their discontent mostly relates to housing problems relating to occupation of sites where people are living in shacks as well as RDP houses, To page 2

Skandes by reserwemagperseel glo iets van verlede RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

>> PAGE 11 Prom Queen and King are Khangwelo Malotsha and Michael Cocks. Khangwelo was also crowned most stylish girl. Photo: RC Myburgh

Inwoners rondom die perseel in Ladanna wat aan Regiment Christiaan Beyers behoort het genoeg gehad van reserwemaglede se vermoedelike onsedelike gedrag en oorverdowende musiek tydens naweekpartytjies, maar ‘n bevelvoerder is hard besig om ‘n stokkie voor dié manewales te steek. Dié broeiplek van swak gedrag het daartoe gelei dat ‘n vergade-





-0 R4

Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune

ring ongeveer twee weke gelede tussen inwoners van Mara- en Buluwayostraat belê is nadat 53 mense ‘n petisie geteken het wat aan DA-wyksraadslid, Roelof Lourens oorhandig is met die versoek om die saak met die bevelvoerder, Takalani Mphohone op te neem. Die petisie het gevolg nadat vele oproepe van inwoners na verskeie gesaghebbendes van die reserwemag geen vrugte afgewerp het nie. In die petisie staan dat reserwemaglede en platejoggies nie na Na bl 2

Mankweng services Fast-tracking of bank loan to assist with service delivery >> PAGE 7

Ruling party conference >> Priorities for new chairperson >> Regional leadership elected despite hitches >> PAGES 8 & 17

Mnr SA-fnalis kuier in stad Polokwane se eie Morné Marais stig antiboelieveldtog >> BLADSY 22

Jong ruiter ‘n voorslag ACHIEVERS>>

Talle titels vir Lejané na paar maande op perd se rug >> BLADSY 40



October 23, 2014




Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 rc.observer@gmail.com >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 observer.elna@gmail.com >> Herbert Rachuene 073 721 0023 herbert.observer@gmail.com >> Warren Blunt 076 310 3468 warrenb.observer@gmail.com >> Barry Viljoen 082 553 5777 barryv.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 melany.observer@gmail.com COPYRIGHT:

Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Polokwane Observer and may not be used without the permission of Market Demand Trading 113 in writing.

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Ruled by rot

From page 1 but further extends to an issue pertaining to registration for consideration for temporary job creation opportunities by Polokwane Municipality. The mother of six, who did not want to be named, provided a document as confirmation of residence issued on 13 July 2009 and signed by a Councillor MM Peta. At the same time she produced a letter from the municipality dated 29 July 2010 which stated that after a verification process by a task team investigating and resolving on site problems at Section 9G under the supervision of community elected representatives consisting of the ward councillor and committee members, her site was not allocated to anyone in terms of the National Housing Subsidy System. “In resolution of challenges highlighted in the Task Team report, the Municipality as the sole owner of the site, took a decision to allocate the site to Ms MR Majwe.” She was hence instructed to remove her personal belongings and vacate the property on or before 10 August 2010. She further stressed that she was informed by an official of Polokwane Municipality in 2010 that the site belonged to a certain Majwe, who in turn told her he bought the site from the official, a ward committee member and an excouncillor for R130 000 on 28 February 2010. To date she was still residing on the same stand, she confirmed. The concerned individuals further alleged maladministration with regards to the selection of the same few community members whose names seemingly appear on a municipal database – being selected for waste management and sports creation duties by Polokwane Municipality while not everybody got the opportunity to be temporarily employed on such municipal projects. According to them the ward councillor, Steve Mashabela, was responsible for rotating names on the list of temporary job seekers to repeatedly give the same people temporary job opportunities, while the others went by unnoticed. The same councillor has reportedly said he was responsible for deciding who should get work, they stressed. “The councillor is our employer in the ward. He says no one can tell him who to employ. He only helps his own people,” one of them exclaimed. Among the group was Rebecca Phago, whose problem was twofold. She registered a case with the Public Protector after appar-

ently being alerted to the fact that she could not apply for water and electricity connections to her site in Section 9G as it was seemingly promised to another family. In 2010 she was informed by former ward councillor Melitha Peta that she did not belong on the site to which she was relocated in 2001, she related. Phago said she was told she got a site at Hospital View, but upon investigation discovered a family already staying on her stand. She recalled the occupants of the stand telling her that the site had been given to them by the ward committee in that area. She wanted to raise the issue with Mashabela and the concerned parties in February this year, but was told they were busy with the runup to the general elections. Phago indicated she attempted to solve it again with Mashabela “but he couldn’t entertain it”. She said she went to ward committee member Comford Seopa but to no avail and was sent from pillar to post. Phago concluded saying she was still occupying the stand in Section 9G. She said she had also registered on the municipal database in 2010 already without ever having been given temporary work. Joining the group of complainants was a community representative, Rufus Mokgehle who was in possession of a list containing information of 25 houses illegally occupied in Luthuli Park which was compiled in January this year and was allegedly reflective of the prevailing situation in the settlement. He explained the sites were not occupied by the owners against whose names the stands were registered. Mokgehle further claimed that water meters were not connected despite some of the houses being supplied with water while electricity connections have allegedly been done in the past in exchange for a fee to contract workers in the area. Mokgehle simultaneously referred to the matter of someone who lived in Zone 1 in Seshego but was the legal owner of a stand in Section 9L in Luthuli Park. He had received a call from the site owner on Tuesday morning during which the man informed him he had been requesting the Police since 2005 for assistance to have the occupants of his stand removed, but to no avail. “It is a free for all. The situation must be rectified,” he stressed. Comment from Polokwane Municipality’s Communications and Marketing Manager

Photo: Yolande Nel

Rufus Mokgehle and Rebecca Phago.

Tidimalo Chuene is as follows: “We note that the issues presented in the enquiry are already presented to the Office of the Public Protector and that we wish to respect that process to unfold undisturbed. The municipality will fully cooperate with the Public Protector’s Office once we receive correspondence from them. Any allegations against a councillor should be reported to the Speaker of Council who will then be guided by legislation to conduct investigations against the allegations for the municipality to take appropriate measures. Council has proper structures like the Ethics Committee that can investigate conduct of councillors. Polokwane Municipality collects temporary employment database through assistance of the ward councillor and his/her committee. We further employ temporary employees based on the database as they follow each numerically through the assistance of the ward councillor and his committee. The database is managed from the HR (Human Resources) section. From the electrical and water management point we need to be furnished with details of the properties that have alleged illegal connections so that we can investigate. We encourage members of the public to report such issues to the municipality to ensure that investigations are conducted and that appropriate measures are taken. Issues of fraud and corruption can be reported to the Police or any state law enforcement agency or report such to the municipality’s anonymous anti-fraud hotline on 080 020 5053.” Confirmation is still awaited from the Public Protector in Limpopo.

Skandes by reserwemag-perseel glo iets van verlede Van bl 1 klagtes van inwoners oor partytjies op die perseel luister nie en dat senior personeel ook nie aandag aan die probleem skenk nie. Die perseel huisves verskeie kantore, asook ‘n lapa

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wat deur reserwemaglede gebruik of verhuur word. ‘n Inwoner van die omgewing wat verkies om anoniem te bly sê partytjies gaan sommige naweke tot 02:30 op ‘n Sondag aan. “Hier is baie bejaardes en jong kinders in die omgewing wat Saterdagaande na die lawaai moet luister en onsedelike gedrag soos urinering in die openbaar deur reserwemaglede of huurders van die lapa moet aanskou. Sommige het selfs seksuele omgang waar inwoners hulle kan sien. Wetstoepassers moet ‘n voorbeeld vir kinders wees, maar hoe moet ‘n kind hul ooit vertrou as hul hulself aan sulke ge-


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drag skuldig maak?” vra die besorgde inwoner. Lourens sê inwoners het ook hul kommer oor ander padgebruikers se veiligheid uitgespreek omdat partytjiegangers teen hoë snelhede by die perseel uitjaag en wiele tol. Polokwane Observer het van ‘n betroubare bron en lid van die regiment verneem dat alle partytjies intussen reeds gestop is. “Die lapa word ook aan buite-instansies verhuur en die regiment het reeds alle deposito’s aan toekomstige huurders terugbetaal. Ek kan die publiek verseker dat partytjies iets van die verlede is,” sê hy. Mphohone sê hy is bewus van die probleme tydens partytjies. “Sodra mense dronk word, vergeet hulle van ‘n etiese kode en dat hulle ‘n voorbeeld van goeie dissipline moet wees. Geen partytjies sal meer na-ure gehou word nie. Die besluit is geneem om te verseker dat persone wat die lapa huur nie die rus verstoor nie en om voorsorg te tref dat reserwemaglede nie die sisteem manipuleer nie,” sê Mphohone. Hy sê hy is bly dat die probleem aan­ge­ spreek en opgelos is en het om versko­ning vir die ongerief gevra.


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All systems in place for final Grade 12 exams >> Learners affected by recent protests accommodated >> A total of 93 215 matrics catered for WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


he Department of Education said everything is in place for learners that will start their final exams for their National Senior Certificate on Monday. This after the Democratic Alliance (DA) requested MEC for Education, Thembisile Nwedamutswu to urgently intervene in protest action that led to the closure of several schools around Sebayeng and Solomondale the past few days. Protesting community members allegedly prevented learners from the Mapotho, Solomondale and Sebayeng primary schools and Mafolofolo and Leruleng Secondary schools from attending classes last week and on Monday. A media statement released by the DA on Monday indicated the party’s deep

concern that learners in Grade 12 in the affected schools will not be able to write their final exams. The DA requested Nwedamutswu to urgently arrange alternative plans to accommodate the matric learners from the area. The media statement continued that the provincial government does not seem to have a plan to prevent the outbreak of violent protests disrupting Grade 12 and other exams. Department of Education Spokesperson, Paena Galane said Grade 12 learners from the affected areas should experience no disruptions when the exams officially start on Monday as community leaders have assured the department that the learners would be allowed to write. Galane confirmed that no learners in the Sebayeng and Solomondale areas attended school last week as a result of the unrest. He went on to say that 73 542 full-time Grade 12s and 19 673 part-time learners are registered to write their final examinations at 1 706 examination centres in the province. “The department would like to assure all Grade 12s in Limpopo that all systems and personnel are ready when the examinations officially start on Monday.”

24 Grobler St/-str 24 P.O. Box /Posbus 2078, Pietersburg, 0700 Tel: 015 291 1301/291 1242 222 Marshall St/-str 222 P.O. Box/Posbus 15317 Flora Park, Pietersburg, 0700, Tel: 015 295 4619 95 Genl. Viljoen St/-str 95 Welgelegen, Tel: 015 297 0874

Slim vang sy baas tydens Clover rooftog RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Twee vermeende rowers, wat ’n vragmotorbestuurder van Clover Polokwane insluit, is verlede Donderdag na ‘n gewapende rooftog by die plaaslike fabriek in Ladine gearresteer. Volgens Westenburg polisiewoordvoerder, Mohlaka Mashiane kon die polisie deur hul ondersoek vasstel dat die vragmotorbestuurder glo sy vriende ingelig het dat hy die betrokke dag sy normale roete na Venda sou doen en gewoonlik met groot hoeveelhede kontant terugkeer. “Die bestuurder en sy vriende was vermoedelik kop in een mus en wou die voorval na ‘n gewapende rooftog laat lyk. “Volgens inligting sou die bestuurder ongeveer 19:00 terug in die stad gewees het, maar het eers teen 21:00 opgedaag. Met sy aankoms by die hek het

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Boertjie Duvenhage (61), ‘n bekende in die motorbedryf, is Saterdag oorlede nadat hy ’n stryd teen kanker verloor het. Duvenhage is in Februarie met kanker gediagnoseer en het sedertdien daagliks verswak. Hy was bekend onder Polokwane-inwoners as die eienaar van Motor Mecca en was tot voor sy dood aan die stuur van Auto Ville. Hy sal deur familie en vriende

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die bestuurder se vriende hom as gewapende rowers genader en gedwing om die valkluis oop te sluit. Ons vermoed die sleutel of kode vir die valkluis is vooraf bekom,” sê Mashiane. Die sekuriteitsbeampte het gesien wat gebeur en die vragmotor genader waarna die rowers gevlug het. “Een van die booswigte is in die proses deur ‘n verbygaande motor getref waarna die polisie hom gearresteer het sowel as die vragmotorbestuurder,” sê Mashiane. Beide het reeds Maandag in die Polokwane Landdroshof op aanklagte van gewapende roof verskyn. Hy kon nie hul name bekend maak nie, maar gesê dat hulle borgtog geweier is en later verskyn. Clover Polokwane het navrae na Clover se hoofkantoor in Johannesburg verwys. Steven Veldhuysen, skakelbeampte het nie op navrae reageer nie.

onthou word vir sy onbaatsugtige liefde vir sy gesin en almal wat deel van sy lewe was. Hy het ook ‘n groot voorliefde vir visvang en jag gehad. Duvenhage word oorleef deur sy vrou, Tibby, twee dogters, Babette en Miempie asook drie kleinkinders. ‘n Roudiens word môre (Vrydag) om 11:00 vanuit die Hervormde Kerk Oostelike Pietersburg in Websterstraat gehou. Boertjie Duvenhage is Saterdag aan kanker oorlede.


24 and 25 October 2014 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @


Kanker eis Boertjie Duvenhage


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Leeus maai onder boere in Alldays se beeste NEWS


October 23, 2014



>> Twaalf beeste reeds afgemaai >> Departement sal moontlik permit uitreik om leeus van kant te maak RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

“Niemand wil ‘n hand opsteek en verantwoordelikheid vir die rondloperleeus aanvaar nie, terwyl ons byna daagliks beeste en wild verloor en plaaswerkers in vrees hul dagtake moet verrig.” So sê Sakkie Joubert, ‘n beesboer en plaaseienaar van die Alldays-omgewing waar ‘n trop van ongeveer 11 rondloperleeus reeds ses beeste en twee kalwers afgemaai het. “Ons het gereeld spore van die groot katte op verskeie plase in die omgewing gekry en dit wil voorkom of die trop verdeel het omdat daar nou spore van slegs twee en vier leeus onderskeidelik gevind word. Van die leeus is ook al gewaar,” sê Joubert. Hy het gister (Woendag) gesê sy buurman het hom laat weet dat duidelike leeuspore en lêmerke opgemerk is waar die leeus die vorige aand in sy beeskraal geslaap het. “Daar is bewerings dat twee van die leeus

glo al geskiet is en dit is die laaste ding wat ons wil hê. Dit is pragtige diere en die een mannetjie is baie oud. Ek het hom gesien en dit is ‘n massiewe dier. Ek vermoed dit is hy wat aan een van my beeskarkasse getorring het omdat hy nie die vel kon penetreer nie en slegs aan die koei se lieste en uier gevreet het,” sê Joubert. Boere het al met lede van natuurbewaring gepraat, maar dit wil voorkom of Limpop ekonomiese ontwikkeling, omgewing en toerisme (Ledet) se hande afgekap is. ‘n Betroubare bron het gesê die departement het nie die geld om die leeus te vang en te verwyder nie. “Ons het nog geen formele klagte ontvang nie, maar is bewus daarvan dat ongeveer 12 beeste reeds deur die leeus op verskeie plase in die omgewing uitgewis is. Dit is vermoedelik die laaste trop van die Afrika vrylopende leeus met ‘n goeie genepoel wat uit Botswana kom wat die proses om die leeus van kant te maak verder bemoeilik,” sê die bron. Hy sê die departement wil ook nie die leeus doodskiet nie. Ons verstaan die boere se frustrasie met die verliese. As dit op die punt kom waar boere te veel skade lei, sal daar moontlik permitte uitgereik word om hulle van kant te maak. Ledet se skakelbeampte, Burckels Napo was onbewus van die leeus. Hy het die kontakbesonderhede van die boere gevra en belowe om die inligting so gou moontlik na die betrokke lede te stuur om die probleem aan te spreek.

Water levels very low at some reservoirs BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Although there had been an increase in the levels of some of the reservoirs providing water to the city, residents are still urged to continue to use water sparingly in anticipation of the rain season. The latest report by the Polokwane Municipality stated that on Tuesday the 50 mega litre reservoir stood at 50% (25%) while the new 30 mega litre reservoir held 54% (38%) of its

capacity. The reservoir in Potgieter Avenue contained 90% (89%) of its capacity while the main reservoir in Seshego measured at 61% (72%). The reservoir in Extension 34 stands at 95% (95%). The figures between brackets reflect the previous week’s levels. According to Tidimalo Chuene, Manager: Communications and Marketing of the municipality the 50 mega and 30 mega litre reservoirs saw an increase averaging 20% while all the others are steady.

Department warns against bogus circular BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com A bogus circular advertising positions in the Limpopo traffic department, is circulating in the province. Mafenya Lediga, Department of Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison Spokesperson stated that the circular was not released by the department. “We distance ourselves from it. There are faceless people masquerading as departmental human resource personnel using our departmental letterhead illegally. We want to appeal to our people to ignore the circular because it is not an official advertisement

of the department,” Lediga said in a media release. The statement further informed that the department is currently training 250 traffic learners who will graduate in March 2015. The process of recruiting another group will follow later and as for now no vacancies for traffic learnerships exist in the department. “Our departmental anti-fraud unit is currently investigating this matter. The Department is calling for everyone who might have information regarding this matter to come forward,” the statement concluded. Lediga can be contacted on 079 833 6125 or 078 507 1670.

No link to Mthembu shooting yet RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Provincial Police Spokesperson in Mpumalanga, Selvy Mohlala yesterday (Wednesday) confirmed that no link has yet been established between three men arrested in Tzaneen on Monday and the shooting of African National Congress (ANC) Member of Parliament Jackson Mthembu during an armed robbery in eMalahleni (Witbank) at the weekend. Mohlala stated that Police are still interrogating the three men who were arrested for possession of suspected stolen property which included a laptop, cell phones and bank cards. “It is alleged that Mthembu was drawing

money from an automatic teller machine in Mandela Street, eMalahleni on Sunday evening when an armed robber approached him and demanded that he withdraw all his money. “Mthembu and the armed robber allegedly got into a fight during which a shot went off and Mthembu was wounded in the cheek,” Mohlala said. He said the alleged robber and his three accomplices then also robbed four of Mthembu’s friends who were waiting in a car. They allegedly stole their money and cell phones. Mthembu drove himself to the eMalahleni Private Hospital where he is still recuperating in the Intensive Care Unit.

Sassa vows to investigate illegal deductions

Oktober 23, 2014





WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


inister of Social Development, Bathabile Dlamini has committed her department and the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) to investigating allegations of ongoing unauthorised deductions from grants received by beneficiaries of the agency on which Polokwane Observer reported last week. The commitment was given during the Department of Social Development (DSD) committee meeting attended by Dlamini, the Sassa Chief Executive Officer, Virginia Peterson and Democratic Alliance (DA) Shadow Minister of Social Security, Lindy Wilson in Cape Town last Wednesday. This after the DA requested a thorough explanation from the DSD pertaining illegal recurring deductions from elderly residents in Limpopo for airtime and other vouchers that had been taking place for over a year. After the meeting Peterson vowed to probe the issue as a matter of urgency and added that in recent months more than 200 Sassa employees were suspended pending investigations into grant fraud. She stated that not all the illegal deductions from Sassa grants were the result of corrupt employees, but many were also because of corrupt service providers. Extensive investigations into the illegal deductions are said to be taking place on a daily basis, according to Wilson. The Sassa investigation team, who were also present at the meeting, requested copies of all evidence of fraud raised by the DA and this evidence has now been submitted, Wilson said on Tuesday. Dlamini expressed her concern about the fraud and evidence submitted during the meeting and promised that every effort is being made to resolve these issues and bring the culprits to book. Meanwhile, the DA will continue to monitor the situation and visit Sassa pay points to establish that action has been taken and illegal deductions come to an end. Sassa National Spokesperson, Kgomoco Diseko confirmed that a portfolio committee meeting of the DSD consisting of different political parties was held last week in Cape Town to discuss the department’s annual report. “Among other issues discussed was the matter of grant deductions which came as a question from the opposition parties. The committee was informed that Minister Dlamini appointed a ministerial committee to investigate the nature and source of these deductions and to provide recommendations,” Diseko elaborated. He continued that beneficiaries who encounter unauthorised deductions are advised to contact their nearest Sassa office or call 0800 60 10 11 so that an investigation can be done.

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PCOB offers opportunities for gala dinner BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Polokwane Chamber of Business (PCOB) will host its annual gala dinner on 20 November and opportunities still exist for businesses to rent a stall or sponsor a category winner at the event. PCOB President Simphiwe Mdlalose said six stalls are available at R10 000 each while one vehicle dealership can still grab the opportunity to exhibit its latest model. The price tag for this stall is R20 000. Sponsoring a category winner will cost R5 000. These categories are Business Personality of the Year, Newsmaker of the Year, Corporate Manager of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, Local Business of the Year and Public Service of the Year. The function will take place at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort and bookings can be made with Joyce Masegela on 015 297 8057. See also page 37. PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN

Simphiwe Mdlalose, President of Polokwane Chamber of Business.


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CDM hosts Fire Week for communities

October 23, 2014



Photo: Supplied

Fire fighters of Working on Fire (WoF) conduct a demonstration during Fire Week activities at Ga-Makgato Kromhoek.

>> R3,9 million to empower communities BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


apricorn District Municipality (CDM) recently educated communities at Ga-Makgatho Kromhoek in Aganang about fire, its dangers and how disasters can be avoided. The awareness campaign was held as part of commemorating International Fire Week. The municipality brought together communities and NGOs to build their resilience and showcase CDM’s disaster risk reduction interventions. Speaking on behalf of the Executive Mayor, Councillor Blanco Boloka said it is important for everyone to understand the impact of fires to the environment. “By nature and degree, veld fires do not respect property and neither do they respect boundaries. If they rage uncontrolled, they end up causing the eco-system to suffer the loss of endangered species. Some even migrate to a better biodiversity when fires occur”. Boloka said that anyone owning land or

property has the first responsibility to control fires on his or her own land. “But when fires burn in severe conditions they quickly extend beyond any one property, and become a problem that cannot be handled by individuals alone,” he explained. CDM takes the risk factors of fire very seriously and is making significant strides to prevent and mitigate the occurrence of fires. It is therefore the most coherent force in fire-fighting and currently boasts a massive number of fire fighters across all local municipalities in the district. These teams are on stand-by 24 hours and they are forever ready and on high-alert to attend to any reported emergency. “In further enhancing the district’s capacity to deal with disasters, the municipality has for this financial year put aside a contribution of R3,9 million to empower communities, reduce their vulnerability by establishing structures and programmes that will prevent disasters from occurring from fires and minimise their impact. The budget will also help make significant progress in the establishment of a fire station in Aganang of which construction is currently well underway. Once this new fire station is complete, CDM will have functional fire stations in all its local municipalities. The district is also reinvigorating its fire-fighting strength by recruiting more fire fighters this quarter,” Boloka reportedly said. A Kromhoek resident, Kobela Lephalala who was once a victim of a fire related disaster, said she is pleased that CDM provides humanitarian support to victims of disaster. after every reported emergency. “The district dispatches a team of fire fighters and disaster officials to fight the fire, save what is left, do assessment, provide temporary shelter and food parcels and rehabilitate damaged facilities,” she said. Communities are requested to report any fire or emergency by dialling the toll free number 0800 666 777.

Provincial government signs R38 billion project to create jobs Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Provincial government has entered into a memorandum of understanding (Mou) with Hongkong Mining Exchange Company (Hoi Moi) to invest in a metallurgical project worth R38 billion in Musina. The project is envisaged to create about 19 000 permanent job opportunities in the province. Provincial Spokesperson, Phuti Seloba said this will go a long way in strengthening the provincial government’s drive to fight poverty and unemployment in the province. “Premier Stan Mathabatha is delighted that our mission has started yielding fruit and it is very exciting that the Limpopo brand has recovered and that a number of investors have confidence in investing in the province,” Seloba told Polokwane Observer from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) yesterday (Wednesday). Mathabatha, accompanied by MECs Seaparo Sekoati of Economic Development and Tourism and Joyce Matshoge of Agriculture and Rural Development, is at present leading a

delegation to the PRC and is expected back in the province on 30 October. Seloba said: “The aim of the visit is to explore investment and trade relations between the Provincial Government and the Henan and Anhui provinces. This follows the announcement made by President Jacob Zuma and his counterpart, PRC President Xi Jinping declaring 2014 as South Africa Year in China and 2015 as Chinese Year in South Africa. It is envisaged that South Africa Year in China should be implemented at three levels of government - national, provincial and local level. The Department of International Relations and Cooperation is coordinating the South African Year in China,” Seloba said in an earlier press statement. He confirmed that Mathabatha’s delegation also included prominent businesspersons who have links with China. The statement further read that the province will use the opportunity to gain investment opportunities within the mining, agricultural and tourism sectors while at the same time similar opportunities in Limpopo would also be brought under the hosts’ attention.

RAF pays over R152 million to crash survivors The Road Accident Fund (Raf) rolled out its suite of services during a recent outreach campaign hosted in four provinces concurrently, and surpassed expectations by settling over R152 million’s worth of claims in the four provinces on that particular day. During the event that took place at the Giyani Community Hall, “RAF on the Road”-staff diligently kept up with the growing demand of people at the venue and assisted with enquiries and processing of claims. Linda Rulashe, Senior Manager: Media and Public Relations of the Raf says that over 5 800 claimants had heeded the call to come directly to the fund and save on expensive contingency fees because they were able to register new claims, make enquiries and settle their claims, while those who were ripped-off by unscrupulous attorneys had the opportunity to report fraudulent activities. Rulashe quoted Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters to have said: “This initiative provides access to road accident victims, who would otherwise not have the opportunity

to interact face-to-face with Raf consultants without travelling long distances to the nearest regional offices. The Raf seeks, among others, things to offset the financial burden that results from car crashes, which often creates widows, orphans and child-headed households. The socio-graphics of our country are such that the poorest of the poor are often those who are most affected by road crashes and don’t have the means to access facilities to obtain information about possible claims, medical compensation and rehabilitation opportunities offered by the Raf”. A wide range of high profile stakeholders from local and national government, traditional leaders, the taxi industry and the medical and religious fraternity voiced their support of the Raf’s outreach campaign. Most raised concerns about the number of claimants who walked away dejected yesterday after they had reported negligent lawyers who had allowed their claims to prescribe. A hundred bicycles, helmets and reflectors were handed over to learners at Tlakulani High School in Mninginisi Village near Giyani.

Bank loan for Mankweng fast-tracked

Oktober 23, 2014





Limpopo Television and Film School (Pty) Ltd now open for registration 2015!

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Limpopo Television and Film School (Pty) Ltd is offering a Further Education and Training Certificate in Film, Television and Video Production Operations (NQF 4).


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olokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng during a community meeting held at Mankweng Community Hall last Wednesday, announced that the Development Bank of Southern Africa has approved a loan that will cater for the rollout of services in Mankweng over two financial years and not three as initially applied for. Nkadimeng emphasised her commitment to resolve service delivery concerns in Mankweng when she visited the town in response to the public unrest demonstrated by blockage of roads earlier. Tidimalo Chuene, Communications and Marketing Manager of the municipality reported that Nkadimeng informed the community that 800 applications for indigent support had been received thus far and Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi were being processed. This Nkadimeng. Photo: Barry Viljoen will bring much needed relief to low income households and pensioners. “The municipality remains committed to addressing water billing and assessment rates concerns,” Nkadimeng is quoted to have said. The community also heard that the municipality had made progress since the last community meeting that was held on 21 August 2014. A representative of Eskom also attended the meeting and emphasised the commitment to the electrification process. Nkadimeng promised to meet with residents of Mankweng every month to ensure an easy flow of information on progress made with regard to billing concerns, electrification and other service delivery issues. Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance (DA) requested the Speaker of Polokwane Municipality, Caiphus Mathiba, to call an urgent council meeting to debate the undertakings given by Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng to Mankweng residents in wards 25 and 26,” DA councillor David Setjie stated in a media release. Setjie claimed that Nkadimeng met with residents two months ago and promised them that 2 600 households will be electrified while the water crisis will be addressed within a short period of time but nothing has happened as yet. Recently, furious residents opted to barricade main roads with burning tyres and stones complaining about the poor services in the area. “While the DA does not condone illegal and violent actions, it is clear that people are tired of the ANC’s empty promises. Nkadimeng continues to fail residents of Mankweng despite having established a task team to address service delivery backlogs in the area,” Setjie stated. Malesela Maubane, Spokesperson of the municipality, commented as follows: “The Executive Mayor made a commitment to sort out billing and electrification challenges around Mankweng during her meeting on 21 August 2014 and said that the municipality will halt suspension of water accounts and allow residents to come through and have queried accounts reassessed. The municipality will publicise meter reading dates and asked residents to allow meter readers access to their properties to ensure correct readings. Lastly the municipality encouraged low income households to apply for indigent support where they can receive free basic electricity and water, thus lessening the financial burden of servicing accounts. Thus far 800 applications have been received and are being processed. According to Maubane, Nkadimeng explained that the municipality had received fewer funds than budgeted for and as a result a total of 24 areas had to be re-prioritised. The municipality engaged various sources for funding including the Development Bank of Southern Africa where a loan for R91 million was applied for. The municipality is still waiting for the bank and the National Treasury to approve the loan. Money from the loan will be transferred to Eskom to roll out projects. “The Executive Mayor has met with Mankweng residents on 16 and 19 October and gave progress reports on the process. The Executive Mayor’s office appreciates the cooperation and support given to her office by residents of affected areas. The municipality remains confident that the process outlined and agreed upon with residents of Mankweng will yield positive results,” Maubane concluded.

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Polokwane Observer

Oktober 23, 2014

Priority list for new chairperson YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Photo: Yolande Nel

Newly elected African National Congress (ANC) Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson Dewet Monakedi.



ewly elected African National Congress (ANC) Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson Dewet Monakedi is adamant about ensuring vibrant, dynamic and functioning ANC branches earnestly responding to issues affecting communities to avoid unnecessary service delivery marches. Monakedi emerged the preferred candidate to lead a structure formerly under task team rule when delegates met for an elective conference this past weekend. In an interview on Saturday morning following the announcement of the names occupying the top five leadership positions within the regional structure, Monakedi told Polokwane Observer they had to further ensure the proper working of governance structures that had to appoint competent people, follow due processes and monitor service delivery performance. They would see to it that councillors were up to scratch in terms of what they were there to do, he reiterated. What had come out very clear from discussions that ensued during the conference programme was for them to need to go back to the basics, which meant making sure ANC branches functioned as envisaged, whereby it would be meeting regularly, taking up issues affecting the community, and in particular service delivery matters, and being embedded within the community, he said. “From this conference that is exactly what we are going to be doing. We are going to be focussing on making sure that we have got vibrant, dynamic, functioning ANC branches that are responding to the issues that affect our communities. We do not want to see unnecessary marches now and then. That indeed can stop for as long as we have got ANC branches that are engaging with these communities on a regular basis and whenever there are issues they making sure they are taking up those issues with our ANC

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councillors instead of going to march.” It was their responsibility to intensify interaction between councillors and communities for issues to get resolved, otherwise they would end up with people marching and creating mayhem, he reckoned. It was within their capacity and power as ANC members and councillors to address issues but they had to communicate with communities throughout while dealing with challenges upon implementation, he stressed. He continued stating that they were going to demand accountability from their councillors who had to understand they were answerable to communities whom they had to treat in a humane manner. “They can’t afford to be arrogant as if they elected themselves into those positions. On this one we are going to be very uncompromising.” With 122 branches resorting under the Peter Mokaba Region of the ANC he conceded that it was a massive task ahead, but added that fortunately he had been part of the interim leadership core in the region the past few months and that they had already started rectifying what needed correcting in the way branches were working, among others addressing the issue of gate-keeping by members. The top leadership collective elected in the early morning hours of Saturday was very competent and ready for any challenges they were going to be faced with, he assured.






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CRIME shorts Alleged fraudster in court A former crime intelligence officer and his female co-accused appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Monday on a charge of fraud after they allegedly attempted to steal more than R1,2 million from a businesswoman’s bank account. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said Jack Mathiba and Doreen Thamaga were arrested in Tzaneen on Saturday after they, along with an unknown man, reportedly approached the manager of a Nedbank branch with the aim of transferring money into other accounts. “Thamaga was allegedly in possession of the account holder’s fake identity document, claiming that she had signing powers. The manager contacted the accountholder who informed him that he was not aware of any transaction and that it was a possible fraudulent transaction,” Mulaudzi said. The Police were called and the two arrested while the third suspect escaped. Mulaudzi said by conducting interviews with Mathiba and Thamaga the third person will hopefully be identified. The two remain in custody and are expected to appear for a bail application tomorrow (Friday).

Polokwane Observer

Muni tree op, maar los nie probleem op nie BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die flinke optrede van die Polokwane Munisipaliteit het bewys dat dit tog die moeite loon om knelpunte onder die amptenary se aandag te bring, toe ‘n groot staal vullisbak wat al ‘n geruime tyd op ‘n sypaadjie in Dap Naudéstraat staan en waarin vullis ophoop, binne ‘n week nadat Polokwane Observer gekla het, verwyder is. Dit was egter te goed om waar te wees, want toe die toneel ‘n week la-

Alleged killer in court Suspected Thohoyandou serial killer, Godfrey Ntsieni will on 10 December make a third court appearance to face 16 charges of rape, murder, attempted murder and kidnapping. Ntsieni was arrested in July after a spate of rapes and murders took place at the University of Venda (Univen). As previously reported the body of Ntsieni’s suspected fourth victim, Brenda Ndove was found with a deep wound on the back of her head in July. She was an employee of the university. Apart from Ndhove the suspect is also being charged with the murders of Livhuwani Mbodi, Tshililo Ndou and Zwivhuya Alice Mashau, all of whom were allegedly raped before being killed. Although the fifth victim, Shudufhadzo Sandy Thagisa was lucky to escape with her life, she was allegedly heavily assaulted at Golgotha Village. Ntsieni was arrested at his home and a student identification card and a cell phone apparently belonging to Thagisa were found in his possession. Also found in his possession was a cell phone reportedly belonging to Ndove and a hairpin belonging to Mbodi.


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ter besoek is, is gevind dat die bak wel verwyder is, maar dat die gemors en veral tuinafval wat rondgelê het, netso gelos is as uitnodiging vir nog rommelstrooiers. Tidimalo Chuene, kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder van die munisipaliteit, sê dat die betrokke houer verlede week verwyder is en dat die munisipaliteit besig is om al die rommel en vullis in Dap Naudéstraat op te ruim. Chuene versoek die publiek om die stadsraad se reinigingsafdeling by 015 290 2534, 015 290 2366/7 te skakel om probleme met straatvullis te rapporteer.

Voor - 9 Oktober.

Na - 15 Oktober.


October 23, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane

WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL barryv.observer@gmail.com


25 October >> Cansa’s Candle of Hope Ceremony takes place at the Theunis Fichardt Hospitium at 17:30 for 18:00 to honour those who lost the battle against cancer and for those left behind. Karin Human: 015 297 1268. 28 October >> The Pietersburg Polokwane Stamp Club’s Annual General Meeting takes place at the Polokwane Bowls Club in Suid Street at 18:30. Members and interested persons are welcome to attend. Fam Fleming: 076 633 4710. 30 Oktober tot 1 November >> Handgeduntes Mark hou ‘n kreatiewe kuiermark met slegs handvervaardigde artikels by die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord in Dorpstraat. Verrigtinge vind Donderdag en Vrydag van 10:00 tot 18:00 en Saterdag van 09:00 tot 14:00 plaas. Ansie du Toit, Handgeduntes Mark se koördineerder, brei artikels vir die mark.

1 November >> Autism Awareness Walk takes place at Thornhill Shopping Centre from 07:00 to 11:00 and the proceeds go towards charity. Entry fee is R20 per person. Marise Rademan: 081 287 4279. >> ‘n Denim en Diamonds Dans word deur Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) se bulletjierugbyspanne in die skoolsaal aangebied. Kaartjies kos R120 per persoon wat ‘n ete insluit. Kinders betaal R30 en kry ‘n worsbroodjie.

Geld wat ingesamel word, gaan vir bulletjierugby en die inkomste van die veiling en ander bydraes gaan vir Hoop vir Kinders en minderbevoorregte kinders van PLS (ystertjies). Ansie Nel: 084 503 8322. >> Die Boeremusiek-gilde (Pottiestak) bied vanaf 15:00 ‘n dans by die CVO-skool Potgietersrus aan. Die Suikerbos Dansorkes en Juan de Bruin en sy orkes tree op. Toegangsgeld beloop R50 per persoon vir nielede en R30 vir lede. Pensioenarisse sal tot 18:00 ‘n spesiale afslag kry. Kinders onder 12 is gratis. Bring jou eie drank en piekniekmandjie. Kobus Smit: 082 564 4668. 1 to 2 November >> The Weekend Warrior Mud Event at Zwartkloof farm (Mookgophong) with prizes to the value of more than R70 000. Entrance fee is R250 per vehicle (maximum four passengers) and R300, including camping, payable at the entrance. Weekend Warrior members will receive R50 per vehicle discount, payable on the day. The event starts at 10:00 and ends at about 23:00 with the 4x4 obstacle route closing at 17:00. Charles Smith: 083 469 7586 2 November >> NG Kerk Pietersburg Moedergemeente, hoek van Grobler- en Biccardstraat se Kerssangdiens vind vanaf 18:30 plaas. Will Jordan is die gaskunstenaar en kaartjies kos R20 per persoon wat vooraf by die kerkkantoor vanaf 08:00 tot 13:00 en weer van 14:00 tot 17:00 gekoop kan word. Heleen Bester: 015 291 9140. 8 November >> Die Suid-Jolytfees vind om 08;00 op Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se sportterrein plaas. Kunstenaars soos Etha, Hans Drommedaaris en Thys die Bosveldklong tree op met stalletjies en ‘n braai- en potjiekoskompetisie. Karen Kruger: 079 993 0048. 11 November >> Agri Limpopo hou om 09:00 ‘n arbeidswerkswinkel by Bolivia Lodge wat op die situasie met werkspermitte vir burgers van Zimbabwe fokus. Magdel Fouché: 015 590 1024 of by admin@agrilimpopo.co.za. 21 November >> Elizma Theron tree om 19:00 by Café Pavilion op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Raymond Bronkhorst: 079 034 2312.

Bolivia Lodge supports Cansa and its Relay for Life initiative Tel: 015 296 0309 Cell: 082 708 3775 Fax: 086 775 1865 reservations@bolivialodge.co.za Bolivia Lodge, Polokwane, Limpopo Only 600m from Mall of the North www.bolivialodge.co.za

Closing date for Miss Summer Glitz SA 2014 pageant extended >> Entries close on 24 October >> Great prizes to be won BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com This year’s Miss Summer Glitz SA 2014 pageant takes place at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort on Saturday and the closing date for entries is extended until 19:00 on Friday (tomorrow). Entry forms may be handed in at Sorbet in the Mall of the North. Pageant Director, Katryn Barwise says that girls and women between the ages of one and 24 can enter and they should, apart from the entry fee of R150, bring along a hygiene pack


of small gifts for a child in need. The competition is a youth development pageant to provide local girls with a platform to make a difference and build their self-confidence. Three winners in every one of the six age categories will be crowned and rewarded with great prizes. “This is an event for the whole family and starts at 09:00 for entries, followed by the main event at 10:00,” says Barwise. According to Barwise, some entries have been received to date and she believes that more entrants will come forward during the last week. The event is hosted by Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy and Polokwane Obser­ ver is the print media sponsor.

preferences / voorkeure

>> Kruger National Park. The love I have for fauna and flora can be served better in that part of our less violated nature. Polokwane Observer asked Donald SelaFavourite music molela, Senior Manager Youth Directorate >> Rock - It speaks to my soul. at the Office of the Premier and a Favourite artist member of the ANC Youth League >> Rod Stewart, especially ‘The rhythm Provincial Task Team to share his perof my heart’, is my favourite song. sonal favourites with our readers. Favourite saying Favourite book >> “Never, never believe that any war >> Windmills of the Gods (Sidney will be smooth and easy, or that anyone Sheldon). It mainly taught me to see who embarks on a strange voythings beyond what they seem to be age can measure the tides and and appreciate them for what they hurricanes he will encounter,” actually are. (Winston Churchill). Favourite food Favourite sporting code >> Mabele porridge with steak. >> Soccer. It is part of us and It remains my unrivalled menu. a collective treasure for our Favourite holiday people. destination Donald Selamolela

Willie en Will sing om behoeftige fonds te versterk

Foto: RC Myburgh

Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS)-skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman en bekende countrysanger, Will Jordan het verlede week vir lekker musiek tydens die skool se etensuurkonsert gesorg. Vir slegs R20 kon gaste vir ‘n uur na dié twee musikante luister en die geld wat ingesamel is, het die skool se behoeftige fonds versterk.

DA turns to Minister over convicted Police officer RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The manner in which a case of possession of presumably stolen property against a high ranking officer within the Police was opened and handled has now also caught the attention of the Democratic Alliance (DA) who intends submitting written questions in Parliament to the Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko to launch an inquiry into the particular case. Polokwane Observer earlier in October reported the concern of Police officials over the fact that the criminal record of a high ranking colleague had not been updated as prescribed after he was sentenced to four months imprisonment or a fine of R2 000 suspended for three years after he was found guilty of possessing a cell phone allegedly stolen from a senior officer’s house in Polokwane during a house robbery incident in February. The concerned officials were also unhappy about the suspect, a unit head, not being suspended nor internally disciplined following the cell phone being found in his possession. Jacques Smalle, DA Provincial leader said in a statement that information supplied to the DA, indicated that a witness in the official’s trial had allegedly also implicated him in other criminal activities. “To make the matter worse the official allegedly received a promotion recently to an elite crime fighting unit,” Smalle stated. He added that the DA’s concern is with Provincial Commissioner Fannie Masemola’s reluctance to instate internal disciplinary procedures against the officer. “The public cannot be expected to be satisfied that a convicted criminal is now in charge of a Police unit that investigates serious crimes,” he said.

Prom King and Queen announced RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


uring the stylishly hosted Prom Night 2014 at Bolivia Lodge on Saturday evening, Michael Cocks from Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) and Khangwelo Malotsha from Capricorn High School were announced Prom King and Queen 2014. Not only are these two the proud bearers of the top title but Michael and his partner, Jessica Pretorius were announced Dance Couple of the Year as well as most stylish couple. Khangwelo was also crowned as most stylish girl while Khutsaka Nkune was announced The title of most as most stylish original girl went to boy. Juán-Merié Venter.

Oktober 23, 2014





For originality Nthabiseng Semenya and Selaelo Sathekge took the title as most original couple while Juán-Merié Venter and Calvin Moleshe were announced most original girl and boy respectively. Nthabiseng and Calvin also took the title for girl and boy Dancer of the Year respectively. It came to no surprise when local fashion designer Nico Willoughby-Smith was announced Designer of the Year. Seventeen of his designs were seen on stage and he is the proud designer of Prom Queen’s dress who also bears the title as most stylish girl. Photographer of the Year is Nikki van den Heever, Make-up Artist of the Year Alta Viljoen and Hairstylist of the Year Clarette Venter. Organiser of Prom Night and Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) Community Mobiliser Sharon Stander thanked the judges Nadia du Preez, Jason Stander en Mokgadi Mahlapamafsi as well as master of ceremonies Dehanne Uijs and Alex Vermeulen for the scoring. “Thank you to Patsy Campbell and Ronél Booysen for their assistance and last but not least, a very big thank you to Corné Marais for all the graphics,” Stander said.

Photos: RC Myburgh

Prom King Michael Cocks and his partner Jessica Pretorius were crowned most stylish couple and Dance Couple of the Year.


Polokwane Observer

Oktober 23, 2014

SMALL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY a member of the dti group Suite 6 Maneo Building, 73 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699 Postnet Suite 32, Private Bag X9307, Polokwane, 0700 Tel: +2715 297 1139 Fax: +2715 297 4022

Seda hosts annual seminar Invites all SMME’S to atte for entrepreneurs WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


is to empower the delegates with high-impact knowledge for maximum impact and business growth effectiveness and the theme for 2014 was “Creating the ecosystem to grow and support high impact entrepreneurs.” The Executive Mayor of the Capricorn District Municipality, Gilbert Kganyago officially opened the seminar and Marcus Mukumela, the Seda Vhembe Branch Manager, who is also the Acting Provincial Head of Seda delivered the keynote address to the delegates. Mukumela said the purpose of the annual seminar is to provide information to new and small businesses. The seminar is held in different districts every year and in 2014 it was the turn of the Capricorn district. “The main focus for this year will be on franchise and finance opportunities with the focus on women and the youth of Limpopo,” Mukumela explained. Kurt Illetschko, former Chairperson of the

Franchise Association South Africa (FASA) gave the many delegates that attended the seminar an insight into the various franchise opportunities available in South Africa, with special focus on the fast food and restaurant industry in the country. He emphasised the importance of understanding the binding contract between the franchisee and the holding company and other important matters like up-front fees, working capital, investment capital and reserves needed to run a franchise business successfully. Eric Makuya, Business Support Coordinator for the Small Enterprise Financial Agency (Sefa), which is affiliated to the Industrial Development Corporation, spoke about the financial options available to new entrepreneurs. He said Sefa offers loans to new and existing entrepreneurs for amounts from R50 000 to R5 million, with the provision that a sound business plan is available from the business entity.

e Annual Entrepreneursh ew and existing entrepreneurs from Limpopo had the opportunity to listen to and share ideas on franchising and other business opportunities at the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) Provincial Entrepreneur Seminar at the Jack Botes Hall on Thursday. The gathering also discussed the various funding opportunities available to young entrepreneurs that do not have start-up capital available for their respective business ventures. Seda believes that healthy small, micro, medium enterprises (SMMEs) are the foundation on which to lay the concrete blocks of job creation and economic growth. The target group for the seminar was existing and first-time entrepreneurs from all five districts in Limpopo. The purpose of the seminar


TEGRATING ALL SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE ENTREPRENEURS” Seda’s Elia Netshisaulu and Ambrose Makgwale at Thursday’s seminar. Old Mutual personnel Vuledzani Mashie (Sales Manager) and Steven Phukubye (Financial Advisor) offered their services at the Seda Provincial Entrepreneur Seminar on Thursday.

will have presentations and exhibitions which will focus th

The Acting Provincial Manager at the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) in Limpopo, Marcus Mukumela, who is also the Seda Manager in thBranch the Vhembe district.

he 4 October 2010 – Agriculture and Tourism th he 5 October 2010 – Seta’s, Accreditation, capacity building a ay the 6 October 2010 – Construction, Mining, Transport , Sa th the 7 October 2010 – Franchise, Manufacturing, Media and C th 7 October 2010 – Access to finance Kurt Illetschko from the Franchise Association South Africa (Fasa) addresses delegates attending the Seda Provincial Entrepreneur Seminar on Thursday.

Small Enterprise Financial Agency’s Eric Makuya addresses the delegates on Thursday.

A substantial number of women from the province attended the Provincial Entrepreneur Seminar on Thursday.

Some of the province’s young entrepreneurs who attended the Seda Provincial Entrepreneur Seminar on Thursday.

DATE: 04 -08 OCTOBER 20

October 23, 2014

Polokwane Observer

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Polokwane Observer

Oktober 23, 2014

Nerds On Site provides more than just the convenience of having you own personal IT person or team to come to your location but they bring along over 250 computer competencies with them. Nerds On Site is much more than a repair service. They supply: • Complete Needs Assessments • Network Security & Threat Risk Analysis • Network Design, Installation & support • IT Department Outsourcing • Hardware & Software Purchasing • Software Installation • APP development • Service and Maintenance Contracts • VPN Solutions • POPI Compliance • Time and Attendance programs • Business Management Software • Software development • Cloud Services • Clean Up & Speed Up • Wireless Solutions • One Time and Regular Backups • Website Structure, Content & Design • Website Hosting • Virus Removal & Protection • Inventory and Network Documentation and much, much more!

Riaan Els, Polokwane Nerd area leader, fourth from left, with his team and their gleaming Nerdmobiles. Photo: Barry Viljoen

Nerds on Site invades Polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


You can’t miss us. Look for the bright red NERDmobile in your area.

Riaan Els 081 071 8470

he inevitable Nerd infestation has finally arrived in Polokwane when a cavalcade of bright red Nerdmobiles conquered the parking areas at Mall of the North and Cycad Shopping Centre on Friday. Not the kind that devours unsuspecting crops, or the kind that draws crowds of screaming teenage girls (at least not yet). No, this was a gleaming armada of nerdy red Nerdmobiles that has snaked its way across South Africa conquering one city after another, wiping out all the confusing, I.T. techno-babble that happens to get in their way. Each red Nerdmobile was driven by a laptop-toting, duct tape spectacled, fully pocket-protected computer EntrepreNERD whose only desire is to rid the world of all its computer problems. Yes, Nerds On Site has arrived in Polokwane!

Lim EFF branches all make audits YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Nerds On Site, Polokwane • http://www.nerdsonsite.com

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All of the branches of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Limpopo, which boasts most party branches countrywide, have made audit ahead of the regional and provincial assemblies to be held from this weekend onwards. EFF Limpopo Convenor Michael Mathebe told Polokwane Observer a national team conducted the

Photo: Yolande Nel


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Don’t let their nerdy appearance fool you though. This crew is dead serious and well armed to contend with any technology problem you can throw at them, whether you’re a business whose network is acting up, or just sitting at home trying to get your favourite game to work properly. All you need to do to get their attention is to call their toll free number, 0800 MYNERD (0800 696373) or log a call on www.nerdsonsite.co.za. Riaan Els, Polokwane Nerd area leader, says: “We have a no-fix, no-charge policy. If we can’t fix it, you don’t pay a cent! And the nerdiest of things is that we’re all equipped to communicate with each other at all times, so you don’t get just one nerd to deal with your issue, you get the entire NERD-force along with all of their training, expertise and competencies.” Visit Nerds on Site at http://www.nerdsonsite.com or call Els at 081 071 8470.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Provincial Leader Michael Mathebe photographed after the recent court appearance of EFF Commanderin-Chief (CIC) Julius Malema.

audits on the weekend and gave all branches in the province the green light. The audits went very well and all of their 435 branches met the requirements, Mathebe said. He added that the EFF in Limpopo had the biggest number of branches in South Africa. He said the regional assemblies would be held this weekend, but that confirmation on the venues was still awaited. The provincial assembly is expected to be conducted next weekend. The venue has also not been finalised as yet, it was learnt. With the focus shifting to the recent Student Representative Council (SRC) elections at the University of Limpopo (UL) where the EFF’s student component took the majority of seats, Mathebe said it was not going to be easy for the African National Congress (ANC) to claim back the university. He added that the EFF was testing their machinery with the elections at UL and the ruling party would be in for a high jump come 2016 local government elections.

Sport, Arts and Culture under fire at Scopa

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


uring the public appearance of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture before the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) last week, it was revealed that the Auditor General (AG) was, on numerous counts, unable to perform his tasks due to the lack of adequate record keeping and control over asset management by the department during the 2013/14 financial year. Assets Firstly the committee questioned detection by the AG of a significant number of movable tangible capital assets that were not included in the accounting records and financial statements and was therefore impractical to determine the extent of the understatement in the asset balance of R35 613 000 rendering the AG unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to confirm the physical assets by alternative means. The AG also identified a significant number of minor assets not included in the financial statements and it was impractical to determine the extent of the understatement in the assets balance of R73 600 000. A further R25 988 181 worth of assets were unable to be physically verified while the department also failed to record minor assets at the correct value in

accordance with departmental framework accounting of library materials. Consequently the value of these classes of assets stated at R73 600 000 in the financial statements have been overstated by R56 726 558. Commitments to contracts The AG reported that the department did not include all commitments relating to contracts awarded in accordance with the Modified Cash Standard. The AG identified commitments to the amounts of R2 498 774 that were not included in the financial statements. As the department did not maintain adequate records for commitments the AG was unable to determine the full extent of the understatement in commitments. The AG was unable to determine whether any adjustment relating to commitments stated at R23 344 000 was necessary. Further the department could not provide supporting documents for contracts awarded amounting to R6 567 564. There were no satisfactory alternative audit procedures by the AG to obtain reasonable assurance that contracts were awarded in accordance with the supply chain management regulations. Irregular expenditure The AG reported that during 2013 the department procured goods and services amounting to R16 853 036 in contravention of the department’s procurement policy requirements. Due

to the lack of an appropriate procurement system at the department, the AG was unable to confirm whether the disclosure made as regards to the irregular expenditure in the financial statements was complete. The matter still remains unresolved in the year under review. Consequently the AG was unable to determine whether any further adjustments to irregular expenditure stated to the department’s financial statements at R88 543 000 were necessary. The department also incurred irregular expenditure which is under investigation and has not been disclosed in the financial statements resulting that the full extent of irregular expenditure cannot be determined. Under spending The department has not achieved its objectives of the mass sport and recreation participation programme grant, library service grant and expanded public works programme because of under spending the budget by R16 762 258. Financial The AG reported contractual obligations and money owed by the department were not settled within 30 days as required and that effective steps were not taken to prevent irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure. The AG further reported that employees received overtime compensation in excess of 30% of their monthly salaries.

Mankweng se riool ‘n gevaar vir mens en dier BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com ‘n Lasgewing gaan binnekort aan die Polokwane Munisipaliteit beteken word nadat rioolwater vanuit die riooluitvalwerke buite Mankweng al ‘n geruime tyd besig is om die veld en padreserwe langs die R81 te besoedel. ‘n Inwoner van die gebied wat verkies om anoniem te bly, het die saak aan Polokwane Observer gerapporteer en dit is bykans

‘n maand gelede met die department van ekonomiese ontwikkeling, omgewingsake en toeris-me opgeneem. Die department het onderneem om die aangeleentheid te ondersoek en ‘n inspekteur ‘n paar dae later gestuur wat verslag sal doen. Die direkteur: besoedeling en afval van die department, Trevor Mphahlele, het aangedui dat die saak na adjunk-direkteur Steve Makua verwys is vir optrede en dat ‘n lasgewing binnekort op die munisipaliteit beteken sal word.

Die riooluitvloei vanuit die Mankweng riooluitvalwerke langs die R81. Foto: Barry Viljoen

Oktober 23, 2014





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Polokwane Observer

Oktober 23, 2014

Foreign infusions at Cuban Café YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

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and Nehawu General Secretary Bereng Soke rendered an overview of the union’s solidarity work with Cuba. Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) Provincial Secretary Gerald Twala delivered a message of support and the ambassador the keynote address. The evening’s programme catered for speaker upon speaker acknowledging longstanding relations between the two countries by highlighting political ties, the Cuban revolution, existing programmes, plans for future cooperation as well the continued campaigning for the release of the three remaindering members of the Cuban 5 still in custody in America. One of the last to speak was Michael Ndwambi, a doctor based in Thohoyandou who shared recollections from 2001 to 2007 while studying in Cuba. He testified that the solidarity of their Cuban hosts made them adapt while staying abroad. “We are beneficiaries of the Cuban revolution,” he pronounced while occasionally switching to Spanish.

oreign infusions blended for an extraordinary cultural mix on Limpopo soil when the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) hosted its second national Cuban Café in Polokwane on Saturday evening. Colour and culture intermingled when Nehawu leadership played host to a contingent of Cuban nationals living in South Africa and specifically in Limpopo, led by Cuban Ambassador to South Africa Carlos Fernandez de Cossio as well as a group of invited guests from across the province, who included doctors and engineers having had the opportunity to study in that country. With the hall bedecked with customary blue, white and red captured in the Cuban flag, it set the trend for social interaction and rhythmic sounds that sparked the odd spontaneous engaging in a sexy salsa. Most striking of it all, however, was the visual of the late Nelson Mandela and former Cuban President Fidel Castro PHOTO: YOLANDE NEL caught in conversation that atNational Educatracted attention on stage. tion, Health and Opening remarks were done Allied Workers Union by Nehawu President Mzwandile (Nehawu) Provincial Makwayiba, while Nehawu ProChairperson Calvin vincial Chairperson Calvin TshaTshamando gives the mando gave a welcoming address welcoming address.

>> See more photos on www.observer.co.za

DA calls for heads of Ledet HOD, finance chief RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com The Democratic Alliance (DA) strongly calls on Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism MEC Seaparo Sekoati to take immediate action against its Head of Department, Solly Kgopong and Chief Financial Officer, Dikeledi Mothapo in order to save the department from the hands of incompetent and careless officials. During the department’s appearance before the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) last Tuesday a report from the Auditor General’s (AG) office revealed that the Framework for Management Programme Performance (FMPP) requires the department to have appropriate systems to collect, collate, verify and store performance information to ensure valid, accurate and complete report-

ing of actual achievements against planned objectives, indicators and targets. The AG was unable to obtain the information and explanations he considered necessary to satisfy himself as to the reliability of the reported performance information. DA Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle said in a press release that the department’s oversight responsibility, action plans, financial reports, compliance and proper record keeping are among obligations of the department which Kgopong and his team embarrassingly admitted to have neglected as part of their responsibilities. “It was revealed during the meeting that human resources, transfer of funds, revenue management, expenditure management, asset management and annual financial statements were further responsibilities neglected due to incompetence,” Smalle stated.


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INVITATION FOR REGISTRATION ON THE DATABASE (QUARTERLY UPDATE) 2014 / 2015 The Polokwane Municipality hereby invites service providers to apply to be registered and included in the service providers’ database for 2014/2015 financial year. Service providers are allowed to register only three (3) categories of services at a time. Services will be highlighted in the database forms. Please note that the Municipality will not conduct business with service providers who are not registered on the database. Service providers who are already in the system need not to register but urged to come and update their status. Prescribed database registration forms can be downloaded freely from Polokwane municipality`s website: www.polokwane.gov.za or alternatively be purchased at Polokwane Municipality`s tender office - Polokwane Municipality - cnr Landdros Mare & Bodenstein streets – City Centre Supply Chain Management (SCM) Unit (Tender Office), Ground Floor (to the left of the Security Information Desk) – City of Polokwane for R50.00. The database registration forms will be available from Monday, 20 October 2014 and closing date for submission of database registration forms is Monday, 03 November 2014 at 16:00. Database registration forms received after the closing date will not be considered. Enquiries should be directed to acting Manager SCM: Mr Simon Mashiane on 015 290 2137 and Ms Sophy Masipa on 015 290 2397. MRS. T C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER

New ANC regional leadership OBSERVER 17 elected despite hitches Oktober 23, 2014


Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng on stage during the opening on Friday evening. Nkadimeng, who was in a line-up of favourites for the top five leadership structure, had to give way to former Capricorn District Executive Mayor Dewet Monakedi who claimed the position of ANC Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson.


Photos: Yolande Nel

Right: ANC Provincial Chairperson Stan Mathabatha dances to a revolutionary song prior to addressing delegates during the opening of the conference. Left: African National Congress (ANC) Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson Dewet Monakedi addresses delegates still in his capacity as Convenor of the Regional Task Team during the open session on Friday evening. Both his addresses to the conference were interrupted by delegates who had points to raise.

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


he past weekend’s elective conference of the African National Congress (ANC) in Peter Mokaba Region did not go by without a few glitches as branch delegates converged to choose a new leadership after an earlier court interdict that halted last December’s processes in Polokwane. The two-day programme hosted at Hayani Lodge on the outskirts of town eventually started on Friday evening after a five-hour delay seemingly caused by groupings still caucusing prior to the conference commencing. Supporters of erstwhile Capricorn District Executive Mayor Dewet Monakedi and Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng, who led the most dominant preferential line-ups for the top five leadership, were in high spirits before delegates could pack the hall for an all-important event. Drama unfolded already with the opening session when delegate Jimmy Machaka interjected as Monakedi as Regional Task Team Convenor delivered the political report as per request by MEC Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana, who directed the programme. ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi and Deputy Chairperson, MEC Jerry Ndou intervened as Machaka was guided out of the venue and the matter was later made off as a misunderstanding that arose as the programme was not initially adopted before Monakedi was called to deliver the report. According to information the names of those forming the top five leadership were announced in the early hours of Saturday. John Mpe was elected as Monakedi’s deputy, Eugene Masete as Regional Secretary, Sammy Selamolela as deputy secretary and Nakedi Sibanda as treasurer of the region. The conference that was supposed to come to an end on Saturday evening was, however, concluded a day later after a hitch was experienced with regards to the nomination of additionals on the regional executive earlier that day, it was learnt. After the reported omission of names was addressed, the election process was finalised. Monakedi’s closing remarks in his capacity as newly elected Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson were yet again interrupted on Sunday evening when Machaka joined the Coordinator of the ANC Youth League (Ancyl) Provincial Task Team, Mosa Chabane, in rising midway through the speech by attempting to raise points of order. At the time Mpe stepped in to indicate that the programme was considered closed. Delegate Jimmy Machaka attempts to raise a point during ANC Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson Dewet Monakedi’s speech on Friday evening.



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Municipal current rates account not more than three months old should be submitted (Proof of address similar to address of place of office operation. Lease agreement with account statement or shareholders address acceptable as proof of office address(conformation letter endorsed by commission of Oath, note that before appointment this will be verified) Copy of valid Firearm Licences Proof of purchase for Bid documents Certified ID copies of the company shareholders Certified valid copy of BBB-EE Certificate

NOTE:  The JV partners must submit both mandatory and other requirements for each company. Please note that the above required documents will be be deemed as mandatory to the preferred bidder. Required documents will be requested for submission within Two worrking days and failure to submit will be deemed as non-responsive. SPECIAL CONDITION • For contracts above R3m (Three million rand), the following special condition apply: (i) All bidders from outside Limpopo must enter into a Consortium or Joint Venture with local HDI/HDC of suppliers (ii) The perscentage of the contract value managed or executed by the local partner must not be less than 40% of the project value. Lepelle Northern Water’s Tip-off HotLine Speak out against fraud and corruption Anonymous fraud hotline Details Free Call: 0800 20 48 57 Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88 Free Post: KZN 138 Umhlanga Rock, 4320 Email: lepelle@tip-offs.com Website: www.tip-offs.com


Polokwane Observer

Oktober 23, 2014

PHS kroon leerders vir uitnemendheid RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Willie Schoeman, skoolhoof oorhandig PHS se akademiese erekleure aan gasspreker en Rooi Rose reisredakteur, Mariette Snyman.

Die toptien leerders in graad 12 is Elani Nel (89,42%), Nettie van der Goot (90,7%), Madelé Nienaber (88,71%), Adèle van Jaarsveld (89%), Francél Geyer (88,71%) en Imé du Plessis (88,71%). Agter is Julia Alsemgeest (93,85%), Biemond Hoogenboezem (90,28%), Johan Krüger (94,57%) en Jaco Potgieter (90,85%). Angelique Jacobs (90,14%) was afwesig.

Spesiale toekennings is gemaak aan Elizma le Roux (belowendste onderwyskandidaat, toekenning as hoofdogter 2014), Johan Krüger (PHS beheerliggaam-toekenning vir veelsydige prestasie), Corine Lloyd (Johnny Hamman-toekenning vir gasvryheidstudies-leerder wat tersiêre opleiding volg) en Chanté Jardim (FJ Bezuidenhoutstudiebeurs, enige rigting). Agter is Jaco Potgieter (dr TL Boshofftoekenning vir die leerder wat die leuse, dit wat die moeite werd is om te doen, is die moeite werd om goed gedoen te word, die beste uitleef), Lucius van Rensburg (grootste algehele akademiese prestasieverbetering) en Richardt Stroebel (toekenning as hoofseun 2014). Ludolph Neethling (nuuswaardigste prestasie, kaptein van die Springbok-uithouritspan) was afwesig.

Soos gewoonlik het ‘n gasspreker van formaat, in dié geval die vrouetydskrif, Rooi Rose se reisredakteur, Mariette Snyman leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) tydens die skool se hoofprysuitdeling toegespreek. “Vind jou X-faktor en jy sal verseker jou beroep suksesvol beoefen,” het Snyman (née Minne) verlede Donderdag aan presteerders gesê. Snyman, ‘n oud-Pietie het Pieties se toppresteerders aangeraai om tyd te gebruik om hulself beter te leer ken. “Beantwoord die volgende

vrae en jy sal gou agterkom waar jou belangstelling of Xfaktor lê: Waaroor dagdroom jy gereeld? Waarna kyk jy as tydskrifte deurblaai? Met watter speelgoed het jy die meeste gespeel toe jy klein was? Waaroor handel die televisieprogramme waarna jy graag kyk?” Sy het ter afsluiting die belangrikheid om drome na te streef beklemtoon en Pieties daaraan herinner dat hulle eerstens moet geniet wat hulle doen. Skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman het die skool se akademiese erekleure aan Snyman oorhandig wat in 1977 met ses onderskeidings aan PHS gematrikuleer het.


Die top kultuurtoekennings is oorhandig aan Jonett Olivier (veelsydigste junior kultuurmeisie), Anri Venter (veelsydigste senior kultuurmeisie) en Corlia Pieterse (veelsydigste redenaar). Agter is Jean-Pierre Viljoen (veelsydigste junior kultuurseun) en Marcel Coetzee (veelsydigste senior kultuurseun).

Die graad 12 vakpryswenners is Elani Nel (geografie), Carien Nel (toerisme), Aliska Ludick (besigheidstudies), Julia Alsemgeest (wiskunde, lewensoriëntering), Inge Ungerer (Engels) en Kyla Cloete (gasvryheidstudies). In die tweede ry is Denelle de Meyer (beste vordering in wiskunde), Jaco Potgieter (ekonomie), Adèle van Jaarsveld (Afrikaans, letterkunde), Marlie Human (wiskundige geletterdheid) en Amelia Quin (geskiedenis). Agter is Werner Hattingh (ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp), Johan Krüger (Afrikaans, gevorderde wiskunde, rekeningkunde, fisiese wetenskappe, lewenswetenskappe, hoogste gemiddeld in wiskunde, fisiese wetenskappe en lewenswetenskappe, topkandidaat wat aan die Universiteit van Pretoria gaan studeer) en Ian Jannasch (inligtingstegnologie). Bernelee Botha (rekenaartoepassingstegnologie) en Corné Olivier (wiskunde, rekeningkunde) was afwesig.

Dorpstraat 125 Polokwane Tel: 015 297 3201 www.pieties.co.za Volg ons op facebook/ PietiesPHS

Top akademiese leerder, Johan Krüger en sy pa, Mannie (beheerliggaamvoorsitter) met PHS leerkragte, Elzje van der Walt en Linette Scott. Die twee Krügers is beide deur die leerkragte onderrig.

Top akademiese leerders in elke graad is Johan Krüger (Die Mannie Krüger-toekenning vir graad 12), Chané Prinsloo (graad 11), Ro-ayne Geddes (graad 10), Daniel Swarts (graad 9) en Jean-Pierre Viljoen (graad 8).

Uitstaande sportpresteerders is Chanté Ferreira (Atleet van die Jaar, junior Sportmeisie van die Jaar), Danielle Lemmer (beste prestasie in ruiterkuns, beste enkelprestasie deur junior dogter), Andri Marais (Jukskeispeler van die Jaar, beste enkelprestasie deur senior dogter buite skoolverband), Jaco Potgieter (Seunhokkiespeler van die Jaar, Krieketspeler van die Jaar, senior Sportseun van die Jaar), Lientjie Nel (Tennisspeler van die Jaar, Hokkiespeler van die Jaar, Meisiekrieketspeler van die Jaar), Nadine Roos (Netbalspeler van die Jaar, senior Sportmeisie van die Jaar) en Louise Schutte (Landloopatleet van die Jaar). In die tweede ry is Koos Hartzenberg (beste prestasie in luggeweerskiet), Christiaan van Staden (Skaakspeler van die Jaar), Corné Olivier (Gholfspeler van die Jaar), Louis Nel (junior Sportseun van die Jaar) en Ludolph Neethling (beste prestasie in uithouritte, beste enkelprestasie deur juniorseun binne skoolverband). Agter is Luann Maree (beste prestasie in boogskiet), Christoff Ras (Swemmer van die Jaar, beste enkel sportprestasie deur seniorseun buite skoolverband) en JR Visagie (Rugbyspeler van die Jaar).

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October 23, 2014

Polokwane Observer



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Tommies se TopPresteerders word vereer FOTO’S: RC MYBURGH

Brandon Lehmann word vereer vir sy topprestasie in eerstespanrugby en ontvang erekleure vir sy deelname aan die Limpopo 7’s-span en o18akademieweek.

Johnny Walgenbach kry erkenning vir sy deelname aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Atletiekkampioenskappe. Hy is die vinnigste 100 m-atleet en beste seunsatleet.

Keletso Mogashoa word vereer vir sy akademiese prestasie van ses onderskeidings, vakpryse vir Engels eerste addisionele taal, Sepedi huistaal en ‘n goue medalje vir ‘n gemiddeld bo 80%.

Johan Nel is senior Sportseun van die Jaar, word vereer vir sy deelname aan die SuidAfrikaanse Atletiekkampioenskappe: 400 m en verwerf erekleure as deel van die o.18-krieketspan.

Joané Strauss ontvang erkenning vir beste prestasie in 800 m, beste Meisiesatleet, deelname aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Landloopkampioenskappe, beste Landloopatleet en Sportmeisie van die Jaar.

Eleanor Reynecke is die beste akademiese presteerder met sewe onderskeidings, vakpryse in Afrikaans, Wiskunde, Fisiese Wetenskappe en Elektriese Tegnologie, sy verwerf trofeë vir beste prestasie in Ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp, Elektriese Tegnologie, Afrikaans, Fisiese Wetenskappe, Wiskunde en word as mees verdienstelike leerder in graad 12 vereer. Sy verwerf ook ‘n goue medalje vir ‘n gemiddeld bo 80%, die Tommiemedalje vir beste akademiese prestasie in graad 12 en word boonop as senior Netbalspeler van die Jaar aangewys.

Armich Lottering is die junior Sportseun van die Jaar en beste veldatleet.

Die beste junior Meisiesatleet is Tlou Manthata.

Die beste junior Seunsatleet is CJ Nel.

Morné Claasens is die beste senior Krieketspeler.

André Thirion is die beste junior Krieketspeler.

Devaux van der Wath is die Gholfspeler van die Jaar.

Marnus Badenhorst ontvang die Burgemeesterstrofee vir sy diensbaarheid op vele terreine in die gemeenskap.

Die Tommie van die Jaar-trofee word deur Eleanor Reynecke en Joané Strauss gedeel.

Martinique Whitehead word as junior Netbalspeler van die Jaar aangewys.

Hennie du Plessis ontvang die trofee vir mees toegewyde Gholfspeler.

Mohlala Phetolo ontvang die trofee as beste junior Sokkerspeler.

Johan Wells ontvang erekleure vir sy deelname aan die o.18Pukweek en word as beste stelskopper aangewys.

Hoekom nog ’n ander skool soek as Tom Naudé jou alles kan bied? RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


Goue medaljewenners tydens vanjaar se Nasionale Afrikaans Ekspo.

eerders van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé wat vanjaar uitsonderlik presteer het, is verlede Donderdagaand tydens die jaarlikse prysuitdeling vir uitnemendheid vereer. Die nuwe kurrikulum vir tegniese skole tree in Januarie 2016 in werking. Dit beteken dat graad 7-leerders die keuse kan uitoefen om by ʼn tegniese skool in te skryf. Tegniese leerders sal toegang tot alle universiteite en tersiêre instellings in die land hê. Die nuwe kurrikulum bied ʼn groot verbetering vir leerders wat nie universiteit toe wil gaan nie, omdat daar in elk van die tegnologievakke gespesialiseer word. Ferdie Liddle, die Nasionale Vereniging van Skole

vir Tegnologie (NVST) se uitvoerende hoof, sê die nuwe kurrikulum sal voorsiening maak vir die opleiding van tegnici op alle vlakke – van ingenieurs en argitekte tot ambagsmanne. “Leerders wat in die toekoms by ‘n tegniese skool matrikuleer, sal beter voorbereid wees op enige ingenieurstudies en ambagsopleiding omdat opleiding meer gespesialiseerd met ondersteunende vakke is. Leerders sal die volgende vakkeuses kan maak: Twee Tale, Wiskunde of Tegniese Wiskunde, Fisiese Wetenskappe of Tegniese Wetenskap, Ingenieursgrafika en –ontwerp, Lewensoriëntering en ʼn Tegnologievak. Skole sal ook nie meer toegelaat word om tegniese vakke sonder die ondersteunende vakke aan te bied nie, omdat dit leerders se toekomsmoontlikhede beperk het.”



Business profile>>

October 23, 2014 >> PAGE 20

Nico Willoughby-Smith

Business: Nico Willoughby-Smith Fashion Designs Why did you choose this profession? >> I made my own matric farewell outfit in 2002 and won a bursary at the Design School of Southern Africa What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Winning the Prom Night Award for Best Designer of the Year 2014; there is no competition when you are in a class of your own How do you live out your passion for your career? >> You never work a day in your life when you love what you do

Women of Excellence conference in Polokwane HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


omen of Excellence will host its 12th Conference this year under the theme “Equipping men and women for greater destinies” at Gateway Conference Centre Polokwane Airport tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. The Founder and Event Organiser, Sindy Maponya said the purpose of the event is to inspire and provoke men and women from all walks of life to strive and attain excellence in every aspect of their lives, irrespective of colour, title, spiritual or socio economic status. She also pointed out that Women of Excellence through collaboration with great Motivational Speakers and pastors, in addition to continued support and mentoring to individu-

als, have produced and contributed to development of women of substance, achievers from domestic workers to airline flyers, who are excelling, and contributing in their spheres of influence, from humble beginnings. “We are inviting all men and women of all colour and race. People who want to be developed in various aspects of life; professionals looking for leadership development, coaching and mentoring. Couples, divorcees, singles and widowed and anyone looking for a way to make a success of their lives. Registration fee is R300 per person, which covers both days. There will be no refunds. A table of 10 people costs R2 800 and meals are included in the fee. Companies and individuals who are interested are invited to register for exhibition at the conference on first come first served basis,” Maponya said.

>> ‘To inspire and provoke men and women from all walks of life to strive and attain excellence in every aspect of their lives’

Women of Excellence was started in 2002 by Sindy Maponya as an inspiration from the conferences attended and addresses in the USA and other parts of Africa. Its aim was to inspire and provoke men and women from all walks of life to strive and attain excellence in every aspect of their lives, irrespective of their background and social circumstances. According to Maponya this was a mammoth task, as Black South Africans particularly came from a background of social, emotional and financial oppression, to mention the least. “The conferences, however, in addition to continued support and mentoring, to those who saw such value and developed ambition, have produced Women of substance today, who are excelling, and have achieved greatly in their area of influence,” added Maponya.

Savannah Mall creates baby awareness HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Savannah Mall in partnership with Baby Gym and Baby City staged a baby exhibition at the centre’s banking mall on Saturday with the aim of promoting and showcasing baby suppliers to their clientele while also creating more knowledge about babies According to Karen Botha, Marketing Manager of the mall the exhibit is an annual event. “We invite mothers to learn more about their babies and also create a platform for mothers

to interact with one another and share knowledge and the best practices of motherhood.” Baby gym instructor Rika Terblanche was on hand to inform mothers about their babies’ milestones - sucking, rolling, sitting, crawling and walking - and the importance of babies achieving them. Terblanche stressed that parents should closely watch the achievement of each of these goals. “If babies miss

out on these milestones they will tend to have problems in socialising and later maybe have scholastic problems,” she said. Baby City Polokwane Manager, Wilma Fourie thanked the parents for coming to the exhibition. “We had lots of baby products, from toiletry, gear, chairs, prams and strollers on display we also gave away baby goodies to mothers who atended the exhibition,” she said.


Baby City Polokwane staff members Milo Ramutla, Wilma Fourie (Manager), Caroline Mamabolo and Baby Gym instructor, Rika Terblanche with some of the items on display at the baby exhibit in Savannah Mall.

Cindy du Plessis and her son Sweize du Plessis took time on Saturday to find out what is new and interesting in the world of babies.

Bakers d’lite specialises in breads BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Bakers d’lite in Platinum Park Centre is your first stop for specialist confectionary in Polokwane. From garlic bread to French loaves with biltong and garlic and made to order snacks are produced to excite the taste buds. Owner Marié Pretorius says baking is her passion and the neatly displayed delicacies speak of experience, innovation and a taste for the good things in life. Although they specialise in bread and rolls their fresh from the oven

fare also include biscuits, cup cakes, tarts and rusks in long-time favourite flavours such as aniseed and buttermilk. For the seriously health conscious there are gluten-free options and a diabetic range of products are being planned. For those in a hurry or with a penchant for home cooked meals there’s the option of delectable lasagne, cottage, chicken and venison pies. Pretorius also boasts her innovative plan to pre-pack two-week food packs for students

that can be frozen and taken along. Sweet and savoury platters are made on order. The shop now also offers limited seating where a cup of tea and a selection of the freshest baker’s delights can be enjoyed. Orders can be placed at 015 297 0008.

Cream filled éclairs, custard slices, brownies and fresh fruit have the taste buds begging for more and more.


It’s hard to choose when confronted by the treats on offer at Baker’s d’lite.

Clients Jolene Oosthuizen and Norette Katzke ready to sample the tasty treats on offer.



The new Toyota Yaris is available at Limpopo Toyota.

Motors profile>>

October 23, 2014 >> PAGE 21

Nicholas Tromp

Own the road in the new Toyota Yaris >> New Yaris fitted with world first wet-arm wiper system >> Yaris offers smooth and responsive driving performance

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

The interior of the new Yaris is spacious and fitted with ample safety features.



he middle class potential vehicle buyer is most likely to keep fuel consumption in consideration, but would in exchange therefor compromise on performance which is a different scenario when it comes to the new Toyota Yaris. Taking on the stretching roads of Limpopo or using the Yaris as an everyday city vehicle, it promises never to let down on any aspect of comfort, safety, performance and reliability. The new Yaris has a daring design of style with the new muscular grille and lights. Its sporty new looks live up to its Motorsport Rally heritage and association with the Red Bull X-Fighters. Noticing the absence of a window washer could get confusing but when you look closer it is clear that the Yaris was designed with safety in mind. The world first wet-arm wiper system has a water spray nozzle built into the wiper arm and the wiper fluid is sprayed directly in the path of the blade from the base of the wiper arm. The Yaris also features a Brake Override System (BOS) that prioritises braking action and suppresses engine output should the brake and accelerator be stepped on at the same time. The Hybrid comes with Hill Ascent Control (HAC) and up to seven airbags. For added security every Yaris is fitted with an immobiliser, remote control central locking and a follow-me-home light control system. All models also have a child restraint seat belt system and rear door child protection locks. On the interior the new Yaris is kitted-out with next level technology and comfort. A bold new audio cluster packs an AM/FM radio, sic speakers and Bluetooth, all controlled with audio switches on the steering wheel. Front and rear power windows, air conditioner and glove box with cooling function are standard on all models. The Hybrid comes with Push Start and also a back monitor, slick leather and fabric combination seats, a touchscreen audio system, eight speakers and Multi-Information Display. The new Yaris was designed to maximise interior space. It has got ample room to fit five adults comfortably and a large boot for luggage. If you need extra room, the rear seat is retractable and can be split 60:40 to carry almost anything. Toyota has an impressive 103 rally victories, ten drivers’ championships and 21 manufacturers’ titles to date. The 1,0 litre delivers 51 kW at 6 000 rpm, the 1,3 litre, 73 kW at the same revolutions with the Hybrid performing at 55 kW at 4 800 rpm. The 1,0 litre engine has a five speed manual transmission while the lively 1,3 litre has either a six speed transmission or Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). The CVT on the 1,3 litre petrol and 1,5 Hybrid delivers a smoother drive, creates improved fuel efficiency and achieves a level of quietness that ranks among the top in its class. Performance is optimised in the Hybrid by its hybrid system powertrain, which runs two types of power sources, a petrol engine and an electrical motor. It skilfully combines the petrol engine and electric motor based on driving conditions. The hybrid system fully utilises the strengths of each power source and compensates for the weaknesses. The result is a smooth and responsive driving performance with significantly reduced fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions.

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October 23, 2014

22 OBSERVER polokwane


Oud-Pietie Morné Marais is onder die top 25 finaliste vir vanjaar se Mnr Suid-Afrika. Hy het onlangs ‘n antiboelie-veldtog geloods.

Plaaslike Mnr SA-finalis stig antiboelie-veldtog >> Volwassenes ook teikens van boelies RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


nr Suid-Afrika-finalis en oudleerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS), Morné Marais het verlede week sy alma mater besoek waar hy leerders oor sy nuutste antiboelie-veldtog toegespreek het. “Ek is ongeveer twee maande gelede ingelig dat ek onder die top 25 finaliste vir die Mnr Suid-Afrika titel is. As Christen het ek die Here gevra om my te help om die platform te gebruik om werklik ‘n verskil in ander mense se lewens te maak. Ek het ‘n goeie vriend, wat op skool geboelie is, verloor nadat hy selfmoord gepleeg het. Die Here het

my verskeie tekens gestuur en ek het geweet ‘n veldtog oor skoolboelies is my volgende roeping,” sê Marais wat reeds by skole en universiteite toesprake gelewer en radio-onderhoude oor dié veldtog gevoer het. “Dit is skrikwekkend om te sien hoeveel kinders op skool geboelie word en waarom hulle teikens van boelies word. Die hoogste syfer van leerders tussen graad 4 en 7 in die wêreld wat geboelie word, is in Suid-Afrika terwyl 80% van dié groep aan dwelms blootgestel word,” sê hy. Marais sê dat die veldtog nie net op slagoffers nie, maar ook op boelies fokus. “So sleg as wat dit vir die slagoffer is en dit hom soms tot die uiterste dryf, so belangrik is dit om te verstaan hoekom ‘n boelie so optree. Die belangrikste vir ‘n boelie is om homself te vra of sy aksies homself beter gaan laat voel en regverdig dit die invloed op ‘n ander se lewe?” Hy wil nie net ‘n verskil in jongmense se

Polokwane lewer worskoning ná tien probeerslae op BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Koos van Dyk kan met reg op die titel worskoning aanspraak maak nadat hy onlangs as wenner van die landwye Shoprite Checkers Boereworskompetisie 2014 bekroon is en ‘n Toyota dubbelkajuit-bakkie as prys ontvang het. Van Dyk is al 35 jaar in die vleisbedryf en het sy loopbaan as ‘n leerling-blokman begin en is tans Shoprite Checkers se streeksbestuurder: vleismarkte in die stad. Die resep vir sy kampioenwors is ‘n goedbewaarde geheim wat net hy en die verskaffer van die speserymengsel wat gebruik word, ken. Sy Championship boerewors sal vir die volgende twee jaar in alle Shoprite Checkers vleismarkte beskikbaar wees. Ná die eerste jaar word sy wors hernoem tot Champion Rozette om plek te maak vir volgende jaar se

wenresep. Van Dyk se resep vir die 2014-kompetisie was sy tiende poging en hy sê dat kwaliteitvleis, die regte verhouding tussen bees- en varkvleis en die regte speserymengsel die sleutel tot sukses is. Dit is ook belangrik dat die wors se vetinhoud nie hoër as 30% moet wees nie. Slegs egte “28/32”-worsderms word gebruik. “Die beoordelingsproses tydens die twee uitdunne en die finale kompetisie by Sun City was baie streng en regverdig. Elke deelnemer moes sy rou wors saambring wat gaargemaak is nadat dit geproe is en met slegs ‘n nommer sonder garnering aan die beoordelaars voorgesit is. Die resep is aan die begin van die kompetisie ingedien en kon nie tydens die kompetisie verander word nie. Die kompetisie is oop vir enige worsmaker en die speserye word tydens die finale rondte in die teenwoordigheid van die

beoordelaars gemeng,” sê die worskoning. Van Dyk braai graag en maak natuurlik sy eie wors volgens sy geheime resep as daar genoeg gaste opdaag, anders koop hy dit by die naaste Shoprite Checkers vleismark. Hy gaan nie weer aan die kompetisie deelneem nie omdat hy glo ander worsmakers moet ook ‘n geleentheid kry. Sy raad aan hulle is: “Aanhou, aanhou en aanhou! As jy nie wen nie, verander jou resep tót hy reg is.”

SMS VW New to 37966 and we will call you back. SMS charged at R1,50. Offer ends 31 October 2014. Limited stock available. Terms and conditions apply.

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Koos van Dyk, wenner van Shoprite Checkers se Boereworskompetisie 2014.

lewens maak nie omdat volwassenes ook soms die slagoffers van boelies is. As deel van Mnr Suid-Afrika is Marais reeds by verskeie organisasies betrokke waar onder die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se miljoen bome-projek, Ubuntu Babahuis, die Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) in Wellington asook die J9-projek ten bate van Joost van der Westhuizen en die Rhino Foundation. Hy is baie opgewonde oor ‘n realiteitsprogram met die 25 Mnr Suid-Afrika-finaliste wat eersdaags uitgesaai word. “Ons mag nie iets uit die mou laat nie, maar mense kan gerus DStv dophou om te sien wanneer die opwindende program begin.” Marais het in 2004 aan PHS gematrikuleer en is tans ‘n fiksheidsinstrukteur by ‘n gimnasium in Kaapstad. Om vir Marais as Mnr Suid-Afrika te stem SMS MRSA 065 na 47439.

Westenburg street lights to be prioritised BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Certain areas of Westenburg still have to make do without street lights and residents living in those parts are up in arms about the municipality’s failure to provide this service. Tidimalo Chuene, Manager: Communications and Marketing of the municipality, says: “We would like to point out that street lights are installed as per a priority list which is developed through platforms like the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), community consultations and Representative Forums. Priorities are informed by communities and the Westenburg community has to put street lights as one of its priorities and needs, which will then inform the IDP priority list in terms of installation of street lights and high mast lights.”

October 23, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Worskoning nomineer PHS vir 1 000 kg-skenking

2011 Audi A1 1.4TFSi Attraction S-tronic

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) is een volle ton boerewors ryker nadat die plaaslike Shoprite/Checkers Championship Boereworskoning van 2014, Koos van Dyk dié skool as begunstigde van die donasie genomineer het. As deel van die prestigeryke kompetisie kon Van Dyk ‘n skool nomineer wat die groot hoeveelheid wenwors ontvang. Van Dyk se tweelingseuns, Alex en Gawie het verlede jaar aan PHS matrikuleer en die skool was baie ondersteunend na die gesin se beproewing toe Alex beide sy bene tydens ‘n motorfietsongeluk verloor het. “Ons is nog nie seker wat ons met die wors gaan doen nie. Een moontlikheid is om pakkies te maak en te verkoop en die geld vir die behoeftige fonds aan te wend. ’n Ander opsie is om die Shoprite/ Checkers-groep te vra of ons die wors in Januarie kan kry om in die atletiekseisoen te gebruik,” sê PHS-skakelbeampte, AnnaMarié Schoeman.

R168 000




Take your business to new heights. PHS is een ton Shoprite/Checkers Championship-boerewors ryker. Voor is verteenwoordigende leerderraadlede, Johan du Preez, Chané Prinsloo, Grizelda Neethling, Martie van Niekerk, Chané Burger, Wilmari Human en Aakon Landberg. Agter is Rikus Fick (hoofseun), Louis Lourens (Shoprite/ Checkers Limpopo-areabestuurder), Calvin Canary, (winkelbestuurder), Koos van Dyk (nasionale Shoprite/Checkers Championship Boereworskoning), Willie Schoeman (skoolhoof), Monique Wreyford (hoofmeisie) en Gert Strydom (Shoprite/Checkers Noordstreek-areabestuurder).

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October 23, 2014

24 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he Department of Social Development recently hosted its annual older persons beauty pageant at Bolivia Lodge in an effort to recognise the role that senior citizens should play in the community. Capricorn District Municipality’s Member of the Mayoral Committee, Patricia Mahlo delivered the keynote address on behalf of the MEC, Happy Joyce Mashamba. “Today, when we look around us, we observe many years of knowledge and wisdom in one room. We are surrounded by people who have seen and experienced many things; some pleasant, some more forgettable. However, one thing is certain. A gathering such as this, of active, creative and enthusiastic senior citizens is testimony to what we have achieved in 20 years of freedom,” Mahlo is quoted to have said. Social Development Month is celebrated during October and the support of and caring for older persons, remains key in the Department’s efforts to create caring and self-sustaining communities. The Department’s partners in this endeavour, the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), the National Development Agency (NDA) and the Older Persons Forum, make it possible to create opportunities for older people to take part in active ageing.

Elderly persons shine at beauty pageant

>> Society tends to forget about the most vulnerable of its members


First Princess Mokgaetsi Namane, Golden Girl Winnie Manamela, The Head of Department of Social Development, Daisy Mafubelu, Second Princess Sarah Munyai and Ms Personality Emily Ledwaba pictured at the older persons beauty pageant. “This is paramount in a time where we are seemingly living in a society that tends to forget about the most vulnerable of its members and more especially its senior citizens. We need to create a caring society with our most vulnerable citizens in mind,” Mahlo said. “The aim of activities focusing on older people is to protect their rights and dignity and to acknowledge their rights under the constitution. While senior citizens deserve special

treatment due to their advanced age, they also need to actively participate in community events. They need not to be overlooked or stashed away in the corners of our communities. In fact, we should treasure them as icons and historians that have a lot to teach us about life,” Mahlo told the senior citizens. Mahlo concluded by saying that the meaningful role that older persons continue to play in all areas of society, namely in politics,

Golden Girl Winnie Manamela, Head of Department of Social Development, Daisy Mafubelu and Golden Boy Solomon Nchabeleng. voluntary and community work and family life, is acknowledged. “The reality in many communities is that older persons continue to bear the burden of providing care and support to an increasing number of orphans and vulnerable children, while caring for their own children and grandchildren”. The elderly guests were transported from various institutions in the region and spontaneously danced to the music that was provided.

Car club donates to Rotary


Rotary Club 100 Pietersburg President Tinus Jacobs (left) receives a cheque for R7 500 from Limpopo Classic Car Club Chairperson, William Kelly at Pietersburg Club last Tuesday. The money was raised during a recent classic car show at Mall of the North and will be channelled through to Our Home via Rotary Club 100 Pietersburg.


Maryke Wessels en haar man, Gideon de Kock, moet vasstel van watter soort vleis dié gereg gemaak is.

Announced World Car of the Year 2014

Redimed se dokters op Baasdag verras BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die administratiewe personeel van Redimed het verlede Donderdag die dokters van die fasiliteit op ‘n ontbyt en skietkompetisie ter viering van Baasdag trakteer. Drie geregte en ‘n nagereg is bedien en met koffie, vrugtesap en nie-alkoholiese bier afgerond. Die groot pret het met die skietkompetisie begin. Deelnemers moes met ‘n kettie en dwergtamaties na interessante teikens te skiet. Die wenner van die kompetisie was Dirk de Lange en Arno Greyling was in die kol toe geraai moes word van watter soort vleis die disse gemaak is.

October 23, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Golfers support the SAPOA Polokwane golf day


The four-ball alliance of Peter Pratt, Hennie van Staden, Thomas Nguni and David Hlabyago at the South African Property Owners Association golf day last Tuesday. The team ended in the third place. WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


he South African Property Owners Association (Sapoa) held their annual golf day at the Polokwane Golf Club last Tuesday. Established in 1966, Sapoa is a unique,

Deon Kok (Absa Northern Regional Head of Commercial Property Finance) and Dawid Beetge (Absa Consultant for Commercial Property Finance) with the goody bags for the golfers.

The winners of the Sapoa golf day, Weyden Peceur and Riaan Koekemoer pictured with Sapoa Limpopo Chairperson, Sumari de Ridder. Nola Peceur and Jan de Beer were absent.

member driven organisation that aims to represent, protect and advance members’ commercial and industrial property interests within the property industry in terms of ownership, management and development. Speaking at the prize-giving ceremony afterwards, Sapoa Limpopo Regional Chairperson Sumari de Ridder said the organisation plans

Golfers on the 18th green at the Polokwane golf course during the Sapoa golf day.

Halfway House sponsors, Absa’s Dawid Beetge, Deon Kok and Gerard Nel pictured at the Sapoa golf day last Tuesday.

on making their golf day bigger and better in 2015 in order for those that participate to meet and broker deals with leaders in the property industry. She also thanked Absa for sponsoring the halfway house refreshments on the day. The format for the golf day was four-ball alliance with the two best scores to count. Riaan Koekemoer, Jan de Beer, Weyden and

Nola Peceur came out tops with 91 points, followed by Niekie Coetzee, Baksteen Olivier, Dirk Botha and Leon Grimbeek in the second place with 86 points. David Hlabyago, Peter Pratt, Thomas Nguni and Hennie van Staden ended in third position with 80 points. Lynette Smith hit the longest drive off the seventh tee and Papu Lykanjiso was the nearest to the pin at the 111th hole. Sapoa members were made aware of the Sapoa Bursary Trust that was established towards the end of 2009. Sapoa is committed to searching for talented people who will add value to their members and the industry in its entirety by providing tertiary educational support through the Sapoa Bursary Fund. Sapoa offers bursaries for full-time South African university and university of technology studies in property and legal studies. Bursaries are also offered to Grade 12 learners with a minimum C (60%) symbol in Mathematics, Science and Accounting for B Com Accounting and Finance, B Com Property Valuation and Management, studies in the built environment, BSc Quantity Surveying and BSc Town Planning. Further information can be obtained on 011 883 0679 or hrdmanager@sapoa.org.za.

Sapoa Limpopo Chairperson, Sumari de Ridder hands over a prize to Papu Lykanjiso for being nearest to the pin on the 11th hole.

Lynette Smith receives her prize for the longest drive at the seventh hole from Sapoa Niekie Coetzee, right and his caddie John Limpopo Chairperson, Sumari de Ridder. Galane at the Sapoa golf day.



Property profile>>

October 23, 2014 >> Page 26

Elmarie Mienie

Agency: Aïda Polokwane What advice do you have for potential tenants? >> Make sure that what you are looking for fits you budget To what do you ascribe your success as property agent? >> Excellent customer service What is the current trend in the local rental market? >> Big demand for rental property in the middle price class

Aïda Polokwane excels at National Convention (All categories), third place; Top National Office Overall Units (All categories), second place, and Top Office Metropolitan category, first place. The first prize for Top Office Coordinator, all offices, was awarded to Adele Geldenhuys, whilst Rosemary Hanekom received a long service award for 16 years’ service in the Aïda Polokwane office. Aïda offices countrywide compete in three different categories namely coastal and rural,

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he Aïda Group held their annual national convention at Sun City recently where the cream of the crop was awarded for their contribution towards the success of the group. Aïda Polokwane once again proved to be one of the top branches in the country by scooping the award for the Top Overall Office


15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za

ANTON 082 443 6039

urban and metro. Aïda Polokwane competed against branches in Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and other major cities in the metro category which makes their successes even more special. “Aïda Polokwane is proud to serve the community of Polokwane and will continue to do so in the future. Aïda Polokwane also wants to thank the residents of Polokwane for their support over the years. We are here to serve you,” says Anton Hanekom, Principal of Aïda

ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


Tel: 015 295 3134




EvErything wE touch turns to soLD!

Photo: Provided

Braam de Jager, Anton Hanekom, Rosemary Hanekom and Ian McIntyre at the awards ceremony. Polokwane. Aïda has been at the forefront of real estate services in South Africa for years. Named after its founder Aïda Geffen, Aïda has been delivering quality products and services to members and consumers alike since 1958. When homebuyers and sellers think real estate, they think of the Aïda brand, a real estate group most likely to service their homeownership needs. The Aïda brand utilises an effective combination of print media, internet, social media and outdoor advertising to ensure that its message reaches across South Africa. Aïda is also proud to be a Corporate Ambassador of the South African National Blood Service. “We will conduct our business, and influence our business partners to conduct their businesses with integrity, enthusiasm, confidence, responsibility, accountability, transparency, commitment, persistence, care, respect and empathy,” is Aïda’s message to clients and prospective home-owners.

Tel/Fax: 015 297 0005 propertyforall@webmail.co.za www.propertyforall.co.za

Tracy 082 893 5666


SESHEGO • R600 000

BENDOR • R545 000

BODORP • R1 060 000

FIRST TIME BUYERS – JUST FOR YOU! Ref: 91344184725 Cosy 2 bedroom house with bathroom, lounge and kitchen - fully tiled. Shadenet carport for two cars - walled with electric fence and automated front gate. A must see. Contact today for viewing.

LOVELY HOME! REF: 91344184108 A neat property with lots of space to extend. Do not overlook all the potential. Make your own improvements and watch your investment grow. Close to all amenities. Make your offer.

A STUNNING TOWNHOUSE SITUATED IN BENDOR. REF: 91344182676 The property is ideal for bachelors and pensioners. Open-plan lounge and kitchen with nice wooden units. Nice garden. Close to all amenities. Make this yours! 0 1 1½ 0 Carports 0 SIMON • 082 476 8916

OFFICES IN SECURED COMPLEX. Ref: 1344181573 Offices in popular Hans van Rensburg Street within walking distance from CBD and other office developments. Currently used as residence but can immediately be used as offices. Call now. Tomorrow might be too late. 0 1 Carports 0 3 1 RINA • 082 929 9171

2 1

0 Carports 2


ESSIE • 071 391 4750

2 1

2 Carports 0


SIMON • 082 476 8916

CAPRICORN • R3 240 000

SESHEGO • R489 000

POLOKWANE • R6 440 000


ALL INVESTORS AND DEVELOPERS. Ref: 91344183769 Large house with flatlet on a big stand of 1506m² and with a borehole. Very central to town and schools with loads of potential. For you Mr. Developer. Don’t miss out. Let your dreams come true. Waiting for your call.

A NEAT HOUSE REF: 91344182262 The property needs less maintenance with palisades, lockable gate and burglar bars. Situated close to Nelson Mandela Drive, next to the Seshego plaza and taxi/ bus rank. Close to primary school. Call now to view!

IF YOU WANT A FARM CLOSE TO TOWN - THIS IS IT! Ref: 91344183030 Game farm close to Polokwane. Less than 30 km from town. Three equipped boreholes and beautiful lapa facing river. Excellent grazing. Divided into camps and ideal for cattle and game. Don’t miss this one.

PERFECT FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS. Ref: 91344183196 Affordable home on a 600 m² stand with room to expand. Small kitchen with modern design and matching floor tiles. Next to Unit F shopping complex. Easy access to Dr Dixon Mphahlele Higher Primary School. JAMES • 072 236 7310 0 0 Carports 0 3 1

3 2

0 Carports 1


RINA • 082 929 9171

3 2

1 Carports 0


JACOB • 082 466 8366

0 Carports 0

2 2

0 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632


BODORP • R3 000 000

BODORP • R2 800 000

IVY PARK • R6 500 000

PRICED TO SELL. Ref: 91344185233 Spacious family home on a 1427m² stand. Plus 2 x 1 bedroom flats and 3 x bachelor flats. Income ±R10000 pm. Lapa - carports for 6 cars. This will not last long. Call today to view.

INVESTORS DREAM. Ref: 91344183041 Well built office building in a prime area within the government precinct. Modern with excellent finishes. Ample parking space and potential for further development. Income approximately R24000 pm with 4.3% annual escalations. Call for further clarification - it’s worth viewing.

GREAT PROPERTY MEDICAL AREA. Ref: 91344183131 Ideal for rezoning. Property lends itself towards development of a clinic or medical chambers. Stand 1900m². It’s also ideal for the extended family. Opportunity not to be missed.

INVESTOR’S DREAM. Ref: 91344185010 1.5 ha piece land zoned ‘business 3’ and fully serviced with existing conference facility. Only few minutes from the CBD. The property lies along a main entrance to Polokwane CBD offering excellent exposure. The property can be used for variety of businesses, including a place of instruction. Call for viewing. It’s priced to go.

INA • 079 597 8636

VICTOR • 073 066 6805

0 Carports 8





R 4,500 2 1 R 3,850 2 1


We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants!

ELMARIE - 082 977 7020

Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall

















R13,000 4





















2 Carports 0

5 4


4 2


VICTOR • 073 066 6805

GRETHA • 082 802 1874


Size/m² Price


Woodhill - 91344183437


R375 000

Essie - 071 391 4750

Woodlands - 91344185157


R665 000 Louwrens - 082 958 6632

Serala View - 91344185020


R400 000

Jacob - 082 466 8366

Eagles Crest - 91344184420 704

R399 000

Jacob - 082 466 8366


HENNIE HANTI JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE INA KOWIE RINA ESSIE JACOB SIMON 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452 082 929 9171 071 391 4750


STOP LOOKING!! BENDOR R790 000 SOLE MANDATE Extra Neat and Spacious Townhouse, 2 Bed/r, 1 Full Bath/r, Big Lounge and Dining/r, Modern Kitchen, Lots of Cupboards, Patio, Carport, Lots of Extra Parking, Private Garden for pets/children to play. Sparkling pool, and safe play area in the complex. Servants Quarters. PHONE TRACY NOW TO VIEW.

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1x 1 000m² for R18.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3km from SAB Long-term Johann Swart 082 829 5084

October 23, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Vision of Hope betrokke by Anton se kankerstryd

“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail. com Vision of Hope, ‘n niewinsgewende organisasie se voorsitter, Annemarie Booysen het verlede Donderdag Anton Bosman, matriekleerder van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé wat ‘n stryd Foto: facebook teen ‘n seldsame ‘n Vroeëre foto van weefselkanker voer Anton Bosman, ‘n en sy ouers ontmoet graad 12-leerder om hulle geestelik van Tommies wat te ondersteun en ‘n ‘n seldsame soort fonds vir hom te stig. weefselkanker het. “Ons het hul emosies en bekommernis oor Anton se siekte breedvoerig bespreek asook die opinies wat hul van medici gekry het en aanvullende medikasie,” sê Booysen. Sy verduidelik dat die organisasie by die gesin betrokke is deur te help met geldinsameling vir Anton se medikasie sowel as hul geestelike ondersteuning. Sy sê Vision of Hope fokus nie net op kankerpasiënte nie, maar strewe om deur effektiewe bestuur en bevoegde personeel die behoeftes van individue deeglik aan te spreek. “Ons poog om doelgerigte behandeling en/of programme te skep en te onderhou om mense in nood te help,” sê Booysen. Die niewinsgewende organisasie met registrasienommer, NPO 131-167 vier vanjaar sy derde bestaansjaar en Vision of Hope Polokwane is die derde tak wat onlangs geopen is. ‘n Donasie aan Vision of Hope kan in die volgende rekening betaal word: Eerste Nasionale Bank, rekeningnommer 62499001148, takkode 250655, rekeningnaam Vision of Hope of skakel Booysen by 072 644 1047.


makes us the obvious choice”


WEB: 335780



“This versatile property presents the opportunity to help pay your bond, and you can manage your business from home. Newly renovated kitchen with a touch of flame! Open-plan living. Lots of parking space under-roof! Two entrances to the property.” ANNELISE BOOYSEN 079 490 9569


R3 499 000


R3 600 000


R1 804 000



IF LOCATION IS IMPORTANT TO YOU! Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2 Seeff Web: 334347

(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357


R8 800 000



Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages 4 Seeff Web: 317663 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850


R1 650 000



(O) 015 297 1140 CHRISTO VAN HEERDEN 082 375 7434

(O) 015 297 1140 DINEO MOHOLOBELA 072 203 6658

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 335998


R3 400 000

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 334679


R1 320 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 335531

(O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844


R907 000


Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 331384

(O) 015 297 1140 GERT VAN STADEN 083 386 6383


R2 200 000


Trouklokke lui vir veearts, Freek en Stacey-Lynn



Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 5 Seeff Web: 335502

(O) 015 297 1140 HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155


R800 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 335853

(O) 015 297 1140 KGOMOTSO MOKOATEDI 083 264 7038


R6 560 000



Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 334627

(O) 015 297 1140 KARIEN JORDAAN 082 774 7957


R1 366 000

Foto: Verskaf

Freek Snyman en Stacey-Lynn (née Eke) is onlangs in Pretoria in die huwelik bevestig. Freek is ‘n veearts by Pietersburg Dierekli­ niek terwyl Stacey-Lynn by dieselfde praktyk assisteer.


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636


Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 336643

(O) 015 297 1140 KWENA RAMMUTLA 076 090 9530


Erf size: 598 ha Seeff Web: 336103

(O) 015 297 1140 LOUISE OOSTHUIZEN 071 609 6256

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 335297

(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227

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015 297 1140

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Sell with us and stand a chance to win a



Polokwane Observer

Oktober 23, 2014

Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za - www.exclusiveprops.co.za


R3 300 000

MYNGENOEGEN R1 660 000 SMALLHOLdING 8,5 HA Offers 2 houses with separate entrances Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Bathroom 1 10 Stables, 2 500 L per hour. Store with 3-phase electricity, 8 servants’ quarters. SOLE


This lovely 5 bedroom family home has lots to offer. 3 Living areas with double volume ceilings. Open-plan, well designed kitchen with pantry and laundry. 2 Studies,double garage and 2 carports. Two entertainment areas, plus sparkling pool. Landscaped and water Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097 wise 2030 m² garden fed by a strong borehole. R2 500 000


082 082 804 804 4156 4156


082 082 953 953 1686 1686

Up for sale!! A 3 Bedroom house right next to the new High Court building. Not to be missed for further business rights for office space. Call today!!

R2 400 000 Well located house in Flora Park. Large family home offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, beautiful maintained garden, borehole, irrigation and Wendy house. A warm friendly feeling when you enter this house. 4 Garages

R1 750 000

Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097

Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097

A lovely, modern family home with ample space. Open-plan kitchen plus separate scullery and laundry. Two living areas and 3 spacious en suite bedrooms. Double garage. Entertainment area with braai.



Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 In-house entertainment area opening onto pool.


R1 550 000

ULTIMATE STYLE, QUALITY, SPACE, LOCATION AND MUCH MORE! Well designed for indoor and outdoor living. Pool, extraordinary lapa, braai and pizza oven. Strong borehole and 2 tanks make gardening a pleasure. Double volume thatch roof. Modern open-plan kitchen and 4 living areas.


R6 561 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Near Mall of the North and Mitchell House School. Erika 082 953 1686

Nicolien 071 672 4612

Cornel 082 396 7178

3 x Bachelor flats. Electric fenced.

EduAN pARk

Marlene 082 804 4156

Marianna 083 268 5097


Near HtS tom Naudé - Quiet area

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Stunning open plan kitchen. Entertainment area. Sparkling pool. 2 x 1 Bedroom flats with private entrance. SA’s preferred home of more than 33 000 properties for sale and rent!


88 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699, P.O. Box 55393, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 015 297 6965, Tel: 015 297 6602, Fax: 015 297 6914

CONTaCT MaNIE: 083 635 0513


CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259 1) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha R2 100 000.00 3 Bedroom house, 3x 2 bedroom houses, 1x 1 bedroom house. Entertainment area. Close to N1. High rental income potential!! 2) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: R6 300 000.00 Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. 3) VACANT STAND OF 1356m² IN CELTIC LODGE: R850 000.00 4) 4 ha PLOT IVYDALE:R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, workshop and store rooms of ±1000m² 5) 4ha PLOT, MYNGENOEGEN: R800 000.00 Undeveloped, next to tar road.

CONTaCT SOLET: 082 498 4415

1) SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE: R880 000.00 Near town and MediClinic. Consists of 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, kitchen and scullery. Outside room and bathroom. Double garage.

CONTaCT STEPhEN: 082 558 3525 HOUSES + STANDS: 1) ±1500 m² zoned 7 units R1 500 000.00 2) 2213m² CENTAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units. R3 500 000.00 3) BENDOR – 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room – pool. R1 700 000.00 4) PENINA PARK: 3 000 m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 5) 1 900 m² ERF - A very neat 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom dwelling, situated in the medical node, ideal for MEDICAL PRACTICE or guest house. R3 000 000.00. Don’t miss out! 6) 5 700 m² Corner stand in central Polokwane (Great exposure!) PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 1000 ha – GAME FARM. R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300 ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot. R6 500 000.00 3) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game. R9 000 000.00 4) BYLSTEEL PAD 400ha – R3 500 000.00 5) SWARTWATER 700ha 6) MESSINA - ±2400ha INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development R8 000 000.00, monthly income ±R80 000.00 pm 2) Business Opportunity – Mankweng area. Distributing business with vehicles, 3 properties and distribution rights. Owner retiring! 3) Vacant Industrial stand – ±1 900m² 4) Vacant Industrial stand – ±3 400 m² TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN - 072 159 5126 MIDTOWN: Rooms with own bathroom, NO kitchen: 1 Room immediately available: R2 615.00 2 Rooms available from 1 November: R2 450.00 and R2 712.00 Water and electricity included! 2 x COSY LOG CABIN HOUSES: R3 800.00 EACH: Immediately 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open-plan living room, 10 km from town. Enjoy great outdoor living. Free yourself!! UPPERTOWN: HOUSE: R11 000.00 Lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and office. Situated on very big Stand of nearly 6 000m². Very prominent corner. FLATS ON PLOT: 20 KM FROM TOWN: 2 Bedrooms, open-plan living area, bathroom, garage. R2 850.00 Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, garage. R3 900.00 Immediately TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN - 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 600 m² + 200m² Offices, good exposure, Dendron road 2) 1400 m² warehouse, Nirvana – February 2015 3) 1800 m² warehouse + 300 m² office, Nirvana Office Space: 1) 430 m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – freestanding office, 600 m², Close to CBD 3) 345 m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100m² Office, CBD 5) Office CBD, Marshall Street ±220 m² 6) Hampton Court office 280 m² 7) Small office, Platinum Park

Sell with us and stand a chance to win a


APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za 1) SECURITY ESTATE: MODERN TOWNHOUSE: R980 000.00 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, open-plan living area, awesome kitchen, garage, private. Garden, close to Mall and Thornhill shopping complex. 2) BENDOR: R2 500 000.00 Groot familiewoning met 3 leefareas, 7 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, spogkombuis, opwas plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel op groot 2039 m² erf, swembad. 3) EDUANPARK: R2 100 000.00 Well-built family home, plus 2 bedroom flat, plus office/studio, nestled in landscaped garden, strong borehole.

R2 296 000



CONTaCT SaN: 072 159 5126


R1 859 000


Michelle 082 303 9111

Neatly renovated. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan living areas.

Townhouses To leT

• Plein street: Stunning townhouse!! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, lounge, kitchen, scullery, pantry, linen cupboard, garage, side parking, small garden, electric fence, electric gate, prepaid electricity, municipal water… MUST SEE!!! R6 500pm. Available now. • Plein street: Comfortable townhouse!! 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen, carport, electric gate. R4 000pm. available 1 nov 2014! • woodlands estate: FULLY FURNISHED Townhouse!!! 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 garage, kitchen, lounge, garden, prepaid electricity, municipal water, Security Complex!!! R10 000pm. Available now!! • De Bron estate: Huge Townhouse!! 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, garage, prepaid electricity, municipal water, SECURITY COMPLEX. R6 650 pm. Available now!!! •

houses To leT

Penina Park: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, kitchen, lounge, garden, prepaid electricity, municipal water @R5 500pm. Available now !! • nirvana: Huge House!!! 6 bedrooms, 3 ½ bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining, laundry, scullery, patio, 2 x garages, electric fence, garden, prepaid electricity, municipal water, massive outdoor space. Available now!! R9,500 pm WE ARE LOOKING FOR HOUSES, TOWNHOUSES AND FLATS TO LET!!! HOME OWNERS, CONTACT NKATEKO ON 082 802 4746

Uitstalruimte reeds OBSERVER 29 beskikbaar vir skou van 2015 Oktober 23, 2014



esprekings kan nou reeds gedoen word om deel van die jaarlikse Polokwane Skou en Musiekfees te wees wat volgende jaar van 27 tot 30 Mei plaasvind en wat jaarliks honderde uitstallers lok terwyl duisende mense die skouterrein besoek Deurlopende vermaak van hoogstaande gehalte is eie aan die skou “ Ons is trots om aan te kondig dat groot name in die vermaaklikheidswêreld die Polokwane Skou en Musiekfees 2015 gaan bywoon. Vrydag, 29 Mei kan besoekers na Mwah! en Steve Hofmeyr op die verhoog luister terwyl Saterdagaand se vermaak deur David Fourie, Dewald Wasserfall, Theuns Jordaan, Karen Zoid, Dozi en Bok van Blerk behartig sal word,” sê Lelane van der Merwe, organiseerder van die skou. Die Noordelike Landbouskou sal volgende jaar vir die derde keer saam met die skou aangebied word wat vir boere en besoekers die ideale geleentheid skep om alle aspekte van boerdery onder oë te neem. Om uitstalruimte te bespreek, skakel Corrie Venter by 082 374 0816 en vir meer inligting oor die landbouskou skakel Le-andrie Bezuidenhout by 082 797 3227.

suzettejacobs@hotmail.com NEW FLORA PARK: R690 000: We all need to start somewhere. Buy this 71m² house situated right in the centre of this 582m² stand. Space to extend. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: For the investor. A freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. STER PARK: R3 600 000: Modern 4 bedr, 3 bathr home. New kitchen with granite tops, big entertainment area, 3 garages. Security is king. Beautiful garden. Pool.

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333



Matrikulante teken eksamengedragskode

October 23, 2014

30 OBSERVER polokwane

ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Die 78 matrikulante van Westenburg Sekondêre Skool het hul Vrydag amptelik in die teenwoordigheid van die departement van onderwys daartoe verbind om die gedragskode van die eindeksamen te gehoorsaam. Dié geleentheid het deel van die senior sertifikaat- eksamenonderneming gevorm wat landwyd om 10:00 deur graad 12-leerders van openbare skole uit eie keuse onderteken is. Leerders onderneem daarin om hul persoonlike en akademiese doelwitte te bereik, op hul studies te fokus, medeskoliere te ondersteun, nie van stryk gebring te word deur persoonlike of ander omstandighede nie en die beginsels van eerlikheid en integriteit in die eksamen te volg. “Ek bedank elke onderwyser wat ‘n ekstra myl gestap het om matrieks te help met onder meer naskoolse ekstraklasse. Dit is nou tyd dat elke leerder wys waartoe hy in staat is, hard werk en op die eindeksamen fokus omdat ‘n matrieksertifikaat toekomsmoontlikhede ontsluit. Wees positief en sien jouself as ‘n wenner. Ek gee aan elkeen penne, ‘n liniaal en potlood as motiveringsgebaar, omdat julle vir my soos my eie kinders voel,” het Helen Peasnell, waarnemende kringinspekteur van die onderwysdepartement gesê.

Weerskante is nuutverkose hoofleiers Rikus Fick en Monique Wreyford wat PHS se vaandel van uittredende hoofleiers, Richardt Stroebel en Elizma le Roux ontvang. Foto: RC Myburgh

Laaste skooldag vir matrieks Foto: Elna Esterhuysen

Ashley Maakamedi, Verteenwoordigende Leerderraad (VLR)-president van Westenburg Sekondêre Skool teken Vrydag die eksamengedragskode vir matriekleerders terwyl die waarnemende kringinspekteur van die departement van onderwys, Helen Peasnell langs haar toekyk. Agter is Jimmy Steele, waarnemende skoolhoof en Nthara Tladi, assistentbestuurder, skoolbestuurder van die departement.

Tel: 015 295 9014 WE ARE NOW ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE WEB TO LET CENTRAL CBD - Retail space: Kruger Street : 348 m² @ R24 430.00 pm. Kruger Street: 325 m² @ R22 815.00 pm. Market Street: 135 m² @ R 9 800.00 p.m (PRIME SITE!) CBD - Offices: CBD East: 326 m², 110 m² and 123 m² @ R60/m². Parking available at R350/bay/m. HAMPTON COURT A-Grade offices: 140 m² @ R140/m², plus parking ALSO: A-Grade offices: 342 m² @ R 120/m² WAREHOUSES/WORKSHOPS: Superbia: Excellent warehouse with covered load-bays etc: 2 100 m² @ R30/m² Laboria: Warehouse: 500 m² @ R15 000 p.m. Industria: Warehouse/workshop with 2 000 m² offices @ R40 000 pm. RAYMOND 082 458 4239 BETWEEN R300 000 AND R400 000 )MAHLASEDI PARK - A vacant land of 391m². 2) SESHEGO ZONE 1 - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen and double garage. BETWEEN R400 000 AND R500 000 1)Woodhill – R450 000 - Vacant stand, 604m² 1)MADIBA PARK - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom lounge, kitchen. Very neat. 2)FLAT IN LADANNA: R430 000 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and a carport. Only two units left. Act now!! OVER R 500 000 1)MAHLAKO A PHAAHLA - Newly built 3 bedroom home with 2 bathrooms, lounge and kitchen. Make an offer now!!!!!!!!

MABATHO 083 747 2056 mabathomabotja@gmail.com MAHLASEDI PARK NEW EXTENSION 83 Stands available from R199 500.00 (only 34 stands) act fast ! BETWEEN R 350 000 and R 400 000 1) WOODHILL ESTATE- 418 m² vacant stand. BETWEEN R 400 000 and R 460 000 1) SESHEGO ZONE 3 - A 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1bathroom, newly renovated. 2) SESHEGO ZONE 8 – R 460 000 - A lovely home with 3 sunny bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 1bathroom and a carport. Low maintenance! BETWEEN R 550 000 AND OVER 1) SESHEGO ZONE 4 - Beautiful 3 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 1 bathroom and double garage 2)MAHLAKO A PHAHLA - A newly built 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 3) MAHLASEDI PARK: R650 000 - 3 Bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms QUALIFIED BUYERS ARE WAITING: CALL YOUR AREA SPECIALIST NOW!

SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com


THEO 082 990 7275

MARIETJIE PIENAAR left our company to start a new venture.We thank her for her loyal and professional service during her time with us and wish her the best of luck for the future. We are sure that she will make a big success of it. MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 bmpienaar@gmail.com Farms / Smallholdings For Sale SMALL Holdings / Plotte: 10 km from Mall of the North, 8,5ha, 3 houses, strong borehole – R 1 935 000-00 8 km on Dendron road, 21ha, game fenced (electric), water rich area, old house, shed @ R 2 160 000-00 Game Farms / Wildsplase: 1. Bandur: North-east of Alldays, 2000ha Game Farm with fully equipped Lodge. 2. Polokwane: 2000ha Game farm with 5-star Lodge and beautiful topography, Going concern. (± 30 km from city) 3. Polokwane: 1880ha, Game Farm within 8 000ha Game Reserve, Going concern. 4. Maasstroom: 1700ha, Geëlektrifisieerde wildwering, grasdak woonhuis 680 m², tweede huis, 6 chalets, lapa, swembad, 14ha spilpunt, 10ha drupper, buffelkampe, volop wild. Cattle Farms / Beesplase: 1. Alldays: 629Ha bosveldplaas met goeie weiding. 2. Alldays: 460Ha bosveld binneplaas met mooi bos. 3. Polokwane West: 600Ha Cattle/Game Farm.(± 20 km from city) Game fenced, excellent for Buffalo breeding. 4. Polokwane East: 4300ha, 5 title deeds, beautiful surrounds. P.O.R. Irrigation Farms / Besproeiing: 1. Baltimore: 939ha, 2 x14ha spilpunte, 28ha druppers, 600ha wildkamp, woonhuis, tabakstoor en kelder, binneplaas. LIFE STYLE FARMS: 1) DENDRON/LEGKRAAL: Wildwerende binneplaas met goeie 4 slaapkamerhuis, toegeboude lapa, mooi tuin , wildsuipings, gronddam: -134ha (implemente ingesluit) 2) Waterpoort: Toegespande speelplaas met 4 Wendyhuise, mooi lapa en sentrale kombuis,buitegeboue en boorgat. 230ha. (R2,5m) WANTED: GAME, CATTLE, IRRIGATION, LIFESTYLE FARMS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE

PHILIP 082 937 3683 philipinsa@gmail.com

If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) FLAT: UPPER TOWN– R570 000 mil (Neg) - 2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen and lounge with 2 garages. (Good first time buy! Urgent sale!) 2) 2 x LUXURY TOWNHOUSES IN EDUAN PARK @ R 798 000.00 (SOLE MANDATE) - Spacious 100m² units each with 2 sunny bedrooms,1modern bathroom, separate toilet, open-plan living area, modern kitchen and single garage. Private yard each with its own splash pool and built-in barbeque for the hot summer months. (Investors, JUMP! 3 SOLD OVER WEEKEND AND ONLY 2 LEFT!!!) 3) 2 x LADANNA FLATS – R 430 000 (Each) - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen & dining room area, 1 x carport (Investors!!!) 4) LEEUKUIL PLOT – R1.1MIL (Neg) - 2 Houses, First: 5 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and dining room, living room and 1 carport. Second: 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen and living area and 3 carports. 1 Equipped borehole. (Urgent sale!) 5)STANDS! 644 m² - R380 000 Thornhill (Urgent sale!) 682 m² - R400 000 Northview (Urgent sale!)

1) SESHEGO ZONE-5 – R580 000 3 Bedroom home with welcoming finishes, garage paved and walled. 2) MANKWENG – R570 000 This unique home is situated in a popular township of Mankweng where demand is high. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (one not completed) spacious lounge, separate garage plus storeroom. 3) MANKWENG – R500 000 This calls for investors, those who, because of its proximity, want to accommodate students from the university. It comprises: 2 bedrooms,bathroom,open -plan lounge and kitchen. The stand is more than 500m² in size. 4) OLD FLORA PARK –R1.2 mil. A home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 living areas, double garage, paved,space galore and well situated. WE need houses to sell around Savannah Mall. Please speak to your recognised agent today for assistance.

HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za

ERNEST 072 696 6004 emotlau@webmail.co.za

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Graad 12-leerders van die Hoërskool Pietersburg het verlede Vrydag hul laaste skooldag op ‘n tradisionele wyse afgesluit. Oudergewoonte word die skool se vaandel, die bekende pop, Kardoesie en die veteraanmotor, Scottie aan die nuutverkose hoofleiers oorhandig asook die gebruik van die matriekblok deur die graad 11-leerders wat volgende jaar die voorreg sal hê om pouses in dié blok te kuier. Rooi Rose se reisredakteur, Mariette Snyman het ook die geleentheid bygewoon nadat sy die vorige aand toppresteerders by die skool se hoofprysuitdeling toegespreek het. Snyman het haar boodskap aan die skool saam met dié van die uittredende hoofleiers, Elizma le Roux en Richardt Stroebel, in die matriekblok se posbus gegooi. Dié posbus sal tydens die skool se eeufeesviering in 2021 leeggemaak en die

briewe vir die eerste keer gelees word. Sedert die instelling van dié gebruik in 2003 is briewe van verskeie oud-Pieties soos Victor Matfield, Van Zyl Slabbert en oudminister Marthinus van Schalkwyk saam met talle uittredende hoofleiers en ander oud-Pieties wat as eregaste opgetree het, in die posbus geplaas.

Uittredende hoofseun, Richardt Stroebel en sy pa, Anton oomblikke voordat die deur van die Poort na Kennis vir die graad 12-leerders geopen word.


25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Compensatie Elim Kiepersol Kiepersol Kiepersol Kiepersol

Johnson St 73 San Maria 5 Dwarskersbos 29 Tuscany Place 9 Serala Village Tuscany Place Ankerhof HUIS The Aloes

R1 900 R2 800 R3 000 R5 000 R3 400 R5 800

01/11/2014 01/11/2014 Immediately Immediately Immediately Immediately

R3 400 R3 800 R4 600 R5 800 R5 900 R6 000 R6 800

01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014

Room. Bachelor. Bachelor. Bachelor, furnished. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport, furnished. 1 Slpk, 1 badk, afdak. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage.

R9 500 Immediately 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage, security area.

PROPERTIES OF THE WEEK House to Let R5 570.00 Bendor 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Study/Work Space Living Area Kitchen Parking in own Yard Joined to house Shared Water Separate/Own Yard Prepaid Electricity Available Imm

PLot to Let R7 500.00 Dalmada 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Living Areas Kitchen Wash Area Single Garage Covered Parking Prepaid Electricity Close to Main Road Pets Allowed Available 1 Nov

House foR saLe ContaCt foR PRiCe Ladanna 2 Bedrooms Bathroom Spacious Living Area Huge Kitchen Wash Area + Laundry Garage + Carports Storage Areas Borehole Stunning Garden Big Yard Separate Flat

DuPLex to Let R4 500.00 Polokwane Central 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Living Area Kitchen Yard with Garden Single Carport Security Complex Close to Town Close to Schools No Pets Allowed Available Imm

JUST PROPERTY GROUP - JUST FOR YOU CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: admin.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za

October 23, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Harcourts Bakone

24 Rissik Street, cnr Rissik and Hans van Rensburg, Polokwane T: 015 295 3511 E: bakone@harcourts.co.za W: www.harcourtsbakone.co.za

Agent of the month


R3 200 000

Vincent Tshuketana 084 853 0087 Vincent.tshuketana@harcourts .co.za

Flora Park

R1 490 000

Beautiful views from the house are only one of the many fantastic features that this property has to offer. This spacious house has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, open-plan lounge, private dining room, very spacious kitchen, double garage, alarm, pool, neat garden, place for the kids to play, cinema, pantry and a storeroom. The main bedroom is spacious and en suite. The house is situated in one of the high profile estates in Polokwane, close to Mall of the North and Thornhill shopping centre.

The house located in a good area next to the Savannah Mall and small complex in a big stand, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, two dining rooms, double garage, two steel carports, alarm, remote gate, spacious neat garden, very strong borehole, outside toilet, lapa that you can use for office purpose, house is ready to be moved in. Call today to view this property.

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Flora Park

Web: NBK8285

R1 740 000

Flora Park

Web: NBK8283

R1 450 000

This property offers everything and more! Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge, dining room, aircon, neat and spacious granny flat with en suite bathroom, kitchen, lounge and dining. The house has three garages, five carports and boat garage, Wendy house for storeroom. What a bargain!! The house also has a cool room, pool, lapa, outside toilet, strong borehole, next to the schools and Savannnah Mall.

A house that can accommodate the biggest of extended families. Spacious throughout - take your pick where to relax in any of four delightful inter-leading living rooms, characterised by coloured stained glass windows. This house has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room, garage, borehole, neat garden, lock-up Wendy house, lapa and a swimming pool. Adjacent to Flora Park shopping centre and two schools. Call now - first come first serve!

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone


Web: NBK8279

R1 630 000

Flora Park

Web: NBK8274

R1 650 000

This prestigious, beautifully decorated property is in an upmarket, boomed-off area of Bendor. Very specious sunny bedrooms, lounge with fireplace, dining area, modern kitchen with granite tops, separate scullery, huge walk-in closet (en suite), three bedrooms, two bathrooms, open-plan lounge, double garage. Adjacent to Mall of the North and Thornhill complex.

This immaculate four bedroom family home with a pool and entertainment area, is deal for relaxing after a stressful day. The well maintained garden is green and shady in the summer. A perfectly quiet, neat area in which to raise a family – it is close to schools, shops and the mall. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, spacious neat kitchen, mini office, lapa with bar, pool, outside flat, Wendy house, three garages, two lounges and neat garden.

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Web: NBK8252


R900 000


Web: NBK8276

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone


Web: NBK8256

R1 340 000

This is where style and comfortable living come together. This townhouse offers spacious open-plan living spaces, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an open-plan kitchen and lounge with braai area, lapa, swimming pool and neat garden area - great for entertaining in gorgeous surroundings.

Buy and build a house in a top notch estate in Polokwane, Celtic Lodge. The stand is 1 223 m², big enough for a double-storey house. Let us negotiate a building package for you with one of our qualified contractors. The stand is next to Mall of the North and schools.

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Vincent C: 084 853 0087 Email: vincent.tshuketana@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone

Web: NBK8246

R650 00

Build your dream house in one of the best estates in Polokwane, Woodlands Estates. The stand is 970 m² in size. We have house plans available for your perusal; let us help you build your dream house.

Web: NBK8289


October 23, 2014

32 OBSERVER polokwane

Mitchell House>>

Farewell to Mitchell House Grade 12 learners WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Mitchell House College bid their Grade 12 class of 2014 farewell at their annual prize giving ceremony on Monday and also announced the new prefects for 2015. The Executive Mayor of Polokwane Municipality, Thembi Nkadimeng was the guest of honour and also addressed the learners by advising them that there is a wide world of opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, which they will have to face without the guidance of their teachers and parents. The top Grade 12 student for Mitchell House in 2014 was Rirhandzu Maluleke, who was also the Sportswoman of the Year. The Sportsman of the Year was Moloko Raphahlelo.


Above: The Mitchell House College prefects for 2015 are in front, Aalia Shaikh, Sunny Yang, Kulani Rivombo, Maxene Mamogobo, Mamothama Malahlela and Panashe Furusa with Dikabelo Ramashala, Ngwako Moloto, Ompfa Sitholimela, Tebogo Mpe and Sechaba Madisha at the back. Top Left: The outgoing head girl of Mitchell House College, Martha Lekganyane hands over a gift of appreciation to Executive Mayor of Polokwane, Thembi Nkadimeng at the prize giving ceremony on Monday night. Left: Mitchell House College’s Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year, Moloko Raphahlelo and Rirhandzi Maluleke.

Curro Heuwelkruin>>

Kruinies ryg toekennings in by Eisteddfod Properties • Eiendomme Triple El Consultance (PTY) LTD t/a


Property to Let Thornhill

2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom in a security complex. Close to Mall of the North. Water and electricity excluded R 5 400.00 pm


2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom in a security complex. Close to Polokwane CBD. Water and electricity excluded. R 4 100.00 pm

Penina Park

1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom bachelor flat in Penina Park. Water and electricity included R 3000.00 pm

Rentals • Property Management Douw at rental@cnilaw.co.za or 074 169 5775.

en 69 A++- diplomas verwerf sowel as 26 goue en 11 silwer sertifikate. Die hoërskoolDie nasionale leerders neem aan Eisteddfod (Limpopo119 items deel en en Gautengstreek) ontvang 46 A++- divan die National plomas, 54 goue en Eisteddfod Academy 19 silwer sertifikate. (NEA) is verlede week Sewe-en-sestig by Curro Heuwelkruin laerskoolleerders aangebied en as en -groepe wat gasheerskool het die diplomas verwerf Kruinies nie op hul FOTO’S: RC MYBURGH het, gaan vroeg laat wag om stof in Jeanrie van der Merwe en Jessica Wulff is deel van Heuwelkruin se volgende jaar aan ander skole se oë te junior koor. die Young Performers skop nie. Awards-geleentheid, wat in Pretoria Leerders het onder meer aan kateformele prosa en -poësie en visuele en Johannesburg aangebied word, gorieë soos koorsang, solo-items, inkuns deelgeneem. Die laerskool het deelneem. strumentele solo-items, dramatisering, in totaal aan 106 items deelgeneem

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail. com

Stanford Lake College>>

Stanford Lake College sport achievers >> Stanford Lake College (SLC) held its annual SLC Sports Awards at the school recently. Learners were awarded for their accomplishments in a wide array of sporting codes, ranging from rugby and tennis to mountain biking.

Reg.: 2007/006407/07

Girls’ hockey at Stanford Lake College went from strength to strength this year with exceptional progress and performances delivered by Jamela Maswanganyi, Best Junior Player; Normaine Mnisi, Most Improved Junior Player; Katherine Gardiner, Most Improved Senior Player and Makungu Valoyi, Best Senior Player.

TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | FAX: 015 291 1166 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET R4050 – Safe complex! 2 Bedroom TO LET townhouses with bathroom, lounge and SUNSET BOULEVARD kitchen. Carport. Prepaid electricity. Phone GOEIE SEKURITEIT R4460 - Moderne eenmanwoonstel now to view! met vol badkamer, kombuis, was-area en R5100 – 3 Bedroom townhouse with 2 bathparkering. Selektiewe gebruik van swembad rooms, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, scullery en lapa, water ingesluit. Beskikbaar middel and TV room. Garage, prepaid electricity. November. Available 1 Nov DORP / TOWN BENDOR R2 760 - Walking distance from CBD - Big R3900 – Townhouse - 2 Bedrooms, bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Water included. R3300 - 1 Slaapkamer met badkamer, Available 1 Nov. sitkamer en kombuis. Dadelik beskikbaar. IVYPARK R3985 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel op eersteR8250 – 3 Slaapkamer huis met 1½ badkavloer beskikbaar met badkamer, sitkamer, mer, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, kombuis en afdak. Geen diere. opwas, waskamer, studeerkamer en 2 R8920 – 4 Slaapkamer huis met baie motorhuise. Dadelik beskikbaar. ingeboude kaste. 2 Badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, OFFICES waskamer, studeer kamer, 2 motorhuise met Various office space available, sizes from 2 pakkamers. 40m² to 598m². R13900 – Goed versorgde 3 slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV FOR SALE kamer, kombuis, opwas, waskamer, A selection of properties for sale. 2 motorhuise, swembad, buitekamer Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / met toilet. Lieflike tuin. Beskikbaar 1 Jan ’15. THE COTTAGE Rita 082 933 3162 R4400 - 2 Bedroom townhouse, NEW SERVICE bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Available 1 Nov ’14. BODY CORPORATES LADANNA Allow us to provide professional manageR3500 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met ment of your complex. Phone now! sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, badkamer en Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162 afdak. Koopkrag.


Austin Johnson was named Best Junior Racer in Adventure Challenge; Abigail Joubert the Best Senior Racer and Stuart Lunt (absent) the Most Improved Senior Racer.

The pride of Stanford Lake College’s boys’ hockey are Gavin Stirling, Most Improved Senior Player; Mofumo Mongwe, Best Junior Player; Marc Stirling, Most Improved Junior Player and Neo Baloyi, Best Senior Player who also won the Stephan le Roux Trophy.


SLC ‘s best performing girls’ soccer players are, from left Most Improved Junior Player Munene Nkwashu; Best Junior Player Jamela Maswanganyi and Best Senior Player, Makungu Valoyi . The award for Most Improved Senior Player went to Reneilwe Komape (absent).

The award winners for mountain biking are Matthew Wilkinson, Most Improved Junior Rider; Abigail Joubert, Best Overall Rider and Colin Brent Trophy for Mountain Biking; Kirsten Eastes, Best Junior Rider and Lachlan Truesdale, Most Improved Senior Rider and Colin Brent Trophy for Mountain Biking. Stuart Lunt, winner of the Best Senior Rider Award was absent.


Oktober 23, 2014



STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 082 964 4139 / 082 460 4439 ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ALL CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY We do houses and businesses. High tech equipment and SABS approved chemicals. www.lulu.co.za Call Brenda 072 799 6424 or Piet 078 004 6677 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R5 000 3 m x 4 m = R5 500 Contact Arnold 076 858 8973 or Alice 074 802 5137 ___________________ GHETTO WENDYS All types, log, cabin, knotty pine, louvre and pallet. 2m x 2m = R4 000 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R5 500 For more info contact Denis 072 114 1850 / 083 686 4178 ___________________ GB WENDYS We deliver and install Wendy houses using all types of material. Log cabin, knotty pine and also pallet. 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R5 500 Contact Mercy 078 425 0945 or 062 109 3543 ___________________



EK KOOP MOTORS EN BAKKIES KONTANT I BUY CARS AND BAKKIES FOR CASH Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________



GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Black and tan. Good breed. Available 31/10/14. Dewormed and inoculated. R1 300 negotiable. Photos available. Contact Mareke 082 775 0352 or 015 296 2841 ____________________

TO LET 19 COMMERCIAL NUUTGEBOUDE STOOREENHEDE TE HUUR OP IVYDALE Contact Jana 082 788 7333 ____________________



TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ ACCOMMODATION POLOKWANE Fully fitted caravan for rent on site at caravan park. Close to town. Pool & braai facilities. Safe parking. Daily and monthly rates avalable. Contact 071 230 7760 ____________________ BACHELOR WOONSTEL Vir enkelpersoon. ‘n Nuwe volvloer mat, nuutgeverf, nuwe blinders. R2 200 W&L ingesluit. Kontak Hennie 079 112 8865 ____________________ FULLY FURNISHED 1 Bedroom cottage for rent. W&L incl. Centrally located. R4 000 + dep. Immediately. Contact 072 658 2651 ____________________ FLAT Available 1 Nov in Flora Park. 1 Bedr, bathr, open-plan kitchen, covered parking. R3 700 W&L incl. Contact Sandra 083 301 3424 ____________________ TE HUUR RUIM, 2 SLAAPKAMER in rustige, veilige omgewing met eie erf. 7km buite Polokwane. R3 900 per maand plus koopkrag. Kontak 084 451 1281 ____________________

2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP PLOT met motorhuis, klein tuintjie. 17 km buite die stad. Elektriese heining. Diere welkom. R3 200 p.m. plus R3 200 dep. Koopkrag. Skakel Louis 083 408 9848 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL R4 000 pm plus dep. Beskikbaar, krag extra. Kontak 083 655 5997 015 263 6396 ____________________ MEENTHUIS TE HUUR EAGLES CREST 3 en suite slaapkamers, oopplan kombuis met braai area. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R7 500 p.m. + deposito. Danie 083 630 1109 081 450 4509 ____________________ Houses NortHview r9 500pm 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, 2 garage, outside room with bathroom; storeroom. BeNdor village r20 500pm 5 Bedr, 4 bathr, 2 garages, bar, lounge, study, pool. môregloed r10 070.00 4 Bed, 2 bath, family room, kitchen, flat, swimming pool. NortHview r7 250.00 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, kitchen, double garage. ivy park r5 130.00 2 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, living area. myNgeNoegeN r2 850.00 1 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, living area. Bodorp r9 000.00 4 Bed, 2 bath, family room, study, kitchen, dining, 2 garages. FauNa park r7 550.00 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, study, 2 garages, swimming pool. towNHouses FauNa park r6 950.00 3 Bed, 2½ bath, lounge, kitchen, 1 garage. BeNdor r8 500.00 3 Bed, 2 bath, pool. Flats raBe street r4 100.00 2 Bed, 1 bath, open plan kitchen/living area, 1 carport. welgelegeN r3 350.00 1 Bed, 1 kitchen, 1 living area, 1 bathroom with shower. sHop CeNtral r25 000.00 CeNtral CBd 200m² oFFiCes CBd r2500.00 marsHall street r10 270.00 marsHall street r25 400.00 marsHall CHamBers r8134.00 martiN - 060 666 5432 audrey - 072 632 7117 tHys - 083 702 0768 dioNette - 084 503 3964



TE HUUR HUIS OP PLOT 8 km uit dorp. Elektries omhein, groot tuin, 2 slaapkamers. R4 000 p.m. en 3 slaapkamers R5 800 plus dep. Water en ligte en tuinjong ingesluit. Kontak 082 588 5520 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS SOETDORINGS Stil, rustige veilige area. Skadunetafdak vir twee voertuie, omhein, buitekamer. R5 060 per maand. Deposito R5 060. Koopkrag, water is gratis. Kontak Koos 082 890 5862 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R2 400 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 800 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 200 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe & eetplek. Vir meer inligting skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY NOTICE FOR SPECIAL CONSENT AND A SIMULTANEOUS REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS It is hereby notified that application has been made by the firm Infraplan on behalf of the registered owners for a special consent application in terms of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme 2007 in order to erect a “Place of Public Worship” on Portion 79 (Portion of Portion 42) of the farm Baskoppies 997 Registration Division LS Limpopo Province, and a simultaneous Removal of Restrictive Conditions in terms of Section 3 (1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act 1967. Plans and Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Town Planner, First Floor, Room 125 Civic Centre and Polokwane Municipality for the period of 28 days from the 26th September 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111 Polokwane 0700 within 28 days drom 26th of September 2014. And Also The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the offices of the Limpopo Province Department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane for 28 days from 26th of September 2014. ADDRESS OF AUTHORISED AGENT: Infraplan 52 Naboom Street New Town 2 Makhado 0920 Tel: 015 516 1356 Cell: 082 413 7423 Email: infraplan2013@ gmail.com 23/10 ___________________ POLOKWANE PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT KENNISGEWING VIR SPESIALE EN ‘N GELYKTYDIGE OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES Dit word hiermee kennis gegee dat aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Infraplan namens die geregistreerde eienaars vir ‘n spesiale toestemming aansoek in terme van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema 2007 ten einde ‘n plek van openbare aanbidding op te rig op Gedeelte 79 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 42) van die plaas Baskoppies 997 Registrasie Afdeling LS Limpopo Provinsie, en die gelyktydige opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes in terme van Artikel 3 (1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings 1967. , Planne en besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner Eerste Vloer Kamer 125

Burgersentrum en Polokwane Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf die 26ste September 2014. Besware en /of kommentaar of verteenwoordiging ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word binne 28 dae vanaf 26 September 2014 skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111 Polokwane 0700. En ook Die aansoek en betrokke dokumentasie in ter insae by die kantore van die Limpopo Provinsie Departement van Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nedersettings en Tradisionele Sake Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir 28 dae vanaf 26 September 2014. Adres van gemagtigde Agent: Infraplan 52 Naboomstraat New Town 2 Makhado 0920 Tel: 015 516 1356 Sel: 082 413 7423 E-pos: infraplan2013@ gmail.com 23/10 ___________________ POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP SCHEDULE 11 (REGULATION 21) The Polokwane Municipality, hereby give notice in terms of Section 96(1) and (3) read together with Section 69(6)(a) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that an application to establish the township referred to in the annexure hereto has been received. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, Polokwane Municipality, 1st floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 24 October 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P.O. Box 111, Polokwane 0700 within a period of 28 days from 24 October 2014. ANNEXURE: Name of the Township: Bendor Extension 125 Full Name of the applicant: Charlotte van der Merwe GIBB (Pty) Ltd Number of erven in the proposed township (land use rights to be controlled under Polokwane/Perskebult Amendment Scheme 480, Annexure 171): • “Special” for Resort Purposes, Conference Facilities, Staff Accommodation and uses ancillary to the main use, subject to certain conditions: 1 Erf ( 13.310Ha) • “Agriculture” : 1 Erf (9.016 Ha) • “Special” for access Purposes, subject to certain conditions: 1 Erf ( 0.124 Ha) Description of the land on which township is to be established: Portion 162 (Portion of Portion 141) of the farm Tweefontein 915, Registration Division LS, Limpopo Province . Locality of proposed township: The proposed township is situated approximately 8km north east of the Polokwane CBD on the Modjadjiskloof Road. MS. CONSTANCE MAMETJA, MUNICIPAL MANAGER, CIVIC CENTRE POLOKWANE 0699. 24 October 2014.


OBSERVER 33 polokwane

CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT 1967 REMOVAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE OF PORTION 162 (PORTION OF PORTION 141) OF THE FARM TWEEFONTEIN 915 LS, LIMPOPO PROVINCE (POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY) It is hereby notified that an application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 for the removal of the title conditions (Conditions (a), (b) and (c) in deed of transfer T129680/1997 of Portion 162 (Portion of Portion 141) of the farm Tweefontein 915 LS, Limpopo Province, Polokwane Municipal area, to be utilized for the establishment of a Township. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Head of Department, Limpopo Province: Co-operative Governance Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs 20 Rabe Street Polokwane and the office of the Municipal Manager Polokwane Municipality Civic Centre Landdros Mare Street 1st floor west wing until 24 October 2014. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Head of Department Limpopo Province: Co-operative Governance Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs at the above address or Private Bag X 9485 Polokwane 0700 on or before 21 November 2014 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the mentioned date. Address of Agent GIBB (Pty) Ltd 10A Biccard Street Polokwane 0699 23/10 30/10 ___________________ POLOKWANE MUNISIPALE KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN DORP SKEDULE 11 (REGULASIE 21) Die Polokwane Munisipaliteit, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 96(1) en (3) saamgelees met Artikel 69(6)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 1986, (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ‘n aansoek om die dorp in die bylae hierby genoem te stig, ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbeheer, Polokwane Munisipaliteit 1ste Vloer Westelike Vleuel Burgersentrum Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Oktober 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Oktober 2014 skriftelik en in tweevoud by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111 Polokwane 0700 ingedien of gerig word. BYLAE: Naam van die dorp: Bendor Uitbreiding 125. Volle naam van aansoeker: Charlotte van der Merwe GIBB (Edms) Bpk Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp (grondgebruikregte om beheer te word onder Polokwane/ Perskebult Wysigingskema 480 Bylaag 171): • “Spesiaal” vir ‘n oord, Konferensie Fasiliteite, personeel akkomodasie en ander gebruike verwant aan die hoof gebruik, onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes: 1 Erf (12,310Ha)

• “Landbou” 1 Erf (9.016Ha) • “Spesiaal” vir Toegangsdoeleindes, onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes: 1 Erf (0.124Ha) Beskrywing van grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Gedeelte 162 (Gedeelte van Gedeelte 141) van die plaas Tweefontein 915, Registrasieafdeling LS, Limpopo Provinsie. Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Die dorp is ongeveer 8km noordoos van die Polokwane SBG op die Modjadjiskloofpad geleë. MS. CONSTANCE MAMETJA MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER, BURGERSENTRUM POLOKWANE 0699 24 OKTOBER 2014. WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS 1967 OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS VAN TITEL VAN GEDEELTE 162 (GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 141) VAN DIE PLAAS TWEEFONTEIN 915 LS, LIMPOPO PROVINSIE (POLOKWANE MUNISIPALITEIT) Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op opheffing van Beperkings 1967 aansoek gedoen is vir die opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes (Voorwaardes (a) (b) en (c) in akte van transport T129680/1997 van Gedeelte 162 (Gedeelte van Gedeelte 141) van die plaas Tweefontein 915 LS ten einde dit moontlik te maak om die perseel te gebruik vir die doeleindes om ‘n dorp te stig. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Hoof van die Departement Limpopo Provinsie: Ko-operatiewe Regering Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Aangeleenthede, Rabestraat 20 Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder Polokwane Munisipaliteit Burgersentrum Landros Mare straat 1ste vloer westelike vleuel tot 24 Oktober 2014. Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 21 November 2014 skriftelik by die Hoof van die Departement Limpopo Provinsie: Ko-operatiewe Regering Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Aangeleenthede by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X 9485 Polokwane 0700 ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later nie as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik. Adres van agent: GIBB (Edms) Bpk Biccardstraat 10a Polokwane 0699 23/10 30/10 ___________________



Notice in terms of Regulation thirty eight of the Regulations made under Deeds Registries Act 1937 (Act 47 of 1937) LOST DEED

Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Regulation thirty eight made under the Deeds Registries Act 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the issue of a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T125159/2007 registered in the names of: 1. Maselwa Hendrick Mphela Identity Number 710605 5787 08 7 Unmarried and 2. Raesibe Anna Mphela Identity Number 780413 0350 08 3 Unmarried (previously married in community of property to each other) In respect of Erf 1475 Ivypark Extension 20 Township Registration Division L S, Limpopo Province Measuring 333 (Three Hundred and thirty three) square metres. Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T125159/2007 are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Polokwane on 13 October 2014. DDKK Attorneys Incorporated 19 Watermelon Street Platinum Park Bendor 0699 23/10 30/10 ___________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No: 24282/2014 Masters Office: Polokwane Surname: De Ridder First Names: Arie Date of Birth: 09/02/1935 Identity Number: 3502095002087 Last Address: F4 Mopanie Park, Kierieklapper Street, Bendor Polokwane Limpopo Date of Death: 17/03/2014 Name and address of Executor or authorised agent: Corrie Nel & Kie 25 Bodenstein Street Polokwane 0699 Attention: Tamarin Van Zyl Advertiser and Address: Corrie Nel & Kie 25 Bodenstein Street Polokwane 0699 Attention: Tamarin Van Zyl 23/10 ___________________

Career finder in LIMPOPO DEBTORS AND GENERAL ADMIN CLERK Available: 01 November 2014 Location: Ladanna Market: FMCG Age group: 35 Experience: Minimum of 5 to 10 years relevant experience CV to: jnieuwoudt@keydist.co.za


Leopards beat Maluti FET in five goal thriller

October 23, 2014

34 OBSERVER polokwane

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Black Leopards Football Club beat Maluti FET College 5-0 at the Thohoyandou Stadium on Saturday to move from sixth to fifth position of the National First Division (NFD). Leopards’s goals were scored by Bongani Manana, Samuel Tefu, Ivan Mahangwahya, Leonard Ntshangase and former Moroka Swal-

lows midfielder Morgan Shivambu. we can’t underestimate them. Our goal is to We opted for Masutha because he knows the Having parted ways with Irish mentor Sean get automatic promotion and for us to achieve culture of the team and he knows our style of Connor last month Leopards seemed to have that we must start collecting maximum points in play,” Club Spokesperson, Berry Ramunenyiwa found a new lease on life under the tutelage of said. every match,” Ramunenyiwa said. Joel Masutha who has won three games since Meanwhile Baroka Football Club drew 1-1 Their next match will be against Royal Eataking over. “The guys have responded to his against the inform FC Cape Town at NNK gles who are on the 14th position of the NFD tactics, which is good Rugby Stadium last Saturday. league at King Zwelethini Stadium in Durban for the team. We The draw sees the Ga-Mphahlele outfit tomorrow (Friday). struggled when Conon the tenth position with seven points after “It is a must win match for us. We are aware nor was in charge. seven matches. that they are not doing well at the moment but Capricorn Veterinary Laboratories cc is seeking a motivated, hard working, team orientated person to work in its laboratory in Polokwane. Knowledge and Experience: • Qualified Microbiologist with at least of a BSc degree in Microbiology. venue still to be decided. Primary Schools tournament will WARREN BLUNT • The ability to work under pressure. The Impala team is Isaac Senetbe held today (Thursday) at the >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com • At least 2 years experience working in a Microbiology Laboratory. la, Theo Janse van Rensburg, HusPolokwane Cricket Club. On Sun • Previous experience in working in a ISO 17025 accredited day a full programme of Platinum The senior cricket season in Limpopo has start- sain Muhammed, Hector Ngobeni, laboratory will be advantageous. Gerrie Lourens, Petri de Kock, Henk League matches will be on offer ed in earnest with the Platinum and Promotion Applications: Holtshauzen, Christopher Atherwith Eagles Cricket Club taking on leagues already underway and the Impalas • Email CV, certified copies of qualifications and senoir certificate stone, Lesego Moloto, Don Radebe, Aces Cricket Club on the A-field. facing up to North West on the A-field at the to: capvetlab@gmail.com Maverick Sedibe and the 12th man is Seshego Cricket Club will play Polokwane Cricket Club on Saturday.


Lots of exciting cricket over the weekend

The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) invites nominations from candidates to serve as members of the HPCSA professional boards. All persons registered with the HPCSA are invited to submit nominations of members of their professional boards to be appointed by the Minister of Health to serve on the respective professional boards for a period of five (5) years. Terms of eligibility and nomination forms can be accessed and downloaded from www.hpcsa.co.za or www.eisa.org.za Completed nomination forms must reach the Returning Officer via post, hand delivery, fax or e-mail as indicated below by no later than 16:30 on 30 October 2014. Any nomination form which does not comply with the regulations relating to the nomination and appointment of members of the professional boards or which is not received at one of the indicated addresses by the aforesaid date and time will be invalid. Street address: 14 Park Road, Richmond 2092. Postal Address: PO Box 740, Auckland Park 2006. E-mail: hpcsa@eisa.org.za Fax: 086 529 5254. Website: www.hpcsa.co.za or www.eisa.org.za For enquiries/further information, please contact the Chief Electoral Officer, Mr Ntokozo Ngidi at 0800 11 43 73 (toll-free).

Amir Dux. The team will be coached by Dewald Weterman. The finals of the Limpopo

Potties Old Boys Cricket Club on the B-field. Both matches will start at 09:45.

Meropa Casino golf winners


Meropa Casino & Entertainment World held their monthly golf day at the\ Polokwane Golf Club last Saturday. The overjoyed winners are Charles Ndluli and Joas Legodi.

Retail Salesperson Utilise your previous experience in the retail sales industry in this dynamic established company. Driver’s licence preferred.

Email a comprehensive CV to blueliquid@mweb.co.za.

Human Communications 113507


The righT prioriTy

Striving for excellence through balanced, inclusive education

Safety is key to our success.

SafeTy officer (Surface), D1, plaTinum, mogalakwena concenTraTor, limpopo province As the world’s leading primary producer of platinum group metals, we produce 40% of the world’s newly mined platinum. Our mining, smelting and refining operations are based in South Africa, while we’re developing Unki Platinum Mine in Zimbabwe and actively exploring in Brazil. We have exploration partners in Canada, Russia and China, and a number of joint ventures with several historically disadvantaged South African consortia as part of our commitment to the transformation of the mining industry. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company. This regulation 2.17.4 legal appointment in terms of the Minerals Act is responsible for the development, implementation and management of safety and risk control programmes, as well as ensuring legal compliance and provision of a safety advisory and reporting service. To apply, you will need a Grade 12 or equivalent plus certification in PRMS (PLCL), COMSOC I & II and SAMTRAC, as well as knowledge of OSHAS 18 000+ and 3 years’ relevant mining/process/engineering/training experience. Further qualifications required include AFRAD (Accredited Facilitators Risk Assessment Diploma); ITIS/ Train the Trainer; Risk Assessment Techniques (SWIFT, HAZOP and FMECA); Risk Impact Assessment; Accident investigation (ICAM/RCAT/SCAT); Fire (Intermediate fire: FPA); Behaviour-based Safety; First Aid; and Auditors Courses for Safety and Risk Control Management. A Certificate of Fitness and valid Code B driver’s licence are also needed, together with computer literacy (MS Office and Projects) and good planning and observation skills. Ref: 710961 Make Anglo Platinum Ltd your home. Visit www.angloamerican.com before 5 November 2014 and click on “Careers”, then on “Current Vacancies”, and then search for the relevant reference number/job title (internal candidates can apply via Eureka). Appointments will be made in line with Employment Equity considerations.

Mitchell House, founded in 1994, is an independent English-medium school in Polokwane. The school is located on a high-lying, sixteen hectare site, and pursues a holistic educational philosophy that includes academic, sporting and cultural excellence as primary goals. We seek to recruit suitable applicants to fill the following positions: Receptionist College Sport Coordinator HOD: Foundation Phase Please refer to the ISASA website for a full description of the available positions (www.isasa.org). Closing date: 29 October 2014. Successful applicants will be required to fill these posts from January 2015.

DIAMOND, HAMMAN & ASSOSIATE - Polokwane Benodig die dienste van ‘n

SENIOR LITIGASIETIKSTER om so gou moontlik diens te aanvaar. Minimum vereistes: * Graad 12 * Ondervinding in Litigasie * Ervaring in “GhostFill 25” en “AJS” sal voorkeur geniet * Geldige rybewys en eie vervoer Kandidate wat aan bg. vereistes voldoen kan hulle CV’s per hand aflewer te Pierrestraat 2A, Bendor, Polokwane.


Human Communications 113561

YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO

Call for Nomination of Members of the Professional Boards of the HPCSA

The fixture will be the first for the Impalas in the Cricket South Africa (CSA) 50-over Rural League and the players will be hoping for a good performance against the visitors despite being a little underprepared after the winter break. Polokwane’s cricket fraternity are urged to come out to support the provincial cricket team in their quest to qualify for the CSA Rural Week which will be held in February 2015 at a

A-M-B-I-T-I-O-U-S *LE MORGAN* A well established National Sales Company requires young enthusiastic go-getters who want to be trained as Sales Representatives promoting an exclusive range of products through leads, referrals & exhibitions. • • No experience necessary • Full training provided • R8 000 neg plus comm. • Medical aid (optional) Join Our Dynamic Company Today. TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW AT OUR OFFICES IN POLOKWANE. CALL LEBO at our Headoffice. 011 431-2725 or 011 431-3143.

Limpopo skole-hokkiespan wenners van Champs of Champions BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Photo: Warren Blunt

LIC T20 competition gains momentum Large groups of parents and supporters were seen at round three of the Limpopo Impala Cricket (LIC) u.11 T20 Night League matches between Curro Heuwelkruin, Northern Academy and Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos that were played at the Polokwane Cricket Club recently. The LIC T20 Night League is proving to be popular with both players and supporters in spite of the cricket season having ended after summer. Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos beat Curro Heuwelkruin


OBSERVER 35 polokwane


The Curro Heuwelkruin u.11 T20 cricket team is, front, Hanno van Zyl and Jan-Lou de Beer. In the middle row is Jacques Cronje, Braam Swanepoel, Henco Botha, Ruan Groenewald and Christian Enslin. Standing at the back are Ruan Botha (coach), Alexander van der Walt, Liam van der Merwe, De Wet Lansdell (captain), Deon van Huyssteen and Craig Adams (coach).

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Oktober 23, 2014

impopo se laerskool-meisieshokkiespan het onlangs as algehele wenners van die Champs of Champions-kampioenskappe in Potchefstroom uit die stryd getree en is dus die eerstespan-ligawenners van al die provinsies. Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) se eerste seunspan, wat ook die Capricorn Streekwenners en Limpopo-kampioene was, het saam met Groblersdal Primary se eerste span teen die wenners van die ander provinsies gespeel toe hulle Limpopo in die kampioenskappe verteenwoordig het. Oosskool se meisiespan was die naaswenners nadat hulle in die finaal met 0-1 teen Oranje Meisieskool van Bloemfontein verloor het. Groblersdal Primary School se seunspan is ook naaswenners nadat hulle 0-2 teen Laerskool Mooirivier verloor het.

by 140 runs in the early match on the C-field. In the later match under floodlights, the Curro Heuwelkruin youngsters gave a much improved performance to beat Northern Academy by eight wickets. Curro Heuwelkruin bowler, Jan-Lou de Beer was the first player to take a hat-trick in the competition when he dismissed three Northern Academy batsmen with successive balls. The T20 Night League continued yesterday (Wednesday) and two fixtures will be played tomorrow (Friday) at the Polokwane Cricket Club.

Services SETA 2014/2015 Discretionary Grants Applications The Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) is a statutory body established in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998, as amended, to enable stakeholders to advance skills levels in the services sector. The Services SETA invites suitable stakeholders to apply for Discretionary Grants funding. The Discretionary Grants Applications will open during the period 22 October 2014 to 21 November 2014. Relevant briefing sessions will be held as documented on the Services SETA website. Discretionary Grants Application forms along with the Discretionary Grants Application procedures and related information will be accessible on the Services SETA website, www.serviceseta.org.za from 22 October 2014. All enquiries regarding the Discretionary Grants Applications should be directed to dgapps@serviceseta.org.za or (011) 276-9660 by 11h00 on 7 November 2014. Responses thereto will be provided by 10 November 2014.

Stanford Lake College sport achievers

NOTE: Discretionary Grants are allocated at the sole discretion of the Services SETA. JobVest J61428


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Stanford Lake College’s best netball players of 2014 are Lufuno Thovhakale, Most Improved Junior Player; Shikara Janke, Best Junior Player; Mathabo Mahlake, Most Improved Senior Player and Gaba Monyepao, Best Senior Player.

Tel 015 230 1800 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za

The Capricorn College for TVET invites bidders for supply of protection services at the four campuses. Project Name CCTVET/2014/01

Details for Compulsory Briefing Session

Bid Document Price

Closing date and Time

Client Representative

Supply of protection services

Date: 28 Oct 2014 Seshego Campus Time: 09:00


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Langa K.V; Manyage S.M; Selolo N.D and Kobela M.H

Polokwane Campus Time: 12:00

015 230 1800

Central Office Time: 14:00

Luke Burns, Best Junior Player; Gavin Stirling, Best Senior Player, Jonty Brown, Most Improved Senior Player and Jordan Lucas, Most Improved Junior Player are the Stanford Lake College rugby players performed the best this year.

Date: 29 Oct 2014 Senwabarwana Campus Time: 10:00

PHS matrieks voer botoon

Date: 30 Oct 2014 Ramokgopa Campus Time: 10:00

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Tydens die jaarlikse Madeliefie by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) waar die graad 12-leerders die res van die skool op die sportveld aandurf het die matrieks verlede Woensdag vir oulaas gewys dat daar nie met hulle gemors word nie. Dreigende weer en reën het nie die spanne afgeskrik om ‘n beslissing op die hokkie-, krieket-, rugbyveld en netbalbaan te bepaal nie. Die meisiehokkiespan het die res van die skool se span 4-3 geklop terwyl die seunshokkiespan met ‘n wegholsege van 7-1 geslaag het. Selfs op die rugbyveld het die matrieks hul spiere gebult en die res van die skool ‘n 29-7 loesing gegee terwyl die krieketFoto’s: RC Myburgh span ook seëvier. Die res van die skool Hoofdogter Monique Wreykon slegs op die netbalbaan met ‘n ford in aksie op die hokkie43-17 oorwinning slaag. baan.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Oosskool se eerste hokkiespan bestaan uit Lindie Siboza, heelvoor, Cari Schulenburg, Leana Swarts, Corina Stears, Maricia Theunissen en Tenieke van der Watt in die eerste ry. Agter is Ritasha Theunissen, Juané Viljoen, Ina-Marié Grobler, Adri Lambrechts, afrigter, Mia Schulenburg, onderkaptein, Leigh van der Merwe, Carmen Pratt en Elismarié Olivier. Lise Prinsloo, kaptein, was afwesig.

Bidders must be registered with the PSIRA. The 90/10 preferential point system shall apply. Tenders will be evaluated on the following criteria: • • •

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Bid documents may be obtained as from 27 October 2014 from Capricorn College for TVET, situated at 16 Market Street, Polokwane Central Office, at Finance Section on payment of non-refundable cash deposit. A compulsory site briefing meeting, with representatives of Capricorn College for TVET will take place as per date and time stipulated on the Table above. Only Bidders who attended compulsory site inspections will be considered. Only one representative per company will be allowed to register on the site briefing register. Duly completed bid tender documents sealed in an envelope marked with “CCTVET/2014/01 – SUPPLY OF PROTECTION SERVICES” and must reach Capricorn College for TVET bid box not later than 11:00 on the date stipulated above. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile e-mailed and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. The Principal/ CEO Madzhie K.R POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439

Date SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174

SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187

RAMOKGOPA CAMPUS Next to Mokomene High School RAMOKGOPA 0811 Central Office: 015 291 3118/5


October 23, 2014

36 OBSERVER polokwane

PhotoS: Herbert Rachuene

Shakes Mashaba, Bafana Bafana Head Coach.

Bafana Bafana confident of qualifying for Afcon >> Bafana needed a win against Congo Brazzaville to qualify >> Fans came to watch despite unfavourable weather conditions Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


espite their goalless draw against Congo Brazzaville during the African Cup of Nations (Afcon) qualifier match at Peter Mokaba Stadium last Wednesday, Bafana Bafana Head Coach, Shakes Mashaba believes the team is on track to qualify for the tournament. Speaking at the post match press conference at the stadium Mashaba said they were not disappointed with the draw but happy to get a point in the match. “We would have loved to seal qualification but it did not happen so we are not disappointed at all. We are happy with the draw because it is a fair result. We still have another six points to play for but we need to make sure that we get the maximum points in our next game against Sudan to put the matter to rest,” he said. Their next game will be

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Fans who came to support the national team. against Sudan on 15 November at a venue still to be confirmed. Four days later they will travel to Nigeria for their last fixture of the qualifier stage. Bafana Bafana are on top of Group A with eight points, one above second placed Congo Brazzaville. The match was attended by high profile dignitaries that included South African Football Association (Safa) President Danny Jordan, Premier Stan Mathabatha, Executive Mayor of Polokwane, Thembi Nkadimeng, Bishop of Zion Christian Church Barnabas Lekganyane, Executive member of Safa, Ria Ledwaba and

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philanthropist Patrice Motsepe. Director of Community Development at Polokwane Municipality, Ndavhe Ramakuela said they are happy number of fans who came to the stadium despite the unfavourable weather conditions. “We had about 34, 000 supporters at the stadium, which is the highest midweek game attendance thus far. The weather was bad and it was raining but the fans stayed throughout the match and enjoyed the game. We thank the supporters for coming in numbers and for creating the excitement at the game,” Ramakuela said.

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Atlete OBSERVER 37 presteer by Marius Lengton Oktober 23, 2014



Zanis Gymnastics Academy se medalje-wenners by die nasionale kampioenskappe is Carlo Drotskie, Caleb Braack, Deon Kriel en Liam Botha. In die middel is Tanya Bouwman (afrigter), Lara Prenzler, Leandré du Preez, Abigail de Jager en Sanja Pretorius. Agter is Annemarie du Plessis (afrigter), Zani Prinsloo (hoofafrigter), Juané Vorster, Marinette Vorster en Monique Oelofse. Heelagter is afrigters, Cecil van der Bergh en Lesley Bonne.

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


Zanis gimnaste ryg medaljes in WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die plaaslike Zanis Gymnastics Academy word nie verniet as een van die beste gimnastiekklubs in die land geag nie. Hoofafrigter, Zani Prinsloo het vir die 14de keer die trofee as beste afrigter in Suid-Afrika ontvang. (Vanjaar vir ritmiese gimnastiek, vlak 6 en 7). Boonop het 25 senior gimnaste by die onlangse Suid-Afrikanse Gimnastiek Kampioenskappe 27 medaljes ingepalm waar amper 4 000 gimnaste van al nege provinsies deelgeneem het. Die medaljes bestaan uit 11 goud,

agt silwer en agt brons. Die artistiese- en trampoliengimnaste het in die massiewe Bellville Velodrome deelgeneem en die ritmiese gimnaste in die Goeie Hoop Sentrum in Kaapstad. Zanis se gimnaste het oudergewoonte puik presteer. Die 15-jarige ritmiese gimnas, Monique Oelofse het vyf goue medaljes verower. Lara Prenzler het goud in die vlak twee Eurotrampolien-item gewen en ook goud op die artistiese balk. Juané Vorster is vir die nasionale span gekies op grond van haar goeie prestasie in die o.13, vlak 6 ritmiese-afdeling waar sy algeheel derde was en goud vir knuppels gewen het.

JKA Carpe Diem se karatekas presteer BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Karatekas van JKA Carpe Diem-klub het tydens die JKA Limpopo Kampioenskappe wat onlangs by Hoërskool Noorderland plaasgevind

het, met brons, silwer en goue medaljes weggestap. Sensei Ruan Stander, afrigter sê hy is baie trots op sy klublede wat almal geel gordels het en vir die eerste keer aan ‘n kompetisie teen sewe ander klubs deelgeneem het.

ie 29ste Marius Lengton Atletiekbyeenkoms het Saterdag by die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion plaasgevind met atlete van verskeie skole in die stad en van Gauteng en Noordwes wat deelgeneem het. Die gasheerskool, Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se atlete het goed presteer. CJ Nel is eerste in die 100 m (o.14 seuns) hekkies, eerste in die 200 m en eerste in die 300 m hekkies. Joané Strauss het ‘n eerste plek in die 800 m (meisies o.17) behaal en is tweede in die 400 m terwyl Johnny Wagenbach eerste in die 200 m (o.17 seuns) was. Johan Koekemoer het ‘n tweede plek in die o.17 seuns spiesgooi-item behaal. Een-en-twintig atlete van Curro Heuwelkruin het kragte gemeet en 27 medaljes verower. Curro Heuwelkruin het ook die tweede plek in die dogters prestige aflos behaal terwyl die seuns ‘n derde plek


verower het. In die prestige aflos wedywer ‘n skool se vinnigste vier atlete teen die ander skole, ongeag die oudersdomgroep. Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS)-atlete wat goed presteer het, is Jessica Booyens wa ‘n eerste plek in die 100 mhekkies (meisies o.17) behaal het. Dewald Stroebel was eerste in die 100 mhekkies (o.15 seuns) en Piet Kruger was eerste in die hoogspring (seuns o.17). Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS)-atleet, Piet Kruger met sy goue medalje in die o.17 seuns hoogspring.


Curro Heuwelkruin o.14 atleet, Nicole Blount by die wegspring van die 100 m.

Double silver for young, local fencer


October 23, 2014

38 OBSERVER polokwane

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ifteen-year-old Firebird Fencing Club member, Danica Opperman has only been fencing for seven months and through sheer dedication and natural fencing talent won silver medals in both the Epee and Foil divisions of the Kadett (u.17) age category at Photo: Warren Blunt

Fifteen-year-old Firebird Fencing Club member, Danica Opperman with the two silver medals that she won at the South African Fencing Championships in Pretoria recently.

the South African Fencing Championships in Pretoria recently. She started fencing at Firebird Fencing Club in Polokwane after being introduced to the sport by a friend in April and immediately took a liking to the lesser known sporting code. “The first time I attended a training session at the club I intuitively knew this was the sport I wanted to participate in and my father brought me to the club and now they are my biggest supporters and travel to all the tournaments that I have competed in so far,” Danica said. After her good performance at the South African Championships Danica is currently ranked the country’s number two girl in the Kadett Foil division and fourth in the Epee division. In the women’s Junior (u.21) age category she is ranked number nine in Foil and 14th in Epee and is aiming for the number one position in both disciplines in the Kadett category next year. Danica went on to say that she finds fencing intriguing and thanked God for giving her the talent to be able to be a good fencer. “You have to be extremely fit to compete at the national championships and a person has to be emotionally mature and be prepared to listen and learn,” Danica explained. She also expressed her thanks to her coach, Wallace Goosen for his patience and dedication towards the sport and the support from the other fencers and parents at the club during tournaments. Goosen said Danica is a hardworking, dedicated young fencer who wants to excel in the sport. He added that she never gives up and had to fence over 40 bouts in Pretoria in order to win her two silver medals. Meanwhile, Danica remains unfazed with all the intention and is working hard to improve her fencing technique in order to win gold at next year’s championships.

New sponsor for night race Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Polokwane’s road running fraternity is reminded that the popular night race that was hosted by the Polokwane Athletics Club (PAC) for more than 20 years will be held on 14 November after an absence of a year. The race has a new sponsor and will now be known as the BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race. Runners and walkers can opt for

distances of five and 10 km and there will be a total of R5 000 up for grabs in the various categories for the 10 km race. All finishers will receive a medal and the race starts and finishes at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. The organisers are expecting 500 to 600 runners and walkers with some from as far afield as Mpumalanga and Gauteng. For further information contact Johan Janse van Vuuren on 083 277 2505.

Foto’s: Barry Viljoen

Skuts wat tydens die afsluitingsfunksie vereer is, is Braam Pretorius, Hennie Venter en Morné Snelling. In die middel is Paul Grobler, Jannie van Wyk en Johan Claassens met Cobus Joubert, Christo Strijdom, Danie le Roux, Christo Pretorius, Riaan Claassens, Hannes Becker en Hannes Willemse, agter.

Limpopo skuts vir prestasies vereer BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die Limpopo-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Sport- en Jagfederasie het Saterdagaand tydens die jaarafsluitingsfunksie by Polokwane Rolbalklub, toekennings aan lede gemaak wat hulle gedurende die jaar as skuts van formaat onderskei het. Hanré Willemse en Leandri Kruger deel die toekenning as die beste opkomende juniors. Christo Pretorius het beide die All Rounder van 2014 en die Voëljagjagter van die Jaar-toekenning ontvang. Morné Snelling, Hannes Willemse en Riaan Claassens is onderskeidelik die kameradelid van die jaar-, toegewydste lid van die jaar- en die bokjagjagter van die jaar. Etienne Wilters en Danie le Roux het onderskeidelik met die blougatjagter van die jaar- en die beste opkomende jagter van die jaar-toekennings weggestap. Jannie van Wyk, voorsitter, het tydens die

funksie gesê dat die tak weer eens vanjaar uitgebrei het en reeds 560 lede het, waarvan 30 skoliere is. Van Wyk is baie trots daarop dat die tak vanjaar verskeie nasionale kampioene tydens die baansportkampioenskappe wat in Barberton gehou is, opgelewer het. Die skuts het ook aan die nasionale bokjagkompetisie in Otterskloof in die Vrystaat deelgeneem.

Christo Strijdom is die nasionale mans haelgeweerkampioen en Corneli Strijdom is die nasionale dames haelgeweerkampioen.

Lerato Letsoalo, acting Centre Manager and Regina Moloto, Supervisor of Phedisa Lethlanthene Drop-in Centre in front of the main building.

Needy children benefit from KFC’s Add Hope initiative BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Thanks to all your generous contributions at Polokwane KFC, we are helping make a difference to 40 000 children across SA every single month. Add Hope has raised R210 million from KFC customers and franchisees in the past 4 years and that support goes straight to 90 beneficiaries across SA, feeding hungry children. R2 is all it takes. Please remember to Add Hope to your order at Polokwane KFC or donate online at www.addhope.co.za.


KFC’s Add Hope initiative continues to make a difference in the lives of less fortunate children both in Limpopo and countrywide. Phedisa Lethlantere Drop-in Centre, a local beneficiary of KFC’s Add Hope initiative, offers 180 learners attached to schools adjoining the Blood River based facility breakfast and lunch on weekdays. The food is bought from the annual Add Hope donation and acting Centre Manager Lerato Letsoalo reportedly said these meals are in some instances the only food the learners receive for the week. “I am aware of the fact that some of the learners save half of their portions to take home to a family member,” Letsoalo informed. Lauren Turnbull, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sponsorships Manager KFC South Africa says that Add Hope now feeds over 70 000 children a month across the country through 90 selected national and community

beneficiaries. Together with contributions from KFC franchisees annually, these donations are used to sustain the initiative, and every R2 goes directly to feeding the children.

Photos: Barry Viljoen

Lerato Letsoalo, acting Centre Manager and Regina Moloto, Supervisor of Phedisa Lethlanthene Drop-in Centre in Blood River.

Oktober 23, 2014



OBSERVER 39 polokwane

Polokwane Rally winners Leroy Poulter and Elvéne Coetzee (Castrol Team Toyota Yaris) throw up a cloud of dust on day two.

Carnage reigns at Polokwane Rally T

he Castrol Team Toyota Yaris of Leroy Poulter and Elvéne Coetzee clinched the South African National Rally Championship title at the Polokwane Rally over the weekend with one round still left in the championship. In the process they also gave Toyota their first S2000 national rally title since 2004. The Toyota team also clinched the S1600 class to dominate the 2014 rally season. Four teams still had a chance to overtake Poulter and Coetzee before the start of the rally on Friday, but five of the nine S2000 vehicles and three of the eleven contenders in the S1600 class for two-wheel drive cars were forced to retire on the opening day. The current national rally leaders, Poulter and Coetzee, however dominated the race from day one to remain unscathed after all the wrecked vehicles around them, with their nearest challengers and last year’s Polokwane Rally winners, Mark Cronje and Robin Houghton (Ford Dealer Fiesta) damaging their suspension after hitting a gate post and forced to retire. After day one Japie van Niekerk/

Gerard Snyman (NAD Ford Fiesta), Henk Lategan/Barry White (Sasol VW Polo), Thilo Himmel/Armand du Toit (Sasol VW Polo), Chad van Beurden/ Nico Swartz (Beurden Construction VW Polo), Willie van Straaten/Scott Howden (Toyota RunX), Ashley HaigSmith/Damien van As (Ford Fiesta) and Chris Coertze/Mari van der Walt (Ford Fiesta) had all retired. Early on day two Poulter and Coetzee’s nearest challengers and team-mates, Hergen Fekken and Carolyn Swan experienced alternator problems to end their race. After that Poulter was merely required to drive

at half pace to clinch the rally and the national title. Coetzee was elated after winning the title to become the first female in the 54 year history of SA Rally Championship to be crowned as champion. Sixth overall and the winners of the S1600 class were the new SA champions, Guy Botterill/Simon Stacy-Lyle in their Yato Tools Toyota Etios. The local team of Jaco and George Baker (Autozone Toyota Tazz) finished 12th overall to also be among the finishers when the rally ended with the final stage around the Peter Mokaba Sports Complex on Saturday.



Polokwane Rally winners, Leroy Poulter and Elvéne Coetzee pictured with Ndavhe Ramakuela, the Polokwane Municipality Director of Community Development Services.


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October 23, 2014 >> PAGE 40

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Jong ruiter, Lejané du Toit ryg toekennings in

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Lejané du Toit, ‘n graad 3-leerder van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos, is ‘n jong ruiter wat reeds naam maak en toekennings inryg.

>> Haar instrukteur is haar rolmodel >> Sy droom daarvan om professioneel perd te ry RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


andat sy vanjaar vir die eerste keer aan perdrykompetisies begin deelneem het, is dit duidelik dat daar geen keer aan die tienjarige Lejané du Toit van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos is wanneer sy op haar perd, Cleam Reef se rug klim nie. Hoewel sy nederig en skaam is, is sy ambisieus en koester groot drome wanneer dit by haar liefde vir perdesport kom. Met min ondervinding het sy reeds op plaaslike bodem, provinsiaal en nasionaal naam gemaak. Lejané het verlede naweek tydens die South African National Equestrian Schools Association (Sanesa) se nasionale perdespringkampioenskappe by Misty Meadows Equestrian Centre in Vivo ‘n algehele tweede plek in die kategorie vir 50 cm tot 60 cm verower waarop sy en haar ma, Marlize baie trots is.

“Sy het verlede jaar met perde kennis gemaak en by die Blouberg Ryskool in Vivo aangesluit waar die instrukteur, Leona van Amstel dadelik Lejané se potensiaal raakgesien het en sedert Januarie alles ingesit het om haar kompetisiegereed te kry,” sê Marlize. Gedurende die jaar het Lejané aan vier kwalifiserende rondtes vir die nasionale kompetisie deelgeneem waar sy verskeie plekke onder die topvier behaal het en in die Limpopo-span opgeneem is. Sy het ook vroeër vanjaar tydens die South African Showjumping-kompetisie by Maple Ridge in Krugersdorp ‘n tweede plek in die 60 cm-kampioenskappe behaal. “Die lekkerste van perdrykompetisies is om met my perd oor die hindernisse te spring. Ek droom daarvan om eendag professioneel deel te neem, maar voor dit moet ek eers aan nog baie kompetisies deelneem en hoër spring. My instrukteur, Leona is my grootste inspirasie en rolmodel,” sê Lejané. Sy lag op die vraag of sy al van haar perd afgeval het en knik vinnig instemmend. “Ek het gelukkig nie baie seergekry nie. Ek was ook nie bang om weer op te klim nie. Dit is deel van die sport en my liefde daarvoor is te groot om op te gee oor ‘n val,” sê Lejané. Marlize sê hul familie is baie lief

vir diere, veral perde. “Ek ry self perd, maar net vir die plesier terwyl my pa ook ‘n groot perdeliefhebber was. My broer is ‘n veearts in die stad so ek dink ‘n liefde vir diere loop in die gene,” sê sy. Marlize ry elke Dinsdag en Donderdag Vivo toe sodat Lejané kan oefen, maar die perd bly by die ryskool en hoef nie heen en weer gekarwei te word nie. “Oefening is baie belangrik om jou styl perfek te kry. ‘n Goeie ruiter is kalm, geduldig en verstaan sy of haar perd se lyftaal,” meen Lejané terwyl Marlize dit beaam en sê dat haar dogter alle eienskappe van ‘n goeie ruiter toon, maar bo alles is sy oneindig lief vir haar perd en wil net die beste vir hom hê. Lejané is ook kunstig en teken graag prente van diere en veral perde. Vir nou is die kompetisies vir die jaar verby, maar dié graad 3-leerder laat lê nie slap nie omdat die eerste kompetisie reeds in Februarie 2015 gehou word.

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12 Kalsiet St, Magna Via (opp Granor Passi)


Granor Passi

Chandlers DIY

SAB Kalsiet Street

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