Polokwane observer 20 november 2014 web

Page 1


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Raging community ready to...

Light the matches YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

The only thing that seemingly stood between outraged residents of Extension 73 and long threatening unrest five days ago was the striking of a match. Almost a week later their daily sit-ins go on

November 20 - 26, 2014


10b church Street

unabated amid flaring tempers over Polo­ kwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng’s perceived failure to follow up on an earlier undertaking to address the community. Last Thursday morning a growing mass of community members gathering at the gates to the site office of Gorogang Plant Hire, the contractor responsible for the tarred upgrade of a gravel stretch leading to adjacent Extension 76, brought to a halt that part of a project of some R42 million. To page 2

Photo: Yolande Nel





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Vigsgevaar nadat vrou aanvaller byt RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com ‘n Vrou wat nie bang is om ‘n aanvaller aan te vat nie het Dinsdagoggend intense voorkomende mediese behandeling ondergaan nadat sy ‘n man wat haar by ‘n rooi verkeerslig wou beroof en in die proses aangerand het, se hand stukkend gebyt het. Lee Pieterse het gister (Woensdag) teen druktyd by Polokwane polisie­ stasie deur ‘n reeks foto’s van gesoekte misdadigers gewerk in ‘n poging om die rower uit te ken. “Dit is dalk nie altyd die beste om terug te baklei nie want daar is groter risiko’s aan verbonde as wat ‘n mens op daardie stadium dink,” sê Pieterse wat kort na die aanval bloedtoetse ondergaan en onmiddellik met behandeling teen moontlike menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus-(MIV) en hepatitis A, B en C-besmetting begin het. “‘n Man het Dinsdagoggend op die hoek van Thabo Mbeki- en Na bl 2

Hamermonster Verdagte positief verbind met 15 klagte na aanvalle in stad BLADSY 3

Exclusive interview Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng responds to issues of concern >> PAGE 5

Miss Lim/Teen Finalists strut leggy stuff ahead of glitzy finals >> PAGE 21

Kruinies presteer

>> BLADSYE 31 - 35 Foto: Yolande Nel

Lana Ströh, Shané Maytham en Michael Groenewald is op pad see toe. Volkswagen-afficionado, Ralph Boemer se rooi vuurwa is die perfekte pasmaat.

>> BLADSY 56



Feesgetyjolyt 2014

Leerders maak skoonskip by Eisstedd­ fod


Raging community ready to... Light the matches

November 20, 2014





Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 melany.observer@gmail.com




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From page 1 It seemed their discontent stemmed from block committee members allegedly being chased from a meeting at Polokwane Municipality the previous day after being told that instead the recently elected members of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) needed to be in the meeting while they were never informed to be present. As the community prevented construction work on the project, as per earlier threat of a few weeks back, tyres were brought forth and rocks placed along a gravel stretch that leads to the road proposed for upgrade. All along a contingent of Police officials kept an eye on happenings. From a distance the ward councillor, Tebogo Mojapelo, watched while surrounded by, among others, municipal officials and security staff. Earlier on the community accused her of

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alleged nepotism by apparently securing places for her friends and a relative on the PSC and as Community Liaison Officer (CLO). Upon Polokwane Observer’s return to the scene on Thursday around 11:00 it was learnt that a member of the mayoral committee, identified as Sina Tjale, had in the meantime informed the community that the mayor would address them the following morning. Since then they had not had a glimpse of Nkadimeng and had continued with daily sitins from 06:00 until after 17:00 in defiance of what is seen as her evasive conduct, Polo­ kwane Observer was told. It was learnt that the community had to be calmed down on Monday afternoon after the intention to damage the contractor’s property was expressed. Already that morning they blockaded the road linking their section with Madiba Park with rocks and burnt two tyres, a member of the community stressed. At the time of going to press renewed rage was sparked by the alleged diversion of learner

transport from the trouble spot early yesterday (Wednesday) morning, a source said. Then feedback was awaited from the ruling party in the province which reportedly stepped in on Tuesday following earlier intervention. The source said community leaders had difficulty suppressing a mass wanting to resort to rioting. They were ready to start burning tyres, the source confirmed. “The mood on the ground is one of anger.” In response obtained from Nkadimeng during an exclusive interview granted to Polo­ kwane Observer’s Barry Viljoen on several matters of concern to the local ratepayer conducted at the time of going to press, she said the contractor on the project could not proceed with his work as the community wanted to force the municipality to do as they wished. She raised the opinion that the community intended “going to the streets to force the municipality to do things their way, which is irregular”. She reckoned she had met her commitments.

Vigsgevaar nadat vrou aanvaller byt

Van bl 1 Schoemanstraat skielik langs my voertuig gestaan en sy hande op die motorvenster, wat slegs ‘n paar sentimeter oop was, gedruk om te verhoed dat ek dit kan toedraai,” sê Pie­terse. Die aanvaller het volgens Pieterse dadelik met sy regterhand na haar hangertjie gegryp. “Ek het sy hand vasgegryp en myself inmekaar getrek sodat hy nie kan wegkom nie. Hy het sy linkerhand om my nek gesit en my herhaaldelik teen die kop begin slaan. Dit is toe dat ek hom aan sy hand byt dat die bloed spat. Ek het soos ‘n dier aangegaan,” sê Pieterse. Kort nadat die aanvaller met haar hangertjie op die vlug geslaan het, het sy besef wat sy gedoen het. “My mond was vol bloed en dit het gevoel of my lip geswel is. Ek het gedink ek het dalk my lip in die proses stukkend gebyt.” Sy is dadelik na die Polokwane Polisiestasie, ‘n blok van die toneel af. “Ek was histeries. Polisiebeamptes het vir my toiletpapier en water gegee en gesê ek moet kalmeer. Toe ek rustig begin raak, moes ek agter in die ry staan om my verklaring af te lê waarna ek Mediclinic

Limpopo toe is vir behandeling,” sê sy. By die hospitaal is daar dadelik X-strale van haar kop, nek en rug geneem, bloedtoetse is gedoen en haar behandeling is begin. “Ek het nog nie aan die moontlikheid van siektes gedink nie en sal eers later daaroor begin stres,” het sy Dinsdagmiddag aan Polokwane Observer gesê. Op 4 November is Pieterse se hangertjie op die hoek van Biccard- en Rabéstraat afgeruk, maar het gebreek en geval en die rower is leë hande weg. “Omdat die hangertjie sentimentele waarde het, het ek dit laat herstel en weer gedra. Ek is nog altyd veiligheidsbewus en staan nie terug vir rowers of aanvallers nie. My aksie het dalk groter nagevolge, en die behandeling is slegs ‘n voorsorgmaatreël. Binne 30 dae sal ek weer bloedtoetse ondergaan,” sê Pieterse. Sy hoop dat ander mense bewus van hul veiligheid sal raak wanneer hulle by verkeersligte stop en dat dit dalk beter is om nie terug te baklei nie. As verkoopsverteenwoordiger ry Pieterse daagliks honderde kilometer in en om die stad en meen dat leeglêers op sypaadjies en straathoeke die groot sondebokke in sulke gevalle is. “Hulle skreeu gereeld vir my dat daar iets agter my motor fout is, maar ek ignoreer dit en ry tot waar ek veilig voel om ondersoek in te stel,” sê sy. Pieterse het haar aanvaller as ‘n lang, donker man in sy vroeë twintigs beskryf. Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba het die voorval bevestig en gesê ‘n diefstalklag word tans deur die polisie ondersoek.


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Vermeende hamermonster OBSERVER positief verbind met 15 klagte

November 20, 2014


RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com



ie gevreesde Zimbabwiër en vermeende hamermonster, David Mamvura, wat vir langer as twee jaar inwoners van die stad in veral die Eduanpark-/Welgelegen-gebiede geteister het, is verlede week tydens sy verhoor in die Polokwane Landdroshof positief met 15 aanklagte van onder meer verkragting, roof, aanranding en poging tot moord verbind. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto, het die inligting bevestig en gesê al die voorvalle waaraan Mamvura tot dusver verbind word, het in Polokwane plaasgevind en is deur middel van DNS-toetse vasgestel. Die saak is tot 4 Desember uitgestel wanneer sy verhoor voortgesit word. Hy is vir die eerste keer in Augustus verlede jaar gearresteer nadat hy vermoedelik by ‘n egpaar in Bodensteinstraat ingebreek het, hulle met ‘n mes gedreig en die 76-jarige vrou glo verkrag het en vermoedelik met twee selfone op die vlug geslaan het. Mamvura is later op borgtog van R2 000 vrygelaat ten spyte daarvan dat die ondersoekbeampte die borgaansoek, met bewyse dat Mamvura onwettig in die land is, teengestaan het. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Hangwani Mulaudzi, sê Mamvura het na sy aanvank-

David Mamvura is verlede week positief met 15 aanklagte van onder meer roof, verkragting, aanranding en poging tot moord verbind. like vrylating op borgtog nooit weer vir hofverskynings opgedaag nie en ‘n lasbrief vir sy inhegtenisname is uitgereik. Byna ‘n jaar het verloop voordat hy in ‘n woonstel in die middestad gearresteer is. Mamvura is oorspronklik met nege voorvalle van huisbraak en verkragting in die stad verbind. Hy word onder meer daarvan verdink dat hy ongeveer twee jaar gelede ‘n egpaar in Baymanstraat, Eduanpark aangeval en die man glo erg met ‘n hamer aangerand en die vrou glo verkrag het waarna hy met twee selfone gevlug het. In Du Plessisstraat het Mamvura vermoedelik ‘n 22-jarige vrou in haar tuinwoonstel vasgebind en verkrag. Hy het glo met haar televisie, skootrekenaar en selfoon gevlug.




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Schools feeding scheme must be re-advertised WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Forum of Limpopo Entrepreneurs (Fole) has added its voice to the Limpopo school feeding scheme crisis that led to the death of five learners in the Sekhukhune district and the hospitalisation of many others, leading to the cancellation of the contracts of two service providers that supplied the contaminated food. Fole Secretary Phillip Mathenje said the organisation feels vindicated by the decision to withdraw the contracts of the two service providers and the media statement issued by the Provincial Government last week announcing the cancellation of the current feeding scheme contacts. Mathenje continued that innocent children have died due to the wrong and uninformed decision taken and implemented by former MEC for Education, Dikeledi Magadzi and Section 100 (1b) Administrator, Mzwandile Mathews. “Fole calls on MEC Thembisile Nwedamutswu to re-appoint the 300 SMME companies which previously provided the service while dealing with the internal procurement process to re-advertise and appoint new service providers,” Mathenje said in a press statement released on Friday. Meanwhile the Democratic Alliance (DA) took a swipe at the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s reporting on the intervention by Premier Stan Mathabatha last Monday after 70 more learners from

Makeke Primary School in the Elias Motsoaledi Municipality were rushed to the Groblersdal Hospital. In a media statement released last Thursday the DA claims the public broadcaster chose to distort the facts given by the DA, claiming the DA said the Premier is acting prematurely by banning the food scheme. “For the record it was the DA that first brought the matter of the contaminated food to the MEC for Education’s attention and the Premier only intervened after more learners ate the poisoned food. The DA is concerned that the Provincial Government ignored its mandate to intervene, but could only act when the DA tabled a motion in the Legislature,” the DA media statement concluded. Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba was in a meeting when asked for comment by Polokwane Observer yesterday (Wednesday).


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Case against Lebogo postponed

November 20, 2014

Grote in staalbedryf verloor stryd teen kanker



RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


he hearing of former municipal councillor and businessman Jacob Lebogo on charges of attempted murder and discharge of a firearm in a public place was on Friday postponed in the Polokwane Mag­ istrate’s Court until 24 February for further investigation. Lebogo faces these charges after an incident at Waterland, Penina Park in September when African National Congress (ANC) Milo Malatjie Branch Chairperson, Boy Mamabolo was al­ legedly shot and three other persons injured. Mamabolo spent several weeks in the intensive care unit of Mediclinic

‘n Bekende in die staalbedryf in Limpopo, Piet Quin is Donder­ dag na ‘n lang stryd teen kanker oorlede. Quin was jare die fabriek­ bestuurder by NTY Staalwerke in Polokwane en word as die ‘pa’ van die onderneming beskou. Die huidige besturende direkteur, Anton Hough sê Quin het hom alles van die staalbe­ dryf geleer toe hy in September 1999 die leisels by hom oorge­ neem het. Hy meen Quin se uitstaande persoonlikheid en goedgesind­ heid teenoor die personeel van die staalfabriek is een van die redes vir die onderneming se sukses. “Al het Oom Piet meer as tien jaar gelede afgetree was almal lief vir hom en het hy gereeld ‘n draai by die fabriek gemaak om met die personeel te kuier. Hy was een van die groot geeste van NTY en laat ‘n geweldige leemte en sal baie gemis word. Ons bede is met sy vrou, Herma en die familie,” sê

or threaten state witnesses; does not Limpopo and had to undergo surgery. commit any other offence and informs Lebogo appeared in court two the investigating officer should he days after the alleged shooting leave Polokwane at any stage and for when the case was postponed for any reason. another two days while he remained in custody. During his formal bail applica­ tion state prosecutor Jackson Mabasa proposed that bail be set at R10 000 to which Lebo­ go’s attorney, Tumi Mokwena replied that the accused earns only R30 000 profit from a local business he owns and can afford R5 000 only. Magistrate Anne van der Mer­ we then granted bail of R5 000 on condition that Lebogo hands his passport to the investigating officer; does not interfere with Boy Mamabolo Jacob Lebogo

Myngenoegeninwoners kan nou vir ‘n vale groente plant

Hough. Benewens sy vrou laat hy twee seuns, Piet en Alex, skoondogters, Suan en Marie en ses kleinkinders agter. Sy oudste seun, Piet sê sy pa het die lewe voluit aangepak en sal baie gemis word deur almal wat hom geken het. Die begrafnisdiens vind vandag (Donderdag) om 12:00 vanuit die NG Kerk PietersburgNoord plaas.

Foto: Argief

Piet Quin

Stad se waterkrisis duur voort

ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Danksy die ruimhartige skenking van Bennie van der Merwe van Lebowak­ gomo Build it is ‘n eie groentetuin vir die inwoners van Myngenoegen Shelter ‘n paar tree nader aan die werklikheid. Van der Merwe, die eienaar van die onderneming het verlede week splinternuwe kruiwaens, harke en grawe geskenk om die inwoners se tuinmaakkopsere sonder behoorlike toerusting te verlig.

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Die ywerige tuiniers van Myngenoegen Shelter kan na dese hul groentetuin makliker in stand hou. Hulle is Reinholdt Achleitner, Thys Booyjens en Thomas Foto: Elna Esterhuysen Emslie.

Hoewel die vlak van die reservoir in Potgieterlaan aansienlik gestyg het, het die 50- en 30 megaliter reservoirs se vlakke verder gedaal en is die 30 megaliter reservoir feitlik leeg. Die munisipaliteit het weer eens ‘n beroep op verbruikers gedoen om water spaarsamig te gebruik. Verhoogde temperature waardeur hierdie tyd van die jaar gekenmerk word, het hoër waterverbruik tot

gevolg en plaas druk op die stad se waterreserwes. Volgens die munisipaliteit se jongste verslag, was die vlakke van die 50 megaliter en die nuwe 30 megaliter reservoirs Dinsdag 6% (teenoor ‘n week gelede se 12%) en 0,5% (teenoor 5%) respektiewelik. Die reservoir in Potgieterlaan se vlak was 76% (teenoor verlede week se 42%) en dié van die hoofreservoir in Seshego 28% (teenoor 5%) Die reservoir in Uitbreiding 34 se vlak was konstant op 95%.

Family day with a difference Family Day (Xmas Day) at Meropa Casino’s Cultural Village and Go-kart Centre. A day full of cultural entertainment, go-karting, mini-golfing, kids’ play area (swings & jumping castle with water features), indigenous game competitions (e.g. kgati, morabaraba, moruba, diketo, rekere, tsheretshere, etc.) Family lunch and an African dinner that includes African cuisine menus from different cultures. Lots of prizes to be won by participants in the indigenous games. The entrance fee package for the day’s visit to the activities starts from as little as R50 up to R450 per person. Reservations/bookings should be made by the end of business on 15 December 2014.

PACKAGES PLUS AMOUNT Contact Details: For your package quotation, please call our office on 015 290 5476 or Management on 072 679 0873.

Snake Show - Cultural Dancers - Putt-Putt Paintball - Bird Park - Go-karts - Tours

Where to find us? We are at Meropa Casino & Entrertainment World. Call us now for your team/group bookings and individual activities. Our friendly staff are ready to assist you.

Contact Details: Tel: 015 290 5476 Fax: 015 290 5470 Cell: 072 679 0873 Email: matjie.masha@suninternational.com

Package 1: Go-karting, golfing, snake show, paintball and any 2 of the indigenous game plus lunch R255 per person and R155 (no lunch). Package 2: Go-karting, paintball and any 2 of the indigenous game plus lunch R255 per person and R125 (no lunch). Package 3: Go-karting, any 2 of the indigenous game, golfing plus lunch R165 per person and R65 no lunch. Package 4: R450 per person package 1 plus dinner and R350. Package 5: R50 per person with no meals, go-karting, snake show and any 2 indigenous games. Package 6: R50 per person - no meals, go-karting plus any 3 indigenous games. NB: Package 7: Clients can also make their own combination according to their needs.


• Go-karting, adults R35 • Go-karting, kiddies R30 • Golfing (all ages) R20 • Indigenous games R5 Prizes to be won by winners of the games. • Snake show, adults R10 • Snake show, kiddies R5 Picnic-style lunch (Braai @ Predators) R100 (all ages) lunch included. Braai wors, chicken, beef, bread rolls, 3 types of salads, samp, rice, 2 types of veggies, 1 can of soft drink per person, dessert. Dinner at the Cultural Village R200 per person (all ages) / at Conference Hall. NB: Packages with lunch + dinner should be booked and a deposit of 50% paid on or before 10 December 2014.

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Polokwane Exec Mayor responds to issues

ROAD ACCIDENT FUND CLAIMS Have you been assisted by the RAF with your claim?

Chances are that you have been short changed and could still claim more compensation from the fund. Contact 087 233 9188 For a free assessment of your claim.


Het die padongelukfonds u gehelp met u eis? Kanse is goed dat u te min vergoeding ontvang het en steeds meer van die fonds kan verhaal. Skakel 087 223 9188 Vir ‘n gratis evaluasie van u eis.

Photo: Barry Viljoen

Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng.


Vodacom Smart Tab 3G + One month Deezer subscription




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South African’s largest and Limpopo’s leading cellular network operator recently launched the Vodacom Smart Tablet 3G, which will sell for R999 on prepaid or R59 on a 24 month contract with 500MB Data. The Vodacom Smart Tab 3G is a delight for the cost conscious consumer who is looking for great performance at an equally impressive price. Its features are comparable with the top brands, from the iPad to the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The 7-inch-screen tablet operates on the latest Android 4.4 (KitKat) operating system, providing a familiar interface and applications for consumers. It weighs 275g and has front and rear cameras for pictures and videos. It also has Bluetooth and WiFi capabilities and of course 3G capability for use on the Vodacom data network. This is the second low-cost device offered by Vodacom which launched the Smart Kicka smartphone in August with sales surpassing all expectations in the first month. The new tablet is part of Vodacom’s wider goal to give South Africans access to mobile data by reducing the price barrier to adoption while enabling access to the latest technology. Juniad Munshi, Vodacom Limpopo Managing Executive explained that Vodacom remains committed to democratising access to the mobile internet as a resource for empowerment across all facets of life. “This speaks to investment in the network to upgrade more areas to 3G capability, but also to bring the cost of devices down so that we can improve access holistically.” Juniad said the device is a channel to sell other services. Vodacom could also package the education syllabus digitally on the tablet as a next step. The device is available in all Vodacom Shops, approved dealers and retailers in the province.

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Vodacom launched a new Tablet

with his work as a result of the community’s insistence to appoint their own people and they now go to the streets to force the municipality to drive projects in a way that is unacceptable and irregular, she explained “The municipality meets with the community on a regular basis and we take utmost effort to manage the situation in a way that is acceptable to all,” Nkadimeng said.

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olokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng yesterday (Wednesday) granted Polokwane Observer a long overdue one-on-one interview to reflect on issues that impact on the daily lives of the city’s residents. Although the time allowed for the interaction was limited due to Nkadimeng having other commitments, she nevertheless responded to the issues put to her as follows: Central Municipal Swimming Pool Nkadimeng said that it is very unfortunate that the swimming pool could not be ready for the summer season and the gala event. Repairs to the pool could only start in the new financial year which began on 1 July 2014 and the extent of the repairs and maintenance required was underestimated. Certain defects were only detected after the project started and adjustments had to be made. The municipality also had to attend to the swimming pools in Westenburg and Seshego. Nkadimeng said that she is hopeful that the swimming pool will be available for use by the closing of schools for the December holidays. Water crisis The city’s water crisis is due to the underallocation of water by the Department of Water Affairs and the municipality has since 2009 engaged with the department to increase the allocation. Numerous meetings took place and the matter is unresolved as yet. The water crisis over the last weeks was also as a result of the heat and the absence of sufficient rain resulting in residents using municipal water to water their gardens. Nkadimeng confirmed that the municipality will announce stricter water restrictions, the details of which are under preparation, during the last council meeting of this year set for 4 December. Further enquiries at the municipalty confirmed that the legal implications of the proposed restrictions are under scrutiny and that the matter will be tabled in the Mayoral Committee meeting. Street parking contract The current contract with the service provider that collects parking fees in the CBD will expire at the end of January 2015. Nkadimeng admitted that the service provider did not pay over the agreed 30% of the income to the municipal-

ity for three years. She hastened to say that the money collected at least went to many previously unemployed persons, putting food on their tables. She agreed that the municipality failed to ensure that the money was collected, but could not say whether any instruction not to collect, was given by anyone in authority. She also did not give any indication of the municipality’s intention to take action against anybody. Disteneng relocation Nkadimeng said that the relocation is not a process that can be concluded in one day. The municipality has to give the people a proper place to live in and that requires resources, proper planning and physical efforts that take time. “I am not happy about the current situation in Disteneng, but we will get there,” Nkadimeng promised. Tension in Extension 73 The contractor could not proceed


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

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November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Segabutla, six others in court next year >> Her attorney allegedly worked on all projects as a legal stream team leader RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


he case of fraud, corruption and money laundering to the value of R16 million against former MEC of Health and Social Development Miriam Segabutla and six others was on Friday postponed to 13 February next year in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crime Court.

Segabutla, Johnny Lucas from Tshepo Technology Consulting and Peter Erasmus from Trispen Solu­ tions were arrested last year for their involvement in the case while her lawyer Gert van der Merwe, former Chief Financial Officer at the depart­ ment, Friday Mushwana and directors of Impact Plus, Calvin Masehela and his wife Meriam were arrested on the same charges about two weeks ago. According to Hawks Spokesperson Paul Ramaloko, Segabutla allegedly awarded a tender to conduct a foren­ sic investigation into the implementa­ tion of a Provincial Health Information System (PHIS) and acquisition of elec­

trical switches to Tshepo Technology Consulting and Trispen Solutions for kickbacks which included payment of hotel accommodation, flight tickets for family and friends and also payment for school fees for her children during her time in office in 2010. “Van der Merwe allegedly worked on all projects as a legal stream team leader while Impact Plus was allegedly paid nearly R3 million for work they allegedly did not do,” Ramaloko said. Van der Merwe was granted bail of R25 000 while Mushwana and both Masehelas were released on R10 000 bail each.



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Skilderye van bekende kunstenaars te koop/ Paintings by well known artists on sale.

Polisiëringsforums se spanwerk maak ‘n enorme verskil in stad RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Danksy vinnige reaksietyd en geoefende spanwerk deur lede van die Gemeenskaps­ polisieringsforums (GPF) in Eduanpark en Welgelegen (Edwel), Northern Upper Town (Nut) en sektor 3 en 4 kon ‘n minderjarige meisie wat verlede Donderdag as vermis aangemeld is, binne twee uur opgespoor word. Edwel-voorsitter, Trevor van Niekerk sê die GPF-lede se onbaatsugtige diens aan die gemeenskap kan nie ongesiens verbygaan nie. “Nadat die inligting ontvang is, het lede van die verskeie forums selfs hul dagtaak agtergelaat om met die soektog te begin. Lede het net een doel voor oë en dit is om die gemeenskap se veiligheid te verseker,” sê Van Niekerk en verwys na GPF-lid, Casper van der Spuy wat vinnig op die noodoproep

gereageer het. “Die GPF bestaan nie uit lede wat net patrollies doen en diewe probeer vastrek nie. As lede begin ons mekaar in alles ondersteun en deel ons hulpbronne om mekaar te help. Ons is een groot familie wat mekaar onder­ skraag en die emosies toe die minderjarige gevind is, is ‘n goeie bewys daarvan,” sê Van Niekerk. Hy het belangstellendes genooi om by die GPF aan te sluit en sodoende die veiligheid van inwoners te verseker. “Veral met die fees­ seisoen om die draai poog ons om die GPF uit te brei en meer lede te hê wat woonbuurte kan patrolleer.” Vir meer inligting skakel Van Niekerk by 082 355 4050.

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Kom geniet ‘n kaas-en-wyngeleentheid met skilderye van ons land se bekendste kunstenaars te koop. Come and enjoy a cheese and wine event with paintings by some of our country’s best known artists on sale.

• Otto Klar • Michael Albertyn • Lizl le Roux • Rob Waering • Isabel le Roux • Nic Oosthuizen • Susan Greyling • Martie Odendaal • Phillip Britz • Malachi Smit • Frans Claerhout • Sandi Beukes • Jonnie de Kock • Porchie Waar/Venue: Morula Onkologie/Oncology Limpopo Mediese Sentrum 45A Thabo Mbeki Street/-straat 45A POLOKWANE Wanneer/When: 25 November 2014 Tyd/Time: 18:30 RSVP: 015 295 5933 teen/ by 21 November 2014.


Nigerian victims buried over weekend November 20, 2014

Foto: Elna Esterhuysen



Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


remier Stan Mathabatha on behalf of the Provincial Government undertook that the remains of the 13 Limpopo citizens who died in Nigeria two months ago, when a building of the Synagogue Church of All Nations collapsed, will be buried in the soil of their birth. Mathabatha addressed relatives of the deceased, whose remains were returned to the country over the weekend, during a special service conducted on the premises of the provincial hospital in Polokwane on Monday. “As government we are going to offer the families all forms of support within the legal framework. Over and above, funerals are cultural and traditional treasures for families and if they need any assistance we are available,” Mathabatha said. He expressed the opinion that nothing is more painful than losing a loved one and added that it is even more painful when one is placed in a helpless position where one is unable to mourn, let alone bury the loved one with the inherent dignity deserved. “It has not happened since the dawn of our democracy that we lost so many of our compatriots on foreign soil in a single incident; not even in the context of military exchange. This is indeed a disaster of unequalled proportions,” Mathabatha said. He thanked the families of the deceased for their patience and understating during a time of pain and uncertainty. “We too as government had to carry the burden of this pain for the past two months. I however hope that the bereaved families will find solace and comfort in the knowledge that the rest of Limpopo and the country share in your grief and sorrow. We also hope that you will find healing in the knowledge your loved ones perished

Polisielid glo self die dief, maar polisiewoordvoerder swyg

in a house of prayer. They died in a place of worship and prayer,” Mathabatha consoled the families. Provincial Government Spokesperson, Phuti Seloba said the Provincial Government will host an inter-faith memorial service for the deceased at the Ngoako Ramatlhodi Sports Complex in Seshego today (Thursday) and no longer at Jack Botes Hall as communicated in the media during the week. “The memorial service serves as a symbolic gesture of support to the bereaved families.” Seloba informed that buses will be available from Vhembe and Tzaneen to transport persons wishing to attend. The respective burials are expected to take place over the weekend. The names of the deceased from Limpopo have been released as follows: Isaac Molesana Mongala, Selelo Jane Motsipa, Mutangwa Susan Ramatseba, Azwilingwi George Tshivhase, Mpho Victoria Mbedzi, Shonisani Negukhula, Takalani Portia Makhani, Rirhandzu Mabunda, Robert Mamafa Madiba, Dimakatso Maponya, Eric Magezi Mathebula, Dorah Maake and Tendani Makhuvha.

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die polisie kon geen lig werp op vrae oor ‘n Chevrolet Corsa bakkie wat verlede Donderdagaand verlate naby die polisie se motorhawe op die hoek van Meteorstraat en Bendorrylaan gevind is nie. ‘n Inwoner naby die toneel waar die bakkie gevind is, Jan Jacobs, sê hy het net na middernag van Johannesburg af teruggekeer en die voertuig gewaar. “Omdat die bakkie geen nommerplate gehad het nie, het ek dadelik die bakkie as verdag beskou. Ek was skaars in die huis toe ek beweging by die bakkie sien en verskeie polisielede opdaag.” ‘n Polisielid het hom meegedeel dat die

Foto: RC Myburgh

Twaalf leerders van verskeie skole in die stad is gelukkig om slegs geringe beserings te hê nadat die taxi wat hulle vanaf Seshego na Polo­kwane vervoer het, verlede Donderdag teen ‘n ander taxi op die hoek van Nelson Mandelarylaan en Devenishstraat gebots en omgeslaan het. Volgens ‘n ongelukstoneelrekonstruksiekundige van die polisie kan spoed sowel as die verontagsaming van ‘n rooi verkeerslig deur beide taxibestuurders as oorsake van die ongeluk beskou word.

A Social Worker deployed by the Department of Social Development consoles an elderly persons bereaved by the incident in Nigeria










59 90






bakkie, wat aan die polisie behoort, glo onlangs in Seshego deur ‘n polisielid gesteel is. “‘n Persoon het in die bakkie gesit voordat die polisie opgedaag het, maar ek wou uit vrees dat dit moontlik ‘n boosdoener kan wees nie nader beweeg nie,” sê Jacobs. Die polisie het op die toneel glo ook aan hom gesê dit was ‘n polisieman wat die bakkie moes oppas wat hy in die voertuig sien sit het. Met Polokwane Observer se aankoms op die toneel Vrydagoggend het ‘n polisielid gesê dat hy nie mag praat nie, maar dat hul besig is met ‘n interne diefstalsaak. Die ware feite oor die voorval kon nie deur Polokwane, Seshego of die provinsiale polisie uitgeklaar word nie.

Leerders lig beseer toe taxi omslaan

Photo: Herbert Rachuene



Die bakkie, waaroor geen duidelikheid van die polisie ontvang is nie, het verlede Vrydagoggend steeds op die hoek van Meteorstraat en Bendorrylaan gestaan.




69 00







999 00








499 00







599 90

20 LT









299 00

20 LT




November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer



My Darling se mense kuier in Polokwane

November 20, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Geniet eet- en drinkgoed en kry geskenke >> ‘Bande word oor afstand en grense gesmee’

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

‘n Groep gemeentelede van My Darling met vrolike tradisionele klere het onlangs met twee busse ‘n besoek aan Reggies Kwekery in die stad gebring om hulle waardering teenoor Tommy en Charlotte Liversage van Liversage Paneelkloppers en Toela Lambrechts van Reggies Kwekery te betoon vir hul volgehoue ondersteuning aan die gemeente. Lambrechts en die Liversages reik al FOTO: VERSKAF

Gaste tydens die besoek van die My Darling-gemeente aan Polokwane.

‘n geruime tyd na die gemeente uit, wat ongeveer 155 km vanaf Polokwane naby Alldays geleë is, deur gemeentelede onder meer van voedsel en klere te voorsien. Gaste het saam ontbyt geëet en gekuier waarna bedankingstoesprake gehou is. Die geleentheid is met heerlike koek en drinkgoed afgesluit en elke besoeker het ‘n plantjie van die kwekery as aandenking ontvang. “So word bande oor afstand en grense gesmee en word ons in ‘n eenheid van omgee en uitreik na mekaar saamgebind,” sê Toela Lambrechts. Persone of instansies wat aan hierdie aksie wil deelneem, kan Lambrechts by 082 926 1087 skakel.


on provincial / local issues

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Willem Hendrik Pretorius: “Ouers behoort meer in hulle kinders se opvoeding te belê want ons kinders is die toekoms.”

Frans Selepe: “They must just pay the school fees. Education is a priority.”




Iwisa or Super Sun Maize Meal 5kg Each

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Paige Bester: “Ouers moet sorg dat hulle genoeg geld het om hul kinders se skoolfonds te betaal. Onderwys is belangrik.”

90 0


22 November 2014

Thalitha Mononela: “It is not right because education is more important. Parents should sacrifice for that.”


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Get behind the Boks

Phillip Maeta: “Education comes first and I think most parents are aware of that. They must do the right thing and pay the school fees.”




Johan Pretorius: “Ouers moet altyd sorg dat hulle kinders se skoolfonds betaal is. Onderwys is uiters belangrik.”

Sunlight Regular Washing Powder Assorted 2kg Each


Price per Nappy Mini 66s 1.64 Midi 58s 1.87 Maxi 50s 2.16 Maxi+ 44s 2.46 Junior 44s 2.46

Polokwane Observer in its previous edition reported on the dilemma of parents not paying school fees due to economical restraints and schools as result not being able to meet their financial demands. Polokwane Observer het verlede week berig oor die dilemma van ouers wat weens ekonomiese faktore nie skoolfonds betaal nie en skole wat as gevolg daarvan nie hul finansiële verpligtinge nakom nie. We asked residents for their comment about the nonpayment of school fees. Ons het inwoners vir hul kommentaar gevra oor die nie-betaling van skoolfonds.




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November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer



November 20, 2014

12 OBSERVER polokwane


21 November >> Elizma Theron tree om 19:00 by Café Pavilion op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Raymond Bronkhorst: 079 034 2312. 22 November >> The Choir and Orchestra of the University of Limpopo performs in the hall of NG Kerk Pietersburg-Oos, 100 Jones Street at 18:00. Tickets cost R100 per person. Thaba Matsebatlela: 074 998 6863. 24 tot 29 November >> Capricorn Quilting hou ‘n Kersmark by hul winkel in Platinum Park. Handgemaakte items, ingelegde kos en baie ander interessante artikels te koop. Petro Vorsatz: 083 411 1037. 25 November >> Skilderye van bekende Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars word vanaf 18:30 tydens ‘n kaasen wyngeleentheid by Morula Onkologie in die Limpopo Mediese Sentrum in Thabo Mbekistraat 45A te koop aangebied. Bespreek voor 22 November by Zirk Jansen: 015 295 5933. 28 November >> Rosita Wilson en haar studente hou van 09:00 tot 17:00 ‘n kunsnaaldwerkuitstalling by Kurumba Lodge. Pakette, ‘n nuwe reeks lappe en lint sal te koop wees. Verversings kan by die restaurant genuttig word. Rosita Wilson: 083 691 5770. >> Blackie Swart, Danny Lallouette en Vinnie Henrico tree vanaf 17:30 by Sterkloop Lapa saam met studente van Hard Rock Musiekskool op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. JP Duvenage: 079 880 0751. >> Sapa Yopa Rally Pre-party takes place at Polokwane Chisanyama (Waterland) starting at 19:00. The theme is “Fiesta Fiesta” and tickets cost R50. There will be a late night pool party with DJ Heavy K and Tbo Touch. Sarel Nong: 078 839 9698.

29 November >> The Virtuoso Brass Ensemble under the guided baton of Duke Mashamaite performs at 18:00 at the Audi Showroom at Motorcity Polokwane. The event also features solo performances by prolific vocalist, Nathan Titus and the admission fee of R100 includes cheese and wine. Duke Mashamaite: 082 772 1203, Alf Malete: 079 793 4327 or Nathan Titus: 076 272 4182. >> Sapa Yopa Rally takes place at the Polokwane Showgrounds from 12:00, when a 20 km mass ride to Seshego will take place. This will be followed by a mass prayer, biker games and activities and a Biker Music Festival. At midnight a Yamaha Cruise Bike will be given away in a raffle. Entry tickets cost R70 and R100 after 18:00. Sarel Nong: 078 839 9698.

Foto’s: Barry Viljoen

Jerry Spangenberg, Mel Botes en Hansie Roodt, jnr vermaak gaste tydens die konsert.

Mel Botes kuier in Polokwane BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


emeentelede en gaste van die Hervormde Kerk, Pietersburg het Saterdagaand gesellig saam verkeer en is deur Mel Botes, Hansie Roodt, jnr en Jerry Spangenberg vermaak terwyl hulle kon weglê aan die keurig voorbereide eetgoed wat deur die susters van die gemeente voorberei is. Botes en sy groep se optrede het ‘n verskeidenheid van Pink Floyd, Dire Straits en sy eie repertorium ingesluit en werke soos

“Song vir Katryn” en Dire Straits se “Us”, het groot byval gevind. Liedjies soos “Dans in die weerlig”, “Die testament van Jan S Versteeg” en “Siener (van Rensburg)” verskyn op sy nuutste CD, Dans in die weerlig waarvan die gehoor ‘n voorsmakie kon kry. Die vertoning het Botes die geleentheid gegee om sy eie werk saam met die werk van twee van die mees suksesvolle groepe van alle tye te bied. Charlotte Vlok, wat saam met Susan Raath aan die stuur van die reëlings was, sê dat dit vir haar ‘n ongelooflike vertoning was.

30 November >> Bikers that Care’s Annual Limpopo Toy Run takes place from 09:00 at the Go-kart Track on the Silicon Road. Entry fee is a toy for a child under 16 years or non-perishable foods and toiletries. There will be stalls for food and toys, a beer garden, games on the track and much more. Richard van Balkom: 082 809 4813 or Lynne van Balkom: 082 962 8041 to secure a stall.

Country-aand vir Anton Bosman RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Countryliefhebbers kan volgende Woensdagaand hul dansskoene aantrek wanneer Chantel Bosch ‘n Country-aand saam met die bekende sanger, Gerry Lee hou ten bate van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se matriekleerder, Anton Bosman wat in September verlede jaar met rabdomyosarkoom (RMS) gediagnoseer is. Bosch, ‘n Polokwane-inwoner sê al die geld wat ingesamel word, word aan Anton en sy ouers geskenk om te help met die aankoop van sy noodsaaklike duur medikasie. “Ek het self my ouers en oupa aan kanker afgestaan en die storie oor Anton het my diep geraak. Ek het net daar en dan besluit om iets te doen om die familie te help. Tydens die onlangse ovaalresies het ons R3 680 met die hulp van armdrukker, Danie Fourie ingesamel. Inwoners van die stad het ons geweldig ondersteun en ons glo dat die aand ‘n groot sukses sal wees.” Lee is ‘n bekende countrysanger wat ge-

reeld by funksies regoor Limpopo en elders in die land optree. “Die optrede vind op 26 November om 18:00 teen R50 per persoon in Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se saal plaas. Vleislapa Marshallstraat skenk die wors terwyl Sasko die broodrolletjies borg wat die aand verkoop word. FruitTime borg ‘n verskeidenheid sap wat ook te koop sal wees,” sê Bosch dankbaar. Kaartjies is ook by die deur beskikbaar of Bosch kan geskakel word by 076 437 2622 vir kaartjies en meer inligting. ‘n Vroeëre foto van Anton Bosman, ‘n matriekleerder van Tommies wat tans teen bindweefselkanker veg. ‘n Country-aand word volgende Woensdag ten bate van hom gehou.

Martjie en Hercules Nel en Robbie Beeton en Shallane Sealy kuier tydens die konsert.


preferences voorkeure

Andrew Cook, Headmaster of Mitchell House shares his personal preferences with our readers. Favourite book >> King Lear (William Shakespeare). I think it is the most profound out of all Shakespeare’s dramas. Favourite artist >> Vincent van Gogh, I love his work. Favourite saying >> Illegitimi non carborundum is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning “Don’t let the bastards grind you down”.

Favourite sporting codes >> “Cricket, rugby and squash. I played and coached cricket for 30 years, rugby is an exciting game and Andrew Cook squash keeps me fit. Favourite genre of music >> Rock music. It has the right rhythm and interesting lyrics. Favourite holiday destination >> London. My children live there.

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure staff recognised >> Awards for 2012/13 and 2013/4 >> ‘Do ordinary things extraordinary well’ BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Jerry Ndou, recognised officials of the department for outstanding performance at the Service Excellence Awards function that took place at a venue in the city last Thursday. Awards were made to the Capricorn Building Maintenance Team, Seshego FET College (Best Service Delivery Team), Giyani Cost Centre Cleaning Team (Best Support Team), EPWP Empowerment Team (Best Innovative Team), Kgomotso Serumula of Communications Services (Best Performing Individual) and Waterberg District (Best Performing District). Capricorn Construction Management Team (Best Service Delivery Team), EPWP Monitoring and Evaluation Team (Best Support Team), Mopani Building Maintenance Team, Sekororo Tribal Office (Best Innovative Team), N Sikhosana of Capricorn District (Best Performing Individual) and Capricorn District (Best Performing District), were awarded for outstanding performance. Ndou said that the awards seek to reward excellence and hard work by public servants who work tirelessly and go beyond the call of duty to provide services. “These are the people who go where eagles fear to tread, and they are able to do this by simply taking their jobs serious through a combination of hard work, competence and commitment. I am talking about people who do ordinary

November 20, 2014

Public WoRks, Roads and infRastRuctuRe PhOtOs: BARRY VILJOEN

things extraordinary well. We can as politicians achieve our goals and objectives as set out in the Freedom Charter, through government employees who like us, envision a great province for all who live in it. There has to be a flawless correlation between us, a relationship that pulls together in the same direction for the creation of a nation of our dreams,” Ndou said. “People on whose mercy we are here to serve, have the right at all times to get the services they deserve. It is a prerequisite for peaceful provincial development that the citizens’ rights should be protected. Violation of this right to services, especially in rural areas, leads to the continuation of violence and protest, thus creating a society based on hatred and violence. In keeping with the above, we must at all times bear in mind the eight Batho Pele Principles, which were developed to serve as the acceptable policy and legislative framework regarding service delivery in the public service. “In everything that we do, we must guard against the “elephant in the room”, that is individualism, corruption and greed. These venomous triplets brought our province to its knees to an extent that it was declared bankrupt. Our dignity and pride as a people of this province is our greatest asset, and we should treasure this with every thought, word and deed. Let us make excellence our daily song and sing it from the top of our lungs, because in doing so, we will be creating a generation of leaders who are not on the back foot, but are enlightened, transnational and integrated in the world, while continuing in their commitment to uplift societies and develop others. These are the people who will help build better communities and establish foundations for strong Limpopo economy,” Ndou concluded.

MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Jerry Ndou, MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development Joy Matshoge and Chairperson of the Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure Portfolio Committee, Snowy Kennedy-Monyemoratho.

MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Jerry Ndou officiates at the Departmental Service Excellence Awards function. Capricorn Building Maintenance Team, Seshego FET College received the award for Best Service Delivery Team, 2012/13.

K Serumula of Communications Services was the Best Performing Individual, 2012/13 (Shared).

N Sikhosana of Capricorn District was the Best Performing Individual, 2013/14 (shared).

EPWP Empowerment Team received the award for Best Innovative Team, 2012/13.

Capricorn Construction Management Team received the award for Best Service Delivery Team, 2013/14.

Giyani Cost Centre Cleaning Team was the Best Support Team, 2012/13. The team of Waterberg District who received the award for Best Performing District, 2012/13.

Mopani Building Maintenance Team, Sekororo Tribal Office, Best Innovative Team, 2013/14.

EPWP Monitoring and Evaluation Team was the Best Support Team, 2013/14.

The team of Capricorn District who received the award for the Best Performing District, 2013/14.

Sypaadjie dalk binnekort karwas-besigheid BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


nwoners van Florapark wat al ‘n geruime tyd by ‘n spaza of huiswinkel koop, kan dalk binnekort ook hul voertuie op die sypaadjies langs dié winkel laat was terwyl hulle inkopies doen. Dít is natuurlik indien die munisipaliteit toelaat dat die oprigting van twee afdakke op die sypaad-

jies langs die winkel voortgaan. Ontstoke inwoners van Florapark het dié ambisieuse projek, wat maklik nog verder kan uitbrei en ‘n algemeen aanvaarde verskynsel kan word, onder Polokwane Observer se aandag gebring. Tydens ‘n besoek aan die eiendom op die hoek van Hauptfleisch- en Jasmynstraat, is gevind dat die winkel oor ‘n wye voorraad

November 20, 2014





alledaagse huishoudelike benodigdhede soos sigarette en yskoue koeldrank teen billike pryse beskik. Die behulpsame toonbankassistent het bevestig dat die winkel aan sy oom, wat nie op die perseel woon nie, behoort en dat die beplande ontwikkeling dié van ‘n ander entrepreneur is. Geen kommentaar kon teen druktyd van die munisipaliteit FOTO’S: BARRY VILJOEN verkry word nie. Een van die afdakke wat op die sypaadjie in Hauptfleischstraat opgerig word.

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NEW SHOWROOM 68 Nelson Mandela Drive

Community representative David Mbombi with the cake made for the celebration. To the left is programme director Shega Rametsi. PHOTOS: YOLANDE NEL

Extension 106 commemorates year of suffering YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The invitation was a rather exceptional one extended for a celebration of another kind. The commemoration of a year within the fenced-in area of Extension 106 where a portion of a community was left to their own devices after relocation from Disteneng outside Polokwane on 16 November 2013. Braving an icy wind and the promise of rain in the distance, a small community joined in a programme aimed at highlighting alleged suffering at the hands of Polokwane Municipality. Against the backdrop of makeshift structures, rubble, an ant heap, a desolate landscape and despair over their future they still danced to revolutionary songs. Later on there was cake and soft drinks to share. Speaking on behalf of the community, David Mbombi took occupants of 33 shacks constructed within the designated area back to a year ago when they were relocated from Disteneng by Polokwane Municipality while under the impression that the trucks transporting their belongings was heading to permanent sites at Extension 78 opposite the road. From the onset they were informed that they would temporarily have to settle there for three months only, but a year later they were still there and left without services, facilities or development, he indicated. “There is no future here,” he said while emphasising that Polokwane Municipality did not

fulfil its initial promise. According to him they were fighting for freedom, service delivery and permanent yards for those living there. “We don’t know why the municipality is punishing us.” Mbombi continued remarking that their journey was a long walk. “It’s history. We’ve walked for long. We must focus on our journey looking forward.” He reiterated the demand for President Jacob Zuma and Premier Stan Mathabatha to visit the site. Referring to the word “No” painted on the doors to shacks, he indicated there was no way forward unless they were being relocated to Extension 78. “We must stand up and say no! Amandla!” he chanted, followed by a chorus of individuals who joined in.

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A member of the community, Dikeledi Motebejane dances with photos depicting the journey thus far travelled by the occupants of shacks at Extension 106.


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A little girl was among those who attended Sunday’s commemoration.



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Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014



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November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer


52 Wilge Street • Flora Park • 0699 Polokwane • Limpopo Province PO Box 4701 • Polokwane • 0700 Tel: +27 15 296 1237 Cell: +27 82 693 4727 Fax: +27 86 665 3242 Email: madulo@telkomsa.net or maduloguesthouse@gmail.com Website: www.maduloguesthouse.co.za PHOTO: HERBERT RACHUENE

Some of the community members using the outdoor gym equipment at a recreational park in Seshego Zone 2.

Thug haven turned into park of hope HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za A recreational park in Seshego Zone 2 that was a hot spot for thugs and the scene of a hive of criminal activities has been transformed into a space that the community can enjoy. Residents of the area these days describe the park as the perfect place to unwind and relax with family and friends. Phuti Masebe recalled when the park was still new in 2003. He said it used to be one of the most popular places to relax and unwind. “I remember there was a popular song by Mafikizolo called Emlanjeni (A tranquil place near the river) and residents named the park after that song, because they enjoyed going there.” Masebe called to mind the many musical activities on weekends with various artists performing for locals. Things however turned bad when Polokwane Municipality stopped taking care of the park and it became a spot for criminal activities. “People got mugged almost

every day and it became one of the less visited areas,” Masebe said. Following concerns raised by community members the municipality decided revamp the park to rid it of its previous unfavourable reputation. Spokesperson for Polokwane Municipality, Tidimalo Chuene said work is underway at the park in order to equip it to be a facility that is beneficial to residents around it. “It is hoped that the improvement will work towards encouraging healthy lifestyles and rid the park of its previous unfavourable reputation. Outdoor gym equipment has been installed from funds donated by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. We have also put in place a new irrigation system supported by a borehole installed by the municipality. This improved facility will be open for public use after an official launch. The date of the launch and names of participants will be communicated to the media as soon as it has been finalised with all the relevant stakeholders,” Chuene said.


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Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014

Mourning or ignorant of protocol? >> Flag to be lowered at sunset or during stormy weather >> Flag to be treated with dignity and respect

Volume 432, number 22356 dated 8 June 2001. The instructions contained in the Gazette is quite clear that the national flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset, except for the special flag that is flown at the Union Buildings and that is illuminated at night. It is evident that the flag at Ledet’s offices is never lowered and stored at night and flown even when it is raining. The BARRY VILJOEN instructions also stipulate that the >>barryv.observer@gmail.com flag may only be flown half-mast as a sign of mourning on instruction of ne of the two national flags the Presidency. In such an event there that are permanently deployed is even a prescription of how the flag in front of Evridiki Towers, the should be hoisted and lowered. offices of the Department of Economic In conclusion, the instructions prescribe that the national flag “must at all times be treated with dignity and respect”. It is prohibited for the flag to touch the floor or ground, to be used as a tablecloth or be draped in front of a platform, to be used to cover a statue, plaque, cornerstone etc at unveiling or similar ceremonies or to be used to start or finish any competition, race or similar event. Polokwane Observer on 9 October reported that Premier Stan Mathabatha appealed to citizens of Limpopo to treat the national flag with the dignity it deserves and for every household to have a flag when he officiated at the Heritage Day celebrations that took place at Lephephane Village near Tzaneen. The Department was rePHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN quested to comment but none The two national flags flown in front of Evridiki Towers in Hans van Rensburg Street. was forthcoming at time of The one on the right is upside down and has been flown half-mast for no reason for going to print. more than a month.


Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) in Hans van Rensburg Street has been flown half-mast and barely clinging to its withered rope for more than a month. To make matters worse, the flag is also displayed upside-down. Polokwane Observer is not aware of any current order from the Presidency for government offices to display the national flag half-mast and has to assume that the Department is ignorant or in breach of the instructions regarding the flying of the national flag that was published by the Presidency vide Government Notice no 510 in Government Gazette

EFF elects provincial structure YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Limpopo elected an uncontested provincial leadership structure during its weekend Provincial People’s Assembly at Mahwelereng outside Mokopane. It was learnt that Michael Mathebe was affirmed as provincial chairperson, with Rendani Munyai as his deputy. Jossey Buthane was voted in as Provincial Secretary and George Raphela as Deputy Provincial Secretary. Brenda Mathebula is the Treasurer of the structure in the province. Sixteen more members were chosen as additionals to the provincial leadership structure.

November 20, 2014





Buthane afterwards summarised the gathering as a very productive assembly where issues affecting the organisation were discussed. The one-day assembly, addressed by EFF Commander-in-Chief (CIC) Julius Malema, got insight into what needed to be done in growing the organisation and improve the discipline of individual members, he said. The high discipline and morale of their fighters displayed the confidence they were having in their leadership, Buthane remarked. The EFF in the province is currently preparing for the by-elections in Mogalakwena scheduled for next Wednesday and the national assembly expected to be held from 13 to 16 December.

Do the right thing; report fraud for improved service delivery BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Municipality supports International Fraud Awareness Week (16 to 22 November), which is dedicated to fraud awareness, detection and prevention. Locally the campaign will encourage municipal employees, communities and all stakeholders to proactively take steps to minimise the impact of fraud by reporting it. “We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethical conduct and have adopted a zero tolerance to fraud and corruption. Any fraud or corruption committed against the mu-

nicipality is a major concern to Council as service delivery is often compromised by these acts. All fraud and corruption cases are investigated and followed up by the application of all remedies available within the full extent of the law and the implementation of appropriate prevention and detection controls,” said Tidimalo Chuene, Communications and Marketing Manager of the municipality. Fraud and corruption cases can be reported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year anonymously on CDM’s Anti-fraud Hotline on 0800 20 50 53. The email address is cdm@tip-offs.com and faxes may be directed to 0800 00 77 88.


Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Finalists in the Miss Limpopo Teen competition are Tlalane Ramoneta, Cleo-Anne Manamela, Andile Neluvhalani, Tshepiso Choshane and Tshego Monyepao. Photos: Yolande Nel


Current Miss Limpopo Teen, Tiané Ströh, and her second princess, Rethabile Monyane, also participated in Friday evening s programme.

Obakeng Kgwedi, Talane Mahlatjie, Jané Bacher, Ramolau Letebele and Mikateko Nkuna.

Miss Lim/Teen finalists strut leggy stuff YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


or the first time in the history of the Miss Limpopo/Teen pageant two pairs of siblings are competing for the most prestigious titles in the province. Pageant committee organiser René Kidd confirmed it was the very first time for two siblings to compete in different categories of

the competition. While Tlalane and Khomotso Ramoneta are contending in the respective Miss Limpopo Teen and Miss Teen categories, the same counts for Jané and Zelmari Bacher. The finalists in the annual Miss Limpopo/ Teen competition strutted their leggy stuff in the company of a select audience of judges, sponsors and supporters who gathered for a meet and greet on Friday evening. Thanks went to the respective sponsors of the pageant

Contending in the Miss Limpopo pageant are Sharon Mdingi, Khomotso Ramoneta, Lebogang Ratabana and Kedibone Mohlapamafsi.

after a brief introduction and short show-off on a ramp at House of Asante Spa in Polokwane. The event formed part of a busy programme, which would include horse riding at Tembele Equestrian Centre in Dalmada, a late afternoon drive through Polokwane Game Reserve courtesy Nature’s Way and a bikini shoot at Eltasha Guest House this weekend. Kidd complimented their accommodation sponsor, saying they were treated as part of an extended family at the

Mosiah Tau. Both Mosiah and Ivy Mabunda were apparently delayed due to prior exam commitments in Gauteng.

family-run business located in Dalmada. The glitzy grand finalé is scheduled to be held at Sun Meropa on 6 December when the queens and princesses as well as winners of the respective Miss Photogenic, Miss Congeniality, Top Model and Beauty With A Heart categories would be crowned. Single tickets for the gala dinner sell at R350, include dinner and can be purchased from House of Asante Spa at 29 Jorissen Street or secured through the finalists.

Zelmari Bacher, Amanda Chauke, Muofhe Mudau and Millet Kae all have their eye on the Miss Limpopo title.


SANBS recognises blood donors and friends

November 20, 2014

22 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Second biggest national blood service in the world >> Only one chance to save a life

Barry Viljoen, member of the Editorial Staff of Polokwane Observer, receives the Friend of the Service Award on behalf of the paper, from Willem van der Merwe, Head of Marketing at SANBS.

he annual awards function of the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) in Limpopo took place on Friday evening in recognition of the contribution by donors and friends of the service. In the category “Friends of the Service”, Polokwane Observer, among others, was recognised for support to the SANBS. Tokens of appreciation were also handed to donors who reached various levels of donorship. The highest was Pieter Snyman, who donated 225 units of blood over the last 56 years and has touched the lives of 675 patients in need of blood. Alex van Dyk, who lost both his legs after a motor cycle accident and received 61 blood transfusions during his hospitalisation, addressed guests and expressed his sincere gratitude to the SANBS and blood donors who saved his life. Dotty Pinn, Public Relations Officer of SANBS, welcomed the guests and said that the SANBS collected 800 000 units of

blood over the last year and that 3 000 units of blood is needed per day. Referring to the commitment of donors, Pinn said that it takes between 15 and 20 years to donate 75 units of blood and that 75 units of blood can touch the lives of up to 225 people in desperate need of blood and blood products. Dolphus Khumalo, Northern Zone Technical Manager of SANBS, delivered the key note address and said that ever since it was recognized almost 80 years ago that human to human transfusion of blood to sick patients significantly improved the patients’ health and often saved their lives, the main challenge has been to constantly have sufficient blood donors to meet the demands. With ongoing progress in technology for health care and the invention of new treatments and procedures for various illnesses, the demand for blood and blood products has increased significantly over the decades and as yet there are no suitable red cell substitutes that can replace human blood. “On a daily basis, SANBS provides blood to more than 500 hospitals and this entails

staff moving blood around between provinces and towns to ensure that blood is available where it is required. We employ 2 350 staff members, working seven days a week to process, test, transport and issue blood to all parts of the country using a fleet of 370 SANBS vehicles and external couriers. We place emergency group O blood in 416 fridges in rural areas so that blood is available for accident victims and patients with acute illness,” said Khumalo. Khumalo alluded to the fact that despite the various challenges that the SANBS faces with prevalence of various viruses in South Africa, it is extremely proud of the safety of its blood supply. Since the introduction of state of the art DNA technology to test for HIV and Hepatitis B and C in October 2005, the SANBS did not have any reported incident where a patient got infected with HIV and after transfusing almost 8 million blood products. “The effort of donors over many years in contributing selflessly can be aptly described as service to mankind of the highest order,” Khumalo concluded.

Pieter Snyman was the top donor with 225 units behind his name. He receives his gift of recognition from Alex van Dyk, who is also a blood donor. Photos: Barry Viljoen

Christoffel Pienaar who donated 200 units, with Alex van Dyk.

Maria van Schalkwyk receives her gift from Alex van Dyk to recognise her contribution of 150 units.

Callie Reynolds receives his token of appreciation for 75 units donated from Talent Mawela, Clinic Supervisor at SANBS.

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


Photo: Supplied

Mahwelereng: Cnr N11 & Dudu Madisha Dr, Moshate Cross Rd, Mahwelereng Polokwane Central: Cnr Boom & Excelsior Streets, Pietersburg (opposite railway crossing). Tel: 015 - 297 4652/5. Seshego Cnr Nelson Mandela & Madiba Park Crossing, Seshego (next to Sasol Garage). Tel: 015 - 223 2058. Mokopane: (Potgietersrus): 2 Sussex Road, Mokopane (opposite MGM Motors). Tel: 015 - 491 2488.




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November 20, 2014

CRIME shorts


Three arrested for alleged rhino poaching

Three suspected rhino poachers arrested last Friday remain in custody and will appear in the Hoedspruit Magistrate’s Court next week when they are expected to apply for bail. Abdul Sinhle Nyalungu, Samkelo Sithole both from Hazyview as well as Alvas Cornelius Mnisi from Alexandra were arrested by Police and park rangers from a private game reserved just outside Hoedspruit after they allegedly killed and dehorned two rhinos. “During the arrest Police confiscated an unlicensed hunting rifle with a silencer and ammunition, three rhino horns, an axe, three knives and two cell phones,” Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said. The two dead rhinos were recovered and the rifle has been taken for ballistic testing to determine if it was used during the commission of the crime, Mulaudzi added. Police investigations are also underway to determine if the three suspects can be linked to any other criminal activities. They are facing charges of illegal hunting of protected game and possession of unlicensed firearm.

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Alleged rape suspect arrested

A 24-year-old man from Bolobedu was arrested and appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court on Monday on a charge of allegedly raping his grandmother (82). The case was postponed until next week for bail application. “Early on Saturday morning the man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, allegedly demanded the keys to the house of the elderly woman he stayed with. The suspect allegedly forced his way into the house, attacking the old frail lady by strangling her until she lost consciousness and then allegedly raped her,” Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said. After regaining consciousness minutes later, the alleged victim apparently alerted the neighbours who in turn called her daughter and the Police. The victim was taken to hospital and a search simultaneously launched for the suspect. The 24-hour operation yielded good results on Sunday when the suspect was arrested in a nearby village where he had supposedly been hiding

Most wanted suspects arrested

Vincent Mthembi who allegedly terrorised the community of Sekhukhune and surrounds for the past three weeks was arrested on Sunday when Police cornered him during an alleged robbery in Namakgale. “Mthembi was linked to more than 20 serious cases which amongst other include murder, house and business robberies and Police recently called in the help of the media to circulate his photo in order to help apprehend him,” Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said. During his arrest police confiscated an unlicensed 9 mm firearm and some presumably stolen items which included clothes and electrical appliances. Mthembi and his accomplice Mishack Mhlongo appeared before the Namakgale Magistrate’s Court on Monday facing charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition, house robbery and possession of suspected stolen property. The case was remanded to 25 November for further investigation. Mthembi will be transferred to Sekhukhune where he is wanted on several cases of alleged murder, attempted murder and business robberies, Mulaudzi said.

Drug peddler arrested

A Nigerian man who is suspectedly part of a drug syndicate in Limpopo was arrested by Tzaneen Police on Saturday. He appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Monday and the case was remanded to next week for bail application. According to Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi the name of the man cannot be revealed as it might hamper further investigations. “The 29-year-old was arrested during a joint operation by the Tactical Response Team, K9 Unit and Crime Intelligence. Police received information that the suspect was allegedly involved in drug peddling after which they raided his house. During the search Police confiscated 12 ecstasy tablets, 2 cocaine rocks worth approximately R10 300, a scale and an undisclosed amount of money,” Mulaudzi said. The man faces charges illegal possession and selling of drugs.



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November 20, 2014

24 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Municipality is giving Grade 12 learners or first year students who wish to further their studies at a recognised public institution of higher learning within South Africa an opportunity to apply for bursaries for the 2015 academic year. Earlier this year the city council adopted the 2030 Smart City Vision as a tool that will guide Polokwane towards being a city that embraces the conveniences of modern technology while at the same time pursuing development in a sustainable manner. “The need for sufficiently skilled and intellectually capacitated citizens becomes immediate if we are to realise this

Polokwane Municipality offers bursaries

vision. Skills development is also envisaged in the National Development Plan as a catalyst to economic growth. Learners in Grade 12 or first year students at a university, university of technology or college for further education and training are invited to apply for bursaries. The bursaries shall cover tuition fees payable directly to the institution,” Tidimalo Chuene, Communications and Marketing Manager of the municipality, explained. To qualify, applicants should be in Grade 12 or studying towards a first degree or national diploma, be permanent residents of Polokwane municipal area, be from a disadvantaged background and not currently benefitting from any bursary scheme. Preference shall be given to fields of study like Engineering, Finance, Urban

and Regional Planning, Transportation and Environmental Studies, being the identified scarce and critical skills within Polokwane government institutions and business enterprises, but candidates from other disciplines may also apply. Application forms are obtainable at office 903 in the Civic Centre or on the municipal website: www.polokwane.gov.za. A certified copy of the applicant’s latest Grade 12 results, proof of provisional admission to a recognised institution of higher learning, proof of residence in the form of a confirmation letter from a local Ward Councillor or authorised Traditional Leader and proof of income of parents/


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R349 950 onco • Sunroof • PDC • Xenon lights • DVD Player • Keyless go • Keyless entry • DISTRONIC • Navigation • Electronic seats • 6-Disc CD changer • Headlamp washers • Fully loaded

Contact: 076 578 6520 POLOKWANE BASED ORGANISATION HAS FOLLOWING POSITIONS AVAILABLE: 1. Retail Store Manager 2. Admin Assistant 3. Interior Designer with CAD skills 4. Store Assistant – Holiday Work Relevant experience necessary. Please state which position you’re applying for. Applicants may submit applications for only one position. Applications for multiple positions will not be considered. Own transport necessary. Apply via email to publish.cv@gmail.com or fax 086 775 5598

guardians should accompany the application. “The municipality has already raised R1,284 million through the 2014 Mayoral Charity Golf Day, which was held in October. Some of the money will be going towards the Executive Mayor’s Bursary Fund for 2015. More than 40 students are currently benefitting from the municipality’s bursary scheme for the 2014 academic year at an amount of over R1,3 million. They are registered for further studies in fields such as Chemical and Electrical Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Studies, Finance, Auditing and Law,” Chuene concluded. The closing date for applications is 12 December 2014. Enquiries should be directed to the municipality’s Training and Skills Development team on 015 290 2211 or 290 2344.

Ledet hosts Youth Franchise Expo The Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism (Ledet) in collaboration with the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) is staging the inaugural Limpopo Youth Franchise (Lyfe) Expo at Bolivia Lodge this week. The exhibition which has been dubbed LYFE will bring together various franchisors, franchisees and professional service providers to encourage franchising as a viable business opportunity platform. This initiative has been positioned in line with the Global Entrepreneurship week celebrations. The province has seen tremendous growth opportunities for new businesses to thrive. The introduction of franchises will offer the local populous to look at tried and tested business models that can be beneficial to them and their communities. The department with its partners will also guide interested parties on funding models that are available for setting up as a franchisee and guidelines that go with being a franchisor. The purpose of the expo is to encourage the development of new business models that can be set up as franchises that can be syndicated to the rest of the country and intimately to the world. The showcase will offer free workshops ranging from basic information on acquiring a franchise to choosing the right franchise for your personality and environment. The expo will also feature success stories of local entrepreneurs that have had great experiences with franchising to the point that they ended up acquiring more sites.

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer



November 20, 2014

26 OBSERVER The new face of Café Pavillion polokwane

Grand re-opening

Manager Lina Tsebe and owner, Leanne Soupionas

Leanne: 083 307 8820

Mon to Sun - 09:00 to17:00 | Café Pavillion, Polokwane Join us for Festive Night Shopping, 5 December 17:00 Till late

The new face of Café Pavillion

Tel: 015 291 5359 Cell: 079 671 3865 Fax: 086 642 3767 Email: admin@cafepavilion.co.za

Church Street South (Next to Sterkloop Home & Garden) www.cafepavilion.co.za

Pavilion Function & Conference Centre • Tea Garden • Boma with braai Kiddies Play Area • Inside Sit-down Restaurant

Sunday Buffet EVERY SUNDAY

from 11:00 to 14:00 R59 per person

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Order online: www.cafepavilion.co.za/platters OR phone 015 291 5359/079 671 3865 for the menu

We are the host for your perfect function

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Phone us on 079 671 3865 for a quotation or go to www.cafepavilion.co.za.

Conferencing special FULL DAY PACKAGE Phone us on 079 671 3865 for a quotation

R129 pp all inclusive

November 20, 2014


OBSERVER 27 polokwane


Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Newly crowned Miss Face of Savannah 2014, Sarah Magagane (middle), with her First Princess, Palesa Mpja, iCollege Campus Manager, Rick Botha, Second Princess Emma Baloyi and Face of Savannah 2013, Caitlin Harty.

Patricia Baloyi, Mrs Face of Savannah (second from right), Caitlin Harty, former Miss Face of Savannah, Inneke van der Walt, First Princess and Elitha Lee, Second Princess.

Local beauty crowned The Face of Savannah 2014 >> ‘Best initiatives by the Mall’ >> ‘She will be Mall ambassador’

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


Photos: Hebert Rachuene

Sarah Magagane, Miss Face of Savannah 2014 is congratulated by Karen Botha, Marketing Manager for Savannah Mall and Caitlin Harty, The Face of Savannah 2013.

Caitlin Harty, Miss Face of Savannah 2013, Rebotile Letshedi winner of the 6 – 9 years category, and the runners up Wilma Lee and Phindu Tshvengwa.

arah Magagane, a 23 year old student and part time Lecturer in Computer Literacy at the University of Limpopo was crowned The Face of Savannah 2014 at a glittering event held at the centre’s Banking Mall on Saturday . Magagane, who has aspirations of being Miss South Africa, battled for the honours against other seven hopefuls from Mankweng, Lephalale, Polokwane, Seshego and Zebediela. The 1,8 m tall model took home an iCollege study voucher worth R24 000, a Guess handbag and travelling bag as well as vouchers from Virgin Active. “It never crossed my mind that one day I will win a competition of such magnitude. It was a tough competition, which could have been won by anyone but I am glad to have been chosen as the winner,” Magagane said. She dedicated the title to her little brother, Joseph who pushed her to enter the competition. “He is such an inspiring young man. I was reluctant to enter the competition because I was still recovering from missing out on being a

Miss Limpopo Finalist, but he said the competition would bring back my confidence and it did. I thank him for that,” Magagane said. She also stated that she was sure that the title would open doors for her in the modelling world. “I think this is one of the best initiatives by the mall ever because it is open to everyone, well supported and definitely opens doors for the winner.” Savannah Mall Marketing Manager, Karen Botha said they are happy for Magagane to have won the title. “She has all the qualities we were looking for. She will be an ambassador for the mall for the coming year and will make appearances at the mall on special occasions,” Botha said. The beauty pageant was contested in several categories including Mrs Face of Savannah, the category for married women who are also parents. The category winners were: Anze Esterhuizen (2 - 5 years), Rebotile Letshedi (6 - 9), Kaylee Fisher (10 -13), Temieke Streicher (14 - 16) and Zodwa Mdingi (17 - 20). Patricia Baloyi was crowned Mrs Face of Savannah. Botha said that they wanted to give everyone, from toddlers to married women a chance to show their beauty and elegance.

Caitlin Harty, Kaylee Fisher, winner of 10 -13 years category and the runners up Seja Kgopa and Tshepang Ratiba.


Temieke Streicher, winner of category 14-16 years, middle, with the runners up, Jane Bacher (left) and Dimpho Sekhaolelo. The former Face of Savannah, Caitlin Harty is on the right.

Zodwa Mdingi, winner of 17-20 years category, Rick Botha, iCollege Campus Manager and runners up, Zelmari Bacher and Abigail Sethosa.

Anze Esterhuizen, winner of the 2 -5 years category, with runners up Paballo Selelo and Matsi Kagisho.


A key player in mining, engineering and water drilling

November 20, 2014



qua Rock Drills (ARD) is a family owned business that was established in 2008 and now operates from their new premises at 69 Koper Street, Laboria, Polokwane. ARD manufactures drill rigs for water, mine, pole hole and exploration and their area of expertise is to supply rigs and drilling services. They work extensively in Limpopo as well as Mpumalanga and even KwaZuluNatal and have handled extensive contracts in Mozambique for both private clients and government. This is only possible because ARD has a fleet of custom built and equipped vehicles; the vision and practical experience of a team of specialists in the industry as well as a dedicated workforce that combine to give the client value for money and the highest quality service possible. The company consists of several divisions, each resorting under one of the four owners, Kosie Venter, Roulph Nel, Schalk Smith and Frikkie Britz. Venter (083 280 9089) handles the company’s vast clientele, both overseas and locally, in terms of contracts, sales and client relations. Nel (083 272 0379) is in charge of the division for designing and manufacturing of drill rigs, equipment and general engineering. The division prides itself on cutting edge engineering and offer all round service be it on site with the client or at their modern workshop. Their drilling machines are South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) approved and manufactured according to mining protocols. Aqua Rock Drills are agents of and service DOOSAN Compressors. They are also the official distributors of ELGI Compressors in Limpopo and offer

expert maintenance and service on both brands. They do repairs, services, maintenance and refurbishing of drill rigs and compressors for all existing contract drillers. Smith (083 443 5921) oversees the water managing, consulting and borehole drilling division which specialises in standard boreholes, difficult ODEX boreholes, mineral exploration, water testing and complete installations. When it comes to professional and precision made accessories for drilling supplies such as hammers, bits, bit sharpeners, steel casings, PVC casings, pumps, tanks, pipes, oil and drill foam it will be hard to beat the team led by Britz (072 632 0388). ARD’s ability to manufacture these high quality accessories are a bonus to clients when it comes to prices and availability As specialist suppliers of drill rigs

and equipment, all under one roof ARD undisputedly dominates the field nationwide with satisfied clients ranging government to the mining sector (both national and international) ARD wants to make its presence known to vibrant Polokwane. Visit their factory and see the products and services they offer. For more information call the office: 015 293 2177/015 293 2158 or go to www.aquarockdrills.co.za

Tel: 015 293 2158 • 015 293 2177 Website: www.aquarockdrills.co.za

Attention, all drilling contractors!

Now open in Koper Street, Laboria Polokwane

We do drilling for private customers

• High pressure compressors • Pole hole, water drilling, mine, RC drill machines • Repairs on all types of drill machines and compressors • General engineering works • Drilling equipments

Handgetooi vir die Kers-gee YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


et handgemaakte items wat geredelik beskikbaar is, is idees vir unieke Kersgeskenke dié tyd van die jaar volop. Besoek die vele Kersmarkte wat tans in en om Polokwane aan die gang is om geskenke bymekaar te maak vir Kerskouse wat nog voor Oukersaand gevul moet word. Indien geld skraps is, is daar steeds genoeg inspirasie vir enigeen met ‘n kunstige hand om self iets te maak wat gekoester sal word. Die moontlikhede is oneindig as dit kom by onthougoed wat die hart sal steel. Dit is nie nodig om

‘n banklening aan te gaan vir ekstra geskenkuitgawes nie. Iets kleins of ‘n daad met sorg deurdink kan net soveel vreugde inhou. Die trefkrag kan in ‘n stuk sylap of ‘n serp lê. In ‘n sak met tooisels wat gemaak is uit stukke oorskietlap. In ‘n boek wat selfs op die afslagrak uitgesnuffel is. In ‘n stuk poësie of inspirerende woorde wat met die hand op fyn papier oorgedra en met ‘n lint saamgebind is. ‘n Joernaal vir wanneer die gedagtegang onbeheersd die vlug neem. ‘n String glaskrale in ryk kleure wat met sorg saamgeflans is, behoort heelwat goedkoper as ‘n gekoopte weergawe te wees en die maker sowel as die ontvanger genot te verskaf. Gebruik die natuur as inspiriasie vir die Kersfees-gee. ‘n Voëlnessie wat vergete aan die onderpunt van die tuin aangetref word of ‘n gerf blomme saamgebind met ‘n stuk goiingtou sal menige hart verbly. Eksotiese gegeurde tee in ‘n blikkie uit

Feesgety 2014

‘n ander wêrelddeel is gepas vir die liefhebber van invloede van elders en ‘n eeue-oue tradisie. Dekoritems is grotendeels wenners as dit by ‘n geskenk vir ‘n huishen kom. ‘n Mooi lap vir hang oor ‘n stoel of glas vir ‘n kers sal ‘n uitstalplek kry. Steek ‘n gekleurde hart of twee uit seepsteen gekerf onder ‘n glaskoepel weg. ‘n Pakkie foto’s in ‘n houtdosie met kwistige verfhale afgewerk kan die inslag vir ‘n hoekie met bêregoed bied. ‘n Kissie met glasbottels in verskillende groottes met ‘n enkele stingel in elk behoort summier ‘n rusplek te hê. Vir ‘n ontvanger met ‘n vlytige hand behoort ‘n ou meubelstuk – ‘n stoel, tafeltjie of dalk ‘n uitstalrakkie van hout - wat self opgedollie kan word ure se kreatiwiteit te verseker. Gee ‘n spul linte van verskillende lengtes met hangertjies wat die oog vang aan die punte vir ophang in ‘n boom, aan ‘n balk of ‘n haak; met die gedagte dat die versameling oor

November 20, 2014





die jare heen sal groei. Smulgoed is nie te versmaai nie. ‘n Koekblik met kolwyntjies versier met fantasiefigure of andersins mooi verpakte sjokolade of fudge in verskeie geure is gewaarborg om enige soettand se hart te verbly. ‘n Bottel plaaslikvervaardigde heuning in ‘n glashouer sal handig te pas kom tydens die voorbereiding van die weeklikse Sondagmiddagete. Of ‘n wit kartonboksie soos die een van Dean & Deluca gevul met lekkernye wat Dr Hannibal Lecter in die film Hannibal aan boord van ’n vliegtuig na sy volgende bestemming saamkarwei. Dis natuurlik nie nodig om in dié geval die spyskaartidees tot op die letter te volg nie. Nooi ‘n vriendin vir ‘n noenmaal in haar tuin met rooiwyn en peuselgoed wat die perfekte pasmaats vir ‘n uitgerekte kuier is wat tot in die agtermiddag strek. In ‘n moderne bestaan gekenmerk aan ‘n ewigdurende gejaag is die uitnodiging vir ‘n luilekker middag in die natuur met ‘n sielsgenoot iets wat beide sal bybly. Wat dit ook al is, laat dit gepaard gaan met ‘n eiesoortige boodskap uit die hart.


November 20, 2014

32 OBSERVER polokwane

Festive Season 2014

Foto: barry Viljoen

Personeel van die Polokwane Kinderen Gesinsorgvereniging se winkel vir gebruikte klere is Grace Vorster (assistent), Karin Kotze (winkelbestuurder) en William Shai (assistent).

Kindersorg benodig skenkings vir feesseisoen LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


et die wete dat Kersfees al hoe nader kruip, is sommige persone opgewek en ander weer erg mismoedig. Die rede daarvoor is dat baie eenvoudig net nie meer Kersgeskenke en speelgoed vir hul kinders kan bekostig nie Die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging se winkel in Library Gardens het ’n wye verskeidenheid gebruikte items, van huisware tot klere, teen sakpaspryse wat net so goed onder die Kersboom of in die Kerskous sal werk.

Karin Kotze, winkelbestuurder van die afgelope twee jaar, sê sy geniet dit om daagliks nuwe kliënte by die winkel te ontmoet. “Hoewel ons tans ‘n tekort aan speelgoed vir die Kerstyd het wat nader kruip en skoene het, hoop ons om intussen nog heelwat skenkings te ontvang,” sê sy. Ondersteun die winkel en maak ‘n verskil in iemand se lewe. Items wat nie meer ‘n plek in jou huis het nie, is welkom. Skenkings kan by die vereniging se kantoor in Hans van Rensburgstraat 61 afgelaai word. Items kan selfs tuis opgelaai word as ‘n reëling getref word. Skakel Lorette Bosch by 015 297 3326/7 of 084 547 0886 vir meer inligting.

Keep safe when exercising RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

A big thank you to all our loyal clients for their support throughout 2014. We wish you a happy Festive Season and a Prosperous New Year!

BRADBURY’S AUTO BODY Tel: 015 293 2029 Fax: 015 293 2021 Cell: (a/h) 083 289 9659 Email: corne.bradburys@gmail.com 82 Silicon Street, Ladine, Polokwane PO Box 3517, Polokwane

With the summer holidays and Festive Season approaching it is the ideal time for outdoor exercise. Recently however reports of persons being attacked and robbed while jogging have put a damper on enthusiasm. Chubb Security provided some safety guidelines for runners: • Plan your route in advance and avoid unlit, deserted and known risky or dangerous areas. • Avoid taking the same route daily. • Tell someone where you are going and the estimated return time. • If you think you are being followed, cross to the other side of the road. • If you are being followed, make your way to the nearest shop, house or service station and call the Police. • Do not enter your home when you are followed, rather go to the neighbour.

• Always have house keys ready as you will be vulnerable when you have to search for keys. • Never use earphones to listen to music when cycling, walking or running – you need to have all your senses focused. • Carry a cell phone and a mace canister either on a belt or in a travel pouch around your waist. • If possible take a dog or friend with you. Better still join a club and exercise with a group of people. • Avoid shortcuts if you know the longer route is safer. • Avoid cutting through parks as it provides criminals with hiding places. • Walk or run facing oncoming traffic. • Cycle in a single file. • Preferably wear bright coloured clothing especially when light starts to fade. • Keep to the outside of pavements and away from hedges and driveways. • Never accept a lift from a stranger.

What to do in the event of a burglary RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The Festive Season is usually characterised by increased criminal activity with especially burglaries increasing as criminals are well aware that many people are not at home during this time. Chubb Security suggests which action to take when a burglary is discovered and a number of precautions that can be taken: • If you can, leave the premises immediately. • If you turn to leave but find yourself face to face with an aggressive intruder, remain calm. Running or screaming can result in the intruder to become agitated. Tell the intruder as calmly as possible to take your belongings and leave. • The purpose of their break-in was likely robbery and if they can do that without being hindered they should not have cause for violence. • If you have managed to leave your home, call your security provider and the Police from a neighbouring business or house and remain there until the Police or security official have searched your office or home. • Another good reason not to call from you house is you may be destroying evidence. Most criminals are careless and may stay

in your office or home for a while helping themselves to food, watching television or making a call. As the security company or Police search you office or home they can usually determine the point of entry. Knowing which areas of your home are vulnerable to intruders can tell you where you need to enhance your security installation. The most common points of entry are usually the front door, first floor windows, back door, garage, basement, second floor and storing area. Consider adding an alarm system, perimeter beams, electric fencing, outdoor lighting and more secure locks on windows and doors. If tree branches grow near a window, prune them back. Once your security company and the Police have determined that the intruders have left and they have been able to do some basic assessments only then should you enter you property. You will need to report which items were stolen and their estimated value. If you took photographs of your valuables beforehand, this will assist the Police investigation. You will be able to avoid any problems and delays with insurance settlements as well as providing Police with evidence.

Feesgety 2014

It is open season in the Golf Cabriolet

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

rpm to 4 500 rpm. For those who still need more performance the Golf Cabriolet is also available in a GTi model. Making endless summer cruising even more enjoyable is

Photos: RC Myburgh

knowing that safety is paramount thanks to the Golf Cabriolet’s comprehensive active and passive safety features which resulted in it being awarded a five star Euro NCAP safety rating.

Volkswagen Polokwane Motorcity, cnr Grobler Street and Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane 015 299 8800

cnr Dahl & Thabo Mbeki streets, Polokwane 015 291 1433

We wish our valued clients a happy Festive Season and prosperous New Year. Thank you for your support throughout 2014.

The Golf Cabriolet offers the most length in its class with a luxurious interior.


Mercurius Multi Franchise


ust in time for summer the Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet with its exotic styling recently made its debut in the local market bearing all the bells and whistles needed to attract attention from prospective buyers looking for trendy fun. It takes nine seconds to lower the soft top and have the wind rushing through your hair, making it summer all year round while attracting admiration and envy. The roof can be lowered at speeds of up to 30 km/h. The Cabriolet doesn’t compromise on its good looks with the top down. Instead it presents as a sleek, dynamic creature of perpetual motion. With the roof up the Golf Cabriolet gives a nostalgic nod to previous generations of the top selling cabriolet as well as exuding a contemporary overall design. Its sporty looks are combined with versatile driving enjoyment and the chrome strip that extends all the way around to the A-pillars forms a striking visual contrast between the lower edge of the soft top and the boot lid. Cabriolet owners sometimes complain about wind noise experienced in their vehicles but with the Golf Cabriolet there is no driving noise as its sophisticated fabric roof along with the unique door and window seals set new standards for ambient noise and acoustics in cabriolets. More good news is that the Golf Cabriolet maintains its 250 litre boot capacity with the roof up or down allowing the same amount of luggage to fit in easily. The Golf Cabriolet boasts high standards of interior styling and material quality. It is packed with an abundance of features that make owing this particular cabriolet a pleasure and boasts the largest interior in length in its class and passengers will appreciate the 833 mm of generous rear legroom. Available with the award-winning 1,4 TSI engine range, the Golf Cabriolet offers and exceptional combination of power and performance, fuel efficiency and lower emissions, making it kinder to the planet. TSI engines benefit from pairing innovative direct engine technology with a turbocharger. This combination works to produce power far more effectively than normally aspirated engines. The capable 90 kW TSI engine in the Comfortline models provides 200 Nm of torque between 1 500 rpm and 4 000 rpm. The DSG version consumes 6,3 litre per 100 km with a mere 147 g/km emission rate. The potent 108 kW TSI engine uses twin charging (supercharger and turbocharger) to give the Highline models an impressive 240 Nm in a torque band that stretches from 1 500


OBSERVER 33 polokwane

A blessed Festive Season and a prosperous New Year to all our clients. Have a safe journey during this busy period. Lift the roof this summer with the Golf Cabriolet now available from Volkswagen Polokwane.

>> Roof opens in 9 seconds >> Sophisticated safety features ensures an endless summer

November 20, 2014


November 20, 2014

34 OBSERVER polokwane

Festive Season 2014

Take care of kitties, canines

Babuschka, the resident Polokwane Observer cat, already has a space booked at a local hotel for when everybody else is off to the coast this holiday... for the mere reason that she doesn’t favour slumping in a deck chair on the beach as much as she does napping in an office chair. With December generally marked by party fever and irresponsible handling of fireworks that send pets into a frenzy, it is advisable to make advance bookings for the family’s kitties or canines at a trusted facility fit for domestic animals. PHoto: Yolande Nel

Be alert this Festive Season RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


nnually the South African Police Service (SAPS) and other law enforcing agencies emphasise the importance of safety during the Festive Season to avoid becoming a victim of criminal activity. The SAPS website offers detailed safety hints and measurements on among others drugs, personal safety, safety at home and in a vehicle and in a hostage situation, withdrawal of large amounts of cash and driving under the influence of alcohol. Cash withdrawals or deposits • Alternate the days and times on which you deposit cash. • Never make your bank visits public, even to people close to you. • Do not openly display the money you are depositing while you are standing in the bank queue. • Avoid carrying money bags, briefcases or openly displaying your deposit receipt book. • It’s advisable to identify another branch nearby that you can visit to ensure that your banking pattern is not easily recognisable or detected. • If the amount of cash you are regularly depositing is increasing as your business grows, consider using the services of a cash management company. • Refrain from giving wages to your contract or casual labourers in full view of the public rather make use of wage accounts that can be provided by your bank. Personal safety • Never walk around alone and don’t talk to strangers. Be on the lookout for strange

JANPRET TREKKERS BK Giel Jansen 082 953 9481 Vic Cronje 078 400 2020 Tel: 015 293 033/1/2/3 | Fax: 015 293 1454 E-pos: sales@janpret.co.za Witklipstraat 24, Pietersburg, 0704

Dankie aan al ons kliënte vir hul ondersteuning gedurende 2014!


cars or people. • Walk in well-lit busy streets and in a group, if possible. • Make sure your home is secure and become a member of an armed response service. Be sure that you know all the emergency numbers or have them displayed in an accessible area. • Always let someone know where you are going and how long you will be gone. But think twice before advertising your impending absence on social media. Criminals also have access to Facebook and Twitter. • Avoid displaying valuables where criminals can see them. Vehicle safety • Do not leave your firearm in the motor vehicle’s glove compartment or anywhere in the vehicle – it is after all against the law. • Make sure that all the doors and windows are properly locked. • Valuable items like a laptop and camera should be put in the boot of your car. • Be aware of people coming to you and informing you that you have a flat tire. The intention can be to steal items that they see inside the car or steal your car. • Always close your windows when driving in the city centre. • If in doubt about the safety of an area, phone a Police station for advice. • Become familiar with your route before you start the trip. • Remove detachable radios and the radio face when getting out of the car. • Try to fit an alarm and/or anti-theft device in your car. • Have your keys ready in your hand as you approach your car, especially if they are difficult to find in your handbag. Scams and fraud • Never respond to emails or cell phone messages appearing to be from your bank, which request your personal details. Remember that no bank will ever ask you to confirm or update your account details by email. • Never provide your online identity number, password or Personal Identification Number (PIN) to anyone and never write them down or share them. • Do not save your internet banking password on your desktop. • Do not leave your computer unattended after you have entered your internet banking password. • Always log off or sign off at the end of a session. • Avoid doing internet banking in public areas such as internet cafés or on any computer that can be accessed by people you do not know. • Change your PIN and passwords frequently. • Put sensible transaction limits on your accounts. • Only provide your credit card details to reputable companies. • If it looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Feesgety 2014

November 20, 2014


OBSERVER 35 polokwane



Motors profile>>

November 20, 2014 >> Page 36

Lutendo Mothurwane

Dealership: Mercurius Motors What is the biggest challenge in your line of work? >> Clients’ credit records have a huge effect on the industry How do you stay at the forefront of the industry? >> By giving only the best customer service in an honest way What do prospective clients need to keep in mind when buying a vehicle? >> Motor plan and safety features

Award winning Jeep Grand Cherokee takes world by storm

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


entioning only a few of the recent awards won by the luxurious Jeep Grand Cherokee it is no surprise that

Photo: RC Myburgh

Jeep Grand Cherokee is a multi-award winner and that is why it is worth having parked in your garage.

this monster remains the preferred SUV among many vehicle owners who like to have the best of both worlds behind the steer. This year alone the Grand Cherokee has won among others the awards as best selling diesel SUV in America, top ten safest SUV,

named SUV of Texas as well as the Limited 4x4 eco-diesel which was announced the best premium standard utility. The Grand Cherokee is a powerful monster fitted with a choice of 3,6 V6, 5,7 V8, 3,0 CRD or 6,4 litre SRT8 engine. Paired with a new 8-speed gearbox it gives plenty of strength to tow up to 2 800 kg and 3 400 kg respectively. The V6 offers 209 kW and 353 Nm while the V8 engine has no limit when it comes to power delivery of 259 kW and 520 Nm. The 3,0 litre diesel engine is also a popular demand as it delivers the power you need to climb, tow and go anywhere with confidence. The transmission glides with a smooth and quick efficiency, consistently using energy to its best advantage. Its construction provides additional gears with no gain in weight, enhanced acceleration with reduced fuel consumption and increased torque with added strength to pull. The Grand Cherokee drives to engage a new stratum of automotive connoisseurs who desire a luxurious driving experience. It still offers all the fancy gadgets and features one would expect from a Grand Cherokee. Despite the bold yet elegant exterior design which clearly indicates that Jeep engineers took time to craft a vehicle with striking lines and looks to allow the Jeep to fit perfectly into any terrain, the interior is just as perfectly

designed with a luscious layout of controls. Fingertip controls on the steering wheel can instantly scroll you through a rich selection of vehicle data. It is displayed within the instrument panel on a 7� screen and contains information such as navigation, performance, capability, vehicle dynamics and vehicle alerts. Terrain Traction Management offers five selectable settings which include an Auto Mode. Selecting Mud, Sand, Snow or Rock will give you ultimate driving confidence by coordinating 12 different vehicle management systems, including throttle control, transmission shifting, transfer case and traction control. With all of this the Grand Cherokee also hosts a variety of sophisticated safety features. This monster is packed with all kinds of systems to ensure a safe journey. The safety systems include Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Parkview rear camera, front and rear park sensors, airbags, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Trailer Sway Control (TSC), rain-sensing wipers and rain brake support, Electronic Roll Mitigation (ERM), blind spot monitoring and rear cross-path detection. The new Jeep Grand Cherokee is re-imagined and re-engineered to perform heroically in all driving conditions. Visit Mercurius Motors to view a vehicle that is empowered with inspired confidence.

November 20, 2014


OBSERVER 37 polokwane

>> Dink nostalgies terug aan toeka se dae >> Terugreis in tyd

Foto’s: Elna Esterhuysen en Barry Viljoen

Inwoners van Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum wat deel was van die modeparade is Kleintjie Ferreira, Marie van Oudshoorn, Marie Oosthuizen, Melita Ramodike en Betsie Stander. Agter is Vossie Vorster, Liza Santa Rita, Martie Hattingh, Hettie Illingworth, Wilhelmina Matsaung, Serena McLaren, Dana van Wyk en Marieta de Villiers.

Onthou jy nog die dae toe… LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


nthou jy nog die dae van krimpelienrokke en pylnate, volkspele-byeenkomste, Clint Eastwood se Paint your wagon en die twist op ruk- en rolmusiek? Dieselfde vrae het Martie Hattingh aan die dink gesit toe Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum, waar sy ‘n inwoner is, ‘n hoop geskenkte klere van toeka gekry het. Haar droom het gestalte gekry met die beplanning van die sentrum se jaarlikse Kersete en ‘n modeparade is daar en dan ingesluit. Met die hulp van Annelise Bothma, bestuurder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie

(SAVF) en twee maatskaplike werkers, Serena McLaren en Marieta de Villiers, is die modeparade in ‘n jolige affêre met baie pret en onthou-jy-nog-gebeurtenisse omskep. Van die rokke wat te sien was, het besondere stories gehad. Een van die skeppings het selfs die sinkende Oceanos wat op 4 Augustus 1991 onder die water verdwyn het, oorleef. ‘n Swart- en ‘n rooinommertjie, wat steeds gewilde items in ‘n klerekas is, het ook hul verskyning gemaak. Die enigste haan onder die henne, Vossie Vorster het ‘n paar Kaapse draaie in ‘n deftige manelpak gemaak. Vir die inwoners was die modeparade ‘n groot verrassing wat hulle nog lank sal koester. Die Lexus groep het die smaaklike ete geborg.

Melita Ramodike, Wilhelmina Matsaung en Dana van Wyk.

Kleintjie Ferreira met haar elegante rooi rok uit die tagtigs. Regs: Vossie Vorster en Gloudine Smit van der Westhuizen maak ‘n swierige draai.

Martie Hattingh en Vossie Vorster uitgevat in hul kisklere.



Property profile>>

November 20, 2014 >> Page 38

Chris Herbst

Choose the right offer when buying property P

roperty inventory is currently low and demand is continually increasing in today’s market. According to Adrian Goslett, Chief Executive Officer of RE/MAX of Southern Africa some areas in the country are now experiencing multiple buyers making offers on one home. While it may be tempting for the seller to just accept the highest offer they receive, it is very important that they look at each offer in its own merit and read through the clauses of the contract. Remember that the highest offer may not always be the best offer. “This emphasises the importance of sellers working with a reputable qualified real estate professional that can guide them through the

process of what to look for when accepting an offer to purchase. In terms of the mandate given to the agent, the agent must act in the best interest of the seller and ensure that the best possible outcome is reached during a property transaction. In the instance where a homeowner has received multiple offers on their property at the same time, the highest value offer may seem like the obvious choice and is the ultimate goal at the end of the day, but there are other factors that need to be considered before deciding on which one to accept,” Goslett said. He noted that before the seller thinks about accepting an offer, they should have the following in place: Copies of any council-

Tel: 015 295 9014

WE ARE NOW ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE WEB TO LET CENTRAL CBD - Retail space: Kruger Street : 348 m² @ R24 430.00 pm. Kruger Street: 325 m² @ R22 815.00 pm. CBD - Offices: CBD East: 326 m², 110 m² and 123 m² @ R60/m². Parking available at R350/bay/m. Thabo Mbeki St: 66m² @ R110m². HAMPTON COURT A-Grade offices: 140 m² @ R140/m², plus parking ALSO: A-Grade offices: 342 m² @ R 120/m² WAREHOUSES/WORKSHOPS: Superbia: Excellent warehouse with covered load-bays etc: 2 100 m² @ R35/m² Industria: Warehouse/workshop with 2 000 m² offices @ R40 000 pm. ALL AMOUNTS QUOTED ABOVE EXCLUDE VAT. RAYMOND 082 458 4239

IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME !! BETWEEN R 300 000 AND R 400 000 1) MADIBA PARK: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen. Very neat. 2) FLAT IN LADANNA – R430 000: 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Only two units left. Act now!! BETWEEN R1M AND 1.5M 1) EDUAN PARK R1.2 M 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, sitting room, kitchen, scullery, double garage, pool & a flatlet. On a very big stand

MABATHO 083 747 2056 mabathomabotja@gmail.com MAHLASEDI PARK NEW EXTENSION 83 Stands available from R199 500.00 (only 34 stands) act fast ! BETWEEN R 350 000 and R 400 000 1) WOODHILL ESTATE- 418 m² vacant stand. BETWEEN R 400 000 and R 460 000 1) SESHEGO ZONE 2 - A 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1bathroom, Four roomed house. 2) SESHEGO ZONE 8 – R 360 000 - A lovely home with 3 sunny bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 1bathroom and a carport. Low maintenance! BETWEEN R 550 000 AND OVER 1) SESHEGO ZONE 4 - Beautiful 3 bedroomed home with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 1 bathroom and double garage 2)MAHLAKO A PHAHLA - A newly built 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 3) MAHLASEDI PARK: R650 000 - 3 Bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms 4) LEGAE LA BATHO: R750 000 - A 3 bedroom house with dining room, lounge, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, laundry and double garage on a corner stand. 5) MADIBA PARK :R550 000 - Spacious 3 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a garage. QUALIFIED BUYERS ARE WAITING: CALL YOUR AREA SPECIALIST NOW!

SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) LUXURY TOWNHOUSES IN EDUAN PARK @ R 798 000.00 (SOLE MANDATE) Spacious 100m² units each with 2 sunny bedrooms, modern bathroom, separate toilet, open-plan living area and modern kitchen, single garage. Private yard each with its own splash pool and builtin barbeque for the hot summer months!!! ( ONLY 2 LEFT !!!) 2) LADANNA HOUSE – R980 000 - 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, lounge and TV-room, 1 garage, 5 carports. Nice braai and entertainment area. (Spacious home at a great price!!) 3) FLAT: UPPER TOWN– R570 000 MIL ( URGENT and Neg) 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen and lounge with 2 Garages.(Good first time buy! Urgent sale!) 4) 2 x LADANNA FLATS – R 430 000 (Each) 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen & dining room area, 1 x carport (Investors!!!) 5) STANDS! 644 m² -R380 000 Thornhill (Urgent sale!) 682 m² -R400 000 Northview (Urgent sale!)


THEO 082 990 7275

Farms / Smallholdings For Sale SMALL Holdings / Plotte: 10 km from Mall of the North, 8,5ha, 3 houses, strong borehole – R 1 935 000-00 8 km on Dendron road, 21ha, game fenced (electric), water rich area, old house, shed @ R 2 160 000-00 Game Farms / Wildsplase: 1. Bandur: North-east of Alldays, 2000ha Game Farm with fully equipped Lodge. 2. Polokwane: 2000ha Game farm with 5-star Lodge and beautiful topography, Going concern. (± 30 km from city) 3. Polokwane: 1880ha, Game Farm within 8 000ha Game Reserve, Going concern. 4. Maasstroom: 1700ha, Geëlektrifisieerde wildwering, grasdak woonhuis 680 m², tweede huis, 6 chalets, lapa, swembad, 14ha spilpunt, 10ha drupper, buffelkampe, volop wild. Cattle Farms / Beesplase: 1. Alldays: 629Ha bosveldplaas met goeie weiding. 2. Alldays: 460Ha bosveld binneplaas met mooi bos. 3. Polokwane West: 600Ha Cattle/Game Farm.(± 20 km from city) Game fenced, excellent for Buffalo breeding. 4. Polokwane East: 4300ha, 5 title deeds, beautiful surrounds. P.O.R. Irrigation Farms / Besproeiing: 1. Baltimore: 939ha, 2 x14ha spilpunte, 28ha druppers, 600ha wildkamp, woonhuis, tabakstoor en kelder, binneplaas. LIFE STYLE FARMS: 1) DENDRON/LEGKRAAL: Wildwerende binneplaas met goeie 4 slaapkamerhuis, toegeboude lapa, mooi tuin , wildsuipings, gronddam: -134ha (implemente ingesluit) 2) Waterpoort: Toegespande speelplaas met 4 Wendyhuise, mooi lapa en sentrale kombuis,buitegeboue en boorgat. 230ha. (R2,5m) WANTED: GAME, CATTLE, IRRIGATION, LIFESTYLE FARMS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE

PHILIP 082 937 3683 philipinsa@gmail.com

ERNEST 072 696 6004 emotlau@webmail.co.za


TIME : 11:00

VENUE : 20 6th Avenue, Industria, Polokwane. INQUIRIES: Francois Goosen: 082 446 6740

HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za

FRANCOIS 082 446 6740

Is the buyer presenting a deposit? For most buyers, banks will require them to put down a minimum deposit of 10% of the purchase price of the property. In some cases they could be asked for up to 30%. The larger the deposit they have saved up, the more chances the buyer will have for obtaining the finance to purchase the property. A deposit is also a good indication of the buyer’s financial position and how serious they are about buying the home. Finance or cash? The old adage of cash is king remains ever true. Banks are also far more willing to grant finance to a buyer that requires less than 80% of the purchase price of the property. While it is generally not an issue, it is advisable to be cautious of buyers that require third parties to sign a surety on their behalf. The fewer complications involved in the financing the better, as less is likely to go wrong. What is the date of occupation? If feasible, the occupational dates should be as close to the transfer date as possible. For the most part this will ensure that unnecessary stress and complications are kept to a minimum in the event that the deal falls through. If the offer contains any suspensive conditions, the sellers should not allow occupation of the home until these conditions are met and all documentation has been signed by both the buyer and seller at the conveyance attorney. “If a seller has considered all other aspects of the offer and is satisfied, they can then consider the price of the offer. It is possible to find that a lower offer may actually be the right offer, provided the buyer has access to finance and is serious about the purchase of the property,” Goslett concluded.

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTaCT SaN: 072 159 5126

1) SECURITY ESTATE: MODERN TOWNHOUSE: R980 000.00 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, awesome kitchen, garage, private garden. Close to Mall and Thornhill shopping complex. 2) BENDOR: R2 500 000.00 Groot familiewoning met 3 leefareas, 7 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, spogkombuis, opwas plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel op groot 2 039 m² erf; swembad. 3) PLOT 17HA: R2 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, double garage, pool, lapa, electric fence, plus 2x3 bedroom flats, 2x2 bedroom flats, 2 earth dams. Scenic area. High rental income. 4) FAUNAPARK: R1 300 000.00 3 Slaapkamer familiewoning met bachelor woonstel. Groot erf. Stil area.

CONTaCT MaNIE: 083 635 0513


CONTaCT aGGIE: 082 465 8234 1) DALMADA PLOT: R1 300 000.00 4 Bedroom dwelling.

CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259

1) SESHEGO ZONE-5 – R580 000 3 Bedroom home with welcoming finishes, garage paved and walled. 2) MANKWENG – R570 000 This unique home is situated in a popular township of Mankweng where demand is high. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (one not completed) spacious lounge, separate garage plus storeroom. 3) MANKWENG – R500 000 This calls for investors, those who, because of its proximity, want to accommodate students from the university. It comprises: 2 bedrooms,bathroom,open -plan lounge and kitchen. The stand is more than 500m² in size. 4) OLD FLORA PARK –R1.2 mil. A home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 living areas, double garage, paved,space galore and well situated. WE need houses to sell around Savannah Mall. Please speak to your recognised agent today for assistance.

DATE: 27 November 2014

approved plans on the property, as well as checking all other documentation is up-to-date and correct. This will reduce the time it takes for the property to be transferred and will ensure everything goes smoothly. Ensure the contract is easy to understand and details all aspects that are to be agreed upon by both parties. This will include factors such as which items will be regarded as fixtures and fittings. Having these aspects in a written document will reduce any chance of a misunderstanding or disagreement in the future. Goslett said that when a seller is looking at each offer to purchase, there are a few points that they should pay attention to, which will assist them in the decision-making process. Is the offer subject to certain conditions? A large percentage of the offers to purchase received by sellers in the current market are subject to certain conditions transpiring first, such as the buyer selling their property before they purchase the home. Although it is uncommon that offers will be void of conditions, it is important for the seller to bear in mind that the property will be off the market while the terms and conditions are waiting to be met, should they choose to accept the offer.

Agency: ReMax Northland Realty What is the most important factor to consider when buying a house? >> Location and affordability How would you describe the current property market in Polokwane? >> Growing steadily as more opportunities arise in the city To what do you ascribe your success as property agent? >> Truthfulness and willingness to listen to a client at all times

1) FAUNAPARK: R1 300 000.00 Goed geboude woning met sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, waskamer, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, afdak vir 4 voertuie plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel. 2) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: R6 300 000.00 Dendron omgewing, 18 ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. 3) VACANT STAND OF 1 356 m² IN CELTIC LODGE: R850 000.00 4) 4 ha PLOT IVYDALE: R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, work shop and storerooms of ±1 000 m² 5) 4ha PLOT, MYNGENOEGEN: R800 000.00 Undeveloped, next to tar road. Close to schools. 6) 8.9ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R5 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms,3 living areas, granny flat with own kitchen and bathroom. There are 8 en suite chalets, big hall with kitchen, 2 big timber decks, sleeping hall for 72 guests, swimming pool, lovely garden, all electric fenced. This property can be used for weddings and other functions.

CONTaCT SOLET: 082 498 4415

1) SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE: R880 000.00 Near town and MediClinic. Consists of 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, kitchen and scullery. Outside room and bathroom. Single garage. 2) PENINA PARK: R1 185 000.00 Large family home consisting of 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, TV-room, lounge, dining room and kitchen with scullery. Double garage – neat garden with strong borehole. 3) WOODHILL: R775 000.00 Modern 2 bedroom ground floor flat with open-plan living area. Neat garden and carport.

CONTaCT STEPhEN: 082 558 3525 HOUSES + STANDS: 1) ±1 500 m² zoned 7 units R1 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room. pool. R1 700 000.00 3) PENINA PARK 3 000 m² zoned 20 Units R2 500 000.00 4) 5 700 m² Corner stand in central Polokwane (Great exposure) PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant land R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 1 000 ha – GAME FARM: R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300 ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot: R6 500 000.00 3) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game: R9 000 000.00 4) BYLSTEEL PAD 400 ha: R3 500 000.00 5) SWARTWATER 700 ha 6) MESSINA - ±2400 ha 7) PIETERSBURG 260 ha: R2 600 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development: R8 000 000.00. Monthly income ± R80 000.00 pm 2) Business Opportunity – Mankweng area. Distributing business with vehicles, 3 properties and distribution rights. Owner retiring! TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT SAN: 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: 3 Rooms with own bathroom, NO kitchen: Immediately available: R2 450.00, R2 615.00 and R2 712.00 respectively. Water and electricity included! FLATS ON PLOT: 20 KM FROM TOWN: BEAUTIFUL AREA!! 2 Bedrooms, open-plan living area, bathroom, garage: R2 850.00 Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, garage: R3 900.00 Immediately TWEEFONTEIN: Cosy 2 bedroom flat on plot: R4 300.00 Immediately. MEENTHUIS LADANNA: R5 000.00 1 Desember 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, privaat tuintjie. BENDOR: R13 800.00 Immediately Fantastic house in quiet area, 3 living areas, beautiful kitchen, pantry, study, scullery, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, electric fence, excellent security!! TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT STEPHEN: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 600 m² + 200 m² Offices Good exposure; Dendron road 2) 1 800 m² + 500 m² warehouses + 300 m² office; Nirvana Office Space: 1) 430 m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) 600 m²CBD 3) 345 m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100 m² Office in CBD 5) ±220 m² Office CBD – Marshall Street 6) 280 m² Hampton Court office 7) ±80 m² Small office – Platinum Park

Ekonomie wurg, shelters OBSERVER 39 voorsien in nood van mense November 20, 2014


>> Kos, klere en meubels ‘n groot behoefte >> Kontantbydraes is altyd welkom BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com



ie wurggreep van die ekonomie wat met grootskaalse werkloosheid gepaardgaan, noop talle individue en gesinne met kinders wat reeds hul huise en meeste van hul besittings verloor het om ‘n heenkome by shelters te vind wat in en om die stad bedryf word. Liefdadigheidsorganisasies soos hierdie maak staat op skenkings van besighede en individue wat vir hul naaste omgee en kan slegs suksesvol bedryf word as bydraes gereeld ontvang word. Myngenoegen Shelter bied ‘n heenkome vir hawelose persone bo 18 jaar wat sonder heenkome of werk is. Pieter Booyzen, voorsitter van die shelterbestuur sê daar is altyd ‘n behoefte aan afvallappies, wol, materiaalverf en kwaste, koffie, tee, suiker, mayonnaise, margarien en skoonmaakmiddels en doeke vir volwassenes. Mansklere in kleiner nommers (grootte 32 tot 36), beddegoed en gordyne is ook welkom. “Een bottel gas kos omtrent R1 000 en kontantbydraes om die shelter se maandelikse water- en elektrisiteitsrekening te betaal, kan ‘n groot verskil maak,” sê Booyzen. Die shelterpersoneel het verlede Saterdag by Platinumpark ‘n worsbroodjiestalletjie beman, wat volgens Paula Booyjens, wat saam met haar man Thys die shelter se opsigterspaar is, goed deur die publiek ondersteun is. Kontantbydraes aan die shelter kan by hul ABSA spaarrekening inbetaal word. Die rekeningnommer is 927 566 7290 en die bankkode is 632 005. Booyzen kan by 082 414 1122 geskakel word vir hulp. Ilron Rest Shelter huisves 35 hawelose of minderbevoorregte persone, waarvan drie skoolgaande kinders is en is op die Leeukuil Landbouhoewes geleë. Ronnie en Ilze Keyter bestuur die shelter en kan by 076 488 2596 en 082 411 5738 bereik word. Die Ivydale Shelter, wat op die Ivydale Landbouhoewes geleë is, word deur Mysa Horn bestuur en sy kan by 071 285 3783 geskakel word. Dié shelter huisves tans 48

Adventus Park 2 Bedroom flat, 2 bathrooms, spacious living area. R5 100 p.m. Contact Naudé & Brits Attorneys 015 296 0419


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636


Large en suite rooms with self catering facilities in safe tranquil environment. Water and electricity included. R3000 p/m

Contact Tracey 083 659 1517

minderbevoorregte persone, waarvan 12 skoolgaande kinders en tien kleuters is Hulp in Elke Behoefte (HIEB) is in Dalmada gevestig en is ‘n laekostebehuisingsprojek wat op ‘n maandelikse basis huisvesting, etes, klere, meubels en ander hulpmiddels aan minderbevoorregtes bied. ‘n Maandelikse huur en deposito is vooruitbetaalbaar en dié instansie is ook van bydraes van die publiek afhanklik aangesien die huurgeld wat ontvang word, net ‘n fraksie van die bedryfskoste van die sentrum is. HIEB se skakelpersoon is Marina Fourie en sy kan by 015 297 2008 bereik word.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Myngenoegen Shelter se worsbroodjiestalletjie is Saterdag beman deur Willie Booyzen, Paula Booyjens en Danielle Britz (voor). Agter is Ettiene Badenhorst en Thys Booyjens.



Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014

“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

makes us the obvious choice”


WEB: 335493

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2

HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING FOR A PROPERTY IN A COUNTRY ESTATE? Don’t let this chance pass you by. Classy, simple, warm home for you and your lovely family. Grab this opportunity once and for all. Please call me today! KWENA RAMMUTLA 076 090 9530 MODIMOLE

R2 200 000


R1 650 000


R1 100 000




(O) 015 297 1140 CHRISTO VAN HEERDEN 082 375 7434

(O) 015 297 1140 DINEO MOHOLOBELA 072 203 6658

(O) 015 297 1140 GERT VAN STADEN 083 386 6383

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Flatlets 3 Seeff Web: 338125


R1 900 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 313752


R 595 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 324625


R1 999 999





Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 330532

(O) 015 297 1140 HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155



R895 000

Bedrooms 2 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 338752

(O) 015 297 1140 KGOMOTSO MOKOATEDI 083 264 7038


R4 380 000



(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357


Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages 4 Seeff Web: 317663

(O) 015 297 1140 LOUISE OOSTHUIZEN 071 609 6256

R1 530 000

If architecture and brilliant design is your passion…


Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 338875

(O) 015 297 1140 SANDY SMITH 083 268 7436

Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 5 Seeff Web: 334693

(O) 015 297 1140 KARIEN JORDAAN 082 774 7957


R2 500 000



Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 338318


I will be showcasing this marvellous property this coming week.

(O) 015 297 1140 SANNELIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 493 7824


Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 337883

(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227



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Foto: Verskaf

Juan Krüger en Zelrie du Bruyn van Tommies is onderskeidelik die naaswenner en wenner van die idiome- en koppe-afdeling van die nasionale Beeld in Onderwys-kompetisie.

Twee Tommies presteer by Beeld in Onderwys RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Zelrie du Bruyn en Juan Krüger van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé is tydens Beeld in Onderwys se prestige prysuitdeling op 31 Oktober onderskeidelik as nasionale wenner en naaswenner aangewys. Zelrie is wenner in die afdeling vir koerantplakboek: koppe en Juan is die trotse naaswenner vir koerantplakboek: idiome. Larissa Janse van Rensburg het ‘n derde plek vir resensies behaal terwyl Shandré Joubert en Marné du Bruyn ‘n gesamentlike vierde plek in die spotprent-afdeling behaal het. Anja Strydom en Roeloff Smit eindig gesamentlik algeheel derde in die idiome-afdeling. Beeld in Onderwys se visie is om ‘n liefde vir lees onder leerders te kweek en ondersteun skole om Beeld as hulpmiddel te gebruik om leerders te help presteer. Beeld in Onderwys glo in die opvoeding en ontwikkeling van die jeug. In die daaglikse koerant is ‘n skatkis inligting en kennis oor onder andere lewenswaardes en werklikhede wat van onskatbare belang vir die opvoeding van die jeug is. Daar is inligting wat in elke vakgebied benut kan word en die Beeld in Onderrig-kompetisie word jaarliks aangebied.

International radio award for 1st Polokwane Scouts Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com During their recent Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), the 1st Polokwane Scout Group, call sign ZR6PS made all the necessary contacts for the sought-after WAC (Worked all Continents) 2 metre Earth Moon Earth (EME) Award from the InterPhoto: Supplied national Amateur Brian Jones, a patrol Radio Union. leader at 1st PolokwaA patrol leader ne Scout Group at 1st Polokwane passed his Class A amateur radio licence Scout Group, exam recently. Brian Jones also passed his Class A amateur radio license exam recently, upgrading from junior Class B. Class A is the highest class in South African amateur radio. During December young people around South Africa will be involved in an amateur radio project, using the special call sign ZS9YOTA. The call sign will only operate from one location at a time, according to allocated time slots and the youth will make contact with as many radio stations as possible. The 1st Polokwane Scout group will be involved in this project together with other scout groups and various youth organisations.

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer

ANTON 082 443 6039


ROSEMARY 082 804 9725



Photos: Warren Blunt

15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za


Tel: 015 295 3134

Sethole Moatshe, Manager of Creative Industries at LEDA and one of the attendees of the three-day film business workshop, Joy Boshomame.



Workshop highlights challenges facing film makers Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Some of the delegates that attended the three-day film business workshop hosted by LEDA.


EvErything wE touch turns to soLD! RETHABILE GARDENS SHOWHOUSES WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF PLANS AVAILABLE. Sunday 23 November From 10:00 – 16:00


ESSIE VIVIERS 071 391 4750 - RINA PUTTER 082 929 9171

BODORP • R1 240 000

BENDOR • R490 000

DALMADA • R3 500 000

KORAAL • R995 000

BEAUTIFUL - WELL MAINTAINED! Ref: 91344186079 Townhouse of 144 m². Walking distance from hospital. Spacious rooms - open -plan living areas, patio, garden, double volume ceilings. Lapa with built-in braai. Bar and nook. Only 6 units in complex. Worth viewing by serious buyers. 0 1 Carports 0 3 2 INA • 079 597 8636

P R I C E D TO S E L L . Ref: 91344171280 Vacant land in sought after area. Must be on your viewing list. Build your dream home with special views. A place you can call your own. Land becoming scarce. Call now!

EXQUISITE PROPERTY WITH OUTSTANDING FINISHES. REF: 91344185487 This property lends itself to lots of possibilities. Can be used as guesthouse and office space. Quiet & convenient location recently revamped with beautiful upmarket kitchen (country style) and bathroom. TV room with under floor heating. Beautiful swimming pool and lapa with sleeper bar and kitchen. One bedroom flat. A must view. Call today.

DIE HUIS IS NET VIR JULLE. Ref: 91344186194 Stil area met pragtige tuine en inwoners. Kom tree af met soveel gemoedsrus, sekuriteit en kwaliteittyd. Kontak gerus!

LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632



4 2



ESSIE • 071 391 4750


BODORP • R2 800 000

SESHEGO • R760 000

INVESTORS DREAM. Ref: 91344183041 Well built office building in a prime area within the government precinct. Modern with excellent finishes. Ample parking space and potential for further development. Income approximately R24 000 pm with 4.3% annual escalations. Call for further details - it’s worth viewing.

IMMACULATE MODERN HOUSE IN MADIBA PARK. Ref: 91344185773 A marvellous house with spacious bedrooms. Just walking distance to shops and garage. Not far away from Seshego Mall. Close to school. The yard is surrounded by walls with an electric gate. Make this yours.

JACOB • 082 466 8366

VICTOR • 073 066 6805

3 1

0 Carports 0



4 2




2 1




RINA • 082 929 9171

LEEUKUIL • R1 860 000

KALKFONTEIN • R660 000 A WELL POSITIONED PLOT IN KALKFONTEIN. Ref: 91344185483 8.5Ha plot not far from Polokwane offering a basic structure consisting of three bedrooms and one bathroom. Lockable gates and well fenced area. The plot is close to other amenities and is adjacent to the national road to University of Limpopo and Mankweng academic hospital.

22Ha OF NATURE. Ref: 990543294 More for your money. Perfectly situated. No land claims. Ideal for a big family. House has a study, lounge and laundry. Lapa for entertainment. Call today to view. 0 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632 0 Carports 1 4 2 SIMON • 082 476 8916


BENDOR • R1 305 000

MADIBA PARK • R550 000

POLOKWANE • R590 000

STER PARK • R1 850 000

DOUBLE-STOREY WONDER. Ref: 91344186056 A beautiful family home built on a stand of 414 m², double-storey with spacious bedrooms, study, lounge and dining room. The property is close to all amenities such as schools and filling stations. Call today to view. 0 2 Carports 0 JACOB 082 466 8366 4 2

PERFECT FOR GARDEN LOVERS. Ref: 91344183920 Well planned small kitchen and lots of space in the yard. Clean house and low maintenance. Lock-up garage. Call me now!

EVENTS BUSINESS WITH EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Ref: CALL FOR INFORMATION Main income from working with schools for fund raising. Other events: churches, weddings, parties, youth camps + team building. Selling large variety of equipment. Branded vehicle, website, data base of clients + quotes. This would complement an existing catering or like business that wishes to expand its service offering.

EXCELLENT LOCATION – UPMARKET AREA Ref: 91344171649 Superb family home - near to schools and shopping Centres - spacious open plan living areas with well planned kitchen. Lapa swimming pool, storeroom, bar. 3 Wendy houses - carport for 3 cars – wooden, automated garage doors as well as remote controlled gate and electric fenced - 4 security cameras are keeping an eye on your safety. Please act now to arrange a viewing.


Only one cinema is available to the residents of Polokwane and only one percent of cinemas is located in previously disadvantaged areas, with over 53% of cinemas in the country situated in Gauteng were some of the statistics highlighted by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) at a film workshop on Friday. Previously disadvantaged, aspiring film makers and scriptwriters in Limpopo attended the three-day film business workshop presented by the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA) in partnership with Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) and the DTI to network and get the latest information on opportunities available in the film industry in South Africa. The National Film and Video Foundation also partnered to assist film makers in production and post-production funding. The Manager for Creative Industries at LEDA, Sethole Moatshe said the three-day workshop is an important avenue for persons in the film industry to gather information on the latest trends both locally and internationally regarding the opportunities available to them. Other important issues addressed were the availability of finance and incentives available to film makers and film production companies. Director for Creative Industries at the DTI, Mhlanganisi Masoga said film opportunities exist to local producers in animated cartoons for children, TV soapies and documentaries in South Africa, but limited scope is available internationally. Masoga listed some interesting statistics regarding the film industry in South Africa. Among these are that a total of 20 weeks were spent on international film production in the country last year, with the most activity taking place in the Western Cape. He added that there is presently an imbalance regarding royalties, with $16 million received internationally and $66 million paid out in royalties by South Africa. Masoga added that Limpopo must market itself properly and create the infrastructure to make it a film destination of note. “Film production must experience growth in the province in order for skills development to take place and cater for the many talented new film producers coming on board,” Masoga said. On the previous day, attendees of the workshop saw the screening of two locally produced films, Elelwane, which has been nominated for The Director of Crea- an Oscar and Keleketla, a short film shot tive Industries for the DTI, Mhlanganisi in Moletji by Tumelo Semenya, a student at Masoga speaks at AFDA Film School, which the film business workshop on Friday. is supported by LEDA.

3 1

1 Carports 0

Size/m² Price


JAMES • 072 236 7310


Celtic Meadows - 91344184588 800

R456 000 Louwrens - 082 958 6632

Thornhill - 91344185298


R699 000

Jacob - 082 466 8366

Woodhill - 91344185759


R435 000

Essie - 071 391 4750

Ster Park - 91344185334

1 481

R915 000

Ina - 079 597 8636

Veldspaat - 91344177584

4 910

R1 590 000 Victor - 073 066 6805

INA • 079 597 8636






SIAS • 082 372 7265



r5, 500





r 4,500










r 8,500










r5 000




r 8,800




r 3,850




rETHaBIlE GarDENS r 4,500



Flora ParK

r 7,500




r 6,600




r 9,000




We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants!

ELMARIE - 082 977 7020

Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall

4 2



HENNIE HANTI JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE INA KOWIE RINA ESSIE JACOB SIMON 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452 082 929 9171 071 391 4750



Vision of Hope stig Polokwane-tak

November 20, 2014

42 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Die organisasie kan nie sy volle potensiaal bereik sonder die ondersteuning van besighede en individue nie


Lede van Vision of Hope Foundation in Polokwane is Brenda Koekemoer, Sanet Steyn, Annemarie Booysen, Zelda Massyn (gasspreker), Regina Erasmus (woordvoerder van die plaaslike tak) en Naomie Botes. Agter is Peter Kotze (gasspreker) en Lourens Botes.

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ngeveer 100 gaste is verlede Vrydagaand met ‘n heerlike ete tydens die stigting van Vision of Hope Foundation (VOHF) se Polokwane-tak bederf. Gaste se ingangsfooi by AGS Taberna Dei-kerksaal waar die verrigtinge plaasgevind het, was niebederfbare kos. Zelda Massyn en Peter Kotze, twee leraars van elders was die gassprekers. VOHF in Polokwane het reeds ‘n geldinsamelingsinisiatief vir Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé-matriekleerder, Anton Bosman geloods wat aan bindweefselkanker ly om mee te help om sy mediese onkoste te dek. Regina Erasmus, die woordvoerder van die plaaslike tak sê die organisasie het sy oorsprong in Musina waarna dit na Rustenburg en omliggende omgewing en nou ook na Polokwane uitgebrei het. “Dit is ‘n niewinsgewende organisasie wat daarop gemik is om minderbevoorregte en benadeelde persone

hoop te gee deur hul sosiale funksionaliteit en selfrespek te herstel. Die VOHF se werk behels berading, sosiale en welsynsdienste, onderrig, lewensvaardighede en voedselvoorsiening. Met behulp van gereelde donasies en finansiële ondersteuning deur die gemeenskap kan ons honderde en selfs duisende mense in nood help,” sê Erasmus. VOHF bedien ook gemeenskappe in Musina, Louis Trichardt, Tzaneen en Mokopane in die provinsie en hul dienste sal mettertyd feesseisoenuitreike, voedingskemas, kinderhuise, matriekondersteuning en verskeie groepsessies met tieners en volwassenes insluit. “Die organisasie kan nie sy volle potensiaal bereik sonder die ondersteuning van besighede en individue se donasies of borgskappe nie. Ons het reeds ondersteuning uit alle oorde ontvang waaroor ons baie dankbaar is,” sê Erasmus. Besoek die webtuiste www.visionofhopefoundation.com vir meer inligting of skakel die kantoor by 015 296 0293 of Erasmus by 072 644 1047.

Bolivia staff contributes to SANBS cause BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Staff members of Bolivia Lodge took advantage of the opportunity to donate blood and help save lives during a blood drive held at their work place on Monday afternoon. Nine units of blood were donated and Dottie Pinn, Public Relations Officer of the South African National Blood Service (SANBS welcomed the effort of employers to make their premises available for blood drives and

to allow staff to donate blood during working hours. “There is always a need for blood and the SANBS has donor centres in Polokwane, Mokopane, Makhado, Tzaneen and Phalaborwa. There are also two mobile teams based in Polokwane. Blood is collected and distributed at a national level to ensure that it is available at the right place, at the right time and in the right condition,” says Pinn. Businesses who wish to invite the SANBS to arrange blood drives at their premises, may contact Pinn on 082 491 8391.




WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1x 1 000m² for R18.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3km from SAB Long-term Johann Swart 082 829 5084


from R2 975.00 per month VAT, water and electricity included Covered parking at R375,00 (VAT incl.) per month.

CAll 083 268 5017

Staff member of Bolivia Lodge, Josephine Mathopa, is assisted by Piet Makwela, Donor Attendant, Rhulani Maluleke and Thatcher Malesa, both enrolled nurses, to donate her first unit of blood.

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333

suzettejacobs@hotmail.com LOCATION! LOCATION!: 1 100m² Corner office premises. Consists of 8 offices, a boardroom, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 2 garages and ample parking. NEW FLORA PARK: R690 000: We all need to start somewhere. Buy this 71m² house situated right in the centre of this 582 m² stand. Space to extend. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: For the investor. A freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport.

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Kindersorg verras met kolwyntjies

November 20, 2014

44 OBSERVER polokwane

LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


ie personeel van Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging is verlede Donderdag verras toe Bolivia Lodge met Wêreldgoedhartigheidsdag hul op varsgebakte kolwyntjies trakteer het as blyk van erkenning vir die volgehoue goeie werk wat hulle doen. Sonja Randall, bemarkingsbestuurder van Bolivia Lodge het die personeel van die vereniging bedank omdat hulle baie meer vir die gemeenskap gee en doen as wat van hulle verwag word. Christa van der Linde, maatskaplike werker by die sentrum is dankbaar dat mense raaksien wat hulle vir die gemeenskap doen. “Die werk doen jy nie vir geld nie, maar omdat

dit jou roeping is. Dit is nie aldag maklik nie en is soms soos die werk van ‘n miskruier, maar moet eenvoudig gedoen word, want wie anders gaan dit doen,” sê sy. Kindersorg is nie net ‘n veilige hawe vir kinders nie, maar ‘n tuiste en voorsien ook kruideniersware aan hulpbehoewende gesinne in Polokwane. Wêreldgoedhartigheidsdag is op 13 November 1998 gestig en word jaarliks internasionaal gevier om erkenning te gee aan mense of instansies wat goeie dade in die gemeenskap doen en die krag daarvan besef. ‘n Gemeenskaplike draad van liefde bind al hierdie pogings. Kindersorg is in ‘n groot mate afhanklik van skenkings en enige donasie is welkom. Skakel Lorette Bosch, kantoorhoof by 015 297 3326/7 of 084 547 0886 vir enige navrae.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Personeel van die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging geniet kolwyntjies. Voor is Christa van der Linde (maatskaplike werker) en Lianza Pretorius (maatskaplike werker en psigometris). Agter is Dinah Hopane, Selda Mhlanga, Julia Teffo (sentrumassistente) en Sonja Randall (bemarkingsbestuurder) en Mpho Rammabi (bemarker), beide van Bolivia Lodge.


25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Compensatie Elim Johnson St San Maria Eastlee Dwarskersbos Adventus Park Serala Village Serala Village Tuscany Place Serala Village HUIS Kol Trichardt St OffICES Marshall St

R1 900 R2 800 R3 400 R3 600 R4 450 R4 600 R5 100 R5 250 R5 700 R5 800 R5 900

Immediately Immediately 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/12/2014 01/11/2014 01/12/2014

Room. Bachelor. 1 Slpk, 1 badk, afdak. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, storeroom, garden. No pets 01/12/2014 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 01/12/2014 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. Immediately 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. Immediately 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage.

R10 500 01/12/2014

3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, dining, TV room, d/garage, 1 bachelor flat, swimming pool, lapa.

R23 250 01/12/2014

250m² Brand new renovated offices.


FOUR LARGE MAGNIFICENT INDUSTRIAL SITES Duly instructed by our respected clients, Norman & Co (Pty) Ltd, we will sell by public auction to the highest bigger:

- ERF 1506, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 223 m² Improvements: Shed building of ± 800 m² - ERF 1507, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 520 m² Improvements: Small prefabricated office/ storage building (± 60m²) - ERF 1508, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 150 m² Improvements: Ablutions (± 58 m²) - ERF 1509, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 116 m² Improvements: Warehouse: ± 1 270 m² Office/ablution: ± 40 m²

DATE: 27 NOVEMBER 2014 TIME: 11:00 VENUE: ERF 1509, known as 20 6th Avenue, Industria, Polokwane Auctioneers note: Sale Conditions:

The best located industrial/trading area right next to the CBD and easily accessible off Landdros Maré Street. Your last opportunity to obtain large prime industrial/trading land in Polokwane. - Subject to confirmation within 7 days. - R5 000 refundable cash deposit/bank gauranteed cheque payable upon registration. - To be sold separately and thereafter jointly.

Directions: Easily accessible from the Landdros Maré / Potgieter street intersection. Coordinates: 23°53’00.43”S & 29°27’21,44”E For inspection and further information contact: Theo: 082 990 7275 Francois: 082 446 6740 Office: 015 295 9014

________________________________________ CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 68/2008: Buyers must register to bid. Proof of identity (ID document) and residence (water and lights account) are required. Regulations in terms of the above Act apply and this advert complies to regulation 45 thereof. Auctioneer has right to participate in the auction.

Foto: Verskaf

Die Bosveld Groep is Vrydagaand in Bloemfontein as Boer van die Jaar aangewys. Links is Cornel van der Merwe, besturende direkteur Karina Boerdery, Milaan Thalwitzer, voorsitter van die direksie van die Bosveld Groep, Marinus Neethling, besturende direkteur, Golden Frontiers Citrus en Piet Smit, besturende direkteur van die Bosveld Groep.

Bosveld Groep maak Limpopo trots >> Stap weg met Landbouskrywers SA se topprys, Boer van die Jaar

weggestap. Dié onderneming is die grootste private sitrusprodusent in Suid-Afrika. Met die aankondiging van die onderskeie wenners het die voorsitter van Landbouskrywers SA, Magda du Toit, gesê die kompetisie wat vanjaar vir die 37ste agtereenvolgende plaasgevind het, was besonder Die Bosveld Groep in Letsitele het Vrydagstraf, aangesien boere en landboukundiges aand tydens die jaarlikse spoggeleentheid voortdurend die vlakke van uitnemendheid in van Landbouskrywers SA in Bloemfontein hul bedryf verhoog. met die louere as Nasionale Boer van die Jaar Bosveld Groep Dié landbouonderneming wat Limpopo se grootste nasionale uitvoerder van sitrus is, het in die 1960′s op 100 ha sitrus in Letsitele TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | 071 670 6643 | Fax: 015 291 1166 begin boer. Vandag is dit ‘n groep 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET van maatskapHUISE / HOUSES TO LET pye met meer as R8250 – Ivypark – 3 Slaapkamers, MAGAZYN ST 3 600 ha sitrus R3565 – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge and 1½ badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, wat 5,5 miljoen kitchen. No parking. Prepaid electricity. Avail- kombuis, opwas, waskamer en 2 motorhuise. Koopkrag. kartonne uitvoerable 1 Dec ‘15 R9200 – Môregloed – 4 Slaapkamer huis R5570 – 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met vrugte lewer. met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kom2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en Die groep met buis, opwas, swembad en braai area PLUS afdak. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des. 1 slaapkamer houthuis met toilet, sitkamer meer as 5 000 DORP / TOWN en kombuis. werknemers proR2700 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathR13370 – Capricorn – 4 Slaapkamers, room. Water and electricity R300 per month. duseer ook 1 750 2 badkamers, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, R3180 – Walking distance from CBD. ton piesangs, 300 3 motorhuise, swembad, borrelbad, lapa en 1 Bedroom flat, lounge kitchen and bathroom. Wendy huis PLUS 1 slaapkamer woonstel ton advokado’s, Available immediately. met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Ingerig550 ton lietsjies, R3985 – Moderne 2 slaapkamer woonstel te speelareas vir kinders. beskikbaar met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis 2 000 ton veselR13370 – Eduan Park – 4 Bedrooms, en afdak. Geen diere. perskes en 60 000 3 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, TV room, 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE laundry, study, 2 garages, swimming pool ton suikerriet op From R3900 to R4250 - Ladanna – and lapa. verskillende plase 2 Bedrooms with 1 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport, prepaid electricity. in Letsitele, HoedOFFICES Safe complex! Various office space available, sizes from spruit, Burgersfort, R3680 – Bendor – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, 100m² to 598m². Politsi, Malelane en lounge, kitchen and carport. Komatipoort. Die Prepaid electricity. FOR SALE R4400 – Dorp St – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, groep is tans by ‘n A selection of properties for sale. lounge, kitchen and carport. Phone Anel 071 125 2844 loodsprojek saam Available immediately. Rita 082 933 3162 met die nasionale COMPENSATIE STR beplanningskomNEW SERVICE R4300 – Newly built – 2 Bedroom townhouse, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and garage. missie betrokke BODY CORPORATES Prepaid electricity and water. om ‘n model vir Allow us to provide professional manageR5000 – 2 Slaapkamer meenthuis met grondhervorming ment of your complex. Phone now! 2 badkamers, sit-/eetkamer, kombuis, mote vestig, soos torhuis. Geen diere. Beskikbaar Jan 2015. Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162 deur die nasionale VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS OF THE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE. ontwikkelingsplan voorgestel. www.stipecprop.co.za

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Monkeynastix teaches children motor skills O

ver 470 children from 26 pre-schools and primary schools in the Polokwane area learnt to move, roll and jump at the Monkeynastix miniature gymnastic classes that were held at Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (PEMPS) on Saturday. Monkeynastics has since their inception in Johannesburg in 1995, assisted over 1 000 boys and girls in Limpopo, aged one to eight on a journey of discovery that helped to shape their bodies, but also wired their minds for academic success. Monkeynastix has grown into a respected global organisation that is inspired to see all children of the world become physically fit, have good coordination, become confident and happy. With over 45 000 children involved with the programme globally, Monkeynastix partners with parents and schools to develop a child to their maximum potential with their Movement Educational Programme. The programme

Photos: Warren Blunt

Three-year-old Ayden van Zyl with his medal after attending the Monkeynastix gymnastic class at Pietersburg English Medium Primary School on Saturday.


POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY TARIFF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Sections 13 & 21 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, read with Section 162 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, that the Polokwane Local Municipality, by virtue of its Council Resolution dated 29/09/2007, intends to:1. Adopt the by-law known as The Tariff By-Law. The general purpose of the Tariff By-Law is to regulate and maintain the tariff structures within the Polokwane Local Municipality.

teaches a child’s body to be mentally and physically fit with a series of fun-filled exercises concentrating on gross motor skills, balance and spatial orientation. Cherelle Chrystal, Monkeynastix Polokwane franchise holder said that modern children spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games and don’t get enough exercise. She emphasised the importance of regular outdoor exercise among toddlers that spend too much time watching the telly, playing electronic games and are also living in smaller environments like townhouses and neglect spending time outdoors. Lucky Beanz PrePrimary School toddler, Tshepisho Natlaila tests the weights at Saturday’s Monkeynastix programme.

A copy of the by-law(s) as mentioned in 1 above as well as the relevant resolution of the Municipal Council are available for inspection during office hours at the Public Relations Information Centre, 1st Floor, Civic Centre, Polokwane, for a period of fourteen (14) days from date of publication hereof. Any person, who wishes to object to the adoption of the abovementioned by-law(s), must lodge such an objection in writing with the undersigned within fourteen (14) days from the date of publication of this notice. Persons who cannot read or write will during office hours be assisted by the Public Relations Assistant in the Public Relations Information Centre, 1st Floor, Civic Centre, Polokwane, to transcribe their comments or representations. Public Participation sessions on the contents and impact of the by-laws will be held in the various ward clusters of the Polokwane community as per notification in the media. MS. T.C. MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Jabez learners educated on fire and safety BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Friday morning at Jabez Christian Academy was the scene of lots of learning and great entertainment when Rouan Snyman of Fireman Group paid a visit to the school to educate learners about fire and safety. His interactive presentation kept the learners’ attention and had them cheering and laughing while they did not miss a moment’s fun and participation. “The recent devastation caused by fires in our community is a great concern to me. Very often during school holidays children are left home alone by working parents. After a very entertaining and valuable morning spent with Rouan, I am confident that our kids are well equipped to deal with hazardous situations,” Headmaster Elana Erasmus said. Photos: Supplied

Left: Rouan Snyman of Fireman Group with Freddy Tshivegha, a learner of Jabez Christian Academy.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY CREDIT CONTROL AND DEBT COLLECTION BY-LAW Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Sections 13 & 21 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, read with Section 162 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, that the Polokwane Local Municipality, by virtue of its Council Resolution dated 29/09/2007, intends to:1.

Adopt the by-law known as The Credit Control and Debt Collection By-Law. The general purpose of the Credit Control and Debt Collection By-law is to regulate and maintain credit control and debt collection activities within the Polokwane Local Municipality.

A copy of the by-law(s) as mentioned in 1 above as well as the relevant resolution of the Municipal Council are available for inspection during office hours at the Public Relations Information Centre, 1st Floor, Civic Centre, Polokwane, for a period of fourteen (14) days from date of publication hereof. Any person, who wishes to object to the adoption of the abovementioned by-law, must lodge such an objection in writing with the undersigned within fourteen (14) days from the date of publication of this notice. Persons who cannot read or write will during office hours be assisted by the Public Relations Assistant in the Public Relations Information Centre, 1st Floor, Civic Centre, Polokwane, to transcribe their comments or representations. Public Participation sessions on the contents and impact of the by-laws will be held in the various ward clusters of the Polokwane community as per notification in the media. Rouan Snyman, Melchizedek Maponya, Rito Maringa (back) and Matthew Roets.




Nov 20-26, 2014

46 OBSERVER polokwane

CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 082 964 4139 / 082 460 4439 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ NUUTGEBOUDE STOOREENHEDE TE HUUR OP IVYDALE Contact Jana 082 788 7333 ____________________



CROCODILES FOR AFRICA Agatha Crocodile Ranch, Tzaneen. DAILY FEEDING SHOW 015 307 4398 www.agathacrocodile.co.za ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ALL CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY We do houses and businesses. High tech equipment and SABS approved chemicals. www.lulu.co.za Call Brenda 072 799 6424 or Piet 078 004 6677 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R5 000 3 m x 4 m = R5 500 Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________



CARAVAN FOR SALE 2004 Jurgens exclusive R165 000. Aircon. Block-out curtains extensions, double size main tent. Add-on room, built-in waterfilter. Orthopedic mattress, 2 stretchers, stabiliser tow bar. Towing mirrors. Silver sunblanket, groundsheets. Contact 082 335 6602 ____________________



TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ WOODEN WENDY TO LET 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge & kitchen. R3 000 p.m. W&L included. Available immediately. Contact 079 527 4939 ____________________ TO LET Spacious bachelor flat on plot in Dalmada. 3,5 km from Savannah Mall. R2 650, prepaid electricity. Contact 015 296 2785 or 082 851 9521 ____________________ BacHElor flat dalmada Quiet safe area. R2 000 p.m. incl water. Carport, elect meter. One occupanant only. Contact 076 508 9526 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER MEENTUIS Oopplan kombuis, toesluit motorhuis. Water ingesluit. 20km buite dorp. Huur R2 800 plus dep R2 800. Kontak Elna 072 295 1201 ____________________ NUUTGEBOUDE 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP DOORNBULT PLOT AAN TEERPAD Baie veilig, water en koopkrag ingesluit. Huur R4 000. Deposito R5 000. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2014. Kontak Johan 082 654 8620 ____________________ TUINWOONSTEL TE HUUR IN STERPARK 2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, afdak, eie ingang & tuin. Beskikbaar 1 Jan 2015. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak 084 582 3463 ____________________

TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis in Acasia Dubbel garage met afdak, studeerkamer, oopplan met twee badkamers. Besproeiing. Dep R 9 380, Huur R8 380. Kontak 015 296 0414 ____________________ 3 slAAPKAMER meenthuis Oopplan kombuis, toesluit motorhuis, water ingesluit. 20km buite die dorp. Dep R3 800, huur R3 800. Kontak Elna 072 295 1201 ____________________ ROOMS BACHELOR 1 bedroom FLATS 3 bedroom house, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 765 0507 072 133 0952 ____________________



TE HUUR ONMIDDELLIK BESKIKBAAR 2 Slaapkamer huis op Zebediela pad. R3 000 p.m. plus koopkrag. Veilige omgewing. Rentia 076 598 6002 ____________________ TO LET 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Study, double garage, W&L excl. For rent R7 000 p.m. 36 Bekker Street, Fauna Park. Available 1 Jan 15. Contact 082 686 3617 ___________________ TO LET FAUNA PARK Spacious 4 bedr house, 2 bathr, dining/ TV/family room & built-in braai. R7 400 p.m. + R7 400 dep. From 1 Dec 2014. Contact Corrie 015 296 2073 072 263 4238 ____________________ Houses NortHview r9 500 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, 2 garage, room with bathroom, storeroom. Môregloed - r10 000 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, family room, kitchen, flat, swimming pool. NortHview - r7 250 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, double garage. ivy park - r5 130.00 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, kitchen, living area. eagles Crest r5570.00 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garden, built-in braai, 1 carport. towNHouses FauNa park - r6 950 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, 1 garage. ladaNNa - r5 900 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, garage. BeNdor - r6 950 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, open-plan lounge/dining, kitchen, patio with built-in braai, garage, prepaid electricity. Flats raBe street - r4 100 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, open-plan kitchen/living area, 1 carport. sHop CeNtral - r25 000 CeNtral CBd - 200 m² oFFiCes CBd - r2 500 MarsHall street - r10 270 MarsHall street - r25 400 MarsHall CHaMBers - r8 134 laNddros Mare - 193 m² - por tHys 083 702 0768 dioNette 084 503 3964 MartiN 060 666 5432 audrey 072 632 7117


LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R2 400 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 800 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 200 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe & eetplek. Vir meer inligting skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ___________________



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 494 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWNPLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(B)(I) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) Kamekho Consulting, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erf mentioned below hereby gives notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Townplanning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Townplanning Scheme, 2007 in so far as the rezoning of Portion 1 (remaining extent) of Erf 695, Pietersburg, situated at 151 Marshall Street, Polokwane, from “Residential 1” to “Educational” for the purposes of a Place of Instruction. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Maré Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 14 November 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, POLOKWANE, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 14 November 2014. Kamekho Consulting P.O. Box 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 083 281 4377 13/11 20/11 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 494 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(I) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Kamekho Consulting, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die

Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 1 (resterende gedeelte) van Erf 695, Pietersburg, geleë te Marshallstraat 151, Polokwane, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Opvoedkundig” vir die doeleindes van ‘n plek van onderrig. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 November 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 November 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, POLOKWANE, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Kamekho Consulting Posbus 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 083 281 4377 13/11 20/11 ___________________

TUCK SHOP AT PIETERSBURG COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Tenders are awaited to run the school’s tuck shop from January to December 2015. Tenders must be handed in at Pietersburg Comprehensive School in a sealed envelope. (Can be hand written op typed) Marked for attention: Mr R Fick The following must be reflected in the tender: 1. Your name and contact details. 2. The amount you are willing to tender for the year. 3. The tender starts at R 20 000.00 Tenders must be handed in before 12:00 on Monday, 24 November 2014. Contact: 015 291 3174 62 Magazyn Street Polokwane 0700 20/11 ___________________



IN THE RENTAL HOUSING TRIBUNAL OF LIMPOPO HELD AT LIMPOPO NOTICE IN TERMS OF RULE 8 ACT 32/44 (MAGISTRATE’S COURT) Case No: 7017/14 In the case between KHAYALAM PROPERTIES Execution Creditor And MALOKA M.L. Execution Debtor WARRANT OF EXECUTION IMMEDIATE REMOVAL This property mentioned in the Warrant of Execution immediate removal was removed from the possession of the Execution Debtor and is now being stored at the Sheriff’s Offices at 66 Platinum Street Ladine, Polokwane. Landlord brought locksmith Storage fee charged at R 25.00 per day Copy of process served upon: Maloka ML (personally) The auction will be held at the Sheriff’s Offices being 66 Platinum Street Ladine Polokwane at 11:00 Supply 5 copies of Notice of Auction to this office. Possible date/s of Auction is/are 5 December 2014. Khayalam Properties

P O Box 55393 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 297 6965 Fax: 015 297 6914 13/11 20/11 ___________________

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA [GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA] Case No.: 26873/2014 In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED EXECUTION CREDITOR And MAHUDU PIET MAKWELA (Identity number: 721123 5393 082) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN TERMS OF RULE 46(7) (b) AUCTION IN EXECUTION of judgment of the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale will be held by the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at the Sheriff’s office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane on WEDNESDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2014 at 10:00 of the under mentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale: ERF 3350 BENDOR EXTENSION 23 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S. LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING 330 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T79590/2002 PHYSICAL AND DOMICILIUM ADDRESS: 185 HILLARY DRIVE, NEW PARK, BENDOR, POLOKWANE ZONING: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS, KITCHEN, LOUNGE, DININGROOM The abovementioned information with regard to the improvements on the property is furnished although no guarantee can be supplied in this regard.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the offices of the SHERIFF POLOWKANE at the Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane, 24 hours prior to the Auction. DATED at PRETORIA this 28th day of OCTOBER 2014. VAN DER MERWE DU TOIT INC. ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF BROOKLYN PLACE CNR BRONKHORST & DEY STREETS BROOKLYN PRETORIA TEL: 012 452 1300 FAX: 086 623 2984 REF: SORETHA DE BRUIN/jp/MAT25832 20/11 ___________________



NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No.: 023659/2014 Master’s Office: Polokwane Surname: Matlala First Names: Matshene Obed Matlala Last Address: Sodoma Village, Rebone, 0617 First Names and Surname of Surviving Spouse: Ramokone Hilda Matlala Date of Birth: 18/01/1962 Identity No.: 620118 0452 086 S.S. SETHOSA ATTORNEYS 06 KORHAAN STREET FAUNA PARK POLOKWANE 0700 Email: sethosasello@ telkomsa.net Tel: 015 296 0199 20/11 ___________________


LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified of from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 9252/2012 Surname: VAN RHYN Christian names: LEON Identity number: 311213 5028 082 Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: MARIA MAGDELENA VAN RHYN Identity number: 370514 0024 085 Description of account other than First and Final: AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL Magistrate’s Office: POLOKWANE Master’s Office: POLOKWANE CORRIE NEL & KIE 25 BODENSTEIN STREET POLOKWANE 0699 ATTENTION: TAMARIN VAN ZYL DATE: 30/10/2014 TEL: 015 291 4344 20/11 ___________________

YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO

Vacancy: Contracts Manager Chauke Business Enterprise (CBE) is a construction firm based at Polokwane in Limpopo Province. CBE seeks and requires the service of a vibrant hardworking and committed person who will be responsible for management of contracts. Duties: The expected duties are not limited to the following but can be summarized as follows: Oversee projects from start to completion; Provide technical knowledge and assistance; Planning and scheduling resources; Monitoring progress; Ensure that work is completed on time and within budget; Ensure compliance with health and safety obligations and environmental management; Negotiate sub-contract and supplier orders; Assessment of supplier claims; Organizing labour, resolving disputes and instilling discipline amoung sub-ordinates; Contract administration; Reporting and correspondence with project team and all stakeholders; Cost control and financial reporting; Representation at meetings; Ensuring quality work; Improving firm standing; Capturing measurements on site and making payment certificates. Qualifications, Experience and Skills Required: • NDip / Preferably BTech (Civil Engineering) • Minimum 10 years experience in Road Construction • Computer literate with ability to use Microsoft Project, Word and Excel. • Driver’s license • Problem-solving skills Salary: Negotiable market related salary based on qualification and relevant experience Application: Forward your application letter, CV and Certified copies of qualifications to agchauke@tiscali.co.za / Fax No. 015 296 4675 if you are interested to apply for the vacancy. Contact Tinyiko in case of any query on 015 296 2789 Closing Date: 05 December 2014

Exciting beach volleyball comes to Polokwane WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


he Cape Town duo of Leo Williams and Grant Goldschmidt claimed their third title in a row when they defeated Colin Pocock and Casey Augoustides in the final of the Flying Fish Beach Volleyball Series at the Mall of the North on Sunday. There was some consolation for Augoustides however, when his wife Judith teamed up with Nienke Veerbeek to win the women’s event against Sheana Abrahams and Vitalina Nel earlier in the morning. Polokwane residents got their first taste of exciting beach volleyball action when the Flying Fish Beach Volleyball Series visited the Mall of the North over the weekend. The weekend’s event was the first time that the series was held in Limpopo. Volleyball action started on Friday night when celebrities like MTVs VJ Nomuzi Mambena, and Vuzu presenters, Cyprian Ndlova and Shelton Forbez took to the sand to test their volleyball skills. On Saturday the preliminary rounds took place with a host of local and international volleyball players showcasing their considerable skills, much to the delight of those that took the time to watch the proceedings. Shoppers and their families,

Nov 20-26, 2014


OBSERVER 47 polokwane

>> First event to be held in Limpopo >> Outstanding quality of volleyball

who visited the mall on Saturday and Sunday, were able to watch all the volleyball action free of charge. It was also the first time that the Flying Fish Beach Volleyball Series visited Limpopo. Although the weather was cloudy and wet in the early morning, the volleyball dished up by the contestants on both days was up to Olympic beach volleyball standard. Both the winning duos walked away with a cheque for R11 800 afterwards. Mall of the North Marketing Manager, René van der Merwe said that the mall is always looking for opportunities to bring new events to the city. She added that the mall was the ideal venue to host the series in Limpopo and the organisers’ set up the northern parking lot to resemble a true beach atmosphere.

Career finder in LIMPOPO



E-pos CV na mpereira@ktpsa.co.za/ faks 086 674 7243 of kontak Marion by 015 295 0300.

The Women winners Nienke Veerbeek and Judith Augoustides.




Grant Viljoen sets up a pass for his team-mate, Sven Mollgaard in their semi-final match against the eventual winners, Leo Williams and Grant Goldschmidt at the Flying Fish Beach Volleyball Series that was held at the Mall of the North over the weekend.

Tanya Jansen from Johannesburg paints a pretty picture at the Flying Fish Beach Volleyball Series that was held at the Mall of the North over the weekend.

Bela-Bela contestant Potlako Moloisane watches as her partner, Meggy Maseko goes for the ball during their knock-out match on Saturday.

The National Home Builders Registration Council is a statutory body with the responsibility to provide protection in terms of the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act (Act No 95 of 1998). It is mandated to provide protection for new housing consumers against defined defects and to regulate the home building industry.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP NO: NHBRC 1121/2014 LEASING OF OFFICE ACCOMMODATION AND PARKING FOR THE NHBRC-LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL OFFICE IN POLOKWANE FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS The National Home Builders Registration Council hereby invites proposals from service providers for the leasing of office accommodation and parking. The proposed office accommodation should be in the vicinity of Polokwane CBD. Bidders will be evaluated on the 90/10 preferential point system. Briefing Session A briefing session will be conducted as follows: Date: 21 November 2014 Time: 11:00 am Venue: NHBRC Provincial Office, Suite 101 & 102 at Gabbles Building, 81 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane Availability of Documents RFP documents will be made available from 14 November 2014 on the NHBRC website. All enquiries regarding this bid should be addressed in writing to the following officials: Website


E-mail address

Paballor@nhbrc.org.za or Bernardk@nhbrc.org.za

Closing Date The closing date for the submission of proposals is 04 December 2014 at 11:00am. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. All RFP documents must be sealed in a clearly marked envelope and deposited into the tender box at the NHBRC reception area. Telephonic, e-mailed, or faxed proposals will not be accepted. Province

Physical Address

Contact Number


NHBRC Provincial Office, Suite 101 & 102 at Gabbles Building, 81 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane

(015) 297-7519

Human Communications 114212

OOBA POLOKWANE OFFICE Applications are invited from suitable candidates with previous home loans experience and matric/Grade 12 qualification. Pre-requisites for successful consideration include past experience, ability to work under pressure, computer literacy, good communication skills in both English and Afrikaans. Applications should be submitted to maria.dasilva@ooba.co.za by 30 November 2014.

BAR LADIES Bar and Restaurant in Hoedspruit urgently requires two bar ladies to start immediately. Experience is an advantage. Fluency in English and Afrikaans is an essential. Accommodation will be provided. Applicants must be friendly and have good customer service skills.

To apply, email your CV to mokopane@taxshop.co.za OR call 072 874 4680 / 072 812 6172.


Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014

CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR TVET 16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700 ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Capricorn College for Further Education and Training is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates in the following vacancy: Position: Senior State Accounting Financial Services Post Level: 8 Name of Component: Finance Centre: Central Office Reference No: CCFET 40/2014 Salary Scale: R227 802.00 - R268 338.00 per annum Requirements: A grade 12 (Matric) plus B com Accounting Degree/ 3 years National Diploma in Accounting. 3 years’ relevant experience in a finance environment. Knowledge of PFMA and treasury regulations, GRAP and IFRS. Good communication (verbal and written), planning, organisng, and interpretation skills. The ability to function accurately and methodically under pressure. Computer literacy is a prerequisite. Key Performance areas: Ensure that all salary and salary related are processed within established deadlines, such as salary, garnishes, change of banking detail, etc. on VIP and Persal system. Reconcile salary earnings every month. Prepare earning and deduction report every month. Prepare employees reconciliation every three month. Reconcile employee deductions. Process new employees, terminations, and transfers on VIP and Persal system. Prepare and print payroll reports of earnings, hours worked, taxes etc. Address employee’s pay-related concerns and provide accurate payroll information. EMP201 reconciliation for the college and submit to SARS. Prepare and print IRP5 for the employees in April every year. Collect Pay slips three times a month and alert campuses and central office for collection. Ensure pay sheet rolls are signed and approved after distribution of pay slips. Investigate and correct payroll discrepancies and errors. Preparation of Trial balance. Monitor salary General Ledgers. Assist in the preparation of Annual Financial Statements. Develop, manage and maintain comprehensive payroll records. Supervise subordinates. Attend to any other duties requested by the supervisor. Position: Chief Accounting Clerk Post Level: 7 Name of Component: Finance Centre: Central Office Reference No: CCFET 41/2014 Salary Scale: R183 438.00 - R216 084.00 per annum Requirements: A grade 12 (Matric) plus B com Accounting Degree/ 3 years National Diploma in Accounting. 2 years’ relevant experience in a finance environment. Knowledge of PFMA and treasury regulations, GRAP and IFRS. Good communication (verbal and written), planning, organising, and interpretation skills. Able to function accurately and methodically under pressure. Computer literacy is a prerequisite. Key Performance areas: Ensure that all project payments are processed within established deadlines, such as stipend, Buildings and suppliers. Reconcile projects expenses and income every month. Address projects pay-related concerns and provide accurate projects information. Prepare capital projects progress status every month to determine Work in Progress. Verify capital projects claims and allocation before recommending payment . Prepare moth to moth projects spending report. Prepare transfer claim form one account to another. Investigate and correct projects discrepancies and errors. Monitor Projects General Ledgers. Assist with Audi queries. Assist in the preparation of Trial balance and Annual Financial Statements. Develop, manage and maintain comprehensive projects records. Supervise subordinates. Attend to any other duties requested by the supervisor. Position: Administration Clerk Post Level: 5 Name of Component: Campus Admin Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 42/2014 Salary Scale: R123 738.00 - R145 758.00 per annum Requirements: Grade 12/ Equivalent qualification plus a Diploma /Degree in Public Administration. Computer literacy certificate is a pre-requisite. Minimum three years working experience. Working experience in the relevant section will be added advantage. Ability to perform accurately and methodology under pressure. Shows thoroughness, honesty, enthusiasm, reliability, flexibility, integrity and willingness to work long hours. Have good communication and interpersonal skills. Key Performance Areas: Render diverse administrative duties including registration of students, examinations and student support services. Knowledge of HRM, procurement, transport, stores and assets administration. Taking minutes during meetings, typing of documents, filling, duplication and distribution of documents. Attending to queries from students, public and staff. Operate office equipment such as fax machines, copier machines, telephone system, and computer literacy (spreadsheet, word processing and other applications),Other duties that may given by the supervisor. Position: Accounting Clerk Post Level: 5 Name of Component: Finance Centre: Central Office Reference No: CCFET 43/2014 Salary Scale: R123 738.00 - R145 758.00 per annum Requirements: A grade 12 (Matric) plus National Diploma in Accounting, a B com Accounting Degree will serve as an added advantage. Relevant experience in a finance environment will be an added advantage. Knowledge of PFMA and treasury regulations. Good communication (verbal and written), planning, organising, and interpretation skills. The ability to function accurately and methodically under pressure. Computer literacy is a prerequisite. Key Performance areas: Verify project related claims such as Stipend and suppliers before capturing a payment, Capture all project related claims for payment. Calculate stipends before capturing a payment. Post all projects transaction on accounting system. Attend to all projects related queries. Ensure compliance with College and projects policies, procedures and guidelines. Attend to any other duties requested by the supervisor Position: Payroll Clerk Post Level: 5 Name of Component: Finance Centre: Central Office Reference No: CCFET 44/2014 Salary Scale: R123 738.00 - R145 758.00 per annum Requirements: A grade 12 (Matric) plus 3 years National Diploma in Accounting, a B com Accounting Degree will serve as an added advantage. Relevant experience in a finance environment will be an added advantage. Knowledge of PFMA and treasury regulations. Good communication (Verbal and written), planning, organising, and interpretation skills. The ability to function accurately and methodically under pressure. Computer literacy is a prerequisite. Key Performance Areas: Capture all salaries and allowances on VIP and Persal system. Capture all Overtime claims on VIP. Capture all stipends claims on VIP. Validate banking details on the claim form before capturing salary and salary related on VIP and Persal system. Attend to any other duties requested by the supervisor. Capture all salaries and allowances on VIP and Persal system. Verify payroll data before capturing on VIP and Persal sytem. Attend to all salary related queries. Calculate and post payroll deductions. Calculate and post payroll deductions. Update payroll records by recording changes such as salary increases, allowances etc. Ensure compliance with College policies, procedures and guidelines

ISO 9001:2008 Certificated CENTRAL OFFICE

Tel 015 230 1800 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za

English First Additional Language L2 – L4 in National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes. Assist with extra-curricular activities.

teach in national curriculum vocation (NCV) programmes L2-L4. Assist with extra-Curricular activities.

Position: Temporary Lecturer (Drawing Office Practice) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 47/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13: Degree or National Diploma in Civil Engineering; knowledge of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD). Qualification as assessor or moderator highly recommended. Teaching qualification will be an added advantage; skills and competencies as per subject guidelines. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; preparation and marking of assessment, moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Architectural Graphic Technology L2 – L4, Civil and Structural Steel work L2 – L4, Drawing Office Procedure and Techniques L2 – L4; Assist with extra curricula activities.

Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference: CCFET 56/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375- R335 472 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma with relevant subjects for Transport and Logistics Programme.Minimum of two years teaching experience. Assessor and moderator certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and practice; preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; Prepation of POE and POA; ability to teach in national curriculum vocation (NCV) programmes L2-L4. Assist with extra-Curricular activities.

Position: Temporary Lecturer (Drawing Office Practice) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 48/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13: Degree or National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering; knowledge of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD). Qualification as assessor or moderator highly recommended. Teaching qualification will be an added advantage; skills and competencies as per subject guidelines. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; preparation and marking of assessment, moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Architectural Graphic Technology L2 – L4, Civil and Structural Steel work L2 – L4, Drawing Office Procedure and Techniques L2 – L4; Assist with extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mathematics / Mathematics Literacy) Post Level: 1 (five posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 49/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma specializing in Mathematics; Teachers Diploma with Mathematics as a major subject and two years teaching experience; skills and competencies as per subject guidelines. Assessor or moderator qualification will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Mathematics in National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes L 2- L4. Assist with extra-curricular activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Engineering and Related Design) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 50/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum: REQV13, Degree or National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering; Fitting and Turning qualification and two years teaching experience. Assessor and/or Moderator; Teacher qualification and Trade Test qualification will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; preparation and marking of assessment tasks; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Engineering Fundamentals L2, Engineering Technology L2, Engineering Systems L2; Material Technology L3; Engineering Graphics L3; Engineering practice and Maintenance L3; Engineering Process L4; Applied technology L4; Professional Engineering Practice L4 and Fitting and Turning L2 – L4National Certificate Vocational (NCV) programmes; assist in extra-curricular activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Engineering Fabrication Boiler-Maker) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 51/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum: REQV13, Degree or National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Fabrication qualification and two years teaching experience. Assessor and/ or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Engineering Fundamentals L2, Engineering Technology L2, Engineering Systems L2; Material Technology L3; Engineering Graphics L3; Engineering practice and Maintenance L3; Engineering Process L4; Applied technology L4; Professional Engineering Practice L4 and Engineering Fabrication L2 – L4- National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes; classroom management; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Welding) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 52/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Welding qualification and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification will be added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Engineering Fundamentals L2, Engineering Technology L2, Engineering Systems L2; Material Technology L3; Engineering Graphics L3; Engineering practice and Maintenance L3; Engineering Process L4; Applied technology L4; Professional Engineering Practice L4 and Welding L2 – L4- National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes; assist in extra-curricular activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Refrigeration) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 53/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Refrigeration qualification and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Engineering Fundamentals L2, Engineering Technology L2, Engineering Systems L2; Material Technology L3; Engineering Graphics L3; Engineering practice and Maintenance L3; Engineering Process L4; Applied technology L4; Professional Engineering Practice L4 and Refrigeration L2 – L4 National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes; classroom management; assist in extra curricular activities.

Position: Temporary Lecturer (Life Orientation) Post Level : 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 45/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13: Degree or National Diploma with specialization in Life Orientation; teacher qualification; proven Computer competence in MS Word, Excel and Power-Point and MS Access. Two years’ minimum teaching experience. Qualification as an assessor and/ or moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; preparation and marking of assessments, moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Life Orientation L2 – L4 in National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes. Assist with extra-curricular activities

Position: Temporary Lecturer (Education and Development) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 54/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13: Degree or National Diploma in Early Childhood Development (ECD) and two years teaching experience. Assessor and/or moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Art and Science of Teaching L2 – L4; Human and Social Development L2 – L4; Learning Psychology L2 – L4 Early Childhood Development L2 – L4 in National Certificate Vocational (NCV) programmes; assist in extra curricular activities.

Position: Temporary Lecturer (English First Additional Language) Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 46/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13: Degree or National Diploma with a teaching qualification with English as a major subject; and two years teaching experience. Assessor or moderator qualification will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; preparation and marking of assessments, moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach

Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Fundametals Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference: CCFET 55/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375- R335 472 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma with mathematics at a diploma level. Teacher’s diploma and a minimum of two years teaching experience. Assessor and moderator certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and practice; preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; Prepation of POE and POA; ability to

POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439

SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174

SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187

Position: Temporary Lecturer (Life Orientation) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference: CCFET 57/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375- R335 472 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. ICDL qualification, Teacher’s diploma, NCV training will be recommended. Key Performance areas: Teaching and practice; preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; Preparation of POE and POA; ability to teach in national curriculum vocation (NCV) programmes L2-L4 Life Orietatation ( Ms Word, MS PowerPoint, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel ). Microsoft Office version 2010. Position: Temporary Lecturer (English) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference: CCFET 58/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375- R335 472 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma or National Diploma with a teachers’ qualification with English as a major subject; Two years teaching experience; Assessor and Moderator qualification will be added advantage. Key Performance areas: Lecturing English FAL Levels 2-4; Preparing and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; Preparation of POE and POA;classroom management ;assisting with extra –mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mathematics / Mathematics Literacy) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 59/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus three years qualification with Mathematics as a major subject. Teaching qualification. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages. Key Performance Areas: Must be able to teach Mathematics and Mathematics Literacy from Level 2 to Level 4. Must also be able to compile Lecturer PoA and Student PoE. Position: Temporary Lecturer (English First Additional Language) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 60/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus three years teaching qualification with English III as major subject. Assessor and Moderator will be added as an advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach English First Additional Language from Level 2 – Level 4, Marking, Invigilation, Preparations of PoE & PoA. Assess and Moderate. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Finance, Economic and Accounting) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 61/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus three years relevant qualification. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages. Performance areas: Must be able to teach Economic Environment, New Venture Creation, Financial Management and Applied Accounting (In all Levels). The lecturer will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of POA and POE and Invigilation. Position:

Temporary Lecturer (Life Orientation and English 1st Additional Language) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 62/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus Three years Qualification with English III and Life Orientation as major subjects. Teaching Qualification. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach Life Orientation and English 1st Additional Language from Level 2 to Level 4. The candidate must also be able to compile Lecturer PoA and Student PoE. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Life Orientation) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 63/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus Three years Qualification with Life Orientation as a Major subject. Teaching Qualification. Advanced Computer Skills (MS word, excel, Power point, Access, Internet, etc. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach Life Orientation from Level 2 to Level 4. The candidate must also be able to compile Lecturer PoA and Student PoE. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Management) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 64/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus three years relevant qualification. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach Operations Management, Management Practice, Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Project Management and Financial Management (In all Levels). The lecturer will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of POA and POE, Invigilation and other related duties. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Marketing) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 65/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus three years relevant qualification. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach Marketing, Marketing Communication, Advertising and Promotion and Consumer Behavior from Level 2 to 4. The lecturer will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of POA and POE and Invigilation.

RAMOKGOPA CAMPUS Next to Mokomene High School RAMOKGOPA 0811 Central Office: 015 291 3118/5

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer


CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR TVET 16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700 Position: Temporary Lecturer (Office Administration) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 66/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: A relevant matric plus three years recognized Bachelor’s degree/Diploma in Business Studies or Equivalent qualification. Teaching Qualification and facilitator, assessor and moderator qualification and registration with SACE will be an added advantage. Communication skills, competent in computer, Information processing or Office Data Processing are requirement. Key Performance areas: must be able to lecture the following subjects up to NQF Level 4 Office Data Processing, Office Practice, Personal Assistance, Business Practice and New Venture Creations. Preparations of POE’s and POA files. Set tests and assignments, marks scripts, prepare mark sheets, invigilation and registration of students. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Accounting and Mathematics Literacy) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies and Fundamentals Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 67/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Matric plus three years qualification with Accounting and Mathematics as a major subjects. Teaching qualification. Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantages. Key Performance Areas: Must be able to teach Accounting and Mathematical Literacy from Level 2 to Level 4. Must also be able to compile Lecturer PoA and Student PoE. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Primary Health Care) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: General and Utility Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 68/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Degree in Nursing and specializing in Nursing and Public Health. Assessor and Moderator Certificates will serve as advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Public Health, The South African Health Care System Position: Temporary Lecturer (Primary Health Care) Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: General and Utility Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 69/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: Degree with a specialization in Psychology. Assessor and Moderator will serve as advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Community Orientated Primary Care, The Human Body and Mind. Be able to teach the subjects form NC(V) Level 2 to 4. Assess, report to immediate senior, provide feedback to learners, compile PoA and PoE, Invigilate, etc. The following posts are for Report 191 NATED as per respective campuses: Ramokgopa Campus Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 70/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: computer Practice N4-N6 & Information Processing N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 71/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Computer Practice N4-N6 & Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 72/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Management Communication N4-N6 & Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 73/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Personnel Management N4-N6. Personnel Training N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 74/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Computer Practice N4-N6, Office Practice N4-46 & Information Processing N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 75/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Personnel Training N4-N6, Personnel Management N4-46 & Management Communication N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 76/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Marketing Management N4-N6, Marketing Research N6 & Marketing Communication N4-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position:

Temporary Lecturer

POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439

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Tel 015 230 1800 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za

Post Level: 1 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 77/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in business studies. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Municipal Admin N5&N6 Public Finance N5 & N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 78/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Motor Trade Theory N1-N3, Mathematics N1-N6, Engineering Drawing N1-N4, Engineering Science N1-N4. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 79/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current). Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Electrical Trade Theory N1-N3, Mathematics N1-N6, Industrial Science N1-N6, Engineering Science N1-N4. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 80/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in Civil Engineering. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Bricklaying & plastering Theory N1-N3, Mathematics N1-N6, Building Science N1-N3, Building Drawing N1-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 81/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in Civil Engineering. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Woodworkers Trade Theory N1, Mathematics N1-N3, Mathematics N1-N6, Building Science N1-N3, Building Drawing N1-N3. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 82/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering. Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Fitting and Machining N1-N3, Mechanotechnology N3, Mathematics N1-N6, Engineering Drawing N1-N4, Engineering Science N1-N4. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Position: Temporary Lecturer Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Ramokgopa Campus Reference No: CCFET 83/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification or equivalent in Electrical Engineering (Light Current). Teaching, Facilitator, Assessor & Moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas:Must be able to teach the following subjects: Radio and Television Theory N1-N3, Logic System N1-N3, Mathematics N1-N6, Industrial Communications N4-N6, Industrial Electronics N1-N6, Digital Electronics N1-N6. Must be able to compile POE & POA. Seshego Campus Position: Senior Education Specialist Post Level: 3 Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 84/2014 Salary Scale: R297 705.00 - R676 833.00 per annum POST: Senior Education Specialist (H.O.D) P3 X 1 Engineering Requirements: Minimum of REQV13, Degree or National diploma Engineering Field, seven (7) years teaching experience, Assessor and Moderator Qualification, Teaching qualification. Knowledge of NCV and Report 191 programmes, knowledge of Assessment Policies, knowledge and understanding of FET (TVET) Acts, policies and regulations. Key Performance areas: Facilitate Curriculum Development and implementation in the Section; provide subject advisory service, administration and policy development process; provide professional leadership for the section; facilitate communication process in section and the college; provide sound financial planning and management for the section; facilitate strategic planning in the section, develop job description for the section. Position: Education Specialist (Mathematics) Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 85/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum of REQV13, Degree or National diploma with Mathematics as major subjects, and minimum of five (5) years teaching experience, Assessor and Moderator qualification, teacher qualification. Knowledge of NATED programme, Assessment Policies will be added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Mathematics N1 – N6 Subjects in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; Manage and administer the department, Jointly develop policy for the department, Coordinate, evaluate and assess all the assessment tasks and Tools, to provide and coordinate guidance on Subject and assessment guidelines, Planning and management of assets and stock. And perform non-teaching administrative duties Position: Education Specialist (Engineering Science) Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 86/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum of REQV13, Degree or National diploma with Science or Physics as major subjects, and four years teaching experience, Assessor and Moderator qualification, teaching qualification. Knowledge of Report 191 programme, Assessment Policies. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; able to teach Engineering Science N1 – N4, Engineering Physics N5 – N6 Subjects in Report (NATED) programmes; Manage and administer the department, Jointly develop policy for the department, Coordinate, evaluate and assess all the assessment tasks and Tools, to provide and coordinate guidance on Subject and assessment guidelines, Planning and management of assets and stock. And perform nonteaching administrative duties

SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174

SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187

Position: Education Specialist (Electrical) Post Level: 2 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 87/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum of REQV13, Degree or National diploma Electrical Engineering, four years teaching experience, Assessor and Moderator Qualification, Teaching qualification. Knowledge of Report 191 programme, Assessment Policies. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; able teach Electrical Subjects from N1 – N6 Subjects in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; Manage and administer the department, Jointly develop policy for the department, Coordinate, evaluate and assess all the assessment tasks and Tools, to provide and coordinate guidance on Subject and assessment guidelines, Planning and management of assets and stock. And perform non-teaching administrative duties Position: Education Specialist (Mechanical) Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 88/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum of REQV13, Degree or National diploma Mechanical Engineering, four years teaching experience, Assessor and Moderator Qualification, Teaching qualification. Knowledge of Report 191 programme, Assessment Policies. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; able teach Mechanical Subjects from N1 – N6 Subjects in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; Manage and administer the department, Jointly develop policy for the department, Coordinate, evaluate and assess all the assessment tasks and Tools, to provide and coordinate guidance on Subject and assessment guidelines, Planning and management of assets and stock. And perform non-teaching administrative duties Position: Education Specialist (Civil) Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 89/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: Minimum of REQV13, Degree or National diploma Civil Engineering, four years teaching experience, Assessor and Moderator Qualification, Teaching qualification. Knowledge of Report 191 programme, Assessment Policies. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; able teach Civil Subjects from N1 – N6 Subjects in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; manage and administer the department, jointly develop policy for the department, coordinate, evaluate and assess all the assessment tasks and tools, to provide and coordinate guidance on Subject and assessment guidelines, Planning and management of assets and stock. And perform non-teaching administrative duties Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mathematics) Post Level: 1 (fourteen posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 90/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma with mathematics as one of the major subjects, Teachers Diploma with Mathematics as a major subject and two years teaching experience qualification; skills and competencies as per subject guidelines. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Mathematics in Report 191 (NATED) programmes N1- N6. Assist with extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Engineering Science / Physics) Post Level: 1 (twelve posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 91/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma with Engineering Science and /or Engineering Physics as one of the major subjects, Teachers Diploma with Engineering Science as a major subject and two years teaching experience; skills and competencies as per subject guidelines. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Engineering Science N1 – N4 and Engineering Physics N5 and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes. Assist with extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Power Machines) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 92/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13, Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Power Machines as one of the major subjects, two years teaching experience; skills and competencies as per subject guidelines. Teacher qualification will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; ability to teach Power Machines N5 and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes. Assist with extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Civil: Plumbing) Post Level: 1 (four posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 93/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Civil Engineering with Plumbing as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Plumbing Trade Theory N1 – N2, Building Science N1 – N3, Building Drawing N1 – N3, Quantity Survey N4 – N6, Building and Structural Survey N4 – N6, Building and Structural Construction N4 – N6 and Building Admin in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Civil: Carpentry) Post Level: 1 (four posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 94/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Civil Engineering with Carpentry as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Carpentry and roof work N1 – N2, Building Science N1 – N3, Building Drawing N1 – N3, Quantity Survey N4 – N6, Building and Structural Survey N4 – N6, Building and Structural Construction N4 – N6 and Building Admin in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Civil: Bricklaying and Plastering) Post Level: 1 (four posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 95/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Civil Engineering with Plumbing as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 – N2, Building Science N1 – N3, Building Drawing N1 – N3, Quantity Survey N4 – N6, Building and Structural Survey N4 – N6, Building and Structural Construction N4 – N6 and Building Admin in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities.

RAMOKGOPA CAMPUS Next to Mokomene High School RAMOKGOPA 0811 Central Office: 015 291 3118/5


Polokwane Observer

November 20, 2014

CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR TVET 16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700 Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mechanical: Motor Trade) Post Level: 1 (one posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 96/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Motor Trade Theory as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Motor Trade Theory N1 – N6, Engineering Drawing N1 – N3, Mechanotechnics N4 – N6, Strength of Materials N5 and N6, Power Machines N5 and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mechanical: Diesel Trade) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 97/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Diesel Trade Theory as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Diesel Trade Theory N1 – N6, Engineering Drawing N1 – N3, Mechanotechnics N4 – N6, Strength of Materials N5 and N6, Power Machines N5 and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mechanical: Fitting and Turning) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 98/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Fitting and Turning as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Fitting and Turning N1 – N3, Engineering Drawing N1 – N6, Mechanotechnics N4 – N6, Strength of Materials N5 and N6, Power Machines N5 and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mechanical: Boiler Making) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 99/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Boiler Making as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Boiler Making Theory N1 – N3, Engineering Drawing N1 – N6, Mechanotechnics N4 – N6, Strength of Materials N5 and N6, Power Machines N5, and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Mechanical: Welding) Post Level: 1 (one posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 100/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Welding as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Welding Theory N1 – N3, Engineering Drawing N1 – N6, Mechanotechnics N4 – N6, Strength of Materials N5 and N6, Power Machines N5, and N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Electrical: Heavy Current) Post Level: 1 (twelve posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 101/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current) as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Electrical Trade Theory N1 – N3, Industrial Electronics N1 –N6, Electrotechnics N4 – N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Electrical: Light Current) Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 102/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Electrical Engineering (Light Current) as one of the major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Radio and TV Theory N1 – N3, Logic System N1 – N3, Industrial Electronics N1 –N6, Digital Electronic N4 – N6, Communication Electronics N4 – N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position:

Temporary Lecturer (Chemical Plant Operation: Water and Waste Water Treatment) Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: Engineering Studies Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 103/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV13, Degree or National diploma in Chemical Engineering with CPO as major subjects, and two years teaching experience. Assessor or Moderator, Teaching and Trade Test qualification and will be an added advantages. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Water and Waste Water Treatment Practices N1 – N3 , Industrial Chemistry N1 –N6, Plant Operation N1, Chemical Plant Operation N4 – N6, Chemistry N4 –N6 in Report 191 (NATED) programmes; assist in extra curricula activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Educare) Post Level: 1 (two posts) Name of Component: Fundamentals Centre: Seshego Campus Reference No: CCFET 104/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: REQV 13: Degree or National Diploma in Early Childhood Development (ECD) and two years teaching experience. Assessor and/or moderator will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Teaching and learning practices; Preparation and marking of assessments; moderation and invigilation; preparation of PoA and PoE; Ability to teach Communication, Child Health Educare Didactics, Psychology in NATED programmes N4 – N6; assist in extra curricula activities. Polokwane Campus Position:

Education Specialist (Business Management and Marketing Management)

POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439

ISO 9001:2008 Certificated CENTRAL OFFICE

Tel 015 230 1800 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za

Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 105/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field with 2 years teaching experience as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification. Teacher’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Lecturing of students. Assessment and moderation of assignments. Invigilation preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET. Monitoring of teaching and learning. Programme and classroom management. Assistance with extra-mural activities. Must be able to teach the following subjects: Entrepreneurship, Market Research, Marketing Communication. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Position:

Education Specialist (Financial Management and Public Management) Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 106/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field with 2 years teaching experience as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification. Teacher’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Lecturing of students. Assessment and moderation of assignments. Invigilation preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET. Monitoring of teaching and learning. Programme and classroom management. Assistance with extra-mural activities. Must be able to teach the following subjects: Management Communication, Public Law. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Position:

Education Specialist (Human Resource Management and Management Assistant) Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 107/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field with 2 years teaching experience as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification. Teacher’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Lecturing of students. Assessment and moderation of assignments. Invigilation preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET. Monitoring of teaching and learning. Programme and classroom management. Assistance with extra-mural activities. Must be able to teach the following subjects: Labour Relations, Communication. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Business Management) Post Level: 1 (six posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 108/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Entrepreneurship, Management Communication, Computer Practice, (Microsoft Office 2010) ICDL qualifications will be an advantage. Financial Accounting, Sales Management. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Marketing Management) Post Level: 1 (six posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 109/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Entrepreneurship, Management Communication, Computer Practice, (Microsoft Office 2010) ICDL qualifications will be an advantage. Marketing Management, Sales Management, Market Research, Marketing Communication. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Financial Management) Post Level: 1 (six posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 110/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Entrepreneurship, Management Communication, Financial Accounting, Computerised Financial Systems, (Qualification in Pastel and Pastel Payroll), Cost & Management Accounting. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Public Management) Post Level: 1 (five posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 111/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Entrepreneurship, Computer Practice, (Microsoft Office 2010) ICDL qualifications will be an advantage. Public Administration , Public Law , Public Finance, Municipal Administration. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Human Resource Management) Post Level: 1 (eight posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 112/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Entrepreneurship, Management Communication, Computer Practice, (Microsoft Office 2010) ICDL qualifications will be an advantage. Personnel Management, Personnel training, Labour Relations. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Post Level: Name of Component: Centre: Reference No: Salary Scale:

Temporary Lecturer (Management Assistant) 1 (two posts) Business Studies Polokwane Campus CCFET 113/2014 R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum

SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174

SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187

Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Information Processing, Office Practice, Communication, Computer Practice (Microsoft Office 2010), ICDL qualifications will be an advantage. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Tourism) Post Level: 1 (seven posts) Name of Component: General and Utility Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 114/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Tourist Destinations, Travel Services, (Applicants must be able to lecture Africa Fares & Ticketing and must currently be registered as a DTT trainer (Development Training Technology), Tourist Communication, Travel Office Procedure, Hotel Reception. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Hospitality) Post Level: 1 (three posts) Name of Component: General and Utility Studies Centre: Polokwane Campus Reference No: CCFET 115/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: B-Degree/M +3 or National Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field. Teacher’s qualification as well as assessor and moderator’s qualification and SACE certificate will be an added advantage. Key Performance areas: Must be able to teach the following subjects: Applied Management, Sanitation & Health, Catering, Nutrition & Menu Planning, Food & Beverages, Communication & Human Relations. Applicants must have a Hospitality and Home Economics qualification and/or Consumer Science and Food Technology. Computer Practice qualification will be an added advantage. Applicants must be able to lecture N4 - N6. Assessment and moderation of assignments, Invigilation, Preparation and up-dating of files as prescribed by DHET, Monitoring of teaching and learning, Classroom management, Assistance with extra-mural activities. Senwabarwana Campus Position: Education Specialist Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 115/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification in either Marketing Management or Business Management, Assessor and Moderator. Key Performance areas: Education Specialists will be responsible for managing the sections, i.e., Allocation of subjects, Requesting Teaching and Learning Materials, Monitoring, Supervision, Reporting to the HOD, etc. Position: Education Specialist Post Level: 2 (one post) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 116/2014 Salary Scale: R250 029.00 - R625 059.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification in either Human Resource Management or Management Assistant, Assessor and Moderator. Key Performance areas: Education Specialists will be responsible for managing the sections, i.e., Allocation of subjects, Requesting Teaching and Learning Materials, Monitoring, Supervision, Reporting to the HOD, etc. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Human Resource Management) Post Level: 1 (six posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 117/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification. Candidates must be able to teach the following subjects from N4 to N6. Key Performance areas: Personnel Management N4-N6, Personnel Training N5-N6 Labour Relations N5-N6, Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4, Management Communication N4. Lecturers will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of PoA and PoE Invigilation, etc. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Business Management) Post Level: 1 (four posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 118/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification. Candidates must be able to teach the following subjects from N4 to N6. Key Performance areas: Financial Accounting N4 to N6, Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4 to N6, Management Communication N4, Sales Manament N5 to N6. Lecturers will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of PoA and PoE Invigilation, etc. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Management Assistant) Post Level: 1 (six posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 119/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification. Candidates must be able to teach the following subjects from N4 to N6. Key Performance areas: Office Practice N4 –N6, Communication N4 – N6, Information Processing N4 – N6, Computer Practice N4 – N6. Lecturers will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of PoA and PoE Invigilation, etc. Position: Temporary Lecturer (Marketing Management) Post Level: 1 (four posts) Name of Component: Business Studies Centre: Senwabarwana Campus Reference No: CCFET 120/2014 Salary Scale: R150 375.00 - R335 472.00 per annum Requirements: M+3 Qualification. Candidates must be able to teach the following subjects from N4 – N6. Key Performance areas: Marketing Management N4 – N6, Entrepreurship and Business Management N4 – N5, Management Communication N4, Sales Management N5 – N6, Marketing Communication N6, Marketing Research N6. Lecturers will be responsible for (KPA): Helping with Registration, Lecturing, Preparation of PoA and PoE Invigilation, etc. Enquiries: Nyambi KS and Phokungwana MZ at 015 230 1800 NOTE: All interested candidates are requested to apply using a Z83 form available at any Government. Attach recently updated CV; Academic records/Transcripts certified (within three months) copies of ID and Qualifications. No faxed or late applications will be considered. The College reserves the right to withdraw any post/s at any time. Please forward all applications to: for hand delivery to Central Office at 16 Market Street, Registry Office, Polokwane 0700. Or post to: The Principal, Capricorn College for FET, Private Bag X 9674, Polokwane, 0699.If you did not receive feedback from the college within 30 days of the closing date consider your application unsuccessful. Closing date: 10 December 2014 @ 16:00 K R Madzhie CEO and Principal

RAMOKGOPA CAMPUS Next to Mokomene High School RAMOKGOPA 0811 Central Office: 015 291 3118/5

Early Comrades qualification for Polokwane runners

November 20, 2014





Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


Some of the Polokwane Athletic Club runners who have already qualified for the 2015 Comrades Marathon are, in front, Nick Granum, Mike Maruma, Anton Roberts and Bryce Wachipa. In the back row are Eric Ledwaba, Andries Malete, Hennie Spies, Gustav Grobler and Clive Ackerman.

number of runners from Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) have qualified for the 90th edition of the Comrades Marathon in 2015 during the recent Rydamans Kaapsehoop 3-in-1 Marathon, the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon and Soweto Marathon. PAC Chairperson Johan Janse van Vuuren said on Wednesday that 117 runners from the club have already entered for next year’s race and that he expects this number to climb to approximately 130 before entries close on 30 November. The city’s runners can join any of the PAC training groups that cater for serious runners and those wanting to finish within twelve hours. For further information on membership of the PAC Comrades team call Janse van Vuuren on 083 277 2505 or Corrie Calitz on 082 464 1963.


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Photo: Jeff Raymond

Pick n Pay Cycad held their monthly Individual Stableford at the Polokwane Golf Club last Wednesday. A very chuffed David van der Walt, right, won the event on 43 points. Hannes van den Heever, owner of Pick n Pay Cycad was there to congratulate him.

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Soccer tournament for abused women and children


November 20, 2014

52 OBSERVER polokwane

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


A second annual soccer tournament to create awareness about women and child abuse was successfully held on Saturday. The brainchild of Roman Catholic priest Donald Mabitsela from the Justice and Peace Ministry, the tournament was a resounding success. The event was held at the military base sport fields and several soccer clubs around Polokwane competed. “By hosting a soccer tournament we are assured of having a lot of men present. Men are normally the perpetra-

Joining Miss Limpopo Kholofelo Lekganyane and her friend Ivy Matonya during Saturday’s soccer gala are Kabelo Selema, Stan Muyebe, Donald Mabitsela, Lawrence Moatshe, Peter Phiri and Robert Mafinyori.

(Established 1968)

tors when it comes to child and women abuse and by hosting the tournament we hope to create awareness among men,” Mabitsela said, adding that the tournament is growing constantly and he hopes to see more women present during next year’s event. Miss Limpopo Kholofelo Lekganyane lent her support to the event. Also present were representatives from the South African Council of Churches and the South African Catholic Bishops’ Conference in support of this good cause. The trophy was won by Moletjie based Ramongoana Pirates.


LIQUIDATED ESTATE AUCTION OF A WELL DEVELOPED ECO FRIENDLY GAME FARM AND MOVABLE ASSETS, IN THE WATERBERG, LIMPOPO. Duly instructed by Tshwane Trust, in the matter Contrau Projects CC (In Liquidation), Masters Reference Number: T21748/14, we will sell by public auction on:


Oupa Malatjie from City All Blacks and Kola Mabotja from Ramongoana Pirates in action during Saturday’s soccer gala.

Ramongoana Pirates’ Moses Malebana takes a shot from midfield.

MOVABLE ASSETS: Toyota Land Cruiser; Toyota Land Cruiser; Jeep Vlakvark; Jeep Toolbox; Mitsubishi Canter (cement mixer); Toyota Dyna; Massey Ferguson Tractor 290 with 3 trailers; Mobile Fire Preventing Units - 2 x with motor and tank; 5 x Big Boy Monster Quads. THE PROPERTY: Remaining extent of the farm Schikfontein 115, Registration Division KR, Limpopo MEASURING: 811.4926 hectares Contents: A lodge consisting of main hall, dining room, lounge, bar area adjoining 3 chalets and a laundry with a braai, lapa and jacuzzi leading directly out of the main lounge and dining room area. Close to the main entertainment hall is a 2 bedroom house with an office, 2 bathrooms, lounge and kitchen. There are a further 3 chalets, each with a lounge, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a separate bathroom. All of the dwellings on the property are fitted with tiled roofs and are either plastered and painted or have stone and brick walls. They are fully equipped with beds, linen, dressing tables and full household equipment for a functional living space. The main dwelling consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a large lounge area, swimming pool, outside lapa/braai area which is also under a tiled roof with thatch finishing on the inside. An outside camp consisting of 4 chalets, each comprising 2 bedrooms and bathroom, Further there is an open lounge/bar area with a kitchen which looks out over the Palala River (this has no electricity, only battery system and generator). OTHER: Workshops, open and closed storage areas, butchery, cooling facilities, Eskom power, ground dams, water facilities for game, lookout points, etc. LOCATION: The property is located approximately 40 km west of Vaalwater on the D597 gravel road. ROUTE: From Modimolle (Nylstroom) follow the R33 towards Vaalwater. In the town Vaalwater, turn right on the D972 towards Melkrivier/Marken. Continue for approximately 35 km; turn right on the D1959 marked Sondagsloop, proceed for approximately 10 km then turn right on the D579 towards Mookgophong. Auction boards and route markers will be erected along the way. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a good opportunity to obtain a good eco-friendly game farm with extremely well developed structures. It is fully furnished and can be occupied and used immediately. All potential buyers are advised to attend the auction. Viewing: by appointment with the auctioneers. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 10% Deposit on the day of the auction and balance guarantees within 45 days after date of confirmation of sale. Confirmation within 14 days after date of auction. All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required.


Sekhukhune Rugby Development unveils new jersey WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Toshiba Limpopo has a long-standing relationship with Limpopo Blue Bulls Development Rugby and has sponsored the rugby jerseys that will be worn by the U.18 Sekhukhune Rugby Development team next year. The Coordinator for Sekhukhune Rugby Development, Josphat Moloto expressed his gratitude towards Toshiba for sponsoring their jerseys in 2015 and said the team will wear the jerseys with pride. Coaching for the Sekhukhune rugby development takes place at the Groblersdal Combined School.


Toshiba Limpopo will sponsor the rugby jerseys for the Sekhukhune Rugby Development team next year. Handing over the jersey is Toshiba Sales Executive, Peggy Nonyane (middle) with Limpopo Blue Bulls Deputy President, Charles van Wyk (left) and Sekhukhune Rugby Development Coordinator, Josphat Moloto.

Trofeë vir JKA Carpe Diem karatekas

November 20, 2014


OBSERVER 53 polokwane

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb. observer@ gmail.com


Die senior karatekas van JKA Carpe Diem-klub wat trofeë ontvang het is voor, Jean Stofberg, Elsabé Venter en Jacobus Grobler. Ruan Stander, Brewis Schnell, Valerie Nepgen, Dave Deysel en JKA Carpe Diem-eienaar, Annetjie van Zyl is in die agterste ry.

JKA Carpe Diem-klub junior karatekas met hul trofeë is, Franco Lingenfelder, Fred Scott en Julandi Grobler met Willie van Staden, Jolene Venter, Andri Cronje en Henri Purcocks agter met sensei Annetjie Van Zyl en sensei Ruan Stander. FOTO’S: WARREN BLUNT

Gooderson Sanrock Resort & Conference Centre under the hammer

Realty Arena will auction the Gooderson Sanrock Resort & Conference Centre, including all furniture, just outside Modimolle on Saturday at 12:00. The resort is located in the heart of the Waterberg only 5 km from Modimolle on the R101. Four thousand eight hundred square meters is under roof which includes a main lodge, 34 hotel rooms, 18 self catering chalets, cocktail bar, games room, camping and caravan sites, staff accommodation, swimming pools, children’s jungle gyms and braai areas covering 19 ha of natural terrain and Bushveld. Auctioneer Dean Garzancich confirmed that the resort is fully functional and the buildings are aesthetically pleasing. Gooderson Sanrock Resort & Conference Centre is capable of hosting 400 seated guests and therefore the perfect location for tranquil weekend getaways, weddings or conferences. The resort complements a corporate portfolio or can be owner run. For more details the property report can be downloaded on www.realtyarena.co.za or visit www.goodersonleisure.co.za for photos or contact Garzancich on 082 389 9777.


R399 R499 R575 R749





AUCTION Gooderson SanRock Resort & Conference Centre












NCRCP 5664




(Nylstroom) Modimolle 19 Ha in the heart of the Waterberg Biosphere. Located 5 km from Modimolle on the R101. 4 800 m² under roof, consisting of 34 hotel rooms, 18 self-catering chalets, conferencing facilities to accommodate 400 guests, swimming pools, restaurant, cocktail bar, braai areas and games room. A perfect weekend getaway.


Duly authorised, we shall sell the above property on site, by public auction on

Saturday, 29 Nov at 12 Noon View by appointment Terms: 10% Deposit plus 10% auctioneer’s commission + Vat on the fall of the hammer. Balance by bank guarantee within 30 days. Fact sheet available on request!

Dean 082 389 9777

A N E R A Y T REAL 011 039 6444





012 663-1690 012 653-4041 012 335-1111 012 342-8355 015 516-6007 012 365-1000 012 548-5647


16 DECEMBER 2014



015 295-4348 015 296-0955 012 322-9000 012 809-1447 012 567-0056 TWT/1922/01/CAP Copyright © 2014

aratekas van JKA Carpe Diem-klub in Polokwane is Vrydagaand vir hul harde werk en toewyding deur die jaar vereer tydens die klub se prysuitdeling. Die klub se junior- en senior karatekas wat tydens die jaar uitgeblink het en gereeld oefeninge bygewoon het, het trofeë in verskeie kategorie ontvang. Die trofee vir beste vordering is deur Brewis Schnell ingepalm en die Karateka van die Jaar is Jean Stofberg. Almal het daarna aan die heerlike lekkernye wat deur die klub aangebied is, gesmul en saamgekuier.

Zanis Gymnastic Academy wisseltrofeë-wenners NEWS

November 20, 2014

54 OBSERVER polokwane

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ie trampolien, artistiese- en ritmiese gimnaste van Zanis Gymnastic Academy het verlede week hul wisseltrofeë vir 2014 ontvang om nog ‘n jaar met groot sukses af te sluit.

Meisies wat in artistiese gimnastiek- en trampolien-trofeë ontvang het is Elzoey de Beer, Liana Pragji, Minette Burger, Cailin Menzies, Lara Prenzler, Jeanie Hatzikyriacos en Xanri Steenkamp. Seuns trampolien- en artistiese gimnaste trofeëwenners is Zuhan Labuschagne, Kgwarihla Ledwaba, Marlo van Gent, Sebastiaan Austin, Brendon O’Reilly,

Martin Botha, Pedri Neethling, Caleb Braack en Liam Botha. Meisies ritmiese gimnastiek-trofeëwenners is Mikaila Jacobs, Ofille Hlabyago, Palesa Masemene, Neo Mogoshoa, Melchi Maponya, Niane Cotzee, Schae Kaba, Rotondwa Maudu, Amo Maleka, Siobhan Johannson, Marizaan Quin, Juane Vorster, Monique Oelofse, Monene

Kelly en Marinette Vorster. Ruben Adlem, Deandro du Preez, Carlo Drotskie, Veroneque Lessing en Lara Prenzler het in trampolien trofeë ontvang. Monique Oelofse het die wisseltrofee vir Topgimnas vir 2014 vir haar vyf goue medaljes by die SuidAfrikaanse Gimnastiek Kampioenskappe in Kaapstad ontvang.


Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender

Contract No. RAL/7/2/1/8/D4169: Upgrading of a 2km Section Gravel Road to a Tarred Road

ASA Metals – Dilokong Smelter hereby invites tenders for the upgrading of a 2km section gravel road to a tarred road – RAL Road D4169 Ga-Maroga Area, Limpopo. Tenderers must be registered with the CIDB grading 6 CEPE or higher class of construction works. Preferences Preferences are offered to tenderers in terms of the ASA Metals Preferential Procurement Policy, the details of which may be obtained from the office of the Procurement Manager. All unskilled labour is to be sourced from the local Ga-Maroga community. Semiskilled labour is to be sourced from the local Ga-Maroga community first before the Contractor will be allowed to bring its own semi-skilled labour from outside sources and areas. Tender Documents The physical address for collection of tender documents is BCE Offices, 113 Voortrekker Street, Lydenburg 1120. Tender documents can be collected during office hours between 08:00 and 15:30 as from 25 November 2014. A non-refundable tender deposit of R500.00 payable in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque made out in favour of Batsumi Consulting Engineers, is required on collection of the tender documents from the BCE Offices. Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to Mr I Lange, tel. (013) 235-1177/2288, fax: 086 651 3369 or e-mail: izak@batsumi-eng.co.za A compulsory briefing will take place on 26 November 2014 at 10:00 and potential tenderers are to meet at the ASA Metals – Dilokong Smelter Main Security Gate situated on the R37 between Burgersfort and Polokwane, Farm Mooihoek 255KT, Driekop, Limpopo Province. The closing time and date for receipt of tenders is 12:00 on 10 December 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivery, opening and assessment of tenders are stated in the Tender Data. Human Communications 114240

Die trampolien- en artistiese wisseltrofeewenners vir 2014 van Zanis Gymnastic Academy met hul afrigters, Tanya Bouwman, Zani Prinsloo, Carol de Neijs, Cecil van der Bergh, Annemarie du Plessis en Lesley Bonne.

Zanis Gymnastic Academy ritmiese gimnastiek wisseltrofeëwenner met hul afrigters in die agterste ry.

November 20, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Adoption of the 2012/17 Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan (CITP) for the City of Polokwane

Some of the runners and walkers that participated in Friday’s BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race that was hosted by the Polokwane Athletic Club. PHOTO: WARREN BLUNT

Lots of entries for Nite Race WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ust over 500 runners and walkers participated in the newly sponsored BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race hosted by the Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) on Friday. A festive atmosphere prevailed during the event and the athletes could choose to enter in the 10 km race or the leisurely 5 km fun run. Before the start of the race Jaco Pretorius, the

Copies of the 2012/17 CITP and TOP will be available at the Resource Centre in the Civic Centre, cnr Landdros Mare & Bodenstein streets, Polokwane, 0699 and on the City’s website: www.polokwane.gov.za as well as at the following Cluster Venues: Moletjie City/Seshego

Dealer Principal for BB GWM handed over a framed motif of the specially designed medals to PAC Chaiperson Johan Janse van Vuuren. Pretorius also expressed his satisfaction with the great turn-out for the race. Phuti Mohale from Pietersburg Road Runners (PRR) won the Men’s 10 km race. Johan van der Merwe from PRR clinched the Veteran 10 km race and Jannie Sacco from Run/Walk for Life was first over the line in the Masters category.

Firebird Fencing Club part of the ‘Face of Savannah’ competition.

Mankweng/Sebayeng Molepo/Maja/Chuene



Firebird Fencing Club members. In front are Damian Pinn, Shannon Pinn, Charl Venter and Adam Steenberg. At the back is Coach Wally Goosen with Jaycey Pinn, Katinka Botha, Monè McCabe and Henry Randall.


Battling it out in the Men’s over 21 division in the Battle of the Bush all styles karate championship are Renier Coetzee from Team Rustenburg and Moffat Senyatsi from Team Eksteen.

Karatekas battle it out in the bush WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Eksteen’s Bushido Freestyle Karate Dojo celebrated the tenth anniversary of their annual invitational championship in style with a ‘Battle in the Bush’ full contact all styles karate tournament on Saturday. Karate action commenced early in the morning and 80 full Grandmaster Henri Eksteen addresses the VIP guests, karatekas contact karate practiand spectators before the start of tioners battled it out in various categories the tournament.

• Moletjie Library • Seshego Library • City Library • Nirvana Library • Resource Centre 2nd Floor, Civic Centre • Westenburg Library • Office 304, 3rd Floor, Civic Centre • Mankweng Library • Maja Tribal Office • Chuene Tribal Office • Molepo Office

For further enquiries please contact the following officials: • Thembeka Monti at email: Thembekam@polokwane.gov.za Tel: 0152902212 • Mantlako Sebaka at email: mantlakos@Polokwane.gov.za Tel: 015 290 2751 • Anza Ligege at email: anzal@polokwane.gov.za Tel: 015 290 2212

ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Eight fencers and their coach, Wally Goosen represented Firebird Fencing Club during the opening act of the Face of Savannah competition on Saturday. Their routine lent some excitement to the already expectant atmosphere at the pageant. The club welcomes all interest in their activities and is always looking for more members. They practise from 18:00 to 20:00 every Thursday at the Polokwane Cricket Club. Anyone interested in joining the club is invited to call Tersia Goosen on 073 450 2224 to book a lesson or get some more information.

Polokwane Local Municipality has on its Council sitting dated 26 August 2014 adopted the CITP as a Transport Planning document. The CITP will be update annually and renewed after 5 years. For the CITP to achieve its cause, it should be read with the Technical Operational Plan (TOP). The TOP is the guiding document for the implementation of the Integrated Rapid Public Transport System (IRPTS).

on the tatami mat. Karatekas from Rustenburg and Sun City visited Polokwane for the tournament and competed with martial artists from Eksteen’s club in the action packed event. Donald Mongoai was the winner of the Men’s over 21 kumite division, with Moffat Senyatsi from Team Eksteen in second place. Grandmaster Henri Eksteen (9th Dan) thanked all the visitors from North West afterwards, and the sponsors and jam-packed gallery of spectators that contributed to the success of the event.


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November 20, 2014 >> Page 56

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Kruinie-leerders se Eisteddfod suksesstorie

>> 232 leerders neem aan 194 items deel >> Curro Heuwelkruin is toppresterende skool RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


urro Heuwelkruin is met reg breëbors omdat die Nasionale Eisteddfodakademie (NEA) die skool as streekwenners van die GautengNoord- en Limpopostreek van die kompetisie aangewys het. Leerders van Gauteng en regoor Limpopo het deelgeneem, maar die Kruinies, as gasheerskool, het vanjaar gewys dat hul kreatiwiteit en inisiatief in die streek ongeëwenaard is. Meer as 232 leerders van die hoër- en laerskool het altesaam aan 194 items deelgeneem. Laerskoolleerders het aan 106 individuele- of groepitems deelgeneem en 69 diplomas (A++) vir 90- tot 100%, 26 goue (A+) vir 80- tot 90% en 11 silwer sertifikate (B) onder 80% ontvang. Die hoërskoolleerders het geensins teruggestaan nie en neem aan 88 items deel en verower 40 diplomas (A++), 37 goue (A+) en 11 silwer (B) sertifikate. Thabang Mashiane, ‘n graad 10-leerder het uitsonderlik presteer en is in drie items, Engelse toneel, Engelse verhalende poësie en dramatiese monoloog as itemwenner aangewys. Agt-en-twintig laerskool- en hoërskooleerders is as itemwenners aangewys tewyl nog tien laerskoolleerders as kategoriewenners vereer is. Die items sluit Kruinies se junior-, senior- en graad R-koor in

terwyl leerders ook aan instrumentele solo’s, redenaars, gedramatiseerde poësie en prosa, gedramatiseerde groepwerk, monoloë, drama, improvisasie, mimiek, visuele kuns, skryfkuns en kontemporêre eenmanopvoerings deelgeneem het Dorijke du Toit (agtste) en Arno Horn (sesde) het ambassadeurstoekennings vir uitstaande prestasies ontvang en het onderskeidelik in die junior- en seniorafdeling onder die top 10 plekke in die streek geëindig. “Curro Heuwelkruin se gesogte toekenning as die toppresterende instansie of skool het die eerste plek met ‘n puntetelling van meer as 5 000 behaal,” sê kultuurorganiseerders, Dalene van Wyk en Nicole Senekal. Die NEA fokus volgens hulle op leerderaansporing om die betowerende ondervinding van opvoerkuns te vier. “Een van die langtermyn doelwitte van Heuwelkruin is om leerders se diverse en artistiese potensiaal te ontwikkel. Ons glo opvoerkuns bou selfvertroue en bevorder leerders se selfbeeld,” sê Senekal. Vier leerders, Dorijke du Toit (Afrikaans verhalende poësie), CJ Muller (klavier), Stephan de Lange (viool) en Thabang Mashiane (gedramatiseerde prosa) is gekies om verlede Dinsdag aan die NEA Young Performers Showcase in die Atterbury Teater, Pretoria deel te neem. Meer as 25 000 van die land se beste leerders word jaarliks deur NEA genooi om aan die skouspel deel te neem.

Tel: 087 150 2772 • Fax: 086 647 3047 44 Agaat Street, Superbia, Polokwane, 0699 Email: info@sealand.co.za • www.sealand.co.za

Foto: RC Myburgh

Dorijke du Toit en Arno Horn is deel van 232 Kruinies wat uitmuntend presteer het in die Nasionale Eisteddfodakademie (NEA). Hulle het ambassadeurstoekennings ontvang en die skool is as toppresterende instansie of skool aangewys.

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