Polokwane observer 19 junie 2014 red

Page 1

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Health system costs taxpayers billions P3

Rescue after mishap in mountains >> PAGE 2

State of City address, job creation priority >> PAGE 4

Tender blow-up >> PAGE 5

Drawwer sterk aan na aanval >> BLADSY 6

Johndré Adlem is Saterdag oorlede na ‘n massiewe beroerte.

Gru-botsing eis twee op N1 Foto: Barry Viljoen

Die Volkswagen Polo wat in die ongeluk op die N1-suid betrokke was.


Adlemegpaar verloor tweede seun in agt maande BL3

Another fire at Oasis Lodge >> PAGE 7

Police warn illegal komas >> PAGE 8

Oud en nuut by World of Wheels >> BLADSY 17

Elbert Steyn staan vir niemand terug op stoeimat >> BLADSY 40



June 19, 2014



career finder in LIM

Hikers rescued after mountain mishap >> Rescue members go the extra mile >> Google Earth is so overrated KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com


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nrico Cloete (29) saw his life flashing before his eyes while being stuck on the Wolkberg Mountains on Monday before Emergency Medical members attached to the Limpopo Tactical Rescue and Response Intervention Crew (TRRIC) reached and rescued him. Cloete, from Lephalale, said he joined his brother and a friend on a four-day hiking trip in the Wolkberg Mountains on Saturday. “It was a first for my brother and I while our friend had previously been on only one expedition. We were very inexperienced and because of this knew that we would be taking things slow with all necessary precautions put in place,” Cloete said, adding that it is very important for people to realise that real life never looks the same as Google Earth. He said the conditions of the hike were not as favourable as they had hoped and it soon became evident that he was stuck on a ledge 800 m from safety and could not go any further. “I sent my brother and friend ahead with the hope that they would return with water and help. Luckily they left a cellular phone with me and I was able to call my father, Pieter Cloete who in turn notified TRRIC that we were stuck and in dire need of help. He said what helped a lot is that they had left a map of the area, with their intended route, with his father before leaving on the excursion. Adele van der Linde from the Limpopo Department of Social Development said both the Capricorn and the Mopani Rescue Teams were dispatched as well as an EMS helicopter and an Oryx helicopter from 19 Squadron in

Hoedspruit. “The first two hikers were airlifted from the top of a hill but the third hiker (Cloete) had to be hoisted from his position using the Oryx. Everyone was transported to Haenertsburg where they were physically examined and properly hydrated by the rescue team,” Van der Linde confirmed. Cloete said despite his ordeal he can happily say that he is overjoyed by the way the situation was handled by everyone involved in saving him and his fellow hikers. “When I think back on the level of professionalism of the rescuers I have renewed hope for South Africa and Limpopo. Not only was I lifted from

a crevice in the mountain I thought I could not escape from but my rescuer, Jaco van Zyl, went beyond the call of duty in keeping me calm, supplying me with an energy drink and assuring me that all would now end well,” Cloete recalled. Van der Linde said the tactical rescue team has the following warnings for hiking trail enthusiasts: Do not negotiate hiking trails that are too difficult for your level of fitness and skill; stick to well-known hiking trails and stay on the trail; always let people close to you know exactly where you are going, when you start with the hike and when you expect to be back.

Photo: Supplied

The team responsible for the rescue of Enrico Cloete and his fellow hikers on Monday.


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June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Rotten health system costs taxpayers billions YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


n intervention plan to bring into operation a very costly but dysfunctional Public Health Information System (PHIS) of an estimated annual expenditure of R40 million and R1,6 billion in law suits due to alleged poor quality public health services rank among the most significant headaches underlined in a document supposed to be incorporated in a presentation to a weekend lekgotla of the African National Congress (ANC) in Limpopo. According to a source the classified document exposing the seemingly shocking state of Limpopo’s public health system was presented to a sub-committee of the ANC last week ahead of the lekgotla scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday. The 41-page document talks of intercession measures following a host of health system failures. The prevailing situation in Limpopo apparently leaves much to be desired. Stressing the importance of understanding the root causes of detailed challenges, the document refers to delivery of services in Limpopo being characterised by evidence of under-performance as captured in eight pages of pointers. Under service delivery, the health workforce, leadership, financial and information management as well as medicines, equipment, technology and infrastructure headers numerous issues are highlighted. Pressing problems include increasing maternal and infant deaths at various health facilities, increased law suits due to poor quality services currently standing at R1,6 billion, incomplete infrastructure projects, long queues and lack of food for patients in hospitals, unavailable medicines and consumables, numerous vacant posts, poor leadership and management, lack of accountability and consequences for poor performance, highly politicised and non-productive person-

nel, dysfunctional governance structures, three consecutive Auditor-General disclaimers, poorly equipped facilities and shortage of as well as a poorly managed emergency medical services and departmental fleet. The list goes on. Among the interventions proposed to rectify health system failures relating to financial management are suggestions for reviewing the top 20 contracts with the intention to stop the leakage of departmental resources as well as all outstanding litigation files and also finalising outstanding issues on asset management. In addressing the health workforce crisis, intervention into evidence of fraudulent practices and abuse of the call system, overtime and remuneration for work outside the public service system it mentions that 15 investigated cases were all awaiting disciplinary hearings and alleged fraud and corruption relating to financial management resulted in the apparent ongoing investigation of more than 135 cases. Most alarming is what is referred to as a costly but dysfunctional PHIS of R39,6 million per annum, a pricey expenditure to the Limpopo taxpayer. With regards to intervention the document points out a review of further participation in the PHIS and supporting contracts. Under progress the completion date of March 2014 is stipulated. The document reflects that an intervention plan to bring the PHIS to functionality at an affordable cost is currently being developed. The source reiterated that the statistics were shocking, but stated the truth about Limpopo’s public health system and attempts by the Health Department to rectify matters had to be known. ANC Limpopo spokesperson Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said the lekgotla would look at issues like the performance of the ruling party in the elections, the impact of administrative intervention on governance and the economy as well as service delivery at local government level.

‘God bly goed ten spyte van ons enorme verlies’ ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Presies agt maande gelede het Johndré Adlem (25) kalm en beredeneerd aan Polokwane Observer vertel hoe hy sy ouers die verdriet van die begrafnisreëlings van sy ouer broer, Warren gespaar het deur die beplanning tot in die fynste detail te hanteer. Warren is in Oktober verlede jaar in ‘n kwadfietsongeluk oorlede. Die noodlot het die opgewekte en lewenslustige Johndré, tweede oudste van die vier kinders van Willie en Karin Adlem egter verlede Donderdag self getref toe hy by sy werk ‘n massiewe beroerte gekry het wat sy dood twee dae later veroorsaak het. Johndré se werkgewer, Erick Vermeulen, het hom Donderdagoggend by sy lessenaar aangetref waar hy met sy kop agteroor gesit het. Hy het dadelik besef daar is groot fout en met hom na Mediclinic Limpopo gejaag. Sy ouers, broers en meisie, Cindy Bester, het sedertdien pal langs sy bed gewaak. Spesialis internis, Jameel Omar het hulle meegedeel dat hy ernstige skade opgedoen het en dat daar bykans geen kans op herstel is nie. Saterdagmiddag het Karin besef dat haar seun op sy sterwensbed lê en met sy kop in haar hande vir hom gesê: “Jy is nou in kommunikasie met God en Hy sal besluit wat goed is vir jou. Indien dit Sy wil is, aanvaar ons jou ten volle soos jy nou is en help jou op die herstelpad. As Hy jou wil hemel toe neem berus ons daarby en aanvaar dit ten volle. Moenie oor ons bekommerd wees nie,” het sy met wonderbaarlike beheersing aan Polokwane Observer gesê. Die Adlems sê hulle het nie alleen berusting en vrede in Johndré se heengaan gevind nie, maar ook terselftertyd weer afskeid van Warren geneem. “Met Warren se dood is hy skielik van ons weggeruk. Ek kon nooit vir oulaas iets vir hom sê nie. Ek kon Saterdag aan Johndré se warm hand vat terwyl hy die tydelike lewe verlaat het en op ‘n manier ook afsluiting van Warren kry en het vrede wat alle verstand te bowe gaan omdat my kind Jesus geleef het,” sê Karin. Johndré het sowat drie jaar gelede sy lewe drasties ten goede verander nadat hy op ‘n

slegte plek in sy lewe was en het teruggekeer na Polokwane waar hy aktief by die kerk betrokke geraak het. Volgens sy uitgebreide vriendekring was hy ‘n vriend duisend wat altyd ‘n plan kon maak en homself tweede gestel het. Almal is dit eens dat hy diep spore in mense se harte getrap het. “Hy was ‘n staatmaker wat mense se le­wens en harte aangeraak het met sy liefdevolle en opregte menswees. Dis die persoon wat ek altyd sal liefhê,” sê Cindy. Hy was soos ‘n kind in die Besters se huis en het altyd gesê Piet en Ansie is sy skoonouers omdat Cindy sy trouvrou is. Vir die Polokwane-gemeenskap het die Adlems net lof. “Geen ander plek se mense kan so omgee en ‘n mens so dra nie. Sedert Warren se dood word ons elke dag toegevou in liefde en gebede. Net as ons voel ons wiele raak bietjie pap, lig iemand ons op, hetsy met ‘n kuier, ‘n bemoedigende boodskap of net ‘n liefdesgebaar. Ons kan nie ons dank verwoord nie.” Die begrafnis vind Saterdag om 11:00 vanuit die Ou Apostoliese Kerk, hv Bekker- en Elandstraat in Faunapark plaas.


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June 19, 2014

State of City address

4 OBSERVER Greaver’s promises polokwane

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ommencing his State of the City Address, Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver on Tuesday referred to Polokwane Observer alluding to his and Capricorn District Mayor Lawrence Mapoulo’s possible removal by saying that he is not depressed by the article published last week. “If I am to be removed, I will accept it. If it is not God’s plan and it is not time yet, it will not prosper,” he said before continuing to address guests on the state of the city with the theme, Celebrating 20 years of freedom, moving towards a smart city. “The municipality has adopted the smart city concept as a way of fast tracking the service delivery to the community. Consistent with the smart city concept, we have launched the Vision 2030 that will assist the municipality to work towards the realisation of becoming a smart city,” Greaver said. Job creation The municipality managed to create 3 170 jobs through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). Seventy-five small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) were incubated at Itsoneng centre, 477 jobs created through Local Economic Development (LED) initiative with 132 permanent jobs through the same initiative. Revenue The total revenue is R2,228 billion in 2014/15 and will escalate to R2,553 billion by 2016/17 representing a yearon-year increase of 7% for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years. Revenue generated from property rates amounted to R302 million in 2014/15 and R326 million in 2015/16. Service charges relating to electricity, water, sanitation and refuse removal constitute the biggest component of the revenue basket of the municipality totalling R1,181 billion for the 2014/15 financial year. Tariff increase Tariff increases were approved by council recently. Residents now pay 7% more for electricity, water and sanitation and 6%

more for refuse removal. Valuation roll The inspection period of the general valuation roll was extended to 23 June. A supplementary valuation roll was submitted on 30 May to correct entries in the general valuation roll and to include possible omissions. The supplementary valuation roll has been advertised for inspection and objections from 1 July to 1 August. Indigent support The budget provides for 15 000 households to be registered as indigent in 2014/15 and therefore entitles to receive free basic services. The indigent subsidy is set at R317,74 per month. The municipality made provision to render six kilolitres of water, 100 units of electricity, free sanitation and refuse removal from beneficiaries and also exempted the first R100 000 of the valuation of their property from the payment of rates. It is anticipated that these free services will cost the municipality R35,4 million in the 2014/15 financial year. Operating expenditure Bulk purchase has significantly increased over the 2014/15 to 2016/17 period escalating from R698 million to R810 million. This can be attributed to the substantial increase in the cost of bulk electricity procured from Eskom. Performance improvement plan from Auditor General’s report The municipality in response to the challenge of the Auditor General’s negative opinion has developed measures to correct the situation. The Audit Action Plan will be implemented and monitored by management. As corrective measures the municipality will employ the following measures: Review the organogram and align it to the powers and functions of the municipality in order to improve capacity; prioritise the training on financial and performance management staff; review the billing strategy, internal controls and work procedures of all the business units. Water and sanitation Anglo Platinum has submitted application to Department of Water Affairs (DWA) for the increase of their grey water use license to 20 mega litre per day. DWA

is currently assessing the request and as such the planned R80 million for the refurbishment of Polokwane waste water treatment works will commence after the approval. An amount of R122 million has been budgeted through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) for the provisioning of water infrastructure in rural areas. Lepelle Northern Water has submitted an application to DWA for the increase of water allocation to the city from the Ebenezer Scheme and Olifantspoort. Should the licenses be approved, it will take the entity at least 18 months for additional water to be supplied via Ebenezer at an estimated cost of R230 million and about 48 months to be able to abstract from Olifantspoort at an estimated cost of R1,2 billion. Rural sanitation An amount of R40 million has been budgeted through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) to construct more than 4 000 VIP toilets in rural areas of the municipality. Department of Water Affairs through Lepelle Northern Water Board has also appointed a service provider to construct 2 000 VIP toilets to assist the municipality with acceleration of backlog reduction during 2013/2014 financial year. Roads For the 2014/2015 financial year an amount of R93 million has been budgeted for the construction of access roads in rural areas. This amount includes R1 million for the construction of low level bridges, R17 million to continue with the second phase of the 19 km Silicon road and R10 million for the second phase of upgrading of Sebayeng to Mantheding arterial road as well as R5 million to rehabilitate roads in the Mankweng area. Electricity The municipality is busy completing rural electrification projects which will benefit 1 804 households in Moletjie, 2 694 in Mankweng (including 882 households of Mankweng unit F) and 280 in Molepo/ Chuene/Maja during the 2013/2014 financial year. During the 2014/2015 financial year, an amount of R25 million has been allocated and electrification backlog will be reduced by more than 2 200 households.

State of City - job creation priority, moratorium to be lifted RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com In the midst of the current economic crisis reality has begun to set in with big names in the local business industry being forced to close doors due to the continuous negative impact of various factors such as negative growth as well as job and subsequent income loss in certain sectors. With job creation being one of Polokwane Municipality’s priorities the possible lifting of the moratorium on business development may soon bring some relief for residents and business owners. During the State of City Address by Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver on Tuesday announced that a meeting will be conducted within a week to discuss the possible lifting of the moratorium placed on development in May last year. “Polokwane is showing bigger growth than the district. Urbanisation is common in South Africa with people from other municipalities flocking to Polokwane in search for better employment. I can confirm discussions with the business sector to find ways of creating job opportunities. With the moratorium on development a halt was not only placed on construction but also on job creation,” Greaver explained. With more people flocking into Polokwane the already dilapidated infrastructure will need serious

monitoring. The municipality budgeted R122 million for water infrastructure and has submitted an application to the Department of Water Affairs to allocate more water to the city. The municipality further budgeted R6 million to refurbish the existing asbestos water pipe infrastructure. The city’s roads will also be under more pressure but R93 million was budgeted for the construction of access roads in rural areas. Polokwane Municipality will further work together with hawkers on city streets. “They need to enjoy the same protection as other businesses from the municipality in order to earn a living while improving the look and feel of the city,” Greaver said. He also informed that the contract for the metered parking system will expire at the end of the year and that the municipality will from then take over and use the city’s own people to run the system successfully. “The municipality is guilty of letting go of land for development. We have been selling land but from now on will find ways to develop land to create more value to the city,” Greaver said adding that the municipality will also engage in agricultural skills development in all clusters in order to transfer information to the rural areas for people to make a proper living. See more detailed story on basic services elsewhere.

Tender blow-up YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


Die Ford bakkie van André Myburgh (inlas) wat Saterdagmiddag oorlede is.

Foto: Verskaf

Skokkende ongeluk op N1-suid eis twee lewens BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die bestuurders van twee voertuie is noodlottig beseer in ‘n grusame ongeluk wat Saterdagmiddag op die N1 naby die afrit na Protea Hotel Ranch Resort plaasgevind het. André Myburgh, produksiebestuurder van ‘n besigheid in die Waterpoort-omgewing en die bestuurder van ‘n Ford dubbelkajuitbakkie het volgens sy vrou, Hermien in die rigting van Polokwane gery toe die bestuurder van ‘n aankomende Volkswagen Polo eers die pad aan die linkerkant verlaat het en toe regoor die pad beweeg en reg van voor met Myburgh se bakkie gebots het. Die enigste passasier in die bakkie, Gerhardt Dettmann, is met veelvuldige

beserings in die hospitaal opgeneem maar is reeds ontslaan en sterk tuis aan. Die bestuurder van die Volkswagen Polo was William Ramautla. Hermien was ‘n passasier in ‘n ander voertuig wat net voor die bakkie gery en gesien het hoe haar man verongeluk het. Die Myburghs, wat drie seuns van nege, vyf en vier jaar het, was jarelange inwoners van Polokwane en het ongeveer twee jaar gelede na Waterpoort verhuis. Sy sê almal wat André geken het, sal hom onthou as ‘n fantastiese mens wat mense om hom se harte geraak het. Die begrafnis van Myburgh vind môre (Vrydag) om 11:00 van uit die Gereformeerde Kerk Polokwane, hv Jorissen- en Voortrekkerstraat plaas.

Public prosecutor to decide on muni manager’s fraud case RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Police confirmed on Tuesday that the case of fraud opened against Polokwane Municipal Manager Connie Mametja was referred to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for a decision. Polokwane Police’s Lesiba Ramoshaba confirmed the case was opened at the local Police station on Friday, 23 May. “I can also confirm that the case has now been referred to the DPP for a decision on whether the complainant has a legal and rightful case against Mametja,” Ramoshaba said. This follows after one of the bidders and objectors of the R45 million Motor City development, Glen Matsaung opened a case of fraud against Mametja relating to the alleged furnishing of a fraudulent special power of attorney

signed on 26 October 2012 whilst the application by PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd for this document was only signed five days later. The resolution for application for the township establishment was authorised by the directors of PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd, the bid winning company, on 31 October 2012. In previous reports Matsaung was quoted to have said that according to law no contracts or special power of attorney can be backdated. According to the extract in the minutes of the directors’ meeting of PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd held in Polokwane on 31 October 2012 it was resolved that the company applied for a special power of attorney to the Polo­ kwane Municipality. Municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane on Tuesday said that the municipality’s legal department had still not received any information regarding this matter.

growing list of local security companies is threatening with an urgent court application to force the provincial government to stop 28 tenders of R1,2 billion awarded to companies for security services to four departments over a period of three years if their demand for intervention is not met by tomorrow (Friday). A request for intervention was directed to Premier Stan Mathabatha after the second of two batches of tenders for the provision of security services to the Departments of Provincial Treasury, then Roads and Transport, Education and Health over a three-year period was made public by the Department of Provincial Treasury on 6 June. The first batch of successful bidders was made public by the same department on 8 November last year. The total monthly expenditure payable to the 14 companies among the first batch amounts to little over R18 million and to the remainder of the companies in the second to more than R16 million a month. Over the three-year period it would come to a figure of R1 255 702 482,72. Copying Polokwane Observer on a letter to Mathatbatha and his office last Thursday, the individuals set a deadline for a mid-morning meeting the following day. After a meeting with Provincial Government spokesperson Phuti Seloba on the Premier’s behalf they were informed to provide relevant information for the Premier to take up during a meeting with Chief Administrator Monde Tom’s team apparently set for yesterday (Wednesday). According to information no meeting was scheduled with Tom, neither did the matter serve on an agenda for a routine meeting with the Premier. It was learnt that the concerned group of company representatives intended seeking relief from the courts by Tuesday if their request

Junie 19, 2014





>> Attempt to stop 29 tenders of R1,2 billion for security services to four departments

for action by the Premier is not adhered to and confirmed in writing by tomorrow. Polokwane Observer was also copied on earlier correspondence to Provincial Treasury wherein the department was warned that the awarding of the tenders would be challenged through a court interdict. On the same day access was requested to information pertaining to the tenders, which was never received, it was learnt. One of the company representatives pointed out alleged tender price fixing in the documents at hand that seems evident to the untrained eye. Referring to the second batch of tenders made public two weeks back, he stressed that various companies submitted exactly the same amounts for services to be rendered. The amounts were submitted by two to three different security companies with headquarters in different provinces. Another worrisome factor for the security companies was that the majority of companies bidding for the tenders were located in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, in essence meaning that resources were destined to leave the province and tenders allegedly being awarded against regulations. Among the first batch of successful bidders only two companies tendered the same amounts to the last cent. The source further raised the point that the second lot of tenders was awarded after an extension period lapsed. Another issue of concern was the fact that the Department of Roads and Transport has been split, which would mean that the tenders pertaining to the erstwhile department could not be relevant anymore, the source pointed out. A request for comment by the Department of Provincial Treasury was directed to the administrative team, who undertook to get back to Polokwane Observer after the set deadline for feedback despite a complaint that time limitations would not afford them a fair right of reply.



Sean Jacobs sterk tuis aan na aanval tydens drafsessie

June 19, 2014



>> Draf eerder in groepe >> Moet nie met waardevolle items gaan draf nie KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com

T Foto: Verskaf

Sean Jacobs van die Polokwane Atletiekklub is Donderdagoggend in die Thornhill omgewing aangeval en vier keer met ‘n mes gesteek. Hy sterk tans tuis aan.

wee plaaslike drawwers is Donderdag­ oggend aangeval, beroof en met messe gesteek nadat hul besluit het om net voor 06:00 in die Thornhill area te gaan draf. Sean Jacobs, oudvoorsitter van Polokwane Atletiekklub (PAC) en Ounooi Breedt was besig met hulle gewone oggenddrafsessie toe hulle oorval is deur twee verdagtes wat Jacobs vier keer met ‘n mes gesteek het. Jacobs se vrou, Ansonia verduidelik dat haar man twee keer in sy rug, een keer in sy ribbes en een keer deur sy long gesteek is. “Die twee mans het nog die vermetelheid gehad om na die voorval net weg te stap en nie eers weg te hardloop nie,”

Invitation to Register on the Services SETA Prospective Supplier Database The Services Sector for Educa�on and Training Authority (SSETA) is a statutory body established through the Skills Development Act of 1998 to enable its stakeholders to advance skills levels in the sector in accordance with Government’s growth ini�a�ves. The Services SETA is striving to build a system where skills produc�on and development respond to the socio-economic needs of our country and its labour market. Such highquality skills will, in turn, enhance investment and improve service delivery. Read more on www.serviceseta.org.za The Services SETA hereby invites prospec�ve suppliers to register as approved suppliers on the official Supplier Database. Services SETA has engaged in improving the quality of its Supplier Registra�on Applica�on Form in order to comply with PFMA and Na�onal Treasury regula�ons, for instance to include all relevant Treasury SBD forms. We therefore extend a special invita�on to ALL current Services SETA approved suppliers who have already registered or applied to register on the Services SETA Database to re-apply/submit their supplier applica�on forms to re-register with the Services SETA Database. Submission requirements: • All applica�ons must use the standard Services SETA Supplier Registra�on applica�on form template, which will be available on www.serviceseta.org.za or at Services SETA Head Office and Regional Offices. The front cover of the submission document must clearly state the province for which the service provider is applying • A valid and original Tax Clearance Cer�ficate • A cer�fied copy of your business registra�on documents if you are incorporated as a partnership, close corpora�on or a company, etc (cer�fied copies MUST NOT be older than 3 months) • Original cancelled cheque or stamped le�er from the bank, verifying the banking details of your business • Proof of professional registra�on, accredita�on or a copy of any other registra�on cer�ficate pertaining to your relevant industry, eg ECB (Electrical Contractors Board) • Cer�fied copies of the ID documents of directors and shareholders/partners/members/sole proprietor (cer�fied copies MUST NOT be older than 3 months) • Supplier must a�ach an affidavit from the Police confirming disability (if applicable) • A current copy of the CIDB (Construc�on Industry Development Board) cer�ficate. NB: You can contact the CIDB on +27 12 482-7200 or 086 100 CIDB, or visit www.cidb.org.za for informa�on and registra�on. You are also required to obtain the document en�tled “Code of Conduct for all par�es engaged in construc�on procurement” from the CIDB • Services SETA Supplier Registra�on Applica�on Form must be completed in full and all SBD forms should be signed and all pages ini�alled • All suppliers must submit a valid B-BBEE Verifica�on Cer�ficate in terms of the B-BBEE Codes of Good Prac�ce (where applicable) • The poten�al supplier must submit a minimum of one original and one copy of Services SETA Supplier Registra�on Applica�on Form. Failure to submit the above documents will invalidate your applica�on. The list of commodi�es (products and services) will be available on the Services SETA Supplier Registra�on Applica�on form. Note: Lis�ng on the database does not guarantee procurement, but rather an opportunity to be invited to quote or bid when the need arises. Database registra�on documenta�on is available on the Services SETA website at www.serviceseta.org.za/SupplyChainManagement/Ac�veTenders All enquiries regarding this bid should be in wri�ng and may be directed to e-mail: connyz@serviceseta.org.za The closing date for submissions is 15 July 2014 at 11:00. No late submissions will be considered. Submissions should be deposited in the tender box or couriered to the Supply Chain Division, Ristone Office Park, 15 Sherborne Road, Parktown, Johannesburg. The tender box can be accessed between 08:00 and 16:00 Monday to Thursday and 08:00 and 15:00 Fridays. JobVest J61100

sê Ansonia. Die voorval kon ‘n tragiese einde gehad het indien die Here nie sy hand van beskerming oor Sean gehad het nie, het sy gesê. “Twee engele in ‘n bakkie het sekondes na die aanval langs hulle gestop en vir Sean op hulle bak­ kie gelaai en na Mediclinic Limpopo gehaas. Alhoewel ons nie hulle name kon kry om hulle te bedank nie is ons steeds ewig dankbaar dat daar nog goeie Samaritane in ons samelewing is,” vertel Ansonia wat besef het dat

haar man sy lewe kon verloor het oor ‘n paar tekkies en ‘n selfoon. Jacobs is Sondagmiddag ontslaan en sterk tans by die huis aan. “Alhoe­ wel hy nog baie pyn het, gaan dit hom glad nie afskrik van sy oggenddrafses­ sies nie,” vertel Ansonia dankbaar oor sy vinnige herstel. PAC se voorsitter, Johan Janse van Vuuren is vreeslik ontstoke oor die voorval. “Die polisie is nie sigbaar genoeg nie en daarom dink die boosdoeners

hulle kan wegkom met moord,” sê Janse van Vuuren. Volgens Lesiba Ramoshaba van die Polokwane polisie moet drawwers altyd die kernreëls vir veilige drafroe­ tines volg. “Moet nooit met waardevolle items gaan draf nie, los jou selfoon en geld eerder tuis. Dit is altyd beter om in groter groepe te draf as een of twee persone want dan word die moontlik­ heid van aanvalle drasties verminder,” is Ramoshaba se advies.

‘Bloedrivier is vrot van die rou riool en selfs babers, wat geharde visse is, vrek,’ sê kenner RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die Polokwane Munisipaliteit beplan om ekstra boorgate in die Bloedrivier te sink ten spyte van die onlangse rioolstorting in dié rivier. Polokwane se uitvoerende burge­ meester, Freddy Greaver het Dinsdag tydens sy stadsrede gesê dat ‘n span wat uit lede van die munisipaliteit, de­ partement van waterwese, Capricorn Distriksmunisipaliteit en Lepelle North­ ern Water bestaan reeds gedurende die vorige finansiële jaar saamgestel is om waterprobleme in die stad aan te spreek. Een van die span se planne be­ hels die sink van ekstra boorgate in Bloedrivier, Westenburg en Sterkloop wat ‘n addisionele 10 megaliter water

per dag aan die stad kan voorsien. Bestaande boorgate sal ook opgradeer word wat verdere 8 megaliter water per dag aan die stad sal voorsien. Die Polokwane Munisipaliteit het die versekering gegee dat die stukkende pyp by die Seshego rioolaanleg, wat vir rioolstorting in die rivier verant­ woordelik was, herstel is. Transvaalse Landbou-unie van Suid-Afrika Noord (TLU SA Noord) se streekvoorsitter, Drickus Botha sê al is die pyp herstel, sal dit nie die rivier van riool reinig nie. “Ons is tans in ‘n droë seisoen en al sou dit reën, sal die rivier nie skoon kom nie. Trouens, reën sal net die besoedeling vererger,” sê hy. Botha sê verder die munisipaliteit moet dringende stappe neem om die besoedelde rivier skoon te maak. “Baie mense stroomaf en veral langs

die Sandrivier is van gehalte water vir besproeiing en veesuipings afhank­ lik. Dit besoedel ook ondergrondse waterbronne. Ons kan tereg vra of ons eers moet wag vir ‘n tragedie soos in Bloemhof voor die owerhede optree,” sê Botha. Intussen het ‘n plaaslike water­ deskundige, wat verkies om anoniem te bly gesê hy moes onlangs water in die Bloedrivier toets vir ‘n skooltaak van ‘n leerder. “Bloedrivier is vrot van die rou riool en selfs babers, wat geharde visse is, vrek,” sê hy. Munisipale woordvoerder, Malesela Maubane het verlede week die versek­ ering gegee dat die pyp herstel is en dat die munisipaliteit die situasie sal monitor om so gou moontlik verdere lekkasies te voorkom.

Pedestrians take cover as water pipe bursts Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Burst water pipes have become a regular occurrence in the city due to the ageing water supply infra­ structure. Yet another spectacular incident of thousands of litres of water being spilled occurred last Thursday when a pipe burst at the University of South Africa’s (Unisa) Polokwane Campus in Landdros Maré Street. Pedestrians had to scatter for shelter from the spraying water and the entrance to the parking area at Unisa had to be closed un­ til the pipe was repaired. Municipal workers were quick to respond to the burst that occurred less than a block from the Civic Centre. The municipal workers however failed to replace the paving bricks at the entrance to the parking lot causing possible danger to pedes­ trians and vehicles. At the time of going to print the Polokwane Municipality had not commented on the matter. Residents from the city can report any burst water pipes on 015 290 2376.

Photo: Warren Blunt

Pedestrians and students entering the Unisa campus in Landdros Maré Street last Thursday had to avoid stepping into a huge puddle of water caused by a burst pipe on the parking lot.

Another fire at Oasis Lodge Polokwane KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com


s flames raged through a part of the former Oasis Lodge Polokwane on Sunday, dedicated fire fighters from the local fire department donned their protective gear and engaged in a mission to prove their worth.

Muni plans second biggest cycling race for city RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Municipality plans to host the second biggest cycling race in the country. This was announced by Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver during his State of the City Address on Tuesday after recognising three local athletes Rufus Photo, Ludwick Mamabolo and Matinique Potgieter for their outstanding performance during this year’s Comrades Marathon. Greaver said Polokwane’s surrounds offer the ideal venue to host a major cycling race. “We have already engaged with cycling entities in the city to start discussions on the race that will follow the route from Polokwane to Tzaneen via George’s Valley and back to Polokwane via Magoebaskloof,” he said. The envisaged two day event will comprise a road race and a mountain bike race through the local game reserve. The projected prize money for the winners in the men’s and women’s categories will make it the second biggest race in South Africa. “Not only will this race attract thousands of visitors, it will also mean a huge financial injection to local businesses,” he said.

Photos: RC Myburgh

Mamedupi Teffo, Member of the Mayoral Committee for Sport, Arts and Culture and Ludwick Mamabolo with the cheque for R30 000 he received for finishing in the 2nd place in the 2014 Comrades Marathon.

Mamedupi Teffo, Member of the Mayoral Com­ mittee for Sport, Arts and Culture and Barna­ bas Lekganyane, Zion Christian Church Leader with 2014 Comrades Marathon gold medallist Rufus Photo, middle, who finished fifth.

2014 Comrades Marathon gold medallist Martinique Potgieter, middle, receives a cheque for R15 000 from Mayoral Committee for Sport, Arts and Culture Member, Mame­ dupi Teffo and Zion Christian Church Leader Barnabas Lekganyane.

Property owner Abdul Essack explains that they were very lucky that the lodge is no longer operational as the estimated damage to the establishment and the possible danger to lives would have been much greater. “The fire started near Pepps College and jumped over to our property where it ravaged some veld before moving on to two rondavels which thankfully, due to the lodge being closed, was unoccupied at the time of the fire,” Essack explained. Essack added that this is the third fire that Oasis Lodge Polokwane has suffered in the past ten years; the first was in 2004, followed by another in 2012 and then the latest over the weekend. The dedicated officers of the Polokwane Fire Department, despite being based on the other side of the city and having to traverse the long weekend traffic, were on the scene within 20 min-

utes of being alerted. Members of Working on Fire joined to lighten the burden of the local fire fighters who by then had been ardently fighting and putting out flames for over an hour already. Together these two teams not only ensured the fire in the affected area were killed but also made sure the rondavels were fully extinguished by removing the grass from all the roofs after the fires had been killed. Malesela Maubane from the Polokwane Municipality said the rescue workers employed by the Polokwane Municipality are always ready to assist the community and the incident on Friday attests to their readiness to handle any situation they are faced with. “Their reaction time was spot-on and their readiness proves they are able to handle all situations they are faced with,” Maubane concluded.

Junie 19, 2014





Photo: Keshia Jansens van Rensburg

Members of the Polokwane Fire and Rescue team work tirelessly to kill the flames which engulfed the property on which Oasis Lodge Polokwane used to operate.



Herinneringsdag vir slagoffers van plaasaanvalle

June 19, 2014



Photo: Archives

Initiates at Madiga Village after completing last year’s initiation season.

Police warn illegal initiation practitioners Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


brandend te hou. Hy het bygevoeg dat oorlewendes van plaasaanvalle selde die letsels van die verwoesting, vernedering en marteling kan verwerk en later sterf, nie noodwendig weens fisieke letsels nie, maar weens geestelike aftakeling. “Nieteenstaande die wreedheid van meeste plaasaanvalle word dit deur die SAPD, asook die regering van die dag as gewone misdaad en diefstal beskryf. Dit is totale miskenning van die gewelddadigheid en doelgerigte terrorisering van slagoffers,” het hy gesê.

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

he Limpopo Police have issued a stern warning to traditional surgeons who plan to run unauthorised initiation schools this season. Countrywide illegal, negligent and incompetent initiation practices have in the past been the cause of numerous deaths among initiates. In Limpopo the House of Traditional Leaders continue to caution against such practices and in conjunction with the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) monitors strictly the activities of approved initiation schools as well as suspected and reported illegal schools. Coghsta recently announced that a total of 311 applications to conduct initiation schools this year were received of which 275 were approved and 36 declined. The province’s initiation season is set to run from tomorrow (Friday) until 18 July. A media statement released by Provincial Police Commissioner, Fannie Masemola an-

nounced that surgeons performing initiation procedures without the required certificate of fitness issued by a medical practitioner will meet the mighty hand of the law. “We will work hand in glove with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that no casualties are reported in the province,” the statement read. Masemola also mentioned that they will not tolerate the abduction of boys the schools under the disguise of culture and tradition. “Those found to be forcefully dragging innocent boys to circumcision schools will also face the wrath of the law and police will be on the lookout for that,” stressed Masemola. Coghsta Spokesperson Mutupa Selomo has assured that all systems are ready for this year’s initiation season. “We have a provincial joint committee comprising the Department of Health and South African Police Services to oversee and monitor the smooth running of the schools and curb any unbecoming and criminal behaviour. We are still calling parents to verify the legitimacy of the initiation school with their local traditional authorities before sending their children there,” Selomo said.

Die jaarlikse eerbetoon ter nagedagtenis aan die slagoffers van plaasaanvalle het weer op Jeugdag by die bekende Witkruismonument plaasgevind. Die geleentheidspreker was Werner Weber, oudlid van die Volksraad (LV) en bekende boer van Piet Retief wat met sy besonderse aanbieding geboei het. Hy het gesê die stryd om die Afrikanerkultuur uit te bou sal voortgaan, net soos die stryd om die kultuurvlam

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Afrikaner kultuurleier Johan Willemse (links) saam met Werner Weber wat die rede gelewer het ter nagedagtenis aan slagoffers van plaasaanvalle.

City loses beloved freedom fighter KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Condolences have been streaming in following the sudden passing of freedom fighting stalwart Edward “Tolman” Adams over the weekend. Adams is described by family, friends and associates as the most unifying personality they have had the privilege to know. “He was always a fighter for unity, albeit around his community or within the structures of his family where he willingly and


proudly filled the shoes of the last Adams in a lineage of a generation of forefathers,” his nephew Jacob Adams, better known for his role as Provincial Secretary for the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union, attested. The 87-year-old Edward passed away on Sunday following a short sick bed. The funeral and memorial service will be held at the Adams homestead in Makgobeng Village, Moletji on Saturday. For more Photo: Supplied information on the proceedings The late Edward contact Jacob on 082 558 5966. “Tolman” Adams.

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Junie 19, 2014

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Explosives found at Beitbridge Border

Limpopo Police and the Beitbridge Border Control Police have once again found a suspect carrying detonators and cartridges into Limpopo at the Beitbridge Border Post. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police said the female suspect (41) was arrested on Friday in possession of 40 detonators and 40 cartridges. The explosives were allegedly found inside a bag belonging to the suspect and others were allegedly found on her body while she was attempting to cross to South Africa on foot. “The suspect is currently being detained pending further investigations and will be appearing in court soon,” Mulaudzi confirmed.

Grandmother and child strangled to death

Two suspects have been arrested in Seshego following the murder of a 75-year-old female and a five-year-old child earlier in June. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police said the victims were found strangled to death in their house in Moletji and that nothing had been stolen. The suspects, aged 26 and 36, were arrested in Moletji by members of the Seshego Detectives Unit and a motive for the killings has not yet been established. The two suspects will appear in court next week and are yet to plead.

Illegal firearm suspects in court

The Mankweng Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday denied bail to two suspects who were arrested after they were found in possession of an illegal firearm over the weekend. The two, Mahlatse Mapheto (20) and Tshepo Bothabotha (20) will remain in Police custody until their appearance on June 26 when they will make a formal bid for bail. “Police were doing their normal raids at a tavern in Mankweng when they found a firearm which was robbed from an off-duty Police officer earlier in June. The officer was trying to locate the keys to open the gate of his Mankweng Zone 1 home when two men overpowered him, stabbed him several times before searching his car and fleeing with his service pistol,” Hangwani Muladzi from the Limpopo Police confirmed.



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More rhino poachers arrested

A joint operation between the Limpopo Crime Intelligence Unit and the Vaalwater Detective Unit led to the arrest of three suspected rhino poachers over the weekend. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police said the three suspects were allegedly on their way to poach rhinos in the Vaalwater area. “A Toyota Tazz, a .416 rifle with a silencer, an axe and a saw were seized from the suspects. A multi-disciplinary team of intelligence officials, specialised detectives and nature conversation has been formulated to deal with rhino poaching in the province,” Mulaudzi stated. The suspects are currently being profiled to see if the possibility exists that they can be linked to previous rhino poaching cases in the province. They are expected to appear on Wednesday in the Vaalwater Magistrate’s Court.



Fake professionals nabbed The Police in Burgesfort have arrested a 27-year-old man who allegedly masqueraded as a labour broker, defrauding several people of an undisclosed amount of cash and promising them jobs in the mining sector. The suspect collected R1 000 from each victim under the pretext that he was organising the services of a medical doctor to examine them before they could go underground. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police said the suspect will appear in court soon facing charges of fraud and that Police investigations are ongoing, with scores of victims surfacing. In a separate incident 31-year-old Wesley Gashane Kapa was remanded in custody after appearing in the Bochum Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. Kapa allegedly pretended to be a medical doctor deployed by the national Department of Health to provide services, together with his intervention team at the Helene Franz Hospital. Mulaudzi said he is also accused of allegedly defrauding unsuspecting victims of their cash, with the amounts fraudulently stolen ranging between R400 and R8 000, paid for the promise of jobs. Mulaudzi says the money was allegedly deposited into the suspects’s bank account. “Kapa, who called himself Dr Mashudu Netshidoni, is facing 11 cases of fraud and will be appearing in court again on Thursday (today),” Mulaudzi confirmed.





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10 OBSERVER An oasis in a barren desert NEWS

June 19, 2014


>> Limpopo Ministers’ Fraternal advocates for work of community-based organisations in Limpopo >> Concerns over transport being problematic, limited dining space and supplies being insufficient YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


Richard Selepe of Limpopo Ministers’ Fraternal (front right) and Florah Rapetsoa (front left) with staff of the centre and elderly members of their community they take care of in the food garden. Insert: In the backround, the structure that serves as dining space which is inadequate to cater for the more than 40 elderly persons who benefit from services at the centre.

Agri Limpopo hou werkswinkel oor grondhervorming RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com In die lig van toenemende druk op georganiseerde landbou om met werkbare planne vorendag te kom om grondhervorming in die land te verwesenlik, het Agri Limpopo dit nodig geag om die debat oor dié kwessie in Limpopo te fasiliteer. Agri Limpopo-president, Leon Borcherds, sê die organisasie stel dit met die werkswinkel ten doel om grondhervormingsrisiko’s aan

boere en die staat uit te wys, mandate aan onderhandelaars oor die kwessie te gee en die proses van werkbare planne aan die rol te kry. Borcherds het ‘n beroep op kommersiële en opkomende boere gedoen om die geleentheid by te woon. “Ons het almal se insette, raad en wysheid nodig,” het hy gesê. Die werkswinkel word Woensdag (25 Junie) om 09:00 by Protea Hotel Ranch Resort gehou. Vir meer inligting skakel Agri Limpopo by admin@agrilimpopo.co.za of 015 590 1024.

ucked away in a quiet spot in Ga-Dikgale Maganyane is an oasis in a barren desert well worth mentioning. At Batlaphela Bakone Service Centre, situated along a deserted stretch of road, 43 elderly members from the community gather three times a week to get treated to healthy eating, have their laundry done, receive counselling and therapy for weary limbs as well as engage in crafts, sporting activities and cultural encounters. Ten more men and women in need of physical care within a three-kilometre radius get visited at home by a team of dedicated volunteers who spread the good under the umbrella of a project initiated by Makgoshi Clara Dikgale in 2007. It is the only project of its kind in their village, according to Project Manager Florah Rapetsoa. On a sunny Saturday morning nine of the elders gather to meet with Richard Selepe who is Chairperson of Limpopo Ministers’ Fraternal, an institution advocating the work of community-based organisations (CBOs) across Limpopo. Among the perimeters of the administrative office, a food garden, a space allocated for dining and a chicken run under construction they sing the praises of the committed staff attached to the centre and hope the centre would grow from strength to strength. From a conversation with Rapetsoa and her team it is learnt that a piggery is in the planning on an adjacent premises and moringa trees on the far side of the premises will

ensure additional future income, as is currently the case with the sunflower crop. They grow cabbage, beetroot and spinach used for cooking for the elderly and collected for sale by 17 drop-in centres in the area on Mondays, explains Project Coordinator Bheki Mathebula. According to Rapetsoa they take care of pensioners staying alone, are neglected by their families or take care of their grandchildren. They are collected by driver Isaac Tauatsoala on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings for a programme that comes to an end mid-afternoon. The oldest person in their care is a woman aged 104. Working within their means they have concerns over transport being problematic, limited dining space and supplies being insufficient considering a R24 000 quarterly allocation by the Department of Social Development and Welfare, Rapetsoa stresses. Also the food garden is not run based on skills obtained through training, but on common sense, she says. Adding her voice is CBO Coordinator Makgomo Mathete, who mentions that an inadequate stipend demands of workers in essence to volunteer their services. Weekly gatherings in a safe environment afford the women to do beading, crafts and crochet work with material purchased in Polokwane. Their handiwork later gets sold to the community, it is learnt. Otherwise time is spent doing aerobics, storytelling and traditional dancing. Selepe says Limpopo Ministers’ Fraternal is thrilled with the work done by traditional leaders like Dikgale in improving the lives of communities. They call upon the business community to join hands with Limpopo Ministers’ Fraternal in supporting such initiatives and institutions or organisations like the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) to lobby for financial support, either from government or the private sector. As Chairperson of the Motsepe Foundation Development Forum in the Capricorn District, he further says they trust that institutions like the Motsepe Foundation will find it profitable to invest in this type of project in fighting poverty, inequality and unemployment. After a treat in the form of a traditional story in a native narrative shared by one of the keepers of tradition, visitors are sent off with a hint of homebrew... cherry-cheeked tomatoes fresh from the garden.

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer


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Polokwane Observer

Junie 19, 2014

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Union intends demand for recall of mayors The National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) in the province intends calling on the African National Congress (ANC) in Limpopo to remove all mayors not committed to delivering services to communities across the province. In a statement following a recent Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) meeting characterised by frank and robust discussions on assessing political, international, socio-economic and organisational issues, Nehawu Provincial Secretary Jacob Adams said those mayors had to be removed and be held accountable for poor service delivery and community service delivery protests. Further referring to the section 100(1)(b) intervention, Adams said the province had a new cabinet and was in a sound financial situation to run on its own, therefore the demand for the administrators to be recalled. At the same time he referred to staff shortages at all levels of the public service in the province and departmental employees who in

some instances were misplaced and are not doing what they were employed to do. He said the situation led to the morale of public servants being negatively affected. Two days after chairing the PEC meeting former Nehawu Provincial Chairperson Mike Shingange was elected as First Deputy President of the national structure.

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National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) First Deputy President Mike Shingange (right) with Nehawu Provincial Secretary Jacob Adams. Shingange has just relinquished his position as Provincial Chairperson after being elected to a higher office about two weeks ago. Photo: Yolande Nel

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Sanco expels secretary, deputy chair provincial Legislature, aired the view that positionmongers were problematic to the organisation in the province. He expressed the belief that with the During its recent Provincial General Council (PGC) new office-bearers in place they would be able to build a united structure in Limpopo. He referred to the South African National Civic Organisation a decision taken at the PGC to work closely with (Sanco) in Limpopo expelled its former secretary Limpopo Ministers’ Fraternal in future to have and deputy chairperson after an earlier suspenparticipation of church representasion. The structure also replaced its tives in committees. Also with retreasurer. gards to ongoing protest action they According to Sanco Provincial would want to discourage communiChairperson Mesina Masekoameng ties to damage state property during the two officials, Jack Maphoso and such unrest. Instead Sanco should Lutanyane Denge, were suspended lead protests to limit unnecessary by the Provincial Executive Comaction, Masekoameng stressed. mittee (PEC) a month after the Currently Sanco Limpopo’s efforts January national conference for were directed at preparations for a defying the leadership voted in at national general council in December that occasion. He said they were where they would be given direcreplaced by Theophilus Makola and Promise Kutama. Dudu Ramaila South African Nation- tion on dealing with the 2016 local government elections when Sanco was elected as new Provincial al Civic Organisation would support the African National Treasurer, he added. (Sanco) Provincial Congress (ANC), Masekoameng Masekoameng, who serves on the Chairperson Mesina said. Agriculture portfolio committee of the Masekoameng. YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

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YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


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Succulent seafood and fine wines

June 19, 2014

14 OBSERVER polokwane

KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com


The ocean visits Polokwane. This highly addictive seafood skewer is now available at R127 and includes rice, chips or vegetables.

A mere seven months since the grand opening of Adega Polokwane, this restaurant has fast become a firm favourite for seafood, Portuguese food lovers and wine enthusiasts alike. The newest favourite that has recently been added to the Adega Polokwane menu is the seafood skewer priced affordably at R127. This skewer combines all the best tastes on offer by placing King Prawns, calamari tubes, Kingklip, green bell peppers and onions on a large skewer and drizzling it with the secretly blended lemon butter sauce that has proven to be a firm favourite amongst patrons

since its introduction on the Espatada-skewer. The seafood skewer is served with your choice of rice, vegetables or chips ensuring a huge plate to satisfy even the biggest seafood appetite. The perfect accompaniment to the perfect meal has always been the cherry on top, able to make or break a meal completely. At Adega Polokwane this is definitely not a problem. The vast array of local, imported and exclusively chosen wines, ordered straight from the suppliers complement each and every meal on the menu perfectly. Some of the favourite wines sold per bottle include Meerlust, Nederburg, Van Loveren, KWV, Spier and Durbanville Hills. The experienced staff members will ensure that these wines can be perfectly paired to the meal of your choice. To make a booking or more information on some of the great specials on group bookings, work meetings and special events, contact Dolf Sutton on 015 296 0805 or 015 296 4518. Ciconia Vinho Verde, Festa Merlot, Lagosta Vinho Verde, Casillero del Diablo and various cultivars of Meerlust are among some of the popular wines available at Adega Polokwane.

Vadersdag by Panarottis MoN gevier

Die trotse pa, Louis Wolmarans, mede-eienaar van Panarottis en Amarilo Spur in Mall of the North vier sy eerste Vadersdag saam met sy skattige dogtertjie, Lumé.


Die van Waveren-gesin geniet smaaklike pizza vir Vadersdag. Van links is Riaan, Hanno, Wian en Suzette.

Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos busted by Panarottis Panarottis Mall of the North has been hard at work on its latest marketing campaign during which nominated schools and businesses are busted and treated to pizzas and vouchers. Nominate your school, business or community team and say why Panarottis Mall of the North should “BUST” you. Email your nomination to mallofthenorth@ panarottis.co.za Right: The pupils from this Grade 1 class were very surprised when Panarottis’ mascot treated them to free pizza.

Raun Holyoake, Manager of Panarottis Mall of the North and the Panarottis mascot during their surprise visit to Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos last week. On the left is Claudine Hoffmann who nominated her son, Carl, for the bust.

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer



June 19, 2014

16 OBSERVER polokwane

WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL: observer.yolande@gmail.com


17 to 20 June >>The Limpopo Art Exhibition takes place throughout Savannah Mall. Lethabo Ramakgopa: 015 291 3903 or 073 148 8436. 20 Junie >>Watershed tree om 20:00 by die Tooters Restaurant net buite die stad langs die N1 op. Kaartjies kos R150, BBP-kaartjies is R400 en sluit ‘n driegangmaaltyd, DVD en ‘n partytjie ná die konsert in. Pieter van der Bank: 079 320 6783. 21 June >>Adam Tas en Comet D Strings perform

at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World at 16:30. Tickets cost R100 per person with VIP tickets at R150. Raksha Gunpath: 015 290 5420. >>Virtuoso Brass Ensemble conducted by Duke Mashamaite performs at the Uniting Reformed Church on the corner of Swartz and Buys Street in Westenburg at 18:00. Vocalist pastor Nathan Titus will also feature with solo performances. Tickets cost R50 for adults and R30 for children. Colin Harmse: 083 446 0346, Duke Mashamaite: 082 772 1203 or Nathan Titus: 076 272 4182. >>ERA Polokwane hou om 08:30 ‘n besigheidsontbyt in die AGS Kerk Taberna Dei-gemeente se kerksaal op die hoek van Potgieterlaan en Jorissenstraat. Die bekende spreker oor inspirerende leierskap, Brand Pretorius tree as spreker op. Gospelsanger, Dewald Gouws tree ook op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Marnus Bergh: 082 920 6955 of 015 295 8527. 25 June >>The Polokwane Hindu Community is hosting

a meeting at 19:00 at the Temple School Hall in Crescent Drive, Nirvana. Nominations for new committee members are awaited and the closing date for nominations is 25 June 2014. Koshika Dayah: 082 441 8465 or Dr Navin Purohit: 084 588 8681. 27 Junie >>Die veelsydige komediant Jammies Jamneck bied ‘n gratis lagsessie vir bejaardes by Bolivia Lodge om 10:00 vir 10:30 aan. Bespreking is noodsaaklik. Sonja Randall: 082 300 8678. Algemeen/General >> ‘n 50-jaar reünie word vir die 1964-matrikulante van die Pretoria Tuine Hoërskool beplan. Lea Basson: 073 442 4306. >>Die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag en bedryf ‘n winkel in Library Gardens waar gebruikte klere en enige ander verbruiksitems spotgoedkoop gekoop kan word. Enigiets kan geskenk word en by Jorissenstraat 42A gedurende kantoorure afgelewer word. Karin Kotzè: 015 297 3326 of 015 297 3327.

Briewe / Letters Bravo, Polokwane Observer!

As ek die opskrifte op die pale lees oor Polokwane Observer se prestasies, voel ek onbeskryflik trots en dankbaar. Ek dink saam terug aan die nederige begin, en is verstom oor die prestasie dat Observer oor talle jare gegroei het tot een van die Top 3 in die land. Hartlik geluk. Polokwane is trots! Baie dankie vir die diens wat Observer lewer om die gemeenskap op hoogte te hou van alles wat gebeur. Baie dankie dat Observer bereid is om netelige sake te ondersoek en oop te vlek, sodat geregtigheid en gesondheid kan geskied. Baie dankie vir Observer se ondersteuning aan mense wat diens in die gemeenskap lewer. Dit motiveer ons om aan te hou onder druk en moeilike omstandighede. My gebed is dat die Here julle dienslewering sal seën en tot nog hoogtes sal uitbrei. Mag julle Sy Sorg en Voorsiening ervaar in die daaglikse praktyk.” Erika Faul, Polokwane

Plaaslike skoonheid se voete vierkantig op moederaarde KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Die feit dat Lize Ernst (16) nie haar eie beuel blaas of besef hoe pragtig sy is nie dra tot die skoonheid van die Miss Commonwealth- finalis by. Dié trotse leerder van Curro Heuwelkruin se pad met die skoonheidskompetisie het gekruis nadat haar tannie besluit het sy is perfek om aan die kompetisie deel te neem, nie net oor haar uiterlike skoonheid nie, maar haar hart van goud. Dié jong dame presteer nie net op akademiese vlak Foto: Keshia nie, maar is ook n Jansens van kranige CrossfitRensburg atleet wat glo dat Lize Ernst is die ‘n gesonde liggaam enigste Lim- ‘n gesonde gees popo-finalis huisves. “Ek het nie vir die Miss baie tyd vir stokCommon- perdjies nie omdat wealth Teen ek ‘n sportfanati2014-kom- kus is wat vir die petisie. eerste hokkiespan

en die o.17A- netbalspan van Heuwelkruin uitdraf,” sê Ernst. Die Miss Commonwealth Teen-kompetisie vind jaarliks plaas en fokus nie net op die fisiese aspekte van ‘n skoonheid nie, maar op die projekte en bydrae wat sy as rolmodel in haar gemeenskap kan lewer en die welsynsprojekte waarby sy betrokke is. Ernst, die enigste Limpopo-finalis en 23 ander finaliste gaan sake in Johannesburg op 29 Augustus uitspook waar die nuwe Miss Teen Commonwealth 2014 tydens die glansgeleentheid gekroon sal word. Een van die finaliste se doelwitte is die insameling van geld. Elkeen moet borge van besighede ter waarde van R3 500 bekom vir verskeie projekte wat aan die kompetisie gekoppel is. “Die instelling wat vanjaar baat vind is die Nelson Mandela Kinderhospitaal in Johannesburg,” sê dié spontane graad 10-leerder wat beplan om ‘n Spadag aan te bied om geld vir die hospitaal in te samel. Die spadag word deur Ernst en vriendinne hanteer wat self die behandelings en pamperlangroetines sal behartig. Sy beplan ook om kolwyntjies en boereworsrolletjies by verskeie besighede in die stad te verkoop.

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Arrie van Wyk by sy 1947 Wolseley sedan wat 12 perdekrag ontwikkel.

Nic van Niekerk by sy 1946 Citroën.

Baie oues en nuwes by World of Wheels Expo otorliefhebbers kon hulle hierdie naweek verlustig in die World of Wheels Expo wat by Mall of the North gehou is. Terwyl die gange en oop ruimtes binne die sentrum ‘n fees vir die oog van nuwe voertuie aangebied het, is ‘n uitstalling van besondere en skaars voertuie in die parkeerterrein gehou. Voertuie uit die vroeë twintigerjare het die belangstelling geprikkel en nie teruggestaan vir jonger modelle en sportmotors wat die hele spektrum van handelsmerke oor die afgelope

100 jaar gedek het nie. Minder bekende fabrikate soos Hupmobile, Wolseley en Morris Minor het die nekke laat rek, terwyl hulle eienaars byderhand was om inligting te verskaf. Geen motorskou is volledig sonder ‘n paar vuurwarm sportmotors nie en ‘n Jaguar E-type uit die sewentigs het net soveel aandag getrek as die skitterblink Porsche sportmotors. Daar was selfs ‘n stokou “vaaljapie”-trekker wat een van die eerste trekkers is wat vir baie jare boere se regterhand was. Volgens Arrie van Wyk, mede-organiseerder van die uitstalling en self eienaar van ‘n klomp veteraanmotors, was die skou ‘n reuse sukses wat beslis weer aangebied sal word.

Dirk de Klerk se 1974 Peugeot 504 wat hy in 1974 nuut gekoop het vir R3 500. Dié motor se eerste volledige diens het sy eienaar R9,97 uit die sak gejaag en het nog net 74 000 km afgelê.

Dr Peet van Zyl se 1996 Porsche 911 Carrera 4S is seldsaam omdat dit die turbo se wye bakwerk het, maar nie met ‘n turbo-aanjaer toegerus is nie.

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


Jeug wys hakke in Savannah Mall se gange

Rita Gadney van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos was deel van die onderwyserspan.

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die sentrumbestuur van Savannah Mall het Vrydag in aanloop tot Jeugdag ‘n jeug-pretdraf aangebied waartydens leerders in die inkopiesentrum se gange kragte gemeet het. Die wedloop het uit tien aflosse van ongeveer 1,4 km bestaan. Sommige dele van die roete het ‘n hysbakrit en selfs die roltrappe ingesluit. Een van die reëls was dat atlete op die roltrap moes stilstaan. Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) het die laerskoolafdeling gewen met Pietersburg Comprehensive School (PCS) en Northern Academy Primary School onderskeidelik in die tweede en

Kaela Steyn van Heuwelkruin begin haar 1,4 km-aflos in die Banking Mall.

derde plek. Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het twee spanne ingeskryf en behoorlik stof in die ander se oë geskop met ‘n eerste en tweede plek en Northern Academy Secondary School was derde. “Die wenspanne ontvang ‘n wisseltrofee wat in die skoolvakansie oorhandig sal word. Daar was 14 spanne en 10 skole wat aan die geleentheid deelgeneem het. Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos het ook ‘n onderwyserspan ingeskryf,” het Savannah Mall-bemarkingsbestuurder, Karen Botha, gesê. Sy het ook die borge, Nando’s, Wimpy en Mugg & Bean bedank. Savannah Mall was die hoofborg.

Michelle Mocke van PLS net voordat sy aan haar spanmaat oorgee. PLS het die laerskool-afdeling gewen.



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Mej Limpopo Tiener bederf PLS Ystertjies

June 19, 2014

18 OBSERVER polokwane

Moontlike OTM-sindikaat in Bodorp KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com

Outomatiese Tellermasjien (OTM)-gebruikers word dringend gewaarsku om veral saans oplettend te wees wanneer hulle geld in die stad trek. Hierdie waarskuwing volg op ‘n epos wat gesirkuleer is om OTM-gebruikers te waarsku ehoeftige leerders van oor ‘n moontlike voorval by ‘n vulstasie in MarPietersburg Laerskool shallstraat waar ‘n wit Volkswagen Polo met vier (PLS) is die komende insittendes mense by die tellermasjiene beroof skoolvakansie seker van ‘n het. Daar word beweer dat die voertuig verlede eetdingetjie of twee danksy week by die roof van ‘n kaart en R4 000 kontdie barmhartigheid van Mej ant by die vulstasie naby die Floraparkdam Limpopo Tiener 2014, Tiane betrokke was en dat een van die insittendes, Ströh en verskeie ander volgens getuies, ‘n oorpak soos deur munisiborge wat die kinders help. pale werkers gedra word, aangehad het. Die PLS Ystertjies is ‘n Die voorval kon egter nie deur die Pololiefdadigheidprojek gemik op kwane Polisie bevestig word nie. leerders wat nie noodsaakOpmerksaamheid is volgens Lesiba Ralikhede soos kos en klere het moshaba van die Polokwane Polisie die belangnie. Tiane het met die hulp rikste eienskap van ‘n OTM-gebruiker. “Ons is van onder meer Pietersburg Vryburgers onder die leiding van Nico van nie bewus van die spesifieke voorval waaroor Niekerk en Aggie Ströh, meer as R15 000 ingesamel vir die behoeftige die waarskuwende e-posse gaan nie, maar wil leerders. Tiane en PLS Ystertjies bedank Pietersburg Vryburgers, GA Willie steeds die gemeenskap maan om hul veiligheid Roller Mills, Paul du Rand van Vivunt Financial Advisors, Duroc Foods, voorop te stel, veral as dit by geldtransaksies Francois Pretorius en Jimmy Scott. en OTM-masjiene kom.” Ramoshaba sê indien so ‘n voorval met jou gebeur, moet die polisie dadelik in kennis gestel word sodat hul ‘n saak kan open en on challenges faced by the provincial governdie verantwoordelike YOLANDE NEL ment as well as its achievements, the long kriminele kan vastrek. >>observer.yolande@gmail.com awaited exit of the team of national adminisRamoshaba sê trators, developmental issues and investment David Mahlangu kan The usual display of pomp is expected to mark efforts. by 082 729 0077 en the second Legislature opening of the year Premier’s spokesperson Kenny Mathivha Andre Kotze by 082 scheduled for 26 June. told Polokwane Observer that Mathabatha 414 2314 geskakel In the wake of the May elections, the openwould probably focus on the departure of the word oor enige vooring of the Legislature is due to take place after administrators, issues like economic developvalle. Parliament opening on Tuesday evening with ment and job creation drivers, following up on an address by President Jacob Zuma. The first his mention of rallying organs of civil society in provincial session was in February. support of sporting codes and the hosting of a In Limpopo the official address delivered by sporting indaba, dealing with learner material Premier Stan Mathabatha will again take cenand improved matric results, service delivery tre stage, when he is due to speak on matters expectations at local government level as well of concern to the people of the province. His as societal matters reflecting on the moral fibre address is expected to touch on highlights and of society. headaches alike. Emphasis may most likely be KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail. com


Die hoofleiers van Pietersburg Laerskool, Minette du Preez (links) en Poena van Wyk (regs) ontvang die skenking namens PLS Ystertjies van Mej Limpopo Tiener 2014, Tiane Ströh. Saam met hulle is Lize Venter, ‘n personeellid wat die projek ondersteun.


Second Legis opening for year

visit us on

Young graduates from Letamo ready for the world of commerce


Above: Susan Gouws welcomes guests at the launch. Below: Officiating at the Letamo Bridging Programme are Kholofelo Pholafudi (Motivational Speaker), Susan Gouws (Director of LH Education), Tania Lee (Projects Manager Fasset) and Craig Jeffrey (LH Education’s Coordinator of the Letamo Bridging Programme).

>> Programme bridges gap between studies and employment >> Ultimate success is to place graduates with employers BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

The Letamo Bridging Programme was officially launched at Bolivia Lodge on Friday to coincide with Youth Day. The young graduates that are currently on the programme attended the

celebration. Letamo is a six month bridging programme offered by LH Education to assist young graduates to bridge the gap between formal education and employment. The programme is currently running in Limpopo and offers 58 graduates the opportunity to complete a work-readiness programme in the field of commerce. The program provides for communication, technological and soft skills that have become a necessity in today’s work place. Letamo is financed by Fasset, the Finance and Accounting Sector Education and Training Authority.

The key note speaker was Tania Lee, Project Manager of Fasset. Letamo provides companies and employers with the unique opportunity of acquiring employees who are work ready without having to advertise or pay a recruitment fee. Prior to developing the programme, LH Education consulted with various employers in Limpopo to determine which skills are lacking and what they require from young professionals. Letamo invites employers to actively partner with them to facilitate work placements of graduates and to contact them on 012 347 4936 or at info@lheducation.co.za.

Elviera Schreüder (Facilitator) with graduates Caroline Maphupha and Khorommbi Siaga attending the launch at Bolivia Lodge.

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer




Business profile>>

June 19, 2014 >> Page 20

Hester Engelbrecht

Business: Bernina Polokwane. Why did you choose the profession? >>Needlework is my biggest hobby. What puts you ahead in your industry? >>Selling and marketing a well-established, 75-year-old product. How do you live out your passion for your career? >>I pass my passion for needlework on to my clients.

R20 million to roll out massive skills development >> Financial support to young entrepreneurs. >> We want young people to be educated

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he provincial government has set aside R20 million to roll out a massive skills development programme related to the provision of both financial and non-financial support to young entrepreneurs. The announcement was made by Premier Stan Mathabatha during the Provincial Youth Day celebrations at Ephraim Mogale stadium in Waterberg district on Monday. “We are going to expand our roll out of learnership and internship programmes for young graduates as a way of giving them the necessary workplace experience,” Mathabatha said. “The country has entered the

second phase of transition. This phase is about radical economic transformation. Without doubt this phase will require educated and skilled youths. We want young people to be educated so that they can be able to seize the many opportunities that are availed to them,” Mathabatha said. Mathabatha further warned that if young people are not educated, precious minerals such as our platinum and gold will be worthless for them. “We will still rely on some unscrupulous foreign powers to help us beneficiate our minerals. This will mean that our continent will remain a supplier of raw imported or finished goods,” Mathabatha warned. “The truth of the matter is that when we export raw gold and platinum we are in a way exporting

thousands of jobs. The only way to stop this kind of trend is to use education to equip ourselves with the requisite knowledge to beneficiate these minerals ourselves,” Mathabatha added. He also mentioned that government will continue to build schools and training colleges to support this skills revolution. “We currently have further education training colleges in every district of the province. We will also support students in these colleges with financial assistance,” the Premier concluded. Photo: Archives

Premier Stan Mathabatha.

Far North Cleaning & Pest Control CC a leader in the industry BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Pat Pheeha with one of the vehicles used to respond to all customers’ Photo: Barry Viljoen needs.

With 12 years’ experience in the field of general pest control, cleaning and soil preparation of building sites, fumigation and removal of various types of debris, pests and insects, Far North Cleaning & Pest Control CC is the contractor of choice in making your home or workplace safe and hygienic. The company was established in 2000 and has branches in all nine provinces, with its head office in Polokwane. According to the owner of Far North Cleaning & Pest Control CC, Pat Pheeha, his company is very

responsive to the requirements of clients and leaves a legacy of excellence and integrity. All work is done under supervision of adequately trained and skilled staff and the safety and well-being of clients and their property are of paramount importance. Environmentally friendly products and techniques are used throughout and adherence to all legislation and safety standards can be relied upon. Far North Cleaning and Pest Control CC is the first 100% black owned cleaning and pest control service in Limpopo and their offices are situated at 19 Schoeman Street, Polokwane. The business has 34 employees.

KFC hand over R80 000 to Lethlanthene Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za KFC Polokwane through their national feeding initiative Add Hope, handed over a cheque worth R80 000 to Lethlanthene Drop-in Centre in Blood River last Thursday. The centre, one of 90 smaller community initiatives around the country that benefit from the Add Hope Campaign, caters for 180 underprivileged children from Blood River and surrounds. To contribute to this the initiative KFC customers can add R2 to every order they place. “We are excited to hand over the cheque to the centre and we believe it will add value to the lives of the children who live there. With this money the management will be able to buy enough food for the children,” KFC Polokwane Local Store Marketing Manager, Cheray van Blerk said. Bridgett Mokgashi, Managing Director of Lethlanthene Drop-in Centre said the money will certainly improve the living conditions of the children at the facility. “We have 180 children who are making use of the centre and sometimes we cannot cater for them all. With this money we will be able to buy enough food for everyone,” Mokgashi said The Add Hope campaign started in 2009 and it has since raised R183 million with every donation going directly the designated beneficiaries countrywide.

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Present during the cheque handover are Agnes Phooko, (Area Manager KFC Polokwane Franchises), Cheray van Blerk, (KFC Polokwane Local Store Marketing Manager), Bridgett Makgashi (Managing Director of Lethlanthene Drop-in Centre) and Lefentje Rasefate (Area Manager KFC Polokwane Franchises).



Motors profile>>

June 19, 2014 >> Page 21

Victor Meyer

Dealer: BB Used. What is the biggest challenge in your line of work? >> To maintain quality and excellent service in the pre-owned vehicle industry. What do prospective clients need to keep in mind when purchasing a vehicle? >> Buy from a reliable source with the backing of the best automated group in the industry. How do you stay at the forefront of your industry? >> Prospecting with a smile.

Father’s Day extended at GWM RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Photos: RC Myburgh

While the world is celebrating the 2014 Fifa Soccer World Cup, you could be celebrating in a brand new GWM C50T.

The interior is spacious and luxurious.


The performance of the 1,5 litre turbocharged engine is approximately the same as any other 2,0 litre.

here is reason for dads to celebrate because Great Wall Motors (GWM) Polokwane announced that their Father’s Day special which offers a R10 000 cashback reward has been extended when you buy a GWM C50T. The C50T, GWM’s new family sedan is well worth the encounter. This four door sedan is set to create quite a stir on Limpopo’s roads. It is elegantly designed and the two models, Luxury or Elite are luxuriously comfortable while putting your safety and driving enjoyment first. Whether you drive it through peak-hour traffic, cart the children around or hit the open road on a family vacation, the C50T will make your journeys safe, rewarding and memorable. Second glances come standard with the C50T. If you love being behind the steering wheel of a good looking car, you will find that the C50T ticks all the boxes in the looks department. Its sleek contours give it an air of sophistication, whilst subtle chrome finishes add a contemporary feel. It is not a car that goes unnoticed with its extended body; smart 16” alloy wheels and twin chrome-tipped exhaust pipes. If you spend a lot of time in your car, you will definitely appreciate the spaciousness. With elegant seats the C50T has plenty of legroom in the front and back, a 60:40 rear seat and a boot capacity of 530 litres to hold your luggage with ease. The C50T also boasts many features what will turn you into its number one fan. Over and above essential musthaves like air-conditioning, power steering and

electric windows, the C50T also offers you many other creature comforts. It furthermore offers state-of-the-art radio/CD/MP3 player with USB and auxiliary ports and six speaker system. The C50T is equipped with a brand new Euro V-compliant GW4G15T, 1,5-litre turbo petrol engine. It will give you 93 kW of power at 5 600 rpm, the same output expected from a 2,0 litre engine. Not only is the C50T one of the most powerful cars in its class, you’ll also feel its fuel economy in your pocket thanks to an estimated fuel consumption of only 7,4 litres per 100 km. But when it comes to putting your foot down, the C50T will jump into action with 188 Nm of torque over a revolution range from 2 000 to 4 500 rpm. The five speed manual transmission with front wheel drive ensures dynamic handling. Any father would like to keep his family safe and a number of clever safety features in the C50T assist the driver in doing so. Its strong cage-like body structure forms a safety cell which protects the driver and passengers on impact. Safety systems like ABS with EBD ensure smooth and prompt braking in less than perfect road conditions. Dual front airbags and adjustable front safety belts look after the front occupants while Isofix child seat mountings and rear door child locks have been affixed. GWM strives towards their slogan: focus, dedication and specialization and that is why a five year/100 000km warranty and five year/60 000 km service plan comes standard on the purchase. Visit GWM Polokwane at 83 Landdros Maré Street or contact them on 015 297 0263 to view or test drive the C50T.


June 19, 2014

22 OBSERVER polokwane

New Mercedes-Benz C-Class warms up winter

One of the guests, Solly Mabusela gets comfortable behind the wheel. Below: The interior of the new C-Class is as impressive as the exterior. PHOTOS: MELANY MARTIN

The new Mercedes-Benz C-Class is an exciting mix of elegant design and innovative Mercedes-Benz technology.

>> The first automotive manufacturer to develop an integral safety concept

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


n keeping with the current cold weather Mercurius Motors Polokwane created a winter land theme with snow and pale trees as backdrop to the introduction of the all new Mercedes-Benz C-Class to residents of Polokwane. Delicious pancakes and soup complemented the event on Friday as guests were able to warm up from the inside. The new C-Class is a saloon designed to appeal to all senses. With a design idiom and flowing, precise lines that embody sophisticated sportiness the new C-Class is eager to make a difference in the luxury vehicle segment. The front end of the new C-Class is an exciting mix of elegant design and innovative Mercedes-Benz technology, a case in point being the optional air panel for the Exclusive line, including a shutter that opens and closes using a refined mechanism to optimise the aerodynamics to suit the current situation. The coupé-like silhouette is fluid with clean lines, sculptural surfaces and contours which culminate into the sporty rear end. The interior is as impressive as the exterior. It is captivating and intelligent with a head-up display system. Information hovers above the bonnet two meters in front of your eyes. It is very pleasant and enhances safety as the driver receives key information as a glance without having to take his eyes of the road. The new C-Class further offers a touchpad with multitouch sensor system which is an integral component of the Audio 20 CD and COMAND Online system. This system can even decipher the letters or numbers in the driver’s handwriting. Incidentally the touchpad is the first ever to be able to control all the functions of an infotainment system based on gestures alone. To make the car more efficient, MercedesBenz developed highly sophisticated drive technologies that are both powerful and economical. The engine range is a C220 BlueTEC diesel (125 kW), C180 (115 (kW) and C200 (135 kW) petrol engines. Everyone of the engines for the new C-Class is already driven by one form of renewable energy: the power of innovation. Like the BlueTEC diesel engine with exceptionally low harmful emissions. Complex catalytic converter technology reduces nitrogen oxides substantially, making driving literally one of the purest of joys. In the case of petrol engines, measures such as the combination of exhaust gas turbo charging with direct injection and an enhanced combustion process reduce both fuel consumption and emissions, so much so that the new C-Class already meets the requirements of the Euro 6-emissions standard. Mercedes-Benz was the world’s first automotive manufacturer to develop an integral safety concept. Safety features on the new C-Class include Attention Assist, Active Lane Keeping Assist, Active Blind Spot Assist and Collision Prevention Assist. To view the new C-Class or to book a test drive visit Mercurius Motors on the corner of Nelson Mandela Drive and Grobler Street, Motor City or call them on 015 299 9500.

June 19, 2014

Mercurius Motors Polokwane Tel: 015 299 9500 cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Road, Polokwane Email: jcoetzee@cargomotors.co.za

Polokwane Observer



June 19, 2014


Erika Pre-primêre Skool>>


Bulletjieborge van Erica Pre-primêre Skool word bedank

KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Erika Pre-primêre Skool bedank hul borge vir die konstante ondersteuning wat die skool se rugbybulletjies die afgelope seisoen ontvang het. Ria Elliot, ‘n onderwyser sê dat die 2014-bulletjieseisoen gekenmerk is deur kreatiewe rugby en ‘n liefde vir sport wat alles te danke is aan die nuwe Rip-reëls. Met behulp van dié reëls en progressiewe ontwikkelingsplan kan die kannetjies hulself uitleef sonder dat fisiese kontak plaasvind of telling gehou word. Elliot bedank die ouers, afrigters en borge. Reynhard Swanepoel word vir die borg van die truie en Kabane Strategic Marketing vir die uitstekende diens met die drukwerk van die truie uitgesonder.

Foto: Verskaf

Die bulletjiespan van Erika Pre-Primêre Skool, hul afrigters, borg en trotse skoolhoof. Voor is Henlo Burger, Franco Lingenfelder, Lourens Swanepoel, Liam Nel, Iwan Visagie en Mikaeel Hassim. In die middel is Justin Lessing, Johan Scholtz, Stephan Janse van Rensburg, Christiaan Landman, Koos Jongbloed, Franco Bezuidenhout, Luka Sinden en Liam van der Bank. Agter is Leandro Visagie, afrigter, Reynhard Swanepoel, borg, Monja Groenewald, hoof en Leon van der Bank, afrigter.

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June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Junie 19, 2014


24-hours Service

We supply a wide range of trailer parts and components POLOKWANE

Tel: 015 293 2331 | 015 293 2332 Fax: 015 293 2337 108 Blaauwberg St, Ladine, Polokwane Johan 082 974 0497 Pottie 082 398 7039 Leon 079 893 5325 Edmore 082 666 5247 Zander 076 421 6472 Nico 082 315 1894


Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Photographed during the team’s send-off ceremony are Onicca Moloi, Chairperson for the Portfolio of Sport, Arts and Culture at the Provincial Legislature, Annah Kgofelo, Phuti Montana (members of Vhakhegula Vhakhegual Soccer Team), Beka Ntsanwisi, (Founder of Vhakhegula Vhakhegula Team), Nandi Ndalene (MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture) and Timothy Madibana(Co-founder of Vhakhegula Vhakhegula).

Vhakhegula Vhakhegula off to Brazil Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


EC for Sport, Arts and Culture, Nandi Ndalane described the members of Vhakhegula Vhakhegula (Golden Oldies) Soccer team as trendsetters and the pride of the country and the province before they jetted off to Brazil on Friday. Four members, Phuti Montana, Tsatsawane Makondo, Anna Kgofela, Onica Ndovela accompanied by the founder and co-founder of the club Beka Ntsanwisi and Timothy Madibana have spent the past week in Brazil during the 2014 Fifa World Cup tournament. They will watch two World Cup group matches at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro and will get to visit Sugarloaf Mountain, some of the World Cup fan parks as well as taste the culture and cuisine of Brazil. “The grannies have set the trend in our country. Before them, no one in our country ever thought of old people playing soccer. We are proud to have such a team in the province, indeed they have set the trend in the country,” Ndalane said during the team’s send off ceremony at Olympic Towers on Friday. In a media statement issued by main sponsor, Coca-Cola the company’s Marketing

>> Trendsetters and pride of the country and the province >> Have shown there are no age limits in football

Director, Sharon Keith is quoted to have said the grannies have shown that there are no age limits in football and no social barriers; that football brings people together all over the world and can change lives. “The Gogos embody the message that is at the heart of the Fifa World Cup. Everyone joins together to celebrate the Fifa World Cup. It belongs to everyone, wherever you are, whoever you support and no matter your age,” the statement read. Coca-Cola was so inspired by Beka and her team that they decided to surprise them by arranging a special red carpet visit by the Fifa World Cup Trophy to their training ground in Giyani during its Trophy Tour last year. The Grannies were so overcome with joy at having the trophy visit them that Coca-Cola then surprised them with the chance to go to experience this year’s World Cup tournament in Brazil. Team member Annah Kgofela said she was excited be part of the team going to Brazil. “I am so happy that I will be in Brazil, the country which is regarded by many as the home of football. It is a dream come true for me and some of my fellow players and we are looking forward to a once in a lifetime experience.” The team is expected back in the country tomorrow (Friday).

Sheriff’s office donates food parcels to needy communities Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


103B Schoeman Street • Polokwane • 0699 Tel: 015 297 8601/6 • Fax: 086 566 9968 Email: fastbikes@polka.co.za www.fastbikestriumph.co.za

The Sheriff’s office at the Seshego Magistrate’s Court celebrated World Sheriff’s Day by handing out food hampers to 200 needy families in the area last Thursday. The initiative between the Sheriff’s offices in Seshego, Polokwane, Bela-Bela and Thohoyandou identified disadvantaged families in their respective areas and as a gesture of goodwill handed out the food hampers to alleviate the plight of the poorer members of the community. The theme for World Sheriff’s Day was hu-

man rights and the food parcels put a smile on the faces of the needy community members. The spokesperson for the Sheriff’s office in South Africa, Zainab Abrahmans said the Seshego initiative would not have been possible without the assistance of Sent 2 Serve Ministries in Polokwane. The non-profit organisation helped the various Sheriff’s offices in Limpopo to source and package the 200 food hampers prior to distribution on Thursday. Abrahmans went on the say that all the Sheriff’s offices countrywide will be involved in similar projects next year targeting disadvantaged communities in their areas of jurisdiction.

Photos: Warren Blunt

Personnel from the Seshego Sheriff’s office and Sent 2 Serve Ministries with the food hampers that were distributed to disadvantaged members of the community last Thursday are Lebogang Ralehlaka, Annah Malatji, Melville Botha (Sent 2 Serve Ministries), Zanaib Abrahmans (Spokesperson Sheriff’s office), Lucas Mokaba, James Malejane, John Ralehlaka and Lena Maphoto.


Property profile>>

PROPERTIES Stay safe on property show days



Childline 0800 055 555 Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177 Premier’s Hotline (Anti-Corruption) 0800 864 729

NAME: _________________________________________________________ CONTACT NUMBER: ______________________________________________

ANTON 082 443 6039








GRETHA - 082 802 1874

BENDOR • R520 000 PERFECTLY SITUATED! Stand in Woodlands. 1 090m². This is the stand you’re looking for. Build your dream house!! Good security, excellent location. Call now to view! Ref: 91344179580 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632

BENDOR • R370 000 SEEKING TO LIVE IN THIS ZONE? A well positioned vacant land in Thornhill measuring 450m². Your chance to build your dream home in this sought after estate. Rush to grab it. Ref: 91344180564 SHEPSTONE • 072 458 4524

BENDOR • R385 000 BARGAIN –BARGAIN - BARGAIN BARGAIN - never to be repeated again. 785m² stand in a highly secured estate. Live your dreams and design your own castle. Ref: 91344180633 INA • 079 597 8693

LADANNA • R1 110 000

A BIG FAMILY HOME! Spacious bedrooms with spacious lounge. Kitchen. Big verandah. The property has a flatlet with bathroom. This yard is protected by precast walls and lockable gate. There is a single lockable garage. Ref: 91344180639








ANTON • 082 443 6039








JACOB - 082 466 8366


A PALACE IN CELTIC MEADOWS. A class of its own. Six bedrooms and 4 en suite bathrooms, lounge dining room, huge study, family room and TV room. All bedrooms with BIC and kitchen fitted with granite tops. All floors are tiled. Doublestorey home. Bar with own bathroom. Double garage. Electric fence. Sparkling pool and office. Call today.. Ref: 91344180510


DIE KORAAL • R799 000

PRICE REDUCED Lovely home in retirement village. If you are over 50 - this is the ideal retirement home. Excellent security and peaceful living. Well built with good quality finishes. Reasonable levies. Call now to view. Ref: 91344179231

15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za

ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


Tel: 015 295 3134

BENDOR • R1 950 000


Answer the following 3 questions and drop your answer in the competition box at our office to stand a chance to win Mall of the North Gift Vouchers. First prize R800, second prize R300 and third prize R100! Mark answers. Drawings take place on 28 June 2014 and winners will be contacted. 1. Property for All is in the same centre as which butchery? Monate Meat Kalahari Butchery Vleislapa 2. Property for All is right next to which shop? Pools @ Home Pick ‘n Pay Checkers 3. Property for All is located near which filling station? Shell Sasol BP

Alert the agent concerned and the police immediately if you find something is missing. With security in mind, many sellers and agents are opting to add a virtual tour to their online listings. This feature allows potential buyers to “walk around” a home before they decide that they need to view it in person – generally ensuring that only serious buyers enter a property that is for sale.

FAMILY HOME Grab the opportunity to invest in this well planned family home situated in one of the most sought after areas at a bargain price. Very neat spacious and well maintained. Great lapa for entertaining. Ref: 91344180042

Ria Roos

www.propertyforall.co.za Tel/Fax: 015 297 0005 Welgelegen Centre, 95 Genl Viljoen Street

>> Lock away all jewellery and other valuables >> Sellers and agents are opting to add a virtual tour to their online listings

how houses have been a part of life for estate agents for years and are regarded by most as an effective selling tool. Spending a Sunday afternoon showing people around a neat, well presented home is the ideal way to showcase what’s on offer in order to generate interest in the property and serious buyers generally enjoy the freedom of viewing a property in their own time and as such will visit several show homes until they find exactly what they want. All in all, it looks like a winwin situation, but there are concerns. Security issues are at the forefront of most South Africans’ minds and the fact that your home could be closely inspected during a show day is something worth considering. While there are thousands of innocent buyers who are genuinely looking for a new home, there are also those who visit show houses for all the wrong reasons. Agents tend to be very aware of this and it is rare to find a female agent willing to show a house on her own. Savvy agents are also careful as to how many prospective buyers they allow into a home at any given time. The days in which prospective buyers could arrive in their hordes and wander around a property at whim are long gone. Most agents will only allow one couple at a time to view a property and will accompany them during the process. Of course it’s not only on show days that sellers are vulnerable – the mere fact that agents have to show people around a home in order to get it sold can make the property a target for criminals. A recent reported case in Gauteng highlighted the dangers of allowing strangers into seller’s homes. A man targeted show houses and contacted individual agents to arrange private viewings. The smooth operator managed to steal jewellery to the value of R25 000 from one home and money and an expensive watch from another. While it may be easy to point fingers at estate agents it pays to remember that crooks are notoriously sly and there will always be those who manage to slip through the cracks. With that in mind, you should take extra precautions when your home is on the market. Lock all jewellery and other valuables away. Don’t assume that because something is hidden in a drawer that it will be safe. Do not leave cash lying around. Ask the agent if and how buyers are vetted. Ask the agent to supply contact numbers for everyone viewing the property and insist that the agent remain with the buyers at all times while they are viewing the home.

Agency: Seeff. What is interesting about your work? >> Your dreams, your reality, my business. Buy or rent? >> We are currently in a buyers’ market phase. Do you think the rise in the interest rate will affect house prices? >> The selling price is always determined by a willing buyer and a willing seller.

June 19, 2014 >> PAGE 27






SHEPSTONE• 072 458 4524

LADANNA • R2 380 000

EXTRA INCOME HOUSE! Spacious family home with extra income on stand of 2855m². 2 separate self catering units. Huge entertainment area. Beautiful kitchen with granite tops. Green garden with 135 palm trees. Borehole. Too much to mention. Worth viewing by serious buyers. Ref: 91344180513




INA • 079 597 8693



SESHEGO • R684 000

A STUNNING AND MARVELLOUS PROPERTY IN SESHEGO ZONE 2 The property consists of spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms - lounge dining room - study room. There is a fireplace in the lounge. Double garage and double carports. The yard is protected by walls right round. Lots of paving. With small garden and small shrubs. Servant room and bathroom. Ref: 91344180337






JACOB • 082 466 8366


MÔREGLOED • R2 370 000

OPPORTUNITY - A FINE HOME IN PERFECT CONDITION. New release - large family home 514m² on stand 1586m². Newly renovated open-plan with quality finishes - under roof parking for 5 cars - electric fenced. Flat let: 2 bedrooms and bathroom. Staff quarters: 1 bedroom shower + toilet. Please call me today to view! Ref: 91344179936




SIAS • 082 372 7265



IVY PARK • R700 000

PERFECT FAMILY HOME! Family home situated in a new development in Ivy Park. Clean and newly built. Huge open-plan lounge. Spacious yard. Call now to view! Ref: 91344180511





JAMES • 072 236 7310



BENDOR • R887 000

CAREFREE LIVING IN VERY GOOD SECURE COMPLEX. Ideal for beginners. Very neat townhouse. A must see. Close to Mall Of The North. Why wait? Call now! Ref: 91344180563





RINA • 082 929 9171



SERALA VIEW • R1 357 000

SPACIOUS AND IMMACULATE! Stunning home in popular suburb. Kitchen with granite tops. Double garage and double carport. The yard is fully walled with electric fence and electric gate. Excellent family home with spacious garden. Ref: 91344180098





SIMON • 082 476 8916




DIE KORAAL • R645 000


Newly built home in popular retirement village. Peaceful and tranquil surroundings. Excellent security and affordable levies. Suitable for the over 50’s. Don’t delay. Call now! Ref: 91344179232







ANTON • 082 443 6039




2 1

R 5,500



R 8,000


2 2




R 4,400



R 3,700




R 5,000


2 1

R 9,000


2 2

R 6,600



R 16,500


3 2


R 5,500


2 1


R 9,000


3 2 1



* Offices in Flora Park available R4 000pm * 81m² OFFICE AVAILABLE IN SCHOEMAN STREET * Small warehouses available

URGENT!!!!! We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants!

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JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874



Everything we touch turns to SOLD! KOWIE SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452

RINA 082 929 9171



Polokwane Observer

Junie 19, 2014

Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za - www.exclusiveprops.co.za

SECOND-TIME HOME BUYER’S GUIDE There’s a wealth of information out there for first-time home buyers. After all, they’re about to make the biggest financial commitment of their lives, and they probably know very little about the process. But what about second-time home buyers? They need information too. Second-time buyers should get prequalified for a loan from a bond originator so that they can house hunt with confidence. South Africa’s bond originator, ooba, offers a guide for homeowners buying their second home: What to do with the profit from the sale Obviously, the biggest difference for second-time homeowners is that they already own a property. This can be advantageous in that there should be an increase in the property’s value, and that profit can serve as the deposit on the new home. There are, however, some caveats. Allison Dunbar, oobaelite club consultant, says if the proceeds for the deposit are coming from the sale of the existing property, it is not always possible to pay the deposit until those funds are available. It is then common practice to provide a guarantee of the funds awaited. It is always advisable to use the proceeds of the sale as a deposit on the second property as it will ensure a better interest rate and more favourable bank scoring because of the reduced risk. “On the other hand, some clients may elect to pay off debt to ensure affordability for a new bond payment, and could be advised to use some of the proceeds from the sale to pay off existing debt,” she says. Get prequalified Although you may think that you’re a shoe-in for bond approval the second time around because your financial situation has improved, don’t be too sure. “Lending criteria have changed and you may have taken on other forms of debt, which can affect your affordability,” says Dunbar. Second-time buyers should get prequalified for a loan from a bond originator so that they can house hunt with confidence, knowing what they can afford and that there are no credit listings against their name. She says ooba’soobaqualified service calculates affordability and helps you to deal with any shortfalls in this area. They also evaluate your credit rating and then assist you with rectifying any judgements against your name. Things have changed at the banks If you bought your first home five or ten years ago, you will find that banks have tightened up significantly on the reductions in interest rates that they are willing to offer home loan applicants. “It is quite likely that when you apply for a new bond, you won’t get as favourable

Michelle 082 303 9111

Erika 082 953 1686

Nicolien 071 672 4612

an interest rate as you received on the previous bond,” says Dunbar. It is also tougher for self-employed applicants because banks are far more cautious with their lending criteria since the introduction of the National Credit Act. If you are self-employed, you will have to prove the sustainability of your new monthly commitment and provide adequate proof of earnings - another good reason to get prequalified. Conditional sale of your current home Many second-time buyers will make an offer on their new home conditional on the sale of their existing home. This is necessary because it prevents the buyer from ending up having to pay a bond on two properties – which can be financially crippling. However, it can also make their offer on the new property less appealing. In most cases, the seller will continue to market the house. “If he continues to market the property, he may receive an unconditional offer and could put the original buyer on notice to dispense with the condition of sale of the existing property,” says Dunbar. “The buyer could apply for a mortgage loan to secure the full purchase price to be able to proceed with the sale without his existing property having to be sold – if he qualifies and if he can afford it.” She advises that while awaiting the sale of the existing property, the prospective buyer should still apply for bond finance on the new property, so that when the old property is sold, the new sale can be concluded without delay. Shop around for your new home loan Even if you have a good repayment record with your existing bank, it’s a good idea to shop around for the best deal on your new home loan. Sometimes one bank will only approve a loan of less than the bond you’re applying for. And it’s always worth comparing the interest rates offered, as a variance of even just half a percent can have a massive impact on your repayments in the long term. Bonds cannot be transferred from one property to another, so each home loan application is considered in isolation. “Bond originators will apply to multiple banks simultaneously on your behalf, ensuring that you get the best deal on your home loan,” says Dunbar. Buying a second home can be just as daunting a process as buying your first - and equally exciting too. If you don’t cling to old assumptions and educate yourself about the process with the help of experts, you will find the process goes much more smoothly.

Cornel 082 396 7178

Marlene 082 804 4156

Marianna 083 268 5097

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126

PROPERTY FOR SALE 1) MIDTOWN : R850 000.00 Beautiful 3 Bedroom townhouse with single garage. Neat and spacious. Great deal. 2) OLD FLORAPARK: URGENT SALE: R1 250 000.00 Beautiful spacious family home with 3 living areas, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Braai, borehole plus bachelor flat. 3) STER PARK: R1 890 000.00 Spacious 4 bedroom home with modern kitchen, pool, lapa, indoor braai and electric fencing. I AM LOOKING FOR PLOTS FOR SALE / TO LET, PLEASE CONTACT ME!

CONTACT: SOLET - 082 498 4415

1) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1 ½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, tiles and paint. Single garage. 2) TOWNHOUSE – BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000.00 Open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and single garage. FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE

KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259 1) EDUAN PARK: R1 600 000.00 Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen, double garage. Entertainment room, Borehole. Quiet area. 2) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 450 000.00 3) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerendomhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00


HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK: 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole. PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) On N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. FARMS: 1) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 2) PIETERSBURG - 70ha Big house 30km from town. 3) PIETERSBURG ± 260 ha water rich 4) BOCHUM AREA: ± 730 ha (70 ha irrigation) R9 000 000.00 5) PIETERSBURG AREA CATTLE FARM: ± 1 000 ha R8 000 000.00 6) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) DEVELOPED INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE: Dendron road. 2) UNDEVELOPED INDUSTRIAL SPACE: Emerald Street 3) SAB AREA R2 000 m²: Vacant industrial 4) Industrial stands – N1 North available 5) 450m² warehouse on 1200m² stand R2 900 000.00 OPPORTUNITIES: 1) 12X FLAT COMPLEX - FULLY LET

TO LET: RESIDENTIAL CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126 MIDTOWN: R3 208.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and lights included! MIDTOWN: R4 000.00: Immediately 1 Bedroom flat with balcony and carport. DUPLEX FLAT: MIDTOWN - R5000.00 COMPENSATIE ST: Immediately - 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1 ½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, tiles and paint. Single garage. Very neat! BENDOR SECURITY AREA: TOWNHOUSE R5000.00 1 July- Duplex, 3 bedrooms, open-plan living area, double garage and garden UPPER TOWN: R9000.00 1 July Beautiful house with bachelor flat, 3 living areas, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage for 4 vehicles TO LET: INDUSTRIAL CONTACT STEPHEN TEL: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855m² - Office new (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room. 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices, good exposure. 4) 500m² + 800m² warehouses 5) 200m² office with 400m² store, Big yard, easy access Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – stand-alone office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton court) 4) 100m² Office CBD CONTACT SOLET - 015 2873300 DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R5000.00: Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms and double garage.

Bo: Die juniorkoor van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos met Rita Erasmus, afrigter, en Ans Becker, musiekonderwyser van Akademie Reformia in die voorgrond. Regs: Ensemble Esprit met hulle vertolking van Loch Lomond.

Befaamde internasionale orrelis in stad >> Plaaslike talent ook betrek >> Akademie Reformia se inisiatief BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


êreldberoemde Nederlandse orrelis, Martin Mans het verlede Dinsdagaand die gehoor gaande gehad met sy orrelspel in die NG Kerk Moedergemeente. Die program het optredes deur plaaslike talent, waaronder die Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos se juniorkoor onder leiding van Rita Erasmus en sang deur die Ensemble Esprit onder leiding van Jannie Becker, ingesluit. Ensemble Esprit se besondere vertolking van Loof die Here van Pieter van der Westhuizen het selfs Mans beïndruk. Die solis van die aand was die jong J D van der Merwe en Pieter-Willie Becker se vertolking van Maurice Green se “Trumpet Tune”, met Mans as begeleier, het die gehoor aangegryp. André du Plessis, vermaarde musikant van die stad wat al 36 jaar die orrel bespeel en orrelis by die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord is, sê: “Martin Mans se program was ‘n samestelling van sy eie improvisasies van bekende komponiste soos Mozart, Bach en Beethoven, asook verskeie werke uit die Nederlandse volksliedereskat. Improvisasies op Psalm- en Gesangmelodieë het die veelsydigheid van

Foto’s: Barry Viljoen

Wêreldberoemde orrelis, Martin Mans voor die orrel van die NG Kerk Moe­ dergemeente. die orrel ten toon gestel. Sy veelsydigheid was in elke improvisasie duidelik hoorbaar, sy dinamiese beheer van die pyporrel is ongelooflik en sy flambojante melodieë het telkens beïndruk. “Mans se beheer van die registers, manuale en pedale het die gehoor sprakeloos gehad, veral met sy improvisasie van die bekende sekulêre melodieë soos Phantom of the Opera en Any dream will Do. “Een van die groot hoogtepunte van die aand was Hoe groot is U met ‘n baie rustige inleiding en ‘n opbou na iets groots waar welluidende akkoorde afgewissel is met bekende melodieë terwyl elke noot presies op die regte plek was. “Die aand is afgesluit met ‘n interessante verwerking van My Sarie Marais met die gehoor wat spontaan saamgesing het. In sy toegif het hy, heel komies vir die oomblik, fyn gespot deur die gehoor te vra om te gaan slaap deur verskeie wiegeliedere te speel.” Die fondsinsamelingsprojek is deur Akademie Reformia gereël.


25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET ROOMS Pola Court R2 000 Compensatie St R2 250 FLATS AND TOWNHOUSES Elim R2 700 Willows R4 200 Costa Plenty (Plot) R3 500 Bendor Gardens R4 000 Atjankir R4 100 Ferns Place R4 150 Vida Court R4 000 Eastlee R4 250 Duplex Park R4 700 Serala Village R5 700 Tawny Hawks R7 800

01/07/2014 01/07/2014

Room with bathroom. Room with bathroom.

Immediately Immediately 01/07/2014 Immediately 01/08/2014 01/07/2014 Immediately 01/07/2014 Immediately 01/07/2014 Immediately

Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 3 bathr, guest toilet, garage, parking, garden, alarm. Duplex. 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, dining/lounge, scullery 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, dining, lounge, swimming pool. 2 Slpk-eenheid in aftree-oord.

HOUSES Plot, Dalmada

R5 000


Hill Str

R7 000



R5 300


June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer

TO LET Offices

100/m² to 800m² From R65.00/m²

Fully equipped with ample parking. Available immediately. Centrally situated. Contact: Maneoprops 072 614 4333


Nicholas & Mareike Tromp is op 19 April getroud. Hulle woon in Polokwane.


Jaco en Dezery du Toit is op 3 Mei in Pretoria getroud. Die paartjie vestig hul in Polokwane.


Leonard en Chrismelna Jacobs is op 5 April by Thatch Palace getroud en woon in Polokwane.


* 1 bedroom unit for R4 000pm Available immediately Contact Shelley 079 696 1563 office hours


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636



June 19, 2014

30 OBSERVER polokwane

Cancer survivors celebrate Global Impact Day

Thabo Victor Monare (Nielsen Global Information and Measurement Company), Louis Mokgama (Cansa volunteer), Mary Magoro (Cansa Hospital Manager) and Peter Nemafaheni (Nielsen Supervisor), with some of the messages of cancer survivors.

Photos: Barry Viljoen

Cancer survivors Georgina Kekana and Cordelia Kirk append their messages to the pieces of cloth during the Cancer Survivors’ celebration at the Theunis Fichardt Hospitium and Care Home. BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com



Douglas Court - Flat 3rd Floor R 615,000 2 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - Open-Plan Lounge & Dining, Kitchen, Douglas Court - Flat R4 723pm Carport Palmietfontein - Silicon R 1,400,000 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Balcony, Carport Tambotie - Duplex R5 890pm 4 Bedrooms - 1 Bathroom - Storeroom - 2 Boreholes (1 fully equipped), Plot - 8.5ha 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Newly renovated Rabe Street - In Town R 1,219,000 Tambotie - Duplex R4 800pm 3½ Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - Lounge - Dining Room - Kitchen 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Kitchen, Prepaid (Granite Tops), Double Carport Euphorbia - House R7 000pm 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Kitchen, Garage

Eskol Villas R8 250pm 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Open-Plan, Parking Diemeer - House R9 712pm 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Kitchen, Garage Pool, Built-in Braai, Alarm, Beams Duplex Park - Duplex R5 300pm 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Courtyard, Carport Plein View - Duplex 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Garage

R7 500pm


WOODHILL ESTATE 759m² @ R742 000 (2 Units) 536m² @ R371 000 NORTHVIEW 528m² @ R371 000 mARULA HEIGHTS 704m² @ R477 000 (Neg)



@ R428 000


@ R400 000


@ R371 000


@ R424 000


@ R371 000


@ R340 000

The Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) together with Nielsen, a leading global information and measurement company, highlighted cancer survivorship and the celebration of life as part of their Global Impact Day that took place at the Theunis Fichardt Hospitium and Care Home on Thursday. Cancer survivors were addressed by fellow survivors who shared their experiences in surviving cancer and provided guidance and inspiration to those that are fighting cancer. A media release issued by Cansa quoted acting Chief Executive Officer, Elize Joubert saying: “As June marks International Cancer Survivors’ Day, we’re excited to partner with Nielsen to celebrate and show our support for cancer survivors who show us that life after a cancer diagnosis

can be meaningful, productive and even inspiring. That is something to celebrate.” Cancer survivors were called upon to write messages on pieces of fabric that will be sewn together and used at Cansa’s offices and centres as tablecloths, curtains and other useful articles. Offering a place to stay while receiving cancer treatment, is one of the many ways in which Cansa helps cancer patients to cope with the effects of this awful disease. Patients receive meals and transport to treatment facilities at 12 centres countrywide. Cansa also provides audio compact discs (CD’s) giving information and practical tips to promote physical, emotional and mental well-being before and during treatment. Cansa Mobiliser in Limpopo, Ria du Plessis can be contacted on 083 259 2790 for any further assistance or information.

Want to build your dream house? Want to rent out your property? Want to sell your property? CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: admin.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za

Tel: 015 295 9014 Photo: Barry Viljoen

Silvia Croucamp lecturing 2nd year students of the Limpopo MediClinic on childhood cancer and the early warning signs of cancer.


THEO 082 990 7275

INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: FOR SALE: Vacant stands (Breweries area) Various stands in certainly the fasest growing industrial suburb. Priced from R850 000 plus VAT. CALL NOW !! TO LET ! FUTURA: On Dendron road with 1200m²-warehouse,200m² offices and 200m² storeroom. Fully fenced and great exposure: R 55 000pm. (NEGOTIABLE) ALSO FOR SALE AT A VERY COMPETITIVE PRICE ) KEN INDUSTRIA: 1) 700m² Cladded warehouse/storage: R15 000 pm TA TAKEN LABORIA: 700m² Warehouse and offices: R16 500 pm. CENTRAL CBD: Prime corner site of 550m² @ R110 pm (Subdividable) N warehouse/workshop and Motor Town: Prime 000m² TA1KE officespace,lots of parking! R45 000pm negotiable. NOTE: ALL FIGURES ABOVE EXCLUSIVE OF VAT ATTENTION ALL TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPERS: Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase one of the last big stands ( 3048m²) in a really prime and sought after suburb. Call me for more information. RAYMOND 082 458 4239

If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) PLOT: ELMADAL - R 720 000: Empty 4.2 ha plot, ± 600m from old Potties road. (Good investment) 2) TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR – R 820 000 (Neg): 2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom, open-plan living area, 1 garage, spacious back garden and entertainment area. (Ideal for first time buyer in posh area) 3) FLAT IN BODORP - R 600 000: 2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom, open-plan living and kitchen area, 1 carport, big garden and braai area. (Ideal for a 1st time buyer). WANTED: PLOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE, PLEASE !!

IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!! MABATHO 083 747 2056 mabathomabotja@gmail.com Urgent! Stands wanted! Let me sell your stand fast! See these and a whole lot more properties on our website: www.theogoosen.co.za • 1) Cycad Estate! Modern and Stunning! Open-plan 5 bed/r home with pool and lots of cupboard space! • 2) We also have beautiful homes in Bendor Village for sale. FOR INSTANCE: • @ R3,650M for 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, lounge/dining room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, entertainment room, lapa, swimming pool, 3 garages, servants’ rooms. • @ R 3,750M for 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, indoor and heated pool with cloak room, large kitchen and pantry, lovely lounge with fireplace, unique bar and entertainment room, borehole and standby generator set and garages. STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! Serala View: 2 x from 1000 m R500 000 Bendor Ridge: 782 m R825 000 Northview: 553 m R425 000 Eagles Crest: 704 m R430 000 Waterberry Estate: 670 m R440 000 Thornhill: 8 x from 462 m R350 000 Industrial stand: Plenty 1600 m R870 000 Woodhill: 3 x from R350 000 Celtic Meadows: 3 x from R440 000 De Bron 907 m R510 000 Stand in Town 5710 m R6.2 mil Let me sell your stand, they are going fast!! AND MANY MORE! COME AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! PHONE ME TODAY!

MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 bmpienaar@gmail.com

MAHLESEDI PARK-R 225 000 – For the last 391m² vacant stand in this area. 1) IVY PARK: R695 000: Spacious 3 bedroomed home with dining room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms. 2) SESHEGO ZONE :R395 000: Beautiful 2 bedroomed home with dining room, kitchen with built in units, 1 bathroom and double garage. 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, dining room and a kitchen 3) SESHEGO ZONE 2 - R420 000 (Business opportunity): A newly renovated 2 bedroom home with dining room, kitchen, 1 bathroom. Close to Capricorn FET. 4) LEGAE LA BATHO : R450 000: A 2 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 5) SESHEGO ZONE 8 - R 480 000: A lovely home with 3 sunny bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and a carport. Low maintenance! 6) MARULA HEIGHTS - R400 000, FOR A LARGE VACANT STAND. 7) WOODHILL ESTATE - R380 000: 418m² vacant stand. 8) MAHLASEDI PARK:R650 000: 3 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms. 9) MAHLAKO A PHAHLA - R550 000 (You will be the first to stay in this home): A newly built 2 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. URGENTLY LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL IN THESE AREAS: SESHEGO, EMDO, MADIBA PARK AND IVY PARK. Qualified buyers are waiting: Call your area specialist now! VERY LIMITED STANDS AVAILABLE IN MAHLAKO A PHAHLA FROM R199.950 only and selling like hot cakes!!

1) HOUSE IN CBD AREA - R1.450 000: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms dining room, lounge, kitchen, TV-room, study, double garage can be convert into a granny flat, electric fence. ±1500m² stand. Swimming pool. 2) SMALLHOLDING: 12KM NORTH OF POLOKWANE: 23 Ha, Spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom farm house. Milking shed, storerooms, 3 garages and cattle kraal, large thatched lapa, 6 large camps, 5 small camps with irrigation draglines, 1 equipped borehole. Water rich area. 3) CATTLE FARM: BYLSTEEL AREA: R4 300 000 – SOLE MANDATE: 356 Ha, 4 Title Deeds. Divided in camps, 2 Bedroom Farmhouse. Large steel shed, Cattle handling facilities, 2 x 15 Ha Pivots, 3 boreholes, 2 cement dams, incomplete bush camp with thatched Lapa. This fine property can be converted to a game farm since its game fenced on two sides. No Land Claims. 4) IRRIGATION FARM: BLOUBERG/VIVO AREA – R9 000 000: 735 Ha, ±49 Ha under drip irrigation, 175 500 L/Hour tested from 4 equipped boreholes, (3 non equipped.) 600m² steel shed, 15 labour houses, 500 Ha game fenced camp, rest of farm partly game fenced. Farm equipment e.g tractors implements, etc, neg. No Land Claims. 5) SECLUDED 85HA GAME FARM CLOSE TO POLOKWANE - R 2 950 000: Come and unwind in total comfort with spectacular mountain views, your ideal weekend breakaway against the backdrop of the Limpopo Bushveld. Stunning and modern accommodation. 6) LADANNA – R 2.2MIL: Well maintained 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, quiet location, set in lush garden with own borehole. Large stand for future development. Added bonus: 2 garden flats complement this large family home. Contact Philip for more details. WANTED: FARMS AND SMALL HOLDINGS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE.

SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com

PHILIP 082 937 3683 philipinsa@gmail.com

HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za

Childhood cancer - early warning signs >> Most childhood cancers are curable if detected early

Silvia Croucamp, Nurse Clinical Officer and Trainer Coordinator for the Childhood Cancer Foundation SA (Choc), visited Polokwane on Friday to educate second year students of BARRY VILJOEN Limpopo Medi-Clinic about childhood cancer >>barryv.observer@gmail.com and the early warning signs of cancer. Croucamp explained that cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in a particular organ of the body causing a growth or tumour TEL: 015 295 4537 / Fax: 015 291 1166 that can spread to other parts of the 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET body. Childhood canwww.stipecprop.co.za cer is not so common WOONSTELLE / FLATS: HUISE / HOUSES: and the incidence is 0152954537 / 0732817405 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN TOWN about one in 650. R6 800 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sit/ R2 550 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and The good news is eetkamer, kombuis, 1 motorhuis en 2 afdakke. bathroom. Prepaid electricity, Dadelik beskikbaar. however that most water R80 per month. R7 150 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, R3000 – “Bachelor” woonstel met kombuis childhood cancers are dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, garage and en badkamer. Parkering. Dadelik beskibaar. carport. Water and electricity at municipality. curable if detected R3 600 – 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge/kitchen FLORA PARK and carport. Prepaid electricity. early. Unexplained feR4400 – 2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, Communal swimming pool. kombuis, motorhuis en afdak. Geen diere ver for more than two DOUGLAS COURT toegelaat. Beskikbaar 1 Julie. weeks, loss of appeR4 750 – 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, R10 050 – 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, 4 garages dining room, kitchen and carport. tite and weight, pallor and swimming pool. Prepaid electricity. (paleness), fatigue R11 000 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkaHOSPITAL PARK mer, eetkamer, kombuis, spens, 4 afdakke + 1 (tiredness) and easy R2 750 – Spacious! 1 Bedroom, bathroom, slaapkamer, woonstel met sitkamer, kombuis en lounge, kitchen. Electricity at Municipality, bruising or bleeding badkamer. water included. BENDOR in children may be R2 800 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and R4900 – Small house! 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathsigns of cancer and bathroom. Available 1 July. rooms, lounge, kitchen, 2 carports. Prepaid MEENTHUISE / TOWNHOUSE: should immediately electricity. 0152954537 / 0732817405 R10 000 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkambe referred to a docTOWN er, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, studeerkamer, R3 415 – 1 Bedrooms bathroom, lounge and tor. A white spot in gaste toilet, 2 afdakke, braai, Wendyhuis, lapa. kitchen. Carport available at R175 extra per Beskikbaar 1 Julie. the eye, a squint or R12 420 – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, month. new blindness, bulgdining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, 2 gaMAGAZYN STR rages and 1 carport. Immediately available. R5 100 – 2 slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, siting eye mass, a lump, OFFICES kamer, eetkamer, kombuis en 2 afdakke. Klein aching bones and ±40m². Covered parkings. Water + electricity at hondjie welkom. Municipality. back ache in children LADANNA 120m² warehouses available in Ladine. From R3 900 to R4 250 – Safe complex. as well as slurred Hampton Court – R10 000-00 excl VAT, available 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen immediately. speech and a change and carport. Water at City Council and Shop available near UNISA. Suitable for an or deterioration in prepaid power. Internet Café / Food Franchise. R8000-00 per R5 100 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, month, Excluding VAT. walk or balance, may dining room, kitchen, scullery, TV room and MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, VARIOUS also be some of the garage. Prepaid electricity. SIZES. PHONE TODAY! early warning signs of VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS OF THE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE. childhood cancer.

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Legal trade in rhino horn far from reality

>> Number of poached rhinos continues to rise >> Inter-ministerial committee established by Cabinet Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Department of Environmental Affairs has denounced recent media reports on the possible legal trade in rhino horn that have evidently been creating confusion with regards to the government’s position on the proposed trade in rhino horns, in a media statement released last week. The media release stated that the South African government is well aware of the continued slaughter of the country’s wildlife, especially as South Africa is home to more than 80% of the world’s rhino population that has been facing an onslaught from rhino poaching syndicates since 2008. The statement continued: “Our initiatives to address rhino poaching have incorporated not only increasing the number of rangers protecting our wildlife, but also improving regional and international collaboration with rhino range and consumer states. The government has also included introducing legislation and policy measures to support the tasks of those working to ensure rhino and other wildlife threatened by poachers and crime syndicates are protected and will not become extinct. “While the Department of Environmental Affairs was authorised by Cabinet last year to explore the possible legalisation of trade in rhino horn with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) at the 17th Conference of Parties in 2016, no final proposal has been compiled or decision made, regarding the future legal trade in rhino horn as an additional intervention to reduce the levels of poaching.” The Department of Environmental Affairs would like to place on record that no final proposal has been compiled regarding the future legal trade in rhino horn as an additional measure to reduce the high levels of poaching in South Africa. Meanwhile the number of rhinos poached in the country has risen to 442 since the start of 2014 and 123 suspected poachers have been arrested. The Kruger National Park (KNP) has lost 293 rhino to poachers, with 56 people, including a former ranger and two policemen, being arrested for poaching in the KNP. Out of the total number of rhino poached so far this year, 48 have been killed in Limpopo, 41 in KwaZulu-Natal and 28 in North West. According to the media statement, a panel of experts, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Director General: Biodiversity and Conservation in the Department of Environmental Affairs, Fundisile Mketeni, has been appointed to assist the Inter-Ministerial Committee appointed by Cabinet to deliberate on the matters relating to the possible trade in rhino horn. The panels of experts have already started its work and will, in the coming months, listen to all sides of the trade debate before submitting recommendations to the Inter-Ministerial Committee. No proposal to CITES will be finalised until all the questions related to the trade in rhino horn have been comprehensively debated and investigated.


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Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 truly somethinG special, plus a flat

Enter and fall in love with this immaculate, upper class property! Lovely, flowing living and entertainment areas around pool, patio. Here you will find total privacy. Offers you a beautiful kitchen, study, bar, dining room and stunning bathrooms. Relax in the superbly designed garden with an abundance of water. Completely separate flatlet and outside building for your office at home or your hobby. Everything on this property is very well maintained. A rare find. Fall in love with this stylish gem set on nearly 1500m². (O) 015 297 1140 MELANI LE ROUX 084 250 1300 (O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227

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June 19, 2014

32 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé>>

Global day of prayer celebrated at Tommies

Despite the cold weather, about 800 persons attended the Global Day of Prayer that took place on the rugby field of Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé on Sunday afternoon. Entertainment were provided by the JC Band, the Mighty Move Warriors and the

Eagles’ Nest Choir. Lucian Sinclair led the program and the prayer topics included the authorities of Polokwane and Limpopo, national leaders, peace in African countries and unity among churches, families, marriages and the media. Prayers were also devoted to the challenges of women and child abuse, HIV/Aids, cancer and diabetes as well as thanksgiving for the peaceful 2014 general elections.

Photo: Barry Viljoen

The JC Band consisting of Jan Curtin, Tebogo Moutlana, Ashley van der Walt and Hainrich Faber on stage at the Global Day of Prayer at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé on Sunday.

Pemps educators have fun on Youth Day

Pietersburg English Medium Primary School>> All dressed up in school uniform are Pemps educators, Curly Breedt, Driesman Bester, Mylene le Roux and Sarie Palm. At the back are Angie van Wyk, Ranska Adlam, Carol Shilubane and Brenda Strydom.

>> The educators and personnel of Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) last Friday pitched up for work dressed in their old school uniforms to celebrate Youth Day. The day is observed on 16 June every year to honour all young people who lost their lives in the struggle against apartheid and the Soweto Uprising of 1976.

Joining in the celebration of Youth Day are Pemps educators Malehu Masehela, Joey Hens, Andria Wiggil, Bonay Hensburg, Desire Conradie (Principal) and Maria Afonso. Left: Desire Conradie, Pemps Principal.

Pemps learners design cards for their Dads The Grade R learners of Pietersburg English Medium Primary School on Tuesday made time to design and make special Father’s Day cards to give to their dads on Sunday.

Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Thabang Molopa and Tshego Mohlala’s cards are evidence of their love for their fathers.

Left: The special message on Aganang Mphahele and Takalani Matshivha’s Father’s Day’s cards are sure to make their dads feel special on Sunday.

www.observer.co.za e-mail: observer@ mwebbiz.co.za

Hoërskool Pietersburg>>

Ruiters neem aan uithourit deel

PHS-fietsryers laat die speke sing

Ruiters van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het onlangs aan die Drienasies-uithourit oor 120 km in Parys in die Vrystaat teen ruiters van die res van die land, Namibië en Botswana te staan gekom. Voor is Christiaan Neethling, Anandré van der Nest en Amelia du Plooy. Agter is DJ du Plooy en El-mari Kloppers. Christiaan het ‘n algehele eerste plek in die Endurance Ride Association of South Africa (Erasa)-afdeling behaal.

Junie 19, 2014


OBSERVER 33 polokwane

Foto: Verskaf

Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het nou hul eie fietsryspan en het onlangs gewys dat hul teenstanders versigtig moet wees toe hulle teen sewe ander skole aan ‘n interskole kompetisie in Phalaborwa deelgeneem het. Die o.18-ryers, Christo Hanekom en Annelize Mentz behaal onderskeidelik derde en tweede plekke terwyl Arno van Dyk en Franko Venter, o.16, ‘n 11de en 15de plek behaal. Agter is organiseerder, Bertus Koekemoer en spanlid, Dewald Coetser.

Stanford Lake College>>

Curro Heuwelkruin>>

Stanford bikers outdo themselves again

Kruinies bult spiere op rugbyveld

KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Mountain bikers from the Stanford Lake College MTB team dared the chilly cold last weekend and made their way to the third race in the Limpopo Mountain Bike Series for Schools. Stanford Lake College finished second overall in Limpopo with a score of 350 points. The Stanford team also achieved five podium finishes. Rebecca Desment took second place in the youth girls division followed closely by Zoe Selfe in third. Abigail Joubert won the junior girls division with Toni Lacey ending third in the same category. Lachlan Truesdale and Benno Prinsloo were neck in neck the entire race and managed to finish second and third respectively in the junior boys division.

Curro Heuwelkruin se rugbyspelers het verlede Donderdag vir goeie aksie op die rugbyveld gesorg toe hulle die spanne van Laerskool Duiwelskloof laat les opsê het. Die o.9-span van Kruinies het teen die o.10-span van Duiwelskloof opgedraf en met ‘n wegholsege van 46 -10 geseëvier. Die o.11span het ook nie teleurgestel nie met 54-0

oorwinning. Vir die o.9-span het Deon van Huyssteen, Christian Enslin, Alexander van der Walt en Anro Bothma punte aangeteken terwyl die o.11-span se punte deur Jan-Lou de Beer, Marcelle de Villiers, Altus Bantjes, Christian van Huyssteen en Ofentse Manjaka aangeteken is. Die o.13-span klop hul opponent 24-15 met Gerhard van Zyl, Adriaan van Tonder, Phill Orffer, Henco Badenhorst en Wian van Vuuren wat tot die span se punte bygedra het.

The Stanford Lake College MTB Team with their coach Tiaan Fullard.

Stanford Lake College reach semis KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Eight soccer players from Stanford Lake College (SLC) were selected to participate in a 6-a-side soccer tournament held at Merensky High School recently. SLC coach Jack Moshia and his team of Aidan Du Preez, Phele Moabelo, Karabo Mollo, Rameez Tayob, Mfumo Mongwe, Edgar Silimela, Hlanhla Mohlaba and Junior Mashele were among 14 teams that took part in the tournament. The SLC finished second after suf-

Foto’s: RC Myburgh

fering defeat against Blue Mountain Academy in the last round. The SLC overcame Southern Cross 5-0, Helmeg Academy 1-0, and King’s Court 2-0 on their way to the final match. They also drew 1-1 against Rainbow Combined School. Aidan scored a fantastic winning goal against King’s Court while Phele, a penalty specialist, struck the ball low and in so doing secured the draw against Rainbow Combined. This goal came shortly after a dramatic fall in the last minute of the game from Mfumo, who unfortunately dislocated his wrist in the process.

Ruan Groenewald, o.9 probeer sy opponent afstamp.

Die o.9-speler, Deon van Huyssteen ontglip sy teenstander.

Mitchell House>>

Double wins for Mitchell House debating team Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Mitchell House Intermediate Phase learners came out on top in the debating competitions against PEPPS Preparatory School and

Pietersburg English Medium Primary School recently. The Intermediate Phase Grade 5 learners also performed well at the recent Bosveld Kunsfees with nine learners achieving A++ in the various categories they participated in.

Photos: Supplied

The Mitchell House Grade 5 learners who achieved A++ at the Bosveld Kunsfees recently are in front Tazeem Tayob, Titi Lowane, Itu Mogadime, Summer Shikwane and Mishka Shaikh. At the back are Headmaster Andrew Cook, Akila Ramdarhie, Natalia Letsoalo, Rameez Omar, Musa Mathebula and Educator Nadia du Preez.

Photo: Supplied

The Stanford Lake College soccer team and their coach (back, second from left) made it through to the semi-finals of the 6-a-side Soccer Tournament for private schools which was held on Saturday.

Pietersburg Laerskool>>

Armando behaal derde plek in ploegkompetisie Foto: Verskaf

Armando Varela, graad 4-leerder van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) behaal ‘n derde plek tydens die finale rondte van die nasionale ploegkompetisie wat tydens die onlangse Windpompfees in Moogophong gehou is. Dié jaarlikse kompetisie word deur Tubestone, in samewerking met Graan Suid-Afrika en Balkrishna Industries Limited (BKT) aangebied. Vir die tienjarige Armando is dit ‘n groot prestasie omdat hy in die kategorie vir deelnemers tussen 16 tot 18 jaar deelgeneem het.

Members of the Mitchell House Intermediate Phase debating team that won two competitions recently are in front Tshego Phasha, Kagiso Maleka, Lebogang Mphahlele and Lesedi Mathale. At the back are Educator Elaine Petty, Rohit Menon, Fatima Ishmail, Mishka Shaikh, Musa Mathebula, Rameez Omar, Shaakira Hassim, Maseeha Sonpra, Thato Mdi and Bokang Selepe.



June 19, 2014

34 OBSERVER polokwane


CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



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POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 474 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Charlotte van der Merwe, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986

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POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 474 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (B) (i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) I, Charlotte van der Merwe, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erf mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone the Remainder of Erf 309 , Pietersburg – situated at 104 Boom Street, Polokwane - from “Residential 1” to “Business 2”, for the

purposes of shops/offices and other business related land uses as permitted in the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 20 June 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 on or before 18 July 2014. KAMEKHO CONSULTING P.O. BOX 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 19/06 26/06 ___________________

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Makatikane Trading (Pty) Ltd has applied for prospecting rights on the farm Laaste Hoop 1050 L.S. in the Limpopo region. Ref. No.: LP30/5/1/1/2/12035 MP. Interested and affected parties are requested to submit their views and comments to the Regional Manager, at 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, 0699. Makatikane Trading (Pty) Ltd Dada House 19 Grobler Street Polokwane 0700 Cell: 079 462 3074 19/06 ___________________

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(Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur hersonering van die Restant van Erf 309, Pietersburg – gelee te Boomstraat 104, Polokwane - vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 2” vir die doeleindes van winkels/kantore en ander besigheidsverwante gebruike soos toegelaat deur die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die bestuurder: ruimtelike beplanning en grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 Junie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet op of voor 18 July 2014 skriftelik by of tot die munisipale bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. KAMEKHO CONSULTING POSBUS 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 19/06 26/06 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 467 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (B) (i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986), AS WELL AS THE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS IN TERMS OF THE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967) I, Charlotte van der Merwe, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied for the following: 1. To the Polokwane Municipality, in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986), for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone a 6,86 ha part of Portion 22 (portion of Portion 2) of the farm Palmietfontein 24 KS – situated on the R37 Burgersfort Road, Polokwane - from “Agriculture” to “Industrial 1” or “Special”, as well as to allow a “Noxious Industry” in terms of Clause 21, for

the purpose to establish an Asphalt Plant, subject to the following additional conditions as stipulated in Annexure 168, namely: Maximum coverage of buildings: 30%; Maximum F.A.R: 0.3; Offices and staff accommodation subservient to the main land uses will be allowed, and may not exceed a total floor area of 500m². 2. And, to the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), for the removal of the restrictive title conditions number A. 1 to 3, of the Title Deed no T2154/2014. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, and at the office of the Head of Department, Limpopo Province: Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, 20 Rabe Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 20 June 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 and/or to the Head of Department, Limpopo Province: Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs , Private Bag X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, before or on 18 July 2014. KAMEKHO CONSULTING P.O. BOX 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 FAX: 086 614 9265 EMAIL: charlotte@ kamekho.co.za 19/06 26/06 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 467 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) SOWEL AS DIE VERWYDERING VAN BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES IN TERME VAN DIE OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS WET, 1967 (WET 84 VAN 1967) Ek, Charlotte van der Merwe, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde eiendom, gee hiermee kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het vir die volgende:


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1. By die Polokwane Munisipaliteit, ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur hersonering van ‘n 6,86 ha deel van Gedeelte 22 (Gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas Palmietfontein 24 KS – gelee op die R37 Burgersfort pad, Polokwane - vanaf “Landbou” na “Industrieel 1” of “Spesiaal”, asook ‘n “Hinderlike Nywerheid” in terme van Klousule 21 van gemelde Skema, vir ‘n Asphalt-aanleg, onderworpe aan die volgende addisionele voorwaardes soos uiteengesit in Bylaag no 168, naamlik: Maksimum dekking van geboue: 30%; Maximum V.O.V: 0.3; Kantore en Werkerskwartiere ondergeskik aan die hoof grondgebruik sal toegelaat word, solank dit nie ‘n totale vloer oppervlak van 500m² oorskry nie. 2. En, by die departement van kooperatiewe regering, menslike vestiging en tradisionele aangeleenthede, in terme van artikel 3(1) van die Opheffing van Beperkingswet, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967), vir die verwydering van voorwaarde nommers A. 1 tot 3 van die Titel Akte no: T2154/2014. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die bestuurder: ruimtelike beplanning en grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane en by die kantoor van die hoof van die department, Limpopo Provinsie: kooperatiewe regering, menslike vestiging en tradisionele aangeleenthede, Rabestraat 20, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 Junie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet voor of op 18 Julie 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 en/of by die Hoof van die Departement, Limpopo Provinsie: Ko-operatiewe Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Aangeleenthede, Privaatsak X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien of gerig word. KAMEKHO CONSULTING POSBUS 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 FAKS: 086 614 9265 E-POS: charlotte@ kamekho.co.za. 19/06 26/06 ___________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING

SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) POLOKWANE/PERKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 473 I Mmaphuti Julia Nare being the authorised agent of the owner of Erf 3175 Pietersburg extension 11 hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 by the rezoning of Erf 3175 Pietersburg Extension 11, situated at 132 Thabo Mbeki Street, from “Residential 1” to “Special” with conditions outlined in annexure number 166. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane, for a period of 28 days from 12 June 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane or P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 12 June 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultants P.O. Box 4865 Polokwane 0700 Tel/Fax: 015 297 8673 19/06 26/06 ___________________ KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) POLOKWANE/PERKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 473 Ek Mmaphuti Julia Nare synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van erf 3175 Pietersburg uitbreiding 11, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Polokwane/ Perskebult dorsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, gelee 132 Thabo Mbeki Straat, PietersburgUitbreiding 11 vanaf “Residensiel 1”

na ‘Spesiaal” met voorwaardes vervat in aanhangsel 166. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike beplanning en Grondegebruik-bestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 12 June 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 12 June 2014 skriftelike by of tot die Munisipale bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 in gedien of gerig word. Nhlatse Planning Consultants Posbus 4865 Polokwane 0700 Tel/Faks: 015 297 8673 19/06 26/06 ___________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDEMENT SCHEME 463 I Julia Mmaphuti Nare being the authorized agent of the owner of Portion 1 of Erf 8309 Seshego -F hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 by the rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 8309 Seshego-F, Situated along old Pietersburg/Seshego road, from “Municipal” to “Business 3”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane, for a period of 28 days from 20 June 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane or P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 19 June 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultants P.O. Box 4864 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 297 8673 19/06 26/06 ___________________

KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPS-BEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSINGSKEMA 463 Ek Julia Mmaphuti Nare synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van gedeelte 1 van Erf 8309 Seshego-F, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordinnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Polokwane/ Perskebult dorsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë langs die ou Pietersburg/ Seshego pad, vanaf “Munisipaal na ‘Besigheid 3”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê te insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die bestuurder: ruimtelike beplanning en grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, burgesentrum, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 June 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 Junie 2014 skriftelike by of tot die munisipale bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 in gedien of gerig word. Nhlatse Planning Consultants Posbus 4865 Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 297 8673 19/06 26/06 ___________________

TANDHEELKUNDIGE STOELASSISTENT Dames tussen 18 en 25. Ongereelde ure (skofte) Rekenaarvaardigheid ‘n vereiste. GEEN ROKERS Opleiding sal verskaf word Stuur CV na: 086 527 3860

EARN US DOLLARS $$ American based company looking for people to expand their company in South Africa with good remuneration and opportunities to grow in the company. Seats are limited. To book your seat SMS your name to 083 463 2228.

Junie 19, 2014


OBSERVER 35 polokwane

NOTICE TO OBTAIN RIGHTS FOR A FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PACKAGING PLANT BJVDS t/a Planning Concept being the authorised agent of the owner (Ticalo Eiendoms Beperk Reg no. 1999/026735007) of Portion 19 (a Portion of Portion 6) of the farm Palmietfontein 620 LS Limpopo Province hereby gives notice that we have applied in term of Section 6(1) of the Physical Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 of 1967) and a permit in terms of the Roads and Ribbons Development Act (Act 21 of 1940) to change the use of land in a controlled area, to the HOD: of Cooperative Governance Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs to allow for an fruit and vegetable packaging plant to be conducted from the said property. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Planning Concept at 5 A Schoeman Street, Polokwane. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged in writing to the applicant and the HOD: CoGHSTA at Private Bag X 9485, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 6 weeks from 20 June 2014. Planning Concept P.O. Box 15001 Flora Park 0699 Tel: 015 295 3649 Fax: 086 620 2068 19/06 26/06 ___________________

AANSOEK OM REGTE VIR ‘N GROENTE- EN VRUGTEVERPAKKINGSAANLEG TE VERKRY BJVDS t/a Planning Concept synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar (Ticalo Eiendoms Beperk Reg No. 1999/026735007) van Gedeelte 19 (‘n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 6) van die plaas Palmietfontein 620 LS - Limpopo Provinsie, gee hiermee kennis dat ons aansoek gedoen het in terme van Artikel 6 (1) van die Wet op Fisiese Beplanning, 1967 (Wet 88 van 1967) en ‘n permit in terme van die Paaie en Linte Wet (Wet 21 van 1940) te verander die gebruik van grond in ‘n beheerde gebied, aan die HOD: van samewerkende regering menslike vestiging en tradisionele sake voorsiening te maak vir ‘n groente en vrugte Packaging Plant uitgevoer word vanaf die perseel. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van Planning Concept op 5 A Schoemanstraat, Polokwane. Besware teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik aan die aansoeker en die departementshoof ingedien word: CoGHSTA by Privaatsak X 9485, Polokwane, 0700 binne ‘n tydperk van 6 weke vanaf 20 Junie 2014. Planning Concept Posbus 15001 Flora Park 0699 Tel: 015 295 3649 Faks: 086 620 2068 19/06 26/06 ___________________

YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO OPERATIONS MANAGER (POLOKWANE) Rneg + Benefits This Services Industry company seeks an enthusiastic, diligent and innovative team player with extensive management experience within the Mining Industry. Duties include: • Day-to-day management of staff • Payroll distribution and dealing with queries • Managing staff, including IR, recruitment, performance evaluation and manpower development and training • Building and maintaining professional client partnerships • Maintaining high cleaning standards • Monitoring equipment condition and safety on site as well as stock management • Implementing ISO 9001 quality systems. Requirements: • Management experience • Labour relations experience • Basic budgetary experience • 2+ years’ previous operational management experience (a contract cleaning background will be an advantage) • Valid SA driver’s licence. Interested candidates to forward CVs to Pamela Sehlabela at fax: 086 597 6368 or e-mail: pam@bidvestsolutions.co.za


Human Communications 110012


Polokwane Observer

Junie 19, 2014

Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos Kleinenbergstraat 102, Bendor Tel: 015 296 2014 • www.oosskool.org

Oosskool kry oorhand teen Suidskool

spoed Aiden Jordaan, o.10, vol . toe yn op pad doell

l pas Janco Nel, o.9 met die ba het. op esk nadat Suidskool afg

rade om Efan Meyer, o.11, is vasbe ik. tdu on te nt ne po sy op

Pretorius Eerste spanspeler, Keeve wen. te d vel skop die bal om

van der Walt Die o.9-speler, Christoff bal. die t me g we ek bre RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


l Welgemoed Derde spanspeler, Marce dryf vorentoe.

eedespan, Skrumskakel van die tw tlyn af. kan l ba Deon Kriel skop die

Bernick Bezuidenhout, o.10 skop pale toe.

Eli Ströh word deur sy opponent gestuit.

in aksie. Edward Conradie, o.10 l se binnesenter rgh oo bu ssk My Oo RC s: yl, to’ Ste Fo ld wa De spore om onder die aanval. Yohji Brown, o.9, maak van die derdespan, op . kom te uit sy opponent Osies se o.10- en eerstespan het Suidskool se stertvere behoorlik met wegholseges van onderskeidelik 63-0 en 54-0 geknip. Die derde span wen 27-0 terwyl die tweede span hul opponente 24-0 klop. Suidaerskool Pietersburg-Oos se o.10-, derde- tweede- en eerste skool wat as gasheerskool opgetree het, kon nie daarin slaag om enige rugbyspanne se doepa was verlede Donderdag te sterk vir Piepunte teen Oosskool aan te teken in bogenoemde wedstryde nie. tersburg Laerskool tydens hul jaarlikse kragmeting.

June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Pietersburg Laerskool

Voortrekkerstraat 52, Polokwane Tel: 015 295 9062 • Fax: 015 295 2146 • www.pietersburglaerskool.co.za

Oos- en Suidskool meet kragte


ur ‘n speler van Jason Hugo, o.9 word de k. Oosskool platgetre

wie Roux Tweedespan-senter, Da teenstander af.

stamp sy

n, André Grobler Kaptein van die derdespa l. klou aan die ba

Hardus Olivier, o.10 gee toe.

die bal uit agterlyn

an-skrumskakel MC Claassen, tweedesp lyn toe. ter ag die na l stuur die ba

on Hugo, met die Steinberg Boshoff en Jas in die o.9-span. is ide Be bal, op die aanval.

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


el, JP Venter wo Die derdespan-losskak asgevat.

k die enigste drie Shane Grobelaar, o.11 dru kool. ids Su van die wedstryd vir


Zandré Hatting, o.9 in


arde rugby engoeie sportmangees was verlede Donderdag kenmerkend van die jaarlikse kragmeting tussen Pietersburg Laerskool en Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos. Suidskool se o.9- en o.11-span het hard vir

18 Sapphire Street Superbia, Polokwane Tel: 015 292 0614 | Fax: 015 292 0882

We know building materials We know special deals

o.11 hou Jandré van den Heyde, in die oog.

Vian Horn, o.10, probeer opponente.

sy opponente

wegkom van sy

go stamp sy opDie o.9-speler, Jason Hu ponent af.

hul oorwinning baklei en daarin geslaag om die Oosskool-spanne onderskeidelik met 14-0 en 7-5 te klop. Die o.10-, derde-, tweede en eerstespan moes egter die knie teen Oosskool buig.

Proud to be

associated with Pietersburg Laerskool


June 19, 2014

Lenize Potgieter vir Protea netbalspan gekies

38 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Drie toetse teen Skotland >> Ook Proteakleure vir ringtennis

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


nisspan gekies en is sedertdien steeds die nommer een damespeler in die span. Sy het ook gedurende die Aprilvakansie twee goue medaljes verower tydens die Wêreldringtennis Kampioenskappe. Lenize was ‘n leerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg van graad 8- tot graad 11 voordat sy haar laaste skooljaar by Hoërskool Menlopark in Pretoria voltooi het. Sy studeer tans vir haar graad in Sportwetenskap aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en beplan ‘n honneursgraad in biokinetika of sportwetenskap.

a haar puik vertoning tydens die Brutal Fruit Netball Cup-reeks, die eerste semiprofessionele netbaltoernooi in Suid-Afrika, is die 20-jarige oudleerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg, Lenize Potgieter as een van drie nuwelinge tot die Protea netbalspan gekies. Sy het vir Gauteng-Noord se Jaguarspan as doelskieter diens gedoen en is by twee geleenthede as die Powa Player of the Match aangewys. Daarbenewens het sy dwarsdeur die kompetisie ‘n doelgemiddeld van 90% en meer gehandhaaf. Volgens Protea-afrigter, Elize Kotze beïndruk sy veral met haar beweeglikheid en akkuraatheid, en die manier waarop sy teen gesoute Protea-verdedigers vertoon. Lenize sal haar debuut vir die Proteas in ‘n toetsreeks teen Skotland saam met Kefiloe Tsotetsi en Phumza Maweni FOTO: VERSKAF maak. Kotze is opgewonde om te sien Lenize Potgieter hoe die drie nuwelinge sal vertoon. is vir die Protea “Skotland sal ‘n goeie uitdaging en netbalspan gebegin vir die nuwe spelers in die span kies vir drie toewees aangesien hulle nie een van die tse teen Skotland groot spanne is nie,” sê Kotze. later die maand Die Protea netbalspan vir die State- in Kaapstad. bondspele later vanjaar sal eers na die drie toetse teen Skotland aangekondig word. Lenize het vroeër in die week saam met die Proteaspan na Kaapstad vertrek vir die drie toetse in die Bellville Velodrome wat vir drie agtereenvolgende dae van vandag (Donderdag) tot Saterdag plaasvind. Dit is die tweede sportsoort waarvoor Lenize Proteakleure verwerf. Sy is reeds op 16-jarige ouderdom vir die Protea ringten-

Rotary100 samel geld vir gemeenskapsprojekte in met gholfdag BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Gholfspelers het Vrydag ontspan en terselfdertyd die geleentheid gebruik om geld vir liefdadigheid en gemeenskapsprojekte in te samel tydens Rotary 100 se gholfdag. Bruno Tschudin, voorsitter van Rotary 100 het by die prysuitdeling gesê dat die gholfdag ‘n groot sukses was en dat dit


Die algehele wenners van Rotary 100 se gholfdag is Johann Steynberg en Riaan Koekemoer.

‘n voorreg is om ‘n bydrae tot die bedryf van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis en die boorgatprojek in die Waterbergdistrik, waar Rotary 100 geld beskikbaarstel om water aan landelike gemeenskappe te voorsien, te maak. Nóg geld is ingesamel toe Papa G Moseki, kaptein van die Pietersburg Gholfklub, ‘n paar van die spelers in ligte luim beboet het wat hulle sakke moes skud.

Papa G Moseki, kaptein van Pietersburg Gholfklub, besig om ‘n paar van die spelers wat hulle wangedra het, te beboet. Regs is Bruno Tschudin, voorsitter van Rotary 100, wat die gholfdag gereël het.

Limpopo-hokkiebeker nie vanjaar vir plaaslike skole beskore RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die spanning tydens die Limpopo semi- en finale hokkiewedstryde wat Saterdag by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) gespeel is, was onder spelers, ouers en belangstellendes op die paviljoen sigbaar. In die semifinaal tussen PHS en Hoërskool Ben Viljoen se o.16-spanne moes PHS die knie buig nadat hulle gelykop gespeel het, maar tydens die strafdoelsessie 2-3 verloor het. Curro Heuwelkruin se o.15-span het ook die semifinaal teen Ben Viljoen verloor. PHS se eerste span het hul staal gewys en klop Ben Viljoen 2-0 in die semifinaal, maar tree as naaswenners uit die stryd toe hulle 1-2 in die finaal teen Hoërskool Merensky verloor het. PHS se tweede span is ook naaswenners nadat hulle 0-3 teen Merensky verloor het.

>> See more photos on... www.observer.co.za


PHS se eerste spanspeler, Waldo Myburgh op die aanval.

Polokwane City holds trials for aspirant footballers Football Club is giving hopeful soccer players a chance to showcase their soccer talent at their trials set to take place today (Thursday) Premier Soccer League outfit, Polokwane City at Polokwane Cricket Grounds. Club Spokesperson, Patrick Baloyi Plot 6, Palmietfontein Polokwane said the trials will Sel: 083 758 9231 start at 10:00 and Sel: 083 648 3282 Fax: 086 582 6139 aspirant footballers Epos: ark@xnets.co.za younger than 23 and based in South Africa may participate. “Head Coach Boebie DATUM: SATERDAG, 21 JUNIE 2014 Solomons together TYD: 10:00 with his technical PLEK: ARK AFSLAERSPERSEEL team will be the main scouts during (LEBOWAKGOMO-CHUENESPOORT PAD) the day. (NABY SOUTH-GATE COUNTRY LODGE) We decided that we should only give MEUBELS: South African based Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle players a chance to (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, showcase their talhangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, ent and by so doing muureenhede, dubbelbed- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, we will be contribkoffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. uting to the develANDERE: opment of South Sitkamerstelle, lessenaars, eetkamerstel en skadunet. African soccer. VOORWAARDES: Hopefuls are reKontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetquested to produce fasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen their South African uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. identity document AFSLAERSNOTA: or birth certificate on the day,” Baloyi Besigtiging Vrydag, 20 Junie 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop said. nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Baloyi also said Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarthat all players will borg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. report to duty on Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te ontMonday following trek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEa three week break VISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE to prepare for the GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. 2014/2015 Premier Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, Soccer League sea23 Junie 2014. son which commencVIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK es in the first week of ESTELLE DE BEER 083 648 3282 OF NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231 August. HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


June 19, 2014

Polokwane Observer

national / Views on provincial / local issues

With contestants in the 2014 Fifa World Cup tournament in Brazil still fiercely engaged in the group stages of the tournament, Polokwane Observer asked residents which country they favoured to emerge as the winner. Met die spanne in die 2014 Fifa Wêreldbekertoernooi wat kragte meet in die groepwedstryde van die toernooi, het Polokwane Observer inwoners gevra wie hulle dink die wenners gaan wees. Maria Afonso: “Portugal will win the World Cup because they have good players.”

Agnes Phooko: “Spain is my team. As the defending champions, I think they will go all the way. They have so much flair and they play an attractive football.”

Sandra van der Merwe: “Brasilië behoort te wen weens die groot ondersteuning van die tuisskare wat bankvas agter hulle staan.”

Precious Phasha: “I think Brazil will win this one. I mean they are the host nation and they won the Confederations Cup.”


Jeanri Louw: Ek weet nie baie van sokker nie, maar ek dink Nederland omdat my hele familie hulle ondersteun.

Foto: Warren Blunt

Die spanne van Noordelikes en Dorp pak mekaar Saterdag in die laaste ligawedstryde van die 2014 Boet Fick Seniorliga.

Aartsvyande meet Saterdag kragte Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ie laaste rondte van die Boet Fick Seniorliga-wedstryde vind Saterdag plaas met BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) en Kargo Pietersburg Rugbyklub (Dorp) wat in Ladanna kragte meet. Dit is belangrik vir Noordelikes om ‘n groot telling teen Dorp te behaal omdat die span wat bo-aan die liga eindig, tuisvoordeel in die halfeind- en eindstryd na Saterdag se ligawedstryde sal hê. Die manne van Ladanna het ‘n wegholsege van 73-12 teen Dorp aangeteken in hul

eerste kragmeting vroeër die seisoen. Noordelikes beklee tans die boonste posisie in die liga met Letaba Rugbyklub in die tweede plek met dieselfde punte, maar die span van Tzaneen het ‘n kleiner punteverskil. Letaba speel Saterdag ‘n moeilike wegwedstryd teen Messina Rugbyklub en sal ‘n groot sege moet aanteken om Noordelikes bo-aan die liga te verskuif. Dorp se rugby het in die 2014-seisoen agteruit gegaan en Noordelikes behoort al drie wedstryde teen hul aartsvyande gemaklik te wen. Saterdag se eerste wedstryd tussen die derde spanne sal om 14:00 begin. Toegang is R10 per voertuig.

ERRATUM: See point 4 below: 4. All tender amounts must EXCLUDE Vat, transfer duties and other costs.

Tender Sale of property Die following premises, with improvements, are herewith offered for sale by tender. The premises is not being sold as a running concern or business. TENDER NUMBER: ZM/HANDEL/3/14 PREMISES: (Trade store, corrugated iron shed, showroom, lapa, fuel licence) Portion 1 of Erf 11 situated in the township of Zoekmekaar, Registration Division KR Limpopo Province Title act number: T129459/2004 Size: 1,2453 hectares Zoned: Warehouse (industrial) Please take note of the following: NTK IS CONSIDERING THE POSSIBILITY OF DEMOLISHING AND REMOVING THE CORRUGATED IRON SHED. YOUR QUOTATION SHOULD THEREFORE MAKE PROVISION FOR A TENDER THAT INCLUDES THE SHED AS WELL AS A TENDER THAT EXCLUDES THE SHED. The following terms and conditions apply to this tender: 1. The tender must be clearly marked: NTK TENDER; SALE OF PROPERTY TENDER NUMBER ZM/HANDEL/3/14 WITH CORRUGATED IRON SHED and NTK TENDER; SALE OF PROPERTY TENDER NUMBER ZM/HANDEL/3/14 WITH CORRUGATED IRON SHED EXCLUDED 2. Tenders may be submitted in the following manner: a) Faxed to 014 717 1010 b) Emailed to buksdb@ntk.co.za c) By hand in a sealed envelope to Chief Management (Ms Sandra Pretorius, 1st floor), NTK Head Office, Modimolle. A tender box will be available for depositing tenders. 3. The premises will be sold voetstoots and prospective tenderers should acquaint themselves of the condition of and stipulations applicable to it. 4. All tender amounts must EXCLUDE Vat, transfer duties and other costs. 5. The announcement of the successful tender will be done as soon as possible after the closing date for the tenders and allocation thereof. No enquiries will be handled after the closing date and before the announcement. No tenderer may attempt to influence any official involved in the tender process. 6. A complete sales contract, including terms and conditions will be concluded with the successful tenderer. Should the parties not agree on the terms and conditions of the contract the tender will lapse. 7. NTK is not bound to accept the highest or any tender. If more than one tender is received for the same (highest) amount such tenderers will be given the opportunity to submit further tenders. 8. Tenders close at 12:00 on Friday, 4 July after which no tenders will be accepted. 9. Non-compliance with the conditions of the tender will make the tender invalid. Inquiries may be directed to: Buks de Bruyn Manager Grain Services Tel: 014 719 9040/ 082 802 1965 Email: busdb@ntk.co.za

Tender Verkoop van eiendom Die volgende perseel, met verbeterings, word hiermee per tender te koop aangebied. Die perseel word nie as lopende saak of besigheid verkoop nie. TENDERNOMMER: ZM/HANDEL/3/14 PERSEEL: (Handelswinkel, sinkstoor, verkoopslokaal, lapa en brandstoflisensie) Gedeelte 1 van Erf 11, geleë in die dorpsgebied van Zoekmekaar Registrasieafdeling: K.R, Limpopo Provinsie Titelaktenommer : T 129459/2004 Grootte: 1,2453 hektaar Sonering: Warehouse (Industrieel) Let asseblief op die volgende: NTK LANDBOU OORWEEG DIE MOONTLIKHEID OM DIE SINKSTOOR AF TE BREEK EN TE VERWYDER. U KWOTASIE MOET DUS VOORSIENING MAAK VIR ‘N TENDERPRYS MET DIE SINKSTOOR INGESLUIT ASOOK ‘N TENDERPRYS MET DIE SINKSTOOR UITGESLUIT Die volgende terme en voorwaardes is van toepassing op hierdie tender: 1. Die tenders moet duidelik gemerk word: NTK TENDER: VERKOOP VAN EIENDOMME TENDERNOMMER ZM/HANDEL/3/14 MET SINKSTOOR en NTK TENDER: VERKOOP VAN EIENDOMME TENDERNOMMER ZM/HANDEL/3/14 SONDER SINKSTOOR 2. Tenders kan ingedien word op die volgende metodes: a) Per faks na faksnommer 014 717 1010 b) Per epos na buksdb@ntk.co.za c) Per hand in ‘n verseëlde koevert ingehandig word by NTK se Hoofkantoor te Modimolle by Hoofbestuur (mev Sandra Pretorius, 1ste vloer). ‘n Tenderbus sal by Hoofbestuur beskikbaar wees waarin tenderkoeverte geplaas kan word. 3. Die eiendomme word voetstoots verkoop en voornemende tenderaars moet hulself vergewis van die toestand daarvan en voorwaardes van toepassing daarop. 4. Alle tenderbedrae moet BTW, oordragkostes en ander kostes uitsluit. 5. Bekendmaking van suksesvolle tenders sal geskied so spoedig moontlik na sluitingsdatum van die tenders en toekenning daarvan. Geen navrae sal na sluiting en voor bekendmaking hanteer word nie, en geen tenderaar mag enige amptenaar betrokke by die tenderproses op enige wyse probeer beïnvloed nie. 6. `n Volledige koopkontrak met terme en voorwaardes sal na toekenning van die tender met die suksesvolle tenderaar aangegaan word. Indien die partye nie kan ooreenkom oor die terme en voorwaardes van die koopkontrak nie, verval die tender. 7. NTK is nie verplig om die hoogste of enige tender te aanvaar nie. Indien meer as een Tenderaar vir dieselfde (hoogste) bedrag tender, sal sodanige Tenderaars weer die geleentheid gegun word om verdere Tenders in te dien. 8. Die indien van tenders sluit op Vrydag, 4 Julie 2014 om 12:00 waarna geen verdere tenders aanvaar sal word nie. 9. Nie-nakoming van enige van die tendervoorwaardes sal die tender ongeldig maak. Navrae kan gerig word aan: Buks de Bruyn, Bestuurder Graandienste Tel: 014 719 9040 / 082 802 1965 Epos: buksdb@ntk.co.za



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Elbert Steyn staan vir niemand terug op die stoeimat >> Wen goue medalje by Afrika kampioenskappe >> Stoei al ‘n dekade Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


a tien jaar se harde werk en sweet is Elbert Steyn van die plaaslike Ion Baciu Stoei Akademie se droom verwesenlik om in Augustus vanjaar aan die Jeug Olimpiese Spele in China deel te neem. Die 17-jarige leerder van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé het vir die prestige-byeenkoms gekwalifiseer toe hy ‘n goue medalje by die Afrika Kadet Kampioenskappe (o.17) in Egipte in die 63 kg vrye styl-afdeling verower het. Elbert sê hy reis China toe om te wen en sien met groot verwagting daarna uit om sy vaardighede teen die beste stoeiers in die wêreld in Augustus te meet. Hy sê die lesse wat hy in Egipte geleer het teen die beste stoeiers in Afrika sal hom goed te pas kom en hy beplan om tydens die winter skoolvakansie minstens ses uur daagliks te oefen om ten volle voor te berei vir die grootste stoeikampioenskap van sy lewe tot dusver. Stoei speel sedert 2004 ‘n groot rol in Elbert se lewe toe hy nog in Boksburg woonagtig was en sy pa verby ‘n bekende stoeiklub gery het en vir sy sewejarige seuntjie gevra het of hy homself op die stoeimat wil toets. “Dit het lekker en interessant gelyk. Van die eerste sekonde toe ek op die mat gestap het, het ek geweet dit is die sportsoort wat ek wil doen,” sê Elbert.

Hy het nog dieselfde jaar vir die Suid-Afrika Kampioenskappe gekwalifiseer, maar het volgens hom nie deelgeneem nie oor ‘n tegniese rede. Daarna het hy het by die Evander Stoeiklub aangesluit en vier keer elke week van Pretoria na die klub gereis om te oefen. Later het hy saam met sy afrigter, Hansie Kruger by die Brakpan Stoeiklub aangesluit waar hy sy basiese stoeivaardighede geslyp het. Toe die Kruger-gesin na Nelspruit verhuis het, het Elbert lid van die Tuks Stoeiklub in Pretoria geword en baie teen Roedie Roets van Ion Baciu Stoei Akademie in dieselfde gewigkategorie gestoei. Sy pa het aanbeveel dat hy by die stoeiklub in Polokwane moet aansluit om sy stoei te verbeter onder leiding van Roedie se pa, Jan Roets. Roets is die afrigter van die Suid-Afrika Kadet- en Juniorspan wat onlangs in Egipte deelgeneem het en word beskou as een van die beste afrigters in die land. “Oom Jan het al my foute reggemaak en my weer skerp gemaak. Vanjaar het ek die beste in my hele lewe gestoei. Voor my goue medalje in Egipte het ek ook in die Suid-Afrika Presidente Kampioenskappe deelgeneem waar ek groot name geklop het teen wie ek nooit tevore kon wen nie,” het die opgewonde jong man gesê. Elbert het sy nasionale kleure vir die eerste keer verlede jaar ontvang en sien nou uit om Suid-Afrika in die grootste toernooi vir jong stoeiers in die wêreld te verteenwoordig. Tussen sy oefenprogram vir die Jeug Olimpiese Spele moet Elbert ook tyd maak vir eksamenskryf. Hy erken dat hy ‘n bietjie harder op akademiese vlak moet werk, maar

is tevrede met sy punte. Elbert is baie dankbaar vir HTS Tom Naudé se ondersteuning en Jan Roets en die stoeiers van Ion Baciu Stoei Akademie se ongelooflike bystand en hulp om sy stoeiloopbaan te bevorder.

Foto: Warren Blunt

Elbert Steyn, plaaslike stoeier van die Ion Baciu Stoei Akademie wat Suid-Afrika by die Jeug Olimpiese Spele in Augustus in China gaan verteenwoordig.

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