Polokwane Observer 12 February 2015 Web

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Voilent protest at Mankweng Exclusive on our website •• Cholera outbreak looms www.observer.co.za in Modimolle

Herman Kotze se lewe eindig tragies


f o e s a c t s Wor

ism vandal

Police warning Beware of beggar who is relatively wealthy after all >> PAGE 6

Stad van y e verval n o m x a t f o Plein nie meer oase e t s a w weens gebrek aan dienste ... and Disabled learners are the victims of education department’s apparent lack of action

>> BLADSY 13

Ringbal ’n passie


Shocking scenes at facilities for disabled learners destined for relocation revealed during an oversight visit by Democratic Alliance (DA) Parliamentarian Desiree van der Walt (above) and DA Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle (right) are testimony to large scale wastage of taxpayer’s money.

Uitmuntende speler vir harde werk beloon met Proteakleure Photos: Yolande nel

>> BLADSY 48



February 12, 2015




Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 melany.observer@gmail.com

Neels Joubert oorlede

Jarelange inwoner van die stad, Neels Joubert is Maandag in die ouderdom van 73 oorlede. Joubert was vir ongeveer 25 jaar by die departement van vervoer werksaam. Hy word môre (Vrydag) om 11:00 Neels Joubert vanuit die NG Kerk Moedergemeente op die hoek van Biccarden Groblerstraat begrawe. Hy laat sy vier dogters en agt kleinkinders agter.

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Worst case of vandalism

>> Blatant disregard for the application of taxpayers’ hard-earned cash >> Visuals of facilities testimony to horrific conditions which learners are being subjected to YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


latant disregard for taxpayers’ hardearned cash has never been more evident than witnessed at a derelict Setotolwane Elsen Secondary School for deaf and blind learners, who live in the hope of ultimately relocating to a vacant R12,5 million structure that is the target of vandals. Visuals of the shocking condition of state infrastructure are testimony to the ghastly circumstances the estimated 300 learners of the school are being subjected to. What was once a prime teacher training college, situated approximately 25 km from Polokwane along the Matlala road, is now a run-down premises not fit for occupation by vulnerable youngsters with special requirements. Risks to the safety of the learners at the currently occupied facility manifest itself in a myriad of forms. There are endless examples of a health hazard due to the filthy state of the interior of living quarters, exposed metal beams in laundries, cracked glass panels in entrance areas, sloping gravel walkways between structures, decaying floor tiles on staircases unfit for the blind and unsafe security measures in cramped dorms. Food is obviously limited to the minimum and are taken in a bare dining area stripped of furniture, save for the odd tables without chairs to the disposal of vulnerable learners who can otherwise opt to eat outside. Arrival at the site destined for future relocation and which shares an entrance with Hwiti High School, situated in the heart of Mankweng was accompanied by scenes that evoked disbelief about the wastage of taxpayer’s

money that could have been spent wisely elsewhere. The premises are testimony to vandals letting rip at mobile classrooms, living quarters for learners and staff as well as a recreation hall with adjoining kitchen. There is obvious decay in the form of termites eating away at a structure and tall grass in overgrown spaces as far as the eye could observe. Water was profusely gushing from exposed pipes after taps and basins were violently removed from walls, glass panels were cracking, holes were punched in ceiling boards, light fittings were stripped or dangling from ceilings damaged by damp and costly fire extinguishers scattered across the yard. The scenario easily tops any of the projects that have ever been the focal point of oversight visits of Democratic Alliance (DA) leaders throughout the province, confirmed DA Parliamentarian Desiree van der Walt and DA Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle. As part of her commitment to see the relocation of the learners of Setotolwane Elsen Secondary School materialise, Van der Walt has gone to lengths to alert relevant decision-makers, including Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, the Parliamentary Committee on Education and the Public Protector, she pointed out. To one of her member’s questions posed in the National Assembly on 12 December last year, Motshekga responded by indicating that the Department of Education in Limpopo was committed to having a contractor on site in the first week of December 2014 to repair the vandalised facilities. “The preliminary programme, however, indicates that with the contractor occupying site in December 2014, the repair work, including additional external works can only be completed by the end of March 2015.” Van der Walt stressed that no contractor had shown up at the new facility as yet and even so, it would take months to repair the damage of vandals who have free access to the state property. She was adamant about following up the matter with Motshekga again next week. She stressed that no one took ownership of the problem and that large scale wastage of resources and finances continued unabated. Following his observations Smalle raised the opinion that he could not see the initial

need to relocate the learners as opposed to simply renovating the premises they currently occupied. He expressed the intention to challenge Mathabatha in a motion in the Legislature to have the MEC and Head of Department of Education responsible for the relocation of the learners to account and arrested. He said he would want to see the money recovered. Wrapping up his observations, Smalle was also adamant about an audit to be conducted on the state of schools in the province. Time is evidently of the essence in the Provincial Government’s dealing with what has become a prolonged crisis. Apparent failure by the Provincial Government – and in particular the Department of Education – to secure the safety of the learners and failure to safeguard the new buildings as well as fast-tracking occupation of the facility called for renewed scrutiny of a project apparently initiated in the 2011/12 financial year. According to information the period of the contract of R12 463 207,39 was 8 September 2011 to 8 March 2012, but was extended due to numerous challenges experienced during the implementation thereof. The last enrolment figures at Setotolwane reflected an estimated 290 learners, of whom 88 are blind. These numbers and further questions relating to the matter could not be followed up with Education Department Spokesperson Paena Galane, who did not return Polokwane Observer’s calls despite voice messages left on his cell phone. Heads would roll if the projected relocation did not happen by the beginning of the 2015 school year, he promised when Polokwane Observer obtained comment for a story published on 9 October last year. Turning to Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba for comment, he said the Provincial Government was also very concerned about the state of dilapidating structures at Setotolwane. The department had faced challenges pertaining to contractors but was making a breakthrough, he indicated. He assured they were working round the clock to resolve the situation. “One thing we will never do is create the impression tough action is not going to be taken against the officials responsible,” he concluded.

Mamabolo released RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail. com

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African National Congress (ANC) Milo Malatjie Branch Chairperson Boy Mamabolo’s legal team will apply for permanent stay of prosecution after he was released from the holding cells in Mokopane last Monday following his arrest for failing to appear in court to face charges of fraud. Mamabolo was supposed to have appeared in court the day after he was shot and seriously injured during an incident at Waterland Shisanyama in September which allegedly involved former ANC municipal councillor and businessman Jacob Lebogo as possible perpetrator. “The day after the shooting Mamabolo was due to appear in court to face the alleged fraud charges but it is claimed that his legal team failed to inform the court that Mamabolo was recuperating in hospital. This led to the issuing of a warrant of arrest,” Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said. Mamabolo will appear again on 30 March.

Begaafde Herman Kotze se lewe eindig tragies >> ‘Leidrade word opgevolg’ polisie >> Motief vir moord onbekend ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com


ie moord in die vroeë oggendure verlede Vrydag op Herman Kotze (43) op ‘n hoewe by Dalmada sal ‘n tergende raaisel bly todat die polisie met meer inligting na vore kom. Intussen kan slegs bespiegel word oor die motief daarvan. Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba het gister (Woensdag) in ‘n verklaring aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat die outopsie nog nie afgehandel is nie, maar dat Kotze Vrydagoggend buite die stad waar hy gewoon het, dood aangetref is met sy hande vasgebind. Hy is glo Donderdagaand laas lewend saam met twee mans gesien. ‘n Moorddossier is geopen. Volgens Ramoshaba word leidrade opgevolg. Hy het ‘n beroep op enige persoon met inligting gedoen om dringend met die ondersoekbeampte, Joe Ledwaba by 076 217 6045 in verbinding te tree. Elizba Kotze, Herman se skoonsuster wat met sy jonger broer, Wikus getroud is het namens die familie gesê: “Herman het groot gedink en groot gedroom. Wanneer hy ‘n vertrek ingestap het, het mens sy teenwoordigheid aangevoel en het almal sy aandag gehad.” Kotze en Jaco Oberholzer, plaaslike prokureur het mekaar 25 jaar gelede by die Tukkie-koshuis, Taaibos ontmoet en was boesemvriende. Herman was ook Jaco en sy vrou, Erna se oudste dogter, Clarise se peetpa. Clarise sê Kotze was vir haar meer as ‘n peetpa omdat hy ‘n groot deel gevorm het van haar, haar ouers en grootouers se lewens. “Hy was altyd daar vir my al het dit nie altyd met hom goed gegaan nie. ‘n Oproep of kuier van hom het my altyd opgebeur. Sy hardwerkendheid, ambisie en enorme talent sal my bly inspireer.” Kotze het vier onderskeidings aan Hoërskool Pietersburg in matriek behaal waarna hy ‘n BJuris-graad verwerf het en ‘n gerekende staatsaanklaer in die stad was. Sy liefde vir kosmaak het hom mettertyd na Pelgrimsrust geneem waar hy ‘n restaurant bestuur het. Hy is later Kaap toe

waar hy onder meer ‘n restaurant in die Kasteel en in die Paarl asook verskeie eiendomme besit het. Hy was ook op die destydse Roer!-kookprogram op kykNET te sien. Sowat drie jaar gelede het hy na sy heimat teruggekeer en betrokke geraak by interieurontwerp, kosmaak en geleentheidsbeplanning en in September 2013 heeltyds by Natural Living Spa and Wellness Centre as algemene bestuurder begin werk. Die eienaar, Natalie Alberts en hy het ‘n baie goeie werkverhouding gehad en was ook groot vriende. Alberts sal Kotze as ‘n joviale, begaafde persoon met ‘n skerp intellek en goeie humorsin onthou. “Ons het ‘n goeie werks- en vriendskapsverhouding gehad en kon soms van mekaar verskil of argumenteer, maar het dit altyd uitgepraat en agterna lekker gelag. Wat ek weet van kook het ek by hom geleer.” Benewens sy broer en skoonsuster word hy oorleef deur sy ma, Erna Lister en ‘n halfbroer, Craig. ‘n Gedenkdiens vind Vrydag om 10:00 vanuit die Goeie Nuus Aanbiddingsentrum op die Louis Trichardt-pad buite Polokwane plaas. Volledige padaanwysings verskyn regs bo op die bladsy.

The travel agency that won the R22,4 million security tender from the Polokwane Municipality recently, is not registered with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (Psira) as required by law and the registration of another major security service provider currently contracted by the municipality, has been withdrawn. A recent enquiry directed to Psira revealed that no records exist that Mgaba Travel Agency is registered with the regulatory authority as stipulated in Section 20 of the Commencement of the Private Security Industry Regulation Act no 56 of 2001. In terms of Section 20 (3) of the said Act, any contract entered into with a provider of security services that is not duly registered, is invalid. In an effort to trace the owner of Mgaba Travel Agency, the Association of South African Travel Agents (Asata) confirmed that it is not a member of the association. The Act further stipulates that the registration of a provider of security services may be withdrawn under certain circumstances which include the instance where a security service provider is found guilty of an offence as specified in the Schedule to the Act, is found guilty of improper conduct in terms of the Act or is no longer a fit and proper person to render a security service or no longer complies with the requirements for registration. Polokwane Observer accessed the website of Psira and learnt that a major security


Herman Kotze ‘n Gedenkdiens word op Vrydag, 13 Februarie 2015 om 10:00 by die Goeie Nuus Aanbiddingsentrum vir wyle Herman Kotze gehou. Aanwysings: Neem N1 noord na Louis Trichardt. Die afdraaipad na die kerk is 1 km vanaf die verkeerslig by die Sasol vulstasie/SABrouery-kruising. ‘n Naambordjie van die Goeie Nuus Aanbiddingsentrum is by die afdraai. Hou aan op die grondpad tot by Vredelust en draai links waarna die kerkgebou op links, oorkant die perseel van Vredelust is. GPS-koördinate: S 23 º 51 ‘ 00.3” | E 29 º 28 ‘ 38.8” Konatk: Elizba 083 278 3727




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‘n Vroeëre foto van Herman Kotze, sy peetdogter, Clarise en haar suster, Melissa (voor) wat in die Kaap geneem is.

Security tender still under scrutiny BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Februarie 12, 2015

service provider currently under contract with the municipality, is no longer registered but the reasons for the withdrawal of registration could not as yet be obtained from Psira. Suffice to say that the service provider’s current status should raise the question why the municipality has not taken appropriate action to bring the contractual relationship in line with legislation. Despite a further request for an interview with Municipal Manager Connie Mametja as well as a request to provide information regarding the other service provider that is not registered with Psira anymore, the municipality remains silent.


Polokwane Municipal Manager Connie Mametja.


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Johan Bloem sterf in vragmotorongeluk

February 12, 2015



RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie oorsaak van ‘n ongeluk wat verlede Maandag die lewe van ‘n plaaslike inwoner, Johan Bloem (54) geëis het, kan volgens sy familie nie aan die voertuig waarmee hy gery het se foutiewe remme toegeskryf word nie. Bloem en twee van sy werknemers is dood nadat die trok FOTO: VERSKAF

Johan Bloem is Maandag in die ouderdom van 54 oorlede na ‘n vragmotorbotsing.

waarmee hy na Tzaneen onderweg was teen ‘n stilstaande voertuig op die George’s Valleypad gebots, teen ‘n afgrond afgeval en aan die brand geslaan het. Bloem en twee werkers het in die vragmotor verkool. Sy stiefdogter, Natasha Willemse sê Bloem was ‘n ervare vragmotorbestuurder met ongeveer 23 jaar ondervinding. “Volgens die opsporingstelsel in die trok het my stiefpa 35 km/h gery toe die botsing gebeur het. Die splinternuwe vragmotor se remme het nie gefaal soos elders berig is nie. ‘n Voertuig het glo in die teenoorgestelde rigting om ‘n draai gekom en hy kon nie betyds vir die stilstaande voertuig reg voor hom uitswaai nie. Sy vragmotor het glo eers teen die linkerkant van die

Our deepest sympathy with the loss of our respected colleague and friend, Herman Kotze.

Herewith our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

berg gebots nadat dit die stilstaande voertuig getref het en is toe by die afgrond af is waarna dit aan die brand geslaan het,” sê Willemse. Willemse sê sy sou die dag saam gery het, maar het nie die oggend gesond gevoel nie en besluit om te bly waarna hy ‘n ekstra werker saamgeneem het om vinniger te kan aflaai om vroeër terug te kom sodat sy dan saam Johannesburg toe kon ry. Nadat nooddienswerkers op die toneel opgedaag het, het ‘n tweede vragmotor in die noodvoertuie geploeg en ‘n kettingbotsing van agt voertuie veroorsaak.

“Dit voel nog onwerklik en ek en my ma, Louise Scholtz wag dat hy enige oomblik by die deur kan instap. Hy was liefdevol, nederig, bedagsaam en soos ‘n eie pa vir my. Hy was ook baie lief vir visvang,” sê Willemse. Begrafnisreëlings is nog nie getref nie omdat die polisie eers hul ondersoek moet afhandel. Benewens Scholtz en Willemse laat Bloem drie kinders, nog drie stiefkinders en nege kleinkinders agter. Tzaneen polisiewoordvoerder, Moatshe Ngoepe het teen druktyd gesê die identiteit van die insittendes is bepaal, maar kon nie die name verskaf nie.

Founder of Grace and Hope Centre dies HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Grace Sekhu, founder of Grace and Hope Centre for children with special needs in Seshego, died last Friday after a long battle with spinal cancer. Sekhu, a passionate community builder, pioneered the centre in 1990 in a church building with eleven learners. The facility was the first of its kind in the province with its closest equal in Pretoria. Through the ceaseless endeavour of Sekhu and her fellow concerned persons the school developed rapidly to the extent that it now accommodates more than 400 learners. Sekhu also found Beulah Prayer Tower and Children’s Shelter in 1995. The shelter caters for orphans, vulnerable and street children and also provides training for them. In 1998 she also established Reakgona Adult Centre for the Mentally Disabled which is a continuation from Grace and Hope for those older than 18. In 2002 she founded Grace and Hope Compassion Ministries, a programme aiming at a holistic approach of physical, spiritual and emotional intervention. Hilda Sekhu, her daughter said a memorial service will be held at Reakgona Centre for the Disabled today (Thursday) at 12:00.

Hilda said they will remember her mother as someone who loved people, cared about the disabled and had the interest of community at heart.


Grace Sekhu, founder of Grace and Hope Center for children.

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Learners loose hours of learning due to Department’s negligence HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Learners from schools in Polokwane and surrounds areas lost hours of precious learning time as a result of the departments of Education and of Sport, Arts and Culture to have in place the necessary public liability insurance by the time the Polokwane Cluster Athletics meeting was scheduled to start at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium yesterday morning (Wednesday). Athletes representing schools in the Seshego, Pietersburg, Mohlaloga, Mahume, Maraba and Koliti circuits arrived at the stadium from as early as 06:00 to participate in the meeting scheduled for 07:30. They were however kept waiting till noon before the event could commence. Concerned coaches and officials expressed their annoyance at the delay saying it was becoming characteristic of such meetings. “This is the problem we come across every year. Learners are unable to take part in the meetings because there are always issues with public liability. We had various meetings with both departments beforehand and they know about the meeting but they failed to arrange proper documentation so that the meeting can start on time. The departments are letting the learners down, because if they are not participating at the event they need to be at a school, but the learners and the educators were caught in the middle,” an official said. Sport, Arts and Culture Spokesperson, Kathu Sadiki said they were not aware of the event and they could not comment further. Department of Education Spokesperson, Paena Galane said they are disappointed by the committee responsible for the specific cluster meeting. “They have failed themselves, the learners, the schools and the community because they are the ones who were supposed to ensure that there is certification before going to that meeting. They will have to explain to us what really happened,” Galane said. One of the educators at the meeting said while everyone was waiting for the officials to sort out public liability insurance members of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) threatened to stop the gathering because learners were requested to contribute R20 towards the public liability fee. “Most of the representatives of the schools from other clusters know that the department does not provide funding to pay for public liability at cluster level. We said each learner must at least pay R20 to contribute and schools from Mohlaloga, Mahume, Maraba, Koloti and Seshego said they won’t be able to contribute,” the educator said. Sadtu Provincial Secretary Matome Raphasha said their officials were at the stadium not to stop the meeting but to get to understand how the R20 fee works. “Yes our officials were there but not to disrupt the meeting but to have a broader understanding of how the R20 fee works. We don’t understand it because the schools pay an affiliation fee and the R20 fee was not indicated to us. We view the arrangement as a method of excluding athletes from poor backgrounds not to participate in the meeting,” Raphasha said. Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) issued a press statement quoting its Principal, Willie Schoeman to have said PHS will in future withdraw from all Limpopo Schools Athletics (Limsa) events. “It is unacceptable that athletes have to be exposed to such chaos. PHS will in future join the Limpopo Athletics (Lima) structure where athletes can still qualify for the South African championships via several clubs in the city. A variety of schools in Limpopo already took this much more organised route and we will motivate other schools to do so as well,” Schoeman said. Referring to meetings with Limsa he said: “Schools requested Limsa to plan a year ahead of the respective athletics meetings in order for schools to budget thoroughly. Limsa never contacted any of the schools at the end of 2014. He referred to a resolution taken last year that R20 must be paid by every athlete and that competing schools should make a contribution to decrease the financial burden on the host school. “The issue of Limsa rescheduling events as they please results in athletics meetings clashing with official liabilities which schools added to their calendars the previous year already,” Schoeman said.

Parking problems OBSERVER 5 solved by street closure Februarie 12, 2015


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Municipality allowed the African Market business complex to be constructed without approved building plans and now has to step in to close an adjacent street portion to provide the required parking. In a report that was tabled before council recently, it is stated that the African Market business complex in General Joubert Street between Jorissen and Devenish streets in the Central Business District (CBD), is in a final stage of completion but can only be occupied once an occupation certificate is issued by the municipality. The main reason why the required certificate can not be issued is that at least two parking bays have to be provided for every 100 square meter gross leasable floor area (GLFA) and that this requirement may not be accomplished on-site due to the design and lay-out of the complex. This situation could obviously been avoided if building plans were submitted and approved in the first instance. The Municipality is the owner of the land on which the business complex is situated and has now given notice of its intention to permanently

close the portion of General Joubert Street between Jorissen and Devenish streets. This portion provides access to the African Market and also 13 other businesses in the vicinity and if closed for vehicular traffic, could be converted into parking bays and thus solve the problem faced by the African Market development. In the report, the municipality advances a number of reasons why the closing of the streets will be to the advantage of the business community, some being the enhancement of safety for pedestrians and cyclists and the fact


that current activities in the street hinders free access for traffic. The municipality now awaits objections against the proposed street closing and it may be lodged in writing with the Manager: City Planning and Property Management, not later than 8 March 2015. Layout plans and further details are available for inspection on weekdays between 13:30 and 16:30 at Room 146 in the Civic Centre in Landdros Maré Street. Comment from the municipality could not be obtained at time of going to print.

The traffic congestion in the portion of Gen Joubert Street between Jorissen and Devenish Streets. PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN

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Beggar relatively wealthy after all

February 12, 2015




RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


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olokwane Police has again urged motorists not to give money to beggars on street corners as it was revealed last Tuesday that some of these beggars are indeed reasonably wealthy persons. On Tuesday Polokwane Observer witnessed the metamorphosis of a young man, a “beggar” who frequents the corner of Thabo Mbeki and Gazelle streets, to a wealthy, presentable man. Polokwane Police Station Commander Tom Shingange explained that the man has been removed from the street several times because, like other beggars, he is not only a nuisance on street corners but also risks his life by moving among the stream of traffic to beg. “He was again removed and Police decided the man had to be exposed. He covers his face with black shoe polish to create an impression of poverty and unhygienic living conditions,” Shingange explained. At the Polokwane Police Station the man was handed soap and water and instructed to wash

himself. The outcome was surprising. In reality he is light in complexion and nowhere close to the image he presents on the street. He carries a bag with clean, neat clothes to wear as soon as he is done on the streets and return to his home in Mentz just outside Mankweng. “This is again proof that motorists should ignore beggars. Some of them are not who they appear to be. Begging is an easy way of making a lot of money. We are currently working hand in hand with the Polokwane Municipality to remove all beggars from the streets,” Polokwane Police Spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba said. PHOTOS: RC MYBURGH

Police exposed a young man begging on street corners as quite a wealthy man.

On duty

Off duty

Muni Demarcation Board probes new ward for city BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Polokwane may have 39 municipal wards for the 2016 third-level elections if the proposal of the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) is accepted. The city currently has 38 wards, resulting in 76 municipal councillors of which 38 were directly elected to represent residents in wards and 38 represent the political parties on a proportional basis. Members of the African National Congress (ANC), Democratic Alliance (DA), Congress of the People (Cope), Azanian People’s Organization (Azapo), the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) and the Freedom Front Plus (FF+) are represented in the Municipal Council. The proposal of the MDB is that the boundaries of Wards 20 and 23 be changed to bring the number of voters in those wards within the parameters that was determined by the MDB when the number of wards were divided into the number of voters of the city. The supernumerary voters will then be accommodated in the additional ward, bringing the total number of wards to 39. The fact that the city justifies an additional municipal ward, indicates that the population of the city has grown since the previous municipal elections that took place in 2011. According to information provided on the MDB’s website, Limpopo had 445 wards during the 2000 elections, with 513 and 543 during 2006 and 2011 respectively. The final promulgation of ward boundaries and the subsequent delimitation of wards will only be done by the MDB after a compulsory public participation process where meetings will be convened and residents be informed. A meeting that was supposed to be held in the Nirvana Hall on Friday last week, has been postponed and Bulelwa Mbali-Khoele, Spokesperson for the MDB, confirmed on Wednesday that the date of the upcoming meeting was not known as yet.

Journalist in distress Police act promptly

Februarie 12, 2015





>> Perpetrator unaware he is being photographed >> Armed with a sharpened broomstick


olokwane Police acted quickly in follow-up of an emergency call from Polokwane Observer when its crime journalist, RC Myburgh came face to face with an armed suspect sneaking around his rental property on the Myngenoegen smallholdings on Friday. The man, possibly a Zimbabwean entered the small holding asking for work and water. When the man was informed that no jobs were available and that he should leave the property he walked away, hid in the nearby bushes and kept a close eye on the property. Myburgh noticed the man had a sharpened broomstick in his possession. When Editor Yolande Nel informed Polokwane Police Station Commander Tom Shingange about the suspicious armed man he immediately dispatched several officers to the smallholding. While awaiting the arrival of the Police Myburgh observed the perpetrator slowly moving through the bushes towards the main house on the property where the landlord resides. The trespasser was unaware of being photographed the whole time. Before he could enter the landlord’s gate Myburgh confronted the man who was at the time seated, had put down the sharpened stick and was watching the house. The man attempted to hide on the roof of one of the outbuildings but fled into the shrubbery when he noticed that he was being photographed. At that point the Police arrived and officers quickly searched the area but the man could not be found. The sharpened stick and a bag he had carried were found on the scene and confiscated. The bag contained documentation appearing to be a notice of dismissal from Zimbabwe Railway as well as a photograph of the man. No form of identity documentation was however found. Myburgh thanked the Police for their quick response.


Unaware that his every move is photographed an armed man sneaks around the rental property of a Polokwane Observer journalist. Right: The man hiding on the roof of an outbuilding finds himself facing the camera.


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Willemse veg vir gebruik van moedertaal in raadsvergaderings WILLIE ESTERHUYSEN >>willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za Raadslid Johan Willemse, Afrikanerkultuurleier en Polokwane-raadslid vir die Vryheidsfront Plus, se maande lange moeite om die stadsraad sover te kry om ‘n multi-taalbeleid te oorweeg, val tot dusver op dowe ore, desondanks ‘n versoek deur ANC-raadslid, Lois Hardy, tot hom om navorsing oor ‘n taalbeleid te doen en ‘n konsepverslag in die verband voor te lê. Willemse meen dit is raadslede se grondwetlike reg om hul moedertaal in raadsvergadering en korrespondensie te gebruik en stadsrade se plig om die gebruik van meer as een taal as beleid te aanvaar. “Dit is die gebruik vir baie jare reeds by groter munisipaliteite en metrorade,” sê Willemse. Nadat hy egter die nodige navorsing gedoen het en “tientalle” stadsrade waaronder Bloemfontein, Pretoria en Kaapstad genader het oor hul taalbeleidstukke en meegaande regulasies,is hy in duidelike terme deur Hardy verwittig dat hy met ‘n futiele oefening besig is omdat die munisipaliteit glo nie kan bekostig om iets meer as die eentalige beleid van Engels as die enigste spreek- en korrespondensietaal te handhaaf nie. Willemse beweer hy is ook deur raadslid Frank Haas van die Demokratiese Alliansie teengestaan. “Die gevolg is dat ek nie Afrikaans in die raad mag gebruik nie en so mag my Bapedi-kollegas ook nie hul moedertaal besig nie,” sê Willemse en voeg by dat hierdie verbod ongrondwetlik is. Willemse sê hy sal egter aanhou veg vir die saak van moedertaal in raadvergaderings sodat alle groepe hulle deeglik kan uitdruk.

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February 12, 2015



LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Nat padtoestande as gevolg van reënweer het moontlik tot die onlangse kop-aan-kop-botsing tussen ‘n bakkie en ‘n motor in Landdros Maréstraat, naaste hoek Dorpstraat gelei. ‘n Omstander op die toneel het Polokwane Observer meegedeel dat die bakkie vermoedelik ‘n ander voertuig oor ‘n sperstreep verbygesteek en trompop teen die aankomende bakkie gebots het. ‘n Ma en een van haar twee kinders, wat saam met haar in die motor was, is beseer en na Mediclinic Limpopo vervoer. Die bestuurder van die bakkie is na Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal vervoer. FOTO: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK

Die motor wat in ‘n trompop botsing betrokke was.

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Stan’s speech to focus on crucial issues YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


hen Premier Stan Mathabatha addresses his people in his State of the Province speech on 24 February he is expected to touch on, among others, issues guided by the principles outlined in the ruling party’s Freedom Charter and relating to economic freedom. The occasion coinciding with the annual opening of the provincial Legislature was originally scheduled for 19 February but was moved to the week thereafter, it was learnt. It will follow the opening of Parliament this evening (Thursday). According to Premier’s Spokesperson Kenny Mathivha the Premier was expected to talk on, among others, the situation at Malamulele, the recent exit of the team of administrators from the province, land issues in the Limpopo context, job creation, safety, infrastructure, investment and full realisation of economic zones, education, the revival of the morale of public servants and the appointment of appropriate candidates to vacant positions. Mathabatha is believed to further base the contents of his all-important speech on a mandate of the African National Congress (ANC) following its Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) lekgotla at Sibasa outside Thohoyandou earlier this week and a provincial government

Motor rol na botsing LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Tydens ‘n ongeluk verlede Donderdag op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Jorissenstraat, het ‘n Hyundai i10 op sy dak te lande gekom, toe die motor teen ‘n bakkie gebots en daarna ‘n verkeers-

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lekgotla scheduled for 19 and 20 February at a venue still to be confirmed. In a statement on the ANC PEC lekgotla that brought together ruling party structures and deployed cadres, ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi said it evaluated progress made with the implementation of last year’s resolutions ad proposals from various sub-committees of the ANC. In the statement he referred to deliberations by the commissions that have led to 21 resolutions. The resolutions included re-affirmation of the critical implementation of a radical socio-economic transformation programme as critical, mandating the provincial government to acquire land in Lephalale and develop a blueprint for a major post-apartheid city in the area, strengthening the capacity of the provincial government to support municipal spending and execution of municipal infrastructure and other grants, mandating government to develop and adopt a marketing plan for Limpopo as a tourism destination, hosting of a provincial summit highlighting water issues, the welcoming of the departure of the administrators and continued support to be received from the national government and lastly proposals on the delimitation of outer boundaries and wards as well as the recommended mergers of municipalities that are not financially viable and sustainable.

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Murder allegations lead to unrest in Thohoyandou RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

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Rumours of a Zimbabwean national allegedly having killed a local resident seem to have been the reason for unrest occurring in the central business district (CBD) of Thohoyandou on Tuesday. Ronel Otto, Provincial Police Spokesperson said rumours of the alleged killing of a local resident by a Zimbabwean national caused locals to take to the streets, barricading entrances to the CBD and emptying dustbins around the area. “It is also reported that Zim-

babwean hawkers were threatened and some of their stalls damaged,” Otto said adding that it is not clear where the rumour originated as the Police have no record of any murder in the area. “The Public Order Policing Unit who were dispatched at Malamulele to monitor the ongoing protest action stemming from residents’ demand for a separate municipality, was deployed to Thohoyandou to disperse of the protestors,” Otto said. According to her only minor damage to property and the arrest of a single person was reported.

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer

DA leader wants provincial team for Malamulele YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


emocratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle has approached Premier Stan Mathabatha to urgently engage Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Pravin Gordhan on the establishment of a provincial task team to address the desperate calls of the residents of Malamulele. In a media statement released at the time of going to press Smalle mentioned he wrote to Mathabatha yesterday (Wednesday). He further gave the assurance that the DA would continue to put pressure on Mathabatha to take action on the crisis rather than sitting back and letting increasingly more damage be done. Smalle goes on to raise the question whether it could be that the African National Congress (ANC) knew it couldn’t afford to lose the votes of the Malamulele people by cracking down on the unrest. “Is the ANC adopting a soft approach to avoid angering the resident(s) further?” In the meantime DA Parliamentarian Desiree van der Walt has instituted a criminal case of contravention of articles of the Schools Act against the leader of the so-called Shutdown Committee at Malamulele, Bedjani Hlungwani, with the Police during a visit of party leaders to the town on Monday. Relaying information on the case she had registered against the leader of the committee for allegedly avoiding learners from attending school, Van der Walt said at the time of their visit the entire town was still devoid of any activity. Van der Walt was accompanied by Smalle as well as DA Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Shadow Minister Kevin Mileham and DA Legislature Member Langa Bodlani, it was learnt. Likening it to a ghost town, she mentioned that neither the municipal satellite station nor Home

Affairs or the magistrate’s court operated. She reiterated that something had to happen for schools to open. The shutdown is expected to continue for a further 21 days. The DA already turned to the Human Rights Commission on 28 January this year to lodge a complaint against the community task team. In a letter of which a copy was provided to Polokwane Observer, Smalle requested the commission to intervene as a matter of urgency. “Although the Democratic Alliance has empathy with the community and understands their frustrations, we believe that children’s rights are paramount and should not be sacrificed under any circumstances.” He also addressed a letter to Limpopo Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola on 6 February this year, requesting the Police to defend critical infrastructure from attacks by violent protesters. He requested an urgent Legislature briefing on operational plans to bring the situation under control. Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba said it was their understanding that the task team has lost control of the area. Seloba said they wanted the situation to get back to normal as a matter of urgency and also schooling to commence. Criminals and “nyapo masters” masquerading as caring people among communities have taken over in Malamulele and it was important that people in Malamulele gained control of their own situation, he pointed out. An escalation in recklessness and criminal behaviour and not protest was being observed, he added. The Police have been deployed to arrest thugs and criminals, but needed the support of the people of Malamulele to make sure the situation returned to normal. To achieve that the community had to work with the government, he concluded.


Aganang leadership’s campaign calls for good relations


February 12, 2015

10 OBSERVER polokwane

Aganang Mayor Maria Mokobodi with the delegation visiting schools.


>> Politicians embark on annual back-toschool campaign >> Campaign to help understand the nature of problems faced by visited schools BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


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and school principals confuse and frustrate learners,” Mokobodi is quoted to have said after the visits. According to Moruthane, the pass rate for Grade 7 and 12 during 2012, 2013 and 2014, staff components, number of learners enrolled in schools, teacherlearner ratios, state of classroom environments, existence and functionality of School Governing Body Committees, community support and involvement received by schools, school nutrition programme effectiveness, extramural activities and sports activities learners take part in, state of water, electricity and sanitation services, crime, drugs and substance abuse, teenage pregnancy and availability of stationery were areas of concern addressed. Primary schools which serve as feeders of the identified high schools were also visited to assess how prepared learners are when they exit Grade 7. The primary schools visit helped the municipality in understanding the level of knowledge and ability to read and write of learners proceeding to secondary learning. Mokobodi encouraged the matric classes of 2015 to work hard and always prioritize their school work to perform exceptionally at the end of the year. She requested all learners to start working hard and finish their syllabus early in order to be ready for final year exams. She further encouraged both primary and secondary principals to engage in exchange programmes so that they can share critical information that can improve performance of the schools. “The principals of crèches must have interest in what is happening in the primary school, a principal of primary school must know what is happening in the local crèche and secondary school and equally the principal of a secondary school must have interest in what is happening in local feeder primary schools. Like our motto says ‘Mmogo re tla kgona’ that should be the attitude amongst the principals. Our last leg of the back-to-schoolcampaign in 2015 will focus on the crèches where everything starts,” Mokobodi concluded.

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ganang Mayor Maria Mokobodi recently embarked on an annual back-to-school campaign and visited various schools within the municipal area. The campaign aimed to motivate learners and teachers in secondary and primary schools and the opportunity was taken to congratulate schools which performed exceptionally well during the matric exams of 2014, and also to understand the working techniques and strategies applied by such schools in order to be shared with underperforming schools. Peter Moruthane, Media Liaison Officer of Aganang Municipality says in a media release that the Political Leadership Team (PMT) of the municipality led by Mokobodi consisted of Speaker Mary Dikgale, Chief Whip Malesela Teffo and Exco-Members and were accompanied by Ward Councillors, Circuit Managers and Police Officers from Matlala and Mashashane and dispersed in groups to visit the 16 identified poorest and best performing schools. Eight schools performed well, being Mamolope High School (Bakone circuit, 90%), Chika High School (Moloto circuit, 100%), Moshidi High School (Moletši circuit, 100%), Ipopeng High School (Mogoshi circuit, 96%), Mankoaedupe High School (Vlakfontein circuit, 85%), Dr MJ Madiba High School (Maune Circuit, 85%), Ngwanasehlakwana High School (Maraba circuit, 85,2%) and Phalatlou High School (Koloti circuit, 94,7%). The lowest performing school is Radipitsi High School (9,2%). “The key challenges hampering learner performance identified during the back-to-school campaign visit included poor working relationships between teachers, poor relationships between principals and teachers and poor participation of parents in school matters. Some principals indicated lack of facilities and poor infrastructure in their schools as a concern. The relationship between teachers and the principals in any school serve as a guiding principle for learners and learners should look up at teachers and lack of team work amongst teachers

or while stock lasts. E&OE

Mary Dikgale, Speaker of Aganang Municipality, leading a delegation to schools.

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer



February 12, 2015

12 OBSERVER polokwane

What’s UP

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The Polokwane Choral Society, a world trav­ elled and award winning music and commu­ nity choir for the past 38 years seeks skilled, committed, disciplined and passionate singers to join the choir in the soprano, bass and alto voices. If you fit this mould, please report for auditions on 15 February 2015 at 15:00 at Li­ brary Gardens Auditorium. Matlakala Bopape: 015 295 3417. 9 to 14 February >> Cansa Polokwane in collaboration with Savannah Mall presents the Cansa Wall of Love at the Savannah Banking Mall. Special Valentine’s cards will be sold. Buy your card at Cansa or at Savannah Mall Management Office and write a message that may win you a prize of R500. Sharon Stander: 015 297 1268. 13 Februarie >> Bobby van Jaars­ veld tree om 19:00 tydens ‘n opelugkonsert by Oosskool op. Hekke in Kleinenbergstraat open reeds om 17:00. Toegang vir volwas­ senes en hoërskool­ leerders beloop R130 en R100 vir laerskool­ leerders. Bring jou eie kombers en kamp­ stoel. Michélle van der Westhuizen: 084 836 7036/015 296 0214. 14 February >> Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club hosts the Makhulu 5 MTB Cycling event at Kuschke Agricultural School from 07:30. There will be a 16 km fun ride, a 37 km half marathon or a marathon over 73 km. Entries may be done at Saloojees between 17:30 and 19:00 on 13 February and again on 14 February between 06:00 and 07:00. Annelize Ziehl-Owens: 083 261 9921. 21 February >> The Modern Autohaus 4 in 1 Marathon takes place from 06:30 at the old Peter Mok­ aba Stadium. Registrations at the clubhouse at the stadium on 18 February from 18:00 to 20:00 and on 20 February from 17:00 to 20:00. Entries will also be accepted on 21 February from 04:30. Great prizes to be won. Karen Smith: 082 817 0164. 28 Februarie >> Die NG Kerk Pietersburg (Moederge­ meente) hou vanaf 07:00 basaar by die kerk op die hoek van Grobler- en Biccardstraat. Vleis, eetgoed, gebak, plante, groente en vrugte en ‘n kindertafel sal beskikbaar wees. Heleen Bester/Anne van Staden: 015 291 9140. 1 March >> Mina’s Neighbourhood Market will be held at Zwakala River Retreat in Magoebaskloof. A variety of stalls will be available and an exclusive craft section is a new addition. There will also be clothing, accessories, bags and beautiful old home décor items and fun farm activities for kids. Denise Tooley: 083 980 8433. 4 Maart >> Wêreldbekende konsert-orrelis en musiekverwerker, Ockie Vermeulen tree om 19:00 by die NG Moed­ ergemeente op. Die titel van sy produksie is “My obsessie met Christa Steyn.” Opbrengs gaan aan Doornkraal Voortrekkerkommando. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Venita Olivier: 082 928 8785. 21 Maart >> Die Rotariërklub van Haenertsburg bied van 11:00 tot 15:30 hul jaarlikse Ebenezermyl by die Ebenezerdam aan. Daar word in vyf kategorieë meegeding en verdere beson­ derhede oor inskrywingsgeld kan op www. ebenezermile.co.za verkry word. Bernard van den Dool: 083 297 2349. 28 Maart >> Die Mall of the North Marathon word in samewerking met Pietersburg Road Runners aangebied en is ook ‘n Comrades-kwalifiseerder. Deelname kan in enige van vier kategorieë geskied: ‘n marathon (42,2 km), ‘n halfmarathon (21,1 km), 10 km of 5 km pretdraf. Inskrywings open op 16 Februarie en die eerste 200 atlete wat inskryf ontvang elk ‘n spesiale T-hemp. Groot pryse kan in die verskillende kategorieë gewen word. Meer inligting is by Pietersburg Road Runners se facebook-blad beskikbaar of skakel Colinda Potgieter by 082 898 8341, Johan van der Merwe by 082 877 3640 of Rene van der Merwe by 082 300 7620.

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer

Stadsplein nie meer eertydse oase BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


ie eens trotse stadsplein met sy lowergroen tuin en grasperke waar inwoners veral op Sondae kon uitspan en langs die stadsmeer piekniek hou, is nie meer die oase van weleer nie. Alhoewel die grasperke netjies gesny was toe Polokwane Observer die plein onlangs besoek het, was gesnyde gras en boomtakke wat langs ‘n oorvol stortbak gegooi is, ‘n aanduiding dat behoorlike instandhouding ontbreek. Die stadsmeer se water is grasgroen en leë koeldrankbottels en plastiese sakke ontsier die omgewing. Die borsbeeld van Dap Naudé se koperplaat is verwyder en nog nie vervang nie. Volgens Tidimalo Chuene, bemarkings- en kommunikasiebestuurder van die munisipaliteit, is ‘n aantal beelde wat makliker verwyder kan

>> Kunswerke as veiligheidsmaatreël verwyder >> Stadsmeer oorgroei en vol rommel

word, reeds deur die munisipaliteit in veilige bewaring geplaas. Die betreurenswaardige situasie by die stadsplein is meer as ‘n week gelede vir die eerste keer onder die munisipaliteit se aandag gebring en ’n week later is die munisipaliteit se geykte kommentaat dat die owerheid toegewyd is tot dienslewering, eindelik ontvang. Die munisipaliteit het ook bevestig dat die pompe van die stadsmeer tans herstel word en die groei van alge behandel word. Die munisipaliteit bly ook steeds in gebreke om die talle gevalle van swak dienslewering waaroor Polokwane ObDie gevaarlike oop server onlangs berig elektrisiteitskas op het, aan te spreek. die stadsplein.


‘n Oorvol stortbak is ‘n bewys dat instandhouding op die stadsplein geen prioriteit is nie.



February 12, 2015

14 OBSERVER Views polokwane

provincial / local issues

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day which will be celebrated worldwide on Saturday, 14 February Polokwane Observer asked an assortment of residents what their plans are for the day. In die gees van Valentynsdag wat Saterdag, 14 Februarie gevier word, het Polokwane Observer ’n paar inwoners uitgevra oor hulle planne vir dié dag.

Joyce Mashamba, Social Development MEC: “If the schedule allows I am going to spend the day with my husband and family.”

Adele van der Linde, kommunikasiebeampte van die department van sosiale ontwikkeling: “Ek wag om verras te word aangesien 14 Februarie ook ons huweliksherdenking is.”

Moshupologo Mothotse, Head of Communications at the Department of Social Development: “I will be out with my partner because to me Valentine’s Day is every day.”

Rob Williamson, president van Polokwane Rotariërklub: “Ek neem my vrou uit vir ete by ‘n restaurant.”

Frank Haas, plaaslike sakeman: “Ek beplan ‘n wonderlike aand saam met my vrou.”

Lois Hardy, Mayoral Committee member: Administration and Governance, Sector at Polokwane Municipality: “My husband spoils me the whole year and I am not expecting anything different on Valentine’s Day.”

Moffat Senyatsi, Spokesperson of Capricorn District Municipality: “I plan a package massage for two, followed by snacks, lunch in a great ambience and a screening of 50 Shades of Grey at the cinema.”

Martin Venter, voorsitter van die SanParke Ereveldwagters, Limpopostreek: “Ek en my vrou gaan Loftus toe vir die wedstryd tussen die Vodacom Bloubulle en die DHL Stormers.”



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February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer

Former prisoner awarded bursary >> ‘Crime does not pay’ >> ‘I have learned my lesson’

be studying at Avuxeni Computer Academy, Rabothatha said he would decide once he got home. Polokwane Correctional Services Area Coordinator for Development and Care, Shebo HERBERT RACHUENE Maserumule wished Rabothatha the best in his >>herbert@mailbox.co.za future endeavours and stressed that he will be able to show the people in his community that ormer prisoner Oscar Robothatha was given a new lease of life on Tuesday when crime does not pay. “Rehabilitation is a societal a bursary worth R7 000 responsibility and we are happy was awarded to him by the to have had someone like Nkhensani Ntsanwisi FoundaRabothatha who was keen to tion to study at any Avuxeni change and become a man. We Training Academy. are proud of him for completing Rabothatha (32) was arrestthe rehabilitation process and ed in 2009 after he was found we believe he will be our menin possession of explosives he tor in his community,” Maserustole from Two Rivers Platinum mule said. Mine in Steelpoort where he Nkhensani Ntsanwisi, Foundworked as underground miner er of the Nkhensani Ntsanwisi at the time. Foundation said the season Robothatha, who hails from they chose to award RabothaPhalaborwa, was released from tha a bursary was because he the Polokwane Correctional showed the potential of doing Service facility on Tuesday after well outside the prison walls. serving four years of an initial “He was our ambassador last eight year sentence that was Shebo Maserumele, Area year during our school anticreduced on grounds of good Coordinator Development behaviour. and Care at Polokwane Cor- rime campaign in Seshego and surrounding areas. He showed rectional Services address The last four years of his the prospects of a changed the inmates. term he will spend at home man. By sharing his story of under correctional supervision. “I am happy to go back home and start afresh. how he ended up in prison with the learners he showed a lot of courage,” Ntsanwisi said. I regret committing the crime. I was young by then, tempted by money and I did not know that there is more to life than getting involved in such dealings. I have learned my lesson and the biggest lesson of them all is that crime does not pay,” Robothatha said at a press conference held afterwards. He also mentioned he cannot wait to see his two sons, Thabang and Austin who were the major reason for his turnaround while in prison. “All the time I was in here they were always in my mind. They pushed me hard to complete my rehabilitation programme, which I did with aplomb and I am glad I will be able to see them grow because that is PHOTO: HERBERT RACHUENE every parents’s wish,” Photographed during the handover of the bursary are Oscar RabothaRobothatha said. tha (middle) with his mother Tinyiko Robothatha and Marcus Asked what he will Mbombi, Area Training Leader from Avuxeni Computer Academy.




February 12, 2015

CRIME shorts

16 OBSERVER polokwane

Women in dock for stabbing man

Westenburg Police arrested a woman from Disteneng on Sunday for allegedly stabbing a man to death with a knife. Westenburg Police Spokesperson Mohlaka Mashiane reported that an argument had supposedly broken out between the victim and the suspect at which time she allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed the man. “The man was stabbed several times and died on the scene. The woman was arrested but has not yet appeared in court,” Mashiane confirmed on Tuesday.

Man arrested – possibly linked to more cases

Westenburg Police hope to have arrested the man responsible for allegedly terrorising people walking to and from work in the Westenburg area. Police Spokesperson Mohlaka Mashiane said on Monday a pregnant woman walking to town was attacked while using a shortcut over the railway tracks and through the bushes underneath the Westenburg Bridge. Other pedestrians saw her ordeal, apprehended the attacker and informed the Police who then arrested the suspect. “It has been a while that pedestrians were attacked and robbed almost daily. We urged people in the past not to use the shortcut as it creates an opportunity for attackers to pounce on easy targets,” Mashiane said, adding that the man might be linked to other attacks in the area. He will appear in court soon.

Three-year-old electrocuted

Police in Lebowakgomo are investigating an inquest case after a three-year-old child was electrocuted and died at Hwelereng just outside Lebowakgomo on Sunday. Police Spokesperson Mamphaswa Seabi said the child apparently tripped over a live, open electric cable, was electrocuted and died. “We urge parents and residents to ensure that electric cables are always secure and safe and to warn children of the danger of open wires,” Seabi said.

Hunt still on for cash-in-transit robbers

Police in Maake are still looking for at least eight suspects believed to have been responsible for a cash-in-transit robbery on the R36 between Tzaneen and Lydenburg last Monday. Spokesperson for the Tzaneen Police, Moatshe Ngoepe said a manhunt was launched for the suspects soon after the robbery during which occupants of a white Ford Ranger bakkie opened fire on a security vehicle transporting money. The security officials were allegedly forced to stop and the suspects then cut open the safe inside the vehicle where after they drove off with an undisclosed amount of cash. No one was injured during the incident. It is alleged that besides the bakkie the suspects also travelled in Nissan, Audi and Mercedes-Benz vehicles during the incident.

Four-year-old drowns in pit toilet


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 67 (18) of the Local Government Ordinance, 17 of 1939 that Polokwane Local Municipality intends to permanently close a portion of General Joubert Street from Devenish Street to Jorrisen Street. Layout plans showing particulars of the proposed closure are open for inspection on weekdays from 13:30 to 16:30 at the office of the Manager: City Planning and Property Management, Civic Centre, 1st Floor, West Wing, Room 146 from 11 February 2015. Any person, who wishes to object to the proposed street closure, must lodge such objection in writing with the Manager: City Planning and Property Management), not later than 09 - 10 March 2015. CIVIC CENTRE Cnr LANDDROS MARé AND BODENSTEIN STREETS POLOKWANE MUNICIPAL MANAGER MRS TC MAMETJA

A four-year-old boy drowned in a pit toilet in Mugwazeni Village near Letsitele last Thursday. Samuel Matshusa is one of three children who drowned the past week in and around Tzaneen. Samuel is alleged to have been playing with his friends near the rain water filled pit toilet when he fell into the toilet and drowned. Tzaneen Police Spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe also said Tebatso Simango and Tshepho Mkhabela, both 12, drowned in the Merikoma River in the Mawa Village near Bolobedu last week. “We urge children to take care when they are playing near dams, rivers or any spot with waterholes. Parents should also educate their children on the dangers of water,” Ngoepe said.

Woman in dock for male rape

Sylvia Mabulana will appear in court again on 11 March on charges of allegedly raping a 22-year-old man in Bolobedu last month. According to Tzaneen Police Spokesperson, Moatshe Ngoepe Maulana was granted bail of R1 000 during her last court appearance. “It is alleged that Mabulana gave the victim some concoction to drink before raping him. She allegedly asked the man to do some work for her at her house when the incident happened,” Ngoepe said.

Farmworker found dead A farmworker from George’s Valley, Maswazi Philemon Chaveni is suspected to have been murdered after he was found dead in his shack on Monday. “Relatives discovered his body and his hands were tied behind his back with plastic rope,” Tzaneen Police Spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe stated. No arrests yet.

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer



February 12, 2015

18 OBSERVER Ladanna Focus polokwane

Ladanna se besighede ingestel op diens en kwaliteit

>> Noordelike poort na die stad >> Wye keuse van dienste en produkte BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


adanna se eie sentrale sakegebied huisves ‘n verskeidenheid besighede en die ruim voorsiening vir parkering verseker gladde verkeersvloei. Sakelui verkies om hul besighede in Ladanna te vestig weens die feit dat huurgeld en bedryfskostes heelwat laer is as in die sentrale sakegebied. Besighede in Ladanna kompeteer met besighede in die groter sakesentrums in die stad en moet hulle derhalwe op diens en kwaliteit instel om volhoubaar te wees. Baie van die besighede in Ladanna behoort aan groot korporatiewe sakelui, terwyl daar ook ‘n groot groep besighede is wat al jare aan dieselfde eienaars behoort en ‘n huishoudelike naam onder verbruikers geword het. Lojaliteit en persoonlike diens speel hier ‘n groot rol en

kliënte word as familie beskou. Die gedeelte van Ladanna wat kommersiële en ligte nywerheidsaktiwiteite huisves, is binne stapafstand van die woonkomponent en kleiner besighede geleë en maak nie voorsiening vir hinderlike bedrywe nie, terwyl dit gerieflik geplaas is om van die versamelroetes soos Nelson Mandela- en Vermikulietstraat te gebruik. Hierdie deel van Ladanna is die tuiste van groothandelaars en verspreiders, skrootwerwe, duikkloppers, ingenieursdienste en brandstofverspreiders en maak ook voorsiening vir handelaars in bande, die store van die balju en staalwerkondernemings Weens die nabyheid van Seshego en die informele vestigings op sy drumpel, is daar in Ladanna geen tekort aan informele en semigeskoolde arbeid nie en is dit op die deurgangsroete van al die openbare vervoer wat die stad vanuit die noorde binnekom. Besighede soos Marlen Industries, Partland

en Northern Auto Panelbeaters is huishoudelike name. Janpret Trekkers en vulstasie is ‘n baken vir plaaslike kliënte en word deur boere vanuit die hele provinsie ondersteun, terwyl Capricorn Fire ‘n bekende naam in die stad en omgewing is. Pro Brick & Pave se ruim perseel gee kliënte die geleentheid om van hulle groot verskeidenheid ontwerpe en kleure stene te kies en is ook ‘n gunsteling onder kopers uit die landelike gebied. Motoriste ondersteun Avis Van Rental, GIB Windscreens en C & G Batterydienste, terwyl die dienste van Susan’s Hair Beauty, Medi Car, C-Quip en F2 Vehicle Technologies binne bereik is. Vir voertuigeienaars bied West Power Steering en Pietersburg Gearbox Centre spesialiteitsdienste. Fryers, Foodzone, Ladanna Wholesalers en Chic & Veg is binne loopafstand van Ladanna se “hoofstraat”, Witklipstraat en Safety-First is ‘n gewilde keuse vir besighede en individue.

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Janpret Trekkers

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Februarie 12, 2015





Great artist line-up for Marula Festival NEWS

February 12, 2015

20 OBSERVER polokwane

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

A strong line-up of local, national and international artists have been secured to perform at the tenth Marula Jazz Festival to be staged at Impala Park, Phalaborwa on 28 February as part of the annual Marula Festival. According to the festival organisers and hosts, the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) local artists Zonke, Jimmy Dludlu, Joe Shirimane, Thomas Chauke and Selaelo Selota will feature on stage this year. A source at Ledet has also informed that negotiations with renowned recording artist Billy Ocean are at an advanced stage. “We want to go bigger this year,” the source said adding that a mixture of local and international artists is desired in order to give the people of the province something different. It was further said that talks with a Mozambican artist, whose name cannot be revealed before a deal is finalised, were underway and would

hopefully be concluded soon. The annual event has over the past decade made great strides in promoting the marula brand as well as advanced tourism, both local and from outside the province, which has in turn boosted the economy of Phalaborwa and surrounds. The 2015 Marula Festival will commence with the customary street parade on Saturday, 21 February and will be followed by several other activities including a 4 x 4 challenge, tourism career expo, golf challenge at the Hans Merensky Golf Club which is also the venue for the Cuisine á la Marula. Ledet MEC Seaparo Sekoati at the launch of this year’s festive programme said the event continues to contribute significantly to the local economy and, as guided by the prescripts of the National Development Plan, is a direct response to the national Rural Development Framework. Sekoati said 12 000 litres of marula beer will be made available for purchase by festival goers and supplied by 13 registered marula processing cooperatives from various districts.

Los ‘n romantiese boodskap by die Wall of Love LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Die Wall of Love wat deur Kansa by Savannah Mall geloods word, is Maandag met groot opwinding geopen. Kaartjies kan tot 16 Februarie vir R10 by Savannah Mall se kantore gekoop word of by die Theunis Fichardt Hospitium. Geld van die kaartjies is vir Kansa Polokwane en die Hospitium. Op die kaartjie kan ‘n spesiale boodskap geskryf word en op die Wall of Love, by Savannah se Banking Mall gesit word. Die persoon wat die mees romantiese boodskap skryf om sy of haar liefde uit te druk, kan ‘n geldprys van R500 losslaan.


Sharon Stander, gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa en Sarah Magagane, Face of Savannah Mall met die kaartjies wat te koop is.


Autobody Repair Centre Quality repairs at the quickest turnaround time possible!!

>> Three year term of SGB’s ends on 31 March >> Elections will take place on 6 to 28 March BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga visited Limpopo on Saturday to encourage community members to serve on School Governing Bodies (SGBs). The three year terms of presently serving SGBs are coming to an end in March and elections for new structures also need to be held. “Education is a societal issue and needs all community members to work together.” These were the words of Motshekga when addressing thousands of people at Botlokwa in the Molemole Municipality of Capricorn district. Motshekga was speaking to community members during her SGB Road Show where she was encouraging community members to avail themselves during the election,” Naledzani Rasila, Senior Manager: Communication Services of the Department of Education stated in a media release. According to Rasila, there are more than 2 000 committees to be elected in the country while Limpopo has more than 900. The road show was attended by inter alia, schools, SGBs, principals, inspectors,

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Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga. traditional leaders and parents. The acting MEC for Education, Jerry Ndou also attended and encouraged community members to be active in the running of their schools. “It is only when the schools are organised and all stakeholders work towards excellence that results in learners getting good examination results,” Ndou is quoted to have said. Motshekga called on all parents and guardians to avail themselves for the elections that will take place on 6 to 28 March. “Do not vote for people who will not add value in the education of your children just because they are popular. Those who do not have kids in schools but have expertise to assist the schools can also be co-opted,” she said. Motshekga also indicated that the function of the SGBs is to make sure the learning and teaching processes are run smoothly. She encouraged SGBs to also check the tests and classwork learners do at schools. “Limpopo has already trained electoral officers who are deployed in different schools. Schools are also ready to go for elections of the SGBs. The acting MEC for Education will launch the elections campaign on the 5 March and the event will take place in Capricorn district,” Rasila concluded.

CPF meetings scheduled for the year RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Medi 35b Corundum Street Polokwane 0700

Minister Motshekga embarks on SGBs Roadshow

The Polokwane Community Policing Forum (CPF) have scheduled its meetings for the year and everyone is invited to diarise and attend these gatherings. Polokwane Police Spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba said the meetings are not only for committee members, the Police or people involved at the CPF. “We urge residents to attend these meetings. This is the only way we can obtain information on problems in all the sectors on a monthly basis. Residents are the Police’s ears and eyes on the ground and we need them to speak up at the meetings,”

Ramoshaba urged. All meetings will be held in the boardroom on the fifth floor of the Polokwane Police Station at 18:00 and scheduled as follows: • 17 February • 10 March • 14 April • 9 June • 14 July • 11 August • 8 September • 13 October • 10 November For more information contact CPF Chairperson Frans Kgasago on 079 179 8281.


Februarie 12, 2015



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February 12, 2015

22 OBSERVER Ladanna Focus polokwane


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Februarie 12, 2015



OBSERVER 23 polokwane

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Business profile>>

BUSINESS Children from the Itumeleng Drop-In-Centre in Mankweng, enjoy a light moment.

February 12, 2015 >> PAGE 24

Jenny Caroto

Business: C-Quip Polokwane Why did you choose this profession? >> We noticed the need in the market to serve as parts centre for clients and our workshop What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Our prices are the best in Limpopo How do you live out your passion for your career? >> I am lucky to work with my husband and he is my passion in everything I do

KFC still adds hope LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


hildren and staff members of Itumeleng Drop-In-Centre in Mankweng were overcome with joy when they learnt that they would be one of five Drop- In-Centre’s under the care of Come To Gether CBO Consortium, who are to benefit from the Add Hope Campaign and receive a R80 000 donation from KFC Polokwane. The Add Hope Campaign, an initiative of the KFC Responsibility Trust, was started in 2009 with the aim of providing nutrition to underprivileged children. The funds needed

to do so is generated from customers who, in addition to their food purchase at any KFC outlet countrywide, also buy ‘hope’ from the menu at R2. The beneficiaries in this instance are five Mankweng based drop-in centres, Itumeleng, Lerato la Bana, Thakgalang, Ramogale Rata Bana and Sedibeng, all members of the Come To Gether CBO Consortium that oversee nine such centres in total. “I am really thrilled that KFC Polokwane can make an immeasurable difference in these children’s lives by providing them with access to nutrition they otherwise would not have had”, Cheray van Blerk, Marketing Manager of KFC Polokwane said on Friday when the money was handed

over at Itumeleng Drop-in Centre. The drop-in centres provide impoverished children with a meal twice a day, five times a week. Children can pop in for a meal before school and after school. The funding period for the centres in Mankweng is from 31 December 2014 until 31 January 2016. KFC Stores can apply to the Add Hope Trust Fund for funding for local beneficiaries. KFC has 90 national beneficiaries but also have local beneficiaries in the areas where the stores are based. Come To Gether CBO Consortium was identified two years ago by KFC Polokwane as one of their Add Hope beneficiaries and is an organisation that feeds and helps vulnerable children. KFC Polokwane would like to thank their customers who donate R2 and make a lasting difference in these children’s lives through Add Hope.


Children from the Itumeleng Drop-In-Centre, managers of the different Come To Gether CBO Consortium drop-in centres in Mankweng and KFC staff during the handing over of the cheque to Itumeleng Drop-In-Centre.

KFC Polokwane’s Agnes Phooko, Coach; Dinah Nesengane, Assistant Human Resources Manager; Cheray van Blerk, Marketing Manager and some of the children of Itumeleng Drop-In-Centre.

CDM empowers youth on business BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com In a move to empower and enlighten young people about entrepreneurship, Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) partnered with the National Youth Development Agency (Nyda) and the provincial government last week to roll out information sharing workshops on business development across the district. Moffat Senyatsi, Media Liaison Officer of CDM, in a media release says that the sessions, which began on Monday last week in Blouberg, are aimed at bringing together young people aged between 18 and 35 to inculcate the culture of entrepreneurship in them and give them knowledge on how to access funding, learnerships, bursaries and other forms of youth development support. “The workshops are part of the significant strides and advances that CDM makes to fight against unemployment in the district, which is currently 37%. This entrepreneurship

programme will benefit those with entrepreneurial spirit to start a new venture and apply entrepreneurial thinking by developing a balance of appropriate skills and emotional competencies,” Senyatsi says. CDM is aware of the fact that young entrepreneurs are concerned about funding and to this end, the municipality will link them up with funding institutions in order for them to access funding and be able get their businesses off the ground. In the process, they will be able to have access to a range of advisory and support services, which is why CDM have partnered with Nyda to facilitate this. “It is our fervent view as reflected in the 2030 Growth and Development Strategy that agriculture is a major contributor to job creation in the district and in the province. It is also the principal source of income for many households and has led many of our people out of the morass of poverty. There is therefore potential for expansion in agriculture and

agro-processing and there are many exciting prospects for investment in the sector. We have recently undertook a trip to India to learn about how they position agriculture as a growing sector for economic development,” Senyatsi added. CDM recognises that there are many men and women out there in the communities who aspire to become entrepreneurs. Yet they are sitting without information on how to define a business model for a start or how to access funding. “Some passionately dream of having a decent job, running sustainable tourism enterprises and enjoying the economic freedom and benefits presented by our government. But some of these dreams are shattered because they do not have leverage to unlock mechanisms towards becoming better entrepreneurs,” concludes Senyatsi. From Tuesday last week, workshops were held in Mankweng, Lepelle-Nkumpi, Molemole and Aganang.

Scopa scrutinises RAL’s finances and performance information BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa), demanded answers from the Management of Roads Agency Limpopo (Ral) regarding the outcomes of the Auditor-General’s report for the period ending on 31 March, 2014, during a meeting last Friday. Apart from a number of administrative noncompliances, major issues like the procurement of goods and services to the amount of R290 472 982 in contravention of laws and regulations and the entity’s failure to put systems in place for the identification and recognition of fruitless and wasteful expenditure that amounted to R4 774 000, came under the spotlight. The former Department of Roads and Transport were under administration in terms

of Section 100 of the Constitution for the last three years and the Board of Directors of Ral were removed during September 2013. Mokonyane Mathabatha, Administrator for the department during the period under review, informed Scopa that the lack of supervision and review of operations resulted from the changes and vacancies in Ral’s Executive Management for the previous two financial years and that there was no permanent leadership. All executive management positions were occupied by individuals in acting capacities. Mathabatha further explained that staff currently in the employ of Ral had been appointed by the previous management and the current management cannot comment on the methods used by the previous management to select and appoint officials. Mathabatha blamed most of the instances of financial mismanagement on the then acting Chief Finance Officer and

confirmed that the individual’s contract of employment was terminated.


Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa), Rob Tooley, chairs last Friday’s Scopa meeting.

Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag

Bederf jou Valentyn met romantiese idees LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


aak jy en jou geliefde se Valentynsdag Saterdag ekstra spesiaal met ‘n romantiese fotosessie en spesiale geskenke. Jacques Lister en Charmonix Bestbier, wat mekaar ongeveer ‘n jaar gelede in die gimnasium ontmoet het en die afgelope ses maande ‘n paartjie is, het ‘n fotosessie saam met Polokwane Observer buite die stad gehou waar die atmosfeer ideaal tussen ‘n hoë bloekomlaning was. Jacques beplan om vir Valentynsdag vir Charmonix met ‘n romantiese ete onder die sterre te bederf en haar met

rose en geskenke te oorlaai. Die manne kan dit gerus oorweeg om ‘n fotosessie as ‘n Valentynsgeskenk te gee. Meisies is mal oor foto’s en die idee sal haar hart tien teen een laat smelt. Wees kreatief en kry oulike bykomstighede soos harte, rose, geskenke en selfs balonne om die fotosessie meer lewe te gee. Geniet elke oomblik en laat die liefde seëvier. FOTO’S: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK

Oulike bykomstighede kan die fotosessie spesiaal maak.

Lê jou kreatiwiteit en liefde met foto’s vas.

‘n Dolver­liefde Jacques en Charmonix.

Jacques en Charmonix koester hul samesyn.

Februarie 12, 2015


OBSERVER 25 polokwane


More funds to curb rhino poaching

February 12, 2015

26 OBSERVER polokwane

Grant Knight, Chief Pilot at Kruger National Park, Karien Keet, Section Ranger at Kruger National Park, Thomas Mbokoto, Ranger at Kruger National Park, John Jooste, Commanding Officer Special Projects at Kruger National Park, Lois Hardy member of SanParks Honorary Rangers Limpopo Region and Martin Venter Chairman of Limpopo Honorary Rangers.

Have you got what it takes to become

Limpopo’s Ultimate Face of 2015... ion petit y


Honorary Rangers National Chairperson, John Turner; KNP Ranger Thomas Mbokoto, Commanding Officer KNP Special Projects, Johan Jooste; Honorary Ranger Lois Hardy and businessperson Frank Haas with the cheque that was handed over to assist in anti-rhino poaching endeavours in KNP.

m g co categor n i l e od age hic m in each mpete p a r co ner otog A ph the win hosen to o’s p e c 5 wher will be or Limpo OF 201 f CE E FA T A M ULTI Categories:

ty chari n e s o r h Our c nization fo orga 015 2

Priz es cate - CASH go for Tiar ry winne each a as, V ge r, Sa o man uchers, shes, y mo a re... nd

Tiny Face 4 - 6 Petite Face 7 - 9 Pre-Teen Face 10 - 13 Teen Face 14 - 16 Jnr Face 17 - 19 Ultimate Face 20+ Females & Males can enter

Closing date for entries 14 March 2015 Entry Fee R250.00 Send a head & shoulder photo to faceoflimpopo@hotmail.com, attach your signed entry form and proof of payment

Final & Gala evening 18 April 2015 in Polokwane

Photographed during the ceremony are Martin Venter, Chairperson Honorary Rangers Limpopo, Thomas Mbokoto, KNP Ranger at Kruger National Park, John Jooste, Commanding Officer Special Projects KNP, Rob Williamson, Polokwane Rotary Club President and John Turner of Honorary Rangers National Chairman.

>> ‘Protecting and managing a rhino population is a real challenge’ >> ‘The money will make a difference in the fight against rhino poaching’ HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

>> See entry form on



ocal businessperson, Frank Haas , Polokwane Rotary Club and the Kruger National Park (KNP) Honorary Rangers Limpopo

Region last Wednesday donated R140 000 to Kruger National Parks’ Counter Rhino Poaching unit the Kruger National Park to be used to counter rhino poaching in the park. The money was handed over to unit during a function held at the park’s Phalaborwa Gate. Johan Jooste, Commanding Officer Special Projects at KNP said protecting and managing a rhino population is a costly challenge in terms of energy and money. “Rhino-range countries need our financial support, and benefit from shared expertise and exchange of ideas,” he said. Jooste said the unit was thankful for the funds received as it would assist in buying fuel for the four helicopters that are used to do counter rhino poaching at the park each of which Jooste revealed requires up to R100 000 for fuel per month to remain airborne and sustain the process. Haas in turn said they are happy to be able to contribute towards the work done by the unit and called upon all South Africans to support the initiative. Rob Williamson, President of Polokwane Rotary Club said they decided to contribute to the initiative because they want to help in the fight against rhino poaching. “We are extremely concerned about rhino poaching and we took a decision as the Polokwane Rotary Club to support the cause,” he said. SanParks Honorary Rangers, Limpopo Region member Charles Hardy said: “There are enormous poaching threats facing Africa’s rhino population which threatens all African’s heritage. As conservationists this prompted us to contribute to the noble course.” A statement issued by the Department of Environmental Affairs quoted Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa to have said that in 2014, 1 215 rhino were killed in the country. “This is a rise in the number of poached rhino from 1 004 in 2013. But given the highly organised nature if the syndicates, we believe these figures could be considerably higher were it not for our interventions. Year on year, comparatively speaking the increase in the rate of poaching has slowed since 2012. Nevertheless the figures remain worryingly high,” the statement read.



Motors profile>>

February 12, 2015 >> PAGE 27

Refilwe Nyembe

Dealership: Modern Autohaus What is the biggest challenge posed by your line of work? Getting clients to qualify for financing of their desired vehicle What should clients keep in mind when buying a car? Vehicle running cost such as a motor plan How do you stay at the forefront of the industry? By maintaining a solid relationship with clients and good product knowledge

No way down in the new Volkswagen up!

The new Volkswagen up! will be launched at Volkswagen Polokwane on Saturday. PHOTO: RC MYBURGH RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


he small vehicle segment is bound to be taken by storm countrywide with the launch of the new Volkswagen up! Polokwane residents can also start experiencing pure driving pleasure at a fraction of the cost when this daring little newcomer makes its debut in the city. Designed with everything you need to dash along the city streets, the new Volkswagen up! is the perfect vehicle for school leavers or students. The up! is only 3,54 m long and 1,64 m wide and sets a new precedent in the car design. With it eye-catching standard steel wheels or optional alloys, enhanced by horizontal running lines to the front and smooth finishes

to the side, the up! is the ultramodern interpretation of the classic Volkswagen design. Getting behind the steering wheel is easy thanks to the big front door opening wide and the ample amount of space on offer in the interior. The two-toned dashboard was lovingly crafted, using only the highest quality materials and finishes. Every switch and display is intuitively where the driver would expect it to be – right at his fingertips. Equipped with a 1 000 cc engine some might think that performance is not even mentioned on the specification sheet. But the up! is eager to perform under any condition. The three cylinder engine delivers 55 kW at 6 200 rpm and 95 Nm between 3 000 and 4 300 rpm and can reach a top speed of 171 km/h while emissions level is rated at

only 108 g/km. It reaches the 100 km/h mark in only 13,2 seconds. The up! is sure to save anyone on costs with a combined fuel consumption of only 4,7 litre per 100 km. The up! comes in two trim levels, the Take up! and Move up! Both are equipped with the same engine but the trim levels allow you to select exactly the finish and equipment to suit you perfectly. The entry level Take up! offers and impressive level of specification with many advanced features fitted as standard. The Move up! stands out from the crowd with its body-coloured door mirrors and door handles. The optional black pearl upper dashboard, stylish upholstery and chrome trimmed interior door handles create a luxurious interior, enhanced by features such as electric windows, electrical adjustable and heated door mirrors, a standard RCD 215 radio with CD and MP3, height adjustable driver and passenger seat, a variable boot floor and 60:40 split folding rear seat backrest. For more information on the launch or the up! contact Volkswagen Polokwane on 015 299 8800.





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Polokwane Observer

Februarie 12, 2015

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Februarie 12, 2015

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Februarie 12, 2015

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Februarie 12, 2015



Property profile>>

February 12, 2015 >> PAGE 35

Annah Ramosale

Groot waterkrisis in stad BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


ie stad beleef sedert die naweek ‘n erger waterkrisis nadat die vlakke van die 50- en 30 megaliter reservoirs tot onderskeidelik 7% en 5% gedaal het en die Seshego reservoir oor die naweek dolleeg was, maar intussen tot die 10%vlak gestyg het. Volgens Matshidiso Mothapo, assistent-bestuurder: kommunikasie van die munisipaliteit is die watertekort te wyte aan ondervoorsiening vanuit die Ebenezerdam, wat weens beurtkrag nie voldoende water kon pomp nie. Die Olifantspoortwateraanleg se leweringsvermoë is ook negatief geraak deur beurtkrag. Sterpark, Florapark en Serala View het geen water gehad nie en die munisipaliteit het water-

Agency: RE/MAX Northland Realty What advice do you have for first time buyers? >> Prequalify yourself to make sure you can afford the property you want To what do you ascribe your success as property agent? >> Quality service with quick response and feedback to clients What is the current trend in the local property market? >> It is booming and accommodative to the low income market


OBSERVER Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

Miss Lim fashion show huge success LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com

tenkers in dié gebiede ontplooi. Die munisipaliteit het ‘n dringende beroep op verbruikers gedoen om waterverbruik te beperk sodat die reservoirs tot aanvaarbare vlakke kan herstel. Volgens die jongste verslag, was die vlakke van die 50 megaliter en die nuwe 30 megaliter reservoirs Dinsdag 9% (teenoor ‘n week gelede se 21%) en 7% (teenoor 16%) onderskeidelik. Die reservoir in Potgieterlaan se vlak was 65% (teenoor verlede week se 94%vlak). Die hoofreservoir in Seshego se vlak was 10% en kon verlede week nie gemeet word nie omdat die meter gebreek was. Die reservoir in uitbreiding 34 se vlak was onveranderd op 95%. Watertenkers word steeds voorsien waar watertoevoer weens lae druk onderbreek is.

Judges Saturday at the Miss Limpopo and Teen 2015 fashion show, Anel Joubert, former model and experienced modelling trainer, Allen Chapingidza, US Aid consultant at Childline Limpopo and Chantelle Kidd, educator at Pepps College and a co-producer of the Miss Limpopo Pageant. At the back are Andile Neluvhalane, Miss Limpopo Teen 2015, Matlakala Bopape, Chairperson of the Miss Limpopo Trust and owner of House of Asante Spa, and Mosiah Tau, Miss Limpopo PHOTOS: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK 2015.

Early on Saturday exciting models gathered at House of Asante Spa to participate in casting for the Miss Limpopo and Teen 2015 fashion show. Models were selected to show the luxurious creations of ten local, national and international designers for the fashion show that is set to take place at Sun Meropa on 28 March. Twenty girls and eight boys were selected by a discerning panel of judges, Anel Joubert, a former model and experienced modelling trainer; Chantelle Kidd, educator at Pepps College and a co-producer of the annual Miss Limpopo Pageant and Allen Chapingidza, a US Aid consultant at Childline Limpopo. Limpopo beauties Andile Neluvhalane, Miss Limpopo Teen 2015 and Mosiah Tau, Miss Limpopo 2015.

Talented models Saturday at the Miss Limpopo and Teen 2015 fashion show.


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reNTal beauTiful family home! This is a house with everything that you need. Well maintained garden. Schools, police station, malls and doctors all close to the property. Call to view.

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PoPular esTaTe iN beNdor. Double-storey house. Main bedroom on first floor with n beautiful bathroom and patio. 2 Bedrooms and one bathroom on ground floor and a study. Separate lounge and dining room with a semi open-plan kitchen and scullery. Double garage.

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Home in a good area, central to most roads leading in and out of the city and walking distance from Savannah shopping centre. Very spacious family room leading to the pool. Laundry. Double garage and double carport.


Lovely modern family home in Security Estate. 5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double garage, study and open-plan kitchen. Call me today to view this property!

R2 600 000 Neat lock-up and go unit under Sole Mandate! Perfect start for young executives or ideal for investment purposes. Open-plan living areas, kitchen with ample cupboard space and granite tops. 2 Bedrooms, modern bathroom, patio and a private garden. Garage and parking in front of the unit. This unit is ready to sell.

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Lock-up garage. Excellent buy, call me today!

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R875 000 Family home with wellplanned layout. Lovely open-plan living areas, modern kitchen with scullery. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Patio and entertainment room with built-in braai. There is an office which can also be used as a flat. Pool, double garage and electric fence.

R1 600 000

Marianna 083 268 5097


Photo competition winner announced

February 12, 2015

36 OBSERVER polokwane


Photo: Leandri van Schalkwyk

Pieter Roux is the winner of Polokwane Observer’s holiday photo competition with a shot captured on a boat ride in the Walvis Bay area during the Festive Season. He received the prize from Polokwane Observer Editor Yolande Nel on Tuesday. Roux said he is not an avid photographer but took about 50 shots of pelicans and seals that day. He declared having a soft spot for Namibia, which he has been visiting since childhood.

Vision of Hope ontvang groot geskenk LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail. com Vision of Hope Foundation Polokwane is onlangs met ‘n splinternuwe drukker van BCM Didgisol (Ricoh) verras. “Ek ondersteun Vision of

Hope in Polokwane omdat die welsyn van die plaaslike gemeenskap na aan my hart is,” sê Glenn Groenewald, eienaar van Ricoh. Groenewald het verder onderneem om die organisasie vanjaar op deurlopende wyse van ink en papier te voorsien. Anne-Marie Booysen, voorsitter van Vision of Hope Foundation Polokwane is baie opgewonde en dankbaar vir die groot onontbeerlike geskenk wat meebring dat daar nou een uitgawe minder vir hulle is.

Cansa Awareness Walk ‘n groot sukses LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Ter viering van Wêreldkankerdag verlede Woensdag het die plaaslike Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) inisiatief geneem en die Cancer Awareness Walk gereël. Stappers het vroegoggend op die hoek van Magazyn- en Collegestraat begin stap aan die 2,5 km wat by die Theunis Fichard Hospitium geëindig het. Na die stapsessie is fiksheidsoe-

feninge by die hospitium aangebied en Kansa-personeel het pers strikkies verkoop wat bewusmaking van alle tipes kanker verteenwoordig. ‘n Mobiele kliniek het deelnemers die geleentheid gegee om onder meer mammogramme te laat doen. ‘n Gesondheidstalletjie se personeel het inligting oor gesonde eetgewoontes verskaf waarna Limpopo Guest Manor eetgoed en verversings uitgedeel het. Sharon Stander, gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa, reken die Cancer

Awareness Walk was ‘n groot sukses en beplan om in die toekoms weer by so geleentheid betrokke te raak. “Ek het die dag gereël om mense bewus te maak van die omvang van kanker en voorkomingsmaatreëls,” sê Enny Mashapa, organiseerder van dié bewusmakingsgeleentheid. Twee deelnemers, Mokgadi Sephuma en Lizzy Konaite sê dat hulle deelgeneem het omdat dit vir ‘n goeie doel was en die definitief in die toekoms weer sal doen.

Deelnemers het ‘n kaartjie as blyk van waardering vir hul deelname van Kansa ontvang.

Foto: Leandri van Schalkwyk

Anne-Marie Booysen, voorsitter van Vision of Hope Foundation Polokwane en Denys Booysen, verkoopsman van Ricoh, by die drukker wat Ricoh aan die organisasie geskenk het.

Mariette Blaauw, Sonja Randall, Amelia Kilian en Hettie Bouwer tydens die Cancer Awareness Walk verlede Woensdag.

Corné Marais, kantoorbestuurder van Kansa Polokwane, Enny Mashapa, organiseerder van die Cancer Awareness Walk en Sharon Stander gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa Polokwane. Brawe stappers wat die 2,5 km-roete verlede Woensdag aangedurf het.

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer


Mitchell House>>

Mitchell House welcomes Grade 8s AIDA POLOKWANE


Tel: 015 295 3134




UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. REF NO: 91344181040 Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes – open-plan living areas for entertainment - spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/scullery with granite tops. Veranda with braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. The estate is family oriented and children’s needs are catered for. Please call me to view the property.


Members of Mitchell House’s Grade 8 class on stage during their portrayal of some of their educators. Right: Smangaliso Mokoma enjoys his moment in the limelight.

2 Carports 0 3 2 SIAS • 082 372 7265

WAREHOUSE TO LET DOLORIET STREET • 60 m² office space • 180 m² warehouse space • R10 500.00 per month AVAILABLE: END FEB. Contact: 084 428 3939

FLORA PARK R1 530 000

OLD FLORA PARK CHARM REF NO: 91344188260 This is a spacious house - just the place to settle your family. Well positioned, private and secure. Just around the corner from shopping centres and schools. It also offers a borehole with a lovely garden. For more information phone today. 0 2 Carports 0 4 2 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632


PENINA PARK • R688 000

BODORP • R4 500 000

FLORA PARK • R910 000

BENDOR • R1 675 000

IDEAL PROPERTY FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS AND NEWLY WEDS. REF NO: 91344188443 This townhouse is good for newlyweds. Excellent finishes, walls and gates. 24- hour security guards. Close to all amenities. Call now to view. 0 0 Carports 0 2 1 JACOB • 082 466 8366

PROPERTY IN MEDICAL AREA. REF NO: 91344187043 A great property. Can be rezoned for medical use; also great for developers - development rights for a total of 12 townhouses. Current improvements: residence: 166 m², 3 townhouses: 138,5 m² and 2 townhouses: 110 m² and 80 m² respectively. 0 2 Carports 0 3 2 GRETHA • 082 802 1874

GREAT OPPORTUNITY! REF NO: 91344188503 Buy this 2 bedroom house and turn it into a mansion. Approved plans for this double-storey home. Stand size 800 m². Totally walled. Situated near mall and all major schools. Call today to view. 0 1 Carports 0 2 1 INA • 079 597 8636

JUST WHAT YOU NEED. REF NO: 91344188302 This place is for you - just move in. Enough room space and carport for 8 cars. Spacious living areas and a Wendy house. Rent it or buy it. Close to shopping centre and school. You snooze you lose. Call now. RINA • 082 929 9171 0 2 Carports 0 3 2

POLOKWANE • R270 000

SESHEGO • R600 000

BENDOR • R1 300 000

BODORP • R3 072 000

VIDEO STORE REF NO: 91344188299 Video store with a monthly income of R18 638.00 – amazing goodies. Protected by alarm system. Close to all amenities.

PERFECT LOCK-UP-AND-GO. REF NO: 91344181114 Clean house. Spacious family home on 372m² stand. A dream kitchen with cherry wood cupboards and gorgeous main bedroom. Peaceful surroundings and good neighbours.

UPMARKET TOWNHOUSE IN SECURITY ESTATE. REF NO: 91344186353 Opposite Mall of the North. Open-plan living areas, granite tops in kitchen and a courtyard. Only 3 units in complex. Call now to view.

IDEAL DEVELOPMENT LAND. REF NO: 91344187575 Situated in Polokwane central. Ideal property for developers. Stand size 2855 m². Close to all amenities. Strong borehole – nice garden. Call now to view

SIMON • 082 476 8916



Woodhill - 91344187628 STANDS

Mitchell House Grade 8 learners, Mishka Shaikh and Maseeha Sonpra light their candles during the induction ceremony.

ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


The Grade 8 learners of Mitchell House had their audience roaring with laughter during their recent fresher’s concert. The traditional induction ceremony that followed saw each Grade 8 learner light a candle to confirm that they are now full-fledged members of the Mitchell House community. Headmaster Andrew Cook then welcomed the Grade 8 learners to the school. He also congratulated the prefects and 2015 Grade 12s on organising and producing the show. Achsah Phosoko, Marketing Director of the school said afterwards that she enjoyed the concert tremendously, that it was funny and that everyone involved had done a great job.

ANTON 082 443 6039


LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com

15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za


3 2

0 Carports 0



JAMES • 072 236 7310




VICTOR • 073 066 6805

Gretha - 082 802 1874


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Nirvana - 91344187036


R430 000

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R 645 000

Sias - 082 372 7265

We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020

Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall

HANTI 084 549 5928

JAMES 072 236 7310

LOUWRENS 082 958 6632

PETER 073 219 4538

GRETHA 082 802 1874

SIAS 082 372 7265

VICTOR 073 066 6805

ELMARIE 082 977 7020





SIMON • 082 476 8916



R 3 900



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Northview - 91344187469


3 3




R430 000


3 2

JACOB 082 466 8366



R13 000





R7 700




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R11 900




R 4 950





INA 079 597 8636

SIMON 082 476 8916

KOWIE 082 854 0452


RINA 082 929 9171



February 12, 2015

38 OBSERVER polokwane

Eagle’s Nest Christian School>>

Eagles fly high >> 10th year of 100% pass rate for Eagles Nest Christian School in 2014 >> Eagles bring home Spirit Cup

to the Lord for these results.” Furthermore Eagle’s Nest Christian School also gave their athletes a chance to shine in front of their peers, when they held their Eagle’s Nest Interhouse Athletics. The event was contested by the Golden Eagles, Fish Eagles and Crown Eagles with the Golden Eagles the ultimate winners of the day. The school also participated in the Independent High School Athletics Meeting at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium on Friday. A total of 11 schools that competed in the event hosted by Southern Cross Schools and Van den Berg expressed his gratitude towards them for being such astounding hosts. “The day was marked by good sportsmanship and a terrific atmosphere and one could see that everyone involved had a great time,” Eagle’s Nest Christian School secured the Singing Cup for the fourth year in a row. Elisabeth Matlou, a participant in the Open Schools Worldwide programme at Eagle’s Nest Christian School.

EMSIE VORSTER >>emsie.observer@gmail.com


Pupils and staff members attending the Open Schools Worldwide training programme at Eagle’s Nest Christian School. In the middle is educator, Michael Moutlana, and at the far right, Mariska Hylanol. The learners are Phuti Ledwaba, Salome Kgatle, Salvation Kekana, Toyradzwa Warlere, Kerly Tamayi and Otlile Maja

earners and educators at Eagle’s Nest Christian School have had a busy first few weeks this year with loads of activities and much to celebrate. 2014 ended on a high note as it was the 10th year that Eagle’s Nest Christian School achieved a 100% pass rate in the highly esteemed Independent Examinations Board . The principal of Eagle’s Nest Christian School, Mac van den Berg, congratulated the class of 2014 and their committed teachers on this outstanding performance. “We as the Eagle`s Nest family – the board, parents, teachers, communities and learners are thankful

Principal Mack van den Berg, with some of Eagle’s Nest Christian School’s learners in front of the new classrooms being built on the premises. In front are Adalia Lotter, Lerato Mashego, Kabelo Dikgale, Thapelo Tladi, Daniël Shitsinde, Ntsako Maluleke and Bali Mafumo.

The school also has a local outreach programme as part of their curriculum. The school is part of the Open Schools Worldwide where the school reaches out to underprivileged and uneducated children. Pupils are trained, at the school, so they will be qualified to help educate children in need. They focus primarily on literacy and numeracy. “I have been a part of this programme for three years now. I started when I was 13. I believe that this is a very good foundation because we are able to bring smiles onto the faces of these children by teaching them crucial skills that they will need in order to make it in this world,” Elisabeth Matlou, a learner at the school said.

An Open Schools Worldwide trainer, Edwin Makiwa assists learners with the programme.

Principal Mac van den Berg welcomes new faculty members Hanneke Janse van Rensburg (Intermediate Phase), Michael Moutlana (Life Orientation Gradse 8 to 10) and Suza de Jongh (Grade 3).

Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos>>

Oosies ryg rekords in teen Krugerpark BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | 071 670 6643 | FAX: 015 291 1166 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET TO LET HOSPITAL PARK R2 560 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Carport. Prepaid electricity. R2 700 – R3 025 – 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom, lounge and kitchen. R5 570 – Groot 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en afdak. 2 Klein hondjies welkom. Dadelik beskikbaar. WALKING DISTANCE FROM CBD R2 760 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Available 1 March. R3 180 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Available immediately. R3 415 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Water included. R3 530 – 2 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Water included. SUNSET BOULEVARD – Goeie sekuriteit! R3 960 – Moderne eenman woonstel met badkamer, en kombuis. Selektiewe gebruik van swembad en lapa, afdak en parkering. R11 500 – Huis – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 2 motorhuise, afdak vir 3 voertuie, ingeboude braai en lapa. Beskikbaar 1 Maart. 3 Slaapkamer meenthuise beskikbaar vanaf R5 250 tot R6 400 per maand. Welgelegen, Magazyn-, Hoog- en Ooststrate. MOENIE MISLOOP NIE! 2 SLAAPKAMER MEENTHUIS/ 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE R4 085 – Ruim 2 Slaapkamer meenthuis op 1ste vloer, badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Koopkrag. Geen diere.

From R3 850 to R4 250 - Ladanna – 2 Bedrooms with 1 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport, prepaid electricity. Safe complex! R4 280 – Dorp St – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. R4 900 – Town – 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, scullery and carport. Water included, don’t miss out. HUISE / HOUSES R5 750 to R9 500 – 3 Bedroom houses available in Marshall, Oost and Compensatie streets, Penina Park and Eduan Park. PHONE TODAY TO VIEW! R13 550 – Capricorn – 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 3 motorhuise, swembad, borrelbad, lapa en Wendyhuis PLUS 1 slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Ingerigte speel areas vir kinders. R13 550 – Fauna Park – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, laundry, swimming pool, lapa + 1 bedroom flat with bathroom, lounge and kitchen. PLOTTE Vanaf R3 250 – R4 200 per maand. 2 en 3 Slaapkamer eenhede beskikbaar op plot naby Meropa Casino. Koopkrag, water ingesluit. Diere welkom.


Various office space available, sizes from 87m² to 598m².


A selection of properties for sale. Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162


Die vriendskaplike atletiekkragmeting tussen Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) en Laerskool Krugerpark in Mokopane het tientalle medaljes en verskeie nuwe rekords opgelewer. Die rype oes aan medaljes het uit 15 goue-, 23 silwer- en 18 bronsmedaljes bestaan en Oosies het ook 20 vierde- en nege vyfde plekke verwerf. Cailin Menzies het die dogters o.10-verspringrekord verbeter, terwyl Winette Prinsloo die o.10-gewigstootrekord verbeter het. Leana Swarts het die o.12-middelafstandrekord oor 1 200 meter wat sedert 1989 gestaan het, verbeter en Jan-Hendrik Weyer was bobaas toe hy die o.13-hekkies-rekord verbeter het en die hoogspringrekord geëwenaar het. Abigail de Jager het die o.12spiesgooirekord verbeter.


Leerders van Oosskool wat tydens die vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms teen Laerskool Krugerpark uitgeblink het, is Cailin Menzies en Winette Prinsloo, voor, met Leana Swarts, Jan-Hendrik Weyer en Abigail de Jager, agter.

Hoërskool Pietersburg>>


Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het nege nuwe onderwysers verwelkom wat vanjaar by die skool aangesluit het. Links is Elize Bacher (ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe en rekeningkunde), Henk Fourie (wiskunde), Lou-Ann Hern (Engels), Simoné Kampherbeek (leessentrum), Michelle Smith (Engels), Liza Mussmann (gasvryheidstudies), Sindie Naudé (tegnologie en lewenswetenskappe), Pieter Schwartz (jeugwerker) en Esmari van den Bergh (Afrikaans).

PHS swemmers stel weer nie teleur Adrie Booysen, voorsitter van Limpopo Skole Swem, saam met swemmers, Ude Fuchs en Sule van der Merwe wat onlangs as hoërskool Victor- en Victix Ludorum-swemmers by die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Swemkampioenskappe aangewys is.

Hoërskool Noorderland>>

Mitchell House>>

Februarie 12, 2015

Mitchell House reaches out to fellow schools LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Mitchell House learners recently opened there hearts when they donated books to Mameri

High School at Ga-Sekgopo in Mopani district. The Mitchell House Outreach programme and college community service representatives collected books to donate to Mameri High School to assist learners in their studies.


OBSERVER 39 polokwane

Another of Mitchell House’s adopted school,s which also benefits from their outreach programme, is Lebowaganyane Primary School, a feeder school of Mameri High School.

Nuwe onnies vir Hoërskool Noorderland


Nuwe onderwysers wat vanjaar by Hoërskool Noorderland aangesluit het, is James Mathapo (lewensoriëntering), Maropeng Monareng (Engels huistaal), Bibin Matthew (wiskunde) en Linu Thomas (fisiese wetenskappe).


Jabez learners ready for a fire

>> Training provided at the school >> Certificates and manuals for all learners BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com A group of senior learners of Jabez Christian Academy should now know how to act when a fire breaks out after they took part in a Basic Fire Training and Fire Prevention Course that was presented at the school recently. Rouan Snyman conducted the course that included modules on fire prevention, fire extinguisher identification, proper handling technique of the different fire extinguishers and emergency planning. During the training session, every learner had the opportunity to extinguish a real fire with a dry chemical powder (DCP) fire extinguisher and received a certificate of attendance as well as a basic fire training manual. Elana Erasmus, principal of Jabez Christian Academy, says that the fire training is part of the learners’ Life Orientation Curriculum required for Grade 10 to 12 learners. “We regard the training as an investment into the children’s future that will make them better and safety conscious members of the community,” Erasmus reckons.


Janco Erasmus extinguishes a fire during the Basic Fire Training and Fire Prevention Course.

Billy Malothane matches his skills against a fire.

Your smart link to expanding your marketing horizons

Tel: 015 291 1061

Claude Goeminne (middle) Head of College at Mitchell House, with college community representatives, Itumeleng Leopeng, Katekani Nyamandi, Tamron Saais and Thato Seopa with the books they collected.

Claude Goeminne, Head of College at Mitchell House, hands over some of the donated books to Thomas Ngobeni, Principal of Mameri High School.


February 12, 2015

40 OBSERVER polokwane

Hoërskool Pietersburg>>

Akademie Reformia>>

PHS wys leerderraad aan Akademie Reformia se kleuters kry wetenskaples >> Die Hoërskool Pietersburg het onlangs hul nuut gekose VerteenBARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

woordigende Leerderraad (VLR) vir 2015 aangewys.

Kleuters van Akademie Reformia het verlede Vrydag speel-speel ‘n wetenskaples gekry toe Annemarie Venter in haar Oepsedysie-gewaad haar opwagting by die skool gemaak het. Die jongspan kon onder meer sien dat water en olie nie meng nie en dat voedselkleursel en ‘n bruistablet of twee die interessantste patrone in ‘n bottel vloeistof kan optower. FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN

Annemarie Venter, oftewel Oepsie Daisy leer kleuters van Akademie Reformia spelenderwys meer oor wetenskap.


TO LET Elim Kiepersol

R2 800 R3 000 R6 000 R3 400 R7 000 R4 000 R4 500 R4 850 R5 900 R6 800

Immediately Immediately Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/03/2015 01/03/2015 01/03/2015 Immediately 01/04/2015

Die VLR-lede in graad 8 is Mariek Snyman, Mia Schulenburg, Juane Viljoen (graadverteenwoordiger), Zydra Hattingh, Marcelle de Jager, Charney Smit, Alida du Preez, Iante Kritzinger en Helga Claassen. Agter is Tendai Kgopa, André Snyman, Ivan Reynecke, Wian Kruger, Keanu Santoyo Silverio, Jurgens Nel, Tristan van Tonder en Roy Stewart (graadverteenwoordiger). Keeve Pretorius was afwesig. FOTO’S: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK

Bachelor. Bachelor. Bachelor - Furnished. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport, Furnished. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport, garden. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage, garden.

Leighvale Shaluka’s Plains Abelia Serala Village Maranata HOUSE Compensatie St R5 500 Immediately 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, kitchen, outside room, d/garage. Pafurilaan R8 300 Onmiddellik 3 Slpk, 2 badk, studeerkamer, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, swembad, lapa, boorgat, speelkamer. FOR SALE R1,685 M Be the first to live in this beautiful 3 bedr house with 2 bathr, lounge, dining room, kitchen and patio with braai facilities. Located in upmarket security estate. Call 082 446 7377

25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 | 082 446 7377


Die graad 9 VLR-lede is Jean-Pierre Viljoen, A.J Blom, Schalk Potgieter, Luhan Steyn, Jos Fouché, Dian Forrester, Louis Nel (graadverteenwoordiger), Jean Stofberg, Christo Stears en Jean Snyman. Agter is Lizbé du Preez (graadverteenwoordiger), Emma Ströh, Michelle van Staden, Lindi Smit, Mischa Bekker, Gillian Alsemgeest, Mari Geerkens, Chane Greeff, Tarren Harrison en Chanté Lamprechts.

APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTaCT: SaN 072 159 5126 1) UPPERTOWN: R4 000 000.00 6 x 3 Bedroom townhouses, 1x1 Bedroom flat, 1x bachelor flat, communal pool, security fencing. Excellent income potential!! 2) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R1 270 000.00 Beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse, in excellent area. Open-plan lounge/dining room/kitchen, pantry, double garage, lovely garden, cosy verandah. 3) UPPERTOWN: R710 000.00 Townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage.

CONTaCT MaNIE : 083 635 0513

1) Business 2 property in commercial business area of annadale – 2 855m² 2) 2x Industrial warehouses. 3) Residential 2 property rezoned in Annadale. 4) 340 Hectare cattle farm, close to Polokwane. R4 200 000.00 5) Various industrial properties, vacant and developed.

CONTaCT aGGIE: 082 465 8234 1) DALMADA PLOT: R1 300 000.00 4 Bedroom dwelling.

CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259 1) 4 ha PLOT IVY DALE: R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, workshop and storerooms of ±1000m² 2) 8.9ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R5 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms,3 living areas, granny flat with own kitchen and bathroom. There are 8 en suite chalets, big hall with kitchen, 2 big timber decks, sleeping hall for 72 guests, swimming pool, lovely garden, all fenced with electric fence. This property can be used for weddings and other functions. 3) WELL DEVELOPED 8.5ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R8 000 000.00 6 Bedroom house, with garages for 10 cars, pool, Nyala camp 400m², shed, 6x2 bedroom houses. All within electric fence.

CONTaCT: STEPhEN 082 558 3525 PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant: R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD, 8.5 ha FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 1 000ha – GAME FARM R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot R6 500 000.00 3) BANDELIERKOP – CATTLE/GAME FARM ±950ha: R11 000 000.00 4) ALLDAYS 250ha INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development: R8 000 000.00 monthly income ± R80 000.00 pm 2) Industrial Stand - ±1.5 ha: R4 500 000.00 exl 3) Developed warehouse and office R4 000 000.00 (SAB area)

Graad 10 VLR-lede is Annemie Snijders, Timone Wagner (graadverteenwoordiger), Hester Botha, Lindi Burger, Elana Jordaan, Sumari Meyer, Simoné Landsberg, Selma Muller en Henrique Lubbe. Agter is Johan Liebenberg, Mark Pretorius, Driaan Kruger, Boeta Vercueil, Chris van Wyk, Keanu Jardim, Milan Barnard, Andre Viljoen (graadverteenwoordiger) en Dewald Stroebel.

TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: Room with bathroom, NO kitchen, Water and electricity included! R2 750.00 BENDOR: R13 750.00 Immediately 4 Bedrooms in a quiet street. CAPRICORN: R12 700.00 Immediately 4 bedrooms with 1 bedroom flat. MID-TOWN: R8 000.00 Immediately Golden oldie, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carports, rondavel, large stand. LADANNA: TOWNHOUSE: R5 200.00 Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, carport. TWEEFONTEIN: R3 300.00 Immediately 2 Bedroom log cabin, lounge, kitchen, 1 bathroom. 20 KM FROM CITY PTA ROAD: R3 000.00 Immediately 2 Bedrooms, open plan living area, 1 bathroom and garage WELGELEGEN: R7000.00 1 March 3 Bedroom townhouse TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 1 000m² + big yard R30 000.00 exl 2) 640m² SAB area 3) 1 800m² + 500m² warehouses + 300 m² office Nirvana 4) 8.5ha Plot – vacant – Leeuwkuil R4 000.00 exl Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) 100m², 150m² and 450m² CBD 3) 280m²,220m², 345m² Hampton Court

Graad 11 se VLR-lede is Juné Willemse, Tanya Kriel (graadverteenwoordiger), Abi Beukes, Annemy Louw, Adél Cato, Clydagh Lundie, Rachie van Staden en Arné Both. Agter is André du Preez, Hein Pretorius (graadverteenwoordiger), Tiaan Geyer, J.D Venter, Darren Buys, Danie Geerkens, J.P Swart, Miguel de Sousa en Henjo van Beek. Chané Pistorius was afwesig.

Polokwane’s fire fighters OBSERVER 41 complete training with excellence Februarie 12, 2015


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Municipality’s Firemen achieved excellence during a recent training course at Impact Emergency Technology (Fire, Rescue and EMS College) in Welkom in the Free State after completion of the training. Awards that included certificates and trophies were handed over to the Disaster and Fire Services employees during a pass out parade ceremony Mack Malinga was awarded a certificate for being the most dedicated class captain and Silas Mello was awarded two certificates and a trophy for successfully demonstrating to be the best driller in the men’s category and for being the best class captain. Matshidiso Mothapo, Media Liaison Officer of the municipality says in a media release that Malinga and Mello were part of eight fire fighters that the municipality sent for a four month Fire Fighter course that focussed on Hazmat Awareness, Fire Fighter-2 and Hazmat Operational. The team sent for training consisted of two females and six gentlemen. The officers had to undergo physical and practical training. Among others the officers were trained on fire fighting orientation and safety, fire

Doornkraal Voortrekkers hou boeresport BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Lede van Doornkraal Voortrekkerkommando het Dinsdagmiddag tydens die weeklikse byeenkoms by die lapa van Generaal Piet Joubertskool van hul oortollige energie ontslae geraak en aan verskeie boeresportitems soos lepelresies, toutrek en ballongooi deelgeneem.


Bo: Voortrekkers van Doornkraal Voortrekkerkommando beur aan die tou. Regs: Aspirant-penkop, Joshua Venter geniet ‘n lafenis ná die toutreksessie.

suzettejacobs@hotmail.com WELGELEGEN: R3 780 000 A stylish, architect designed house in need of a big family. 5 Bedr, 4 bathr home with underfloor heating, borehole, pool. Stand size 2 600 m².

BENDOR GABLES: R995 000 Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. LE E SO DAT N 1 Garage. A M

ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000 For the investor. A free standing 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport.


LOCATION!! LOCATION!! 1 100m² Corner office premises. Consists of 8 offices, a boardroom, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 2 garages and ample parking.

behavior, building search and rescue, hoses, water supply and fire streams. Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng is quoted to have said that it is important for the municipality to provide training to officers in order to ensure that the fire department continues to provide high class fire protection and fire prevention services. “Fire and rescue services rests upon the qualities of its fire fighters in the heat of any fire or emergency incident and therefore we congratulate the team and we hope that they will touch people’s lives in a noble manner as they would not only save properties, but also save lives. This is what we have to do

in a bid to improve our services to the community,” she said. Mothapo concluded by saying that the municipality considers fire safety and prevention as an important role of the service and officers will respond to all emergency call-outs dealing with fire and rescue incidents. They will also provide fire safety education to the community as a preventative measure of saving lives and property. The officers will see to enforcement of the law to ensure that residential and commercial buildings are equipped with adequate fire precautions to limit the chances of fire and ensure that in the event of fire people can safely evacuate the premises.



Junior Firemen Silas Mello, Welemina Moshe, Minah Awangwa, Robert Gwongwa, Larraine Seema, Mack Malinga, Nare Tsheola and William Mogashoa attended the course in Welkom in the Free State.


Feb 12-18, 2015

42 OBSERVER polokwane


CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________



LOOKING FOR A SMALL WORKSHOP TO RENT Ready to pay R5 000pm. Tel 083 514 9037 073 023 2839 ____________________



WHITE CANOPY with full door Isuzu KB series LWB 1997 - 2003. Fibreglass, roofrack, good condition. R3 000. Phone Anton 082 443 6039 ____________________



WORKSHOP FOR RENT WITH 2 OFFICE and 8 carpark space. Tel 083 514 9037 073 023 2839 ____________________



ONE ROOM kitchen, bathroom, near Cycad. R2 300 plus dep. PLus W&L. Immediately available. Tel 079 399 6785 ____________________



BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 072 219 5613 ____________________ ROOMS BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM FLATS 3 bedroom house, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 765 0507 072 133 0952 ____________________ BACHELOR WOONSTEL OP PLOT 4km van SAB op LTT pad. R2 600 W&L ingesluit. Enkelpersoon. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ BACHELOR FLAT ON PLOT 3,5km from Savannah Mall in Dalmada. R2 650 per month. Water included & prepaid electricity. Contact 015 296 2785 or 082 851 9531 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER TUINWOONSTEL TE STERPARK Eie ingang, W&L uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Feb. Skakel 084 582 3463 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR TE PALMIETFONTEIN Tuintjie, kombuis, sitkamer & hangkaste. Dadelik beskikbaar. Huur R3 300 plus deposito R3 300. Betaal eie krag. Skakel 076 673 5890 ____________________

NUWE 2 SLP WOONSTEL TE HUUR TE SOETDORINGS 7km vanaf SAB. Baie veilig, privaat omheinde erf. Huur R4 000, water ingesluit. Deposito, koopkrag. Dadelik beskikbaar. Johan 082 654 8620 ____________________ TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT @ WILLOWS, THORNHILL ESTATE Available 1 March. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage, private garden. No pets. R7 500 p.m. Dirk 083 630 2885 Lulu 083 649 9147 ____________________ WOONSTEL TE HUUR OP PLAAS BUITE MOKOPANE Skakel 082 922 5009 ____________________

HOUSES CAPRICORN – R7 350 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage. NEW FLORA PARK – R7 800 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, 2 garages. BENDOR VILLAGE – R11 140 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 3 living areas, 2 garages. FAUNA PARK – R8 900 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. CAPRICORN – R12 000 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, dining/ lounge, 3 garages and one bedroom flat. Lapa, swimming pool & jacuzi. TOWNHOUSES BENDOR – R4 500 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. FLATS IVY DALE – R3 600 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, W & E included. OFFICES CBD – R2 500 MARSHALL ST – R10 270 MARSHALL ST – R25 400 MARSHALL CHAMBERS – R8 134 THYS – 083 702 0768 AUDREY – 072 632 7117 MARTIN – 060 666 5432



2 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT 23km uit dorp. Op LTT pad. R2 700 pm plus krag plus R1 000 deposito. Kontak 083 549 2883 ____________________

WE BUY CARS Tel: 015 291 1347 Danie 083 638 4000 JD 082 412 4236 63 Bok Street, Polokwane info@autotradecentre.co.za FSP 28260

BENDOR MEENTHUIS 3 Slaapkamers, oopplan TV, kombuis, koopkrag, toesluit motorhuis. Huur R5 750 plus deposito. 1 Maart beskikbaar. Skakel 083 629 1908 ____________________



TWO (2) WELL-KNOWN GUEST HOUSES with Conference Facilities in THOHOYANDOU. To be sold SEPERATELY OR TOGETHER Contact: Rudi: 082 443 5819/ Diana Madega: 079 017 3350 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in complex @ R770 000 Bargain by owner! 2½ bathr, garage, braai. SPECIAL For more info contact 074 190 9956 ____________________



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________

notice. Mashola Technology P.O. Box 232 Dendron 0715 Cell: 082 671 0605 12/02 ___________________



IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE Case No.: 18209/13 In the matter between: MÔRESTER BANDE CC (CK: 2007/226625/23) PLAINTIFF And DRAGON PRECISION ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of POLOKWANE and a Warrant of Execution dated 29 JANUARY 2014 and the goods listed and attached hereto as Annex-

Career finder in LIMPOPO


MARGATE Luukse vakansie woonstel. See-uitsig, onderdak parkering, eie swembad & braai. 20 tot 27 Maart 2015, R2 500/7 nagte. Contact 083 451 4328 ___________________



NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT OF A PRIVATE COMPANY The directors of Mokgatshehla Financial Services, (Registration no. 2003/060501/23), hereby give notice of the proposed application for reinstatement of the above company to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Any objection to the application must be lodged with CIPC within 21 days of this notice. Mashola Technology P.O. Box 232 Dendron 0715 Cell: 082 671 0605 12/02 ___________________ NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT OF A PRIVATE COMPANY The directors of Mashola Technology, (Registration no. 2005/142442/23), hereby give notice of the proposed application for reinstatement of the above company to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Any objection to the application must be lodged with CIPC within 21 days of this

ure “A,” will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at the Sheriff’s Offices, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE on the 27TH FEBRUARY 2015 at 11:00. TERMS: STRICTLY CASH OR BANK GUARANTEED CHEQUES. SIGNED at POLOKWANE on this 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2015. ESPAG MAGWAI ATTORNEYS ADAM TAS FORUM 26 JORISSEN STREET POLOKWANE TEL: 015 297 5374 REF: PJvSTADEN/Elsie/MAT8225 12/02 ___________________




who died on 10 NOVEMBER 2012, married in community of property to MASEGATA ELIZABETH CHIDI, ID No.: 560123 0231 086, Estate file No: 3068/2013, creditors and debtors are called upon to submit their claims and pay their debts at the below mentioned address within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. DATED AT LEBOWAKGOMO ON THIS THE 02ND DAY OF FEBRUARY 2015. P.C. MOGALE & CO. INC OFFICE NO. G02 OLD MUTUAL BUILDING BUSINESS AREA ZONE F LEBOWAKGOMO P.O. BOX 1844 CHUENESPOORT 0745 TEL: 015 633 5634/38 FAX: 015 633 5648 REF: MOGALE/CV/ C051/13™ 12/02 ___________________


Voorkeur sal verleen word aan applikante met vorige ervaring van administratiewe werk.

• • • • • •

Matriek Rekenaarvaardig Tweetalig (Engels / Afrikaans) Nie-roker Eie vervoer ‘n vereiste. Pastel is ‘n vereiste.

‘n Verkorte CV kan gefaks word aan: 086 509 8607 Epos aan: office@specialistpropshaft.co.za

Northern Timbers, situated in the magnificent Tzaneen/Modjadjiskloof escarpment area, with large plantations of eucalyptus grandis on a 25-year rotation, requires an experienced individual for their Engineering Department.


The incumbent will be responsible for the performance of costeffective electrical and mechanical repairs of plant and ancillary equipment on site as well as the installation of new plant machinery on site. It will be expected of the successful candidate to perform preventative maintenance according to the PM programme and in this regard be responsible for the machine availability of some sections. The ideal candidate needs a Matric with either an N3 or N4 Technical qualification, Red Seal trade test certificate in Millwright and a minimum of 1 year’s experience. Newly qualified and experienced Millwrights are welcome to apply. Training and experience in hydraulics and pneumatics, gear boxes, PLC, basic boiler making and electrical installations would be an added advantage. The successful candidate will be required to work shifts, be on standby and work over the December shutdown period. The Company offers a competitive market-related salary and provident fund. Interested parties should forward their applications to the Human Resources Manager, Mr Sonwabo Fihla by post at PO Box 1343, Tzaneen 0850 or fax: 086 532 4785, or e-mail: sonwabof@merensky.co.za. Closing date for applications is 20 February 2015. NB: Should you not receive correspondence by 27 February 2015, please regard your application as being unsuccessful. Merensky Hardwoods subscribes to the principles of Employment Equity. Suitably qualified candidates from the previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply.

Merensky Timber Limited (Reg. No. 2005/033139/06)


Human Communications 116053

February 12, 2015

Polokwane Observer

CAndidates interested in building a career as a TRAINEE CHARTERED OUDITBESTUURDERS TRAINEE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountant ‘nCalling Roepe na alle kandidate watin belangstel die bouas van Calling CA ndidates interested aacareer aa ndidates interested inbuilding buildingin career as CA School Leavers C hartered A ccountant ‘n loopbaan as ‘n Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeester Students and Graduates Chartered Accountant School Leavers Calling

Applications open to:

(University exemption, Maths & Accounting) Accounting)

Applications open to: Aansoeke oop vir: vir:

Please send CV to crusaderspolokwane@gmail.com

(BCom Accounting) Accounting)

School Leavers

Fax CVs to 086 566 0143 Closing date: 26 February 2015

TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR Suitable, qualified and experienced applicants are invited to apply for supervisory position based in Polokwane for commuter bus companies operating in Polokwane, Tzaneen and Lebowakgomo.

Experience: At least ten years’ experience in a bus or truck repair and maintenance environment of which at least five years must be in a supervisory position. Responsibilities will include: • Ensure that the bus fleets remain in good mechanical condition and available form operation • Plan and execute all preventative maintenance programs • Ensure that work carried out by inhouse workshops are of high standard • Ensure that buses are in roadworthy condition at all times • Assist subordinates in the work place • Exercise sound communication between management and employees • Maintain high standards of housekeeping Closing date: 25 February 2015 Interested candidates should submit applications in the form of a comprehensive Curriculum vitae to: Maeteko Management Support Services P O Box 194 58 Platinum Street Fauna Park Ladine 0787 Polokwane Or email to: maeteko@mweb.co.za Fax: 0866 193 490

| Haenertsburg |



T: 015 293 0208 F: 015 293 0223 Spoorwegstraat 40 Polokwane alphasand@xnets.co.za

Remuneration • Basic salary negotiable • Annual bonus based on merit

| Sekhukhune

Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2015

Tel/Fax: 015 297 0005 Welgelegen Centre 95C Gen Viljoen Street Welgelegen propertyforall@ www.propertyfo webmail.co.za www.property2 rall.co.za 4.com

Armed robberies Businessmen targeted in


RC MYBuRGh >>rc.observer@gma

Muni laks om diens waarvoor inwoners duur betaal, te lewer


Die bekende sakeman, ‘n plaagbeheermaatsk eienaar van appy in die stad en ‘n groot visvangliefhebber, Gustav Grobler (47) dagoggend, byna se lyk is Dinstwee dae nadat in die Mamadiladam, hy Matlaladam verdrink ook bekend as Grobler is een vanhet, gevind. vyf persone wat die afgelope week in Limpopo verdrink het. Die polisie soek- en reddingseenheidse duik-, en het To page 4


Hooffoto: Lede van die liggaam van Gustav polisie by die Grobler (inlas) wat Dinsdag uit die Mamadiladam gehaal is nadat hy Sondag verdrink het.




rks fly Call for inSpaScop a’s first 2015 rescue sitt ing


YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande BARRY VILJOEN @gmail.com >>barryv.observer@ gmail.com

The urgent need for the resurrection of the Department

of Education and immediate action against the relevant administrator within ture characterised the strucdiscussion ensuing a heated during the first Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) meet-

Polokwane | Seshego

ing for the year (Wednesday) held yesterday morning. Members of the Portfolio Committee on Education within the Legislature who were present during the were most vocal meeting when labelling

| Mokopane | Dendron

| Haenertsburg |


the department thorn in the flesha circus and a of the people of Limpopo.

During the same need for an externalmeeting the audit into the actions of the administrative To page 4

Mankweng | Aganang

Last call for entries in our holiday pic competition

>> PAGE 23

Groot mylpaal

Caleb Jordaan jongste duikinstrukteur in Suid-Afrika >> BLADSY 40

| Lebowakgomo


DLGR Construction

Tel: 015 284 8700 Fax: 086 618 2777 Sales: 015 284 8707 Deliveries: 083 666 6720 Portion 47, Palmietfontein POLOKWANE (Burgersfort Road) email: info@dlgr.co.za Web: www.dlgr.co.za

Tel: 015 291 1061

| Sekhukhune

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2 011/2012

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuu


10b church Street

Desember 4 - 10, 2014


000 2 Bedroom house in a complex, security with open-plan lounge & kitchen, dining area. and back Secure parking yard for your comfort. Don’t miss out! CONTACT OFFICE 015 291 3415 / 015 291 3420

Geweld bederf naglewe

Jonges bly eerde

r saans tuis

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gm



South African Reserve Bank (SARB) Governor Lesetja go, while on a courtesy Kganyavisit to the province yesterday (Wednesday), met with Premier Stan Mathabatha at his office. Kganyago is the second son of Limpopo soil after Tito Mboweni to head the SARB.

Klein meisie met groot hart

nie, maar ook in kwessie van lewe‘n en dood ontaard het. Dries Boshoff, platejoggie wat ‘n plaaslike kuierplek musiekelke naweek by ‘n maak, het Vrydag byna met sy hy ‘n bakleiery lewe geboet toe wou stopsit. Na bl 2



olokwane se sosiale naglewe word lank nie meer as gesellig beskryf nie en die stad se jongmense vermy deesdae klubs en kuierplekke omdat gereelde bakleiery nie net onaangenaam is

Nané Steyn tussen al haar speelgoed Hope geskenk wat sy aan Vision het. of



Ga-Rena Vroeë Queen of Films protest Kersf is ees Polokwane North Partytjie vir kankerlyers Mayor to sy passie Local beauties crowned meet with Philip Nolte maak opslae in SuidAfrikaanse filmbedryf

tenants’ committee soonest

>> PAGE 15

Polokwane | Seshego

>> BLADSY 24

| Mokopane | Dendron

>> PAGE 30

| Haenertsburg |


>> BLADSY 64

Mankweng | Aganang

| Lebowakgomo


DLGR Construction

Tel: 015 284 8700 Fax: 086 618 2777 Sales: 015 284 8707 Deliveries: 083 666 6720 Portion 47, Palmietfontein POLOKWANE (Burgersfort Road) email: info@dlgr.co.za Web: www.dlgr.co.za

Tel: 015 291 1061

10B Church Polokwane Street Posbus / PO 0699 Box 5800 Polokwane Noord 0750 Docex 19 Pietersburg

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuu


Nov 27 - Des 3 , 2014

Wishing all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year!

Tel 015 291 3410 / 3411 Fax 086 512 0822 EMAIL bierman@polka.co .za

Samwu dossier

set to shock

sale of complimentary tickets for sporting events at Mokaba Stadium the new Peter are bound to rock Polokwane when the Municipal Workers’ South African Union (Samwu)

Police need help to solve murder

| Sekhukhune

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2 011/2012

tiCket SCaM at StadiuM l


| Lebowakgomo

Sakeman, unrelated incidents vier ander verdrink >> PAGE 3 binne week in provinsie Stad in

yoLaNde NeL >>observer.yolande

Closing date Email a shortened CV to willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za on or before Friday, 20 February 2015

Mankweng | Aganang


to sell.

Email: info@athomeprop.co .za Phone: 015 291 3415/291 3420 Fax: 086 666 4300

Recommendation Past experience in the journalistic field will serve as strong recom men dation.

>> BLADSY 56

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2 011/2012

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuu

We are urgently looking for properties

Jaco en Corné beste skoolgholfspelers



Tel: 015 291 1061





in Limpopo intends tional law enforcers presenting nawith evidence in that regard. Within the next fortnight they intended raising the matter,


• Experience in the tyre industry • Self motivated • Good customer relations

Fax short CV to 015 2930605 or Email to cvappsroy@gmail.com

| Mokopane | Dendron



Heartbreaking scenes unfold at Cansa event

>> PAgES 19 -


Requirements • Matric/Grade 12 • 2 Years’ experience • Driver’s licence

SPORT JOuRnAliST The ideal candidate • Owns a vehicle and has a valid driver’s licence. • Can communicate fluently in Eng lish and Afrikaans • Can work independently, orderly and productively under pressure • Is creative, dynamic and energetic • Can express him/herself accurately in the printed medium.


Relay for Life 2014

Pietersburg Hoër se sterre

Basic services, councill or’s nepotism causes of protest by communities

Polokwane | Seshego

Voormalige Polokwaneleerder steeds in intensiewe eenheid na ongeluk

PAgE 2

Muni, boere oorweeg regstappe na Silicon-oproer en brandskade

T inc VA


Applications are hereby invited for the services of a

Protea-speler beseer

unrest, fire and turmoil


• Experience in the tyre industry • Self motivated • Good customer relations

• Mechanically Inclined • Sound work History • Necessary Experience



Requirements: • Matric/Grade 12 • 5 Years’ experience • Driver’s licence


A protestor rolls a burning tyre into the road in Mankweng during Monday’s unrest allegedly caused by ongoing discontent municipal billing over the system.


Code 14 / EC Driver with PDP

Fratsongeluk eis man Pa van twee val van brug af, sterf ure later

FAAN 084 504 0488



Oktober 16 - 22, 2014

4 Bedrooms, 2 double garage, bathrooms, kitchen, 3 carports, pool, lapa swimming & braai area. Jacuzzi, fish pond, security system and fenced.


Revelations of an centering around alleged scam the suspected

Indien u nie binne 3 weke gekontak work nie, aanvaar asb dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. E-mail CV na anri@evn.co.za of faks na 015 291 1149




Simmering viole nce spills over to City of Peace

T inc VA

E-mail CV to cvappsroy@gmail.com

10b church Street Email: info@athomeprop.co.z a Phone: 015 291 3415/291 3420 Fax: 086 666 4300

| Sekhukhune


Matric/Grade 12 Typing 35 wpm or more. Computer literate – Pastel & Excel knowledge. Good communication and language skills.

| Lebowakgomo

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2 011/2012

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuu



Tel: 015 291 1061


Matric/ Grade 12 Hardworking and motivated Previous experience essential

‘n gevestigde raadgewende ingenieursbesigheid benodig ‘n bekwame boekhouer in Polokwane met 5 jaar minimum ondervinding. Vereistes: • Ondervinding in Pastel en VIP • Volledige boekhouding tot proefbalans • Salarisse, UIF, SDL, PAYE • BTW berekenings en oorbetalings. • Berekening en voltooiing van opgawes. • Krediteure en Debiteure

Mankweng | Aganang



T inc VA

If you doIndien not receive response from us within 21van daysons from submission, please acceptdat that your application u nie abinne 21 dae vanaf aansoek verneem nie, kan u aanvaar u aansoek was unsuccessful. onsuksesvol was.

| Haenertsburg |




| Mokopane | Dendron


T: 015 293 0208 F: 015 293 0223 Spoorwegstraat 40 Polokwane


deliver to: If you0699 do not receive a response from us within 21 days from submission, please accept that lewer dit af by: by: your application was unsuccessful. 25 Watermelon Street If you do not receive a response from Watermelonstraat 25us within 21 days from submission, please accept that your application Platinum Park was unsuccessful. Platinum Park Bendor Bendor Polokwane Polokwane 0699 EVN Africa (Edms) Bpk, 0699

Polokwane | Seshego




is verpligtend) rekenaarvaard dig have is (CaseWare verpligtend rekenaarvaar If you believe you what it takes). to join our team, submit your If you believe you have what it takes to join our team, submit your Curriculum Vitae via www.dzb.co.za email to dzb@dzb.co.za orwith deliver opportunity to do in a dynamic a to: We offer the Ons bied u die geleentheid omyour by ‘ntraining dinamiese firma firm aan te sluit email to dzb@dzb.co.za or Curriculum Vitae via www.dzb.co.za wide spectrum of clients, , while offering generous study leave and clients met ‘n wye spek spektrum van bestaande kliënte, en om ‘n loopbaan te bou deliver to:Watermelon 25 Street exposure to diverse industries. deur oudit, belasting- en rekeningkundige dienste te verskaf aan ‘n wye belasting Platinum Park 25 Watermelon Street verskeidenheid van nywerhede. Bendor If you Platinum believe you Park have what it takes to join our team, submit your Polokwane As jy dink jy het via watwww.dzb.co.za dit neem om by ons span aan te sluit, dien jou Bendor email to dzb@dzb.co.za or Curriculum Vitae 0699Vitae Curriculum Polokwane Vitae in via www.dzb.co.za, e-pos na dzb@dzb.co.za of

IT/PRINTER Technician

REQUIREMENTS: • 3 to 5 Years experience • Fully bilingual read, write & speak • Own transport with valid driver’s licence • Computer literate • Good people skills Fax CV to 015 291 1536 or e-mail: workshop@bucan.co.za Deliver: 53 Bok Street Polokwane

(University exemption, Maths & Accounting)

accurate, and of character. Sukses sefficient volle kandidate salexceptional van onwrikbare integriteit wees, span speler spelerss SukseStudents and Graduates (BCom Accounting) ) Accounting opportunity to do your training in aindynamic firm with a We offer We offer thethe opportunity to do a dynamic wat ouditspanne effektief kan lei your terwyltraining hulle die vermoëns van het firm wide spectrum of clients, , whilewhile offering generous study study leave and clients withSuccessful a wide spectrum of clients, offering generous leave uitsonderlike bestuur, analitiese denke, goeie interpersoonlike mensemense candidates will have the desire to learn, be diligent, neat, exposure toto diverse industries. and accurate, exposure diverse industries. verhoudings, sterk kommunikasie-vaardighede kommunikasie bo-gemiddeld efficient and of exceptional character. en wat ook bo-

Email CV to: cvappsroy@gmail.com

• • • •

Managerial experience a must.


T inc VA

• • •

required for Cash Crusaders Polokwane.

Successful will have the desire to learn, be diligent, neat, Students and Graduates (BCom Accounting) CA (SA)candidates (onlangs gekwalifiseer) ) gekwalifiseer Applications open to: accurate, efficient and of exceptional character. (minimum van 2learn, jaar post klerkskap ervaring) BCcandidates om Rekeningkundige Graad ervaring)neat, Successful will have the desire to be diligent, (University exemption, Maths & Accounting) Accounting)


Assistant Manager


career finder in LIMPOPO



brought to their

No way out

Pensioners wait in long queues for smart IDs

>> Page 6

Miss Lim pageant

Bush experience for bevy of beauties


by three prominent corporate identities in Polokwane, with the Police’s anticorruption unit, Samwu Provincial

To page 4

>> Page 12

Sisters’ ordeal at geldsake hands of monster


Dawie Roodt gesels oor tweede depressie vir SA

RC MybuRgh >>rc.observer@gma


>> Page 9 Police investigate the scene where of a suspected the body murdered man was found near the Market Street Bridge on Monday morning.

Photo: RC MybuRgh

“Don’t scream. I don’t want your children to see this.” This is what the hammer monster suspected allegedly told one David Mamvura of his rape victims while covering with his hand during her mouth an attack in her house in Bodenstein Street in January. Little did three months latershe know that sister would have her 13-year-old eyes of the same to look into the man, facing the same ordeal. Tammy* immediately phoned her father when she photo of Mamvura saw the in an article Polokwane Observer published last week. Mamvura had appeared in court and was positively linked to at least 15 cases of rape, To page 4

>> bLadSy 29

trofee vir thalia

PEPPSleerder vereer vir jaar se suksesse

>> bLadSy 48


PHS wen aksiebelaaide byeenkoms February 12, 2015

44 OBSERVER polokwane

A colourful spectacle of cheering spectators and eager participants greeted visitors to Capricorn High School’s recent annual





fin 10 0 082 d y 07% 9 oHu 1 3G67 rEw U ReB t s AR ApoLt! A IS NT T EE







51 82 * n k * Ma e d re 47 52 * Sto rria ay su 57 * WPen p c ge los lts Po in cis enheatiprot lov lo ontr lar ng ble er kw ac ge & ms an ts, menfigh e ten t cr ting 07 de ea 9 rs, m 63 etc



ng nD er •S c g • H wim ct ro • C ouse min V c Un CTV ho g po a D m le e Dra ld le ol a in aks leak ra k su Do insp se & s sp leak ec you w Ut ec t er ilit tio De , But a wat ns in y t sp De ec can’ er t ec te it? t * tio ct * O Quic n ion



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Fin O an m cia or lp e ro d ble eb ms t ? A str -m k pe C ail: w ns om CT es visi ane atie e no on an w NO s d Th an dc sa d @gm abo fin W Mbe d ou ! ail.c t W om U ki st how HE ALreets, we ca E M bra an L IT n he ke ua AL lp S Y l/ Fa cn 5 29 nie P r C 1 12 e olo om 79

rh Inje au ct ls o


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The ulTimaTe japanese sTraighTener

inter house athletics meeting. Despite the meeting being stopped due to untimely rain the spirit could not be dampened and the athletes gave their utmost.

LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


Carmen Botha (Ben Vorster) het die o.19 meisies 400m-hekkiesrekord na 1:06:30 verbeter.

A day full of school spirit for Cappies

45 PO Ant YO Con Box im U ta 57 oon BE ct : G 27, P Stre ND et u ,W au Va ido: olok , La to ne 076 wa bor E re ss ne ia M C ne a EN Insuredi wp 073 185 22 Nor , t D! ra Fa olok 40 97 th nc ci ,0 W e A lity wa 4 29 75 0 Ru e sp pp Ava ne 15 @gm Pa bb ecia ro ilb ve ne eris lis d ale! ail. l B in e in co ea g a m ti nd U



Participants warm up for the discus item for girls u.17. Below: Nyiko Makamu, u.17, gets ready to give his all in the shot put.



oërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het Vrydag die jaarlikse vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms by die ou Peter Mokabastadion aangebied waartydens sewe skole en agt spanne (PHS se A- en B-spanne) deelgeneem het. PHS A het die byeenkoms met 708 punte gewen met Hoërskool Ben Vorster tweede (445 punte) en Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé derde (257 punte). In totaal is vyftien rekords deur die volgende skole verbeter: PHS (6), Curro Heuwelkruin (4), Ben Vorster (3), en Tom Naudé (2).

Victor en Victrix ludorums Dewald Stroebel (PHS) was die senior seun Victor Ludorum en Tom Naudé se CJ Nel die junior seun Victor Ludorum. Louise Schütte (PHS) het as senior meisie Victrix Ludorum met die louere weggestap en Marcelle de Jager (ook PHS) as junior meisie Victrix Ludorum.


EMSIE VORSTER >>emsie.observer@gmail.com



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Interlaer-atlete lewer spogvertonings en rekords spat LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Verskeie rekords het verlede week in die slag gebly tydens die interlaer vir P1-skole waaraan agt skole deelgeneem het. ‘n Volle agt aflosrekords is verbeter en het vir groot opwinding gesorg. Winette Prinsloo van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) verbeter die gewigstootrekord vir meisies o.10 na 7.51m. Minette Burger (eerste) van Oosskool, Thato Kgosiemang (tweede) van Pietersburg Comprehensive School (PCS) en Monica Harmse (derde) van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) verbeter al drie die rekord in die 600 m vir meisies o.9.

Februarie 12, 2015


OBSERVER 45 polokwane

Rinelda van der Linde, meisies o.12 van Oosskool verbeter die werpskyfrekord na 21.79 m en Danae Marais van PLS verbeter die o.13-rekord na 27.61 m. Die o.9-meisies aflosrekord behoort voortaan aan Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) en die haastige o.12-meisies van PLS verbeter ook die aflosrekord. Oosskool se o.9, o.10, o.11, o.12 en o.13-seuns sowel as die o.10meisies verbeter ook die rekord. ‘n Ingenome Cailn Menzies, 0.10, met haar medalje wat sy vir eerste plek in verspring gekry het.


PHS se Armand Pansegrouw van die eerste krieketspan in aksie tydens ‘n wedstryd teen Hoërskool Ben Vorster.


Seunsatlete wag in spanning om weg te spring.

Wilrico Gadney, van PHS se eerstespan wag die bal in tydens hul wedstryd teen Jeugland.

Simoné Pratt van Pietersburg Laerskool gereed vir die wegspring.

Leerkragte van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos, Theo Jansen van Rensburg, Eddie Human en PJ Strydom glimlag vir ‘n foto tydens die P1-skole interlaer.

PHS meet kragte teen spanne LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


oërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se eerste krieketspan het verlede Vrydag en die naweek teen verskeie skole rondom die stad kragte gemeet. Tydens ‘n wedstryd tussen PHS en Jeugland was PHS eerste in die kolfkampie en teken 309/7 aan van 50 aflewerings. Armand Pansegrouw teken 118 lopies aan van 81 aflewerings, JD Venter 54 lopies, Sias Willimse 38 lopies en Wilrico Gadney 34 lopies. Sias Willemse en JD Venter neem elk 3 paal-

Kabelo Romakghplolo, o.13, van Good Hope Primary School neem aan die verspring seuns deel.

Ramoroka Makwena, o.10, van Nirvana Primary School hardloop volstoom wenpaal toe.

Brent Jansen van Vuuren, o.10, van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos in aksie tydens die 1200 m vir seuns.

Bonus Bogey Winner Bidvest golf winners PHOTO: JEFF RAYMOND

Last Wednesday saw 65 keen golfers take to the field at the Polokwane Golf Club in the Tops Liquor Individual Bonus Bogey golf day. A very chuffed Brian O’Reilly, on plus 8, took top honours for the day.


Mohammed Nada and Safraaz Sulliman on a count of 47 won Saturday’s Bidvest Food Services sponsored Better Ball Stableford competition, the first of 12 set to be played at the Polokwane Golf Club.

tjies en Corné Craig 2 paaltjies terwyl Brendan Bezuidenhout en Diaan Coertze elk 1 paaltjie vat. Jeugland word vir 281 lopies uitgehaal en PHS wen die wedstryd met 28 lopies. PHS se eerste span het Saterdag teen Hoërskool Ben Vorster tydens die Pro20 semifinaal te staan gekom. Ben Vorster kolf eerste en teken 127 lopies aan. PHS verloor die wedstryd met 16 lopies, waar PHS se gekombineerde span teen Nelspruit gespeel het en met 198 lopies verloor het. Nelspruit het eerste gekolf en teken 340/7 aan van 50 aflewerings.


Polokwane Observer


INVITATION FOR REGISTRATION ON THE DATABASE (QUARTERLY UPDATE) 2014 / 2015 The Polokwane Municipality hereby invites service providers to apply to be registered and included in the service providers’ database for 2014/2015 financial year. Service providers are allowed to register only three (3) categories of services at a time. Services will be highlighted in the database forms. Please note that the Municipality will not conduct business with service providers who are not registered on the database. Service providers who are already in the system need not to register but urged to come and update their status. Prescribed database registration forms can be downloaded freely from Polokwane municipality`s website: www.polokwane.gov.za or alternatively be purchased at Polokwane Municipality`s tender office- Polokwane Municipality - cnr Landdros Mare & Bodenstein streets – City Centre Supply Chain Management (SCM) Unit (Tender Office), Ground Floor (to the left of the Security Information Desk) – City of Polokwane for R50.00. The database registration forms will be available from 16 February 2015 and closing date for submission of database registration forms is 27 February 2015 at 16h00. Database registration forms received after the closing date will not be considered. Enquiries should be directed to Ms. Moyahabo Sithole and Ms. Mosole Modimola at 015 290 2397. MRS. T C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Februarie 12, 2015

Noordelikes maak gereed vir Cell C Community Cup EMSIE VORSTER >>emsie.observer@gmail.com


glo dat ons vanjaar baie beter sal vaar omdat ons baie talentvolle nuwe spelers het en die tweede jaar saam met ons afrigter speel. Daar is ‘n positiwiteit by die span wat nie vorige jare die geval was nie, die spelers weet almal wat van hul verwag word en elkeen is bereid om hard te werk,” sê Smith. Scheepers Lubbe, ook ‘n nuwe speler is vanjaar se onderkaptein. “My hoofdoel op die veld is om die kaptein te ondersteun. Omdat ek ‘n voorspeler is en hy (Smith) ‘n agterspeler kyk ons na verskillende spelers op die veld. Die skrums is ons gevaarlikste wapen in die opkomende toernooi,” meen Lubbe.

B Truck & Tractor Noordelikes is hard aan die oefen vir die Cell C Community Cup. Die span se eerste wedstryd is volgende Saterdag (21 Febraurie), teen Pretoria Polisieklub, op hul veld. Frederik Romijn, hoofafrigter van BB Truck & Tractor Noordelikes, glo dat hul kompeterend sal wees en minstens die uitspeelrondtes sal haal. “Ons is in die moeilikste groep, maar gaan die beste van dié situasie maak met ons nuwe en opwindende spelers.” BB Truck & Tractor Noordelikes is in groep B wat uit die Bloemfontein Crusaders, Raiders en Pretoria Polisieklub bestaan. Zander Byleveldt is beseer nadat hy sy elmboog tydens ‘n oefening ontwrig het. “Dit is baie frustrerend om op die kantlyn te sit en nie te kan speel nie. Ek is nou maar eers in my eerste week van dié besering en kan reeds nie wag om terug op die veld te kom nie,” sê Byleveldt. Hy sal vier tot agt weke buite aksie wees. Alwyn Olivier, Shane Minnie, Leslie Links: Zander Byleveldt, Venton en Hans du heelagter van BB Truck Plessis het almal & Tractor Noordenuut by die klub likes het ‘n beseerde aangesluit. Mynhardt elmboog wat hom vir Smith is vanjaar die vier tot agt weke op die kaptein en glo dat kantlyn sal hou. sy span se agterlyn Regs: Mynhardt Smith, baie gevaarliker lyk kaptein van BB Truck & as vorige jare. “Ek Tractor Noordelikes.

Polokwane City FC coach wins award the club pocketing R1,5-million last year. Since his appointment at Costa Papic, coach of Polokwane the club in September last year City Football Club was named the Papic, who also took Black Leopards to the promotional play-offs Absa Premiership Coach of the Month of November and Decem- last season, achieved what many ber in acknowledgement of his coaches in the league can only sterling performance since taking dream of. He won five league over from the team in September matches, drew two and lost one last year. to finish the second round of the The Serbian international who league and put City in 6th position PHOTO: HERBERT has coached South African soccer of the league with 24 points after 17 matches. RACHUENE giants Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Costa Papic, Polokwane Pirates in an illustrious career Papic dedicated the award to guided City to their first Absa City Football Club the players for the commitment Premiership Q2 innovation with coach. they have shown since he joined the club. “The award belongs to the playPlot 6, Palmietfontein ers, they performed Polokwane Sel: 083 758 9231 well and I hope it Fax: 086 582 6139 won’t be the last Epos: ark@xnets.co.za one,” Papic said. Congratulating Papic Club General Manager, Costa Bellos DATUM: SATERDAG, 14 FEBRUARIE 2015 said as the club they TYD: 10:00 are happy for the coach for winning the PLEK: ARK AFSLAERSPERSEEL award and hopes he (LEBOWAKGOMO-CHUENESPOORT PAD) continues with the (NABY SOUTH-GATE COUNTRY LODGE) same performance throughout the MEUBELS: season. Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle “We are proud to (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, have someone like hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, him in the club. He muureenhede, dubbel- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffiedid well for the team since taking over and tafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. we are hoping for ANDERE: more success,” Bellos Los goedere en ‘n groot verskeidenheid ander items, te veel om op said. te noem. Bellos has also VOORWAARDES: called all their supKontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetporters to come in fasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen numbers when they uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. host Moroka SwalAFSLAERSNOTA: lows at the Old Peter Besigtiging Vrydag, 13 Februarie 2015. Moenie hierdie veiling misMokaba Stadium on loop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Saturday. “It is going Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarto be our first match of the second round borg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. of the season, we are Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te ontcalling all the fans to trek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEcome and rally behind VISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE the team and show GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. more support like Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, they did in the first 16 Februarie 2015. round of the season,” VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231 he appealed. HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

(Established 1968)


AUCTION OF A GEORGES VALLEY FARM, LIMPOPO Duly instructed thereto by Van Zyl Le Roux Inc. Attorneys, in the matter Estate Late Naomi Kruger, we will sell by public auction on: THURSDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2015 AT 11:00 AT THE PROPERTY REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FARM VAALPUNT 627 LT LIMPOPO THE PROPERTIES: Remaining extent of the farm Vaalpunt 627, Registration Division LT, Limpopo, held under title deed number T12767/1960 & T56568/2006 Measuring: 52.2633 hectares Portion 2 of the farm Vaalpunt 627, Registration Division LT, Limpopo, held under title deed number T12767/1960 & T56568/2006 Measuring: 85.6532 hectares Portion 3 of the farm Vaalpunt 627, Registration Division LT, Limpopo, held under title deed number T12767/1960 & T56568/2006 Measuring: 137.9164 hectares Portion 4 of the farm Vaalpunt 627, Registration Division LT, Limpopo, held under title deed number T12767/1960 & T56568/2006 Measuring: 137.9164 hectares IMPROVEMENTS: 2 bedroom dwelling in a very poor state of repair. Adjoining the Letaba River, all the portions have a water right. LOCATION: On Georges Valley road approximately 12 km past the Ebenezer turn-off on the left and right hand side. ROUTE: From Tzaneen and Polokwane follow the Georges Valley road. Auction boards will be erected at the entrance of the farm. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a good opportunity to obtain a well located farm in the Haenertsburg area with lots of potential for development. All potential buyers are advised to attend the auction. Viewing by appointment with the auctioneers. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 10% Deposit on day of the auction and balance guarantees within 45 days after date of confirmation of sale. Confirmation within 14 days after date of auction. All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required.


Hoofafrigter, Frederik Romijn (regs) en hulpafrigter, Anton Heuer.


Go the distance at the OBSERVER 47 2015 Mall of the North Marathon Februarie 12, 2015



ntries will open on 16 February for the Mall of the North Marathon, taking place on Saturday, 28 March 2015. This will be the inaugural marathon hosted by Mall of the North in partnership with Pietersburg Road Runners, and it is anticipated that it will become an established fixture on the Limpopo running calendar. The full 42,2 km marathon is a certified Comrades Marathon qualifier and is open to runners 20 years and older. The marathon route follows two laps of the half marathon (21,1 km) and while moderately flat and fast, it has a suitably challenging hill at the finish. Entry forms for the Mall of the North Marathon are available at: • Pietersburg Road Running Club • Mall of the North Kiosk at the Game court • Mall of the North’s Facebook page • Pietersburg Road Running Club • Sportsman’s Warehouse • www.raceresults.co.za / Flyers for upcoming events Entries can also be mailed on request from the PRR secretary: 082 898 8341 For runners still building up to their first marathon, there will be a half marathon and a 10 km option available on the day, while those just starting out can bring family and friends along for an enjoyable 5 km fun run. Ensuring that all participants enjoy a safe run, water sta-

tions will be available every 3 km along the route and at the finish, while marshals will be on hand to ensure runners follow all road markers. Sumari de Ridder, General Manager of Mall of the North says there is something for everyone on race day. “Not only will runners be able to qualify for the Comrades Marathon, it’s also a great opportunity for the whole family to get outdoors and do something healthy and rewarding. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner.” The Mall of the North Marathon and half marathon will both start at 07:00, and the 10 km race and fun run at 07:15. Entries for all four events will still be taken on the morning of the race between 05:30 and 06:45. Participants are asked to take note of age restrictions that apply for each distance. As host, Mall of the North is the start and finishing venue and ample parking is available for all participants on the upper level at the Spur entrance of the mall. Medals will be issued to all finishers in each distance, while pre-entries will receive a commemorative T-shirt as stipulated on the race entry form.


>> Comrades qualifier >> Big prizes to win

Rugbyklubs slyp tande vir Assupol-toernooi EMSIE VORSTER >>emsie.observer@gmail.com Die Assupol Super Club Tournament wat Saterdag begin, het spanne opgewonde om hulself teen die noorde se beste unies te bewys. Pietersburg Rugbyklub (Dorp) begin hul toernooi op 21 Febraurie teen Northam Rugbyklub by die Peter Mokaba Stadium. Die finaal sal op 14 Maart op Loftus Versfeld gespeel word. Pietersburg Rugbyklub is in ‘n groep saam met Potchefstroom Dorp -, Northam - en Letaba Rugbyklub. Pierre Venter, voorsitter van die rugbykoördineringskomitee van die Limpopo Blou Bulle Rugbyunie sê dat hy baie uitsien na vanjaar se toernooi, aangesien hy glo dat Limpopo se spanne baie beter as vorige jare sal vaar en dat die kwaliteit van rugby in die streek sal verbeter. “Ons spelers kry kans om teen professionele spanne, wat op ‘n hoër vlak is, te speel en kry dus meer speeltyd teen taaier opponente. Jong spelers word

ook betrek en die toernooi ontwikkel gevolglik so die jeug,” sê Venter. Assupol het in ‘n aankondigingsbrief aan deelnemende klubs verduidelik hoe belangrik klubrugby vir hul is en glo dat dit noodsaaklik is as Suid-Afrika hoop om eendag meer professionele en kompeterende spanne te ontwikkel. Assupol glo ook dat toernooie soos die Assupol Super Club Tournament die gaping tussen amateur- en professionele rugby kan vernou. Middelburg Rugbyklub is die verdedigende kampioene. FOTO: VERSKAF

Pierre Venter, voorsitter van die rugbykoördineringskomitee van die Limpopo Blou Bulle Rugbyunie.

Polokwane Gholfklub bring na 24 jaar weer trofee huis toe EMSIE VORSTER >>emsie.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Gholfklub se nettligaspan het onlangs geskiedenis gemaak deur die Limpopofinaal gewen. Die vorige Polokwane-wenners het in 1990

die titel ingepalm met Gerhard Grobler as kaptein. Raymond Pratt, vanjaar se kaptein sê: “Dit was ‘n voorreg en maklike taak om só span aan te voer. My taak as kaptein is vergemaklik omdat ons so graag wou wen. Ons was almal baie positief en het van die begin af geglo dat ons as wenners sal wegstap.”




Polokwane Gholfklub is Limpopowenners in die nettliga. Voor is Brian O’Reilly, Morné Myburgh, Raymond Pratt (kaptein), Sous Greyvenstein en Ferdi Kirsten. Agter is Kobus Marnewick, Martin van Ghent, Francois Goosen, Raoul van Zyl, Dirk Visagie en Craig Hawken. Duncan Menzies, Piet Bronkhorst en Riaan Piek was afwesig.




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February 12, 2015 >> PAGE 48


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Proteakleure vir uitmuntende ringbalspeler >> Sedert ‘n jong ouderdom ‘n passie vir ringbal >> ‘Dit is ‘n droom wat waar geword het’ LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com


asha-lee Willemse wat onlangs Proteakleure in ringbal verwerf het, het al van ‘n jong ouderdom af ‘n passie vir die toenemend gewilde sportsoort. Willemse sê haar belangstelling in ringbal


Willemse in aksie op die ringbalbaan.

is as graad 4-leerder in 2005 aan Pietersburg Laerskool geprikkel toe sy daarvan te hore gekom het en van vroeg af presteer het. Dieselfde jaar wat sy begin speel het, het sy reeds vir die o.11-span uitgedraf. Willemse voel harde werk is uiteindelik beloon nadat sy regdeur haar skoolloopbaan ringbal gespeel het en baie tyd daaraan spandeer het. Sy oefen twee keer per week saam met Park Ringbalklub in Polokwane. “Ek kan nie die gevoel beskryf nie, dit is ongelooflik en ‘n droom wat waar geword het,” sê sy oor haar prestasie. Haar ouers, Hannes en Penny Willemse, ondersteun haar ten volle en is baie trots op haar prestasies. Willemse is boonop Vrydag ingelig dat sy een van 15 ringbalspelers in Limpopo is wat vir die Ringbal Premier League (RPL)-reeks gekies is. Die liga sal oor vier Saterdae in Februarie tot April 2015 in Gauteng plaasvind. Buiten ringbal, het sy ‘n voorliefde vir netbal. Sy speel graag in haar vrye tyd aksienetbal en het ook deur SuidAfrikaanse Skolenetbal (SASN) as ‘n netbalskeidsregter gekwalifiseer. Willemse wat in 2013 aan Curro Heuwelkruin gematrikuleer het, is tans besig met haar onderwysstudies, intermediêre fase, aan die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) en is ‘n studente-onderwyser by Laerskool PietersburgOos (Oosskool) waar sy atletiek, hokkie en netbal afrig. Willemse se raad aan ander ringbalspelers is, dat jy as speler 100% getrou aan jou sport moet wees, jou beste gee en dit eenvoudig net moet geniet.


Sasha-lee Willemse wat onlangs haar Proteakleure in ringbal verwerf het.

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