Oberlin Alumni Magazine Spring 2022

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“I have whiplash. I never thought that following my passion and being a comedy nerd could actually lead to this job.” Daniel Cramer ’18 whose influential Cramer Comedy Newsletter, which keeps track of up-and-comers in comedy, landed him a producer position at Sony Pictures Entertainment

“OBERLIN represents in the fullest degree the highest conscience of the country and its best spirit of a real Democracy of equal opportunity. She cultivates in her sons and daughters the spirit of religious, patriotic, and social selfsacrifice, and so distinct and well known are all these qualities, and so deeply does she impress her graduates with them that she has properly earned the gratitude of the whole country and has won for her a national place among the institutions of learning in this country.” Chief Justice William H. Taft in the December 1923 Oberlin Alumni Magazine


“As a very young child, I wanted to be a writer, but I couldn’t even articulate that desire or ambition because it didn’t seem possible to me. At Oberlin, it began to seem possible to me, partly because I made friends who were from a very different milieu—who grew up in households where it was normal to work in some avenue of the arts or in publishing or media. I started to realize, ‘Oh wait, this is something that a real person could do.’ It took me a while to have the courage to actually do it, but that kernel entered my consciousness at Oberlin.” Author Joanna Rakoff ’94 to the Oberlin Review’s Maeve Woltring, arts and culture editor, December 10, 2021

“[i]f an adjacency to whiteness, behaviorally or otherwise, is the only way a Black child can thrive in your institution, then your institution has failed that child, no matter what the other benefits are.” Kendra James ’10 in her book Admissions (see Bookshelf, page 13)

“Putin has done what no one in the West could do, which is revive the concept of the West.” Richard Haass ’73, president of the Council on Foreign Relations

“We need an economy that empowers people with resources well beyond education—including education—but also many other factors, like good health, like a job.” Darrick Hamilton ’93, the Henry Cohen Professor of Economics and Urban Policy at the New School, on a November episode of The Problem With John Stewart

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