Oberlin Alumni Magazine Fall 2021

Page 54


“Eric Bogosian, Kelly AuCoin, and Corey Stoll in one episode! Oberlin Trifecta for the win! #billions” Tweet from Matthew Stoecker ’90 referring to the Showtime series Billions, which features AuCoin ’89 as season five series regular “Dollar” Bill Stearn, Bogosian ’76 as guest star, and Stoll ’98 in a recurring role (series regular for season six)

“I annotated the hell out of Minor Feelings —it’s the kind of book you want to dog-ear and underline. Reading it was such a crazy feeling: I felt so seen that I couldn’t believe that this book existed. And it’s become even more painfully relevant in a year in which anti-Asian violence, which has always existed in America, has spiked so aggressively, putting our communities on high alert and searching for solidarity.” Comedian, writer, and actor Ali Wong, writing her appreciation of Cathy Park Hong ’98 in TIME magazine’s “The World’s 100 Most Influential People”

“I think I felt like when I went to Oberlin, it was like someone gave me all this ammo knowledge-wise. I was learning and I was writing these kind of terrible little college poems before I started taking Africana Studies classes and was, like, ‘Oh, there's something to write about. And there's a lineage of people writing about it.’ And I think that's when my ‘research’ started taking off. So I had all this Black history of the world, so to speak, which had been denied to me through my upbringing.” Whiting Award-winning poet Xandria Phillips ’14, author of the poetry collection Hull and the chapbook Reasons For Smoking , quoted in the Pittsburgh City Paper on August 25, 2021

“Once again Oberlin is in the forefront of social advances which spread years later to much of the nation and even the world.” From a September 1971 editorial in the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram, in reference to the town of Oberlin’s ordinance making it illegal to sell or possess non-returnable glass or metal beverage containers


“I’m here. Who want me?” Max Schiewe-Weliky ’25, announcing on Instagram his arrival at Oberlin with a photo of him lounging on the grass taken by his father, Jim Weliky ’84

“There was a big contention during the granola maker election today…” “about whether or not to have an election?” Kisa Iacona ’25, who eats at Pyle Inn co-op, in consecutive text messages to her mother, Nicole Richter ’88 (who then posted them to Facebook)

“I took econ 101 with [Emeritus Professor of Economics] Bob Piron. He was just such an awesome teacher. Oh, I loved him. It was funny and challenging, and I just loved it. I loved every minute of it. I think I actually got a B in his class, but I loved the material.” 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics winner Joshua Angrist ’82 (see p. 6 of this magazine), in the October 15, 2021, issue of the Oberlin Review

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